#malec fanficion
bytheangell · 6 years
Support System - Chapter 5
When Alec's favorite show gets cancelled and he takes to messaging customer service repeatedly to show his support, he doesn't expect to connect so well with the support representative he keeps getting paired off with.  (Read it from the start on AO3!)
Alec feels the heat in his face as he stutters something out - he isn’t even sure what at this point because his brain shut down entirely in his flustered panic. But the attractive man he spilled coffee on like a total klutz is still smiling, laughing and shrugging and disappearing into the coffee shop with a wink. The thought occurs to him to follow - to buy him a coffee, at least. But he remembers how late he’s already running, and it’s the easiest excuse to cling to as he turns to leave.
Still, his thoughts linger on the man - those dark brown eyes that seemed to flash with flecks of gold when the light caught them (though he never make eye contact long enough to tell if it was just the light playing tricks on him), the way the sleeves of his dress shirt clung to his impressively large biceps, and how the tailored plum vest he wore over it suited him so perfectly. And those maroon highlights in his hair…
...the blush was back on Alec’s face even though he is now an entire block away. He needs to stop. It isn’t like he can go out for drinks in the city his entire family lives in! He didn’t have a choice but to say no; what if someone sees him? Izzy is the only one who knows he’s gay, and if his brothe,r or parents, or even any of his parent’s friend’s see him out and say something… he just isn’t ready for that. But it still feels nice to be hit on, even if he did chicken out on the follow-through.
So he forces the thoughts from his mind the best he can as he steps through the door of the shop. Or at least he thinks he does.
“...what happened?” Izzy asks immediately.
“What?” He asks, confused, placing his coffee and bag down on the nearest counter.
“Your face is right red and you have a dopey grin on your face.”
“Oh, I ran into someone at the coffee shop. Literally. I spilled coffee on them and it was embarrassing and we’re going to pretend it never happened now.”
“And on a scale of 1 to 10, how hot was he?”
“Izzy.” He chastises, rolling his eyes, but when he’s met with nothing more than crossed arms and a defiant stare he sighs. “11.” And since he knows she won’t let it go that easily he pauses only briefly before adding (and not without a hint of satisfaction). “I offered to pay to have his shirt cleaned and he said I could pay him back with a drink instead.”  
“You got a date?” Isabelle asks incredulously, but Alec shakes his head quickly before she can get her hopes up too high.
“No. I said I couldn’t and left.” He sees the disappointment all over her face. “You know I can’t, Iz. If someone saw-” “I know, I know.” And her tone is understanding but laced with sadness. “I can’t tell you how to live your life, big brother, but I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand more times if I have to - you deserve to be happy. No one who matters is going to judge you for that. And if they do, I’ll kick their asses.”
“I know you will,” he says with a fond smile. “Thanks.” He braces himself for more but Isabelle drops it there and the Lightwood siblings get to work opening the store.
The day passes by slowly and uneventfully after that, and Alec is back home and falling into what is quickly becoming a new routine. Eat, sleep, wake up to a midnight alarm so he can catch a chat or two with Magnus, universe willing. The queues are down to 3 or so minutes each time now, still holding strong, and he passes the time in between by sending out tweets and e-mails, and writing brief exchanges with the first two support reps he gets connected to who aren’t Magnus, until:
Support: You are Chatting with Magnus B. Magnus: Just the name I wanted to see.   Alec: Hello again to you, too. Magnus: One of these times I’m going to come across another Alec L. and things are going to get hilariously awkward. Alec: You could always use a regular greeting, you know. Magnus: Where’s the fun in that? I like living on the edge. Alec: I wish I had some of that mentality. Magnus: You can take some of mine. I have plenty to go around.   Alec: Heh, thanks. Alec: Any word on the show? Magnus: Unfortunately, nothing new on my end. Same old blanket statement. Alec: Damn. Alec: Sorry, can I curse in here? Probably not. Magnus: If you think you’re the first person to swear in a customer service chat, boy do I have news for you. Alec: Good point. So where are you in Season 2 now?
They chat about the show for a few minutes before Alec realizes he’s still far too tired for this right now. Every time he blinks his eyes stay shut for longer and longer, and it isn’t like Magnus doesn’t have an actual job to do here. Alec: Well, I should let you get back to work. Maybe I’ll try and pop back in later. Magnus: I hope you do. This chat has ended.
Alec decides to try and sleep the rest of the night and wake up early enough to catch Magnus before the end of his shift in the morning. A plan that would’ve worked great if a massive rumble of thunder followed by a tremor that rattled his entire apartment didn’t wake him up at 2:34 am, and try as he might he just can’t fall back asleep. He pulls his laptop off of the bedside table and boots it up, browsing through the #SaveTheHunt tags for a few minutes before donating to a fundraiser set up in the campaign’s name for an amazing LGBTQ+ Nonprofit. And then, when it becomes clear he isn’t about to fall asleep any time soon, he decides to try the support chat again.
This time there is no queue, which is good, because it takes three tries to get to Magnus.
Support: You are Chatting with Magnus B. Magnus: Welcome back. Alec: I couldn’t sleep, and this seemed better than tossing and turning for another hour. Magnus: Not that I’m glad you can’t sleep, but it’s been an uncharacteristically quiet night here. I thought I’d be glad to see things die down but I kinda miss it. Alec: I’m sure it’ll pick back up. We’re far from giving up - in fact, there was a new fundraising campaign started today in the show’s name, benefitting LGBTQ+ youth in honor of all the representation and impact the show has in the community. Magnus: That’s amazing! I’ll have to check that out after work. I’d be remiss not to give back in honor of the positive bisexual showing so far. It isn’t often you find something in pop culture that goes out of its way to give us such a good rep.  Alec: Oh, you’re bi? Magnus: Sorry, tmi. Alec: No, it’s cool. Alec: That’s cool.
Alec hesitates, hands hovering over the keyboard as he thinks back to earlier at his desire to live on the edge a little more. To the missed opportunity at the coffee shop. To Isabelle telling him that he deserves to be himself. His pulse is racing, but that’s stupid, because it’s just a word. It’s just a word to a person who doesn’t even know him. A person he’ll never meet. And there’s a certain safety in the anonymity of the internet, isn’t there? He’s just a name here, and not an uncommon one at that. He can be anyone, anywhere. And if he can’t bring himself to type the words to a stranger on the internet how will he ever say them out loud to the people around him? It seems like the perfect starting point.
What does he really have to lose?
He takes a deep breath and starts to type.
Alec: I told my sister I was gay after watching the first two seasons with her, so I get it. It’s important. Seeing the support the everyone gave, even after the whole wedding fiasco, had a huge impact on me. I’m not sure I ever would’ve done it otherwise. Magnus: Oh wow. That is big. Congratulations! Alec: Thanks, but it isn’t that impressive. I’m 22 and she’s the only one I ever told. Magnus: Everyone moves at their own pace. I’m sure you’ll get there.
Alex exhales the breath he didn’t realize he’s holding. Admitting that truth about himself to someone other than Isabelle is so freeing, no matter what the context, and Alec feels a small sense of peace settle over him. Nothing as intense as what he felt talking to Isabelle, but nice in its own way.
The conversation seems to flow so easily after that, and Alec forgets his nerves almost entirely. They talk about a mixture of personal anecdotes and things from the show (with Alec carefully treading around spoilers from things beyond the point Magnus stopped at in his reactions and replies) for much longer than Alec realizes, both of them losing track of time. It starts to feel like he’s talking to a close friend rather than some faceless stranger across the internet when the tone of Magnus’ text takes a sudden, abrupt turn.
Magnus: I need you to end this chat right now, but I promise I’ll explain later. Alec: What? Magnus: Please. This chat has ended.
And Alec sits there, feeling a bit lost and more than a little confused, staring at the blank screen of the ended conversation. It is difficult to pick up on intonations through written word, but he could sense the urgency behind Magnus’ request enough to not question it. But something uneasy sits in the pit of his stomach as he wonders if he said something wrong. They talked a lot more this time, and about personal things, not just the show. But it all seemed alright at the time. So what happened? What changed?
Alec wonders exactly when ‘later’ is -  if he’s supposed to try to talk to him again right away, or in an hour, or maybe not for the rest of the night?  He has nothing to go off of. He resolves to wait at least an hour but before the time is up he dozes off, and doesn’t wake back up until the sunlight is already pouring in through the window. What time is it? Maybe he can still catch--
But the clock reads 8:05, and Alec’s heart drops. Magnus’ shift is over, and if he’s going to get any answers he’ll have to wait for them now.
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katychan666 · 7 years
New Year's resolutions
Magnus and Alec spend their first New Year together
So, Alexander, tell me, what are your New Year resolutions?'' asked Magnus, who was sitting in his couch, Alec by his side, and sipping on martini. It was just about ten minutes before the midnight, which was going to mark a start of a New Year as well and the warlock was beyond excited. It was his and Alec's first New Year together and he was beyond happy that his boyfriend decided to spend it over at his place. Shadowhunters didn't really pay attention to mundane holidays, but Magnus was the kind of person that celebrated everything, so spending time together on the New Year's Eve and having a dinner together was a must in his opinion. He thought that Alec would make a big deal about not celebrating, but the warlock was pleasantly surprised when Alec agreed to celebrate the New Year with him without any protests.
Alec, who was slowly sipping red wine, arched an eyebrow and then looked over at his boyfriend and shrugged. He knew how much mundanes liked having the resolutions, which they usually never really stuck to, but he never really thought about it. As he started thinking about it, a little frown formed in between his eyebrows, Magnus chuckling and thought that it was adorable to see Alec like that. Just as he wanted to make a comment, Alec opened his mouth and sighed. “Be less grumpy and kinder to people,” said Alec and chewed on his lower lip, not really knowing if it was a good resolution. “Especially Clary and Simon,” he then quickly added as he remembered the rocky relationship he still had with the two of them.
“Ah, yes, you should totally be kinder to Biscuit and Sheldon,” said Magnus and grinned when he saw Alec smiling at their nicknames. “That’s your only resolution?” he then asked when he remembered the hunter’s wardrobe and clicked with his tongue when Alec nodded and gave him an odd look. In his humble opinion, it was a great resolution that he probably wasn’t going to keep anyway, because it was going to be tough. “Alexander, what do you say about making a resolution about your wardrobe? It’s gonna be a new year, so you should start it with a bit more colour and variety of-”
“Not this again, Magnus,” said Alec and rolled his eyes, but grinned when Magnus scooted himself closer and placed his head on top of his shoulder, Alec looking at the clock and he then rested his own head on top of Magnus’ when he saw that it was still some more minutes before the start of a New Year. “I like my clothes, so you shouldn’t push it and-”
“Then how about adding just a few new pieces of clothing to your collection that are more colourful and different?” asked Magnus and batted his eyelashes playfully when Alec looked down at him. Alec only grinned and he couldn’t really say no, so he slowly nodded and shrugged.
“Fine,” said Alec and chuckled when he saw how satisfied Magnus looked with himself. He then sighed and lifted his head, only to wrap an arm around Magnus’ shoulders, pressing him closer to himself and he then buried his fingers into the warlock’s hair, messing up his perfect hairdo, but the latter didn’t complain as Alec started massaging his scalp, making him almost purr at the spot. Alec bit into his lower lip as his chest swell with happiness and warmth. “What about you, Magnus? What are your resolutions for the upcoming year?”
“Well,” started Magnus and huffed, looking at his empty glass of martini, slowly straightening himself and he then placed it onto the coffee table. “For starters, I could drink less,” he said and pressed his lips together, Alec giving him a little nod, but he then shrugged. Magnus then looked over at Alec and gave him a little smile. Suddenly, the warlock took Alec’s wine glass from his hand and placed it next to his empty one, taking Alec’s hand into his own, linking their fingers together. “My other resolution is spending more time with you,” he added and Alec felt his face heating up, clearing his throat and he then looked down, feeling that he should make such a resolution himself as well. It was usually because of him and his missions that they were apart anyway.
“That should be mine line. It’s because of my missions that we can’t really spend a lot of time together,” said Alec with a small voice and gasped when he felt Magnus’ grip around his hand tightening, his heart making a little jump when he looked up into Magnus’ eyes, licking his lower lip when he saw a glint of gold in them and he suddenly wished that he could see Magnus’ real eyes. Magnus didn’t say anything, but he shuddered when he felt Alec’s hand cupping his face and he nuzzled into the touch. “You shouldn’t use glamour on your eyes when you’re with me,” blurted out the hunter and Magnus grinned, dropping his glamour.
“I guess I’m still a bit self-conscious about it,” stammered Magnus and he then placed his palm on top of Alec’s, which was still resting on top of his, and then leaned on to place a quick kiss on top of his boyfriend’s lips. As Alec got to see Magnus’ eyes properly again, he smiled and just kept looking, admiring them. They were so beautiful. “You’re the first one who finds them beautiful,” he then added and Alec kept silent, because he didn’t know what to say. However, the smile on his face was enough to let Magnus know that the hunter was content. In a way, Magnus made a promise to himself that this was his New Year’s resolution as well; being more confident about his warlock mark when he was around Alec.
“I don’t mind if I’m the only one. It means that I’m privileged to see them like this,” said the Shadowhunter and dropped his hand down to his side, Magnus leaning closer to him. Magnus quickly looked over to the clock and his eyes widened when he saw that it was just two more minutes before the midnight. However, when he was about to say something, Alec distracted him as he opened his mouth as said something that surprised Magnus. “Since we’re talking about New Year and new plans,” stammered Alec, who was still thinking about what Magnus said earlier. “What if I move in here with you?” he asked, feeling his heart racing, but he didn’t back away. “That way, we’ll be able to spend more time together and-”
“Yes,” said Magnus quickly, way too quickly, but he couldn’t contain his excitement. If it was up to him, Alec could move in months ago, if he wanted to do so. Spending time with Alec was always a joy, but it always sucked that Alec needed to leave and go to the Institute. Sure, there were nights that he spend over at his loft, but it wasn’t the same. So, thinking about living with Alec was more than delightful. “I mean,” said the warlock and chuckled, Alec grinning when he saw how excited his boyfriend was, but was happy to see that he was on the same page as him. “You know how much I miss you when you have to leave, so I’d be more than excited if you moved in,” said the warlock and Alec nodded, kissing Magnus softly, excited about the upcoming year even more than before.
“Have any more plans for the upcoming year, dear?” asked Magnus, knowing that he should be getting ready the champagne glasses, but hearing what was on Alec’s mind was that more interesting and important in that exact moment.
“We could, um, go travelling again?” said Alec when he remembered how much fun he had when they went to Tokyo the last time and Magnus nodded.
“That sounds lovely, Alexander,” said Magnus and Alec gave him a bright smile.
“What about you? Do you wish for anything or-”
“No,” said Magnus and shook his head. “Just being with you is big enough of a present for me, Alec,” said Magnus softly. Alec felt his heart hammering against his ribcage and because he didn’t know what to say, he just grabbed the collar of Magnus’ shirt, a big too rough for his liking – but he didn’t complain as he knew that Alec was probably trying to hide his embarrassment – and then crushed their lips together in a long and sweet kiss. Just as their lips touched, sky suddenly became very bright and as Magnus opened his eyes and saw fireworks, he realised that it must’ve finally been New Year. He chuckled as they parted and Alec looked outside, mesmerized by the fireworks. Magnus snapped with his fingers and suddenly two glasses of champagne appeared in his hands, handing one to Alec, who took it and gave him a shy smile.
Magnus walked out onto the balcony as he wanted to have a better look at the fireworks, Alec following him. The warlock casted a spell, so that the two of them didn’t get cold as they watched the beautiful fireworks, clinging their glasses together at some point and Magnus happily beamed up at his boyfriend. “Happy New Year, love,” said Magnus and Alec grinned.
“Happy New Year to you too,” said Alec and kissed his boyfriend. “I love you.”
“Love you too, angel,” said Magnus and leaned against Alec, both excited for the upcoming year.
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pentopaper23 · 7 years
Ask box!
Ask box is open guys! I'm on a real Shadowhunters and Poldark kick at the moment, so throw all the ships at me.
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pretty-little-bane · 5 years
Malec Fanficions
Does people find it that difficult to think from a Asian character’s perspective that EVERY Malec fanfiction is always written from Alec’s perspective? 
Does people have such small minds that they can’t think for all races? 
99% of Malec fanfictions : Alec centered, where Alec is innocent, small, lean, bottomed, kidnapped, raped. Funny how Alec seems to have a OC boyfriend in every AU fics, but Magnus only have ex-Camille or only female suitors. LOL! 
1% of Malec fanfictions : Magnus centered, where he only thinks about how good Alec looks.
If there are Magnus bane fans out there, DO NOT READ MALEC FANFICTIONS!!! Save yourself the headache. DISGUSTING!
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ao3feed-malec · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WdR3F8
by MadamPuddifoot9
Magnus can't sleep. He's just married Alec Lightwood.
Words: 720, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood
Additional Tags: Marriage, Husbands, Boys In Love, Malec, Malec fic, Malec fanficion, Shadowhunters - Freeform, Malec wedding, 3x21, season 3b, Alec's office, Eloping, Lightwood-Bane - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WdR3F8
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kasey776 · 6 years
Send in asks. I can write short fanficion.
Ones that I'd prefer is
And anything withen these fandoms I'll write some fanfiction for.
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katychan666 · 7 years
I want to spend the eternity with you
Alec has always feared the future; the fear of abandoning Magnus and their son, Max, has always caused him great distress. But, now he has a way to stay with them forever. Clary was able to draw an Immortality Rune, which would mean him becoming immortal as well. But things aren't so simple, they never are and Alec struggles with making the right decision.
Warnings: angst, descriptions of violence (in later chapters)
Status: Completed
Word count: 45.917
Read it here
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