#mah baby <3
midnightmah07 · 5 months
They usually have bold colors to warn others and since she can't display that she is poisonous she is very verbal about it but would never actually kill someone 😭
I TRUST U... I'm not sure Angus and Jasper would trust her tho😭😭 only if Daisy held their hands the entire time and told them she was fine and wouldn't hurt them😭
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makshu · 1 year
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Happy birthday Matsuno brothers!
Even though my hyperfocus on them has worn off I still love them so much! I didn't draw something very complex, but I wanted to do something to celebrate anyway
...how old are they?
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cherrykamado · 2 years
What kind of ice cream 😍
chocolate n dulce d leche YESSSSSSSSSS
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greedyarts-official · 2 years
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My First ever traditional drawing of Roux ( Since my first time drawing Roux was on my pc, and in a collab with @felixwd ).
I may reblog this with more infomation about roux, but it's a school night right now ( I am starting school so r.i.p. ), and I should be sleeping soooo~
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antihcroes · 1 year
happy birthday to everyone's favorite 'sexy map doctor', bethany grace walker!
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al1fers-haven · 3 months
"Mama or Papa?"
Domesticated Alastor blurp (Apart of my Alastor x pregnant! reader fanfic called 'Almost Instinctual.)
Alastor gently rocked the baby in his arms, eye twitching a little bit as he looked toward the clock on the wall. 3:01 AM. He grabbed the small bottle of milk and cooed a bit, watching as Maria reached out for the bottle and immediately started going to town on the poor bottle. Her little wiggling stopped eventually. Alastor smiled a bit more, happy she started eating without a problem. Humming a little bit as he stood in the middle of the kitchen, his eyes either on the baby or on the food he was preparing.
"You're gonna end up like me huh? No sleeping?" Maria looked up at him before putting all of her focus on the bottle, still drinking away. "Y'know, dear, you are going to give your mom a heart attack with all that screamin'." His static slowly went away, his voice becoming clearer and clearer as he spoke. Alastor slowly pulled the now empty bottle away from Maria, placing it down on the counter before moving the child up to his shoulder. A bit more focused on gently patting the baby's back and the food he was cooking. "Alastor...? What are the two of you doing up at this hour...?" You walked up to the pair and huffed. Gently taking the now sleepy Maria away from Alastor with a smile. "You know you could have gotten me, she's my daughter too." Alastor hummed, stirring the gravy he was making. "-It's only fair, I'm sure you need your sleep after dealing with her and Charlie all day my dear!" You snickered, placing the baby down in the high chair next to the counter. "Well thank you Alastor, it means more than you think." He nodded, staying quiet for a little bit until he heard you cooing to Maria, the little girl giggling as you tickled her a bit. "Can you say that for me, Maria? Mama, Mah-Mah." You waited, her eyes staring at you without knowing what to do. You sighed and tried again, crouching down to her level. "Ma-ma." The baby babbled a little, hitting the table in front of her and bouncing as she looked to Alastor. The red-haired man looked back, humming a little bit before turning the stove off. "Carried her for nine months and she likes you more..."
Alastor chuckled, his eyes on the child that was now in your arms and reaching out to him.
'"dahd." Alastor stopped, the two of you watching Maria with wide eyes. Looking towards each other, a smile slowly creeps onto your face. "Who's that Maria?" Maria clapped her hands together as Alastor picked her up, holding her against his hip. "dahda!" Alastors ears pinned against his head eyes a bit wide as he looked between you and the baby. Kissing the top of Marias' head as you squealed behind him. "Mm, I suppose I'm okay with that title." You walked over and kissed Maria's face a couple times. Beaming with joy as she repeated the word over and over now that she could say it. Alastor's heart was going a thousand miles per hour, although he was quiet and composed on the outside. The poor demon was overjoyed on the inside. Squeezing her a bit as he attempted to keep that side of him hidden. "Oh! We have to tell Charlie!" You cupped alastors face and pecked him on the lips, his face turning a bit red as you run out of the kitchen. Well this was all very, very knew.
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caztrozin42 · 9 days
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Day 5 - Healing might take two
Mah babies ( ╯︿╰ ) . I love when badass characters are soft for a brief moment
day 1 | day 2 | day 3 | day 4 | day 5 | day 6 | day 7
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moondirti · 1 month
ghoap x nanny on🔝
they would go bananas trying to find her a Mother’s Day gift because even though she’s not she’s still so important to baby isla
UK mother's day is in march but i'm putting this out for the US folk <3 also not part of the main series! takes place an undefined period of time later, where isla is about 1 yr old, so the end of part 2 doesn't hold weight here
"Stop messin' with it. You'll ruin the wrap job."
"I'm tryin' tae curl th' ribbon. Eejit at the store forgot tae add th' mae touches." Johnny presses his thumb to the blade, tongue poked in concentration as he follows the tutorial. The lady in the video makes it look so easy, dragging her grip along the length of a blue streamer so that it jumps into a little ringlet when she releases. "Ye think women dinnae notice these touches but thay do. I had tae specially instruct th' flower guy up in Glasgow ower th' phone tae make sure he wrapped mah maw's bouquet in brown paper, fur apparently there's a difference."
But all the scot manages to do is slice his thumb open with Simon's knife, blood beading along the wounded site. He jerks away before it can stain the present, popping the digit into his mouth while begrudgingly handing the tools over to his partner.
Who does it with ease.
"Tha' wasn't so hard, was it?"
"Awa' n bile yer heid." Johnny grumbles, twisting his head to check out the window. "She said she'll be back by now."
"Who'll be back by now?"
The sing-song voice catches them both off guard, the pair clambering to hide the subject of their concentration, open-mouthed as you slip out of your pastel yellow galoshes by the door. An impish smile splits your cheeks, positively delighted by the fact that you were able to sneak up on them.
Isla shouts an approximation of your name from her playpen, pulling herself into a stand and waving her little arms around until you swoop in to pick her up. Simon feels his heart race, anticipation coating his palms in sweat as you sway with their little girl bunched in your arms.
"My little Isla-bug! Missed you so much baby." You coo, pressing kisses to her cheek. But Isla isn't interested in greetings. She squeals, legs flailing and finger pointing accusatorially at her fathers.
"Bug! Bug! Da an' Pa!"
"Are Da and Papa bugs too?" Johnny shuffles in place, scratching the back of his neck when you waltz suspiciously towards him. Almost as if you're trying to sniff out the clues the baby lays out for you, like a little detective duo. "Do they have a bug?"
"Yer a wee clipe you." He narrows his eyes at Isla, bumping noses when she giggles at his feigned grumpiness.
"Don't tell me you actually do." You straighten seriously, frowning once you notice the hand Simon keeps behind his back. "Si, I swear to God. I swear to God if that's a bug you're hiding I'll scream. I'll tell Price–"
That does it. He extends the gift before you misinterpret this further and make good on your threat. He can only imagine the awkward phone call with the Captain, who favours you more than he does his own team sometimes. It would not bode over well.
"Happy mother's day, love."
You clamp a hand over your mouth, eyes immediately glossing up in tears.
They discussed who would do this part – this vulnerable profession of how much you mean to them, to Isla. Because you're not her mum. Your name isn't on any of the adoption paperwork. You'd only come into her life when she was five months old, and there's no legal or biological ties linking the two of you together, or you to the boys. Just this human, very fragile bond you've forged over the past year. Something undefined, unnamed, but so magnanimous in its existence that it cannot continue existing without acknowledgement.
And while Johnny felt like the natural choice, Simon knew it'd mean so much more if it came from him. He's the one with the history, after all. The one who denied you a place in their life, again and again. Who wrote off your bids to help and took you for granted until it damn near drove you away for good.
It's clear that it hits you hard.
You pass Isla over to Johnny so as to hug yourself, staving off the waterworks by biting your lip. For a moment, that's all you do. Stand there and stare down at the wrapping paper with all the apples on it, the sleek coiled ribbons. Simon's hand shakes a little, unsure, but then you take it and crush him into a hug so tight, it's almost instinctual to push you off.
He doesn't, of course. Instead, his arms curl around your smaller form, cold fingers warming themselves on the curve of your shoulder.
"Thank you." You sniff from against his chest, then gracefully step back to address Johnny too. "Both of you. I can't– I'm so overwhelmed, I don't know what to say. Can I open it?"
"O' course." Johnny nods, sitting back on the couch and patting the open space next to him. Isla pulls on his overgrown mohawk, but the pain is nothing compared to the joy warming his heart. You're so beautiful like this. Flustered. Emotional. He could just bundle you up and hold you forever.
The bow comes undone with one tug. You take your time with the wrapping paper, though, peeling the tape off gently so it doesn't take off the pattern underneath. Your boys sit on either side of you, arched over like a pair of nervous schoolboys.
It's a charm bracelet. Dainty gold links extended to the exact circumference of your wrist. Relatively empty, save for a few exchangeable starter baubles and a ladybug charm that hangs right at the centre.
You laugh like summer rain. "That's right! It is a bug, clever girl. Can you say ladybird?"
"She'll get i' soon." Johnny smiles. Simon offers a large hand, slipping the bracelet out of it's box. You give him your wrist, and he clasps it shut around.
"Fits like a glove." He murmurs.
Ladybugs for fortune and grace.
You're their stroke of good luck.
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marimology · 10 months
‘someone be bold and request some dark content’
Here’s the thing
Pick whichever characters you like all up to you I JUST NEED MAH THIRST QUENCHED
Also ignore this if your uncomfortable I didn’t see anything wrong with yandere in the rules also drink water eat something and please rest!
Lots of love!♡
katakuri x transmasc reader
notes : thank you nonnie def going to sleep after this one <3, feast well
warnings : non con , yandere, pet play , ball sucking, MDNI
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— this man may be quiet and deemed as perfect but he is anything but such…you owned a donut shop in big moms territory, he loved the shop an you so it’s only right that he gets to take both for himself correct? plus you’ve already seen underneath his scarf multiple times so there’s no way in hell that he’d ever let you go.
— most citizens think it’s cute that he follows you around ‘like a lost puppy’ but it’s anything but sort.. he follows you around because he doesn’t want you his flour flower to run away from him that’d just be plain rude
— if you could go a week without an escape attempt you’d be met with loving kissing and praise as he road you through an orgasm
— if you had an escape attempt you could expect to be used like a fleshlight for each time you tried.
— you have a cute little collar that has a bell that you wear 24/7 and he likes to hear it ring with each thrust into your cunt <3
— loves to watch you struggle with breathing so you can definitely expect him having you choke on his balls.
“ you look so handsome like this” he moaned as he kept shoving his length down your throat . he moved his hand down towards your throat and caressed it feeling his length slide in and out of the wet cavern causing his eyes to roll back in pleasure
“poor baby can’t take anymore? he asked mockingly grabbing your hair as you moaned at the sudden action
“too bad … I don’t plan on stopping now take your punishment like a good boy.. or.. it’s not really a punishment if you seem to be enjoying it
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bluemurray · 1 year
Babysitting Duty part 1 (feat. The Sully Siblings).
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The Sully siblings got a day in the RDA coming with a full recommendation from the one and only Jake Sully to take this important task: babysitting baby Spider ( •̀∀•́ )✧ But, it might not be the same for Quaritch.
<A little TMI ( ꙭ )‪‪.ᐟ.ᐟ - ignore if not interested>
Hello. It has been some time. I have recieved a few messages and I am SO TOUCHED that some reach out to me o̴̶̷̥᷅⌓o̴̶̷᷄ ... I miss being here too. I apologize I have not replied 🙇🏻‍♂️
So here is finally one I will contribute about my most favourite boy ʕ”̮ॽु⋆⁺₊⋆ ♡̷̷̷ (there will be a second part).
->There are only 3 reasons I have been M.I.A. : SCHOOL and PROJECTS and PAPERS (›´-`‹ )
->But finally it is the end of school and I can do some fan stuff ٩(๑´0`๑)۶ woohoo (and hopefully the Avatar fandom is still growing and alive + **Avatar 2 coming to Disney+!! YASS Rewatch for sure!!**)
-> Thank you again for loving my boy Spider ( っ꒪⌓꒪)っ—̳͟͞͞♡. I love him to bits. I might be prone to MIA but still want to make stuff when I can ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑
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midnightmah07 · 6 months
*Hands you a tiny poppy with a cake for you*
Oh my Gosh ty I was needing this
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Haikyuu men as fathers pt 4.
Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
100 follower special!! THANK YOU GUYS!!
Ft. Semi, Aran, Noya, Akaashi
The age range of the kids will differ for each character but it’s from babies up til like 17 or 18
CW: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage, and certain styles of parenting
Enjoy lovelies <33
Semi Eita:
“That’s it sweetheart, keep going.” Semi coos at his 3 year old who is playing a little pink guitar (for children) she’s singing the words to You Are My Sunshine while Semi was recording her.
Why? Well, to cheer you up. Your friend was going through some really hard stuff that made you feel very upset so you went to help her out. Meaning Semi was to take care of your sweet toddler.
“Shunshine, you are mah shunshine!” She sung happily, Semi couldn’t bring himself to correct her wording. “You make me happy- uh what rest of da words daddy?” She asks still strumming the guitar out of tune.
He whispers the words as not to interrupt the video, “when skies are gray.”
“When skies are gway!” She sets the guitar down after singing that line.
“Daddy I done, send to Mommy.” She says eagerly and he chuckles. Your long time boyfriend (now fiancé) stops the recording and sends it to you.
“I think mommy will love this video.” He says holding his arms out for Kana to sit in his lap.
“I hope it make her feel happy, you think she really like it?” Kana asks playing with her small fingers.
“I think she’ll love it, would you like to play the piano, my dear?” Your home is filled with a bunch of instruments and Semi loves letting his little girl choose something each day to try to see if she’ll be a musical genius.
“Hmmm,” she taps her chin and responds, “I wanna play drums.” He moves his hair out of his face and picks his daughter up to take her to the music room where Semi works on songs and holds practice for his band.
“Drums it is!” He says and Kana claps her hands and does a little cheer.
Half way through their drum session Semi gets a phone call from you. When he picks it up he puts it in speaker.
“Hey baby, you’re on speaker.” He informs.
“Hey,” you say sounding tired. “Where’s my sweet pumpkin who sung for me?” You ask over the phone. Kana sets down the drum sticks and practically runs over to Semi’s phone.
“Me! It’s me mommy!” She says bouncing up and down.
“Thank you Kana, that made mommy feel much better.” You tell her which makes her giggle.
“Thank you mommy! What else I sing?” She asks. Your precious three year old is definitely ready to sing another song for you.
“How about row, row, row your boat?” You asked knowing it was an easy song that Kana knew.
“OO! OKAY!” She took a deep breath and started to sing.
“Row, row, row-” she stopped and you planned to ask her why but she answers the question that doesn’t come out of your mouth.
“Daddy! Why you not singing? Mommy loves when Daddy sings!” She practically scolds.
His deep chuckle is heard on your end. “Sorry, sorry. Let’s sing it together.”
Your two most precious people sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat. You felt better by the end of it. After Kana talked to you for a bit Semi dismissed her to play the drums while he chatted with you for awhile.
In the end you two talk about how precious your beautiful daughter is.
he sings his little girl to sleep as often as he can
they make up new songs together all the time 🥺
DREADS leaving for concerts
omg he loves it when u guys come to his concerts
he'll be like "shout out to my beautiful wife and baby girl who made this opportunity possible"
tbh he's lost ur daughter a few times " oh shit... i thought she was w you"
he has his two fav girls tatted on his shoulders
Aran Ojiro:
Fifteen year old Mei walked over to her father, she noticed him rubbing his temples.
"You okay, Daddy?" ahe asked worried for him.
"Yeah I'm good baby girl, momma and i just got into again. We'll make up with each other, though." Aran explains rubbing his goatee.
Mei walks over to him and gives him a hug.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. It's not your fault that I got dress coded." Aran didn't say anything in return, he was sighs realizing how unaware he was when arguing with you.
"I talked to momma about it, you didn't know the skirt was too short. It looks a lot like my other one, right?" She states.
He was starting to realize how childish the argument was. Mei's school is very strict so the fact the skirt was two inches shorter than it needed to be was beyond Aran's understanding. He hadn't even noticed the difference.
It only became a problem because you had to leave work to pick up Mei. Aran couldn't because he had a game. When he came home you started arguing with him. He argued back because you pinned the blame on him. After all, he was responsible for getting Mei and Koro to school.
"Yeah it does. Is Koro sleep?" He asks his daughter.
"I put him down before y'all started arguing." She says retracting from the hug.
"I'm really sorry, I don't like when you and momma fight." Aran frowns, you two have been fighting more often than usual.
"I know baby, I think momma is stressed with a lotta stuff. I mean she's finally back from maternal leave, she's working toward a promotion, and some other things. I just gotta be more mindful."
Before Mei can respond you emerge from upstairs, "Go on Mei, momma needs to talk to daddy in private." It doesn't go unnoticed how Mei gives her dad a thumbs up before making her way upstairs.
"Aran, baby, i'm sorry.. Mei told me what happened." You say quietly. You had no idea what you were expecting but it wasn't your husband holding his arms out for you.
He embraces you quietly for a few minutes. and then he responds.
"I know things have been rough lately. I just want you to know, I still love you." He explains softly.
That shouldn't have made you tear up but it did.
"I love you too, Aran. Always." You say mirroring his previous statement.
He was amazing helping you thru pregnancy i mean that man worked his ass off
You two agreed on no more kids after Mei but Koro came long sooooo
He loves both his babies dearly, he doesn't have a fav
Hates arguing with you :((
Not allowed to take them to stores cuz he's weak to their puppy dog eyes
He's 100% a dad superhero to his kids
Nishinoya Yuu:
Noya stared down his toddler. The little man started babbling very loudly.
"Don't you get an attitude with me, Akio. You think you're so high and mighty cuz, you're the result of my sperm!" He says in a teasing voice.
"Nishinoya Yuu he is two years ol-" you were cut off by your son.
"Sp-erm!" he says and claps. Noya mutters an 'oopsie' and you glare at him. "Yuu! Stop saying stuff like that in front of him," you scold.
"Well, tell him to stop copying me." Akio looks at his dad, "Stop, stop, stoooooooooop." You couldn't help but giggle it was so interesting seeing your son find his voice.
"Bye bye. Akio go bye bye." He says struggling to get down from the couch. Once he's down he starts running towards the bathroom.
"Yuu, make sure he's going potty and not playing in toilet water... again." Noya makes his way to the bathroom. After a few second you hear a groan followed by, "Akio, noooooo."
Your son can be heard laughing followed by, "daddy, noooooo."
"Dude toilet water is not something to play with." Noya sighs.
"Fuck you!" The two year old yells and you gasp loudly.
"Huh, wonder where you learned that, kid." Noya chuckled sheepishly.
"Nishinoya Yuu!" You yell and he comes into the dining room with your cute little trouble maker who had nothing on besides his pull-up.
"Ooooo daddy get trouble."
Noya begins muttering, "I don't- he must've... Tanaka..." you tap your foot and your two year old giggles.
"Tanaka what? Speak up, babe." you say with your arms crossed.
"Tanaka and I were watching a volleyball game with Akio and we were betting... the team I was betting on won so tanaka screamed f you when my team won by one point." Noya explains.
"Akio, that's a no no word, okay? We don't say everything we hear others say." You scold your son because not only is it Noya's fault it's his fault too.
"Otay mommy." Noya puts your little menace down.
"Let's go get you bathed little dude." He says smuggly.
"Good idea." When they're out of ears reach you sigh rather loudly.
You love your two guys but it can be tiring when your husband stoops to a two year old's level.
The type to be like "you want a piece of me little man?"
More often than not instead of handling a situation normally he'll get on his son's level
He stopped traveling so often to settle down with you
He and his son are always getting into some form of trouble
He made your son think popsicles are a sustainable breakfast
Butttt when you're gone he does pull himself together and makes an amazing father
He and Akio take naps together, being a menace is not easy work
Akaashi Keiji:
"No! The monster will get me!" Ami yells as she runs away from Bokuto.
"Papa save me!" She yells out to Akaashi.
"Honey, your Uncle Bokuto isn't a monster." he explains.
Bokuto pouts at Ami's reaction, any time he's over she gets scared. The scared little girl crawls into her father's lap for comfort. Akaashi rubs her little back and she hugs him close.
"I don't try to be scarey, Ami. I brought you candy!" Bokuto exclaims with the candy in his hand. It seems to work for a second because she turns her head to look at him. He smiles at her and she makes a small 'hmph' and nuzzles her head in her father's stomach.
"Come on, bun. Don't be shy, your uncle is really cool.." his voice lowers and he mutters, "at least most of the time he is." Ami hears this and giggles.
"Okay papa... you gotta hold my hand though, just in case." She says shyly.
Akaashi nods his head confirming he'll listen to his daughter's request. She cautiously approaches Bokuto. He holds out the candy for her to take, without hesitation the young girl grabs the candy and remembers her manners.
"Thank.. you." she says to bokuto. He beams at her and nods.
"That's my girl, you've got great manners." Akaashi says with a very small smile.
Everyone turns their head to the door because they hear it unlocking. "Ami, mommy's home with the kitten!" You yell.
Ami jumps up and down quickly forgetting she was even scared, "What did the vet say?! Will Popcorn be okay?!" She asks all at once.
"The vet said Popcorn has perfect health." Ami squeals in excitement. She runs over to the carrier to open it up so her kitten could come out.
Akaashi looks at his daughter in awe, "she's just like you." You know who he's refering to. He believes that your daughter looks more like you but you think it's the opposite.
"Papa come hold Popcorn!" Ami says. Akaashi walked toward the cat carrier and picked up the kitten. Ami was a giggling mess.
"Akaashi! I always knew you'd make a good father!" Bokuto exclaims dramatically.
"Huh, you really think so?" Akaashi asks and Bokuto can't get a word in because you're quick to interrupt.
"We know so!" Well, everyone knows so. Akaashi is calm and rational after all. He completes you and your daughter.
Stay at home dad (i don't make the rules)
His daughter is a daddy's girl
He initially said no to a kitten but you and your daughter begged until he said yes
Pretty calm in most situations
Surprisingly didn't freak out when he found out you were pregnant
He did so much research on how to be a dad because he didn't wanna mess up
VERY protective of his daughter
He bakes with his daughter as a hobby
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causewayguy · 4 months
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Fuck, Chor 3 already sinned. On Day 3 of the lunar new year, Jon's family hosted a family gathering at their new house. Tables were set up in the yard where it was sheltered but still breezy. The best part is that Jon gets to see all his pretty xmm cousins/SO who came late to the party. That's where he laid his eyes on Xiao Wen.
Xiao Wen was Jon's nerdy cousin's (Z's) new girlfriend. Looked slightly out of place since it was her first time visiting the extended fam, Xiao Wen is not those drop dead gorgeous but looked a bit nerdy and reserved. But to Jon, she had just the right amount of baby fats here and there, and her white tube top and black shorts accentuated her curves.
Lunch went on as normal, chit chats and laughters. And finally, they started gambling. Coming from SG, Jon had to be the 'house' and started dealing cards, with both Z and Xiao Wen joining the fray. Jon would purposely deal Xiao Wen cards slightly further front from her so she needed to bend down, showing some of her creamy cleavage. Sometimes when she wins, Xiao Wen gets all hyper, showing all kinds of skin, much to Jon's delight. Lucky didn't kena caught as Z is known to be a blur sotong (nerd mah).
After an hour or so, Xiao Wen had lost almost RM100. Can feel she was seriously down in the dumps and trying to get Z's attention to maybe stop and do other things. Z, being sotong no.1 and an avid gambler, not only brushed her off but decided to be the next 'house' as his luck was pretty good.
Stars aligned and 5 minutes later, both Jon and Xiao Wen were on the couch talking while Z just started his Stephen Chow's God of Gambler concentration. Turns out this was their second date and Z just dragged Xiao Wen here without telling her the occasion. This is what you call blur sotong...
Jon half bragged, half shared how it is in SG and Xiao Wen was totally hooked as she herself wanted to further studies in SG. She was sitting so close to Jon with her legs touching as they looked at photos on Jon's phone. Pushing his luck further, he mentioned he got more pics during his NUS days in his laptop, and invited her up to his room. Xiao Wen quickly nodded her head without a second thought (another blur sotong...) about Z or the situation she's in. As they went up, no one saw except for Jon's helper, Maria, who just winked at Jon.
Up in his room, Jon quietly locked his door after Xiao Wen entered. She was sitting on his bed ohh and ahhing at Jon's photos on his laptop, firing all kinds of questions about the places in the photos. The photos were becoming more naughty as Jon pulled up his clubbing and drinking photos intentionally. Xiao Wen was still asking questions.
Next photo. 'Eh how come so dark this picture?'
'Oh this is Zouk night club. I usually go drinking here.'
Next photo. 'It looks so fun dancing wei!'
'Ya lo, this one you need to try. After high, just dancing and grind with anyone we see.'
Next photo. 'Wasehh your gf so pretty! But PDA le, kiss in front of camera.'
'No la, this is my best friend's gf. He was vomiting in the toilet, so weak haha.'
At this time, Xiao Wen finally noticed the weird tension in the air but said nothing.
Next photo. 'Ha ha...not bad la, you still send them both back to their room first.'
'We stay in the same house. That was my friend's room, and this is mine.'
Next few photos showed my friend's gf being all slutty and provocative poses in all areas of my room. Finally, the last photo was of her on my bed, biting her lips and pulling my hand, looking straight into the camera.
'Oh...hmm...I see...'
'Last time was my friend's gf, today is my cousin's gf...'
Jon stood up beside her, looking down at Xiao Wen and slowly traced his finger along her face. As he reached her lips, Xiao Wen automatically sucked on Jon's index finger, essentially giving him the green light. Jon immediately slid his other hand down Xiao Wen's blouse, giving her boobs a quick squeeze and started to tune her nipples.
'Hmmmpp...please...show me what happened next...'
Xiao Wen bit her lips and made the same pose as the photo. This made Jon's blood boil and he quickly pushed Xiao Wen onto his bed, pulling off her top down. Her boobs were heavenly, with some bounce as Jon quickly removed her nipple stickers and sucked on her nips. This was Xiao Wen's second sexual experience but it was so much better. Looking at the pictures made her a little horny while Jon licked at her sensitive nipples and slid his hand into her shorts and fingered her pussy. Xiao Wen moaned and squirmed with pleasure as Jon continued his duel attack.
Up until her breaking point, Jon stopped abruptly and quickly dropped his pants. Xiao Wen stared at the piece of meat she knows she shouldn't accept but her body betrayed her. Xiao Wen pulled both her shorts and panties aside while holding her legs up, giving Jon the full access and he gladly complied.
Jon rammed his cock into Xiao Wen, getting a shriek from her. Knowing time is limited, Jon did not hold back and drilled Xiao Wen hard and deep. Xiao Wen was still inexperienced so this blew her mind. As Jon continued plowing into her, he whispered all sweet nonsense to her 'your pussy so tight baby, my cock is made for you, you are so much better than my gf, you milking me so good, I am fucking you like I fuck her (friend gf), please can I cum in you'. This made her felt both physically and emotionally attached to Jon, and could only nod her head furiously at Jon's last question.
Finally, looking at his cousin's gf asking for a creampie, Jon couldn't hold back any longer. He blew his load into Xiao Wen, filling her almost virgin pussy almost completely. Xiao Wen could only groan in satisfaction as the warmth feeling spread all over her insides.
Suddenly without warning, someone knocked on the door and whispered 'coming'. Jon quickly pulled his pants up and correctly Xiao Wen top before rushing to unlock the door. Just as he stepped out, Z was climbing the stairs and asked if Jon saw Xiao Wen. Right in cue, Xiao Wen walked out.
'Thanks for the info, Jon. At least now I know SG better.'
She took Z hands and started to walk back down the stairs together. But not before biting her lips and winking at Jon behind Z's back. Need to teach that fucking slut another lesson...
To the bro who asked for submission, sorry I took too long. If you still want a cny theme one, dm me again.
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tell me you love- tell me you love me- you are the antidote to my heart- take me for a ride, I wanna see inside, Baby, you’re paradise
it mah gettin’ old day! So I did this sketch for myself of the ship that got me back to loving RE8 and helped me heal as well as finding passion for drawing again- it includes teasers for where the plot of Paradoxical is going as a bonus treat<3
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gojo-enthusiast · 5 months
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Your Birthday (R)
Series: My Husband Toji Zenin
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November was a great month in your husbands eyes, 1. The weather cooled down, which meant he would go and watch the boat racing comfortably. 2. The food. And 3. Your birthday. Despite your husband being a rough calloused man, your birthday was very important to him. Showering you with gifts, fancy dinners, sex, the kind of sex YOU like. Your birthday he wouldn’t even think about getting pleasure, just pleasuring you. But you always would insist on him cumming with you, saying that it made you happy.
You woke up later than usual, your eyes heavy, and your body groggy. “Good morning Doll.” Toji said sweetly, handing you your favorite latte from your favorite Cafe down the street. “Oh baby.” You smile. “Food is on its way, Chicken and Waffles.” He smiles, “My faaaavorite.” You emphasize the favorite, stretching your arms out for a hug. Toji engulfed you, swelling your body into his embrace. “Get up, go shower, and by the time you get out, your food should be here.” He kisses your forehead. “Yay okay!” You jump up, already hearing the shower running for you.
You get out the shower, wrapping yourself in a robe. “Toji?” You say out loud, not seeing him in the bedroom. “Satoru, I understand this is a very important account, I have showed them floor 87, at least 4 times now. They either need to sign or move along—“ Toji is saying to Satoru over the phone. “Satoru, it’s my wife’s birthday.” He says back. “I don’t care if it’s going to take an hour, that’s an hour taken from my wife.” Toji spits back, you could see his left fist clenching on the granite. “Why is this not something you can handle?” Toji hisses, “I don’t give a fuck if they want me. Take the damn contract, I don’t want it if it’s going to take away from my time with my fucking wife!” He shouts. “Fuck— I’ll be there in 45 minuets. You owe me.” Toji spits out, hanging up on Satoru. You laced your arms around his waist, making him flinch from surprise. “You have to go to work?” You kiss the middle of his back. Toji turns around, picking you up, you wrap your legs around his waist. He plants his lips onto yours, deepening the kiss. “Toji—“ You moan out. “Fuck, don’t sound like that. You’ll make it harder for me to leave.” He throws his head back, furrowing his eyebrows. “Sorry.” You kiss his jawline. “Satoru is gonna get it.” Toji groans. “I gotta go.” He huffs, walking into the shared bedroom. You start to eat your breakfast, drenching it in syrup. “I hope he’s quick.” You think to yourself. A few minutes later, you see your husband in a dress shirt, slacks and his dress shoes. You see him clamping his watch on, and he has a button unbuttoned that gave more of a chilled yet professional look.
“No.” You say. “What?” He questions. You saw the way his biceps bulged, and the way his ass was firm and perky in his slacks. “You look so sexy oh mah gad.” You say, with syrup falling from your lip. You’re practically drooling at this point. “Ill be back princess.” He says wiping the syrup from your lip, and licking his thumb. “Oh no, please don’t leave.” You groan. He was just so god damn sexy. “Oh no wait hold on!” You shout out, chasing him to the door. “Please of god please let me take a picture.” You groan. “Princess, I have to go.” He says. “Just one second please.” You smile, grabbing your phone, and snapping a photo of him chuckling. “Oh my god, Toji. I will have this engraved in my mind for eternity. I love you so much.” You dramatically say. “I love you doll, I’ll be back soon. I left my card on the dresser, go have fun.” He smiles, leaning down, kissing your lips.
You spent part of the day going to little shops in town, Toji wanted you to spoil yourself, but nothing really was appealing to you. Until you found a matching pajama set, buying that and some coffee, you looked down at your Apple Watch, seeing that it had been three hours since Toji left. “I miss him” You frown. You feel your phone buzz, you pull it out, seeing your friends Chrissy is calling, so you answer. “Hey!” You smile, “Hey bitch— happy birthday! Whatcha doing?” She asks, “Oh I’m at the town square next to my house. Toji is working unfortunately.” You say. “What! No! I’ll meet you there, I’m like 5 minuets away!” You friend says.
And thats how you spent your day, you and your friend went to store after store, window shopping, eating pastries, and heading back to your house to watch movies. “When will your man be home?” Chrissy says, “honestly I thought he was supposed to come home earlier, so I don’t know.” You frown. You love your friends, but you had much rather spent the day with Toji. A couple hours go bye, you hadn’t realized you fell asleep on the couch, you look beside you and Chrissy is not around. You grab your phone checking the time—
Chrissy: hey babes, you fell asleep so I let myself out. Have a good birthday! Love ya!
You set your phone down, seeing it was 11PM. You hear the lock on the door click, which means your husband is home. You perk up, seeing your distressed husband, with his sleeves pulled up to his elbows, and his hair looked like he had been running his hands through it, which he usually does when he’s stressed.
“Hey my love.” You say softly, embracing him as he takes his shoes off. “I missed you.” You whisper, smelling cigarettes all over his clothes. “Doll, I smell of cigarettes and sweat.” He groans, peeling you off of him. “Let me go shower.” He says in a hush tone. You had followed him to the bathroom, and watched as he unloosened his belt, and peeled off his dress shirt. Standing there in his boxers, you saw his manhood that was clearly throbbing all day. He pulled them down, letting his cock spring right out, you saw the way he was leaking, and how it twitched just standing there. “Baby, I love you.” He eyed you. “I-I love you too.” You said, feeling the lump in your throat. “I want to make you feel good, I really do. I want to give you the birthday you deserve, especially sex. But I really need to have my release.” He groaned as he stroked his cock. You instantly undressed yourself, slipping in the shower before him. Signaling for him to come on in, and join you. “Fuck—“ he groaned, he stepped in, and instantly held yourself against the bar in the shower and bent over. “All for you.” You side eye. “Fuck, baby are you sure?” He says, placing his tip on your core. You nod in agreement. He slowly begins to push himself inside of you, and in an instant, he fully thrust in, not even letting you adjust. He began to thrust brutally, chasing his own release. You moaned and cried at the stretch. It felt so painfully amazing, you arched your back, and let him hold your waist as he fucked you raw.
“Yes— yes Toji.” You moan, you knew you would wake up the next day and wouldn’t be able to walk, but in the moment it was all you wanted to feel. He begin to thrust at a certain speed that kissed your G-spot so perfectly. Making you moan out. One thing about Toji, is he is a brutal man, he loved to watch you cry as he fucked you, he was feral when he did so. He heard a silent sob come out of your mouth, he spun you around and picked you up. “You cryin?” He groaned. “N-no” you said as the water sprayed your face. Toji’s manhood still throbbing, he hadn’t released yet. “FUCK!” he shouts. “Dry the fuck off now.” He spits out, both of you stepping out of the shower. You hurriedly rush drying off, he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder, slapping your ass ungodly hard. “Ah! Toji!” you yelp. “Shut the fuck up.” He hissed. You could tell he was fuming, not at you. His job, Satoru, the fact he couldn’t spend your birthday with you. And the only way this man could let it go, was either drinking, or fucking you, or both.
Toji lied you on the bed, then walking out the room. He came back with a bottle of wine, already opened. Taking a swig. “You want some?” He huffed, you nodded. “Words!” He shouted. “Yes sir.” You say, knowing that is tipping over the edge. He pours some in his mouth, then grabs you by your neck and head and you open your mouth, letting the wine trickle in your mouth into your throat. He was trying to ease you, you knew what he was about to put you through wasn’t going to be the loving man you’re so used to, it was in this moment you understood why he was fucking other women after he got off work on a stressful day. The last thing he wanted to do, was put his sweet wife through a brutal fucking.
“I’m going to fuck you. And you will have to handle it.” He kissed your forehead sweetly. “Yes daddy.” You nod, a little wine dripping down your breast. “Fuck.” He groans. “Open your fuckin mouth.” He hissed, you did exactly as he said, he tapped the tip of his cock against your bottom lip. Then he shoved his cock deep into your mouth and throat. You knew how to take your husband’s cock into your throat, but it was a surprise, and you weren’t ready. But getting fucked by Toji, you don’t get that chance. He begin to fuck your mouth, forcing your head against his base. “Mm” you groan against his cock, you felt yourself struggling to breathe, he pulled you by your hair to look up at him. He had the phone camera in his hand, as he used your hair to control your movements. “Such a dirty little slut.” He groans. “Fuck just like that.” He groaned as he felt you swirl your tongue around. He finally pulled out of you, and you finally catching your breath.
He pushed you done, instantly putting your legs over his shoulder, fucking you raw. “T-To-!” You moan out loudly. “Hush.” He said stuffing a finger into your mouth. “Your pussy is talking to me.” He said, thrusting faster. You moaned out, sucking on his finger, he pulled out, flipping you around, instantly fucking you from behind. He leaned down, sucking on different spots of your back to mark you all up. He then turned you side ways, fucking you even deeper and harder. “Toji please slow down.” You moan, feeling your body is about to break. He then put you back on your back, fucking you fast and choking you lightly. “Fuck!” He would hiss, slapping your face, not hard enough to hurt, but also not light enough to not feel it. He leaned down, his face over your face. “Pussy feels so good.” He groaned. Planting kissing on your neck, and then marking you all over. You knew when you woke up, you would find hickies all over your neck and chest, which meant you were not to leave the house unless you want to be stared at. You hadn’t realized how much of a possessive man Toji is.
He slammed into you as one hand started to playing with your clit, and the other one was holding himself up. “I’m gonna cum. Take it.” He groaned, “toji it’s too much.” You cried, tears pulling down. “No— take it slut. I’m gonna fuck you until you give me a child. Fuck—“ he groaned, “Toji, baby please.” You cried, your body spasming. You just needed him to slow down a little. But Toji was feral, your tears were only fueling his desire. “Fuck yes—“ he groaned loudly, rubbing your clit faster, slapping your pussy. You begin to spasm, feeling your legs give out. And that’s when it finally happened. He came deep inside, while you squirt and creamed all over his cock. He continued the rub, while you clawed and cried for him to let go. You lost all your strength to even speak, just sobbing in pure ecstasy. You had been satisfied sexually from your husband, but never in this way. Toji was sending you the straight overstimulation, erupting a second orgasm, making you squirt again and again. “Fuck yes you dirty fucking whore.” He moaned out, fucking his seed deep into you. “Take that, take all of it.” He hissed, pulling you into his lips, kissing your fucked out face. Your body went limp, you no longer could move, but you feel everything. “Fuck!” He hissed, fucking you again, wanting another release. He did that for 10 minutes, while your body spawned and you sobbed. He kept fucking you until he came 3 times, and you passed out. Finally peeling himself off of you, and seeing he had completely fucked out his wife.
“Shit!” He groaned, seeing the way his seed spilled out of your cunt so deliciously, he scooped it up, pushing it back inside of you. “You’re gonna make me a father.” He whispered into your ear. “You keep my babies inside of that tight pussy.” He said, kissing your temple. You felt as if you weren’t even a person anymore.
You woke up, and you were lying in the bath with your husband behind you, he was washing your hair. You dozed right back to sleep, you couldn’t even comprehend anything that was happening. You woke up again to the sun slowly peeking through the window, you were engulfed in your husband’s embrace, you both were naked and clean.
“You okay doll?” Toji muttered. Your body ached, and you felt bruised everywhere. “I feel as if I was hit by a car.” You groaned. Feeling the way your cunt was throbbing and sore. “I’m so sorry doll.” He kissed your forehead. “I have never wanted to do that to you.” He groaned. Hiding his face in your hair. “Is that what you did to the other women?” You asks innocently. “Doll.” He said quietly. “It’s okay, you can tell me.” You said kissing his jawline. “Yeah.” He huffed. “Well I’m grateful I’m the only one who gets to see sweet Toji. Because I don’t think I could handle mean Toji everyday.” You giggle. “I’m sorry baby.” He embraced you. “It’s okay. It felt amazing, it was just a lot for me to take.” You giggled again. “I promise I’ll make it up to you— once you… heal.” He groaned, feeling his cock start to ache again. “Toji!” You slapped his chest. “It’s alright, I’ll do it myself.” He chuckled, pulling his cock out, fisting himself. While you drifted off to sleep to the sweet sounds of your husband groaning your name.
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elvisalltheway101 · 5 months
Please could you write a fanfiction where the reader has anxiety and hypochondria and Big Daddy Elvis is comforting her and reassuring her she's safe?🥺❤️
•••••Head To Toe•••••
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Summary: Reader just isn’t feeling the best, and her anxiety isn’t helping her. Elvis makes sure to stand next to your sweet self and help you through it all.
Author’s note: thank you for your request my darling, of course this title was inspired by Lisa Lisa And The Cult Jam’s “Head To Toe.” But anyway, I hope I written this right! As I always say, if you didn’t like this I could always write you a whole new one. I’m not too familiar with hypochondriac so I’m sorry if it’s not exactly right in some ways. Um but yup.
Author won’t zip her lips: another thing, I’m sorry to you and everyone else who probanly want to request more stuff and all that…but the thing is I’m chicken. I’m genuinely chicken because I get overwhelmed at the thought of just having 3 requests. So ahem, apologies 👋
So much has been on your mind. So much enough that as you lie in your bed and just toss and turn. You feel so off today, and you just feel aware of it all. You simply don’t know what’s going on with yourself!
Possibilities on top of possibilities crowd your mind on why you could be this tired, and lacking your usual energy. Busying yourself while being alone inside the dimly-lit room. Oh my gosh, what if I’m severely sick? Maybe I’m pregnant? Why the heck am I so tired? Wait, or it could be the flu? You gasp to yourself, clasping your dainty hand over your mouth as you continue to grow concerns on your self diagnosing. You inhale a deep breath, “okay, let’s stop playing doctor and try to-“ you exhale out to calm yourself until-
“hunny? Can I come in?” A light knuckle knock is heard and interrupts your thoughts, your head whips to the bedroom door and you hum. You can recognize that southern, sweet honey voice from anywhere.
“of course, Elvis. Come on in,” you hum out softly. Running flat of your palms down the creases of the red duvet to straighten anything besides straight. Make yourself at least a little presentable.
The creaky sound of the door is faint, you glance up to meet your boyfriend’s eyes. Those blue pupils that can capture you dead at any second of the day. You smile gently and wave a small hi, “hey, beautiful.” You sigh out with a soft laugh, trying to seem not at all troubled. But he knows you too damn well now.
“Hi handsome,” he snickers with that lip curl and crawls onto the bed with you. Shuffling into the comfy, velvety crimson sheets. You turn your head to press your forehead to his smooth, freshly shaven cheek. “Baby, what’s going on? I expected to see ya after rehearsals. Ya always come with mah lunch, I missed your pretty ass.” He chuckles out but a soft frown plants onto his face and you only inhale deeply to calm and sort your reasoning.
You find comfort and comprehension when you smell the spicy, homey cologne he wears all day everyday, shrugging shoulder to shoulder. “I-I…I don’t know what’s the matter with me now, I just feel, off.” You admit breathlessly, snuggling up to his side.
He purses his lips and nods understandingly, then wrapping his meaty arms to squish you lovingly into his lap. You smile widely, feeling so comfortable in his embrace. “Oh, m’sorry baby, I didn’t know ya felt like this…why dontcha relax? Ya can postpone the girls’ night out some time soon, and all that.” He says softy, his chubby and squishy chin that you adore rests on the top of your head. Nestled onto the beautiful locks of hair that’s on top of your pretty head.
You pout and bury your face into his neck, your nose into the crease that smells most immaculate. So strong of salty sweat, and tangy, spicy musk of his men’s perfume. “I don’t know how to relax,” you whisper out warmly against his chest. You then gasp and break away in his gentle embrace, with frightened eyes, “what if I’ve got hypochondria! I mean, c’mon that would explain so much-“
“Aw c’mere, my big-a-baby.” He smiles and shakes his head silly at you. His adorable baby. He cuddles you all back to his arms. “Yer fine, my girl. From your head tah toe. I’ll repeat myself, from ya pretty little head to yer itty bitty toes that walk the precious earth, you’re healthy as new. And even if not, and you feel off, like now for example, you’ll get through with it. That’s final.” He reassures sternly but with a heart warming tone.
You’re too fuzzy in love to protest, nodding weakly in his hug and you let out a gentle, “okay, daddy.” You whisper out, fluttering your eyes and wrap your arms to fully embrace your lover.
You find such love and comfort in this moment. From his prodding belly that you mold around just perfectly makes you smile to yourself. Probably healing you. His clothed, big arms trapping you sweetly, making you but yet willingly engulf his signature scent. To the chest hair from years of maturity from boy to man, tickle and scrape against your chin. This is it. This is your lover.
This is your cure.
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