#malcolm x maurevar
bluerose5 · 2 years
Serah Hawke,
I don't know if you remember me, but I certainly remember you. I remember a time before the Templar Order, before the Chantry, when I lived in Denerim. I remember, as a boy, a merchant's son who played with me in the markets from dawn till dusk. Both of us would run around, covered in mud with scabby knees and bright smiles. Then, when my parents perished in a fire, I carried the thought of that boy with me in the years to come. How we clung to each other in our final moments together, faces stained with tears and snot, when I was eventually hauled off to the Chantry.
During my years of training, I kept the thought of my best friend close to my heart. To comfort and console me in the good times and the bad.
I kept the thought of you close to me.
I honestly shouldn't be writing you, lest I get us both in trouble, but I know Tobrius well. He is a good man. A trustworthy one. He will be discreet. I understand if you wish not to respond. It'll put you at more risk than myself, yet I cannot help but feel as if it was some sort of destiny that brought you back into my life. That, out of all places, I was transferred to the wretched Gallows where you reside.
Know that, no matter what, the impact you left on my life was everlasting.
Your old friend,
Ser Maurevar Carver
—The first on the pile of letters that the mage Tobrius provided. One of many correspondences between Maurevar Carver and Malcolm Hawke during their time at the Gallows. The pages are worn and stained with age.
Meet in the courtyard after supper.
—The second letter is formed from a torn scrap of paper, nearly ineligible with its rushed, bold script.
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fathershonor--a · 4 years
me, thinking about the hawke children growing up with a mother and two fathers? more likely than you think!
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whereismywarden · 5 years
OC Masterlist
@kiraia​ pointed out (rightfully so) that I made quite a few vague posts about my OCs, but that I’ve never properly introduced them. It’s true, mostly because I tend to wait until they are well developed to properly do anything with them, which doesn’t happen all that often. So consider this a formal introduction to my current OCs :)
(Under a cut because there are quite a bunch of them. I hope it works on mobile, because otherwise yikes! I’m very sorry.)
Sad Mages Worldstate
It’s probably the one I talk about the most. It’s the most developed worldstate, with the most developed OCs and I’ve written a lot of fics about them.
The Warden: Ana Surana [Tag | Complete bio | Fanfictions]
pairings: Ana x Daylen Amell (friends with benefits), Ana x Alistair (DAO romance), Ana x Carver (current pairing, now married) + I occasionally throw Isabela into the mix because reasons.
Born in the Gallows and taken to an orphanage in Highever until her magic manifested.
Grew up close to Anders, Jowan, Amell and (to a lesser extent) Finn.
Had a baby that she was forced to give to the Chantry.
Main DAO choices include: romancing Alistair, getting her heart broken after making him king, stupidly refusing to do Morrigan’s ritual and watching him sacrifice his life for her.
Later she starts dating Carver (whom she actually met at Ostagar where they had a brief fling before the Battle).
Takes part in the Mage Underground and helps Anders build his bomb.
Starts hearing the Calling shortly before DAI.
Is Hawke’s contact during HLtA.
The Champion: Alwyn Hawke [Tag | Complete bio | Fanfictions]
pairings: Alwyn x Anders (DA2 romance, on and off), Alwyn x Cullen (one time), Alwyn x Rylen (post DAI, considering making them endgame, not sure yet).
Purple Hawke.
Carver becomes a warden.
Supports the mages.
Develops a close friendship with Ana.
Breaks up with Anders after the Chantry explosion, wishing he’d trusted him enough to share his plan with him. They do get back together later on.
Is the first one to learn about Ana hearing the Calling.
Stays behind in the Fade during HLtA, but eventually finds a way out.
He was found by Inquisition scouts in the Western Approach, suffering from amnesia.
Later falls in love with Rylen.
(Note that I still need to update that last part into his bio.)
The Inquisitor: Violette Surana [Tag | Complete bio | Fanfictions]
pairings: Violette x Orsino (once twice), Violette x Samson (current partner).
Ana’s mum.
Orlesian who grew up in Ferelden during the occupation.
Was taken to the Gallows at age 13.
Was a close friend of Malcolm Hawke.
Had her baby (Ana) taken by the Chantry. Later escaped.
Hates the Chantry.
Attends the Conclave in the hopes that Ana might be there.
Starts sleeping with Samson after his capture because he basically said fuck the Chantry to her face and it turned her on.
Hardened Leliana becomes Divine.
Other OC: Neriah Amell-Hawke
Is Ana’s daughter. She got her out of the orphanage after the Blight (thanks, Leliana).
Her father is Daylen Amell. Carver adopted her when he married her mama.
Is 18 as of Trespasser.
Second Chances Worldstate
This one started off as an AU for a fic starring Ana and Alistair which is why these two worldstates are so similar. The point of divergence is that Jowan went to Amell for help instead of Ana for some reason.
The Warden: Daylen Amell [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Day x Ana (friends with benefits), Day x Morrigan (DAO romance and while I did consider for a while not having him follow her through the eluvian, I changed my mind. There’s too much growth potential.)
His father was Maurevar Carver, because I say so.
Main DAO choices include: Sparing Loghain, Alistair becoming a drunk, not doing Morrigan’s ritual because he can just throw Loghain at the Archdemon (which he did).
Helps Ana get their daughter out of the Kirkwall orphanage. Bails on them right afterwards.
Does follow Morrigan through the eluvian and actually ends up being a decent dad to Kieran.
Does not become Ferelden’s Warden-Commander.
The Champion: Alwyn Hawke (yes, again)
Like I said, this was originally an AU, so it made sense to keep the same Hawke. There are quite a few differences, however.
pairings: none.
Does not bring Anders to the Deep Roads. Carver dies.
Suffers from severe depression afterwards.
Goes from purple to full blue after Leandra’s death.
Stays behind in the Fade. Probably won’t make it out in this worldstate.
The Inquisitor: Asaara Adaar [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Asaara x Cullen (starts before DAI, now married).
Meets Cullen shortly before the Chantry explosion. They fall in love.
Not going into too much details because it will be part of Second Chances’ main story.
Other OCs: Ana Surana and Neriah [Main fic | Other fics]
Again, can’t go into too much detail because spoilers.
pairings: Ana x Carver (before the Deep Roads expedition anyway), Ana x Alistair.
Day brings Ana to Kirkwall shortly after the Blight to meet their daughter. She ends up staying after they get Neriah out of the orphanage.
Single mom. Works as a waitress.
They find drunk Alistair in their garbage. Ana wants to help him get better.
Other OC: Issala Adaar [Tag]
pairings: Issala x Varric (post-DAI).
Is Asaara’s overexcited little sister.
Likes to tinker with explosives.
Built a handheld cannon. It’s clunky, not very accurate and is prone to misfire. In other words, it still needs a lot of work.
Varric thinks she’s adorable so he made her his personal bodyguard.
Angry Dalish Worldstate
The Warden: Shaelyn Mahariel [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Lyn x Tamlen (Origin), Lyn x Bethany, (considering Lyn x Alistair between DA2 and DAI but even that might be too cruel.)
Doesn’t want to be a warden.
DAO choices include: Alistair remaining with the wardens because he doesn’t want to be king.
No in-game romance, she was too heartbroken after losing Tamlen.
Eventually starts dating Bethany.
Travels to the Free Marches after the death of her clan to kill the man responsible.
Almost dies in the resulting fight against Hawke (thank the Creators Anders was there).
Goes home and confesses to Bethany that she almost killed her brother and that she would have done it had he not been so badass. They break up.
The two of them reconcile post-DAI, after Hawke and Merrill’s wedding.
The Champion: Kris Hawke [Tag]
pairings: Kris x Merrill (now married).
Blue Hawke.
Sadly couldn’t save Merrill’s clan.
Didn’t want to hurt Lyn that badly during their fight, he was just defending himself. Deeply regrets it afterwards.
The Inquisitor: no one specific yet, but likely a Lavellan romancing Solas.
Alistair stays behind in the Fade.
Elves in Luuuuv Worldstate
The Warden: Kallian Tabris [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Tabs x Alistair (DAO romance)
Probably the most canon-compliant OC.
Main DAO choices include: making Alistair king with Anora as queen and becoming his mistress.
Madly in love.
Will have a happy ending.
No Hawke or Inquisitor yet.
Homecoming Worldstate
The Warden: Elaine Cousland [Tag]
pairings: Elle x Nathaniel (pre-DAO, now ex-husband), Elle x Leliana (DAO romance), Elle x Sebastian (current).
Was BFF with Anora during their childhood.
Actually met Sebastian before he was sent to the Chantry. The two of them had similar lifestyles back then, so when Elle visited Starkhaven with her father, the two of them developed a rivalry of sorts in their romantic pursuits (think Merteuil and Valmont, but a lot more light-hearted). They do spend one night together after learning that he is going to be sent to the Chantry.
Eventually fell in love and married Nate. They kept their relationship a secret, however. They divorced after the Blight.
Main DAO choices include: romancing Leliana, making Alistair king with Anora as queen, sparing Loghain and performing the ritual.
Her relationship with Leliana didn’t survive the distance.
Leaves the Wardens after the Chantry explosion and basically goes on the run from everyone because she feels responsible for what happened.
Helps Sebastian reclaim his throne. They fall in love. (I’m currently writing a fic about this, actually)
Still unsure about her DAI fate. Either she replaces Hawke in HLtA and stays behind in the Fade, or she becomes Inquisitor.
The Champion: Violetta Hawke [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Letta x Isabela (DA2 romance).
Yes, she was totally named after Violette.
Is Kris’ sister.
Carver becomes a Templar.
Spared Anders.
Sails into the sunset with Isabela.
DAI fate will depend on what I decide to do with Elle.
The Inquisitor: no one yet.
Loghain survives HLtA.
I am considering having Neriah (yes, again) be the Herald with someone else as Inquisitor since she’s only a kid. In this worldstate, she grew up in Kirkwall’s orphanage before being taken to the Gallows. She escapes the massacre and Carver eventually takes her under his wing.
I'm planning to have two additional worldstates (I want one per warden origin). One called "Happy Dwarves" with a male Brosca romancing Zevran and one called "Dead Heroes" with a male Aeducan romancing Leliana (and probably Alwyn again, idk). I also have a couple of Cadashes that I want to put somewhere, a woman romancing Josie and a man romancing Divine Cassandra. Idk yet if they'll be Inquisitors or if I'll just add them to one of the existing worldstates. Odds are one will be Inquisitor while the other just tags along.
I probably missed a few things here and there, but that’s basically the gist of it. Thanks to anyone who actually stuck to the end, lmao.
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queerloquial · 8 years
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oh, love, can you hear me ||| a timeline of malcolm hawke, maurevar carver, and the love story that never existed
01. bury our love - jacob whitesides [-] the saying goes, “only the good die young” / we're far from old / we're far from done / you got me high, you know that's why / gonna bury our love at the bottom of the river
02. shining - x ambassadors [-] i’ve been living in the dark for a long, long time / but i sleep better at night / knowing that you, you are my shining star
03. shots - imagine dragons [-] i'm sorry for everything / oh, everything i've done / from the second that i was born it seems i had a loaded gun / and then i shot, shot, shot a hole through everything i loved
04. time waster - the colourist [-] i'm no longer what you wanted / and i've learned nothing from it / i'm no longer what you wanted / time wasted and i'm never looking back
05. we all go the same - radical face [-] and you will live your life full of fear / and i will live mine wishing you were near / and you will pray to be stronger / and i won't pray at all / but either way we're both gonna fall
06. war of hearts - ruelle [-] stay with me a little longer / i will wait for you / shadows creep / and want grows stronger / deeper than the truth
07. all is well (it’s only blood) - radical face [-] they cut me up, but i did them worse / and i'll be fine, i just need to rest
08. rest in peace - yellowcard [-] stories are lost somewhere behind your eyes / you are a dying breed, you stand alone / i couldn’t get through no matter how i tried / you tore me apart but still I love you so
09. still here - digital daggers [-] hidden companion / phantom be still in my heart / make me a promise that / time won't erase us / that we were not lost from the start
10. everyday - phil collins [-] the book closes and we try to forget / but i know that things won't change / how we feel, how life goes on / and that seems so strange
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thistaleisabloodyone · 11 years
Your Name is Maurevar Carver
A/N: I couldn't think of a better title and that's what I named the word document. *Shrugs*
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Your name is Maurevar Carver. You are sixteen when you decide to join the Templars, as you watch them walk past in their shining armor and red robes.
You’re eighteen when you become a Templar recruit, and your mother cries as she stares at her baby boy, all dressed up and making himself respectable. You hold your shield close to your chest and run a finger across the one edge, pride filling your every movement. You will have a job - your mother and sisters will have a home.
You’re eighteen when you meet Malachi. He’s fifteen and trouble, with his quick smile and dancing eyes. While most mages avoid you, you have a hard time avoiding him. He’s almost always there, making some horrible joke over your shoulder.
You’re twenty when you realize that Malachi’s heart can break. You stumble upon him in the hallway, gripping the arms of a mage who was just made Tranquil. Instead of his smile and dancing eyes, Malachi looks shattered, totally and completely. He raises one hand to pull the mage’s bangs away from the sun branded on her forehand, and the Tranquil - no, Maria, her name is Maria - asks him if anything was wrong. Malcolm gives her a shaky smile and makes a dumb joke that falls flat, then he turns around and walks away.
You’re twenty and you’re gathering a mage in your arms and kissing him and you know you can lose your position, but you don’t care. Malachi freezes, but he kisses back soon enough. His hand is entangled in your hair, and you wish you weren’t wearing so much armor so you could hold him closer, so you could feel him, but this is good enough for him, so it’s good enough for you.
You’re twenty-one when you realize Malachi is planning something. You find a piece of paper with a list of names scribbled on it and one has been underlined three times. MALCOLM HAWKE. You hide the piece of paper in your armor, so no one will find it, and then you confront Malachi about it in the shadows of the library.
You’re twenty-one when Malachi tells you he’s gonna run away from the Circle and change his name. He tells you about all the plans he has for ‘Malcolm Hawke’ and your heart sinks as you realize that none of them involve you. You kiss him hungrily and Malachi kisses back and you realize that he knows that for him to get his freedom, he’s going to have to lose you.
You’re twenty-three when you help Malachi steal his phylactery. Some part of you says that you shouldn’t be doing this, but the rest of you has looked Malachi in the eyes and seen how badly he needs out of the Circle. How badly he needs his freedom. You let him out of the tower, and he presses a kiss to your lips.
You’re twenty-three when the Templars arrange a search for a missing apostate by the name of Malachi and you send a prayer to Andraste that none of them notice the glass in the sole of your boots.
You’re twenty-four when you request to be transferred somewhere, anywhere, else. You don’t care what Circle you get sent to, as long as it isn’t here. As long as you don’t walk the halls and keep thinking that Malachi - no, Malcolm - will be just around the corner. As long as you don’t have to see the places where you had spent so much time with him.
You’re twenty-five when you get transferred to the Kirkwall Circle. The Gallows is intimidating, and the statues don’t help much. There’re a number of new Templars to meet, many of whom have heard about how desperately you wanted transferred. The rumors about why you wanted to leave White Spire dogged you everywhere you went - some thought that you had fathered a child with a mage and was trying to escape it, others thought that you were tired of Orlais, more still believed you had had a relationship with a superior and it had gone south.
You’re twenty-six when you meet Meredith Stannard. She’s only a year younger than you and the story of her sister haunts her every step. Sometimes she makes you wonder if letting Malcolm escape was such a good idea, but you remember how he was starting to crack under the pressure of the Circle, how his spirits would fall whenever he saw a Tranquil or heard of a mage failing the Harrowing, no matter how well he hid himself behind his jokes.
You’re twenty-seven and searching the docks for a rumored blood mage when you meet Malcolm again. He’s striding off a boat from Antiva, his coat flapping behind him. Though you recognize what he carried on his back as the staff it was, it looked more like an axe than anything else. You quickly hide, so you don’t know if he recognizes you as you did him, but you know you’ll never forget how proud he looked, how quickly his smile flashed, like it used to - before Maria’s Rite of Tranquility instead of a Harrowing.
You’re twenty-seven when you find Malcolm in the Hanged Man, playing Wicked Grace, and he looks at you. The look in his eyes wasn’t the same as it always was, but the look of love was still there. You sit by him and watch as he wins every round. You know he’s cheating, but you don’t tell.
You’re twenty-eight when Malcolm meets Leandra Amell. You find him in Hightown, instead of the Hanged Man, and he’s watching her laughing and giggling with her friends. His eyes are filled with the same love that they are when he looks at you, and Leandra looks over at him and giggles. He grins broadly and waves, making her laugh harder.
You’re twenty-eight when you meet Leandra. You immediately like her because she attempted to beat you with a pan because she thought you were coming after Malcolm. She’s also regal and kind, and when she makes a mistake - and she makes plenty because she’s twenty years old and people make mistakes when they’re twenty - she’ll apologize to you afterwards.
You’re twenty-eight when Leandra pulls you into a kiss while Malcolm hugs you from behind and kisses your neck. You wake up the next morning, with Malcolm’s head on your chest and Leandra’s arms around you both and you realize that this is the meaning of love. Malcolm kisses you when he realizes you’re awake and Leandra gives you a sleepy smile and you can’t help but smile back at them.
You’re twenty-nine when Malcolm uses his magic in public, to save the leader of his mercenary crew - a woman named Bethany - and you do your best to stall the Templars. You later hear that the Amells’ firstborn daughter ran off into the night with a mysterious suitor and it breaks your heart because both of them have left you. Two times Malcolm Hawke has walked into your life, stolen your heart and walked out again.
You’re thirty-two when you quit the Templars. You have an idea of where Malcolm and Leandra went, and Maker help you, you will find them again.
You’re thirty-three when you finally find them. They’re in a house in the backwoods of Ferelden and a little girl greets you at the door and proudly declares that her name is Marian. You crouch in front of her and tell her that your name is Maurevar and she can’t pronounce it correctly, so she just gives up and calls you ‘Mau-Mau’.
You’re thirty-three when you see Malcolm and Leandra again - Leandra is cradling an infant in her arms and Malcolm is just looking at you. Then he smiles and makes some quip you can’t hear, before crossing the room and pulling you into a deep kiss.
You’re thirty-five and working in the frontyard when Marian comes running to you, holding out hands glowing with the soft blue of magic. Quickly, you move your body so that if anyone comes up the path, they can’t see her and she gives you this big, proud smile and declares that she’s just like papa!
You’re thirty-seven when you, Leandra and Malcolm are woken up by running footsteps and a child’s shrill shriek. Bethany’s standing in the middle of the children’s bedroom, her hands filled with fire. Carver’s staring at her in shock, but Marian’s running back from the well, a bucket full of water in her hands. She throws it over Bethany, then runs over and gives her baby sister a hug, as Bethany breaks down into tears. Leandra is over there before you can blink, holding both girls tightly to her chest. You see Malcolm’s jaw tighten, then loosen, as sadness creeps into his eyes. You place a comforting arm around his back - he never wanted any of his children to have magic and now two of them do.
You’re thirty-eight when someone realizes that Malcolm has magic and that night you’re carrying Carver in your arms, as the six of you run quietly from the town. He keeps fisting his hands and saying that it isn’t fair that he has to leave all of his friends behind and you see Malcolm flinch, even as he jokes with Carver.
You’re thirty-nine when you give Carver a wooden sword and start teaching him to use it. Leandra sees it and doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t tell you to stop. Malcolm watches and gives ‘helpful’ hints, while Marian and Bethany quietly practice magic where no one will see them.
You’re thirty-nine when Marian falls from a tree and breaks her leg and Carver comes running to you, tears on his face and apologizing for ‘killing Mari’. You pick him up as Leandra asks him where Marian and Bethany are, then she heads off to go find them, while you carry Carver into town as you look for Malcolm.
You’re thirty-nine when Marian, laying on the ground as Malcolm worked on healing her leg, holds up Carver’s wooden sword with a wide grin. You never hear the full story of how the sword got in the tree - Marian’s only ten but already becoming Malcolm’s daughter - but you know that the boys who used to play with Marian stop coming around.
You’re forty-seven when Leandra collapses in the kitchen. You aren’t home when it happens, but Marian’s Mabari comes running into town, barking up a storm, and you and Malcolm run home, terror ruining through your veins. You find Marian holding her mother, begging her to wake up, and Bethany’s holding Leandra’s hand and Carver’s face is paler than you’ve ever seen it.
You’re forty-seven when the five of you bury Leandra solemnly. Bethany lays a rose down on Leandra’s grave, while tears run down her face, and even Carver’s crying, but Marian isn’t and it worries you. You place a hand on your daughter’s shoulder - because you’ve raised her since she was four, blood or not, she’s yours - and she gives you a smile and tells you not to worry about her.
You’re forty-seven when Malcolm comes home, looks around and then declares that you’re leaving. Where, he’s not sure, and you’re not sure either, but you help the kids pack and you leave Lothering behind.
You’re forty-seven when you officially become mercenaries. The Crimson Oars has disbanded in the last eighteen years, but there’s another group called the Red Iron which covers much of the same area. The rift between Marian and Carver which began so long ago has only grown larger and they fight almost constantly. Bethany tries to intervene every once in awhile, but she rarely succeeds. You try to talk to Carver, but he shuts you out almost immediately.
You’re forty-eight when a blond apostate almost literally trips over Marian one night. His name is Anders and he’s on his fifth escape from the Circle. Malcolm decides to let him stay, and you’re struck by how similar he and Malcolm are. He tells Marian that all he wants is “a pretty girl, a decent meal and the right to shoot lightning at fools” and she tells him that she doesn’t know about the first one, but he can have the other two if he stays with them. He tells her that he’ll gladly stay for all three and you wonder if he knows that she’s only nineteen.
You’re forty-eight when a fight goes poorly and Marian takes an arrow to the chest. You’re kneeling beside her fallen body and Anders, who’s desperately healing her, covering them both with your shield as Malcolm, Bethany and Carver take out the bandits with a ferocity you haven’t seen in years. You watch Anders healing your daughter and you realize that age difference be damned, they were in love. Something, that you knew from your time as a Templar, to be a rarity for mages.
You’re forty-nine when Templars find you using Anders’ phylactery. You see the terror in Anders’ eyes and you help kill all four Templars. You hand him his phylactery, as you had given Malcolm his twenty-six years ago, and watch him destroy it. Inside, you know you should feel some guilt - once upon a time, you were in their ranks - but as you listen to him and Marian plot about how to destroy the small vial, you know you made the right choice.
You’re fifty when the Blight begins and Carver asks to fight at Ostagar. You can feel Malcolm about to say no, so you promise that you’ll go with Carver. You’re there when the beacon is lit and no help comes, but you and Carver get out alive - when you regroup with everyone in Redcliffe, Malcolm runs over and kisses you passionately, while Marian and Bethany run to make sure that Carver is alright.
You’re fifty-one when the Blight ends and one of the Grey Wardens, a man named Alistair whom you had met at Ostagar, is named king. The other Grey Warden is declared the Hero of Ferelden. His boon of the new king is the independence of the Circle from the Chantry and when you hear of the news, you can’t stop smiling.
You’re fifty-one when you end up in Amaranthine. A darkspawn attacks Marian, Anders and Carver while they’re out protecting a merchant cart, and Carver becomes infected. The Warden-Commander, a dark haired man you remember seeing at Ostagar, before it all went to hell, offers to save Carver and Marian accepts. Your heart drops when Marian and Anders return without Carver and you almost open your mouth to accuse her of not being careful enough, but you see her white knuckled fists and the unshed tears in her eyes, and you instead comfort her.
You’re fifty-one when you discover that Carver’s become a Grey Warden. When you see him in his armor, standing tall, you realize that being a Grey Warden fits him and even the Warden-Commander says so. Malcolm offers to help teach the Wardens how to fight a mage, and Anders and Marian’s service as healers, and the Warden-Commander accepts, moving all of you inside Vigil’s Keep.
You’re fifty-one when the Warden-Commander leaves to defend Amaranthine and the Keep is attacked while he’s away. You fight as hard as you ever have, because the Keep has become home. Because Bethany’s been flirting with a Grey Warden named Nathaniel Howe, because Carver’s found his place in life, because Marian and Anders have spoken about settling here, because Malcolm likes teasing the Wardens and the guards, because this has become home, the first real home you’ve had since Lothering and Leandra’s death.
You’re fifty-one when the fighting’s finished and the Keep remains standing. Marian, Anders, Bethany and Malcolm are working on healing as many people as they can, while you’re helping gather the dead.
You’re fifty-two when Anders and Marian marry in a ceremony at the Keep. Bethany’s the maid of honor and Nathaniel Howe’s the best man and Marian’s the happiest you’ve ever seen her, while Anders has the widest smile on his face. Even Ser Pounce-a-Lot, his beloved tabby cat who survived the Siege, has a place in the ceremony - as the most adorable ring bearer in Amaranthine. Bethany says something about wishing Leandra had gotten to see this and you wish she had gotten to see it, too.
You’re fifty-three when Marian gives birth to your first grandchildren - beautiful twin daughters - and Anders is ecstatic and Marian is, too, when she’s not making jokes. Everyone in the Keep is excited and Bethany can’t stop talking about her new nieces and Carver’s promising to tell them horribly embarrassing stories about their mother when she was little and you have your arm draped across Malcolm’s shoulders and neither of you can’t stop smiling.
You’re fifty-five when Bethany marries Nathaniel Howe. Malcolm cries melodramatically over both of his baby girls being grown up and Carver threatens Nathaniel with severe injury if he harms Bethany in anyway and Marian does, too, even though she claims to be only joking - neither you nor Nathaniel is sure she really is.
Your name is Maurevar Carver and you’re fifty-seven when the world erupts into hell. The Mage-Templar war has begun.
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A/N: If you read this, I hope you enjoyed it. Yes, I firmly believe that the Mage-Templar War was inevitable, with or without Anders exploding the Chantry. You can only oppress a people so long before they turn on you.
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bluerose5 · 2 years
—The eighth page of correspondence has multiple entries, as if written in quick succession of one another.
C, you shouldn't have interfered.
And tell me. What kind of person would I be if I didn't?
It wasn't your place.
I beg to differ. It was exactly my place. My job is to protect the mages in my care.
Don't pull that load of nugshit with me. You've never been that interested in being a templar. Stop acting like your so-called duty matters now.
Just because I didn't want the lot I drew in life doesn't mean that I can't strive to make things better for others. That I can't try and make things better for you. Maker's breath, they were WHIPPING you. What else was I supposed to do?! Sit back and watch? Enjoy the show?
The others certainly did.
Well, I'm not the others.
Yet you're so hesitant to go against your precious status quo. You're so afraid of drastic change. How are you any better than the others when your inaction allows the Chantry's abuses to continue?
Are we really going there?
You're the one in a position of power here. Not me. Use your voice to make some change, damn it. Or was it not enough that I was getting beaten for defending a Tranquil against one of yours? It's easy to ignore the problem when you've convinced yourself that the person being assaulted is nothing more than a walking, talking, breathing object.
We'll talk more about this later. Our usual place?
Fuck you!
—The last words on the page were emphasized with three sharp lines scratched underneath them.
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bluerose5 · 2 years
Ser C,
I know that I am unbelievably handsome, but I would like to politely request that you stare less when we are in the same vicinity. My fellow mages are starting to cluck like a bunch of old hens, and that usually means trouble, should a templar hear word of it. For the sake of our ever-so-stellar reputations, please refrain from doing so around others. It would be best NOT to draw attention to ourselves, don't you think?
Also, would it kill you to not sign our names, plain as day, on every incriminating note we send each other? Maker's breath!
—The fifth letter is written on a full piece of paper this time. The postscript is sloppy and rushed, the words blending together more than those prior.
Ha! Perhaps I was staring because you had something in your teeth. Did you think of that? Alas, I guess that I will have to be deprived of your beauty for the foreseeable future. I shall endeavor to do as you ask of me.
In truth, I was beyond impressed with how quickly you handled your Harrowing. I don't know if I could have
It does not matter. What matters is that you're safe.
Your faithful servant,
Ser C
—The sixth letter is covered in splotches of ink where Ser Maurevar vigorously scratched through that one sentence, forever incomplete.
Wait, did you just call me beautiful?
—The seventh letter had been crumpled up and smoothed out, still wrinkled in spite of the attempt to preserve it. A corner had been burned, darker than the others, but it didn't reach any farther beyond that edge. No words were destroyed.
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bluerose5 · 2 years
Serah Hawke,
Maker, I hope that I do not regret doing this, but it eats away at one's conscience to watch Harrowing after Harrowing go by, unable to say a word. Unable to help. I hate to admit, I have attended my fair share of them. I have had to commit unspeakable atrocities, all supposedly done in the Maker’s name, but I do not confess to such sins, expecting your forgiveness for my crimes. I simply want to deliver a warning to try and make up for the past. I cannot remain silent anymore.
I hear you are an apprentice of exceptional skill, well beyond your peers. I have faith in your abilities with your Harrowing fast approaching, but I cannot allow the Order to so cruelly risk your life. Tell as many others as you can without drawing undue attention to yourself. I want you to tell! It's not fair what they do to your people, that they force you to face horrors that no other is exposed to. Surely there are better ways to test a mage's control than this! There must be something that can be done rather than resorting to the brand for all who refuse.
If I get discharged from the Order for what I must tell you, then so be it. It will be worth the risk. The Harrowi—
—The third letter of correspondence cuts off abruptly. The latter half of the page is burned to a crisp, the edges blackened and charred.
Duly noted. And thank you.
—The fourth letter, like the second, is on a torn scrap of paper, hastily written. On the back, there appears to be notes of some kind, the ink smudged.
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