#maine coon corner
catclimbingstructures · 7 months
*10 Best Cat Trees For Maine Coons [Cat Tree Guide for Large Cats]* | Cat Climbing Structures
Hey there! Do you have a Maine coon or other large cat that climbs all over the furniture, fridge, TV stand and pretty much everywhere they’re not supposed to be?
Is it enough to drive you insane cuz they won't listen! I know. I can relate because it was the same for me too until I installed a couple of these in my house!
Click the link below to learn more! :)
(via 10 Best Cat Trees For Maine Coons 2021 | Cat Climbing Structures)
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followthebluebell · 11 months
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Stole the expression right off of a perpetually surprised lemur
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pangur-and-grim · 2 days
I'm looking into getting a purebred cat for the first time because I've developed allergies, and it's such a different world from my niche corner of dog breeding, I'm so lost How common is it for cat breeders to focus on temperament over conformation? I've shown a dog and been to many shows, and am working on a breed in development. I'm uncomfortable with a fixation on "correct" appearance versus a heavy focus on what an animal's quality of life is and what they're like to live with If I'm paying more for a kitten than I charge for a puppy I want to know the breeder has done a lot of handling and enrichment, grooming conditioning (for relevant breeds), and pair their cats for temperament strengths and weaknesses, not just conformation. What should I look for on a breeder site/what should I ask without sounding rude? I also have seen a couple breeders advertise a health guarantee including FIP for one year, and I'm wondering how that's possible. Can you really guarantee against it? I'm so sorry you and your gremlin are going through this, it sounds like a rollercoaster!
it's difficult to answer your first question! cat breeding seems more…..casual in terminology than dog breeding, if that makes sense? 
with temperament, there’s a stereotype for each breed (Bengals = active, Siamese = yowly, Ragdolls = angelic beings, etc). breeders often have a page on their site explaining their idea of what the breed is (the ideal appearance, personality, and so on), and then a section with their breeding cats, with blurbs for each one. and they usually also have social media, where you can see how these cats slot into their lives.
if you’re from the states, be VERY WARY of breeders who cage their cats! that’s more of a cultural norm there, and personally, I prefer breeders who treat their animals like family members and live alongside them.
here are two examples of breeders who go above and beyond: Praticalcats and Trillium Devon Rex. their sites give away how obsessive they are about their animals - all the articles on Praticalcats, and all the genetic testing on Trillium - and I would feel comfortable recommending them to anyone who asked.
as for over-emphasis on a “correct” appearance – for each breed, there will be a certain look that’s a red flag. Devon Rexes that are too brachy, Maine Coons that are too large, Siamese that are too spindly, etc. if you do enough research on your breed of choice, you’ll start recognizing it. the cat will look more ‘special’, and more ‘like it’s breed’, but it’s an exaggeration at the cost of other qualities.
for specific questions like what handling they do, whether they’re conditioned to tolerate grooming, and how the cats get paired with buyers, most of the time you have to contact a breeder to ask that. there should be a mini job interview before any money changes hand, where the breeder grills you, and you get to return the favour. if a breeder skips this, I’d consider that a major red flag. and don’t worry about sounding rude, a good breeder will be delighted that you care so much about all of this!
and now, the guarantee against FIP – what are they guaranteeing, exactly? it might be a guarantee that they’ll replace the kitten if they develop FIP (the contract with my breeder had a similar clause). but if they’re guaranteeing that any kitten from them won’t develop FIP, then that’s nonsense. basically all young cats get exposed to the feline coronavirus that causes FIP, and whether they develop it or not is just a lottery gamble. I'd be suspicious of any breeder who claims that their kittens are exempt from this.
anyway, I think I've answered everything. hopefully that was helpful, and not just me rambling!
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 3 months
Modern Au Slash
A/n: There's a video of Slash talking about how he locked himself in his office to play guitar hero for, like, three days straight so imagine if he was a kid growing up with Minecraft.
Warnings: Slash names a cat hambone
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You came into Slash's room, his mom, Ola, had given him the basement since it was big enough to fit all his little fixations and also muffled him and his guitar.
The walls were lined with terrariums and plastered with posters, ranging from bands in the 90's all the way back to the 60's.
Slash was sat in the corner at his computer playing Minecraft while a Led Zeppelin played from his vintage record player.
You came up behind him, wrapping your arms around him and resting on your chin on the top of his head. "What're you building?" You asked, watching as he placed a few blocks.
"A house." You smiled at his blunt response. You'd been dating him a few months and come to realize that he wasn't cold, he didn't speak like that because he didn't care, his attention was just directed elsewhere. Didn't mean he wanted you gone.
"A house?" You asked, hoping to get more out of him.
"Yeah." He paused the game and turned to you, looking up at you with a pureness in his eyes. "You said you were gonna get the game soon so I was building us a house." He explained. "I'll teach you how to play on here, make it easy." You smiled down at him and kissed his forehead.
"Thanks, you didn't have to, though." He shrugged and pulled you onto his lap so you were facing him. He swiveled the chair back to the computer and rested his head on your shoulder as he continued to play.
"I wanted to, and I had the time." You chuckled softly at that and kissed his cheek. "Look." He said.
You looked at the screen over you shoulder and saw that he had already decorated the houses interior, having given you guys a shared bed. There was a cat on it but it didn't seem to have a name.
"We have a cat?" You asked.
Slash shrugged. "You said you wanted a main coon so I found a mod for one." You kissed his temple.
"Of course you did, loser." You teased.
Slash laughed. "Don't be mean or I'm calling him hambone." You pulled away from him, staring at him in confusion.
"Hambone?" He smiled widely at you.
You stared at the screen as he got a nametag. You watched in horror as the cute cat got flipped upside down.
"What the hell did you do?!" You yelled, staring at the monstrosity while Slash cackled.
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close to home | chapter one
close to home | chapter one
plot: a nice introductory to the reader and a sense of who she is
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,287 Warnings: violence, blood A/N: thanks for checking out the first chapter! Just a nice quick introduction to the character :)
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You’d woken to the sound of something thumping against the wood floor of your home and the loud meow of Tora. She’d taken it upon herself to catch breakfast for the two of you, a fat squirrel. After the unexpected meal the two of you shared, you knew what needed to be done. Today was run day. And you were out of water. 
So you geared up, an empty gray canvas pack on your shoulders, your one good gun strapped around your leg, a machete at your waist, and a few other knives hidden around your body. You were always prepared. 
The morning spring bite nipped at your cheeks when you stepped outside the tiny home. Your eyes scanned the ground below for any signs of the dead, and you listened for the rustling leaves of footsteps. But there was nothing. You were safe for now. 
It was easier climbing down the tree than up, though Tora made it look relatively easy. But you weren’t lucky enough to have claws to help you, so climbing down the rope was your only option. 
The rope slid easily enough through your leather glovelettes and soon your boots hit the ground. Tora was waiting for you, sitting by the main tree trunk holding your home. 
“Yeah, yeah,” You said to the cat, “Let’s go find water before we die of thirst, huh?” You said to the cat. 
It was silent as you walked towards the lake four miles from your home. The sky above you was full of puffy white clouds, and the trees around you kept you mainly in the shade. A few birds sang above in the treeline, and every so often, Tora chased a squirrel up the tree. By the time you reached the lake, you had two hanging from your belt, and the day was warming up. 
Licking the sweat off your upper lip, your knelt by the water’s edge and started filling up the empty plastic water bottles you had. Tora splashed around in the muddy, sandy mix of the lakeshore and chirped at the little fish that darted away from her. 
You chuckled to yourself and moved on to another bottle. The sun was now at the midpoint in the sky, and you scolded yourself for taking so long to get to the lake. The Georgia heat this spring seemed unforgivable, as if whatever God that sent this plague was sending another sick joke. The idea of summer being around the corner kept you up at night. You hated the heat. 
Just as the fourth bottle was filled, a branch snapped at the tree line. Then came the familiar moaning, and you looked up in time to see two deads headed your way. Tora hissed at the sight of them and darted toward the nearest tree. 
“Good girl, Tora,” You said, screwing the bottle shot and standing. It thudded to the ground, and you grabbed the machete and twirled it once in your hand. Your eyes darted between the dead as you worked out a plan. 
They were moving slowly, no doubt cause of the heat and decaying parts of their body. But still, they were persistent. The closest one attacked first, and you ducked, bending around its outreached arms and kicking it to the ground, just in time for the other one to reach you. Your machete hit the skull first, and the body dropped, giving you a second to pull it out.
Blood speckled your face like freckles as you turned and grabbed the last dead one by the throat. Its arms reached out to hold you, but you quickly ended it before it ended you. Its body joined its partner on the grass, and you flicked the machete before stabbing it into the ground, cleaning the blood off. 
You whistled a three-note tune and heard Tora meowing. The Maine coon cat was among the most intelligent animals you’d ever trained. 
“Come on, baby,” You said, “The day is just getting started.”
If your watch was correct, it was nearing four in the afternoon. This meant you had about four hours until sunset and were a long way from home. After the lake, you took the familiar southern trail to a small state park. A few abandoned RVs that you’d picked clean weeks ago told you that you were very close to a small town that was mostly deserted. 
You whipped the seat off your forehead as you approached one of the first buildings you’d have the courage to check out. It was a town hall building with nothing good except a few dead bodies. Apparently, small-town governments weren’t on the top evacuation lists. 
Tora trotted alongside you, her head just below your knee, and her hair matted from today’s journey. You’d have to brush it out for her when you return home. 
You ignored the town hall building and walked through the town's main street. It was utterly silent, save for the scuff of your boots and your cat's occasional meow or hiss. 
“Okay, last time we were here, we checked out the library,” You said to the cat, “I think we should check out the corner store next. Odds were that it’s been picked clean already, but it wouldn’t hurt to check. I also am going to need summer clothes….” You trailed off as you shielded your eyes from the sun. The morning clouds had grown darker, but the hot sun still managed to peak out. You heard some thunder in the distance but couldn’t tell how far or where it was coming from.
“If we need to make camp tonight, we can go to the library,” You said. You’d had to spend the night in the town several times, and the library was the safest place to get to. It was easy to climb to, and Tora was familiar with it. 
The corner store had a few things you could scavenge; a few Tylenol travel packets, some jerky you found underneath the shelves, and an assortment of lights and matchbooks. Tora even found something; the broken shopkeeper bell. 
Still, there was nothing you really needed. There was no ammo or water. Those were your top priorities. 
You checked a few other small shops; a gunshop, nothing, a bank, for the hell of it, and then finally a thrift store, where you found plenty of clothes. You took your time going through the section, trying to weigh out what was best for the summer heat. You needed to keep cool, but you needed to be protected. You found a couple shirts and shorts, new undergarments and socks. Your bag was filled to the brim, and you knew it was time to head back. 
“Crap,” You muttered when you walked back to the front door. Tora meowed in her own disapproving way. 
The sudden downpour and oncoming thunderstorm would keep you there tonight. Tora wouldn’t venture into the rain unless absolutely necessary, and you felt the same way. 
“At least we found some jerky,” You said. 
It wasn’t hard to build up a makeshift camp in the building. Dozens of once-donated blankets provided ample bedding for you and Tora, and there were enough books to get a small fire going in the back of the building. With only four bottles of water, you took ample care of gutting and cleaning a squirrel for dinner for the two of you. It wasn’t long before you put the fire out and settled in for the night. 
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moonlight-tmd · 2 months
Hi there! Hope you are having a great day!
Do you have any shattered glasses blitzbee ideas or headcanons?
Oh, shattered glass huh? Let's see, hmmm.
SG!Blitzwing's personalities are inverted (obviously); Icy=Happy, Hotheat=Scaredycat, Random=Deadpan. It would be quite a disaster if the two variants met.
SG!Bumblebee is silent, scared and obedient in contrast to his talkative, cocky and rebellious self. He's been thru so much abuse; mental and physical, all thanks to his teammates.
When the two began meeting, Bee was super skittish. Even going as far as faking fights when they were all alone in fear someone might actually be there. It was a while before Bee got enough courage to stop acting and start enjoying his time with the new friend.
Blitzwing, having no impulse control, probably spilled the beans to his bestie Lugnut about the little autobot boyfriend he got. These two are just fangirling in Blitz's room much to everyone's confusion.
(Side note; Lugnut does not like Megatron much. He does what's told but other that that he only tolerated him.)
Bee and Blitz did not start dating after a heartfelt confession, Blitz literally just picked Bee up after x amount of meetings and declared they are dating now. Bee just rolled with it, he didn't really know how to say "no".
Bee may be scared and silent but he's an effective and quick killer. He was used to being send on quick in-and-out missions to eliminate targets he even if he's small and cowardly, he's dangerous and not to be trifled with. Blitzwing doesn't care, he just loves this tiny adorable grounder to bits.
Blitzwing made it his mission to be Bee's emotional support pet- eh, mech? Same thing. The point is he will not leave Bee alone for more than few minutes, Bee has anxiety and will hide if it gets too bad.
When Bee wants to speak he will only do so in sign language. Very rarely does he speak with his voice to others, only doing that when Blitzwing is near. He speaks the most when he and Blitz and all alone, only Blitzwing is allowed to hear his voice like that.
SG!Bee's paintjob is white with black accents, SG!Blitz's paintjob is gray with teal and black. Color of the faces is following; blue=yellow, red=green, black=white.
Somewhere in the time of Bee being with the cons, Blitz brought back a cat for them to take care of. It grew to be a big maine coon and Blitz calls it their baby.
Bee finds it calming to water and take care of plants. It's not a big obsession, he just has a little corner with potted plants to sit and relax in. He likes the ones that flower most.
Usually Bee wouldn't join Blitz in his spontaneous dances out in the open, Blitzwing doesn't make him dance with him either. But when they're all alone Blitzwing puts on slow and sensual music for them to hold each other and sway back and forth in a gentle waltz.
That's all i can think of for now, have a nice day!
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bearr02 · 1 year
Querencia |Teaser/intro|
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Pairing: hybrid!ot7 x f!reader
Teaser warnings: nothing really :)
Summary: When you find a stray, sweet cat hybrid on the street, you absolutely can not say no to taking him in, even if he comes in a pack with two other members. The only issue? You run into more stray hybrids and you just have to take them in.
Genre: fluff, angst, non-idol au, hybrid au, strangers to friends to lovers au..
Word count: 900
Member’s hybrid types: Namjoon: German Shepherd, Yoongi: Ragdoll cat, Hoseok: Husky, Jin: Maine coon cat, Jimin: Birman cat, Jungkook: Bunny, Taehyung: Hamster
A/n: I needa stop
But like, I HAD to do domestic hybrids!bts…I just had to
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“Okay..yeah I’m on my way.” You mumble, looking around to make sure you have everything before you meet your friend at your favorite coffee shop. “Okay. Yeah see you soon. Mmbye.” You say, taking your phone away from your ear, sticking it in your pocket before leaving your house.
“Look who’s finally here!” Your friend says when you sit down, looking at you with her arms crossed and a raised brow. “I know, I’m sorry, I lost track of time.” You say with a pout, sliding into the seat in front of Minji. “You always do.” She mumbles, a pout now on her lips as she fake sulks. You sigh, “I’m a busy woman.” You say, leaning back in your chair. “Lies! All you do is sleep!” Minji says, pointing a finger at you. “Nope! I work, I eat, I go shopping, and I go out to see you.” You say with a grin while Minji huffs, slumping back in her seat.
“Whatever.” Minji mumbles, but you can still see the smile tugging on her lips as she looks at the menu. A movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention, looking to see someone scurry down an alleyway in front of the cafe. Your brows furrow but you shake it off as one of those sketchy drug dealers, turning back to the menu. “What can I get you ladies today?” A waiter asks, smiling at you and Minji as she takes out a small notepad.
“Text me!” Minji yells, waving at you as she walks backwards in the direction of her car. You smile, waving back at her before turning around to continue your walk. You jump when someone peeks out of the alleyway in front of you. “Y/n!” A voice squeals. You look at the person that peeked out of the alleyway to see the stray hybrid you’ve been meeting with the past couple weeks. “Jimin.” You say, ushering him back inside the alleyway. “You should be careful.” You mumble, peeking behind you at the people walking by. “Hybrid control is getting worse. It’s like they’re on every corner now.” You say, looking back at Jimin to see his ear pinned to his head and a slight frown on his face.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbles, looking down at his feet. “Hey, no you don’t have to be sorry, I just don’t want you to get stuck in some shit ‘shelter’.” You say, smiling at Jimin reassuringly. “You’re not mad?” He tentatively asks, slowly looking up at you. You shake your head, reaching into your bag to pull out the bag of pastries that you’d got from the cafe. “Figured you might be hungry.” You say, handing the bag to Jimin who’s eyes widen. “Y-you got me food?” He whispers, looking between you and the hand extended toward him holding the bag.
“Yeah..I hope I'm not overstepping.” You mumble, nervously worrying your bottom lip. “N-no I just..wow.” Jimin mumbles, staring at the bag in awe. “Thank you.” Jimin says, looking up at your face again. “Really. Thank you. It means a lot.” Jimin says, hesitantly reaching forward to take the bag from your grasp, almost like he expects you to take it back. You don’t, instead you smile softly and take a step forward for him to take the bag.
He grabs it, still watching your face closely as he takes it from your grip. “I hope you like what I got, we never touched the subject of food so I just guessed.” You mumble, intertwining your hands in front of you. Jimin nods, slowly unrolling the top of the bag, peeking inside before his eyes widen slightly. “Is it that bad?” You ask, mistaking his surprise for disgust. “No no you just..you didn’t have to get this many.” Jimin mumbles, looking up at you. “But I wanted to.” You say, taking a small step forward.
“Thank you.” Jimin says before he walks to you quickly, enveloping you in a tight hug. “Thank you so much.” He whispers, his voice wavering slightly as you wrap your arms around him as well. Your brows furrow when you feel something wet hit your shoulder, gently pulling Jimin away to see his face wet and eyes tear filled as he stares at you. “What’s wrong?” You ask worriedly, gently swiping away his tears only for them to be replaced with new ones. “N-no one’s ever done this be-before.” Jimin mumbles, looking down at his feet as he sniffles.
You frown, “How about we meet here everyday, yeah?” You say, bending over slightly to try and catch his eyes. His brows furrowed as he stared at you with confusion and uncertainty. “I’d bring you food to make sure you’d eat.” You clarify, standing to your full height again. “You don’t have to do that.” Jimin mumbles, shaking his head as he backs up. “I may not have to but I want to, Jimin.” You say.
He purses his lips, looking down again. You sigh, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? Be safe.” You say, pursing your lips slightly before you add on a small ‘please’. Jimin nods, looking up at you again. You give him a small wave before you turn and exit the alley, heading toward the direction of your house with a frown on your face.
How long has Jimin been on his own?
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A/n: I know I have like 4 fics out right now (counting this one) but like…I couldn’t help myself 😭
I need a domestic hybrid!bts fic in my life..I just need it
Permanent taglist:
@lizzymizzy-blogg @viankiss
Series taglist (open):
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catboy-autism · 5 months
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♡♡ Catmaxxed ♡♡
A gender in the gendermaxxed system for when your gender is catpilled and catmaxxed; you are catmaxxing.
Although the flag uses the catgender flag colors, you do not have to be catgender to use it
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♡♡ Lovemaxxed ♡♡
A gender under the gendermaxxed system for when your gender is lovepilled and lovemaxxed; you are lovemaxxing.
[ID 1: A 7-striped flag. From top to bottom the colors are pink, sky blue, purple, lavender, purple, sky blue, and pink. In the center is a dark purple 5-pointed star. ID End]
[ID 2: A 7-striped flag. From top to bottom the colors are coral pink, pink, orangeish-yellow, pale yellow, orangeish-yellow, pink, and coral pink. In the middle of the flag is a red 5-pointed star with a pale yellow heart in its center. ID End]
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[ID 3: A thin brown line, in the center of it is an orange tabby maine coon mix laying down, staring to the side of the viewer. ID End]
[ID 4: A rectangular banner. The border of it has a gradient of orange to pink. In each corner are 3 strawberries and 4 strawberry flowers. Within the border is a light tan rectangle with text. From top to bottom the different blocks of text read, in all caps: "Do not involve my flags or labels in discourse", this is colored red and underlined; "Anyone can use my flags and labels", this is also red; "But I do block freely", this is colored pink. There is a line of small cartoonish strawberries, each separated by little leaves. On the center bottom is a pink to orange gradient rounded rectangle. Within it is a red text in all caps that reads "This blog loves mspec gays and lesbians". On the left of the rectangle is the mspec lesbian flag and on the right is the mspec gay flag. On the left and right of the main rectangle are drawings of calico cats stretching. There are muddy paw prints scattered across the banner. ID End]
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alexa-fika · 9 months
The little Stowaway Wanderer
A/N. I will.be posting the reader version of this piece shortly. The character in this story is the same character that the series Little Gardener's Pirate Odyssey presents; it is not a different AU, just the character visiting a different one piece much later.
Sorry for making you guys wait! I kinda let my self sleep till really late, but here you go!
Dividers by @/sweetxmelody
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Once again, the young girl had found herself in an unknown and most likely inconvenient place to arrive in this new world if the storage boxes piled in the small room and the sound of waves heard nearby was anything to go by. However, there was no chaos going on that the small girl could see, unlike previous universes, so that small detail reassured her.
That thought and reassurance were swiftly shut down as chaos arrived in the form of two brawling men knocking into the stack of boxes right behind her, a squeal escaping her at their sudden entrance and collision, jumping away just as the boxes crashed down.
The two men instantly stop their antics as the childish scream echoes in the ship’s storage room.
“What was that?” questions Thatch
“It sounded like a kid?” Ace said, looking around and spotting a small child rapidly getting up from the ground; he stared at her for a few seconds before grinning.
“Oyaji is gonna be ecstatic; we’ve got ourselves a small stowaway!”
The child is quick to run away from the two Commanders, too spooked by the clash to stop at the call of the two pirates.
You see a large hand wrap around the bottom of the storage box you were hiding in and being slowly lifted.
Thatch lifts the box above his head so the kid is at face level.
When she makes eye contact with Thatch, she sees a bright, friendly, goofy smile.
“Heeey! Whatcha doing down there?” He says with glee, a big grin across his face, the corner of his eyes crinkling, and he raises his eyebrows, seeming to be having a good time
The five-year-old girl screeches, startling Thatch and causing him to lose hold of the box, dropping It to the ground; a whine escapes the girl as she falls along with the box
She backs away until her back hits a wall, completely trapped. Nowhere left to go, she waits in fear, her mind racing.
“Hey, Hey, we don’t mean no harm! We just had a bad beginning; we didn’t mean to crash into you like that. I’m sorry we must have frightened you, right?”
He takes one long, slow step to stand over her. He is much taller than most people and looks down at her as he squats down to her level.
She looks up a him, taking in his words and nodding slowly.
Ace approaches her, squatting next to Thatch to stare at her.
Blenheim walks through a door into the storage room.
“Hey, I heard a noise, everything all right here?”. Blenheim asks with a slightly concerned look on his face. He is about to speak again when he sees the small girl cowering on the floor. “
“Who is this?” He asks gruffly, walking closer to the girl
“We found a Stowaway”
From Alexandra’s shadow, a cat-like entity seems to materialize, a body made of shadows with a Maine-coon appearance, Antlers in between his ears, frontal hooves, and lateral paws, and two tails swaying dangerously behind him, ready to protect Alexandra.
“Back away from her,” Rogue growls
Thatch raises his hands in surrender, backing away from Alexandra. He still has a cheerful grin as he stands back up.
He appears surprised by this shadow cat entity, looking at it with a curious grin. He looks between Alexandra and Rogue, waiting to see what will happen next.
“Don’t touch her,” he snarls at the three men who remain in front of the five-year-old.
Blenheim takes a deep breath, seemingly at the end of his patience.
“All I did was walk in, and you yell at Me?” He says, trying to stay calm. His expression changes to a stern look as if to say, ‘I have no problem getting violent; try me.’
“Listen up. I am a commander on this ship, and it is My job to protect the the ship and the people in it. Do you have a problem with that?” He asks, his voice sounding calm, but his stare is fierce and intimidating
“Don’t care who you are. I’m not letting anyone lay a hand on her,” he hisses, standing in front of Alexandra protectively.
Blenheim expression changes to one of bewilderment, his eyes widening. He looks at Rogue again, looking him up and down, seemingly looking for any sign of weakness.
“I don’t know who you think you are, but you’re about to learn a lesson you’ll never forget. You have two seconds to leave this ship before I get violent.” He growls at Rogue, waiting for a response
“Hey, now I’m sure we can talk this out!” Ace cuts in
Alexandra squeaks, running to take hold of Rogue and making a run for it, hiding deeper in the storage area with her familiar
Thatch Blenheim and Ace turn to look at Alexandra and Rogue in astonishment.
Thatch frowns as he sees the girl run off. He glances back to Blenheim.
“We’ll handle it!” He exclaims as He leans forward and makes a little gesture with his hands
Ace takes one last look at Rogue and Alexandra before looking at Thatch, making a chasing motion with his hands as he takes off after them.
Ace’s footsteps shake the storage area as he takes off after them. Thatch follows up behind, still with a big grin on his face.
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After I post the reader version I will post a mihawk x winged! child!reader, I will try to make sure it is posted before the day ends!
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spiritshaydra · 9 months
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Okay so YEARS ago back when I first got into TFP, I didn’t know how to draw humanoids OR mecha so I just drew catformers instead. Flashback to last year, and I’ve came full circle by doing it yet again 💀
ANYWAYS so my dumbass warrior cat AU where the Nemesis crew is like,, a sort of Great Value Shadowclan? With the ‘bots being off brand Thunderclan. NO idea if they’d have their own unique clan names yet so I’ve just been,, calling these morons Whoreclan 💀💀
FIRST OFF WE GOT MEG who’s the Leader
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He’s just gigantic hairy asshole of a Maine coon who you know for a FACT he sheds like hell just by looking at him. He definitely killed the previous leader of the Clan because they sucked. He’s got an addiction to catnip 💀 also no idea what his cat name is yet,, maybe Greystar? Silverstar??? Lmao no clue
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NEXT FELINE FREAK is Starscream! He’s the conniving deputy of these losers. I was thinking that his cat name is something like Shrikescream? Because,, he can’t be called Starscream because if he was made leader his name would become Starstar and yeeeeaaaaah 💀💀💀 I was also thinking that all of those rusty red streaks on his fur are also all artificial, like how bearded vultures dye their feathers with clay. But except he’s a cat. So nope, not a weird calico, but just a stained grey cat.
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He’s a very high ranking warrior who’s also easily the best at patrolling and being all around creepy. He’s mute as well. He also seems to be on really good terms with a raven of all things. As for his cat name,, I can’t decide on if he’s just,,, still gonna be called Soundwave or if he’s gonna have a cat name like Silentvoice.
I’m still not sold on his coloration,,, might make those light silvery blue patches that mimic his biolights red or gold instead, which would essentially make him a tortishell instead of a weird colorpoint,,
dude’s just the resident cryptid
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Dude’s the Medicine cat
also not sure what degree of his coat coloration is natural, and what portion is stained with clay like Starscream. Breakdown’s his apprentice and assistant :) The med cat den is also like a hotspot for gossip and other inane chatter, who cares if there’s a cat being patched up on the ground (it’s Starscream) there’s juicy tea to be spilled!
As for cat name,,, I thought something like Redlight would be funny 💀
I still wanna do the designs for the rest of the clowns,, especially Breakdown and Shockwave,,, (and Airachnid who I’ve decided will be called Spiderflight because haheheahaheh spider,,, flying,,,)
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Her names Six-Toes (her pre-warrior name being Quailpaw) and she has a perpetual case of that blue eyed stare. Nobody really knows WHAT exactly she is?? Other than she’s the size of a Maine coon, a tortie, has the coat of a Lykoi, and polydactyly. She can often be found in the Freak Corner of the Warrior Den sharpening bones and sticks because “it’s useful I swear” for… whatever reason. She’s also got beef with Shockwave who could,,, literally care less.
might also hit my other OCs with the cat mallet. (The mew mallet?? The miaullet???)
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Feline Shenanigans (Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 1
You'd lit a cinnamon-scented candle to stave off the dark and cold, and were tinkering with one of your smaller projects when you heard a noise in the laundry room. Grabbing your tablet and activating the shockbots, you peeked around the corner. A soaked giant of a Maine Coon lay on the washing machine. Hearing you wheel in, he opened his deep orange...almost red eyes and stared. That gaze looked intelligent.
You sighed in relief, deactivating the bots. "Hello there."
Hm. The window at the top of the wall was open. He must have jumped in to get out of the storm. He didn't flinch as you neared and stopped alongside him.
"I'm going to have to bathe you. Will you let me pick you up?"
You lowered the chair height, dangled your fingers over the side, and lightly stroked his head. Luckily, he didn't seem to mind. After a little longer of getting him used to your touch, you scooped him up and onto your lap. His weight left you a little breathless, but he gave you no trouble besides that.
Something was attached to the plain black collar he was wearing. It was a spherical device with a glowing core. It seemed to be a simple sequence to unlock, but entering it only revealed one more layer. Text flashed on the surface.
Amuse yourself.
Sigh. They really ought to do better with locking up the supervillains- especially ones with her abilities. Back to the subject at hand, what did the cat have to do with things? You'd have to look at the device some more later. You weren't particularly scared, though. Your mother would swiftly put her in her place should something were to happen to you.
Your new guest was strangely well-behaved during his bath. He didn't even yowl when you poured water on him. You chalked it up to his fatigue. He did struggle a bit when you tried to wash his underside, but he didn't bite. And after a little while, he plopped down and accepted his fate.
"There- that's a good boy." You cooed. "I'm not going to hurt you."
As you set him down post-drying, he trotted around and started sniffing the furniture. There were no names or contact info on the collar. You'd have to hold onto him while you figured the puzzle out. What would you call him?
You studied him for a while, seeing if there were any special traits he had. Once his investigation of the living situation was finished, he curled up a short distance away from the candle, seemingly half-asleep. The shifting tones of his dark fur also added to the name brewing in your head.
"It's settled then. Henceforth, from this day in the year of Our Lord 2201, you shall be known as...Cinnamon!"
He opened his eyes and closed them again. You heard something like a huff- like a resigned sigh.
"You seem very jaded for a cat."
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A/N: Divider: @firefly-graphics
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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catclimbingstructures · 11 months
*10 Best Cat Trees For Maine Coons [Cat Tree Guide for Large Cats]* | Cat Climbing Structures
Hey there! Do you have a Maine coon or other large cat that climbs all over the furniture, fridge, TV stand and pretty much everywhere they’re not supposed to be?
Is it enough to drive you insane cuz they won't listen! I know. I can relate because it was the same for me too until I installed a couple of these in my house!
Click the link below to learn more! :)
(via 10 Best Cat Trees For Maine Coons 2021 | Cat Climbing Structures)
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keithkog · 2 months
Arus (our Maine Coon) prefers to lay on top of me in bed now and it’s like- Whenever I wake up I can’t move. There’s a giant cat on top of me, Lance to my left, and Kosmo to my right. I am so cornered.
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woncon · 1 year
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cat cafe date headcanons with soobin !
☕︎ soobin x gn!reader
☕︎ fluff, estabilished relationship, kissing, non-idol au, ficlet, bulleted-form
☕︎ thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely ❣
☕︎ txt masterlist | main masterlist
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☽ first of all, soobin is the cutest boy in the whole world (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
☽ he's very excited and, while squeezing your hand, he assures you that he's really looking forward to this new experience: he's never been to a cat cafe before, so you suggested going on a date to one of them. he agreed, thought the idea was cute, and he didn't expect that he would look so forward to it.
☽ he flashes the sweetest smile as he crosses the threshold, and looks at everything with sparkling eyes, even the doormat, on which three drawn white kittens are sitting on a lamppost. then you gently pull him towards the stairs, open the cat door, go up, and everything is so pleasant.
☽ the smell of ground coffee wafts softly in the light of the chandeliers, between the tables and couches. in the corner, two ladies are laughing and passionately petting a gray scottish cat with drooping ears. at another table, a couple is sipping iced coffee, holding hands on the table while watching a sleeping furry animal.
☽ a large, elegant, and curious orange maine coon notices you and gently rubs against you and soobin’s legs. a surprised sigh leaves soobin's mouth.
☽ he bends down and scratches the animal's ears, runs along the line of its spine. the cat blinks flatly and purrs in content. you also bend down and, based on the tag on his collar, you pet hazelnut together.
☽ when hazelnut leaves to nestle in one of the beds, you too look for a place. one of the corner tables, close to the friendly cat, seems just right.
☽ "homely" soobin murmurs as he looks around more closely. the framed pictures of cats and coffee on the cream-colored walls, embroidered cat pillows, and of course, what makes everything special: cat accessories, such as scratching posts, beds, climbing frames, toys, feeders, and the cats themselves, who wander from one guest to another with interest.
☽ it's a comfortable, peaceful place that suits you well. as an added bonus, you both love cats, but you can't have your own at home because of odi. so here you can live out your kitty aunt / kitty uncle status, although it seems that soobin is more committed than you, as he tries to call out the persian cat licking herself under one of the empty tables. he looks at the animal softly and encouragingly.
☽ if you were the cat, you would immediately go over to soobin and settle into his lap, purring.
☽ after you order, the cat makes up her mind to approach. the first page of the menu shows the animals that live here and their names, so you know that the individual with a thick, white coat is called seraphin. she has piercing blue eyes and her entire being is fascinated by soobin as she sits at his feet meowing sweetly. the boy caresses her with his skilled, loving fingers until seraphin finally ends up in his lap, lying down, comfortable and purring. (๑ ˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و 
☽ "she's purring..."
☽ that happy, proud expression on soobin's face is worth everything to you. the admiration shining in his eyes makes your heart skip a beat, and you don't think coffee could warm your chest more than the love you feel for your boyfriend.
☽ then he divides his attention between you and the cat. he remembers that you wanted to tell him something. you only talk about the little problems of your everyday life, yet soobin listens with interest and love. he doesn't interrupt, he would never do that, he carefully interprets what you have to say, while looking at you, enchanted, as if you were revealing the most exciting facts to him. as if you were a book he was unable to put down, or a song that had to be on constant playback.
☽ at the beginning of your relationship, you often blushed at the intensity of the way soobin can look at you, and the way he reacts, he is moved by what you say: he sighs in astonishment, frowns, snorts disapprovingly, etc. it's a bit embarrassing to know that someone is so focused, so shaken by your words and by you, yourself. and the awareness is also there that the boy remembers what you say, recalls it later, adds comments, and gives excellent advice.
☽ you can count on soobin: if you just pour out your soul, if you want help, he is always here for you(´・ᴗ・`♡  
☽ then your monologue is interrupted as another cat jumps up next to you, bowtie, a simple domestic cat whose back is speckled with brown spots. you caress his head, then he rubs his whole body, all the way to the end of his tail, to your palm, and without any more persuasion, he settles into your lap. the sight of his warm, fluffy body, the trust that he gives you, makes you sentimental. you stroke his soft back gratefully.
☽ "where was i?"
☽ "your boss."
☽ "oh, yeah, well..."
☽ but then you confuse yourself because soobin's smile is too distracting and he's a thousand times more interesting than your boss.
☽ "what?" your boyfriend sees that you are silent again, but this time no other cat approaches you.
☽ you kiss him briefly, sweetly, lovingly, then lean away with a satisfied grin.
☽ "nothing."
☽ soobin mumbles something under his breath, then leans close and kisses you longer, tenderly. soobin's lips are soft and just like toffee. ( ´꒳`*)  
☽ when the waitress brings your order, you two scatter away from each other. soobin blushes. he likes to kiss you anywhere and anytime, but he always gets embarrassed in public places.
☽ you drink with one hand and dig the other into cat fur. the taste of the coffee is warm, foamy, comfortable, like the place where it is served.
☽ "do we want a cat?"
☽ soobin's question surprises you. you blink and turn to him, the top of your mouth frothy.
☽ "we talked about it being risky because of odi."
☽ there are surprising animal friendships, but somehow odi doesn't seem like someone who would easily cope with a new animal companion. with you too, it took months for him to tolerate you and let you be around or hold him without being a prickly, mistrustful sphere.
☽ "i know, but i'm sure we could fix it. the sound of purring soothes me. and we would be wonderful parents of a kitten."
☽ "we could try."
☽ soobin smiles happily and kisses the whipped cream off you in commitment.
☽ "thank you for bringing me here."
☽ "i'm glad you're enjoying it."
☽ "always, when i'm with you."
☽ these words from soobin's mouth are true and they melt your heart.
☽ it's a cozy cute little date with tasty coffee, a caring boyfriend and a bunch of purring fur-balls. <3
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coastxlwaters · 3 months
I KNOW IM TECHNICALLY ON ART BREAK, but look at my DnD character! :DD
Its using my 2nd art style btw-
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Their name is reyna, their normal form looks completely human except for the eyes, their skin color is not a weird grey orange color, and ofcourse they do not have cat ears or a tail-
This is their shifted form, where they have cat ears, cat tail, off-colored skin, cat noise, and bandages on their arms! They can also shift digitigrade legs, those are in the corner!
The cat i used for reference was a maine coon with a tortoiseshell coat!
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sstan-hoe · 2 years
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒑
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — lloyd hansen x fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — you have to go on a work trip and leave Lloyd alone with your cat; Aramis
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — none! this is pure fluff, I do hope I did right here because on one hand I wanted everything to go on chaos but they're just so cute 😍
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — @georgiapeach30513, reblog and comment! follow @sstanhoe-updates to get notifications everytime I post!!!! from this universe
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"Lloyd, it's only for a few days, I'll be back on Thursday!" You told him with an eye roll. Lloyd was behind you not being in the best mood while you packed a suitcase.
"But you can't leave me alone with that little shi–" "ah! What did I tell you about calling him names?" Lloyd was mad at you for going on a trip without him – which wasn't the problem – and he had to watch your cat Aramis. The cat he bought for you.
"Sunshine, why can't I go with you?" You already told him a hundred times why.
"Someone has to watch Aramis and I can't take you on a work trip with me," you stated, "and it's a great chance to work on your bond with him!"
Lloyd huffed, he didn't need to work on his bond with the cat. His eyes drifted to the orange fur ball who sat on the kitchen aisle. Aramis tilted his head at Lloyd before hopping down from the platform.
He elegantly walked over to you nudging his head against your leg, "aww I know baby. I won’t be gone for too long and you've got Lloyd to keep you company!"
Aramis' head turned to look up at Lloyd and then back to you as if to say 'are you serious?'. You giggled and shook your head. You got up on your tiptoes and pressed your lips to Lloyd's, "I love you and I made you a list with things you have to do while I'm gone – for Aramis. I know you know how to do laundry and clean a kitchen or bathroom."
You knelt down to Aramis, scratching his head, "I'm going to miss you so much, baby! But I will be back in three days and then we will cuddle and play, sleep whatever you like!" You kissed his head and gave him a light squeeze before scratching his throat – something he absolutely loved – one more time.
Lloyd helped you get your bag to the car even though it wasn't necessary.
With one last kiss, Lloyd watched you get in the car and drive away. He sighed before going back inside not thrilled to spend his time with Aramis.
The cat sat on his scratching tree, his eyes watching Lloyd's every move.
Lloyd went to the kitchen to read the list you have him. "I have to clean your toilet? Feed you every morning and night only dry, every two days wet. She's not even gone that long! Pet him…of course, clean the sleep from his eyes…what the hell? What sleep?"
He looked over to Aramis who lifted his paw and licked it, cleaning his left eye. Lloyd noticed a little brown thing in Aramis' eyes at the corner.
Taking a tissue he walked over to the Maine Coon. Gently He tried to remove the sleep but Aramis laid his paw on top of his hand. Lloyd never realized how big the caramel-coloured paws were or how big he actually was. And he was only two, Maine Coon's grew until they were four.
"I know you might not like it but mama said I have to." You made it a habit calling him daddy in front of Aramis as if he was his dad – which he kinda was – while you had already called him that in bed.
You also forced him to call you mama in front of him. Long story short; Lloyd didn't like it but you told him it was practice for your future child, which caused him to buckle in.
"She can be so lucky I love her, what I do for her! I mean look at me watching after you." Lloyd shook his head, eyes drifting over to Aramis who laid down on the scratching tree closing his eyes. "Oh, come on, don't ignore me! I cleaned your eyes for you, I didn’t have to do that." Aramis lifted his head in response and blinked at him, Lloyd scoffed and went back to the list.
"Change the water regularly," it was marked red, "play with him," and in all capitals, "interact with him."
He wondered what that was supposed to mean, like talk to him? If yes then he did that already, then he saw the examples beneath, playing with him, talking with him, watching his favorite Show with him – the big bang theory –, give him treats, cuddle with him. All sorts of these things.
Aramis meanwhile cleaned his caramel-coloured fur and even if Lloyd would beg to differ, Aramis liked him and enjoyed his presence. The assassin was always calm around you, a whole different person and the beautiful feline could see he needed you as well as listened to you which Aramis took as advantage.
"Okay, fine. I'm gonna go and check your water, food and then get some work done not that you'd care," Lloyd told the cat, for the fact that he found it weird to talk to him or like him, Lloyd talked rather often with him in the past ten minutes.
After checking the water and food, Lloyd took his computer to sit down on the couch. He started watching TV while he worked through reports, checked the financial status and more.
The cat however sat there and watched him as he typed on the keyboard as the TV turned to the big bang theory. Lloyd didn't even notice it, too deep in his work. Aramis jumped from the scratching tree and elegantly walked over to the couch, setting his paws on the furniture he pushed himself up with his back paws.
While Lloyd only registered as Aramis sitting down anywhere the cat had other things in mind. Strutting over to said man Aramis sat himself on his lap and half on the computer causing Lloyd to groan loudly in annoyance.
"Really, damn it I was working!" gently he tried to move the orange cat to the side but he would budge, "you're like your mama ya know? Can't fight ya," with that he just sat there and unwillingly patted the pet on his lap/computer.
Later that day Lloyd had given Aramis new water and feed as well as cleaned the litter box. Now he was happy to just lay in bed and either fall asleep or watch a show or movie.
Feeling lonely Aramis followed Lloyd into the bathroom where the man brushed his teeth and went to the toilet, just as he sat down he noticed the cat in the door frame.
"Ever heard of privacy?" Aramis tilted his head and blinked at him before lifting his paw to open the door further, "yeah got it," he muttered and finished all while Aramis watched him. After everything was done Lloyd finally got to the bed which felt too empty for his liking and that was when an caramel-coloured fur ball jumped up on the bed.
"You know I had more your mama's company in mind…," he trailed off as the feline cuddled himself against Lloyd's legs.
As if on cue his phone started ringing, your name popped up and the invitation to video chat. With a big smile your boyfriend answered, "hey there sunshine," "how are my two handsome boys?" you immediately asked with the same smile.
"Good, yeah, good. We watched big bang theory, I got some work done until he sat himself on my computer and then made him food and put new water in, then he watched me pee on the toilet and now we're just laying in bed." The news that the both of them went along with one another made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
You were nervous leaving the two of them alone but that all vanished as soon as you saw them both cuddling together in bed…and Lloyd had the audacity to say he didn't like him!
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