artbymagsn · 1 year
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Alina’s Rage
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Evil Queen Mallina
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Full name: Mallina Sukiyaki
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: College student/ Evil Queen
Personality: Evil, Cunning, clever, Mean, Wicked
Likes: Yuki, Causing mayhem, Dark crystals, making people her slaves, Bloodshed, Doing evil deeds, Destruction
Dislikes: Nan Pengyou, Chi-Ying, People trying to stop her plans, heroes, someone stealing Yuki away from her.
Facts about her:
She has a disguise form so she can blend in with society and spy on Yuki
She learned Dark magic from an evil witch
Her favorite character is the evil queen from Snow White
She hates LGBTQ people, she’s homophobic
She killed her mother and father because she was getting tired to her strict parents
She ran away when she was 10 and found a place to live in at a abandoned castle
she got her magic necklace from another evil princess before that evil princess got executed
She worked with Princess Viviana but she was upset that Viviana died but she let her keep her castle
This is her disguise form:
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She has her hair into pigtails, wears a school uniform and wears glasses to blend in without getting caught.
Why she loves Yuki and wants to be his Girlfriend:
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Mallina has fell in love with Yuki ever since she met him at her first year of college. She found Yuki attractive and wants to be his girlfriend, but Yuki doesn’t like her like that, she refused to take a hint so she decided to spy on him instead. This made Yuki very uncomfortable. He kept telling her to stop following him but she couldn’t listen until one day, Yuki snapped at Mallina because during the Yourboysponge week, Mallina distracted Yuki which caused him to lose to Yourboysponge. Yuki lashed out on her saying that she should fuck off and to never come near him again. Mallina was heartbroken that Yuki yelled at her and rejected her. The next day, Mallina wanted to go to Yuki and apologize to him for making him lose but she stopped when she saw Nan Pengyou and Yuki together. She hated the fact that Nan was getting too close to Yuki which made her super jealous.
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This went on and on until it lead her to deeply hate Nan when he confessed his feelings to Yuki and Yuki accepted it. Mallina was pissed that Nan Pengyou took her one true love away from her.
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Mallina grew pure hate towards Nan Pengyou and wanted him dead and to have Yuki all to herself. So she plotted to find a way to get rid of Nan Pengyou, She used one of Princess Viviana’s cursed necklaces to give her evil powers.
This is my profile of Evil queen Mallina
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moonyasnow · 2 months
Do you have sweet or funny headcanons for Malleus and Irina?👀
i love them
I dooooooooo > <
For the funny thing— I'm imagining in the Glorious Masquerade Event. I imagine my 'Yuu's (Tomoe and Irina) also having Cards just like my other OCs and the canon characters, and in her Masquerade Dress vignette they dance together— and the vignette is just about her and Malleus acting like they're on their literal honeymoon flirting with each other SO OPENLY but not even realizing that's what they're doing, and seeing how Jamil, Ruggie, Silver, and Sebek react to it. Jamil and Ruggie (figuratively Irina's side of the family) wanting to tear their hair out because they won't just make it official already— at this point Irina 100% knows about her feelings but thinks they're unrequited and is pining like CRAZY, and Malleus has no idea that what he's feeling is love yet
So imagining two of the people at NRC who're great at reading situations like this realizing EXACTLY what's going on but knowing there's nothing they can do to make them just confess to each other already and they just have to suffer through this until the situation resolves itself is really funny to me
And as for Malleus' side, Sebek not quite realizing there's more than just friendship going on there and gushing about how cool Malleus looks dancing and 'of course Lord Malleus would excel at the art of dancing! He— (yap yap yap)', and Silver just being happy for them both because they seem happy
Like with the exception of maybe Silver, Sebek and Deuce EVERYONE realizes it and finds it SO FRUSTRATING
(And tiny side thing— my OCs Artemisia, Veronica and Lisle are also there Veronica doesn't care Lisle thinks it would only be kind for him to do something about it, thinking Malleus and Irina would both be grateful if he were to, in his words 'solve their little conondrum', but Azul stops him Artemisia is in the same camp as Silver)
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And for the sweet thing— literally difficult to name something about them together that ISN'T sweet— but speaking of vignettes again, I imagine her Dorm Uniform Vignette includes her visiting Malleus' room, her getting there while he hadn't returned yet and deciding to wait for him. She feels safe and comfortable and relaxed in his room, since she associates it with him. So she just ends up falling asleep because she's so comfortable— and that has literally never happened before. She's never really been able to take naps before because she always has her guard up too high to relax enough to fall asleep.
And then when she wakes up she's leaning on his shoulder (he came back and waited for her to wake up) and he just smiles and asks how her day was and she also smiles and they just start talking— 🥺🥺🥺
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random-brushstrokes · 7 months
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Erich Mallina - Five angels riding on clouds (1925)
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artandotherwise · 1 year
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“Female God”
Erich Mallina (1873 - 1954)
[pencil on cardboard] 1920
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raidenresources · 4 days
Raiden Resources Hits Milestone: Heritage Survey Completed for Arrow Gold Project!
Raiden Resources Limited (ASX: RDN; DAX: YM4) has announced the successful completion of the heritage survey for its highly promising Arrow Gold Project, located just 35 kilometers from De Grey Mining Limited’s Hemi gold deposit.
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On August 30, 2024, the Company reported that Mallina Co Pty Ltd, in collaboration with the Kariyarra Pirnthurrna claimant group, had completed an archaeological and anthropological heritage survey. This significant development underscores the swift progress of Raiden Resources’ planned drilling programs at the Arrow Gold Project.
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colitcomediasblog · 19 days
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thecroft-seum · 7 months
Engel [Angel] {Undated} - Erich Mallina
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wanderingsp1rit · 1 year
yksi hyvä puoli tässä neuvottelussa oleva oikeistohallitksessa on se että vihdoinkin suomalaiset saa oppia kuinka mielenosiotetaan
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Sketch spoiler arc 7...
........ Mallenoa/Mallenoire Draconia (children/teen) concept
..... I drew it a whiiilllle agooooo..... Her silhouette wasn't at all revealed by that time.... I was harassing our dear popcorn ! Grimm with:
"I hope we'll see Malleus's mommy !!! Gawwww let's find her name !!!"
And I went berseck for a name for her ah ah:
Mal (because... Descendant of course)
Maline (twst french name to say mischevious somehow)
.... Etc etc
And.... Since her mother's name is Maleficia....
I was like.... Omg obviously her name is...
Maliciaaaaaaa !!
XD but noooo it's Mallenoa/noire !!
Omg emotional damage, I'm actually glad she has... Those hair lock !
I have such aesthethic when it comes to dark fairies and witches ! It's only my point of view !!
I imagine her having purple hair actually, very daaark purple haired with light pink or fuschia reflect (blame my hasbro disney Maleficent doll.... Those hair color are canon.... Even more if we talk about Descendant....)
I have.... So sooooo many theories for her..... For.... That arc....damnit...so mannnnnyyyyyyy.......!!! It's a pain that my english is... Meh....
Ah yes Black Butler's fan you got eyes, she shares some design with our precious Sullivan.... If you know you know....
.... Too many theories.... With the Disney multiverse, from movies to game to roman..... Sooo many theories....
Anyway let's enjoy some wild imagination of our dear princess being mischevious and being bestie with Lilia lol.
*internal screaming*
Also... Please stop noooo I am not ready at all for the Levan-> Raven-> Crowley.... Nope.... I have also theory but this one.... Hmmm it smells red flags... Too obvious....
Please no I love the Draconia..... Not... That... Crow.... Well
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artofthegoblin · 11 months
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Commission from the wonderful Polarbearauri of their Gunslinger tiefling, Mallina!
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moonyasnow · 2 months
Malleus x Irina
A little doodle I made of the two of them
(for anyone who can't use spotify, the song names will be at the bottom of this post)
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I love them together so much
It is no longer possible for me to imagine either of them being with anyone else but the other. And for me that's really saying something— I ship my OCs with a lot of characters. And I'm a multishipper too— like, I can definitely find someone's, for example, OC x Leona ship really cute while still shipping my own OC Tomoe with Leona. But it's impossible for me to seriously imagine Irina with anyone but Malleus anymore, and vise versa
Edit 2: I answered an ask I got about them~
If this post gets even like 3 likes that's gonna be enough interest gauged for me and I AM gonna start infodumping about them and just going off the rails about why I think they're perfect and made for each other under the tag: #mallina 🐉x🐰
BUT! I'm gonna include what I wrote for them in Irina's Showcase Post, under the cut + some new stuff for Book 7
Book 2
One night she'd just been laying in bed unable to sleep, hearing the distant whispers of her parents fighting at the edges of her mind like usual, and deciding to go outside just to escape the confined room and get some kind of distraction from hearing them. She was incredibly startled hearing someone suddenly call out to her, having been too stuck in her own thoughts to notice him approaching like she usually could. She was honestly scared at first, though mostly as a result of being caught with her guard down, which she usually never was.
But as soon as she properly looked into his eyes, all that fear suddenly seemed to fade away in an instant. She didn't know why, but she suddenly started to feel relaxed in his presence, more so than she usually ever did. And she felt almost sad when he disappeared. But she told herself off for it; that was the first time she'd ever met him after all, and she didn't even know his name. But since he'd said she could call him whatever she wanted...
She'd call him Peridot, after the color of his eyes. 'Peri' for short.
Tomoe's (my 'Yuu') first reaction to the name 'Peri' was to laugh, explaining that it made her think of Perry the Platypus. And once she'd also had the thought, Irina couldn't help but laugh too, 'Peri' being exchanged for 'Perry' in her mind after that point.
Book 3
She ended up being asked by some Student or other if she'd thought about joining a club yet. She hadn't, not even really knowing which clubs actually existed. And so she decided to take a look to see if anything seemed interesting; she had a lot more free time after being fired from her job anyway. When she saw that there was a 'Gargoyle Appreciation Club' and that it had only one member, she knew instantly who that must be, and decided to join it.
Book 4
When Lilia showed up to give her the postcard, she knew who it must have been from. And so she asked Lilia to wait for a second, rushing into her room to get a box, with a letter attached, which she asked him to give to the sender of the postcard. It was a birthday gift for her friend Peridot; a clay tea pot, its spout designed to look like a little dragon, the handle on the opposite end sculpted into the shape of a scaly tail. The letter contained not only wishes for him to have a happy birthday, but also an explanation of the spout. She wanted to give him a Gargoyle as a gift, but she also wanted to make sure it was an actual Gargoyle, with a clear purpose, rather than just a decorative Grotesque. So she settled on a tea pot! Since it serves as the spout, the 'needs water spout' element of a Gargoyle was cleared, as well.
She wasn't there to see it, but when he got her gift and read the letter, he was so beside himself with joy that for the first time in at least a century, there was sunshine in Briar Valley. Not only was it a birthday gift from his best friend, hand-crafted no less, it was also incredibly thoughtful, proof to him that she'd been listening and paying attention to every single word of all his rambles about his beloved Gargoyles. The next time they met again, before any words could be spoken he quite literally picked her up off the ground and spun her around as a way to say 'thank you'. That was the moment she admitted to herself that she'd fallen in love with him.
He ended up insisting on them drinking at least one cup of tea for all their club meetings after this point, so he got a chance to use it. And he also insisted on the same for every single Housewarden meeting he went to, which he'd started to actually know the times and places of thanks to Irina knowing through Tomoe and telling him. If he'd had any less decorum he would have literally shoved the pot in the face of random people in the halls; he was that happy about it.
Book 5
She's also the one who gives Malleus the tickets to the SDC. For their booth at the cultural festival Irina made a bunch of small clay figurines of Grotesques and then wrote above them the differences between them and Gargoyles, to educate people.
When Tomoe meets Malleus for the first time, she lightly teases Irina, asking "So this is the famous 'Perry the Platypus."' Irina got very embarrassed, and Malleus, eyes wide with surprise, asked if that was meant to refer to him. Irina, face burning with embarrassment, then explains the name and its connection to a certain animated Platypus spy, but also says her nickname for him was actually supposed to be short for Peridot. It ended with Malleus bursting out laughing right then and there, Irina, still embarrassed, saying: "W-was it really that funny?" It then becomes a recurring inside joke of him calling himself 'her platypus friend'.
When Malleus began to fix the stage, not being used to magic and thus a bit scared at first, Irina moved close to his side out of reflex, feeling safer there. It made him really happy to think that for once, not only was there someone who wasn't afraid of him, but she even felt safe around him. Though she became very flustered when she realized she'd been gripping onto his jacket arm.
Book 6
She stays behind at NRC, in an unoccupied room at Diasomnia.
You can guess who invited her.
Book 7
I have not yet read Book 7, but! This time it's Irina's time to shine instead of Tomoe! Irina understands why Malleus does what he does, she also hates losing people; that's why she's not going to lose him to his Overblot
New Book 7 thing:
She runs to him, who's sitting on the ground, and throws herself around his neck. She's crying. “I-I-I was— w-was so— sca-red…!” Her voice is shaking and wavering so much from the tears that she can barely speak. “I…apologize, my dear Child of Man… I know now that my actions were wrong, but it was never my intention to frighten—“ “Th-that's not why!” Uncharacteristically, she cuts him off. “I was so, so, s-so worried! I thought you could die! I-if I didn't defeat you in time. I-I thought you were going to die! I thought I'd lo-lose you!!!” Then she just can't hold it in anymore— she starts wailing, just at the mere thought. She holds him tighter. When she's calmed down enough that there are no longer tears cascading down her face, she pulls back…and she cups his cheeks and pulls him closer so their foreheads touch. “I love you. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you! I—“
If you've read this far I'm gonna guess you're interested, and I'm humbly asking (begging) for asks about this ship I love them so so so so so so so so so muchhhhhhhh and I wanna YAP but I usually don't know where to start
A thousand Years - Christina Perri
Once upon a dream [COVER] - Invadable Harmony
上弦の月/Jougen no tsuki/Crescent Moon - KurousaP ft. Kaito (MALLEUS' VA HAS SUNG THIS!)
After the War - Reinaeiry
Something Good - Sound of Music
And I'm Home - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Terrified - Jazmin Bean
Camelot: If ever I would Leave You
しわ/shiwa/wrinkle [COVER] - Kashitarou Itou
Kimi Ga Irukara - Fairy Tail ending song
No One But You - Erutan
Captivated - IV of Spades
蛍/hotaru/firefly - Maiko Fujita
Love Like You [COVER] - Lizz Robinett
馬と鹿/uma to shika/horse and deer - Kenshi Yonezu
I am not Alone - When Marnie was there
Will o' The Wisp - Erutan
Necro no Hanayome/Bride of Necro - KANON69
Build a Little World With Me - Laura Shigihara
Will I Find My Home (acoustic version) - Juniper Vale
LADY - Kenshi Yonezu
Sway - Michael Bublé
Everything's Alright [COVER] - Lizz Robinett
Also way at the very bottom but here, original:
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random-brushstrokes · 11 months
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Erich Mallina - Weibliche Gottheit (1920)
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demonfowl · 2 years
Sinut vain, ja aikaa - luukku 8
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Mä rakastan niin kovasti että Lehdon suojelevaisuus Rahikaista kohtaan ilmenee aggressiontarpeena. Se on niin. Lehtoa.
Mä olen myös viettänyt aivan liikaa aikaa miettimällä tän kämpän pohjakaavaa (ois ehkä vaan pitäny ladata sims ja askarrella koko roska sillä ja sit käyttää sitä mallina mutta oppia koko elämä mitä näitä nyt on).
《》《》《》《》 @trevardes 《》《》《》《》
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mka4r7 · 2 years
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The Enlightenment by Erich Mallina, 1931
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colitcomediasblog · 18 days
Quick Review: Arrow Gold Project - Key Insights & Potential
The Arrow Gold Project is situated 110 km southwest of Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, covering an area of 377 km² across two exploration licenses. The project is managed by Pilbara Gold Corporation, a subsidiary of Raiden. Previous exploration efforts, including surface sampling and limited drilling, have revealed mineralization along the trend of the Hemi deposit. 
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The discovery of Hemi has reignited interest in the region, leading to recent soil and rock sampling. These new investigations have revealed extensive hydrothermal alteration and multi-element geochemical anomalies (Au-As-Sb), underscoring the significant potential of Arrow within the Mallina Basin.
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