#mafia header
milky-aeons · 8 months
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a/n: i wrote this story years ago! and while i was rereading it out of pure boredom, i decided i wanted to breathe some life back into it again. this shall be multi-chaptered! take your time with it, and please read the warnings before you embark, loves!
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warnings: class differences, oppression of women, mentions of illness, mentions of death, depression, violence against women, mentions of abuse, mentions of rape, superstitious natures, spoilers, mdni, w.c 7.4k
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౨ৎ . . . chapter ONE of CROWNS OF STARDUST
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𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜, 𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚜.
— Grace Willows, To Kiss a King.
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𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆. Dotted studs of white fire, splattered over a glassy night sky that sometimes bloomed with purples and indigos of rare supernovas, if you were lucky enough to see them.
You could lie here for hours, like this, gazing at the wonders above. Counting as they winked at you from far away, feeling the evening breeze nip at your cheeks and whisper through the field. And above everything; allow yourself to imagine. To think, secretly, what it would be like if everyone thought like the stars did.
They didn't discriminate, stratify, hate or detest. They simply shined brightly, each of them made of that very same material everyone in the world was also made up of; incandescent, special speckles of stardust.
If only they could see that. If there could be some way to force through the social ladders of your society, to break away from the labels placed upon you. Perhaps the world would be a better place if we thought how the stars did — believed that everyone, no matter how rich or poor, was the very same on that fundamental level.
Intertwined within our souls was the stuff of stars that made us no better or worse than the person next.
Perhaps the world would be just as beautiful as a sky on a peaceful, undisturbed night when every person was allowed to shine just as brightly as the stars above. But this stargazer locked that thought up deep within her heart, just like all others that expected too much from her rank, her social label, and staggered to her feet with a heavy sigh.
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The Village of Yo, January, 1831
A chipped, wooden horse came down hard against the worn chess board with a force that rattled all the other pieces. Hand-carven, they were fragile and you should have been a little less vigorous. But caught in the grips of victory, you had little room for such caution.
"Checkmate," You smiled giddily, knocking the King piece off the board. "I win."
Your opponent; a willowy old man with lines streaked across his forehead and an impressive beard grumbled with narrowed eyes. Reaching up, he rubbed a hand down his face. "My, lass. I knew one day you'd catch up to me, but I didn't think it'd be this quick."
Still smiling, you reached down to pick up the King from the floor where it'd landed. You brushed off the delicate carvings on the piece with care, hoping you hadn't damaged it any more. A terrible habit of yours it was; becoming too excited about games and strategy. It was bad enough that one of the castles was missing its parapet because you had become angry at a sneaky strategy your teacher had used. And hurtled the poor piece across the room.
But now, you placed it carefully back, it looks as if said teacher has been bested by the student.
"You should take pride," You assured through a grin. "It means you're a great teacher."
"Teachers don't teach to be bested by their students, lass. Maybe it's my eyes. I didn't even see your counterattack in place, at all."
"Ah, I see. Go on, then. Blame your eyesight." Your lip jutted in a playful frown. "God forbid that a woman beats you at anything. What will the village think? You'd be locked up and subject to a shower of rotten fruit."
"[Name]!" The wood whined as he rapped on it three times. Superstitious to an art form, your Grandfather has always been. Which of course, was why you spoke so loosely to him in the first place. Receiving a rise out of him was one of the ways you loved to keep entertained in this small, handwoven cabin typical to that of common folk.
His cheeks tipped rose when he exclaimed, "You mustn't feed the air with talk of such events!"
You, the victorious Chess Champion, stared your Grandfather in the eye. The pair of you didn't reach the third second before a low chuckle escaped the older man. It was hoarse in a way that spoke of his age, an obvious hallmark of his weakening health you didn't think about so much.
He shook his head. "Aye, my Granddaughter has bested me. Are these lungs of mine finally getting to my head?"
Three consecutive knocks rang through the air. This time, it was you who had copied your Grandfather's superstitious habit and tapped the table. "Now who is feeding the air with bad thinking?" You asked him softly.
"Not bad thinking, lass. Pure truth."
"Grandfather." You frowned even more. Talk of your Grandfather's weakening health sent a thousand small stabs through your heart, opened doors to thoughts of an empty cabin without him there. You couldn't bear to entertain anything but the thought that the new medicine you've received would work. No, it had to.
It must.
The man gave another rattling cough, followed by a scowl. "Rather than wasting money on all that fancy apothecary, why not more food? You're an awful liar, [Name]." His eyes similar to your own — that clear tone which rivalled the smoothest of glass — riveted into you. "You believe you hide your stomach growls, but you doubt the hearing of an old man with poor sight."
On instinct, you placed a hand to your stomach, pressing hard. Through the simple dress tied off at the waist, you could feel the tight skin, the lumps of your protruding ribcage. The hunger spasms had drawn your muscles taut, but the pain was tolerable. Grandfather needed the food more than you, after all. He needed to get better.
"It is nothing," You mumbled. "There has been drought throughout the summer. You know that. Food is sparse. I'm young, I'll live."
The older man studied you with a shaky hand stroking over his beard. It was a long moment before he let out a chuckle. "You've got your Mother's selflessness and your Father's poor deceit. Really, what'll I do with you?"
Images of the young couple that birthed you were gone as quickly as they came. It didn't hurt as much to think about them anymore, as you knew they too, existed in the stars that looked down upon you all. [Name] of the Willows family was strong and always kept her backbone in check, but would be lying if you said you were ready to be completely alone. Not after the sudden passing of your parents.
Even if you had to work in a farm trudging through mud picking up weeds and other unpleasantries, you would keep your Grandfather here on this earth. Your only living relative — one you couldn't bear to let go.
It did not help in the slightest that this drought was financially crippling not only the farming community in the village, but the whole Kingdom of Yo as a nation. They were mainly an agrarian province that got most of its income off of produce. Drought of any kind, especially one lasting this long, was bound to cause chaos in every aspect of the Kingdom. And it had — chaos that was quickly balanced by raising taxes in order to stabilize the economy.
An idea offered by the Royal Family of the Yo Palace.
You ground your teeth every time you thought about the monarchs all were meant to bow down to, to marvel and respect. When they were treated like nothing but cattle to be milked of everything they had? The Miyazawa farm you worked on hardly has any money for themselves in this current climate, not concerning your wages, which had been shaved down as of recently. You had no reason to blame them. No, the people you directed such distaste to were the money-laundering aristocrats that stood on top of it all.
If anyone was responsible for your forced fasting in order to afford basic medicines for your Grandfather's health, it was them.
You were unsure about many things in life; marriage, family, food, but if you could count on one thing; it was that you hated the Royal Family. With everything you could possibly gather within you.
"It's a terrible thing you can't get rid of me," You continued with Grandfather's remark, trying to distract yourself from the depravity of it all. You carefully set up another chess game with the delicate, whittled pieces. Your favourite game. "Who would wake you up in the morning, then?"
"The taxman at the door, that's who." He scoffed.
Whatever water you had in your stomach went sour. "The Royals ought to be ashamed of themselves, taxing us like we have it all to give. Do they not know the people they rule over? How we're struggling?"
A sigh filtered through the air. "Don't be quick to blame the Royals for everything, [Name]. Running a Kingdom is not often black and white. If I had to guess, I believe they don't have a choice."
Suddenly very taken aback by your Grandfather's point of view when his very body was wasting away because of the people he was defending, you shot up. Eyes blazing a bright inferno, neck tight. "How could you defend them?"
"I'm not defending them, lass. But it is wise to think before you project." He rounded his own clear eyes on you. "How would you save a Kingdom if it was falling apart?"
You were about to give into that same habit of reacting when worked up and lash out. They tax us silly, uncaring of how many lives they leave in ruins! But before you barely got a word out, there was a loud commotion outside.
An explosion of high, excited chatter that caught both your attention. Cautiously, you left the chessboard and Grandfather's company to venture to the front door and peer outside. What could it possibly be at this early hour? You wondered with a huff, blinking the sunlight from your narrowed eyes. It was midday; the time of lunch, if one was lucky enough, and perhaps quiet work.
Not an entire gaggle of women hurriedly knocking on doors and running around with their skirts gathered up in their fists.
Wary, you almost scowled at the lady who scurried towards you. The lady was too excited to notice, it would seem.
"Oh, darling!" She gushed, taking you by the hands. "Oh, it's amazing! A miracle!"
"What is?"
The lady shook her clasped hands. "You truly don't know? You have not heard?"
I would have not asked if I did, you wished to remark. Women such as these who were nothing but charm and gossip unnerved you the most. But instead, you remembered basic propriety. "Pray tell? For I have not."
"The Royals, my darling! They've smiled down on us and heard our cries! Recruitment, they have just promised, for all young women under forty and unwedded. With a promised wage! They wish to help those in need in these taxing times! Oh, we've been saved. Saved, my darling!" 
Your twitching brows knitted. You were having serious trouble understanding what you had just been told. "Pardon, Miss?"
"The day is wonderful, my Darling!" The lady took her hands away from you and twirled happily on the spot. Her cheeks were stained a delicate rose when she stopped. "I'd place my name down quickly with the Registrar, [Name] Willows! Unwedded and in these troubled times, a servant's job will be a blessing to you!"
Servant's job?
The woman was already scurrying off to the nearest house ready to spill the news when it caught up to you. Your mouth parted to draw a shaky, disbelieved breath. No, this can't be. You turned to look at the other houses along this path. Each and every one of them looked busy, some already ushering their daughters out the door so they could place their names down and help the family income. 
Hold on a moment, the Castle is suddenly accepting women to become servants for the Court?
In this financial climate? 
Such a handful of women who were desperate for income, like you, were currently taking to the streets with hastily wrapped scarves around their heads. It was a sea of excited commoners, close in age and status to you. Some of which, you were close friends to.
The sight of it all made you suddenly take the severity of what was happening seriously and gather your skirts to turn back into the house.
"Grandfather," It was a hurried whisper on your tongue. "Grandfather, where are you?"
The older man was already standing at the small kitchen you shared, his back turned. Unbothered, he never really was one for dramatics when they arose in the society. "Why do you sound like you've seen a ghost, lass?" He asked while pouring a shaky cup of water. "Don't bring any of that societal malarkey into this home."
"No, Grandfather, this is not—this is," You were having trouble getting coherent words out. Because surely, this couldn't be true. "The Castle—they're—?"
"Use words correctly," A small tap on your forehead that made you blink. You hadn't been flicked as such since your teenage years. But it seemed to do the trick — because your were shaken right out of your startled haze. One tight swallow and you were right back in the room.
"The women," You began quickly. "They've come saying that the Castle is looking for new workers. Servant women, able and unwedded. They promise of a wage, Grandfather." Your expression suddenly grew tight. "Do they mean to mock us? First they take away our taxes, now they take any women who are able for a family?"
Silence followed your obvious open question. It made you frown when he stared into the murky water with quiet contemplation.
"Grandfather?" You pressed, now confused. 
It was a few more moments of a now heavy silence before he tipped the water down his throat, followed by a rattled cough. "So, what are you waiting for?" He suddenly piqued, irritated. The cup came down heavily onto the kitchen table. "Where is your scarf, your bags, your birth papers? You'll be a fool to think that they will accept just any woman who doesn't get there first!"
Warmth spread quickly from your chest up to the top of your neck. Like a slap to the cheek, the words from your Grandfather were hard and unexpected in their impact. Your hands clasped into shaking fists at your sides.
"What are you saying? Do you honestly believe I would work as a servant woman in their Castle—?"
"Better a servant girl than pulling weeds up in that Miyataza farm you work on."
"Miyazawa farm, Grandfather. It is the Miyazawa family."
"Does it matter, lass? I could bet a Castle job would pay you far more generously than weeding. Servants are treated well. They are fed and warm when they sleep."
The heat was creeping into your cheeks now. How dare he try to send you away? How dare he even think you would consider being sent away?
"I'm not leaving you." Was the hard-line, final statement. You stood straight and taut, daring your Grandfather to wish you away.
Truthfully — due to the mechanisms of this time and the harsh needs of society; you really couldn't stand in the way if Grandfather truly wished to send you to the Castle. Because you were a woman, and he led the house as a man. Misogyny was the only thing a tomboy, unwedded woman like you could not break down with nothing but her soul and stubbornness. 
But you could damn well try. Every day, you could try.
"Grandfather," You put every emotion into the soft plea. Begging him to understand that this would rip a hole in your heart. That you would better uproot weeds from a farm with your skirts bunched than polish a lavish Palace hall. Would rather feel the pang in your stomach from days of foodless meals than not see him every morning and night. "Please, don't send me away."
The answer which greeted you was icy and so unlike the man who cared for you. "That's enough, lass. You're going. It's an opportunity not to be missed."
"I don't want to leave you!"
At that, Grandfather glared at you. But it was softer around the edges — the glass of his eyes now a gentle powdery colour. For a spared moment, you were hopeful that guilt had finally swayed him. Even more so when he reached up to pet your hair; an affectionate gesture of his own. You dropped your eyes and leaned into the pat, knowing that the hope would crackle and burn around you. Like everything else in your miserable life you continued to struggle against.
"Servants of the Castle are permitted to return once a month. You won't miss this ol' shack that much, lass. Tending to me and my rotten coughing. Your parents would have wanted it for you," He spoke softly. The gravel of his lung condition made the words a raspy wheeze. "A servant woman of the Palace. You couldn't ask for anything better when we're all drownin' in poverty."
A choked sob was steadily rising in your throat, but you pushed it down and averted your eyes. In a shaky whisper, you attempted one last time, "The Royals are the last people I would ever serve, Grandfather. Even if they promise of a wage."
You could hear it in his chuckle — the knowing grin he always wore. Oftentimes, it reminded you vaguely of your Father.
"Remember, [Name]. If your Kingdom was in ruins, how would you save it?"
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The village of the Yo Kingdom was still buzzing with excitement hours after the news was relayed to every single door. Mothers and Grandmothers alike who did not meet the criteria for work waved their younger daughters off, some with cloths up to their mouths to hide the tears. Of elation or despair, you didn't know.
It was with a heavy heart that you packed your things in the small area you and Grandfather shared for sleep; him on the bed while you took to the floor most nights. Not that it ever bothered you. Something about the musty scent of oakwood and the tuft of hay you treated as a pillow stayed with you as you wrapped the scarf around your head. Home, you thought with lines bracketing your frown, this was your home and you were only permitted to return once a month.
Could you truly serve the family you hated so much?
You didn't let the hope in your heart dwindle. Having spent a generous deal of time arguing with Grandfather while getting ready — perhaps the Registrar was no longer there. Maybe a good number of women had beat you to it first and you were too late. With a deep breath did you continue your walk across the small village street — following some stray women as they hurried along the same route. Constantly, you turned around to look at your Grandfather once more. But you had ventured far into the city now — your home was around the bend and well out of eye's view.
If the Gods smile down on you, then perhaps you wouldn't have to leave for too long. The Registrar will be full, and you could return right back to where you wanted to be.
Perking a little, you entertained how you would laugh right in his face when you returned home. Ha! Would you look at that, you senile old man. It just wasn't meant to be! A servant woman is not where the Heavens want me to go! A small giggle rushed through you, lifting your spirits ever so. It seemed more probable now the more you walked; there was a high chance the Palace would not accept any more applicants after the previous sea of women bombarded them.
Yes, you told yourself, that's right. And then I can think of what to make Grandfather for dinner tonight. No more will I have to entertain the thought of aiding that horrid, despicable family—
You rounded the sharp bend, only to feel your stomach plummet to the floor.
Sitting in the middle of the cobblestone pave-way was the table you were desperately hoping would not be. Women flocked around it; an ocean of scarfed heads and chattering voices. If it wasn't for another lady brushing passed you would have stayed there frozen and allowed the small sack to fall through your fingers. The Registrar, you quickly realised with dread, he's still here.
You hadn't been too late, after all.
The Gods continued to hold their frown on you.
"Oi, you!"
You snapped to attention when someone singled you out. A burly man, dressed in robes of blue and pure white with a sword at his hilt. The Palace colours. Everything about his demeanour told you swiftly that he was a Royal Knight.
And this Royal Knight was glaring at you intensely.
"I asked you to move into line!" He thrust a gloved hand to the suddenly startled row of women, whose eyes darted frantically. "You block any woman attempting to come through standing there!"
Survival instincts instructed your body to move on command, knowing full well a Royal Knight was not a man to be trifled with. Especially one twice your size and brandishing a terrifying sword. But because you had a stubbornness that could border dangerous in the wrong situations, you projected a tempered glare his way.
"Forgive me, my Lord." You said through tight teeth.
The Knight bared his own teeth and opened his mouth — obviously, he was unused to common village girls who didn't bend underneath his command. Damned Knights, it was a bitter thought quick in your mind as the Knight brought his hand up, everyone attached to those Royals believed they were above everyone else!
Bracing for a crack to your cheek — like so many others you had witnessed, especially when commoners were loose-lipped with those in high command — your eyes snapped shut. Women shrieked and moved away from the scuffle. Your whole body tensed in expectation.
"Sir Francis!"
It was a strong, steely voice that sliced through the air. Because it was taking too long for the pompous Knight to impact, you risked opening one eye. Then the other when your possible assailant wasn't looking your way any more. What in the world...? 
The Knight was staring over to where the table was when you trained your eyes there, following every other woman's gawks, also. Seated at the table and the obvious owner of the words was the man that took the names down of possible servant candidates. 
The Registrar.
His grey eyes gleamed impatiently underneath the square glasses he donned, mouth stitched.
"—disrespectful, my Lord." You caught the tail-end of what the Knight was saying. "I was teaching her a lesson."
"A lesson, huh?" The Registrar wondered. If you could believe, it looked like he was displeased with the Knight's actions. Surely not, you shook your head minutely amidst the surprise, it was common knowledge that most Knights mistreated commoners. Slapping women was not the worst they could do.
The Knight nodded stoically.
"Bring her here." The Registrar asked with a quick flick of his wrist. "Quickly. Hindrances will only delay the schedule."
"M-My Lord?"
"Are you wasting my time, Sir Francis?"
"A-Absolutely not!" The Knight exclaimed. Then before you could react, he wrapped a strong hand around your frail arm and roughly hauled you forward. Your habit kicked up again on reflex, hurling every disrespectful word you could at the Knight — even attempting to kick him in the shin. But he was Palace trained and you hadn't eaten in days. Any attack you attempted would have been laughably akin to a toddler's in your state.
An unhinged, furious wreck; you were thrown before the Registrar's small table. Your hands flew out to brace yourself against the wood so you wouldn't sink to your knees. No man would make you result to your knees; Royal Guard or the King himself.
But your fumble did result in an ink bottle tipping over and spreading a river of black all over the parchment of names. 
"Ahh! T-The names!" One voice wailed. Another Royal Guard. His tone quickly became seething when directed your way. "You useless cur! You'll atone for this with a whipping—!"
"There will be no whipping." 
Blinking, you shot up to see the face of the Registrar staring you down. Tall and faintly handsome; he had smooth skin of porcelain that threw his grey eyes into sharp focus. A mane of golden hair was kept neatly in a tail at the back of his head — not a piece out of place. You hated how his heavy stare made you gulp. Especially when there was an irritated tick to his jaw.
But then, he sighed. "Fetch me another bottle of ink," He spoke to the Knight over his shoulder. "There should be a Craftsman nearby. You have two minutes."
"My Lord, this behaviour is uncanny. You should not allow her to—!"
"Whipping is a sore waste of time when we have so much women to get through." The Registrar hissed in a tempered whisper that could very well be a chilly breeze. He tossed his eyes back to the Knight, and you noticed the bob of his throat. "Are you attempting to tell me what to do?"
It wasn't a question. It was a careful, dangerous threat.
And the Royal Knight answered him correctly. "N-Never, My Lord!" And with that, he was spun around and off he scurried to find the ink bottle. You noticed the barest droop in the Registrar's tense shoulders, and couldn't help it when the words came tumbling forth;
"You saved me from a beating." 
The Registrar slid his eyes to you. You knew you shouldn't have said it — not because it was improper and lacked propriety, because it did. You had no care for that. It was because he was looking at you now as a human would stare at an insect, and you were reminded of why Royal Court Members were people you'd never show gratitude to.
Straightening, you steeled your spine and hardened your glare. "I don't know what I can offer you." You hissed.
The Registrar may appear as if he is looking at a bug, but now his eyebrow raised. An interesting bug, perhaps. "I do hope you don't believe you can become a servant with no etiquette."
"Oh, I don't want to be a servant." You said proudly. "It was my Grandfather who sent me."
"Surely, he does not place the hopes of income on you?" The faintest ribbon of amusement in his tone. You caught it, and grinned.
"Better on me than a useless airhead woman who has no backbone when expected to serve in a Castle of Thieves."
Were you purposely attempting to jeopardise your chances? Perhaps. Your sharp tongue was more to do with the gleam of jest in the Registrar's cool grey eyes. It rubbed your nerves wrongly, how the Royal Workers thought the people they ruled were amusing little rodents; only to give money and anything else material. 
"The Castle of Thieves?" He ventured, albeit lowly. It would surely be odd if the Registrar repeated such accusations of his place of work. You couldn't help but be taken aback by his curious manner, but hid it well.  
The Registrar leaned back. No longer an insect, you thought as he regarded you with indifference. You had upgraded to a comical animal. The barest smile on his lips gave it away.
"You speak boldly." Was all he offered.
"Someone in this village has to." You countered.
"Speaking boldly in the Palace will result with your skin being littered with scars. Court Members are everything but lenient."
"Well, then that's that settled! I'm just too improper to be a servant woman. Truly, a shame." Secretly elated, you were preparing to turn right around. "I thank you for listening to me, My—"
Your bones and muscles snapped, froze. With an uneasy feeling in your gut that your habit had just upset the Registrar, who commanded the Knights around him, did you hesitantly look over your shoulder. When he said nothing but stared did you hold back a sigh and turn right around.
"Yes, My Lord?" You got out. A beating? Or perhaps you will be forcefully robbed of your innocence? It was unwise to question the extent of punishment a high-standing Official could mete out. But were you sorry? You grit your teeth, never in an aeon of existence.
The Registrar was quiet for a second, only studying you with everything but a livid expression. It not only made you perplexed, it also made you more nervous than what a glare would do. "Do you have your birth papers?" 
You blinked. "Pardon?"
"Your birth papers. I expect you have them on you?"
Indeed, but you weren't about to give them up to this man. Although two Royal Knights had suddenly flanked either side of you — attracted by the commotion and why you were taking so long. So, with a jaw locked and eyes daggering into the man before you, did you reach into your sack and produce the heavy parchment. 
He took it in his long, nimble fingers. Studied it with eyes downcast under his peculiar frames.
"[Name] Willows. Of childbearing age," He glanced up. "I assume you are unwedded?"
He assumes. You forced the annoyance down into your gut. Right where the other hatred for the Royals and their henchmen resided. "No." The Royal Knights and their weapons made you spit, "My Lord."
You and the grey-eyed Registrar didn't break the stare-off, not even when the Knight came stumbling back with the fresh ink-bottle in hand.
"My Lord!" He yelled breathlessly. "My Lord, I have fetched the ink. Some new parchment too. Courtesy of the Craftsmen Charlisle."
"He has my thanks," The Registrar opened his palm behind so the bottle could be placed there. When it was, did he spread the new parchment out and dip a fine quill in. "[Name] Willows," He said the name like a condemning sentence. The very end to all of your happiness. Your wide eyes tracked each swirl of the quill, every dot and dab. No way —
The Registrar sat up and smiled at you. It was that unnerving half smile. One that set all your nerves alight and spread fire coursing throughout your bloodstream. "Congratulations. Starting today, you shall be a training servant woman. May you enjoy your stay in the Castle of Thieves."
You let every bit of your pride go in the moment of shock. Mouth gaping, eyes widened. Surely there had been a mistake. There was no way the Castle accepted women who didn't keep their thoughts, voices and tongues to themselves. It was a matter of propriety, and in the Castle — propriety was held at the highest value. The Registrar was still studying you when the red cleared from your vision.
"Miss [Name]," He questioned. "Did you hear me correctly? There are others we must see to."
This damn Registrar, your fists clasped at your sides, practically vibrating with rage, this man was messing with you! He had to be!
"You can't be serious." You whispered. "The Castle would never allow it."
"I'm the Registrar. My duty is to choose what women I believe will make the most able servants. And perhaps, dare I say, you've enlightened me. It's true. Women who, as you say, 'have no backbone' will never survive serving under the Prince and King of the Yo Court."
The sentence was sealed in stone. Due to your habit, your humanly need to not be treated as scum by the higher-ups in society had just landed you in your worst nightmare. A job at the Caste, serving under the monarchs you hated the most. Being given a wage made from the taxes these villagers were being squeezed of. And there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.
Already plunged into hell, you figured you may as well go out with a bang while you descended.
"What is your name?" You whispered to him. 
His golden brow cocked. "I'm the Registrar."
"You mean to tell me your Mother gifted you with that name?"
A beats silence. The Registrar stayed still, contemplating long enough to deceive you into thinking he would not answer. Of course he wouldn't, pompous Court Official that he was. But after the silence was up, he leaned over the table. This wicked grey-eyed man who had just sealed your fate under lock and key.
"Kunikida Doppo," He said to you. "Secretary to The Throne. I will also be controlling your wages, Miss [Name]. I do hope your time-wasting habit does not carry over to your work."
You met him with a challenging smirk. "My Lord, Kunikida Doppo. How grateful I am to be granted this chance. Of course, I won't waste my time." Then, your voice dipped into a deadly whisper. One that was uncanny to any woman of society. Or any woman who wished to keep alive, period. Yet you, in that moment, couldn't find it in yourself to give a damn. "But I can promise you that I'll do everything to waste yours."
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Outside the Throne Room, the Royal Palace of Yo
Court Officials; dressed in their beautiful garments of fine silks and studded gems, waited cautiously outside the Throne Room. The women with fans open in front of their faces to hide their frowns. Frowns, after all, stressed the skin to a point of wrinkles. No woman of the Court should be caught doing such a thing. The men had their hands of the hilt of their swords, swearing under their breaths and chattering in low voices.
"What do they think the Prince will do? If none of us could crack 'em, why do they think a pampered Royal can?"
He was met with violent shushing of another man. This one was a lot older and therefore, not as arrogant. Arrogance in the Palace of Yo got any man killed.
"Idiot!" He hushed. "Don't speak so easily of the Prince! Have you not heard his name in the halls?"
"His name?" The other man wasn't impressed. "'Course I have. It's common knowledge to know our Prince's—"
"No, his nickname. 'Demon Prince' is what the walls call him! You would be wise not to doubt his abilities of cruelty. Especially during interrogation."
The nickname of the Prince, the only Prince of Yo and heir to The Throne, sent violent shivers down each spine in the room. Women recoiled further behind their embellished fans, men cast their faces to the shadows with thin lips. It was all except for the gaudy original man, who had recently only joined the Court and was foolish in his thinking.
"Pwah!" He scoffed. The soft whisper of metal as he took out his sword. "I don't believe for a second that a spoiled Prince could do what actual Guards couldn't do! He was a lapdog his whole life — an only child!" There was an arrogant smile on his face. Perhaps the reason why he didn't notice the heavy sounds of doors opening behind him, or the desperate quiet pleas of the Court Members, was because he was so caught up in his bragging.
Whoosh, his sword sliced lazily through the air and he declared loudly, "I wager I could knock the brat on his behind with just one match!"
It was a new voice that filtered through the air, stiffening everyone's bones in the hallway. Soft and mellifluous, the tone of the Yo Prince was rumoured to send men to their knees, women shaking with uncontrollable sobs, and government officials to tighten their jaws.
Today, his voice was echoed by the hiccups and tears from inside the Throne Room. The man that every Guard was interrogating without success was resulted to a blubbering, pathetic mess with just ten minutes alone with the First Prince.
The man brandishing the sword swivelled right around.
It wasn't only his voice that could break even the most hardened souls with wicked words. Rumours circled that it was his eyes — the shade of mahogany, of whiskey mixed with deep coffee. They bore into your spirit. Scanned deeply until you were stripped bare of everything you attempted to hide.
There was a sudden clang of metal on the tiles. The Prince didn't even flinch. He continued to stare at the now defenceless man, who was shaking in his boots.
The Prince cocked his head. "Would you be so kind to repeat yourself? I don't think I heard correctly."
Perspiration broke out everywhere along the man's skin. He was shaking so much now that he was sure of collapse. No one in the hallway was surprised, and braced themselves for the fate of the arrogant Court Official. He barely had lasted a week, and proceeded to insult the Prince to his face. Death, or something far worse, was imminent.
"N-N-Nothing—Nothing, My Liege." The shaking man regurgitated the words. Unashamedly, there was a growing patch of wet taking form in his tights. "I-I-I assure you."
 The Demon Prince let absolutely nothing change in his expression. Silence befell over them, heavy and thick, coating everyone in a layer of sticky oil. No one dared breathe, blink or even move. Not when an execution was about to be sentenced.
But the Prince did something more than that, and objectively a lot more terrifying.
He smiled.
"Ah, is that so? Forgive me, Guard-san. It appears the interrogation has left me tired~" His eyes blinked once, twice, and the dark coffee was now a bright whiskey. That was the other rumoured thing about the Demon Prince; his usual persona was calm and silly, yet underneath there housed a terrible monster no one should get in the way of.
He turned to another Guard. "Officer-san?"
"Y-Yes!" The older man stood to stoic solute.
"He's a spy of the Ko Kingdom," The Prince said easily, gesturing to the man who was crying on the floor in the Throne Room. No doubt his soul had ben fractured into thousand irreparable pieces. "Was sent to gather information on our economy. Word is spreading quickly that our drought is near crippling. He was due to report back to the Kingdom yesterday," He let out a light, almost playful sigh. "But you see, the man got greedy and enjoyed himself too much in a brothel house last night~! Spilled his entire guts to a lovely whore he was accompanying. What do you say to that, Officer-san?"
The man almost turned green with pressure. "I—I have nothing to offer, only that it was a life threatening mistake on his part, My Liege."
"Ehhh, you think brothels are 'life threatening', Officer-san?"
"T-That is not at all what I was—"
A peal of perfect laughter rang out when the Prince threw his head back. His mass of brown curls fell perfectly over his eyes when he straightened, those eyes decorated with long dark lashed were shut in happy moons. Deceitful, that was the First Prince of Yo, and God love anyone who fell for his blindingly attractive charm.
"My, my, Officer-san. You're like an innocent school-girl! How about we go to a brothel and find a lovely lady to not tell your wife about~?"
"M-My Liege!" 
"Come now, don't be nervous. Life if all about new experiences."
"I can assure you that I have—I have—!"
The atmosphere around the hallway was gently eased until the air was at least breathable again. Some brazen women snapped their fans shut now that their lips were upturned into a smile. Many of the men engaged in the Prince's easy banter. It was no small secret that, when he was in the correct mood, that the Prince had his way with people. Those who never touched or saw the other side to him naturally flocked to his presence.
The only remnants of his commanding, terrifying side was the sounds of wails in the Throne Room; a spy who stood no chance against the Prince's careful questions that everyone decided to stay ignorant to.
That and the shaken man who had been on the receiving end of the Prince's stare. The man who stared death right in the face through eyes of the darkest brown, and escaped, but was now resulted to a soiled, sword-less mess. Frozen to the spot, staring at the open Throne Room and unable to escape from the nightmare the Prince has traumatised him into.
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"Were you successful?"
The Prince of Yo, nicknamed the 'Demon Prince'  by many of those who were unfortunate enough to encounter that side, strolled into the Quarters he was summoned to. This room was laved in gold and expensive jewels, silk bedsheets and grand oil paintings. In those paintings was the man who ruled over the entire Kingdom of Yo. And, the owner of the voice that called to his visitor.
The King of Yo; King Dietrich. He rarely uses his family name, although the house they lived in was brandished with the surname Dazai.
With a sigh, the Prince waved his hand. "The man was like an open book. Too easy to read, I got him to talk within a minute."
The King turned from the window to gaze at his son. His only son, and yet, there was a rift between them that was too cold to be one of family. They were simply King and Prince, and their fondness never extended past those titles. 
He raised a brow. "Officer Hijikata told me you were in there for ten minutes."
At that, the Prince smiled. It was a bone-chilling smile, one that sucked the light from his eyes. "There are other things to do to a man's mind when you take away all his secrets."
The King regarded his son for a long moment, through the brown eyes so similar to his. Then, let out the most regal of sighs. "Such an unsightly habit you have, Dazai. You'd be careful not to terrorise the new servants being trained. It's taxing enough that your branded with a nickname."
"Nicknames are commoner games. Do you think they use them to feel power? That brandishing another with labels is how they humanise?"
"There you go again, speaking so unsightly. These manners will slip out to the public."
Dazai Osamu, the Prince of Yo and Heir to the Throne, waltzed lazily over to his Father's desk and picked up a tumbler. It was gorgeously carved out of magnificent glass, intended truly to be a gift for the King.
He poured himself a healthy serving of whiskey and downed it in one go. Alcohol never did much to fill the indescribably gaping hole in his existence, but it made him feel something.
"Then let them. It'll only produce more labels. More ways of pointless humanising," He brought the empty glass to his lips and stared distantly. Through those eyes that broke men down, that instilled fear into those older than him, that yearned for amusement to distract himself from his outlook on life. "It matters not. I don't deserve the title of human, any way."
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ྀི. Chapter Notes:
↣ "The Registrar" is a title I gave to Kunikida as he was taking names from the women who were registering to become a servant of the Castle. It's not his official title, however. His official title is The Secretary of the Palace.  ↣ A "Secretary" to a Throne is someone who supports many aspects of a monarch's private affairs; such as finances, schedules and correspondence. The main duty of The Secretary is to communicate the monarchs wishes to different areas of Government. Sometimes, a Court Secretary can also be The Secretary of State. ↣ Prince Dazai's nickname; "The Demon Prince of Yo" is a direct play on his nickname "Demon Executive" of the Port Mafia during the Dark Era arc of the anime. And the Fifteen Light Novel arc, I think? I tend to mention these plays throughout the book as I don't want to discredit Asagiri and make it clear what are my ideas an what is parody. ヾ(≧▽≦*)o ↣ Dazai's closing dialogue of; "I don't deserve the title of human, any way" is drawn from both Osamu Dazai's book No Longer Human and his ability in the anime, No Longer Human.
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ʚɞ . . . 𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐆𝐄
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ourdadai · 1 year
locks do mingi ou wooyoung (ateez) por favor?? amo seu blog!
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njmvers · 1 year
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  ✺   ◦   🐋  ☽ ∗ ꙳
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  ✺   ◦   🥣  ☽ ∗ ꙳
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jung-shook-iieee · 2 years
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Pairing: yoongi x reader (f).
Genre: enemies to lovers, assassin one shot, smut, 18+.
Summary: Yoongi hates you. But does he?
Word count : 3k
Warnings: Dom yoongi, sub reader, semi-public sex, lots of teasing, both are assassin, mature themes, explicit themes, NSFW, swearing/ cursing, hair pulling, choking, Manhandling, degrading, praise kink, use of nicknames.
Hey, there pretty boy. “ Yoongi sucked in a breath the moment he heard your sweet but irritating voice. He clenched his fist before turning around. You were there like always, a stupid smirk on your pretty face. Your eyes challenged him every time you two were together on a mission. Of course, he wanted to wipe that smug off your face.
” Didn’t knew Joon would count you in this time too. “ Yoongi mumbled through his clenched teeth and you shrugged nonchalantly. ” And here I thought you love my company, yoongles. .!! “ You threw a flying kiss at him. He wanted to shut your smart mouth, he was tired of it now. Maybe he could put good use to your pretty mouth?
” You just love getting on my nerves, don’t you? “ Yoongi snarled. You giggled and yoongi thought how can you be so shameless. ” No baby, you know the truth…I’m here because namjoonie needs me and so do you.“ You sang the last part at his face. He scoffed as if he really needed you. You are indeed good with weapons and you know the in’s and out of the black market very well but that doesn’t mean he needs you.
” Bold of you to assume the I need you, you’re nothing but a walking trouble. “ Yoongi scoffed walking past you and checking the earphones for any signal. He was trapped with you at this point. Namjoon didn’t tell him that you were going to be there with him.
The comments did nothing but made you laugh. You were used to his sharp tongue. Though he never said something by his heart and you never took his words on your heart. There was an unsaid mutual understanding between you two. He respected you even though you sometimes cross your limits but he never did. And that’s what you love about him.
” And now I’m trouble for you? You make me sad yoongi" Your voice pitched higher as you dramatically blamed him. Yoongi hissed at the sharp and high-pitched tone of your voice. He quickly shoved another earpiece in his ears to avoid going deaf.
“ For God’s sake just stop begging for my attention. Will you? ” Yoongi glared at you. You could swear you felt something stirring in the pit of your belly. He looked so hot when he’s angry!. And especially because of you…that’s why you always rile him up.
“ The world doesn’t revolve around you kitty.! Stop being delusional just accept that you like me and I swear I won’t tell anyone.!! ” You whispered teasingly, wiggling your eyebrows and you could see how hard he is trying to control himself.
Yoongi’s patience was running thin, he’s tired of your witty and stupid remarks. The hell you called him kitty? How dare you laugh at him? He hates you. Yes, he does and that’s enough to work him up. He just couldn’t control his beast anymore and In a blink of an eye, he pinned you against the rusty and cold walls of the old tunnel.
You barely got any time to move as he pinned you. It was unexpected. Yoongi was all bark no bite, he never raised his hands on you no matter how much you worked him up. A sharp gasped left your mouth as you felt the cold surface on your back and the fact the Min fucking Yoongi is so close to you made your legs jelly and mind blank.
Yoongi’s wrist on your neck was warm. Heck, his whole body was so warm. That’s the first time in 6 years you’re feeling him this close. From the beginning , you guessed he’s the least friendly among them and quite unreachable. His aura always told you to stay away because he doesn’t give two fucks about anyone except his brothers. So, instead of showing your true emotions towards him, you started throwing your snarky remarks at him. But he never did anything intimidating. Till now.
You were dropping hints of how badly you wanted him to wreck you all this time. All that teasing and challenges were about working him up and this cold-hearted idiot never got them until now. And now that you were finally getting what you desired the most, you just couldn’t hide your happiness.
Your lips curled up in a smile as you took in his strong yet calm Cologne. Yoongi’s eyes widened realizing that he probably crossed a limit here. As he was pulling himself back you grabbed his waist with your free hand making him halt and look into your mischievous eyes.
“ What do you think you’re doing. ” Yoongi narrowed his eyes and his breath was fanning over your lips, giving you a hint of mint chocolate he ate before. You raised your neck a little, “ Were you going to shut me up? If yes, then why are you backing off? Did you scare kitty? ” You whispered the words on his lips making his body stiff.
Yoongi knew what you were doing. He was done with your teasing. But your calm attitude didn’t sit right with him. He could immediately feel the blood rushing to his cock, his heartbeats were increasing, and his body went stiff feeling your touch. No way he’s going to burn alone. You should burn with him.. and he’ll make sure of it…
Yoongi tsked as he pressed his body closer to you. Now it was clear that there’s no space between you two. You felt your panties dampening as yoongi wrapped his long fingers around your neck. The metal rings on his fingers felt foreign on your skin. It was an unexpected move and so you couldn’t help yourself but a whimper left from your lips. Your eyes widened realizing what you just did and yoongi’s lips curled up in a teasing smirk. Of course, he knew his effect on you.
“ All I have to do is… Squeeze a little, right? ” Yoongi whispered in your ears. His voice sent chills down your spine. His hot breath fell on your cheeks making your face heat up. He looked into your eyes again, you stared into his dark eyes… Even in the dimly light, you were able to admire his soft yet dangerous features. Yoongi’s face looked prettier than ever. You studied his features with your eyes until you looked at his soft lips. You were well aware that yoongi is witnessing everything with his own eyes yet you couldn’t help yourself but grab his soft black curls and kissed him.
Yoongi was shocked. It was unexpected, it took him a moment to realize that you were kissing him. He was spellbound. He only imagined kissing you in his dreams but this time it was real. But quickly he gave in to feeling the feeling of your lips. It didn’t take him long until he’s kissing you passionately gripping your neck firmly. Your fingers curled in his messy black hair as you finally get to feel his delicious lips.
Yoongi’s kissing was bruising and overwhelming as he nipped at your lips with his teeth. He took his time exploring your mouth, sucking your tongue messily. He gave you a moment to breathe and again started kissing you like there was no end to it. You’ve only read in books about these types of kisses, but it was the first time you were experiencing this. You whinned when he pulled back, he smirked looking at your worn-out expressions. He wanted to wreck you so bad.
“ God!! Look at you. Just one kiss and you’re already whining? ” His cruel words were arousing you even more. You wanted more of this, more of him. His lips looked swelled and wet, you wanted to kiss him again. You gripped his black locks and again took his lips in your mouth but he pulled back and his grip over your neck was more firm.
“ I’m taking the control here princess, you just gotta listen to me and be a good girl for me. Yeah??? ” He asked as he gripped your neck tighter making your lips part. You only moaned in response but of course, he needed your consent so you mumbled a small yes.
In a moment he turned you around making you face the wall, he again pressed his body against yours. He grabbed your hair, “ Gotta fuck the brat out of you. Will you let me? ” He whispered in your ears while he spanked your ass. You let out a squeak as you felt the stinging sensation but you liked it and you moaned in return. “ What a fucking dumb princess huh? You were so talkative and now? Can’t even speak anything??… ” He licked a long strip on your cheeks as you shuddered in his grasp.
He made you dumb in seconds. Messing with Min Yoongi was surely no joke. Whether be in the field or in bed, yoongi always liked the control. “ Yes please..!!! " You moaned. He again slapped your other butt cheek and " Ohmygod. ” Left from your mouth, making him chuckle.
“ See all you need is a little discipline and you are all good. ” Yoongi taunted you while nipping at your earlobe. You tried to free your hands from his bruising grip but he only held your hand tighter making you whimper. “ Be a good girl for me… Will you? ” Yoongi warned you one more time and this time you nodded your head.
Yoongi managed to push down your pants and fumbled your ass cheeks a little before spanking them. God. He loved the feeling of your ass. He already thought of different ways to tame you. Yoongi fumbled with his pants and took out his hard cock. He spread your legs and felt the wetness around your core. There was a lot he must say. He was dying to taste you but he’ll save that for the next time.
You waited in anticipation as stroked his cock and rubbed through your wetness before tapping it on your swollen clit. “ Please… ” Your voice was more like music to his ears, and he wanted more of that. He pressed his bulbous head and pushed his length inside of you. You threw your head back… He was huge… You could only feel his head inside and it’s already stretching your walls.
He pulled back and pushed again a few more times until you relaxed in his grip. Just when you guessed he was completely in he gave a thrust again making you gasp loudly. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you realized he was much bigger than you imagined. “Oh, my god yoongiii.!!! ” You screamed as you felt his pelvis pressed against your ass.
“ What? Never had a dick before? Don’t worry I’ll show you the real deal baby. ” His words aroused you even more, and a wave of shame and arousal washed over you. He dug his fingers hard in your soft waist as he picked up his speed. He started thrusting harder turning you into a puddle of arousal. His thrusts were fast and animalistic, it felt as if he wanted to break you in two. You cried when you felt him even deeper than before. He was a beast and you’ll make sure to feed him.
“ What happened princess? too much? can’t take it? want me to stop?” Yoongi cockily inquired when you cried out his name. you shook your head in a no and he spanked your ass harder this time. “ words baby words.” he snarled and whimpered a “ no, please don’t stop. " Yoongi smiled witnessing your state.
it was indeed too much, you snaked your hand over your clit and started rubbing it slow when yoongi caught your hands before you could bring yourself some relief. ” yoongi please…“ you pleaded ” please what y/n ? can’t hear you.“ he teased. In any other circumstances, you would’ve hit him for all this teasing but right now he was in control, you were at his mercy tonight.
And to be honest, you were loving the way he was handling you, you dreamt of this moment for so long… Always imagined how would he treat you while taming you but it’s different than your dreams. You’re feeling the difference and you’re liking it for sure. You wanted more. he was dragging you towards the pool of pleasure.
” Touch me.. Please… “ You finally breathed out. Yoongi kissed your hair, ” I’m touching you baby. “ Yoongi ghosted his fingers on your lower tummy. You groaned Irritatingly as he played dumb. ” Touch me there. Please. “ You were so shameless all this time but now? You can barely form any sentence let telling yoongi to do something be alone.
” And exactly where do you want me to touch y/n? You better not waste my time darling. “ A shiver ran down your spine hearing his dark chuckle. It was clear he was taking his time tormenting you. ” Yoon- “ You tried saying something but it came out as a moan when yoongi slowly pushed his cock deeper into you making you feel every inch of his.
” Oh, baby I would love to see this expression of yours every day “ Yoongi chuckled slipping in and out slowly breaking you into two. He knew the pressure is too much but you have to obey him to get what you want. That’s how it works anyways.
" Touch my pussy please, please..please... ” God the way you begged made yoongi growl. He could instantly feel himself Cumming inside of your little hole. He placed his fingers on your clit and started rubbing it fastly. The cool metal rings were making contact with your clit sending a jolt in your body. You instantly cried at the intensity of his fucking.
Fuck baby, Yoongi moaned as he continued fucking you slowly as he rubbed your clit. “ OhhYoongi! Fuck! Oh so good.!! You moaned unable to form any word correctly. "Want anything else baby? You wanted my fingers and I’m giving them to you. What else do you want mhmm?” Yoongi’s pace was still slow but his fingers and his rings were making you feel dizzy.
“ Yoongi… Just... ” Again you couldn’t form your sentence correctly as your legs were shaking. “ What?? What do you want baby tell me and I’ll give it to you. ” Yoongi cooed at you, he swore he could feel you clenching tight around his dick. “ Just. Just fuck me harder daddy,please. ” You squeaked out loud. If it weren’t yoongi’s body pressing yours against the wall you swear you could’ve fallen right now.
“ That’s my girl. ” Yoongi kissed the corner of your lips as he started thrusting harder and faster. You held on to the nearest pillar for your dear life as yoongi resumed pounding you. The pleasure and pain were immense yoongi heard you blabbering something incoherent. He didn’t care, to be honest, he loved the way he made you dumb. “ Yeah take it. You begged for it so now take it like a good little girl. ” He was continuously speaking filth as he pounded you hard.
“ Look at you baby so fucked up just for me right? I’m gonna keep you… Gonna fuck you every day like this. Gonna make you mine… Goddd you’re so tight fuck…!!!! " This time yoongi moaned as he felt you clenching around his dick. Yoongi was so deep in pleasure he wanted to bask in your pleasure every fucking day.
” YesYesYesYes… Please don’t stop… I’m yours please just don’t… “ His dirty talking and his thrust were bringing you close to your orgasm. You felt yourself clenching so hard around his dick that you pressed your face on the walls as he fucked you.
” Mmh yes baby don’t you dare waste a single drop, cum around me I can feel you’re close. Cum princess. “ Yoongi cooed at you while rubbing your clit fastly. He felt you Cumming around his dick and damn!!!!!! You were sure this was the best orgasm of yours till now. Yoongi didn’t stop he only moaned in response.
Soon you felt him Cumming deep inside you. Yoongi panted as he rode through his high. He placed a chaste kiss on your lips as regained his breath. You fell down as your legs were numb yoongi too sat down next to you and dragged you on his lap. ” You are going to keep it safe here. “ Yoongi again pushed his fingers In your pussy to make sure his cum stays inside you. You grabbed his face and kissed him one more time.
” See I told you they acted all along. “ You both jerked up as you guys heard jungkook’s voice from the earpiece. Both of your faces heated up realizing that the microphone was still on. ” The fuck yoongi. “ You whispered screamed at him. Yoongi looked genuinely embarrassed because now everyone knew you two fucked.
” I’m sorry. “ Yoongi said to you. ” Don’t be sorry Hyung I won the bet because of you. “ Jungkook laughed and taehyung groaned at the back.
” It wasn’t for you idiot.“ yoongi barked through.
What did you two fuckers even bet? ” You asked. “ Well gguk said you two like each other and would probably fuck since you two are alone there but our taehyungie said otherwise. ” Hoseok chimed in between making you groan silently.
“ I’m going to kill you both. ” Yoongi threatened as he double-tapped on the earpiece and shut off his microphone. A moment or two passed as you both sat there silently. “Did you mean it though? ” You asked looking into his eyes. He looked confused but answered honestly.
“ No, I won’t kill them I’ll just rip their- ” “ No yoongi not that. ” You spoke in between cutting him off. Now he was even more confused. “ You said you’ll keep me and make me yours something like that. ” You avoided his gaze as you reformed your question.
Yoongi chuckled realizing what you meant. He kissed your forehead and then pressed his own on yours. “ Hmm you’re mine now and I won’t let you go baby.!!”
Ajsjsksksks min fuggin yoongi... I'm so feral for him I'm telling you guys. 💀
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@yellabella77 @taegularities @g-o-bs--fanfictions @goofyhoffy
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kyurochurro · 10 months
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far-out girlie!! 💫🪐🌙
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warriorowan · 8 months
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rafepenny headers. please like or reblog if you save.
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maddiesflame · 3 months
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Bound By Vengeance headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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missbangtangirl · 1 year
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WOW 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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ryuzip · 2 years
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Hot girls love ryeji
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airenyah · 6 months
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 🥰🥰
Hi dear @airenyah! I miss your Sana Bakkoush header but will recognize your BBS icon and your kind online voice anywhere! 😍 Accompanying this Ask with good wishes for a beautiful springtime day, to one of the nicest people I know who also has a kind and generous heart! 💖
awwwww that's such a sweet thing of you to say 🥺🥺🥺
i saw this ask first thing in the morning after i woke up and it had me all kinds of 🥰🥰🥰
i too miss my sana bakkoush header (she looks so cute in that shot)!! usually i'd just change my icon but this is the first time since i've made this blog a decade ago that i can't change my icon over my header, because otherwise @ranchthoughts and i wouldn't have matching icons anymore and that thought hurts me more than saying goodbye to sana after 7 years 😔💔
#sana has served my blog well but now.. it is time 💔#i think sana was my first real gay crush??#except i thought i was straight and kinda just ignored it as i obsessed over isak and even's relationship djcjcjfjc#and i was really attached to the sana header bc of that and i just couldn't bring myself to change it even when i stopped being into skam#and started falling more and more into (thai) bl world#and then i developed a crush on an irl girl from my uni (rip)#and i actually THOUGHT about changing my header when i first watched mafia the series back in september#but at that point i struggled even more to change it bc it felt like it was proof that i'd liked girls too for much longer than i'd realized#bc i'd had that sana header for so long and i was so attached to it (she's INSANELY cute in that header) and so yeah... djfjfjcj#but then i forgot to save my header in my april fool's prank stress and that felt like it was the universe telling me ''it is time''#''get a new header. this is your moment'' so here we are with my new mafia the series header featuring my boy joong archen djfjfjiv#considering i call myself a bad buddy blog in ''its joongdunk era'' i should have probably gone with a joongdunk header#so my icon + header would represent both the bad buddy blog and the joongdunk era djfjfjic#but i GOTTA promote mafia the series bc it's an actual GEM of a show. easily my fave non-bl series#it had me in tears when i watched it to the point my mom commented on how she could hear my laugh in my room gkfjfjjf#asks#also can i just say... i adore this fandom so much 🥺🥺🥺#everyone here in our little tumblr corner is so sweet and nice and i just adore all of you sooooo so much 🥺💗💗💗
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mochinon-yah · 4 months
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"Huh? Who are you?"
"You're a new recruit...? Hahh... I can't believe they assigned someone under me again."
"... oh well, whatever. You. Yeah, you, I'm talking to you. If you don't recognize my face, then look at me until you remember."
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"I'll only explain this once, so listen carefully."
"Call me M or Mochi. I prefer M for work-related things, but Mochi is fine. And of course, don't forget your manners when talking to me."
— Call me M or Mochi.
"I'm not going to be here for long since the Capo assigned a task that needs me to go outside, so make sure to learn well and don't bother the other mafiosos or anybody else really. It won't sit well with how I do things. If you're confused about something, learn it by yourself. If you get beaten up because of it, then that's on you."
"Moving on, this is a list where I put the jobs that my underlings do. You'll fit yourself in there... somewhere... later. Just don't worry and learn well. Because when I come back, and I see that you're still being as rude as you are now, I'll beat you up. That's a promise."
▪︎ ʙᴀᴄᴋsᴛᴏʀʏ : #01 ; #05 ; #12
"We deal with bloody stuff all the time, so if you're not up for it, then leave. I don't care if you faint or die because you're too shocked seeing blood when fighting our enemies."
"But then again, I'm sure you know how cruel a job like this would be. So, own up to your actions, 'kay? Although, I think you should just be careful with the other mafiosos. They're quite... sadistic. You should hope you won't be their prey."
TW: yandere themes, dark content : cannibalism, death, gore, human experiments, child abuse, etc.
"Hm... I guess, that's all for now. Do you have any question? Actually, nevermind. Ask somebody else. I'm already late for my appointment with him. He doesn't like to wait too long."
"And one more thing too—good luck surviving this hellhole."
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1 note · View note
milky-aeons · 4 months
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warnings: depression, suicidal ideation, poor eating habits, sexual content allusions, violence, suggestive themes, fem!reader, class differences, social hierarchy, misogyny, w.c 7.5k
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౨ৎ . . . chapter FOUR of CROWNS OF STARDUST
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"The future will be gorgeous and reckless, and words, those luminous charms, will set us free again."
— Carole Maso
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Even though the Prince was left in the most dramatic of fashions, he wasn't alone for long. Inside the the archway appeared the owner of the room he was using — an owner that looked less than impressed; his golden brow raised and teeth poking in a snarl.
"How many times have I told you, Dazai, not to use my Study for your unsavoury pastimes?"
Brown eyes twinkled when Dazai smiled at the Secretary to his Father's Throne. His smile quickly turned into an exaggerated drawl. "Hah, why is it that you sound more and more like my Father each day, Kunikida-kun~?"
A grumble was all the Prince was offered. Kunikida Doppo, even though he was speaking harshly to the Future King of the Throne he oversaw, didn't hesitate to scold him regardless. They shared too much history together. First-name basis instead of titles was normal between them at this point.
Kunikida, with a tempered glare, walked into his Study and over to the desk. "I happened to pass a particular Lady-in-Waiting on my way here," He ventured. 
"She had tears streaked down her face."
"Heh, is that so?"
Kunikida wasn't at all surprised. If anything, the secretary was more surprised that Dazai had allowed the "relationship" with Rosette Smith to go on as long as it did. The moment he bumped into the red-headed woman on his way back to his Study Kunikida had let out a ragged sigh. Because not only was his Prince slacking off his duty and using his workroom to do so, but he was breaking women's hearts also. In that cold, detached way he always had.
A particular stack of papers on his table made Kunikida do a double-take. At least two inches worth of correspondence letters due to be sent out today. Kunikida knew exactly of their contents, seeming as though he spent a sleepless night writing them. And with that knowledge came the fact that he had also asked a particular useless First Prince to sign off on them, only a few hours prior.
And what was his monarch deciding to do instead?
Without warning, Kunikida took one of the heavier letters meant for the Ko Kingdom and thwacked it right off of the Prince's head.
"You good for nothing monarch!" He hissed. Composure was a special thing to a Court Secretary, and yet Dazai always had a unique way to make his break right down. "I asked only for your signatures! Your signatures, First Prince of my Kingdom, and you could not even do that!"
Whining, Dazai rubbed at the spot he had been struck. "Agh, Kunikida-kun. Do you think it wise to strike your future King...?"
     As if he heard none of it, Kunikida raised the paper again with gritted teeth. He wasn't one bit afraid of this man — friend, debatably — and Dazai wasn't serious in his threat. Although he was quick to dodge another swing directed his way. 
"How could you—" Whoosh, paper slicing through air. "Be a King—" Whoosh. Dazai took refuge behind a table. "Of a Kingdom." Whoosh. "If you won't even complete your respectable duties!" Whoosh, whoosh.
"Respectable duties are boring, Kunikida-ah!" Blindsided by his anger, the livid Secretary had knocked his chair onto the floor and narrowly missed Dazai by the curls of his hair. There was no weaponry letter on him anymore. Kunikida was really going for his Prince with long, strangling fingers. "Kunikida-kun! Why not have some sympathy for me?"
A growl, akin to a feral animal, was the all the sympathy Prince Dazai was going to receive.
Dazai dove across the table purposely, knocking over ink pots and correspondence pages until they existed only as a black-splattered mess against the floorboards. At that, Kunikida froze, staring at his hours of work from last night exist as nothing but saturated ink parchments on the floor.
Slowly he looked up to Dazai. This demonic waster of his sleeping hours.
He had a rueful smirk on his face. 
"Ah. Ink is difficult to get out of the floorboard. Will I call a Maid, Kunikida-kun?"
"But luckily, because I'm a great liege, I saved what I could." In his white-gloved hand, Dazai produced a small booklet that Kunikida kept secured on him like a holy scripture. Unbeknownst to Kunikida the Prince had secret, sly ways of swiping from his pockets when he wasn't looking. Or, in this case, a blinding fit of rage. "You still make a habit of carrying this around, hmm?"
The Secretary balked, and just as quickly did he move when he saw his Notebook in his hand. 
"Hand that over—"
"Let's see, what has dear Kunikida-kun have to do today? Wooing lovely Court Women? Ah! It says here you wish to embezzle my Father's funds."
"I have no such plans in there!"
"Guard-san~!" Dazai hollered loudly. "Ready a message for The King! Tell him his trusted Secretary is being untruthful with his accounts—!"
Two strong, furious hands balled into the Prince's white frock and he was slammed against the wall beside the open door. Air knocked from his chest with a grunt, and when he focused his eyes he was met with the terrifying wrath of an irritated Throne Secretary. It made amusement brew in his chest, for Kunikida Doppo was always an easy man to rile up.
"Shut up," Kunikida hissed. "If you're good for anything you'll shut up."
Dazai's lips curved. With a raised brow, he couldn't help but push on his buttons just a little further.
"My, my, Kunikida-kun. I'm beginning to think your work is keeping you from women for too long." He dropped his voice to a teasing whisper. "What'll the Guard who's scurrying here think if you have me pinned up against a wall?"
An unnatural talent the First Prince had; anything he noticed, even if it was quiet sounds or slight changes in surroundings, always told him way more than what a normal human would pinpoint. So Kunikida took him on his word. As if he was a branded iron, the secretary released his Prince right at the moment a Guard came bustling through the door. 
"Y-Your Highness!" He exclaimed when he saw the dishevelled hair and clothes of the Prince. "What—?"
"Never mind, I am quite alright." Dazai waved him off, although the way he reached up to rub at his chest made the Guard hesitate. Laughing in a slight wheeze, he said, "You are asked to leave."
The confused Guard knew better than to disobey direct orders. With a small, unsure nod did he turn out of the room and return to his original post. 
The confused Guard knew better than to disobey direct orders. With a small, unsure nod did he turn out of the room and return to his original post. When they were certain they were alone once more and allowed to speak comfortably, Kunikida redirected his glare onto the First Prince.
"My Notebook. Give it here."
"Is your deepest, darkest desires documented in here and that's why you're so protective over it? Detailed plans on what you would like to do in a private bedroom—?"
One quick thrust of his hand and Kunikida swiped his Notebook back. "Even if I did, I hardly think you would take any interest in it."
"Hmm? Of course I would~ You're my future Right Hand, after all."
"And you are the Prince who decides to drown himself in women than complete anything expected from his position in this Kingdom."
An exaggerated whine. "You never hold back, do you Kunikida-kun?"
"As Secretary, it would be unlawful for me to hold back. Especially when it comes to wasteful Princes such as yourself." Daggers of grey that made Guards, Officials, even some Diplomats of neighbouring Kingdoms falter drilled into the brunet's head. Of course, because he was Prince Dazai, he didn't even flinch. If anything — it made him grin.
Another curious question flitted into Dazai's mind. A whisper in the halls paired with the group of maids he had waved at today. "If I'm not mistaken, you have just chosen the new recruiting Maids today, have you not?"
Kunikida's jaw tightened, released with a sigh. He took a moment to pick up a soiled parchment quietly before muttering; "You are not mistaken."
"Heh? Why does it sound like you have not overseen Maids, but a bunch of stubborn-minded Page-boys?"
"Stubborn-minded Page-boy," At his Prince's description, Kunikida couldn't help the dry chuckle that came over him. A particular strong-willed, blue-eyed Maid who dubbed their Castle one of Thieves came to mind. Now how would she react, if she heard anyone call her a name that suited her personality so well?
"She's probably burn the Castle down..." Kunikida said without realising.
Dazai's eyebrow raised. "Who?"
"Ah—nothing. My thoughts spoke without permission. Forget it."
"Oh, no! Do tell, I don't think I've heard to speak of a woman before!"
Kunikida grumbled. He had attracted the attention of his meddlesome First Prince, there was no escaping it now. Placing the parchments back down, he took a breath. 
"There are some Maids," Some, because if he named her, his Prince will decide it his business to use her to mess with him. "Who have more pride than manners in the new recruitments."
The First Yo Prince had another trait about him that made him equal parts useful and terrifying. Especially when it came to interrogating enemies of the Province. No one can deceive him. Lying to this man was as fruitless as it was dangerous. In this case, if Dazai knew his future Secretary was lying to him, he did not show it. All his expression showed was subtle amusement; lips curved and hand coming up to tap his cheek.
"Now, your schedules surely can't take that, can it? What'll you do?"
"There is nothing to do, yet. Perhaps working in a stressful environment where she's expected to constantly be mannerly will solve any current problems."
Secretary Kunikida Doppo was a sharp and intelligent man, but he was far from the most acute in the room. He had just exposed the real truth; that it was not a group of maids that had more will than manners, but a single maid. Kunikida hadn't realised his slip-up, but Dazai had. The cunning Prince decided to keep his silence, internally mulling over a potentially curious situation unfolding in front of him.
A woman who could shake his constantly up-strung Secretary?
Now, wouldn't she be an interesting lady to meet?
"What are you spacing out like that for, useless Prince?"
The Prince gave none of his thinking away. Instead, he smiled at his future Secretary. That constructed Princely smile that was as much of a mask as everything else he fixed his expression into.
"No reason~"
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The walls of grey continued to bore him with their obnoxious golden embellishments and lavish paintings of Royalty as he strode down them. Many of the oil masterpieces were of his Father King Dietrich, although there were also a generous few of him. Back when he was younger and a lot more sheltered under the watchful eyes of Court Officials — his eyes an unapologetic emotionless stare, mouth a consistent straight line. 
Prince Dazai at fifteen years of age was only coming to realise the emptiness in his soul. It would take him a few more years to learn how to shield it from prying Officials under false smiles and pretences.
The Prince flickered his attention from the walls to the Guard standing still in front of him, greeting him fondly. Tasked with one of the most important roles in the Yo Palace; the Captain of their Cavalry was the lone trusted individual to guard his room. Although Dazai took a liking to calling him the strange nickname Director, unlike Captain or General. His Guard never once complained about the oddly respected title he was given by his Prince.
"My Prince." Fukuzawa Yukichi inclined his head.
"Anything interesting happen while I was away?" 
"There is nothing to report." 
Dazai pouted, sighing in that over-grandiose way of his. "Such a shame."
Fukuzawa made no other move to engage the Prince in conversation. Perhaps if he was off duty he would enjoy speaking to his Highness, because it was no small secret that his wicked mind could produce the most fascinating of conversations. But now, the Captain was still on duty until the last ray of sunset. Letting his guard down while protecting the future King of Yo is something a respectable Knight simply did not do. 
Despite knowing such, Dazai lingered at the doorway. His main Guard always had a keen way to entertain him in the walls of his grey Palace, after all. But being the man Director was, his duty came before his personal relationships, so with a small laugh did Dazai push the doors of his bedroom open and step inside.
Into the four walls of his bedroom. One with his untouched bed and barely eaten food he received four times a day. Everything and everyone treated him as the worthy, respected Prince he was meant to be, and yet. And yet—
"A woman who has more pride than manners," The Prince chose to ask instead. To the ghosts that resided in his room. "Could Kunikida-kun finally have met his match, hmm?"
His answer was received by the gentle breeze that tossed the zephyr-like cashmere curtains and teased the crystals of the chandelier. Dulcet tinkles carried through the expansive area. An area that his Father drowned out in wealth befitting of a Prince.
One that made his thoughts so very loud.
Dazai dropped his hands from where he outstretched them to his sides. "Well, why do I believe a chandelier could answer me, anyway?" It was a whisper through his unreadable, vague simper. If anybody listening to him as a man with a man's voice, they would undoubtedly shiver at the empty, hollow tone around his words. But if they heard them from the Prince's mouth with the Prince's voice, they would think it a joke. The Prince of the Yo Kingdom was naturally charismatic and charming individual to his people.
No Kingdom would be at peace if the people came to know that their Prince was truly a cynical, pessimistic individual who saw life as nothing more but a means to and end.
"Perhaps that is why Father drapes me in wealth," His shoes echoed as he walked aimlessly towards his window. "It makes me appear not as I seem—"
Something snapped his attention from his monologue.
Oh, well what have we got here?
Situated near his window was a gift offered to him by the one man he ever truly called his friend. The only man who allowed him to be himself, and talk of the thoughts that ceased to exist in his mind without the shield of a respectable Kingdom monarch. Gorgeously ornate and handcrafted, the chessboard he received before leaving Ko after his time there did not appear in the way he left it.
A pawn.
One single pawn of the white side had been moved. Not obscurely, but a mere tile above where it should be. A common first move in a game of chess. With a raising brow did Prince Dazai come closer to the board. He knew he would have never moved the piece, not of this chessboard. Dazai had not touched this gift in four long years, for a private reason of his own.
"Director?" He called, loud enough to permeate through the door.
It opened in an impressive heartbeat.
"My Prince?" Fukuzawa's strong voice.
Keeping his eyes trained on the pawn, he asked; "I assume you have not taken a sudden liking to the idea of chess?"
At his strange question, the greying Captain hesitated ever so slightly. "I am familiar with the rules, but I doubt I would last against you."
"Have some faith in yourself, Director. You've never played me~"
"Why are you asking, My Prince?"
Dazai was about to ask him who had been in his room prior to him, decided to dismiss it instead. "It is nothing. Merely curious. You may return to your duty."
Fukuzawa wasted no time in returning to his outpost. When Dazai heard the doors click closed, he moved around the chess table to the other side.
"Is that you, Odasaku? Are you missing our games of chess so much?" He asked the empty chair. It was followed by a chuckle and small shake of his head. "No, I believe this is a different phantom."
Perhaps it was because this particular month he had been feeling more bleaker than usual, that the walls were loosing more colour or that his pastimes did not serve their purposes anymore. Dazai had promised himself he would never touch this chessboard again, not after that. But here he was, lured into the game of catching this phantom. The person who dared touch a gift no one in the Castle was permitted to touch.
Long, white-gloved fingers reached out and picked up the top of an opposing black pawn and the Prince of Yo made the second move of the match against the phantom.
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It was the second day of your housemaid duties and first morning in the Palace. Stopping abruptly in the hallway flooding with other women getting ready for work, you spun around. Naomi was rushing towards you with her skirt in one hand and pencil in the other.
"What is it?" You asked as she stumbled closer.
Naomi said no words. Instead, she simply reached into your apron pocket and pulled out your notebook.
"Hey!" You complained, trying to keep the bucket steady in your hands. "What are you—?"
"Hush." The younger woman chastised. She did so with her eyes downcast and pencil scribbling widely against the notepad. "Mind you, it is only sunrise and many are still asleep."
"But you have just stolen my notebook."
One soft shutting sound and Naomi straightened to stuff said notebook back into your apron pocket.
"And now, I am giving it back to you." Her grey eyes hardened in that typical, Naomi-wrath-like way that said you were about to be scolded. "Do keep your attention on the bell. It will be me who get's to you first before Miss Yosano if you are late again."
You rolled your eyes, albeit playfully, and turned to walk away. "I will. It was a mistake."
"The Palace does not tolerate mistakes!" 
This time, your second eyeroll wasn't at all playful. "Yes, I'm sure they don't." You grumbled to yourself while walking down the same expansive hall as yesterday.
Although your friend was being the same, stern woman she always was, you had every intention of heeding her warning. For all it was worth, you had no intentions of being late again. And not because the Royals did not tolerate tardiness, but because Miss Yosano did not tolerate tardiness.
"Oh? You didn't hear the bell, did you not?" A slow, bone-chilling smile that made every bone in your body freeze. Head Maid Yosano was as beautiful as she was terrifying. "No matter. The East Wing is rather far from the Maid Quarters. Perhaps take care of that room first and work backwards. That way, you won't be late tomorrow, hmm?"
You gritted your teeth at the shiver coming down your spine. Yosano Akiko was different to most Court Officials. She didn't demand respect and manners from her subordinates, she was just another one of the Palace who seemed to receive it. A particular Guard with a shock of silver hair and an alias of Wolf had a similar aura about them. It was not that you liked them, but they were definitely more tolerable than other Royal Officials with air in their head and money in their pockets.
Speaking of Royal Officials and one Guard Wolf . . .
You had turned down to the East Palace Wing lined with the same pompous Guards and one foreign Guard just like yesterday. Today, you had decided to take Yosano up on her suggestion with tending to this room first and working the list backwards. As you came closer to the doors lined with obnoxious gold, you noticed the Guard Wolf was taking shift again. 
Does he not sleep? You wondered, taking in how he stood like a statue. I wonder if he even breathes.
"What business do you have here?" Was the question he asked when you stopped before him.
You resisted the urge to raise a brow. "The same business as yesterday."
Guard Wolf didn't lift his closed eyes. Not a silver hair on his head budged when he repeated, "That does not answer my question, Maid."
Your eyelashes fluttered in rapid succession. You had hopes that this Guard was different; but your opinion of him was taking a steep dive indeed and he was doing nothing to stop it. "I'm here to tend to this room." You responded tightly.
"As early as this?"
"I was advised to by Miss Yosano."
At that, he said nothing, although he must have deemed your reasoning plausible because he took one step to the side and allowed your through. You felt something akin to disappointment bubble in your gut.
Surely it would not matter to a Guard, but you wanted strangely to let him know he had upset you. That stupid habit you had promised Naomi you would not give into, yet here you were.
"Thank you," You whispered, and just before entering the room added, "My Lord."
Maybe you also closed the door a little too hard, but didn't hold yourself accountable. You never did when Court Officials came into the picture. Or more specifically; Court Officials who you believed were not like all other Court Officials. 
"Why do I give them the benefit of the doubt...?" You grumbled while setting down the bucket. When you straightened the first thing you did was dig around for the notebook Naomi had written in before getting started on work.
A smile lightened your spirit upon reading what the girl had written.
𝒫𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔. 𝐼 𝓈𝒶𝓌 𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝓇𝒶𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓀𝓃𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼'𝒹 𝓌𝒶𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓅𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃. 𝒮𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓌𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃. 𝒟𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒷𝑒 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒, 𝑒𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇!
"Thank you, Miss Naomi." You said with a small laugh. You couldn't dispute her, because you had been wastefully washing twice and polishing wrongly. How the woman found that out will remain a mystery. But you could accept and appreciate the sentiment wrapped in scolding words.
And off you, the training housemaid, went. You disliked this room the most, if it wasn't at all obvious by your first visit. Even being in it a second time and your fury hadn't subsided one bit — less so, when you saw that whatever Guest stayed in here had barely touched his breakfast again. 
What was with that wasteful habit? You asked yourself with a snarl when the food — some of which was still warm — had to be dumped in a bucket for the horses outside. 
Another wonder came as you straightened the bedsheets that were only tossed and not slept in; where was that wasteful guest? At this hour of the morning? You were half expecting him or her to still be in here when you came, for it was sunrise, the hour of Maids and Guards alone. 
No matter, you dismissed while checking the mirrors and other meticulous necessities, they don't sleep and refuse food. Perhaps they're a vampire? For the remainder of the stay, you were wrapped up in the funny thought inspired by your favourite childhood story. You were was serving a vampire, an amusing ponder. A vampire who shares nothing in common with you but a game of chess.
When you were finished and the room of gold and diamonds looked even more immaculate when cleaned — did you succumb to the secret wish to admire said chessboard again and walked towards it. Due to the bell yesterday and Guard Wolf's interruption, you hadn't taken the time to actually marvel at the expensive crystal pieces. Of course, you preferred Grandfather's crafted ones, but could appreciate the feel and weight of ones owned by a noble.
You were jarred suddenly when coming to a stop just before the board.
. . . Oh, God.
Your wide eyes were fixated on the piece you had been admiring yesterday. A crystal pawn that got its colour from the cloudy white inside. You noticed suddenly the mistake you had made, the foolishness of your lack of one final check. Because if you had done that, you would have realised that you did not return the pawn to the place you had found it!
In haste surely, because Guard Wolf would have caught you if you hadn't turned around — you must have placed it wrongly. The tile before it. 
Oh, stupid woman! You grimaced, wondering what would happen now. Surely to anyone, it was just a piece of a chess game. Silly was your sudden distress. But this was a heavily guarded Nobleman's Room, and this was a highly expensive and previously untouched chessboard of said Nobleman.
The sheets you had fixed had been warm, the food had been wasted but pushed around in a bored, dismissive fashion. Whoever resided in here had been here before you, and something so beautiful like this chessboard was a centre piece of the room. He or she had to have noticed it. 
You felt dread creep up your spine. It wasn't worry for you, because you couldn't give a damn about Royals and their accusations, but for the other Maids in your group. Playing with ornate things in a Nobleman's room is simply not done. One would be brandished a thief, or the whole of the Maids would be punished for the actions of one. You couldn't let that happen, you said, doing the only thing you thought right and attempting to put the piece back, you would not allow others to be whipped. You, a thief? Allow them to punish you over something so ludicrous. You hadn't even taken the piece in the first—
The asymmetry of the opposite side of the board, however, made your hand freeze.
What . . . ?
A black pawn had been moved. Third in from the left, mirroring yours that had been moved from the right. You blinked, then blinked a little harder to rid the sleep from your mind. You, after all, had trouble sleeping in the Palace on your first night away from home. Surely, you were seeing things—
You were not.
With a gape, you realised that not only was your curiosity being reprimanded by a Lord wishing to know who dared touch their stuff. Instead, you had been copied. Your accidental move being challenged by one from the opposing side. It threatened to make your dread morph into startled laughter, because what in the world type of Diplomat responded to the mistakes of maids by copying them?
With your hand still hovering over the white pawn, you entertained the thought that perhaps it wasn't copying, but a silent invitation. 
An invitation to play based on your mistake?
"The Castle does not tolerate mistakes!" Naomi's sharp words in your mind.
"Yes, that's right. These people don't tolerate mistakes," Your fingers closed around the beautiful pawn with the intent to reverse your mistake. "An invitation? Hah, not to a Maid it is not."
Some small, insignificant force made you hesitate.
And another one that was dangerous, reckless and so like you made you bite your lip and look back to the door. They were quiet. You were the only one in the room. And was currently allowing herself to play with fire.
You could be whipped.
This could be a well thought out trap.
Remember your promise to Naomi!
It took a moment of furious thinking on what to do. How to handle a situation that looked like a coax to entertain whatever Lord you were cleaning the room of. And then, your habit kicked up. One that did not allow you to be told what to do by these people, to permit your status to have anything to do with it.
So you held your breath and made one of the most reckless moves of your entire life.
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A slow, almost impressed smile came over The First Prince's face that night when he came back to his chambers. Not surprisingly, the first thing his attention zoned in on was the chessboard sitting surrounded by soft flowing curtains of white. His new, hopeful distraction from it all.
He was immensely satisfied that whatever curious soul he was entertaining had not disappointed him.
"So," He murmured, walking over to the opposite side of the board. Facing the opposing white side, the commander of which had chosen to take a daring second move. Prince Dazai picked up a black piece. "You've chosen to play, have you Phantom-san?"
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You idiot! You absolute reckless, suicidal lunatic! How could you do such a thing by mistake, and then purposely the second time? What'll Miss Yosano say? What will your Grandfather say?
You could almost hear Naomi's high, panicked voice the moment she found out what you had done. Which was why you had decided not to tell her. To save her a possible heart-attack, and definitely not because you knew full well the recklessness of your decision.
Currently, said reckless maid was making her way down the hallway at a slow pace to the Maid's Quarters. Thanks to Miss Yosano's advice, you had managed to get all your chores finished up in a reasonable time and was already walking back when the bell had resounded. Although every task you had done after tending to the first Lord's Guestroom had been with your eyes spaced-out and moves automatic. Quite frankly, you were unsure you had done everything properly. You mind had been left in the room where you made the decision to play with starfire.
A moment of prideful enthusiasm, was what you were naming it. Not your habit of getting yourself into trouble by standing up to those higher than you.
Although you just couldn't help the thought, purely because of the love you had for the game;
I wonder... what move they will make—?
You had been so wrapped up in thinking that you had not seen another person standing right in front of you — and collided into them. CRASH, your empty bucket was sent ricocheting off of the floor followed swiftly by your behind. By the sounds of it, the other person had been thrown in the opposite direction and stumbled over her own two feet, too.
You threw your hair coming free from the bow to look at the damage caused. Foolish, foolish me! "Forgive me...!" You said breathlessly upon realising it was another Maid you had collided with. One whose face hid behind a sheet of gorgeous blonde. The lady gave a good shake and lifted her head to look your way.
Wide, searching eyes of unnaturally deep crimson collided with yours. "No, it—it was me. I was the one who didn't see you coming."
"Please, let me take the blame. My mind—" You gave a small laugh. "It wasn't focused on where I was going."
The blonde Maid shook her head and reached to pick up your thankfully empty bucket. What a right mess this would be if you hadn't emptied it with the spare time you had. "Let's settle on us both being at fault," She assured in a quiet, gentle voice. When she stood up she offered a fair hand. "My name is Higuchi."
Higuchi. Such a beautiful name. Befitting of her pale skin and unique eyes. "[Name]." You said while pulling yourself up and taking the bucket. "From the Willows family."
"I see." Was all Higuchi said. You frowned ever-so slightly. It was rather odd, that Higuchi didn't disclose the name of her family after you had. That was basic social etiquette. 
"Higuchi of... which family?"
"Oh," The woman bristled, both now walking side by side. "I forgot myself. Isayama. I'm of the Isayama family."
"Isayama?" You tilted your head. "I'm afraid I don't know them."
"I'm not from here, you see."
"Ah, that explains it." Suddenly very interested in the now foreign lady to these lands, you shifted to look at her properly. With her exotic red eyes and blonde hair, you could see now that her familial roots were not of the Yo Kingdom. Many here had naturally dark hair and eyes, with the exception of some. "Excuse me for saying this, Higuchi, but you're very beautiful."
Higuchi's shoulders stiffened in an unprecedented action. It was one you didn't expect and hadn't meant to illicit; you had just called this woman beautiful, yet it looked more like you'd slapped her right across the face.
Although the reaction was gone with a heavy sigh and a smile on Higuchi's part. It looked terribly forced, you noticed.
"You're very kind, [Name]." Was all she said.
You didn't like the tone in Higuchi's voice, not one bit. It was a soft husky whisper, which was her natural voice that sounded like you could drift off to sleep to it peacefully. But there was something else there too. A strange, ancient stiffness that you just couldn't place a name too.
Although that would have to wait, because now you had arrived at the Servants Quarters and were about to head to dinner.
"Would you like to sit with me?" You asked the blonde. A woman you didn't really want to leave alone, and wished to get to the bottom of why such a compliment could make her react like a frightened animal. Naomi surely would make the woman warm up, for her radiance could melt the walls of an ice Palace.
The woman hesitated. Then, fixed her expression into one of gratitude. "I would . . . like that. Thank you."
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A spoon clattered into the soup bowl; a warm, grateful meal on the menu for housemaids today. Naomi's eyes were saucer-wide, staring at Higuchi across from her in shock. "The Hama Kingdom!? That is where you're from?"
"Yes," Higuchi answered calmly. "I am."
You and Naomi exchanged glances. This was news to both of you.
"You made a long journey to come here," You observed while bringing a water cup to your mouth. You raised a brow when adding, "For Maid's work."
"I suppose. I am from a large family, many of which are scholars and educational-people. There is no work for a woman such as myself in a large capital esteemed for men's work. So, I came here. I'm afraid frivolous womanly duties are not for me."
You shrugged one shoulder. "Well, I can agree with you there."
"Oh, but do tell me how it is to live in our largest Kingdom!" Naomi was buzzing in her seat. She was warranted the excitement to some extent, for it was rare to talk directly to visitors from your Capital. They were usually seen and tended to by King Dietrich himself. "Is it as beautiful as the stories say? That the rivers run with gold and the Ladies dresses sparkle with magic glitter?"
Higuchi looked a little lost for what to say; blinking and averting her eyes from the bubbly girl. You could understand it, feeling a little sympathetic for the blonde. Of course, the river didn't run with gold and dresses were not made of star-stuff, but to shoot Naomi down would be akin to stabbing a gentle puppy.
"Well . . . " Higuchi began.
Every head in the room, including a watchful Yosano Akiko, snapped up to the jarring sound that had many spoons hitting the floor. The door of the Servants Quarters had been completely thrown open by one single man; short, dressed in an obnoxious display of green, golden shoulder embellishments that told of his high standing and a comical lime cap. The man looked every bit hilarious as he did childish. Although, that was only your opinion.
"Yosano-san!" His voice called. It was high for a man, and rather demanding. All the way he walked he had his eyes curved shut. 
"Ranpo-san." The lady greeted calmly. And, dare you think it, but was there respect in her voice? In Miss Yosano's voice? For a man who talked to her like a child?
"Who is that?" You whispered.
"I . . . have no idea." Was Naomi's equally confused murmur.
"What brings you to my Quarters?" Yosano asked the man. Standing beside her and scanning the crowd with an annoyed mumble, this Ranpo man was a lot short than your average male. Perhaps that's why he wears such a large hat, the smirk was back on your face. 
"A feeling." Ranpo said, and then zeroed his attention in on the desk you, Naomi and Higuchi sat at. When he wouldn't move his face away did your smirk gradually fall from your face. Because why the hell was he—
You had no time to question it. In a heartbeat, the short man came striding right over to you three until he was a few centimetres away from Higuchi. Who, you noticed, was staying oddly silent. What in the world was going on? Your mind raced, now feeling oddly defensive that every single pair of eyes were zoned in on your table. Naomi's hand felt for yours under the table and you clasped it tightly, attempting to offer her some comfort as she shook under the attention of a Court Representative.
Although this was what your bad habit was good for.
"May we help you, My Lord?" You asked the man. 
Him and his eyes he kept closed, it rubbed you the wrong way. All Royal Officials rubbed you the damned wrong way, but this one cocked a dark brow at you and frowned.
"Lord?" He asked in an accusing voice. Then, he pointed at you. "You mustn't address me as a Lord. I'm an Investigator. Isn't that obvious by my state of dress, or have you half the braincells of a normal Maid?"
You had never had so much disrespect thrown at you from one person. Royal Official or slum-rats alike! 
"Excuse me?" You asked, ignoring how Naomi's nails were digging holes into your hand. You could hear her desperate string of thoughts; please, [Name], I beg you to behave. You promised! But hell if you would keep tight lipped when a big-headed Investigator degraded you in front of a hall of people. You promised to mannerly, you did not promise not to defend your pride. 
This Investigator tilted his head. "Ah, Yosano-san, this Maid is faulty. You'll have to throw her away, I'm afraid."
There was no going back now. Strain, tear, snap. Your mouth opened before you could stop it. 
"I'd rather be a faulty Maid, as you say, than a pig-headed Royal Investigator who believes himself above everybody just because of a title."
Silence befell over the entire eating hall. It was a heavy silence, pregnant and hard to breathe in. That was, for everyone else that was not you. You were too busy glaring icy daggers at the shorter man in green. No expression but one of mild surprise was on his face, which did its job at making you even more agitated. You felt like an aggressive teenager again underneath his unflinching stare; how an unamused adult would look at a temperamental child.
These bloody Royal Officials — you were about to stand and give him a good scolding. You were knee deep in it already, better go all the way if it meant you'd be given the same punishment. Naomi was now holding onto your wrist with two hands, as if reading your mind, and keeping you seated. Just barely.
But then, the Investigator did say something.
"Hmm?" And all of a sudden, he lifted his eyes and really looked at you. Jarred, suddenly taken aback by the intense colour of them. Like the finest green fields, or purest emerald gems. They sparkled with such deep intelligence. "So it's you, then?"
You quickly recovered from your shock to double over in confusion at what he just said. It's me? It's me . . . what? "I—"
"No! That's enough from you. You're voice irritates me." The man said. It was like he was baiting you to lunge at his throat. The only thing keeping this red-faced trainee maid from committing the highest offense in a Palace was poor Naomi, who was keeping her hands locked around your arm in a vice-grip, begging you to calm down. 
"My feeling is not for you, any way," Ranpo went on. He had long since closed his impressive eyes, but still they managed to turn to a reserved Higuchi across from them. He reached out to poke her shoulder. "It's for you, Higuchi of the Hama Kingdom."
Higuchi didn't turn around and face the upstanding Court Official that was calling her, to everyone's surprise. Instead she took a moment to clear her throat. "And what is this feeling for, Royal Investigator?"
Investigator Ranpo leaned down to whisper the words so low only the table participants could hear, "I fear your papers have a mistake on them." 
At the cryptically put words, Higuchi sighed. It was minute and didn't give away anything she was feeling. "Forgive me, I'm not educated enough. Unlike a Royal Investigator. Do you wish for me to come with you?"
"It's tiresome, but yes. I have a meeting with the Secretary himself scheduled for you."
"How generous of you."
You — now that the anger had subsided at least somewhat — couldn't help but shake the feeling that there was something else happening in this conversation. The words were spoken artfully and some sounded more a threat than a polite command. Like they were in on an inside joke no one else knew. You searched for Higuchi's eyes for an explanation, or perhaps a short call for help, but the blonde kept her respectable crimson gaze downcast. Gracefully, she rose from the bench and followed the shorter man all the way to the door. While, of course, withstanding the weight of everyone's stares.
The woman didn't even flinch.
You may not be well read on Court business, but knew enough to understand that being summoned by a Royal Investigator and then a Throne Secretary received at least some suspicion. And although you didn't want to believe something sinister could be at work surrounding the beautiful woman of blonde, you couldn't help the nagging doubt.
Another unnecessary BANG! disturbed the air, and then after; silence. It was startled at first, but then quickly bled into pregnant, once more. Because now that Higuchi had left, there was another elephant in the room. [Name] Willows; a maid insane enough to throw unmannerly insults at a Court Official and expect to get by unscathed.
And by the narrowed, sharp magenta eyes of her Overseer; Yosano Akiko, you wondered of how unscathed that would be. If you would even get out of it alive at all.
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ʚɞ . . . 𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐆𝐄
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matue-edits · 1 year
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐨̃𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐚́𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐈𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬
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chaniejkk · 2 years
★★★★✰ like or reblog if u save♡. don't repost ˎˊ˗
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L☹︎VE 遠くに行っても私はあなたのそばにいます。▞
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tarjapearce · 1 year
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Bad Teachings: Miguel O'Hara. A retired 42-year-old teacher with a fistful of issues tailing after him. You were a slip in temptation of his already warped up world, his student. Nothing should come out of it, right?
(Initial College Professor/Older Miguel AU +18 ) Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 Pt. 9 Pt. 10 Pt. 11 Pt. 12 Pt. 13 Pt. 14 Pt. 15 Pt. 16 Pt. 17 Pt. 18 Pt. 19
Iridiscent Mermaids, a childish and fantasy tale. Or so, The infamous pirate, The Red Eyed Demon, or Miguel O'Hara, thought.
PirateAU! x Mermaid! Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6
Mi Dulce Cereza (Ranchero! Novela AU!) Finding a path in life has never been so thrilling, but would you withstand life's punches?
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 (UNDER REVAMP AND REWRITE)
NEW!! Pt 1. Pt. 2
Crimson Crown: (Royal AU) A dark king that is known to be ruthless, knows the true meaning of many things. War and love amongst them.
Pt1. Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 Pt. 9 Pt. 10
Of Flowers And Hummingbirds It was a simple retirement party at Alchemax. But Universe decided you'd get so much more.
Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 Pt. 9
The Immorality Of Love (Pretty Woman but Victorian Era Inspired) Pt. 1 Pt. 2
Dilf! Miguel HC (+18)
Impostor (Angst)
Workaholic (+18)
Ley Del Hielo (Angst)
As My Own (Fluff)
Bouncy (Mild mild +18)
El Charro Negro
A Wacky Spider (Mild +18)
A Life Ahead (Fluff)
Tentateur (+18)
Prey Game (Mild +18) Pt. 2
Marvelous (Fluff)
Complicated Birth
Food Daydreaming
Need a Hand?
Parallels and Opposites
Shorts, TWO Shots and Extras
Mating Season (+18)
Cast Away Pt. 2
Ways You Propose to Miguel #1
Lap Dance (+18)
Dragon AU! X Mermaid Reader Pt1 Pt2
Mi Dulce Cereza Extras 1 2
Crimson Crown Extras 1
Clandestine Fight Club Reader x Knight Miguel
Imagine: Working Out With Miguel
Miguel x Reader x Punk! Miguel Pt 2
Plus Size! Reader x Miguel
Mafia Miguel Blurb
Dirty Thinking Migue
Thoughts on Him
PLAYLISTS (Coming soon)
Header made by me
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