#magical girl raising project: breakdown
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✧・゚:Today’s magical girl of the morning is: Rareko from Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown!✧・゚:
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alchemist767676 · 2 years
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nakanosorami · 4 months
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マイヤ✍️ 嘘つきをやっつける魔法のステッキで戦うよ✨ by Qoo_1025
※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. Please remember to support the original artwork and creator by visiting the source.
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prettywarriors · 7 months
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bweepy · 1 year
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Miss Marguerite and Touta
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candyskiez · 9 months
She's a sentiment piece of rock. She's a lesbian. She sword fights. She despises food with a passion. She helped start a restaurant made to prove a point. She thinks she has no free will or use of her own. She literally broke her coding several times and accidentally discovered sapience after giving her boss/owner/partner in crime/girlfriend a morality crisis. She almost let the adopted child she was taking care of die so she could show him space. She almost let the adopted child she was taking care of die because she misses her girlfriend. She projects her trauma onto this child. She would literally die for him. She's a revolutionary. She's by the book. She technically murdered her girlfriend because her girlfriend ordered her to. She rots in silence about this for years because her girlfriend used weird rock magic to make it so she couldn't say anything. She had a mental breakdown because her girlfriend didn't tell her she had a pet. Her default response to emotional distress is to dance around, mimic sword fighting, and to sing at the same time. She died in front of the kid she was taking care of when he was twelve. She accidentally traumatized him several times. She absolutely would kill god for him and also tried to kill the literal rulers of space for him. She hero worshipped this tiny child. She tried to teach his girlfriend the ways of being a child soldier because she was projecting her own horrible past and trauma onto her and didn't realize it wasn't normal. She thought her son-apprentice-deadperson was telling lies when he made a joke and was deeply distressed. She had a grudge against a sound cloud rapper. She had a grudge against a tiny rock girl who ate even though she didn't need to eat because she liked the weird discomfort. She idolized her bestie because she was so gay and so happy and she wants to be that gay and happy. There's a multi episode arc where she manipulates her bestie because she wants to be gay and happy. She thinks she's worthless. She's cocky and brags all the time. She gets reset to her base programming and what brings her memory back is thinking the sound cloud rapper died. She betrayed space dictators solely so she could make out with a hot bi girl and then accidentally had a character arc and developed her own opinions and consciousness along the way. She gives people toilet paper as a friendly greeting. She thinks that extremely hot dangerous woman is overdoing it and it DEFINITELY isn't because she's jealous of her or wishes she was like that. She chased a mysterious woman into the night because she looked like her girlfriend. Also her girlfriends dead and died on purpose to have a baby. And she had to raise that baby knowing her girlfriend literally died on purpose to have him. She spends several seasons crying over this. The other parts are her being filled with rage but trying to carry it in the most professional way possible. She caused conflict EVERYWHERE more than almost any other member of the main squad by being so stuck in grief and it's what made the show so interesting, god bless this funky little lesbian who broke her coding to kiss a hot girl only to realize the hot girl wasn't a literal saint and oh shit, she has a baby now. God speed, Pearl. God speed.
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in--somnium · 1 year
((I feel like Cassia comes across as really sweet for a couple of reasons- the most obvious being that her dad is also very kind and he instilled that on her from a young age. Like... her mom isn't great (and actually never wanted kids in the first place ^^;), but her dad did his best in raising her and she carries a lot of his selflessness and such with her for that reason.
But it's also that... She's spent almost her whole life having to learn to self regulate. She got her first powers when she was really young. Like, so young she doesn't even actually have a memory of NOT having them. Her parents found out about her abilities when she was barely 4 years old because she was telling them about a dream she'd had that was actually a dream her DAD had and she'd just been dream-walking, she just didn't know it. (She rarely has dreams of her own and it took a long time to not accidentally dream-walk all the time. Even as an adult, when someone else's dreams are really intense or she's been stressed out for the day, she does it without realizing). So this girl has lived, as far as she's concerned, her whole life with magic abilities in some form or another. Dream walking, inducement, and manipulation came first. Then she showed signs of telepathic abilities which lead into her being able to manipulate emotions and, eventually memories to some degree. And, more recently, her telekinesis, which used to be fairly minor, has gotten really out of hand - her powers are ever expanding as she gets older which makes it hard for her to keep control of them all. And, as with a lot of powers, hers are affected quite a bit by her emotional state. Realistically, she hasn't got the greatest control of her telekinesis, for example. When she's stressed out sometimes things will tremble around her or items will fall off of shelves or walls for seemingly no reason. If she's in a really bad state, then it can get more dangerously out of control. (Recently, actually, even more minor stressors can cause bigger reactions because she has less control of her telekinesis overall.) But if she can stay grounded and calm then she can keep it under control, focus that energy inward on herself instead of projecting it outward and causing chaos. Then there's the fact that she can manipulate emotions, too. So she's had to be careful about how intensely she's feeling things because there have been times when her emotions have been so strong and she's been so out of control of her powers that she's projected them onto everyone around her. (Her parents divorce, for example, left not just her a fucking mess, but she realized that she was projecting that hurt and frustration and guilt on her entire class when it welled up too much and got out of hand. And because different people react to different emotions in different ways, it led to a classroom full of out of control kids. Some of the kids were crying. Others were fighting- like, literally fighting. One had a full blown breakdown and had to go home because she was in such a state of disarray. The teacher had to call for help because she was so overwhelmed between the chaos and the grief she was feeling that she couldn't manage the class. Cass went home early that day because she realized what was happening and it stressed her out so much she literally had to run to the bathroom to throw up. And soon after she went home... things started to calm down.) So what I'm saying is she is almost always actively trying to keep her mindset in check, trying to stay rational instead of emotional, keep a positive attitude even when she wants to scream, because she knows she could hurt someone (or herself) if she's not careful. And I just feel like that's a really important thing to consider about her character. It's not that she DOESN'T get pissed off easily (in fact, I'd say she gets frustrated quite quickly and is also prone to holding grudges, sometimes even to the point of pettiness), it's just that she knows if she lets things get to her, she won't have as much control.
It also doesn't help that she hasn't had all of her powers from the start. She's gained some new ones as she's gotten older, and with each new ability comes new hurdles. New things to be aware of and worried about. She tries to take it a step at a time and not stress about it constantly, but when she feels herself getting a bit out of line emotionally, she has to correct herself. So... yes, she's a sweetheart. She's my little ray of sunshine. Sweet baby girl. But it's not just because she's always, naturally, like that. It's a choice. It's an attempt to keep herself together. It's not an act, necessarily- she really is very sweet- but it's something she often has to actively maintain so she can keep control. She has, of course, learned better control of some of her powers (and her father has been helping her to train with her telekinesis because that's one of his strongest abilities- though he can't help with a lot of the more internal things like her emotional / memory manipulation because he doesn't have those abilities). That doesn't mean, though, that they don't get out of hand sometimes. It also doesn't mean that she isn't often worried about losing control of them.))
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
Rachel 23, Rietta 29, Elystan 6, and Josiah 15 and 36 (I'm trying to figure him out!)
Also, whichever one you want to answer for Tamett (best boy <3)
Rachel: 23. Are they a reader? What do they like to read?
Rachel gets judged by a customs officer for having "too many books" in her bag, is easily distracted by a bookshop window even in urgent circumstances, and sets the plot in motion when she tries to find a quiet place to read in a crowded house. So, yes, she is a reader!
She is particularly fond of the Yew books (The Marvelous Magician of Yew, The Enchanted Land of Yew, and The Princess of Yew), a fantasy series about an ordinary girl who travels to a magical land, befriends unusual people, and eventually becomes the confidant of a fairy princess. Think the Oz books, but a little to the left.
Rietta: 29. What do they consider to be their greatest strength? Is this actually their greatest strength, or is there something about themselves they don’t see?
I think she considers her strong will her greatest strength. Since her mother is so conflict-averse, Rietta feels that she needs to be the assertive one against people who try to control the two of them. This trait does help her--as long as she controls it well--but ultimately her greatest strength is her fierce compassion.
Elystan: 6. Which song off of your most recently played playlist are they?
That would be the giant Spotify playlist of stuff I like, and out of those, "Extraordinary Machine" by Fiona Apple reminds me the most of Elystan. Although "Here With Me" by Dido reminds me of him during his breakdown between Books 2 and 3 (I think it's meant to be a love song, but it's vague enough to be recontextualized as addressed to his father).
(I need to make proper OC playlists but my pool of known music is rather small and maybe overly eclectic.)
Josiah: 15. What superhero are they most like?
Let's see...Josiah is full of his own superiority but privately feels inadequate, prefers intellectual pursuits, lacks social skills because he's detached and arrogant, has been raised to project an image of flawlessness and competence to further his father's agenda, is carrying around far too much stress and responsibility for a child, has no close or loving relationships, and is ultimately surprised (and pleased) to be taken under the wing of a kindly adult.
It's not a precise fit, but the closest parallel I can think of for him is Inertia (whom I'm going to count as a superhero because he pulled off impersonating one for so long).
36. Which of their parents are they most like?
He is far more like his ambitious, critical, demanding father than his mother, who was outgoing and adventurous and wore her heart on her sleeve. He had a much closer relationship with his mother, though, when she was still alive. His younger brother Mikaiah is more like their mother, and that's a major factor in why Josiah doesn't want to connect with him in any way.
Tamett: 18. What are they terrified to lose?
As much as he hates his job and hates having to be around Josiah all the time, his position as companion is his rut, it's where he's comfortable, and it's something that helps his family (especially his beloved elder sister Emenor). So, although I don't think he's ready to admit it to himself, he is terrified to lose his position, which is why he mostly has resigned himself to being a doormat. Even though it's slowly eating away at his soul.
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seigadreamcast · 1 year
nine people tag!!
i was tagged by @stoneocean2011 !!
last song: delusionalism by mass of the fermenting dregs
last movie: the texas chainsaw massacre (1974) 🥩
currently watching: hirogaru sky! pretty cure 💙🤍💗🧡💜
currently reading: magical girl raising project: breakdown part 1 by maruino 🌠
currently craving: bacon!! my mom made some earlier but i still want some :(
last thing you researched: the episode count for nurse angel ririka SOS and george seurat's "a sunday afternoon" for my modern art class
i tag @legobogmire @riderkickedmyballs @poniko @yellowvale @charbway @masked-girl @koma-shiro @oneweekwitch @your-fave-jewish-magical-girl
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majobun · 2 years
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magicalgirlinlove · 4 years
Why I get so annoyed at the criticism against dark magical girl shows
(Litteraly no one follows me or will see this but I need to vent because I constantly feel guilty for enjoying things)
It seems every time I try to follow any type of magical girl related tag or discussion, all I’ll find will be constant bashing of any darker-themed magical girl shows and, as someone who actually loves both opposing styles (my favourites being Sailor Moon Crystal and Magical Girl Raising Project) I just get so disheartened by how elitist and reductive a lot of the reactions can be.
It’s always jumps in saying ‘’these shows are for guys’’ when the majority of people I’ve seen geniunely invested in these series are girls, or ‘’people just want to watch young girls suffer’’ when literally all I ever see is people gushing over how much they adore their favourite characters. It just feels to me that anything that isn’t Tokyo Mew Mew or PreCure (which are totally good shows, I’m not saying otherwise) is suddenly ‘’ruining’’ the genre. While I agree that some series like Magical Girl Site and Magical Girl Apocalypse both deserve every bit of the criticism they get and more (also it’s the same author for both and for that one it’s definitely torture porn), so many other shows, to me, feel more like a subversion of the genre rather than a perversion.
I love Magical Girl Raising Project for the same reason I adore Sailor Moon Crystal: it presents me interesting, strong female characters and all builds on a thematic of hope. Yes, because just because everything isn’t bubblegum happy all the time doesn’t mean hope isn’t the point. That was the core of Madoka Magica and, if you bother actually caring about MGRP and its later stories, it’s the core for that too. I watch them because I enjoy magical girls and because I enjoy more mature-themed shows, so putting them together creates something enjoyable for me to watch.
Reducing any show that isn’t flawlessly happy into ‘’torture porn for sickos who hate magical girls’’ is the same as categorizing PreCure as ‘’silly mindless kids shows’’ when there’s so much amazing fun to be found in classic magical girl media. 
Sailor Moon had death and mentions of suicide. Cardcaptor Sakura featured incest, pedophilia and the grieving of a loved one. Magical girls have never been completely unproblematic
. It’s about a balance of hope vs darkness. When it’s only darkness, like Magical Girl Site, then there’s absolutely no enjoyment to be found. It’s that mix of strong characters to root for and difficult circumstances that make these shows interesting, not the suffering. Does the existence of shows like Gundam, with it’s darker themes and stories, invalidate or discredit shows like, I dunno, The Power Rangers with its colorful giant robots? Of course not!
And of course one point I completely sympathize with is that magical girl media has always been an important genre for young girls in their representation of strong female superheroes able to overcome any odd. And that’s why lighter shows are SO important. But what about when the same little girls are grown? Sometimes, it’s important to see that overcoming any odd isn’t just as simple as constant happiness. Sometimes there’s depression and sometimes life IS horrible, but through it all, these superheroines still manage to fight their way through for a better tomorrow. It’s the same lessons I needed when I was younger, but adapted to my more mature point of view.
Also literally it’s so annoying to me just how much we focus on all our media being pure, completely 100% positive. To me it feels like some sort of search for morality. Well sorry if I don’t always just want to watch sweet coffee shop AU stories. Sometimes I’m ok with embracing the darkness in light. But never giving up hope. That’s what magical girl warrior stories have always been about. 
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✧・゚:Today’s magical girl of the night is: Dreamy☆Chelsea from Magical Girl Raising Project: breakdown!✧・゚:
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alchemist767676 · 2 years
Having just read her first fight scene, Dreamy⭐️Chelsea is my new favorite, weirdly competent fail woman. Here’s hoping she doesn’t die.
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nakanosorami · 9 months
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お題「イオール」 by Qoo_1025 ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. Please remember to support the original artwork and creator by visiting the source.
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lamortified · 4 years
Magical Girl Thought of the Day
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mgrptranslation · 6 years
We have added chapter fourteen of Breakdown to our translations.
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