#making tasty coffee with stale coffee
phantomdoofer · 1 year
Chapter 9: A Fake Day
As Peppino fumbled with the keys to the pizzeria, he had a sense of foreboding, above and beyond his normal twitchiness. It didn't make sense. Nothing seemed wrong today. The weather was nice. People were just starting to come out, so it was quiet. Noisette waved from across the street. She'd started specializing in coffee and pastries, so she'd been up a while, serving the morning crowd. "Hiiii, Peppino! Hope you have another good day!"
Peppino smiled, if a little weakly. Noisette was a bit annoyingly friendly. I know she has bad days, but you'd never know it. Privately he admitted he was a bit jealous of her near-endless cheer. But what she sees in the Noise, I'll never understand.
As he unlocked the door, he turned and looked out at the village that had sprung up around him. World works in strange ways sometimes.
He felt a hand land gently on his shoulder. He shrieked in reflexive terror.
"Glee hee hee hee," Fake laughed as they oozed down from the ceiling.
"DON'T-A DO THAT!" Peppino yelled. Fake just burbled more laughter. "Oh, you think-a you so funny?" He grabbed the broom. "OUT! OUT! GO FIND-A SOMEWHERE ELSE TO HAUNT TODAY!"
Fake didn't resist. This was something Peppino did regularly. But they just couldn't help messing with the shorter man. They ambled off into the alleyways. Once, the residents would have run from them, yelling and calling for help. But they had finally acclimated to the goopy clone's presence, and now it was just another resident.
For once, it's minds were in agreement. Hungry. They absent-mindedly snapped a few flies out of the air. Ugh, flies, really? Real food! Is real food! Not enough. Ribbit. Find more? Croak.
It ambled behind Noisette's Cafe - usually there were some old pastries and such. Once they'd found a container propped on a trash bin, which they'd downed. The bitter drink had been some of Noise's Super Troll Coffee Blend, and they had hopped from rooftop to rooftop croaking like a set of old brakes for hours. No drink, only food. Fake idly started digging through a trash bin before they heard one farther down tip over. They looked up in time to see a Giant Rat growl a them. Not Peppino-friend-rat. Fake dropped to all fours and growled, their face distorting into a horrifying toothy maw.
The Giant Rat fled in terror. Chase? Eat? Ugh, no. No more rats! Croak.
Fake heard a door open behind it, and quickly reverted to its normal form. Don't want to scare. Noisette was standing there, a bag in hand. "Fakey! Hiii!"
"Hi, NOIIIsette," Fake replied. The first part of her name came out like a frog's croak, but that was OK. She didn't seem to mind.
"Oh, Fake, you're getting better at speaking! I know it's hard for you." She held up the bag. "Hey, you hungry? I've got some pastries here that have gone a bit stale, but you might like them. Do you want them?"
Fake nodded vigorously, and wrapped her in a spiralling hug. Nice one. Ribbit. She's the nicest person here. Ribbit. He opened the bag, and devoured the pastries. She's right, a little stale, but still good. Not bug, but tasty. Croak.
Noisette clapped her hands. "Wow, you must've really been hungry!"
Fake stopped and tilted it's head. "Hungry. But more... nice to us. Thank... You."
"Oh, anytime, Fakey! I know some people think you're a monster, but I know better!"
Croak. We are a monster. But you nice. Protect you, Peppino, Peppino-friends. Ribbit.
Noisette turned and made to close the door. "From now on if you want, just come by about this time and you can have anything like that I have left over! Sorry, gotta go, customers waiting! Byeee!" She closed the door.
Fake waved sadly at the door. "Bye... friend."
What now? Swim. Won't we melt? No, ribbit. Cool, hot day. Maybe fishes! Ugh, can we at least cook it first? What cook? Croak.
Fake ambled off towards the river, following visions of fish and cool water.
Fake idly paddled down the river. They'd found a few fish, but fishermen had yelled at them until they left. So they'd moved on, and now they found themselves at the City. Smelly. Been a long time since we were here. They wandered into the city, just to see what there was to see.
"Go! Get out, you! Donna, it's another one of those weird things from the tower! Get the other broom!" The woman swung her own broom at Fake.
"Woooooooeeeey!" Fake yelled as they covered their head and ran. The smell of pizza had attracted them - not as good as Peppino's, but still good. They'd found them chewing contentedly on a half-cooked pizza they had snatched from the oven.
Croak, croak! Dangerous, run! It's just one pizza!
They ran into the shadows and hid. Eventually the two woman decided they had been run off and went back inside.
Fake ambled through the shadows of the alley. As they walked, they smelled a familiar scent above. Peppino? It was coming from an open window several stories above. They carefully climbed the side of the building, and peeped over the windowsill.
Inside was an older woman. Not Peppino. But she seemed... familiar, nonetheless. The woman was cooking. The name suddenly popped to mind: Gnocchi di patate. How do we know that? Not bug. Croak. Smells good. Looks like grubs! She sighed, and looked wistfully at a door to the side. Then it opened, and another not-Peppino walked through - tall, thin, with a big nose and just the faintest wisp of a mustache on his face.
Familiar. Who are you? Croak.
The young man kissed the woman on each cheek. "Buon pomeriggio, Mama. Making gnocchi for lunch?"
She didn't look at him. "Sì. It reminds me of him."
The man made an ugly face when she wasn't looking. "Mama, Papa is gone. You know this. The restaurant is gone. Please, you need to move on from this."
Silly girl. She pines like a lovesick teenager! Why do we know what that is? Ribbit.
She didn't seem to hear him. Finally he sighed and took a portion. "Is there anything you need me to get tonight the way home after school, Mama?"
"Yes," she said, "get some pollo and fettuccine. I would make your father's favorite dish."
He sighed. "Sì, Mama. If that's what you want." He finished his meal and kissed her cheek again. "I'll see you tonight, Mama."
She said nothing. He quietly left, closing the door behind him.
Fake was intrigued. They quietly followed the young man.
The boy rode a scooter to a large building. A variety of smells wafted about it, some pleasing, some not so much. Culinary school. Tasty! Ugh, stop burning everything! Maybe more food? Ribbit. Fake climbed the building and, on the roof, found it's favorite entryway: an air vent. It oozed through the grate and quietly crawled around, until it found the boy in a room full of people and... ovens? A training kitchen.
One of the others called to the boy. "Ay, Brando! Nice of you to join us, buddy! You ready to show us up again today?"
He smiled. "Donita, you don't have to be like that! You know I work just as hard as you do!
The woman laughed. "Ay, I know that, but not all of us have Bruno Tagliatelle for a father, and a teacher who worships him!"
The young man's face turned an ugly shade. "Donita, please. I asked you not to mention him."
Her smile fell, and she blushed. "Ah- sorry, Bran. I forgot he's a touchy subject for you. But-"
"Yes, he's a legend," the boy said. "Just like Nonno Alphonso. I know." He huffed and sat down, a disgusted look on his face.
Fake moved their face closer to the grate. Crooooak. Why is he so upset? To be the son of someone famous...
The others gathered around him. "Sorry, Bran. We know you're tired of hearing it. And we know how he treated you and your Mama." She patted the boy on the back. "Force of habit."
He looked up and managed a weak smile. "I know. I'm sorry for being so sensibile about it. I just-"
"All right you lot," an loud voice called from out of sight. Fake almost jumped out in surprise. "we've got a lot to do today!"
Fake watched intently as the student cooks started their lessons.
Fake sat up. Fell asleep. Dark? Ribbit. Where? The duct was dark - the room below was dark, and the light from the window showed it was nearing sunset. Should leave. Predators at night. Why are we worried about that? We're a seven-foot-tall monster! Scared! Crooooak. Quickly they climbed the duct to the roof. Looking down, Fake saw the students leaving, the boy taking a different route as he walked away, waving. Ribbt. Where's he going? They hopped from rooftop to rooftop, following the boy below. Finally, they reached a strange sight: a barren lot. It looked like a spot where a building would be, but it was surrounded by fencing and police signs. A parking lot and hole in the ground sat empty. Familiar. Why?
The boy stood in front of the fence. On the sign before him, a face appeared: a man's face, round, large-nosed, with a curling mustache. The sign said Bruno's. It looked like an older, darker-haired version of the boy.
Suddenly, a storm of fractured memories flashed across Fake's mind.
Spaghetti, get over here now! Bruno, it's fine, it's his first time, he can't be perfect al- No Papa, if he's going to study here, I demand perfection! This is not your school, boy, it is mine!
Papa! Come and play Papa! Why won't you just play with him Bruno? He has to be perfect, or my reputation will be ruined! But he's only five, Brun- I was five when I started! No son of mine will be found wanting!
Papa! Papa! Please don't leave me! You'll be fine, Bruno. You're too good, you don't need me anymore. That's not- please Papa, I'm sorry, I'm... Papa? Papa...??
Fake held their head, the shards of memory sparkling across their mind, cutting them all into little pieces. They all screamed in agony. The clone writhed on the rooftop, but then a soft voice below drifted up.
My... son? Brando?
"Today went well, Papa."
Fake dragged themselves to the edge and looked down. The boy had his hand on the face on the sign.
"The insegnante says I'm a shoe-in, the best in my class. I don't know. He's in love with your legend." He balled his fists. "And Mama pines for you constantly. Why? You were never nice to her. She was an afterthought, an accessory to your story. Just like me." He looked down. "They say, 'oh, isn't it nice, being the son of Bruno Tagliatelle?'"
Suddenly he punched the sign. Fake jumped. Brando, I-
"Always, always it's about you, Papa. I can't even tell if I actually have the skill or if the insegnante is simply fawning over 'the son of the Great Bruno.'" He looked up, and Fake ducked back, suddenly more afraid to be seen by this boy than anyone else in the world. "Still, I am learning. I will be more than the puppet you raised me to be. I will have nothing else. Someday perhaps, your star will fade, and I can be my own man. Until then, I will continue. I love to cook, I do. Perhaps I can go work for that Spaghetti character. Nonno always spoke highly of him. Perhaps he can judge me properly." He looked back down. "The police say Pizzahead may have been the one to take you. I wish he was around, so I could thank him. For giving me a chance to finally, finally be myself."
Fake cringed. Hates us. He hates us. Oh Brando, what I have done to you...
"It's too bad there will be no grave for you, Papa, so I could avoid it every day."
Fake curled on themselves, a tight ball of pain and misery.
"Perhaps, someday, I can rebuild here, drag us back out of poverty. But it will be my doing. I will see your star fall."
Doughy tears ran down Fake's face. Sorry. We're sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry...
"Goodbye, Papa. I will take care of Mama, as you never did. Rest, not in peace, but in silence."
The boy turned and walked back towards the school.
Fake was a ball of suffering. The memories had cut all the different aspects of their mind to shreds. They flowed and ran together, sharing their pain.
As the sun finally set, Fake croaked and moaned and cried their misery into the starry sky.
As Peppino chained his scooter to the bike rack, his thoughts wandered. Fake hasn't been seen for days. He's never gone this long without scaring me. Despite his feelings towards the... what should I call it?... character, he found he was worried. Like most of the others, the runny clone had become a part of his life. It being gone was unsettling.
Don't tell me I've started LIKING the thing!
As he unlocked the door, Peppino noticed a figure on the floor. Who? Wait, it has to be him! He opened the door and flicked the lights on. Something was different. Does he seem more... solid?
The figure didn't move. "Peppino?"
Peppino's hair stood on end a bit. The voice was the same, but less froglike and goopy. More like a normal person. "Fake?" Peppino realized he could actually read the thing's body language now. And it seemed broken, sad. Grieving.
"Peppino, do you hate me?"
Peppino was shocked. This wasn't like Fake. For one thing, he can't talk like this. And such a question! "I.."
Gustavo came in behind him, Brick close behind. "Hey Pep, what's... Huh? Fake? What's... wrong?" Gustavo stared.
"Gus-Gustavo," Fake said. "Do you hate me?"
Gustavo turned pale. "W-what? Why would you ask that?"
"He hates me."
Peppino paled himself. "What? N-no, no I don't." Do I? Looking deep inside, he realized he really didn't. In fact, right now, he only felt sadness and confusion.
Fake turned. Their face was odd. The eyes were still wrong, but the face seemed less runny. Something happened. It's more whole, now. Peppino approached them. "Fake, what-a happened?"
Fake cringed down. "He. He hates me. I hurt him so much. I hurt her. I hurt them. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." They held their head.
Gustavo knelt by the clone. "We don't hate you, Fake. Who are you talking about?"
Fake looked up at Peppino. "I, I hated you. For being who you were. For having what I wanted. I had it and didn't know. And now it's gone." He grabbed his head again. "He hates me. My son. He hates me."
Peppino and Gustavo looked at each other in shock. Their SON? Peppino grabbed Fake's shoulder. "Fake, listen-a to me. Did you remember something? Who you were?"
Fake tilted their head. "We are... not who we were. We're different now. I was... was..."
He grabbed his head again, and seemed to concentrate. Suddenly his face flowed and changed, the face solidifying, the mustache curling, the eyes changing.
Gustavo fell backwards as Peppino stood back, both horrified. "Bruno!" Gustavo said. "That's Bruno Tagliatelle! My old boss!"
Bruno Tagliatelle. My teacher's son, and my old tormentor. He's been right beside me for months! A chill ran through him. He'd hated the man, but... Mio Dio, What did Pizzahead do to him?
Fake's face flowed back into it's normal shape. "I... was. We don't want to be him anymore. We're different now."
Peppino reached for his phone. "I have to-a call Giuseppe! He said-a call him if we found out anything about-a the disappearances! If-a he's Bruno..." suddenly Peppino stopped. "Fake, er, Bruno..."
Fake stood up. "We're not Bruno. Fake is fine."
Peppino was surprised. They're much more... assertive now. Really does remind me of Bruno. "Fake then. Can-a you remember what happened when you- er, Bruno disappeared?"
They concentrated. "Bits. Pieces. Not much. Maybe by the time they get here, we can remember more."
Peppino dialed the number, and moved away to speak to his brother. Gustavo touched Fake's arm. "Are you OK, Fake?"
The clone looked down. "No. But we will be."
Peppino clicked his phone off. "They're on-a their way. Are you OK with this?"
"If it'll help, we'll try." Fake hesitated, then reached out. "Peppino? Can we stay? Here?"
Peppino was confused. "I just called Giuseppe, of course you can stay here!"
Fake shook their head. "No. Can we stay... here. In this place. From now on?"
"You mean-a live here? In the pizzeria?" Oh, now he asks! "I... suppose. Don't you want to live-a somewhere- er, nicer?"
Fake frowned. "No. This is fine. It's... comforting. We don't need much. We can work here. We don't need paying, just food and shelter. And we remember some of... cooking. We can help. We want to help. Are you fine with this?"
Peppino thought, then nodded. "All-a right. But don't-a scare the customers or eat the ingredients! Ask-a first!"
Fake held up a still-curving arm. "Thank you. We promise."
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Also I had some coffee today and it was chocolate raspberry and it was so tasty and I had it with some apple cinnamon bread that my cousin had made and it was a little stale but it's alright bc it was tasty and paired with the coffee it made delicious dessert so :)
Also while I was in the store earlier I had the WORST cramps I literally felt like I was going to fall on the floor but after a while they went away and I could enjoy the shopping again so yay I also got some bright red nail polish I haven't put it on yet but I was thinking of doing that tomorrow
I really want to get into cosmetic stuff but I never learned how to do makeup and at this point I'm too scared to ask bc anxiety of ppl making fun of me for not knowing how to do makeup is strong and that may sound stupid but hey I got issues lol but yeah I want to learn how to do makeup but I have no clue where to start or what brands to get or like anything
Also with skincare bc my skin has seen better days but I'm also too nervous to ask for help with that and I have no clue what to do for that so lol my skin is suffering
I've slowly but surely been getting my wardrobe to my current style and Ive gotten a lot more comfortable wearing shorts in public bc before I always wore pants so my legs were never shown off and I realized about last year(?) That I had gotten really self conscious about my legs even around my family but i actually wore shorts out in public yesterday when I met up with my mom and I felt so happy bc I rlly like the outfit I was wearing it was black shorts with a white shirt with yellow and blue vertical stripes and the shirt was tucked into the shorts and I felt so happy wearing it it was great I felt very very good abt myself which is good bc I am self conscious about my body a little but it's gotten a lot better recently so that's good!
chocolate raspberry coffee sounds so good wtf I wanna try that
okay I'm not going to go off on a tangent here on makeup/skincare recs and tips and all that unless you ask for it, but if you ever want that kind of stuff I know quite a bit about those kinds of things and I'm happy to share my wisdom! I'm not like an expert makeup artist or anything and while I hypothetically know about more intense stuff like contouring and baking your face and all that I've never actually done it, but I do know a decent amount! and I can do eyeliner really well so, there's that. and I've already made some skincare rec posts on here but I'm happy to answer more qs about that stuff if you ever desire
I'm glad you were able to feel good about your outfit!! baby steps are important for that stuff, but definitely try to branch out and wear outfits you might not normally wear! if you see an item of clothing you really like but you're self conscious about it, consider getting it any way and seeing if you can just wear it around your house for a bit to feel more confident in it before wearing it out. I used to be really self conscious about wearing tight shirts for a very specific body insecurity I have that I won't get into rn but I really love wearing crop tops so I gradually just started getting tops that were a bit tighter and it really helped my confidence
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gokitchentips · 5 months
How Long are Coffee Beans Good
Selecting the perfect cup of coffee is an art that hinges on the beans’ freshness. The journey to a rich and flavorful brew begins with understanding the shelf life of coffee grounds. Coffee fans know that the quality of beans can make or break the coffee experience.
Coffee beans keep well for around six months. During the first two to four weeks following roasting, they maintain their peak freshness. Choosing the ideal coffee is a skill that depends on how fresh the beans are.
The first step in making a rich and tasty brew is to comprehend how long coffee grounds last. Coffee enthusiasts are aware that the quality of the beans can determine how well the coffee tastes. How Long Do Coffee Beans Last?
First things first: fresh coffee beans make for a delicious cup of joe. Coffee beans' shelf life is crucial to their flavour and aroma. Understanding their lifespan contributes to their continued quality. Let's examine what influences their average lifespan and freshness.
Elements Affecting Freshness
Fresh ingredients are essential to a great brew. The following factors affect how fresh beans stay:
Air Exposure: Stale beans are caused by oxygen. Light: Strong light can cause content to deteriorate. Heat: Beans deteriorate more quickly in hot weather. Moisture: Flavour is lost in humid environments. Storage: Freshness is maintained in airtight containers. Learn More..
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bella2131 · 7 months
Arabica Coffee House
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A Review of Arabica Coffee House
Arabica Coffee House, which is situated in the center of Willoughby's historic district, is more than just your typical coffee shop. Since their 1966 opening, they have been providing the community with handcrafted pastries, tasty, fresh drinks, and a welcoming atmosphere that keeps them coming back for more. The best green coffee beans are imported by Arabica from more than 40 nations worldwide. To provide the best possible premium roast for every unique bean, they roast each one independently! Following the roasting procedure, they combine their beans and sell them in Arabica cafés across the globe.
At Arabica, the experience is just as important as the coffee. Arabica provides the ideal environment for anything, including meeting up with friends, preparing for tests, or just needing a little peace and quiet!
Must Haves at Arabica Coffee House
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Arabica Coffee House is pleased to provide a wide range of other items in addition to coffee. We provide sandwiches, soups, lattes, teas, mochas, baked goods, and much more on our menu! It's commonly said that a soup or sandwich go best with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. There are baked products available to satisfy your sweet craving as well!
Need A To-Go Order? No Problem!
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Arabica Coffee House recognizes that life can get hectic at times, and they are grateful that you stopped by to place an order. The staff will be pleased to provide you with a cup of coffee, tea, smoothie, etc. to go. If you order food, they will also package your lunch so you can bring it to work! Additionally, they sell coffee in individual packages that you can take home and share with your loved ones!
About The Brand
 After being established in 1976, Arabica Coffee House was acquired by Tim and Tina Snyder. They took care to preserve the overall feel of the coffee shop. They wanted regulars to be able to enjoy food and a fresh cup of coffee without losing their sense of tranquility. They always have the greatest resources available and make sure the customers know it as well, so you will never receive a cup of coffee that tastes stale or subpar! Arabica Coffee House is now my favorite coffee shop as well, so I hope you choose to visit it too! It will always be a local favorite!
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weworldsbestcoffeeus · 8 months
Why People Prefer To Buy Gourmet Coffee Beans Online Over Specialty Coffee?
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Why do people buy gourmet coffee beans online more than just basic coffee from the store? All coffee fans like a good cup of coffee. But gourmet drinkers want bolder tastes from rare beans around the world. The internet makes it easy to get those quality beans. Here's why online is best for gourmet beans.
●     More Rare Bean Choices
Food shops have regular flavors like French Roast. But gourmet fans want unusual kinds like from Ethiopia or Costa Rica. Online has tons of rare bean types from top global regions. Fans can try many new flavors.
●     Fresher Beans
Shop beans sit around and get stale. Online sellers ship right from the roaster. So the beans were likely roasted days ago. Fresh roasted is more tasty. Quick shipping keeps flavors strong.
●     Interesting New Blends
It's fun to try new mixes like Java with fruit or nuts. Online sellers make creative blends. The flavors change so there is always something new to sip.
●     Learn Bean Background
Beyond taste, gourmet lovers want to know where beans are grown. Online says what farms they come from. How they were harvested and roasted. Some share photos and videos too. This story lets you appreciate beans more.
Resources : https://worlds-best-coffee.blogspot.com/2024/01/why-people-prefer-to-buy-gourmet-coffee.html
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 9 months
007 of 2024
Unpopular food opinions, part 2.
Cottage cheese texture is not that bad. Grissini breadsticks (long thin hard ones) shouldn't exist and there are a million better dip-vehicles that don't taste like stale disappointment and caloric cardboard. White carbs taste wayy wayy better than any other carb (whole grain, veggie, fruit…). Rice cakes are overrated. Peanuts are the worst nuts. Veggies always make a (savory) meal better. Root beer is absolutely vile. Sour cream is unappetising. Parsnips are the weird creepy cousin at a roast dinner. Jam first then cream on a scone is better because it’s slightly easier to apply- jam is spreadable and cream can be scooped on top easier. Spanish tortilla omelette is underrated. Ranch dressing is not fit for salad is definitely not meant to be eaten on pizza, chicken or anything else. Sharing ice cream is gross. Organs are better than muscle meat. Restaurants are a very overrated food environment (not talking about the food itself, just the whole "Eating at a table with people in a crowded noisy room" thing). Blueberries are not good unless baked into something. All these new rice paper roll trends are disgusting. Cinnamon is over-rated and not necessary in most of the things it's in. All towns/villages should have well advertised community tables for sharing food and other items that anyone can easily give and take as they wish without the stigma associated with foodbanks. Nut as a topping ruins the food (sweet or savory). Brie is one of the worst cheeses yucky and the texture sucks too. Cakes are nicest when baked with yogurt, it keeps them very moist. Any food that is made without cheese is 100% more delicious and enjoyable because cheese is really not good. Salad is overrated and that's why all the women in those stock photos are laughing at it. Schools should teach environmentally friendly sustainable methods of growing food in practice. Crab meat is ridiculously underrated and the perfect protein source. Sesame buns should always be used for burgers. Watermelon is very overrated. Coffee is only worth drinking if it is hot, and has no sugar or cream. Ketchup goes well on almost everything. Hash browns taste awful. Mashed potatoes are butter laden slop that looks like it has already been eaten. Eating low volume sweets is better than high volume fruit. Cottage cheese is delicious. Fries don't need condiments. Sesame seeds are very underrated. Whipped spray cream has never actively improved a food item. Bland food is actually very tasty. Low fat dairy is better than no fat dairy. White bread >>>>>>>>>> any other kind of bread. Pickles are very underrated. Coconut flakes on anything is disgusting. Savory foods are always better salted than bland (most of them at least). Nori (the seaweed in sushi) is soo delicious , also on its own. Salted natural oily peanut butter over added sugar junky pb.
0 notes
koffeetips · 9 months
Buy Great Coffee Beans For Beginners: The Perfect Way to Start Your Day
How To Buy Exceptional Coffee for Newcomers? This post is about helping you to buy great coffee more easily, more enjoyably. The joy of coffee is the diversity of flavor. Because of that, there are so many options if one wants to try out every single great coffee on the market without prior knowledge to fit your taste To help my readers to buy great coffee, particularly for new coffee lovers: First, I am going to discuss the rules of buying coffee;  Second, I will talk about where to buy coffee.  And last, I will explain the meaning of some words used on the label of a bag of coffee. 1. Rules for buying great coffee i) Buy fresh. Coffee, after roasting, declines in a steady way. Over time, it loses its aromas evaporating into the atmosphere. Also, it may develop some unpleasant flavors while the coffee sitting in the pantry. Things go stale because of the oxidation, and so does coffee.  How is coffee dated? Typically, coffee will be dated in two different ways. Specialty coffee marks a roast date, the date on which it was roasted, and that is very useful. Based on that, one can know how old the coffee is exactly. However, if one buys coffee in a supermarket, one may find a “best-before” date is marked instead. This is often 12, sometimes 18, or even 24 months after the roasting date. So, the “best before date” does not tell the buyer when the coffee was roasted.  This is a choice from supermarkets. Thus, where one buys coffee will impact the information that one gets from the packaging. When coffee is being roasted, a lot of CO2 comes out. Different brewing techniques require different freshness of the coffee. For example, espresso, fresher is not always better. Because there's a lot of CO2 in the very fresh coffee beans when one tries to brew espresso, a lot of gas comes out and this pressurized environment can make a disrupted brewing process. Therefore, many people rest the coffee for seven to 10 days, sometimes two weeks or longer, to make it a little easier to brew for espresso. The freshness is less of a concern a day or two for filter coffee though.  Ground coffee vs whole bean. I always prefer whole-bean coffee. Here are the reasons: first, it is better value for money. Ground coffee often is packed in a protective atmosphere, but once that bag is opened, the air gets in. Then one might have one or two days to enjoy it at its best. In comparison, whole beans last much longer than pre-ground coffee. That is why whole beans are better value for money. Second, grinding coffee is one of the great pleasures of life. The morning coffee grinding ritual adds more aroma and joy to the coffee hobby and refreshment. If it is a light and medium roast whole beans, the coffee may last four to eight weeks after roasting, compared to pre-ground coffee which lasts only a day or two once the coffee is exposed to air. If the coffee is a darker roast, it may last for four to six weeks maximum, because darker roasts go stale a little bit quicker. Grounds VS Whole Beans ii) Buy great coffee with traceability. Buy coffee from as distinct a place as one can, being a single farm, or a cooperative of growers. Historically coffee was just sold by country of origin. As much as wine, coffee has huge variation within just about every single producing origin of flavor or style. Only knowing what country the coffee is from isn't that useful, besides its little traceability. Traceable coffees add cost, that is why only tasty and good quality coffees are sold in a traceable fashion. To merit a premium price, there's no point in keeping a coffee that doesn't taste very good traceable. That's why traceability is a nice little shortcut to quality. Generally, spending more buys better quality, better tasting coffee. iii) Buy Great Coffee Seasonally. Different countries around the world harvest coffee at different times. Thus, the raw coffees arrive at the consuming countries at different times of the year.Raw coffee lasts longer generally than roasted coffee, and a roaster may carry coffee from a few weeks to ten months. Most of the time roasters carry coffee all year round. For example, they may have an Ethiopian coffee bean for twelve months of the year, but that coffee is not very good because the raw coffee can be a little bit old.Because of that, specialty coffee shops embrace seasonality, which means one coffee from one origin for six months of a year, and another for three months of a year. If a specialty coffee shop changes its shelf stocks regularly, the consumer will get the best possible experience because the raw coffees are nice and fresh. 2. Where To Buy Great Coffee Usually, there are three kinds of places to buy coffee: i) The supermarket. The supermarket has a couple of big advantages.  First, supermarkets are incredibly convenient for most people. Second, things there are generally cheaper in supermarkets. Supermarkets are hyper-competitive. They use their size and scale to negotiate a thin profit margin buying price and sell the products to the public at a quite low price. However, supermarkets do not treat coffee like fresh food.Because of the sheer volume and quantity of supermarkets buying, the supply chain becomes quite long, freshness is difficult to achieve at individual store level. Supermarkets may buy from a single supplier that goes into a centralized distribution center, then eventually goes to the individual supermarket, goes on to the shelf, and works its way slowly forward to the front of the shelf. A bag of coffee beans can take months from its being produced to it being sold in supermarkets. That is why supermarkets give the consumer a “best before date”, so when the consumer picks up one of these bags of coffee beans, one might think “I still have 8 months left”. Supermarkets do not want consumers to think about when that coffee was roasted. There is nothing wrong to buy coffee at the supermarket if the price and the caffeine are one’s main concerns. Occasionally one still can find good quality, tasty coffee in a supermarket. ii) A coffee shop, or a shop in one’s neighborhood. Coffee shops have some advantages, such as consumers can talk to someone, a salesperson, a store manager, or a barista, regarding the types, brands, or taste preferences of a coffee. Most of the time consumers can get some recommendations from the shop to fit his/her preference. A coffee shop’ coffees typically are very fresh, one can buy and take coffee home, then have a delicious cup of coffee. If there is an immediate use for coffee, then coffee shops are perfect to fulfill that need. Often these specialty coffee shops serve the coffee they retail. A consumer should have some chance to sample the coffee before buying a whole bag of beans.
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Coffee Shop iii) Online. Buying coffee from online stores gives the consumer probably the most variety. Online stores are often competitive in terms of price. Most of the time, one is buying directly from a roaster. The seller/roaster will roast one’s coffee after the online retailer receives the order. Often the roasted coffee is shipped on the same day, thus by the time these coffees arrive at the consumers’ doorstep, they are incredibly fresh. Nowadays some roasters offer subscription services. Once the consumer subscribes to the service, his/her coffee arrives through the door at a specific time interval, such as one bag of beans every second week, etc. Many people use more than one bag of coffee each month, so a smart way to set up is to have one bag come on a subscription from a roaster, and then buy one bag on top of it from a coffee shop. 3. Decode a bag of buying great coffee. i) Classification of roast for buying great coffee. Usually, there are three levels of roast, light, medium, or dark.  In the case of supermarket coffees, often they use strength, and the range is usually between three to five. Strength to specialty coffee shops means the coffee-to-water ratio. The more coffee is used to brew a cup, the stronger the coffee drink is. The most common description of a specialty coffee shop’s coffee bean bag is whether the coffee is used as a filter coffee or as an espresso coffee. Espresso coffee is a little bit darker and deeper than filter coffee. Conventionally, if a bag of specialty coffee does not have any indication of roast on it, it is usually a light to medium roast. Same as supermarket coffee, the higher the strength, the darker the roast. Generally, the lighter the roast of coffee is, the more acidity the coffee has. The darker the roast, the more bitterness it has, and the less acidity. Specialty coffee’s light to medium roast gives the drinker the taste of a balanced nice sweetness, a little bit of acidity, without too much bitterness; and at the same time, it gives tons of flavor of where the coffee comes from. This is why that light to medium roast is a popular roasting style choice for many specialty companies.
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Dark, Medium, and Light Roast ii) Description of taste for buying great coffee. Often roasters use descriptive words trying to describe the taste of the coffee and to entice the buyer to buy that bag of coffee.  Specialty coffee is like wine, except for one thing. The very highest-priced wines are often the most elegant and the most beautiful wines. However, the highest-priced coffee is the most unusual, the least kind of coffee-tasting coffee. More expensive coffee tends to promise a very unusual experience. The descriptive words the roasters use to convey some key information to consumers that can help them find the right coffee. If the coffee is light to medium roast, often the roasters use the words “delicate”, “elegant”, or explicitly text like “quite floral”, which all suggest lightness. If they use “creamy” or “rich”, these suggest it is a fuller-bodied coffee. If there are no texture words, it's often a medium-bodied coffee. Some people cannot stand any acidity in their coffee, I am just to be one of these people. However, there are people who love all the acidity in their coffee. These people appreciate the acidic coffee as bright, juicy, and vibrant. Roasters often use fruit words to describe these characteristics of such coffees. Fresh fruit words in the descriptors, like berries, apple, or anything referring to fresh fruits, indicate that these coffees have some amount of acidity. Berry, one may expect some acidity, and citrus fruits should refer to a lot of acidity. For words like “apple” or “pear”, one should expect a good amount of acidity. If the words are fruit-related words, but they are cooked fruit words, such as “jam”, or “candied orange”, then I would expect a little acidity. If a description has no fruit words, then I would expect very low acidity from it. If the roasters use other words like “caramel”, “treacle”, “nuts” or “chocolate”, which are non-fruit words, then the roasters are suggesting low acidity for that coffee. iii) Fermented fruit flavors can be part of buying great coffee. There are styles of coffee in that whole coffee cherries are sun-dried, instead of the seeds being squeezed out, sorted, and washed before the beans are dried. If the beans are dried inside the fruit, then a little fermentation can happen. The beans going through this process give funky, or unusual flavors that are often described on bags of coffee as tropical fruit, such as “pineapple”, “mango” or even “strawberry”. Some people love those easily identifiable fascinating flavors. They are fun to drink for some people but for others not so much. If one’s palate does not like fermented fruit flavors, then one should avoid any naturally dried coffee.  The safer choice for people who dislike funky flavor will be the bag label has such descriptions as “clean”, “sweet”, “chocolate” or “nuts”, which has no fruit words whatsoever.
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Sundry Coffee Cherries Link Twitter Pinterest Facebook Linkedin Reddit Keep In Touch If You Like My Articles. I hope this post is a useful guide to help you to buy good coffees that fit your taste. If you like to know about different types of hot coffee brewing, please check out our other blogs, such as "Best Affordable Espresso Machines" or any other blog post by clicking here. Of course, read more blog posts I post now and then, such as  "Strongest Coffee". Read the full article
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saumyakhera · 1 year
The Benefits of a Coffee Pod Subscription
In a world that is rushing, most people depend on their daily doses of caffeine to keep them alert and focused. For those who love coffee, it is no wonder that an online subscription to a coffee maker has changed how they consume their preferred beverage. The subscription of coffee pods isn't an unfashionable trend; they come with a wide array of benefits to coffee lovers and the person who is always on the move. We'll discuss the many benefits of signing up to the coffee pod subscription.
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Convenience: The significant advantage of a subscription to a pod coffee is the ease of use it provides. There is no need to fret about running out of coffee or going to the grocery store. With a subscription plan, your coffee beans are delivered to your home regularly and will ensure you have enough of your favourite beverage.
Variety Coffee pod subscriptions: typically provide a variety of brands and flavours. Suppose you're looking for a robust deep roast, a soft, medium roast, or flavour-specific coffee such as vanilla or hazelnut. In that case, it is easy to choose between different options and find new flavours without buying bags of coffee.
Freshness: is the most essential aspect of enjoying a good cup of coffee. When you subscribe to a coffee pod, you can be assured that your coffee will be freshly brewed, ensuring that each cup you drink is as tasty as the previous one.
Cost savings: While many may think that a subscription to a coffee pod costs more than buying the coffee at a wholesale price, it is not the reality. A lot of subscription providers provide competitive prices and offers for loyal customers. Additionally, you'll save the cost of gas and time you would otherwise drive to the grocery store.
Customization: A lot of coffee pod subscriptions let you customize your subscription. You can select the kind of coffee you want and its quantity and delivery time to control the quality of your coffee.
Eco-Friendly alternatives: Certain coffee pod subscription services are dedicated to sustainability. They provide environmentally friendly coffee pods and packaging, an ideal option for those concerned about the environment.
Exploration and discovery:  If you are a fan of exploring various coffees from around the world, joining a subscription can be an excellent method to try the various roasts and flavours. You might find a new favourite that you would never have discovered otherwise.
Don't Have Stale Coffee: With a coffee pod subscription, you'll never need to endure a dull or tasteless cup of coffee again. The freshness and the sealed container of pods will ensure that each cup tastes precisely as good as the one you had before.
More Waste: Coffee pods create less waste than traditional coffee-making methods. Many subscription companies are conscious of their environmental impacts and seek to reduce waste by recycling programs.
Perfect Portion: Coffee pods are already measured, meaning you can make a perfect cup of coffee without guesswork. You don't have to stress about getting the ratio between coffee and water just right.
Easy to Use: Coffee pods are extremely simple to use, making them perfect for coffee drinkers who are new to the hobby and those who like the simplicity of your morning routine.
Gift Options: Coffee pod subscriptions are a great option, perfect gifts for coffee lovers. It's a unique gift that will keep giving to the recipient, reminding them of your generosity with each cup they make.
Time-Saving: You will no longer grind beans measuring your coffee or dealing with dirty filters. Coffee pod subscriptions help you save time during the morning.
In conclusion, a pod subscription is a game changer for those who love coffee and are looking for a more straightforward and enjoyable way of enjoying their daily dose of caffeine. The benefits go beyond convenience, including cost savings, variety and sustainability. When you subscribe to the exemplary service, you can enjoy freshly brewed, custom coffee right at your door, adding value to the quality of your coffee.
 When we look at the landscape of coffee subscriptions in 2023, Two Rivers Coffee emerges as the frontrunner in "The Most Popular Coffee Pod Subscriber in 2023." Their dedication to providing top-quality coffee and an easy-to-use and flexible subscription sets their company apart from other providers. With a variety of coffee choices, sustainable practices, and effortless service delivery, Two Rivers Coffee ensures that every cup of coffee is an absolute delight.
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How Long Does Espresso Last in The Fridge?
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Do you love waking up to a hot and steaming shot of espresso but can't always find the time to make one before heading out the door? Fear not; storing extra espresso in the fridge is a great way to save time while still enjoying your favorite coffee drink's rich and flavorful taste. But how long can you store espresso in the fridge before it starts losing its taste and quality? In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the topic and explore key elements such as container choices, taste maintenance tips, and shelf life estimates to answer every coffee lover's question: "How long does espresso last in the fridge?"
Importance Of Knowing How Long Espresso Lasts In The Fridge
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It's not uncommon for coffee enthusiasts to brew more coffee than they can consume in a single sitting. Many of us wonder- what's the best way to store the leftover espresso so it doesn't go to waste? The answer is simple- refrigerator. But do you know how long does espresso last in the fridge? Knowing the answer to this question is essential if you want to preserve your coffee's taste and aroma. Here are some reasons why it is important to know how long espresso lasts in the fridge: 1. Saves you money- Brewing a fresh espresso every time you crave caffeine can tax your wallet. By storing espresso in the fridge, you can enjoy a cup of coffee without having to spend money every time you covet caffeine. 2. Convenience- Life is busy, and we all crave convenience. With stored espresso in the fridge, you can easily grab a shot or two and whip up a quick coffee drink without having to go through the whole time-consuming brewing process. 3. Freshness- Knowing how long your espresso shots last in the fridge ensures that you always consume freshly brewed shots. If kept correctly, refrigerated espresso can maintain its quality for a few days up to a week. 4. Reduces wastage- If you unknowingly store espresso for too long, it may go stale or lose its aroma, which translates to wastage. Knowing how long espresso lasts in the fridge will help you avoid the wastage of perfectly good coffee shots.
Can You Store Espresso In The Fridge?
Es is a beloved drink of many coffee enthusiasts, but what happens when you have leftover espresso? Can you store it in the fridge? The answer is yes, but there are a few important things to keep in mind. Firstly, an airtight container is crucial to prevent any odors or flavors from seeping in and maintain the espresso's quality. Cooling down the espresso before placing it in the fridge is also recommended. Generally, refrigerated espresso can last up to a week, but the longer it's stored, the less fresh it will taste. Factors such as the temperature of the container and whether or not milk or other additions were used can affect the shelf life of espresso. It's important to store the container at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees Fahrenheit and avoid using milk that's been opened for more than a week. Honey and syrups should also be avoided as they introduce moisture and encourage bacterial development. If you plan to use refrigerated espresso for a cold coffee drink, storing it in the fridge for up to 10 hours is acceptable. However, reheating espresso or storing it in the fridge for future use as a hot beverage is not recommended, as it can make the espresso bitter and chalky. In summary, storing espresso in the fridge is possible but requires proper precautions to maintain its quality. Following a few simple guidelines, you can enjoy your favorite espresso drinks for days or weeks after brewing.
What Are The Do's And Don'ts Of Storing Espresso In The Fridge?
When it comes to storing espresso in the fridge, there are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind. Here's a quick rundown to ensure your espresso stays fresh and tasty for as long as possible: Do's: - Always cool down your espresso before placing it in the fridge. This will help maintain its flavor. - Use an airtight container to prevent odors or flavors from seeping into and affecting the taste. - Store your espresso in the coldest part of the fridge, such as the back or bottom, to slow down the spoiling process. - If you must store your brewed shots in the fridge, try to consume them within a few days for optimal freshness. - Use glass containers with tight-fitting, preferably airtight lids, to prevent oxidation and bacteria growth. Don'ts: - Don't add milk or other ingredients to your espresso shots if you plan on storing them in the fridge for an extended period. Milk has a relatively short shelf life in the fridge and can spoil quickly. - Don't leave your espresso in the fridge for too long. It's better to be safe and discard them rather than risk drinking espresso that has gone bad. - Don't use containers with open or loose-fitting lids. This can allow oxygen and bacteria to enter and damage the espresso, lowering its shelf life. - Don't store your espresso with syrups or flavorings. These can shorten the shelf life of your shots in the fridge due to their moisture content. By following these tips, you can ensure that your espresso stays fresh and tasty for as long as possible, allowing you to enjoy it whenever you want!
How Long Does Espresso Last In The Fridge?
For coffee lovers, a warm cup of espresso in the morning can be the perfect way to start the day. But what do you do when you have leftover espresso? Can it be stored in the fridge for later use? The answer is yes, but key factors must be considered to keep your espresso fresh and tasty. According to expert sources, freshly brewed espresso shots can last up to a week in the fridge. However, the longer it sits, the less fresh it will taste. The recommended storage method is to transfer the espresso to an airtight container right after brewing. This helps prevent oxidation and maintains flavor. Factors that affect the shelf life of espresso include the freshness of the coffee beans used, whether sugar is added, and how it is stored. Here are some best practices for storing espresso in the fridge: - Use an airtight container to prevent oxidation and maintain flavor. - Store the container in the coldest part of the fridge to keep it at a consistent temperature. - Opt for a glass container to prevent the absorption of odors and flavors from other foods in the fridge. - Consume the espresso for the best taste and quality within a day or two. To reheat refrigerated espresso, bring it to room temperature and then place the container in a mug or glass container filled with hot water. Wait a few minutes until the espresso is heated through, and enjoy. Understanding the dos and don'ts of storing espresso in the fridge can help you enjoy a fresh cup of espresso anytime. Read more: - How Long Does Espresso Last in The Fridge? - What is Blonde Roast Coffee and Why Should You Try it? - Nespresso Vertuo vs. Original: What’s the Difference? - The Benefits And Limitations Of French Press Vs. Pour Over Coffee - Traditional Coffee Makers Go Head To Head: Moka Pot Vs. French Press - Coffee Beans Vs. Espresso Beans: A Guide To Roasting, Grinding, And Brewing - Keeping It Fresh: How Long Are Coffee Beans Good For?
Factors Affecting Its Shelf Life
Es is a beloved coffee drink that many people enjoy regularly. When you make espresso at home, you may have some leftovers that you want to save for later. But how long does espresso last in the fridge? The shelf life of espresso can be affected by several factors. Here are some factors that can impact the shelf life of espresso: - The freshness of the coffee beans: Freshly roasted and ground coffee beans can produce better-tasting espresso that lasts longer. - Type of espresso drink: Different types can have varying shelf life. Espresso shots that contain milk or sweeteners may spoil more quickly than straight espresso shots. - Storage container: An airtight glass container is best for storing espresso. Containers with loose-fitting lids can allow oxygen and bacteria to enter and damage the espresso. - Additives: Milk, syrups, and flavorings can shorten the shelf life of espresso shots in the fridge. Sugar can help extend the shelf life of brewed espresso by hindering the growth of bacteria. Artificial sweeteners are more stable when added to espresso drinks. - Temperature: The coldest part of the fridge is the best place to store espresso. Storing espresso away from light and heat sources is also crucial to keeping it fresh. By following these best practices, you can extend the shelf life of your espresso and enjoy it later. Remember to consume your stored espresso within a day or two for the best taste and quality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKw-smPSJKI&pp=ygUvRmFjdG9ycyBBZmZlY3RpbmcgIEVzcHJlc3NvIExhc3QgaW4gVGhlIEZyaWRnZT8
How Long Does Store-bought Espresso Last In The Fridge?
Store-bought espresso is a quick and easy way to satisfy your caffeine craving without having to go through the trouble of brewing it yourself. However, if you don't finish the espresso immediately, you may wonder how long it will last in the fridge. According to experts, store-bought espresso will generally last for about a week in the fridge. Factors that can affect the shelf life of store-bought espresso include the presence of milk or sweeteners, the type of container used to store it, and the temperature of your fridge. To keep your store-bought espresso fresh for as long as possible, store it in an airtight container placed in the coldest part of your fridge. Adding milk or sweeteners to your espresso may not last as long, so it's best to drink it within a few days of opening. It's also worth noting that the flavor of store-bought espresso may change over time, particularly if it sits in the fridge for too long. Some people report that refrigerated espresso has a slightly different taste than fresh espresso, so you may want to consider that when deciding whether to store your espresso in the fridge. In summary, store-bought espresso can last for up to a week in the fridge, but the flavor may not be as good as fresh espresso.
How Does Refrigerated Espresso Taste Like?
Refrigerated espresso can still taste great after a couple of weeks, though it may not be as vibrant or rich in flavor compared to freshly brewed espresso. The taste may vary depending on the type of espresso drink, the storage container, and the presence of milk, sweetener, or other additives. Here are some factors that affect how refrigerated espresso tastes: - The longer you keep espresso in the fridge, the more the flavors may degrade, resulting in a stale or dull taste. - Espresso shots that include milk or other ingredients may not stay fresh as long as those without any additions. Milk only stays viable for about a week after it is opened and should be used within two days if you plan on adding it to your espresso shots to guarantee optimal freshness. - The presence of other additives, such as syrups or flavorings, can shorten the shelf life of espresso shots in the fridge. These can introduce moisture into the equation, encouraging bacterial development and decreasing longevity for brewed espresso drinks. - Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and saccharin are more stable when added to your favorite beverage, making them a better choice for extending the life of your espresso shots. Overall, refrigerated espresso still tastes good, especially when drunk within the first few days. It may not have the same bold and rich flavor as freshly brewed espresso, but with proper storage and precautions, you'll still enjoy a delicious and refreshing cup of iced espresso anytime you want.
How Does Chilled Espresso Affect The Overall Taste Of A Coffee Drink?
Ch espresso can be a great ingredient in your iced coffee drinks, but it does affect the overall taste of the coffee drink. Here are some ways that chilled espresso can affect the taste of your coffee: 1. Dilution: When you add cold espresso to your drink, it can be more watery than if you were to use a fresh, hot shot of espresso. This can dilute the flavor of your coffee drink. 2. Bitterness: As mentioned earlier, when espresso is exposed to oxygen, it starts to release chlorogenic acid, increasing your shot's bitterness. This can make your iced coffee drink more bitter than if you were to use fresh espresso. 3. Lost Aroma: Hot espresso has a wonderful aroma that adds to the overall experience of drinking coffee. When espresso is chilled, some of that aroma is lost, which can make the drink less enjoyable. 4. Texture: Chilled espresso can have a slightly different texture than fresh espresso. When it's chilled, the oils and crema can separate, which can affect the mouthfeel of your coffee drink. Despite these potential drawbacks, many people still enjoy using chilled espresso in their coffee drinks. Some prefer the mellower, less intense flavor that chilled espresso provides. Others enjoy the convenience of having a pre-prepared ingredient that can be added to drinks on the fly. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. Just keep in mind that the taste and texture of your coffee drink may be different when using chilled espresso compared to fresh, hot espresso.
FAQ- What Is The Best Way To Store Espresso In The Fridge?
Q: What is the best way to store espresso in the fridge? A: The best way to store espresso in the fridge is to transfer it to an airtight container immediately after brewing. This will help prevent oxidation and keep your espresso fresh for longer. Q: How long does espresso last in the fridge? A: Espresso shots can last in the fridge for a few days up to a week, depending on how it is stored. However, consuming espresso within a day or two is best for the best taste and quality. Q: Is it okay to store espresso in the fridge? A: It is totally okay to store espresso in the fridge! This can be a great way to save time and keep your espresso fresh for days or even weeks. However, it's important that you take certain precautions when doing so. Q: What affects espresso's lasting time? A: Several factors can affect the shelf life of espresso, including the freshness of the coffee beans, storage practices, and additions such as sugar or milk. Q: How should I store espresso in the fridge? A: Store your espresso in an airtight container in the coldest part of the fridge to keep your espresso fresh. Use a glass container to prevent any odors or flavors from seeping in, and only store it for up to a week for optimal flavor. Q: Can I reheat stored espresso? A: You can reheat stored espresso by letting it come to room temperature and placing the espresso container on top of hot water. However, reheating can change the texture and crema of the espresso, so it's best to enjoy it cold in a cold coffee drink or iced coffee.
This article discusses the importance of knowing how long espresso lasts in the fridge. It answers the question of whether it's okay to store espresso in the fridge and highlights the do's and don'ts of storing espresso in the fridge. It explains that espresso shots can last in the fridge for a few days up to a week, depending on how it is stored. The ideal way to store espresso in the fridge is to transfer it to an airtight glass container. Keeping the container away from light and heat sources is essential, as they can cause the espresso to spoil faster. The article also explores the factors that affect espresso shelf life, such as the freshness of the coffee, sugar, and storage. The best practices for storing espresso in the fridge are discussed, including using an airtight storage container, storing in the coldest part of the fridge, and using a glass container. It is also essential to note that while storing brewed espresso in the fridge can extend its shelf life for up to 15-20 days, it's best to consume it within a day or two for the best taste and quality. Reheating espresso can change its texture and crema, so it's best to enjoy it cold in a cold coffee drink or iced coffee. Storing espresso in the fridge can be a great way to extend its shelf life and enjoy it later, but following the best practices discussed in this article is crucial. Read the full article
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millystale · 1 year
"Minor Threat” is a 5th song from the album “Songs From Post-apocalypse” by Milly Stale. The music album “Songs From Post-apocalypse” is available for purchase on Bandcamp: https://millystale.bandcamp.com/album/songs-from-post-apocalypse The song “Minor Threat”, music and lyrics, were created by Milly Stale in February 2023.
The song “Minor Threat”, music and lyrics, were created by Milly Stale in February 2023. Minor Threat Hey, if you want we can go for a walk, We just have to watch out for bandits and zombies, If you want, we can watch the movie on the internet, Or sit together on the old couch because there's no Wi-Fi anymore, If you feel like it, we can go to our favorite restaurant That was looted and cook something tasty there If you'll have time in this post-apocalypse Let me know and we'll do something together Please don't be afraid I’m just a minor threat Please, please don’t be afraid I am just a minor threat Hey, if you ever want, we can even pretend, That we're going out for ice cream and we're happy, Coffee shops don't exist, the malls are destroyed, But we can have beautiful memories together, If you want, we can get on our bikes and go straight, Across the deserted highway, passing all the rusted cars, If you want very much, we can even smile at each other, And laugh out loud when there will be no zombies around Please don't be afraid I’m just a minor threat Please, please don’t be afraid I am just a minor threat Hey, if you want, you can write a love letter to me, Although now the post office doesn't work, I will wait patiently by the letterbox every day, We can meet there one day for a chat in the moonlight, Or if you prefer, we can go shopping at the supermarket, Although there are no more stores and money is worth nothing, We can pretend that we are ordinary people Please don't be afraid I’m just a minor threat Please, please don’t be afraid I am just a minor threat “Minor Threat” is my 5th song made for FAWM 2023. Again, It uses SONG PROMPT #7 • Steal a title from another famous song, But rewrite everything else, and make it about something new! #famoustitle I took the title from Minor Threat, a song by Minor Threat (a legendary American #hardcore #punk band formed in 1980 in Washington, DC), but my version has new lyrics and music.... Not much #hardcore and #punk, but there are as usual #zombies and #post-apocalypse.... Good #FAWM2023 to everyone! #postapocalypse #lofi #lo_fi #indie #minorthreat #famoustitle #FAWM #FAWM2023
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myindoreonline · 1 year
Suji Rusk: The Perfect Comfort Food
When it comes to comfort food, everyone has their own go-to. Some may prefer a warm bowl of soup, while others may crave a gooey grilled cheese sandwich. But for many people, there's nothing quite like a crispy, crunchy suji rusk.
 Suji rusks are a type of Indian bread that has been baked twice to make it extra crispy and crunchy. The rusks are made from suji, also known as semolina, which is a type of flour made from durum wheat. Suji is a popular ingredient in Indian cooking and is often used to make dishes like halwa, upma, and idli.
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 To make suji rusks, the dough is first prepared using suji, milk, sugar, and a few other ingredients. The dough is then shaped into loaves and baked in the oven until it's cooked through. Once the bread is fully baked, it's sliced into thin pieces and baked a second time until it's crispy and crunchy.
 The result is a delicious snack that's perfect for any time of day. Suji rusks are often eaten for breakfast with a cup of chai or coffee. They can also be enjoyed as a midday snack or as a dessert after dinner. And because they're so crunchy, they're also great for dipping into sauces, spreads, or even a bowl of soup.
 One of the reasons rusk toast is such a popular comfort food is that they're incredibly satisfying to eat. The crispy texture and nutty flavor of the suji pairs perfectly with the sweetness of the sugar and the richness of the milk. And because they're baked twice, they're extra crunchy and crispy, which makes them even more satisfying to munch on.
 But rusk toast isn't just delicious – it is also quite nutritious. Suji is a good source of protein, fiber, and B vitamins, which are essential for a healthy diet. And because the rusks are baked, rather than fried like many other snacks, they're also lower in fat and calories.
 Suji rusks are also incredibly versatile. They can be enjoyed plain, or they can be topped with a variety of sweet or savory toppings. Some people like to spread butter or jam on their rusks, while others prefer to dip them in chutney or hummus. And for those with a sweet tooth, suji rusks can even be topped with chocolate or caramel for a decadent treat. Suji rusks can also be crushed and used as a crunchy topping for desserts like ice cream or yogurt. They make a great snack for any time of the day, whether you're on-the-go or just relaxing at home. With their versatility and delicious taste, suji rusks are sure to become a staple in your pantry.
 In addition to being a delicious and nutritious snack, suji rusks also have a long shelf life. Because they're so crispy and dry, they can be stored for weeks in an airtight container without going stale. This makes them a great snack to keep on hand for when you need a quick and easy pick-me-up.
 Why order suji rusks from Indore Online?
 Indore Online has a huge selection of famous snacks like different types of namkeens, kharis, khakhras, and papads. Some of their most selling products are Hasty Tasty Poha Gold and a variety of atta mixes like Jwar ka atta, Bedmi puri atta, Bati atta, and more. Their namkeen range is such that if you’ve been looking for a “namkeen shop near me," you will stop doing that and make it a habit to order namkeens from their website.
 If you're a fan of suji rusks and want to enjoy them from the comfort of your own home, ordering them online from Indore is a great option. Indore is known for its delicious and authentic suji rusks, and ordering them online ensures that you'll get a fresh, high-quality product delivered right to your doorstep. Online ordering also allows you to choose from a wide variety of flavors and toppings, so you can customize your order to your liking. So whether you're a suji rusk aficionado or just looking to try something new, you should definitely order snacks online from none other than Indore Online’s website.
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bibicoffee-com · 2 years
How Long To Leave Coffee In French Press? Tips For Your Tasty Coffee
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How Long To Leave Coffee In French Press One of the keys to preparing a perfect French press coffee is determining its steeping time. The answer varies depending on several factors, and one determinant changes the outcomes. How long to leave coffee in the French press? And what if you leave it there for too long? This article will help you explore. We also cover some tips to make your java taste the best. So, let's get into it! How Long To Leave Coffee In French Press? The basic rule is to let French press coffee soak for around four minutes. The amount of time might vary, though, depending on the brewing method you're applying. For example, some people like three to four minutes of steeping time. Meanwhile, others prefer a steeping period of six to eight minutes. Sometimes, you brew more coffee than you need. Then, you will leave the rest in the French press. However, it's not a good idea because of the following reasons: Coffee extraction The French press coffee refers to an immersion brewing technique. It means that you have to immerse the grinds in water. Once the grinds come into contact with water, the extraction time will come. However, the important thing about this method is that it will extract different parts of your coffee at different times. More specifically, it will work with the coffee and acids first and sugars later. If you leave the coffee grinds in the water for too long after extracting the sugars, the coffee fibers will break down. Then, you will have a bitter and over-extracted coffee. Hence, to protect your java's flavor, do not leave excess grinds in the French press for long. This rule is true even when you brew more than you want to drink. The extraction process of certain parts takes place at different times Coffee oxidation When exposed to the air, coffee will oxidize and lose its flavor. But there is a difference between whole coffee beans and ground beans. For example, the beans lose their flavor slowly because they have less surface exposure. Moreover, the solubles stay inside the beans. On the other hand, ground beans contact the air more. So while the beans can last for months, the ground coffee will oxidize within weeks. Brewing coffee is about extracting the coffee solubles from the beans and immersing them in the water. As a result, the coffee will oxidize quickly due to the lack of solubles. Moreover, your brewed java may go stale within 30 minutes. The oils in your drink will also start to turn bad in a few hours. Quick cooling When left in the French press, your coffee will get cold. So when you reheat your drink, the remaining compounds may break down. Then, they ruin the flavor and aroma of the coffee. Mold development Old coffee will turn warm and moist. Unfortunately, it's the favorite environment for mold to develop. It just takes two to three days to grow. Moldy java is terrible. So if you experience this issue, soak it with a mixture of hot water and vinegar or soap water. Mold may develop on your coffee How To Make French Press Coffee? We have just found out the correct steeping time for the French press. You are also aware of the consequences of leaving it for too long. Now, let's learn how to make French press coffee properly. Step 1: Grind the coffee beans Grind the coffee beans first. For French press, you need coarse grinds so they won't slip through the mesh filter. But how much coffee is enough? A general rule is 15 grams of water for one gram of coffee. For example, if you need to fill a 16-ounce cup, you need 50 grams of coffee. Step 2: Heat the water and cool down Next, heat the water to the boiling point, around 212°F. When the water boils, allow it to cool down to 195°F. This method guarantees that the water won't scorch your coffee. Step 3: Steep coffee After adding them to the French press, pour the hot water over the coffee grinds. Then, gently stir the mixture to distribute the water throughout the grounds evenly. We have talked about how long to wait before pressing the French press. The answer is four to five minutes. After that time, press the plunger slowly to the bottom of the French press. This method will help you separate the brewed coffee from its grounds. Now, your coffee is ready to serve. Simply pour it into your mug, and enjoy. How to make French press coffee Pros And Cons Of French Press Coffee French press coffee is a famous brewing method. However, it has pros and cons. So, consider both sides if you intend to prepare one cup of the French press. Pros: - French press retains the natural flavor and oils from the beans. Hence, you will have rich java. - You can control your coffee by adjusting some factors during the brewing process, such as the steeping time and water temperature. - This process doesn't call for paper filters, making it an eco-friendly brewing method. - French press costs less than $30. You can also have multiple choices in terms of sizes. - The French press is easy to use because you just need to grind coffee beans, boil water, and immerse them in the beaker. - The machine has a few components. Thus, you can clean it fast. Cons: - Even a tiny change in the brewing process will impact the outcome. As a result, you can't achieve consistent results easily. - The steeping time of French press coffee is longer than that of other brewing methods. You can make lighter French press coffee How To Make Lighter French Press Coffee? If you don't like French press coffee's rich, bold taste, let's find out how to make it lighter. - Grind the coffee beans, but make them finer than the classic French press. They should look like kosher salt. - Heat the water to 205°F. - Pour the water into your French press and start the timer. - Do not cover the pot. - Let your coffee steep for four minutes. - Break through the ground coffee layers with a tablespoon. When you're doing this, you will see that most grounds drop to the bottom while the remaining stays on top. At this time, remember to scoop foam with a spoon so your java won't be gritty. - Insert the plunger on the carafe, but do not plunge. You should instead wait about five minutes to let your coffee rest. - Next, depress your plunger until it almost hits the bed of coffee grounds. - Pour the java into your mug and enjoy. Pros and cons of making French press coffee Extra Tips To Make French Press Coffee The steeping time is important to make a tasty cup of French press coffee. However, you should also learn extra tips to maximize your experience. Choose the coffee beans Coffee beans will ruin or make your coffee, no matter which method you choose. As a result, spend more time on this step. The grind size must be the first thing to check. For French press, you need to select the coarse grind size to avoid your java getting bitter. Another factor is the roast level. It would be best to go with medium to dark roast. On the other hand, light roast may lead to a sour and weak taste. The quality of the coffee beans matters, too. Freshly roasted beans are the best for your French press, giving you a flavorful java. Choose the coffee maker Choosing the right French press is a part of success. The following tips will help you with that: - Size: French presses are available in various sizes, from 3 to 12 cups. In this regard, opting for the bigger size will be better. Then, you won't have to worry when inviting guests. - Material: The most common materials used to make French presses are plastic, stainless steel, and glass. While glass helps you see the coffee clearly, stainless steel may last longer. On the other hand, plastic is the most lightweight and convenient. - Filter: This component is important, so you should choose high-quality products. With that thought in mind, steel mesh filters must be your way to go. - Price: A basic French press is enough for making tasty coffee. However, more expensive models have more features like timers and digital displays. Extra tips - Preheat your French press before adding hot water. This tip will help keep the water temperature consistent and prevent your coffee from cooling rapidly. - Remember to stir the coffee thoroughly to saturate your coffee grounds evenly. - If you use a modern French press, use its timer to measure the steeping time exactly. Then, you will achieve your desired flavor. You can also learn more interesting things about making French press coffee from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3A_Z1J78HY You can make lighter French press coffee Conclusion Steeping is vital for making French press coffee. However, you shouldn't leave it in the machine for too long. Instead, the steeping time of four to five minutes will suffice. Making French press java is straightforward, as you must follow the three steps discussed above. Also, remember to check the pro tips to maximize the result. Hopefully, this article has helped upgrade your coffee-drinking experience. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information. Thank you for reading! Read the full article
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stellarstand · 2 years
We have all been there, your ready for a snack.  You open your favorite bag only to have ripped more than you plan.  Most of the tasty morsels end up on the ground instead of your mouth.  One word….frustrating!  Then to make matters worse, you have nothing to seal the bag.  So your favorite snack becomes stale.  Unbelievable!  
With the portable bag opener and sealer these nightmare scenarios are a thing of the past.  And for less than the price of a cup of coffee, this amazing device can be yours today!
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
masterpost ☀️ main masterlist ☀️ taglist
previously on...
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We meet Lucy, we meet Samantha and her twins & Mother Nature gets a little bit mad. But on the upside - she loves Tony :)
Kind reminder that this story will have horror/thriller elements & graphic descriptions of blood, gore and all the nasty stuff associated with superhero battles described in some detail. This chapter contains some of that.
Honestly, this story is getting- uhh- 8-12 notes on Tumblr. It's got a decent following on AO3 which brings me joy because I truly do enjoy the worldbuilding to a, perhaps, guilty amount. So if you like it too - please reblog :)
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The fabric of my skirt was suddenly yanked and I jumped, dropping my phone and startling out of my daze. Two big, blue eyes stared up at me, curiousity mixed with impatience in them. I crouched down to pick up my device, coming face to face with a tiny blonde girl about nine or ten years of age.
"Lucy, hi!" I squeezed out a smile at the child. She looked pale, as if she'd never seen the slightest bit of sunlight, chubby cheeks contrasted by an overall spindliness of her body. Her dress was a puffy, long-sleeved, red and white polka dotted monstrosity with at least two petticoats that made her seem bigger than she actually was. "Sorry, didn't see you there. Long day at work," despite there being a worm of anxiety crawling deeply in my chest, I heeded the warnings on the list of rules and swallowed any unease I had.
Which was a hard feat. The stairs had gotten confused and I lost ten minutes of time going back, over and over, after encountering floors "5", "8" and "19" instead of my third floor, in a five story building. The building providing extra floors shouldn't have surprised me that much but the worst was fighting with the desire to explore them, my rational brain unhelpfully supplying that if this building was truly dangerous, nobody would be living in it.
The pull was almost unnatural in its strength yet my protection charms remained unaffected. Too tired from returning to work, I decided to distract myself with my phone - and nearly ran poor little Lucy off her feet.
"You are new," she signed to me slowly, carefully observing my reaction to her using ASL.
I had been truly unsettled by the rule list, perhaps more than I wanted to admit to myself, so I spent a night wide awake brushing up my meager sign language skills. "Yes, my name is Star," I replied, not quite sure if I wanted to shake her hand or simply make myself scarce as soon as possible.
Lucy gave me a closed-lipped grin, swooshing her puffy skirts in what I perceived to be a calculated amount of shyness. "Can I play with you, please?" Her hands moved a little more rapidly as she side-eyed my apartment door.
I briefly ran a mental checklist of the contents of my fridge. "Sure," I figured that two leftover steaks in it would be more than enough for the little girl. I'd splurged and gotten four prime pieces of meat to treat myself after a hectic moving process, cooking only half of them on the first day. "Come on it. You hungry?"
The door swung open as I led Lucy in, her bright dress and pale skin standing out in the twilight of my apartment. She nodded her head seriously, looking at me from head to toe as shivers ran up and down my spine. My bag was unceremoniously dumped on the couch, my socked feet shuffling into the kitchen and beelining for the fridge.
Lucy followed me quietly, taking a seat at the dinner table and folding her thin arms atop it, expectant blue eyes following my every move. As I plated the meat and reached for the roll of paper towels, I felt like I was being examined under a microscope. Somewhere in the distance, a quiet hissing noise was beginning to rise.
Lucy politely declined the fork and knife I attempted to give her so I just set down the plate in front of her, leaving the kitchen to change out of my dusty, sweaty clothes, too tired to really worry about the loud, sloppy and wet chewing noises and low growling coming from the dining area. I decided as long as she wasn't attempting to have me for dinner, I was going to be just fine.
I found Lucy on the carpet of my living room, flipping through a fashion magazine she'd found somewhere after I was done with scavenging some sweatpants from my mostly-unpacked closet. Her blonde curls bounced as she looked up at me with another tight smile, this time looking calmer, friendlier somehow. "I like those dresses," she signed, pointing at a few pictures with models wearing ballroom gowns in all kinds of colours. "And these..." She pointed out a tiara, probably not knowing how to sign the words.
"This is a tiara," I spoke slowly, signing the last word with my hands carefully as she observed. And then a few more times, until she repeated her last sentence perfectly. "Good job, Lucy," I praised her as she beamed at me. The river of quiet, scratchy giggles never stopped as she pointed out various things and I tried to sign them to the best of my ability, Lucy not showing any signs of upset whatsoever if I couldn't get the name for something right.
After some time, it was beginning to get very dark outside and a couple of pointed glances at the clock was all it took for her to stand up and carefully dust off her skirts. "Thank you for playing with me, Star," Lucy signed excitedly. "I like you. Do you want to know a secret?" She leaned in conspirationally, bursting into my space bubble with a lack of care only a child could posess.
I nodded, not trusting my mouth whatsoever. The closer she leaned in, the more overwhelming her smell became. Her pretty dress reeked of mildew and stale water, her breath - of dried blood and something earthen, like moist soil and cold cobblestone.
Lucy's eyes widened dramatically. "If you need answers, go on to the seventh floor. Bring some warm milk and cookies, they won't bother you too much, but be careful and don't stay for too long. You look tasty," I struggled to keep up with her rapid signing, my eyes firmly trained on her. Lucy's hand carefully patted my cheek and in my frozen state, I could only wave back as she skipped to the door and unlocked it, giving me one of her closed-lipped smiles before disappearing behind it without a noise.
The lock slid shut on it's own after the girl's departure. My heart briefly jumped up into my throat, trapping my jerky inhale in-between my throat and my esophagus. Coughing, I went on to double check the door lock before scrambling for the TV remote to add some background noise to the suddenly eerily quiet apartment.
The sit-com that popped up wasn't any of the ones I knew so I sat helplessly watching unfamiliar people get themselves into more and more absurd situations as the grating noise of pre-recorded audience laughter mocked the characters actions. A sudden shriek pierced the late night stillness, followed by a sound of breaking dishes and a woman's voice tiredly chastising the miscreants.
I'd seen her a few times as she smoked her strong cigarettes in front of the entrance, her twins running in circles around the large pothole in the middle of the driveway. She'd been friendly enough, the dark circles under her eyes and the unkempt state of her clothes telling me more than her words, "I love them, I really do. But I just want some sleep," she rasped as she sighed and attempted to gather her two kids.
I didn't examine them too closely but on first moment's notice their eyes and teeth appeared... Wrong. Samantha had taken them inside after that, clutching a coffee thermos of a size truly impressive, and I went on my merry way, trying not to think too much of the poor, single mother and her two mutant kids. I felt a little proud, even, as she didn't just abandon them like many other people did after discovering their children had an active X-gene.
It didn't take me long to cave in and offer my help with watching the twins, Anya and Arman; one noisy weekend bled into the next and I began to genuinely feel bad for the overtired woman. Inviting the two terrors into my apartment was a choice I had made mindfully: having asked Odette about advice on hyperactive children, she had proposed a puzzle or two.
The thrifted, wooden items weren't able to hold the twins' attention for long, and Anya was the first one to begin gnawing at the hard blocks, covering the area around her in splinters. Arman was a quiet boy compared to his sister: he'd stare at the TV or at the walls, avoiding eye contact and conversation at great lengths.
My couch was jumped on, my dishes were taken out and my houseplants rearranged chaotically; it was almost as if they purposefully tried to get a rise out of me without doing any actual damage. I spent the remaining few hours of my Sunday putting things back in their places - all that pent up frustration had done wonders for the state of my apartment; it sparkled, looking cleaner than the day I moved in.
The babysitting became a somewhat regular occurrence, more often than not with me popping in for a couple of hours so Samantha could run some errands and the odd weekend when the twins came over to me so Sam could get some much-needed sleep.
She was a kind, gentle if chronically overworked woman. We clicked pretty quickly over our shared desire for comfortable stability and some fucking peace; neither I nor she had it in sights for the foreseeable future. Sam's reaction to me being a witch was a shrug and a top up to her wine glass as she pointedly looked at her daughter who was busy chewing on a door handle, leaving small, jagged marks all over the dull metal.
I just had gotten sorted with a bunch of complicated orders when the radio interrupted Eric Clapton with an emergency message and instructions to steer clear of the next few blocks over. Something had hit NYC again and Avengers had been called but nobody knew exactly what it was or when it was going to be dealt with.
As soon as I shot a text to Sam, explaining the situation, I immediately retreated to the back rooms, setting up my healing station over the noise of Odette preparing her office for visitors. For some time, I waited with baited breath, jumping at every little noise coming from the outside. The people tickled in slowly, mostly one by one and all were covered in foul-smelling sludge that evaporated with a loud hiss when the concentrated light of the UV lamp in my office touched it.
"Some kind of aliens, I think," a man with a face somewhere between a human and a hedgehog told me, wincing as he retracted his spikes back into his skin. "There's a hole- a portal, right on a crossroads and there's these things coming out. They kinda look like dragons, or flying snakes maybe," the more light breached the surface of his skin, the more relaxed he became. "The Sorcerer and the Witch are trying to close the portal, unsuccessfully might I add, and the muscle is just," he paused, scratching his chin. "Just killin' 'em, I guess."
I nodded enthusiastically, prompting him to continue to rely the state of the affairs as I applied the thick, viscous ointment on a gash on his leg. "It's hammer and Frisbee time," I mumbled to myself sarcastically.
"Yep," the man popped the 'p'. "Most of us are trying to keep the creatures contained to that one block. I saw Iron Man blasting off some of the creatures off of some of my friends," the last sentence contained a great deal of puzzlement. "Though you won't be seeing much of us this time. These things... They're vicious. They've got claws the size of my foot. A lot of us are going to die where they gut us," the sentence was spoken so matter-of-factly, my hands paused on the man's leg, bringing my eyes to his unblinking dots of black.
"What do you mean?" I swallowed in an attempt to chase away the dry, rough feeling in my throat.
"Those beasts... They're smart. One of my friends - she's a... Telepath of sorts... Says they're an intelligent hivemind," the man's broad, warm palm closed over mine. "The beasts leave only the ones that won't get help in time. They can smell death from a mile away. That's how they hunt," his voice was gentle, soothing over the sudden ringing of my ears.
"I..." My mind stuttered, a sticky ball of anxiety, fear and sorrow gathering up in my chest. "I'm so sorry. I..."
"We know what we're doing, out there, we know the risks," his smile was tight and full of grief. "You're doing your part here, makin' sure our babies have parents. We're out there makin' sure our streets are safe. Such is life," the grin acceptance in his pitch-black, small eyes set fire to the tension in my chest.
I exploded, inside out. The sudden burst of decisive, clear-headed energy made the objects around me vibrate, metal resonated my sorrow and my determination, the wood heated up with the force of Mother Nature itself responding to an act of cruelty bestowed upon her creations.
As soon as the man's bandage was finished and he headed out, I grabbed my old, ratty backpack, hastily shoving things into it in a semi-organized fashion. Clean linen strips, bandages, some premade elixirs and draughts, a few jars of salves, carefully tucked in-between the cloth. As I knocked on the door of Odette's office to retrieve the last few items I would need for my reckless journey, the door handle turned on its own, letting me observe her tending a woman who's skin was peeled off most of her back.
"Can't you see I'm..." Odette exclaimed, throwing her free hand towards the door, which did not budge. She turned on her heel, eyes widening when she observed my wide, solid stance in the doorway, lips immediately curling into a small grin. "I understand. Take what you need. It's not wise to resist Her call," the words were spoken carefully, as if not to spook me, before Odette resumed her delicate work of putting the injured woman back together.
Without a word, I finished packing and left through the front door, not needing more than my scarf and my light sweater to keep me from the freezing gusts of wind. My very core was the centrefold of an active volcano, bursting with white-hot bursts of energy as I approached the injured people on my way towards the terrible screeching noise.
This far out, most of the injured were able to make it to Odette's or to the other healer, who's name I had found out only then, but they were thankful for the water I offered them. Not once did they question me: my star-patterned scarf, out of all things, had become somewhat of a symbol for me among the different folk. Mutants approached me fearlessly, giving generous updates on the direction of the battle and the hotspots I probably should have avoided.
The louder the screeching noises grew, the more people needed my help. The stops took longer, my painkillers were becoming a short supply, the main relief provided by a couple of mid-range, mid-strength energy manipulating mutants that began to tail me after I offered to patch them up in exchange for help with the injured.
It was as if I instinctually knew where I was most needed, my decisions were seldom my own. Me and the two mutants bid a haste goodbye after loading up their truck with the injured, although deep inside, I knew that the amount of corpses, bloody and messy, littering the streets had begun to get to them. In a normal state of mind, I would not have been able to look at them either: then, each mangled, broken body only added fuel to the fire within me.
As I stepped foot in an intersection where someone had piled up bent and broken cars, the shadow flying over my head shrieked, taking a fluid nose dive towards another, smaller flying figure. I dropped flat on the ground, the contents of my backpack clattering, watching the small figure in the sky blast the beast with an off-blue ray of concentrated energy. As soon as the creature began it's graceless drop, Tony turned around and flew off, looking none worse for wear.
At the very centre of my chest, a faint feeling of fondness and hope blossomed into tiny little flowers that soothed the aching sorrow for the dead. Each warcry of the beasts from another world fed the anger, the anguish Gaia seemed to exhibit at their intrusion; the revolt I felt upon laying my eyes on one of them made me sweat, hands clenching into fists until my skin crawled under my nails.
The last part of me that wanted to pretend I was in control was gone; my soft, untrained body a mere vessel for a force stronger than me, stronger than anything. Noise around me grew in pitch, some of the creatures circling around my hiding spot cluelessly, aimlessly, as if they could not find what they were looking for.
I moved spots in a daring series of runs, bringing me almost to the portal itself, and the hellish lizards dived into my previous sanctuary, shattering the concrete and the wood of the house under the amused black stares of glassless windows.
The realization set it - they could not see me. Or perceive me properly, I deduced, inspecting the creatures for any sort of orifice except for their mouths and finding them to lack eyes and ears.
My own stare fell onto Sorcerer Supreme, floating amongst a variety of moving golden circles; I was close enough to hear him talking in a language I did not know. Wanda was hovering nearby, holding up a wall of red energy, protecting the chanting sorcerer.
A united screech invoked a shiver from every living being within it's reach, the creatures circling the portal for the last time before flying off in haphazard directions as the portal slowly began to close. I was prepared to cheer, yet, something stopped me; not a second later, the circles surrounding Stephen dimmed as the man himself jumped up onto his feet in alarm, screaming something unintelligible at the Scarlet Witch.
The overturned food cart I was hiding behind slowly began to creep towards the portal. A couple of rats, a pigeon - the animals flew in front of my eyes, rapidly, as they struggled against the unseen force. My hands grasped the handlebars of the cart in vain, I struggled against the force, seeing a moment of confusion on Wanda's face as I floated- no, rocketed past her as Stephen's golden magic forcefully pushed her out of the portal's reach.
It's size no bigger than a doorway, the vile thing blew cold, dry air under my sweater, muffling Stephen's cursing as we briefly collided during our violent expulsion into another world.
And then, there was darkness.
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Taglist! @couldntbedamned @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins2 @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites @xoxabs88xox
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
MORE #Booktok complaints! No, but for real, this is a complaint about the general state of book reviewers. (PS: English isn't my native language, so if I use the wrong terms for something, it's bc I just translated the ones used in my language to English.) I feel like many of them have no idea about the basics. They can't tell you the POV, they can't tell you the tense, and they can't even explain the basic story structure. (Though with some books being recommended, I've noticed the writers apparently have no idea either.) I don't think you need to put much focus on it when reviewing a book, but I will tell you, a story's tone can shift based on what POV you have. And as a reviewer I think you should actually know the basics, before you hit the ground running, I mean basics like: 1st person, 3rd person-omnipresent view, limited view, and more. It makes heaps of difference in a story. Tense? Some people don't know the difference between past and present tense. (Honestly, I hate books written in present-tense, it's just really weird to read.) I'm aware there are different ways to structure a story, and in some cases, I feel like the reviewer should at least be able to explain it while talking about the main story, what the structure is. (Aka: Not focus on it directly, but make it known from the review itself what the structure is. Is it a three-point structure? Is it a serial-structure? Etc etc.) There are a handful of good book reviewers, the rest are often just personal ramblings about why they like a book, but without the substance of what makes a good review. It's like stale bread they dropped some jam on, in the hopes that it ends up being tasty, but it just isn't.
I'm going to leave this submission as is. However, I'd like to expand on the 'just personal ramblings about why the like a book, but without the substance'.
So... In the book-reviewing video content sphere, the core sentiment seems to be presenting one's self as a remnant of a bygone era:
90s-Early 2000s Book Clubs.
Now, Book Clubs do still exist. However, a lot of them have devolved into just an excuse for groups to get together, drink, smoke weed, and maaaaybe ask if anyone read anything that week.
So the large majority of BookTok and BookTube have molded themselves to fit that niche of 'hey, welcome to my personal library. Pick up a cup of tea or coffee. Let me tell you about the latest book I read and why you should or shouldn't read it but only use fanfic tropes to back up what I'm saying so I don't scare you away'.
It's a similar dynamic to the current state of video game reviewers. For every Rerez or SomeCallMeJohnny out there, people who are charismatic and knowledgeable enough about their passion to review something, give a personal take, but still tell you the relevant aspects of where a game succeeds or fails...
You get a bunch of people who think that the only things that effective game reviews need are an energetic or angry personality and different ways of saying 'THIS GAME IS THE BEST GAME EVER' or 'THIS GAME SUCKS DICK!'
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
(my heat bRoke in seven different ways reading that oh my god)
hey janus! hi. uh. do you perhaps have a uh nice message for remy? something hopeful, etc etc. just...i really think they need it right now.
remy. you may be asleep, if so you'll hear this in some weird drug dream, i'm not completely sure right now, nothing seems to be in my control at the moment. i'm just here to remind you that i do have the power to help you.
i have the power to move you and your belongings, you have options, you have friends and you can have hope.
also consider that i can keep virgil extremely safe. i suppose we all can. also, virgil uhm...may need help. whilst it be therapy or more...drastic...measures...he'll be safe under our collective, begrudging, protection.
now please dont feel pressured at all, you are always under your free will and have every right to ignore my stupid face, but at the same time...he hit you! ((and worse but i dont want to overly upset them)) i cant...i cant just sit around and give to inspiring quotes or some shit, that wont do anything. i'm not good at this.
from someone with a trauma packed past, i can help. whatever you need. i dont care if it seems small. please tell me, just...we're all here. for you.
im sorry i havent been very comforting at all. i am, however, learning to sew plushies! or trying to. don't ask the science behind a sewing snail-
Tw: drug use, there are like 2 sentences with transphobia in them
Janus looked up from the stack of books he was sorting "A nice message?" He thought for a bit "Well I believe this is a quite well known fact so they might have heard this before, but the body completely renews itself slowly over a 7 year cycle. So it's truly never too late to change since the body never stops changing either. The traces from someone hurting you will disappear, even if it takes time, it will be gone eventually"
They looked like they were about to explode if they didn't get to blurt out this next part.
"Also I miss them a lot and I hope they're feeling okay and I hope they're not going through a flare up and every time I walk past a bakery I get the urge to go in and buy them a bunch of tasty lil cute cakes...Yeah"
They set the books back into the bookcase before suddenly stopping midmotion and turning to you.
"Wait- Why would Remy need that sort of message right now? Are they okay? Please tell me they're okay"
Remy wasn't asleep but they sure were high. They were sitting on the floor in the living room with the side of their head leant against the coffee table. Some ketamine had smeared down onto their lips. Their skull felt like it was filled with a bunch of very very small fireworks all going off constantly. They could almost see the lights in front of them.
It also gave them a massive headache, but they couldn't feel it so it was fine. They couldn't feel the joint pain or the aching around their neck or the bruises on their body. The sounds coming from the kitchen was far away and so distorted it was making them giggle.
They'd woken up at around 5 this morning to puke. They'd found new bruises around their neck and wrists and Virgil babbling on about how he had to go visit his parents and they had had exactly 0 memories of what had happened the night before. They didn't ask about it. Maybe it was for the best not to remember. Even if it was making terror run up their spine just thinking about how they didn't know.
When they saw your shell sticking up on the other side of the table soon followed by your big eyes they managed to let up into a smile. A small pool of warm snail goo came onto the table and they gladly dunked their tired eyes right into it.
"something is always in your control babey” They replied as your message began “You can control whenever the fuck you wanna like smile. or like shoplift. very important! remember that! never lose hope!!" Their voice was much higher than usual.
Their smile went stale as you brought up how to help. They sunk in a little on themself.
"I-" They hesitated "Viv- Virgil making sure we're away from each other for a few days is a good sign isn't it? Maybe he'll change! maybe everything will like go back to normal! He loves me and I love him and-" His threat about killing himself echoed in their mind "And I'm so scared"
They moved a little closer and leant their head against your shell. Just being near you made the deep fog in their mind light up a little for just a moment. For a moment they remembered how Virgil acted even before strangling them. The dismissive silences. The deafening yells. The constant minimizing until they were too afraid to ask something as simple as help in getting out of the shower.
They wondered if there even was a "normal" they wanted to go back to.
"I need a pen" They whispered to you.
Within seconds a pen had appeared in their hand. They scribbled down on the inside of their wrist a few quick words about what you'd just said.
"Sorry I'm like really really stupid right now. Even more stupid than usual. If I don't write it down I'm like def gonna forget" They mumbled this next part to themself "hope...i can have...hope"
They hesitated to write down that they had friends that could help. They put the pen down and looked to you.
"You sure I have friends?....I mean....I mean I know Jannie likes me...but" Their shoulders started to shake "What if Viv is right about them. What if they only want me for- for THAT!? And Remus- I haven't spoken to him for months! What if he's like forgotten about me! Or has stopped giving a shit about me at all! I bet that if I like tried to call him it would be like super awkward and he would wanna hang up like immediately and like avoid me for the rest of forever!! Ugh I've screwed it up! I've lost him haven't I! And-"
They turned to look to the kitchen.
"Well I haven't asked him. I don't know if he counts as a friend yet. I hope he does"
They shook their head and turned back to writing on their skin. A breathe of relief left their lips when they heard you could keep Virgil safe. They wrote that up on their wrist as well.
"Oh babey you don't got a stupid face, and you are good at this I tots promise you that. You feel real safe and like soft even if like 75% of you is like a super hard shell....Sometimes I....Sometimes it's good to hear someone say the quiet parts out loud....like just hearing someone say that Viv....that he hit me.....it makes me feel less like....insane....overemotional...and all that stuff....it makes it.....real.......it has to be real if i leave...If"
Remy reached out and held their hand gently against one of your snail eyes.
"Sweetie I'm sorry to hear 'bout your past. You didn't deserve any of it, that I'm sure of. If you're ever up for like a hug or anything just tell me. I might be a stick but I could probs fit you in my arms"
After you had asked if there was anything you could do to help they thought for a bit.
".....this is probs a stupid thing to ask....but could you somehow make it so one of the doors is lockable?....the bathroom is closest to the exit door so maybe that one? it would help with...with me feeling safe.."
They fumbled with their thumbs a little. It felt so silly to ask these kinds of things.
"And- And oh god you're gonna think I'm so fucking stupid for letting this happen but..but i don't know where like....all of my documents and stuff are.......i don't know where my credit card is.....where the doctor's note i need to take out my meds are.......i think Viv has them somewhere...he said i was unstable and stupid and that it was better if he took care of those kinds of things...I like obviously need that stuff if I'm gonna leave so uhm could you somehow like gather them up? I got a bag hidden in the closet, could you put them in there please?"
They hesitated before saying this last bit.
"Could you...This might be a big thing to ask....But....If I- If I l-leave....could you make sure Viv got therapy? Even if you have to force him there? Please it would...It would make me sleep bet-"
The door to the kitchen swung open and the man who functioned as Remy's dealer came out with a big plate.
"And here they are. All done. My wonderful empanadas"
He was about the same height as Remy but had a broader stature and a normal amount of muscles, making him look like a jacked beast in comparison to them. He had half long strawberry blond hair tied in a lazy ponytail. Light red freckles were scattered all over his face down to his shoulders and his brown eyes bordered on hazel. He had stick and poke tattoos all over his left arm and his clothes constantly smelt like cigarette smoke.
He made Remy scoot over before sitting down on the couch. They immediately curled up against his side and mushed their face against his arm.
"thanks for like coming over to help while Vivs away" They mumbled out.
"It was no bother really"
Remy took one of the empanadas and tried it. They got the urge to spit it out immediately afterwards. "Girl this tastes like shit"
The dealer snickered "Sorry. Seems like I lied about the wonderful part. I learnt the recipe from my ex. She told me they tasted good"
"Then she was a liar"
He moved his hand down to gently stroke his thumb against their cheek "Is the ket helping with the pain?"
"Mhm, thanks"
Surprising exactly no one Remy had gotten attached incredibly quickly to the dealer as soon as Virgil had allowed them to text him whenever they wanted. Only being with their abuser for most days was so isolating that every time the dealer had texted them it had felt like being washed over by a wave of comfort. It reminded them they were a real person and not just Virgil's partner.
Remy let him decide on a movie they could watch while eating. He took some bloody slasher from the 70's and laughed during every killing scene. Meanwhile Remy covered their eyes and cuddled closer to his warm skin to try and hide how they were shaking. He moved his arm around them and played with the loose parts of their hair.
Halfway through the movie he ran out to buy them both some chips and ice cream because neither of them had been able to finish any substantial amount of those horrid empanadas.
The credits were running when Remy let their head rest in his lap. They scratched at his tiny blond beard to annoy him. He just rolled his eyes and let them keep at it.
"Do I look like a girlie to you?" He replied "You need prescription contacts"
Remy laughed "I'm just...I'm just wondering bout stuff"
"You becoming a philosopher over here?"
"No. Im just...if I ever had to like leave suddenly...I'm like wondering if you would...If you would be okay with me like staying at your place for a while? I'm just like checking my options"
A soft look came over his face. His lips dragged up into a small smile "Of course I'd let you stay. For however long you want. Though my apartment is kind of a shithole. Just a warning"
"Girl we got rats in the shower here. I ain’t looking for a 5 star hotel"
His brows furrowed just a bit in worry. He let his finger lightly run across the bruise around their neck "Is there any reason you would want to leave?"
It took all of their power to not flinch away "Girl oh my gosh!!! Don't be so like tots silly!!!!" They replied in a forcibly higher pitch "There ain't no reason!!! I'm just like uh I just enjoy sleeping around!! You know me!! Sleeping around in uh people's uh beds!! Y'know my body is like toooottttsss fucked up. I bruise like soooo easilllyyyyyyy. Me and my Vivsie can't do annnnnything interesting in bed without me looking like I was halfway to getting murdered!!"
He didn't look convinced. He only let out a short "Sounds rough"
"It is!!"
He scooted them away again and got up "Actually Remy I've been meaning to give you something"
Remy giggled to themself "Is it a hard cock? JUST Kidding!!! ONly kidding!! I couldn't like help myself. Also I'm high on ketamine"
"You are, exactly. And this thing mixed with ket is great I promise" He went out to the kitchen and got a glass of water. Obviously it wasn’t just a normal glass of water "It isn't dangerous to mix it. I know this kind of stuff so you don't have to worry your pretty little head about it. Okay?"
He sat down close to them and held the glass up to their lips. They put their hand on top of his and met his eyes as they drank. The water tasted weirdly salty, almost bitter.
"It might take a bit to set in" He said as he put the glass aside.
He moved his arm around their shoulders and put on a short horror film while they waited. When Remy started to go numb in his arms and their eyelids started to go down he let them lean their head against his thigh.
"You feeling okay deary?" He asked.
They opened their mouth to respond and this exact slurred mess came out "i gho lekuf fkty"
They shook their head and blinked repeatedly to try and clear their head but somehow the fireworks still going off in their mind had turned hazy and blurred. A fog surrounded them.
"Oh wow. That started acting FAst. You've never been on that before huh"
"i fheel so so blur" Remy managed to get out.
"Mhm. I wasn't lying about letting you stay at my place but I do have some questions. I'll start with the easy one. What's your real name? 'Cause I’m sure 'Remy' isn't"
"....remington" They replied after a few seconds as if they actually had to think about it.
"No. No deary I mean your original name. Your birth name"
Remy stared up at him with a confused look for a long while before slurring out their deadname.
"Thanks deary. That does suit you better. It's such a shame" He ran his hand up and down their arm "You're such a pretty boy"
He ran his hand down to their bruised wrist and held it up to look at the now purple skin.
"You want to tell me why you actually got these bruises?"
Remy's eyes were half closed as they shook their head.
"Oh c'mon deary. I'm only asking because I'm worried. I care about you"
Just trying to think was giving Remy a headache. Their jaw was almost slack as they started to slur out "vivssie virgegil he strangel and he-"
They went on explaining the bruises. Explaining exactly what had happened. Tears went down their cheeks just talking about it but they didn't notice. Until their eyelids turned too heavy to hold open.
The birds were singing outside and the sun was blinding by the time Remy woke up. They were so sweaty their body was sticking to the couch and their head felt like it had been filled with cotton. As soon as they even tried to turn their head intense nausea filled their entire throat.
A blanket had been laid over their slightly twitchy body. A bucket had been set right by the couch and on the coffee table was a glass of orange juice along with a sandwich and a note.
Remy saw your snail eyes sticking up right beside the couch and they shone up into a relaxed smile.
"Babey, you're still here. Right we were-"
It felt like a shot of lightning came down into their skull as they tried to remember the previous night. All they could piece together was hazey memories of your conversation and then the dealer stepping into the room. After that everything was just....Blank.
They reached out and took the note. It was sweet and short. Telling them to have a good breakfast and saying sorry for him having to hurry off to work. Lastly there was a short explanation about how Remy had apparently told him about their sleeping problems last night and he'd gotten them some sleeping pills which they hadn't reacted well too. So if they were feeling groggy or nauseous that was why.
Remy pressed the note close to their chest and smiled. When they saw the way you were looking they blushed a little.
"Babey don't look at me like that! I ain't crushing! He's like over 30 which is like right at the edge of the age I could even consider. I'm only enjoying having a friend okay" They weren't lying.
They saw their wrists and the scribbled down notes on it. They froze just a little. Their gaze landed on the door leading out of the apartment. They were all alone. Nothing was stopping them. If they wanted to they could just...leave.
"You can keep Viv safe. You can make sure he stays safe. You can make sure me leaving doesn't break him" They mumbled to themself.
They gritted their teeth together and sat up in the couch.
"Oh but what if- No Viv won't change- But he's trying- But he has hurt me for years- Maybe I can survive through it if I got a locked door to hide behind- I shouldn't have too survive! But I love him!"
Remy crumbled in on themself. Their hands tangled into their hair and they leant forward so their forehead leant on the couch. Tears started to pool at the edges of their eyes.
Angry tears.
"I'm so tired of having to fucking survive! I'm so tired of having to fucking love him!"
They gripped onto their cane and forced themself up on their shaky legs. Every step made whimpers from pain leave their lips. The furious tears rolled down their cheeks.
"I'm so tired of this shitty apartment! I'm so tired of having my cane taken from me! I'm so tired of my actual physical fucking pain being ignored!"
They leant their other arm onto the hallway wall as they forced themself forward.
"I'm so tired of having to drag myself out of the shower! I'm so tired of him treating every single one of his insults like jokes! I'm so tired of him thinking fucking will fix every one of our issues! I'm so tired! I'm so tired! I'm so fucking tired!"
Remy held their hand against the door leading out of the apartment. The wood was cold against their skin. The key was sitting in the lock. All they had to do was turn it and they could leave. Nothing was stopping them. No one was stopping them.
Their breathe stopped in their throat. They couldn’t breathe. It turned into hyperventilating. Their whole body started to shake and they couldn’t breathe! 
"I'm....I'm so weak"
The tears had dried on their cheeks. They leant their forehead against the door and collapsed onto their knees. The cane fell down against the ground behind them.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You- You've all been trying so hard an-and I stay pathetic and weak and I can't even open a door" They banged their forehead against the wood "I can't even open a fucking door!"
Remy moved their arms around themself and closed their eyes as tightly as they could. The hyperventilating didn’t stop.
"I'm so weak and pathetic and stupid and I'm so scared of who am I without him. I'm so scared of not loving him. I'm so scared of leaving him just to discover that Jan- That Rem- That I have no one who loves me left"
Every bruise on their body ached. Their neck ached. They wrists ached. Their cheek ached. Every little fingerprint Virgil had left on them ached.
"My dad abused me. He hit me all my childhood...And now...And now Virgil is...What if I'm just made for this? What if I was born to- to be used- to be some thing people can take their anger out on- What if I leave and- and I end up in another- What if I just keep being abused? What if it doesn't matter if I leave? Maybe Virgil is the best I'll ever get? Maybe people can just instantly tell I'm made for this- what if- What if Janus takes me in and then- and he starts- he uses me as well? There's no end to it. I'm made for it. It doesn't matter. I'm just too weak. I can't do this. I can't. I can't!"
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