#i cant make bread you cant make this drawing how about we help each other
I do not dream of treasure. I dream of when currency is eradicated and people can do what they want without having to worry about having enough money to survive. we made up currency!! things aren't expensive we just say they are!! trees are free!! rocks are free!!! we found a shiney rock and said this specific shiney rock is expensive. why? who knows. not all shiney rocks are expensive, some are labeled fake shiney rocks because we said they aren't expensive but they look like the expensive ones (pyrite/fools gold). this makes zero sense. plants are free yet we say they are expensive so poor people can't eat.
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
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I think its about time I drew Vega getting a hug. After the events of this comic, Miata’s the only person he’s close to or knows. So when he’s really struggling, its Miata that comes to the rescue.
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Well, all the Decepticons that were on that ship are guilty of hurting Escort.
However.. Reaper was the one who snatched him off the ship in the first place, and he was the one who hurt him the most, and he told the other cons to use more voltage when shocking him so.. his hands are the most bloody.
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I’m assuming you meant Brown Suburban. If Blue Suburban was your mood I’d be worried about you. XD
And thank you, 🥺 I’m trying my best to get my energy back. I’m glad these memes are passable, at least that’s what I think you telling me I’m doing great at. 😅
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I’ve realized it now! I’m going to try and keep working on it for you!
The only thing slowing me down is that the timeline got jumbled up a little. I had a story planned but as I started writing it, I realized that the events and locations wouldn’t fit the characters or the situation very well.
So what I’m trying to do is take the same idea, but give it a more fitting play out.. which is going a little slower that I’d like to admit..
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That’s something I don’t actually really understand about myself if I’m being honest. Usually, my memory is absolutely horrendous. I cant remember SCRAP, no matter WHAT it is. 
But with my own characters? My memory storage is endless. I can remember all of their stories, their personality builds, their favorite colors, things they love, things they hate, their relationships, EVERYTHING. 
Its so frustrating that my memory is trash elsewhere, but at least its convenient for drawing my characters. Anyway, thank you again. :} It makes me happy to hear that would like to read more! I’ll keep trying to work on that one wip I’ve got going on. :D
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If you pointed some kind of gun at them, Escort would freak out and run away, while Bash Buggy would just stare at you trying to figure out what you’re holding.
Also, pfft- Who needs SeLf lOvE, when they each have their own Suburban's to love them??
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A contact in Antarctica? Oh well, then that person is going to have to come to us. Escort wouldn't last a minute out there in that cold. 
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Oh man, can you imagine how awful that would be?
I can imagine if cupcakes were falling down that fast from that high up, they could seriously hurt humans if one hit them.
Imagine how hard it would be to clean a Cybertronian that got caked in the falling cupcakes? Like, if someone was in their car form and got covered in cupcakes, if they were to transform back? Oh man. Parts of their body that were once in the outside are now on the inside. They would get frosting and bread in every crack and crevasse in their body.
The bread and wrapping would be thick enough to jam up their inner components and the frosting would totally clog up their vents and air ways. Some of the wrappings might get caught in between two sensitive internal organs and could cause great pain.
Just imagine this for a sec. Some of the bots come back from a mission just COVERED in cupcakes. At first it doesn’t seem like a big deal, just annoying, funny even. 
But then Escort starts coughing. And so does Green Truck, and then Miata.  People start cough up frosting and cupcake wrappers because when they transformed, it got all jammed up in between their organs and it made its way into their tanks. Green Truck may be able to handle it because his engine is so strong, but Escorts engine is very weak and Miata’s is very small.
Then suddenly Brown Suburban becomes unsteady and he says he’s starting to feel unwell. Then Red Van gets a headache out of nowhere, and Volvo starts getting light headed. Escort starts coughing violently and then collapses. Miata nearly does the same but ends up just plopping down on the floor and is unable to get up.
Having all these foreign substances on their bodies would easily make them slip into their bodies. All it takes is transforming, and then all that gunk goes right up into their vents and into their fuel tanks. At best it makes them sick and damages or shuts down an organ or two. Worst case scenario it’ll kill them.
It really makes you appreciate being a human you know? We have skin. No cracks or crevasses on our arms or legs for cupcake frosting to get into and infect.
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Unfortunately, the perfect baby boy that is Escort, is not okay. 😔
And I’m glad you liked my meme! My favorite two were these ones XD
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Thank you.. I.. I really appreciate that. 
I feel this need to make you guys happy and draw what interests you, not me.. and making memes?.. like.. yeah, they make me laugh and get my energy back up a little but.. I feel like you guys don’t want to see that.
You guys want drawings don’t you? Not random memes that only really make sense to me right? At least that’s what I feel.
I just want to make people feel better. I want to make people happy. And drawing these characters seems to do it, so when I have no energy and do other things instead, I feel guilty.
Thank you for understanding. I’m just making these memes to help get my motivation and energy back up. I really appreciate you putting up with it and baring with me until I get my head back on straight.
Again, thank you. This means a lot to me, more than I think you know. 
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bxthharmon · 4 years
Never Go Home Again, Pt. XII || JJ Maybank x Reader
Words: 3130
Series Warnings: violence / talking about abuse / toxic relationships / talking about nudes sex and sex tapes / drugs / underage drinking
Pt. Warnings: Guns / blood and violence
Series Summary: A new girl, a shoebox of old memories, a past she’s trying to forget coincide with a hotheaded, but selfless, boy.  teenagers getting in way over their heads
Pt. Summary: Chaos catches up, causing trouble for everyone involved
A/N: sorry for the slow updates, but with the event (tysm btw ily) i’ve been busy. i have a few more requests, and i promise im getting to them. anyway! feels weird, only 2 or 3 parts left. tysm for all this support <3
Chapters linked in my masterlist.
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JJ woke up before you. His face felt stiff from the tears he’d shed the night before, and the corners of his eyes were filled with sleep. He rubbed his eyes, phosphenes decorating his mind as he pulled them open. The window was wide open, curtains fluttering in the light breeze and the sun decorating the room with a natural glow. He became aware of the towel thrown over the dresser and the wet clothes hanging in the window sill, the memories of last night returning. He looked down at you.
You were curled up, one of his tops and a pair of his joggers covering your body as you gripped his arm lightly in your sleep. He blinked, admiring the lock of hair falling over your face, the curve of your lashes and the relaxed smile that adorned your sleeping frame. He brushed the hair out of your face and let it fall. He realised that he was in deep. Somewhere across the room, the ping of a phone notification pulled him from his thoughts. He looked up, seeing the bluish light coming from the floor on the other side of the room. He slid his arm from your hold, careful not to wake you as you unconsciously pulled the pillow into your grip instead. He rose from the bed, careful not to let the bed creak as he left you. He padded across the room, picking up the phone from the wooden floorboards.
The phone awoke as he lifted it, a series of fresh messages lining up under the time. 
Tyler: hey
Tyler: ik i fucked up with us, but i cant stop thinking abt seeing u when u visited
Tyler: can we try again?
Tyler: ik u said u were seeing someone and dont wanna fuck it up, but i still love u
Tyler: let me know. I miss u
He almost choked, heart beating in his ears as he looked back to your sleeping frame, rising and falling with oblivious breaths. He looked back at the phone, placing it on the dresser softly. He left the room, clicking the door shut as softly as he could, and making his way to the kitchen. He rinsed a mug and put the kettle on, rummaging through the cupboards for the instant coffee granules. He pulled the silver pot from the shelf, peeling the cap off and tapping it on the side of the mug so the granules tumbled in, the dark brown contrasting the light ceramic. He poured the contents of the boiling kettle in, watching the hot water consume the granules and turn brown. He stirred and sipped, hissing as it burnt his tongue. He never had the patience to wait for it to cool down.
He studied the cupboards again, finding no edible food, not trusting the bread after his previous experience. He sipped the coffee again, allowing himself to look back at the closed bedroom door. He wanted to know what happened when you went back, but knew he wouldn’t like the answer. After last night, he knew Tyler was an asshole, and wanted more than anything to fly to California and punch him in the face, but couldn’t understand the text. Thoughts were flashing through his head, ideas rushing to his head. He wondered if he should ask, or leave it and wait for you to tell him. He knew you had no obligation to him, but he also knew that you two had something going on. Whatever that something was. He sighed. 
He thought about how he felt when he saw you smile, how much he’d spiralled after your argument, how vulnerable he was around you. It hit him suddenly, an epiphany that took all his air away but made him feel alive, made him feel broken and brilliant all in one moment. He loved you.
Down the hall, on the other side of the door, he heard the bed creak. There was a pause, and then he heard the floorboards moan. Another minute, and he heard the ping of your phone notification. There was another pause, then the door opened and you stood in front of him, hair tousled by sleep and eyes fresh. You smiled at him, reaching out and pulling him in, kissing his temple and stepping away to make your own coffee. His heart pulled, not letting him push you away and reaching out as you left his arms, but not wanting it because of those stupid texts. In that moment, he fights his impulse and decides to wait for you to tell him. Would you tell him?
He draws his attention to you, hopping back onto the counter next to you. He watched you, enamored with the way you moved, the way you brush against him, the way you seem so carefree in the moment. He wants to kiss you, but he knows he won’t until he knows what’s going on. 
Faster than he wants to admit, you’ve finished your coffees and Kie and Pope are awake, moving about after leaving their slumber on the pullout couch, and then setting up the pulley for the well. Your mood changes when they’re up. You’re more talkative, brushing over any mention of the night before, helping when you can. You look back at him a couple of times, and each time his heart flutters.
You can feel blisters working on your skin as you help Pope with the winch, the rope burning at your skin in the force of the friction, but you don’t pay it any mind. You finish with the mechanism, stepping away and sitting down next to JJ, passing some witty banter with Kie, and opening a bottle of beer, the cool glass soothing the hot skin on your palms.
“What does it feel like?” Pope asked, watching Kie as she sat in the can hanging from the pulley.
“Feels good.” she confirms, pulling the rope slightly.
“John B’s pulling a Houdini.” JJ stated, putting his own beer down.
“Yeah, where is he?” you asked.
“I got my scholarship interview in the morning.” Pope reminded, “We gotta get this done.”
“Speak of the devil!” JJ grinned as John B strode past you all without so much as a ‘hello’. “Hey! Dude, I put up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything.”
“No he did not.” You laughed.
“We did that.” Pope said, gesturing between you.
John B ignored you, and Kie called after him as he entered the Chateau. “Okay, that’s it?” you muttered.
“What’s that all about?” Pope asked, walking to you and JJ.
“I was gonna ask you the same question.” JJ said, you and him getting off the hot tub and following him into the Chateau. When you entered, John B was pulling the house apart, searching.
“You alright, man?” Pope asked, “What’s up?”
“What are you looking for?” Kie added.
“Bro, what’s going on, man?” JJ asked, following him as he pulled the gun from under the cushioning on the sofa.
“John B, what do you need the gun for?” You and JJ stepped forwards, both reaching to take the weapon. John B grabbed your shoulders, pushing you over and shoving past JJ as you all yelled for him to chill and talk to you. Pope tried to block his exit.
“What are you, JJ, now?” Pope asked as you and Kie yelled for him to calm down. John B pushed Pope back into the table as you followed him out, asking for him to explain, or calm down. You ran down the steps, the others close behind. He mounted the dirt bike, looking back at the four of you.
“John B, what the hell?” Kie yelled.
“Ward knows about the gold.” John B spoke for the first time. “He killed my dad.”
You ran as far as the dirt track, watching the bike disappear as JJ swore.
“What now, we just go up to the front door and ask, ‘Hey, have you seen John B’?”
The night felt dark, cold, and your boat felt fragile next to the stupidly big boat across the pontoon from you. The shape of the Cameron house was huge and adorned with golden windows on the other side of the lawn.
“Look, he lives in Tannyhill now, it’s plausible.” Kie reasoned, but you could tell she was just grabbing at loose ends. “We can play dumb.”
“Play dumb?” you frowned.
“It’s pretty late.” Pope added.
“Look, I’ve never seen John B like that. We should honestly be going to the cops.” Kie countered.
“The cops? And say what, Kie?” you almost laughed, “‘We’re worried about our friend because he’s going off on a rampage because Ward Cameron killed Big John’? They’re not gonna believe us!”
“Hey, I see Ward.” Pope interrupted you, binoculars up as he watched the house. Kie took the binoculars, checking for herself. “Doesn’t look dead to me, let’s go home.”
“What?” Kie turned, shocked and offended.
“Uh, okay. Obviously Mr Cameron is fine, and even if John B was here, he isn’t now, okay? Plus, I have the biggest, most important moment of my life in six hours.”
“Yeah, well our friend is in trouble.”
“I’m in trouble! Guys, I haven’t been home in three days! My dad’s probably put all my shit on the street by now.”
“Okay, so that’s it? In a time of need you’re just gonna bail? You’re just gonna walk away?”
“Okay, yo, guys.” You spoke from the other side of the boat, “Can we not do this right now?”
“Hey, I have a scholarship interview in the morning.” Pope reminded Kie.
“Okay, well what about John B?” Kie asked.
“Why is it always about John B?” Pope questioned, and you sighed, looking away as Kie looked around, caught off guard.
“It’s not always about John B. You’re so stupid! It would be any of you in this situation.”
“Guys.” JJ tried to stop them.
“This is about friendship!” Kie powered on.
“Bring it down.” said JJ.
“This is about pogues for life!”
“What about forensic pathology, huh?” countered Pope.
“Forensic pathology?” Kie scoffed.
“It’s my life! It’s everything I’ve worked for!”
“That’s your priority?”
“Would you stop with the moral high ground bullshit?”
“Pope, come on.” you cut in.
“No.” he rejected, “No, no. She has no room to talk.” You looked down, knowing you didn’t either. “Where were you when Big John went missing? You weren’t there. You weren’t there for John B. You weren’t there for any of us! Remember your kook year?”
“Dude.” JJ tried, again, to stop the argument.
“Yeah, you forgot about us. Now you feel guilty.”
“Give me a break.” She pushed him, and he staggered but held his ground, you and JJ were up within seconds. “Is that what you need? You need a break? Move!”
You and JJ pulled them away from each other, shouting for them to stop, to cut it out. You held Kie’s shoulders, the both of you breathing heavily. She stared straight ahead, holding eye contact with Pope as JJ looked between them.
“If I’m the one mediating, we’ve hit rock bottom.” JJ sighed. You dropped your hands from Kie’s shoulders. She sat down as you sent Pope to the bow of the ship, sitting down as well.
“Pope, we’ll drop you off.” You said, JJ steering the boat. 
You sat, facing away from the group, water washing around your ankles, arms propped up on the wood as you stared at your phone. You were aware of the conversation - the gold was gone - but you weren’t really listening, or paying attention. Your mind was plagued with worries that felt trivial compared with what was going on, but still felt like the world would implode if you didn’t sort them.
Tyler was rejecting your refusals, insisting you humour him. You turned around briefly to look at JJ, who was watching you. You wondered if he had worked out that you’d slept with Tyler, even though you hadn’t mentioned it. But, of course, you hadn’t mentioned it - he couldn’t know.
You broke from your thoughts as Pope came blundering down the path. “Guys!” he halted when he reached you, and you picked your legs up, swinging around to face the group. “Oh, God, I ran all the way here.”
“How was the interview?” you asked.
“Don’t ask.”
“JB, look, I’m sorry dude. About everything.”
“It’s fine.” John B disregarded.
“But - but I don’t have a lot of time, and I have information that is tactically relevant. So, before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron’s big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. So, I’m there sitting in my interview, thinking to myself, ‘Hm, why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?’”
“Gold.” JJ turned.
“That’s right.” John B confirmed.
“Exactly! Guys, this is our chance, but it leaves tonight, and we have to go.”
“We can’t give up now.” Kie smiled, jumping down from where she was balanced.
“What’s the plan, big man?” JJ asked.
“We’re gonna steal that shit back.” John B stated.
You smiled, this was going to be a shit show.
“We go in there, guns-a-blazin’, make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible, and vámanos, get the hell out of there.” JJ summed up.
“Send that shit right down the intracoastal.” John B added.
“Wait for the weather.” Kie reminded.
“Exit to Cuba.” Pope finalised.
“Cuba?” JJ sounded offended at the idea, “No, man, Xcalak, the jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes, no word for money.”
“I like the sound of that,” you hummed, sitting up from where you lay across the back seats, “Let’s do this shit.”
The VW rattled on for a few hundred feet, John B curving into a break in the thicket, the lot of you leaping out of the car to a wire fence.
“What’s the plan?” Kie asked. “Broad strokes.”
“I don’t think we got that far.” John B admitted, Pope pulled out his binoculars.
“They’re loading up the gold.” Pope pointed out. 
John B took the binoculars, watching the scene before him. You were all pressed up to the wire fence, and you could see a car rolling up to the plane. You watched the figures exit, faintly recognisable without the binoculars. John B lowered the black instrument, Kie asking him what was going on.
“It’s Sarah.” 
You looked back at the plane. They played out like a scene in a play, little figurines moving around, until Sarah was being dragged onto the plane by the shape that must have been her father. John B disappeared from your side as the engine began to whir, loud enough to be audible from your spot behind the fence. Behind you, a car door slammed, and you shouted for your friend as he started the engine, forcing all of you to step back as he smashed through the gate, JJ’s “Don’t be a hero!” resounding in the air.
Still shouting, the four of you ran through the gap as he accelerated towards the moving plane, your shouts fracturing the air. Upon the realisation that whatever stupid, reckless thing John B was doing couldn’t be stopped, you waited in baited breath. You watched the van swerve in the plane’s path, the screech of the brakes reaching your ears. You heard and watched the second squeal as the plane halted, barely feet away from the pogue.
Somewhere in the distance, you heard the sirens.
“Guys, I can’t get arrested.” Pope spoke, breaking the shocked silence you had been standing in.
“I’m on probation.” JJ added. 
“We’re no good if we’re all in jail.” Kie confirmed, and you turned to the three of them.
“You serious?” you almost laughed.
“Y/N,” JJ started.
“Go, if you have to.” You nodded, “I’ll step in if he needs me, God knows what’ll happen.”
Kie and Pope nodded,setting off, but JJ stood. “You can’t-”
“JJ, you said yourself - you’re on probation. But they don’t know I’m here, I’ll be fine.” You smiled, stronger than you felt, “Go.”
He followed your friends, and you stepped back into the trees, the sick feeling in your stomach foreboding a turn of events. The blue and white police car was racing down the runway, and you could almost feel the panic in your friends.
You saw the Sheriff get out, and the exchange that led to Ward’s arrest. You watched her get him on the floor, gun pointed at his face, you heard a bang.
The scene froze for a second, but suddenly time sped up, the Sheriff collapsed, and there was another figure. The gun was pointed at John B. You felt yourself move forwards, but the figures were moving - Sarah’s crumpling onto the floor, Ward standing, John B’s moving to help Sheriff Peterkin. You watched Ward and the new figure. Fuck it.
“John B!” you screamed, and he looked up. He was sprinting towards you as the three Cameron’s started fighting. You jogged, the pair of you breaking into a sprint as you got to the woods, fighting your way through the thicket as more sirens joined the melee. Shots were fired, but they sounded numb to your racing mind. He was slightly ahead of you, faded hoodie flashing as you both ran flat out. Before you registered the road, the horn was honking and John B was rolling over the bonnet of a car. You grabbed his shoulders, pulling him up, the pair of you running as the driver shouted for you.
You needed to find the others.
You ran for a while, slowing to a walk as you discussed where the others would be. The junkyard, you thought.
After five minutes, you stopped, forcing him to prove to you that the blood on his arms was only Peterkin’s, and that he wasn’t injured.
Somewhere above you, there was a plane. 
You were walking slowly now, approaching the junkyard. You felt numb, knowing that everything was completely different now. You turned the corner, seeing the three other pogues gathered, Pope taking a hit from JJ’s juul. Weird.
They ran to you, seeing the blood in John B’s hands and your shirt (from your attempts to check his injuries) and immediately began to panic, giving you once overs.
“Who’s blood is that?”
You all ducked behind the clutter to avoid the approaching sirens, allowing yourself a moment to breathe. You glanced at the blonde boy next to you, but as you went to speak, he turned away harshly. What the fuck?
Tags: @tangledinsparkles�� @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @lolitstiana​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ @teamnick​ @thoughtsofthestars​ @obxmxybxnk​ @jjmaybankswife​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @sxcretinhuman​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @angvelics​ @badwolf00593​ @coloradogirl07​ @mendesmaybank​ @jiaraendgame​ @5am-cigarette​ @emerald-xcd​ @haharudy​
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softboyscully · 4 years
Public School Stuff I Wanted to Share
public school is both beautiful and horrifying am i right
so ill just go by the grades i guess
Kindergarten, first year
i did kindergartden at a catholic school in a relativly big city so this one’s got some shit
we went to church every wednesday, me and best friend (lost track of her when we moved, wish we’d stayed in touch, she was awesome) would giggle the whole time, pretty sure we made fun of jesus once, can’t remember why, possibly the hair
i had the nicest teacher, she was (as i remember her) young, blonde, and super sweet, that was the first and last year i ever had naptime
SPEAKING of naptime
i never slept during it
once i found what i remember being a nut of some sort on the ground, probably came off someone’s shoe
i grab it, turn to sarah (my best friend), say something about putting it up my nose
sarah, apparently having common sense, says, “no dont do it!! we’re supposed to be sleeping!!”
i put it up my fucking nose
try to get it out, just push it farther in
im crying a little bit now, that shit hurts
go up to my teacher
“you’re supposed to be asleep!”
“i have a nut up my nose and it wont come out”
teacher tries to get it out, but it wont budge
just. sends me back to my mat
that was it
the art room was tiny
like re-purposed broom closet tiny
there was a copy of the mona lisa in the hallway, someone had drawn ray bans on it with a pencil, never got replaced
there was a creepy-ass basement i went down to after school, we ate cheeseballs and sandwiches with some kind of meat, mayo, and that kinda yellow bread
someone broke his leg down there once, think an older kid threw him at the ceiling or something
we learned how to play Silver Bells with actual bells in music class
Kindergarten, second year
i remember these two teachers as the evil step sister-type look, but it might be my little kid imagination
but seriously they were horrible
we learned stuff in a room that was more middle-school styled, except everything was green or black and it was v dark
me and sarah attained a new friend, john
honestly i think we would’ve stayed friends for a while if i didnt move away
i have two vivid memories
one is of me really wanting to go home, so i walked by the teacher’s desk and did a fake sneeze
they laughed at me and told me to go sit back down
the other is  john leaning his chair back and then falling, so me and sarah went to help him back up
it was funny, so he did it again
and again
me and sarah were laughing, had the time of our lives
after the maybe fifth time the teachers said “john can get back up by himself. sit down and stay there.”
one of the reasons we moved was bc i got sent a letter from my fourth grade buddie
most of the words weren’t spelled correctly, many letters were backwards
my mother was horrified
ofc now we know it was probably a learning disability 
1st grade
this is when i moved
beginning of school i was ASTOUNDED we didnt have uniforms, one of the best things ever to happen to me
nothing wrong with this teacher, she was cool
thing is i was a little shit
told everyone my dogs died (they did but i was maybe three when it happened, i remember it not)
all my personal narratives were bullshit (only one sticks in my memory, wrote it about celebrating christmas AND hanukkah with my dad’s friends who were jewish, i have never even met those friends)
had a crush on this kid, best friend (she was terrible and helped wreck me emotionally) told me to kiss him in music class. me being a stupid ass bitch, i did it, aND HE GOES TO THE TEACHER AND CALLS ME OUT. at the end of class she gets both of us to stay for a bit, AND I DENYIED EVERYTHING. i walked across the fucking classroom, kissed him on the cheek, ran away giggling, told my teacher i didn’t do anything, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. i’ve embarrassed myself further with this child but thats another story
2nd grade
i loved this teacher but honestly he was absolute shit
like. all he did was play the guitar and sing with us
never actually taught us stuff???
middle of the year, my mom goes in for a parent-teacher conference, he tells her i dont pay attention is math.
“what do you mean?”
“she doesn’t listen, she just takes out a book and starts reading.”
“........have you.... tried taking the book away?”
“sure, i could try that.”
he also told her i’d be a girl who’d grow up to love spellcheck (which i do lmao)
like ???? why not just??? teach me to spell????
there was this one dude who one day showed up, gave me a pink stuffed cat, and then asked me where i lived
funniest thing was he lived on the same street as me
something that is vivid in my memory is showing up to class one day and realizing that i was wearing my regular clothes over my pajamas
also we had fish
every day someone else was in charge of feeding them
one of the times it was my job, i grab the fish food and walk over to the tank only to find all of the fish floating on the top
i screamed “THE FISH CAN FLY?!?!?!?!?!”
everyone ran over, all of us scarred for life when Mr. G walks over and goes in the most normal voice ever “no theyre dead”
we held a funeral
the cause of death is still undetermined
3rd grade
this year just draws a blank for me
all i know is that whoever the teacher was, they neglected to teach me how to tell time from a clock
also we learned the Cotten Eyed Joe dance in gym around here
4th grade
i had two teachers this year
one was the same one from 1st grade, the other one was a total bitch
made a girl named hannah ball her eyes out once, never apologized
i was (and am) and avid reader, so my reading skills were high above average
instead of being proud of me she told me i was weird, not normal, and too smart for a 4th grader, so i MUST be cheating. 
she was the start of a lot of self confidence issues for me ngl
this was around the time i went and got tested for ADHD (me and my grandmother almost broke down on the highway but thats another story), Mrs. M (the nice one) was super supportive when i told her why i was leaving early but Ms. S (bitch) told me ADHD wasn’t real and i just wanted to be special for once
she sucked, Ms. S
5th grade
this is getting super long so this’ll be the last one i do
but my teacher..... Mr. F was A+++++
he legitimately taught me math
we had i guess like,,, a buddie class we switched with sometimes
the teacher of that class was Mrs. R, who had crazy red hair and many freckles
at one point she referenced a meme and my entire class started screaming
also there was another Mrs. S (to differentiate this one will be called Mrs. Su)
she was kind of crazy
she was the astronomy teacher and she told us many times that the moon landing was faked
once she handed out sunscreen and had everyone put it on their whole body (this was in december, fyi)
Mr. F also hosted an ‘archeological dig’ which sounds cool but in reality he had a bunch of arcade prizes from his childhood buried in little flower pots we dug into with plastic spoons
also heres some stuff i cants pinpoint the time of/happened in multiple grades:
someone held a who-can-scream-the-most-like-a-goat contest
a guy named Makenzie won
remember we planned it while the teacher left the classroom so the teacher walks back in and one by one everyone in the room starts screaming, there was some applause, a few kids got a standing ovation
we cleaned out our desks in the middle of the year, i found 3 socks and a dog treat in mine
like how the fuck did any of those things get there
and where’s the fourth sock
b o t t l e f l i p p i n g
but no seriously there were at least five water bottles stuck in the ceiling in the cafeteria
my sorta friend charlie was obsessed with paper airplanes
one time he might’ve broken the world record for longest time in the air but he was counting in his head and it was at recess so there was no video
four square and gaga ball would be played no matter the setting, time, or conditions and it was super competitive
like if you could get to king in four square you got the everlasting respect of everyone
and everyone was super educated on four square special rules, special plays, that kinda shit
no but guys i grew up with bus stop, candy store, haunted house on mondays, haunted mansion on fridays, zombies was fair game unless it was Zach, Ryan, Chrissy or Vee
me and one other guy named andrew were the only known pjo fans, had the time of our LIVES making refrences
“hey annabeth, i thought you looked like a princess when i first saw you. i printed out a picture you sent me casually and kept it with me. i snuck along on a quest so i could save you, endangering myself immensely. i held the sky for you. when you talk about your crush on luke, i get jealous. beckendorf understood, but hes dead.”
“ikr we’re literally the best of friends”
also the first time we finished mark of athena we were in the same classroom and we individually dropped the book, stood up, looked at each other, and screamed “WELL FUCK YOU TOO RICK RIORDAN”
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i got this idea because when am i not soft for chris? i’m a little shy typing this because it’s kind of nsfwish but here goes nothing, chris is tired and just wants to cuddle you, you are reading and he lets you continue but starts slipping his hands down your pjs (not in a sexual way, at least not for the time being) and then he starts undressing you because you are warm and craves the intimacy of having your naked bodies pressed against each other and just clingy but so soft?💕
A/N- Uhhh so it did turn into smut, gentle smut. Like need to relax smut. I cant help myself. 
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8:54 PM
Chris groaned looking at the time, and rubbed a hand over his face. Finally he was done, he was heading up the front porch steps and FINALLY he was going through the front door into a semi dark house. Can we say long day? Yes, it was a long day, he had flown out this morning on the red eye for Washington DC at 3 AM. He left you looking all sleepy in bed, your hair spread over his pillow as you shifted into his warm spot, and watched with half closed eyes at him picking out his suit.
“You should wear the grey Handsome.” You softly say while plumping his pillow under your head and wriggling in his dip in the bed. The blankets now twisted around your legs, and your foot poked out to brush along his leg as he laid it out on the end of the bed.
“Grey it is babygirl, go back to sleep.” His hand rubbed against your foot and tucked it back under the blanket. You yawned just then and went to sit up but he was quicker and his hand pressed against your shoulder to lay you back down. “We have enough time if you wanna play in the shower.”
Chris groaned at the idea, but he held strong. “You have a meeting in a few hours, and we can tomorrow, when Im not in a rush and can love you properly.” You seemed to accept that answer and relaxed back in the pillow nodding. Letting his lips brush one last time against yours, you settled back in to sleep, and Chris finished getting ready, mentally going over his schedule. As he left, he whispered to Dodger who now laid claim to half the bed. “Watch over her Bubs”
Now it was dark, the downstairs was dark short of the light over the stove, in which he found a covered plate sitting with a note. Evening baby, not sure when you will be home, and sounded like you guys were to busy to eat. Wake me up if Im not up! Xo, you had written in that wispy way of yours when your in a rush, and he lifted the cover to see a bowl of still warm stew and crusts of french bread. He popped it in the microwave and gave it a quick heat. Hitting the button before it could ding, he ate it right at the counter with now mans best friend sitting at his feet. “You want a taste bub?” he questioned, and with a light wag of his tail and hopeful eyes, Chris chuckled, and sopped up the rest of the soup with the last bite of bread, tossing it to Dodger. With a snap of his jaws, he raced off with his prize to disappear somewhere in the house, the click of his nails fading away.
Picking up and heading up the stairs, there was a soft glow in the hallway, to show the bedroom door half open and the source of the light. Easing it open, you were laying across the top of the bed, your hair in a messy bun and glasses perched at the end of your nose, reading a book. But hearing him you looked up and grinned. “Welcome home Handsome”
“Welcome home indeed” He sat on the edge of the bed, loosening his tie. You moved across the bed and draped over his back to nuzzle his neck while he unbuttoned his shirt, purring against his neck as you went to brush kisses against his skin. His hand lifted and cupped your face, tilting to kiss those soft lips of yours. “It went well, I think were just about finished up, and ready to launch.” Your hands rubbed against his shoulders and his head dipped forward giving a soft groan. “Your hands are magic Y/N.”
“Yea, you need it, your tense.” You gently tug on his shirt and draw it off. Moving to a stand, he continued to undress and put away his suit, telling you about the rest of his day, then he withdrew into the bathroom to brush his teeth. You got comfy once more with your book, stretched out on your stomach, your feet loping over your lower back, swinging back and forth slowly. When he returned in the only way he ever sleeps, naked, he laid on his back, arm over his face to relax. You promptly slid over closer, and his arm went around to rub your lower back, turning to kiss your shoulder, cuddling you in closer. Your so warm, Chris thought while letting his hand smooth along the band of your boy shorts, and slide under, squeezing an ass cheek lightly.
You simply turn the page, knowing your man would tell you soon enough what he wanted. His beard brushed against the sensitive spot along your shoulder, making you wriggle and glance at him over your glasses. “You know that tickles Chris.” you shift in closer and his hand slides back up to dip into your waist, mlving up your tank to make it ride up. “Mmhhh your so warm and feel so good baby.” He mutters against your shoulder while tugging you closer.
“Oh are you cold Handsome?” you giggle while marking the place in your book, tossing it aside while he drew your shirt up and over your head, looking down at you with more then a warm look now in his eyes. You pressed in close to his bare chest and pushed him back to lay down. You slipped to straddle him, your thighs lightly grasping his waist while you pressed your breasts against his chest, placing a soft kiss on his lips. “Well I dont mind cuddling up to warm you back up.”
Of course he trailed your body, slipping his hands back under the band of your boy shorts, rubbing your cheeks and once more squeezed palm fulls, returning gentle nips to your lips. Brushing your hands through his hair till it spiked slightly, leaving it that messy bed head look you adored, you smiled down in his sleepy face. “Cuddling leads to other things, cause your fucking irresistible babygirl.” Chris confessed, letting his nose trail along yours and sighed softly. You could feel just how tense he still was underneath you, the ripple of his muscles tender to your touch, rocking your hips lightly against him as your hands rubbed up and down his side, those nips of kisses, soft and gentle turned more frequently shared. Deeper, and soft sighs led to a guttered moan and you give a soft bite while reaching down between you two, rubbing his erection that you can feel thick between you.
You were so warm, soft over him, it was impossible for him not to be turned on, and you arch up to move back enough to slide your bottoms off. “Cuddling does lead to other things, and you babe needs to relax. Let me do that for you.” You tell him while moving back up his body and now he could admire all of you. Soft supple curves glowing in the dim light, could see the slight glisten between your thighs. You nip lightly against his chest while pumping your hand around his cock and guide him to press into you, filling you when you press down. Ahhh, you were warm and welcoming, your hands taking his while rocking your hips.
“Mmmhhh you feel so good babygirl.” His hips taking slow thrusts, your rocking against him at the same speed, giving soft moans and moving your hands to his shoulders, panting at how good he feels filling you, hitting against your sweet spot at this angle, rotating your hips gently to grind against him. “So do you Chris, you make me feel so good, so full.” You shuddered lightly as his hands grasped your hips gently to move you faster, looking to reach that moment of release. You cup his face and kiss him fiercely, laying claim to his mouth, crying softly into it, as you shuddered in the beginning wave. “Oh god Chris... please im right there.”
“I know babygirl, I can feel it.” He grunts back, you were just warm before, but now your body sliding against his, hot, friction burning between you two, clasping around him and drawing him in deeper, making you moan out once more. “I need it...” loosening his grasp on your hip, to reach between your thighs and rolling his fingertips over your sensitive clit, your mouth hung open and your forehead pressed against his chest while grinding back. “fuck yes babe, oh god, oh god.” Your voice is soft whimpers and cries and his jaw clenches as he is right there, his thrusts ragged, stuttering. When you came, crying out his name, he to spiraled with you, pulling his arms around you and rocking through it, hissing out your name right back.
Your in bliss, milking him of the last of his seed, slowly loosening your hold around him, and settling more comfortably against his chest. He brushes your hair back and kisses your temple, holding there a moment and giving a sigh of relaxation. “Im not moving tonight.” you say while flexing heatedly around him once more and your head against his chest, which made you rise and sink slowly, could hear him chuckle softly. Chris reached for a blanket you frequently cuddled up with when you didnt want to get under all the covers and sheets.
“Dont, I rather like you right here, all soft and warm on me, and around me.” Draping the blanket over you and with a sharp clap above the two of you, the lights in the room turned off, leaving everything in only the soft glow of the street light across the street. “And its even better cause we can sleep in tomorrow and do this all over again.” He said sleepily, which you hummed softly back in agreement.
“Good things I dont have plans tomorrow.” You rubbed your hand over his shoulder and along his neck with gentle fingertips.
“Not true, you have plans with me Y/N” Chris informed you in a half sleep state and you rubbed your face in against his chest, chuckling.
“Im all yours tomorrow Handsome, Love you.” and when you looked up, his head was tipped back, and his breathing smoothed out, sound asleep and fully relaxed holding you, and you settled back in, not far behind.
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disaster-bay-leaf · 3 years
Ok so these were the cutest~ (ㆁωㆁ)
4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 28, 33, 34, 46, 47, 52, 59, 60, 63, 66, 83, 87, 88, 93, 99
I kno I listed like....all of them lmao but feel free to answer whichever you want and ofc you can ask me in return Baybe ( ◜‿◝ )♡
uHUHUHUHU much content for me to answer, im happy bebe 💜💜💜✨
4 - how do you take your coffee/tea?
hm coffee either Very Black No Sugar (for the sleep deprived me) or iced latte three sugars and theres no in between
and as for tea its All Black Teas That Exist, cinnamon-flavoured especially (but basically all teas that come to mind when u think “autumn”), and rooibos!!! okay basically the only oke i dont like is any type of green tea (which is sad because they look cool but my tastebuds said ✨no✨)
6 - do you keep plants?
honestly id l o v e too because i love plants but,,, im kinda horrible at taking care of them though still way better than the majority of my family (research helps) so the only plant i own is kinda a small-palm-tree-looking thing in a bigass glass jar that i saved from my mother’s plant-destructing hands and its mostly doing well (the ends of its leaves are starting to be yellow tho and im worried:((( )
7 - do you name your plants?
yes!!! though the current one was named by my sister and its called “pickett” after fantastic beasts shsjjsj
9 - do you like singing/humming to yourself?
oh god oh dude you have n o idea
i have absolutely n o singing voice but its something i do constantly to give my brain the right amount of stimuli so basically i listen to music 24/7 and hum to myself 99% of that time
12 - whats your favourite planet?
oh i actually didnt think about this for so long but either pluto (hes a planet screw nasa) or saturn (RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or venus (girls,,,and libra,,,)
19 - do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw in it?
okay im gonna be completely honest with yall and say that my every single try at keeping a journal failed spectacularly and i lost motivation after like a few months so my only journals rn are my fancy fake-leather-bound calendar to note tests and assessments into, a kinda roughed up notebook that i uses for noting down poems or scribbling or passing notes in class, and a kinda fancy bullet journal notebook that i used as a book of shadows for a while but since my fountain pen died i didnt touch it
22 - are you a morning person?
n o
i am so not a morning person but i wish i could be because honestly dawns are beautiful
but as it is rn im either sleep deprived all the time and loathe every second of being in an awake state or (if i have a few days of schoolbreak) my biological clock moves forward a few hours and i sleep 2am-10am
23 - whats your favourite thing to do on lazy days with zero obligations?
except for the fact that i dont remember the last time it happened, i would probably spend it drawing outside, watching anime with my sister and riding a bike around the forest
28 - sunrise or sunset?
i love sunrises because its so peaceful and everyone is asleep but also i subconsciously immediately correlate them with waiting for a train to take me to school (because thats basically the only time i see them) so its a bittersweet love especially with my fucked up biological clock
but sunsets are really really pretty too and i see them more often so i cant choose
33 - whats your fave pastry?
and isnt that a millior-dollar question dhsjjsjsj
either cinnamon rolls (i absolutely adore them) or that one specific type of cupcake-shaped-thing made out of shortcrust/bread/whatever its called and filled with vanilla pudding
34 - tell us about a stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
awwww this is cute
okay so basically my two favourite stuffed animals (i still have them, they sit in my wardrobe) were two teddy bears (like maybe 20cm high each of them) and one was pure brown and the other was silver-brown and they had stereotypical polish male names “Waldek” (read. Valdek) and Stefan (i think tho im not sure if i remember correctly, my memory is a feeble thing sometimes
46 - tell us the worst pun you can think of
what dog would never bite you? a hot dog *badumtss*
47 - what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
huh a year ago id say pineapple pizza but i guess i dont hate pineapples that much anymore (tho putting them on pizza is still an abomination) but i think that if id ever want to get rid of anything it would be parsley, i hate that freakin herb (does it count as food tho)
52 - what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
the ever given for sure shsjshjsjsjsjjsj
but bullying tramp stamps is gold and pure tumblr energy too
as for fandom memes: im in love with all keeping-up-with-the-todorokis variations and the fact that the entire bsd fandom looked at fukuchi and said “biTCH” and thats one of the only things we’re unanimous about
59 - whats your favourite myth?
i always liked the kora/persephone myth (though demeter is an overbearing parent to the nth power), loki and thor crossdressing at a party to get mjolnir back, atalanta because shes a queen and id politely ask her to kick my ass, and cassandra because she deserved better, and theres a l o t more because alas i was a mythology nerd but this post is long enough for me not to make this section 20 times longer sjjsjsjsjsjks
but there are a lot of slavic myths that are very cool too, though we dont know that much about them as about the greeks for example
60 - do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
o o o o h yeah i do like poetry because to create such a beautifully sounding thing with only words someone has to be a genius
some of my favs are: some works of nakahara chuuya (thank u bsd for introducing me to this man’s beautiful imagery in his works i swear to god the descriptions do it for me) (also his poem about having hangovers is a mood like i feel you buddy), the raven by ea poe (i know everyone likes it but hOLY DAMN THE INTER/INTRAVERSE RHYMES ARE LIKE,,, BREATHTAKING) (and aso im a slut for gothic horror), and many more but also That One Poem From Welcome To Nightvale about reaching the island in the west,,, only perfect vibes from it
63 - are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be?
okay heres the thing. for anyone else both my playlist library and my bookshelf would be considered pure chaos of a mad man b u t they actually have a highly focused system which means that i sort them based on their vibes, lovability and (in case of books) their age and whether or not theyre a part of a series so i would say my bookshelf is rather organised (when a quarter of it isnt occupying my desk that is) and my music is more organised than not but sometimes it gets out of control and i have to sort it entirely again
66 - what would your ideal flower crown look like?
either entirely constructed of simple white daisies, entirely constructed of only white roses, or something that probably would win a “how many different coloured flowers can one fit in a flower crown” competition
or something purple (maybe not belladonna)
83 - whats some of your favourite album art?
god i dont know if it counts but hozier’s wasteland baby is probably one of my absolute favourites and no one shall beat that
“thrifted youth” (dalynn) and “standard deviation” (danny schmidt) have very aesthetic covers too
also the iconic p!atd too weird to live, too rare to die! album cover,,, its just iconic what can i say
and last but not least matt meason’s pink-and-black album covers (though bank on the funeral is really pretty too but like,,, “who killed matt meason” d o e s it for me and so does the 2017 tribulation single)
87 - what are some movies that you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
this is such a hard question because im not a really cinematography-oriented gal but i suppose that (at the risk of not going deep enough into the cinema world):
- the princess bride
- inception
- night at the museum
- forrest gump
- truman show
- E.T. (i cried okay)
- the lord of the rings (because damn me if this isnt one impressive adaptation)
- parasite
and one more personal recommendation: “ready or not” with samara weaving because goddamn i dont usually watch this genre but holy s h i t is it good
93 - whats the hairstyle you wear the most?
honestly just plain hair down (because having curly hair is a menace), split in the middle when i have longer hair and split on one side when its short
also low ponytails or half-up-half-down when im exercising, or double french braids when my hair doesnt cooperate enough to look presentable in any other form
99 - list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them
this is difficult because my music taste is a goddamn rollercoaster on a good day, but heres some:
- me and the sky from “come from away” musical (this is sort of a test song for my mental stability, if i cry i aint stable)
- dancing after death by matt meason (okay most songs by matt meason except for like,,, hallucinogenics maybe)
- tears and rain by james blunt
- i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
- almost home by mxmtoon
- anything by hozier really but shrike especially
- payphone, the cover by alex g (i cried to this song so many times)
- burning pile by mother mother (can i roast all my problems please)
- long way from home and cleopatra by the lumineers
- autoclave by the mountain goats
oooh that was c o o o o o o o l as fuck thank you sm so much bebe (and sorry for the long post @everyone else)
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Sunday Stumped Day 29
It’s another Sunday Stumped Day!
Sometimes we straight out get stumped. So every few months we will pick a Sunday when we’ll post of a list of asks that we need your help on.
This time around we have focused on Asks that are looking for specific fics. 
If you know the answer to any of these asks please shoot us a message/ ask/  with the Post number and the fic details and we’ll add it and give you a shout out with our thanks. Any links you can provide will also be super helpful.
Post 1 , Post 2 , Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, Post 9, Post 10, Post 11, Post 12, Post 13, Post 14, Post 15, Post 16, Post 17, Post 18, Post 19, Post 20, Post 21, Post 22 , Post 23, Post 24, Post 25, Post 26, Post 27 and Post 28 can be found here - and there are still fics we need your help with. 
495. theman189-blog said:
Also looking for a growing together fic where peeta and katniss are painting a room ar one point and they get in a paint fight, at the end when peeta has katniss over his shoulder she draws a heart in paint on his lower back
494. theman189-blog said:
Hi there, just read a fic where katniss and peeta were peacekeepers and fall in love called protect and serve, and I could have sworn there was another one where they're peacekeepers and fell in love but had a more concrete ending and I cant remember it... any thoughts?
493. breakmeaswitchson said:
Hi! So I posted asking about this on a sub in Reddit and got directed here, it's not specifically an Everlark one (I don't think) but if you could help I'd be so thankful! Basically, it took the characters from the 74th Hunger Games, but the twist was that they all had to work together in designated groups? And (I think) weren't allowed to turn on each other until nobody else was left. I'm pretty sure Rue and Clove were on a team together, and I think the setting involved abandoned buildings.
492. jayana90 said:
Hi! I'm looking for a specific fic from Peeta's POV. I read it about a year ago & now I can't find it. It begins at his house in 12 with his family, then traces nearly all of the Hunger Games trilogy. It ends with a chapter with Peeta & Katniss living in 12 years later with their kids and a bakery. I think they loved cheese bread? It was really long and so good, I hope to find it again. V smutty.
FOUND! The Sexual Frustrations of Peeta Mellark by PeetasAndHerondales, which has sadly been deleted. - thank you, mistressnightshade!
491. allflowerscatchthesunlight said:
Fic name needed: I recall Peeta was taken by the capitol and then there was trackers embedded into his skin or something and he was found by the squad while in the capitol to kill snow. They cut it out of him. Also katniss was pregnant, but miscarried.
Found!  Secret Wishes, Secret Kisses by @katnissdoesnotfollowback -- thank you KDNFB!
490. jsth2obooks said:
Hi I read this fix a while ago and now I'm trying to find it. It's Modern day Katnisss and Peeta have to go to a high school reunion an they pretend to be either together/engaged. At the end they end up with a child. Thanks in advance
FOUND! Somewhere That’s Green by Jlala. Thank you, @fangirlingoverquotes
489. uglydora15 said:
I read this fancition about Katniss and Peeta post mockingjay and Katniss was pregnant I think for the second time and Peeta has a flashback and Katniss caught him kissing someone else in the bakery and he had to beg for her forgiveness
Possibly There Are Still Worse Games to Play- The Second Part of Our Journey by panskiss123.  Thank you, @sunsetsrmydreams
488. bad-fad said:
Hi so I think there’s a fix where mr. Mellark like takes in katniss when she’s young (I don’t think prim existed in the story but I could be wrong) and she grows up with the Mellarks but I can’t remember?? If not maybe some recs along those lines
Possibly - “Kinship” by Misshoneywell - thank you @endlessnightlock
possibly Star by HGRomance  - thank you @nightlock-89
Possibly the deleted Lion’s Tooth by Alexabee
487. craftydiva0828 said:
Looking for a story where after the war, Katniss rides the trains searching the districts for Peeta; people search for loved ones by posting their pictures at the train depot bulletin board.
FOUND!  when the far-gone dead return - writingforhugs (Thanks, @ladymurphyevermore!)              
486. bookworm06 said:
I was wondering if you guys know about a fic where Peeta woos katniss slowly, they dare secretly for a long time i think. And then Katniss comes out in this beautiful orange dress(peeta’s favorite color) to announce their engagement. She’s dressed up for a feast or party in the district or something! I loved this story but can’t even remember the name 🤦🏻‍♀️
FOUND! -  I Knew This Would Have Happened Anyway by @abk1973 - thank you, @litharalen
485. cowrintimrousbeastie said:
Hello! This is actually the first time I'm posting a question, I usually enjoy doing the detective work. This time though, I've looked high and low and can't find it... it's a drabble posted on tumblr in several parts. Peeta is living with his girlfriend Delly but during one of his baking workshops discovers that this longtime best friend Katniss is in love with him (she has him as her phone screen saver). She works at the library? He confronts her and she says forget it as he is happy w/Delly..
FOUND!  By @cowrintimrousbeastie herself!  It is How Long by @ra3lynn3.  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4 and Part 5.
484. beautiful-harmony1 said:
Hello! Thank for your great work. I am looking for a fic I read a while ago. Post-mockingjay. Katniss is really sick and Peeta comes homes a realises. He takes care of her. On her “death bed” she talks about this that would have happened between the two. I’m pretty sure some bursts in and say “we found a cure”. Thank you so much
483. thehopefuldandelion said:
So I’ve been craving to read this fic that hopefully I didn’t make up and I’ve been trying to remember it’s name. All I remember is that Katinss and Gale(I think) are dating but when Gale would go to sleep Katinss would text Peeta. I’m pretty sure they were coworkers and couldn’t date bc of this. I know that she broke up with Gale but that’s all that my brain can remember. I’m sorry if this is vague or you can’t find it. I just wanted to read this again. Thanks for all you do for the community❤️
FOUND! This is After Hours by SoThere -thank you, @mendontprotectyou!
482. redhoodhungergames said:
I’m looking for a fic where peeta goes to this hotel (or something) and finds Katniss who works there as a singer. I remember when talking we hear that Katniss is from Virginia
481. just-absolutely-super said:
There’s a pre-epilogue fic I read about Katniss and Peeta growing back together. I can’t remember all the details but I think in the fic Katniss finds out Peeta painted Prim and it upset her? Toward the end she’s outside his bedroom door and confesses to him that she loves him. Thank you!
Possibly - The List of Words by MyKonstantine - thank you, @jennagill
480. peetniss27 said:
OK i must be going crazy, but this fanfic is about panem being a bunch of islands and they all do a computer session and are matched with their spouses after being “reaped” and Katniss was dating peeta and ended up with gale. It was called the islands but idk the new name please help!!!!!
Are You Leaving Me? - iloverueforever (*Thank you, @superchocovian!)
479. uniquepizzacollectionblog said:
Hi, i"m looking for a fic where katniss and peeta and best friends and have slept with each other in the past and now the sexual tension is coming back, maybe you guys know of this story?
478. xgetawaycar13 said:
Hiiii so I’m looking for a fic in which Katniss and Peeta get married in catching fire by order of snow and they are also forced to have children but I remember that at some point someone told Katniss about how all the girls at school liked Peeta so she got jealous and have him a blowjob Thank youuu I already look through your master list about marriage in catching fire but I couldn’t find it:(
FOUND.  This is Have Heart, My Dear by monroeslittle.  Thanks @finestunicorn.
477. ochri said:
Hi i'm looking for this fic from fanfiction It's a post-MJ fic and there's this one chapter where katniss peels? her skin off her fingers and then Peeta takes her to hospital. That's all I really remember :/
476. nikki-pondtheauthor said:
hey im curious if there are fanfics in which peeta learns how to use a bow and shoot arrows (taught by katniss). bonus if he does this in hunger games. im sure ive a read a fanfic before, that was awesome in my opinion because it is a bit out of character for him but highlighting the fact that he is a survivor too and can handle weapons even if he is more a friendly persona
475. white-dandelion-seeds said:
Hey, can you find me this story- Peeta helped Katniss to escape when her family was being killed. But he got captured and was made a slave. Later he helps Katniss to take revenge of the death of her family
474. chippedcupsandbrokenhearts said:
Ok do you know the name of Fic where Katniss finally gets away from her abusive marriage with gale and goes back to her family. They didn’t know she was being abused. She falls in love with Peeta and I remember at one point gale found her and her family drives him out of town. I read this YEARS ago and now I just randomly had the urge to reread it but can’t remember the name. Thank you!!!
Possibly - A Safe Place by HavishamWard,but this fic has been deleted. Thank you, @endlessnightlock
473. jillpill55 said:
Hi, I love your page and have read probably a hundred fics because of it. I hoping you can help me find this fic I read a couple of months ago. Peeta was captured and when he came back he couldn't kiss Katniss because of a implant snow had put in peeta's leg. I would be a mutli-chapter and may or not be finished. Thanks
Possibly - Rekindling by ShiningCity.  Thank you, @sunsetsrmydreams
472. svmn14 said: 
There was a story about Peeta suffering from an undetected hijacking attack timed 10 years after the last Games where he was designed to hurt Katniss 
FOUND!  This is Broken:  Scenes from the Sequel by MockingJayFlyingFree.  Thanks @sunsetsrmydreams
471. hiyosakura said: 
Hello! I was wondering if you could help find this everlark fic. I’m not sure if it’s completed or not but it also has hayffie in it a bit I think. So the story is that k and p fall in love before their games and they meet at their tree in school or something but then they get reaped and I can’t remember what happens after that but during the quarter quell Katniss is actually pregnant and Peeta and Katniss are able to communicate with their lips touching.
FOUND! That’s 74th Hunger games Challenge: We Always Were - Jamie Sommers(*Thank you, @superchocovian!)
470. ptx-holic said:
 Hi, i’m looking for a fic where katniss is in a relationship with gale and then she met peeta and they are in a relationship but they caught katniss having two relationship and katniss move to somewhere and then she came back few years later and met peeta again. I’m sorry if this is confusing for you but i can’t find it. Thank you :) 
Do any of these fics ring a bell? Please let us know!
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skcrs · 6 years
the other side 3 || the kid
A/N: here we are! a very long chapter with some sexy times for these two. i just cant help myself with the sappy romantic moments.
song: the other side - parachute
description: ignore episode 10. You’re a very important person to the kid in his timeline and he finally gets to see you again after 27 years in captivity. the only problem is, you have no idea who this handsome man is.
word count: 1949 warnings: swearing, sex, uh bread?
[Chapter One] [Chapter Two]
Chapter Three
Molly had just finished telling you the most ridiculous story about where Henry had come from. How he’d been kept underground for longer than you were alive. His awkwardness made sense to you now with that knowledge, and you reached for his hand across the table. You didn’t know if it was to comfort him or yourself. It took a moment, but slowly his palm turned and long fingers locked onto your own. Who could do this to a man as sweet and gentle as Henry?
You had felt a headache coming on halfway through the tale and now it was pounding full force against your skull. Henry’s hand tightened against yours as if he could somehow sense your pain. “Okay, so, you’re telling me he’s from a different dimension?”
“We’ve been referring to it as an alternate timeline, but yes, essentially.” She was smiling at you apologetically which had you cringing into your third cup of coffee. “I know this is hard to wrap your head around, but it’s the truth. We’ve been trying to figure out a way to get him home.”
They both looked so serious and you knew it was absurd, but you found yourself believing what Molly was telling you. Castle Rock was known for strange happenings, and yes, this was quite a bit stranger than usual, but you didn’t have enough information to dispute it. And anyway, one way or another, Henry needed help. You wanted to help him.
“The door is closing. There’s not much time.” You wanted to ask how he knew that but your break was coming to an end and there just wasn’t time to jump into another story.
Henry’s hand tightened against yours when you tried moving away making you sigh sadly at his neediness. The man had been tortured for so long and needed comforting you didn’t know how to give. “I have to get back to work.” When that didn’t work, you tried, “Molly can take you to my house, and you can rest there until my shift is over. I won’t be long, okay? I have a very comfy bed!” You smiled brightly at him and he smiled back softly before releasing you with a small nod.
You stood and began collecting the dishes from the table. “I think I have some clothes that you can borrow in my closet too.” What he really needed was shoes, but there weren’t any of those lying around. Ex-boyfriends tended to take their shoes with them when they skipped out on you. “There’s a hide-a-key under the mat, Mol.”  
She nodded in understanding, standing to collect her things. Henry followed Molly’s example and waited awkwardly for her to finish, bringing his hand up to graze softly against your shoulder as you went passed. You shivered harshly at the unexpected contact, counting yourself lucky you didn’t drop any dishes. You glanced back to see the two of them leaving, catching the small smirk that played on the man’s lips at your reaction to him. Bastard.
It was around Five in the evening when you finally made it home. You had meant to finish up earlier but then a big group of teenagers sat down at one of your tables and refused to leave for over two hours. It wasn’t a surprise when they left without leaving a tip, but it still annoyed you to no end.
“Henry? Molly?” You called out, locking the door behind you and slipping off your coat to hang in the closet. You were hoping he’d be asleep because of how exhausted he looked earlier, but when you saw him coming slowly down the stairs in the same gray sweatshirt and pants, you knew he hadn’t even made the attempt. He stopped halfway down the staircase. “Hey. Where’s Molly?”
“Work,” Was all he said in reply. You didn’t know much about real estate, but you figured she was always on call, ready to sell a house to anyone willing to pay. Must be a hard business to be in in a town like Castle Rock, which rarely had visitors.
“Oh. Are you hungry? I can make sandwiches or something…” You were mostly just desperate for something to do. This felt oddly like babysitting, and you were never good at that. When he didn’t respond, you held your hand out. “Come on. We can eat dinner by the TV.”
The eagerness at which he placed his hand into yours made you smile. The physical contact between the two of you seemed to bring him comfort, which made sense, what with you being married and all. That part still made your brain fuzzy, so you pushed the thought away as soon as it entered.
When you made it to the kitchen, you patted a chair near the table. “Here, sit. Do you like turkey?”
He did as you instructed and shook his head, stating, “Bread only, please.” Your brow furrowed but he nodded slightly, letting you know you had heard him correctly.
“Alright. Two slices of bread for you then.” Your features still held a confused look and he smiled at you in thanks.
You got to work making up your sandwich on one plate, turkey with swiss, while the other held his request: plain bread. His eyes followed you the entire time and usually you’d find the attention uncomfortable, but you were already getting used to his strangeness. Maybe you even enjoyed the way he looked at you. Like you were going to disappear if he looked away for a moment.
You had him grab a couple of water bottles from the fridge, having your hands full with the plates, and after, the two of you made your way to the couch. “Do you have TV in your dimension, excuse me, timeline?”
“Yes.” You handed him his plate once he was settled and his smile at your question made your heart swell. Soft, you thought. “It’s the same as this one. The only difference is: I exist there.”
“Huh,” was your response as you turned on the TV. Nothing good was on at this hour, so you left it on some sitcom, volume down low. “What am I like over there?”  
He contemplated his answer while he chewed, and you could tell he was debating on how much to give away. Or maybe he was just searching for a good lie to tell you. “Older. Successful... Happy.”
You frowned at him, placing your plate on the coffee table so you could turn to him and tuck your legs under you. “Are you saying I’m not happy here? You don’t know that…” He had no right to insinuate you were anything less than walking on sunshine ever god damn day. You wondered why that was the thing you chose to question, when asking him about the ‘successful’ part was probably a lot more interesting.
He didn’t seem too concerned by your upset tone. He was probably expecting it. When he finally turned to reply, his eyes held understanding, and not pity like you expected.
“You’re not. I see the difference in your eyes.” Your sour mood dissipated when he stroked your cheek with his thumb, your new position giving him better access to you, “My wife… is sad here,” He continued, plate forgotten on the table beside yours, hand never leaving your face as you stared deeply into each other’s eyes.
“Do you think- Do you think it’s because you’re not here?” You couldn’t believe you were saying that. You didn’t need a man to make you happy. What kind of misogynistic bullshit was that!
“My love,” His face had inched closer to yours while you were thinking, and you could feel his breath against your face as he spoke. “It is impossible to know.” His lips were ghosting against yours, and your eyes had fallen shut without you giving them permission.  “But I know I am unhappy without you.” The hand not on your cheek was making its way up your right thigh, his thumb drawing circles on your clothed skin. “Without your touch…” You hummed, nodding, making your lips drag against his.
There was a beat before he spoke again. “I have been without you for too long.”
The force of his lips pressing into yours hungrily made you gasp and he pushed you back until you laid flush against the cushions, legs on either side of him. His tongue was skilled against yours and you heard yourself moan quietly against him. You could feel his hardness through the thin layers of his sweatpants and your dark jeans, causing an excited shiver to go through you. “Yes,” You breathed out when he pulled away to kiss bruises on your neck and jaw.
“I’ve missed you so much.” His hand cupped your breast at the admission, grinding himself against your core. “Fuck, you feel good already.”
You were making breathing moans, unable to speak through the heat building in your stomach. It was quickly becoming too much, so you pushed him back gently, kissing the side of his mouth when you saw the pouty look he was giving you. “Let me get my jeans off.”
You had only unbuttoned them when his hands took over for you, peeling your panties off with them. His mouth was following his movements with soft kisses as more and more of your skin was exposed to him. You had your shirt thrown across the room just as he finished with his task, lips trailing lazily up your inner thigh.
“I remember what you like. How to make you scream for me.” He bit gently on a particularly sensitive spot on your hip and you yelped, making him laugh. It was the first time you’d heard that sound from him, and you hoped it would happen more often.
“I’m not her. Your wife, I mean. I’m me.” He smiled at you and darted out his tongue to lick a stripe up your center, stopping to suck gently on your clit. The action had your body jerking into an arch, eyes rolling to the back of your head, mouth hanging open in a silent scream.
“Looks the same to me.” You would have called him an asshole or something more creative if your brain would just come back online.
He didn’t expect a reply though as he pulled off his shirt and stood to do the same with his bottoms. He was back on you quickly, kissing his way up your body, stopping to give your breasts attention, to which you could do nothing but hold onto his hair and enjoy the sensations he brought out in you. Had it ever been this good?
He stopped his onslaught of your chest when he felt you tugging on his hair, coming up to kiss your lips gently, his smile contagious. “You’re so handsome. Especially when you smile.” He kissed your palm when it came up to move the hair from in front of his eyes.
“See? You are the same. You say that so often.” The hand on your hip moved to line himself up with your entrance and you bit your lip in anticipation.
“Oh yeah? And what’s your reply?” Your eyes snapped shut as he filled you, being unprepared for how fucking perfect the two of you fit together. He waited a moment for you to adjust and now you were certain sex had never been this good. It never will be again, you thought, not without him.
“I smile only for you, my love,” he replied, kissing you softly, hips beginning to move at a fast pace.
He wasn’t lying when he said he knew how to make you scream.
tags: @bscarz @amastriaa @hxdesworld @goth-pigeon @elisabethwise @daphodiloki @softstudyingnights @zellaravensdale @jamierdr @sleepretreat 
as always, just ask if you’d like to be added!
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Jane Eyre - 1996 - 2/5
what even is acting. what even is a script.
wasn't gonna do this one but fuck it's aunt petunia and rogue. here we go.
lots of credits fairo. more credits. damn fukin eh - i hear you're a wicked child! lol hi. now we're talking about hell and where bad people go. 'keep well and not die' ahaha m8. fkn reed putting seed in that she's a liar. teach her at her prospects, don't let her come back, she's a lying little shit take her away from here. he's appropriately scary oh shit she's saying this in front of the priest. damn tear that lady a new one. unruly, obstinate, wicked, deceitful, man these people hate kids who act out. walks in and damn she's on teh stool already - IS THAT THE LADY FROM PERSUASION. damn she just got here and he's telling everyone to not trust her, she doesn't get to eat and has to stand - she's just done hours of travelling fuckin assholes. IT IS THE LADY FROM PERSUASION. shes got dark hair and dark eyes and shes like glaring at everyone like shes onna kill him in their sleep. lol enjoy helen while she's alive. eatin bread and cheese in bed like she's not gonna get crumbs. omg telling these kids how to stand properly what why this lady hate her she's gonna cane her for not washing her hands. bish doesn't even flinch go helen. 'cleanliness is next to godliness' alright crazy. this school is a lot more chill than most of the others - they're laughing and doing what they want as well as learning and playing games. making jane out to be a pro artist. oh no ol mate saw her with her hair out. no dont cut it. 'vanity?' shes out here with naturally long, red and curly hair and he's out here calling her vain? because he recognises it as lovely she must be vain about it? what a fkn dickhole get off your high horse sexist moron pig anus head. what. he's saying her naturally  iwgh what i don't even understand his shit - it isn't offending him thats the issue its her naturally occuring sin and vanity (because her hair exists?) that is the issue??  what. lol go Jane. NO. oh fuck go Jane go. this guyyyy. don't do it Jane. chin held high she only does it when Helen nods at her to. DAAAAAAAAMN. took of her own bonnet. if Helen's hair goes so does Janes. they stood together looked at each other and flipped their heads over for him to go snip snip, bish looked shock and actually stepped back in horror. What a bae. Helen's fkn dying send help. fuck this lady should not be working with children considering how much she hates children. o shit where's helen. her beds all rolled up. can hear her hacking away in the distance. yikes that sounds bad. jane be creepin. oh fuck she's a terrible actress even as a kid. who honestly thinks its a good idea to hire her. she lying in her dying friend's bed and she's breathing all over her. isn't anna paquin australian? no? ah new zealand fairo. oh fuck Helen's daed. she's trying to squeeze out tears ahah oh no. she can't manage it. anna go back to new zealand you suck at acting who hired you ever. Riparoonies helen. that was actually the greatest jane and helen moment i've seen tbh. oh damn cool transition as she walked from helen's grave - she went from kid to adult. whats this part down the midde all of them got. Miss Temple fam, persuasion lady, fantastic lady, crying as Jane leaves like her mumma. this jane is long-flat-faced with a long protruding jaw, and very tall and skinny. thornfield looks like its already burned down ahaha. straight up castle here. she's got her drawing stuff as well as her bag. nice friendly ol mate meets her and opens the gates - big ass square this is some game of thrones shit yearh this place is like medieval more than victorian. the middle parted hair and the curled twists behind her head they're pretty much exactly the same in most Janes. all chillin and chatting about this together rather than completely separate. adele actually legit sounds french rather than just pretending? noice. dreary, cold, dark halls. her room is bright and airy with a four-poster bed and bay windows and lots of very nice furniture. river runs beside it; enormous tapestries; main gallery with lots of furniture and paintings and sculpures all covered in sheets with windows open to let in light; the doors are very large and heavy. Janes got a very long neck she looks legit like a fkn swan lmao. ooh a rochester backstory. well-travelled, intelliegent, can't tell if he's talking in jest or in earnest, or if he is pleased or irritated, not a happy man. they're just walking about in his rooms. the sun shines bright but cannot reach them through the thick mist. they're very soft-spoken. god her head is so far forward she's like the alien - long ass neck stretching forward and then her chin and jaw stretching wayyyy forward. wack wack anatomy.  it's very dark and dreary. she's off for a walk leaving adele to do like 5 sums. oh she's been here five minutes and they're already meeting. the music is like ... not appropriately intense? he just sorta looked at her, the horse tripped over and then he was on the floor and she's like whoops uh you alright bro. he's outright lying and pretending that he's not rochester his hair is grotty he's got like no hair on top they've just tries to scraggle it. this is so stunted and awkward. i hope it gets better. he's very gentle and she's pretty nonexistent to far. my god very gentle man. what. is he even rochester? that's a german shepherd. noice. playin chess by himself by the fire lol. this movie would be made infinitely better by an actual soundtrack. they're all chilling together again it's interesting - adele and fairfax and rochester and jane. wait she's been here 4 months. it literally didn't show anything about her chilling here. she talked back and now he's grumpy lol. what a terrible start compared to like... every other first convo. isn't she supposed to be not great at piano and yet she's teaching adele -- wait now we're at another convo between the duo. this convo is the other half of --- wait now we're talking sketches? jesus she hmm what are they talking about she's being forward and fuck her chin twists forward as she speaks she kinda looks like the wicked witch of the west. he's judging her drawings like he can do better. this is a mess? the best part about this so far is adele.  there's no sense of time. adele is gorgeous honestly. she's pale and gaunt with bags beneath her eyes. wait here's the next part of the conversation. blunt and brusque replies from her. god they're so obviously acting its painful. they have no chemistry because the CONVERSATION IS ALL OVER THE PLACE. they've done it on pruspose to try stretch things out a bit but like plz EY why he scrunch up the drawing wtf. 'and remember the shadows are as important as the light'. dudes. these are private conversations? it would be alright to try it more naturally but they're just not the kind of things you casually say. it's impersonal and there's no intimacy. sit there and watch a kid dance to the sound of a music box. he's so grumpy looking. now snapping at the kid. he's annoying. like a violent dude he feels more like a nice guy quick to snap - definitely kinda unhinged. and now drunk. hmm i don't like it. she told him not to be mean to adele and he rages about her mother, 'you've made adele feel unwanted and unloved' damn this Jane goes for the throat. she's too good for him I can see it now m8. he's a psycho run. red flag red flag. don't like it. lol he wake up like huh.... oh look beds on fire... huh... well suppose i should sort it out... huh... fuck they're barely acting huh. do they even want to be here. how much are these guys getting paid. he's literally a drunk. and has she had a drink in her life? she just went for it? omg so impersonal - isn't he supposed to be already half in love with her by this point? camera angle just flicks forward and back as the conversation goes on and when theres action it just pans back to the widest shot ever lol just show the entire scene why give any emphasis or focus to anything who needs reaction shots and feelings of being in it rather than observing it. fkn ey. he's literally just an angry blitering brooding drunk yikes. he's staring at her tits? these conversations man... he definitely just said jade instead of jane. m8 don't tell me he didn't. there's more intimacy between all the servants and jane and feeling more like an actual squad living together than there is any feeling between rochester and jane. adeles got a frog lol cute. 'you're a fool,' jane tells her reflection. this music is so shit it's bringing everything down. rochester, who's been an unfeeling ass the whole time, holds her hand once and now she's got a big crush on him. she's very spirited - to the point where she could too easily be cruel. like it's not just a repressed forcefulness it's like a hidden rage. can see her going mad and chopping someone up with icy rage and poised pleasure. wonder if i'm in a mood and interpreting this wrong? but honestly. dancing rochester now? instead of singing. adele is glaring at Mrs Ingram who just insulted jane lolol go kid she's definitely the best part. the background people actually make this place feel alive and natural, completely unlike their FUCKING AWFUL conversations. jesus what. god could you have two people less interested in each other? i think this fairfax knows about bertha. there's a 'tapestry bedroom'? lol what does that mean. they're dancing, playing cards, piano, the lot. oh the walls are literally covered in tapestries, that's creepy af. theres so much blood my dude would be dead yo. will hurt like doesn't know how to act. wwait theyve skipped my 'fav scene'?? theyre shaking hands again, wtf is this. wait what shes just met stjohn n he;s the one telling her all about the reeds? petunias dying 'love me then or hate me as you will - you have my full and free forgiveness' - i cant forgive any version that misses that out: its so powerful as part of her character. stalking her while he smokes in the dark what a creeper. 'how cuold you be so stupid!' lol fight him Jane i dont even know how we got to kissing likr the movie is almost 2 hours and yet it feels SO rushed. literally took away all the secret courting and his sneaky declarations. shes a modern woman trapped in an old age.  she is so skinny. and with entirely stiff expressions. ew he makes me so uncomfortable. theyre not even trying lol. acting ey acting have u heard of it. just left jane at the altar like bye bitch.shes just in a giant empty ugly room. bertha is a very young and frightened girl but also very sick in the typical long white dress and long dark hair. god this guy is a whingebum. bertha understands everything he's saying. oh yikes lol she just whipped a log from the fire and went after Jane and Jane just put her veil back down with like a sigh turned and yeeted slowly away long ass veil over a white bonnet, silk cape thing in a dark hallway walking all miserable. she's outies lol he's just let her walk out? i love u and i love u. bye. bertha's taken another log from the fire and lit the wedding dress on fire along with the house ahaha. wait he let her leave the house then ran after her on horseback but had to stop after bertha lit the place on fire it started burning and we're actually seeing it happen? interesting. the house is burning, pepople are running, bertha's on the battlements and rochester is going up there to --oh fuck grace poole got yeeted over by bertha oh she's flying ahahaha jumped down to where she threw grace poole. rochesters in the fire. jane's off and racing. it's all happened at once. she went to stjohns, didn't even get dumped in teh marshes but down she goes after chilling in a coach for 3 days. shes been there a month. her jaw is so long and forward its creepy. again one fo the few telling her that she's wealthy from inheritance from her uncle. more backstory. she was deeply loved by her parents, now she's wealthy, lifes looking up but she's all upset after than asshole lol move on and be happy. she's hearing his voice on the wind like please chill. damn 6months. what. um. he's very awkwardly trying to propose? but its like the last half of the conversation with the first bit just cut out. so weird. she looks normal face-on. oh she decides after the proposal to go back - none of that chasing after voices nonsense. whoops that shit burned downnn. doggoooo is still alive. what a good boy. fuck me there's like no anticipation, no intensity, no build-up, no chemistry, it's so dry and cold and heartless. christ acting. act. acting. act. please. act. what is happening. act. she has the neck of a swan ol mate. fucking gross. their words are stilted, and not romantic in the slightest and especially not in their delivery. theyre walking with no kids but the dog but they're talking about the kids. oh my god. that was pretty fkn awful. like seriously not good.
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lashydsdomain · 6 years
1-154. you wont
bet i will
1: Full name
lashy. das all you get
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
stairs, glass breaking, not being able to get ahold of someone
4: 3 things I love
my ocs uwu, my friends, my fucking tablet goddamn
5: 4 turns on
not comfy sharing on tumblr
6: 4 turns off
ill say ill come back to this one then leave this in the post
7: My best friend
rn i would say it’s probably blitztrolls
8: Sexual orientation
pan uwu
9: My best first date
ahh.... i havent had an in person first date still ;u;
10: How tall am I
11: What do I miss
not being stressed eue;;;
12: What time were I born
13: Favourite color
pale blu
14: Do I have a crush
ye u//w//u
15: Favourite quote
you know these things are asked and my mind goes blank
16: Favourite place
the woods just after it’s rained
17: Favourite food
im a basic bitch and just gonna say mac n cheese
18: Do I use sarcasm
no absolutely not. nope.
19: What am I listening to right now
ambles playlist- it’s on ocean eyes by billie elish rn
20: First thing I notice in new person
prooooobably like. their face? typing style if it’s online
21: Shoe size
uhhhhhh i think like a womens 10?
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
dark brown
24: Favourite style of clothing
loose and baggy because if i cant be comfortable what’s the point
25: Ever done a prank call?
27: Meaning behind my URL
lashyd was one of my first fantrolls and i liked the way it sounded
28: Favourite movie
mmmmm either labyrinth, princess mononoke or annihilation
29: Favourite song
no clue my friend im bad at picking
30: Favourite band
same as above sweats
31: How I feel right now
excited but tired
32: Someone I love
passivetrolls u//w//u/
33: My current relationship status
in a relationship!
34: My relationship with my parents
love my dad, kinda dislike my mom
35: Favourite holiday
christ mass
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
none, im so scared of needles ;u;
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
mmmmmaybe something stupid and simple on like my ankle?? i dunno what tho sweats
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
another fandom and i got bored with homeschooling lmao
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
i dislike them but they have tried to contact me a few times before i blocked them
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
not usually
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
i dont text so ill go w discord and no i have not the last person i messaged was you shenk gdi
42: When did I last hold hands?
the 2nd ;u;
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
7ish minutes
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
hellllllllllll no
45: Where am I right now?
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
prooooobably my bf or my dad. hate alcohol tho
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
loud but only w speakers
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
only da
49: Am I excited for anything?
absolutely motherfucker im making new friends left and right
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
i got two uwu
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
:))))))) irl most of the time tbh
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
last night
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
i would probably cry ugnfldkjfgslfdjg the last person i kissed was my bf wheezes
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
i mean probably.
55: What is something I disliked about today?
ehhhh nothing bad has really happened today
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
probably my friend from serbia uwu
57: What do I think about most?
ocs probably sweats
58: What’s my strangest talent?
burping on command? i dunno
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
glass shattering ouo;;;
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
beh ind
61: What was the last lie I told?
calling myself a basic bitch lmao
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone probably? video calls make me nervous
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
hell yeah to both
64: Do I believe in magic?
hell yeah i yell tossing salt on all my rocks
65: Do I believe in luck?
66: What’s the weather like right now?
uhhh clear i think
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
Shibuya Goldfish
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
69: Do I have any nicknames?
lash, lashy, gremlin and then stupid relationship nicknames gldsfgjfgs
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
prooobably almost falling down some stairs at a con and chipping my shin and probably partly pulling my shoulder out of the socket
71: Do I spend money or save it?
i try to save but end up spending it ouo;;;;
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?
there are some half customized MH dolls so i guess yeah
74: Favourite animal?
cat uwu
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
drawing ambles trollcall pick
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
satan stan obviously
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Here - Ancient Magus' Bride OP
78: How can you win my heart?
art of my ocs ngl
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
fuck if i knew
80: What is my favorite word?
probably fuck if you would ask my phone lmao
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
hey fuckers lets rumble
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
not that i know of
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
teleportation ngl
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
probably 87
86: What is my current desktop picture?
Tumblr media
87: Had sex?
sweats how about we move on
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
hell no
90: Failed a class?
i think yeah
91: Kissed a boy?
92: Kissed a girl?
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
does it count if we were indoors
94: Had job?
not yet wheezes
95: Left the house without my wallet?
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
i dont think so i mgiht have when i was younger
97: Had sex in public?
n o
98: Played on a sports team?
99: Smoked weed?
100: Did drugs?
only weedles
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
yes and i hated it
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
 every day p much
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
110: Gotten my heart broken?
;;;; yeah
111: Been to a professional sports game?
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
if this is on accident then ya
114: Been to prom?
prom is a waste of time ngl just go to arbys
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
n o
117: What concerts have I been to?
blueman group and the 4th of july ones that play around here
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
bits and pieces
120: Wore make up?
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
lets just skip the sex questions
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
god no
129: Peed outside?
this question is weird
130: Been fishing?
hell the fuck yeah
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
yeah ;u;
133: Broken a mirror?
i dont think so
134: What do I want for birthday?
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
136: Was I named after anyone?
i was named after two people uwu
137: Do I like my handwriting?
i can barely read it lmao i hate it
138: What was my favourite toy as a child?
my stuffed tigger uwu
139: Favourite Tv Show?
fuck i dunno probably cyberchase or fetch i dont watch tv anymore lmao
140: Where do I want to live when older?
somewhere quiet but convenient
141: Play any musical instrument?
flute and violin
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?
i have a scar on my knuckle from making garlic bread ;u; wasnt even good
143: Favourite pizza toping?
banana peppers
144: Am I afraid of the dark?
145: Am I afraid of heights?
mmmm at times
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
yeah >w>;;;
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
all the mc fuckin time
148: What I’m really bad at
telling people when im not up for something
149: What my greatest achievments are
being alive you fuckers cant beat me i won over hundreds of other fuckers and im here
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
Lets Not, Kids
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery
buy so much cosplay shit and helping friends get what they need
152: What do I like about myself
im getting better uwu
153: My closest Tumblr friend
passivetrolls or blitztrolls wheezes
154: Something I fantasize about
being able to help my friends out of the places they are right now QuQ
155: Any question you’d like?
more questions for amble and my other girls!
2 notes · View notes
clevernewdimension · 6 years
Polaris Part Three
Tumblr media
Parts: Preview, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four (Coming soon!)
Genre: Action, drama, romance, sci-fi, etc.
Paring: Jongin x Character
Word count: 7.0K
A/N: Warning for sexual assault and mentions of sex with minors. I know. Just so y’all know, Tribil SUCKS. I obviously do not condone this. Just warning about character past stuff.
I groaned, opening my eyes and move, trying to sit up. I look over, seeing Kyungsoo, who was currently in pants and a sweater sitting as he played a game on his Reader. He glances up, quickly closing the game and moving over. “How are you,” He asks, looking at me with cautious eyes.
“Peachy,” I say, starting to lean up. I hiss in pain, as he stands, helping me. “Thank you. For you know, saving my life and all that.”
“You’re welcome for saving your life and all that,” He says with a smile. “You’re in your room. I just traded with Jongin for a little bit to watch you and make sure you don’t accidentally rip your stitches open.”
“I can picture his pout now,” I say, wincing, holding my side.
Kyungsoo shakes his head, “Actually, he agreed immediately. You probably wouldn’t be alive if he didn’t put his hand over your wound, though I’m not going to tell him that.”
I frown, “Thank you. He’d hold it over me forever.”
“He… Lyra, Jongin hates losing people. He hates people dying, especially if he thinks there’s even a microscopic change he could have done something about it,” Kyungsoo says, pointing at my shirt, “I need to change the dressing of your wound. Lift your shirt.”
“Yes Sir,” I say, pulling it up. I didn’t know how to react to what he just told me about Jongin. For the most part he just gives off this air of confidence and pigheadedness. A lot of people tell me he isn’t like that, and, I suppose, there could be another side to the man who makes my life difficult.
“You don’t have to call me Sir,” He says, “I hate it. Well, except Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They keep picking on me, so I try to intimidate them.”
I smile, watching as he quickly and with care removes the bandage and replaces it easily. I smile at him, as he moves out the room to throw away the used bangade. Sehun slips in the door after he leaves, as he moves, sitting on my bed next to me. His beautiful face marred with red eyes and a look of sadness. “Thank you,” He says, taking my hand in his. Sehun is a very touchy person, though not with everyone. He and I are friends, but he’s never been the type to hug me or touch me like he does with his other friends.
I just smile, “Well, we can’t deny the Milky Way a chance to see your beautiful face, now can we, pretty boy?”
He just smiles, looking up. “Seriously, Lyra, I would have been dead if it wasn’t for you. I don’t know how to ever repay you.”
I smile at him, patting his shoulder. The Etherion was older than me, but somehow more… I don’t know… scared. Sehun’s greatest fear is letting those around him down. Knowing him he probably thought he let us all down by getting hit while he was flying. Stupid. I smile, it was growing more into a smirk as I just give him a smug look. “How about you finally admit you have a crush on the Phoenix Captain and we call it even, hm,” I say with a small smile.
His eyes go wide, his face flushing as he just pouts. “Shut up, Lang. That’s an order.”
“Nah,” I say with a grin. It’s been so obvious for ages. Sehun would help him with whatever he needed. Need someone to spar against? Sehun would come back bruised and grinning from ear to ear. Yixing needs someone to run an errand? Sehun would do it even if someone of his rank shouldn’t. He did whatever he could to try and help the special forces member. It was cute. I just smile at his blush as Kyungsoo opens the door, only to have Minseok following him.
Minseok smiles, moving and sitting down on Jongin’s bed. I do a little salute, “Major General, sir.”
“Stop with that,” He says, scolding me. “Lyra, thank you. For saving Sehun. I can’t… He’s like a brother to me, that kid.”
“I mean I wasn’t going to let him die,” I say, earning a laugh from Kyungsoo. The doctor lifts my shirt with ease as I lie down, wincing a bit. He peels the leftover tape off as Minseok looks over.
He hisses, “Ouch.”
Kyungsoo just nods, “The stitches look great. Let me rebandage you and you’ll be ready for dinner.”
“Cool,” I say. It was quick, and with their help, I was able to stand. The pain in my side was sharp, but I pushed through it with a hiss and multiple curses.
As Kyungsoo left the room, he looks to the side, “Jongin still asleep?”
“Sehun went to wake him,” Junmyeon says, from his position in the pilot’s seat.
I move, sitting down in the easiest seat and the end of the bench, groaning in pain as I rest against the table. I sighed, looking up to see Kyungsoo set a glass of water and some pills down for me. I smile, seeing Sehun and Jongin come from the hallway. Jongin looks up, his eyes looking over me with worry. I look at him, taking in how he looks. In sweatpants and a tanktop, hair an unruly mess. He, even if he just woke up, looked exhausted. The type of tired that settles in your bones for a while until you can finally relax a little. I look at his arm, seeing the bandage. I vaguely remember digging my nails into him. The look of absolute brokenness as he watched, glancing down at me as he did what he could to help.
“Sorry,” I say, pointing to his arm. Sure, I didn’t like the man, but having him there really helped. Being able to just hold something in the moment was better than having nothing at all to distract myself from the pain. Even if the distraction was small.
He looks confused, looking down at his arm, “Oh… No, it’s ok. If it helped that’s all that matter.”
Yixing hops over the bench, sliding into the seat next to me, placing a tablet down. “I examined Sehun’s fighter for you. Looks like the thruster on the right is almost completely done for. Probably not worth trying to repair.”
I look it over, pushing a button on the screen that makes a 3D hologram above the tablet. I spin it, looking it over. I sigh, “I’m going to have to make a whole new thruster. Fuck.”
Sehun slides into the booth, pulling Jongin down with him, who lazily followed. “Sorry,” Sehun says, grimincing.
“It’s fine,” I say, “If you want I can take one off the spare so you can use your Fighter.”
“Not like that you can’t,” Kyungsoo says, looking over his shoulder as he put oven mitts on his hands. “It’ll be three days for you to heal completely because of the Evo-DNA.”
“In three days I’ll do it then,” I say, rolling my eyes, quickly picking up the water and pill. It had an awful after taste. “If you’d like, I’m sure Chanyeol could easily move the thruster to Sehun’s Fighter. Super easy to do. Well all had to learn that.”
Chanyeol nods, giving a thumbs up. His grin is huge, “Sure can! They’re the same as bombers, but, you know, a bit smaller.”
Sehun smiles, nodding. “That would be great!”
Kyungsoo sets a bowl in front of me, a soup with some bread to the side. “Eat. You need your strength.”
Junmyeon stands, “Going on Autopilot.” He stretches, looking at us. He moves, pushing Jongin to the table as I grab my spoon. “Eat, and then get back to sleep,” He says, voice stern, but somehow still very tender.
Jongin just nods, not even arguing. Sehun told me that Jongin loves to sleep. Even if he got nightmares, he loved to sleep. I start to eat my soup, watching as each of his three brothers look over him, making sure he was ok. Jongin pouted, whining, “Just because I’m the youngest doesn’t mean to all have to baby me!”
“That’s exactly what that means,” Jongdae says, looking over with worry. “Kid, you almost get killed every time to go out and fly.”
Minseok nods, making taken a seat and eating soup from a mug. It was more like he was drinking it, which was odd. “We can’t do anything when you’re out there. We can’t help you then. So you’re going to let us take care of you when we can.”
I finish my soup as I look, seeing Jongin roll his eyes.
Kyungsoo smiles, having eaten quickly already. Yixing was the fastest eater, practically devouring his bowl in less than a minute. Something about being trained to do that, to eat quickly so he could get back to work. He was sitting next to Baekhyun, playing against him in a game of chess. The reader lying flat made a hologram of a chess board and pieces. It looked solid, hiding the reader, but it had to move on voice commands.
Baekhyun was practically ripping his hair out. He was examining the board with a frustrated gaze as Yixing was leaning against his hand, looking more bored than if he weren’t playing. Chanyeol and Junmyeon both moving the thruster from the other fighter over. From what I hear, it’s going well. Jongin was drawing something on his tablet, Kyungsoo looking over once in a while as he was cleaning his laser pistol.
“Ummm… Oh! Knight to E5,” He says, grinning. The piece moves, flickering as the knight piece turns, using its hind legs to kick Yixing’s queen in the face. Baekhyun smiles, looking at Yixing with a look of huge satisfaction. “Good luck! Today I win!”
Yixing, looking unbothered, as he just muttered, “Rook to F7. Checkmate.”
Baekhyun’s mouth falls as he looks, watching as the castle piece goes to his king, ramming it into pieces. “I… what the fuck?”
“Your king was hidden by your knight. I’ve had that rook there waiting to take it when you finally moved it for five moves,” Yixing says, the smallest of smiles on his face.
Baekhyun just let out a loud yell of a curse. Kyungsoo glared at him, rolling his eyes. I laugh, watching as Yixing just pats Baekhyun’s shoulder.
“Oh,” Kyungsoo says, “You can go back to your room, Jongin. Lyra should be fine unless she decides to do yoga or something.”
Jongin nods, “Alright,” He says, before getting back to his drawing.
I sign, getting up, “I think I’m going to go to sleep, actually. I’m oddly exhausted.”
“Being in pain is very tiring,” Kyungsoo says. “The more rest you get the quicker you’ll feel.”
I look at everyone, “Make sure they don’t completely fuck up the thruster, yeah?”
Jongin gives me a thumbs up, “Trust me, Sehun won’t let that happen.”
I smile, moving and slowly shuffling back to my bed. Sitting down was hard, but the softness of the mattress was wonderful. It was like being on a cloud. I close my eyes, trying to calm down and rest. My memories won’t leave me be, seeing the Kryton again. I haven’t seen one that close ever. The closest they’ve gotten to me was over 10 feet. The worst part was the smell. I thought it was awful before, but, as it turns out, it was worse up close.
I hear the door open as I close my eyes, attempting to pretend to be sleeping. I open my eyes a little bit, to peek out. Jongin sits on his bed, setting his bag on the ground. He sighs, looking back at the picture he put on the wall. The frown grows for a moment, before he sets his reader on the bedside desk. From his bag he takes a pen like thing, clicking it on. He takes something else, a glove, pulling it on. It was the same color as the pen, a black, with chip like things on the fingertips.
He presses it to the wall, moving it and leaving a strand of light in its way. It looked like neon, as he uses the glove touching it. From a menu, he turns the brightness down as changes the color. I was mesmerized, watching him as his pen glides. He changes the colors, carefully placing every line. Soon, it was a face, as he starts to carve out the details. Making the nose the perfect shape, using a very light white for the hair. He spent a long time perfecting it. When he finally moves away for a second, I see the face, clear as day.
She had white hair, bright purple eyes. Her lips were in a smile, looking happy and full of joy. Her lips… they looked like Jongin’s. It clicked. The woman he drew was his mother. They looked so alike. She looked beautiful, as he used the glove to make it smaller, pinching it between two fingers and moving it along the wall, some place where he could see it.
They had the same eyes. The same lips. All of the Kim’s had the same eyes, but apparently the youngest was graced with more of their mother’s features. One thing I couldn’t help but to notice is how… carefree she looked. People as happy as her are usually not involved with the Syndicate at all.
Jongin lets out a loud yawn, before pulling his tank top over his head and tossing it over into his dirty clothes basket. He was under the covers quickly, turning the light off from the bed as he turns, having the wall.
It’s weird, seeing someone who’s such an obnoxious ass be… well, not like an obnoxious ass. He’s backed off, not asking me or taunting me for my mistake. It was confusing. I can’t help but wonder more about him. There’s more to him then just what’s on the surface. Wondering more about him and the woman he drew, my eyes fluttered closed.
The next two weeks went by in a blur after I was allowed to work again. The thruster was built in record time as I threw myself back into work. Then came fixing a few minor dings and such in the metal outer shell. Sehun took the job of painting it himself, as most Fighter pilots do.  The weirdest thing was Jongin not really speaking with me. When he does, it’s one or two words. Granted this is what I wanted for ages, but for it to happen, it feels like something is wrong.
We are expected to get to Ysimir in a few moments, Baekhyun already telling them over comms of out impending arrival. The president, an Etherion by the name of Histor Yssa, told us that he welcomes us and will provide rooms for our stay. He also mentioned General Kim, and how delighted he was to help not only the Syndicate, but the sons of his friend. I could see each of the brothers tense at that, which I found odd but decided not to comment.
“Have you ever been to Ysimir,” Chanyeol asks, watching as we approach the planet. I know a little of the planet. It was mostly purple, as that was the color of the acidic seas there. They’ve managed to turn some of the lakes into fresh and salt water, man made and natural. It allows for some fish from other planets to be shipped over.
“No,” I say, shaking my head, “But I’ve heard some… unsavory things.”
Jongdae laughs, “I assume it’s the saying? Wystria is the planet of love, Ysimir the one of sin?” He says, wearing the same uniform as the other higher in command. The metals on his jacket, a few from fighting but most from fighting for justice in the courtroom. Draping from his shoulder to below the arm was a piece of purple ribbon, noting that he was of the Justice branch. Minseok’s was silver, since he was the commander of EXO Prime. Junmyeon’s was a light blue, same as Beakhyun. Yixing’s was black with single red line through the middle. His suit was covered in metals from his many battles. Kyungsoo’s was green for a medical officer. Jongin and Sehun’s were red, noting that they are Fighter pilots.
Since they are all higher ranks, they wear formal uniforms like that. Chanyeol and I do not have to. We wore our usual underclothes. Pants that are dark blue with a lot of pockets and a simple dark blue jacket of the same material. Under we both wore sleeveless shirts, as they get in the way when you’re working.
On all of our chests were name tags. They were screens, which said out name and would shimmer, changing the letter to say our ranks. It was made into the clothes. Some are even made in clothes for design to shimmer and with moving patterns. They’re costly, which explains my lack of any, but they are really awesome.
We land, letting the door open as we walkout. The air heavily scented with all the flowers that are around. The place we landed had the sea behind us, the purple acid lapping at the force wall that protected the rock. There were some things in the air sailing, people having fun and over by a pool which reaches just a few meters to the left. People from all over the galaxies come here, some are even rich enough to live here. The leaves on the trees are even floral scented. It was like a light, pleasant perfume. Nothing too strong, but just perfect. The music was hypnotic, the building closest to us the metal base. Small, about a hundred times smaller than the one on EXO Prime. To the left was a glittering massive building. It spiraled up in golden spears, like it was reaching for the sky.
“Wow,” I mutter, looking around with my eyes wide.
“You act like you’ve never seen a place like this,” Chanyeol says, smiling broadly.
I shake my head, looking over at him. I see a few people in out group looking over, probably more curious. Jongin does, keeping quiet with no biting remarks for once. “All I’ve ever seen besides space stations is EXO Prime and Tribil.”
Chanyeol nods, smile falling. He pats my back, “No wonder. This place is the exact opposite of Tribil from what I hear.”
He’s right. Tribil was a desolate wasteland where you’re more likely to starve than anything else. All the higher up government officials and rich gold and Quantinium miners are taking all the credits for themselves. The only ways to earn some money are few and far between. One way to make a living is to either run errands for a little that, if you save three days could feed you two meals. Not two days. Two meals. Mostly of bread and dehydrated meat. The other is work in the mines. They’ll feed you and shelter you, but you live in a small house with thirty other people and the food is rationed out. They keep you just fed enough to work but not enough to revolt.
The last way is to sell yourself. If you’re pretty, someone will find a use for you, so long as you stay pretty. Then they will throw you away and you’ll be left to die. Tribil’s laws are awful. Through some loophole they manage to not have to follow the standard Syndicate laws for planets under our protection. That’s not to say sex work is illegal, just safer and… well, usually doesn’t include minors. The Syndicate’s hands are tied, since they need the Quantinum in order to create our forcefields and walls. Since Tribil sells half of what they mine to the Syndicate at a forty percent discount, they don’t want to anger them either.
Yixing’s face get’s a hint of anger on it at the mention of our shared home. Something tells me it wasn’t a fond time for him, either.
That we have in common. Tribil killed the only family I had. I was an orphan, but, growing up, there was someone like a brother to me. He was four years older than me and, in order to survive, he went to the mines. He’d save up the few credits they would get and send it to me. Then, he was killed. Mining accident. Quantinum is very dangerous and explosions are very common.
After that, I was starving and hungry. I’d do odd jobs for people. Every now and then I’d find myself in a fancy hotel on my back, letting someone have their way with me. I didn’t like to think about it, since I was very young. They were rare times, and I was happy when I was accepted into the Syndicate so I could put those days behind me.
I was pulled out of my thoughts from an elbow to the side from Chanyeol. A man in a suit that shimmered like a night sky, his white hair pushed back as his one purple eye glitter. The other was replaced with a robotic one. This eyes are rimmed in black and his lips covered with a deep shade of red. He smiles, smoking a cigar holding a glass out in a cheers motion. The bubbling liquid was a light pink with some fruit pieces. He laughed, “Hello Major General Minseok! I’ve heard a lot about you!”
Minseok steps forward, nodding and shaking his hand. While Ysimir isn’t Syndicate controlled, they allow the Syndicate to have a base here in order to refuel and fix any minor damages. In return, the planets near keep the Krytons away from here and, if they are attacked, the Syndicate quickly responds.
“You look so much like your father,” Histor Yssa says, “Old fuck. One day I’ll convince him to take that stick out of his ass!”
Minseok smirks, nodding, “If you manage it, I will buy your drinks for life!”
Histor lets out a belly aching laugh, putting his arm over Minseok’s shoulder, “So, please, introduce me to this collective you’ve brought with you. Obviously I can tell your brothers, but, since we’ve never met…”
Minseok gestures, “Brigadier General Kim Junmyeon.”
Junmyeon nods, shaking his hand and bowing a little, “Pleasure to meet you, president.”
And it went down the line until he got to Sehun, who was standing next to me. Histor smiles, “One of my own! How much?”
“Half,” Sehun says, nodding. Etherions are always curious about how ‘pure’ the blood is. They, for the most part, are never ‘pure’ anymore. Their planet was taken over a hundred years back by their neighbors. They killed half and then enslaved the rest. Twenty years ago The Syndicate helped the Etherion people take it back. Now it is a melting pot of all different types of people. It’s still recovering from that time under the Victris rule. Half Etherion is the most people ever are, anymore, and they are rare to find. It makes him a little uncomfortable, and for obvious reasons, but that’s how his people are, anymore.
The president’s eyes are wide, “My, it’s rare to see someone so pure!” He says, placing a hand on Sehun’s shoulder, “I’m only a third myself, thankfully my mother was beautiful for a human!”
Sehun just nods, looking cool and calm as the president's eyes look to me.
“Master Sergeant Lyra Lang,” I say, shaking his hand. He smiles, looking me over
“Mrs. Lang, may I ask what it is you do,” He says, taking a sip from his drink after moving his cigar for a moment. His eyes went along my body, which was hard for me not to make a comment about. Etherions, for the most part, are obsessed with beauty and bloodlines.
“I’m the Fighter mechanic,” I say, nodding. Something about him makes me feel a bit weird, but it could be because I’ve never met someone so… ostentatious.
He grins, “Wonderful! I was wondering why you looked so strong!” Before I could say anything he polishes off his drink, handing it to one of the people behind him. “If you would follow Klause, he would show you all to your sweets! We’ve got you staying at the best hotel on the planet,” He says, before bowing, “I must get back to work, but rest assured I will meet you all for dinner!”
The ride to the building was quick. The rest of the city was in the valley below, looking just like jewels surrounded by lush foliage. A large waterfall of acid to the side, which goes through a machine about a fourth of the way down that turned it into water. I look back, seeing the huge hotel. So, we were there, Aurora. Hotel and casino. There are a few from where I come from, but only people who are filthy rich or those who are offering their services are allowed. I walk along, looking around. Tanks filled with sea creatures I’ve never seen before, bright lights and pieces of art that looked magnificent. The floor marble as we walked though. People lining up at betting stations, watching sporting events from all over with anticipation and excitement. I could hear people celebrating in the casino as we pass.  People dressed just like the President. The suits and dresses all with moving patterns of every color. Soon, we’re led to an elevator.
“A whole floor was given to you for your use,” The voice says of the man who led us as the door opens. Klause was tall, his skin a pale orange. He was very human like, save for his eyes, which are reptilian and his tongue, which was thin and forked. He bows, “Choose whatever room you like. Room service is for free for you all. Dinner with President Yssa scheduled at 19 hundred hours, which is in ten hours. Until then you may spend your time however you wish.”
I nod, before moving and picking the closest room to my right. The walls were a lovely shade of light blue. The decor was very… royal, I suppose. Looking like it was fit for a queen. It was a large room. Living room and small kitchen. The bedroom was huge, the bed looking inviting.I open the door to the bathroom, peeking in. A smile, seeing the tub. It’ll be nice to have a relaxing bath. I nod to myself setting my bag down and sigh, falling into bed. I smile, letting out a little laugh as I move, setting my reader to 19 hundred hours Ysimir time. Quickly I take of my boots and throwing my coat onto the chair to the side.This place is known for their late night dinners and their twenty two hour days, I learned having read up on it a little before we got here.
A few moments later, I hear a knock at my door.
I move with a groan, getting up and moving. They knocked again, “I’m coming!”
I throw the door open, before being pushed inside and having the door closed. I didn’t even get a look at the person’s face before they were inside, looking down. Yixing stares at me, before grabbing my wrist and shining a green light down on my skin.
The Tribian triangle mark on my skin glowed. The old tattoo like thing I got when I was nine. There were small roses on either side of the tattoo, along with the Tribian letter which stood for the common letter A. For approved. I pull my wrist back, glaring. No one on any other planet has those lights but Tribians. Only we know about the ‘tattoos’. It’s not a thing we like to talk about. They use the lights to to check people, see if they are an approved sex worker. If you’re not approved, you’ll be rejected by everyone. It costs nothing, all you have to do is be checked to make sure you’re not carrying any diseases. Once a week you get checked if you perform services everyday, but I went about once a month.
The truth was, they are not tattoos. They’re small nano technology embedded into the skin designed to be hidden. It makes us do whatever someone commands of us if they have the Master one. The triangle with a crown and the Tribian letter for M. So long as someone has that mark, we are powerless. When you are hungry, you’ll do anything.
Yixing’s eyes were wide, his hands shaking. He looks up, his eyes holding anger. They started to swell with tears, “How old?”
I look down, before looking back at him with a glare, shoving him. “Why the fuck should I tell you?!”
He pushes his sleeve up, shining the light on his wrist. The same glowing design. “I was six,” He says, the tears of anger slipping down his face. “I remember seeing you… then man who… the one who liked me wanted a new one. A younger one. He cut it off with me and found someone else.” He says, his voice eerily calm. Yixing looked at me, “Sir Ulysl.”
I looked up, my eyes wide. “He… he was the first I ever… I was nine.”
Yixing sighs, taking a moment to wipe his eyes. He looks back to me. “I’m sorry. For doing this. For not asking. I know it’s a sensitive subject.”
“I had to,” I say, shrugging. “It’s wrong, but everything is wrong on Tribil. You know how it is. You do what you have to in order to live.”
I could see the anger held back in his posture. He was tense, glaring at the ground like it killed someone precious to him. It’s something that’s in all of us, the poor Tribians. An unrelenting anger when we think about the past. About how people are still being used like that. Yixing looks up, eyes meeting mine. “I saw Rhys in the casino,” He mutters, looking up. “He will probably be at our dinner tonight. How would the President not invite oldest member of the Tribian monarchy to dinner, after all?”
Those words take my breath away. I remember times, in the highest room of the largest building. Iscar Rhys, the then king of Tribil. My willingness to do whatever he wanted because the pain in my stomach was getting unbearable. Whatever he wanted, I did. At different times in my life. Starting when I was nine. I remember him saying he wanted to teach us how he liked it. My stomach feeling uneasy, thinking about how a man in his mid thirties acted like what he was doing to a nine year old was normal.
“What made you want to tell me that,” I ask, trying not to give away how awful that name made me felt.
“I was one of the highest requested, Lyra… and he only asked for me twice,” He says. “All of the professional ones, we talk. Mostly about how much we hated all the people we were fucking. We see every single one of the people who only did it sometimes, making bets if they were ever going to go full time,” He explains, leaning against the wall. “As long as we had one who was sweet on us they’d give us a place to stay and all the food we could eat. They have grand feasts and not even half would be eaten. So it would be given to us.” He looks up, “I saw you, a couple times. He would always come and get you when you were young.”
I glare at him, “If you say anything-”
“That’s why I told you,” He says, looking up, “No one knows. If I tell, you tell. Insurance, such is the Tribian way.”
I sigh, looking up at Yixing. The strong Phoenix special ops captain, so strong and deadly, looks as if his heart has been ripped out. Like, for a moment, he’s an empty shell of a person who barely exists. Such is the way of Tribil. Ripping people apart and leaving them to wither away.
Yixing pats me on the shoulder, looking up, “If he is at dinner, it’s you and me. We stick by one another to avoid him. Tribil’s ways are not well received. They’re not spoken about. He won’t say anything unless he gets one of us alone.”
I nod, putting my hand on his shoulder too.
As he left, I couldn’t help but feel gross. I move to the bathroom, filling the tub. I wanted to just melt away, forget about everything for a moment. I pour in some of the bubble bath. I undress, getting in and trying to let my mind rest from the bomb that was dropped on me. When I tried out for the Syndicate, I had to prove I could be useful. I was terrified I would fail and be left to rot on a desert city forever. Forgotten. Thankfully they saw the potential and the drive I had. I was petrified of failing. I couldn’t fail.
The Syndicate saved me from a life of screwing people for money and, when that ended, starving to death. When people say that the food is awful somewhere, I can’t help but think about how it’s better than the constant pain from hunger. After a while of soaking, a few hours if my prune like fingers and toes were any indication, I got out and dressed. A message on my phone told me that the ‘dress code was casual’ according to Sehun.
I put on my clothes, wearing my jeans and a sleeveless top. Put my hair up, looking at my reflection. I forgo the make up, no matter how minimal I wear it, I don’t want to draw attention to myself. I mentally try to prepare myself for what was about to come.
I was working on autopilot, practically. Everyone was around but I was just following them. I was looking, on guard, searching.
And then I saw him.
He’s in his late forties, looking more casual than he ever did before. I was use to seeing him in his fully regal attire. His flack hair was greying. His face still clean shaved. His skin still the same pale almost white. The Jurist blood in his veins making his eyes black with a blue iris. He looks over, in a fancy suit that would have on the legs and arms had flowers and vines growing and blooming. He looked over everyone and I could see his eyes widen slightly when he recognizes Yixing to my right. I feel Yixing’s hand on my arm, holding steady. His eyes move, looking and spotting me.
The small smile that grew made me want to punch him. I wanted to make him hurt physically the same way he made me feel emotionally. I wanted to take that glass and smash it across his face. He look over, speaking with Minseok as I was blinded by my rage. He looked down the line, before, like it was clear and there was no other sounds. He looks at me, smiling, showing off his perfect fucking teeth and his perfect smile.
“Who are you, my dear,” He asks, though I could see it. The devious look in his eyes as he patiently waits for me to act on what he wants.
“Lyra Lang,” Yixing says beside me, his voice curt and to the point.
“It’s nice to meet you,” He says.
We were ushered into the next room, and, as I passed by, there were two tiny words he muttered that made me feel uneasy and on edge all over again.
“Hello again, Little Lyra,” He mutters, the smirk on his face grew, his eyes kept on me as I walked to my seat.
I was furious. My blood might as well be boiling as I say down and looked, trying to avoid his gaze. I look around, finally taking the time to see the room we’re in. The walls covered in screens, projecting lush wildlife like the jungles in the valley. I was trying to calm myself as small talk was made.
I just glare at him now.
The dinner went by in a breeze. He’d make comments towards Yixing and myself, and we’d answer curtly. Surely all of our compatriots were noticing how we were acting.
The food was probably delicious, but I wasn’t paying attention. I would look around, noticing Yixing glaring. Sehun was looking at the both of us with a questioning look, and Jongin was curious, whispering to Yixing as he sat next to him. Everyone was catching onto the fact that Yixing and I were not comfortable at all here.
President Yssa smiles, “And now dessert!”
“I’m actually full,” I say, not thinking I can stomach it. I already said something to Yixing, and he was fine with my leaving early. He’d stick by someone he trusts so he won’t be cornered alone. I stand, bowing, “Thank you for the meal and your hospitality. I’m actually really tired, so I think I’m going to go to bed early.”
I turned, leaving the room before anyone could say something.
Truthfully, I was walking in the garden here instead. A huge glass house full of flowers from all over the galaxy. I see a Tribil black rose, the only thing that can withstand our desert conditions. I took a deep breath, letting out a shaky sigh.
“Little Lyra,” A voice says right behind me, hands on my hips. I turn, about to shove him away from me before he just mutters one word.
My body freezes all on it’s own. I fought it, trying to move. He just smiles, shaking his head.
“You've become bitter, my little Lyra,” He says, “Calm down. Lower your arm.”
I do as he says, my eyes filling with tears of rage.
“I was so shocked to see you,” He says, smiling, “My beautiful little flower has flourished.” he smiles, placing his hand on my face, caressing my cheek. “I was so disappointed when you left for the Syndicate.”
“Get away from me,” I say, glaring at him.
He smiles, “Show me your wrists.”
I show them to him, even as I fight against it. The powerless feeling making me more and more scared. Before, I did it because I was starving. I was desperate. It didn’t matter what he wanted from me as long as I could eat.
He takes a small little thing from his pocket, shining the light down on my wrist. He smiles, “Just as beautiful. The best invention in Tribil history, wouldn’t you say so?”
“What is that on her wrist,” I hear a voice ask.
I look past Rhys, feeling elated to see Jongin standing there. He was dressed casually, walking up and seeing the symbol on my wrist.
I wanted to scream at him what it was, but for every Tribil who leaves, we’re told never to talk about it. That’s why no one knows what does on in Tribil. The Syndicate knows of whispers, but no actual proof.
Jongin looks me in the eyes, seeing the distress in them. He smiles, looking at Rhys. “I’m sorry, I hope she didn’t bother you. I was coming out here to check on her because I know long flights make her a little uneasy,” He says, moving close to me as Rhys turns off the light and puts it back into his pocket. Jongin places his arm around me, pulling me into a hug. “I was so worried about you, babe. Are you sure you’re ok?”
“J-just feeling a little sick,” I say.
Jongin nods, “I think I better help my girlfriend to her room. Thank you for coming and checking on her, though.”
Rhys nods, using his charm to hide his true feelings just as Jongin was doing. “I might not be king anymore but I still worry.”
Jongin pulls me with him, “Goodnight, your majesty!”
We walk, our shows making noise on the marble flooring. Once we get to the elevator, Jongin looks at me. “What is going on,” He asks, looking alarmed. “You left, and then he left. Yixing told me to go after the both of you because if he did he would have killed him.”
“I can’t tell you,” I say, leaning against the wall.
“Yes, Lyra, you can. Spit it out,” He says, rolling his eyes.
“Jongin, I really can’t! I want to but I can’t,” I says, shaking my head as tears fell from my eyes. “You’ve heard it. The saying. ‘Seekers of the Secret are met with thorns’.”
“What was that mark,” He asks, looking at my wrist. “I’ve never seen it. There’s nothing about a tattoo on your file.”
I want to open my mouth and scream, but I can’t.
Jongin sighs, running a hand through his hair. The glowing of the blue lights in the elevator making him look sadder, in a way. “I just want to help you.”
“I know,” I say, shaking my head. “All I can say is… think along the lines of our biggest export.”
“Quantum,” He says, nodding. “So… it’s a type of tech?”
I remain silent as I see him trying to search for clues. I take the time to look over him, seeing him in jeans and a tight black tee. His hair a little wet, slowly drying through dinner. His purple irises looking at me, trying to uncover the secret I wasn’t telling. I want to tell him everything but I can’t. He nods as the elevator opens.
“My room is the one to the right of yours,” He says, “When you decide you trust me, I’ll be waiting.” Jongin looks sad, his eyes which are normally full of joy now dull.
Watching him go and close the door behind him was excruciating. Knowing he thinks I’m not just saying it to him. This I would scream at everyone if I could.
But I can’t.
I just have to hope he asks around about the clue I gave him.
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A Foreign Tongue
a/n: There isnt enough Hvitserk fluff out there, imo. so im doing what i cant to right this wrong
@ariwolff14 @titty-teetee @peaky-yamyam @whenimaunicorn​ [[if you want to be tagged for vikings stuff in the future, leave a reply]]
warnings: mostly fluff, some suggestive talk
Hvitserk X OFC // Vikings // one-shot
word count: 1,681
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The small woman huffed as she paused kneading the dough to wipe at the sweat on her brow with the back of her hand, leaving behind a streak of flour before returning to folding and punching the stick lump. She dropped the ball of uncooked bread into the wooden bowl, covering it with a piece of cloth before turning to the water bucket to wet her hands. She used the hem of her apron to dry her fists, pulling off the last strings of dough that stuck to her knuckles before leaning against the counter. That was the last loaf to set. Once it and the few others finished rising it would be time to bake. There was a big feast tonight to celebrate the men leaving to raid in the morning.
It wasn’t long after being sold into King Ragnar’s house that her talents for cooking were recognized. The oldest of the slaves, and mother hen to all the younger girls, who was named Aug promptly put her to the task of preparing meals. This became her main duties in the house, which she didn't mind. She enjoyed staying in the kitchen, never having to interact directly with any of the masters beside Queen Aslaug, who occasionally stopped into make sure the food was being done correctly.
That was until one evening when a younger thrall named Britt hurried in, searching for her. She was busy but the girl stated one of the Ragnarssons had asked for her specifically. She dropped the knife she was holding, as she felt an icy grip around her insides. She panicked, instantly worrying which of the four young men found it necessary to speak with her, and why. She heard the rumors about each of them and she feared that it was the youngest, Ivar who beckoned her fretting that he would have nothing good to say.
Following the the head of fine, blond hair bobbing through the crowded hall, the cook was lead to the main table. Never having been formally introduced to any of Ragnar’s sons, she only vaguely recognized each of them by reputation and breathed a sigh of relief as she was lead past the dark-haired boy at the end of the table, stopping instead by the second oldest brother.
The long braids of his light-brown hair shifted on his shoulder as he twisted his head to watch the two of them approach. A smile settled on his lips while he leaned back in his seat, swallowing the last of the food in his mouth. Holding a hand out, he urged the cook forward, brushing his fingers against her elbow as he spoke quickly, in a jovial tone.
The slave just stared at him blankly before looking to Britt who gave her a loose translation of his praise for her cooking. She blushed looking back to him and bowing her head before stuttering out one of the only words she knew of his language, “Takk.”
Ubbe and Sigurd finally let go and burst out laughing at their brother’s big, puppy-dog eyes as he watched the girl nearly run back to the kitchen. Neither were surprised he’d set his sights on the plump slave who seemed to always be covered in flour.
“How can you woo her, if she can’t even understand you?” Sigurd teased once Hvitserk returned to his food.
Language barriers did not stop the prince. He began to regularly pop into the kitchen for food, rather than sending a slave to fetch him something. Once there, he’d find a reason to hang around, watching her work. He would talk, telling her about his day or his father. At first she was flustered by his presence but she enjoyed the company, and calming cadence of his voice though she couldn’t fully comprehend what he said.
Due to the fact of her immersion added with Hvitserk’s constant babbling, she slowly found herself leaning his tongue. At night she practiced with Britt, but still kept mute around Hvitserk out of embarrassment at her novice skills of communication.
Finally one day, he was rambling about his youngest sibling’s antics on the training field when she asked him, “Why is Ivar cruel?” He stopped in the middle of tearing off a piece of bread from the roll in his grasp to stare at her blankly, surprised by the sound of her voice.
A smile pulled at his cheeks when he shrugged, “Because Ivar is Ivar. He has always been this way.”
Once Hvitserk knew she could respond their conversations were decidedly less one sided. She would respond to what she could and he did his best to help her understand when she was confused. Hvitserk also grew decidedly more flirtatious. Before, he had made flippant provocative comments off the cuff, knowing they’d go over her head. She’d still catch the way he’d watch her when she was bent over the hearth, checking on the bubbling broth.
Now he’d do whatever he could to make her blush. He loved the way she’d yelp in surprise when he’d sneak up while her back was turned, wrapping his fingers around her hips. “That smells delicious,” he would comment in a low voice, his lips next her her ear as he took in the sent of her hair rather than the food she was preparing.
He was drunk the first time he backed her into a corner. His wisps of facial hair tickled at her sensitive skin while he kissed her neck, pulling giggles from her lips as her petite hands came to rest on his chest. Everything about her was soft and warm under his touch. He pulled her against himself, guiding his knee between her thighs before finally bringing his lips to hers. Hvitserk moaned as she molded her lips with his, eagerly welcoming him into her.
“What is going on?” Aug shouted, interrupting the pair.
Both were panting as Hvitserk straightened and looked over his shoulder. “We were just talking.” He tried the excuse but it was obvious that Aug wasn’t buying it. She glared at him in a way that said everything; he needed to leave the kitchen promptly and let the girl return to her duties.
Leaving the bread to rise undisturbed, the cook sighed as she sat on the short three-legged stool, leaning her head back to rest against the wall. She let her eyes shut while keeping time in her mind so the dough wouldn’t sit for too long.
“There you are,” a familiar voice spoke. She cracked open her eyelid and tried not to smile when she spotted Hvitserk in the doorway.
“I am always here,” she stated, furrowing her brow as she rose to meet him, slightly confused by what he meant. His arms quickly found their way, snaking around her torso, pulling her in tight.
“Mm, yes that is why this is my favorite place to be,” he hummed as his kissed along her cheek before capturing her mouth with his. She grew bashful with his praise, looking away as she blushed and gnawed on her lip. He nipped at the corner of her jaw, just below her ear, while his hands began to roam. The left left settled on her ass, cupping the cheek with the broad expanse of his fingers while the other tugged at the back of her thigh, drawing it up to line with his waist. “Right here between your knees,” he mumbled between kisses as he took a breath. She smoothed her palms across his firm torso before tangling her fingers into the hair on the back of his scalp, bring his face back to hers.
Hvitserk pulled at her bottom lip before pausing to rest his forehead against hers. He took a deep breath through his nose, keeping his eyes screwed shut before he spoke. “I want you in my bed so badly. I want to feel you naked underneath me, calling my name as I make you come.”
She let out a small squeak in response, shocked by the bit she could comprehend. Hvitserk pulled back in surprise for a moment, gazing down at her blushing cheeks. “Don’t you want me?” he asked, misreading her expression.
“No, I do,” she quickly replied, cupping his cheeks. “But I cannot.”
“I’m a son of Ragnar and a prince of Kattegat, I can have whatever I wish, and no one can say different. Even if it’s you that I want.” He smirked as he pulled her closer, squeezing her bottom before continuing, “And Aug is busy in the main hall, I checked. She won’t be bothering us.”
The cook was already well aware of Aug’s tasks for the day, she knew they would not be disturbed. She said nothing, instead gnawing on her lip in annoyance that he was missing what she meant, upset with her own inability to clearly communicate. “I cannot...” she blushed, looking away before finally admitting. “I cannot say your name.”
“Really?” With a gentle finger on her chin, Hvitserk guided her to look back at him, “It’s not hard, just try.” He repeated the syllables slowly for her to repeat, drawing each sound out in example.
“Havetsick,” she repeated him, giving her best attempt to mimic the sounds. He bit his inner cheek to keep from laughing but she could see the humorous glint in his eye. With a scoff she pushed against his chest, trying to wiggle her way out of his arms. “Is it so funny? The way I speak? Britt, she laughs at me, too.”
“I’m not laughing at you,” he quickly countered, holding her shoulders so she remained against him, leaning into his chest as he lifted one palm to pet at her hair. “I love the way you talk, I think it’s adorable. I’m always excited to hear your voice.”
“You mean this, truly?” she questioned in a breathy voice. He arched his head forward, rubbing their noses briefly before gently pressing a kiss to her lips. Hvitserk could feel the moment she conceded, smiling as she let go and melted into him.
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yourprayer · 7 years
losers club at christmas hcs
for @kaspdrak <3 
join my 100 celebration!!!
- gonna say this right out the gates bc when its not acknowledged.... im angry
- stan celebrates Hanukkah and the other losers all give him extra presents for it
-  also they love to hear abt hanukkah traditions from stan?? like some of their early days in december are spent sitting around stan’s fireplace drinking cider and listening to him just.. explain the whole holiday & its history 
- stan is very very proud of his heritage and loves that his friends are super respectful and don’t force alternate customs on him (but he most certainly gives them all presents bc he LOVES HIS FRIENDS)
- the losers always have a post-christmas party where they exchange gifts bc they’re all stuck with their families on the actual holidays
- but pre-holidays??? early december??? first snow??? these kids are unstoppable
- im talkin snow men, im talkin sledding down main street, im talkin christmas light competitions
- richie and bill may or may not have blocked off an entire coldesac to build forts for their epic five hour snowball fight
- eddie is obsessed with having the best decorations. this motherfucker will kill to have the best lights on the block
- him and mike team up bc mike is super fast & organized as he staples lights on the roof how?? 
- mike’s family doesn’t really like decorating but they are all for mike helping the others out (and his grandpa actually has a great time when mike takes him on a tour of all the loser’s houses he helped decorate)
- the loser’s driving around in ben’s mom’s car touring christmas lights that are set to radio stations
- eddie’s mom is adamant he Will Get Hypothermia so she bundles him in so many layers he looks like the little brother from christmas story
- which richie talks about for months
- the losers watching christmas story in bills living room 
- “you know im really glad we don’t believe in santa. this guy is fucking creepy”
- “you’re just jealous”
- “jealous of what richie? i get more presents on more days and there aren’t fat angry strangers breaking into my house”
- ben burns everyone mix cds for their presents with songs he thinks they will love
- he has impeccable taste and everyone thinks their mix cds are the bomb
- beverly is the QUEEN of winter fashion
- truly the master of ugly christmas sweaters
- her only competition? eddie, who wears them not to be ironic but because mrs. k makes him
- richie does not know how to dress for the season and is always this close to frostbite & doesn’t even notice
- like this bitch still wears his ratty ass converse in two feet of snow
- bev loves to make everyone pancakes in the mornings after sleepovers, and during christmas time she starts making festive shapes
- ben gets really hype and starts giving her new ideas, like mixing in red and green food coloring
- bill’s bike gets fucked up in the snow quite a few times which gives mike a good excuse to stay over and help fix silver and also hang out with his best fucking friend
- their post-christmas parties are always when parents are out doing after-christmas shopping and last minute family visits so they’re usually unattended
- when they’re seniors richie brings spiked egg nog and they all get trashed in bill’s garage
- christmas crackers with the paper crowns inside (don’t think about how cute richie thinks eddie is in his paper crown)
- everyone gets each other presents bc what kind of friends don’t get each and every one of their pals a damn present
- some of them can’t really afford to go out and buy too many things, but they all regift well (bill’s extended family don’t know him too well so they usually give him random crap, but sometimes he gets something that he thinks his friend will love and saves it for their party)
- bev makes handmade jewelry for the boys every year (they’re all decked out in woven bracelets that will last till they die)
- we’ve already talked about bens cds but i just wanna mention them again bc ben makes the best cds fight me
- mike usually puts together a basket of homemade things from the farm for each of them (bread he baked, jam his grandmother made, wool socks)
- eddie usually gets to shop with his allowance so he gets them each something practical but special
- richie usually doesn’t have any money to get gifts with but he always makes sure to make them all super heartfelt & hilarious cards (which include horrible puns, terrible drawings, and sappy as hell love notes) 
- bill usually regifts or buys them nice things he finds at the mall. honestly psychic with gifts. inventor of the phrase “i saw this and thought of you”
- stan always gets them books. the first party they had he had no idea what to get them because he didn’t know everyone perfectly, so he gave them all old books from his library. they actually played well so every year since he scours used book stores year round to find the perfect book to give
- sometimes they’re joke books (he once gave richie an entire yiddish dictionary because he was being a dick about potato pancakes. richie still uses it regularly)
- speaking of joke gifts, you bet these mother fuckers do a white elephant every year
- bill usually plays nice and puts a good present in, knowing everyone else is going to be savage as fuck
- ben is sometimes kind with his too, putting in something benign like a five dollar bill in a really oversized box. sure it’s a dick to open, but at least he didn’t put underwear in it like richie did one year
- bev and richie are the meanest when it comes to white elephant presents
- like whoever goes the first few rounds avoids the packages richie and bev put in like the plague
- eddie tries to be devious but is actually really bad at coming up with clever shitty presents 
- mike and stan are the kings of putting in the most random crap
- like honestly stan just saves weird shit from his room purges and uses that to confuse the rest of the group
- mike is always a really good sport about getting the crappy presents
- eddie is not
- especially if he gets stuck with whatever richie put in
- “eds, you can’t get gifted something you already have! it’s my toothbrush this time!”
- “e-e-eddie! quit throwing sh-shoes in my house!!”
- ben and bev falling asleep on bills couch at the end of the night in coordinating christmas sweaters bev found
- each of the couples getting each other a small extra present bc they’re in Love
- all of them feeling bad about mike being ‘left out’ so they get him something too
-so mike ends up with dozens of presents at the end of the night and extreme confusion
-but man is he feeling the love
- richie having mistletoe on a stick and holding it over eddies head about every fifteen minutes
- “oh shit eds! we’re under it again! how does this keep happening?!”
- “richie. you’re controlling it.”
- “oh no im sorry i cant hear you over the sound of me being compelled by this unbreakable christmas law”
- bill warning all his friends to avoid his mothers terrible fruitcake
- stan eating it and loving it anyways
- “y-you can eat her f-f-fruitcake without barfing? i kn-knew we were meant to b-b-be”
- the losers at christmas ok
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mudsdale-fr · 7 years
The table comclusion, nsfw
Two and a half months. That’s how long it had been since he had been home (because yeah, this was his home now wasn’t it?), two and a half months since the summer tourney had drawn him away from his still-fresh relationship with a gorgeous and grumpy berry farmer. The apprehension was stifling, Ivory could feel it in the air and in his hurried gait. It felt like he made the trip down the lonely dirt road in no time at all before the house came into view. His feet quickened a half-step. He missed him so much.
He’d halted his march at the front gate, hand poised atop the latch. Ophrys stood before him on the porch, his arms crossed and his expression neutral. His gaze remained fixed just around his left elbow. He looked guarded, tense. Ivory licked his lips and swallowed, his mouth dry. He looked good.
The summer heat had yet to dissipate so Ophrys had stripped down to his undershirt, leaving his arms and shoulders bare. The skin was sun-kissed, a shade or two darker than Ivory remembered leaving it. A subtle hint of auburn adorned his (newly cut) brown hair. Sweet Arceus this man was born to be in the sun.
The silence between them dragged on, what felt like hours. It was as if the earth itself was holding it’s breath. Neither man knew how to proceed, and it wasn’t long before Ivory was reeling. Perhaps he was no longer welcome.
This is what I am, Ivory thought, his throat constricting in preparation to brings his thoughts to fruition. This is me, and nothing can change that. I hope you can accept that.
Ophrys’s arms uncoiled from one another and a hand reached into his pocket to retrieve his phone. Ivory stepped forward, crossing the yard in hurried steps and stopping just short again when the phone was held out at arm’s length. Ivory would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous about what it said, worried that this thing they had going would end. It wouldn’t be the first time.
(Are you hungry?)
Ivory let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Yeah. I could eat.”
Ophrys’s stoicism finally broke, his face brightening as he grinned. With a jerk of his head he beckoned Ivory inside.
After stopping to shove his shoes and bag into the coat closet by the door (he’d sort them out later), he padded into the kitchen where he’d seen Ophrys disappear into.
He found him at the middle island, removing plastic wrap from a loaf of homemade bread. A pan was heating at the stove. Ivory leaned against the wall at the front entryway, his gaze hungrily sweeping over him. The line of his neck, the curve of his spine that led to the pert roundness of his ass. The big hands that delicately measured out portions of bread to be cut. Because yeah, maybe Rhys had a point to be so fixated on hands.  Blood rushed southward, his cock hardening.
Fuck I missed you. Should be illegal for you to look this good.
He turned the burner to its ‘off’ position, his gaze never leaving Rhys. The man canted his head at the click of the knob but otherwise gave no reaction. Ivory prowled around the island, his footsteps slow and methodical. Calculated.
Ophry’s head followed him, listening to every footfall, the angle of his tilt moving as he did. Ivory inwardly laughed at his previous apprehensiveness of Rhys’s blindness, at his beliefs that a man with such an affliction would be rendered helpless.
Ivory reached above the sink and turned off the radio. That got a reaction, even if it was no more than Ophrys raising his head, brows furrowed.
Not now. I want you to hear only me.
A stillness settled in the kitchen then, and it seemed that even the world outside was stopped alongside Rhys’s radio. Nothing existed except for the two men that stood, considering one another.
Ivory pushed off the counter towards the island.
Ophrys stilled when he felt Ivory’s warm body slide up against his and gentle hands rested on his hips. Chest to back, groin to ass. Ivory’s scent was thick in the air around him. Sweat, fresh shampoo (he must have showered in the village before heading here), and the distinct smokiness that only belonged to dragons. They were so close.
With the radio off he could hear his own pounding heartbeat, could hear Ivory’s breathing. Could tell how it had minutely quickened.
His eyes fell closed when they were pressed even closer together and lips grazed his neck. Unbidden, his head tilted to the side, granting Ivory easier access. A thrum of approval rumbled in the man’s chest, who pressed a kiss just beneath his ear, earning him a shiver.  
Ophrys wasn’t aware that one of Ivory’s hands had left his hips until it was skating slowly down his arm, closing around his wrist and pulling his hand away from the bread loaf. Ivory’s long fingers closed around the knife handle and, with a nip to his earlobe, coaxed his trembling fingers into relinquishing control of the thing.
Ophrys was turned on the spot, and he had but a moment to consider the hand carding through his hair before he was pulled down into a kiss. He met Ivory eagerly, his own hands cradling the man’s face. Ophrys opened his mouth without coaxing, drawing  the other man’s tongue into his mouth.
The smooth rasp of Ivory’s belt sliding through its loops filled the air, followed by the ringing clatter after Ophrys tossed it away. He lifted his arms so that his lover could pull his shirt over his head before it too was tossed away. Ophrys sighed as the hands spanned his chest, fingers stroking the flesh they found there.
“Missed you,” the words were murmured against his lips, more a sigh than a declaration. Ophrys nodded, stroking a hand down Ivory’s face. Me too.
Something snapped between the two of them then and Ivory surged forward, crushing their lips together.  Their movements became hurried then, Ophrys attacking his pants with his face buried in the crook of Ivory’s neck. He nipped at the skin, traveling up the man’s throat until he was biting along the his jawline. Ivory moaned, and he began herding Ophrys backwards towards the table, giving him a shove after a few steps. Rhys stumbled but caught himself as he collided with the table, sending the thing skittering across the floor a few inches. Ivory paused, suddenly afraid he’d been too rough. He should dial it down a bit, after all-
Rhys drew himself up to full height, his eyes unseeing but burning. Challenging. He tilted his head to the side, a wide toothy grin spread over his face. Is that all you got? He curled his fingers, beckoning.
“Fuck yes,” Ivory snarled, rushing forward and crashing his mouth into the other man’s. It was sloppy, all tongues and teeth, both of them too busy trying to get closer to bother with any coordination.
Ivory knelt and hooked his hands behind Ophrys’s knees, managing a hoarse “Up,”  before lifting him in his arms, Rhys’s long legs wrapping around his waist and hooking behind his back. A shudder rocketed down Ophrys’s spine, and Ivory grinned. Rhys was always so pliable and eager after his feats of strength.
Ivory dropped Ophrys onto the tabletop. A loud thud and a creak rang out but neither paid it any mind, Ivory choosing instead to rip Rhys’s jeans off his body. Once that was done Ivory paused to look down at his handiwork.
At Rhys laid out before him, at the miles of naked skin. At the heaving chest with a fine glisten of sweat,  the pink tinted cheeks, at the hands that pawed around the table (he never knew what to do with them in the beginning) at the heavy, leaking erection that made Ivory’s mouth water.
“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.” he choked, having to clear his throat. “Just stay the fuck there, fuck..”
He made a quick retreat to the bedroom, to the sidetable where he ripped open the drawer, snatched the lube and stomped back out. Ophrys, thankfully, hadn’t moved from his spot even if he was looking about ready to eat him.
“I move that we have a bottle of lube hidden in every room in the house, this is ridiculous.”
Ophrys nodded, giving a thumbs up.
He poured a liberal helping of lube into his hand, swirling his fingers together to get it warmed up. He’d make this quick, neither one of them looked liked they could take much more foreplay. Rhys melted at the intrusion of the first finger, his hands finding the edge of the table and clenching tight. Ivory gave a cursory few thrusts before adding a second, pushing in as far as he could go. When Ophrys suddenly jolted, his back arching Ivory knew he had found the spot. He passed over it again, and again, and again until Rhys was a writhing mess beneath him, making the table creak.
Ivory removed his fingers, moving them to the man’s hips as he lined himself up. Rhys shivered, licking his lips. Then Ivory was pushing in, filling him up, stretching to the point that a gasp escaped from his chest. His lover was not unaffected, as a low moan rang out, and lips were pressed to his belly. Before long be was fully seated, still and panting above him. Ophrys squirmed trying to get him to fucking move. He heard a chuckle.
“God you’re impatient,” but he was rewarded anyway when Ivory lifted off him, pulling out until just the head remained inside and surging forward hard enough to knock the breath out of Ophrys’s lungs.
“This what you want?”
He nodded, YES. YES.
Ivory hooked his arms behind Ophrys’s knees and kneeling over him, simultaneously splitting him wide and pinning him down. He pounded into him, each thrust jostling the man. Rhys clawed at him, his fingers fisting his hair and pulling painfully tight, his tongue licking at his lips. Ivory would kiss him, though he could manage for but a few seconds before his head would bow and Rhys’s name would escape his lips.
“Rhys, Rhys, Rhys, fuuuck, Rhys…”
Then it happened.
The table gave one final creak before splitting in two and collapsing to the ground. Ivory yelped when limbs clung to him as they fell, and he had a split second to cushion Ophrys’s head before they crumpled into a heap. Ophrys, having taken most of the impact, groaned, his eyes wide.
‘’Shit are you okay??”
He nodded, managing a grin and a thumbs up. Ivory leapt to his feet, dragging the other man with him and giving him a once over, finding only a few scrapes and the beginnings of a bruise. Thank Arceus.
He was laughing. Rhys was actually laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
Rhys signed, but Ivory couldn't read what he said. He was still learning. He looked around the room for Ophry’s pants, finding them hanging from the fridge handle. He pulled out the phone from his pockets and shoved it at him.
(I can’t believe that just happened!)
“I know! Neither can I, what the fuck?!”
(That was, hands down the greatest thing to ever happen to me)
Ivory gazed up at Rhys’s stupid shit-eating grin.
‘You could have gotten seriously hurt.”
(But I didn’t. That’s why it’s awesome.)
Well, that certainly made Ivory blush. Rhys held out the phone one more time, two words typed in:
(Bed. Now.)
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teenwolimagines · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
So you and Derek, no matter how much you would have liked to, couldn’t just say you were dating now and live happily ever after.
No, you had to talk about things like what all does “dating” mean for the two of you. Like what counts as cheating, does this mean Derek would be moving back in, and the most important.
What are you doing for your first date?
First you thought a simple dinner and movie, but Derek said it was too cliche for his taste. He suggest a date in the park, maybe a little picnic, but you were more of an indoors-y type.
“How about a cooking date?” you had said.
Derek’s whole face lit up at the idea and he immediately agreed, it only made since to have it here.
Your house had been considered home to him for years, plus here it was just you two. No waitress at a restaurant, or random park visitors, just you two in your natural habitat.
So today was the day of the date and you were currently making a mess of your room trying to decide what to wear.
Should you dress down as in sweats, which Derek basically always sees you in, or casual jeans (another thing you often wore around Derek) or maybe a little more effort and go for a cute little dress?
You had never worn a dress around Derek before, other than like Easter when you were kids and his mom made you for the sake of photos. Even then you changed back into jeans after pictures were taken.
On one hand this date was all about comfort, sweats are the ultimate comfort, but its also very lazy and sloppy looking. Jeans show some effort but not enough for a date, then a dress is a special thing. But what if it’s too much effort?
Finally you decide to put on your big girl pants and just throw on the dress, if it was too much you could just change. 
You pick the most simple dress you own, its light pink with a red rose pattern and you put on some white flats. You looked in the mirror and you are absolutely sure this was the best choice, it showed effort but not too much.
Now it was time to debate rather or not you’re gonna wear make up or not. You never wear the stuff, what with how busy you always are.The only make up you actually owned was a basic tube of red lipstick and some matching eye shadow.
You look back up at the mirror and decide that you looked great without make-up, so you declare yourself ready.
You hear Derek knock on the door and you head downstairs to let him in.
You opened the door and reveal Derek with arms full of plastic grocery bags and even holding one in his mouth.
‘Ish gaah ge schaah.’ (I got the stuff) he said as he walked in and headed to the kitchen.
‘Making two trips won’t kill you Derek.’ you said as you followed.
Derek put all the bags on the table and stood up straight.
‘Two trips is for the weak.’ he said as he turned to face you.
He finally looked at you and took in what you had on, and you also took in his white button up, black jeans and boots.
‘Wow, you uh you look great (Y/N).’ Derek said as he gave you a hug.
‘Thanks, so do you.’ you said as you hugged him back.
You pulled back and smiled, it had been SO long since you had been in a relationship it felt so nice to just say you were dating again.
‘So did you get everything we need?’ you asked.
‘Yeah I think so.’ Derek said as he turned towards all the bags.
For this date you two were going to be cooking and eating dinner, spaghetti, home made cheesy bread, a ceaser salad and your famous banana split pie.
You go through the bags and confirmed he got everything you needed for the meal.
‘OK, now all we need is some aprons.’ you smiled as you pulled out the two aprons Melissa got for you in the secret santa.
You hold up one apron with the image of a woman’s naked torso, and another with a naked man torso.
‘I am not putting that on.’ he laughed as he pointed at the male apron.
‘Fine wear this one.’ you smiled as you put the woman’s apron around his neck.
‘And I will wear this one.’ you giggled as you put on the man’s apron.
You tied each other aprons and spend the text five minutes making silly poses and jokes.
‘Come on you foxy lady, lets get started.’getting to
You both wash your hands before you assign the task of getting the noodles ready for the spaghetti while you started getting the ground beef ready for the sauce.
It all felt so domestic, like it had been all those years ago. You couldn’t image making dinner with anyone but Derek.
While the noodles and sauce cooked you were spreading the cheese over the bread while Derek washed the lettuce for the salad. After that was done and the spaghetti was ready, bread cooked and salad made you started on the pie.
The base for the pie was actually not ice cream, but cream cheese and crushed pineapple. You put it in the graham cracker pan and put it in the fridge to cool, you and Derek would add the topping after dinner.
You and Derek sat the table and sat down to eat the meal you had cooked.
‘So what’s been going on? As your girlfriend I demand you keep me updated, none of that one call a week crap anymore.’ you said pointing at him with your fork.
‘Alright alright, daily phone calls, I can do that. If you can promise you’ll get at least six hours of sleep every night.’ Derek bargained.
‘Five.’ you tried.
‘Fine.’ you said before he could up your required hours of sleep.
‘And as far as what’s going on it’s actually something I wanted to ask your opinion on something.’ he said after finishing his spaghetti.
‘Sure.’ you said as you handed him the large bowl of spaghetti.
‘I was thinking of growing a pack, with troubled teens.’ he said as he sat down his fork.
‘Like a werewolf upgrade that doubles as a mentor group? Maybe, but it can’t be a large group of teens running around all wolfed out and out of control. Draws too much attention, you could have what...two maybe three if you can train them fast.’ you answered thoughtfully.
‘Now I just have to find  the lucky three.’ he said as he continued eating.
‘Well I know of at least two kids who I think really need your help, Erica Reyes and Isaac Lahey. They need actual help Derek and no matter what me or the other nurses say no one seems interested in helping them.’ you said as you finished your plate and pushed it aside.
‘What’s going on?’ Derek asked.
‘Erica has epilepsy, seizures almost three times a week, her family is affording her medicines but they wont be able to get her next refill since her dad got cut off. She won’t make it two days without her meds.’ you said.
‘And Isaac?’
‘His father beats him.’ you sad sourly.
‘That boy is as sweet as candy and his drunk of a father...his mother died, all he has is his dad. No matter how many times I have patched him up he wont go to authorities, and if he won’t say anything they cant do anything. That boy’s gonna get himself killed if someone doesn’t reach out.’ you said.
‘I’ll look into them, now onto dessert.’ Derek said as he stood up.
You followed suit and headed into the kitchen and you two both begin  decorating the pie.
And just like always you both ended up having an epic fight, eating the pie with no fucking toppings sitting on the floor, and your kitchen being a mess.
‘I wish I didn’t wear white.’ Derek said looking at his chocolate syrup covered shirt.
‘I wish I hadn’t just cleaned this kitchen.’ you smiled as you leaned against him.
‘Wanna know what I really wish?’ he asked as he turned toward you.
‘That you’d let me kiss you again.’ he said as he looked at your lips.
‘I can make that happen if you let help me clean up.’ you blush as you lean up and give him a  quick peck on the lips.
Well you meant for it to be peck, but before you knew it you and Derek were laid back on your dirty kitchen floor making out like teenagers.
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taeslut · 8 years
stay with me in 2017
isnt that cute my title kind of rhymes but hello it is me again and this is more or less my (unofficial) 2nd appreciation post bc its a new year and i thought why not also pls ignore my lack of banner i decided to do this on a whim and i honestly cant wait for my photoshop to start up so (and this is in no order at all):
@hwangsae: my dude no need to worry about ur hermitting we understand and we are a ok just as long as you dont completely forget about us. thank you for helping 2016 be less shitty than it was and i treasure our shits n giggles in form time and english. youre always a riot to be with and its literally never boring with you and thanks for always making cheesecake with me; lets hope there are many more cheesecakes in the future (maybe even one where we use an actual cake tin), im sorry for encouraging a certain someone to talk to you to sort his shit out but no worries if he does anything else imma kick his skinny ass for u. i adore your art (bUT IM STILL RGHWJKDF U DIDNT LET ME KNOW I WAS ONLY THE 89TH AND 90TH NOTE) and i will continue to support you in your art and also whatever you decide to do in the future but i do really hope you join me in classics next year. i cant believe how lucky i am that i met you and we’ve maintained our friendship to this point and its gonnA BE SO FRICKIN GREAT WHEN WE GO TO BALL THIS YEAR IM SO HYPED and im so glad we can share moments like that together. i hope youre not too gutted about your math score bc u can always resit and at least you didnt fail which is always good. i have literally so many things i could say about u n our friendship like ur dispatch level photos of me and youre tendency to eat messily especially sushi but i have other ppl to write about too so i will keep this short and let u kno i appreciate u and love u very very much. youre my best friend and here’s to another (hopefully) great fucking year.
@gooseapartment: even tho u have dubbed me with less than ideal nicknames i am nevertheless grateful for your friendship (s/n: i typed out grateful as greatful at first and i stared at it like this isnt right and i had to stare at it for 5 minutes before i understood). even tho i FUCKING HATED AS MATHS ARUHRGJWUGHI you made it more bearable and easier to understand with your chinese lessons. im sososo happy you have gotten into kpop this year as i have yet another friend i can yell with. even though your jokes are lame and i never laugh at your puns, i still appreciate you so so much and idk how id survive in chem without you next to me (especially considering the people we sit with aside from sophia). our conversations are diverse and never really boring and i love hearing about your sunflowers and other plants and your art and drawings and plans for a yt channel and your art blog that u havent posted on and your different jisoos (how is that going btw). i honestly wouldnt have survived in china without you and thank you so much for keeping in contact with me n using wechat bc china hates google n fb. you are such an incredibly strong and inspiring person and i hope you have the best time on camp (even tho u have less than ideal ppl to do it with LOL). i really really hope you come to ball this year because it wouldnt be the same without :((( thanks for being a part of my life for the past 3 years and lets make it a great 4th
@yixmg: its amazing how we have become so close in such a short amount of time and i am so grateful to have met you and gotten the chance to talk to you and realise that no u r quite different from what i thought but in a good way and thank you for putting up with me for basically the whole year last year with me n serena constantly coming over and thank you for listening to me n my problems n my bitching abt certain people. youre hilarious and one of my favourite people to hang around and i frickin love your vines so much i am sad for you that vine closed down :(((( i hope you dont stop making vines even tho u said u might or take up something like filmography or smth idk but you are so talented and i am jealous. its sad we wont be in the same classics class but i wish you luck with your subjects next year (as is a bitch). ur constant love and support for yixing is so cute and admirable (especially bc i am a slut who changes ults every other day) and i love how rapline is rapline and also (current) exom. it makes me happy how whenever we hang out it always involves food and i hope we can go to sura again and study @ the library and hopefully find a spot this time. i am in a constant state of jealousy at the amount of boys u get dang i wish i couldve walked under cherry blossoms w jshaw :((( i love how hardworking you are and im sososo lucky that i got to be one of your friends. i also used ur pen u gave me for math mocks in my eoy exams and ya girl got an a in english so i also have that to thank you for. lets hope we have many more food outings this year along w korean n chinese movies. thanks for being a part of my life and for making 2016 less shitty for me bay-hope :))))
@pixelatedphysiognomy: hoe thanks for all the hoe posts this past year and extra thanks for the dog posts they are one of the few constants in my sad life and i appreciate them very much. i love how i can tell u abt things that made me angry and you will also get angry. i forgot how the whole hoe things started but i am glad it happened because i dont think we really had the awkward first stages of friendship (but correct me if im wrong lol ) i enjoy talking to u about cartoons and the conversations where we exchange “hoe” for days is something i hold dear to my heart. even tho juniors are annoying u are one of the few (ie 3) that i wouldnt mind being friends with. maybe this year ill join the chess club and become chess grandmaster n if i really wanted to get into the role i know a guy to get some of the good shit. thank you for being a part of my 2016 and i hope you stay for the future years for more than just my licence. also i hope 2017 is the year u come to terms with your hoeing.
@yueu: i didnt know which one to tag so i am tagging the newest one. you are one of the cutest people i know and i love ur out of nowhere questions without any context. thank you for being my awkward bean friend this year and i hope we can become closer in the coming year. i love your art so much and you are so talented and i hope you never stop making art and become famous so i can be Famous By Association. you, much like my only other y10 friends, have become such a big and important part of my life considering the short amount of time we’ve known each other and im so grateful to have a friend like you in my life. i hope we can have a great 2017 together and u get all the bread in the world
@seokjinhoney: i havent talked to u in aaaages omg and i know you are on hiatus but thank you so much for being a part of my life. it was so cool to meet someone like you online and its crazy to find out we’re in the same country and meeting you was so frickin cool. youre such a lovely person and i hope we have more time to talk this year
@hmuhansol: rylee u r one of the coolest people i have met this year. even tho its only been like a few months since we started talking we’re already p close considering we were strangers before. i think its so cool how interest you are in maths n science and i hope everything with your school goes well and u get your job witht he fancy name i have 0 capability of remembering bc i am Dumb As Heck. i hope my package arrives soon and i hope you like it even tho it isnt much but i hope we get closer in 2017 and we can laugh even more abt the memeability of svt
ofc there are more people and im sorry if ive forgotten anyone ive also gotten close to this year but these r my top picks n bffs also excuse me for being sappy n my bad grammar and spelling
i hope everyone has the best 2017 and also for trump to be impeached
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