#making these moodboard is so fun to do as their story progresses
Activities for Regressors Without Caregivers! (or just fun regression activties!)
(Although you're always welcome here if you'd like any form of comfort anyway! ^w^)
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This one's kind of a long one, after the few tips I list, I've mentioned an app I use called Finch, which will be talked about below the cut.
Since that's the case, I'll put my little ending message here instead:
Knowing how to take care of yourself can take a lot of work and practice, but I believe it's worth the effort, because then you'll be a happier and healthier you! Especially if you can find ways to make it fun!
I'm more than happy to be here for you and offer my support in any way I can, anyhow! I'm proud of you for doing what you can, I know it can be very hard.
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I myself don't have a caregiver for when I regress, so most of the time I end up taking care of myself! Here are some fun activities and things I do when I regress to keep myself calm and happy! ^w^
Paci mentions/pics not long after the first section for those of you who'd rather not see 'em.
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♥ Arts and crafts! I absolutely LOVE coloring and making bracelets with beads, something not too complicated for little hands, but also something fun!
With coloring, you can buy coloring books, or draw something of your own to color in- even printing out a page you find online, coloring digitally, or tracing over something to color in could work! I prefer coloring more than drawing personally because I don't draw all the time, but I bet I could learn a little thing or two from the artists around here!
For bracelets (and other jewelry), strings can be hard to knot with little hands (at least they aren't those small, slippery clasps!!), but the beads shouldn't be too hard to handle if you're careful! Even just planning out patterns is fun!
Here are some My Little Pony bracelets I made, and the decorations I did for my pacis!
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♥ Making playlists! Dancing is fun, and a good way to get the zoomies out, but you can just make playlists for any occasion! I have playlists that help me pet-regress, songs with sounds I like, adventure playlists... (Well- a lot of these are still in progress, but- you get the point!)
I also love those playlist videos on YouTube! Animal Crossing, Super Mario Galaxy, Minecraft and music box music are typically my go-to to help me settle or just make for comfy background music! Here's one of my favorites, shadowatnoon has lovely Nintendo music mixes!
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♥ Playing with your plushies! You can take them on adventures, or make your own!
Like Toby, climbing The Great Pillow Mountain!
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(This is Toby by the way, he's one of my best friends and a VERY good hugger!)
You can play games with them, too! Toby's REALLY good at hide and seek... Maybe you can find him for me? :0
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♥ Finding shows to watch! I really like Paw Patrol and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the moment. Plus, you can look at agere content and fics from shows you like! People make really cool stimboards and moodboards, for example, and I like reading through all the fun stories people write!
Here's a silly picture of Rocky I found! :3
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Finch is a self-care app where you take care of your very own little bird friend by taking care of yourself!
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You can set daily goals, or for each day (or more specific ones as well I think.). By completing these goals, you give your bird energy to go on adventures! They usually come back with a funny little story or silly questions, because they're learning, too!
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Through completing these goals (or daily, at least), you can get Rainbow Stones, which you can use to buy clothes for your bird, make them different colors, or give them furniture for their house!
They're also LGBTQ+ and disability-friendly!! :3
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This is my little bird, Honeydew! You're welcome to friend me as well if you'd like, my code is: Z3E2T7VRK6
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It's helped me learn a lot about taking care of myself and keeping track of my goals, and I get little rewards for it! I've used the app for several months now, and it's helped me out a lot!
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"Fluttershy protects this blog! SFW interaction only, please and thank you! ^w^"
"Wouldn't show a kid? Doesn't belong here!"
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winterandwords · 1 year
📖 #CalmWriMo 2023
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If you want to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) but a 50k word goal doesn't work for you, you're invited to join me in CalmWriMo 2023 on Tumblr for a chilled-out creative experience this November.
Here's how it works...
📝 Set a fun and achievable writing goal
This can be a word count goal, but it definitely doesn't have to be. It also doesn't have to be new-words writing. Editing, research, outlining, or anything other writing-adjacent activities are great too.
You might want to...
Work on your WIPs for [however many] days
Complete a draft or a certain number of chapters
Spend [however many] hours editing
Create an outline for a book
Research specific topics for a WIP
Make graphics or moodboards for your stories
Create or overhaul your author website
Or anything else connected to your WIP(s) or writing
🍵 Choose an accessible and enjoyable self-care focus
This can be anything at all that helps you take care of your physical and/or mental health while you work on your writing goal.
You might want to...
Be more consistent with your journaling habit
Get to grips with your sleep schedule
Start or continue a daily yoga or meditation practice
Drink more water
Reduce screen time before bed
Read more fiction, non-fiction, or writing craft books
Go for regular walks
Or anything else that benefits your body or mind
💻 Share your own CalmWriMo intro and progress
If you'd like to join in, you can make a post to share your writing goal and self-care focus using the #CalmWriMo tag. You're welcome to @ me (@winterandwords) in your intro post if you want to.
You're also welcome to use the tag to post progress updates and WIP snippets throughout November. Bear in mind, reblogs don't seem to show up in tag searches on Tumblr, so creating new posts for each update might make them more visible.
I'm going to check the #CalmWriMo tag throughout the month to see how everyone's doing and share some of your posts.
Anyone taking part is encouraged to do the same if you would like to have you have the time and energy for it. In the spirit of CalmWriMo, there's no obligation to do anything other than what you're comfortable with 💜
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wavesalwayscrash · 6 months
Hello!! If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your process for making backgrounds (if you have any process in particular!) They’re one of my favorite parts of the comic, and I’m interested to hear how you decide colors and stuff!
I sadly don't have a lot to say about this bc half the time i just raw dog the colors. I rely on complimentary colors (primarily orange/yellow and blue/purple, which is a fun secondary effect since Lain and Mariner are also yellow and blue) but if I want a very specific vibe I will often colorpick from pictures since I have a bit of trouble straying from my love of desaturated colors a lot of the time LOL.
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These were some scene preps I did for a couple of later scenes! I tried to find some where I made a couple of moodboard pictures to get the vibe down but i guess i deleted all of those whoops.
as for drawing them, i don't have a lot of tips on the actually RENDERING part (i'm a very bad teacher) but here's a breakdown of how i generally draw the bgs in wac
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bgs in comics are really an important aspect to me personally. the way I treat and approach bgs is to not treat them as just window dressing but instead treat them as an additional character. What is the bg conveying, whether it be a specific location, a vibe, or in terms of a den or a room or whatever, what can it tell us about the character it belongs to? I will admit I haven't done this as much as I would've liked to in WAC so far, but I hope that as the story progresses I can strive to put more life into the backgrounds. It's a little bit trickier since they are kitties living in a nature environment and not humans in houses, but I still hope to create that same sense of importance.
and I know backgrounds are often seen as "the worst part" of art, but I wholeheartedly believe you just need to figure out how YOU enjoy creating backgrounds. I love drawing them! I used to paint backgrounds for years before realizing I hated it so bad. Now I prefer this much blockier style and I love lining bgs. I highly recommend just sitting down, and doing some studies of photos of landscapes, of cities, or whatever else you want your bgs to be. appreciate the little details, figure out how to simplify them for yourself, think about the big picture of things, and it'll go a long way.
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laurfilijames · 9 months
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Like My Dreams
Part 4
Pairing: Pete Dunham x female reader
Words: 6.4k
Warnings: Rated E, 18+. Swearing. Alcohol consumption. Nudity. Fingering. Hand job. Cum play. Oral sex (M and F receiving). Squirting.
Summary: Things continue to progress between you and Pete, indulging in the slow buildup and all the fun that comes before sex, falling deeper in love with each other as each day passes.
A/N: I am so addicted to writing all these sweet moments between them that gives glimpses of how they are falling in love. There is so much more to come for this story and I am still so excited to share it!
*reader is not described other than having hair despite the photo used in the moodboard. And yes that's Jay and not Pete but LOOK AT HIM. It is so Pete coded I had to.
Intro Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Pete Dunham Masterlist
You had to pull your phone away from your ear the moment the call picked up, the volume of Fiona shouting at you and going on about how worried she was too loud to keep it close, her annoyance at you not having answered her numerous calls not allowed to go unnoticed.
“Nothing happened!” you stressed, your grin splitting your face as you trotted down the sidewalk, listening to her accuse you of being too blissfully fucked out to communicate with your best friend and flatmate.
“Oh, my ass!”
“We kissed. All night.”
“Sure you did…”
“And talked…” you trailed off as you recalled every word and kiss shared, remembering each moment as if it had happened a hundred times over, his lips and voice ingrained in your memory forever. “Fi, I swear this can’t be real.”
“I can hear your grin through the phone. It’s making me ill,” she scoffed, but you could tell without seeing her face that it was in a lovingly teasing way. “And it’s real, so enjoy it, babes, you deserve it.”
Your smile grew even more as you made your way down the steps into the underground, not caring that strangers were noticing your blatant joy and staring at you as they passed.
“Put the kettle on, I’m on my way home.”
The lack of a vehicle was beginning to throw more of a wrench in your daily routine than you could have imaged, the difficulty of getting yourself to and from work let alone Jack to school and back turning into many inconvenient favours owed to Fiona and even Swill, and with neither one of them available to help today, you were relying on your very own knight in shining armour.
You yawned, your day having started earlier than you would’ve liked due to having to take the tube to your sister’s from Fiona’s in order to get there just as she was rushing out the door to work, praying you would get another coffee in your system soon.
“He’s here, Jack! Get a move on!” you called up the stairs, grabbing your purse and Jack’s cleats as he bounded down excitedly while sliding his arms through the straps of his backpack.
“Morning, Mr. Dunham!” Jack bellowed, practically skipping to Pete’s car as you locked the door to your sister's place.
“Morning, mate,” Pete greeted, his smile beaming as he stood in the open door of his car. He ruffled Jack’s hair as he flew past him and scooted into the backseat, tossing his things in unceremoniously as if getting into his teacher’s car was the most normal thing in the world.
“Morning, gorgeous,” Pete winked at you over the roof of his perfectly maintained, claret red Volkswagen, his hands tapping on it enthusiastically as his cheeks stretched even more on his face at seeing your own beautiful grin dress yours.
“Right,” he started, shutting his door after sitting back down in the driver’s seat. “Seatbelts on.” He glanced over his shoulder at Jack, then at you, his expression somewhat stern.
You looked at Jack to make sure he was doing as instructed as you fastened your own, giggling when Pete gave a pleased nod and leaned across the console to get close to you.
“You’re precious cargo,” he murmured, kissing you quickly, laughing as he pulled away when Jack began complaining about it.
For the first morning ever, you didn’t mind the commute from your sister’s house to your office, content with spending time with Pete before your workday, getting to admire him as he focused on driving while you sat comfortably in the passenger seat.
He sang pretty much the entire time, listening to a mixed CD he had burned, and it surprised and warmed your heart to see your nephew singing along to what words he knew, remembering Jack telling you how Pete often played music during class while they were working.
Stopping at a red light, Pete took your hand and brought it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to it as many times as he could before the light turned again, checking in his rearview mirror to see Jack looking out the window smiling.
“How uncool do you reckon it is to show up at school with your teacher?” Pete asked, his question serious even though it initially made you laugh, seeing his brows knitted together as he stroked his thumb over his lower lip.
You looked back at Jack who was still in his glory, nodding his head along to “Supersonic” by Oasis, and then back at Pete, recognizing just how important his reputation and influence was not only to his firm and all the others in England, but also to his students.
You reached for his hand, rubbing your thumb across it before giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“I think it’s different when your teacher is your idol.”
Pete couldn’t hide his smile even though he tried, licking his lips as he concentrated on the road again, his happiness making you wish the repairs on your car took longer than anticipated so you could do this for many mornings to come.
“Fucking hell,” Pete panted, his head knocking against the wall as you trailed your mouth down his neck, your hands slipping under his jumper to feel his abdomen expand and contract wildly under your touch, the desperation to have each other growing each time you were alone.
You had just returned to his flat after going out for a meal with Dave and Clair, unable to keep your hands to yourselves even in their company, the feel of Pete’s hand resting on your thigh all night in a confidently claiming way driving you insane.
It had been a mutual decision to take things slowly, carefully and progressively building up to the inevitable, the anticipation adding to the excitement of it all and making every moment with Pete feel that much more special.
It had been two days since your sleepover, the brief time spent together since without being able to be physical making you curious to know where things were going to take you now, but the way he had been kissing you in the back of the taxi told you he wasn’t going to ever leave you unsatisfied.
Your lips found his again after assaulting his neck and chest until it was made red from your attention, his blush spreading up onto his cheeks as he became more worked up, sweat starting to appear on his skin that allowed your hands to glide easily along it.
He pulled your lip with his teeth out of restraint as you ran your palm over the bulge in his jeans, stroking him through the material until his cock was pressing against it almost painfully, your fervor increasing as you appreciated his size.
Jackets were torn off and left abandoned on the floor wherever they fell, your shirt, and then his, following suit as you blindly stumbled away from the door and into the living room, Pete laughing as he crashed into his foosball table.
“Sorry!” you giggled, the words you were going to use to ask if he was okay dying before they had the chance to pass your lips, feeling numb from the way Pete was looking at you, his crooked smile and hands clasping your face as he leaned in to kiss you again making you forget about anything else.
He pulled you along with him into his bedroom, not stopping in kissing you even when you both frantically worked to unfasten each other’s pants, only breaking when you had to rush to kick them off your feet and catch your breath.
Pete smiled and took a sharp inhale, taking a second to admire you in your bra and panties, watching your eyes cloud over with lust as you admired him in his burgundy boxers that were no longer leaving much to the imagination.
He closed the space between you and crashed against your lips again, his hands holding your neck and jawline to increase the depth of his tongue in your mouth, moaning when he felt your fingers hook in the waistband of his boxers and edge them down his legs.
Your own moans of approval rang out when you felt his cock spring free, your hand catching it and stroking his length base to tip, your thumb smoothing over his head.
Shivers rushed down your spine as Pete unhooked your bra and peeled it off of you, the sensation of his fingers and the lace delicately slipping along your arms and chest making you ache, your heart pounding when he pulled you closer to him so you were pressed together.
His lips traveled from yours and down your neck, peppering along your shoulder as he breathed you in, your head tipping back at how incredible something so simple felt.
Continuing his worship of you, he kissed down your upper arm and across your chest, sitting on the bed as he did, allowing for a better height for his mouth to line up to your breasts.
Forced to release his cock from your hold, you stood between his legs with the help of his guidance, whining as your nails dug into the flesh on his upper back when his tongue swirled around one of your nipples, flicking and sucking it until it hardened to his attention.
“Pete…” you breathed, both a praise and plea.
He didn’t stop, repeating the same on your other breast, his hands gently slipping down your waist until they caught on the lace of your panties and slowly peeled them down your hips and thighs until they pooled on the floor.
Once you were naked, he wrapped his arm around your legs and bum and tugged you forward, forcing you onto the bed with him where you landed wrapped together in his unmade sheets, his smile bright as he shifted and looked at you lovingly. He ran his hand over your hair, dipping his face down so his smile met the one you returned to him, your hands squeezing his body as you held him close to you.
You smiled as you reached up to trace his lips, his soft laugh making your heart soar as he placed his forehead against yours and nudged your nose back and forth, both of your smiles fading as the weight of this moment settled in.
Pete’s hand slowly trailed down your side and onto your hip, scooping your thigh to sling it over his waist, your breath pausing in your lungs as you waited for him to touch you, his fingers carefully gliding between your bodies until he landed home.
You gasped, releasing the air you had been holding in, the sensation of him swiping through your slick folds before pushing his middle and index finger inside you making you moan and grip his shoulder without regard to how your nails were leaving half-moon indentations in his skin.
The groan that tumbled from his parted lips in appreciation of how wet you were for him made your arousal increase even more, unable to help yourself from grinding your hips against his hand for more friction where you needed it most.
“Fuck,” he swore as he exhaled, hooking his fingers to massage you as if he knew the very spot that would make your legs tremble, and while you indulged in his generosity of pleasuring you, it was impossible to forget about him, taking your hand and wrapping it around his cock again.
Spreading the precum that was leaking heavily from the tip, you stroked him up and down, feeling every vein pulse as his shaft flexed and twitched to your touch, his hips bucking forward slightly, causing him to work you with more fervor.
A breathy moan passed his lips before he brought them to yours, gently and almost to test it out as if he hadn’t kissed you a thousand times already, meeting your lips more confidently when you reciprocated eagerly.
You never stopped once, exchanging breaths and slow kisses the entire time your hands explored each other, the addicting sensation of Pete’s long fingers moving in and out of you expertly while his thumb circled your clit keeping you on the brink and ready to fall when he allowed for it.
“Are you gonna come for me, beautiful?” he uttered, his voice thick with lust, his eyes heavy-lidded when he parted from you enough to look at your swollen lips and the way you squirmed beside him.
“Fuck, Pete…” you whined, gyrating against his hand, prompting him to amp up his already-perfect efforts.
“That’s it, darling,” he groaned, his mouth hovering against yours as he felt you tighten around his fingers.
You somehow managed to continue pumping his cock even through the build-up of your climax, desperate to drag him along with you and to experience what you hoped would be the first of many simultaneous orgasms, but Pete had a determination that was unmatched.
He alternated between hitting your g-spot and rubbing your tingling clit, massaging both precisely, causing you to inadvertently halt your movements on him as your climax ripped through you violently.
“Good girl, fuck…” he hissed, watching you fall apart under his touch, your body so beautifully reacting to the pleasure he provided, the noises spilling from your lips sounding better than he could have imagined.
Stilling his fingers but not removing them from you, he kissed you until he felt your walls release the grip you had on them, growling into your mouth in discovering how much your creamy slick had coated his hand.
You wrapped the hand that wasn’t holding his throbbing cock around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you, kissing him hard to show your gratitude as you resumed jerking him off.
“Hang on,” he murmured, his brow furrowed as he took his hand that was between your legs and gripped his cock with it, spreading your juices on himself, more curses coming out of his mouth as he did. Somewhat forcefully, he grabbed your hand and placed it back around him, guiding your pace for a moment before sliding his fingers between your legs again, swiping through your soaked and sensitive folds back and forth until your cries encouraged him to drive them inside your aching hole.
You kept the tempo he had set, not faltering even when occasionally adding a pass of your thumb over his head, feeling him begin to lose control with each second. His free hand moved to cup your face, the gold of his ring cold against your burning cheek, his tongue rolling with yours vigorously as he ground his body against yours.
He groaned into your mouth, the sound guttural and primal, his lips breaking from yours briefly as he came harshly, his hot spend shooting out onto your lower belly and core where he didn’t let up on his ministrations.
His breathing was sharp and heaving, and you didn’t notice yours turning to be the same, focused on the feeling of his thumb smearing his cum over your clit that threw you into another shattering high.
He let you ride out your second climax, relishing in every blissful aftershock of it, your breaths gradually slowing together as your kisses became lazier and less hurried. Pete smiled against your lips as he gradually pulled away, his eyes bright and full of joy and promise of more.
“I’ll go get a towel, yeah?” he spoke softly and winked, looking at the mess he had made on your bodies, but thinking how fucking good you looked covered in his cum.
Pete tossed the soiled towel down on the floor and sighed as he lay back on his pillow, lifting his arm for you to slip underneath it, your head laying on his chest like you were made to fit in the space against his side.
Your fingers danced on his skin, tracing his West Ham crest adoringly, the happiness buzzing through you unlike anything else you had felt before.
He kissed the top of your head, his voice sounding tired and comfortably sleepy when he spoke.
“Are you going to stay the night?”
You beamed, relieved he couldn’t see your grin from his angle.
“I was considering it…”
Pete chuckled as he rolled over to cage you under his body, smiling down at you while giving you a playful look, his eyebrows high on his forehead.
“You’re dreaming if you think I’m letting you leave.”
What felt like an explosion of nerves burst in your stomach the closer you came to Steve and Shannon’s home, and you found yourself appreciating the decent walk from Bank Station in the brisk evening air, filling your lungs with it with each breath to try to calm yourself.
Like he sensed your unease, Pete squeezed your hand that he held in his, glancing over at you as he walked with his usual certainty.
“They’re gonna love you,” he reassured, his smile making you believe him a little bit. “You have nothing to worry about.”
“Okay,” you hummed, resting your head on his shoulder as you continued taking strides together, smiling and returning his consolation by squeezing his hand back.
After a few more minutes of walking and being distracted by one of Pete’s insane fighting stories, he slowed and turned to lead you up the steps to the porch of a posh townhome, feeling yourself straighten your shoulders and take a deep breath as he hit the doorbell, the wink and smile he shot in your direction helping you steel yourself.
“Hi, bruv,” Pete greeted excitedly when Steve answered the door, walking through it when he stepped out of the way for you both to enter.
He introduced you with pride to Steve and Shannon, and as soon as the formalities were out of the way and Steve had taken your coats, you felt any unease about meeting them completely vanish.
“What’s this?” Steve asked when Pete handed him a bag before seeing himself through to the kitchen.
Pete scoffed, speaking over his shoulder, “Wine, a baguette, dessert…” he listed, like he was offended Steve was asking.
The look Steve gave him made you smirk, confusion written all over his face.
“Pete, when have you ever brought anything?”
“Bollocks!” Pete responded, his grin revealing the truth behind his brother’s accusation, giving you a look like you shouldn’t believe it as he opened the refrigerator door and helped himself to a beer.
“I see you’re already having a positive effect on him,” Steve said to you. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“A glass of wine would be great, thank you,” you smiled, already finding the relationship between the two Dunham brother’s endearing and ultimately entertaining.
Pete was on cloud nine, smiling to himself as he went into the kitchen with a stack of dirty plates, hearing your infectious laugh sound through from the dining room, having hit it off with his brother and sister-in-law effortlessly.
He wanted to show you off to everyone he knew, so proud to be with someone as beautiful and incredible as you, and he knew his mum would love you to pieces when he eventually was able to introduce you to her as well.
“That’s going well then, is it?” Steve asked, coming in and grabbing another bottle of wine from the rack beside the fridge.
“Yeah, it is,” Pete nodded, half expecting a negative comment or some sort of warning to come out of Steve’s mouth next, bracing for it as he retrieved dessert plates out of the cupboard.
“She’s really great, Pete. You suit each other.”
Pete turned to look at him, his eyebrows hooked high in shock, and he became even more surprised to see the genuine expression on his brother’s face when he did.
“I mean it, you know,” Steve stressed, seeing Pete’s doubt. “I’m really pleased for ya, mate, so is Shan. It’s nice seeing you happy.”
“I was happy before,” Pete countered, still waiting for the other shoe to drop, not questioning that they adored you but rather that Steve was about to lecture him on something about life meaning more than how he had lived it up until now and suggesting for him to leave the firm and fighting behind.
“Yeah, but this is different, innit?”
Pete nodded as he glanced over at his brother again, smiling when he saw his honesty hadn’t faded.
Steve stepped forward and embraced Pete, a hug something that was very seldom shared between them, but Pete welcomed it gladly, patting Steve’s back aggressively and lifting him up slightly, making Steve curse and groan.
“Thanks, ya old geezer,” Pete laughed, refocusing on his task of setting out dessert while Steve uncorked the bottle of red, both brothers smiling out of appreciation and gratitude for how life was turning out after everything they had been through.
It was hard to peel your eyes away from him despite the pleasure he was providing you feeling so divine it was nearly impossible to keep them from closing, the half of his face that wasn’t currently obstructed looking heavenly as he indulged between your legs.
His brows were knitted together, his focus and pride in his work written out on his expression as he ate at you appreciatively, the way his hands dug into the flesh on your hips yet another signal of his enthusiasm in being able to taste you.
Your fingers carded languidly through his short hair, it feeling velvety against the inside of your trembling hand before his tongue hit that perfect spot he kept finding and teasing and made you grip his scalp with a plea for mercy, your hips lifting off the bed as your cries filled the air.
Pete was more than generous when it came to pleasuring you, having already made you come twice on his tongue and fingers that didn’t leave the intoxicating comforts at the apex of your thighs, his drive to coax another orgasm out of you something to be awarded.
His moans told you all you needed to know about how much he loved tasting you, although he was sure to utter the words between licking and eating up all you had to offer, his praise making you soar and feel like a goddess even though you were simply laying there and doing nothing but being spoiled.
You smiled, feeling yourself grow more deranged from ecstasy as you neared another climax, unable to believe how lucky you were to find a man who clearly loved the act of performing oral more than you had ever experienced, his talent and passion for it evident in each swipe and suck, your pleasure the only priority.
“Pete!” you wailed, trembling on the mattress as he drove his fingers in and out in the way he learned drove you insane, his lips sucking on your clit to make you reach your high once more.
It felt different, more intense than all the orgasms he’d given you already, a pressure coiling tightly at the base of your spine, your whole body tensing.
“Relax, love,” he encouraged, pausing only long enough to say the words before returning to his position, his fingertips brushing your g-spot a few more times before withdrawing them completely from you, his tongue flicking your clit to finish the job.
You screamed, your body convulsing as a rush of wet exploded from you, soaking his face that he kept buried in your cunt as he drank up all he lured out of you.
“Holy shit, Pete,” you panted, your chest heaving wildly as you fought to catch your breath and comprehend what just happened, every part of you tingling and alight from such an intense pleasure you didn’t know you were capable of experiencing.
Pete hummed against you, shifting slightly as he moved his lips from your over-sensitive folds onto your thigh, his eyes full of lust as he glanced up at you.
Licking his lips, he sat up on the bed, a deep breath filling his lungs as he tried to keep control of himself, his voice deep and gravelly when he spoke.
“I fucking knew you were going to taste that good.”
His continued praise left you breathless, and although you barely had any strength left in your limbs, you propped yourself up on your elbows and met him in a kiss that tasted of your tangy essence.
One of your hands pressed gently on his chest to encourage him to stand while your other found his cock that strained with a need for your attention that you were so desperate to give it, moving off the bed with him as you slowly rubbed his length.
You reluctantly broke your kiss as you sank to your knees in front of him, keeping eye contact as you did, your hand remaining on his cock as the other slid down his defined abs to his toned thigh. His muscles trembled when you pressed your lips on his groin, then a little further down on his leg, your nose brushing along his heated skin that smelled so incredible it made your mouth water.
You swallowed thickly, bringing your lips to his leaking tip, smoothing it across them before parting them enough to invite him into your mouth, still managing to hold his stare as you did.
“Fuck, babe,” he hissed, his eyes clouding with a hazy ecstasy.
Moaning as you took him fully in the heat of your mouth, you relished in his taste and smell, your nose landing in the wheat-coloured hairs at the base of his cock that held that musky scent you were now addicted to.
Your hand clawed into his quad as you brought your head as close to his body as you could, his cock slamming into the back of your throat as a result, a shiver running through you to make your nipples harden and you to shift your knees on the floor to spread your legs apart.
“God, you’re fucking beautiful,” he whispered, your eyes closing as you relished in his praise, his words encouraging you to make him feel as good as he had made you.
You gave him all you had, sucking and swirling your tongue around from base to tip over and over, bobbing on and off of his size that made you gag, but you never let up, hearing his groans and curses falling from his parted lips that made you even more eager to taste his load.
Gently, you cupped his sack, massaging it at the same time you moved him in and out of your mouth vigorously, feeling him tense and throb to your efforts.
Glancing up to check his expression to be sure everything you were doing was feeling as mind-blowing as you hoped, you carefully rubbed your knuckles against the spot behind his balls, increasing the pressure when you saw his mouth slacken and his eyelids shut.
“That’s it, fuck!”
His hips began to match your tempo, his hand carefully landing on the back of your head to remind you what he could do if you dared to stop, his subtle demand for you to keep on exactly how you were making your own arousal leak from you and drip onto the floor.
Pete stopped moving, instead digging his fingers into your scalp, his breathy grunts and moans signaling his end that made you work with even more enthusiasm until you felt him pulse into your mouth in powerful spurts.
You moaned appreciatively as you swallowed his thick, hot cum, still swirling your tongue around his girth until a shaky laugh rang out above you.
“Fuck me,” he huffed, running a hand through his hair as he watched you release him from your mouth with a pop as you sucked off the last bits seeping from his tip.
Pete held out his hand to help you up, nodding at the bed behind you, a mischievous look dressing his flushed face.
It was exhilarating, wondering what he was planning now, trusting him completely while also indulging in the curious excitement mixing with nervousness that the look in his eyes gave you, and obediently, you did as you were told.
Pete kneeled between your legs, smiling proudly as he guided your feet to rest on the edge of the mattress, spreading you open wide for him to access all of your fresh slick that had accumulated in your folds.
“I’m not nearly done with you yet, darling.”
Pete woke up sometime in the early hours of the morning, having stayed up well past midnight due to the simple fact that neither of you could get enough of each other, indulging in discovering every bit of the other with your hands and mouths again and again until you eventually grew too weak and tired to tolerate anymore pleasure.
The window was open just as Pete had it any other night, the sounds of the other sleepless people of East London drifting into his bedroom along with the chilly air. A lazy smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, thinking how it couldn’t be possible to have ever been as comfortable in his bed as he was now, your presence beside him something he didn’t want to go without again.
He sighed as he shifted closer to you, moving his arm around your torso to tuck your back against his front even more, the warmth that was pouring off of you contrasting drastically to the cold clinging to the duvet. Nestling his nose into your neck, he searched for your hand in the dark, lacing your fingers together when he found it.
“Shh, go back to sleep,” he whispered, his voice sluggish, feeling you stir beside him as a soft whimper escaped you.
Sunday’s were already a favourite of his, a typical one spent down at The Abbey having pints with the boys or in the stadium cheering the Hammers on at home, but knowing he was going to wake up with you still in his arms had him looking even more forward to it.
If anyone had asked Pete a list of things he loved only a month or two ago he would’ve given his usual answer; football. West Ham United. The GSE. Scrapping other firms and the feeling that came with it. Teaching. Music and books. The soothing feeling of a pint on his hoarse throat after screaming through a match or the sting of a bruise on his face that reminded him of the minor injuries he had forgotten.
Never would he have considered the list changing to this.
You. Your smile and laugh. The way you looked at him. The way his heart jumped each time he saw your name on his phone or heard your sweet voice on the other end. The feel of your lips on his, or how supple your skin was against his palms whenever he touched you. Not to mention the way your quiet moans would grow whenever he did.
Pete inhaled deeply, drawing in your warm scent, knowing that if you weren’t wrapped up with him right now he would still have a difficult time believing this was real.
Something he never thought was possible. Something he never even considered as an option before his life had been completely turned upside down and nearly stolen from him.
Loving you was the best thing he had ever done in his life, and if it all vanished tomorrow with the rise of the sun, Pete would feel lucky to have experienced even half of what he had so far.
“Where are we going?” Jack asked from the back seat, noticing that you had deviated from your usual route to his house from his guitar practice.
“You’ll see!” you chimed, trying your best to relax as you drove, the anxiety you felt about being back behind the wheel ever-present, but knowing where you were headed was helping to keep you calm.
It was a relief to have your car out of the repair shop, no longer having to bum rides off of anyone or take the tube during the busiest parts of the day, but the convenience and gratitude you felt for having your independence again didn’t outshine the slight panic that lingered just below the surface, especially whenever Jack was with you.
The Stone Roses came on the radio, hearing the intro to “I Wanna Be Adored” bringing out your smile and making you turn the dial up, the lyrics allowing you to relax into your seat and loosen your grip on the steering wheel slightly.
Humming along, you felt your heart ache with that wonderful fullness that was becoming both familiar and craveable, the desire to chase it any time a thought of Pete came into your mind or a text from him came up on your phone a high you never wanted to end, the same feeling now related to songs you listened to together.
I don’t have to sell my soul,
He’s already in me.
The lyrics felt like a gospel, the words speaking the truth about how consumed by Pete you already were, the thought of having to sell your heart or soul laughable as you had handed it all over willingly and not once hesitated to do so.
You pulled up to the pitch where Pete and the other members of the GSE were playing a friendly game of football, seeing Jack’s face light up when you looked in the rearview mirror after putting the car in park.
“We’re only stopping for a bit,” you explained, not wanting him to think he was getting out of going home in time for tea and to do his homework.
The rain had been consistently falling all day, but that never stopped the love for the game, not minding being out in it now when you saw how happy they all were beneath the layers of mud and water.
Pete had just finished scoring a goal when he saw you and Jack standing at the sidelines, smiling brightly as he jogged over to you.
“Aye, aye!” he called, slowing before he crashed into you, his cold hands grabbing your cheeks as he planted an enthusiastic kiss on your lips.
“Hiya, love,” he murmured when he pulled away, sending you a wink before nodding over at Jack and ruffling his hair.
“Eh, Jack, you’re in, mate.”
“Yeah, go for it! You’ll be doing better than me,” he laughed. “My leg could do with a break, plus, these old geezers are all slowing down and getting tired so you’ll dodge around them no problem.”
Jack looked at you for permission to which you nodded and laughed, “Yes! Your cleats are still in my car from yesterday.”
“Yes!” Jack celebrated, jumping up and down on the spot before running back to the car to get his gear.
“You’ve just made his day,” you smiled, nudging Pete’s arm with your elbow as you swayed on the spot, wondering how they were all managing to stay warm when they were soaked through to their skin.
“Ah, he’s a good lad,” Pete complimented, both of you watching as he hurriedly changed his shoes and ran out onto the field where he was welcomed excitedly by Ned and Dave.
You couldn’t help but giggle, seeing Jack burst out laughing as Dave told him about Bovver’s bummed knee, explaining to him ways to twist him up and get around him fast enough he wouldn’t be able to keep up.
Within a few minutes, the lads were all amping Jack up, calling him “Beckham” only to be corrected that he wanted to be like Ferdinand, and cheering and going on more than usual any time he got a goal, making the kid beam.
“Did you have a good day, darling?” Pete asked, taking your hand in his where he pulled you into him, his lips peppering over your forehead.
“It’s better now,” you sighed, allowing yourself to lean into him despite him being soaking wet.
“Yeah. You make everything better, Pete.”
You felt him hum, his chest rumbling with his approval at the same time his arms held you tighter, allowing you to inhale deeply to capture the mix of sweat, rain and fresh air as you nuzzled your face against him.
The tender moment lasted momentarily when Pete began shouting jeers at the boys, making you laugh the louder and more offensive his words became toward his mates, his body shaking as he began to crack up as well.
“Come on, Ned, the lad is almost taller than you!” Pete teased, promptly holding up his middle finger to Ned after being given one on each hand in response to his insult.
He chuckled and then kissed the top of your head before flicking your hood up to cover it, holding onto the edges to make sure it stayed up and shielded you as much as it could from the rain.
“I should get in there and put those idiots in their places,” he smiled, his blue eyes bright against the gloomy sky.
“Yeah, I need to get the little lad home,” you explained. “Thank you for this. You always make him feel like a star.”
Pete smirked, pulling out the creases around his mouth. “Ah, it’s all good, darling.”
Still holding onto your hood, he dipped in and kissed you, once and then again, unable to get enough, both of you losing focus on his return to the match and your departure.
“Why is it always impossible to say goodbye to you?” you accused, pulling your lip in your teeth until he kissed you again and forced you to release it.
“I get that a lot.”
He laughed when you squeezed him, the sound of it adding to the intoxication he had over you, and you melted even more when it quickly faded into a moan of desire when his lips met yours again, his kiss deepening with a sudden desperation.
“Oi! Lovebirds!” Ike’s voice rang out through the mix of someone else shouting for you to get a room and Jack yelling “Gross!”.
“Lovebirds?” Pete asked, his amusement clear in his grin as he laughed again and kissed you through his smile.
“Yeah,” you spoke against his lips, happy to confirm the sentiment.
He pulled away from you with a groan after another intense kiss, biting his lip this time out of restraint, his head shaking back and forth while looking at you hungrily.
“Mm. I'll be getting my hands on you later.”
Warmth spread through you, your love and arousal blooming for him even more in anticipation of what was coming next for you, seeing promises of intense pleasure glowing in his eyes as he stepped backwards and turned to jog back onto the pitch.
Part 5
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nonclassyparty · 1 year
man with the plan (j.wy) - chapter 1.
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Summary: "Don't forget Pretty, I'm serving life plus one. So if I get busted for attempted escape, I'll throw in a homicide in there as well with no problem, that’s like a parking ticket to me." When your brother ends up in jail for a murder he didn't commit, the only thing left for you to do is to find a way to break him out. But after a perfect plan is set in motion, you don't expect a romantic variable to get added into the equation.
Pairing: jung wooyoung x fem. reader, jeong yunho x reader (but if u squint)
Status: in progress
Word count: 6k
Warnings: blood, cursing, violence, men being well men!
Taglist: @tinyjuni @hazysan @atinytinaa @tenebrisirae @doggopepper @dazzlingstarrs @lavishloving @cherrypandora @silentcry329 @jeagerist-20 @myunvillage @manipulatedstars @bitteryu @maru-matt @bubbleteakittyy @joonsthethicc
A/N: hello everyone! welcome to the first chapter, before you start reading i just really wanted to say that some of the parts are kind of corny, i usually hate writing know-it-all characters finding it cringy most of the times so push through pleek lol as i said before in the prologue; this is inspired by prison break, a lot of the dialogue is taken from there as well as most of y/n's characterization so all credits go to them! i just wanted to write this bc i thought it would be a fun little thing and something that could include all of the members in more detail all while still remaining a wooyoung focused story! the story is set in 2005-ish btw! i hope you enjoy <3 -bree
my main masterlist // playlist // moodboard // ao3
prologue // masterlist // chapter 2
Chapter 1; I'm headed straight for the castle, they wanna make me their queen
It was weird to walk through the entrance designated for the employees instead of the visitors.
Your boss, Mrs. Ahn, was walking in front of you while Minho was following closely behind, looking over his shoulder like somebody was about to run across the empty yard, jump over the wired fence and shank him. He was always a little bit of a wimp.
It was barely past seven in the morning, the prisoners weren't allowed to be out of their cells yet so the empty yard covered in fog had a deeply eerie feeling to it. Just as the ride inside the hills where the compound was set. 
Trees, fog and silence all around.
"I hope they have good security around here." Minho mutters to you, hands stuffed inside the pockets of his coat as you neared the door to the building.
"Relax, Minho," You chuckle, as you slide through the door he holds open for you, "You'll be here for an hour tops."
"I'm saying for your sake, Y/N. I've still to see any women working in here." His voice is scolding and all you can do is chuckle again.
The inside of the building where the infirmary is conjoined with the warden's chambers and staff offices is a huge difference to the chilling October air and your cheeks immediately turn pink as they embrace the much needed warmth. 
You observe the yet unfamiliar halls that were empty as it was still early in the morning. Mrs. Ahn insisted that you left the office earlier than necessary, afraid that Minho would get lost somewhere between the hills and the deep forest that surrounded the compound.
"Oh, see." You nudge Minho, staring in the direction of the infirmary halls where a middle aged woman was walking around with a clipboard. You grin at him in triumph. "A woman."
You ignore the set of curious eyes from the same halls that you know follow behind you.
"Why you'd want to work here is beyond me." Mrs. Ahn comments with her arms crossed as she stares through the window, lips pursued as she observes the yard that was now filled out by the inmates, doing whatever they do in their free time.
"Someone has to do it." You look up at her from your place behind the desk with a small smile. Minho was outside, near the construction site negotiating with the workers that were supposed to drive over the materials in an hour.
"Y/N, you know very well what I mean." She harps at you, "With your qualifications and capabilities, something like this...supervising a construction site? In a prison no less? It's something JJ with half of his degree could do." She huffs when you just stubbornly stare at her without a word, "It's below you. Let's not even mention how potentially dangerous it could be, these people are animals."
You sigh, eyes falling to the blueprints of the new construction, what they're going to call the 'C-building' of the compound.
"You should be going to Tokyo with me. Working on skyscrapers and million dollar deals, not wasting time here."
"It's only a couple of months." You quietly muse, swallowing down your true thoughts, "I won't miss out on too much."
She stays quiet and for a long second, you start thinking she finally dropped it.
"I know it's because of your...." Mrs. Ahn starts trails off, voice laced in sympathy. When the thing with Jongho happened, she advised you to not exactly scream the fact that he's your brother from the rooftops. "But Y/N, you won't be able to talk to him any more than you could during visitations. What do you plan on gaining from this? I know he's your only family, I know how much he means to you but...if anything, aren't you only making it worse for yourself?"
"I don't plan on gaining anything from it." You chuckle softly, leaning back in your chair in defeat as you stare at her. "I'd just like to, I don't know, see what he's doing over the day? When he's in the yard, that is. I'm aware of the circumstances but this opportunity appeared and I just couldn't let it pass me up."
The double meaning to the words was a little inside joke that only you were in on so far.
She quiets down again, returning her attention to the view from the window.
"Supervising a construction site is a shitty job, just so you know. Especially as a woman. The construction workers won't be much better than the damn inmates, acting like they haven't seen a woman in years." She glances at you from the corner of her eyes, "They won't take you seriously, they'll try to intimidate you."
You grin at her, "I can handle them."
Her mouth perks up at the corners as she looks at you. "I know you can."
The little moment is interrupted by Minho walking into the room and observing it in obvious disdain.
The office you've been given is not bigger than a storage room, located on the third floor with nothing more than a bookshelf, desk and an old worn out chair. It's stuffy and the walls are old, probably collecting mold in the corners. 
Much different that your modern and spacious office back in Seoul.
"Well, it's definitely something..." Minho trails off, glancing at you and you have to let out a laugh at his obvious attempt to not offend you. Even Mrs. Ahn chuckles.
"Are you done out there?" She asks him and he nods quickly, collecting his briefcase from the chair in front of your desk that he left it on.
"All done. The materials arrived, half of the workers are here and the other half is arriving in the afternoon. Something about a limited amount of workers being allowed during yard time." Minho explains, fixing the scarf around his neck before sighing.
"We should get going then." Mrs. Ahn says, looking at you with the same scolding look again and all you do is give her a small tight-lipped smile.
"I'll walk you guys out." You pitch in, standing up to pull your coat on.
The halls are already more lively than when you walked in this morning, two officers are conversing by the door and they nod at you three in passing. You give them a smile.
The air is still cold outside, only it's not as quiet this time around. Yells and curses from the basketball court echo through the area from one side along with the construction workers moving the beams off of the trucks from the other.
Minho turns to you and with another sigh, throws his arms around you. You let out a giggle in his embrace as he mutters, "Please, for the love of God, be careful in here."
"You're so dramatic." You say as you pull away, taking a step back. "I'll be fine. Keep my office warm while I'm gone."
"Of course." He nods. 
You give Mrs. Ahn a small wave and she only nods in response before you watching them both walk away through the tall gate that swiftly shuts behind them.
Now, you're on your own.
On instinct, your head immediately turns to the yard not even forty meters away from the building your office is in. A tall, steel wire surrounds the enormous grass surface, small basketball court is set near the middle of one wall that the wire makes, benches are spread across the yard generously, most of them occupied.
You hear someone whistle at you but you pay them no attention, mind set on finding a specific someone. 
Your brother isn't in there, you wonder where the fuck is he but for right now, Jongho isn't the one you're looking for.
Most of the convicts in the yard are separated into small groups, gangs, and the blue uniforms aren't a help to making a distinction between them by any means. 
Until you spot a certain messy black and white head of hair sitting on the highest bench with six other men surrounding him like a kingpin.
You sniffle, nose starting to run from the cold before turning around and heading to the construction site on the opposite end of the compound, far away from the yard or the A and B buildings where the original prison cells were located.
"Good morning." You greet the group of men, shuffling around the site with tools and materials. You get a couple of murmurs of greetings in return.
You glance at the two guards sticking near the site, in case something happens, that's what the warden said as you've been told.
That's how the morning passes, they work and you do what you're supposed to; you supervise.
Mrs. Ahn was right, these men don't take you seriously. They snicker at every suggestion you make, ogle at you when they think you aren't looking and get way too close when they need to speak to you.
 You could use it to your advantage, play the pretty ditz skipping around the site on the daily. Would surely make your job easier.
It's just that if there's one thing you hate more than your brother getting falsely accused of murder and you having to devise a detailed plan on breaking him out of prison; it's people underestimating you.
"Can someone hand me that trowel over there?!" A guy crouching a few feet away from you shouts over his shoulder, your lips quirk up as you quickly jump to your feet. Finally! 
"Here." You hand him the trowel and he glances at you before taking it. You cock your head. "Is everything okay?"
"This whole thing is about to tip over, I need to stabilize it." He speaks loudly, smacking on some more mortar to the brick.
"Maybe if you listened to me when I told you-"
"How about you let me do my job, sweetheart?" He scoffs and another guy a couple of feet away snickers.
You pursue your lips, swallowing down the annoyance before shrugging. 
"Fine, when it starts caving in because it's not attached to the foundation properly and inevitably causes problems for the water and heat isolation which in turn can cause a serious line of health issues, you and your buddy over there can laugh in court over it since you'll be listed as one of the people responsible for it." You lean closer to him, "Because I'll remember your fucking name, Mr. Kim Seojoon."
He stiffens, looking over his shoulder again to meet your gaze. His eyes shoot up to something behind your shoulder before he looks back to you and then towards the very obviously shit job he's done in the past three hours he's been here.
"Tear it down and start again." You spit out before straightening out.
When he notices that you're not moving from your spot of hovering over his shoulders, Kim Seojoon, starts tearing down whatever mess he managed to slap up. You hum in content before turning around on your heels to walk away.
"You'll have to forgive my boys." A voice stops you in your tracks and you turn your head to the left to come face to face to a man that looks to be in his mid-fifties, seemingly the oldest one out of the bunch and by the blueprints stacked in his arms, the boss around here. "They're not used to taking orders from anyone that looks quite like you or is as young as you. They probably expected a drunkard to be supervising in a place like this."
You shrug, "Well, unfortunately for them, they got me."
He laughs, mustache stretching over his top lip. "I'll make sure he fixes it."
"Thank you, Mr...?"
"Cho Hayoon, miss." He holds out a rough hand to you and you gracefully accept it.
"I'm Y/N." You say with a small smile before dropping his hand. "I'll leave you to your work then, Mr. Cho."
He gives you a nod in return and you attempt to move away before something glistening in the ground makes you stop in your tracks.
"What's this?" You mutter, kneeling down and curling your hand around the piece of tin stuck in the ground hard enough until it breaks through the skin of your palm and you jerk your hand away with a yelp. "Shit!"
"Are you okay?" You look up to see one of the officers walk closer towards you.
"Yeah, I, uh, I cut myself on this piece of trash." You spit out staring down the tin stuck into the ground as you show him the gash on your palm where blood already started trickling down.
He looks down at it before turning his attention to you, "You should probably get that checked out at the infirmary." Your heart skips a beat. "Wouldn't want you to bleed out, huh?"
You bite your lip, "You're sure I'm allowed to use it? Isn't it just for prisoners?"
He smiles at you, looking a good ten years your senior, "Of course, you're allowed to use it."
You look towards the entrance of the building where you know the infirmary is before hesitating. He notices it, smile growing bigger. Nothing like a guy that loves playing hero.
"You scared to go alone? There's no inmates there at this time of day."
"I just, uh, would you mind taking me there? I'm not sure I even know where the infirmary is. Wouldn't want to get lost, y'know?" You ask, lips quirking up gently as you look up at him.
He smiled so big someone else would've thought you ripped open your shirt and showed him your tits.
"Of course, this way." He motions in the direction of the infirmary before you both start walking.
You hold back a smirk.
Everyone loves a damsel in distress.
"Doc, I got a patient for you!" The officer, Eunwoo is his name (you learned that because he made sure to slip it in a few times in the one minute walk to the infirmary), calls out knocking on the door of the small infirmary.
"Send him in!" A voice is heard from the other side and the guard chuckles sparing you another overly friendly glance before pulling the door open. 
"It's actually a her." The officer, Eunchae-whatever the fuck, comments as he walks in with you following.
The doctor looks confused doing a quick glance before it turns in a double glance when he spots you by the door.
Your blood is simmering below your skin as you take him in. 
A good four inches taller than you, dressed in scrubs and a white coat with a stethoscope hanging under the collar of it. It's him. The most important key to a ticket out of here with your brother's name labeled on it.
"What happened?" His voice is raspier than you would've imagined as he motions for you to sit on the chair next to his desk.
The officer opens his mouth but you're quicker, showing him your bloody hand, "Accident at the construction site." 
You tell him quietly, voice almost shy.
He glances at your face before nodding taking your hand into his hold as he removes the tissues you've clumsily wrapped around the wound.
His hands are warm, slightly calloused but nice looking. Long fingers with neatly trimmed nails. And there was always something attractive about a man with visible veins running up his hands. Hm!
"Uh, miss," The guard coughs but neither you nor the handsome doctor seem to pay much attention to him. "You want me to stay with yo-"
"No." You interrupt without even a second glance at him, eyes not moving from the doctor's concentrated face.
The officer looks like he wants to say more, a little peeved that all your attention was occupied by the young doctor but he doesn't instead he awkwardly turns around and leaves you two alone, closing the door shut behind himself.
Thank you Eunwoo but you've served your purpose.
"Need to clean this, to make sure nothing got inside the wound or you'll be in trouble." The doctor says, voice still raspy, still pleasant as his hands gently work on your wound.
You only hum in response, eyes starting to roam around the room. Observing the big windows along with the metal bars laid over them, then the square water drainage under the sink to your right and lastly, they fall back to the doctor's face.
You've spent a lot of time digging out information about him. 
You've seen his senior photos, high school graduation photos, photos of ceremonies and galas he's attended with his father, photos from his own charity work that gets plastered all over the newspaper because charity work is just that special when he's the one doing it.
And you have to admit, none of the photos do him justice.
His hair is longer now, black and covering the nape of his neck. He has piercings up both ears, shiny jewelry dangling off of them. Honey-like skin without any visible blemishes, cute nose and full lips that seem chapped from the cold. 
You never noticed the mole below his eye and a matching one on his bottom lip in the photos. They give his face even more charm.
He was gorgeous.
"Tattoo looks fresh." His voice interrupts you from inner musings and it's then that you notice his dark eyes trailing the lines on your right arm which was left bare once you rolled up the sleeve of your shirt up to your elbow.
You suck in a sharp breath before giving him a small, soft smile. Here goes nothing.
"Sorry about this, the last thing I want to do is be an inconvenience but...there was a lot of blood." You chuckle breathlessly which causes him to look up at you with his lips curled up in a small smile. "Thank you for doing this."
"No worries, it's quite literally my job." It's his time to chuckle, smile growing wider as he presses a cotton pad soaked in something to the gash that ran across your palm and fuck, he had a pretty smile. 
"You seemed like you were busy..."
"Nah," He shakes his head, eyes rooted on the wound, "Was just going over patient records. It's fine, I treat the staff here sometimes."
You pursue your lips, eyes drawn to his face again. "I'm Y/N, by the way."
He nods, brows jumping up a little as he picks up his head, like he's already aware of who you are. "The new supervisor for the construction site, I've heard."
"And you are?" You ask, a flirty smile blooming across your features as you look at him through your lashes.
"Doctor Jung Wooyoung." He holds your gaze a millisecond longer which is all you needed.
"Jung like the governor?" You ask, heart soaring in thrill when you feel his hands still on your own. You can't help yourself. "You have the same last name as the governor, you sort of look like him as well."
He, Wooyoung, stays quiet and opts to work on your wound instead.
You cock your head to the side, "You're not related, are you?"
Again, silence.
You let out a small hum, mouth curling as you look at the dirty tissues pilling up on the desk in front of you.
"Wouldn't think you'd find the son of frontier justice Jung Myungdae working in a prison." You comment in an almost taunting voice, rich boys who pretended like they cared about the lower classes and were different than their snobby peers always being a little bit of a joke to you, before turning your attention back to him. "As a doctor no less."
You can hear him let out a sharp breath, head picking up to look at you as a fleeting look of being uncomfortable washes over his face.
"I believe in being a part of the solution, not the problem." Doctor Jung says decidedly and you hum again, eyes falling to the way he gently holds the back of your hand with one hand while he holds the gauze with another.
"Be the change that you want to see in the world." You recite with a nod, still staring at the wound on your palm but noticing the way the comment seemed to strike him. You look at him, not being able to contain the smile on your face when you catch him staring at you. "What?"
He shakes his head, lips pursued like he's holding back a smile. "Nothing. That was just my senior quote."
I know, I had your senior photos glued to my window.
You raise your brows in playful disbelief. "That was you? This whole time I was thinking it was Ghandi."
That gets a laugh out of him. It's a nice sound, slightly higher in pitch but sort of endearing.
"Funny." He comments sparing you another smile and going back to wrapping the gauze around your palm.
Once he's done, you let your bandaged up hand lay on your lap as you watch him stand up.
"Sit tight, I'll get you some painkillers because that's bound to hurt for the next couple of hours." He says before leaving you alone in the room. 
Once he's out of your sight, you pull out a small origami dove out of the pocket of your pants and quickly walk over to kneel down next to the sink, slipping it through the slats of the grate for the water drainage before returning to your place.
Half a minute later, Doctor Jung reenters the room with a glass of water in one hand and painkillers in the other.
"Here you go." He hands them to you and you down them obediently before giving him a grateful look.
"Thank you again for this." You sigh, standing up from the chair and running your healthy hand through your hair before smiling, "Hope I didn't take too much of your time."
"I already told you it's not a problem." He responds with a smile of his own, eyes feeling unusually pleasant on you.
"Well, I'll let you go back to your patient records, then." You say, inching closer to the door.
"If you need anything else, feel free to drop by." Doctor Jung's voice softly calls after you and it makes you pause in your steps as you turn to look at him over your shoulder.
"Then I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then." You boldly tell him, enjoying the way he obviously tries to bite back a grin.
"Guess so." He responds, eyes boring into your own.
With one last smile, you disappear through the door and head up the stairs leading to your shitty office.
You will be just perfect, Jung Wooyoung.
You stare at the writing tattooed on the inner part of your lower right arm, fingers anxiously tapping against the hard surface of your office desk before a knock causes you to lower the sleeve of your shirt as your head snaps to the door.
"Come in."
"Miss, the warden would like to see you." The warden's assistant, Soojin gives you a kind smile which you return, standing up and quickly straightening your outfit before following her through the door and down the hallway.
The section with the offices for administration (and now, you) was on the third floor of the infirmary building and almost completely protected from any spaces where convicts might roam around by locked bars placed on the halls going after the staircases.
And while your office was shitty, the warden's was definitely not. 
You observe the spacious room and the big oak table the older man sits behind as he smiles at you invitingly and offers you a seat.
"Did you settle in accordingly, miss L/N?" The warden asks and you nod comfortably.
"Yes, sir. I plan on being very diligent and making sure everyone does a good job."
"Good, good." He nods his head before a look of hesitation crosses his face that immediately causes your nerves to flare up. "This might seem extremely unprofessional and definitely out of character for me as I don't do it often but I'm in need of a little help, you're a structural engineer, correct?"
You tilt your head to the side, brows furrowing, "Yes, sir."
He clears his throat, pushing his chair back to stand up. "Follow me."
You follow the older man as he walks across his face to the door on the opposite wall of the entrance which you've mistaken for a closet so far. He motions for you to enter first and you do, your mouth can't help but part in slight awe.
You stare at the model of the Taj Mahal propped up on a huge table in the middle of the spacious room connected to the warden's office, surrounded by windows from one side entirely, the light seeps through the model beautifully and you admire it quietly.
"Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal as a monument to his undying love for his wife. My wife is quite fond of the story. It appeals to the romantic side of her." He smiles at you, "Being married to someone on corrections, it's a terrible job, wouldn't wish it on anybody. And yet, in thirty-nine years my wife has never complained and the worst part is I've never thanked her. So because I couldn't say it I thought, you know, I could build it. In January, it's our fortieth anniversary. Well here, look." The warden bends down to look into the base of the structure and you copy his movements, peering inside.
 "The problem is, I build anymore and it's all going to come down like a house of cards. That's where I was hoping you could be of assistance. Obviously, it would be a favor for a favor. I don't know what you would need, new furniture for your office? New heater? I know everything in there is rusty..." He trails off, eyes glinting with pleads.
It felt like Christmas came a month earlier to you.
"Actually, I have something else in mind."
"What? What is it?" He shakes his head, urging you to speak.
"You see your eight wonder of the world might collapse since the stress isn't propagated properly." You inform him with an innocent smile as the warden frowns.
"Propagated properly?"
You nod. "Propagated properly.  The joints are overloaded. They won't provide anywhere near the strength the completed structure will need."
The older man looks at you in mild concern before turning to the model, something he very obviously placed a lot of effort into. "How much work are we talking about?"
"When did you say you need it to be done? January?" You ask, circling around the model again. The warden lets out a small 'yes' and you hum, "Then we better get started then, I'll help you out for an hour every day."
The warden's face lights up in relief and you have to hide the shakiness in your voice as you continue. You clear your throat; "In return, I'd like to be approved weekly visitations to my brother."
The smile on his face freezes for a moment before melting away completely and getting replaced by a deep frown.
"Your brother?"
You gulp down the nerves and wipe your clammy hands on the back of your pants, nodding, "My brother, Choi Jongho."
"Choi Jongho is your brother?!" The warden asks, voice laced with utter disbelief and your eyes fall immediately to the carpeted floor. "How the hell was I not aware of this?"
"I took my mother's last name after I graduated from college." You offer quietly, mustering up the balls to look at the man in the eyes, "It's not like I was hiding it or anything but...it never came up. I didn't exactly learn when was the right moment to say that my brother was one of the inmates in the jail where I'd be sent to supervise the construction site."
"You know you're not allowed visitations if you're a staff member, right?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest as he gives you a strict look.
"I know but... I'm not a permanent staff member." Your voice drops in volume as your eyes start to burn, "And I'd really just like to see him once a week just like everybody else is allowed. He's my only family, sir."
The warden's eyes soften once he catches sight of your eyes glistening with tears. 
Your nails dig into the wound on your palm.
He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times before sighing, then he starts pacing up and down the length of the room which might be a good indicator that he's actually considering it. 
You dig your nails harder into the wound and the first tear drops, you sniffle.
"The reason I took this job was...I felt like I'd be a little bit closer to him for a short period of time. He's my older brother, he took care of me when no-one else did," You sniffle again, feeling a nail punch through the thick gauze of the gash on your palm. Another tear. "I thought, just being able to look at see him through the window when he plays basketball would be nice but then they told me I wasn't allowed visitations and by then, it was to late to change my mind."
You discover that Chungju Detention Center's warden hated seeing young girls cry.
"That's all you ask for? Nothing else?" He breaks the silence after a long moment of consideration, "Wouldn't a new heater for your office be better, it gets cold during the winters here."
You quickly shake your head, "J-just visitations to my brother."
He's quiet again before he finally lets out a deep sigh.
"Alright but it can't be longer than ten minutes, do you hear?" He asks and you nod, eyes growing in size as your head snaps up to look at him. "And the moment I hear about any funny business, it's over. Do you understand me?"
"Absolutely," You nod with innocent, big eyes. The tears miraculously stopping their flow all of a sudden. "No funny business."
He observes you for a second longer before finally allowing you to leave his quarters.
You let out a big exhale on your way out, staring at the blood that managed to run through the gauze on your palm.
You were trouble.
That's all the conclusion Wooyoung could come to as he stared at you, leaning against the doorframe of the infirmary with your bag slung over your shoulder, coat folded over your arm and a smile on your face that made his head spin.
"Hey." You greet him, voice mellow and sounding lightly tired as you lean your head against the frame as well.
"Hey," Play it cool, you're a grown man. "How was the first day?"
"It was good, a little unexpectedly boring almost." You answer him with a smirk and he clears his throat before he started staring at your full lips without the option of looking away being in his books apparently and inevitably got caught.
"What did you expect?" Wooyoung lets out a light laugh, crossing his arms over his chest as he sits at the corner of his messy desk. "Shootouts  and heads getting bashed in all day long?"
You giggle, pearly white teeth on full display as you nod, "I was expecting a lot more yelling and screaming at least."
"Hey, we have some quiet times in here as well. Give it a day or two, though."
You chuckle again before shaking your head, hand coming up to brush your hair from your face and in the meantime, showing off the tattoo you had on your other arm as well.
And as Wooyoung was a red-blooded healthy male, of course, his mind started wandering on just how far the tattoos went.
God, you are trouble, you are so much fucking trouble.
He should've been kind of pissed off at you when you brought up his father but...how the hell could he be?
He saw the way the other guards stared at you, how the one who walked you into the infirmary this morning was almost salivating with his eyes glued to you and just how much Wooyoung's ego skyrocketed when you told the guard he can fuck off because he was there now. He obviously wasn't the only one affected here!
With your pants that hugged your waist and thighs perfectly, the shirt that accentuated your cleavage and it's two intentionally popped open buttons , the thin necklace decorating your collarbones, the tattoos (God, the tattoos), long hair that smelled like vanilla to whoever got close enough, a smile that definitely knew of its effect on other people and eyes that seemed like nothing ever phased them.
Wooyoung liked trouble sooooo much.
"I wanted to, um, ask for a favor." Your soft voice interrupts his current train of thoughts and he raised his brows in question.
"I, uh, I'm a Type 1 Diabetic." You tell him, straightening out your posture in a way that tells Wooyoung that you might be nervous for some reason. You give him an awkward chuckle which he finds kind of cute. "And I'd get my daily shots at a doctor's office on my way to and from work every day since my own office was close by."
"Mhm..." He tilts his head in curiosity. He wonders where you used to work, did you drive a car? Wooyoung used to work in the center of Seoul as well! Did you two ever ride the same train downtown? 
"And that's no longer an option anymore since, well, I have to be here every morning so I have to leave, like, an hour earlier at least." You bite your lip, pretty eyes meeting his own, "I was wondering if you'd be able to do it here? Obviously, I don't want to impose on your schedule or anything, I understand if you can't but I thought it might be worth trying. I'd bring my own shots, wouldn't want to steal government resources y'know...heh..."
He notices how you always speak like you're an inconvenience when you need help.
Wooyoung bites back a smile as he watches you ramble before finally finding the heart to interrupt you, "Alright."
Your lips part at that, "You will?"
"Yes," He chuckles, "It's not a big deal, it takes, like, two minutes tops so..."
"Okay, great." You sigh in relief, playing with the bandages on your hand before nodding again. "Thank you. For this and...today, as well."
"It's my job." He's quick to respond out of habit by now, God, he's been out of the game a little too long now. There were, like, five different lines he could've dropped there. He forgot how to flirt.
Or maybe flirting with you seems a bit terrifying if he was honest.
"Right." You chuckle, fixing your bag on your shoulder before smiling at him one last time, "Well, have a good night."
Wooyoung nods, almost a little disappointed that you're leaving already. "You too."
Jongho might understand why Jisung decided to wrap that sheet attached to the pipe around his neck and jump from the staircase.
In fact, if he had to listen to this dude, Coin or whatever the fuck, talk about his girlfriend Lim Jiyeon, class 2001 of some damn beauty school in Gangnam with auburn colored hair and perfectly applied lip gloss for one second longer, Jongho just might do the same thing as Jisung.
He was serving a life sentence for something he didn't do, that should be a punishment enough. He already knew there was nothing else to do except to serve time here, nobody else will serve it for him.
But, holy fuck, his new cellmate who invited himself to the seat next to him on this bench, could not keep his mouth shut for a second and Jongho really didn't need this so early in the morning.
"Woah, who's that?" Coin whistles, following someone with his eyes like the sun was shining out of their ass.
"Who?" Jongho mumbles in question not even bothering to turn to the direction his new cellmate was salivating in, thinking it was probably just another stupidity that managed to catch Coin's attention. There's not much to do here, after all...
"That woman." Coin nudges him. Typical, all those woes about his dear girlfriend forgotten at the first sight of another woman. Jongho rolls his eyes, taking a quick glance to where the other man was pointing before turning back around again.
Then he freezes.
Jongho's head whips around in the same direction again, the familiar checkered coat and same hair length making him blink to see if he finally went insane in here.
The walk was the same as well.
His legs, with a mind of his own, started swiftly moving across the yard with Coin yelling something behind him but Jongho ignored it, his only goal to get to that fence even if he had to shovel through the inmates.
"Y/N?" He mumbles to himself, watching the woman move across the gravel, long hair carried to the side by the cold wind. And as if she heard him, she slows down with her steps, turning her head in his direction...
Jongho feels like his heart stopped.
"Y/N?" He asks, this time a bit louder because holy fuck, that's his little sister's face. It's her. It's you!
You don't stop to talk to him, you don't say anything back but Jongho, sure as hell, didn't hallucinate the smile that you throw his way as you continue up the gravel to the building leading to the infirmary.
"You know her?" Coin's deep voice makes him jump in his place, Jongho didn't even notice that the older male was standing right next to him by now.
"Yeah." Jongho whispers, words getting stuck in his throat as he finds it hard to swallow.
"Bro, are you okay?" Coin questions, confused by the way Jongho stared at the building you just disappeared into.
"That's my sister."
And she's definitely up to no good.
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halfmoth-halfman · 7 months
i got an ask about advice for writing when you're discouraged, so i thought i'd make a post addressing some of the points because i think this is something that everyone has gone through and can relate to. most of this is just what's helped me/what i'd tell myself in the past, but if anyone has advice to add on please feel free! i hope this helps at least a little bit, anon!
"I’m not good at (dialogue/atmosphere/prose/etc)."
write it anyways! one of the best ways to build a skill is to keep doing it. even if you don't ever post it, or only share it with a few friends, or just read it to your pets, or whatever you choose to do, it's better to write something "badly" than to not write at all. or even asking for help on how to improve from other writers. i struggle a lot with atmosphere and scenery, and something that helped me a lot was talking to other writers whose fics i really enjoy and inspire me. i know it may seem intimidating, but there are plenty of writers on tumblr that would love to talk about how they compose their scenes, their dialogue, anything and everything if someone asks.
"I can’t make moodboards/headers/aesthetic posts."
the good news is, you don't have to! fics don't have to have anything other than the fic itself. i can't speak for everyone, but while aesthetics may get my attention, it's the person behind the blog that i stay for. if you want your blog or your fics to have a pretty aesthetic, it shouldn't be because you feel forced to but because you want to do it. if you don't find making moodboards or headers or aesthetic posts fun, then you don't have to do them. and if you want to, but don't know how, there are a ton of resources, links, and blogs dedicated to helping on tumblr.
"I’m not at (insert someone else)’s writing level."
and you might never be, and that's okay! every writer is different - they have different styles, write at different paces, perceive their skill differently. basing your progress on someone else's isn't going to help because you're not them. you have your own time, energy, ability, and ideas, you'll grow and improve at your own pace, just like they did. don't force yourself to try and follow the same timeline of someone else, and don't put yourself down because you're getting better - and you are getting better - at your own pace.
"I can’t find the motivation to write."
honestly same. i think it's a pretty universal experience to lose motivation for something you were excited about at one point. sometimes the vibes aren't it and the story doesn't want to story, but that's alright. it can be hard to stay motivated, and what gets someone inspired again is different everyone. i can't give advice for anything outside of what's helped me, but a few ways i've re-motivated myself to write something are: making a fic playlist, stepping away from the fic for a day or two, giving it to a friend to read, re-watching/reading the source material, doodling fic ideas, and skipping to a different part of the story.
"I can’t write fast enough."
unless it's for something like work where you have a fixed deadline, there is no "fast enough" in writing. don't let anyone tell you otherwise. when i first started writing, in the very early days of ao3 and tumblr, fic updates could takes months or even more than a year and that was fine! one of my favorite fics took a six year hiatus, and that didn't diminish any of the enjoyment i had when it came back. you are not a machine, you're a human being with needs outside of writing. it's always okay if you need to take a break, if there's a long wait between chapters, or if you want to stop a project altogether and come back to it six years later. if someone gives you grief because you can't write within their time-frame then they're not worth having as a reader - do not overwork yourself for the sake of finishing a fic.
"It’s hard to stick to one idea at a time."
then don't! write all the ideas. write every single one. working on a project and you have a drabble that you just keep thinking about? write it. you get a sudden idea for a one-shot in a different fandom? write it. woke up in the mood to start a new five-chapter fic? write it. you can start or stop writing about anything at any time. there is no rule that you have to stick to one idea and finish it before you can write anything else, don't make yourself stick to something if it's not what you want to write, and don't punish yourself if you need to take a break from your current project.
"Maybe I’m not made for writing on tumblr."
tumblr is a shitposting website that barely works at the best of times. half of my drafts get deleted every other week for no reason - there is no way to be "made for writing on tumblr"! but tumblr is huge, there's a bajillion communities on here that would be so excited to have another writer, and a ton that are solely dedicated to helping writers and providing different resources. i guarantee there is someone on this website that will love and adore your writing.
"The things I read are better than anything I can write/comparing myself to other writers."
i don't have the cake picture saved, but we all know the gist of it: the audience (generally) isn't going to care about how decorated your cake is compared to another, they're just happy to get two cakes. and that's really all it is. your fic might not be the same preferred flavor as the audience of other writers, but there is someone out there who's going to enjoy it. i won't tell you to just not compare yourself to others, i know that's not how it works, but what has helped me is changing the way i view other fics. instead of thinking "i wish i could write like this person", i look at like "this inspires me to improve my writing". and don't get me wrong, i still have moments of doubt about my writing compared to some of the people i read, i don't think that will ever really stop, but the best thing you can do is not let yourself give in to that feeling. try and stop that train of thought before it leaves the station. no one else can write the way you can. no one else can tell your stories the way you can. no one else has the same voice as you do. if everyone wrote the same way, everything would be boring. the heart of a fic is seeing the author's personality shine through it. if you see someone write a good fic, that doesn't mean yours won't be. you have to give yourself a chance even when you feel like your writing won't be as good as someone else's. you have to bake your cake anyway.
"How do I find joy in something I know I’ll never be good at?"
you won't. full stop. if you keep telling yourself you'll never be good at something, you'll never improve, there's no point in trying, then you'll never enjoy it. i know it's easier said than done, but you have to have some level of confidence in yourself and in your writing. not only will you not enjoy it, other people will see the lack of enjoyment, the "i wrote this and it sucks" comments, the self-degradation, and they won't enjoy it either - no one feels good about a fic the author clearly didn't want to write. and, if you try everything you possibly can and still can't find any joy in writing, then maybe writing isn't the hobby for you. and that's perfectly okay! i tried quilting and glassblowing several times before i realized i just didn't like it the same way i liked writing. you owe it to yourself to find something that's fun, that makes you smile, that you're excited to do. there's a million hobbies out there, i promise you'll find something that brings you joy.
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abalonetea · 1 year
Hi! Do you have a quick rundown for people who are new to the summer fest? I know you've got a lot of planning and stuff for it, so please don't let this be extra pressure I can totally wait until the event starts if that's easier!
I absolutely do! We’re introducing several new features this year, so it’s going to be done a tiny bit differently than our previous years.
Let’s crack knuckles!
First off, the Writeblr Summerfest is a free to participate, do as much or as little as you want experience. The goal of the Summerfest is to bring the community together, share information on our stories, and just generally have a really good time! Fanfiction, original writing, DnD characters – it’s all welcome!
Every year, there’s a new theme. This year, I held a poll and the selected theme was haunted house! In the past, that’s only affected the merch (I do stickers each year!) and the blog theme. But this year… It’s going to affect a lot more!
To pair with the theme, there is going to be an over arching story. Several times a month, the story will progress, becoming a large prompt that anyone can take part in. The story will follow the exploits of a very specific haunted house that’s being explored.
Now, you can take any of your characters and have them explore this house. But as an added bonus, @mothersart has volunteered her time and services; she will be drawing Minkie Explorer Character Sheets, blind-bag style, for anyone that would like to purchase them. The character sheets will look a little bit like… THIS ONE … but will be designed to fit the theme of ‘haunted house explorer’. Consider supporting an amazing small artist and commissioning one when it opens up! FYI – the character you commission will be yours to keep fur-ever!
Okay, so! Overarching theme, overarching haunted house prompts to explore! What about beyond that, you’re wondering?
Beyond that, every single day that the Summerfest runs, from the first day of August to the last day of August, four fun games will go up! These games will consist of…
Moodboard prompts
Character questions
Writing prompts
Ask games
Occasionally, one of these will be subbed out for a Community Event, encouraging you to reblog/comment on other writeblr’s posts, make them gifts, and that sort of thing!
But wait, there’s still more!
Last year, Summerfest Bingo was introduced! The game goes like this: a bingo board matching the theme of the Summerfest (haunted house) will be put up! To get a bingo, you have to scour the Writeblr community, find a post that contains that bingo square’s prompt, comment on it, and reblog it! Keep the link to your reblog!
In our previous iteration of the game, those who completed it just got put on the Bingo Hall of Fame. More rules on how to submit it will be posted at the time of the game. That’s still going to happen! But as an added bonus, if you complete all three board variations, you’re going to get a special prize!
We’re still not done yet! There are two writing contests that you can enter! The first writing contest is free-to-enter, and the top three winners get a variety of prizes from story cover mock-ups to art. The second contest costs a small monetary fee to enter, and has a physical prize that gets mailed to you!
This will also be the second year for Writeblr themed Goodies! Last year, we did small blind bags! I’m still working on figuring out the exact specifics of the Goodies for this year, but it will either be another round of blind bags or Goodies that can be bought via an Etsy shop (it largely depends on how much extra money I can get pulled together for buying the merch tbh).
In short, it’s a free to play, do what you want writing festival, designed to help you share your works and fall in love with other writer’s stories as well, with optional pay-to-play games and merch available, too! I add at least one new event pretty much every year, and spend months putting it together.
During the Summerfest itself, I encourage comments and reblogs, and maintain @writeblrsummerfestreblogs best that I can to help ensure that these comments happen!
I am so excited for this year’s Summerfest!
This is my favorite way to give back to a community that has always been there for me.
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heather1815 · 3 months
Two questions: How do you stay motivated when writing longer stories? And how do you handle burnout? (writing is hard lol)
It is, I agree with you on that haha ;)
The answer might actually disappoint you, so... sorry in advance - but idk I just get an idea and I wanna stay til the end because i am so excited about reaching the checkpoints. The daydreaming hinders me, but it also keeps me motivated to see the scenes in my head come to life. Of course when ti comes to fanfics the comments and feedback help tremendously, but currently i am writing original content in order to get it published someday... and let me tell yah it is hard. I have no feedback whatsoever, I am just... going with the flow y'know? So it takes a lot of discipline to keep going even though you are your only audience at the moment. Make playlists, moodboards, write down all your ideas. You started writing a chapter and wanna erase your progress? Save it. Open a separate document and save everything you scrap. You never know if something you wrote might be salvageable for future reference.
Burnout is a bitch, not gonna lie. But if you find yourself with foggy brain, hating the thing you're writing, and with no motivation whatsoever; take a step back, take a deep breath, and go do something else. Go take a walk, spend time with your family, go to the movies and have some popcorn - take as much time off as you need, and above all else CONSUME OTHER ART FORMS. Be it a movie, a tv show, a book, or even a video game, it is going to help you a lot in the long run because it might be just the thing that dislodges you from burnout. Friendly reminder; it's also just good to take breaks!
What I'm trying to say is that, art is purely subjective. Despite your best attempts, it will never be perfect. You just gotta trust the process and have fun with it. If you feel like it's become more of a chore than it's worth and you are slogging through to get chapters done, then you gotta ask yourself if it is really worth continuing, for your own sanity. If the answer is yes, then go for it! Trust the process and have fun! ;D
I hope this was in any way helpful, and good luck!
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coffehbeans · 1 year
Novel Progress #1
Yeah that's right fellas, I'm writing a g/t "novel" ahush By novel I mean, multi-chapter story with outline, planning and all that.
Worldbuilding is half done! But there's still many small details I have to add ugh, painn
Anyway, my designer side spoke louder and I ended up making a moodboard for my story, so I think it'll be nice to share it to y'all as sneak peak hehe
Tumblr media
(I added a color pallette for no reason at all lmao)
OKAY, fun question time: based on this moodboard, what do you guys think my story will be about? I wanna hear y'all's answers! (u can send me an anon ask too if u're shy)
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yourpenpaldee · 2 months
Hi! I haven't been crazy active on here now that I'm working on getting When Art Talks going. I figured I would make myself a schedule for the time being since time management is my arch nemesis. Let’s hope my INFP self can actually stick to the schedule I created.
NO POSTS — sundays are my rest days, so the most i'll do is lurk and reblog stuff.
WEEKLY GOALS — this is probably more for me so i can hold myself accountable by the end of the week. but i think it’d be fun to share what i’m expecting to get done for the following week.
NO POSTS — i have more time on tuesdays to write, so i'll be focusing on that. will probably lurk and reblog by the end of the night.
TAGS — i'm still drowning in tags, so i'm dedicating wednesdays to completing them and catching up with the ones i've missed :) with that being said, please keep tagging me because i love seeing people talk about their OCs and WIPs.
NO POSTS — writing and watching The Walking Dead for research purposes... and because i'm heavily addicted to it right now. please send IMMEDIATE help (i swear if anything happens to michonne—).
NADIA AND ELENA'S CHARACTER INTROS (only the first friday) — these should've been up forever ago, but i got too excited about finally getting the momentum going. i need to finalize their playlists and moodboards before they go up :)
UHH — i have no clue what i plan on doing after posting the last of the character intros because i never know what my fridays are going to look like. i guess it'll all depend on what i'm feeling like that day.
SIDE CHARACTER INTROS (only the first saturday) — this will be the last of the character intros! i'm still debating if i should post backstories for my main characters since it'll be revealed in the story pieces at a time. if so, then i'll post one character each day for the following week.
END-OF-WEEK REPORTS — a weekly progress report on my writing progress. word counts, chapters completed, if i achieved my goals for the week. all of that stuff :)
The schedule will probably stay this way until the end of summer. It's a busier summer than normal for me, but I really want to make sure I make progress with this story. It's been an on and off project for what feels like forever. I've gotten to a place where I'm content and ready to set this story in motion. Here’s to a productive summer! ♡
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roleplaymadness · 9 months
Hi! I figured the first post would be me introducing myself and sharing my roleplay rules. First, most importantly, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT 🚫 I do not roleplay with minors and never will. I myself am 27 and will not tolerate it.
Here is a quick list of the rules if you don't want to read the entire post. They will be explained below in more depth.
--MUST BE FEMALE AND HAVE FEMALE CHARACTERS (I have my reasons and don't owe anyone an explanation)
The first rule is self explanatory. The second one is important. I myself am female, but I only have male OCs at the moment. I have no problem playing female background characters or side characters, but the main focus is on my male OCs.
I strictly roleplay on Discord. I will create us a server so we can post music, aesthetics, detailed character bios (or not so detailed), talk ooc and more. I am obsessed with creating moodboards, making playlists, gushing about our pairings, and becoming friends outside of rp.
I am semi lit. Depending on the scene, I can be novella length, but I work Mon-Fri and sometimes I am too exhausted to write out anything too huge. I usually require just enough to progress the story. No one liners, obviously.
Lately my main focus has been slice of life and Western, but I am open to sci fi and fantasy as well. These are my favorite genres right now and I have characters and Spotify playlists for all of these! Also, for me, fantasy is a spectrum. This can include vampires, pirates, gladiators, knights, magic, and even a combination of all of them.
NSFW is a big part of my roleplays. While it is not the main focus, it makes the roleplay fun. Sexual tension and slow burn build up to a steamy romance scene is *chef's kiss.* If you don't agree, I'm not the partner for you. ALL OF MY ROLEPLAYS INCLUDE ROMANTIC PAIRINGS.
Right now my main pairing has been MXF. I have a few characters that are bi or pansexual, but for me I just prefer doing MXF pairing. Just personal preference. I have tried FXF and MXM and found myself sounding awkward and silly. I have done many different storylines, including angst, polygamy, incest, affairs...really nothing surprises me anymore. There are only a few things I won't do.
If you got this far, you're amazing. If you are interested, LIKE THIS POST OR COMMENT 👀. If you like the post, I will more than likely be messaging you, so do not like just for the sake of liking. We can discuss what we want to do in dms!
Hope to talk soon!
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fairytaleinagem · 2 months
Get To Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview!
Say @saturnine-saturneight do this and thought it was fun, so here's @davycoquette's template of the interview! This thing is long, woof...
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Couple a months, I think? One or two, maybe three? I had this account for much longer though, and I've only recently come to it because I wanted to post my stuff on here!
What led you to create it?
I was looking through a tag to see what I should include in an intro post (in general) and saw that there was a list for Writeblr intros! So I made the intro for my blog and then for The Aetherium a bit after that!
What's your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
I get to see a lot of cool art and writing from other people! I especially love it when people make moodboards or similar, because even though I love writing and reading, sometimes the words get a lil' blurry.
What's one thing you'd like your mutuals to know about you?
Hope you like Isekai, because boy do I have PLENTY of stories in mind for it! Even if you don't, at the very least expect one story to have some sort of reincarnation in it haha!
Is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
Oh definitely more art. Playlists, moodboards, character portraits, all of it!! Words can only illustrate so much for me!!!
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Forget shyness, and get on out there! You're not really guaranteed eyes on your work if you don't interact with others. It may be scary, but you won't regret socializing much!
What Works-In-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Of course we have The Aetherium, which is the main WIP in my head. But there's also a Doubl(iv)ing and a few other WIPs that are listed on my blog intro post!
How long have you been working on them?
Oouf, The Aetherium technically has been going on for about 4 years now! The characters at least, and they didn't even have a home yet! It's only recently that I've settled down to actually write for them.
Do you remember what inspired them/got you started?
YESSS!!!! It was just another day on Youtube, and I was listening to some song that was about to end, so I was scrolling on the sidebar to find something else to listen to. Then, one thumbnail caught my eye. Bright colors, purple, women??? It was also Kpop, a genre I listen to often, so that drew me further in! I clicked on it, and behold, a concrete idea for my characters was born! Ever since then, everything that The Aetherium was based on was from a Kpop girl group named aespa. I recommend listening to them if you want something sort of futuristic and experimental to hear, especially Black Mamba, their debut song!
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Depending on how inspired I am for them, it tends to be a couple of hours. 3 or 4, perhaps? Per day, but sometimes there are droughts.
When someone asks the dreaded, "What do you write about," question, what do you usually say?
People don't usually ask me all that much, but for writing in general it would probably just be "fantasy", since that's what the majority of my works tend to be.
Name any characters you created.
If you wanna hop onto the train to get off The Aetherium Station for a second, a character who I will refer to as God's Only Puppet is spinning pretty rapidly in my head right now. Their """friend""", A Demon's Eternal Servant is spinning right next to 'em, just at a less frequent pace. Other than that, it's the usual Akina (except on Earth now) and a new challenger, Jaxsun!
Who's the most unhinged?
That'd have to be God's Only Puppet, currently! When you're an asshat jerk who cannot be killed (except by the God you're literally being puppeted by), you kind of go off the rails and do a lot of wack things. Like making a death game based on the game Werewolf.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
That'd have to be Akina, because fun fact! Pretty much every character in The Aetherium (with the exception of Zenith and a few others) are based of real people I used to know! And since Akina is based off of me, well... I think you can guess why she's so easy to write for me lmao
Do you ever cringe at them?
Not typically, but maybe that's because I haven't really put them in any embarrassing situations yet? Or make them fumble badly, who knows.
How much control do you feel over your characters?
A decent amount? Recently I've been stuck in the garbage because I'm unsure of what/how to write the scene, so currently we're all just standing there like "so who broke it" around a double of me dead over my chromebook. I'm trying to get back into it so here's to hoping!!
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
Hell yeah I do, especially about the ones I think about the least/not at all! Because then it helps me get a grasp on their characters better, so I can give them some good ol' depth.
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
I generally don't follow that many people, but if you have good tips/writing advice, or follow me as well, or interact with me a decent amount then I'll follow back!
What makes you decide against following?
There's nothing in particular that I have in mind, since I don't follow many people in the first place, unless they do any of the listed reasons in the above question. It'd probably be based off vibes, I guess?
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
No, not really. I'll usually like things or use the reply button rarely, but not reblog.
Do your mutuals' characters occupy space in your noodle?
They have yet to enter and register the overcrowded apartment that is my brain, so no, sorry! I wish they would but they have yet to cross the city street my friends :(
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2023 Writing Wrap-Up and Looking to 2024 Goals
I'm always so inspired by the introspective work that @kinetic-elaboration does about her work so I felt like diving into mine!
Not to sound dramatic, but it definitely took me up until the New Year for me to realize how much of a deep spiral I'd found myself in mentally in the second half of the year. It's not something I'm used to having to deal with, so I kept brushing it off as being a factor of "laziness" or just not being able to focus. So with now accepting what my starting point actually is, I'm excited for the new year to focus on improving that and working on what I'm creating!
Creating Goals:
I'd really, really like to get back into making gif sets! I'm not sure about making graphics anymore, but I really miss making gifs. So my priorities would be first finishing my season 4 gif set for Stranger Things, and then maybe doing some more fun ones or opening up for requests!
I don't have any immediate plans to make graphics again, but never say never! But I do miss moodboards as well, so maybe that's a possibility as well
Writing Goals:
The bigger one! My goal is to practice writing more drabbles and ficlets or oneshots to get my brain out of the slog of these huge WIPs I have. NOT that I'm not planning on finishing them –– in fact I'd like to really focus on getting fics completed! But I also need to, as with everything, do more warm ups and practice if I want to achieve these bigger stories. So I'm hoping to be posting more short things in the meantime, while building up my writing endurance to make more progress again on these larger stories. That'll include some new content, as well as the Six of Crows whump stories [link] and The 100 autumn-themed ones [link].
I plan to go through all of my WIPs again and reassess where they're at and what it would take to finish them. And then, does it even feel worth it? There are a couple that have been hovering over the chopping block all year so I'll see if 2024 is the year they get the official chop. It turns out on AO3 I "only" have 8 fics that are unfinished? Which I suppose compared to stories I've started, isn't terrible.
WIPs I'd like to prioritize:
dark fantasy, Bellarke AU [link]
sci-fi hanahaki disease, Bellarke AU [link]
apocalypse + mythology, Bellarke AU [link]
New WIPs I'd like to prioritize posting:
a Florida gothic inspired rock and religion themed Bellarke AU [probably a multi-chapter if I'm honest with myself]
a ghost/serial killer AU at a carnival for Nina/Matthias [oneshot]
my timeloop contribution to Troped with Eddie/Chrissy [should have been a oneshot, might be a multi-chapter]
Vibes of Plot Seedlings I'm Intrigued By:
a Bellarke, Heat AU | a Kanej, ice skating AU | a Kanej, dark Alice in Wonderland AU | rock band AU, Helnik AU
We'll see how this all goes! I'm working on letting go of expectations and unfair standards I hold to myself, so I'm attempting to truly embrace writing as a hobby and have fun with it again. So here's to actually writing this year!!
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druidx · 9 months
Oh hey, an ask thing. Can you answer 3, 8, 11, 13, 18, 24, and 25? Also an extra question: what's your favorite thing about the Starbound and Elder Scrolls universes? Oh and what's a favorite lore tidbit from both universes?
Hiya 'Mous, and Happy New Year to you!
From these questions
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
No, I don't think so. Unless I find another open world/ sandbox game to get attached to... I find it quite difficult to write for properties where the story is already all laid out and there's no 'gaps' to exploit.
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
I don't know about 'not brave enough' - more like 'never gotten around to it', so perhaps this is the year. In The Ruby Falls, the Modern AU of TES: Oblivion, the Hero of Kvatch gets a massive slash on her back which scars and she hates. The fic would revolve around her going to some shindig, only the high-backed dress she planned has somehow been swapped for a low-back dress. There's panic, there's tears, there's a fix and all is well and the shindig continues, possibly with her acceptance of the scar.
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
I keep thinking it would be funny to isekai one OC into a different universe I already write for, ie Mio (fish alien) from Starbound into the TES universe.
I'd also like to try a proper songfic.
13. Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 
I need to get back to recording my podfics. I might also offer/ ask to podfic some others' works.
Sadly I'm not really good at visual arts - the most I can manage are moodboards. I have been tempted to do a stick-figure outline for a comic script I wrote, but I need to finish it first 😅
18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 
I have tried posting multi-chapters as I go, and discovered that's a bad flow for me - I often want to go back and edit previous chapters, but I feel that's unfair to anyone who's already read it. So now I prefer making sure I'm happy with a work as a whole and then posting in one go. (Although, for The Ruby Falls, it's been suggested that I post on a schedule once the whole thing has been finished - apparently that's reader-preferred for works over 150k?)
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
"always has such dazzling description - it's almost like you're there!"
25. If you answered questions from this list last year, find your answers and compare your goals to your results. How’d you do?
Sadly I didn't do this game last year, but I did review my 2023 goals in My Year of Writing Review. I managed 2/6...
Bonus 1: what's your favorite thing about the Starbound and Elder Scrolls universes?
In TES, it's the scenery. All the (modernish) TES games are just so, so pretty 😊 My housemate likes to call Oblivion 'horse-riding simulator', because I do have a habit of just trotting around, exploring.
In Starbound, it's actually a game mechanic that I like best. If you build a house and put a deed down, it'll spawn in a tenant. If you build lots of houses, the tenants interact with each other, making little emotes. I just think it's really cute 😄 (and fun to write about).
Bonus 2: what's a favorite lore tidbit from both universes?
In TES, it's that the world is effectively one big lucid dream.
In Starbound, it's that the Glitch (robot people) were created as a simulation and were intended to progress through various stages of industrialization, but the creator left? died? and the Glitch got stuck in a pseudo-medieval state and have never progressed beyond that.
Thanks for the questions! I hope you enjoyed the answers 🧡
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flowercrownoreo · 2 years
1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 16, 17 for the deep fic ask!
Thanks for the ask!!
What's the fic you're most proud of?
I think the fic I'm most proud of is 'Hold Back The River' because in such a short space of time I managed to write something that is full of imagery and poetic language that matches the atmosphere of the fic and that's really something I strive for in my writing.
3. What fic are you emotionally attached to?
I'm definitely attached to 'And All The Quiet Nights You Bear' mainly because it was my very first HxH fic and Leopika lives in my head rent free!
4. What fic of your own do you read for comfort?
It's a really old fic, but sometimes I find myself revisiting '11pm' because it feels timeless; that feeling of calm late at night as you reflect on your adventures and the progress you've made, the optimism as you look towards the future. It was written with New Leaf in mind but really, those moments can happen in any Animal Crossing game, and I like revisiting it as I think about how I still have that nostalgic outlook when I play.
6. What's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
For me, the hardest part is the 'doing' part of it. Coming up with ideas and brainstorming is so much fun for me, and I could make a million moodboards and playlists for my stories, but the actual sit down and write it part? It's incredibly tough.
9. What's your writing process like?
I usually write on my computer while listening to music that matches the mood of the fic I'm writing. I used to write my fics on Word but I now use FocusWriter which helps with distractions and actually encourages me to make better progress with my writing. I usually take a very long time to finish a fic.
16. Do you re-read old fics? Is there a time in your writing you won't go back to?
Yes and no. Sometimes I avoid it when I think that I'm going to cringe at my old writing but sometimes I like revisiting my fics to see the progress I've made and I especially like looking at my newer fics to feel good about my writing and what I'm capable of. There are fics that I have on FFN that I will probably never revisit because they were written so long ago that I feel like they don't reflect me as a writer anymore.
17. What's the best engagement/interaction/feedback you've received from someone who's read your work?
I love it when anybody interacts with my fics, whether it's with kudos or with comments! Knowing that my fics make people happy fills me with warmth and encourages me to keep going, and I especially love it when people go feral in the comments! I also love seeing people regularly leave comments on my work and always supporting me! (@kirishimasmom in particular!)
I'll never forget the time I found an Animal Crossing fic in the Ao3 archive and at the bottom of the summary it said that it was inspired by my own Animal Crossing fic '3,200 Bells'
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The Clicker Game Brief
What is a clicker game?
A game where the whole point is to constantly click for rewards.
We're using a very simplistic template, and we're going to make it useful, cool looking, and engaging.
The style we're doing is a casual mobile game. Something super easy to use but also visually interesting and exciting. Balancing clarity with style basically.
Example: Cookie Clicker
Idle game with deep lore.
Passive playstyle.
Gets more active later in the game with golden cookies.
Gets more and more visually intense the further you go, with cursors surrounding your cookie in heavenly patterns.
What seems like a simplistic idle game slowly turns into a engaging game with multiple mechanics and skills.
Deep lore is deep and crazy.
Deep social commentary on the nature of capitalism in relation to endless growth and constant need for growth to sustain the economy despite the health and wellbeing of others being constantly undermined.
Clicker Game UI Design Brief
Concept through to assets - Title screen (name/logo, play button). Make sure the play button is easy to find (make it big). - In game (clicker button/area, make it obvious what you should click without telling the player what to click). - Clicker Button. The game revolves around the button. It requires satisfying sounds/visuals/animations. The progressive element is that the button changes visually for each level (maybe could behave differently as well) (it's heavily encouraged to change the button quite a lot between levels), the goal is to build excitement. There should be a feeling of progression. - Score element. The game finishes when the score hits 2000, can be higher. - 4 level up milestone sequences. These are transitions which clearly show the game progressing between levels. These should show the escalating intensity and should feel like a reward for the player. Same goes for the end screen, this should be the best bit. The next sequences should always be cooler and more interesting than the previous. - Progress bar. There needs to be a horizontal progress bar which shows the distance to beating the level, this is because it incentivizes them to keep going. - There are limitations to the template.
STYLE - Keep it fun and light. It's not dark, people don't die, keep that in mind. But, you can make pretty awesome effects and stuff like that. - Keep it obvious. Consistency in button styling, type faces, etc. It should feel like you're in the same game by the end. - Several moodboards showing you've investigated the theme/genre. - Wireframes (4 screens). Title, gameplay, transition, and end screens. Do multiple iterations for each. - Animation. The clicker button needs a responsive reaction to being clicked. Sequences need to be interesting. Animations in the backgrounds will enhance the game. Also, transitions could be animated as well. - Sound can be obtained from royalty free websites. Make sure sounds aren't annoying, loud, and obnoxious. - Might be your only shot at making a clicker game. - Use lots of time on this project. - UI animation is simplistic. - Make the game as compelling as you can, go for those details, make it interesting and fun. Story, unique style, whatever, use all tools at your disposal. - Level up sequences need to be made of a storyboard, plan out everything. NOTE: - Make sure people know whats going on. It can look as cool as possible, it can be so incredibly awesome, but if it's not understandable then it really doesn't matter. - Bugs are plenty, make sure to constantly get feedback. - Remember Morg's class and how we made backups each time we iterated, or at the start of each day.
Musts: - UI Consistency - Intrigue - Building Progression - Different Shit, Same Toilet - Research and documentation
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