#mai shikama
thecollectibles · 1 year
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Art by Mai Shikama
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lilidawnonthemoon · 2 years
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eluxcastar · 9 months
With a yandere s/o
── ୨୧:ky luc, urd geales, rígr stafford, shikama dōji x reader (separate)
୨୧﹑synopsis :: yandere s/o ideas let's gooo
୨୧﹑genre :: Idk tbh
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, repeated themes of obsession, yandere, unhealthy relationships, imagined relationships (rígr), it's implied shikama does a lot to them 💀, mostly proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 1.2k
I had this idea a while ago but I couldn't be bothered until now (<- me from literally over a year ago)
I FISHED THIS OUTTA THE DARKEST CORNERS OF THE DRAFTS TO FEED Y'ALL I can't even believe I'm about to do this it literally had green dividers from my THIRD Tumblr theme 😭 I wanna post more ONS content again though so expect it here and there. requests are a VERY hard maybe
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── ୨୧:ky luc
Ky is entirely unbothered by this little arrangement you've made, letting you do as you please around him and indulging you in some of your little gestures of affection, all in exchange for keeping him fed straight from the source. You can sense Ky is not fully invested in this relationship-- may not even see it in the same light that you do. How dare he act so casually toward you. You wanted him to be less formal, but Ky is always brushing you off as 'livestock' that he claims to somewhat fancy, though not for anything but the taste of your blood.
In truth, he finds you quite strange. He has warned you before that you better not dare be too bold and involve yourself too personally in his affairs publicly. He's quick to remind you how easy it would be to kill you, all done with a hand to your throat and the blade forming around his hand as he offers to fulfil that promise immediately. He's noticed how overeager you are, and he almost doesn't like it. Ky doesn't trust you on your own; he's put off by how strangely you act. He's tried to tell you a million times he does not and cannot love you, but each time, you go crawling back to him, begging him to continue your deal.
Ky has figured out he can use your own adoration and idolisation of him against you because you will keep falling for the things he says for now. He knows he can offer even shallow acts only vaguely reminiscent of lovers, and you'd do it in a heartbeat. You're somehow so stubborn yet so easy to control, and he takes advantage of that to the full extent, watching you run around like a headless chicken trying to please him. It's entertaining to know you still somehow think this is moving you up some kind of ladder closer to him accepting your love without a deal.
── ୨୧:urd geales
Urd has developed a growing tolerance for you ever since you first appeared and kept appearing in the places he was going you could access. You seemed too nervous to talk every time he approached, so he had to wait until you began your advances, and once they started, they didn't stop. He hated to admit that a part of him was strangely enamoured by the idea that maybe if he let your infatuation fester enough, you'd be the one person who would never leave, but he also knows you're extremely abusive at times.
You can't hurt him, nor could you dream of it, but it was saying too much that hurt him. You smothered him, babied him for a time and swore you'd hurt anyone who just so much as brushed against him too harshly for your tastes. It is uncontrollable, and Urd never knows if you'll go through with it. Urd tries to calm you down, but you've managed to convince yourself he's too nice, and this is how you'll 'protect' him from the world. You suffocate Urd so much that he doesn't know if you still think of him as an adult or as a child.
Urd requires your utmost attention, and there are many times he's considered ending your life so that you can't be a bother to the peace he's created, but he keeps getting drawn back. Urd knows if he leaves you to your devices and allows you to fuss over him, you'll be at ease, even if you seem to want to control him. If Urd lets you fuss, you stay put, and if you stay put, you won't leave to go anywhere. For a while, you'll remain with him, and he can subject himself to the headache for the reward.
── ୨୧:rígr stafford
This relationship you have with him always seems to go unnoticed. He ignores you all the time, he's never around, and he never pays even a hint of attention to you. You're glad to find yourself locked up because, for the first time in a while, he looks back at you with all of his attention. It's just like how you imagined it to be intense and with a strange interest that perhaps doesn't belong.
You're so glad he's finally started paying attention to you. This is much better than when you borrow his things and imagine him, the way he'd scold you for it, the disappointment you would think was visible on his face.
"I took more than just that." You confess just as he opens his mouth to speak and don't even allow him a chance to ask what you are doing. You keep idolising this man; you likely always will, adoring him and holding him on the pedestal he deserves. He can only shake his laugh at you and say something about how this is inevitable. He does this on purpose. He runs a cult. Everybody starts somewhere.
You have to hold back losing it on him because he doesn't seem to understand you are long past the isolation period of thinking him a God. You used to believe that, but not anymore. You used to feel dirty every time you took up his time, like the greatest sin you've committed, and you still revel in it. You are the mortal who dragged him from his place, and you will never truly allow him to leave you behind if he should leave this world. You must keep leaving him gifts and perhaps borrowing his personal items right under his nose. Couples share everything, don't they?
── ୨୧:shikama dōji
You're such a mild inconvenience to his plans that he almost doesn't even notice after a while, letting you indulge yourself as you ignore every single boundary he sets out for you. The only reason he sits you down and scolds you is that you got too close to something he's not eager to share. You follow his word like law. Once he figures out there is nothing you wouldn't do for him, there is seldom a thing he won't do to you. You are his everything, and not in a good way; his plaything is a better description.
He finds your infatuation with him to be of enough interest as it is, but you also pose a very good catalyst for all of his other questions about humans as well. At his fingertips is someone who would do anything that he asks in order to please him. You had better be good and do whatever he wants, and you might be rewarded for it, and though he's quite selfish to do this only for him, he is very good at pleasing you for your troubles. He won't make any exception for you, not when he's prizing you above the rest, which he reminds you is not to be treated lightly. It isn't fair for only you to get happiness, is it?
If keeping you on a chain makes you behave, even if you begin to grow bored of your obsession with him (which he doubts you will), he's become far too interested in what made you this way. He wants to know how far he can push, how long it will take you to fall out of this 'love', how much he can taunt you and use you for his own sick amusement. Not for the same reasons as you, but your reasons certainly make it easier.
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nono-uwu · 8 months
First oc post i am shaking crying throwing up for multiple reasons and also anxious as hell- anyways, meet the man, the failure disaster gay, the forever doomed ginger(derogatory/lh)
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I forgot to add his birthday omg, it's march 13th
Lore utc (i wrote a lot lmao), the uh post ch 134 stuff will be elaborated on later (or if asked. Actually, ask me anything about him. And my other oc's once they're posted. Please. I will answer in great detail. I also need a distraction. Pls.)
So basically, among the first few vampires (a 4th progenitor to be percise) turned by Shikama was a woman who showed great potential for spells and magic. She had a loving husband and child which she tragically lost in an accident. Upon turning into a vampire, her family was still the only thing on her mind. She accepted to help Shikama in his endeavors to revive Mikaela since she hoped she could revive her own family in the proccess. Unfortunately it didn't work. Disillusioned, she abandoned vampire kind and started searching for the possible reincarnation of her beloved husband, whom she may be able to have a child with and have family again.
Fast forward a a lot, and I mean a lot, of years and she arrived in 60s japan. None of the people she had hope for turned out to be the reincarnation of her late husband until that fateful day. She encountered a (rather pathetic may I add) man in his late 20s and it was like a miracle. The woman cornered the man in disbelief and from this awkward first meeting blossomed true love. Then everything went to shit lmaooo
The first problem was that the mans family didn't approve of the woman. Tough this didn't stop their love. Next was the issue of bearing a child, something that a vampire simply can't do. Well, an ordinary one but this woman was anything but ordinary. By some impossible miracle she bore a child. A biological child. (GIRL HOW?? We will never know and frankly, i don't want to think about it💀)
The child was, as expected tbh, kind of a disaster. Already born with pointy ears and sharp fangs. The child needed both human food and blood to properly sustain themselves. Drinking blood outside of their family would permanently stop their aging. Despite this, the couple was overjoyed. (And then named their child "mistake" bc that would help /s.) They named him "Machigai". Why tho?? I dunno man something along the lines of "a mistake but the best mistake of their life" bruh
So after Machigai was old enough to walk, but not old enough to remember, the mother diappeared, leaving father and child behind. The father did his best to raise such an... extraordinary child but it was understandably kind of impossible. Machigai grew up alone and isolated from his peers. He was always wearing a hood of some kind and rarley opened his mouth to talk. In high school, he met a girl who he became good friends with but she is another oc I'll post about sometime adlf,wpl.
Anyways! Come Machigai's high school graduation and 18th birthday, his father... disappeared. All he left was a note saying, that Machigai now owned the apartment and that there is enough blood in the fridge to sustain Machigai's thrist while he could grow and mature. To an already depressed and disillusioned Machigai this obviously didn't help. Throughout the next years he became a shut in, who only left the house if absolutely necessary. All he did all day was play video games, watch tv and later be on the internet. Once he ran out of his fathers blood was when things changed. He had to go out and actually find a new source of blood. Welp, sorry to unlucky bastards who went into dark alleyways at night bc these types of people became Machigai's source of blood. (That's when he stopped aging)
On one of these nightly escapades, Machigai was greeted by a large man in a neat black suit who called himself "Saito". Saito claimed to have known Machigai's mother and offered a deal: Machigai would offer up his unique constitution to the Hyakuya sect's research and in turn get a well paying job and a guaranteed source of blood. He agreed. "Welcome to the Hyakuya sect. I look forward to your performance"
Machigai was practically a lab rat for the development of cursed gear. Thanks to his half-n-half physiology he could tank wounds from cursed gear/magic n shit while still providing useful data to how effective it is. During this time Machigai aquired knowledge of vampire culture(?), became familiar with magic and it's quirks and learned how to perform simple spells and whatnot.
Around 2011, when the internet was already fairly well used, Machigai came across a forum dedicated to paranormal sightings. Various users claimed that a secluded spot in Kyoto was home to vampires. (Ferid was the one spreading these rumors btw) Most would have dissmissed this as someone wanting attention, yet Machigai was intrigued. He was well aware that vampires existed across the world but he mever knew how to actually contact them. Perhaps out of morbid curiosity, perhaps out of a genuine want for connection with people like him, he went to check out the spot. There, he met none other than the eccentric Ferid Bathory who specifically manufactured the rumor to meet Machigai (extra much?). He was well aware of Machigai's work for Rígr "Saito" Stafford and was trying to one up his father by stealing his most prized lab-rat. Machigai declined, not trusting a single thing out of that vampires mouth. Ferid left, already proclaiming that one day Machigai would be working for him.
Machigai stuck around that area as it was already well into the night and public transport wouldn't start up until the early morning. There he met another vampire: Crowley Eusford. Their meeting wasn't planned or meticulously calculated, it was actually rather awkward. Their chat was meaningless and short but in the end leagues above whatever Ferid likes to plan. Crolwey has already unwillingly heard about this curious being from Ferid and seeing Machigai himself left him wanting to learn more about him. Machigai was left a little hopeful, that perhaps it's not too late for him to look for connections.
So the apocalypse rolls around-
Machigai makes a deal with Saito that in exchange for his freedom (*eagle screech*) he would keep his mouth shut about anything the Hyakuya sect discovered while Machigai was there.
Machigai seeks out the Demon Army where he successfully keeps his half vampire identity a secert until someone on his squad gets blackmailed into revealing it. Before that, he gets a cursed weapon, a pair of daggers. And lo and behold, the demon possessing the daggers is his own mother. Unfortunately since the now demonic mother didn't witness Machigai growing up, she falsey believes to be able to still shape Machiagi to her will. After getting locked up by the army, Machigai completley gives up, only wishing for his miserable existence to end (spoiler: It won't! Ever. :) ). He ultimately loses any and all trust he has in humanity or just anything in general.
After about half a year of grueling torture and some experimentation, Machigai gets freed (kidnapped) by Ferid and promptly brought to Kyoto Sangiuem. Krul Tepes, finding Machigai to be useful in her fake-ish war against humanity and whatever she's planning with Yuu and Mika, lets him be part of the japanese vampires under Ferids faction. Ferid found himself unwilling to deal with the often uncooperative and irritated new "recruit" so he did what he does best and made it Crowley's problem.
After a rather agressive and disrespectful first impression, Machigai was officially a... coworker? of Crowley and thus also Chess and Horn in Nagoya. The three got the additional task by Ferid to somehow domesticate this feral and angry stray animal and get him to open up. At least that's how Ferids orders were phrased. Shenanigans, Drama and FeelingsTM ensue.
(How did I write so much??)
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kuregure · 3 months
spoilers ons chapter 138‼
okay I read the last chapter of seraph of the end and yeah, Guren is obviously not dead! it would have been too simple
of course, I panicked a little at first lmao but I'm okay 🤚
anyway let's go for some screens where I had things to say
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Honestly, in this picture Mahiru scares me, look at her expression. But this image is quite powerful, I feel the vibes of Mahiru and Krul. Also, the fact that Krul turned Mahiru into a vampire 8 years ago and now the fact that Krul dies by Mahiru (and Ferid/Guren), is quite interesting. I wonder how they must feel you know.
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Then we have a cool and dedicated Guren who makes it clear that he will keep that promise. I was very happy when I saw these two images. Despite all his suffering since cat16, having Krul turn his former crush into a vampire, he continues to keep the promise of bringing humanity back to life including Krul and her brother. He's been wanting to do it for 8 years so obviously he's going to keep this promise.
I hope he makes it and Krul and Ashera say "thanks" lmao, a little sweetness wouldn't hurt for the end!
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THIS ☠☠☠
I'll be honest I raised my eyebrows seeing Mahiru say "sorry, we didn't promise anything". Like, bro wtf??? Guren just said he will keep their promise and you come and say you didn't promise anything?? please listen to him 🤨 idk, I think I need to sit down and think about all this to try to understand her maybe, but I was pretty pissed at Mahiru for that one.
I mean, maybe they didn't promise anything directly but implicitly, Guren wants to resurrect humanity including the dead vampires? so it's similar to a promise. I don't know, I need to reread because I may have forgotten things.
But given what Mahiru says next, I guess she's insinuating that she always did everything she did as what others wanted. Like, with Shikama Doji? The fact that she was being manipulated by him from the start and everything? If it's in that sense, I understand what she means 🤔 lmao I'm thinking at the same time as writing.
So she doesn't clearly say that she will keep this promise because she no longer wants to do things the way others want her to, maybe?
Okay I think I understand but still Guren wants to do it anyway for Krul and Ashera. Anyway, Guren continues to do things for others (because of his guilt and also because he is simply like that, putting the interests of others before his own hhhh) while Mahiru seems to try to detach herself from what others want. Mmh that’s interesting!
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Then this. Guren literally looks dead inside, it pains me.
And obviously he doesn't respond to Ferid's joke which is pretty much the same as Noya's joke like 50 chapters ago lmao. bro doesn't have time to laugh, he's busy and in pain
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Hmm do you think there will be a Ferid VS Guren/Mahiru fight??
Also, Guren does not seem surprised by Ferid's betrayal. If we can say that Ferid reveals that he betrayed his partner ofc, we will see that in the first chapter.
If there is a fight, I wonder how it will go and if there will be a winner? If there is a winner, who will win?
Oh and I'm quite disappointed not to have seen Kureto and Guren's friends. I miss them together 🤚😔
And also, rest in peace Krul. You will return with your brother as humans, don't worry. Guren is someone you can trust. ❤
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mxhirus · 11 months
Acc to you top 7 best looking ons characters? (Both male and females)
I personally think mahiru or doji would be the first
For me it's:
mahiru, her entire aesthetic is generally pleasing and i tend to draw her absent mindedly and god she is so bad
krul, i absolutely adore her design it was definitely thought through
chess belle, her design is just pleasing to me
mitsuba, i like her hair and how she almost mimics aois teenage years
shinoa, i really like her design smt about it really hits different
sayuri, her hair is super nice and it matches up with her facial features
mito, i like her firey red hair; compliments her blurple eyes
guren, unfortunately he is the one character that i simped for so bad (its the mahiru genes)
shikama doji, he literally looks so fucking godly, absolutely ethreal
mikaela, okay he may be a bit overrated but i just like the way he looks
yuu, i just like how innocent he looks; makes me want to bite him
crowley, hes bad as hell that is literally my only reason
lest karr, i like his design but not so much the colors of his outfit when he's in color though it doesnt compliment his hair tbh
shinya, idk i just think hes pretty cute
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sanguutrash · 1 year
Shinoa's love for Yuuichirou
Alright, your favorite trashy Sanguu is back with another fucking masterpost. Let's hit it.
So, we know that Shinoa had some kind of thing for Yuuichirou in the beginning; more like a crush or perhaps an affection for him, seeing as he was her junior in the army. We all know about the situation where Yuu is about to turn into a seraph, and Shinoa stops him via. a hug or whatever. Blah blah blah, not the point. What the point is... Guren's retort to Shinoa's question. He asks Shinoa if she has fallen in love with Yuu, seeing as she was so concerned about what went on with the experiments. In turn, she becomes flustered. In my opinion, I see this as the budding of a crush... but I don't see anything Yuu has done for Shinoa that was enough to arise such feeling. Hence, why I'm so fucking confused.
Yuu deadass just went berserk because his friends were getting mauled by vampires and now she just has a thing for Yuu??? It's really confusing, but trust me... we'll get to the main focal point in just a second, just wanted to provide background on where her "feelings" started.
Let's start off with the Shikama fiasco. He possesses Shinoa, common knowledge for those who are caught up with ONS.
From what I've learned demons cannot eat any pure desires. What do I mean by this? I mean anything that's innocent and loving. Love is not enough to feed a demon. I find that any one of the 7 deadly sins, actually, seem to be a preference. [pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth] From what I've seen, they definitely feed off of lust and greed. Why is this relevant? Shinoa begins to blush furiously and admit to it. Because, Mahiru has instructed her to do so. (I am legit going off of memory right now) Shikama Doji sees clear desire, but he can't consume it which is a sucks to suck situation.
So, is Shinoa in love with Yuuichirou? For sure. Is it well written? HELL NO! It hasn't progressed in a good and meaningful way! Seriously, there should be a reason to love someone. A crush can be physical attraction, but I find that Shinoa doesn't care about his physical body. Is it reciprocated? At this point in time, definitely not. Like, that shit is a HARD no. He done ditched her for Mika, who he had been separated from for four years (among those years, spent with our fucking favorite Ichinose Scumren.) If he is able to make such a quick choice, over SHINOA... If he's able to choose saving MIKA over SAVING THE WORLD... definitely implies romantic feelings. Heavily implies it. We already know that Mika is dead set into Yuu, but with the GureMahi parallels... they may have a bad ending, or a tragic ending similar to that of GureMahi.
In conclusion: YuuNoa is one-sided from Shinoa's end, because Yuu seems to care about Mika and Mika alone; meaning that it's probably going to be a MikaYuu ending at this point in time. RIP......
And as always, have a wonderful rest of your night.
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nefamphetamine · 2 years
for once, i may be able to contribute to the dialogue about ons despite losing track of the plot at least 4 years ago.
anyway here are just some thoughts on today's chapter.
firstly, the elevator panel in the tower of babel is the kabbalistic tree of life. weirdly though, its extended past the regular amount of spheres which you can see in the comparison photo below.
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actual tree of life with translations:
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notably, shikama doji was at the top, presumably at keter, but im not sure if this was just added for the mystical vibe or if the tree of life actually serves a purpose in the plot.
the tree of life has 7 levels with different traits/virtues called "nodes" on each. for example, the 6th is binah (understanding) and chochmah (wisdom). it describes how god interacts with creation.
the tower mika and yuu enter is explicitly revealed to be the tower of babel, which according to the book of genesis is located in babylonia. the purpose of tower was to reach the heavens where god resides, but god stepped in and made it so that the workers could no longer communicate with each other and build further (britannica.com).
this story is said to be the origin of multiple languages on earth, rather than the sole language that all people spoke previously.
in terms of relevance to the plot of ons, this matches up with shikama doji's desire to ascend back to heaven.
knowing that, im confused with why there are so many other angels down there with shikama. were all angels expelled from heaven? why else would the city be so massive?
up until now i thought it was a lucifer/satan fallen angel type of deal.
on another subject, and i had to confirm this with a google search, there is no historically accurate reason for the presence of the star we see carved into the planet here since if we're going by historical accuracy. the star had no real relevance as far as i know until much later in history. like, modern ages. millions and millions of years later.
in terms of storytelling though, pentagrams are a motif commonly used to express meanings varying from godly protection and the warding off of spirits to satanic or occult rituals. obviously the occult part matches up with the magic we've seen in ons. unfortunately, we've been told very little about the magic system as a whole.
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i wonder if the reason for the meteor that destroyed the dinosaurs was to get rid of this city? i cant imagine another reason why takaya kagami would choose this time period, millions of years before the first homo sapien. if anyone's curious, the meteor landed in what's known today as the Chicxulub crater.
on that subject lmao
mika, who i thought was supposed to be the smart one 💀:
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the high-tech infrastructure of the angel city is deeply confusing to me. i wonder if we're going to be introduced to time travel? maybe that's where the ice cream comes from.
considering the introduction of dinosaurs few things would surprise me at this point.
i really wish things would speed up a bit. the complexity of the dialogue between yuu and mika is mind numbing at this point. it doesn't move the plot forward in the slightest, gives no information about the characters aside from what we already know; they're stupid.
how many times are we supposed to laugh at the same joke?
despite these flaws i feel for the first time in years the tiniest spark of interest in the plot solely because of how out of pocket this all is.
now that i think about it, if all the seraphim were expelled from heaven, what about the other types of angels? do they even exist in this universe?
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omentranslates · 1 year
Owari no Seraph chapter 128 english fan translation
Howdy welcome pls read and refer to the official at here this is just for fun sorry for the lateness i was outside all day also thank you for leaving nice comments last month it made my day ok thanks for reading
The angel Mika who decided their own end in order to save the First....
Shikama: ...it can't be...Paimon...Mikaela...
Yuu: ...suicide.
Mika: ...just the worst.
Shikama: This can't be happening....
Owari no Seraph 128: Icarus and His Wings
The newest Volume 30 just released from JC to high acclaim!!
Bael: My King!! Paimon!! What on earth was all that.....what is this...
Bael: You idiot, how could you-....why did you go ahead of....
Bael: *breakdown noises*
Bael: .....my King. My King, Paimon surely didn't...commit suicide, right?
Shikama: .........
Bael: God does not permit ending one's own life. Paimon's soul will...
Shikama: Stop talking.
Bael: My King. Paimon loved you more than anyone. Wanted you to return to God's side more than anyone. You know this without me telling you, that this is all part of God's plan. This is all a trial, so...
Shikama: And because of that you'll expect me to just accept it? All of this? This...this...this miserable story...
Bael: My King, you're halfway there. Arrogance like this in the middle of the journey will not be taken lightly...
Bael: *cough*
Shikama: No....not you too.....
Bael: I am truly sorry....for not being able to fight to the end together...but please don't worry, my King. Head towards paradise.
Shikama: This is such bullshit, from all of you. You'd really have me go alone?
Bael: That was Paimon's desire.
Shikama: Then what the hell do you plan to do? Just die here?
Bael: ...since I can't leave him alone. We might as well hold down the fort here for a bit.
Shikama: Bullshit. All of it.
Shikama: I....the hopes you all trusted me with....
Bael: I'm not like Paimon. I never had any high expectations of you, my King. I have no expectations regarding God. Or paradise. Or you.
Shikama: What DO you want out of living, if you hope for nothing in this world, then?
Bael: That's already gone. I'm just waiting.
Shikama: For what?
Bael: For instructions. For the coming of my death, to see the fruition of God's plan, to see how you oppose it. Whatever comes first.
Shikama: I'm......I'm not as strong as you all think I am.
Bael: Please, free yourself. I will support whatever my King decides. Or, well, that may all be already set in God's plan as well.
Bael: *coughing*
Shikama: What do I do? Mikaela...
Shikama Narration: Bael committed suicide soon after. So that his soul would lay in the same place as Paimon's.
*Paimon grave*
*Bael grave*
Shikama Narration: In Hell.
Shikama Narration: Suicide is a grave sin. The two of them will forever be bound to this land. To this...
Amon: My King. Everything's set in place. All the power we'll need for our return to paradise has gathered in the tower.
Shikama: With so many already dead, is there even a point in us being able to go back?
*Belial grave*
Amon: I don't know what you're saying. Isn't this the day everyone's been working so hard for for however many tens of thousands of years?
Astaroth: Let's go! This is for our lost comrades too, we will be the first to return to paradise!
Shikama: Yes, you're right. Let everyone know, then. We return tomorrow.
Shikama Narration: The source of both God's power and angels' lives is here in "Light." Miracles are possible because of this "Light."
Shikama: O, Light.
Shikama Narration: That's why we've been so fervently gathering up all this "Light" into the Tower of Babel. To return to God's side. To return to paradise. That's "Light." However, because all this "Light" is connected to God's power, we are not able to bring about miracles so freely. There are some things forbidden by threat of punishment. There are three most dire of these: Resurrection of life, prolonging of life, creation of life.
Shikama Narration: Thus, the "Light" will not be used for miraculous resurrecion, and it will not be used for miraculous healing, and it will not be used for miraculous creation....but...
Shikama: Combine.
Shikama Narration: I stumbled upon something. A way to use the "Light" without it reaching God's eyes. After many such experiments in conducting miracles unknown to God, I first dared the creation of Mikaela. I created an angel, unobserved.
Shikama: Mikaela.
Shikama Narration: Your creation was successful, and yet I bear no punishment. But this...
Shikama: Is this your lenience? Or just a test upon the bounds of my arrogance? Maybe you're not even watching us at all. If I don't recieve an answer, I'm going through with it. I'm going to convert all the Light gathered in Babel...
Shikama: First, I resurrect Mikaela. Mikaela has enough Light to resurrect and heal all of the angels, and I've gathered it all into seven keys. With that power, I'm going to perform it on all of them. Everyone will return to paradise together, alive. That good?
Shikama: I cannot go back alone. We'll be coming as a group.
Shikama: You never do answer. Well then.
Shikama: O, "Light."
Shikama: Hide from God's sight, change into Darkness.
Shikama: Yuu, I'm going to resurrect Mikaela and save everyone. Convert all the Light stored in Babel to Darkness.
Amon: What is THAT??
Astaroth: What's going on!?
Shikama: So there really is no punishment. Then am I forgiven? Or are we just that completely hidden? Which is it?
Shikama: Ah, Fuck. No good.
The hammer slams down on the First and his accumulated sins...!!
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nayruwu · 1 year
do you hate mahiru hiragi more or shikama doji? might be a stupid question but here's my take
Mahiru has done a lot of questionable things which is something I can admit and she also succumbs to kagami's writing, but her intentions weren't to destroy everything into her path, rather to be loved and love others (which slowly deformed into the hunger of knowledge and power which would lead to her death)
Shikama Doji kind of started all of this, the whole fiasco. as much as he held love for Michaela and went against everyone just to save him, the clone making thing was so damn weird... may i add he set up most of the stuff to happen (to cause the apocalypse as well)? that being.. vampires, demons, the hiiragis... plus he predicted its happening and that he would "stop it" but he kind of set it up to begin with... but what's your take?
i thought this was gonna be hard to answer, but it's actually quite simple for me. so i agree with you, i dislike mahiru more, but shikama is objectively like a trillion times worse. he just doesn't have enough writing about him that you could mess up. it would be a lot easier for me to accept the things mahiru has done if the story handled her properly.
i love blaming everything on her but shikama actually is the cause of everything evil in the world so kudos to him for being the worst motherfucker of all time <3
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lostsoulaltair · 2 years
My personal rant of OnS Story
Hello everyone, I know I mentioned days ago about being more active and well, today chapter 119 was released and, I think I reached the limit of patience or rather of how much I could keep up following the story.
Note: The purpose of this rant is to merely express where my discomfort focuses on; and of course, you can disagree or ignore this post; that’s totally fine. The only thing I kindly ask is, to be respectful if you disagree and want to share an opinion, I believe respect is a solid base for an exchange of ideas!
1. The story up till now
Back when OnS aired, and of course at such time I didn’t know there was a manga along LNs, I were fascinated by the story; it was the first time knowing about one that would touch vampires, demons and angels; after all, it’s not your every day story of vampires; and I must say that some titles that touch vampires involve romance and fights most of the times, but the involvement of demons and angels in a post apocalyptic world was something rather new and innovating.
The pace itself was strong because there was a solid concept at such time, it was a war, a battle to keep living and finding new reasons to keep going and I miust say that up till chapter 70 the story moved to a good pace; onwards till chapter 90, it became like a rush of events that could have been developed in a better pace or that’s at least on my insight, Mika’s death as a vampire was something I did not see coming; I saw it as a possibility but for the future, not for technically early events due to the arcs that happened after the animation ended.
But after 91 began till chapter 100, the story started to get weaker and seemed to pick an interesting pace and tried to reach a strong point until chapter 106 but once chapter 107 arrived, that’s when everything seemed to go to a downhill, it felt like a total twist of events that I couldn’t see as something surprising and this goes to one issue on my perspective which goes to the Script itself.
What do I mean?
Kagami portrayed Shikama as a mysterious evil force that had the upperhand and was very aware of what the characters that struggled against him thought, but those things such as adding poison to counter him was just that came out of nowhere.
Another issue that I find with the story is the twist but not in the sense of plot twist but rahter, how there may be contradictions within characters. For example, back with the whole Shinoa possession arc; Rigr kidnapped Yuu or rather, sent a soldier to take him, it was unclear for what purpose he aimed to do that and he didn’t want the Sun God Aten and Mikaela to reunite for one unknown reason but now with how the story went, it was more akin that it was fine that happened.
Another issue at hand is, the reason of Shikama’s struggle to possess Shinoa on which ultimately he discarted her after so much work, it simply doesn’t make any sense.
And one of the points I find distressing or rather that stopped being central is the vast distance on how religious figures were used back and how they were tied; the last time angels were mentioned and their relevance was back in chapter 108; it seemed like they had a relevance as to why they were found scary and why they targetted Shikama but ultimately, it was never resolved at the end. Whenever it is resolved later on...my expectations sadly get reduced.
2. Stuff that could have had potential
I think that, there were many points on which the story could have had a better development, for example, things that were dismissed but had such high potential were:
-Yoichi’s revenge against Lacus Welt
-The 7 Sinful keys were portrayed as mysterious objects that seemed to have a deeper purpose but ultimately, their existance was for resurrection along restraining Shikama for a limited time.
-The whole vampire vs human war just seems like a dream; even the vampires that were present once the other progenitors arrrived are long gone; it makes it seem like the only ones alive are the current progenitors we came to know within the story.
-Giving Yoichi and Kimizuki a background of being test subjects along carrying demons from the black series. This had so much potential to dig in with their pasts and what exactly the Hyakuya Sect took them in along why Guren made them be part of the squad if their roles were pretty much soldiers from one sole squad.
-Mitsuba’s destiny along her demon. Kagami once stated that something awaited Mitsuba and this is something I share a lot with @distinguished-slacker ; the girl had so much potential, back when she was introduced, she had a trauma but nevertheless, she was growing; now sadly, she barely appears. I even wonder what even was what awaited her at this point; her relevance to the plot is so small...it’s tragic.
-Shinoa’s character build in the LNs VS Vampire Reign. One of the things that I at least feel disappointed with, is how Shinoa, from the little girl that knew about spells along relying on other weapons, turned into a character that simply relied in her cursed gear alone instead of using those skills that were pretty visible with Mahiru and Guren.
-The whole Sun God Aten and Sword of Michael was once mentioned and ultimately left in oblivion; there was such a good possible build up in this aspect but after Shikama possession arc ended, it was pretty much dismissed.
3. Screentime
I do understand the story affects mainly Mika and Yuu; nevertheless, the characters that are involved as well one way or another feel so distant; like, there were many chances on which there could have been arcs for the characters to face off certain ordeals or develop deeper bonds within teammates; this even includes with the progenitors playing their role in the story.
Back when they were introduced, I was fascinated by how they were made and how powerful they were portrayed as; the more they got involved with the present, it seemed like they would receive proper screentime but now....they seem to fight for their goal but that goal alone feels distant and not so related to them despite being affected by the decisions of the MC and the antagonist.
With Shikama, this issue of screentime applies to him as well; something that makes antagonists interesting is part of their pasts and what makes them follow up such path, but in his case, it is barely known what kind of lifestyle he carried and what exactly happened to the son he once had. It is left in a haze of the unknown.
4. Yuichiro
I know many love Yuu and I respect that a lot. When it comes to stories, we as readers relate to characters, on which that may include the MC  which in this case, is Yuu.
Perhaps you might wonder why I am even listing him in this personal rant. The reason goes that, Yuu in a way falls in this strange concept within shounen manga/anime on which he’s the dumb MC that recklessly goes in his path and in a way, manages to fulfill achievements within his path; I understand very well that he had it rough but, one thing that I find it tragic or rather, poorly developed is the fact that Yuu hasn’t matured or learnt from experience along his reckless moves, thoughts or ideas.
A prime example being from chapter 115 claiming to have a plan, to ultimately in chapter 119 not having one which was terribly crystal clear.
One of the things I had hopes was to see Yuu gradually evolve as a character and mature or learn from past experiences, ultimately that ended up in a sour note, there are no consequences for him; if he does something or is struggling, that struggle fades eventually
Despite this somewhat long rant, I must clarify that I do not aim to say the author is bad or something, but rather, it is my discomfort as a reader only; I think that, it is normal when to feel discomfort or dissatisfaction when it comes to something it was once enjoyable in the past.
Thank you very much fo coming to my rant I guess; and I’m really sorry for making this rant but...I felt like, I really needed to express this.
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lilidawnonthemoon · 2 years
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nminmi026 · 1 year
メモ 素晴らしい作家さん
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nono-uwu · 1 year
Kinda late to the whole "ons newer art style is kinda meh" thing but I think I finally put my finger on why the newer art style feels off. (This may have been said before but eh)
So earlier on and into a good chunk of the series, let's say chapter 1 all the way to chapter 70ish, had a more stereotypical anime style. Slim, soft faces, fluffy hair and big eyes. Of course it evolved over time like any artstyle does but stayed consistent enough. Did it make certain Characters look younger than they are? Yeah, but it was cute and expressive. The more 'mature' or 'macho' characters characters like Crowley, Kureto, Guren, Rigr or even Horn had slightly sharper/blockier features and smaller eyes but they still held that anime-style charm. Plus it hit the perfect androgynous looks imo for characters like Shikama or Asuramaru.
The newer art style, so chapter 70ish onward, has a more blockier style for face shapes and more 'realistic' eye proportions. All in all more "mature". This however had the side effect of making characters look like they have a potato instead of a head. Not to mention now there's a weird empty space on some characters faces which before was taken up by their eyes. I'm not saying people irl don't have blockier chins, it's just a little jarring when Yuu all of a sudden has a square chin and a balloon for a head. Also, so many characters have undergone hairloss?? Crowley, Guren and Yuu's hair are so flat now?? They look like their hair fell our from stress (plausible but I doubt that would ever happen in universe lmao). The only characters who imo managed to survive or even benefit from the newer artstyle are Mika and Shinoa. Technically angel Mika too because the first time we saw him was in the newer artstyle iirc. Shikama almost made it but the lastest chapter gave him a blocky chin, sad.
P.S. I'm in no way hating on Yamamoto's art. Their art is beautiful and it definetly takes a lot of dedication to draw constantly for the same series for over 10 years. Major respect to them. However, I think many others agree with me that the new artstyle, while not bad on a technical level, just doesn't have the original charm of "cute teens with big 'ol weapons fight their way through obstacles with the power of family and also violence".
TL;DR: Older ons artstyle -> more anime-like, cuter, floofy hair, mostly consistent; newer ons artstyle -> more 'mature', faces and heads look a lil weird with smaller eyes and flatter hair, why are their chins so square
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kuregure · 3 months
bro, the moment mahiru killed guren's friends she was a vampire, vampires can't have demonstrated because they are poison to them just like how krul dead because of it and she also passed Shikamadouji to shinoa she wasn't possessed lol
And mahiru herself admitted SHE was the one who planned for sakae's death and she was the one who put the pieces together the way they would eventually execute him so yeah SHE was the one behind actually his death
Why are you trying to justify ALL Mahiru's actions? F×ck her man, she is a literal b!tch how would someone even THINK about marrying someone who killed his beloved?🤪🤥
My patience has limits. Seriously bro, what do you have to do with your life to show up in people's asks to spew your hatred and look stupid? Tumblr is not the place for that. You don't even have the courage to do it openly but anonymously, it's childish. I'm going to respond one last time and then I won't respond to your asks (which aren't even any in fact).
It's been a long time since I read cat16 and it's true, you're right, that I forgot the fact that Mahiru was transformed by Krul. Still, she was still in SOMEONE ELSE's plans. I said I remained objective, and the fact that Mahiru was manipulated from the beginning is true. Do you think she would have wanted to kill Guren's friends by being herself? Human and not manipulated? It would be honestly stupid to think that, she loves Guren so normally she probably wouldn't have killed the people Guren loves. This is simply unthinkable. Still being the fact that we don't have any answers from Kagami on any of this. He'd better explain everything at the end, which would prevent people like you from slipping into my asks.
The Hiiragi (manipulated by Shikama Doji) were the ones who sealed Mahiru's fate. She couldn't go against her own destiny, and she wasn't happy about it. Guren wasn't even supposed to be there, trying to save her, Mahiru said that because it would get in the way of what the Hiiragi wanted to do. The Seraph of the End experience.
Second, I don't remember anything mentioning her admitting to planning Sakae's death. So I can't say, but what I do know is that Kureto was tasked with giving the mission to kill Mahiru to Guren otherwise his father would die. The Hiiragi despise the Ichinose so executing Sakae for this mission was a humiliation tactic. And which also adds something extra for the development of Guren's character implicitly. It seems incredible to me that the normal Mahiru, as a normal girl, without anyone manipulating her and sealing her destiny, the Mahiru who spoke for hours about Guren to her little sister Shinoa, could one day plan of her own will the death of the father and friends of the one Guren loves.
Everyone knows that Mahiru's destiny was sealed since she was little.
Then, I'm not trying to justify her actions. I'm just being logical, following what the novels, what Kagami wrote. It's just you not even trying to really read what Kagami writes. I'm no one to justify or not justify a character's actions. I wouldn't say Mahiru's actions are right, nor Guren's, nor Yuichiro's, Shinoa's or Mikaela's. The only thing we can all know is that we know the reasons, the why and how they were led to do these actions. Defining what is fair or not is still impossible to do today, because it is in fact a matter of individual subjectivity. One person may think something is right, while someone else would think that same action is wrong.
Insulting a character is something truly ridiculous and childish, since they are fictional. Mahiru does not exist. Guren does not exist. All the characters in ONS doesn't exist, you're wasting your energy on someone who doesn't exist. Go touch some grass and reconnect with nature.
Finally, I suppose you were referring to Shinya as "beloved". He is not. It is not mentioned anywhere that he is. Until proven otherwise, they are best friends. And even though on Shinya's side we had more material, I don't think it's love but simply admiration and idolatry. Concerning Guren, nothing is mentioned. They're not beloved in the manga, and it seems like you can't stand it. On the other hand, Mahiru and Guren were the closest ship to being a reality, whether you like it or not. I'm not Kagami, there's nothing I can do about it.
I'm not anti ShinGure and pro MahiGure. I state the facts about these ships in the manga.
ShinGure is my favorite ship from Seraph of the End. But unfortunately, they are nothing more than best friends. Of course I wish there was more to it than that, but there isn't. Moreover, we already have many passages and words that can satisfy us. But we know, being realistic, that there will probably never be anything more than strong friendship. Love is different.
Unless Kagami one day decides to veer into LGBTQIA+ themes regarding Guren and Shinya, so far there's nothing. It's like that. ❤
So come now with your face uncovered so I can block you 🤺
There you go, I will no longer respond to your anonymous asks.
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fredborges98 · 3 months
“O cheiro é insuportável… fica com você para sempre”, diz Shikama.
Quase 22 mil pessoas no Japão morreram só em casa nos primeiros três meses deste ano, de acordo com um relatório recente da agência policial nacional, cerca de 80% delas com 65 anos ou mais. Até ao final do ano, a agência estima que os casos de mortes solitárias atingirão 68 mil, em comparação com cerca de 27 mil em 2011.
Tokiwadaira, na cidade de Matsudo, foi a primeira comunidade forçada a enfrentar o fenómeno angustiante há duas décadas, com a descoberta de um homem cujo cadáver estava no seu apartamento, sem ser notado, há três anos. Seu aluguel e suas contas foram pagos automaticamente, e sua morte só foi notada quando suas economias acabaram.
“O apartamento não era o tipo de lugar onde se poderia imaginar a vida de um ser humano”, diz Aiko Oshima, vice-chefe da associação de moradores de Tokiwadaira. “Não queríamos que algo horrível assim acontecesse novamente".
As vítimas do Kodokushi.*
" Algozes um dia se tornarão vítimas!"FVB
Por: Fred Borges.
Referencial externo baseado na tradução do texto de Justin McCurry no Periódico em versão digital: THE GUARDIAN de 30.06.2024.**
Não importa estar em solidão ou em solitude, o ser humano não foi concebido para viver só, todo ser humano tem uma característica gregária, de convivência, de compartilhamento, de troca, de ouvir e ser ouvido.O que está acontecendo no Japão é uma tragédia, uma tragédia derivada de uma cultura e mentalidade coletiva e capitalista, que por um lado, quando é para suprir ou superar uma conveniência política e social, essa é extremamente bem vinda, mas quando cidadãos começam a não serem mais produtivos, efetivos ou competitivos, começam a perder sua utilidade, começam a envelhecer,essa é varrida para debaixo do tapete social, apesar de esforços governamentais japoneses de tratar o assunto como um problema de saúde pública, e o é de fato, eles ou elas, japoneses, japonesas, se isolam em minúsculos apartamentos para morrer, morrer uma morte lenta, gradual e penosa. A morte física é uma delas, mas começa pela morte social, coletiva ou da coletividade, do grupo social, dos parentes, amigos, colegas,companheiros,e depois a morte emocional, psicológica, psiquiátrica, após isso, a morte espiritual, da alma, da fé,da esperança e por fim a morte física, da matéria, do corpo, e tudo ocorre no silêncio social em um pequeníssimo apartamento em Tóquio, cercado de milhares de outros apartamentos, de vizinhos, que ás vezes só sentem que alguém morreu por alguma falta na rotina dessas pessoas, de aguar uma planta, de passear, de estar na varanda, de deixar luzes acesas durante o dia, de ouvir música,dos cheiros de comida, de perfume, sendo paulatinamente substituído pelo cheiro pútrido oriundo de uma cadáver solitário, solitário pela solidão ou solitude, não importa, a sociedade, não só nipônica, mas ocidental, deve parar de tratar como natural, comum ou normal a solidão e acordar, pois nascemos sós e morreremos sós, mas o que realmente importa é quem se importa conosco no durante,no decorrer de nossas vidas, e esse preocupar vai de um simples telefonema, mensagem, vídeo chamada, tudo para saber, com toda humanidade, como está o outro, como está você,a estar presente, cúmplice desse momento que muitos e cada vez mais pessoas terão um dia que passar em suas vidas.
"Era um lugar animado. Mas agora todo mundo está envelhecendo.
Quando os primeiros ocupantes se mudaram, há mais de seis décadas, os apartamentos de quatro andares de Tokiwadaira eram considerados acomodações de sonho para famílias jovens que aproveitavam a onda do milagre económico do Japão no pós-guerra.
A vizinhança reverberava ao som das crianças brincando nas avenidas ladeadas por mudas de cedro e zelkova. Hoje, essas árvores elevam-se sobre os 170 blocos de apartamentos idênticos que constituem um dos maiores conjuntos habitacionais públicos do Japão.
A economia estava em expansão e as famílias estavam desesperadas para viver aqui. Era um lugar animado. Mas agora todos estão envelhecendo”, diz Oshima, que se mudou para Tokiwadaira com o marido e o filho pequeno em 1961, quando a propriedade abrigava 15 mil pessoas.
Agora, à medida que a população do Japão continua a envelhecer, mais pessoas passam os últimos anos das suas vidas isoladas. O número de pessoas com mais de 65 anos que vivem sozinhas era de 7,38 milhões em 2020 e deverá aumentar para quase 11 milhões até 2050, de acordo com o Instituto Nacional de Investigação da População e da Segurança Social. Os agregados familiares unipessoais representam quase 38% do total de agregados familiares, de acordo com o censo de 2020, um aumento de 13,3% em relação à pesquisa anterior realizado cinco anos antes.
Sensores de movimento e patrulhas voluntárias.
Em Tokiwadaira, estima-se que 54% dos residentes tenham mais de 64 anos e 1.000 dos seus 7.000 residentes vivam sozinhos. Mas uma onda de mortes de kodokushi estimulou a população local a agir. A associação de moradores criou uma linha direta para vizinhos preocupados para alertar as autoridades e, em 2004, lançou uma campanha “zero morte solitária” que se tornou um modelo para outros conjuntos habitacionais envelhecidos.
Este ano, o complexo introduziu a chamada de “vínculo social” kizuna, um dispositivo de monitoramento equipado com sensores que confirma a movimentação do ocupante do apartamento.
As patrulhas voluntárias também contam com sinais reveladores de que nem tudo está bem: roupa deixada nas varandas depois de seca, cortinas fechadas durante o dia, entregas de correio e jornais deixadas por recolher e luzes acesas durante toda a noite.
Oshima abre um álbum contendo fotos de algumas das vítimas do kodokushi de Tokiwadaira, com os rostos escondidos para proteger sua privacidade. As imagens são angustiantes, mas ela acredita que são um lembrete importante do que acontece quando os laços comunitários dão lugar ao isolamento social. “Quando os mostro a funcionários e voluntários visitantes, eles ficam visivelmente consternados”, diz ela. “Mas eu digo a eles que esta é a realidade da morte solitária… e está acontecendo agora, não muito longe de Tóquio.”
A campanha não eliminou as mortes solitárias – Oshima diz que há “várias” todos os anos – mas as probabilidades de alguém morrer durante semanas, ou mesmo meses, são mais remotas.
No espaço comunitário fora do centro de acolhimento Iki Iki, pinturas de um artista local incentivam as pessoas a sair e a conhecer os seus vizinhos, e um gráfico demonstra os benefícios para a saúde de fazer caminhadas regulares. Meia dúzia de pessoas se dirigem a um centro de reabilitação para uma aula de ginástica sentada. Duas crianças uniformizadas voltam da escola para casa e o choro de um bebê ressoa por uma janela aberta. Mas estes são os panos de fundo auditivos para um grupo demográfico que praticamente deixou de existir em bairros como Tokiwadaira.
Patrulheiros voluntários vão verificar Yoko Kohama, que mora sozinha desde a morte do marido, há oito anos. A senhora de 87 anos, que tinha uma loja de roupas e um salão de mahjong em Tóquio antes de se mudar para Tokiwadaira após se aposentar, agora passa os dias em seu tablet e fazendo ameixas azedas umeboshi.
Não estou indo muito bem”, diz Kohama quando Shikama pergunta como ela está. Desde que o seu cão – um animal de estimação há 18 anos – morreu no ano passado, o seu contacto com o exterior tem-se restringido a saídas semanais para jogar mahjong “saudável”, onde os jogadores estão proibidos de beber, fumar e jogar."
Será que esse será o destino de todos nós? Creio que será pior.Pelos levantamentos feitos por ONGS, Fundações, Institutos, Associações, Governo, Congresso e Senado Federal do Brasil , há uma catástrofe acontecendo por trás de cada casa, lar, asilo, casa de repouso ou seja lá que denominação dada aos depositários ou depósitos de idosos- poeira das cinzas das urnas mortuárias varrida para debaixo do tapete de entrada escrito " Seja Bem Vindo" sendo o pior cenário os asilos, considerados: "O inferno dos idosos na Terra", mas a situação nas casas ou lares não é melhor, familiares exploram, escravizam,acorrentam, pilham, roubam, mal tratam, são violentos ou agressivos contra os idosos!
Dos que não foram para esses locais(asilos), mais de 11.8 milhões de idosos vivem sozinhos no Brasil, segundo dados do IBGE ,afinal, alguém diria, é melhor sozinho que mal acompanhado!Ledo engano!
Em junho de 2023, o Ministério dos Direitos Humanos e da Cidadania divulgou um dado alarmante: as denúncias de abandono de idosos registraram um aumento de 855% entre janeiro e maio em comparação ao mesmo período de 2022.
Foram quase 20 mil registros de abandono ao longo de cinco meses em 2023, contra 2.092 casos registrados no ano anterior.
Os números tornam-se ainda mais alarmantes quando se nota a tendência de envelhecimento da população em todo o planeta. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), até 2050 os idosos serão um quinto da população global.
No Brasil, a situação é, como já falada, catastrófica! Se no Japão o problema percorre as esferas sócio- econômica -cultural num patamar econômico bem mais elevado, aqui a marginalização do idoso o acompanha desde a faixa dos 30 á 40 anos em média, lembrando que é considerada idosa uma pessoa acima dos 60 anos, o Etarismo, Ageismo ou Idadismo é forte inclusive entre grandes corporações, do primeiro ao quarto setor, o MPT ( Ministério Público do Trabalho) registrou um aumento de mais 500% nas denúncias de assédio moral entre 2023 e 2024, tendo como causa específica a classe de problema relatada.
Pelo menos 86% da população acima dos 60 anos afirma já ter enfrentado algum tipo de preconceito em relação ao mercado de trabalho, independentemente de suas habilidades e experiências. É o que aponta uma pesquisa realizada pelo Grupo Croma, com base em dados da Oldiversity®. 
Seja como for, é preciso tratar "a morte anunciada de um país que envelhece", assim como, em paralelo, o envelhecimento da população mundial.
O problema me parece bem maior em países em desenvolvimento, pela desorganização da saúde pública, pela desumanização,pelas deseducação, dessensibilização ou desinformação( ignorância dos dados ou da realidade), em uma sociedade vinculada a barbárie ou selvageria do mercado de consumo, daqueles que são valorizados por consumirem mais, esquecendo, a grande maioria, o fato que escala, massa, quantidade ou volume é somente uma fórmula capitalista, a outra é o valor agregado ligado a unicidade, qualidade, e inclusividade dessa faixa etária tão desprezada, menosprezada ou marginalizada pela miopia das múltiplas lideranças privadas ou públicas ( políticas e políticos) cujos destinos, assim como o de todos nós, será a morte, desde que não seja para ELES, num asilo ou depositário/depósito de idosos, solitária ou em completo estado de solidão ou solitude, pior segregação e isolamento possível não há e nunca haverá!
*Refere-se a um fenômeno no Japão em que pessoas morrem sozinhas, geralmente em apartamentos, e cujos corpos permanecem sem serem descobertos por um longo período de tempo.O fenômeno foi descrito pela primeira vez na década de 1980.
O kodokushi tornou-se um problema crescente no Japão, atribuído a problemas econômicos e à população cada vez mais idosa.
Masaki Ichinose, chefe do Instituto de Estudos de Morte e Vida da Universidade de Tóquio, sugere a hipótese de que o aumento do Kodokushi está ligado à cultura contemporânea do Japão que ignora a morte.
Há centenas de anos, os japoneses confrontavam a morte normalmente; por exemplo, os corpos eram enterrados normalmente por membros da família. Em contraste, no Japão moderno há menos oportunidade para testemunhar a morte, e ela não é prontamente ou de forma não conveniente ser discutida pelo silêncio japonês de lhe dar com seus problemas mais enraizados, logo profundos.
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