lacunasbalustrade · 1 year
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that little princess….that’s an affectionate way to call her delusional lol
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sakamoto-days · 7 months
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Chubby Girl Mystery Romcom "Plus-sized Misadventures in Love!" by Mamakari is getting a TV ANIME ADAPTATION!
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hikibee · 2 years
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animemakeblog · 7 months
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“Debu to Love to Ayamachi to!” The Manga For Gets TV Anime
Tokyo MX, a television channel, revealed a character concept visual (shown above) and announced that it would adapt Mamakari's manga series Debu to Love to Ayamachi! (Plus-sized Misadventures in Love!).
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dramawatch · 2 months
Update: Currently Watching
Just Completed: (2022) Plus-sized Misadventures in Love! (デブとラブと過ちと), a.k.a.: Fat, Love and Mistakes!, Debu to Rabu to Ayamachi to!, Chubby, Love and Mistakes! ML: Kusakawa Takuya (草川拓弥) FL: Ueda Kanade (上田奏) Live-action adaptation of the manga series, Debu to Rabu to Ayamachi to! ( デブとラブと過ちと!), written and illustrated by Mamakari (ままかり), which I’m going to run off and read RIGHT NOW, because…
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fatbitchgeek-blog · 2 years
I love this bitch
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oishi-des · 6 years
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Mamakari - Isekai Izakaya: Kyoto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu ep7
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uchihashisuii · 3 years
artists with comms open please hit me up I want my oc with her sons drawn for a self-indulgent au 🙏
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udonangya · 2 years
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Udon noodles soup and Mamakari sardine sushi.
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t00fumaple · 2 years
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Future Card Buddyfight episode 8+9, Jin Magatsu gifs Ft. Megumi Mamakari
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lacunasbalustrade · 1 year
hehe for the fandom ask, buddyfight 🤭
thanks for dropping this in!
blorbos by season:
S1: Rouga Aragami.
He is precious. I really want to know how he and Kyoya could communicate when they first met. Did Kyoya know his language? Did he speak English? Did he live in some poor part of Japan? (Unlikely, but still.)
He walks like he thinks he's all that and acts really weird sometimes, like when he lay on the floor with his back to the screen at Sengoku, but that's what makes him so very human.
S2: Sofia Sakharov
She is the unanswered question that haunts me at night. She eats her ethnic food and likes fuchsia and can use mysterious powers and induce possession in people, yet she lives with Kyoya and seems to know Rouga well and no one ever explicitly tells us the source of her powers.
I love puzzles and she is one.
S3; Zanya Kisaragi.
I know he only appeared in like one episode this season, but he absolutely captured my heart. As I grow up I'm discovering just how hard it is to balance commitments. To make time for things you love even when you're tired and not doing well at them and being not relevant to the communities you're in for those things. He resonates so much for me.
Also, Akatsuki says he subsists on green tea? What the heck?
S4; Ku Teito
She is so young, and somehow on the police force. I like to wonder exactly how she got onto the trainee program. It's kinda nice to think that although everyone except Tasuku quit after hundred, the program directly resulted in more trainees! So sweet and thoughtful of Bushiroad.
I'm just a disaster for Cosmoman and Mamoru. Making your own merchandise? He is an artist, a hero, and a chuuni all at the same time. His pride is incredible.
Kyoya is my scrunkly. I know he wants world dominion and all, but his chair legs are so short for a reason...... it's so his legs can reach the floor.
Headcanon that's also why he built his organ so high. It's so that there's no awkward looking up at the people he's trying to impress lolol.
Scrimblo Bimbo:
Suzuha Amanosuzu forever......she is a girl power queen. Instead of only thinking about losing....or winning.... she's more concerned about how her teammates develop. She's determined and generous and always such a wonderful representative of what authority should be like.
Glup Shitto:
Megumi Mamakari. You know she's a tuner? A tuner! She's not just an analyst, she's a buddyfighter, and she's smart enough to recognise Kiri in disguise as not Akatsuki, which is incredible considering half of the characters can't tell Death Sofia from Death Shido.....plus she's sarcastic. Best vibes.
Poor Little Meow Meow:
Raremaro Tafudonokimi is a poor little guy whose only problem was using strategically strong cards against overpowered opponents with meta cards.
Horse Plinko:
Doctor Gara is so fun to play around with. He trying to crack Bal's shell? It was such a pleasure to watch.
Eeby Deeby:
If there's any character that deserves to be sent to superhell in Buddyfight, I think it's Mr Magoroku, Shido's father. He spoiled his son to excessive degree, committed acts that would destroy the earth knowingly, and even tried to corrupt the buddy police in order to get into Kyoya's good books. He's quite irredeemable.
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japanesepenguin · 3 years
Day 38 in Japan
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+ This is ままかり (mamakari), a type of sardine native to the waters around Japan and Taiwan; it was a little over $1 and it's mixed in with seaweed, ginger, and fish eggs; this dish has a special place in my heart as it was the first new food I tried my first time in Japan, a long time ago
+ I have two follow-up comments unrelated to the fish
+ First, I did a bit of searching online and apparently Japanese people also don't seem to know anything about the buff squirrels, so the mystery continues
+ Second, I will be unable to silence the shutter sound on my phone's camera; I knew the reason why, but had forgotten: cell phone makers in Japan collectively agreed to enforce the sound to help prevent guys from taking pictures up girls' skirts; 痴漢 (perverts) are a thing here, so to promote sales in the early days of cellphone cameras, all the phone companies decided to add the sound to discourage candid photos of female underwear (or whatever); look, I dunno, I just live here, I'm still just trying to understand these squirrels...
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Part 2 (Kakeru, Joji, Minato) Theatrical Weekly Videos screenshots & translation
Like before, if you actually obtain the video of these (an extra on the DVD/BluRay) feel free to use my translation to sub it AS LONG AS you credit me and this blog!
Click for Part 1.
Translator’s notes: For Kakeru’s I translated the audio and not the text on the screen since it’s basically the same thing. But if anyone wants an exact translation of the screen let me know. Joji made me do actual research on Okayama since I couldn’t understand what he was saying. (So I actually linked to everything he talks about since I went that far anyway!) I’m afraid I may have still missed a few words from his dialogue in the end though. He just talks so fast. For Minato’s, yes that’s Masashi Igarashi doing the cooking. There is an extended version on the DVD where you can see his face as he talks to the camera. It literally looks like the filmed this in an office breakroom by the way ahah. 
Episode 4: Kakeru
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[A day in the life of Exective Director Kazuo Juuouin]
Narrator: Exective Director Kazuo Juuoin’s weekdays are truly busy.
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Awaken at 4:30
Check news and magazines.
Eat a hearty breakfast, review documents during transport by chauffeur, attend the morning company meeting before quickly returning to attend classes at the Kakyoin Academy senior high school division. Power lunch with business associates before returning to class again.
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Receive paperwork in transport, work at the executive board room, return to Edel Rose and practice, dinner, finish leftover office work in his room.
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But he never misses bathtime.
Finally, after studying in his room, sometimes he doesn’t sleep until as late as 2:00 am.
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However, on the weekends Kazuo does not work for one second and instead immerses himself in his personal interests.
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He sleeps in, and catches up on his anime and manga.
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Enjoys beauty treatment for his skin.
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Helps with shopping.
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Diligently engages in hobbies.
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By the way, the contents of the “black box” in Kazuo’s room are top secret.
Episode 5: Joji
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Joji’s Okayama Voice 29
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Host: Joji-san, what do you think of Okayama?
Joji: There’s basically nothing here!
Host: Yeah, you’re right! It really is boring.
[Joji’s expression changes while the host is talking]
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Joji: HEY! You know what. 
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In Okayama you can find Momotaro all around the station! Like HERE!
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Host: That’s an unusually sleezy-looking Momotaro.
Joji: IT’S CUTE.
Host: I guess Okayama is just a prefecture of Momotaro and nothing else, huh.
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Joji: NO.
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The Bikan Historical Quarter is the best date spot.
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Shimotsui octopus.
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Hinase oyster.
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Mamakari fish.
And don’t forget Shiro “Para” Milk! SUPER GOOD!
Host: Ah, Shiro “Para” milk is actually from Tottori prefecture.
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Joji: GYAAAH! Well there’s mountains! *collapse*
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[Okayama Love]
Host: It seems like somehow you really do love Okayama, don’t you?
Joji: I’m working hard in my hometown Tokyo. Everyone from Okayama, you’ll cheer me on, right?
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But I was actually born in Tokyo, OK?
[That’s a lie ❤ ]
Episode 6: Minato
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[Minato’s 1 Minute Cooking]
Minato: Today’s menu is the Takahashi family special! 
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Cabbage and egg stir-fry!
It’s really easy to make!
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After heating up the pan, add some sesame seed oil. 
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Tsubasa: Be extra careful when you are around a hot stove. 
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Minato: And then fry up the cabbage. 
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Tsubasa: Ushio, can you handle it?
Ushio: This sort of thing is a piece of cake!
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Misaki: The color of the cabbage is lookin’ good. 
Minato: When the cabbage is nice and hot, add a bit of seasoning and some egg.
Tsubasa: You just drop in the whole egg without mixing it first?  
Minato: Mixing it while it’s in the frying pan is the Minato-style!
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All: Ohhhhh!
Minato: And when the egg is about half cooked, then add soy sauce as you like, turn up the heat, and mix it all together. 
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Gen: It smells so good! 
Nagisa: You don’t add any other seasoning?
Minato: This draws out the flavor of the cabbage, so you don’t need anything else. Turn off the heat just before the egg is fully cooked, plate it, and you’re done!
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Minato: Well then...
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All: LET’S EAT! 
Go to Part 3.
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saibhaktabrasill · 5 years
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Polish, 17.APR.2019 Om Sri Sai Ram 17.04.2019 r. MYŚL DNIA Dokładaj wszelkich starań, aby zrozumieć wielkość naszej pradawnej kultury i tradycji. Okazuj szacunek wszystkim. Nie bądź szorstki dla osób starszych czy gości, którzy przychodzą z wizytą do twojego domu. Niezależnie od tego, czy w domu są rodzice, czy też nie, zaproponuj im, żeby usiedli i podaj szklankę zimnej wody lub maślanki. Zwracaj się do nich z miłością. Ile dzieci przestrzega tak szlachetnych praktyk w dzisiejszych czasach? Nawet jeśli rozmawiasz przez telefon, powinieneś mówić z miłością i szacunkiem. Szacunek nie oznacza, że wystarczy się tylko przywitać. Powinieneś złożyć swój namaskar (pozdrowienie) z pokorą i uznaniem. Namskar polega na wyrażeniu szacunku bez śladu ahamkary i mamakary (ego i przywiązania). Nasze święte pisma nakazują ci czcić matkę, ojca, nauczyciela i gościa jak Boga. Rozwijaj i praktykuj pokorę, miłość i szacunek, tak jak starożytni Bharatijowie. To jest prawdziwą oznaką osoby wykształconej. - Dyskurs z 15.04.2003 r. Sathya Sai Baba www.sathyasai.org #sathyasai #saibhakta #sathyasaibaba #saibaba #saimaa (em Rio de Janeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXEcrEAnqI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1orr7k9b1gk31
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eeto22 · 6 years
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Thus began dinner at a quaint eatery tucked in a nondescript entry around the maze of streets and alleys in Kurashiki's historic Bikan-chiku district. These are all seasonal fishes that make up the #sashimi plate. One of my favorite local Okayama delicacies is a fish called mamakari, a species of small sardine variety native to the Seto inland sea. #seafood #gastronogram #foodbeast #whatjapanesepeopleeat #forkyeah #chowhoundjapan #instayum #instafood #foodstagram #explorejapan #japaneats #japanfoodie #japanesefood #japanesefoodculture #yahoofood #yougottaeatthis #eater #eatthis #culinaryjapan #lefooding #jpfood #jpfoodies #foodporn #foodpics #eattheworld #food #foodforthought (at 浜吉) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bob547UhloW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w8sctvrmfhef
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oishi-des · 6 years
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Heshiko & Mamakari - Isekai Izakaya: Kyoto Aitheria no Izakaya Nobu ep7
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