#make money with stock market
bitchesgetriches · 8 months
Want to learn how to invest?
Our beloved comrade, Dumpster Doggy aka Amanda Holden, is teaching an investing workshop starting THIS SUNDAY, FEB 4. Dumpster Doggy designed this workshop as your first step toward financial freedom, and it is perfect for beginners and those who just want to understand the reasoning and mechanics behind investing.
This workshop is for you if you:
Have debt — yes, you should consider investing even if you have debt now
Don't know where to start 
Want to be certain that your educational foundation is absolutely solid 
Understand that investing is the key to building wealth, and know that a paycheck alone is not wealth
Don't want to work forever
Want your money to start working for you
Know that you just need to get started—no matter how small the dollar amount! 
Know that education must be your foundation and that investing without knowledge is dangerous 
Have a workplace retirement account
Don't have a workplace retirement account
The course costs $15. We wouldn't recommend something paid like this if we didn't believe in it, so this endorsement does NOT come lightly. Amanda is one of our ride-or-dies, and she left Wall Street so she could teach investing through a feminist lens.
But if $15 is too rich for your blood, we are offering Amanda's course FOR FREE to our Patreon donors. Sign up at the $5 level or higher and it's yours ($15-$5=$10 SAVINGS HOLY CANNOLI). We'll have the information for Patreon donors up tomorrow.
Lastly, if you can't make it live, you'll still get a recording of the workshop. So don't worry if you're not available this Sunday. Ok here are those links again:
Investing for Freedom Workshop with Dumpster Doggy
Bitches Get Riches Patreon for free access to workshop
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sher-ee · 3 months
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bennythe1980spaceman · 11 months
Not a single day goes by where I don't think about Kaz accidentally saying Jordie instead of Jesper in the fight in Crooked Kingdom.
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jiminy-crickets · 3 months
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Congrats to Utah for having the first PWHL expansion team <3
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kemetic-dreams · 4 months
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In the stock market, a short squeeze is a rapid increase in the price of a stock owing primarily to an excess of short selling of a stock rather than underlying fundamentals. A short squeeze occurs when demand has increased relative to supply because short sellers have to buy stock to cover their short positions.
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What's a Short Squeeze and Why Does It Happen?
Key Points
A stock that rallies hyperbolically when there are no obvious current events driving the response, could be experiencing a short squeeze.
A short squeeze can potentially be worth trading, but only if you exercise great care.
The aim of short selling is to generate profit from a stock that declines in value. (Short selling involves borrowing a security whose price you think is going to fall from your brokerage and selling it on the open market. Your plan is to then buy the same stock back later—hopefully for a lower price than you initially sold it for—and pocket the difference after repaying the initial loan.) While there are potential benefits to going short, there are also plenty of risks. One big risk is when a bullish catalyst (earnings, news, technical event, etc.) pushes the stock price higher, prompting short sellers to "head for the exits" all at once. As the shorts scramble to buy back and cover their losses, upward momentum can build on itself, causing the stock to move sharply higher. This is known as a short squeeze.
Understanding the short squeeze
What makes a short squeeze so dangerous? Think of it this way: When you buy a stock, the worst thing it can do is drop to zero. But the upside is unlimited. If a stock has a growth narrative and there are enough believers, the share price can go well beyond what looks reasonable by traditional fundamental metrics.
Classic signs of a short squeeze can include:
A security has a significant amount of short sellers (short interest) who believe the stock price is going to fall, and then instead the stock price sharply rises, forcing many of these leveraged short sellers to quickly exit their positions, buying back the stock in the face of potentially increasing losses.
A dynamic narrative that tries to justify the detachment of share prices from a company's intrinsic value
A case for massive growth as well as for financial stress
Traders with deep pockets aligned on both sides of the trade, often using options and other leveraged instruments
With GameStop (GME) in 2021 and Tesla (TSLA) in 2020, there were many classic signs of a short squeeze. Traders with short positions were covering because they had to, either because they had sustained large losses or shares were no longer available to be borrowed. In 2022, short sellers targeted troubled companies such as Bed, Bath & Beyond (BBBY) and Carvana (CVNA). In early 2023, the most heavily shorted companies included Coinbase Global (COIN), a cryptocurrency firm, and Occidental Petroleum (OXY).
When a stock suddenly experiences a dramatic climb, with or without good news, it's important to ask yourself, "Who would buy shares up here?" The answer? Someone who doesn't have enough money to hold on any longer, or someone whose pain threshold has finally been crossed.
Proceed with caution
If you're a long-term investor who happens to own a stock that's getting squeezed, it's probably not a good time to trade. Instead of acting on emotions, remember what got you to where you are in your investing journey—and where you'd like to be. If buying a stock that's in squeeze territory doesn't fall within your long-term objectives, you might want to step aside and not trade. If you do decide to venture in, make sure you have no illusions and no misconceptions of the dangers. Understand that when you’re dealing with a stock that’s being squeezed, you're taking a big risk. 
Identifying a short squeeze can be relatively simple—after the fact. The trick is to identify the conditions that could lead to a squeeze ahead of time, and then determine how you might want to play it (or not). 
Shorting a stock is a complicated business. Because you can't sell something you don't own, shorting requires the seller to "borrow" the stock (and pay interest to the stock lender), then sell it. Locating the shares can sometimes be difficult for your clearing firm because of high demand or a small number of outstanding shares.
Measuring a short squeeze can involve a metric called the short interest ratio, a.k.a. "days to cover." It indicates, in days, how long it would take to cover or buy back all the shorted shares. Basically, you divide the number of shares sold short by the average daily trading volume. The more days to cover, the more pronounced the effect can be.
Another measure is "short interest as a percentage of float," which reflects the number of short-sold shares in proportion to the total number of shares available for trading in the public markets. Most stocks have a small amount of short interest, usually in the single digits. The higher that percentage, the greater the bearish sentiment may be around that stock. If the short % of the float reaches 10% or higher, that could be a warning sign.
Consider the fundamentals
If you're buying a stock that seems to be in the throes of a short squeeze, especially at high levels, it helps to understand other potential reasons why the stock might be moving. 
Consider checking the fundamentals. Is there anything that would make you want to own the stock? Are you tempted to buy it because everyone else is? It's important to always do your homework, and remember it's never wise to go all in. A stock that's in a short squeeze may still have a long way to climb, and if you don't think the fundamentals support higher prices, then perhaps you should look elsewhere.
In the case of TSLA in 2020, there were some positive fundamentals underlying the short squeeze, including the company's more consistent profitability and hopes of it being included in the S&P 500 Index (SPX). The stock saw its share price run up to new highs, then decline nearly 60%. 
But then TSLA rallied again and split its shares, and its addition to the SPX became a reality, illustrating that a short squeeze doesn't always have to end badly. Other stocks that were caught up in short squeezes haven't always fared so well, in part because they didn't have the fundamental support. 
Playing the squeeze on the long side? 
If you want to trade a stock during what might be a short squeeze—that is, buying a stock with a higher short interest in order to potentially play the upside of a squeeze—here are some things to consider:
Trading such a stock may be okay as long as you understand the risk and how to control it. Whether you make small or large trades, you have to control and limit the risk. Decide how much money you would be comfortable losing in any trade ahead of time.
Don't underestimate how high the stock can go and how long it can take. When a stock gets caught up in a short squeeze, analysts generally expect it to correct eventually, but no one knows to what price and when; if it happens at all. 
If the stock still has very weak fundamentals, yet is moving significantly higher without any real, structural changes in the corporation, then be extremely careful buying on this type of upward momentum. The markets may run out of new buyers willing to pay higher and higher prices and the stock may in the end fall quickly. 
The bottom line
A short squeeze is a high-risk situation and it may cause havoc in the market, but most don't last forever. Most eventually subside.
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bloomingbluebell · 6 months
yeah, there should be a course in high school on how to do taxes, apply to jobs and all that, etc. but you know what else there should be? a crash course on accessing healthcare
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jesusislord3333 · 2 months
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I do not dream of treasure. I dream of when currency is eradicated and people can do what they want without having to worry about having enough money to survive. we made up currency!! things aren't expensive we just say they are!! trees are free!! rocks are free!!! we found a shiney rock and said this specific shiney rock is expensive. why? who knows. not all shiney rocks are expensive, some are labeled fake shiney rocks because we said they aren't expensive but they look like the expensive ones (pyrite/fools gold). this makes zero sense. plants are free yet we say they are expensive so poor people can't eat.
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timmurleyart · 5 months
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100 dollar pig. 🐖💲💰💯💵
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
"the housing market is crashing" "YES PLEASE I CANT WAIT TO BUY A SUPER AFFORDABLE AND CHEAP HOUSE" none of you are going to be able to buy a house when the market crashes. you've all got to give up this dream :/ you're gonna be so fucking disappointed when another recession hits and you're actually just poorer and less able to afford housing than before
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rocketrouquine · 8 months
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lorenmolloy · 7 months
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accurate-traderblog · 7 months
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belladonnaprice · 7 months
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katarh-mest · 9 months
just endured the annual torture that is my husband, financial analyst whiz at heart, forcing me to sit down and gleefully Review The Retirement Accounts with him
there are women out there, whose husbands control the purse strings and who have no assets of their own to speak of, who cannot escape and have no idea how much is theirs or how much their husband has been hiding from them
and then there's my husband, who not only delights in making sure he is f u l l y t r a n s p a r e n t about the state of our savings, both independently and combined, he is the one who knew that as a man and a feminist, it was his duty to make sure that I also had things entirely in my own name separate from his
because he could look back on the women in his own family who had nothing of their own in the past, and could never leave, no matter how hard it got for them
This, too, is love.
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aeymoney · 9 months
Smart Profit System
Die Kunst des Online-Geldverdienens: Ein Blick auf effektive Strategien
In einer Welt, die zunehmend digitalisiert wird, eröffnen sich immer mehr Möglichkeiten, online Geld zu verdienen. Ob als zusätzliches Einkommen, als Vollzeitjob oder als Investition in die Zukunft - das Internet bietet eine Vielzahl von Optionen. In diesem Blogbeitrag werfen wir einen Blick auf ein effektives System, um online Geld zu machen.
**1. Affiliate-Marketing: Ein bewährter Weg
Eine der etabliertesten Methoden, online Geld zu verdienen, ist das Affiliate-Marketing. Hierbei empfiehlt der Affiliate Produkte oder Dienstleistungen anderer Unternehmen und erhält im Gegenzug eine Provision für jeden durch seine Empfehlung generierten Verkauf. Die Schönheit dieses Systems liegt in seiner Einfachheit und Skalierbarkeit - je mehr qualifizierte Leads Sie generieren, desto höher ist Ihr Verdienst.
**2. Eigene Produkte oder Dienstleistungen verkaufen
Wenn Sie über spezifisches Fachwissen, handwerkliche Fähigkeiten oder kreative Talente verfügen, können Sie online Ihre eigenen Produkte oder Dienstleistungen verkaufen. Plattformen wie Etsy, Amazon oder Shopify bieten die Möglichkeit, Ihre Waren einem globalen Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Der Aufbau einer starken Marke und die Pflege von Kundenbeziehungen sind dabei entscheidend für langfristigen Erfolg.
**3. Freelancing: Ihre Fähigkeiten anbieten
Für diejenigen mit besonderen Fähigkeiten in Bereichen wie Schreiben, Grafikdesign, Programmierung oder Marketing bietet sich Freelancing als lukrative Option an. Plattformen wie Upwork, Fiverr oder Freelancer ermöglichen es Ihnen, Ihre Dienstleistungen an Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen weltweit zu verkaufen. Effizientes Zeitmanagement und qualitativ hochwertige Arbeit sind hier der Schlüssel zum Erfolg.
**4. Online-Kurse und Beratung anbieten
Die steigende Nachfrage nach Wissen hat die E-Learning-Branche in den letzten Jahren explodieren lassen. Wenn Sie Experte auf einem bestimmten Gebiet sind, können Sie online Kurse oder Beratungsdienste anbieten. Plattformen wie Udemy oder Teachable ermöglichen es Ihnen, Ihre Kenntnisse zu teilen und dabei Geld zu verdienen.
**5. Digitale Assets erstellen
Digitale Produkte wie E-Books, Stockfotos, Musik oder Software können wiederkehrende Einnahmen generieren. Einmal erstellt, können diese digitalen Assets mehrmals verkauft werden, ohne dass zusätzliche Arbeit erforderlich ist. Dieser Ansatz erfordert anfangs möglicherweise viel Aufwand, aber er bietet langfristige passive Einkommensmöglichkeiten.
Fazit: Die Vielfalt nutzen
Das Smart Profit System besteht nicht aus einer einzigen Methode, sondern aus der geschickten Kombination verschiedener Strategien. Je nach Ihren Fähigkeiten, Interessen und Ressourcen können Sie verschiedene Ansätze kombinieren, um ein nachhaltiges und diversifiziertes Einkommen online zu schaffen. Denken Sie langfristig, bleiben Sie flexibel und lernen Sie kontinuierlich dazu, um die ständig wandelnde Welt des Online-Geldverdienens optimal zu nutzen.
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