#be able to gamble in the worlds economy
belladonnaprice · 7 months
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wesper-ao3feed · 4 months
Our Gods Have Abandoned Us
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/kEUD3cn by She_posts_nerdy_stuff "Of course they do, Jes," Kaz flexed his fingers in his gloves, "That's what losing a war means. And when that war comes, Kerch can't afford for Shu Han to win it. They'll back Fjerda against Ravka now so that when Shu Han turn against them Fjerda will back them in return. Ravka's navy will fall to Kerch's, most of Ravka's territory will go to Fjerda and if it has any money left then I expect plenty of it will be given to Kerch as part of the deal. The Shu will move against Fjerda to take back the territories they were trying to win from Ravka, and Fjerda will pay them little mind until they declare war on Kerch. Novyi Zem will back Shu Han, because they still think their trade ambassador was killed by the Kerch in what was actually Shu Han's last attempt to start a war over here, Fjerda will back Kerch, refugees will flee to the Wandering Isle and their economy won't be able to withstand it, and meanwhile I will remain exactly where I am and get drunk toasting to the end of the world. You're all welcome to join me," OR - A Van Eck wins AU, mostly exploring how the Crows would respond to the situation but I have some semblance of a larger plot forming I just need to piece it together Words: 2004, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Wylan Van Eck Relationships: Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Kaz Brekker & Jesper Fahey & Inej Ghafa & Matthias Helvar & Wylan Van Eck & Nina Zenik, Kaz Brekker & Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker & Nina Zenik, Kaz Brekker & Matthias Helvar, Inej Ghafa & Nina Zenik, Jesper Fahey & Nina Zenik, Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Van Eck Wins, Angst, so much angst actually, no-one is okay, Dark, Addiction, Jesper Fahey's Gambling Addiction, Nina Zenik's addiction, Drug Addiction, Canon-Typical Violence, Death, Matthias Helvar Lives, But does anybody else?, Bad Parent Jan Van Eck, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Sad, I'm Bad At Tagging, Title from a The Amazing Devil Song read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/kEUD3cn
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 4 months
Okay I don't know if anyone remembers the scenes I was messing around with writing for a Van Eck wins au, but I was bored and I went back to them and...
Chapter 1 of Our Gods Have Abandoned Us is now out!
Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Kaz Brekker & Jesper Fahey & Inej Ghafa & Matthias Helvar & Wylan Van Eck & Nina Zenik, Kaz Brekker & Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker & Nina Zenik, Kaz Brekker & Matthias Helvar, Inej Ghafa & Nina Zenik, Jesper Fahey & Nina Zenik, Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck Characters: Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Wylan Van Eck Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Van Eck Wins, Angst, so much angst actually, no-one is okay, Dark, Addiction, Jesper Fahey's Gambling Addiction, Nina Zenik's addiction, Drug Addiction, Canon-Typical Violence, Death, Matthias Helvar Lives, But does anybody else?, Bad Parent Jan Van Eck, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Sad, I'm Bad At Tagging, Title from a The Amazing Devil Song Summary:
"Of course they do, Jes," Kaz flexed his fingers in his gloves, "That's what losing a war means. And when that war comes, Kerch can't afford for Shu Han to win it. They'll back Fjerda against Ravka now so that when Shu Han turn against them Fjerda will back them in return. Ravka's navy will fall to Kerch's, most of Ravka's territory will go to Fjerda and if it has any money left then I expect plenty of it will be given to Kerch as part of the deal. The Shu will move against Fjerda to take back the territories they were trying to win from Ravka, and Fjerda will pay them little mind until they declare war on Kerch. Novyi Zem will back Shu Han, because they still think their trade ambassador was killed by the Kerch in what was actually Shu Han's last attempt to start a war over here, Fjerda will back Kerch, refugees will flee to the Wandering Isle and their economy won't be able to withstand it, and meanwhile I will remain exactly where I am and get drunk toasting to the end of the world. You're all welcome to join me,"
OR -
A Van Eck wins AU, mostly exploring how the Crows would respond to the situation but I have some semblance of a larger plot forming I just need to piece it together
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beasiannow · 1 year
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Things seem to have taken a bold advance at the travel agency known as Gaikoku Hito Rinjin (Foreigner Neighbor), where through the use of super science, foreigners have been able to visit Japan not as awkward tourists but as someone seemingly native-born, appearing not just physically Japanese, but fluent in the language and customs of the area visited. 
Then three weeks later, the visitor returns spontaneously to their former self so they can return home with the most unique vacation memories possible. (unless they are part of the + or – 11% who find they don’t change back.)
As promised, the brilliant scientist founder of Foreigner Neighbor, Hiroko Rokkaku, has figured out how to expand the transformation matrix beyond just Japan and opened up the capability to visit anywhere in the world.
Mind you, this has also raised the number of persons finding themselves unable to return to their original selves from an 11.77% chance to a 23.55% chance. But like Subway not really going into detail about how little tuna is in their tuna; if you don’t talk about that a lot, most people won’t go looking for it.
Because of the expansion of options, Gaikoku Hito Rinjin has re-branded itself as
Global Immersive Travel Adventure Odysseys.
Travel has never been more exciting. Or a more interesting gamble.
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Here we see four satisfied customers. (Names withheld because of their wealth)
“Nancy,” a controversial cable “news” hostess taking some time off from the heat, and notoriety, of being herself by spending three weeks on a small Philippine Island as a Filipina.
“Jimmy,” the son of a prominent Kentucky politician, here seen during his six-week tour as a female citizen of Seoul, Korea, where before his return to Frankfort, Kentucky as football hero Jimmy, she was able to get a brief part on a Korean drama.
“M” a Moderately famous female rapper taking a tour in Osaka.
And “don’t even use my initials,”  the female head of a former major firm seen to be on trial for fraud, sunning herself in Indonesia. (she tried to bribe Global Immersive into her “accidentally,” not being able to turn back and losing the paperwork on where she is. Sorry, but GITAO doesn’t play that! Get a good lawyer, honey.
However yes there are those (23.55%) who find that when it time for them to change back to original form them, they don’t. And not only that but people who have the still unknown component in them that causes this to happen are unable to ever go though the process again so they are permanently this new version of themselves.
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However yes there are those (23.55%) who find that when it time for them to change back to original form them, they don’t. And not only that but people who have the still unknown component in them that causes this to happen are unable to ever go though the process again so they are permanently this new version of themselves.
Such as Susan Billie Abbot a highly accomplished journalist and finance graduate from Brown University. Who after graduating in 2013, she began her career in journalism and finance, first as a financial analyst at JP Morgan & Co. in New York City. From there, she moved to the Wall Street Journal and was quickly noticed for her reporting on world finance. In 2018, Susan won several prestigious awards for her work, including the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism. 
Following her success in journalism, Susan decided to take a break from her career and explore the economies of South-East Asia. She has since been on a journey of discovery, learning about the conditions and trends of the region's economy and its effects on the world. Susan has worked with some of the top financial institutions in the region and has been praised for her insightful reporting. She is currently on hiatus, researching the present-day conditions of the economy in South-East Asia.
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Here she is finding out that after her three week fact finding tour she is one of the sort of people who can not turn back and must keep the new identity she was using (to be truthful we are not really all that “legal” and if government found out what we are doing the results would be dire for all involved) so that Susan Billie Abbot, American finance reporter, is now truly Syazana Binti Zainal Abidin, Mayla woman and citizen of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Fortunately GITAO was able to see to it that Syazana had to paperwork to get work at the largest bank in Kuala Lumpur, as a teller. But we are sure a go-getter like Ms. Abidin will be moving up in the ranks swiftly.
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Some other customers who will be adjusting permanently to a new life elsewhere.
Paulette Patton of Ontario, Canada. An anthropology major who thought her term paper on “real life in modern Vietnam” would be helped by a three-week stay as a native of Saigon. Now that this study will continue for the rest of her life, at least Phuong finds that tuition is much less expensive where she is now.
June “Rosebud” Flowers of McComb, Mississippi, thought that if she could spend a little time “over there” as “one of them” “walking a mile  in their burka.” She would be able to take her Witnessing up two or three notches. However, she had not anticipated finding she had to stay in Istanbul as Haziran “Gül Goncası” Çiçekler for keeps or that she would be the one converting.
An interesting double-stuck pair of travelers is a would-be female rocker who uses a secondary color as her stage name (No, NOT Pink!”) who thought that a trip into India as an Indian woman would help her music even more than the Beatles trips to India as just themselves helped them  (nobody tell her). 
She was joined on what she thought would be a three-week tour by her show business manager Murry who was so dedicated to his client that he also agreed to not only take the change with her but also become a woman so they could save on hotel bills by staying in the same one as mother and daughter.
Mauve is doing her best to find where Indian music today “is” while Murry, well Murry, is adjusting as best she can.
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gatekeeper-watchman · 10 months
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Daily Devotionals for November 21, 2023 Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 28:19-20 (KJV): 19 He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough. 20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent. Proverbs 28:19-20 (AMP): 19 He who cultivates his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless people and pursuits will have poverty enough. 20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings, but he who makes haste to be rich (at any cost) shall not go unpunished.
Thought for the Day
Honest work will always be rewarded, while those who scheme to get wealth will not go unpunished. Gambling is one of the oldest addictions in the world. Like alcoholism and drug addiction, compulsive gambling drains national and personal economies. Families are the ones who suffer the most. Many people feel gambling is an enjoyable pastime, and even some Christians support lotteries, horse racing, and casinos. Video poker has become so popular it is referred to as "the crack cocaine" of gambling. However, Scripture is clear that it is a snare that can lead to poverty. It is the ultimate get-rich-quick scheme, and Christians should pay attention to the Biblical instruction regarding it.
Anyone attempting to gain money at someone else's certain loss is not practicing Christian principles. A casino preys on the weakness of people. Gambling is contrary to the principles of working, saving, and giving. Gamblers ignore discipline and accountability for their spending. To many, gambling is a scheme to escape work. Some do not realize the gravity of their sin, justifying it because their present income does not meet their needs. God desires these persons to look to Him to meet their needs. He will give a plan for becoming debt-free if they seek Him and search out His economic principles in the Bible. The Lord can bring deliverance to those caught in the web of compulsive gambling. He will break the bondage of all who call upon Him.
Doing an honest day's work is the way to earn a living. Faithfulness to a job brings its reward. God's blessing upon honest labor goes beyond any paycheck. No man can buy peace of mind, health, protection, or joy in the Holy Spirit.
"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and we can certainly carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness" (1 Timothy 6:6-11).
Prayer Devotional for the Day Dear heavenly Father, thank you for Your many blessings and help me to be content with Your daily provision in my life. Deliver me from all worry and anxiety. Lord, help those who have fallen into the snare of gambling. Deliver them and set them free so that they will be able to trust You for their needs. May we all be content with Your daily provisions. Thank You for Your wonderful gifts of love, joy, and peace, which cannot be purchased with any amount of money. I am most grateful. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. From: Steven P. Miller@ParkermillerQ,  gatekeeperwatchman.org Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups, Tuesday, November 21, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., USA.  X ... @ParkermillerQ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sparkermiller.JAX.FL.USA
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sunaleisocial · 10 days
3 Questions: The past, present, and future of sustainability science
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/3-questions-the-past-present-and-future-of-sustainability-science/
3 Questions: The past, present, and future of sustainability science
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It was 1978, over a decade before the word “sustainable” would infiltrate environmental nomenclature, and Ronald Prinn, MIT professor of atmospheric science, had just founded the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE). Today, AGAGE provides real-time measurements for well over 50 environmentally harmful trace gases, enabling us to determine emissions at the country level, a key element in verifying national adherence to the Montreal Protocol and the Paris Accord. This, Prinn says, started him thinking about doing science that informed decision making.
Much like global interest in sustainability, Prinn’s interest and involvement continued to grow into what would become three decades worth of achievements in sustainability science. The Center for Global Change Science (CGCS) and Joint Program on the Science and Policy Global Change, respectively founded and co-founded by Prinn, have recently joined forces to create the MIT School of Science’s new Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy (CS3), lead by former CGCS postdoc turned MIT professor, Noelle Selin.
As he prepares to pass the torch, Prinn reflects on how far sustainability has come, and where it all began.
Q: Tell us about the motivation for the MIT centers you helped to found around sustainability.
A: In 1990 after I founded the Center for Global Change Science, I also co-founded the Joint Program on the Science and Policy Global Change with a very important partner, [Henry] “Jake” Jacoby. He’s now retired, but at that point he was a professor in the MIT Sloan School of Management. Together, we determined that in order to answer questions related to what we now call sustainability of human activities, you need to combine the natural and social sciences involved in these processes. Based on this, we decided to make a joint program between the CGCS and a center that he directed, the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR).
It was called the “joint program” and was joint for two reasons — not only were two centers joining, but two disciplines were joining. It was not about simply doing the same science. It was about bringing a team of people together that could tackle these coupled issues of environment, human development and economy. We were the first group in the world to fully integrate these elements together.
Q: What has been your most impactful contribution and what effect did it have on the greater public’s overall understanding?
A: Our biggest contribution is the development, and more importantly, the application of the Integrated Global System Model [IGSM] framework, looking at human development in both developing countries and developed countries that had a significant impact on the way people thought about climate issues. With IGSM, we were able to look at the interactions among human and natural components, studying the feedbacks and impacts that climate change had on human systems; like how it would alter agriculture and other land activities, how it would alter things we derive from the ocean, and so on.
Policies were being developed largely by economists or climate scientists working independently, and we started showing how the real answers and analysis required a coupling of all of these components. We showed, and I think convincingly, that what people used to study independently, must be coupled together, because the impacts of climate change and air pollution affected so many things.
To address the value of policy, despite the uncertainty in climate projections, we ran multiple runs of the IGSM with and without policy, with different choices for uncertain IGSM variables. For public communication, around 2005, we introduced our signature Greenhouse Gamble interactive visualization tools; these have been renewed over time as science and policies evolved.
Q: What can MIT provide now at this critical juncture in understanding climate change and its impact?
A: We need to further push the boundaries of integrated global system modeling to ensure full sustainability of human activity and all of its beneficial dimensions, which is the exciting focus that the CS3 is designed to address. We need to focus on sustainability as a central core element and use it to not just analyze existing policies but to propose new ones. Sustainability is not just climate or air pollution, it’s got to do with human impacts in general. Human health is central to sustainability, and equally important to equity. We need to expand the capability for credibly assessing what the impact policies have not just on developed countries, but on developing countries, taking into account that many places around the world are at artisanal levels of their economies. They cannot be blamed for anything that is changing climate and causing air pollution and other detrimental things that are currently going on. They need our help. That’s what sustainability is in its full dimensions.
Our capabilities are evolving toward a modeling system so detailed that we can find out detrimental things about policies even at local levels before investing in changing infrastructure. This is going to require collaboration among even more disciplines and creating a seamless connection between research and decision making; not just for policies enacted in the public sector, but also for decisions that are made in the private sector. 
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basicsofislam · 1 year
• Before Muhammad’s Prophethood, darkness lay heavier and thicker on one land than on any other. The neighboring countries of Persia, Byzantium, and Egypt possessed a glimmer of civilization and a faint light of learning, but the Arab peninsula, isolated and cut off by vast oceans of sand, was culturally and intellectually one of the world’s backward areas. Although their highly developed language could express the finest shades of meaning, a study of their literature’s remnants reveals the limited extent of their knowledge. All of this shows their low cultural and civilizational standards, their deeply superstitious nature, their barbarous and ferocious customs, and their uncouth and degraded moral standards and conceptions.
It was a land without a government, for every tribe claimed sovereignty and considered itself independent. Robbery, arson, and the murder of innocent and weak people were the norm. Life, property, and honor were constantly at risk, and tribes were always at daggers drawn with each other. A trivial incident could engulf them in ferocious warfare, which sometimes developed into a decades-long and country-wide conflagration. As one scholar writes:
These struggles destroyed the sense of national unity and developed an incurable particularism; each tribe deeming itself self-sufficient and regarding the rest as its legitimate victims for murder, robbery, and plunder.
Barely able to discriminate between pure and impure, lawful and unlawful, their concepts of morals, culture, and civilization were primitive and uncouth. They reveled in adultery, gambling, and drinking. They stood naked before each other without shame, and women circumambulated the Ka‘ba in the nude.
Their prestige called for female infanticide rather than having someone “inferior” become their son-in-law and eventual heir. They married their widowed stepmothers and knew nothing of the manners associated eating, dressing, and cleanliness. Worshippers of stones, trees, idols, stars, and spirits, they had forgotten the earlier Prophets’ teachings. They had an idea that Abraham and Isma‘il were their forefathers, but almost all of these forefathers’ religious knowledge and understanding of God had been lost.
Thus, in that benighted area, for forty years, Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, lived as an ordinary man among his people. He was not known as a statesman, preacher, or orator. No one had heard him impart wisdom and knowledge, or discuss principles of metaphysics, ethics, law, politics, economy, or sociology. He had no reputation as a soldier, not to mention as a great general. He had said nothing about God, angels, revealed Books, early Prophets, bygone nations, the Day of Judgment, life after death, or Heaven and Hell. No doubt he had an excellent character and charming manners and was well-behaved, yet nothing marked him out as one who would accomplish something great and revolutionary. His acquaintances knew him as a sober, calm, gentle, and trustworthy citizen of good nature. But when he left the Hira cave with a new message, he was completely transformed.
When he began preaching, his people stood in awe and wonder, bedazzled by his wonderful eloquence and oratory. It was so impressive and captivating that even his worst enemies were afraid to listen to it, lest it penetrates their hearts or very being and make them abandon their traditional religion and culture. It was so beyond compare that no Arab poet, preacher, or orator, no matter how good, could equal its beautiful language and splendid diction when he challenged them to do so. Although they put their heads together, they could not produce even one line like the ones he recited.
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How This Entrepreneur Is Helping International Founders Take Their Business Global
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Napoleon Okuge In today's interconnected world, most entrepreneurs aspire to scale their startups globally to tap into new markets, reach a larger customer base, and unlock the potential for rapid growth. However, expanding a startup beyond its initial borders presents numerous challenges that entrepreneurs must navigate. From payment gateways, and business bank accounts to regulatory hurdles and intense competition, scaling globally is a complex endeavor. One entrepreneur is helping international founders ease the hurdle of scaling their startups globally. Napoleon Okugbe, a leading startup founder, author and leader in the digital technology space created Incorpuk to help startup founders from any country in the world take their business global. Since 2020 Incorpuk has supported thousands of startup founders launching their UK companies, accessing UK banking as well as international payment gateways such as Stripe, PayPal, Paddle, Shopify Payments and lots more. Incorpuk primary customers are founders from the UK, Europe, Africa, South America, North America, and the Caribbean. Incorpuk is mainly geared towards founders who want to start and manage a UK company from anywhere in the world. Incorpuk helps these founders to seamlessly plug into the UK startup ecosystem even if they are not residing in the UK and offer them the support and benefits that come with having a UK company. These benefits include having access to UK business banking solutions, payment gateways as well as over $300,000 in perks and rewards from software platforms such as Amazon, Hubspot, Zendesk and lots more. The rise of the global focus entrepreneurs “Startup founders from outside the UK, US, Canada and European Union are most times limited by the resources they have at their disposal to scale their business outside the shores of their countries. Accessing business growth tools, international banking and payment gateway solutions is always a big struggle and most times impossible. I built Incorpuk to tackle these issues for globally minded founders” I believe that with the help of the internet, it does not make sense anymore for startup founders to be limited by their countries of residence or citizenship. The world has since moved past that phase. Anyone from any country in the world should have the same resources and tools to be able to build a global startup and sell to customers in any country, says Napoleon. Startups that are launching with Incorpuk The kind of startups using Incorpuk to launch their businesses in the UK cut across several segments. These include SaaS, digital marketing, software development, web design, financial services, IT consulting, educational apps, graphic design agencies, to AI and e-commerce brands. Incorpuk also has a large number of startups in the local business niches and gig economy who are digitizing their services. “Incorpuk supports a variety of businesses across several industries except for those restricted industries such as pyramid schemes, adult entertainment, ammunition, cannabis, gambling, etc. We are seeing a significant increase in startups in the SaaS, digital marketing, Artificial Intelligence, IT consulting and web development space,” says Napoleon Read the full article
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ayejayque · 1 year
Personal finance and the importance that it holds
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Education in finance is detailed and within a lot of areas. Many researchers work round the clock in the field of finance. Theories have been forged; estimations have been invalidated. Every year sees thousands of finance graduates. A good percentage of them are well-versed in the field of corporate finance. Their training is corporation specific and this allows them to take financial decisions for themselves too. But when it comes to personal finance, many people struggle on an individual basis. This makes the field of personal finance very vital. In this blog, I will shed light on reasons which deem it essential to take up personal finance as a subject for all. The desperate situation in the USA and how personal finance can help - The gap between the rich and the poor has been widening in the past few years. The middle class in the USA is diminishing because a considerable number of blue-collar jobs now stand to be automated. - Many surveys tell us that 70% of USA residents live from one cheque to the next. This tells us that they spend everything that they earn each month. Come the new month, and they are all broke. Even if their salaries were slightly delayed, many of these people won’t be able to fulfill their financial responsibilities. The only way is to borrow from inter-office loans and the like. This is a dangerous situation, given the fact that we’ve just seen COVID-19 impact the economy. Because of the lack of any real certainty, airlines, hotels, and real estate that is commercial have seen lots of layoffs. - The ever-rising student loan in the USA now stands at $35,000/student. It has doubled in the last decade. Less than a quarter of US citizens have emergency cash on them. Between the ages of 18-25, most people spend about $100 extra more than they earn each month. 20% of USA citizens have a written plan for allocating funds towards expenses. The rest end up with impulsive buying. This impacts their financial status too. - Personal finance should be taught to everyone. The people to learn personal finance will be more likely well off. They will have a passive income later in life. This passive income will most likely be investment-based. People who see struggling parents will most likely replicate their bad habits too. Presently, personal finance is informally learned at home. There is no institute where personal finance is taught. If it was, it would be very beneficial in the long run. - If people do not know about personal finance, the state ends up taking their burden. Many of these people won’t be able to find adequate jobs. They will depend on welfare payments from the state. This further drowns them in deeper taxes. So, there is no way out but to teach them personal finance. The individual stands to gain. So would the state. - If you know good personal finance, you also have a chance of getting a high income. This means fewer shady people getting entangled in drugs and gambling. The divorce rate and domestic violence also go down. If financial education is properly imparted, the spending on law enforcement drastically goes down. Empirical evidence tells us quite clearly. In the longer run, the benefits of teaching people personal finance pay great dividends. - In certain states in the USA, financial education is compulsory. Studies have been conducted in the last decade. There is a visible credit score difference between people with financial education and those with none. The people who underwent this education had better behavior. - Bank deposits in the USA are guaranteed by the Federal Deposits Insurance Committee (FDIC). They concluded that people with adequate financial education had a double chance of having a bank account, a budget for the whole month, as well as something left for when they retire. Personal finance is compulsory. Not only individuals, but governments stand to gain from it. For this sole reason, governments across the world spend large amounts to disseminate personal finance education to their workforce. Read the full article
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leabarnes22 · 2 years
토토사이트 Workers Share Saddest Gambling Moments
In the process, decks of cards reveal peculiarities of their origins. https://namu.wiki/w/토토사이트 When comparing two hands which are of identical poker hand rank pursuant to the provisions of this section, or which contain none of the hands authorized in this section, the hand which contains the highest ranking card as provided in (a) above which is not contained in the other hand shall be considered the higher ranking hand. If the hands are of identical rank after the application of this subsection, the hands shall be considered a push. Each suit contained ten pip cards and three court cards, called malik (king), nā'ib malik (viceroy or deputy king), and thānī nā'ib (second or under-deputy). The history of the game is much disputed. Some claim that Caribbean Stud Poker was invented in Aruba, which would seem plausible since Aruba is an island in the Caribbean. Many people also claimed that they’re the inventor of the game, like author and gambling expert David Sklansky.
Cards will be dealt so as not to expose the hole card or any other face down cards in a manner that cannot be readily observed by someone attempting to ascertain their value. If you've been betting on "Even" in roulette and odd numbers have shown up ten times in a row, the next spin is no more or less likely to be an even number than any other spin. These impacts are somehow tangible and intangible in the host community, in which casino gamblers interact with the local environment, economy, and society. 11 pays 2:1 on the field. This variant is normally used when 12 pays 3:1, and neutralizes the house edge on the field.
British and French decks, for example, always feature the same four legendary kings: Charles, David, Caesar, and Alexander the Great. To make the most out of your bankroll, we will talk about when to go on and call and when would be a good idea to just fold and mitigate the risk in doing so. Keep in mind, you lose your Ante bet when you chose to fold! On each spin of the wheel, the odds of red or black coming up are fifty-fifty. Many people believe this means the number of black results will equal the number of red results over the course of time they are playing the game. Another tactic regarding the Ace-King strategy is to raise if the dealer’s upturned card is between 2 and Queen and the player has a match in their hand. Should a player effectively use the Ace-King strategy, they could see the house edge go down by as much as 2.3%, which can have a substantial effect on their outcomes.
Decks for some games are divided into suits, but otherwise bear little relation to traditional games. The Guildhall Library accepted on deposit a second important collection of playing-cards, owned by John Waddington PLC.But the use of different rules and pay tables at different online casinos means their games all have slightly different numbers in that category. I’d say the average edge is about 5.5% – I base that on the game rules found on four different software platforms. In 2010 Baccarat was awarded the Certification mark of "Ville Internet @@" (Internet Town).
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If you think that you may be able to beat the Dealer’s hand, you may elect to play on by making an additional wager. This is known as the bet – it must be twice the value of your ante wager. In 1995 Internet Casinos, Inc., operating out of the Turks and Caicos Islands, premiered as the first “virtual” casino. 토토사이트 As a casino game blackjack offers players considerable scope for skill, and obsessively dedicated players have been so successful in combating the house edge by a laborious system of card counting that many have been barred from play in major casinos. State-licensed or state-operated lotteries expanded rapidly in Europe and the United States during the late 20th century and are widely distributed throughout most of the world.
The following chart shows the dice combinations needed to roll each number. This means that he has to count cards.And the majority of Blackjack gamblers make the wrong decisions over and over again. Most casinos prohibit "call bets", and may have a warning such as "No Call Bets" printed on the layout to make this clear. This means a player may not call out a bet without also placing the corresponding chips on the table.
If, instead, the seven is rolled before the come-bet point, the come bet (and any odds bet) loses. Of these, Delaware, Rhode Island, and West Virginia formerly participated in a shared VLT game, Cashola.Casino games can also be played outside casinos for entertainment purposes like in parties or in school competitions, some on machines that simulate gambling. Another approach is to "set" the dice in a particular orientation, and then throw them in such a manner that they do not tumble randomly.
If the dealer has a mid-card total of 4 to 6 then stop hitting when you reach 12 or above. Among the array of prizes available, there will invariably be an item known as the "special prize" (特殊景品 tokushu keihin: typically a small silver or gold novelty item encased in plastic) that can be sold for cash at an outside establishment in the vicinity of the parlor.Gambling and superstition go hand-in-hand, so it's not surprising that some mystical properties have been assigned to some popular casino games. Casinos have almost a uniform character throughout the world.
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datasportsgroup · 2 years
Analyzing the Economic Effects of Legalized Sports Betting in the United States.
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Despite many states' hesitation to authorize sports betting activity, sports betting has continued to grow in popularity in the United States.
It appears as if the proponents of its legalization have struck a fortune as is evident by how significantly the betting market in the US economy has grown over the years.
The market for sports betting was worth USD 83.65 billion in 2022, and it is anticipated to rise at a CAGR of 10.3% from 2023 to 2030.
The significant change in the gambling industry's legal environment in the US can be traced back to the prevalence of connected devices, and the growth of the digital infrastructure which has collectively influenced the demand for sports betting. Unfortunately, a few years back due to worldwide limits on sporting events, the COVID-19 epidemic had a significant impact on the global sports industry. Nonetheless, the global gambling sector gained popularity throughout the pandemic with the rise of eSports and other comparable types of betting.
There are several variables, including growing acceptance of online gambling, increased disposable incomes, and technical improvements which has made it simpler for consumers to gamble on their preferred teams or players.
But mainly, the two main attributes that have had a huge impact on the Sports Betting Industry, especially the US economy have been:
Digitalization and technological developments:
Sports betting providers have been able to streamline their platforms and give customers a satisfying betting experience as a result of global technological advancements in betting software and smartphone trends. Also, the adoption of digital technology is luring new customers to the sports betting business, spurring market expansion.
Legalization of Sports Betting:
Governments all over the world are likely to loosen the restrictions on betting and gambling, which will present profitable prospects for both betting operators and customers. For instance, Sports betting is already permitted in 36 states as of January 2023, up from 32 in 2021, according to the American Gaming Association, it has accelerated the gambling industry expansion.
If we analyze the impact of sports betting in the United States alone, from the legal standpoint, the decision to invalidate The Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act by the Supreme Court in 2018 (PASPA), has opened the curtains for growth in the country.
Legalized sports gambling has not only given states and local governments a new source of income, it has also led to creation of thousands of new employment and increased investment in athletic facilities.
The prevalence of a vibrant betting industry is evident in the US as per a survey by Pew Research Center survey, which reports that one-in-five American adults (19%) have personally wagered money on sports in some capacity in the previous year, whether it was with friends or family, in person at a casino or other gambling establishment, online, or through a betting app.
Usually, bets are placed through sportsbooks, sometimes referred to as bookmakers or bookies. Sportsbooks are available online as well as in physical locations like casinos or betting shops. With the growth of the sports betting industry, the number of bookmakers in the market has seen a significant risen as well, also as seen by the Pew Research Center survey mentioned above, even bettors are increasingly interested. The amount wagered by online bettors also broke the record in 2022 as NCAA’s March Madness and NFL spiked the number of wagers made in the US Market and set a new record for the industry.
Now, what does the future entail now for legalized sports gambling?
Legalized sports gambling appears to have a bright future. States are now free to legalize and regulate sports betting within their borders after the Supreme Court decision in 2018 that invalidated the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA). It had given state economies a much-needed boost while also opening up a whole new universe of opportunity for operators and bettors alike. In the end, it is becoming obvious that regulated sports gambling will gain more and more traction in the upcoming years, presenting thrilling chances for all parties concerned.
In the past year itself, Online sports betting was introduced in five states, including the hub of gambling, New York. With more states legalizing sports gambling it is bound to raise the number of total wagers, the industry would continue to witness this trend in the near future as 2023 and onward, and more states will jump on the bandwagon. But the only way for sportsbooks to successfully penetrate the potential market would be to partner with the right sports data provider. In order to provide authentic data, many sports data companies have even entered exclusive rights agreements with leagues.
We offer the ideal answer if you are having trouble deciding which sports betting data providers to use. Try out our Data Sports Group sports betting data API for free. Take advantage of the thriving the US betting market and advance your betting platform ahead.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 2 months
Chapter Eleven of Our Gods Have Abandoned Us is posted!
It's an emotional one today folks... Thank you all so much for the love and support on this fic so far, and a particular thank you again to @hannisconfused who has drawn another gorgeous artwork of Jesper and Inej in the previous chapter and shared it on tumblr!!!! It's so wonderful, thank you so much for sharing it with me (again!!) I love it
Please be aware that this is a dark story and this chapter includes references to ptsd, implied past sa references, implied trafficking references, fear of violence, implied fear of sa, drug addiction, implied past non-consensual drug use, gambling addiction, death, grief and mourning, religious questioning/doubt, and implicit reference to some of the underlying themes of this story, such as war
Work summary below cut :)
"Of course they do, Jes," Kaz flexed his fingers in his gloves, "That's what losing a war means. And when that war comes, Kerch can't afford for Shu Han to win it. They'll back Fjerda against Ravka now so that when Shu Han turn against them Fjerda will back them in return. Ravka's navy will fall to Kerch's, most of Ravka's territory will go to Fjerda and if it has any money left then I expect plenty of it will be given to Kerch as part of the deal. The Shu will move against Fjerda to take back the territories they were trying to win from Ravka, and Fjerda will pay them little mind until they declare war on Kerch. Novyi Zem will back Shu Han, because they still think their trade ambassador was killed by the Kerch in what was actually Shu Han's last attempt to start a war over here, Fjerda will back Kerch, refugees will flee to the Wandering Isle and their economy won't be able to withstand it, and meanwhile I will remain exactly where I am and get drunk toasting to the end of the world. You're all welcome to join me,"
OR -
A Van Eck wins AU, mostly exploring how the Crows would respond to the situation but I have some semblance of a larger plot forming I just need to piece it together
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xtruss · 2 years
The Empire's Losing Bet On Ukraine: Why Bombs And Sanctions Haven't Crushed Russia
— Marco Fernandes | March 11, 2023
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Illustration: Chen Xia/Global Times
The two main tools of the US and its allies to crush countries that dare to challenge its hegemony are its armed forces and economic sanctions. Since the end of the Cold War in 1991, the US has carried out 251 military interventions (compared with 218 operations in the 200 years prior). But together with North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO), the US has become accustomed to invading and devastating countries with little military defense capacity, such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. However, they have not been able to control these countries. Something similar occurs in the case of sanctions: more than 20 countries are currently under White House sanctions, and some of the more fragile countries have had their economies wiped out, like Venezuela, Cuba, Iraq and Zimbabwe. Though the goal of "regime change" has rarely been achieved, the result is always tragic for the people. Neither tactic has worked against Russia.
Russia's armed forces are powerful and well-trained, and its industrial capacity is immense. The Western gamble of supplying arms to Ukraine - while highly profitable for the US war industry - is already beginning to run up against the lack of industrial capacity of North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) countries. In the first four months of the conflict, Russia used more missiles than the US is capable of producing in one year.
According to a study by the Center for Strategic International Studies, the US missile stock is already running low. The recent appeal by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for Latin American countries to send ammunition to Ukraine - unanimously refused by the region's presidents - shows signs of North Atlantic Terrorist Organization’s (NATO’s) growing difficulties.
According to the Ukraine Support Tracker, approximately $143.6 billion (as of January 15, 2023) has already been earmarked for Ukraine, of which $44.3 billion is for weapons already sent or financed by the US. Not since the Vietnam War has the US military-industrial complex made so much money, but last month, the White House itself warned that its resources for supporting Ukraine are not infinite.
Never before in history has a country suffered as many sanctions as Russia, which is targeted by thousands of them. Even with more than $300 billion of its international reserves frozen - perhaps the greatest "Legalized" theft in history - in addition to suffering severe trade and financial restrictions, the Russian economy has been less impacted than the West expected. Its GDP shrank by only 2.2 percent in 2022, a kind of feat for a country under these conditions.
A target of sanctions since 2008, Russia had already been preparing economic antibodies to defend itself from further attacks. But above all, one cannot easily devastate a country that has a huge amount of strategic natural resources, produces a lot of food and fertilizers, and has such a powerful industry.
Moreover, the small number of countries that today apply sanctions against Russia (US allies) represent only 25 percent of the world's GDP. The other 75 percent want or need to trade with Russians.
China, for example, has increased its trade with Russia by 34.3 percent by 2022 (to $190 billion), while India has become the largest buyer of Russian oil and nearly quintupled its trade with the Eurasian country over the last year. The three countries are partners in the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the pillars of a growing movement of Global South countries seeking a greater voice in determining their future and that of the planet.
The European Council of Foreign Relations has just published a survey on public opinion in the countries of the US-Europe axis, plus China, India, Russia, and Turkey (a NATO member). Even after a year of a constant Western media campaign to demonize Russia, most people in these four southern countries, amounting to about three billion people, want the war to end as soon as possible, even if it means accepting Russian control of territory previously belonging to Ukraine.
Furthermore, 80 percent of Indian, 79 percent of Chinese, and 69 percent of Turkish people believe that Russia is an "Ally" or a "Necessary Partner," with most Indians seeing the Russians as "Allies," while most Turks see them as "Necessary Partner".
Most African countries have not forgotten the role of the Soviet Union in their anti-colonial struggles against the European powers, and maintain excellent economic and political relations with Moscow to this day. Last year, War Criminal and Thug Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tried to convene a meeting with the African Union, but only four countries showed up.
At this point, the offensive of the US and its allies against Russia has increased awareness among Global South countries that it is necessary to strengthen the regional and global initiatives that are "Not Aligned" with Western hegemony.
Unsurprisingly, more and more countries have created alternative mechanisms to the use of the US dollar - so often used by Washington as a "Weapon of Mass Destruction." China has already made agreements for the use of local currencies with about 25 countries, and the BRICS countries are studying the implementation of a mechanism that would allow them to bypass the dollar. More than 20 countries have already expressed interest in joining the SCO or BRICS in the last months.
In a recent burst of sincerity, French President Emmanuel Macron said he was shocked by how much the West is losing credibility in the Global South. But a few days ago, he himself shocked the world by arrogantly criticizing the president of Democratic Republic of Congo in front of TV cameras. The French president's attitude reveals a deep pattern of paternalism, from Washington to Brussels, shaped by centuries of colonialism and imperialism. Some things never change, but the world definitely needs and is beginning to shape a new order.
— The Author is a Researcher at Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, Co-editor of Dongsheng Collective, organizer of the No Cold War campaign.
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gatekeeper-watchman · 10 months
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Daily Devotionals for November 21, 2023  Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 28:19-20 (KJV): 19 He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough. 20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent. Proverbs 28:19-20 (AMP): 19 He who cultivates his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless people and pursuits will have poverty enough. 20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings, but he who makes haste to be rich (at any cost) shall not go unpunished.
Thought for the Day
Honest work will always be rewarded, while those who scheme to get wealth will not go unpunished. Gambling is one of the oldest addictions in the world. Like alcoholism and drug addiction, compulsive gambling drains national and personal economies. Families are the ones who suffer the most. Many people feel gambling is an enjoyable pastime, and even some Christians support lotteries, horse racing, and casinos. Video poker has become so popular it is referred to as "the crack cocaine" of gambling. However, Scripture is clear that it is a snare that can lead to poverty. It is the ultimate get-rich-quick scheme, and Christians should pay attention to the Biblical instruction regarding it.
Anyone attempting to gain money at someone else's certain loss is not practicing Christian principles. A casino preys on the weakness of people. Gambling is contrary to the principles of working, saving, and giving. Gamblers ignore discipline and accountability for their spending. To many, gambling is a scheme to escape work. Some do not realize the gravity of their sin, justifying it because their present income does not meet their needs. God desires these persons to look to Him to meet their needs. He will give a plan for becoming debt-free if they seek Him and search out His economic principles in the Bible. The Lord can bring deliverance to those caught in the web of compulsive gambling. He will break the bondage of all who call upon Him.
Doing an honest day's work is the way to earn a living. Faithfulness to a job brings its reward. God's blessing upon honest labor goes beyond any paycheck. No man can buy peace of mind, health, protection, or joy in the Holy Spirit.
"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and we can certainly carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness" (1 Timothy 6:6-11).
Prayer Devotional for the Day Dear heavenly Father, thank you for Your many blessings and help me to be content with Your daily provision in my life. Deliver me from all worry and anxiety. Lord, help those who have fallen into the snare of gambling. Deliver them and set them free so that they will be able to trust You for their needs. May we all be content with Your daily provisions. Thank You for Your wonderful gifts of love, joy, and peace, which cannot be purchased with any amount of money. I am most grateful. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. From: Steven P. Miller@ParkermillerQ,  gatekeeperwatchman.org Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups, Tuesday, November 21, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., USA.  X ... @ParkermillerQ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sparkermiller.JAX.FL.USA
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arialim639 · 2 years
How to be a Long-Term Winner at 먹튀사이트 With Gambling Expert Henry Tamburin
A maximum odds bet on a minimum pass line bet often gives the lowest house edge available in any game in the casino. This did not keep casino games from occurring, sometimes openly and with the complicity of local law enforcement, but it did keep them from developing into a legitimate industry. Although many professionals advise this, taking insurance more often than not lands you with a loss. Each round has two phases: "come-out" and "point". Dice are passed to the left. To start a round, the shooter makes one or more "come-out" rolls.
Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that were cut and placed on the cover card pursuant to section (c)(1)(ii) above; and Removing the cover card and placing it in the discard rack; and Deal the cards in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sections 7, 8 or 9. Most progressive jackpot machines are connected to others in a computerized network. In several provinces, VLTs were deployed primarily to help counter illegal underground video gambling operations, while several (particularly those whose economies are reliant on natural resources) cited economic development as a factor in their use. Thus, a player may stand on the two cards originally dealt to them, or they may ask the dealer for additional cards, one at a time, until deciding to stand on the total (if it is 21 or under), or goes "bust" (if it is over 21).
The popular casino game has been featured in many films and TV shows across the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/?search=먹튀사이트 Almost all of them have in common that there are exactly four suits, and numbers or other symbols indicate which cards within a suit are better, higher or more valuable than others, whereas there is no order between the suits unless defined in the rules of a specific game. Full-pay Jacks or Better, for example, offers a payback percentage of 99.54%. Some payback percentages on full-pay games are often close to or even in excess of 100 percent. These early cards, like those designed for Charles VI, were hand made. Later on they were mass produced from wood blocks and were colored using a stencil.
In the early 1990s, Gonzalo Garcia-Pelayo believed that casino roulette wheels were not perfectly random, and that by recording the results and analysing them with a computer, he could gain an edge on the house by predicting that certain numbers were more likely to occur next than the 1-in-36 odds offered by the house suggested. At a live casino, the smallest ante bet you’ll find at a Caribbean Stud poker table is likely $5 but there’s a chance you can stumble across a $3 table every now and then. With online Caribbean Stud Poker you will find much lower limits – with the ante even capped at $2.50 in some cases. If the casino allows switching two or more cards that option should never be taken.Once the switch decision has been made the player can follow Caribbean Stud Poker strategy when deciding to raise or fold.The layout is either single-zero or double-zero.
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These are explained in more detail below and are quite well articulated by the designers in their pamphlet. Secondly, there is an order horizontally within each suit the meaning of which is harder to determine. Sigma Flush Attack is a combination of video poker and a banking slot, in this case what is being banked is flushes. For example, if the single roll minimum at the table is $1 the Horn bet must be $4 or more. 먹튀사이트 Video poker games online are now available in the US in 3 different states: New Jersey, Delaware, and Nevada. Players in all three states are able to enjoy fully regulated online video poker games provided that they are physically present in the respective state, of legal age to gamble, and can validate their identity.
The legend goes something like this: in 1765, John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich, was such a huge gambler that he didn't want to leave the gaming table to eat. The term ‘stiff’ in blackjack refers to a hand that is under the total of 17 but is likely to go bust. The player who hits bingo after the desired ball count does not win the jackpot but does win a consolation prize.The growing number of workers enabled the development of the commune with the construction of housing, schools, shops, roads, and small industries but the war marked a halt to this development.
In certain jurisdictions, VLTs are known as video gaming devices (VGD) or video slot machines along with "Video Gaming Terminal (VGT)". Rolls of 4, 6, 8, and 10 are called "hard" or "easy" (e.g. "six the hard way", "easy eight", "hard ten") depending on whether they were rolled as a "double" or as any other combination of values, because of their significance in center table bets known as the "hard ways". Except for blackjack, which has odds that change continuously as cards are dealt out, casino games are designed with a fixed mathematical edge in favor of the house.In a wide sense of the word, stock markets may also be considered a form of gambling, albeit one in which skill and knowledge on the part of the bettors play a considerable part.
In the summer of 1891 at the Monte Carlo casino, a part-time swindler and petty crook from London named Charles Wells broke the bank at each table he played over a period of several days. If a player and the dealer tie in blackjack then nobody wins. The bet is returned to the players upon a tie being confirmed. The house is geared to win in the long run because of a mathematical advantage (or the house edge) that the casino enjoys over the player.The maximum amount allowed to be wagered on a single bet in European roulette is based on a progressive betting model.
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Forex Traders: Read On For Some Helpful Hints
Global Financial Solutions Asia Proficient tips provider.Whether you will be successful with forex is not a matter of luck or of having experience as a stock market broker. What you need to succeed with forex is the proper training, and a proper understanding of how the market works. These tips should explain you the basics behind forex, and help you get started with your education.
It might seem like a simple principle, but a lot of Forex traders attempt to trade in areas of which they have no understanding. You should avoid this by only sticking with what you know. Trade what you understand and pretend the rest of the market doesn't even exist. Once you begin to profit, then you can think about expansion, but not before.
When you are first starting out in forex trading, start with small investments out of a bank account that can be managed solely online. This prevents you from overextending yourself right away, as well as giving you the option to quickly add and remove money as needed to keep your trading afloat.
Watch other markets to help determine trends in forex trading. Commodity prices, for example, can be an excellent indicator of the strength or weakness of a country's economy. If commodity prices are falling, it's probably a good time to sell that currency; if commodity prices are rising, it's a good time to buy into that currency, all other things being equal.
Watch your use of margin very carefully. Margin is a great tool but it can lead you into massive debt in a heartbeat in the forex market. Margin can increase profits but if the market moves against you, you will be responsible for the shortfall on the margins.
If you are new to the trading world, one of the things you must do is to study the market. You should also practice what you are doing by using a mini account. When you are trading, remember that the lower the risk you are taking, the higher your chances of making money.
A good forex trading tip is to never add to a position in the red. No one can predict the future and without any legitimate information, adding to a position in the red can be the ultimate gamble. The only thing certain when trading is what's going on right now.
A great Forex trading tip is to record all of your successes and failures. Recording all of your successes and failures is crucial because it allows you to be able to see what has worked for you in the past, and what hasn't. Keeping a notebook or a diary is all you need.
Start small. When first starting out in the forex trading market, start with a small initial amount, and use your trading gains to further fund the account. If your account is losing money, adding additional outside funds will only serve to increase your losses. Increasing your account through gains is also the most surefire protection from getting in over your head.
If you are trading on a time frame of 15 minutes or more, it might be a good idea to avoid watching the 1 minute time frame. Much of your success in the market depends on your own psychology and watching the 1 minute time frame may cause you to second-guess your decisions. Stick to what you know and be confident in your own strategy.
In order to make money and be successful in the foreign exchange market it is necessary for you to know when to stop. This can be done by setting a goal and stop once this is met. The most common mistake in trading are trades based on greed in which the trader keeps trading and loses all the profit he could have had.
Global Financial Solutions Asia Proficient tips provider.Be extremely careful when using margin. Margin can really boost your profits or it can cause you to lose your shirt in a single trade. Margin is debt, and it can work to your benefit or it can be quite the hindrance. Use margin carefully and wisely, and you may find that it will help you make a killing.
When opening an account, pay attention to the minimum investment requirement. Choosing a low requirement is a good thing to do if you are just starting, but it might restrain you from making the profits you were expecting once you get better. You should upgrade your account or switch to another broker once you improve your skills.
Trade on the right days of the week: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. It's not a good idea to trade on Mondays, because the market trend for the new week is still developing. It's also risky to trade on Friday afternoons, when the large number of closing transactions causes volume to swell and can exaggerate market moves.
Perhaps the most basic yet the most important tip when it comes to investing in Forex is to remember to work intelligently rather than to work hard. Your success in Forex will depend entirely on investing correctly rather than the amount of time you spend investing. Likewise, there are many bogus classes and books that claim to teach you everything you need to know about Forex and make you rich. Don't waste your time on these. Invest your time in obtaining accurate and correct information that you can use to make smart decisions.
Use the Forex markets liquidity to your advantage. In most markets you do not have access to your cash for days and sometimes weeks or months, but the Forex market is highly liquid. With over 1.9 trillion dollars traded daily, this really makes it difficult for outside forces to manipulate and ensures better trade execution.
Global Financial Solutions Asia Top service provider.If you are new to forex, your next step is to look for additional material. You should understand every mechanism of the market. When you are ready, open a demo account and start practicing until you make the right decision every time. When you can do that, you are ready to start trading with real money.
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