#mama Yuuri
reallyromealone · 5 hours
I am very sad.... (◞‸◟) This because you do not have a masterlist for Yuri on Ice. I love your child fic's ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´- , and I want to request can you make omega child reader with Victor and Yuri? (Sorry if I spelt the name wrong)
Title: fight
Fandom: Yuuri on ice
Characters: Viktor, Yuuri, Yuri (mentioned)
Fic type: omegaverse
Pairings: viktuuri
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, child reader, Omega reader, omegaverse, slight angst
Viktor and Yuuri ended practice early, walking into the school seriously and still in skating gear on Yuuri's end, his skates and bag over his shoulder "who attacked our son?" Yuuri seethed, the Omega scanning the area to spot their seven year old sitting with a bruised cheek and muddied uniform, across was a young alpha boy of the same age who looked worse for wear, uniform messy and muddied and a grimase on his face.
Viktor watched Yuuri go mama bear while he went to check on their pup, the young Omega upset as his papa checked him over "you're little hellion attacked my son!" The Alpha boys sire screamed angrily and Yuuri turned his attention to the other, an alpha woman and beta husband "I want to see the camera footage" Yuuri snapped before the Alpha could scream any further.
"N-now..." The principal tried to calm the Omega "no no, my son doesn't just hit other kids, he knows better now show me the footage" Yuuri snapped and Viktor lifted his tiny pup into his arms, the boy silent as he clung to him.
The parents watched the footage intently, little (name) was minding his business with a few of his friends, the boy and the others were really interested in pokemon cards these days as Viktor always got him a few packets when shopping.
Then came a group of boys, the ringleader being the little alpha, (name) seemed confused as the Alpha boy tried to rip off his collar only for (name) to push him back to keep him at a distance, the Alpha boy growing angry and punching him while screaming something the parents weren't privy to as there was no audio.
"We will be pressing charges" Viktor spoke up, staring at the principal and parents seriously who looked horrified "unless your son formally apologizes, you all get therapy and there will be class transfers on your son's end" Viktor was a reasonable man, the others nodding aggressively with panic as there wasn't a family in the area who didn't know about the skating couple.
(Name) Was quiet on the drive home, Yuuri worried as be held Viktors hand and the two glanced at each other.
"Sweety, do you want to talk about it" Yuuri asked as he sat with his pup, the boy fidgeting and refusing to make eye contact "he said... That I'm just a worthless Omega... That papa only married you because omegas were stupid..." Yuuri remembered seeing the rest of the video as Viktor threatened the parents, (name) lunged at the boy.
"You know that's not true, right?" Yuuri whispered softly and Viktor came in with some hot coco, marshmallows and all for the boy "I know... I was just mad"
"Well we aren't happy that it got violent but I'm glad you stuck up for yourself, my smart wonderful little omega" Viktor kissed the boys forehead and (name) huffed "whatever..."
"You're sounding like your uncle now!" Viktor teased as the family turned on a movie, Yuuri going to get the boy some ice from his swollen cheek, just wanting to care for their pup.
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spazzcat · 5 months
Spazzcat's (Incomplete) YOI Fic Rec List
@alexseanchai said yes please, so now you all get to hear me ramble about the YOI fics I've been reading! I may do another one in the future since I'm still working through the archive but for now, these are the ones I've enjoyed and hope you will too! Note: Unless specified otherwise, all these are completed works.
Until my Feet Bleed and my Heart Aches by Reiya
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’   A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries. Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: Several, plot-critical Additional notes: This is the first installment of the Rivals series, which probably everyone in the fandom has heard of but I can't not include it. The sequel, Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts, covers the story from Victor's POV. An absolute banger of a series, and a real treat to reread as well as read for the first time after learning what was happening on the other side of the conversations. Expect lots and lots of miscommunication and heavy emotions throughout.
2. Stargazer by Fahye
"No, see, we've all been trained a certain way. The training system is traditional; it's centuries old. Nobody taught you. You ballist like it's got nothing to do with war at all." A sleepy, extraordinary smile crawls over Victor's face. "Nobody else does it like that. That's why we're going to win."
Wordcount: 23k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: To paraphrase the author's notes, this is a sports AU of a sports canon, where the sport is a made-up sci-fi sport played by royalty. It sounds absolutely insane, I know, but trust me, the world-building is perfectly executed to tell you everything you need to know without getting bogged down with unnecessary exposition. Has an Otayuri-centric sequel.
3. Dear Mama by Ferrero13
In which Victor writes letters to his mother, who is fifty percent of his rationality and self-control.
Wordcount: 30k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Epistolary format following canon from the perspective of Victor writing back and forth with his mother. Just a very cute and funny insight into Victor's head and heart.
4. How the Mighty Fall (In Love) by braveten
Every Victor Nikiforov fan has three things in common.
1. They have unrealistic expectations for romance. 2. They mark their calendars with the dates of his newest book releases and the premieres of his latest movie adaptations. 3. They either passionately hate or love his greatest rival, a mysterious author whose pseudonym is only two letters: “KY.”
Wordcount: 30k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Authors AU, just an all-around fun read of meeting, falling, and some hilarious mix-ups and mistakes along the way.
5. My Fun Fact Is: by stillmadaboutpetra
Yuuri fails to mention to his new non-skater friends who he is or who his husband is. Or that he even has a husband.
Wordcount: 6k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: The identity reveal trope is one of my favourites, and this is my favourite fic out of those.
6. Written in the Stars by pheonixwaller
Yuri Katsuki is a scientist aboard a deep space research vessel. Their mission is to chart and study a black hole, but when there's an accident Yuri is forced to abandon ship. Alone and adrift he can only watch as his husband, Phichit, and all their friends are killed. Then, with rescue likely years away, he goes into stasis. Victor Nikiforov is the young captain of an exploration vessel. Known for his charisma it is his job to make first contact and establish friendly relationships with other space-faring societies. But his curiosity is piqued when his crew detects an old distress signal, and finds a lone survivor from a ship lost nearly a hundred years before.
Wordcount: 90k Sex scenes: yes, not plot-essential Additional notes: Far future sci-fi, be prepared for character deaths right at the beginning and grief/mourning throughout. Really well-thought-out sci-fi experience with romance as part of the plot but not the entire focus.
7. Tale of a Sleeping Prince by phoenixwaller
In a world where soulmates exist, but may not be alive at the same time, those born first become "sleepers." They go into self-induced hibernation that can last centuries until their soulmate is of age, and close physical distance. At the age of 12 Yuri Katsuki sees a photo of the living legend, the oldest known sleeper, Victor Nikiforov. It sets in motion a desire to get close to the other man by training to be a caretaker. Eventually he finds himself in Saint Petersburg Russia, ready to work as close to the sleeping man, but as he approaches the Living Legend awakens.
Wordcount: 16k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: I am weak for soulmate AUs and this is a really unique one supported by fantastic worldbuilding.
8. Trust Me, I'm an Alchemist by metisket
In which Yuri Plisetsky began life with the name Edward Elric, and this has made the world of figure skating a significantly stranger and more alarming place. “Are you saying you lived a life of crime before you began skating?” “I’m gonna have to check the statute of limitations on a couple things and get back to you on that.”
Wordcount: 55k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Crossover with FMA, but knowledge of that canon needed to understand this should be minimal, I think. Focuses on Yurio and is one of the most hilarious fics I have ever read in my life, if you only read one fic from this list let it be this one, you won't regret it.
9. Empty Ice by phoenixwaller
Yuri Katsuki is considering retiring from competitive figure skating after coming in sixth at his first Grand Prix Final, but an accident only days after the final leaves his idol, Victor Nikiforov, in a coma. Grief stricken, Yuri decides to dedicate his season to the fallen skater and throws himself into the sport. He puts everything on the line for three final competitions. Then, dreams shattered, he retires. Adrift, grieving, and unsure of his place in the world Yuri turns to photography and quickly becomes known as one of the best figure skating photographers at competitions. It is this that leads him to the one thing that lends a sense of catharsis: recreating famous photographs of Victor, except in empty ice rinks. However, soon strange artifacts start to appear in his photos, and a presence calling itself Victor attaches itself to him. Yuri is left to wonder if he is going insane or if he's being haunted, and whether the strange artifacts in the photos are at all connected to the comatose skater.
Wordcount: 78k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Mind the tags, but trust me, it's worth the weird.
10. Miliy by fangirlandiknowit
Viktor finds himself in a sticky situation – referring to more than the mess in his pants after watching his favorite camboy’s show. In other words, how do you tell a camboy with a celebrity crush on Viktor Nikiforov that you are, in fact, the very man you role play with him as? The answer - you don't.
Wordcount: 66k Sex scenes: several, plot-important Additional notes: Lots of sex scenes (it's a camboy AU, what do you expect) but still manages to pack in an impressive amount of plot, drama, and feels.
11. Lessons in Love by fangirlandiknowit
All Viktor wants is for his son to be happy - and if that means spending countless hours at the ice rink, a million more in the ballet studio, and devotedly cheering for Katsuki Yuuri at every competition he enters, then that is precisely what he'll do. He just didn't expect to become a fan, too. (He didn't expect to fall in love.)
Wordcount: 180k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Broke: fake dating. Woke: Pining so hard everyone around you is convinced you're already dating. Strikes a great balance between a Victor who takes the important things in his life very seriously and a Victor who is a complete disaster when Yuuri's around. Very sweet, very funny, however you may have to suspend your disbelief regarding the physical and mental development of a ten-year-old.
12. No Storm Can Venture There (orphaned fic)
General Viktor Nikiforov stands, hands in his pockets, facing the man he so desperately needs on his side. "We've got four Jaegers and we're missing a pilot," he states. Pauses. The silence stretches, pulled at both ends by both stubborn wills. Finally- "You know I won't," former Ranger Yuuri Katsuki starts, turning his gaze aside, standing, shoulders tense, "can't." Viktor closes the distance. "Of course you don't think you can when you've been hiding from the possibility."
Wordcount: 180k Sex scenes: Otayuri glimpsed only briefly Additional notes: Going in, this fic starts off seeming like a beat-for-beat Pacific Rim rewrite with YOI characters. If you give it a chance, however, it is very much not, and goes further and further away as the story progresses. Very much a wild ride.
13. you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be by roserelease
More than anything, Yuuri wants to impress his cosplay role model Viktor Nikiforov, aka Nike Cosplay. But after a horrible start to a convention weekend, he panics and backs out at the last second to meet his idol. Normally this would be fine, except Yuuri discovers too late that there's a little Viktor related secret inside the con vlog his best friend filmed over the course of the weekend for him... It's fine, he thinks. Embarrassing, but not the end of the world. And it's not like Viktor himself will ever see the con vlog, so why worry? (Except for when one fateful, lonely night, Viktor does.)
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: yes Additional tags: Be very mindful of the tags, while being a very positive story overall this one does touch on some heavy subjects and the second installment in the series even more so. Fourth installment is in progress and last updated Jan 15, 2024 at time of writing.
14. empty spaces between stars by astudyinrose
Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids… but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals…
Wordcount: 225k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Be mindful of the tags again for this one, otherwise a nice juicy slowburn of relationship development.
15. The Coin, The Stone, & The Rose by Silver_Scribbles
Crown Prince Viktor Nikiforov once had the world at his fingertips; he was rich and powerful and handsome, and he had everything his heart desired. Now, he is a Beast, imprisoned by an Enchantress' spell; hiding away from the world in the never-ending winter of his shame. Katsuki Yuuri is . . . odd, to say the least. Beautiful, but odd. While the rest of the villagers put one foot firmly in front of the other, Yuuri would rather loose himself to his dancing and his daydreams; always wishing for something more than his provincial life. Each is captive to circumstances beyond their control; trapped by unbreakable spells and impossible dreams. However, an unlikely meeting is about to change everything. Hope makes a final play for their salvation as the sands of time run out; but as Yuuri and Viktor learn to find themselves in one another, they also make discoveries that they're completely unprepared for . . . some wondrous, some wretched . . . and some treacherous enough to permanently tear them apart. For who could ever learn to love a Beast?
Wordcount: 270k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: While the first chapter is a well-executed tribute to disney's Beauty and the Beast, this is very much its own story that takes some of the basic elements and creates something entirely new and suited to the characters. Be advised that as the story progresses it does get a bit darker and heavier in some ways that aren't tagged for such as blackmail, forced marriage, and violence, but it does end happily.
16. The Rules for Lovers by ADreamingSongbird
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well… That’s a long story.
Wordcount: 325k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Fascinating AU mixing not just royalty but magic, with a background world that diverged from our own. Does take the realities of court politics and political intrigue seriously and gets fairly dark at points, so approach with some caution.
17. Let Me Fall For You by HuntressFirefall
Victor Nikiforov was on his way to becoming a Living Legend in the sport of figure skating. After hitting his stride and winning back-to-back World Championships, the sport's biggest star was the overwhelming favorite to win gold in his third Olympics on home ice in Sochi, Russia. But when Yuri Katsuki pulls off the upset victory in Sochi at the young age of 21 and takes the gold, Victor begins to see his world and the people in it in a very different light -- and it turns out they see him differently as well. No longer knowing who he can rely on and finding he didn't know those close to him as well as he thought, when his skating career falters Victor makes a shocking choice that turns his world upside down in ways he did -- and didn't -- expect.
Wordcount: 400k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Takes a very serious look at the pressures of high-level skating and the consequences of that. The heavy emotions lead to the ending being satisfying beyond belief.
18. The Nature of Things by Zombubble
Lonely, tired, and stuck in Detroit for two months due to competitions, Viktor Nikiforov decides he's staying. He's not sure what he expects to find, but it's certainly not love, and he certainly doesn't expect it to come in the form of the World's Cutest Barista. But when the pressure of his career threatens to strain his burgeoning relationship, and long-held secrets come into the light, he finds his love tested in ways he'd never anticipated, with life-changing results.
Wordcount: 465k Sex scenes: None that I can recall Additional notes: What starts off looking like a meet-cute with skater!Victor and barista!Yuuri turns far more complex and serious when Yuuri turns out to be secret royalty. Long, emotion-heavy, and just touching on some of the darker facets of court reality.
19. All Our Yesterdays by Kitsunebi_UK
York, England, 2120: Yuuri Katsuki is a dime-a-dozen techie, spending his days doing routine repairs at the university. He hangs out with his friend Phichit, goes for a drink, watches holograms. It’s an existence – but is it a life? Crowood Castle, Yorkshire, 1392: As the son of a baron, Sir Victor Nikiforov makes judgements where lives hang in the balance. As a knight, he must sometimes end them. It’s what he was born to do – but what of the heavy burden on his soul? Death is all too commonplace, while life and love remain elusive. When a brilliant scientist goes rogue, journeying to the Middle Ages with the world’s first time machine, Yuuri is stunned to be called on as the last hope of preventing her from changing history. After an abrupt departure, he lands at Crowood Castle disguised as an enemy of the Nikiforovs, Sir Justin le Savage – and will need to act the part if he is to survive. It’s a tall order for someone who can barely tell the back end of a horse from the front. But if Ailis, in her own disguise, discovers who he is, his mission will end in a blaze of laser-gun fire. He must not give his real identity away, even to the beguiling knight he’s falling in love with…
Wordcount: 1.02 million Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: A wild ride from start to finish, with truly exceptional attention to detail in creating a believable future and a realistic past, plus some scarily believable worldbuilding for the time periods in between. Expect period-typical violence for all eras that come into play. Does get downright heartbreaking near the end, but hang in there, they do get their happy ending, I promise.
20. Equivalent Exchange by writingfromtheshadows
Without the Katsuki line to protect and maintain the laws of magic, Great Mages have become so few and far between that many believe the age of magic is coming to an end. However, when he comes across a young man weaving tales with figures of fire, Viktor begins to wonder if magic is truly dead, or if it lives on in the body of the storyteller with warm brown eyes.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Wonderfully constructed fantasy setting, intriguing magic system, and an intense plot bringing it all together.
21. When the World Stops... by Miled
When an injury sidelines Viktor from competing as a skater, Yakov encourages him to take up coaching even if he kind of sucks at it. On the other hand, Yuuri is absolutely devastated that he can no longer strive to compete with his inspiration. Instead of giving it up, he dedicates one last season to honoring Viktor's career...but then Viktor takes notice.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Just a really interesting what if possibility!
22. L'ultima volta by goodbye_blue
“Hey, Mila,” Viktor looked up at her, bleary-eyed. “You don’t know any theoretical physicists, do you?” “…No?” She replied hesitantly. Yakov had seen enough. “What the hell are you doing?!” He stormed, rounding the table. Oh no, he thought when he saw the video. His stomach sank a little. It was that Japanese skater, Katsuki. The dark horse who had just demolished the competition at Skate America.
Yuuri and Viktor find themselves years in the past, right at the start of the fateful season where they first met. Now, if only they could figure out whether they’ve come back alone.
Wordcount: 25k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: They're idiots, your honour.
23. eternity will be born from hope by vivi_writ3s
On the tail-end of being dropped by his junior coach mid-season, Yuuri Katsuki is hit by a car and realises the universe must have a sick pleasure in fucking him over. Or; Twenty-nine year old Yuuri wakes up in his seventeen-year old body and decides fuck it, if the universe decided to screw with him, he’s going to screw back.
IN PROGRESS Additional notes: This is the beginning of a rewrite of a fic by the same name and author that they decided to alter because they realized they went OOC for Victor's age in the story. The pre-rewite version is still up as the first fic in the series and is absolutely worth reading as is (there are several scenes I go back to regularly).
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rikeijo · 6 months
Today's translation #496
Go Yuri Go!!!, Yuri!!! on ICE official fanbook, Ito Noriko interview, Prop Design
Comments about designs ①
>Yuuri's suitcase for travel
The order was: "He participates in competitions all over the world, so it's well-used and quite damaged with a lot of 'security check' seals". After showing the first draft, I've got the request to add even more seals all over it.
>Yuuri's edge covers case
The order from the Director was "A case for edge covers with Vicchan on it, hand-made by Hiroko-mama. Made from a towel-like material with an ugly badge sewn on it". The setting for Yuuri's personal item was that the pattern on them is "Vicchan in Sanrio-like style" - it was the same for his iPhone case.
>Yuuri's iPhone case
The same as for edge covers case, the order was for "Vicchan in Sanrio-like style". I thought that if the pattern would be on the whole case with Vicchan in different poses, it would look cute in close-up shots, as well as from far away. I was given a lot of freedom in case of the items I designed starting from zero, so I always prepared around three different ideas, and let [probably the Director] chose whichever she liked.
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slusheeduck · 1 year
In Which Yuri Plisetsky Definitely DOES NOT Have A Crush
This is an oldie that I wrote for an anthology that ended up only having two chapters, but it's still something that consistently makes me smile when I read it, so I figure I could share it again on its own.
                As much as Yuri liked to say that he knew he was right about everything, he was painfully aware that sometimes he made mistakes. He usually managed okay, because he was awesome and yelling seemed to fix most problems. Case in point: he found Viktor after flying to Japan despite not knowing a lick of Japanese purely because he yelled his name a lot. Yelling worked.
                But, after this mistake, yelling didn’t work. Punching his wall didn’t work. He even tried to flip his bed, but it was too heavy, so he kicked it over and over. But that didn’t work, either. So, for the first time in his young life, Yuri had to think about how to fix a problem. And he might…
                …have to talk to someone.
                But who? Grandpa? No, Grandpa would listen, but he wouldn’t really get it. Mama? No. Ugh, god no, she’d coo over him and tell him how cute he was being. Mila would do the same thing. Georgi would start crying probably. Maybe Yakov? He wouldn’t get it. He did still have Viktor’s number…
                Viktor could never know.
                Surprisingly, this whole…issue didn’t start until after the Onsen on Ice bullshit. Clearly, whatever weird practice regimen Viktor was doing with Yuuri was working, because he ended up winning. Even though Yuri was clearly the better skater, the minute that stupid pig got on the ice, something changed. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Yuri wasn’t sure if it was Katsudon’s face or steps or some sort of weird black magic demon stuff (which, admittedly, would have been really cool.). So he decided to watch some of his old videos to find out what it was. Know your enemy and all that.
                This had been the mistake.
                Before this, he’d only seen the pig skate at the Sochi GPF. He’d been impressed with his short program—and even more impressed by the death glare he’d given the camera while waiting for his score. Most skaters were all smiles or tears in the kiss and cry, but not Yuuri Katsuki. That’s the kind of skater Yuri wanted to be next year: stony-faced after success, too confident to be moved even by a personal best score.
                Yuuri Katsuki was so cool.
                But then there was the free skate. And Katsuki had just fallen to pieces. He fell, twice. What was wrong? Was he sick? Yuri wondered if buying one of his posters had been a bad idea. Maybe it had jinxed him.
                If Yuri’s faith in Katsuki had wavered during that terrible skate, it was renewed when he went to the kiss and cry. Again, there was that death glare to the camera! So cool!! Yuuri Katsuki didn’t give a shit and it was awesome!
                Once the final was over (Viktor had won again, big whoop. Yuri would fix that next year) and Yakov was off yelling at Viktor for whatever reason, Yuri slipped away. He was going to find Katsuki. He had to meet this cool, collected skater face to face. He’d probably have better tips for next year than Airhead Nikiforov.
                Yuri pulled the hood of his jacket up and stuck his hands into his pockets, slinking through the halls. He had to look cool when he talked to Katsuki. It wasn’t like he was a dumb fanboy or anything. He was basically an equal. They were just gonna talk. Like skaters. Cool skaters.
                It took him a minute to realize the nerdy guy with glasses walking down the hall was actually Katsuki. He looked so different on the ice. Maybe it was to deflect the tons of fans he probably had. He was so much smarter than Viktor; stupid Viktor just kept making the fan problem worse. Maybe getting a pair of glasses would get those damn Yuri’s Angels off his back.
                Well, he’d get cool glasses. Like, cheetah print ones. But still.
                Yuri focused as he watched Katsuki slip into the bathroom, phone out. Huh? What was he doing in there? Maybe he was going to fire his coach for making him lose! Ohh, that’d be cool to see! Yuri slinked out from the hall and leaned against a wall for a moment. He didn’t want to be creepy. So he waited, just for a little bit, then slipped into the bathroom.
                Immediately, he heard sniffling from the middle stall, and someone speaking in a language he couldn’t understand. Probably one of the sucky Juniors. Yuri was always surprised at what babies the other competitors could be. Some of them were even older than him.
                Well, let that baby cry. He was looking for Katsuki. He had to be in here somewhere, letting his coach have it over the phone. But all the other stalls were empty, save for the one the crying was coming from. So…
                Yuri stared hard at the stall. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t. It couldn’t be Yuuri Katsuki crying in there. But he was so cool! So collected! He looked like he was gonna murder someone in the kiss and cry! So how could…why would…
                As Yuri’s view of his new idol crumbled before him, he shook slightly. Rage began to fill him, and before he could stop himself, he kicked the stall door as hard as he could. A little yelp came from inside. Then, slowly, it opened.
                Yuri glared at the man—if he could even call him that after crying like a little girl!—who opened the stall. Stupid Katsuki with his stupid glasses and his stupid falls. Katsuki froze up right in front of him, looking terrified. That just made Yuri even more angry. Where was the scary face he was wearing earlier?
                Where was the Yuuri Katsuki he had seen on the ice?
                He tried to find what to say. How could he bring back the other Yuuri Katsuki? The cool one? He glared for a moment longer, then pointed at Yuri.
                Katsuki didn’t respond. Yuri grit his teeth.
                “I’m competing in the Senior division next year. We don’t need two Yuris in the same bracket.” Yuri spat out the name. To think, just a few hours ago he thought it was cool that they had the same name. “Maybe you should just retire already…” The rage bubbled out of him, and he shoved his face as close as he could to Katsuki’s as he yelled, “LOSER!”
                He deliberately kept his walk slow as he exited the bathroom, making sure his words resonated with Katsuki. Hopefully he’d see it as a challenge. If one Yuri loved facing a challenge, the other would, too, right? Right?!
                As he slunk down the halls, he came across Yakov.
                “There you are! I swear, Yuri, you’re just as bad as Viktor when it comes to…” Yakov trailed off, catching the glower still on Yuri’s face. “Yurochka? What’s wrong?”
                “I don’t wanna talk about it!”
                This dumb…thing did kind of explain a lot. It explained why he put up with Katsudon’s drunk bullshit at the Banquet. Sure, at first, he’d taken the dance contest as Katsuki’s attempt to challenge Yuri back. But…well, he was kind of fun and actually not a bad dancer (though Yuri was better) and…
                Ugh. No. Focus, Yura.
                It also explained why he didn’t immediately tear up the poster of Katsuki when he got home. He’d actually put it up on his wall, naturally, as a reminder of who he had to beat. Next year was going to be a competition of honor. He was going to make Katsuki work if he decided not to be a loser and retire. And maybe once in a while he’d laid in bed and stared at it while marveling over how Katsuki was so nerdy and awful off-ice, but how he was absolutely breath-takin—
                Anyway. Back to after Onsen on Ice. As mentioned earlier, he’d pulled up every video he could of the pig’s skating before the Grand Prix Fuckup, as a way to gauge what he did that made him so spellbinding. He watched his routines from Juniors, from the Japanese Nationals, from his practice sessions in Detroit. He watched them all again. And again.
                The question of why Yuuri Katsuki was so amazing on ice wasn’t answered.
                But the question of why Yuri was so obsessed with him was.
                And he hated it.
                So now he had to win. He had to train harder. And he told everyone that it was because that stupid pig had taken Viktor from Russia, so he had to prove that he didn’t need Viktor to win the GPF this year. And every time he saw an update of Katsudon’s progress, he was that much more motivated to be better than him.
                Yuuko was the worst thing that ever happened to him. She reminded him of Mama, honestly; all enthusiasm and  supportive of him even from abroad. She even kept texting him after Onsen on Ice and listened to his bitching about Lilia and Yakov.
                That wasn’t why she was terrible. She was terrible because she kept giving him updates about the pig. Sure, some of them were prompted by him, but damn it, it wasn’t like he could stop himself from asking about stupid Katsudon! She should know not to tell him!
                She was also terrible because she was teaching him Japanese. “In case you come back,” she said, sending a stupid little heart emoji. Granted, it was hard to learn Japanese via text. But one of the things that stuck was how to write his name.
                ユーリ. プリセツキー.
                If he’d had literally any other name in the world, that would have been cool to know. He’d write it everywhere, because Japanese looked cool and he could brag about it. But one idle thought, tapped out in a moment of weakness, had ruined this forever.
                “is that how the other yuri spells his name too?”
                Given the amount of emojis that followed, Yuuko’s nose was probably gushing blood. (Because that was just a thing that happened to Japanese people???) He shut his phone off immediately and hid in his room for the next eighteen hours.
                Most of that time was spent kicking his bed enough to scare poor Potya off of it while blasting loud music over his headphones to drown out the shame.
                A very small, insignificant part of it was spent listening to some dumb love song he’d downloaded on a whim. And, while listening, he definitely didn’t get teary over the injustice of being so misunderstood in the seriousness of his situation, and he sure as hell didn’t write out, in tiny, tiny characters, “Юрий + ユーリ”before scribbling angrily over them.
                He wasn’t some sap.
                Yuri really needed to burn that damn poster.
                He’d brought it with him to Lilia’s to motivate him. To remind himself why he was fighting so hard, and whose beautiful STUPID UGLY FAT FACE he wanted to smash into the ice with his GPF victory. It was brought solely because of that reason. Definitely not because, after all of his purely academic searching of images, he thought it was one of the best official portraits of the pig yet. Certainly not because he found himself admiring the way Katsudon held himself in that pose. Absolutely not because it’s one of the few portraits where you can see that the pig’s eyes are a soft brown and a few pieces of hair had fallen across his forehead and his lips are slightly parted and maybe once or twice or five times in the middle of the night a stupid thought had entered Yuri’s head and he might have stood up on tiptoes and leaned forward to…
                The first night Lilia wakes up to find Yuri Plisetsky screaming into a pillow, she worries. After that, she just lets him keep going until he feels better.
                God knows she did the same thing at his age.
                Mila prodded him into watching the Cup of China. “We have to support Georgi,” she’d said.
                Hag. She knew exactly who they were going to watch, and it sure as hell wasn’t Georgi.
                But he’d be fine. He’d be fine. He’d already seen the Eros routine, like, eighty times. He could probably skate it himself if he wanted to.
                Skate it himself and look better doing it.
                He tried to look as indifferent as possible as the pig got on the ice. He watched the tv with complete disinterest. His heart definitely didn’t jump as Yuuri the stupid ugly pig landed a perfect quad Salchow, using the exact method Yuri had taught him. When Mila pointed out that he’d tugged his straw out of his juice box during Katsudon’s performance, he loudly informed her that he’d done that on purpose and anyway juice boxes were for babies.
                Due to some bad luck and thirst, his juice box was empty. Otherwise, he absolutely would have sprayed fruit punch right into Mila’s stupid face due to the smug look she gave him.
                Even so, he managed all right with Eros. Basically complete disinterest. But then came the pig’s free skate the next day. He hadn’t seen that one fully.
                Goddamn, he hadn’t been prepared.
                His eyes were transfixed as he watched Yuuri skate. If he had been spellbinding before, he was an angel now. Yuri couldn’t even get angry about the falls and over-rotation. Katsuki was the picture of grace: neck outstretched, arms graceful, step sequence flawless. Yuri stared, jaw dropped and throat tight, as Katsuki tried to land the quad flip. It didn’t work, but the fact that he even tried to do something on Viktor’s level…
                Yuuri finished, hand outstretched toward the camera, chest heaving and brown eyes wide and clearly so, so proud of himself. Yuri felt his heart flip. A part of his brain whispered, Let yourself have this. Succumb. Let yourself acknowledge that you have a cru—
                And that’s when Viktor kissed the pig right on international television.
                Mila whistled. “Well, guess we should’ve expected this from our Viktor. But that was some performance, don’t you…Yura, are you crying?”
                He definitely wasn’t crying. He definitely wasn’t jealous. He just…
          ��     He wanted to win so badly, was all.
                The road to the GPF is hard enough without this…thing. So Yuri pushes it down and focuses. Before, he’d just wanted to win to prove to Katsudon that he was the better skater and that he was the best Yuri and that only losers cried and got kissed on television.
                But then that shithead JJ came along.
                Twice—fucking twice!—that self-absorbed Canadian snuck in and grabbed the gold. Even after Yuri snagged a personal best! He’d been so thrown that he’d actually caved and been nice to Katsudon. (Well, sort of. He’d still kicked him and yelled at him, and most of the motivation was showing how cool his Grandpa was.) He wasn’t even bothered by the fact that he slipped and more or less wished him a happy early birthday (which was November 29th and it didn’t matter how he knew that.)
                Yuuri Katsuki wasn’t his target anymore. Now, JJ was the one to beat.
                He could lose to Katsudon (he wouldn’t, but that wasn't the point) and be okay if it meant that fucking JJ was below him. But god, that first place spot on the podium would be the best place to watch JJ squirm in his failure. So no more Grandpa, no more Katsudon.
                His motivation was ruining JJ’s life.
                And, surprise, it worked.
                The thing creeps up again when he stands on the podium with Katsudon and Otabek (who, by the way, was his new super-cool best friend). Despite losing, the pig is still genuinely happy. Maybe he really is proud of Yuri. Maybe it’s from the engagement (?) or because he’s glad Yuri kept him from retiring like an idiot. But he’s smiling and care-free and goddammit, for a moment Yuri wonders if that whole “skating for love or whatever” thing actually wasn’t bullshit.
                But then he remembers that he won his gold purely out of spite, and that snaps him out of thinking like a sap.
                For one bright shining moment after the GPF, Yuri thought he finally, finally had someone to talk about this with. He had a friend. One that he made on his own! Surely Otabek would have some advice on what to do with this.
                But there was one problem.
                Beka…was really, really cool.
                He was a DJ! He skated like he was in a war! He rode a cool scooter and wore sunglasses inside and was technically an adult and went to cool clubs and he was just so cool.
                And the coolest thing of all was that he thought Yuri was cool, too. He said he had the eyes of a soldier. The eyes of a soldier! That was, by far, THE COOLEST thing anyone had ever said about him ever.
                But this whole thing with Katsudon was definitely not cool. He’d just come off as some dumb, drooling teenage fanboy. So Beka could never know.
                But there was a problem.
                The pig had moved to St. Petersburg. So now they were rinkmates. And he’d expected it’d be like when he’d become Viktor’s rinkmate: he’d finally see all of the flaws and how terrible Katsudon was when he was around him for more than a week. He was expecting relief.
                Instead, he was pretty sure he was in hell.
                Shitty Katsudon was nice to him. He invited him over to his and Viktor’s place or when they went to explore the city. He asked for help with translations when Viktor wasn’t around and taught him how to use chopsticks. Sometimes he called him “Yura” instead of “Yurio” and it made him want to die.
                He had to talk about it. He had to get this awful strangling feeling that was nice but also the worst thing in the entire world out of his chest. If he didn’t, he would probably die. And it’d be the lamest way to die ever.
                But again, who could he talk to? Beka was too cool. Lilia would probably tell him to kill that part of himself (to which he would yell back “What do you think I’ve been trying to do, hag?!” And then he’d have to do an hour of grand adages.) Yakov and Grandpa wouldn’t understand, because they were old men. Mama and Mila would be terrible. And Viktor…god no.
                But who? Who would understand the pain of having a…..c     r    u    s    h……..on someone who would probably never, ever think of him that way?      
                Hell wasn’t having your crush live nearby and be friendly to you. It wasn’t having your crush be a rinkmate and constantly have to look at his stupid fat beautiful face on the ice while listening to his fiancé gush over how beautiful his stupid fat beautiful face was. It wasn’t having catching your crush making out with said fiancé in the locker room when all you fucking wanted was to put on your skates.
                Hell was your crush being the best option to talk to about having a crush on him.
                “Did you mean to text me this morning?” the pig asked as they warmed up. Yuri felt like he was going to throw up.
                “If I didn’t want to text you, I wouldn’t have sent it, dumbass.” Yuri hissed out the insult to really drive home the fact that Katsudon wasn’t that important to him and he totally hadn’t been staring at his phone for an hour before finally sending the ‘i wanna talk after practice” text to him.
                The stupid pig stared at him curiously, but nodded. “What do you want to talk about?”
                “I’ll tell you after practice.” Yuri hopes his face isn’t red, because Jesus Christ does he not need that right now, and he skates away. To try and combat the anxious feeling building in his chest, he does a quad Salchow right there and then.
                It doesn’t help much, but it does look cool.
                 Practice drags on forever. Yakov makes him do drills like some novice. Viktor and Yuuri are all over each other on the ice, giggling and kissing and generally just being gross. Yuri debates calling off the stupid talk and just going home to throw up instead. But that won’t make him feel any better. He has to do this, even if it’s the worst thing he’s ever done.
                The two Yuris exit the ice while Viktor hangs back to be yelled at by Yakov probably for being an idiot. In the locker room, Katsudon is the one who brings up Yuri’s impending death.
                “So what did you want to—”
                “Not here!” Yuri hisses, then glares down at his skates. “I don’t want Viktor to hear. Just…just you.”
                He chances up a glance at the pig, who looks surprised and…what, touched?...at his statement. He quickly adds, “Will you be able to survive being away from him that long, pig?”
                Yuuri gives him that infuriating smile that says he knows Yuri’s being prickly on purpose, and he says, “I think I can manage for a little bit, yeah.”
                Katsudon doesn’t say any more on the subject, even after they’re changed and marching out into the Russian winter. Yuuri pulls out his phone—probably to text Viktor some gushy love crap—and Yuri tries not to look at him or think about how it’s kind of cute that his ears get red in the cold because that’s a LAME and STUPID thing to think about.
                Yuri leads the way into the first café he sees, with Katsudon following quietly after. When the idiot fumbles his order, Yuri barks it out for him. He orders the same tea with milk at every place, it’s not like Yuri pays attention or anything.
                It’s not until they’re both sitting, hot drinks in hand, in a very cute corner of the café that would be a very nice area for a date that would never ever happen, that Katsudon decides it’s time for Yuri to die.
                “So what did you want to talk about?”
                Yuri fidgets. He takes a long drink of tea. He burrows his nose into his scarf. Yuuri is annoyingly patient with him, watching him with those stupid doe eyes. Finally, Yuri swallows, keeping half his face buried in his scarf.
                “What do you do...when you like someone?” Yuri grimaces and tries to burrow deeper into his scarf. “Like…really like them?”
                Immediately Yuuri’s face softens, and he smiles. “I’m…not really sure I’m the right person to ask about this, Yura.”
                “Yes, you are. Everyone else would be stupid about it.” The pig will probably be stupid, too, but with Yuri’s current condition, he could tolerate that stupidity. He watched Yuuri hard, frowning beneath his scarf, as the pig stayed quiet, stupidly soft brown eyes staring down at his cup. Was he just not going to talk? Was that better or worse?
                “Okay, but really. I…don’t know what to suggest to you. Tell them?”
                Yuri grimaces as he feels his face grow hot. He hated this. Hated. This. Maybe he could just strangle himself with his scarf. “H-They’re seeing someone.”
                “I don’t want your pity, pig! I want a solution!” Yuri snaps, earning a couple glances their way.
                Yuuri puffs out a breath, looking away. “I…I don’t know what to tell you.” He gave a small smile, an awful one that made Yuri’s heart ache so hard he nearly punched himself in the chest. “I know you’ll think I’m a loser for this, but…it’s only been Viktor since I was twelve. I spent most of my life pining for someone who didn’t know I even existed. I didn’t think he’d ever see me like I saw him.”
                “That’s exactly how I feel,” Yuri blurts before he could stop himself. “And it sucks. It really sucks!”
                “I know it does.”
                “And then I see him and if he does literally anything, I just…it’s like I’m having a heart attack and it doesn’t stop and I like it but I also really, really hate it, Katsudon. I hate it so much!”
                “Having a crush is the worst,” Yuuri agrees.
                “It is!”
                This conversation is surprisingly…not terrible. Yuri seemed to be doing a good job of keeping Katsudon in the dark, and Yuuri was giving him exactly the kind of sympathy he’d been dying for. Which probably wouldn’t help in the crush department, but in the moment, it feels so good to get it all out. Yuri slumps forward, chin plopping into his hands.
                “The worst is when he skates,” he mutters, looking at his quickly cooling tea. “He’s like something out of a dream. Like the moment he’s out there…”
                “The whole world stops, and it’s just him.” Yuuri says these words slowly, and Yuri starts to nod, but he freezes as he catches the emotions flitting over Katsudon’s face.
                Yuri sits up straight, eyes wide. For the first time in his life, he’s speechless. He fucked up. He really, really fucked up.
                Katsudon knew.
                Was there even any way to recover from this? Should he just die? What was the quickest way to manage that? He was already in hell, so it wouldn’t be any worse than just sitting here, staring at Katsudon who now totally knew that he had a crush on him.
                Just as Yuri was about to throw the table and run, a hand reached out to rest on his arm. If he wasn’t in shock, he would have thrown it off and continued with the table plan. But considering his entire world was crumbling at the moment, he couldn’t do anything more than stare up at Yuuri—stupid fucking beautiful shitty understanding asshole Yuuri—mutely and wait for the inevitable, “Oh, Yurochka, I’m so sorry…”
                It didn’t come immediately. For a long moment, Yuuri simply stared at him. He wasn’t mad—which was good but also not because if he’d been mad then they could fight and Yuri was good at that—but he didn’t look too happy either. After a long moment, he moved his chair closer. What was he doi—?
                Yuri’s crumbling world came to a grinding halt as the stupid pig pulled him into a tight hug.
                This wasn’t like the Rostelecom Cup. He couldn’t fight this; he was in too much shock. So he just sat there, stock still, as Yuuri gave him what had to be one of the top five best hugs in his life.
                “It sucks,” Yuuri finally whispered. “I know it does. It’s the worst thing in the world. And…and it’s really, really unfair that I got the ending I did.”
                Yuri manages a stiff nod. Yuuri just hugs him tighter and he feels himself melt, just a bit, into the hug before Yuuri pulls back to look at him with the most hopeful, wonderful smile he’d ever seen.
                “But Yura, you’re amazing. Look at what you did at the GPF, and I know you’re gonna make us all work three times as hard at Worlds!” His look softened, and his smile warmed. “You’ll find your own Viktor someday, I know you will.”
                Yuri’s soul is forcibly ejected from his body.
                “You think…I…Viktor?!”
                “Like I said, I completely understand, and…” Yuuri’s cut off as Yuri gets to his feet and kicks his chair back. “Yu—”
                “This conversation’s over, pig!”
                  It turned out, hell wasn’t talking to your crush about your feelings for him.
                Hell was having your crush think you liked Viktor FUCKING Nikiforov.
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marumafan · 4 months
Hi! I'm not expecting you to reply but I still figured I'd ask. Could you explain why "people who wear uniform" would mean Yuuri liking boys? At first I thought his mom asked if he had an uniform fetish or something. I do see Yuuri as a gay man but that part kinda puzzled me. Love your blog, by the way! :)
Hi there! I feel it's better to just read the scene to fully understand why.
--- scene from Change--
"TV time is over. Listen, Yuu-chan. MAMA is a little worried about how you're spending the springtime of your life.
"If this is going to be a long lecture..."
In an attempt to retreat to the kotatsu in my own room, I lift my aching hips. Because I was sleeping in a strange position, I felt my spine creak and flinched for a second.
"Okay, don't leave just yet. As I thought, it's kinda weird."
"What is?"
"A high school boy like this? You don't think of anything other than baseball and training and you lie around the house. That's not normal, don't you think? A 16 year old should be wanting to get a girlfriend, going to town to pick up girls... wanting to have sex... no! I don't want to picture Yuu-chan like that!"
I don't want my mother picturing such things. Or rather, I don't even want her thinking about it.
"B-but as the mother of a teenage son, I'm inevitably prepared for such circumstances. I've been prepared since before your cute boy voice started changing. And also, from there on, for the road you'll take to become an old guy."
"It seems like you missed a part?"
Mom released an exaggerated sigh, and scenically brushed her eyebrows.
"But despite that, you spend all day in your room, decorated only with baseball posters and next year's CALENDAR of the Seibu Lions which you pre-purchased. You don't have a single porn book, and what I thought was a DVD for adults labeled "Seibu Lion's path to victory", didn't have any porn in it, but contained what the label actually said."
"You went through my room!?"
"I can't take it, there's such a big difference between you and your older brother that MAMA is worried. Could it be that the reason is 'that', Yuu-chan?"
She lowered her voice.
"... That you only love people in UNIFORMS?"
"N-no! You're wrong!"
"Do you want to go to therapy?"
"I don't~!"
"Oh, my. It's fine Yuu-chan, you don't need to cry. There's nothing wrong with you. It's not like it's a serious illness or anything like that."
It's not unthinkable that I may want to start crying.
Is this what a real mother does? To simply say out loud the things that they figured out about their son? A self proclaimed progressive mother is struggling with this?
--end scene-- That's why.
If you interpret it some other way, sure. For me, it's very clear mom is using euphemisms to talk about sexual orientation, but you know, to each their own.
Also, this story ends up with Yuuri going on a "Christmas date" with a guy. Sure, you could interpret it as 'just hanging out with a dude' but not in Japan. Going out with someone on Christmas is a date. (That's just popular knowledge in Japan.)
As I've stated "here" heteronormative thinking is taught. (don't be the lady in the photo)
One of these things isolated, sure, you're reaching. All of these things together have a very distinct meaning: Yuuri likes guys.
PS. You said "At first I thought his mom asked if he had an uniform fetish or something." If she's asking about a 'fetish' it's one about baseball dudes. She's not asking if he likes baseball, she's asking if he likes GUYS who wear uniforms without saying GUYS.
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tojisun · 7 months
I’ve only watched three k-dramas and two anime’s in my life
The glory, goblin, and hi bye mama
Death note and kakegurui (?)
Send recs !!!!!! My friend told me to watch crash landing on you
ohh!! im not into much kdramas so i cant give u some, im sorry tomie :((
but uhm if u want painful stuff: miracle in cell no. 07! its a (korean) movie though n not a series
if u also are into j-series, pls give alice in borderland a try!
now anime on the other hand, i have lots! (although theyre probs what youd call ‘mainstream’ but oh well)
ofc pls watch jujutsu kaisen teehee!! and attack on titan (specifically bc of this one unhinged science nerd named hange zoe - i love them sm). oh and demon slayer!!
sports anime genre is also so fucking good so: haikyuu and yuuri on ice (this one still makes me tremble w emotions my god i wish i can rewatch it for the first time again)
07 ghost still confuses me but the aesthetics of this one is phenomenal!
beelzebub for shits n giggles n delinquents n (baby) demons
school babysitters!! my goodness ive never wanted a younger sibling so bad!! theyre so cute, its :(((
all of studio ghibli films for a psychedelic n aesthetic trip
tbh im blanking rn so idk what else 😭
thank you for asking ahhhh <333
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The Next Best Thing: Celebration
"You be safe." Georgi strokes a thick curl out of Sergei's face, only for that same stubborn lock to find its way right back to where it was. "And you be good for Uncle Vitya and Uncle Yuuri. If they tell you to stay with them, you STAY. Got it, moya zoloste?"
"Yes, mama." Sergei says, his soft voice a contrast to his larger frame, despite being eight years old. He's much bigger than the other kids in his class, though one may not guess by his tender nature, or by his sweet acts of friendship when first meeting him. He has his father's big genes.
Georgi lets go of his shoulders, his free hand settling on Serik's arm. "We'll call if something changes, and you do the same, alright?"
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epickiya722 · 5 months
Langa & Reki, please, for the ask game...
I'm just gonna answer these two characters together! 🌈❄
My first impression: Thought those two were the cutest. Saw Reki's skate against Shadow and thought "Oh, he has heart. I'm gonna like that one." Shadow did him so dirty though!! With Langa, I just thought he looked like he would be a quiet one.
My impression now: I definitely adore them both. Reki is my favorite character and Langa follows after.
Favorite thing about that character: Besides their personalities, I like their aesthetics. Reki's style is really colorful and I'm a sucker for colors. His hoodies are too cute and I love that his headband's expressions will match his. Langa's ice theme, I like that! Especially since it leans more on the blues and there's some black thrown in there. It matches how they are. I love that while Reki is a bit on the fiery side, his character isn't heavy with the fire/sun symbolism. Instead, it's the rainbow and hibiscus. With Langa, he's ice themed, but he isn't a cold person. He's "cool" to others, he's calm.
Least favorite thing: They made me so frustrated during their whole falling out. I hate that Reki can be so self-deprecating sometimes and I wanted to shake Langa for wanting to still skate against Adam.
Favorite line/scene: Hard to choose when it comes to these two. They have so many great scenes together. To choose I have to go with when they finally make back up and decide to add the Infinity symbol to their handshake. That was too cute! But I also like their scene where Reki pretends to be in distress and Langa is like "Don't worry, bae. I'll protect you."
Favorite interaction that character has with another: Other than with each other, I adore how they interact with the rest of the SK8 squad. Especially with Miya. To choose an interaction, I gotta go with the scene after Reki's rematch with Adam and they just pile on him to make sure he's okay and he's smiling and laughing. Love that.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Ooh, so many options here actually. To pick... okay, I would like to see more of Reki and Langa's time working with Oda. Like, how does Oda deal with those two when they're working at the skate shop. I'm sure they get into a lot of shenanigans. 😆
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: I actually made a post about this for Reki! He and Yuji from Jujutsu Kaisen are like the same person, but in different genres. Hoodie wearing redheads, bright smiles, and have recognized skill that makes amazes others when they do show off those skills, yet often underestimated. Langa reminds me of Shoto Todoroki, especially after the Sports Festival. Ice people who aren't actually cold, love their mamas, talented pretty boys, and have a signature food they like.
A headcanon about that character: Okay, I ended up writing a whole series about this one! I headcanon that Reki likes to let Koyomi paint his nails from time to time. He likes colors and he doesn't mind Koyomi using him for practice. It's also nice to spend quality time with his sister and see her do something she likes. Sometimes, he'll even ask her to paint his nails blue to match Langa, who likes the idea of Reki wearing his color.
A song that reminds of that character: Shawn Wasabi's Animal Crossing. It's such a cute song! And of course, Infinity by Yuuri will always be their song. I can't think of a Langa song, but for Reki, Alessia Cara's My Kind comes to mind.
An unpopular opinion about that character: I actually didn't feel "queerbaited" at the end of the first season. Some people threw out "queerbait" because we didn't see LanReki kiss. Kiss? I was gonna ship them regardless of the ending. We at least were left to interpretation if their relationship is platonic or romantic. I don't think a ship should always be confirmed through a kiss because kissing isn't the only thing romantic couples do. They hold hands, call each other nicknames, hug, tells the other person that they make them happy, etc. Kissing isn't the only gesture used to say "I love you".
Favorite picture: There's so many of these two that I can look at all day, but to choose I'm going with these two since I have used them for edits before.
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Send Me a Character...✨️
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paradoxsoar · 1 year
english & romanji lyrics below cut
(Yuuri) Tweeting the words (Zera/Yuuri) “Let me hear your thoughts as they are” (Zera) That’s what was suggested It’s not like that, it’s fine
(Tamaki) Why, why, why, why, why (Kiru) Sick, sick, sick, sick, why
(Renge) It doesn’t matter how deep I cut I can’t even die (Kamite) Too much time on my hands, useless thoughts fill my head Living is unthinkable 
(Nier) I know, I know Because We’re all the same, after all.
(Tamaki) Bathing, bathroom, and eating Even breathing (Yuuri) It’s all exhausting My
(Nier/Yuuri/Zera/Renge) Brain is burnt out In a state of disintegration Internal overdose Up until now, I should have been happy
(Kamite/Tamaki/Kiru) But now Quickly, quickly, quickly, I want to disappear  Always, always, always want to die Everything is monochrome
(Nier) Life is a pain in the ass
(Yuuri) Standing outside the yellow line (Kamite) Girls, line up single file (Renge) Holding hands, on three!
(Tamaki) On the platform, on top of the building (Kiru) In the bathroom, in the love hotel (Zera) In the car, in the ocean (Nier) Both obsession and grudges
(Renge) Which one would be the least troublesome?
(Nier/Yuuri/Zera/Kamite) My brain has always been infected Emotional breakdown Declaring “SOS” Up until now, I should have been happy
(Tamaki/Renge/Kiru) But now Everything, everything, everything is so unpleasant I want to quit it all Charisma, help me (Kamite) Life is such a pain in the ass
(Everyone) Zero, Five, Seven, Zero, Zero, Six, Four, Five, Five, Six (Suicide prevention line) x3
(Tamaki) I don’t want to die, I don’t want to live Tightening the noose and hoping the morning doesn’t come (Kiru) But, Why, why, why do I wake up I’m so depressed like this All I want is to disappear 
(Nier/Yuuri/Zera/Renge) I’m sure my brain is destroyed Emotional breakdown “A manic depressive roller-coaster” I wish the brakes would stop
(Kamite/Tamaki/Kiru) But, Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes I want to live But I also, also, also want to die Are we selfish?
(Zera) Life is a pain in the ass
(Yuuri) Aoi tori ni naguri kakeba (Yuuri / Zera) "Anata no omoi o sonomama kikasete” (Zera) Go teian sarete Sonna n janakute kekkō nandesu
(Tamaki) Nande nande nande nande nande (Kiru) Yande yande yande yande nande (Renge) Dore dake fukaku kittatte Daitai wa shinenai koto mo (Kamite) Himada to yokei na koto shika Kangae tsukanai ikimono datte
(Nier) Shitteru shitteru Datte Minna issho minna issho datte (Tamaki) O furo mo toire gohan mo Iki o suru koto sae mo (Yuuri) Zenbu ni tsukaremashita Watashi
(Nier/Yuuri/Zera/Renge) Zutto nōnai dansen Jōtai hōkai Tainai overdose Sakki made wa waraeteita hazunanoni
(Kamite/Tamaki/Kiru) Mō Sugu ni sugu ni sugu ni kietai tte Itsumo itsumo itsumo shinitai tte Monokuro ni narukara
(Nier) Ikiru no wa mendōkusaina
(Yuuri) Kīroi sen sotogawa tatte (Kamite) Onnanoko ichi retsu narande (Renge) Te o tsunaidara isse no se
(Tamaki) Hōmu mo biru no ue mo (Kiru) Yokushitsu rabuhoteru mo (Zera) Shachū mo umi no naka mo (Nier) Shūnen mo onnen mo
(Renge) Dorenara meiwaku kakenaito?
(Nier/Yuri/Zera/Kamite) Zutto nōnai kansen Kanjō hōkai Sengen “SOS” Sakki made wa waraeteita hazunanoni
(Tamaki/Renge/Kiru) Mō Zenbu zenbu zenbu fuyukai tte Nanimo kamo o subete yametai tte Tasukete yo karisuma
(Kamite) Ikiru no wa mendōkusaina
(Everyone) Zero, go, nana, zero, zero, roku, yon, go, go, roku (Inochi no denwa) x3
(Tamaki) Shinitai n janai ikitakunaino Kubiwa tsuketa mama asa ga konakereba to (Kiru) Demo Nande nande nande me ga samete Konna konna konna kanashikutte Kietaku naru no ka
(Nier/Yuuri/Zera/Renge) Kitto nōnai zenkai Kanjō hōkai “Jetto soūtsu kōsutā” Burēki ga kowarete shimaeba yoinoni
(Kamite/Tamaki/Kiru) Demo Tama ni tama ni tama ni ikitai tte Yappa yappa yappa shinitai tte Watashitachi wagamama?
(Zera) Ikiru no wa mendōkusaina
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bunnyseahorse-blog · 9 months
A Bump in the Road Chapter Nine teaser;)
Yuri fidgets, feeling uncharacteristically regretful. He shouldn't have snapped at the nurse. She was simply doing her job. Dedushka would have been mortified if he had seen. Mama too...
But he wasn't here. He was in a hospice all the way across the city, and Mama was disapproving of everything Yuri did anyways and Otabek was in a hospital bed and he had screws in his bones and it hurt, and what is Yuri supposed to do when he can do nothing?
Victor shakes his shoulder gently, but Yuri still can't prevent the flinch. He and Yuuri look at him so kindly, that it hurts.
"Let's take a walk," Yuuri says.
"I'll keep a watch on Otabek," Victor, promises.
They also take care of him, whether he likes it or not.
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desiderium-eden · 9 months
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"Hope you're ready for another busy day, Kyrie~!" Lazuli was practically singing as she lifted her daughter up. Giving the little princess a kiss on each cheek before she spun them around.
"We've got to go see uncle Cici and his family again. Ah, but first we need to pick up the treats from Chris'. Hm... maybe pick up some coffee for uncle JJ. He's too busy to talk but we can still give him presents, right? Gotta call Mamy. And Yuuri. Amy and I guess Kaz too... And of course, make sure you get storytime with Mai-hii for your nap. There's just so much to do~"
Checking to make sure she had everything, Lazuli caught a glimpse of a particular portrait. And once she did, she had to stop. Stare at the dark-haired woman a bit longer. The more she looked into those eyes, not too dissimilar to her own, she could feel it. The bubbling of something she'd wished stayed down. The twitch of the muscles in her arm. Compelling her to reach for the earring in her left ear if not for the child in her arms.
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Lazuli was sure she hadn't been still that long. But it was long enough for Kyrie to get impatient. Pawing at her mother's face with that misplaced sense of urgency.
"Mama. Go now? Nee donuh!"
A few blinks and whatever spell she was under had broken. And whatever she was feeling was once again shoved down. Giving her daughter an apologetic smile, Lazuli rested her cheek on the top of Kyrie's head. "Ah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let's go get you some donuts then~ Then we can go make sure everyone's got some too."
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larkawolfgirl · 1 year
The Gift of Giving (Murayuuram)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou! Relationship: Wolfram von Bielefeld/Murata Ken/Shibuya Yuuri Characters: Wolfram von Bielefeld, Shibuya Yuuri, Murata Ken, Greta Additional Tags: Fluff, Family Fluff, Valentine's Day Fluff, Gift Giving
Summary: (Part of From Today On, I Start Anew series but you can read without context). Wolfram knows his husbands are up to something when they announce they both need to go to Earth without him.
Read on ao3
“What do you mean you’re leaving?” Wolfram shouted loud enough that the guards outside the room, and probably the maids halfway across the castle as well, could surely hear him.
“It’s not a big deal,” Yuuri said calmly, trying to placate him.
Well, Wolfram wasn’t having it, especially not this early in the morning. His arms were crossed and the scowl on his face was unforgiving. “I get that you both need to go to Earth every once in a while, but why the hell do both of you need to go together?”
“You can just admit you’ll miss us,” Ken teased.
Wolfram turned his scowl solely on him. “Of course, I’ll miss you! I’d miss either of you anyway, but leaving me here alone is just unfair.”
Ken wasn’t swayed by the show of anger. He was actually grinning as if he didn’t think for a second that Wolfram would do anything about the anger. “You’re adorable when you’re angry.”
Wolfram groaned. Maybe he wouldn’t burn his face off, but he was definitely not against chucking a pillow at his face.
“As much as I’d like to stay here with you,” Ken continued, “I really have to go this time.”
“He’s right,” Yuuri added. “You know my mom’s always going on about how I don’t visit often enough, so it’s not like I can skip. But then Ken hardly ever visits his family since they are practically never home…” He trailed off. Wolfram guessed the pause was because he was coming up with some lie on the spot. “Apparently, they found out he hasn’t been home in nearly a year and called my mom about it.”
It was definitely an excuse. He had learned by now how to tell when Yuuri was hiding something. Wolfram hated it when he was hiding something. “That still doesn’t make sense,” he pressed. “Ken could go first, and you could go after. I’m sure Mama won’t mind that much.”
“Well…” Yuuri gave a cheeky grin and scratched his cheek. “Ken’s parents will probably blow up at him over moving out without telling them. So, I should go and support him, you know?”
“Fine, but I’m going, too,” Wolfram said. “I should support him as his husband, too.”
“You can’t!” Yuuri exclaimed. Definitely a guilty response.
Wolfram narrowed his gaze further. If they wanted to go to Earth, he wasn’t going to stop them, but screw them for lying about the reason.
Quickly, Yuuri backpedaled. “Someone needs to run things while we’re gone.”
“Brother can do it. I’m sure he won’t mind. He’s done it plenty of times before.”
“Yeah…” Yuuri agreed. “But we were dealing with important matters. There are three of us. We shouldn’t just throw work on him just on a whim. That’s unfair to him.”
Wolfram grumbled. He hated that Yuuri made a good point. “You know, sometimes I hate that you take being Maoh seriously.”
Yuuri chuckled. “I never thought I'd hear you say that. Before, you'd always call me a wimp for not working hard enough.”
Wolfram scoffed, turning to the side. “Yeah, well, you shouldn't neglect your husband either.”
Yuuri pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head.
“Don't pout. It will only be for a day or two. We'll make it up to you when we get back.”
Wolfram eyed Ken who was still grinning. “You better.”
Ken crouched down with a gleam shining over his glasses.  “We could also make it up to you now if you'd like.”
“Jeez,” Wolfram complained. Didn’t they ever stop? “It's not like that's why I'm annoyed. I can handle a few days without sex.” Unlike two specific someones.
He thought that, but he didn't protest when Ken moved closer to him
After saying a “proper goodbye,” his husbands took their leave. Since it was still mid-morning, this left Wolfram in charge of all paperwork for the day. Both his head and his hand hurt by the time he made it through the entire stack of papers. At least he was able to relax in a nice hot bath, but just as he feared, it was hard to get any sleep alone anymore. The bed was too big and cold without his husbands. As much as he hated himself for waking her, he ended up slipping into Greta’s room to sleep there. It still wasn't the same, but it was better.
It was now morning. He was still tired, but at least he had managed to get a little bit of sleep. As much as he did not want to, he figured he should get up and start on the stupid paperwork. Then maybe the day would pass sooner and his husbands would return and he could actually get a good night's sleep
As soon as he sat up, Greta opened her eyes
“Papa? Are you going to work already?”
Wolf smiled and brushed her cheek. “Yeah. Sorry. I think Yuuri and Ken will be back today. Then I can shove the work onto Yuuri and play with you.”
Greta puffed her cheeks out. “I want to play with Daddy, too.”
He chuckled. “Alright. I'll work hard to get everything done so he can play.”
Greta smiled and latched onto his side.
Getting through the paperwork today was easier since he was doing it for Greta instead of Yuuri.
Still, that wasn’t enough to stop him from feeling annoyed that he was the one stuck doing this while his husbands were off doing whatever. If they wanted time alone they should have just said so. He could have stayed in his old room for a day and would have even offered to help with the paperwork. He would have hated it, but he would have done it. For them. Because they asked. Leaving him like this with an excuse was just rude. This didn’t only affect him either. They should have thought about Greta. If they had just wanted time together, they could have stayed here and at least seen her for a little bit during the day.
They were both being selfish as far as he was concerned. If either of them thought he was giving them any tonight, they were sorely mistaken. And if they weren't back today, well, they better get used to the hottest cold shoulder imaginable.
He worked all the way until dinner, only stopping for a short lunch with Greta in the garden. By the time he was finished with dinner, he had a permanent glare. He was not going to appreciate another night of poor sleep.
Yet somehow, Yuuri and Ken managed to promptly return right after he was finished eating. Greta raced ahead of him to the fountain while he walked casually. He was far too tired, full, and disgruntled to put in any unneeded effort.
Much to his annoyance, his irritation mostly evaporated when he spotted their goofy grins. Yuuri's was expected. That hopeless romantic seemed to lose his shit every time he reunited with him regardless of the circumstances. Ken’s, however, was interesting. It was only two days. Normally, he'd be met with a more reserved smile or maybe a smirk. This made him realize they must have been up to something.
"Wolf!" Yuuri cried ridiculously. He was hugging Greta, but he gently stepped away from her so that he could launch himself at Wolfram.
Greta looked a little disappointed but she smiled at the display anyway and moved on to giving Ken his hug.
“It was only two days, wimp,” Wolfram said but he hugged him back anyway.
After a long moment, Yuuri pulled back so that Murata could hug him this time.
“Greta,” Yuuri said, “Can you go play in the garden? Your daddies need a bit of privacy, then we'll come play with you. Promise.”
Greta glared. “You better keep that promise.”
Yuuri laughed. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“No!” She exclaimed, honestly looking frightened by the statement. “Don't die.”
Yuuri just smiled, unfazed by Greta’s worry. “I won't because I won't break the promise.”
“Alright,” she said still looking a little worried
Shaking his head fondly, Wolfram watched her run off. “You shouldn’t make promises you might not be able to keep.”
Yuuri brushed his thumb over his cheek. “But I will keep it.”
Wolfram could feel himself softening but pushed it away. “You can’t promise what I will do, wimp.”
Yuuri just smiled. “Because I’m sure you want to go off by yourself we’ve been gone.”
Wolfram steeled his face into coyness. “Maybe I do.”
“But we came bearing gifts!” Ken announced, holding up a cutely decorated purple felt bag.
Wolfram eyed it in suspicion. Then he realized that Yuuri had one identical except that it was yellow instead of purple. “What did you bring me?” he asked trying to hide his anticipation.
The twinkle in Ken’s eye showed that he did a poor job of hiding it. “Chocolates.”
Wolfram furrowed his brow but snatched both of the bags. “Why did you bring me chocolates?”
“What?” Yuuri asked. “We can’t just treat our husband?”
Wolfram gave him a look. “This is a lot for a simple treat. Besides, I know you two planned this. What exactly is this about?”
Ken chuckled. “I told you he’d catch on, Yuuri.”
Yuuri sighed. “Oh well. I was going to tell anyway.”
“You see,” Ken started, “today is what we call on Earth Valentine’s Day.”
“Valin Tines Day?”
Ken grinned and repeated the name slower this time. “It’s a day when people give each other chocolate as a sign of affection. Then in Japan, we have another day called White Day where those that received gifts return gifts.”
Wolfram licked his lips. “So, I need to return a gift on this White Day.”
“No,” Yuuri said immediately.
Wolfram tossed his head. “Why’s that?”
“We did this because we wanted to, not because we wanted you to give us anything.”
Wolfram planted his hands on his hips, making sure he kept a good hold on each of the bags as he did so. “Yeah, well, maybe I want to do this for you guys too. I don’t see any chocolates for each other.”
“We did this for you, Wolf,” Yuuri said.”
Wolfram glared. “You’re going to explain to me how to do this White Day, or else I’m going to make you both split these with me.”
“No!” Yuuri cried as if that was a horrible fate. Wolfram had to suppress a smile.
Ken sighed. “Okay, fine. Traditionally, in Japan, girls give boys homemade chocolates on Valentine’s Day, and then on White Day, the boys give girls white colored items.”
“Like marshmallows?”
Ken chuckled. “Yes, you could give those. It doesn’t have to be food, though. It also doesn’t have to be white-colored, just like how it doesn’t have to be girls giving gifts on Valentine’s Day and boys giving gifts on White Day.”
Wolfram nodded his head taking this all in. Then his eyes bulged. “Wait, you made these handmade?”
“Yep!” Ken stated proudly.
Wolfram clutched them to his chest. “I changed my mind. No way am I sharing these with you.” They were precious once-in-a-lifetime treasures. “You can go on ahead of me.”
“Why?” asked Yuuri.
“Because I have to go hide these before Greta asks me to share.”
Both of his husbands chuckled at him, but he didn’t care. He was going to eat all of these chocolates and savor every bite of them.
The chocolates weren't the most extravagant dessert he had ever eaten, but to Wolfram, they were the best thing ever. Yuuri claimed that was to be expected because they "made them with love." Well, Wolfram wasn’t about to be outdone. He could make his own goodies “made with love.”
He didn’t know how to make chocolate. Maybe a cake would be better. No, that seemed too easy. Besides, neither of them were huge on sweets. He’d either have to make one joint cake or he’d end up having to eat some, which was not what he wanted at all. It was all for them! Weren’t there tiny ones you could make called cupcakes? That could work. He could even write little messages in the frosting. Oh! And he could make white cake with vanilla frosting to match this White Day tradition. It was perfect.
Even though he had no clue when this White Day wis, he set to work inside the kitchen the next day. With Yuuri back, he had the day free and he needed to perfect his recipe in time. Of course, his plan didn’t move along without any issues. The maids were not exactly thrilled to have him taking up space and ingredients on his little “experiments.” Plus, it only took a few hours for Greta to track him down.
“What are you making, Papa?”
Wolfram wiped flour off his hands. “Just something for your dads.”
The girl perked up. “Can I help?”
“I…” Wolfram wanted to say no. These were his gifts after all. But looking at her hopeful smile, he knew he couldn’t say no. She was his precious little girl after all. And he was sure his husbands would eat the cakes up even more knowing that Geta helped as well. “Yeah, okay. You can mix the ingredients, and I’ll pour.”
It took 15 batches before they seemed “good enough.” They still weren’t up to the standards the maids would have produced, but they were surely better now. As much as it hurt his pride, most of the success was due to Greta’s help. She had caught that he had turned the oven up a tad too high and wasn’t pouring the batter evenly enough. She had even suggested that they add sprinkles to the mix, which inspired him to add some cut-up fruit as well.
The icing was all up to him, though. That was a job he put his foot down on. He remembered once when Yuuri gave him these little heart-shaped candies on Earth that said cheesy lines like “Sugar is sweet and so are you.” He took inspiration from that, adding little messages in pink icing. Classier messages, mind you. Classy, thoughtful, and personal. His favorite just said “WIMP” in bold lettering. He was sure Yuuri would love that one, too.
There was a skip in his step as he carried the tray of cupcakes down the hall. The guards gave him looks, but he ignored them. They should mind their own business.
“You seem really happy, Papa,” Greta said.
“Of course, I am,” he said proudly. “I get to show them that I am just as capable of giving meaningful desserts.”
Greta giggled. “They’re going to be so happy. I bet they’ll give us both really big hugs.”
Wolfram held back a laugh. Knowing them, he’d be getting a lot more than a hug for this. “Yeah, I’m sure they will.”
He knocked once before opening the door to Yuuri’s office.
Yuuri looked up, and immediately stood up. “Wolf? Is that–”
Wolfram puffed his chest out. “You bet it is!”
An enormous grin broke over Yuuri’s face and he rushed over to them. “You made these?” he asked incredulously.
“Don’t sound so surprised. I can bake when I want to.” Wolfram smacked Yuuri when he pursed his lips.
“I helped!” Greta chimed in from beside him.
Yuuri looked down at her. It didn’t seem like he had even noticed she was there. He crouched to her level and put a hand on her head. “Thanks, Greta. I’m guessing you didn’t come up with any of these cheesy sayings did you?”
“Hey!” Wolfram exclaimed. “They aren’t cheesy. They’re heartfelt.”
Yuuri stood up and stared closer at the cupcakes. “Baseball boy?” he asked, holding the cupcake up.
Wolfram turned his head to the side. “Yeah, well you are one.”
“You got me.” He chuckled. Then his voice fell into seriousness. “Ooh…Wolf….”
Wolfram looked to see which one he was holding up now. Till the End of Time . “It’s true,” he said.
Yuuri pulled him into a hug. “Thank you. I love them.”
Wolfram returned the hug, pushing his head into the crook of his neck. “You’re welcome.”
The hug lingered until Greta eventually tugged on Yuuri’s pants. “I want a hug, too.”
Yuuri shook like he was exiting a trance. “Right, sorry, Greta.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you so much, Greta. I’m sure they taste delicious. Do you want anything special next time I go to the market or to Earth?”
“Nuh-uh,” she said, shaking her head. “I only helped cause I love you and Papa.”
Yuuri squeezed her tighter. “You are such a good girl!”
She giggled. “Ow, Daddy, that kind of hurts.”
“Sorry, sorry!”
Wolfram smiled and set the tray down on the bit of empty space on the desk. “I’m going to go find Ken to give him his. Meet us later?”
Yuuri met his eyes. “Always.”
Wolfram shook his head at the overflowing sappiness on his way out.
Ken had returned to the shrine to make sure everything was okay after his absence. It took about two hours to get there by carriage. Horse would have been faster, but he wouldn’t have been able to make sure the cakes weren’t messed up during the trip. He could have waited until that night when he returned to give them to him, but he was too excited.
Now that they were married, he was allowed free access to the shrine, so he didn’t have to worry about any shrine maidens spying on his beautiful cupcakes. He found Ken in the back room rehanging a giant portrait of Shinou.
Wolfram grimaced at the sight of it.
“Hey!” Ken said when he spotted him.
“Hey, can we go somewhere else?” Wolfram asked, gesturing to the door. He didn’t want to do this under Shinou’s watchful gaze.
Ken gave him a look, then looked suspiciously at the covered tray. “Sure, follow me.”
He led them to a cozier room with plush seats. “What brings you here?”
“I come bearing gifts obviously.” Wolfram shoved the tray into his hands. “Happy White Day.”
Ken laughed. “White Day isn’t for practically a month.”
Wolfram wasn’t amused. “Yeah, well, whatever. No one told me that part. Are you going to accept them or not?”
“Oh, I’ll definitely accept them.” Ken uncovered the tray so that the decorated cupcakes were on display. “Wow.”
“Greta helped some,” Wolfram said. “I didn’t think I should bring her all the way here, but you owe her a hug when we get home.”
“Of course…But you,” he looked back at him, “deserve a kiss for this.”
Wolfram tossed his head. “I would hope so.”
Ken snickered. “I don’t even know if I can bring myself to eat these.”
“You have to!”
He smiled wider at Wolfram’s insistence. “If only I could take a photograph first.”
“Photo graph?” Why would he want a graph of photos?
“It’s an image that you can keep. Sort of like a painting.”
“Oh,” Wolfram said even though he did not really understand. “You want to remember what they say?”
“Yeah. These actually mean a lot.”
Wolfram took his hand in his. “You don’t need a photo graph. Yuuri and I will keep saying these things to you forever.”
Something passed over Ken’s face. Maybe sadness, maybe relief, or maybe something else. Possibly it was a mix of all of it.
“And if you really want,” Wolfram continued, “I can write down a list of everything I wrote for you to keep.”
“Would you do that?”
“I’d do anything for you, Ken. You just have to ask.”
Ken sighed and squeezed his hand back. “I love you.”
Wolfram smiled and leaned in, stopping just short of his lips. “I love you, too.”
Ken sealed the kiss. It was laced with desperation, and Wolfram pulled back quickly.
“Set them down before you ruin them,” he demanded.
As soon as Ken did, he pulled him back into the kiss. With his hands free, Ken seized the opportunity to hold his waist. Soon they were meshed together on one of the chairs. They kept kissing until Ken broke it to mouth at his neck instead.
The Great Sage unbuttoned the top of his dress shirt so that he could get easier assess. He licked a stripe over his skin and Wolfram couldn’t help laughing at the ticklish sensation.
“I’m really glad we left that other room,” he said.
“Why’s that?” Ken asked as his hands reached lower to Wolfram’s behind.
“Because I wouldn’t have let you go this far in front of our Almighty Shinou.”
Ken chuckled into his neck. “I’m sure he would have loved that.”
Wolfram held his head closer to him. “I’m even going to let him look at you anymore.”
“He saw me just earlier, you know,” Ken said right before biting down.
“You know what I mean. You’re mine and Yuuri’s. I meant everything I put on those cupcakes.”
Ken lifted his head. “I know…And I am. Yours.”
They stared at each other for a long moment before he pushed Wolfram back into the next seat. Ken got up and picked up one of the cupcakes. “How about we share one?”
“I made them for you two alone.”
“Come on, please?” He made that pouty face he learned from Yuuri. Damn them for always wearing him down.
Grinning, Ken dipped his finger into the frosting and stuck his finger out. Wolfram knew what he wanted, so he opened his mouth so Ken could feed it to him. He couldn’t see well enough to know for sure, but he guessed the cupcake Ken was holding was the one that said “My whole life.”
The frosting was sweet and melted on his tongue. He sucked on Ken’s finger even after the frosting was gone.
When he extracted his finger, Ken dipped it back into the frosting and stuck his finger into his own mouth. He sighed at the taste. “It’s sweet just like you.”
“Isn’t Yuuri the sweet one?”
“Why can’t you both be sweet?”
“Because I’m the hot one.”
Ken gave a hearty laugh. “I can’t argue with that.” He took a proper bite out of the cupcake and Wolfram held onto every second it took him to chew.
“Is it alright?”
Ken shoved the rest of the cupcake into his mouth. “I don’t think I need that list. I won't ever forget these cupcakes.”
Wolfram’s chest felt like it was about to burst. Somehow he still felt like he received the real gift from this holiday.
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buzzcat · 1 year
Fic Rec - Geneviève Nikiforova's Easy Guide on How to Get a Son-in-law, by @crossroadswrite
Fandom: Yuri!!! On Ice (Anime) Wordcount: 6,282 Tags: Victor Nikiforov's Extremely Good Gay Moms, attempted humor, Matchmaking, Meddling Moms, Different First Meetings, Pre-Canon, pre-sochi, Canon Divergence, Vicchan Lives, POV Outsider  Summary: “Are you into power tops, Vitya?” Instead of answering, Vitya chokes on his tea. “Mama!” “Well. Are you?” (Or: Local Dramatic Mom Makes Grindr Account to Find Her Son a Husband, What Happens Next Will Warm Your Heart.) Context for Newbies: Victor and Yuuri are professional ice skaters. Yuuri trains in America, and so is away from home (also known as Yu-topia, a hot springs resort in Hasetsu) for a long time. Victor’s moms are OCs, and also delightful. Note: fic contains scenes of drinking alcohol, in case anyone wants the heads-up
okay, first thing to note is that this fic is actually in a series called “Victor Nikiforov's Extremely Good Gay Moms“, and I would heartily recommend anything in that series. Geneviève and Victoria are just so much fun, Geneviève especially in this fic as the point of view character.
honestly, I love this fic so much just because it’s like eight of my favorite tropes all together. we’ve got a POV character that isn’t the main character from the show, we’ve got an ensemble cast, we’ve got happy families, we’ve got dogs, we’ve got two (two!!) pairs of queer character who are mindblowingly in love with each other. i’ve read this fic easily four or five times, and I love it so much each time because it’s so happy. Geneviève as a character just radiates happiness, so getting this story from her perspective lends a real joy to reading it, regardless of content.
if I had to pick something that makes this fic top-notch, aside from the fact it’s delightful and well-written and the dialogue all absolutely sparkles and I love it, it’s on the strength of these OCs. Geneviève and Victoria’s dynamic is quickly and easily established (seriously I’m rereading the fic now and there’s not a single interaction between that doesn’t tell you they’re ridiculously in love), and anyone familiar with YoI canon can clearly see how these two people would have a son like Victor. (also crossroadswrite is just a really great author, 10/10 would recommend, personally also a huge fan of her BNHA fic “fs in the chat and other forms of emotional support“)
Favorite Line: “We could skate together in the rink tomorrow,” Vitya offers.
“That’s nice,” Yuuri says, absentmindedly. He’s been speaking to Vitya with a certain dreamy quality to his voice. It is very cute. “I want to skate against you too, yes?”
“Yes,” Vitya says readily.
“I want to, ah, what’s- what’s the word? Hmm… I want to… destroy you. Gently.”
Geneviève can’t see what sort of face Yuuri is making, but Victor’s face goes uncharacteristically red, eyes wide.
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harocat · 2 years
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I posted 3,407 times in 2022
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#queue. - 1,717 posts
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#katsuki yuuri - 448 posts
#victor nikiforov - 435 posts
#gif - 430 posts
#figure skating - 356 posts
#victuuri - 353 posts
#tgcf - 318 posts
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#tl;dr if a type of dog can't breed naturally without human intervention maybe that should be the moment you step back and go 'should we be
My Top Posts in 2022:
I rag on Nathan's costumes too, but sometimes it gets a little annoying how like... obsessed people are with it? Like if the man wants to wear comfy exercise shirts, let the man wear comfy exercise shirts. If he wants to dress as a flaming hot cheeto, more power to him.
Also stop reading weird stuff into his costumes. Guy just wants to be max comfortable out there and he happens to also have no sense of fashion. Like I said, I poke fun at them too, but lay off lol.
(Being said bring back the Mama Chen made shirt for Rocketman. Bus seat shirt at the Olympics ftw.)
56 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
One thing I really wish I could show everyone is Toller Cranston’s 1986 free skate to the Goncharov soundtrack. He did it at the World Professional Championships, several years after he retired from amateur competition, and it’s absolutely breathtaking.
Toller was known as a skater who pushed artistic boundaries with his work, and his Goncharov was no exception. Portraying the dual roles of Goncharov and Katya, apparent in both costume and choreography, Toller somehow managed to convey, in his language of movement, both the desperate femme fatale that was Katya and the hardened, pained persona was Goncharov. At one point he makes it look as if he is dancing a duet. Is it a dance of a love lost, or of one that never existed at all? Are the two dancers thinking of other people entirely? It’s up to us to decide. Toller gives us no answer.
This program was extremely under-appreciated at the time, and it’s very hard to find, sadly. At the competition itself, figure skating’s conservative judges were tepid on it, and in its place, a showy Scott Hamilton program was the winner. My grandma taped it off tv when it aired, and that’s how I saw it. I still remember watching it years after it aired on that grainy VHS. It was my first experience with Goncharov, and it was so memorable to this day.
103 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Yuuri Katsuki
Yuuri Katsuki
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134 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
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Join us on October 6, 2022 at 2:30 AM JST (the exact time Yuri!!! on Ice's first episode aired six years ago) for an international hashtag; #MappaWhereisYOI
161 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
congrats we bullied MAPPA into adding the ring back in!!
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(I don't think anyone was actually bullying. All the comments I saw in reply were very nice! But I appreciate them doing it, and I'm glad people can let their angsty headcanon concerns rest now lol.)
814 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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animebaby00 · 3 years
What Makes Us A Family
A collection of stories and events with Victor, Yuuri, and their daughter Elena.
Chapter 1: Welcome Home
Yuuri and Victor bring Elena home from the hospital.
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lilith-swbf · 3 years
I had fully expected my mind to dry up like yesterday's spaghetti after putting out chapter 23, but NOPE. I almost forgot how it feels for words to just flow out of me like this, nearly exactly the way I want them to come out.
I'm just overjoyed. I don't know how long it will last, but for now, I'm going to revel in it. 😊
(It also may be because my brain is a sick little gremlin that enjoys writing hurt/comfort and physical pain and medical crap way too much but ANYWAY-)
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