#maestro one piece oc
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I totally made these because I'm a comedy genius but on an unrelated note go follow the bestie: @wavles-spam
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nobody-nexus · 10 months
Y'all I got a TADC oc named Clef
(Hands you him)
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If one word could describe Clef, it would be: Theater. He's extremely loud, boisterous, cartoonishly flamboyant, and will make constant Broadway and musical theater references. They love to put on a show and even sometimes up show others just to show them that he's the best of the best in terms of playing a role in the digital circus. Of course, this personality is most likely from their time before, however the constant references seem to be the only way to comfort them with the fact that they only VAGUELY know where the mentions even come from. He's a very empathetic person as well, able to read people's emotions well and relate to them in a sense
In his non-digital life, they were once a Broadway star. He adored the stage, making musical after musical from side character to the main character. Have you heard of it? They’ve played in it. He was also incredibly open to being themselves, and hoping others would do the same. But in all actuality, he was merely someone who their mother was projecting over. Their mother relished in the fame that her child gave her, but once that was the case and everyone found out, that stardom dropped like a brick. He was quickly forgotten due to more prominent and “relevant” stars, no one willing to give their mother fame- and as a result HE was left in the dust, giving them a bit of an imposter syndrome. Now only doing occasional side gigs, he ended up finding this link on an old hard drive. They wished for ANYTHING to make himself feel better, so with a borrowed VR headset- they went into the world…. A world they’d never awake from
Clef in terms of design was based off of a Dragon City dragon called the Wonderland Dragon
In terms of age, Clef is 34 years old (I do not ship them with anyone in the TADC cast) and he is 5'11''
He's a very expressive character as well! The yellow around their eyes changing color and his eyes changing shape to further express how they feel Examples:
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Although I don't have art for it, his main ability is being able to pull a horn out of their stomach mouth and play it with ease- the horn itself being able to sound like just about anything
And of course what's a TADC OC post without ONE OF THESE CHARTS
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More detailed relationships are as follows:
Pomni: Although sometimes doesn't enjoy how bombastic he is, at the same time they're one of the more 'I guess you're okay' people, but I promise they bond with one another eventually
Caine: Doesn't like having the attention on someone else when it comes to performances, so sometimes Caine does get on their nerves, however overall he's FINE around the ringmaster
Gangle: Father daughter dynamic. Almost instantly Clef practically adopted Gangle due to her love for the arts as well. Although he can't save her from Jax's bullshit, he tries to protect her nonetheless
Jax: Absolute hatred. Not even because of his dynamic with Gangle either, they just HATE "hecklers" and considers Jax as one. Jax's nickname for him is 'maestro' and they really don't like it
Kinger: Literally no thoughts on him. Clef's hardly interacted with the chess piece due to how uncomfortable they find themselves around him. Nothing AGAINST Kinger, Clef just... really doesn't like his eyes
Ragatha: If him and Gangle for the father and daughter dynamic, them and Ragatha are team mom and team dad. They probably get along due to how close in age they are, as well as their people pleaser attitudes
Zooble: He finds them very nice, but Zooble is REALLY annoyed with how Clef speaks and therefore having to deal with them a lot is a bit of a pain in the eyes of the mismatched individual
Also made some concepts of what Clef would be like in some of my favorite AUs! (Carnival AU by @sm-baby and Corrupted AU by @rabid-mercenary15)
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If you wanna see more with them, I'll be happy to share more stuff ^^
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
Preview: Lespwa fe viv
Narcos OG | Yolande (ofc) x Chepe
Words: 1,324
Narcos October prompts | Day 6 — Day of International Relations: utilize that country in your work in some way: a character is from that country. | I spun the wheel and got Haiti. @narcosfandomdiscord
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Summary: As Yolande gets ready for a job, she thinks back on what brought her to Colombia.
Warnings: fleeing from one's home country (in the past), sex work. Mentions of racism and colorism. The Oc is the guardian of a child that is not hers biologically.
Read in full on A03
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Femme ce mystere played in the background as incense and candles burned on the altar to her left. Outside the window, the crescent moon rose, replacing the sun as a soft blue hue with purple undertones colored the sky.
Dancing in her seat, Yolande scanned the row of lipsticks, then picked out the burgundy one.
Listening to Nemours Jean-Baptiste always made her want to dance. It made her think about her grandmother Rozalie and all those afternoons in her kitchen while she helped her clean or cook or set the altars. For this reason, these albums would always be special to her and lift her mood, even when the world was heavy.
Maestro, as they called him, was also from Port-au-Prince, same as her, same as her grandmother. It’s a piece of home not weighted down by pain, loss, and sadness.
Lipstick done, she picked up her eyeliner next, and added the finishing touches. She never wore a lot of makeup, never went heavy like some of the girls. All she needed was a favorite lipstick and some dark liner, and she was good to go.
Her eyes drifted to the window; the sky was littered with stars. The sight still had a hold on her, same as it did when she was a kid. Stars weren't only beautiful to look at, they reminded her of hope, of wishes - of the kinds of things that get her and so many people through the day.
Lespwa fe viv, she thought to herself.
Read more on A03
My masterlist of works
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whumpshaped · 2 years
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snippet from strings
“Wasn’t paying attention…” The conductor stepped off the podium and walked over to where Alyson was sitting, prompting her to sit up straighter and look them in the eyes with silent determination. The conductor slapped her across the face, leaving an angry red mark on her cheek. “Are you paying attention now?”
One day I will stab you with your own fucking baton and play this piece on top of your grave.
“Yes, maestro. Thank you.”
snippet from karma
Len saw red. He screamed until his voice broke, tugging at his chains like a feral animal. He wanted to tear the metal out of the wall, he wanted to swing the chain and hit Kalysta right in the head with it. He wanted to crack their skull open and watch their brains spill out.
"You'll burn in hell! You'll rot and burn and suffer for all the shit that you've done!" he cried, desperation and hopelessness slowly taking over him.
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apieters · 1 year
When did you start writing your Swashbucklers story?
I started writing the story in the summer of 2015.
When I was in college, I loved Game of Thrones, and wanted to try my own hand at writing a fantasy story that read more like a historical fiction novel (my favorite genre) but didn’t have as many naughty bits. I knew I had some latent talent from a high school English assignment, so I started reading blogs about how to write, in hopes of writing the stories set in a fantasy world that I named Heimar.
One piece of advice that professional writers consistently gave to novices was to write fan fiction. Writing fan fiction, they said, helps overcome Worldbuilder Syndrome by giving you preset settings and characters, allowing you to focus on the craft of writing. Since I knew dialogue was a weakness, I decided to try it.
Chris was a character I had been drawing since I was a toddler, and he was something of a fan fiction OC anyway, always doing something like my latest favorite piece of media was describing. I knew him and his personality well, including his proclivity for swashbuckling adventure, so I knew I could write him as a character, and I figured he needed his own story. But which world to set him in? And what would he do?
I’ve always loved Disney films, for their own sake and now as an adult for the clear craftsmanship that goes into them, so I decided that Chris would be part of the Disney world. I then remembered the show The House of Mouse. The conceit was that all the Disney characters were actors and that their movies were just that—movies. They had lives outside the movies and got into all sorts of shenanigans, but their personalities matched up pretty well to their on-screen depictions. So that was the conceit I chose, and I named that “real” world the Disney characters lived in The Magic Kingdom. Then, I realized that if there are actors in front of the camera, there must be people behind the camera.
Enter Maestro Christopher James Carnovo and his assistant partner André Caron, the fight choreographers for all the Disney movies. I was inspired by the book on fight choreography by F. Braun McAsh, fight choreographer for the Highlander TV show, and figured that was the perfect day job for Chris. Of course, being the Magic Kingdom, there would be enough oddball adventures going on in “real life” that may require a sword to solve, and thus the project was born.
It took me about 4-5 years to get about halfway through the plot line I was trying to write. I was definitely making it up as I went, which is great fun. However, I ended up accidentally checkmating my characters—literally any move they made would end in death. On top of that, I didn’t set up a story mechanic that was crucial to the plot resolution in the first half of the story, and there were plot lines that were not developed properly—it was a hot mess. So I decided a year or two ago to start over, but this time with an outline and the benefit of getting to know my character/my incarnations of existing Disney characters.
Thus, Swashbucklers of the Magic Kingdom is currently in the middle of this drafting process. I am currently writing the synopsis of the story in quite a bit of detail, and I decided to start with the second half of the story so I would know how to set everything up in the first half. I have gotten to the final scene and am writing the climactic confrontation between my heroes and the Big Bad (who is anonymous for half the story) in Notre Dame Cathedral. The first “episode” of the plot, however, was left almost completely intact from the original draft, and another massive action sequence in the middle of the story will only receive minor revisions. So I guess you could say I’m starting from Square 2.
Thanks for the ask—although I’m pretty sure I gave you more than you bargained for🤣
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the-hidden-writer · 1 year
maestro sigma wip snippet
I do actually have to focus on my exams for the next few days, so have a snippet of that “canon sigma becomes maestro sigma” fic
Hope you enjoy!
(no romance in this fic, Julia is an oc used to show sigma from an outsider pov)
like music shifting in the air (invisible, but everwhere)
What Julia quickly learned after catching moments of Visscher’s rehearsals, was that despite the man’s size, stature, and stern (often imposing) tone of voice… he was actually very kind and gentle in nature.
The rehearsal was running overtime, and another group was booked in immediately afterwards. Problem was that twenty minutes later, Visscher’s orchestra were so engrossed in perfecting a piece that they didn’t seem to be any closer to leaving. The second problem was that it was her job, being assistant building manager, to kick them out.
It was after Visscher stopped the orchestra when the trombones came in late (poor trombones, Julia was surprised they didn’t start crying at the stone-cold glare they received from the conductor) that Julia sucked in a deep breath and made use of the quiet window made available to her.
“Excuse me!” She called out just as Visscher opened his mouth to scold the trombone players.
Julia herself startled when the man’s head snapped towards her, carrying its irritation to her direction too. She immediately lost any courage she had built up before, and could do nothing but stare in fear.
To her surprise though, the maestro’s gaze softened after a moment, and he even put out a hand to calm her nerves, as if he knew exactly how much he’d inadvertently petrified her. 
“Oh! My apologies. We need to leave, yes?”
Julia nodded, slightly dumbfounded, as Visscher turned back to his orchestra with a small smile. He had some odd angular scars running from his ears to his eyes, she realized for the first time.
“Apologies everyone, we have run out of time. Pack your things quickly and please practice your sections so that we don’t waste time doing this again next session. Dismissed.”
The orchestra didn’t need to be told twice, and they had packed up and put their stands away within five minutes. As they left the rehearsal hall, Julia sighed in relief at how easy and non-confrontational this encounter had been, unlike the experiences she’d had with many more… egotistical music directors.
Visscher himself was the last to leave, and as she escorted him out (and signaled to the dance group waiting outside that they could go in) he did what was practically unheard of with other conductors she knew and actually made conversation with her.
“I’m truly sorry for running overtime.” He said as they walked side-by-side to the entrance hall, meaning that she had to crane her neck upwards to look at him. He did the same but downwards. “I… sometimes lose focus on things, and other times get so focused on one thing that I lose track of other things, such as time.”
Well, that was a familiar feeling to Julia.
“I’ll try my best,” he continued, “but… it will most likely happen again, so don’t be afraid to tell me so earlier next time.”
Julia didn’t know what to say. Not only was there a swift and peaceful resolution to the issue, but she got an apology too? A genuine one?
“Don’t worry about it.” She said after maybe a moment too long of trying to comprehend the civil interaction between a distinguished conductor and a lowly assistant. “It’s normally not a problem and we leave spaces between booking slots to account for running late, but things are busier this season so we’ve had to try and make more time. I can give you a heads up next time there’s someone coming in after you if that will help, though?”
The relief-filled, grateful expression that crossed his face at her offer was something that relinquished any doubts she may have had that this was an honest, kind man.
“Yes, please. That would be very useful. Thank you.”
“No worries.”
They reached the entrance hall very quickly (Julia had to walk more briskly than normal to keep up with Visscher’s long legs) when the maestro addressed her again.
“Sorry again for the trouble, miss..?”
Again, with past experiences of musical directors, it took her a second to realize that he was asking for her name.
“Oh! Julia, just Julia, sir.”
He extended a hand for her to shake, which she did, trying not to feel embarrassed that her hands looked like a child’s compared to his.
“S-Sander Visscher.” He said in return, as if he wasn’t the subject of most conversations in this building. “It was lovely to meet you Julia, I presume you’ll be here again on Thursday?”
“I’m here every day, sir.” She answered with just a little snark.
“Ah, yes, of course.” He had the decency to look embarrassed. “I suppose I shall see you again then.” 
He left through the main entrance with little fanfare, and Julia watched him go, still thinking about their short conversation.
She decided to put down the hesitation of saying his own name to embarrassment over running late again, or maybe he was just more introverted in nature. It was odd for someone with his rapidly growing reputation, but there was no reason to dwell on it.
Thanks for reading! I’m aiming to finish this sometime this week :D
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This blog is a Balan Wonderworld AU for @voiceofverbose, my rendition of the Narrator from The Stanley Parable.
Weird crossover? Yes.
Simply trading one place, lost in the universe for another. An office for a theatre.
At this point Balan and Lance have both come and gone. Alexander was selected to become the maestro succeeding them. As such, he has no memories from his life as a narrator. It's been many years since he disappeared from his office. Over his time in the theatre, he's helped many people find the lost pieces of their hearts and return to the world. However as any maestro can attest, befriending so many people only for them to leave and never return; it begins to take its toll.
He has begun to notice the signs of his time as maestro drawing to a close. So much loss is beginning to change him into the thing he works against: a king negati. He's not ready to accept this outcome. In fact, he's somewhat in denial and doing all he can to resist the change. He'll help visitors to the theatre for as long as he has left. But he fears what may become of them when he's lost his own heart.
Just like the normal verse blog, canon and oc friendly. Any verse welcome.
Although he still goes by Alexander in this verse, feel free to call him pretty much anything. Al, Alex, Balan, Xander, Weird-Rhyming-Teleporty-Guy, anything goes. Whatever name you give him is the name he will go by in RPs with your muse.
Speaking of Weird-Rhyming-Teleporty-Guy, As the maestros before him, Alexander speaks in rhyme often in this verse. And as with his normal form, he appears and disappears as he sees fit. Narrators and Maestros really do have a lot in common.
Mun is happy to discuss plot or chat. But bear in mind she's shy.
May take a while to respond. Please have patience.
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emerald194 · 1 year
Rest in pieces Ash she's so scared she did not sign up for this
Yknow rip everyone one Maestro is bad enough
Ocs never sign up. for anything. ever. I don't think I'd want to deal with two versions of anyone (including myself)
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ronaldanthony4 · 8 months
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In my latest creative endeavour, I found myself once again immersed in the digital canvas, conjuring a scene that mirrored the epitome of my ideal romantic love. The protagonists of this visual narrative were none other than my beloved OCs, Arlon and Liliana, who gracefully took centre stage as mascots of the boundless affection I envisioned. In this intricately woven tale of love, I set the stage in a captivating ballroom-style dance, reminiscent of the passionate rhythm of a rumba. The canvas captured the essence of a tranquil night in the park, where Arlon and Liliana, cocooned in their love, swayed in an enchanting dance.
Arlon, my digital alter ego in this piece, sported a dashing ensemble. Clad in a crisp white polo and complemented by sleek black pants and shoes, he exuded a timeless charm. On the other side of this artistic spectrum stood Liliana, her hair elegantly tied up, adorned with pieces of jewellery that accentuated her grace. The epitome of sophistication, she donned a short version of a white strapless and backless ballgown, cascading just down to her upper thighs. The gown, strategically chosen, allowed her the freedom to move vivaciously and ensured that Arlon's gaze remained captivated by her every gesture.
As I meticulously crafted this tableau, I couldn't help but draw inspiration from the annals of my memory. A decade ago, I stumbled upon a fanart that left an indelible mark on my creative consciousness. It depicted a fictional couple from a cartoon engaged in a dance, a visual feast that resonated with the depths of my artistic soul. This serendipitous encounter catalyzed my current work, driving me to explore the realm of dance as an expression of love. In my pursuit to recreate that same sense of enchantment, I sought to infuse my artwork with the same passion and emotion that radiated from the fan art.
Further enriching my artistic palette was the rhythm of the song "Afterglow," a timeless melody that echoed in the corridors of my mind. The accompanying music video, a testament to the symbiotic relationship between movement and melody, featured a couple seamlessly dancing through the harmonious ebbs and flows of the music. This, too, left an indelible imprint on the contours of my creative vision, influencing the dynamic choreography unfolding within the confines of my digital canvas. As I watched the video repeatedly, I found myself captivated by the way the dancers effortlessly, reminded me of the power that movement holds in telling a story. '
Arlon and Liliana, the protagonists of my artistic odyssey, were not mere avatars but virtuosos in the art of ballroom dance. From the sultry cadence of the rumba to the lively steps of the jive, the fiery cha-cha-cha, the passionate tango, the graceful waltz, and the exuberant samba – they were maestros, seamlessly navigating through an array of dance forms. Their proficiency was not solely a product of technical prowess but a testament to the depth of their love and commitment. United by an unbreakable bond, they honed their skills together, mastering each dance as an expression of their shared passion and connection.
They spend countless hours in dance studios and their room, perfecting their steps and movements, their bodies intertwined in a synchronized rhythm. Each dance represents a different facet of their love, and as they twirl and spin, their connection grows deeper and stronger. Their passion for dance is a metaphor for their passionate love. It is through movement and expression that they communicate the depths of their feelings for one another. With every step, they can express their devotion, their desire, and their unwavering commitment to each other.
As the digital brushstrokes danced across the canvas, I marvelled at the beauty unfolding before me. Arlon and Liliana, locked in an eternal embrace, became the embodiment of love expressed through the universal language of dance. Each twirl, dip, and step echoed their story, a narrative told not in words but in the silent eloquence of their movements. The semi-formal attire adorned with grace, the dance floor of the moonlit park, and the enchanting rhythm of their hearts beating in unison – all converged to create a tableau that transcended the digital realm, inviting viewers to witness the magic of love in motion.
In conclusion, my digital diary welcomed a new chapter, chronicling the creation of a visual symphony that encapsulated the essence of my ideal romance. Arlon and Liliana, brought to life through pixels and passion, stood as a testament to the beauty of love expressed through the language of dance. As the final brushstroke settled, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfilment, knowing that within the confines of my artistic sanctuary, I had given life to a love story that transcended boundaries, resonating with hearts young and old, and weaving its way into the tapestry of my creative journey.
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melancholybat · 1 year
Quiescent is so cute! Could you tell us a bit more about him?
Thank you and of course! I am always happy to talk about my OCs!
Quiescent was the first Maestro summoned to Wonderworld who would just… not do anything. No one knew what his purpose was, why he was summoned to help, or why he sleeps all day. No matter what the Maestros did, they couldn’t get him to budge. Eventually they all gave up on him, and some even turned bitter towards him. It wasn’t until the Maestro of Confidence (Endymion, another OC of mine) befriended him and eventually got him on his feet.
Qui is incredibly lazy, tired all the time, and will sleep just about anywhere, but he is incredibly sweet once you can actually get him to talk. He couldn’t really be bothered to figure out why he was here, but with the help of Endymion they figured out he actually does have a reason to be here. Since Qui is just so good at sleeping, he can help others sleep too. That may not seem like much, but in a busy world where everyone is scrambling to piece back the hearts of humans daily, sleep is almost a foreign concept.
The two worked together to find Qui’s powers, the power to give people a restful sleep and sweet dreams. He can also summon little dream sheeps called “Meeps” that are a great source of comfort and companionship. With his newfound powers, Qui became one of the more valuable Maestros as stress levels significantly decreased in Wonderworld and everyone feels more rested.
Thus, Quiescent became the Maestro of Dreams. While he is still lazy and sleeps all day, Endymion does all he can to help him and Qui has become a lot better as a result.
Thanks so much for the ask! If you want to know more about him you can search the “Quiescent” tag on my blog. I have a bit more info and art there. If you want to know more about any other OC please don’t hesitate to ask! ☺️
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forgeofbravery · 4 years
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Maestro makes his money by playing in the market of Whole Cake Island. Also teaching people how to sing helps too.
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silverpsychedelic · 2 years
🍪 for any of the balights kids
🍪: What is something sentimental to your oc?
Ambi: Definitely her hat, which is originally Balan's! He gifts it to her upon forming her own Wonderworld venue and leaving home to pursue her own adventures in fixing hearts, and she keeps it safer than any other item she owns -though changed the sash colour to purple. Balan only cried a little (whether it be due to his first daughter leaving home or having to give up his hat is unclear)
Phantasma and Magoria: So as we speak these two are going through a major redesign -which I should be able to post soon! They both have gems on their new outfits which I'm thinking are pieces of NiGHTS' ideya that they broke off to gift to them (a harmless process since it was only a very small shard for each). These of course are extremely important to the twins as it keeps them connected to NiGHTS, and it's a powerful piece of Red Ideya which in itself is imbued with incredible magic.
Vaude: He gets given Balan's Vaudeville hook eventually, so I think that would be one of his most sentimental items. It's a big deal for Balan to give anything away, especially when it's something incredibly personal to him, and the hook is an integral part to not only the Theatre itself, but to their entire Maestro heritage, so it's a super big deal to inherit it.
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xxazura-leexx · 2 years
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I write for:
- Rainbow six siege
- mortal kombat
- One Piece
- Genshin Impact
- Call of Duty (Any)
- My Ocs
I will do:
-male reader
-non binary reader
-trans reader
- smut (I'll try my best to do it)
I will not do:
-female reader
- rape
Rainbow Six Siege
Mortal Kombat:
Sub zero
Bi han (Noob Saibot)
Kung lao
Liu kang
Kung Jin
Shang Tsung
Erron black
Johnny cage
Shao khan
Kotal kahn
One Piece
All males characters, but i will do the Characters that i know
Genshin Impact
Bennett (Platonic)
Razor (Platonic)
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lost-cheshire-cat · 3 years
hello! i want to edit my OCs (eldarya) with a style similar to Louise from serpent and dove or inej from six of crows. (I mention these characters so that you can guide you because I would not know how to describe the style). Do you have suggestions/advices which piece of outfits from the game (shop, events, ...) I could use?
Hi anon ! I’ll try to help you as much as I can !
Since I don’t know the story behind Serpent and Dove I can’t talk about Louise, I wouldn’t want to misread the character. But I can talk about Inej since I love Six of Crows 🖤
First of all, in general when it comes to create a look for a character I love choosing a color palette. I think it’s one of the best way to give a signature to your OC, also think about what is your OC daily life, what kind of clothes they would wear to do what they have to do everyday. With that in mind, we can say that for Inej the key word is : comfortable. We need practical clothes because the girl climb walls, run on roofs she need good outfits and in dark colors as she is the Wraith of Ketterdam ;)
Here some clothes I selected with Inej in mind. Also I will give you some example at the end to show you what you can do. But I’m not really good to create look on the game, so I hope it will still help a bit.
Pants : You can use every pants that you think looks comfortable. No short/dress/skirt for this look :)
Here some selection :
Don’t forget to superposing your clothes to create an unique look
Coat :
PÈLERINE EN PLUMES (because six of crows ahah)
Shoes (side note : I’m really not good for choosing shoes T_T) :
For accessories you can choose any kind of items that can represent your OC and her talent (magic, strength), also every gloves in dark colors are good.
As always with Eldarya, you will struggle a lot with colors because there're never the same ... welcome to hell T_T
Anyway, I hope it help a bit have fun with your OC it’s the most important ;)
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cautious-creation · 3 years
Feminine / female dominance deserves revered titles.
Content waning: swearing, inelegant feminist rant (link to what feminism means),  brief mention of porn, to clarify: by ‘sexuality’ I don’t mean specifically (exclusively) sexual orientation
(this’ll probably stay in my drafts. I just got so angry at this realisation that I needed to write it down. I’m allowed to be angry that my power has been reduced to my sexuality) Fuck it. I’m posting.
I’m writing a romance piece where a guy addresses his female partner from a submissive stance, in a way that would empower her and indicate his respect for her.
The only feasible word I could find was... 
Connotations / synonyms for MISTRESS: 
Femdom, dominatrix, a woman with which someone has an affair, a headmistress of a school (female dominated field, y’know gender role expectations of child care)
I googled ‘dominant woman synonym’. I googled ‘powerful woman synonym’. I put variants of the sentiment into WordHippo.
I got things like ‘queen’...but I also got things like ‘harlot’ and ‘wench’.
A woman’s power is not inherently in her sexuality. I am not an authoritative, capable, respected woman because of my sexual appeal to others, or because of my past sexual experiences and sexual habits. Power to (self-identifying)  harlots, wenches, prostitutes, sluts, sex workers of all types. A woman’s sexuality being turned from a matter of societal shame to a means of power forces misogynists to reconsider what gives a woman value (yay!).
I am not a sexually powerful woman, but, if I’m in a position of authority or dominance, I deserve a term to be addressed with respect.
The words I have:
Mrs: defining a woman by her marital status, by her spouse
Ms: associated with a divorced or widowed woman, a woman who is looked down upon (at least from attitudes at the schools I attended)
Mam / ma’am / marm: adequate, but reserved almost exclusively for teachers. Also, I’m 19, pls don’t call me that
Miss: younger than ‘mam’ but less respected, considered young and naive, used for female students (and...well the ‘school girl’ dynamic in porn has arguably normalised the inappropriate treatment of young girls by older men, so I don’t really want to be referred to that way either)
Words men have:
Sir: powerful, used for all ages, all marital statuses and maintains the expression of respect, used for those having received a knighthood from a fucking monarch.
Mister: used for all ages, all marital statuses and maintains the same respect.
So...the immediate problem: Bucky can’t respectfully refer to his gentle-fem!dom-OC lover in a piece I’m writing (’mistress’ just doesn’t work with the dynamic)
Why I’m angry: the English language doesn’t have respectful words for women. There are no terms for powerful women outside of those with sexual connotation, reference to a woman’s value being tied to her marital status, or literally the word ‘bitch’ (that bitch, the bitch, boss-ass bitch).
To me, this is a reflection of how society and societal views shape and create language. It’s a reflection of historical views of women, and the language hasn’t changed. The language needs to change.
It’s so degrading. Why don’t women...actually, I know why: systematic societal misogyny and subordination bred by history and thus etymology. I just... *frustrated feminist noises*
TL;DR: I want a word that gives me the power of a man being called ‘sir’. I want women to have language that makes them powerful, without having to get their sexuality involved.
Something else that pissed me off in my brief research:
(To clarify: I’m not at all suggesting that WordHippo or anything related to it is misogynistic or anti-feminist or something.)
According to WordHippo, ‘main-squeeze’, ‘kingpin’, ‘master’, ‘figure head’, ‘maestro’ (literally ‘master’ in Italian) are synonyms for ‘mistress’, then there’s this:
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I ended hyperfixating on analysing and identifying why this next one is such fucking bullshit, and why it got me so upset:
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maestrozaverick · 4 years
You’re not alone! (OC X Lance)
“Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.” – Thomas Kinkade
Ruko Kumazaki was walking back to her dorm room from the fabrics store with materials for her next costume. She saw a male of unknown descent laying on the ground and couldn’t get up. A tall thin figure with black tentacle-like hair with rainbow rims around it; he also has similar looking tentacles protruding from his back as well. He wore a dark violet tight jumpsuit with a purple sweater with his gilding as well as his yellow heels covered in a little rust. A pair of white mask adored his hips and black and pink cuffs. His forehead is covered with pink markings, especially the center being a heart itself; thick black eyeshadow and white lower face with a single black marked tear. He had blue iris eyes and yellow sclera. She was rather shocked to see him as he wasn’t moving. She wanted to carry him back to her dorm room but the words of a maestro echoed. “If you get near Lance, he will instantly corrupt your heart!” She could hear him moaning. She couldn’t let him go so she had to do something.
(A few hours later)
Lance slowly started to wake up to find out where he was when he saw Ruko’s face. “Why the hell are you here?!” He yelled. He then started to cough again as he lay back down. “You’re still sick! You need some more rest.” Ruko hesitated. As he started to lay back on the bed, she raised his head up so he can sip on some water. She then put her hand on his forehead. “You’re really warm! You’re probably running a small fever.” She managed to grab some ice from the freezer and put it in a bag. She then proceeded to wrap it in leftover cloth that she had from the last costume she made and then put the ice pack on Lance’s forehead.
(A few nights later)
Ruko was making dinner for the crew while they were gone when Lance came in and he grabbed Ruko’s hand. “Tell me, why do you care about those humans?” He said to her face. Ruko was blushing while Do was scared to her body about what she was seeing. “Don’t corrupt her ~do!” Do shouted. “I show my balance through my talent of costume design.” said Ruko. “People really like my designs because of the looks and colors. After I moved here, Megumi helped me get through the city and Wonderworld thanks to her always preppy and opstimic look on life. She really cares about people, especially her friends.” “Ryoma is a very good and smart boy with the intelligence of a typical high school student. Sure he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least he’s a good boy.” She explained.
“And then Balan is just-“ She said. “What did you say about Balan?!” Lance interrupted. Ruko stopped talking and she was shaking a little. “I could just rip that smile off of his face!” He said to Ruko. He started to wobble again as his stomach was starting to growl. Do let out a sigh of relief as his stomach growling. Ruko got him a plate of curry and fed it to him. One of his tentacles grabbed Ruko’s hand and took the spoon from her.
“Thank you for the meal,” said Lance. “I don’t know why I’m feeling all these positive emotions inside of me” “I need to think about this more” he thought. He got up from the table and decided to leave the place. “Wait!” Ruko shouted. Lance turned around and saw her with the curry in the container. The container was wrapped in a lilac color and it had small drawings of cats on them. She went up to him and kissed him on the cheek. His tentacles shot up like a rocket as he was hiding his red face with his sweater. “Kumazaki Ruko,” said Lance. “What is it?” Ruko asked. “Thank you for everything. The next time we meet, I’m sure I’ll be closer to you.” He said as he left with a slight smile on his face.
As he flew into the air with the container in hand, he had a little thought in his head. “I think that girl found the missing piece of my heart. I will be honest, I haven’t felt a good meal in a long time,” he thought to himself.
“We’re back!” Balan shouted. “Was someone here earlier?” Ryoma asked as he noticed the chair being away from the table. “Not that I know of,” said Ruko. “I can smell the taste of curry! Let’s eat!” said Megumi. So everyone got themselves a helping of curry while Ruko went to her room and found a stuffed Negati on her bed with a note.
“Kumazaki Ruko,
I am glad that we got to meet for the first time.
Through all the negative energy I bring onto people, I finally found a light in the darkness!
You taught me what it was like to feel happiness!
Something I have never felt before in my life.
I do not know what else to say other than thank you! Until we meet again.”
Ruko smiled and looked at the plushie. “Hey Ruko, the food is getting cold ~do!” said Do. “Oh! I���m coming!” She said as she put the plush down on her stand.
Even if people have a dark aura like Lance, there is some good in them!
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