#mammon is a puppy wheeze
yukiire · 4 months
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mammmmmmmmmmmon with that doggo meme going around twitter
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cerebrumrott · 3 years
Obey Me! Shall we Date?
Brothers x MC
Synopsis: Demon Form Head Canons
Is not shy about sharing his demon form in the slightest.
More than happy to show off his wings for you and every compliment and awed look you give him just strokes his pride.
He gets taller in his demon form, not by more than a few inches but its enough to have you craning your neck to look him in the eyes.
His horns are not nearly as sensitive as some of his brothers but he still quite enjoys when you pet them.
Specifically likes it when the base of his horns are scratched, he could just melt into your hands.
His wings are prone to molting when he is stressed and seeing as he is stressed almost all the time. It's fairly common to find black feathers around the house.
When Lucifer later finds out that you had been collecting his discarded feathers in a small vase in your room he can’t help the blush on his cheeks having forgotten the entire reason he went into your room in the first place.
Seeing as you are so entranced by his feathers you might as well help him preen when he is molting.
It is totally cause he wants you to just have a nice collection, not because its a massive boost to his ego to have you doting over him.
Straighten his tie and flatten out his collar. Even if it doesn't need it. These little gestures will leave him flustered and blushing.
His horns, due to their peculiar shape, are extremely sensitive. To the point where just blowing on them sends a tremble racing down his spine.
Pressing a finger between the grooves or into the center of the horn's spiral will have him practically howling from the sensation or more accurately leave him a stuttering and flustered mess.
Despite being essentially shirtless in his demon form. Mammon is like a walking heater. Just standing next to him for too long can cause you to break into a sweat.
If you were to ever trace the white lines that cover his torso he would just stop functioning entirely.
He would of course vehemently deny any such claims stating that, he was simply… thinking… about things… shut up.
Mammon is also extremely ticklish and with so much exposed skin from his questionable choice in a shirt. Do with that what you will ;)
His wings are restless, always flickering, fluttering or some variation of the two.
The only time they had ever truly stilled was when Mammon had agreed to let you touch them for the first time. In that moment as you ever so carefully ran your hands over the thin membrane of the wings, they didn't so much as twitch under the touch.
While his wings aren't necessarily sensitive to touch they are slightly delicate, being as they are made from a thin leathery membrane.
He also gets taller in his demon form by a few inches. Though due to his terrible posture you are likely to not notice.
He regularly sheds his antlers each year and grows back new ones.
He used to be extremely self conscious while his antlers regrew due to teasing from his brothers but after hearing how much you liked them they were now a point of pride for him.
I can also totally see an MC who collects his shed antlers like, it's 2 am and Levi texts them like ""Hey normie you want my old antlers I know you asked about them before so...""
Leviathan would get such an ego boost from it though. His face growing reed each time he walks into your room to see his old antlers nestled about the shelves like decor.
His tail also sheds its skin every so often (like a reptile would) another reason as to why he is always showering or taking a bath.
On that same thought, Levi has to take daily soaks in either the shower or tub to keep his skin from drying out or getting irritated. Being in the sun for too long can also irritate his skin.
Uses this as an excuse to not go outside despite there being no sun in the Devildom.
Both his horns and his tail are rather sensitive to touch. Though he loves the idea of you petting them his self consciousness prevents him from ever initiating such a thing.
The markings on the side of his neck are also highly sensitive. Running a hand or dragging your nails over them sends shivers down his spine every time.
Not only does he get taller but he also physically bulks up in his demon form. Its hardly noticeable under the sweater and boa he wears but on close inspection you can see the defined lines of his muscles straining under the fabric.
Similar to Lucifer, his horns are not all that sensitive. Though the area where they connect to his head are very mush so.
Satan is not shy in the slightest about asking MC to pet his head when he is in a bad mood and needs someone to stop him from doing something potentially stupid.
Satan often subconsciously purrs when he is happy or content.
This habit may have stemmed from his obsession with cats
His tail for the most part is hard and senseless, though the green end is softer and more pliable like cartilage. It is also extremely sensitive to both touch and temperature.
This is why he keeps his tail wrapped around his leg to protect it from being accidentally trampled on or whacked.
Since his tail extends from his lower back rather than the base of his spine the exposed skin surrounding the base of his tail is extremely sensitive and ticklish.
Asmo of course loves any kind of affection, especially if it is coming from you of all people.
The tips of his horns that are pink in hue are extremely sensitive to touch. He is not shy about asking you to touch him obviously but you would note that he does get extremely flustered when you do so without having to be asked.
Asmo will just melt into your touch if you walk up to him and just randomly cup his face or pet his horns.
When he is especially flustered the pink hue of his horns will even darken
His wings are velvety and soft to the touch. He loves to have kisses pressed to the soft membrane of the wings.
The easiest way to turn him to putty in your hands is to go straight for his wings. They are his weak spot.
It's really little affectionate things that get him going. Adjusting the metal chain of his scorpion brooch, pushing a stray piece of his bangs back into place, even something as simple as picking a piece of lint off of his jacket has him beaming with affection.
I don't see Asmo as getting to experience these little things as often as the more prominent things that come with his sin. So when you go out of your way to make sure he does get to experience these little things he falls hard and fast.
He physically bulks up when he transforms. If you thought he was shredded normally wait till you see him in demon form.
His horns are extremely sensitive, almost like little antennas. Turns into the biggest puppy when you rubs his horns. Just all smiles and happiness from him.
Sometimes he will even rub your cheeks together so his horns brush against your hair.
He is a bit hesitant when it comes to his wings being touched just because of their nature. It's not that he doesn't trust you it’s just when he gets excited he unconsciously buzzes his wings.
If he were to catch his wing on your hand and rip it he would feel bad for making you think you hurt him. In reality it does not hurt him all that much, akin to like a paper cut or bad scratch.
Beel is really just a big push over for you, scratch him behind the horns and he will just become the biggest lap dog.
His horns and tail are not sensitive but that doesn't mean he doesn't want you to pet him.
After he falls asleep to you petting his horns one afternoon he now demands that you do this at least once a week. If you don't he will bother you until you cave to his wishes.
Also loves to have the fluff of his tail brushed / petted, although he would never admit it outright. His brothers already think he is spoiled so how would they react to knowing he has you pampering him each week? Braiding his tail hair and brushing out the tangles while he snoozes.
On the rare occasions he can’t sleep or when he is awakened from a nightmare he will seek you out and ask you to pet him so he can get to sleep. There are many mornings you will wake up and just find Belphie in bed next to you curled around his pillow with his face buried in your shoulder.
He promises to pay you back later though. Totally...
The cow spots on his neck are extremely ticklish, to the point he borderline passes out from wheezing so hard when Beel tickles him there.
He is much, much larger in his demon form than he is when he appears as human. He is normally tall but like this he is borderline massive.
He tends to keep his wings folded into his sides due to their large span. Though is more than happy to show them off to you when prompted.
They are thick and velvety to the touch, the metallic jewelry that covers the tops of them a cold contrast to the warm skin.
He adores any kind of attention from you, more than content to sit and chatter about whatever comes to his mind as you sit beside him or stop him petting his wings.
He bent down once so you could see his horns and as a joke lifted you off the ground while you were holding onto them. He laughed so hard you thought he was going to drop you on your ass.
His horns are not sensitive in the slightest, hence why he has no problems with decorating them with tight metal pieces akin to a piercing on a person.
Diavolo is a super loving guy normally and this holds true to when he is in his demon form. So whenever he gives you a hug you end up smothered in his pecs. Not that your complaining.
Barbatos would never say it aloud but he very much enjoys when you spend time just running your fingers ever so softly over his horns. Their unique shape and varied textures can leave you entertained for what feels like hours but in reality you love the soft expressions you can pull out of the normally stoic butler.
Loves having soft kisses pressed to the joints of his horns.
His tail is his one weak spot as once one learns what certain movements mean. You can always tell how he is feeling.
The unbridled joy you feel well in your heart when his tail begins to curl up upon seeing you letting you know he is feeling the same way has you biting your lip to hold yourself back from running into his arms.
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 years
Asmo: *in a whining voice* Lucifer~
Lucifer: No.
Asmo: But my friend is a human!
Lucifer: So?
Asmo: I miss them. *puppy eyes*
Lucifer: *sigh* Fine. I will ask Diavolo if he can approve your friend as the new exchange student.
Asmo: Yay! Thank you, Lucifer!
MC: *receives a call* Hey, bitch~ Sup?
Asmo: Are you busy?
MC: Just got home from shopping. Why?
Asmo: You're wearing something decent?
MC: Erm. My underwear has a flower design on it and it looks decent for me.
Asmo: *laughs* No! Put on a shirt at least!
MC: And why?
Asmo: Remember when I told you that I'm a student?
MC: Yeah...?
Asmo: Bitch, you're going to be a student too.
MC: Bitch, you know I hate school.
Asmo: But you're going to live with me and my brothers during your stay! Please? Bitch, I'm going to get mad if you said no.
MC: Okay, baby bitch. If I become a student and we're not in the same class, I'm going to despise you.
Asmo: Deal. Mwah~ See you later!
MC: Ciao~
*At RAD*
MC: *wearing a gala dress* Bitch! I'm here! *while doing cat walk*
Asmo: *laughing* That's extra, motherfucking bitch! *wheezes*
MC: I have no shirt, bitch. This is simplest that I have.
The brothers: *all confused*
Diavolo: This human looks... lively.
Barbatos: Indeed.
MC: And by the way, bitch. Look what I've got for you. Shoes, bitch. It has a lot sparkles. And here, you see the heels? You can stab some motherfucker with it straight in the eyes.
Asmo: Aww~ Thank you!
Levi: *whispers* Pst. Mammon, are you not getting scared?
Mammon: Why do you ask?
Levi: Don't you think this friend of Asmo look like a walking torture device? Like they're going to kill anyone with poise.
Mammon: *looks at MC*
MC: *happens to glance at him and raised an eyebrow*
Mammon: Shit. I guess you're right.
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Mammon/GN!Reader — Safe
⚠️Warnings: emotional distress (caused by Lucifer) and swearing. If you are sensitive to these, please do not go further.
Sometimes I get fed up with how the brothers, mainly Lucifer, treat Mammon. I hate the “punishments” Lucifer gives him and how it’s just brushed off. I desperately want to hold the poor man when it becomes too much for him, so here’s possibly the most serious Obey Me oneshot I’ve ever written to help me cope with not being able to do just that. Begins as angst and evolves into fluff.
You feel terrible, but there is really nothing you can do but clean up the pieces.
Another night, another sleep interrupted by shouts echoing off the corridors of the House of Lamentation. You wish Lucifer would dial it back at least some nights. Hell knows that you’re not the only one whose sleep schedule is suffering just so he can punish his younger brother — then again, only half of the inhabitants of the house actually have a sleep schedule. Curse this entire house for its innate ability to let sound travel so fucking easily.
You groan, rolling to the other side of the bed in a feeble attempt to distance your body from the noise at least a little. It, unsurprisingly, does nothing and you can still hear the incessant booms of Lucifer’s thunderous voice. A pang of guilt bubbles in your chest. How could you be complaining when poor Mammon is the one who has to endure it all? It just doesn’t sit right with you, especially knowing that if you interfered you might have the slightest possibility of putting a stop to the ill treatment of the second born.
Even so, you can’t exactly blame yourself for being wary. Lucifer has tried to kill you on multiple occasions for doing just the thing you are contemplating. You figure you can let yourself off the hook for that one, just this once.
Miraculously, that one conclusion fails to ease that feeling of uneasiness lingering in your stomach. Fists clench around your pillowcase, nose digging into your soft mattress, your patience wears thinner by the second. Your limbs even twitch in an attempt begin rising and deal with the situation after all — but then the noises cease.
The room sounds eerily quiet. Not even the air conditioning is blasting anymore. You yawn, wondering if your ears had just popped. They had not. You snap your fingers. You can hear that just fine. So, you’re not going deaf. Okay, that’s a good sign, at least. You sit up and gaze around the pitch darkness of your bedroom. Nothing stirs — inside the room, that is.
Outside, however, you can hear the distant clomp of footsteps growing closer to your sealed bedroom door. You know who it is immediately, not bothering to lay back down and attempt to sleep, not even considering it. You sit up, feet hitting the floor soon after as you pad your way over to the door. You swing it open just as the footsteps stop right outside your room.
Mammon stands, fist held up in the air as if he was just about to knock on the polished wood. He blinks a couple of times, and you notice the gentle shine to his eyes and eyelids.
“Ya said that I could come...if I needed anything,” the demon croaks. All power that he ever seemed to hold over you had vanished all too suddenly and, rather than relishing in the feeling, all you can do is nod and step aside to allow him passage into your room.
“Of course, come on in,” you say delicately. The last thing you want is to be too coddling, for he might sense that as a personal threat and duck out. But you allow your instinct to care for him shine through with your soft tone. He apparently doesn’t feel that you are babying him too much, as he trudges through your threshold like a defeated puppy. It sincerely breaks your heart.
“I want you to know that you’re welcome to stop by any time you need to,” You had told him earlier that week.
The intrusive demon had never used your welcome for anything besides barging in to hang out at any and all hours, but now, with this clear predicament weighing down on him as heavy as the earth, you feel deeply touched that your words actually got through to him back then. He felt that he could trust you, which is why he is here now and not sulking in his room as he used to do after a particularly brutal scolding.
You shut the door behind him as he makes his entry, watching carefully as he shuffles around your room as if confused on what to do next. His hesitant nature directly contrasts how he would usually waltz in and make himself comfortable. You contemplate locking the door. It would be completely counterproductive if Lucifer or one of the other brothers forced their way in and made the situation way worse. But, at the same time, you would hate to make him feel uneasy, like you’re trapping him in with no way out. You opt to keep the door unlocked.
You pay close attention to Mammon’s features now, shrouded by the dark, sure, but you can make them out almost perfectly. You like to look at his face — it’s pretty, and you don’t bother to keep yourself from doing so. As a result, you can see all his ticks no matter how difficult it may be from the angle, lighting, etcetera. He often scrunches up his nose when he’s irritated, or on he verge of tears. So, seeing his nose twitch as he looks around your room is no surprise to you.
You step closer to his shifting form, and Mammon seems to get even more uncomfortable, so you move back. You rest your arms at your sides, making their positions known so that he won’t fret about the possibility of you hitting him by surprise. You would never, you know this, but Mammon isn’t aware that loved ones shouldn’t ‘lay down the law’ as harshly as Lucifer does.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask slowly, keeping your voice steady and calm.
Mammon’s hands slide into the pockets of his jeans. He shakes his head, the snowy white fringe covering his eyes shaking along with the movements. You nod, understanding his silence. Understanding that if he so much as opened his mouth to answer, a sob might find its way through instead. Even though he trusts you, you suspect that The Great Mammon isn’t keen on letting his human see him in tears.
“Mams, I won’t judge you if you cry. We all have to let off some steam every once in a while,” you reason, voice straining to keep from pleading but failing as your emotions get the better of you. “I love you all the same.”
Mammon hides his face from you, but the telltale sign of his shoulders bouncing up and down tell you that you need to step in. Your hands brush against his shoulders and he jolts. Though a shock runs through your heart at the sight, you simply have to make sure he knows that you’re there for him. You’re not going to let him cry alone in your bedroom when you’re right there beside him. Your grip becomes a bit more forceful now, only enough to turn the Avatar of Greed around by his broad shoulder and pull him close to your body.
With the contact, Mammon feels free to let go completely. Sobs wrack his entire body as you hold him steady. The intensity of them startled you but not as much as the volume. His head is buried in your shoulder, right next to your ear and you are spared no shout nor whine that comes out of the demon’s mouth. This combined with his heavy weight pressing you down tells you that it’s time to change positions.
You gently nudge Mammon into standing up straight, leading him by his hands to your bed, still warm with your body heat from when you had tried to hunker down earlier. He wastes no time at all in pulling you down with him, arms locked tight around your waist while his tear-stained face nuzzles itself into your chest. It’ll leave stains, but you couldn’t care less at the moment. Instead you marvel at how much pent-up emotions Mammon let sit stewing in his head before now. Clear sorrow, evident by the tears now soaking into your night shirt. Anger and desperation, demonstrated by how tightly he clamps around your body, though you can tell he is still somehow holding back, determined not to crush you even in this fit of pure, raw emotion. And all of this caused by a family member. It’s enough to make you seethe, but revenge for Mammon’s sake is not the focus. Right now, his comfort and consolation is all you need to worry about.
You rake your hands through Mammon’s head of ivory hair, brushing it out with your fingers and noting the softness. You plant a frenzy of kisses atop his head, the last one lingering before you lean close to his ear. “That’s it, let it all out...you’re alright now...I’m here.”
Your demon’s cries have, at the very least, calmed a smidge. He shakes less in your grasp but his head remains pressed flush against your chest. You take it upon yourself to ease him further, the hand that held his back sliding down and slipping beneath his ebony-colored shirt. You trace the curve of his spine, relishing in the way it feels against your fingers. He’s more slim than the majority of his brothers, and you absolutely adore it. You get to the dip of Mammon’s lower back and your fingertips nearly move on their own to run over the dimples back there. Warm breath spreads over your chest as the demon cradled in your arms lets out something delightfully close to a laugh.
Your lips quirk upwards in a smile at your accomplishment. Mammon has calmed down enough to where low whines and wheezes are all he emits now. These eventually transform into hums, then snores. You keep Mammon’s face pressed against you — you grew to appreciate his radiating body heat in that area — but moved his mouth and nose away to be sure he wouldn’t suffocate.
Before lying back and drifting off yourself, you wipe some of the excess tears from his cheek and under his eyelids, pressing the gentlest kiss you can produce onto his tanned cheek. Mammon’s eyes only crinkle for a second before his features flatten again with the tranquility of sleep.
Opting to get some sleep of your own, you rest your head finally to your pillow, huffing a great sigh with the contact. As sleep pulls you in, you silently curse the monster that could do this to your baby, dreaming up the most vile plots for your revenge during your outwardly peaceful slumber. But that could be handled another day, preferably whenever Lucifer least expects it.
You wake up before Mammon’s eyes ever begin to crack open. Your position had changed slightly over the course of the night, but most factors still remain the same. Your demon’s face is now in the crook of your neck, steady and cool breaths fanning over your skin, making you shiver. His arm is draped over your stomach as you lay on your back, the other arm tucked underneath him. You want to pull it out from under him — the pins and needles should be bad when he wakes — but you’re determined to let him sleep longer after the night he just had.
Your goal is met, and you lay with him for what feels like a few more hours. You aren’t completely conscious, fading in and out of the realm of sleep every few minutes it seems. Noises begin to sound off outside your bedroom — doors opening and closing, footsteps on the staircase, and eventual chatter from the first floor. People are starting their days like nothing ever happened.
You hope it isn’t the noise that stirs Mammon from his heavy slumber. His eyebrows furrow and a light groan seeps past his parted lips. His head shakes, as if his sleepy self is wondering why his movements are so restricted. If that is the case, you loosen your hold around him. After a few seconds, the Avatar of Greed’s snowy white eyelashes flutter against your neck as his eyes force themselves open.
You pull away to greet him with your smiling face. “Morning, sunshine,” you say, voice coming out in less than a mere whisper as your throat is still rough from sleep.
Mammon’s features flood with realization, an alarmingly dark blush spreading across his nose and cheeks, some even reaching his ears and neck. You wish you could wake up to this face every single day.
“M-m-mornin’...” he tries, stuffing his face in your pillow in an attempt to quell the blood rushing to his face. Your chuckle at this action only makes it worse.
“Everyone’s getting up right about now,” you tell him, your hands finding their way up to his incredibly soft head of hair, twirling a couple strands around your index finger as you speak, “Do you want me to go make you some breakfast and bring it up here for you?”
“Gah!” Mammon jolts, eyes losing their sleepiness immediately to stare at you in disbelief. “Y-y-you’d do that!?”
“Of course!” You pull your torso off the bed, accentuating your declaration, and leaning on your elbows for support. “I’m not gonna make you go down there and face your brothers if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“Oh...yeah...yeah, that sounds real nice. T-the Great Mammon appreciates your service!”
You jokingly roll your eyes, heaving your body all the way up to start dressing yourself. “I’m sure he does.” You halt all movements when pressure suddenly builds around your wrist, constricting and pulling you back before you can stand.
You look back, a worried-looking Mammon staring at you with wide eyes and upturned brows. He seems to catch himself, hanging his head a bit and sinking into the bedsheets. “B-before you do that...do you think you can stay a bit longer?”
You are about to comply with Mammon’s request, positively falling victim to the pleading look he shoots you, when a loud rumble breaks the brief silence. Mammon whines and clutches his stomach, concealing his face with your sheets.
“How about I get you some breakfast, then I’ll come back and we can cuddle all morning. Does that sound good?”
Your demon peeks an eye out from under the covers, white hair bobbing up and down in an affirmative nod. You smile, getting up and slipping on some shorts to go with your nightshirt. You make it to the door, hand on the handle when you turn to ask your sleepy demon a question.
“So, did you have anything in mind? You’ve got your spicy noodles—“
“Wait! I’m saving those! It’s my last cup and Lucifer says we’re not going to the store in a week! Not...ya know, not that I’m scared of him!” He perks up, sheets cascading down his torso.
“I can always make a quick run to the store. Lucifer’s words aren’t law.”
Mammon looks hesitant. He shakes his head and grabs at the sheets to pull them back up his body. “No, no, I’ll take a sandwich. Beel bought some Melancholy berry jam the other day and hasn’t eaten it all yet. Some of that with peanut butter would be great...”
“Not a problem. Oh, and do you want toasted bread?”
Mammon hugs your pillow. You suspect he’s getting weirded out by being asked all of these questions about his own preferences. Not a lot of demons seem to take them into account on a regular basis, after all. “U-um, that sounds good... and ... ugh, never mind!”
“What is it?”
He struggles with his words for a moment before asking, rather rushed, “Could you cut off the crusts, too?”
You have to brace yourself on the door handle to not collapse at how incredibly adorable that request is. Nevertheless, you can tell he is embarrassed and decide not to tease him too much. That could be done later, when he isn’t in such a vulnerable state of mind. You nod, chirping a quick ‘Sure, sweetheart’ before exiting and closing the door behind you.
Heading downstairs feels like squaring up for a fight. Deep down you know you can’t do much, Mammon would be crushed if you got in trouble with Lucifer for his sake, but you won’t be pleasant, either. You cringe at yourself, unable to handle the empty threats you seem to have in abundance inside your brain.
You can’t give most of the brothers the cold shoulder, that much you know. It wasn’t them that forced Mammon to tears the previous night with nothing but their words and whatever other hells Mammon was forced to endure. No, only Lucifer deserves your passive aggressive wrath today.
Luckily for you, there are only a few of the brothers remaining in the kitchen instead of waiting at the table already, one of those few being Lucifer himself who stands against the counter with a mug of coffee pressed to his lips. Satan and Beel are present as well, Beel rummaging through the pantry and fridge while Satan watches with what looks like mild amusement.
“Morning,” you greet the two younger brothers, going out of your way to make as little eye contact with Lucifer as possible. Whether he picks up on this, you can’t tell, but you can sense the change in atmosphere as you open the fridge and dig around for the jam Mammon wants.
“(Name). Is something wrong?” A deep voice inquires and, as you deduct that voice to be Beel’s, you look over your shoulder, offering a smile.
“Can’t possibly imagine why there’d be something wrong.” Wrong with you at least.
“Are you sure? You seem...off,” Satan inquires, as curious and considerate as ever.
You head over to the pantry, now with the jam in hand, and search for the peanut butter. A soft ‘ah!’ escapes you as your hand closes around the jar as well as a loaf of bread and you make your way over to the cutting board.
“I’m cool,” you deadpan. The younger brothers remain silent after you hear them shift a bit.
You begin to prepare the sandwich, daring not to turn around when the sound of footsteps approaching you invades your ears. All too suddenly there is a looming presence behind you, peering over your shoulder and radiating the most intense energy you’ve ever felt.
“What.” You say. It is not a question, but a demand. You still do not meet the eldest brother’s eyes.
You hear fabric shift and body heat warm your skin as Lucifer leans down to speak quietly enough so that his brother’s can’t hear. “It is for his own good. He will never learn if he is not properly disciplined.”
Your blood begins to boil. You raise your voice to him, completely disregarding Lucifer’s attempts to keep his brothers out of the situation as you do. “You know you can ‘properly discipline’ him without hurting him, right? What kind of brother are you?”
You leave it at that, throwing the rest of the sandwich together quickly before storming out of there. But wait...you stop in your tracks and stare down at the sandwich with defeated eyes. You forgot to cut off the crusts, dammit!
So, throwing your opportunity for a badass exit out the window, you march right back into the kitchen, tear open a drawer to grab a knife, and chop every single crust from the bread — all while the three brothers stare at you in both confusion and awe.
As you go to leave again, Satan finds the will to speak up. “Where are you going?”
“To my room.” You hold up the now crust-less sandwich. “The Great Mammon’s gotta eat.”
“But it’s your turn to make breakfast for everyone!” Beel whines, clutching at his stomach helplessly.
Again, you pause. Your fight leaves you and you approach the gentle giant upon seeing him look at you with such sorrow. You know how important food is to him.
“I’ll call for delivery from Hell’s Kitchen. Just round up everyone’s order and text it to me. Is that okay?”
Beelzebub nods enthusiastically and you pat his head, then turn on your heel to head back up to your room. You feel eyes on you as you walk away and, if you weren’t so fired up right now, you might take that as a compliment. But you know it’s Lucifer. You know it’s him even as the presence behind you follows you out into the hallway.
“I don’t like being followed.” You state in a bored tone.
“You don’t have to treat him like a child, you know. He can take care of himself.”
“I don’t want to let him take care of himself. I’m gonna be there for him when his brothers are being assholes.”
Lucifer looks taken aback. You don’t curse at them, you just don’t. Unless you’re joking, you never speak ill to them no matter what. And you didn’t to Beel or Satan. Even in your fired state you calmed enough to treat them as you normally would, with kindness and compassion. It is him you have the grudge against right now, and Lucifer’s brain can’t seem to accept or handle the fact that this is because of your protectiveness over his younger sibling.
“You won’t be here forever, you know.” Lucifer knows he crossed a line, but he can’t seem to stop himself. “He will need to fight his own battles eventually.”
“How about you give him less battles to fight, hmm?”
Lucifer seems to have nothing left to say. Taking his silence as an invitation to leave, you do just that and start up the stairs to your bedroom.
“Oh, and by the way,” you begin, stopping midway up the staircase to address the short circuiting demon you left in the hallway, “I may not be in this world as long as you guys will, but if you even touch him after I’m gone, my ghost will fuck you up.”
You make your final leave, Mammon’s breakfast in hand and a smile lining your face as you prepare to greet your greedy little demon.
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weebswrites · 3 years
Gremlin MC Drawing the Demon Bros but Chaotically
from @//sliverofanonymity on ao3: Gremlin MC who draws them all ridiculously, capturing some double chin things
also see: finding mc’s sketchbook
• Besides official pictures for RAD, he doesn’t have his picture taken much, and he can’t think of a time he’s ever been drawn. At least not within the past few hundred years
• So when you ask to draw him, he figures might as well (he ignores the mischievous look in your eyes)
• You let him do work at his desk, sitting across from him as you begin your sketch
• You start by making his head extremely disproportionate to his body and the desk, then adding a large fancy mustache and piercings you know he’d sooner go back to the Celestial Realm than get 
• “Lucifer, I’m done!” you :D at him, trying to hold back laughter
• He knows something is up, he has from the start, but he amuses you nonetheless. “Alright, let me see” he stands and walks around to you, snorting a laugh at the demon you’ve portrayed him as
• “Aren’t you handsome” you wiggle your shoulders and eyebrows at him and laugh
• “Oh yes, this is wonderful MC. You’ve truly captured my essence” he responds, only letting his sarcastic side out around you
• He keeps it in his desk and looks at it to cheer himself when he’s stuck working late, the thought of your antics making his heart warm
• Loves a prank, so when you turn your sketch pad around and present what’s possibly the worst interpretation of him he’s ever seen, he Loves it
• “MC!!” he wheezes, “That’s incredible!!”
• Frames it on his wall. 50% because it’s by you, and 50% because it’s hilarious.
• Shows all his brothers too, and brags about it? They’re confused because he looks terrible, and definitely give him shit for it, but whatever makes him happy
• He asks you to draw more of the rest of his brothers, but the look they all give you (especially Lucifer) makes the decision not to pretty easy
• You told him you were trying a new art style, so he was expecting more anime style, possibly (hopefully) the style Ruri-Chan was typically drawn in
• So when you show him a drawing of him with what’s possibly the biggest nose he’s ever seen, he doesn’t know how to react
• “Oh, MC! It looks good!” you can tell he’s pulling for any compliment he can think of, and try to stay serious as long as you can
• “You really think so?” you look at him with puppy dog eyes, seeing if you can break him before you break yourself
• “Mmhm!” he says through gritted teeth, and you can’t hold it in anymore
• You start crying laughing, “Levi!!!! I so got you, this is so bad!!” you laugh, “Like, it’s good. But look how big your nose is!! You don’t really think it’s that big, do you?” you tease him, and the breath of relief he lets out is extreme
• He lightheartedly swats you on the arm, “MC! I thought you were being serious!” he starts to laugh with you, and this becomes a memory the two of you look back on often
• The two of you were sitting in the library for a few hours, him reading and you sketching
• He definitely noticed you referencing him for one of your works, so tries to stay still as he reads
• You snort as you give him a scruffy unibrow and double chin, portraying him reading but in the most chaotic way you could think of
• This gets his attention, and he looks up at you like 🤨
• You hold in a laugh, “Want to see?”
• “Yes”
• You turn your art around and your head falls back with laughter, only growing more intense when you see Satan’s reaction
• He’s deadpan looking at it, truly stumped on how to react
• “Don’t you just love it” you suggest a feeling to him, hoping he joins the bit
• “I sure feel something about it!” he responds, holding back a laugh, and you scoot over and playfully poke him until his composure breaks along with yours
• He loves the arts, so when you ask so kindly to draw him, how can he refuse?
• Lays on his bed in his favorite pose, excited to see the masterpiece you create
• He’s seen your drawings a few times before, and you instantly became his favorite artist
• So he’s very excited to see you draw him in the ~pose~ he’s chosen
• You smile as you draw, not wanting to give away that you aren’t drawing how you normally draw, but amusing yourself still
• Once you were finished you stood up and smiled confidently, walking to him to show off your work
• He takes it in for a moment, the way you’ve drawn him so,,, differently,,, he hardly recognizes himself
• Bursts out laughing, taking the paper from your hand to study it closer
• He loves it (but makes you draw him in the pose he selected the proper way because he’s hot and wants to see how you capture his beauty)
• He knows you like to draw, but has never asked to see your work incase it’s private
• But when you show him your work? He’s honored, and takes in your work with a careful eye
• You ask to show him your most recent art, and he puts down his odon to look
• He’s drawn eating, but the food is tiny compared to his hands, and his face is distorted
• He chuckles and takes in the sketch the same way he does with all of your art, and you’re hit with a wave of appreciation for his genuine care for you
• “I think it’s my best work yet” you tease, and reach over and steal a chip from the bag he’s also eating out of
• “I have to agree” he ruffles your hair and sets the paper down far enough away from the food that it won’t get messy, definitely planning on keeping it
• He really only lets you draw him when he’s asleep, so one day when he’s passed out at a RAD meeting you seize the opportunity
• You wave off Lucifer, convincing him with a strong look to just let Belphie nap this meeting, Diavolo hadn’t shown up yet so he gave you a stern look that he better not regret this
• You proceed to draw a cartoon-like version of Belphie, but the version of him sleeping featured his hair messier than ever and giving him multiple chins, his head slumped back on the chair
• You finish your drawing and slide it to Lucifer across the table, a diabolical smile across your face
• You hold it as he flips the paper and looks at your work, a small laugh leaving his lips as he then puts it in front of Belphie and wakes him up
• Belphie flips the paper over as he’s rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, taking a second to take the drawing in before laughing
• He laughs hard, enjoying the art you’ve done as he looks towards you, “MC, this is hilarious” he compliments you and pockets the drawing
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demonsandco · 4 years
Could we get some more headcanons on your version the boys's demon forms? How do they work? Little anatomy details? How they feel about it? Anything like that ^^
•Lucifer honestly hates his demon form the most out of all the brothers. It’s a constant reminder of what he considers to be his failures.
•He uses his magic to not only hide his wings/horns, but also to hide his scars. His demon form makes them even more noticeable, especially the ones left from his missing wings. The feathers on his back never seem to be able to grow over that one area no matter how much time passes.
•The one part of his demon form that Lucifer almost always keeps hidden is his tail. It resembles a peacock tail, and while he doesn't actually mind the look of it, he finds it annoying. Not only are the feathers long enough to drag on the ground, meaning they need to be cleaned constantly, but it also gives away his emotions by fanning out behind him whenever he's trying to keep a poker face.
•On the surface, Mammon doesn't seem to have a problem with his demon form. However, if you pay enough attention you'll see the lengths he goes to to avoid looking into a mirror, or the way he jumps whenever he catches his reflection in a window.
•Mammon has the uncanny ability to mimic sounds and even other people’s voices. He often uses it for mischievous purposes and it constantly gets him in trouble
•He, hands down, has the best puppy dog eyes out of everyone. Similar to parrots, Mammon can control the size of his pupils to achieve maximum cuteness.
•Levi's teeth in his demon form are something he's insecure about. They look like something you'd expect a deep sea creature to have: long, sharp, and needle-like. Not to mention that he's got two rows of them. He almost always keeps them hidden.
•His jaw is structured like a snake's. The bone doesn't connect in the middle and the skin around his chin and neck is extremely stretchy, letting him essentially "unhinge" his jaw.
•Levi's body is very much built for water more than land. He often keeps his gills and fins hidden so they don't get in the way. This is also why his stamina is non-existent. He could easily swim for hours on end, but make him jog and he'll be wheezing immediately.
•Satan is the only one who feels 100% comfortable with his demon form. He was never an angel like his brothers, so his demon form is all he knows.
•The bone like spikes on his arms, torso and face are constantly growing, like a rodent's teeth. He finds himself spending a lot of time maintaining them at a comfortable length, yet he refuses to ask his brothers to help him with it.
•Satan's pupils resemble those of a horse, giving him impressive night vision, even by demon standards. However, this leaves him being farsighted. Anything within 2 feet of him seems really blurry and he has to wear glasses while he reads. He's also red/green colorblind, which *might* be an excuse for his questionable fashion choices.
•While Asmo adores his demon form, he rarely shows off anything other than his horns and wings, as it doesn't quite fit into his cute persona. More often than not, if someone sees his full demon form, they won't be around for very long.
•Asmo has two pairs of eyes, each with 2 pupils in the iris. He loves experimenting with makeup in his demon form and using his extra eyes to try out different eyeshadow looks.
•Like scorpion, Asmo's tail contains a potent venom. However, it isn't deadly or even harmful for that matter. In fact, it acts as a fairly powerful aphrodisiac.
•Beel tends to avoid thinking about his demon form and what it represents. The more he dwells on it, the more it brings up feelings of guilt.
•Whenever he gets excited or is enjoying something, his wings start to flutter without him noticing. Imagine the buzzing of a human sized fly. That's what his wings sound like.
•Beel’s jaw doesn't actually connect in the middle. They work like an insects mandible, letting him not only bite through nearly anything, but also swallow very large meals whole.
•Belphie sees his demon form as a punishment of sorts, for the war and for Lilith. He's come to accept it because he thinks he deserves it, and it’s not like he’ll ever be an angel again anyways.
•If you've ever seen how pretty cow eyes are, then you'll know how pretty his are. He has long, dark lashes and big, soulful eyes. He's also got oval shaped pupils. It’s scarily easy to find yourself lost in his eyes and the longer you stare, the heavier your limbs start to feel and the harder it is to keep your eyes open.
•Belphie's tail tends to have a mind of its own. He has a hard time properly expressing his emotions, but his tail has no such problem. It’s not uncommon to see his tail leisurely wagging behind him as he tries to hide a smile.
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