animationlibation · 1 year
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Martin might be a virgin living on a steady diet of junk food, but he dreams of being the CEO of a major corporation. In the world of Mylandia, he's Ramdoe "The Magnificent". A wizard who weaves mystic spells of sorcery, but his lust for power and greed for gold are his greatest enemies.
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animationlibation · 1 year
Hey everyone, check out the Student Animation Showcase 2023 tonight at 7:00 PM (PST)
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animationlibation · 1 year
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A born athlete, with a slow wit, Steve dropped out of college and got a job at the local sporting goods store, Sportz. In the world of Mylandia, he's Hock "the Crusher".A barbarian from the northern realm, he is quick to anger, slow of wit, yet a gentle giant.
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animationlibation · 1 year
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The Champions of Eternity role-playing characters; Sir Valamere "The Bold", Hock "The Crusher", Rowena "The Swift", Hoyo Diego "The Lover" and Ramdoe "The Magnificent" adventure in the fantasy world of Mylandia.
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animationlibation · 1 year
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Jack is a security guard who dreams of saving the world, but he's afraid of his own shadow. In the land of Mylandia, he's Sir Valamere. A knight sworn to protect the innocent, battle evil, uphold truth and justice.
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animationlibation · 1 year
Tune in @ 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 pm EST - for the first Animation Libation Podcast on Art Station - The Topic: Animated Short Films, All are welcome!
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animationlibation · 1 year
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animationlibation · 1 year
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Pizza delivery boy by day, lead singer of 'Shetlin Pony' a 1980's hairband by night. In the world of Mylandia, he's Hoyo Diego, A minstrel and Bard. A teller of tall tales, and connoisseur of fine wine, fabulous decor, and a real foodie at heart.
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animationlibation · 1 year
Champions of Eternity - a role playing game, an animated comedy series - coming soon!
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animationlibation · 1 year
Champions of Eternity’s Poster Who are these characters? For more info go to www.championsofeternity.com
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