cure-icy-writes · 11 months
the gender politics in persona five are so fucking real. ann is hesitant to do modeling full time because she’s victim blaming herself for what happened with kamoshida. ryuji obliviously mentions that ann is missing out on going for a communal bath, forgetting it’s not mixed bathing. yusuke and morgana both put her up on a pedestal-- yusuke seeing her as one of the muses of old, morgana seeing her as not just a love interest but as proof that he’s human, that he can be loved back by a human, and she’s just an object of his desire. 
makoto and sae especially-- sae wants her sister to seek power specifically because she’s a woman, because she knows how hard it is to be respected as a woman in this world and wants makoto to have the best chance possible, even though it’s only making makoto miserable to try and play respectability politics in a game where no one gives a damn about her genuine desire to help people. and it raises the question-- how long can people take advantage of her altruism before she gives up on it, before it’s easier to just be bitter and uncaring like she pretends? the road to power is a long one. she’s already tired.
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bubblebrow · 2 years
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5/26, operation maidwatch
This comic is in Volume 1 of my P5R comic anthology, sold on my online store here! -> https://www.rodi.best/
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denizenhardwick · 1 year
Ryuji: Ren's word is my proof. It's all the proof I need.
Ren: 😳
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a-phanboys-fanboy · 1 year
Any thoughts on your homeroom teacher?
.... Why are you asking??
Miss Kawakami is a great teacher and she's always willing to help a student! She's definitely.. the nicest teacher I know!
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brokenhardies · 2 years
okay so im debating if i should keep maruki my temperance or pick someone else because;
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Actually, since you mentioned it, depending on where you are in your confidant with her, you could get her to make some coffee and curry items along with infiltration tools. I'm sure "Becky" would appreciate it, assuming she's still working as a maid
Yusuke: Maid? Who is-
Akira: Don't ask. Please. It's a long, incredibly weird story, and you, of all people, probably don't want to know. I'm still embarrassed I let Ryuji and Mishima talk me into that...
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moonllita · 11 months
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Operation Maidwatch but Fem joker lmao
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katsona-the-katsequel · 2 months
If we were to seriously consider a Protag Swap AU, then most of the protags are fucked.
Let's consider P5 for this scenario, since its the most well-known story. The protags considered are Naoya, Tatsuya, Maya, Minato, Kotone, and Yu (and remember, the events of P5 also shape them as they go). Of course, all of them defended the woman and got sued.
I can see everyone but Maya becoming friends with Ryuji and Ann. Those two would get babysitter vibes from Maya instead of reliable older sister (sorry, queen, but maybe you shouldn't have unironically adviced them to Live, Laugh, Love. You're also not a student and have nothing to do with Shujin). We only have Naoya, Tatsuya, Minato, Kotone, and Yu left.
Out of all of them, only Minato, Kotone and Yu would give Akechi the time of day. The rest were either weirded out by his attitude, too annoyed by his plastic smile, or decided it wasn't worth it to get too close to someone investigating the Phantom Thieves (or all of them at the same time). Without the Akechi confidant, the others lost a lot of intel and clues the Phantom Thieves actually got to put the pieces of the mystery together and an ally for the Third Semester.
Kotone never began the Kawakami confidant due to not being invited to Operation Maidwatch. Shame, because she would have reacted a lot like Akira did in lots of main events. I also don't want to put her through the interrogation torture.
Now that I think about it, Yu would have been a smidge more reluctant about the regular Change of Hearts business that the Phantom Thieves undertook. If the circumstances and story aligns, he would go with it in the end, but the entire story and general vibes wouldn't have the same impact than when Akira did it. Minato's Joker is a bit more stoic and way less flashy and passionate about the Phantom Thieves' mission, seeing more like a necessary duty.
In the end, only Akira could do it.
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rontra · 3 months
some more failteacher yuri asks... go here. go in the roundup ❤
princedetectives asked:
the failteacher yuri comics youve been making are so so great i love lesbianism so much. genuinely its really impressive the quality of it and the storyline youve set up <- just realized ive been anticipating the next comics like a weekly manga or something
HELP that's funny i'm flattered you're so invested!!! the season's hottest ongoing 😭 i love lesbianism too god bless us all . thank you!!
cuddlebearable asked:
"what are lesbians into" with the fucking focused-ass look on her face fucking killed me it is so funny and the "good luck with that" really nails it down oh my god thank you so much for sharing these failgirl lesbians with us
Anonymous asked:
every time I read a new chapter of failteacher yuri I whoop and holler so loud the earth beneath me rumbles. thank you so much for the comic, your art and humour and writing are immaculate
YOU GUYS ARE SO SWEET!!!! HFHBG THANK YOU... i'm happy you think its funny 🥰 no matter how many Taking It Seriously episodes we have...there will always be silly women getting into Situations<3
Anonymous asked:
I just want to say that you’re a fucking genius. I think failteacher yuri might be the greatest invention ever created. Thank you for bringing this to us <3
i guarantee someone else has had the idea that they should kiss before me but it is my honor to flood their tags with my gray ass canvases 🫡 thank you for reading!
aokozaki asked:
Timeline Divergence occurs when Miss Toriumi requests Becky on the same night that would've been Operation Maidwatch. Joker, Mishima, and Ryuji get some other maid who immediately notices they're underage and calls it off > Joker never sees her again because there's no chance encounter helping them out at school > They never make a "deal" forming a Confidant > The role of Temperance Arcana will be played by that one student who sits behind Joker and doesn't mention the cat or lockpicks or sleeping in class "Look man, I'm not gonna ask" (← virtues of temperance and grace)
👆 this is pretty much the exact handwave going on here yeah. ASSUMING the plot of p5 is even happening in the background ofc (???) <- has no plans to address this
but if it is, yeah pretty much the paths just coincidentally never intersect due to Hermit Meddling. i cant believe ms toriumi from p3 intercepted our confidant 😭 I LOVE THE STUDENT BEHIND YOU GAG THOUGH THATS SO FUNNY HDFHJBGKJM MINDING MY OWN FUCKING BUSINESS #TEMPERANCE #BALANCE #MODERATION #HARMONY
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"this is the computer. you're not getting that" (kawakami voice) its so fucking over
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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Kawakami continues to be my stealth fave. When Operation Maidwatch started, I fully planned to skip it entirely because lets be real, the set-up was horrendous. Then I figured that'd be less funny so I decided to try it For The Bit.
So fucking glad I did.
Kawakami is in the hospital after collapsing from overwork. And what do you know but the people blackmailing her show up to say howdy and while she is still in bed ask her when her next payment will be.
fuck stealing their hearts, i'm gonna steal their car and drive it into a river
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I.... think the implication with "sister company" is transferring from the maid gig to full sex work? Which: I'm pro-SW 'til the day I die but this ain't the way, Kawakami, the way is getting these fuckers off your chequebook.
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btw for the side-quests, I love when Reverie is just like "Gimme a full name. Thanks. The Phantom Thieves will handle it." LISTEN. I DON'T CARE. If Ryuji can walk around singing his self-made Phantom Thieves theme song, then Reverie can be an intimidating weirdo to random people.
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this was so fucking funny, Ann and Shiho are having a serious heart to heart and Reverie is just here as extra muscle to help Shiho with the stairs.
I'm very glad to finally see Shiho again though I assume it will be for the last time.
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because I do like Ann a lot! probably more than any of my options so far except maybe Tae, but I don't like her that way, but maybe I would like her that way if I gave her a chance? UGH it's agony but I went with the Just Friends route.
Ann, you are still best girl, though admittedly you finally have competition.
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I did wrap up Ann's Confidant.
As far as the Lovers go, hers is the weakest to me personally. I would rank them Yukari > Rise > Ann. But I think this is because I don't.... understand Ann's life goals. Which may be just my blind spot personally. Ann's dream of becoming a supermodel to inspire people falls kind of flat because I think modeling is an important job and career but I don't.... connect it to like.... inspiration and stuff?
It's so odd it feels like I'm missing something.
But Ann herself, I adore. I would rank her as honestly one of the kindest people in a Persona game, genuinely good-hearted and just seeking a way to harness that.
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New Persona for Ann! Hecate!
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Yusuke visited like every other day in summer vacation, so I got some premium hangout time and managed to max his Confidant out too.
YUSUKE SHOULDA BEEN THE FORTUNE. He makes zero fucking sense as the Emperor. There is nothing about him or his arc that lends itself to the Emperor, but BOY HOWDY does his arc spin 'round and 'round like a perfect wheel.
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After some more artist's block, Yusuke finally puts together a piece for the exhibition run by that one jerk who wanted to package and sell Yusuke like a brand. He takes first place!
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TURNS OUT THAT THE WHOLE BRANDING THING WAS A FUCKING RUSE. The guy truly was invested in Yusuke's success as an artist and came up with the whole branding thing to get Yusuke angry and get his head in the game.
I'm so fucking annoyed that he's the Emperor, I just don't see it, it makes no sense. Better options were WAITING.
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nah only when the game lets me flirt with you even though we're not allowed to kiss. I adore you, Yusuke.
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New Persona Get and WAIT NO GO BACK ugh why is it Susano-o AGAIN? And this Susano-o doesn't look NEARLY as cool as Yosuke's. 8C I will miss Goemon and his cool pipe. 8C
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wait is this just disneyland. /googles. lmao the Maihama station is right next to Disneyland. ahahahaaha
I will be boycotting this destination for the entire game! 8)
what else did I do outside the MSQ.......
OH YEAH I'm allowed to hang with Sojiro again finally!
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he wants money or he'll file for custody for Futaba (where he'll have an upper hand as he's a blood relative and Sojiro is not)
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Futaba actually shows up to bully Sojiro for some food and immediately freaks out at seeing her uncle.
When Wakaba died, Futaba got handed around between her relatives for a while and ended up with severely neglected by her uncle. Then Sojiro stepped in and adopted her.
Like with Kawakami's blackmailers, I want to wreck some havoc on this bastardman.
Sojiro truly is Best Dad, I'm with y'all on this at last. Sojiro, please adopt Reverie. That should be the no-romance end for Reverie, he just gets adopted by the Sakuras.
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I FINALLY got my courage high enough to talk to Iwai the fake(?) arms dealer? AND NOW I THINK I'M DOING CRIMES? i mean uh more crimes. additional crimes. like smuggling weapons?
also like. The Solid Snake/Iroquois Pliskin vibes off this guy, he looks and feels like he just got back from the Big Shell and is laying low until Philanthropy is ready to take out another metal gear.
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However unluckily for him, he's also my literal favorite card in the Majors, the Hanged Man, the card I am the most particular about, so he's pretty much doomed to disappoint me through no fault of his own. Because I'm the only person who actually Understands the Hanged Man, you see. Just me.
Okay that sums everyone up, back to the MSQ.
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mercy-misrule · 4 months
The 'maidwatch' concept is so fuckin weird.
Hey gang, why don't we, three teenage boys go into an empty apartment and then hire the services of an actual maid with insinuations that she's also a sex worker.
How on earth is a side plot. Or any plot. Like...do they all want to fuck her, is that the implication here? Has any thought gone into this scenario at allllll?
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Whoa you can hangout with mishima but ignore the maidwatch stuff that’s great! Really sucks that two great skill confidants are tied together with that weirdness of Kawakami
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serenephenix · 16 days
As much as I have been enjoying Persona 5, I cannot possibly put into words how angry I am at the Maidwatch Mission (that unlocks a vital confidant) and its dialogue options, when beating up Kamoshida for this very same behavior was a major plot point not too long ago.
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kirexa · 3 months
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nimx · 1 year
operation maidwatch…
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Fun headcanon: There are actually three separate group chats among the friend group. One for Phantom Thieves planning (the one we see IG), one for normal teenage memes and shitposts (Futaba is canon meme/shitpost queen) and one solely for whenever Morgana does cute funky not-cat things.
(oh, I could absolutely see it. I could also see them making further smaller group chats with different groups, like ones with just the girls and just the guys, I once saw a chatfic where Futaba modded a group chat called something like "Futaba computer helpdesk" that was just for asking computer questions, and I could also see Akira's dramatic ass making a group chat with Ryuji and Mishima, calling it Operation Maidwatch, typing "Assholes 🖕" and then just leaving because no, he will NOT ever be over them leaving him high and dry during that)
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