highjusticiar · 3 years
Lylindilaran arrived at the Embassy gates at precisely noon, mounted on his white stallion and accompanied by his guards. It was snowing, with the dark gray clouds drawing ever closer promised an inclement blizzard.  The guards stationed at the gates were obviously nervous about having the High Justiciar himself arrive in Skyrim with little forewarning, but they did their jobs rather well, pushing the gates open and not bumbling over themselves too much. 
Suffice to say, not the best soldiers and Justiciars were stationed in this frozen province. Their horses were taken to the stables and they were escorted into the Embassy itself by the Justicar standing at the door. The cold and snow was shut outside by the door and the Justiciar ushered them to stand near the hearth, while Brelas, the Bosmer maid got them some tea while someone went to fetch the Thalmor Ambassadors.
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malevolentnightshade started following you
“Oh sh-- Icarus-- Icarus!!” Aldaril nudged his brother frantically, accidentally bashing the tip of a mead bottle into the justiciars teeth. “Gods- wh-” Icarus hissed, wiping the spilled mead from his lips,“What, What?!-- Quit bashing me up, you footslogging ox--”
“Behind us, you massive Glan’nt!”
“The oblivion are you going on abou- Oh g--” Icarus tossed the bottle of mead behind him, both Altmer turning to the First Emissary, taking their fist to their heart in salute (Icarus apparently forgetting what side of his body his heart is loacted.)
“Ambassador.” Both greeted, sweating bullets.
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generalofthenorth · 7 years
“Look, we both want the same thing here.“ ((Hi!))
“Oh really?” Tullius scoffed, not bothering to hide his skepticism as he shot her a sidelong glance, “you may find this shocking Elenwen, but for some strange reason I have a hard time believing that.”
//Well hello there!
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“Are you suggesting my style is outdated?” ((idk what this is but hi!))
Animal Crossing Starters
She had been nervous before, but the feeling has doubled.The last thing she intended to do was insult the woman. “No! That isn’t what Imeant at all! It’s just… not a style of attire I’m used to seeing.”
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mapaiur · 5 years
Make your OC miniature! [Link]
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View Mapaiur here: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=4529365/
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View Ondendawe here: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=4529541/
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View Lairamiril here: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=4529623/
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View Latailwe here: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=4524066/
Tagging: @aurielswaywardson (For Firiel), @colleggtorofcogs, @nallron @generalofthenorth @malevolentnightshade
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dyslexic-daedra · 5 years
☆* rules ;  tag  9  people  you’d  like  to  get  to  know  better !
Tagged by: @haleth-dovahkiin
Tagging ; @aurielswaywardson @malevolentnightshade @tar-rei @finsaraan
top 3 favorite ships: 
lipstick or chapstick: Lip stick.  The stuff that’s like bright blue or hot pink.  Fuck the police.  Or just glitter. I love glitter so much.  In reality just like.  Aquaphor.  A lot of chaptsticks have a chemical in them that intentionally dries your lips out so you use it more and buy it. 
last song: Hang Em’ High | Booker T & The MG’s
currently reading: It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to focus long enough to read something serious. 
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fahow-ma · 5 years
Fundraiser date meme
Date Fee: Extra credit on the final exam Customer Comments: “I asked him what he was studying, and he just started crying.”
tagged by: Stolen tagging: @oriinthel @haleth-dovahkiin @nallron @malevolentnightshade
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frxstbittcn · 5 years
𝐜𝐨𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞  𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 ;; Nirilhe Anwyn
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alcoholism  .  amnesia  .  anxiety  .  appetite loss  .  binge eating  .  co-dependence  .  cynicism  .  defensiveness  .  denial  .  depersonalisation  .  depression  .  derealisation  .  devaluation  .  displacement  .  dissociation  .  drug abuse  .  dysphoria  .  emotional detachment  .  flashbacks  .  flat affect  .  guilt .  hallucinations  .  hypersomnia  .  hypervigilance  .  hypochondria  .  idealisation  .  insomnia  .  intellectualisation  .  introjection  .  isolation  . low self -esteem  .  narcissism  .  night terrors  .  obsessive compulsion  .  overeating  .  panic attacks  .  passive aggression  .  paranoia  .  phobias  .  projection  .  psychosis  .  rationalisation  .  regression  .  repression  .  restrictive eating  .  risky sex  .  self-harm  .  somatisation  .  splitting  .  sublimation  .  suicidal ideation  .  sleepwalking  .  suppression  .  thousand-yard stare  .  triggers  .  trust issues  .  violence  .  whiplash temper
Tagging: stole it from @malevolentnightshade
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aicendor · 7 years
((I’m probably going to unfollow some blogs on here and on @malevolentnightshade for when I do return, just because I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and stuff. 
This may include a few mutuals, but I promise it’s nothing personal and I will most likely softblock because I know how awkward it is to think you have a mutual but the other person unfollowed. This is just a heads up.))
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dyslexic-daedra · 5 years
IC Pokemon Team
Using this website: Pokemon Team Planner build your character’s pokemon team! 
For Talasse: Talasse favors the small and the lost.  A lost child spirit?  A lost doll spirit?  An ADORABLE SOUL EATING CANDLE? :D A very shy ghost?  Literally lost its mom? D: And team dad. 
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Tagging: @tar-rei @finsaraan @malevolentnightshade @gezelligheiid 
Tagged by: I started it. 
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actualdoomdrum · 8 years
cont. from (x) @malevolentnightshade
Masks pulled over their faces, they’d been drawing too much attention to themselves lately. Robn pulled the lackey to the side, some kid, a new member of the brotherhood, recent addition and already seeming to be nothing but trouble. Outside of Falkreath, too far from the base for comfort but far enough out to have privacy they kept a measured hold on his arm. 
“Who gave you orders to kill that man?” “Nobody,” He said derisively. “Then why is he dead?” “There was this guy, mentioned him, mentioned the ritual, figured I’d be proacti-” “That’s Not Your Job,” They said with venom in their voice, holding his arm harder, guaranteeing bruising later. “You kill who I tell you to, not who you think is going to be the next contract. And even if someone does do the sacrament, weather or not we do a job is my call. Now we’ve got the empire sending Thalmor to Falkreath.” “What does it matter, they won’t find anything it’s not like-” “That’s not your call. And it does matter. You don’t seem to have any idea what’s going on here do you? You don’t seem to understand how any of this works. They’re going to want a murderer, and your work wasn’t just uncalled for, it was sloppy. You’re lucky I don’t just hand you over to them now and save us all the trouble.” They tossed him towards the hideout, “Get inside. You’re grounded.” “But-” They pulled a knife, waving it in his face, “Do not, test me today. I’m not in the mood.”
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varondiil · 8 years
@malevolentnightshade​ liked for a starter
--- It was an evening of simple pleasures. No intents, no hunts, nothing to keep him from that beckoning haze the smooth wine begat as it slipped past his lips. How the mer relished these, the quiet days. Solitude was far from the most attractive city, with its crude stones and dull gray hues; but the soft drifts of snow that fell to blanket the streets were a welcome view from the windowside he’d occupied in the Winking Skeever. 
     Obviously, then, the Falmer struggled to hide his surprise at the sight of the gold trimmed mer that entered the...rustic establishment. Drawing himself from thought the pale elf watched the thalmor curiously, wondering as to the reason of their visit.
     Of course, he hadn’t expected the Emissary herself to grace the inn. Otherwise, perhaps, he’d have worn something formal. But still, good fortunes so rarely ever did fall into ones’ lap these days --- perhaps it could even be called fate. 
     As much as the idea churned his stomach --- for truly the ancient Falmer viewed their particular group with distaste --- the Thalmor were inevitably one of the various powers that he’d intended to engage with, in near future. A polite smile and a small gesture, then, hoping perhaps to garner the interest of the mer from across the room.
     At least they would prove amicable company, he mused for but a moment, noting the foul looks the native patrons gave him. Too often was he mistaken for altmer; not that he would correct. Better be thought a high elf than tell a nord he was a snow elf, of all things.
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dolorousheart · 8 years
For every “★” I get, I will post a fact about my characters.
(No longer accepting)
★ - [[Elerrína was never allowed a black horse, while living on the Isles, simply because her mother was too superstitious, saying that they belonged to the daedra and were bad luck.  Eventually Ele managed to get one, after much persistence, and named the mare Sonnet.  Three months afterwards, though, the Oblivion gates began to open.  Herenya insisted afterward, that it was bad luck, and that the reason a gate opened so close to their manor was because the beast attracted it.  (Of course, it was just coincidence, but the womer refused to believe otherwise, and quickly saw the horse back to its original stables.)]]
★ - [[Ele started learning how to play the harp, from one of the minstrels who played for the dance troupe she was in, back in Alinor.  She meant to one day get a harp for herself, to carry on learning, but she simply never got around to it.]]
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((2, 6 and 12?))
2:How many meals do you eat a day?
However many I’ve got access to, really, I...was going hungry just as a matter of course for so long that I’ve sort of formed an inescapable urge to eat anything placed in front of me. Three or four?
6:What are some dishes that you consider extravagant?
Anything with a lot of milk or cheese, anything heavily spiced with anise or cloves or cardamom. Anything with red meat or game. Anything heavy at all, really. Plenty of fish in the Isles, plenty of fowl if you care for it, but only the rich seem to show off with harder to procure bits of proper large animals. Sometimes imported, I guess. I hated red meat for a long time but there’s much more of it here and I suppose a lot of what there was back home must have been transported from a long distance and gone bad, or something, or overly spiced with terrible sweet aromatics that didn’t go. Jugged hare was popular because it is so extravagant and takes hours to prepare...and ruin horribly with loads and loads of nutmeg and cloves and shite.
Or maybe my hatred for parties tainted it. Anyway, I still avoid it given the chance because it is just so heavy comparatively but if I had to pick something that Skyrim does all right with it might be making venison palatable.
That and shoving any garbage into a pie crust and making it immediately edible. I’ll eat anything in a pie crust. I don’t know what it is about it. I’d eat a spider pie.
(see also here)
12:Describe a negative dining experience you've had. What made it bad?
Anything at all that I ate when I first got here. I could blame it on my condition, I was sick as anything, but it being unfamiliar didn’t help it any. I was ill off everything I put in my mouth for months. Awful.
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paarthxrnax-blog · 9 years
Paarthurnax shifted over his grisly kill, a buck plucked from earth and then dropped down like a stone. Crimson streaked across silver and white scales as the Dovah studied the Altmer before. Narrowed nostrils flared as he caught a scent; Dovah, and yet not Dovah. Dovahkiin, but she was not of the Sos.
“Drem Yol Lok, Greetings. Do not fear. Zu'u fen ni aax hi. Harm will not befall you, Rek-Fahliil.”
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aetheriusbound · 9 years
((4, 7 and 12 for whoever you like! :3c))
   4:Do you have any sexual insecurities?
Key: [ He fidgets for a second before he gives a soft sigh. ] Just... Not being able to perform well enough. Not living up to her expectations. Things like that..
Thb: [ Quietly; ] Does 'everything' count....?
Ilch: [ He shakes his head. ] When I first courted Nchen, I was insecure, but I was young and innocent then. Now, no.
   7:Are there any common sexual and/or romantic actions that you dislike? What do you appreciate?
Key: Cant really say I dislike anything.. Nothing comes to mind. And I appreciate pretty much anything. Anything to know I'm still loved and appreciated myself.
Thb:  I dislike forthrightness or over-eagerness... I have turned down many a mer who were too full of themselves or ...overbearing, quite honestly.. I appreciate the ability to come to trust, to.. take time for something there to build on... [ She sighs. ] Not that it has helpd me any..
Ilch: I always absolutely hated whenever Nchen gave me gifts or offered to buy me things... It sounds so petty, but while I know she never did so to flaunt her economic status--especially once I had caught up to her status--it still felt as though I were being treated as though I were helpless.. I appreciate that she had realized it and had begun to ask me instead, but.. In the sexual sense, I never really liked surprises, I suppose. Being forewarned and anticipating it is a sort of thrill. For specific actions, I never did like my hair pulled.
   12:What do you consider sexy?
Key: Strength, intelligence, self-confidence~ Other stuff. A good set of hips dont hurt~
Thb: [ She gives a half-hearted shrug. ]
Ilch: The womer I love simply being herself.
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