#main. body. tics ????? idk
shrimplymoray · 1 year
Neurodivergent, traumas and of sorts headcanons for creepypasta
Why? cuz obviously a bunch of traumatized psychos who live in a manor together can't not be neurodivergent and/or mentally ill in some way.
part 1 of some. idk when i'll make more but i like these.
feat. Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu + Sully, Jane the Killer and Ticci Toby
TW: Trauma discussion, Child abuse, PTSD discussion.
Jeff the Killer
Jeff and Liu grew up in a heavily catholic family, so you can imagine for a very emo and punk kid like Jeff it was hard to deal with.
Jeff, in my au, has Bipolar disorder, beside anger issues, and due to his family (excluding Liu) belief it was "the devil doing this to their son", he is neglected any sort of mental help.
Due to this religious trauma of being dragged to churches and being treated with physical violence for his likings and attitude, Jeff never learned a good coping mechanism, and resorts to violence to relief himself from his negative emotions.
When he is in a specially depressive episode, he tends to isolate himself and do the bare minimum to be alive.
But on his maniac episodes, he tends to be extra aggressive and violent. It was in one of those that he did his first killing spree.
Homicidal Liu and Sully
Like i said, Liu and Jeff grew up in a very catholic family. While Jeff's likings collided a lot with their parent's beliefs, Liu's were more accepted, albeit reluctantly.
Their parents had very high expectations of Liu, and whenever Liu didn't meet those, he was phisically punished.
Liu, was very distant from both of his parent's, due to fear of them, and he also didn't have many friends due to the excessive times his family moved in and out of cities.
Liu due to the physical abuse, reclusiveness and lack of attachment to anyone, including Jeff on his earlier years of life developed DID.
He only learned about DID, after Jeff's attack, when he was 15, though.
Besides DID, and him meeting with Sully, his protector, Liu also has heavy insomnia issues and PTSD from beds. Due to that he has a coffee addiction.
Sully, after being split, held a trauma holder role on the system. He grew very angry at Liu's parents, and slowly but surelly started having a more protector role, not only for Liu but, at the time, for Jeff.
After Jeff's attack, Sully grew even more bitter and split himself again, his trauma holder role staying with one part and himself, Sully, staying as a protector. That's when Liu noticed how sociopathic Sully grew.
Jane the Killer / Jane Arkensaw
Jane, before the Jeff incident, was completely normal. The max she had was one or other little insecurities with her appearance, but she had a safe and healthy childhood and family.
She was shy, but nothing that would be deemed worrysome.
After what Jeff did, whoever, her insecurities with her appearance ran out of the roof.
She always covers as much of her body as she can, too worried about anyone seeing her burnt scars and almost leathery skin.
She has an immense hate for Jeff, obviously, but she is extremely empathic with the ones that got hurt by him, including inside the manor by some reason and other people who were hunting him down, like Sully for example.
After her kidnapping, and even before that, after Jeff's burning alive, she grew a extreme anxiety disorder, and regularly does trades with Ann to get medication for it without having to notice Slenderman or the proxies.
She has heavy traumas of kidnapping, torture and tends to have panic attacks when assigned something like that.
Ticci Toby
Toby, of course, has Tourette's syndrome, as stated by his killer name.
Though in this au, Toby's main motor tics are more concentrated on his face, like multiple repeated blinking. Other tics he has is jerking his head to the left, stomping his feet, and turning his eyes around.
On the vocal tics category, he mainly ends up repeating sounds, while rarely he may repeat a word or whistle.
He also has CIPA, and that is what made him be so enthranced by fire since a young age. He didn't feel the burnt or the hurt, he only saw the pretty colour of fire.
Toby has some heavy trauma of cars, which results in most of his missions he walking to his victims. He only accepts entering on a car if another proxy is the one driving, and he can't be on the front.
Toby also has heavy trauma of drunk people, so most times on the comemorations inside the manor, he will stay in his room or outside putting something on fire.
He copes with most of his traumas and fears and honestly anything he can by putting stuff on fire or throwing stuff at people and getting away with it by being a proxy.
Happyness is in the little things <3/j
Toby also has ADHD, with an emphasys on the hiperactive.
He has trouble remembering stuff that are not written down, so if you hear an alarm going off in the middle of the night, it's probably Toby trying to remember something.
i'mma stop here because i got tired lol but this was fun.
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v01dthefae · 1 year
Please I beg of you if y’all agree with this lemme know.
I fucking hate zombies.
Like I don’t fear them it’s just that the general way they are portrayed pisses me off.
Please! Someone explain how is it even feasible. If it’s a virus then why would the dead be affected? It just isn’t possible. If it was a disease then it would affect living beings and be more like mad cow disease or that one fungi that takes over the minds of unsuspecting animals. Or maybe more like The Last of Us but I’m not in that fandom so idk bout that.
Now if it was a paranormal thriller then I get it affecting the dead. They would be reanimated by any strong emotions but predominantly rage and anger.
Then there is the issue of looks. Not all zombies are gonna be at the same level of deterioration. Some are gonna be fresh and others bordering on just being skeletons with a hint of grey matter left.
But then there is the way the virus is spread and how people are turned. It should not take two minutes for a bite to infect a human. Even bug bites don’t do that. The only time it would act that fast is if the person was bit near the heart because it would be close to the main pump. That would make everything speed up. But if it’s on an arm or leg then it would take time to spread so you would have time to amputate the limb and save yourself.
If a human is but they wouldn’t immediately start rotting and losing chunks of flesh that’s just illogical. The changes would be slow.
Zombies would rely on smell. This is because eyes are the first thing to go on a dead person because of animals like crows, ravens, buzzards, or even insects. They target eyes because they are soft and full of nutrients that are needed for them to live. But the first sense a human loses when dying is usually hearing so it’s safe to assume that zombies would have shitty hearing. Like yeah they can hear but it’s like being under water. Like 6 feet under water.
With touch the nerve endings are shot after the first death. Hence why zombies don’t feel actual pain. So touch is not a leading factor in being found by zombies.
Scent is the biggest thing with them because they call smell the difference between a zombie, which has rotting flesh and stagnant blood, and a living human, flowing blood and lively flesh, because humans are just like that. The only way to not be detected is by smelling like a zombie.
Now if the zombie does have eyes then they are like a T-Rex in the sense that they see movement. They are practically blind other than when you move.
Also they don’t go for the brain like old stereotypes say. No it’s a hive mind that just wants to spread. Biting, scratching, being eaten, or anything that involves getting the DNA of a zombie in your blood stream/body is just the thing you want to avoid.
Honestly tics me off how zombies have so much potential but it’s more of a throw away monster where people only see it as a back up option for shitty Halloween costumes.
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pmatga · 10 months
here's some pmatga oc ideas i've been mulling over recently that i haven't drawn—yet (that is both a promise And a threat /j)
(decided to put this under the cut bc it got long)
a complete oc revamp/overhaul of palmer velmac—or maybe it's rosemary velmac now? or maybe it's both. idk, haven't decided yet. anyway she's nonbinary/genderqueer, uses she/he pronouns. been thinking that maybe she's scarf kid's aunt? and That would be how he'd get introduced to all the other characters initially. (i do have More ideas for this one in particular but i wanna save them for their official ref/bio which should be finished soon-ish)
cylindria's older brother who's an asshole (like "briefly a minor antagonist/villain" kind of asshole) and also a well-known figure in the pacopolis music scene. he's not a musician, though, he's the guy who Works with musicians. haven't decided if he's a music executive, talent agent, or talent manager. whatever it is, he's on the phone A Lot (and if he were in the show, that'd be his main character tic, that he's always on the phone). haven't figured out a name for him yet but i want it to be geometry-related (bc cylindria having a sibling with a regular name feels Weird). also haven't quite decided how exactly he's a minor antagonist/villain, but i'll figure something out.
ghost oc who spends most of her time in pacworld masquerading as an up-and-coming living pop/rock star (probably has a robot body ala buttler in nerd in the word). primarily works with cyli's brother (seen above); he's either her agent/manager or she's signed under his label, depending on what i decide for him (he's aware that she's actually a ghost regardless). stella octangula as a possible name/stage name?
another ghost oc that's a wannabe killer prom queen. been thinking that maybe she burned down her high school gym (carrie) in an effort to defeat the competition (sara berry)...except she didn't manage to Actually kill anyone else aside from herself due to being a dumbass with extremely poor planning skills (bc if someone is planning to kill ppl over a crown and one single night of status, chances are they probably aren't Great at thinking in the long-term) so her Big Scheme™ quite literally blew up in her face. haunted the site of her old high school before being sent to the netherworld along with all the other pre-existing ghosts. also! she went on her initial spree when most of the adult cast were kids, and zac & betrayus had an Encounter with her when they were in their teens (betrayus is still mildly scared of her lol)
(continued from last bullet) or maybe it's a couple? a wannabe prom king & queen who tried to off the rest of the competition on both sides, only to end up getting themselves killed through their own incompetence. the girl's still the more aggressive of the two when it comes to haunting though
okay this last one isn't so much an oc as it is an re-interpretation of tip using my idea of the pointyheads being more like the monster from the thing (1982) + the pacworlder form he uses to blend in with pacworlder society (just barely though, tip doesn't care as much abt "blending in" than i imagine apex does).
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starr-finn · 2 years
Updated Hackerwhacker Bio
I’m so sorry its all grouped together like this ;-;
Name: Axel Dimitri Edmund
Age: 21
Sex/Gender: Non-Binary
Ethnicity: Russian
Occupation: youtuber/heister
Socioeconomic status: Middle-upper class, still figuring that out
Education: Early college
Other notes: they were born in Russia, but their mother fled to Chicago, where she met her girlfriend. When Axel came out as a Demiboy, their mother and her girlfriend showed nothing but endless support, they were part of the wedding party of their mother and stepmother's weddings. They lived with their mom until after college, when they moved to DC, where they live right now, working with the payday gang
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Pale
Hair color: Ginger
Height: 6'0
Weight: 167 lbs
Body type: muscle
Fitness level: They works out often
Tattoos: They have a a pretty large tattoo on his shoulder of a few flowers
Scars/Birthmarks: they have a pretty large scar over their nose
Other distinguishing features: They have a mole on his neck
Disabilities: they doesn't really have any aside from
Fashion style: More of a street kinda style
Accessories: a bandage over Their nose
Cleanliness/Grooming: they take a shower every 2-3 days
Posture/Gait: they kind of slouch
Tics: none
Coordination (or lack thereof): They have pretty good hand-eye coordination
Weaknesses: they are super over protective over Beau (My main OC)
Other notes:
Birth date: October 16th, 2001
Place of birth: uhhh idk Moscow Russia
Key family members: His mother, Katya, and their stepmom mom, Allissa
Notable events/milestones: The Big move to Chicago, he was 4
Criminal record: Armed robbery, Shoplifting
Affiliations: the payday gang
Skeletons in the closet: none i can think of rn
Other notes:
Personality type: ESFP
Personality traits: enthusiastic, Chaotic, stubborn, witty, emotional, soft-hearted, and immature
Temperament: normally happy and peaceful, but can become enraged in seconds
Introvert/Extrovert: Extrovert
Habits: Biting their lips, Drawing/doodling, biting their nails, listening to music while sleeping, rambling picking scabs, pacing
Educational background:
Intelligence: not the brightest
Self-esteem: pretty confident
Hobbies: Hacker stuff lol
Skills/talents: Their a pretty accomplished hacker and artist
Loves: They love spicy things
Morals/Virtues: They absolutely refuse to hurt or kill a civilian
Phobias/Fears: spiders
Angered by: Abusers, manipulators
Pet peeves: leaving doors and cabinets open, leaving things unscrewed, scraping silverware, know-it-alls
Obsessed with:
Routines: They go to sleep at around 12 AM
Bad habits: Biting at their skin and nails
Other notes:
Languages known: Russian, English
Preferred communication methods:
Accent: Russian
Style and pacing of speech: They speak really fast
Pitch: their voice is lower pitched
Laughter: They have a really silly sounding, but contagious laugh
Smile: My only description idea is, cute (I have no ideas)
Use of gestures: They'll often throw their hands around while speaking
Facial expressions: He's normally a smiler
Other notes:
Physical strengths:
Physical weaknesses:
Intellectual strengths:
Intellectual weaknesses:
Interpersonal strengths:
Interpersonal weaknesses:
Physical abilities:
Magical abilities:
Physical illnesses/conditions:
Mental illnesses/conditions:
Other notes:
Partner(s)/Significant other(s): none, but they has a major crush on Beau, their childhood best friend
Lover(s): none
Parents/Guardians: their 2 mothers, Katya and Allissa
Children: none
Grandparents: their grandpa out in Chicago
Grandchildren: none
other Family: they're father figure is vlad
Pets: they have 3 cats, Misha, Ivan, and Yuri
Best friends: Beau, Joy, Sydney, and Sokol
Friends: Everyone else
Rivals: Sokol (its a friendly rivalry, they both play hockey)
Enemies: the cops
Colleagues: Ethan and Hila
Mentors/Teachers: Bain, Vlad, the contractors
Idols/Role models: the entire payday gang, they look up to them
Followers: his subscribers on YouTube XD
Strangers: most civilians
Social media presence: They have a YouTube channel
Public perception of them: That their the good kid that has done nothing wrong
Other notes:
Character Archetype: The outlaw
Tumblr media
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jack-owo-valentine · 1 year
autumnal asks - harvest, jack o lantern, and cider
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
Idk if he counts but Tim Sutton on god. If not maybe like Ive Spice? I realize these are 2 VERY different answers but different people in here have different answers, main host says either of those tho (they're like a shape shifter)
cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
I've grown 2 be much more of a picky eater over the years, more often then not I dislike more foods now than as a child (like veggies, most give me sensory issues now) But, I use 2 LOVE sweets as a kid (couldn't have candy or anything, diabetes and like- a "health" obessed father) So like the rare occasion I could I'd eat any and all, bit anymore a lotta stuff sweets wise I use 2 like just make me sick now or I simply find 2 sweet.
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
Oh. Anon, you poor sweet innocent thing. As Already stated shits fucked and I simply cannot choose one bc I have SO much 2 say.
So, I kin WAY 2 many people, I like lowkey dress them change whole aspects of myself bc of them kinda way of kin. So there's a couple of major ones, also being the most at different times from earliest 2 now:
1. Puppet & Mangle from FNAF
2. Ticci Toby
3. Will Cipher
4. Jack-O' Valentine
I have like 50 kins, it's a lot- these are some of the biggest and most important 2 me tho (also honorary mention 2 Tim Wright from Marble Hornets, I love him sm- why is everyone a coward 2 make bitches fat honestly. Tim Sutton (the actor who played Tim Wright) is so fucking valid and like- thank u sir for ur contributions 2 the world- anyway yea-)
SO, These fictional characters are here for a multitude of reasons,
1. As already stated main host is a shape shifter of sorts, and by that I specifically mean their a mirror that's reflects and refracts, also a doll, meaning they often times just- heavily imprint on characters, and like they can usually sway of its just reflecting vs it altering who they are, they can't likd- choose- but I digress anyway- main host has like lore? way 2 much lore actually- but they're a fictive- its complicated as hell, but they're a fictive of Will Cipher, but they didn't know that originally and a took a HOT minute 2 figure that out, cuz originally the body was way 2 into FNAF, and with how the body is and processes things- robots? fucking dead children souls in robots? a whole mood. Massive mood- especially w/ Puppet being regreful/vengeful and Mangle not rlly being alive in the way everyone else way- very r/iam14andthisisverydeep or whatever but idc, it helped me get through trauma and life and made me happy also the music from the community slaps. So those are the main reasons for mangle & puppet, like the main host literally being a doll (who sometimes has robot limbs, and oops I forgot 2 mention theyre mute and blind- they like have a voice box they just don't always like using it and the blind thing is a whole fucking story-) but yea voice box, being all fucked up physically and mentally? mood 10/10 can't wait for the fnaf movie (Also why those 2 instead of any others is bc like- this was really early on- like what literally only game 2- so maybe 2017? oh my god I'm old- anyway slightly off topic but toy Bonnie is gender as hell)
Ok uhh- Ticci Toby- OH my god the things 2 say, I didn't even mention in the lady part but tics n twitching??? such a thing for us. Especially the host. They cry a lot and generally get overstimmed really easily- and idk what exactly causes it but boy do they tick and twitch, also he's how we found out were trans so oops- um- idk his backstory is a like a mood, we share a decent amount of disorders- and generally his fanon (and maybe canon idk or care, like fuck kastoway) are pretty much a vibe 2 how the main host was for a while- and 2 some degree still is, there's def other reasons tho, like he was the most similar and human in the fandom, he also has a lotta features they really enjoy (curly brown hair, freckles (depending) that like almost sickly white- OH also hachets??? hello??? and his mask??? gender as fuck. Wish I looked that good oh my god. There's just so many reason, he was one of the first pastas I fell in love with, one of the first really I ever even saw. He's like- bi polar like me and idk, I just really enjoy that. He's got enough backstory so that he has a general vibe but hcs can run wild, and still fit. I really hate how childish he's treated tho, I love him as a kin bc he's childish but also not? he's not mature in the slightest but he's not stupid and definitely can hold his own, with lots of character depth. Also his fear of Cars gets more and more relatable (ive been nearly in so many accidents I refuse 2 get a license)
these aren't as on depth as I probably want them 2 be but I don't know I'm comfortable sharing
🖤🖤🎃 Jack-O' Valentine
Silly girl
so gender
so cool, she's got a sort of DID which we love, she's been multiple people and fucked and all these things but in the end she's happy and learning 2 he herself (whatever she decides that is) She fucking blew up Japan tho sorta? gg lore is something else- also Justice her previous form having a massive blue cock is infinitely funny (Justice is a massive mecha, totally pegged sol-) But yea, jacko loves halloween is like 70s inspired is motivating cute and generally such a good character? God. I could not reccomend a character and fandom more, gg is incredibly cool and diverse, and jacko's no different. she's diverse in other ways besides gender, race, identity, I mean she is a white (I think-) woman, probably bisexual idk, but she's got a lot of complexity 2 her w/ having identity issues n shit bc she's part a whole different person, who she was originally meant 2 be, but shit got fucky and ow that's Relatable, her tryna see the best in it all tho? love that- she's so silly as well it's great- and is loved by the person she was supposed 2 be's husband? who loves her for her? goals. also just- her kids so cool lmao I love dizzy-
I'm getting dizzy rn and need my meds hope this was enough for u xx
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computerfrog2000 · 2 years
Got admitted to the EMU (epilepsy monitoring unit) on Monday. It's Thursday now and they've captured a few seizures, mostly smaller ones. They are keeping me longer in hopes of getting one my full body convulsive seizure out of me. Plus one of my nocturnal events would be nice to see. But those haven't happened yet.
My nurses and doctors are all sooo delightful. One I really like is a fellow queer person! She is bubbly and wears cool earrings, and very obviously usually works with the pediatric patients lol. She told me she had a girlfriend and I was like 👀! And we talked about how she feels out which patients she comes out to and talk about queer stuff with. She's been my main nurse in the day shift.
Though there was one nurse who I don't know that came in to adjust something, and she asked "do you watch TikTok?" While imitating a funny British voice (she was saying " 'ello!" repeatedly). I said yeah and she asked if I knew who she was referencing. I didn't, but then she said it is a tiktoker with Tourettes and I think she may have been mimicking a tic? Anyways that was weird and made me start ticcing because that's how Tourettes works lol. I think she told me that just because I have Tourettes? Idk why else she would. That was also all she said to me lmao.
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imagintheworldaway · 2 years
Addict (prologue)
A/N hey so i have never written from the guys POV so this may be trash. This is a prologue to my Addict fic which you can find a link to below. i might do a part 2 to this and the main imagine addict? idk feedback welcome!! 
Requests Open 
Harry's POV
I could hear the thumping of music before I could even see the large mansion the taxi I was in was approaching. “Ready mate?” Cal said as we pulled into the large driveway. I just smiled and nodded as we stepped out of the car and I took in the bright lights and the sheer intimidation of the large house that stood in front of me. The thumping of music alongside the chatter of the hundreds of people that littered the hallways instantly overwhelmed my senses. 
“Harry!” I heard an excited voice call as I finally took a sip out of the bottle of beer that was handed to me by one of the other party guests. “Matt hey” i smiled as my long time friend approached me through the crowd. The two Cals’ had gone off to wherever, leaving Matt and i to fall into idle chatter, catching up with one another and our respective careers. “Hey, you want to go into the new year with something special?” Matt said barely above a whisper, but loud enough for me to understand. I let a small smile creep onto my face as I nodded and followed my friend to an upper room in the house. 
Once we had made it through the maze of corridors my friend opened a door to reveal a small group of people all scattered across the room. “Harry, I would like you to meet my good friend, Y/N '' He said with a smirk pointing over to a girl sat crossed legged on the bed. To the sound of her name her head whipped up and an infectious smile graced her face. It was like time had stopped as i took in her features. Her soft eyes were sweet yet seductive, her hair fell perfectly around her face, light makeup adorned her skin, enhancing her features but not going to over board, and her body, all i could say was wow. I was brought back from my staring by Matt's introductory remarks. “Hey” the girl in front of me smiled as she batted her eyelashes at me. 
“Uh hi” I said scratching my shoulder, a nervous tic I had had my entire life. “Hey” she giggled back, her voice soft and angelic, matching her exterior perfectly. I was in a trance, her beautiful features captivating me and before i knew it i felt her soft skin wrap around my hand and a light tug forcing me to follow her to the corner of the room. I looked over my shoulder momentarily to see my friend was long gone, leaving me with this girl. She sat down, forming almost a circle with three other people, and i sat next to her, not wanting to leave her side. “Guys this is Harry” she introduced me to the group causing a muddle of hellos to erupt from the small group. 
Light chatter only happened for a moment or so, i noticed one guy had been making a row of lines on a piece of cardboard on the floor in front of us. I watched as the lines slowly disappeared as the sheet was passed around the group. I intently took in Y/N as she somehow made the snorting of these drugs look almost pretty. She didn’t even wipe the residue from the side of her nostril before she turned to me and handed me the last line. She gave me an encouraging nod before I divulged in the substance that was set out in front of me. Once i lifted my head back up i saw the smile that graced her face, the twinkle in her eyes watching me indulge in what seemed to be her favourite pastime. 
The effect of the hit didn't take long, the world slowing down and my focus now completely being on Y/N. she was like a light that was leading me and wherever she went i did follow. The thumping of the music and chatter of others was completely drowned out by the girl in front of me, the figure of perfection that had no cares for others opinions on anything she did, she looked free and i knew deep down it was to do with the drugs, but in the moment i wanted to believe that it was just the personality and genuinely what the girl in front of me was like, and i did, she was carefree and it is what i loved most about her. 
The rest of the party carried on the same, i would follow Y/N wherever she wanted to go, be introduced to her friends as we avoided mine, i knew they would have a go at me for this and right now in this moment i didn't want the peace to end. We would drink, dance and take breaks to open the little baggy she had hidden in her pocket to keep the high going for as long as possible. 
I jolted up, my neck hurting instantly. My eyes were blurry and not having the best eyesight anyway meant that it took a moment for me to grasp my bearings and piece together the previous night's antics. “Morning” I heard a groggy but still sweet voice mumbled from next to me. I furrowed my eyebrows, my eyes casting down to the floor next me to see the figure of the girl from the night before sprawled across the floor. Through a mess of hair I caught the glistening eyes from last night, and a cheeky smile which soon followed after our eyes connected. “Oh uh hey” i stuttered out, noting we were both still fully clothed, just laying on the floor. “Last night was amazing,” she giggled as she sat up next to me and stretched. “Yh?” I chuckled, honestly not remembering anything from the previous evening. “Ofcourse, I cannot remember a thing, so it must have been good,” she smiled at me, hoisting herself up and straightening out her clothes. I watched her figure as she looked unbothered, the only sign of her rough sleeping was her tousled hair and slightly smudged makeup. She then reached out a hand to me which I just furrowed my eyebrows to. “You coming?” she smirked, cocking her eyebrows at me. I didn't ask where, I just knew I had to go wherever she was going. 
I watched her as we silently avoided other bodies and snuck out the front door of this large property, making our way down the drive, Y/N being a step or two in front of me. I watched as we made it to the road, Y/N mumbling to herself as she was trying to grasp her bearings. “Do you want me to call an UBER?” I asked almost sheepishly, only to gain a laugh from the girl. “Nah, I always need a walk the morning after” she turned to me and her sly smile was entrancing. She finally decided to walk to the right and so that's the way we went. 
After about a half hour of walking and comfortable silence her voice finally broke the spell. “You’re so strange” she said, her hand making noises as she ran it across a gate which we were walking along the side of. “What?” I stuttered, being taken back slightly by her comment. “You meet a random girl one night at a party, let her pump you up with drugs and the next day you want to walk her back to her flat which is who knows where” she hummed, her attention on the gate which we were coming to the end of. I mean she had a point, what was I doing? But I couldn't stop walking, I couldn't leave her, she had something on me. “Matt told me about you” she carried on her own conversation, not bothering to even look at me to see if i was going to respond. I opened my mouth only for her to carry on her little ramble. “He said you were just like me, we’re the same you know? Two kids being thrust into a new kind of fame, alone, all we really have is each other” she rambled, a soft smile gracing her features as she looked at me. I contemplated for a moment, not really being one with words, but what she said made sense as each word sank in. she may come across as a bit of a nut job but she was right. 
“Maybe we were meant to find each other,” her voice said just above a whisper, the moment feeling serious for the first time since i had met Y/N. “Well, this is me” her voice changed completely to an upbeat tone and a wide smile. She turned to me as I took in our new surroundings. We had somehow made it into a densely populated part of London. The skyscrapers casting a shadow over the road, as taxis and buses filling the streets as the noise of the city finally hit me. “Well I will see you around” she smiled at me. “When?” I asked, not really registering what i had said and instantly cringing at how desperate i sounded. “My numbers in your phone” she smirked before she slipped through the large doors of her apartment building and out of my sight. I felt slightly taken aback, grabbing my phone and seeing my texts. The top text reads ‘Y/N ;)’ with a simple hey. From that moment I knew i had a deadly addiction.
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genoc1d3r · 3 years
my turn to cry - thoughts on 3-1b
ok this has actually gotta be my favorite chapter cause holy shit so much stuff happened.
I played the Alice/kanna route and afterwards I watched a vod with the reko/shin route in which ranmaru and naomichi died before the banquet, so BIG SPOILER WARNING FOR BOTH ROUTES
Mafia Princess Sara??: Ok so first off, back in the beginning of 2020, I had a theory that Sara was a mafia heiress and that the death game was supposed to be something to “prepare” her. And that her memories were wiped or she was initially supposed to be kept blind to this whole thing (In 3-1a when everybody saw the consent form for the very first time everybody felt a sense of deja vu, except for Sara. Because why would they need her consent when she is the sole focus of the game and it’s all for her) This theory was mainly supplied by my confusion surrounding the hiring of Kai, cause why would mr Chidouin hire a former assassin to protect her?? How did he even know Kai??? But yeah, the whole thing with Shinobu Gokujo and deciding a new don through a death game just adds a lil more validity to this theory.
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Sara’s real father: I also had a mini theory that Gashu Satou was her real father, but that was mostly cause of their hair color and how it would def make Sara’s hair color make more sense genetics-wise (but kai has black hair, so its most likely that his mother had black hair, which would also disprove this mini-theory but yk im not here to prove it just talk about it). And that Gashu knew of Mr. Chidouin and gave Sara to him, and it would also explain why mr Chidouin chose Kai of all people to look after her and why Kai could only watch her from a distance, in case she realized the truth that he was her brother/half-brother or something. 
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GREENBLINGS CANON AAAAAAAA: I love this, I love this so much oh my god. Now I can replay and cry after 2-2 cause nankidai hates us :’). I dont have an issue with this specifically, I’m just a bit bothered by how the whole thing went. There was some buildup yea, and the cg with kanna, kugie, and shin was amazing. And that lil bit about nice hallucinations made me tear up a bit. But, then everybody kinda just moved on? and idk this whole chapter was a fuckign roller coaster I could barely keep up.
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Autistic Gin <3: I’m autistic myself and I have seen many characters who are autistic-coded or exhibit many signs of autism but have never been straight up confirmed (Ex: Vera Misham from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney). And even then, these characters usually share similar personality traits like being aloof and reserved. So it’s nice to see that Gin is representing autism in a relatively realistic manner with his hyperfixations, vocal tics, and issues with socializing. Even after nearly dying like 17 times he’s still doing well and I genuinely wish for his survival and happiness.
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Ranmaru’s death: Both of Ranmaru’s deaths, (if you or if you don’t fail the electricity absorption minigame) the death feels so... off? I was really attached to him as a character, yet his death didn’t impact as much as Joe’s or Nao’s did. During his Banquet death, one second he had his really cute smiling sprite but then whoops oh no guys weird drill screw thing kills him (again). I still can barely comprehend it because it all just happened so fast. Like no cg or anything. I was honestly kinda disappointed. The “delayed” one does a better job at his death scene, but again, it was wayyy too quick and completely dismissed as everybody just moves on to defeat Maple 2.0. I at least would’ve appreciated a better transition than Midori just saying “well anyways–”
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 Ranmaru’s extremely quick descent into madness in the shin route: I actually liked this idea of Ranmaru willing to go to such extremes for Sara. However, theres barely time for any of this to develop? Like again, everything just happens so fast??? I would've definitely liked if there were little hints around before the body discovery that ranmaru was gonna do something like this, just a little time for development would really be cool.
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Mr. Policeman/Mr. Tazuna???: After I finished, I actually looked on the wiki to see if it said anything about his son that he mentioned and I found this: 
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But yeah thats cool
The thing about Q-taro: I’m gonna say it now, I’ve liked Q-taro ever since the aftermath of 1-2, and Q-taro haters have added absolutely nothing to this fandom. Everybody saw him as a child-hater, I see him as a guy who’ll do anything to survive and succeed. I mean that wish is kinda what got him into the death game. And yeah he did try to leave that one time, but that’s what getting thrown into traumatic killing games does for you, most people don’t want to die, they want to live, no matter what it takes. We can’t all be the main character and choose to cooperate with everybody and be the “good” person in that situation. Even Sara has those extremely selfish moments and those intrusive thoughts of winning and leaving. 
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This whole thing should also be applied to Ranmaru. Ranmaru has gone through so much shit in such a brief amount of time, to the point where he was considering to/actually kill people to escape with the one person he trusted in this hellhole. In that situation, Sara’s kinda at fault here, cause without Joe she’s lost her sense of morality which resulted in her becoming selfish and well... honestly kinda toxic. This emotional manipulation is really what set Ranmaru off, however it was 100% his decision to fucking kill somebody and murder’s bad. Still love him though.
But back to Qtaro, I really enjoyed the extra substance given to him in this chapter, it’s nice to see the development from being selfish to feeling deep remorse to protecting the dolls of the first trial victims, most notably Mai. As he completely forgives her for stabbing him. The chapter did a great job at fueling my already intense love for Q-taro (and it actually convinced my best friend who claims to hate Q-taro with every bone of her body to like him too!) I also love the father-son dynamic between him and Gin. I find this relationship to be really important cause Gin’s father is an abusive alcoholic and Q-taro’s an orphan who’s never had a proper role-model in his life. So it’s beautiful that despite not having anybody there for him when he was younger he can still be a good figure for another child.
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Predictions/hopes for the next part: 
I just want to see whether Shin already knew about Kanna being his sister, and if he doesn’t I want a reveal. Right. Now.
A Ranmaru/Joe/Q-taro/Kai/ “Hinako” revival, p l e a se  they died so soon
More info about the people involved in the Hades Incident/Shinobu Gokujo
More info regarding Meister
Sara going on Maury
Who tf is “Hinako”????
I really hope that there isn't any specific good/bad ending. Like I want every ending to be equally bad and good yk? like equal consequences and good stuff.
Yo wtf happened to Sara’s mom?? Is she gonna come back and play a more important role in the story?? Are her parents gonna come back as floor masters???
I want things to actually change  depending on whether you picked Alice or reko, cause so far they’ve played extremely minor roles.
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hollowsart · 3 years
fvghbj feel free to answer publicly I'm happy to share my thoughts even though this is gonna be all over the place lmao so! my first hc is that our boy wasn't always a puppet, I follow the addison hc like pretty much everyone else. and I think it was pretty jarring for him to go from flesh and blood (or whatever darkners are made of) to very much inorganic material. second, I hc he's got a stutter, that's one of the reasons his sales weren't great in the beginning. Also tics like head jerks and grinding his jaw (am I projecting maybe shhhh) some random hcs. 1. in my happy little world where he ends up in castle town as the trio's eccentric uncle, he takes forever in she shower. not for vanity reasons he's just got a bunch of little joints and shit to clean and it takes a while, ok? 2. his tics and ad breaks get worse when he's stressed (poor guy) 3. his upper and lower body are all hard plastic/porcelain like material but his middle is softer, it feels more like fabric over soft rubber. also he's not skinny i respect people who draw skinny spamton but the man is built like a little unit and also presumably middle aged let him be soft (tm). I put him at around 5 foot or 5'2" but he usually wears at least low heels. his jaw gets on his nerves/freaks him out a bit sometimes cause why are there so many teeth in there bro. He has mild auditory hallucinations sometimes (a faintly ringing phone usually). His main reason for avoiding the addisons after his fall from grace was cause he fell hard and fast, and didn't want the people he used to know to see him like this. anyway this was long as shit hope you enjoy lmao also if u ever wanna message me to talk abt our boy feel free-
.....listen. I am vibing so hard with this. and you are so correct about how he's built. been struggling with my own Spamton's body shape and proportions sdfjkhsd I'm still playing around with ideas and trying to give him that bulkier look, but dANG. Those porportions are so difficult for me and idk why--
AND I FEEL THAT STRESSED HC SO MUCH WITH SPAMTON. His ad roll/break speech quirk just gets worse the more he's stressed and just devolves into a full on glitchfest infomercial sort of spiel when he's at maximum stress.
the body materials.... I love seeing/hearing any unique takes on that for him, my own is just biomechatronics... got flesh and blood but also has the added bonus of inorganic bits and pieces all around his body.. That's just kinda how his body just is?? (I should totally draw up my idea on the addisons, it adds to this a bit)
everyone has such a wide range of heights for Spamton, mine may as well just be a solid 4'5" since that's how I've been drawing him "consistently".
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desafia · 2 years
it is so hard to explain but it’s like i don’t want these seizing/tic things to keep going my body still hurts from the main episodes i had and i don’t feel right mentally either. but at the same time a part of me is afraid of it just going away completely before i ever see a neurologist and it just being yet another thing that happens to my body that fucks me up but not enough to be ‘major’ so doctors are just like yeah idk why that happened so crazy and i have to go back to my life like nothing happened until the next weird unexplainable thing disrupts my life and fucks up my work week :)) 
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avengedbiologist · 3 years
Thunderbird Headcanons
Thunderbird headcanons I just kinda forgot to post.
Not a single brain cell.
Like 6’1”
Is like really not down with the kids as much as he thinks he is.
Fully believes he is cool.
Writes a letter to his Mum every year and just puts it in a drawer.
Did have a mullet at one point.
Dimples and some moles.
Hates strawberries.
He really loves pies (not made by grandma though)
Good hugs.
He was rebellious as a kid, still got good grades at school but skived a lot and smoked probably.
Wears double denim.
Close to all his brothers due to him helping his dad raise them.
Especially close to Alan as he was only 8 when their dad went missing and kind of hand to become a parental figure in his dad's place.
Wears crocs and socks.
If he needs support will go to Virgil or John, but since he feels comfort in physical contact he tends to go to Virgil.
Full on had grey hairs at 25 from taking over IR.
Really likes porridge.
Reads/watches something for an hour before bed, unless the rescue literally causes him to pass out as soon as he gets on the bed.
Favourite tic tac flavour is lime and orange.
Really bad with spice.
Not allergic to bees
Mans built, a good mix of both muscle and fat, bulking him out more than his brothers.
Was a bug kid, used to draw them all the time, he still remembers bug facts.
Really interested in scarab beetles
Moles on face as well as scar near eyebrow.
Like 5’9”-5’10”
Probably could lift the sofa with one hand if given the chance.
Can easily pick up Scott and John at the same time.
Usually the brother Gordon and Alan hang around or ask for emotional support.
Close with Gordon as he was the main brother who cared for Gordon after his accident due to his medical knowledge. Was around when Gordon had his breakdowns and Virgil knows a lot of Gordon's fears or insecurities, he knows most of his brothers insecurities as well, and always checks up on them if they are faced with something that could bring up their insecurities.
Virgil covers up alot, he can be quite insecure about his body, it fully depends on the day, if there is a day where he is more confident with his body and shows more skin, his brothers make sure not to comment on it as that can throw him off and make him insecure again.
Best hugs ever.
Can bake okay, can kind of cook, nothing too hard.
Has his own soup recipe that tends to be used when one of his brothers is ill.
Close with all his brothers but tends to end up hanging around Gordon and Alan.
Is allergic to ibuprofen and aspirin
Sarcastic humour.
Full on had a crush on Kip Harris and Tycho reeves.
Can fill a sketchbook in a week.
Landscapes and figures are his favourite things to draw.
Has a birthmark on his palm
Tall an lanky.
Good at gymnastics.
Light freckles all over face.
Very close to Alan due to their shared love of space.
John used to teach Alan about space when they were younger, and used Alan as an audience (as well as Jeff) for when he had to practice for a presentation.
Like 6’1”
He had a punk phase when he was a teen.
Has severe hay fever.
Social anxiety isn't good with crowds, unless one of his brothers is with him, they help distract him from the crowds. Alan usually does space talk. Scott and Virgil tend to talk to him about mechanics and coding, usually asking John to babble about it. Gordon usually makes jokes or asks him about what he did that day, half the time Gordon doesn't understand what he's talking about but he's respectful and listens.
Does not like physical contact as much, he will hug his brothers but he has to be in the right mood, his brothers always seem to know when he is in the right mood.
Always hugs Alan and Gordon though.
Tends to keep a level head but if someone were to hurt one of his brothers he would get angry.
Was a generally quiet kid.
Was good at getting a baby/toddler Alan to stop crying.
Has a mole behind his ear.
Little, like 5’6” to 5’8”.
Big shoulder from all that butterfly swimming.
Jokes about a lot, not only because he is funny but he is insecure, he hates seeing family so sad, it reminds him of when he was in his accident.
Is actually kind of insecure about his body, he has a lot of scars from accidents and from being in WASP.
He is shaped like a dorito and has little body fat.
Massive crush on Penelope, eventually asks her out and they hang out as much as they can, which isn't much since they both have very busy lives.
Has a mullet.
Also wears crocs and socks but does it better than Scott.
Is a mess.
Military lad but if you didn't know him you would not be able to tell.
Suffers from depression but again you wouldn't be able to tell, he hides it well.
Nothing but bright clothes in his wardrobe.
At one point he did have a crush on buddy.
He did have a good relationship with Jeff but from ages 14-16 they just didn't get on, Gordon just seemed to get on Jeff's nerves a lot and also seemed to just keep making the wrong decisions. This all got better when Gordon talked about going to work with WASP. Too bad Jeff never got to see him there since the accident happened before Gordon started.
Gordon naturally feels relieved when Jeff comes back, they start again and so far they are getting on well.
Is actually a really good cook.
If not swimming or on a mission he will spend the day cooking if given the chance.
Likes veg more than fruit.
Catch him munching on a carrot whilst listening to the info on the mission.
Always has tic-tacs in his pockets, both suit and civvies.
Really good with spice and heat, he survived eating a carolina reaper pepper.
Knows how to do the hoedown throwdown.
Knows origami.
Was only 1 when his mum died, he blames himself sometimes due to him being the one his mum was trying to save in the avalanche. [All versions]
Pansexual [All versions]
Never had a good bond with his family until he was 14 and the hood attacks, sure he liked them and they cared for him they just never gelled as well. Despite this he is close with John. John was the main one to actually listen to him and actually let him speak through his issues and John never judges him [04].
He has a boyfriend who he meets at whartons, they meet before the hoods attack and get close whilst Alans in recovery via video calls and when Alans is allowed back into school they start dating. [04]
Freckles :)
Is very little, between 5’4” and 5’7” depending on the version.
When Jeff comes back Alan is iffy around him, Jeff manages to get back in to the father figure role quickly but Alan hasn't seen Jeff for years and has forgot a lot about him, Alan naturally goes to Scott with any issues, isn't used to Jeff being around. It takes a few months for him and Jeff to actually bond properly by themselves.
Has a prosthetic leg, the story behind it depends on the version, 04, his leg was severely injured after falling and catching his leg on the moving mole during his fight with the hood in the bank. In TAG it's a situation of explosion in space that nearly kills him. (Sometimes this is a thing sometimes it's not idk)
Has a bed full of stuffed animals.
His room is filled with rocket posters and models.
Has a shelf that's just the rockets in mission order.
Loves the mercury 7.
Alan's baking ability is making those cookies that you just add like milk into.
Used to copy Gordon a lot.
Still copies him sometimes, like him keeping sweets in his pockets at all times and sometimes copies his reactions in conversations cause he zones out a lot
Will tear up if someone shouts at him, usually he hides it and when alone he lets it out. His brothers know this and will usually try to prevent the shouting from happening.
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prodbyteez · 4 years
kingdom dance analysis
i’ve been dancing competitively since i was 7
i am a dance teacher 
i’ve done many different styles: ballet, contemporary, lyrical, modern, tap, jazz, hip hop, and musical theater
i will be OBJECTIVE - do i have certain groups i know more or follow more, yes. will that affect how i analyze each performance NO
i will not be doing rankings or places. there’s no need for that
if i make a statement about choreo - I UNDERSTAND THAT THESE ARE CHOREOGRAPHED BY SOMEONE 
these are solely my opinions and thoughts. please do not take offense to anything i say. please. but if you’ve got thoughts, let me know! i’d be happy to talk about dance :)
juyeon - the boyz
i love the beginning arch from the floor, it was different and unique and set the breathiness and lightness of the rest of the performance
his musicality is amazing, in hitting every piano key, his performance rely less on the core and the power and instead rely on subtlety and airiness
the short beat drop in the middle was pretty good, but i do feel like the choreo felt a little off for the theme
the silence was great, but the part where he like chokes?? himself?? (idk the bg is red) i feel like there could’ve been a little more drama and power at that point
his initial movements from that point on could’ve been driven with a little more sharpness and power, but the flow through it all was still great
overall - i think he did amazing and i really enjoyed the fluidity of it all
lee know - stray kids
okay contemporary pull through
the isolations are incredible
the beginning is already so incredibly structured, from the use of the wolf’s howl to demonstrate fluidity to the beats showing the intricate isolations MM yes
the main powerful performance is really amazing too
it doesn't feel rushed or like the choreo doesn’t belong
similar to juyeon’s i feel like there are some parts where the choreo and power could be heightened to add drama or this sense of urgency and attack
again though, the musicality is really really amazing
the part where the beats speed up and its like (pardon me) DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUN and he’s doing a lot of things really fast, i do feel like that could’ve been a little clearer and sharper
overall - this performance is amazing, from the musicality to the power in a contemporary style,, loved it
san - ateez
if there’s one thing this man will always give it is face
and from the get go you can tell how his performance doesn’t rely on technicalities but on story 
his musicality and power from the get go is already BOOM just right there
i love the fast/slow play - it really heightens the performance but really does give him room to play with facial expressions
there’s some points of choreography that i feel could’ve been a little better or changed to fit the music better - i see this a lot when the really fast beats come in, the choreo feels like it doesn’t match the intensity of the music at times (not just with san but with the performances in general)
he did look like he was gonna fall out of his scorpion (that thing where he pushes off the ground to stand up - pls be careful bby)
the big beat drops at the end where it goes DUN...DUN...DUN...DUN - i would’ve like to see one more bit of choreo before he walks off (but that’s probably just for him in get in position for the flower) 
i love the kick at the end, especially how the camera moves with it, i think it really just seals this performance
overall - definitely love the story he gave through his facial expressions and through playing with the fast and slow parts + the intensity and power through his movement
minhyuk - btob
okay lyrical come through
he definitely is taking a more contemporary, lyrical approach to the performance which i do enjoy seeing
i do feel like there are some parts lacking a bit in power
the jump in the middle feels a bit out of place
i really love the extensions of his body though
he flows through the music and doesn't forget the gentleness of each step
it was short :(
i do enjoy seeing a good contemporary piece, and i think the music fit this perfectly
i would’ve liked to see a bit more power come through for him and maybe a bit more intensity
overall - i though he did really great with his extensions and lightness of the choreo nd i would’ve loved to see more
taeyang - sf9
the beginning already - hi sir who are YOU
his turns were spotted and controlled and then the drop to the half split - the silence there is breathtaking i love it
oh my gosh this intensity in the breathing in the song but also how his movements literally break through the air like they’re sharp breaths
his musicality is amazing, every tic is a new movement
OKAY ILLUSION (that thing where is leg is up in the air and his head is grazing the ground and he’s on one foot)
this musicality is insane im losing my mind here
i love how the breaths in the song are chances for him to really go and take those dramatic breaths for himself before he goes into another set of choreo
HE DOES A 540 OHHHHHHHHHHH (the turning jump he does towards the end)
oh and the ending pose
overall - wow, this performance blew me away, from the contemporary to the musicality, it was incredible, loved it so much
donghyuk - ikon
okay smiley
i’ve seen donghyuk as a dancer through who’s next and all the yg shows
honestly, i do feel this is a little lackluster for him
maybe it’s the choreo or the style or the robe
but some of his moves feel a little repetitive
there’s a lot of arm swirls i see which do fit the song quite great
but there’s not really a lot of choreo i see to be honest
akajfl i don’t want this to seem like im crapping on him, cause i know he’s a great dancer
the scorpion and jump feel a little out of place
hhh, i do appreciate his power and intensity in his performance but i just feel like it’s not quite there
overall - i love him so much and he’s so talented, i just feel like this performance couldn’t really show that, but i do believe that we’ll be seeing a lot more from him during kingdom
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pxppydogtailz · 3 years
comfort character stimming headcanons cause im sad
gavin reed (detroit evolution)
- my highest kin so therefore he likes my favorite stim toy, tangles
- biting his nails + bouncing his leg are big ones
- he just stims with anything he can find
- clicks pens too much. probably really annoying about it.
carlos de vil (descendants)
- all the stim toys!!
- chewlery is his favorite,, but he chews on literally anything
- probably rocks back and forth a lot
alex mercer (jatp)
- twirling his drumsticks is the main one
- and drumming his fingers on tables
- likes quiet stim toys (like tangles 👀)
- but willie's bracelets work too :)
luke patterson (jatp)
- his little kick thing!!
- he also likes to knit bc i said so
- never stops moving.
- anything and everything is a stim toy.
willie (jatp)
- the thing he does with his hands all the time? idk how to describe it, just watch the show lol
- he likes to put little braids in his hair (and alex's!!)
- he's probably like the worst and has a little finger skateboard to fidget with
reggie peters (jatp)
- he also loves chewlery
- happy stims!!
- i feel like he'd vocal stim a lot, just repeating words that he heard/read
- or he'd sing to himself
ralph wr600 (dbh)
- whew okay where to begin
- vocal stims!! he loves the word succulent bc it reminds him of his hyperfixation
- no fidget toys, mainly stims with his body
- also! not a stim but it's kinda canon that he has tics,, there are multiple scenes where he has facial tics
i might add more to this bc this is no where close to all my comfort characters shsjsjk
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creepy-carrion · 4 years
Rambles and thoughts on Ticci Toby
I don’t really know what to call this, as they aren’t exactly headcanons. My brain is completely hyperfixated on Toby (Masky/Tim Wright too), so I conjure up a lot of shit about them in my mind. That’s what this is essentially, the shit about Toby my mind just coughs up I guess.
In my previous fics I have written him with a stutter, but I don’t really imagine him having one..? I honestly don’t know why I wrote him like that. As for his tics, in the original fic he isn’t shown to have any vocal tics where he speaks, so I for sure can’t imagine him having those. For tics with his mouth, I imagine him clacking his tongue is his most prevalent tic, though he also pops his lips.
Haven’t really thought about his other tics much, to be honest. Not many are shown or described in his original story and idk if his creator specified them anywhere else. It’s mostly just jerking movements of his body. His shoulders pulling up, his neck jerking to the side. Rough movements because his bones crack. And for the love of god, he does not tick like a clock. That isn’t what ticcy refers to,,, pls
The waffle thing... Meh. Can’t say I particularly love or hate that stereotype. Maybe he likes breakfast foods and stuff, but from what I have gathered, people with CIPA do not feel hunger pains, so eating can feel like a chore. I can imagine Toby’s mind is not on food unless he smells or sees it. He is far more focused on the jobs he has to do.
Relating to that, dear god, he is far from incompetent. He is a proxy. I do like to imagine him with ADHD and/or autism, so yes, he can be unfocused, but his job is his life. He would hyperfocus like all hell whenever he gets an assignment. It would be all he thinks of and all he could think of. He does not go into these things blindly, he does actually plan them out. All of his plans are created and organized in his mind, faster than any of the other proxies are capable of. He kills fast, efficiently and without many distractions. When it comes to his job, he is hypercompetent.
I have mostly been portraying him as a sweet boy, but welp, that’s because he was in an already established relationship. Toby is still some nasty fuckin dude when it comes to people he doesn’t consider close to him. He loves taking the piss out of people and pranking them. Pranks that are purely at the expense of the other person and he laughs about it in the most annoying way. Does not feel bad if someone gets screwed over when it benefits him. Or you know, when it doesn’t. He doesn’t care either way.
Aside from that, severe trust issues. I’ve been reading versions of Toby where his memory got wiped after he became a proxy and those where he still remembers everything with Lyra and his abusive father. I like to think he does not remember these things, but that they aren’t actually wiped but suppressed, and thus still swirl around in his unconscious. This is the main origin of his severe trust issues, but it isn’t exactly like he hangs out with trustworthy people. The only proper basis of trust he has is, again, his job.
That being said, when he does get close to someone, he gets incredibly clingy and affectionate. Has a lot of trouble distinguishing between really liking someone and crushes. Will follow them around a lot. Because of his unconscious memories of Lyra, he will get incredibly paranoid about losing them. Might start forcing them to stay out of situations he deems dangerous. If they don’t listen, he will be incredibly stung. He always thinks he knows best. Will be incredibly torn between staying mad and apologizing so this can just be over.
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ijustamericant · 4 years
idk if this is an unpopular opinion but i understand or like almost every single main character (minus the racists), except tic. and i think its because all of them at some point are having to come face to face with their own flaws, with their own selfishness and monstrosity and the ways they’ve hurt other people--and they change.
in this last episode Montrose was the ONLY adult who took dee seriously, and not only went everywhere looking for her, but also caught himself when his first instinct was to yell and discipline her. he lowered his voice and tried to empathize with her, and the episode ended with him just holding her. also in the episode he pledged his loyalty and love to his son and actively put himself in danger by practicing magic that could’ve killed him, in order to protect tic. 
Leti realized that her selfishness was pushing her sister away and she took the time to apologize. she went to get a protection spell for tic and while she accepted it for herself and her unborn child instead, the moment she saw tic’s life was in danger, she ran out into open fire to (im guessing) shield him with her own body.
Ruby took that potion to gain things for herself, and she did. her initial interactions with the black woman at the store were filled with frustration, but as soon as she saw her get assaulted by the manager, she took revenge on him in a way she knew the other woman could never do. additionally despite being unsure of leti’s intentions, she let her back into her life. and instead of lying about magic and her relationship with willstina/chrisilliam, she told the whole truth. 
Hippolyta after finally achieving true freedom, made the decision to return to Dee because she knows Dee needs her. (but she cant because tic broke the machine by hitting it repeatedly)
And even Ji-Ah who had every right to kill tic right then and there, decided instead to not be the monster her mother said she was. and she flew halfway around the world to once again warn him and try to help him not die. 
Special shoutout to dead George for also initially getting defensive when Hippolyta told him that he had a hand in shrinking her, but then realizing that she was right, and apologizing. 
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walks-the-ages · 5 years
I despise, what I like to call "overview fics". Yes, they're easy to write, they're good practice for beginners, but it is godamn FRUSTRATING to find a fic with a really cool sounding description and then it's just... an overview!
You're TELLING us that stuff is happening, not SHOWING us!
"Show, don't tell" is one of the major rules of media! It's okay if you haven't mastered it yet, fic is just for fun after all, but just... Practice it, please. Your fics will be all the better for it.
Which evokes more emotion?
"A knife flew out of the dark alley and stabbed her arm. Dani screamed as blood poured out of her arm, frightened to death."
"With a whistle of displaced air, a knife flew out of the darkened alley, straight for her. Dani had no time to dodge, and could only scream as she registered the pain in her arm.
She could see the blade was buried to the hilt in her shoulder; her heart was pounding frantically in her chest, making her dizzy with terror as each heartbeat caused more and more blood to well up around the blade...
'oh my god,' she thought hysterically, 'I'm going to die!"
SO, which one provoked more emotion? Which one MEANT more to you?
It’s easy and quick to do the first example, especially if you’re just drafting a fic/book, and you plan on going back and editing it later-- but if you want your story to REALLY stand out and look more proffessional, don’t be afraid to take a moment and delve into what the character’s experiencing! 
Instead of just saying a character is happy, show their thought process! What makes this moment so enjoyable for them? 
If you’re writing an action scene, like the one above, slow it down, unless the quickness is because your character isn’t comprehending everything that’s happening. 
Show the impact on the character, describe their fear and pain, describe the irrational thoughts that fear brings out  in people who aren’t trained for these types of situations. 
If a character is angry or nervous, describe their tics or stims-- anything from repeatedly clenching their fists, pulling at their hair, throwing things, hitting a table, shouting wordlessly, etc! 
If a character is crying, show us how it feels to cry-- that lump in your throat, the burning eyes, the sobs that shake your whole body-- 
When writing any emotion, drawn upon your own experiences for inspiration! Show how different people react to the same things in slightly different ways! 
If your main character just got magical powers, describe to us how they’re struggling to control them, instead of just saying “She struggled to control them for awhile, before she got the hang of it” like, IDK about you, but tell me some of the mishaps they had! Show me the moment everything clicked for them! Show their frustrations and joy! 
Your story can only becoming richer for taking a moment and showing your audience what you’re character is experiencing, instead telling us a simple one-liner
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