#male muscle morph
muscle-gods-only · 4 months
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It’s Good To Help Others
One day I’m in the gym doing triceps push-downs, frustrated with my lack of progress, overhearing these two trainers on the machine next to mine talking. One asking the other how he got such a full roster of clients, “Oh I built up my clientele over many years.” Then his friend says that he doesn’t have years: he getting married soon, his wife wants them to buy a house and start having kids…. His friend says that he needs a guy to transform, someone who doesn’t mind getting really, really big. The first trainer says that’s great and all, but his female clients want to stay feminine looking and his males clients all have wives that do want them getting “too big.” His buddy is like, do you have any gay male friends that wouldn’t mind? But the first trainer says, “No” in a sadish voice. The older trainer went on: “gay men don’t have wives that tell them not to get too big, in fact, a total Adonis gets his face card filled first. We need to find you one that starts off really small fore the Before pictures, kind of like this guy.” Then he points to you. “Hey”, you say, “That’s not nice! Although, like you were saying I’d do anything to get huge!” “Bigger than us?” The senior trainer asked. “Bigger than both of you guys put together, times five!” I replied. “You are hired the younger guy proclaimed. A year out, he has totally transformed me into a massive muscle god and his practice is super successful thanks to my transformation pics and I always hand out his cars to rich older guys who want to transform themselves too. My trainer did get married, bought the house of their dreams, he was able to let his new wife stop working and she is pregnant with their first kid, but most of all, look at the picture above, I am massive now!
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kaimuscle · 7 months
Starting to make my own morphs, how’s this?
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maxmorphs · 11 months
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More than a handful. He needs to be milked NOW! Can't believe there aren't any volunteers around … 🕵️‍♂️
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joanpot98 · 3 months
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Hey babe come in here! Looks like I grew some more overnight. Everything above my pecs is cut off from the mirror. I must've grown another 8 or 9 inches and put on 20 lbs of muscle while we were sleeping! Take a photo and come help me measure little man!
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growmemassive · 10 months
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pumperpup · 4 months
Ken and Josh, both middle-aged men with a zest for life and a penchant for the extraordinary, had been the best of friends for decades. Ken, a brilliant yet often mischievous inventor, had recently completed his most peculiar invention: a "muscle growth remote." This device, crafted with an aura of mystery, featured an array of intricate designs and a prominent red button that gleamed like a ruby.
On a lazy, sun-drenched afternoon, while Josh was leisurely reading a book in Ken's living room, Ken decided it was the perfect moment for a little prank. With a sly grin, he aimed the remote at Josh and pressed the button.
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In an instant, Josh's muscles began to transform. It started subtly; his forearms thickened, veins rising like serpentine rivers across his skin. His biceps swelled, straining against the fabric of his shirt, as if they were trying to escape confinement.
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"Wow, Ken, what in the world..." Josh gasped, feeling his shirt tighten around his burgeoning chest. His pecs were now protruding boldly, defined and powerful.
At first, Josh was amused, flexing his arms and marveling at his newfound strength. "I haven't been this buff since college," he chuckled, admiring his reflection in the mirror.
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But Ken, enthralled by the success of his invention, pressed the button repeatedly. Josh's muscles ballooned with each press. His shoulders broadened to Herculean proportions, casting a formidable shadow. His thighs became like pillars, each muscle fiber visibly twitching and expanding.
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However, the amusement soon turned into concern. "Ken, I think this is getting out of hand," Josh said, his voice tinged with worry. His movements were now lumbering and awkward, his body struggling to adapt to its excessive musculature.
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Ken, realizing he may have gone too far, watched in a mix of awe and fear as Josh's once-fit body morphed into a mass of overgrown muscles. The seams of his shirt gave way, revealing a landscape of bulging, rock-like muscles.
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"Ken, please, make it stop!" Josh pleaded, his voice echoing a mixture of fear and desperation. He tried to stand up, but his colossal frame made even the simplest movements a challenge.
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Ken finally put down the remote after Josh fell to the ground, helpless and unable to move.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic. It'll wear off soon.. I think," Ken laughed.
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bigmusclelover7 · 1 year
Imagine if I could do this
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aibigbois · 4 months
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I created a monster. All I said to my boyfriend is that I love him more with each pound of muscle he puts on. Now he's 300 lbs bigger and wont stop. He always is looking at himself in the mirror saying he's too small, or he's gotta get bigger. Each pound is for you babe, he says, that's what you wanted, right? I mean yeah, I definitely love him this big but I'm getting scared he's gonna keep growing
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andrewmpreg · 8 months
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Ai Morphs #6
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muscle-gods-only · 4 months
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Um, that’s the end of the tour here at the vitamin factory. I see that 2 of you have taken some of out restricted line of vitamins. Not jut the 10 ft tall man up front, or the gigantic man above him drinking from the blue 800,000 gallon tank of Huginex! Oh my God, he’s going to get unimaginably huge!
Original pic
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kaimuscle · 7 months
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Bros chest is hypnotizing
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joanpot98 · 3 months
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This is the dream. To have a boyfriend who's so big his bicep is the size of your head and he can look you in the eye while sitting flat on the ground! This guy is extra lucky too because his boyfriend is still getting BIGGER! 3 inches of height and 15lbs of muscle each week!
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slick-devon · 11 months
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Robb's pecs
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pumperpup · 1 month
In the bustling heart of the city, Dr. Felix, a small, slender man with striking silver hair and a well-groomed mustache, had just opened his latest venture: a pop-up hypnotism office. Dr. Felix was no ordinary hypnotist; he harbored a unique fascination with inducing rapid, immense muscle growth in his unsuspecting clients. The sign outside his office flickered with the neon words, “Transform Your Fears Today.”
The first client of the day was a timid young man named Mark, who confessed his fear of going to the gym. He felt overwhelmed by the mere thought of working out beside the seasoned gym-goers. Dr. Felix listened intently, his eyes twinkling with a mix of empathy and excitement as he devised a special plan for Mark.
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"Let's make your gym visits more... impactful," Dr. Felix suggested with a sly grin. He guided Mark into a deep hypnotic state, his voice smooth and reassuring. "Whenever you hear the phrase 'muscle time,' your muscles will grow stronger, larger, more defined."
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As Felix snapped his fingers to wake Mark, the air was charged with anticipation. "Muscle time," he declared with a dramatic flourish.
Instantly, Mark’s arms began to swell, the muscles expanding with a startling rapidity. His shirt tightened around his biceps, the fabric straining as if it might tear at any moment. Mark gasped, his eyes wide with astonishment and a burgeoning delight. He flexed instinctively, marveling at the sudden heft and power of his arms.
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Encouraged by the reaction, Dr. Felix repeated the trigger phrase. "Muscle time." Mark's transformation escalated. His shoulders broadened, chest bulged, and his legs thickened to the size of tree trunks. His physique now resembled that of an amateur bodybuilder, the contours and striations of his muscles sharply defined.
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"That's enough," Mark stammered, a mix of excitement and anxiety in his voice. He was already larger than he had ever imagined becoming.
But Dr. Felix, caught up in the thrill of his creation, couldn't resist. "Muscle time," he whispered, a wild gleam in his eyes.
Mark's body exploded in size once more, his muscles ballooning to an extreme. He was now the size of a professional bodybuilder, each muscle group grotesquely oversized and veined. His movements became cumbersome; the sheer mass was overwhelming.
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"No, please, stop!" Mark pleaded, his voice tinged with panic. He struggled to adjust to his massive new form, his clothes mere tatters hanging off his Herculean frame.
Yet Dr. Felix, driven by a deep, unyielding curiosity and excitement, pressed on. "Muscle time, muscle time, muscle time!" he chanted rapidly, unable to contain his fervor.
With each utterance, Mark grew exponentially. His body became a spectacle of raw, unbridled growth. The muscles were so pronounced that they hindered his movement, rendering him nearly immobile. Mark looked down at himself in horror and disbelief, too large to even comprehend.
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Dr. Felix finally stepped back, his breath heavy with both awe and a trace of fear at what he had unleashed, "Perfection." Mark was a giant, a titan of muscle bound by the confines of his own flesh, trapped in a body that was too powerful, too monstrous for any ordinary life.
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bigwishes · 1 year
I hope you grant my wish:
I wish to be a muscle stud, but I want to be the stinkiest and slobbiest guy to ever exist.
Sure bro and I think I got the perfect transformation from you.
You lean back in your office chair shortly after sending your request when you feel a strange sensation was over your body. You begin to feel you body pump itself up. Your veins become visible and blood rapidly pumps around you body trying to get oxygen to your inflating muscles. You hear your office chair squeak as you feel yourself getting bigger. You try to stand up and got check yourself out in the mirror but as you try to stand you feel a pain in your gut. You watch as a cut six pack forms on your body, the six pack continues to push forward as you become painfully bloated, you hadn't even fully stood up yet before you fell backwards into your office chair. You began to sweat slightly, rubbing your six pack to try and ease the pain you can't help but burp trying to release the pressure building up in your gut.
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Your wish came true, well most of it. There was practically no B.O, you were just a bit sweaty from transformation, and a bit bloated. But as the minutes passed that passed too and soon you were able to get up out of your office chair and walk around the house. You were a bit disappointed, you were expecting some hot B.O and sweaty.
You got up from your chair and began to walk around. You walked down your hallway and began to feel heavy. Like gravity was increasing on you, you began to slow down as sweat dripped down your skin. You looked down, it looked like you were getting bigger? but you weren't sure in the dark hallway, one thing you did notice was the wet feeling in the carpet, it was running off your body and seeping into the carpet. You walked down the hallway, slowing down with each step. You found yourself in your lounge room totally out of breath. You stomach grumbled as you began to feel bloated again. You flopped your new jock body onto your couch. You felt the sweat intensify, running down your back, soaking your underwear and seeping into your couch. Suddenly a controller appeared in your lap. but you don't remember buying the latest console, you look up at your TV and see a shooter loaded up, suddenly there were earphones in your ears and a voice coming through.
"hey anyone got a mic?" a guy asked
You couldn't take it anymore, you had no control and you just...
"BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRP" you released an enormous belch into the open mic
"broooo, don't fuckin burp into the mic" another guy said
"-UUUURRRP, sorry bro *hic" You couldn't help yourself from burping into the mic again.
---- After the game was over you found yourself no longer feeling bloated, but instead starving, right as you went to stand up suddenly a blender filled with ice cold protein shake appeared in your hand, and a bowl of chicken and rice resting on your thigh, there was no need to get up, you meal was right here. You chugged your shake, only stopping to take a breath and let out a small burp, in between massive gulps you practically inhaled mouthfuls of chicken and rice.
After your miraculous meal you once again found yourself so bloated you couldn't get up, so you played another game, and had another meal, and another game, an another and another. The sounds of people complaining about you burping into the mic didn't bother you, you didn't even notice yourself swelling with size after each meal. The longer you played the bigger you got and the worse you stunk, you didn't even notice your rank stench most of the time, only when you would reach down to scratch your ass drenched in sweat and lift up your fingers to be grossed out by your stink and laugh into the mic about how bad you reek.
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"BUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRP, aah fuck, so blo- *hic* ted...ahh my protien shake, right on time..hey is that a second one on the coffee table? mmmmmmmm and a nice big plate of pasta for after my chicken, oh cool and a whole box of protein bar's to snack on whilst I game"
enjoy your muscle bound life bro as a big slobberish gamer meathead
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maxmuscle022 · 3 months
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Dragon Dogma 2 - Ultra Muscle Man 💪
Robust body part options, but trash muscle texture options.
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