#malvaron grimm
mysticonsheadcanons · 7 months
Something Heartwarming I Noticed in "Lost and Found"
We rarely see Malvaron hang out with the other Mysticons (except Arkayna, and the one time he was seen playing video games with Zarya), but "Lost and Found" strongly implies that he considers Zarya a good friend as well.
First, Malvaron has a picture of Zarya standing outside the snorg shack. While it's possible one of the Mysticons sent it to him to show people what Zarya looked like, I feel it's more likely that he took the picture himself. The biggest evidence of this is the fact that he didn't use that picture to help people identify Zarya. Because of this, I feel like the picture was taken while he was hanging out with Zarya at the Snorg Shack.
The second part is how sad he looked when he wondered out loud where Zarya is. He didn't sound like he was just bringing an unruly charge back to her home to continue her duties, or that he was annoyed that the task was taking a while. He sounded like he really missed Zarya.
The show doesn't spend much time on Malvaron's relationship with the Mysticons, except for him and Arkayna's. However, this shows that he spends time with the other Mysticons as well. This makes me wonder what he does with Em and Piper.
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aghhtdraws · 2 years
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I found this old Mysticons sketch scan and decided to just post it as-is - I am surprised to find these and actually really like the style here! Lol hope any remaining Mysticons fans like this too :'P
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memesticons · 4 years
Zarya: I don't want to lie anymore.
Kitty: Zarya–
Malvaron: Lie about what?
Zarya: [sighs] It's Kitty. I've been dating Kitty.
Everyone: ...
Everyone: KITTY??!!
Arkayna: [stands up] Zarya's not the only one!
Doug: [gasps] You're dating Kitty, too?
Arkayna: What? No– I...
Arkayna: [sighs] Em's always been my best friend, but now I love her.
Emerald: [stands up and hugs Arkayna]
Kasey: Wait a minute...
Kasey: [counting with his fingers] Zarya and Kitty... Arkayna and Emerald? You mean...
Malvaron: Babe...
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verminator-rex · 4 years
Malvaron: (confused by Yaga & Nova greeting each other) You two know each other?
Zorlon: Ha, didn’t you know, Malvaron? (Teasingly) Our Star Master has a thing for demi gods.
Nova: I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Zorlon!
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angel-blitz · 4 years
Can you do a MalKasey kiss of your choice for Pride Month?
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I know this is early to be asking about it, but if I were to make a Mysticons nextgen series, is there anything you would or wouldn't like to see??
This can be in regards to tropes, relationships, and anything else you can think of.
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neopuff · 6 years
arkayna/malvaron // here in your arms
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herebeminis · 6 years
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Malvaron - Astromancer by herebewonder
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“Goodbye Sister” - Mysticons Fanfiction
Dragon flames that can burn bright white light. Wolf’s howls that can break even the deafening silence of the night. The Phoenix’s life that can rekindle even in the deepest depths. The unicorn’s horn that can pierce even the blackest of black.
This is what the darkness was going up against. Why did the shadow believe it could actually win?
What was merely seconds felt like hours, but yet as if to contradict itself it had seemed as if time itself slowed down to a crawl.
Tazma’s body hit the ground cold hard and fast. The very life of her erupted from her in a form of gasp as the back her of head bounced off of the cement floor. The four Mysticon warriors continued with their attack. This was their final battle after all.
There was no time to think, Tazma’s body pushed past the pain that screamed to her mind as she quickly pushed her body off the ground as the weapons that tried to claim her where she once was, shattering the concrete into debris. It was as if the space itself around them slowed.
Maintaining her footing as she landed she quickly drew a step back as she positioned herself into a new stance, drawing her sharp nails across as if she was trying to slice the air itself, an echoing sound came from beneath her as the water around her gave off their signature splash. Her grit face of determination was quickly met with adversity.
The four Mysticons - Dragon Mage, Ranger, Knight, and Striker – stood before her. None of them wore the determination that they were accustomed to. No, what she was greeted with was with vicious strife, ones willing to make her suffer for the sins she had committed.
The rain continued to drizzle around them creating a frigid atmosphere among the five warriors. Tazma gritted her teeth as she tried to fight away the rising chill that nipped at her heart. The air grew tense with every passing moment. The disparity of power between her and them were at great odds, there was no way she was going to win.
I’ll destroy them all! She steeled her resolve
Stop pretending! You’re actually scared, aren’t you?
Why would I b-
Then why are you shaking so much?
It was true; the woman that had boasted her entire self for this moment, her numb limb was quailing before the overwhelming odds.  
Isn’t it obvious? Everyone is afraid to dying. Everyone feels the same. Not too long ago that particular person felt the same as well. Can’t you hear it? Your heart is trembling. It’s scary, is it not?
“What’s your point?” Tazma said in a voice so small no one but her own mind could hear her. She wasn’t going to cower and run away from this fight. That for sure she knew.
They aren’t worried about you. They are worried about their loved ones, their family and friends. Can’t you see? They realize if they let you live you will only bring them even more unfortunate events. Each one of them is determined to do it.
Disbelief hung in front of Tazma as her own thoughts began to betray her; she glanced anxiously at the gazes before her moving both here and there. What she saw sent a cold chill down her spine.
Through the rain soaked hair were eyes filled with determination each as if attempting to stab her with their hatred. She knew instinctively what each one was conveying to her with their silent conviction.
Tazma’s throat was tight; she was beginning to have a time breathing in and out. Just the silence between them was enough to send a tense shudder down her body.
This is it, isn’t? This is where you are going to die, isn’t?
“No it isn’t…” she ached in spite of herself.
Quit lying.
Almost screaming to instinctively cover her fear as to not lose hear, darkness started to emit from her finger tips.
This is the final fight!
“I’M OKAY WITH THAT!” she screamed as she launched her magic at the Mysticon Warriors. Darkness erupted from her arms like starving death seeking light to erase. Like canine starved to death bearing their teeth, they would devour both flesh and bone. She would remove them all with this movie.
In one moment, Tazma would feel the hot piercing pain through her shoulder. In the next moment, she would witness as her magic would dissipate before her very eyes. All the emotion she put into it simply discarded as if it was the ravings of a small child throwing a temper tantrum. As if fate itself tried to rebuke her of her fantasy.
The silence fell, Zarya, Mysticon Ranger, lowered her bow, her aim as true and noble as the wolf itself.
Tazma fell to her knees, screaming in pain as she now hugged her now punctured arm. She could feel her strength start to leave the right side of her body. But she had no time to worry about that, she still had one more arm after all.
Pain manifested as a scream, Tazma launched another spell, this time it launched like a serpent looking for the forbidden fruit. Fangs as poisonous as its master it would latch own and drain away anything and everything.
As if to cut away any hope that Tazma may have had, a pink hilted blade cut through her magic like it was simply butter. She nearly was petrified as she watched the Mysticon Knight, Emerald, swipe down her attempt to fight back and charged at her through the splashing grounds, her blade emitting its signature pink flame that wouldn’t dare be dowsed by the rain.
Tazma had no time to react, her body fighting through pained tried to pull herself up as the dwarf knight of the Mysticon swung her blade vertically at her head. It was only a miracle it of itself that she was able to bring of a shield of blackness. Emerald kept slamming away, each thrust breaking away at the only defense between life and death.
You can’t win!
Almost as if to defy the words of fate themselves, Tazma found the strength somehow pull herself away from the onslaught. Not letting the lifeline given to her go, she launched an attack with her only good hand. She would at least take one down. But it the outcome was already a forgone conclusion. Because within a split second of throwing her laze attempt of an attack, Tazma found herself into a position as her arm was twisted behind her as she was forced to double by her assailant.
The “Party Bringer” of the Mysticon, Striker, otherwise known as Piper, used her circus level of acrobatic skills to not only use her magic hoops to protect her friend but also used it as a way to wrench Tazma’s arm behind her back. Using the back of her leg Striker not only to finish the arm lock, but to position Tazma into a position that was more befitting of the only way these girls saw her at this moment. Something that needed to gotten rid of.
Tazma pulling away, more like was let go, looked squarely at the elf in the face. To be the center of hatred of a character that was filled with so much love would leave one in chills. As if desperately trying to rack her mind around the situation that she was in, Tazma clumsily threw a punch after punch at the elf.
Perhaps adapting on a fly, or even out of pity, Piper dodged every blow that thrown at her and countered with her own attack to match everyone – striking her with her own punch or kick or with her magic hoop. Thinking of such an answer as cold as this coming from the kindest of the Mysticons, Tazma felt dread with each and every blow that struck her to the core.
Another punch from the team’s striker and the being of the shadows hit the ground with a splashing stomp.
If that’s all the power you have then all that training was worthless in the end!
“SHUT UP!” a scream cut through the air from the bottom of her heart. This would probably be Tazma’s last attempt as she leapt at the Mysticons before her body would erupt in green flames. But that wasn’t the true attack as the staff of the Mysticon Dragon Mage nearly punctured her throat.
Arkayna, the one that probably lost the most to the traitor of the Astromancers, dislodged the dragon staff and swiveled it into the back of her neck, sending straight to the ground where she belonged. She killed her parents, it was the least she could do.
Not even getting a second to grasp the life that was forced from her body, the dragon mage continued her ruthless assault. Showing every bit of training she has had, striking at many points of her body with just the tip of her staff. Not wanting to kill her, but enough to do damage. She clearly wanted to make her suffer.
Gripping Tazma by her collar, Arkayna dragged her to her feet, meeting one another eye-to-eye. The rage in her eyes rivaled that of the Dragon’s hottest flames. Said flames erupted from the dragon mage’s staff, sending the shadow user to the ground.
Tazma had no time to react, she was close to death’s door, and all she could was attack. Mind spinning crazy like a wheel out of control, she tried to attack the Mysticons once again. The sound of her footfalls striking against the despairing sea at her feet was he only sound in this serene silence.
There was no thought in such an attack. Every time tried to attack, she was simply stricken back. She had no plan, she had no idea, and it was simply a dying woman’s last attempt to live. Every blow to her body felt like a speed bus hitting her aching body. All she was doing at this point was flailing around. This was clearly not a fight but a murder. It was all a struggle.
And it was all meaningless.
Then as if in synced, full power of the Dragon, Wolf, Phoenix, and Unicorn erupted from their wrist gauntlet. Literally the time it took to blink was all it took as Tazma herself was engulfed in the power of the Mysticons that she so desired. It was an ironic twist of fate.
Pain and fear manifested itself in a scream that could have been overheard over the erupting magic, her mouth agape by what could only be described as her very soul had been ripped out of her very body.
Then the screams were cut suddenly as her body struck a brick wall full force like a truck in wreck.
The magic soon dissipated and Tazma’s limp body fell to the ground. She was barely gasping for breath. She was barely alive.
She could feel herself losing herself, faltering, wavering. She could feel her body starting to drift. The very breath she tried to force herself to contain wasn’t going to keep her connected much longer.
It’s over…
“…” it wasn’t even a whisper, it would not even be considered inaudible. “No…” there was nothing left in her body and yet “This isn’t… over yet…” and yet she somehow found the strength. More like the undead she worked with, Tazma tried with everything in her power to stand to her feet. It was even a miracle she just didn’t die right then and there. Her vision faltering, she looked at the group that nearly did her in “This isn’t the end…Mysticons…” she spoke in barely what could be even called voice. Something was starting to form. “Next time, I’ll win…” her very own shadow came to life. It was her emergency escape. She would leave and next time…next time for sure she would get them. She would get her revenge if it was the last thing she would d-
There is no next time…
Almost as if she was ripped out of the reality of her own shadow, she found herself pinned up against the wall, a hand wrapped around her neck. The one that now held her down wasn’t the Mysticons -
Everyone must die!
“Mal…varon…”  -It was her own brother. Fear clouded Tazma’s eyes as she struggled in her own sibling grasp, the very life being choked out of her. She was losing strength, her consciences fading. Everything was losing weight. She tried to fight back but she no longer had the will. Then her eyes popped.
Malvaron raised his free hand, magic started to form. Tazma finally realized what it meant. That the final blow to take away her life was always meant to be from her brother. The Mysticons were in fact going easy on her.
“Good Bye, Tazma!”
In a single moment she remembered everything about her brother. True they always fought but they also once loved one another. They played together. They ate together. During the darkest of nights, her brother would always be with him.
She remembered her jealousy. He was a gifted Astromancer. No matter how much she trained she would never be as strong as him. Had he even tried to learn lessons from their teachers, surely he would have been the one destined to become the next leader.
It was her very own jealousy that created her own downfall. It was her own fault that she became a shadow user. It was her own fault she joined Dreadbone. It was her fault she was in this mess. It was her fault she was going to die. It was her own fault she was going to be killed by her own brother.
It was all her fault.
She regretted everything.
She wanted to try again.
“I’m sorry…”
All she felt was barely a noticeable pinch into her chest when suddenly her entire body was drowned in her very own darkness.
Her essence was slipping, as if being pulled into the murky abyss that was her own shadow.  
Countless, countless regrets suffocated Tazma.
And with that Tazma’s consciousness faded away.
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reverienne · 5 years
Get to know me meme
Tagged by: @dekudoodle (thank you so much!).
(I am doing this on @reverienne as I want to keep @aeducanka as much DA oriented as possible. Sorry for inconvenience.)
Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better.
Relationship status: livin’ and diggin’ my spinster life~.
Favourite colour: generally I am torn between pink and blue, mostly because a lot depends on the shade and my current mood. That being said, I am also partial to pastels, violet, navy blue, some shades of green, and coral, and I dress almost exclusively in cream and grey (I know, I am such a bore!).
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Top ships: *cracks knuckles* Buckle up, it is going to be a wild ride.
Lily Evans/James Potter (Harry Potter; AKA the first ship that dragged me into reading fanfiction); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff (Marvel); Wonder Woman/Batman (Justice League [2001-2004]); Dante Vale/Zhalia Moon (Huntik: Secrets&Seekers); Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze (Star Wars); Jyn Erso/Cassian Andor (Star Wars); Ladybug/Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug); Arkayna Goodfey/Malvaron Grimm (Mysticons). + I have a soft spot for Finn/Rey (Star Wars) and seeing it on my dash always makes my day.
Last song: Lil Nas X - Old Town Road (feat. Billy Ray Cyrus).
Last movie: (in cinema) “Pokémon: Detective Pikachu”; (in general) “How to Irritate People” (per @bluekaddis’ recommendation).
tagging: @bitchesofostwick @gingerbreton @etoilebinaire and whoever wants to do this! (There is no pressure, though.)
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Choose between Kasey Boon or Malvaron Grimm >:3c
Why must both you and Strife be asking me such hard questions today? XD. Just kidding. Hmm.... I like them both, honestly. So it’s a tie because I can’t choose. Lol.
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mysticonsheadcanons · 7 months
Gif I made after talking about "Clash of the Tridents"
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mysticonstriker · 6 years
my hopes for mysticons: a year’s reflection
Well, it seems like the show is pretty much over. We’ve been through some quiet months with neglect from Nick. While I didn’t get that far [sadly, how criminal of me being a fanblog], I really wanted to do a revisit of that hopes list... here we are.
“probably unlikely but a LGBT character would be pretty nice“ < - we got TWO! Sadly the kiss got cut but still this was very nice of the crew to do. If the show ever got a DVD release I’d love to see it added back in.
“ I’m also hoping Piper doesn’t get shoved into the role of comedic relief with little character development, while her teammates get development and multiple roles. Too often characters of her type don’t get enough attention. “ <- it seems like this unfortunately happened to Pipes :( A shame because I would’ve loved to see further depths than the small connection she got w Zarya
“the backstories of zarya and piper to be explored“ < - We barely got this in the show - one episode, and Piper’s parents weren’t even touched on, too... I wish they had got to them, but oh well
“the potential clash between zarya and arkayna (brings me back to TMNT’s Raphael and Leonardo hehe)“ < - I didn’t expect this to be LITERAL as the girls were long-lost sisters, but the show didn’t disappoint in this aspect, although they did chill as time went on.
“For the villains to be varying but competent threats“ Proxima wasn’t a joke for sure, and neither was Necrafa for her brief stint on the show. Not too bad, Nelvana.
“For Malvaron (and Gawayne too, why the heck not) to get some development too despite not being of the ‘main four’“ I believe they both got this - did Gawayne ever get that episode explaining further depths of him? And not the one early on, too.
“More on the girls in general - do they have any non-Mysticon friends around?“ Kitty Boon to Zarya was like the only one of note - most of their friends are characters you see all the time, which makes sense I guess.
“TAZMA GRIMM, DO NOT DISAPPOINT. “ - She got written off early-ish, which is also pretty suckish tbh, I liked what I saw of her.
Overall the show couldn’t done better in some aspects but it did a lot of things I wanted to happen so I’m pretty OK with it (except Piper’s treatment WHY does she get so few non-comic moments)
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memesticons · 4 years
Nova Terron: [angrily] Did you two get paint all over my first dollar?
Malvaron: We're sorry, Nova Terron!
Doug: We're so sorry!
Nova Terron: [looks at the dollar again then looks at Malvaron and Doug] And then did you draw on it with crayon?!
Malvaron: [glares at Doug]
Doug: I thought, you know, maybe he’d buy it?
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countdeworde · 7 years
Malvaron about Arkayna: „She’s adorable when she’s ruthless.“ Considering how ruthless can his sister be and that he has a badass demigod aunt I’m convinced many Grimms get the hots for those „on fire“.
Piper why are you of all people wondering what’s happening between them? I know you’re a kid but you witnessed their almost-marriage! This ship sails, yup, this ship pretty much left the harbor and is on its voyage around the world.
Zarya comes up with a sensible friend-talk. Good, this girl needs to take friendship steps because her ‚you-are-on-my-revenge-list-because-you-say-sorry-too-often‘ really doesn’t help anyone to become more assertive.
„Does she even have other outfits?“ Now I kinda wanna see Kymraw in a new costume. Maybe her concept art. Or semi-formal wear because those purses looked pretty. LOL, Kymraw in a pretty, feminine dress would make for an interesting sight to be honest.
I wish Vex away would exist in reality. I know, the aesop was not to bottle your anger but-GIMME!GIMME!GIMME!
I love Em and her speech was the bomb: „Four score and seven years ago yadda, yadda…“ XD
Lateensia is dating a garbage container? You’re a pixie trash, bitch.
OMG, a serious wrath plague.
Doug wrote a song. DOUG WROTE A SONG! And he and Gawayne are singing together. I can’t believe my boy band headcanon is getting probable so quickly. No seriously, I’m glad Gawayne is bonding with Doug.
Kymraw on the threshold of heel-face turn and having the door to redemption slammed in her face by the hero’s accidentally spilled emotion is comedy gold. Also angry Doug is polite even when furious.
I was like – I bet the password is ‚Arkayna‘. LMAO Forget a voyage around the world, this ship is a space ship on its way through the galaxy. They even have their first fight.
Poor Em, though, Word full of rage is a nightmare. Seeing her friends fight must have been terrible.
Excuse me? „Kymraw hold no grudge“?!
Centaurs attacking the toilet (it flew the entire time? is it wc or a bird?!) = Kymraw learn nothing.
Some episodes of even great cartoons are barely okay, this episode was excellent. I got so much in this one episode.
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angel-blitz · 5 years
Template by @alignments-blank
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