#owari no seraph rant
lostsoulaltair · 2 years
My personal rant of OnS Story
Hello everyone, I know I mentioned days ago about being more active and well, today chapter 119 was released and, I think I reached the limit of patience or rather of how much I could keep up following the story.
Note: The purpose of this rant is to merely express where my discomfort focuses on; and of course, you can disagree or ignore this post; that’s totally fine. The only thing I kindly ask is, to be respectful if you disagree and want to share an opinion, I believe respect is a solid base for an exchange of ideas!
1. The story up till now
Back when OnS aired, and of course at such time I didn’t know there was a manga along LNs, I were fascinated by the story; it was the first time knowing about one that would touch vampires, demons and angels; after all, it’s not your every day story of vampires; and I must say that some titles that touch vampires involve romance and fights most of the times, but the involvement of demons and angels in a post apocalyptic world was something rather new and innovating.
The pace itself was strong because there was a solid concept at such time, it was a war, a battle to keep living and finding new reasons to keep going and I miust say that up till chapter 70 the story moved to a good pace; onwards till chapter 90, it became like a rush of events that could have been developed in a better pace or that’s at least on my insight, Mika’s death as a vampire was something I did not see coming; I saw it as a possibility but for the future, not for technically early events due to the arcs that happened after the animation ended.
But after 91 began till chapter 100, the story started to get weaker and seemed to pick an interesting pace and tried to reach a strong point until chapter 106 but once chapter 107 arrived, that’s when everything seemed to go to a downhill, it felt like a total twist of events that I couldn’t see as something surprising and this goes to one issue on my perspective which goes to the Script itself.
What do I mean?
Kagami portrayed Shikama as a mysterious evil force that had the upperhand and was very aware of what the characters that struggled against him thought, but those things such as adding poison to counter him was just that came out of nowhere.
Another issue that I find with the story is the twist but not in the sense of plot twist but rahter, how there may be contradictions within characters. For example, back with the whole Shinoa possession arc; Rigr kidnapped Yuu or rather, sent a soldier to take him, it was unclear for what purpose he aimed to do that and he didn’t want the Sun God Aten and Mikaela to reunite for one unknown reason but now with how the story went, it was more akin that it was fine that happened.
Another issue at hand is, the reason of Shikama’s struggle to possess Shinoa on which ultimately he discarted her after so much work, it simply doesn’t make any sense.
And one of the points I find distressing or rather that stopped being central is the vast distance on how religious figures were used back and how they were tied; the last time angels were mentioned and their relevance was back in chapter 108; it seemed like they had a relevance as to why they were found scary and why they targetted Shikama but ultimately, it was never resolved at the end. Whenever it is resolved later on...my expectations sadly get reduced.
2. Stuff that could have had potential
I think that, there were many points on which the story could have had a better development, for example, things that were dismissed but had such high potential were:
-Yoichi’s revenge against Lacus Welt
-The 7 Sinful keys were portrayed as mysterious objects that seemed to have a deeper purpose but ultimately, their existance was for resurrection along restraining Shikama for a limited time.
-The whole vampire vs human war just seems like a dream; even the vampires that were present once the other progenitors arrrived are long gone; it makes it seem like the only ones alive are the current progenitors we came to know within the story.
-Giving Yoichi and Kimizuki a background of being test subjects along carrying demons from the black series. This had so much potential to dig in with their pasts and what exactly the Hyakuya Sect took them in along why Guren made them be part of the squad if their roles were pretty much soldiers from one sole squad.
-Mitsuba’s destiny along her demon. Kagami once stated that something awaited Mitsuba and this is something I share a lot with @distinguished-slacker ; the girl had so much potential, back when she was introduced, she had a trauma but nevertheless, she was growing; now sadly, she barely appears. I even wonder what even was what awaited her at this point; her relevance to the plot is so small...it’s tragic.
-Shinoa’s character build in the LNs VS Vampire Reign. One of the things that I at least feel disappointed with, is how Shinoa, from the little girl that knew about spells along relying on other weapons, turned into a character that simply relied in her cursed gear alone instead of using those skills that were pretty visible with Mahiru and Guren.
-The whole Sun God Aten and Sword of Michael was once mentioned and ultimately left in oblivion; there was such a good possible build up in this aspect but after Shikama possession arc ended, it was pretty much dismissed.
3. Screentime
I do understand the story affects mainly Mika and Yuu; nevertheless, the characters that are involved as well one way or another feel so distant; like, there were many chances on which there could have been arcs for the characters to face off certain ordeals or develop deeper bonds within teammates; this even includes with the progenitors playing their role in the story.
Back when they were introduced, I was fascinated by how they were made and how powerful they were portrayed as; the more they got involved with the present, it seemed like they would receive proper screentime but now....they seem to fight for their goal but that goal alone feels distant and not so related to them despite being affected by the decisions of the MC and the antagonist.
With Shikama, this issue of screentime applies to him as well; something that makes antagonists interesting is part of their pasts and what makes them follow up such path, but in his case, it is barely known what kind of lifestyle he carried and what exactly happened to the son he once had. It is left in a haze of the unknown.
4. Yuichiro
I know many love Yuu and I respect that a lot. When it comes to stories, we as readers relate to characters, on which that may include the MC  which in this case, is Yuu.
Perhaps you might wonder why I am even listing him in this personal rant. The reason goes that, Yuu in a way falls in this strange concept within shounen manga/anime on which he’s the dumb MC that recklessly goes in his path and in a way, manages to fulfill achievements within his path; I understand very well that he had it rough but, one thing that I find it tragic or rather, poorly developed is the fact that Yuu hasn’t matured or learnt from experience along his reckless moves, thoughts or ideas.
A prime example being from chapter 115 claiming to have a plan, to ultimately in chapter 119 not having one which was terribly crystal clear.
One of the things I had hopes was to see Yuu gradually evolve as a character and mature or learn from past experiences, ultimately that ended up in a sour note, there are no consequences for him; if he does something or is struggling, that struggle fades eventually
Despite this somewhat long rant, I must clarify that I do not aim to say the author is bad or something, but rather, it is my discomfort as a reader only; I think that, it is normal when to feel discomfort or dissatisfaction when it comes to something it was once enjoyable in the past.
Thank you very much fo coming to my rant I guess; and I’m really sorry for making this rant but...I felt like, I really needed to express this.
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feridsluver · 29 days
Genuinely it can be so exhausting being in the OnS fandom lowkey.
Apart from the story going into the complete opposite direction, both art style and story wise. Tbh the current art style is overhated and also it's just a manga?? Is it a downgrade? Yes absolutely but to hate on the mangaka so much is insane.
But speaking of the fandom what the fuck is up with it? The complete mischaracterisation of some characters (mainly Ferid, Shinoa and Guren) is astonishing. Legitimately this fandom did not mature and it's so clear in how people still believe rumors that were made up in 2016. But also much like any other fandom, some people lack media literacy/ interpret things on a lustful level. Like in the manga panel were Ferid is threatening to torture mika and people took out the "strip naked" as sexual. PEOPLE, HOW DO YOU THINK TORTURE GOES? CLOTHED? Clothing provides a layer of protection?? But also even if it was the intent to make mika uncomfortable, it worked cause ferid got the key afterwards?? I think some people forget that ferid does and says absurd things to make people uncomfortable. And if you make people feel uncomfortable it's so much more easier to manipulate them: example Mika. mika knows ferid doesn't mind crossing any form of boundary so he just gives in which profits ferid.
Again no one's saying you have to like ferid but my god think for a moment. But that also proves to me that people in this fandom do not understand complexity in characters (and also relationships).
But that would be my other point: I hate how willingly the fandom makes everything black and white. Just because Shinoa is crushing on Yuu that doesn't mean she is a yandere?? Omg a girl character cares about a guy that she has grown close to. Again their relationship is also complex and falls under the category of "one sided love". But that doesn't mean that the entire relationship is one sided. Yuu still valued Shinoa as a friend. imo that piece of information is important because shit on of shippers will use the argument of saying "Shinoa is ruining Mika and Yuu's relationship/ she came between them" GIRLIE JUST CARED FOR HER FRIEND AND CRUSH 😭. Even in the early manga panels she was trying to befriend Mika for Yuu's sake.
But going back to the "Shinoa ruins Mika and Yuus relationship". She only tried to interfere once she saw Yuu's obsession was getting out of hand. That's why I hate it when she gets called a yandere (known to only care about themselves and their obsession.)
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greenapplebling · 2 years
Just thinking about how Yuu was going nuclear on everyone to find a way to save Mika without sacrificing everyone else and yet he was still more compassionate than Shinoa and Guren
Shinoa coldly ordered soldiers to destroy a base's food resources with no hesitation, Yuu decided against invading that base for food to find food somewhere else hopefully where he didn't inconvenience people. Let me repeat that for you, Shinoa ordered to destroy a base's food resources when they're in an apocalyptic set with very limited food and no water.
And then Guren, while I understand he was trying to make a point, he literally used a child as a human shield. Yes, Yuu stopped himself before hurting him and Guren proved his point, but why risk it? Why risk it when your last encounter had Yuu proving that you don't know him as well as you think you do? What was he gonna do if the child actually died?? Oh right, Guren doesn't really care much about sacrificing children if he has to.
Guren and the squad are making Yuu out to be a monster that's going insane yet he's currently the most kind and compassionate out of all of them. In a way, while I was very excited for it, it makes me glad that Yuu didn't end up having a corruption arc.
And I didn't talk about Mika but it drives me insane that all of them think it's Mika fault that Yuu is going against them just bc they refuse to believe Yuu would ever betray them, like, it must be Mika's fault, right??? (When they all have betrayed Yuu at some point before, hypocrisy much?) When Mika is actually on their side?? Or was before Yuu talked him into helping make a plan of their own. But still, Mika was literally the first one to tell Yuu it was fine to choose humanity over him right in front of all of them?? But Ig they just forgot about it smh
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lunarelly · 1 year
sure he has committed an atrocity or two but have you even considered that maybe he is also just a funny little guy??
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nono-uwu · 10 months
Once again new ons chapter inital thoughts wow
Chapter 132 spoilers ahead!!
- ok so artstyle aside, this is definetly an upgrade from last chapter
- however still no Crowley so nvm, immediately horrible chapter, 0/10 (/s)
- alright, so we got a fair amount of vampire action (hallelujah) but the part in the middle with Mikayuu once again going over their plan didn't have to be that long. (I seriously wouldn't mind it that much if we got updates faster but with a monthly manga it's REALLY frustrating to have precious panel space wasted on info we arleady know)
- Ky Luc is still a feral manchild when he fights, never change pookie <3
- unfortunately this chapter reminded me of Yuu's bullshit powerups and how they infuriate me, like my man just bc you absorbed your boyfriend doesn't mean you should be able to overwhelm a 5th progenitor who is 1. not holding back and 2. stated to be stronger than an average 5th progenitor
- on that last point, we got another mention of Ky Luc being stronger than a "mere" 5th, i am smelling another Crowley situation pls tell me I'm not the only one
- "The first is much scarier than I am. He'll just use you." - Roger Stanford, serial child-experimenter and general human rights violator
- otherwise not much else to add, though I hope Yuu Letting The Beast OutTM will attract Guren and co's attention. Also maybe show Narumi again. Perhaps even Lacus, Rene, Chess and Horn. Pwetty pwease Kagami :3c (ignore how much I shit on your work thx)
Alright now time for my (least) favourite segment: losing my mind over the art in a bad way (utc)
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WHO ARE YOU GET AWAY FROM ME FOUL BEAST NAMED KIRSTEN (this isn't even his worst panel in this chapter. I'm being nice)
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Live Roger reaction / my reaction to that information
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Bro realised he left his toaster on (his sammiches will now burn)
Ok enough dunking, time for some mild positivity
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I'll admit this is kinda cute. Myeh :P
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She looks kinda pretty here. And baby Yuu is also cute.
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He is so cute here. The only ones somewhat winning with the new artstyle are women and kids. Hooray for women-likers and.... people who like the child characters (not in a weird way)
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Last but not least, Ulrich looks a little better. Still not good enough to be Urd but we're getting there. Hopefully. (I am coping. Hard.)
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juthemagicalclown · 1 year
i don't have a type
men with white hair and blue eye(s) plotting to overthrow the system (they hide a deeply traumatic past behind a smiley/psychotic façade and have questionable relationships with their manipulative best friend/accomplice. they have also killed multiple times)
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(they fight against the social order, its power dynamics and its hierarchies because they have been unjustly victimised by it; their existence is proof that something is wrong with the status quo and its limited and exclusive idea of justice; they fight for freedom. and yet they'll never be the 'hero' of their own story but dwell on the line between 'victim' and 'villain')
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thatfanficauthor107 · 6 months
Seraph of the End rant
I don’t think this fandom is even alive anymore, but hello, and please correct me if i’m wrong on any of this!
It might just be me, but I feel like many peoples trauma gets brushed over A LOT, and this post will literally just be me ranting about three characters in particular.
Kimizuki, Yoichi, and Mika.
Also, TW: Abuse, murder, suicide, mental health problems, abandonment, SA
First of all, starting off strong with the telephone pole himself, Kimizuki Shiho.
Yes, he’s pretty bitchy, but with reason. His sister is ill with a deadly virus, and he is so much more worried than he lets on. Now, as someone who hasn’t read much manga, (i’m catching up slowly), my knowledge roughly stops after S2 ends. However, I’m pretty sure there is a scene in a manga where the squad is hyping him up, though that could have been a fever dream, it shows again that he isn’t as tough as he lets on.
Now, onto the cinnamon roll known as Saotome Yoichi. Watched his sister get murdered by a vampire for no reason, then had a moment of recognition on the battlefield with LACUS FUCKING WELT. The fear in this mans eyes like- Kimizuki get your ass over here and comfort the fuck out of him, whether on the battlefield or after in his room. I would have sold my soul for that scene. And his trauma is, once again, ignored! Why?! He’s a cinnamon roll and needs comfort (yes, he’s stronger than he looks, but give that boy a hot chocolate, blanket, and some cuddles, STAT)
And, to wrap this up, we have the blond russian vamp himself, Hyakuya (or Shindo) Mikaela. Who, in my opinion, has some heavily brushed over issues. Like how he tried to get Yuu to not give him blood, which would have resulted in his death. Many times in that scene, he said he would rather die than live as a vampire. And I feel that the fact that that was basically an attempt was brushed over. And I have an inkling that that wasn’t the first. But alas, that may be my headcanons catching up to me. Also, not to mention the fact about the whole Livestock stuff and before then! His parents abused him, ans then threw him out of a moving vehicle. A moving. Fucking. Vehicle. And then was finally happy for a while. Then was livestock. Then had his found family murdered in front of him, stabbed, arm ripped off, turned into a vampire, and separated from the only family he had left. Also, isn’t there rumours of Ferid SAing him? Idk if that’s canon or not. Mans has been through shit, and there’s no way he’s okay in the head. I’m not, and I haven’t been through any of that.
also i’m writing this at midnight so this probs won’t make sense.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
(also for all the ONS fanfic writers out there..if you happen to see this and accidentally write drabbles for it… :3)
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asparkofapricity · 5 months
i’m rewatching owari no seraph again with my bestfriend and felt like drawing my OC in my current style compared to the last time i drew her, over a year ago, in my style at that point in time.
her name is Revna. she goes by she/they pronouns. she is also a hybrid vampire, similar to mikaela.
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kyuu-nei · 8 months
Pls like the old vibe is completely gone for lack of a better word. Not to mention the art... Aaaaaa
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black-sapphire57 · 10 months
Ever since his first appearance in chapter 42, it was like love at first sight. I think I was 10 or 11, I thought I’d get over my childhood crush but Noooope as I grew up. Even as an adult I Still love ❤️ him so much. I remember when I first came into the fandom a few years ago, no one really spoke about him or felt the way I did, after he appeared again and Kagami generously gave us more info about him and his insufferable brother, the fandom kinda lit up with him. So I’m so happy right now cause Honestly he deserves the recognition. Im literally on edge every chapter waiting so desperately to see him. Also, if he was real I would stowaway my broke ass to Russia just to see him! And I would call that desperate obsession calls for desperate measures! XD
I could talk about my hubby more but I just wanna keep this post short. Thank you so much for asking me this!! It reminds me that there are still some Urdie fans out there!♥️🥹
Pls feel free to ask me anything else!❤️
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alcazarofthestars · 3 months
I regret everything now.
I only watched the anime...
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But anyways, have this pic of yuu that i found in one of the books
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eluxcastar · 2 years
Three a.m. Riri thoughts I've suddenly decided I'm salty because five seconds ago it clicked that Kagami's idea of Urd and Rígr making up after a THOUSAND YEARS of animosity and fighting is just Rígr being like "wouldn't it be so cool if you trusted me 😇😇 dad was a wayyy bigger dick than me" and Urd was kinda just like "Yk what it would be cool" and then ig they just told everyone they kissed and made up in the span of one conversation which given its simplicity could've happened at any point??? Why a thousand years after it we know he knew where Rígr was??? I got mad WATCHING it go down in a different universe forget being on either of these fuckers' side and being told "That guy who was supposedly a traitor for the last millennium is fine now because he actually didn't mean it lmao"
It wasn't even that I knew and didn't realise how shallow it is but that I DIDN'T EVEN REALISE THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THEM MAKING UP. This whole time I've been waiting and only just now as I sit in my kitchen spinning on a chair did I realise that THAT was what I had been waiting for. Really??
I could genuinely see so much I liked in this because there was hints this was important to those characters. Rígr had elements of a person who burdens himself with responsibility and hurts the people he cares about in order to protect them while Urd was just a lonely guy who wanted someone who could understand him and would make having to live literally forever when he's not mentally built to do that a lot easier and I was like "maybe Kagami does have one subplot for me to look forward to" and then I remember he doesn't because he ends his subplots by suspending them or just snuffing them out in order for nonsense to take place instead
I can think of so many ways that he could've dragged the plot out if he really wanted to that would be far more fulfilling and contribute to the story more than whatever the hell he is dragging it out with 😞😞
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gureshinlover · 2 years
Chapter 119 Rant
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Ok so the reason this chapter was completely meaningless and unneeded was because even tho they decided to make choices, they still havent started to make any choices
Yuu and mika decides to think for themselves? Congrats! Ok so? Yuu decided to think for himself like 10 chapters before, and mika was always asked to think by Guren like 50 chapters ago. At the end of the chapter they havent thought of anything new, they just decided to think. Why should we care
Yuu and mika decides to make choices by themselves? Congrats! Ok so? Did they decide on anything by the end of the chapter? Did they make a plan? No they didnt. They just decided to make choices but havent made any choices yet. Why. Should. We. Care.
Why should we care if they're still doing nothing when it's chapter fcking 119 and all the chapters have been about Yuu and Mika "making decisions". I wasnt going to say anything about the chapter being a mikayuu chapter again if they finally made a plan or noticed sth at the end but they didnt. And i dont fucking care about them at this point
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greenapplebling · 2 years
Just to get something out of my chest:
If you read Mikayuu fanfic, you probably know which one I'm talking about since it's fairly popular, it's the one where Mika has (extreme) social anxiety and Yuu is a kleptomaniac playboy and they meet in a support group
So I've been putting off this read for a while for the exact same reason that I couldn't get past half the 1st chapter: as someone who struggles with social anxiety, the part of the support group felt really uncomfortable to read
A support group... for someone with extreme social anxiety?? That honestly felt like exposure therapy
Idk, I have no idea if it gets better (and by that I mean if Mika ever realizes that what he needs is 1 on 1 therapy, not a freaking support group) or if the author did any research on social anxiety (or if they have it themselves) and what their intention was
Obviously no shade to the author, I admit sometimes I go to hard on fanfic writers when they're just writing whatever they want for fun (whatever rocks your boat) and that's on me. But something that always bothered me is how much they want to explore mental health problems/conditions (which is good) while having absolutely no idea what they're talking about or how to deal with it (which is bad)
Honestly, this is the mildest case I have encountered bc the portrayal seems good, but unfortunately it hit too close to home for me
Anyway, if you're gonna write about mental health, please I am begging you, do your research or ask people who struggle with it. Just- be sensitive about it, ok?
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approximateknowledge · 11 months
what’s the point of calling media cringe and tagging it with the fandom tag. where’s your fandom etiquette. go be embarrassed about things somewhere else, some of us enjoy owari no seraph and don’t need to be told it’s cringe media
ok so
there was at no point a plan involved i write my thoughts as they come
i was saying i came looking for cringe and i found something genuinely good
because it's good
i meant i was expecting it to be cringe and it wasn't
this list format was a bad idea
look im in the middle of reliving the first half of the 2010s as experienced by my past self who was really into sao; the cringe is half the point i was having a blast
and again OnS is unironically good i just wasn't expecting it to be be, call that positive surprise
also im litterally openly a homestuck and a trollkin at that im not "embarrassed" the cringe is affectionate im basically already hyper-cringe when i just exist not even doing anything
but in any case reread the final sentence in the original post; im saying it's not cringe; i was expecting it to be and it wasn't
and if it was cringe id still be having fun
i was *expecting* to find cringe and would've enjoyed it too
cringe is not an insult the way i use it, just a qualifier
get off my case im litterally just having fun reading the edgy gay vampire manga why do you even care about my opinion?
which isn't even disagreeing with you here?
(and why did i make this response so long?)
(also sorry but this feels like a "pissing on the poor" moment tbh)
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m00nj3w3l · 1 year
A rant about Mitsuba cus I'm insane
I was thinking about this while having breakfast, just to show y'all how much I space out while I eat. Anyways have this thing that I hope makes any sense and that doesn't get found by cishet men cus I'm not in the mental space to deal with possible arguing but yeah do of this rant what y'all want.
I've been thinking about the writing of the ONS girlies a lot lately, and it's bad as we of course know (aside from Shinoa but again she's going in that direction as well lately), but I specifically fixated on Mitsuba and her under developed feelings for Yuu- and I realised it was lowkey played as a male power fantasy, and idk if that's how Kagami intended it, but that's probably how cishet viewers saw it.
Of course she falls for him after she gets saved from being slashed by a vampire- and I'm not even denying that it's a flattering gesture, but it shows how men truly aren't taught to socialise with women outside of romance:"I do nice thing for woman (even if it was fucking out of necessity here cus she was about to DIE), now she must repay me with feelings for me, cus I was SO NICE AND GOOD AND-*"
Y'all see where I'm going??
For Shinoa I could see why she was a love interest. She actually spends time with Yuu, knows his character and reasons, and you know. It's actually explained. Mitsuba doesn't. I can't recall a single scene where she spends time with him alone without acting like a stereotypical tsundere and actually getting to know him, so it's really just there, to show that if you're simply "nice" to women you will PULL BITCHES LIKE CRAZY CUS THAT'S ALL IT TAKES ISN'T IT?!?!?!? *horn sounds*
*side note this also explains why some viewers are so opposed to the idea of Yuu and Mika, aside from, you know, plain old homophobia. It's because it's a default to be nice to your MALE friend, unlike with your FEMALE one. I can't see the scene where Yuu saves Mitsuba, or literally anyone else, going anywhere differently purely because Yuu IS characterised to be nice and protective, obviously. But that's not a given irl for women.
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