#mamo chiba
amethystandemma · 1 year
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Rip Mamo
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fairygeek777 · 2 months
Words cannot express how happy I am that after my month ends Mamo's begins teehee!
Happy Birthday Mamoru Chiba! Here is my gift to you!
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I love Mamoru so much that it was so upsetting that I never drew a complete illustration for him. No way was I letting his day end without giving the treatment he deserves 😭
I imagined this being set on his first night as Tuxedo Mask as the sun begins to rise. I was also low-key inspired from that one 90s ep.
I spent Mamo's day drawing him and that's all I wanted!
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How It Started & How It Ended... 🌙✨❤️
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caelenath · 2 months
Happy Mamoru Month! 2024
It's that time again! That joyous month of the year where I blog and reblog the **** out of everything Chiba Mamoru because I love him an outrageously normal amount, and for a limited time, this month and this month only (lies), you all get to hear about it!
Per usual, Mamoru Month kicks off on his birthday, which he hates a not so normal amount, so please treat him with care when expressing your birthday wishes.
This year, his birthday comes right on the tail of @usamamoweek - consider checking out all the amazing contributions as part of your celebratory activities.
~ * ~
🎂 Happy Birthday, Mamoru! 🎂
Here's to another year of uncomfortable, effusive attention on you, you darling mochi of my eye.
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You're protective and sweet...
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Always there to help when someone's in trouble...
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And your sense of humor is only a little less terrible than mine.
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Tuxedo Mask and the Mess Jacket
Mamoru is also seen wearing a cummerband (the sash like belt) ans auspender undearth the waist coat. Which lines up with the Mess Suit attire.
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zienastian · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Mamo chan!
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mocath04 · 2 years
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Había visto este helado con temática de Sailor Moon y tenía muchas ganas de hacer a Darien con el 🤧💖
¿Por cierto les gusta comer helado en invierno? Por qué a mí si 😅🤤🍨
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masternikki17 · 2 years
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Oop 😬
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sugar-konpeito · 2 years
man i wish people would quit assuming the mamoru i talk/make art about is *manga* mamoru. they say “yeah this is why manga mamoru is better!!” on my posts, assuming i was talking about him. i’m actually pretty much always talking about anime mamoru. i like the musical, hero shows, and videogame mamoru too, but anime mamo is a big one!! manga mamoru is my least favorite, and i’m rarely talking about him in my posts or my artwork. :d (i love his design though)
basically, for me..
best mamoru visually = manga
best mamoru writing/personality wise = anime (also hero shows/videogames/musicals/ect.)
so i combine them like that to make my mamoru
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oshiokiyopod · 2 months
Just barely making it for the western hemisphere...
Happy birthday Mamoru!
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That's right, August 2nd is the birthday of our own Prince Endymion/future King Endymion/Mamoru Chiba/ultimate wife guy! And of course... Tuxedo Mask!!
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He's a Leo and Type A and the older I get, the more I identify with his anxiety.
Mamoru in the manga:
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Mamoru in the original anime:
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Mamoru in the Bandai Myu
Mamo-chan in live action PGSM:
In the Nelke Myu:
In Sailor Moon Crystal:
Celebrate the right way! Buy some roses, put on a cape, simp for your SO, and get hypnotized!
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sailor-scribbles · 2 years
Mamoru was puzzled. Sitting on the table was a parcel that Usagi had excitedly brought in just a moment ago. It was about the size of a toaster and wrapped in brown paper and twine. The package was addressed to Mamoru but had no return address or markings.
“I wonder what this is.”
“Eh? I thought you would know. Like maybe you ordered a new coffee maker or some books.” Usagi picked up the box and shook it a little. It seemed fairly light. The contents just sounded like paper shifting around inside.
“I don't remember buying anything.”
“Maybe it's a gift!”
That seemed possible. Just last weekend, Mamoru turned a nice round 20 years of age. The official age of adulthood according to Japan. He celebrated appropriately – a night out with friends from college, punctuated with a special surprise when he came home… Usagi wrapped in a bow.
It was a good birthday.
But who else would be sending him something this late?
Mamoru pulled off the twine and started to unwrap it as Usagi looked on curiously. The box seemed oddly scuffed, but ignoring that he pried open the top.
They were photos. Just an huge cache of photos – loose, mostly candid Polaroids, a couple of framed ones as well. Mamoru turned the box over on the table to look at them. As he spread the contents out, he noticed a small envelope along with them.
“They're all of this man and his son.” Usagi had picked up a handful of photos and was flipping through them. And she was right, they were mostly of a dark-haired man and a boy, smiling and waving at the camera. But something tugged at Mamoru's mind as he stared at them. A stack of family photos addressed to him…
“Hey, Mamo-chan, he kinda looks like…” She trailed off, looking from the photos to Mamoru and back again. The unsaid implication hung in the air.
He had already realized it as well. The man looked familiar. The shape of his face, the color of his eyes… were very much like Mamoru's.
Mamoru didn't know how long they sat there, slowly sorting through the pictures. Neither he nor Usagi said a thing. Before today he had no photos of his parents. Growing up at the children's welfare center, he had the same as everyone else: food, clothes, and roof over his head. Not much else. Not even memories.
It wasn't until he was old enough to leave the center that he was confronted by an attorney, who told him about the Chiba inheritance. The woman said that, coupled with the insurance money, the accounts had been handled by a private party and kept safe for the day Mamoru turned fifteen. She assured him that he would be well taken care of: an apartment in Tokyo and already registered to attend the prestigious Azabu High next spring. Besides a few assets that were locked away until he was an adult, the rest of the money was his to do as he pleased.
But it was the first item she handed to him that was the most important: a simple one-page family registry, his parents' names typed out neatly on the sheet:
Father: Chiba Ishiei Mother: Chiba Hiyo.
For nearly five years that was all he needed. Mamoru kept it tucked away in a book among many on his shelf, away from prying eyes. After confronting his visions and meeting Usagi, there was never any question about what he left behind.
Until today.
Now his past was laid bare on this small kitchen table. There were so many photos. All of them were of Mamoru and Ishiei – or should I call him Dad he wondered – doing various things. Going to the park, attending a festival, Mamoru's first steps…
He didn't remember any of it.
Mamoru took a closer look at the mailing box, which he now noticed was much older than he first thought. The cardboard was scuffed and scraped, like it had been shipped many times. Various postmarks were stamped all around it, overlapping once there was no room left. He ran his finger over the faded ink. Okinawa, Honolulu, London, New York, Paris… He could just barely make out the full name of the package's original recipient: Chiba Hiyo. His mother's name.
If these photos were his mother's, then who sent them to Mamoru?
His gaze fell on the little yellow envelope that had tumbled out of the box with the pictures. It looked newer than the rest, crisp and bright. Blank.
A sudden panic clenched his heart. Mamoru was six again, waking up alone and confused. Who was he? Did anybody know? For nearly a decade he had waited in that facility for someone to remember him. And only now was there a response. A distant relative? A stranger? Weren't those both the same thing at this point? An unknown person who knew more about Mamoru's childhood than he did.
Was he afraid?
Before he could be overwhelmed, a gentle warmth enveloped Mamoru from behind.
“Mamo-chan. I'm here with you.”
Usagi had at some point gotten up to embrace him, her arms wrapping protectively around his shoulders. Cradled to her chest like this, he softened as her heartbeat steadied his own.
Mamoru reached up for one of her hands, bringing it to his lips to kiss it. He didn't trust himself to speak yet, but hoped that was enough to tell her how much it meant to him. With his other hand, Mamoru finally picked up the envelope and opened it.
Inside was a letter. He read it silently as Usagi looked over his shoulder, still keeping him in her arms.
Chiba Mamoru
These belong to you. I think it's about time for both of us to have closure. If you'd like to meet, I'll be waiting at Cafe Toujour, August 30th at 3pm. This will be last and only time.
Your benefactor, Kusaka Toshie
It was short, almost terse.
“Kusaka Toshie…” Mamoru repeated the name under his breath. It didn't ring any bells.
“Do you know him?” she asked softly.
“I don't recognize it but…”
He remembered what that attorney had said those five years ago. “A private party” had handled Mamoru's funds while he was at the welfare home. Was it this Kusaka person?
“….it's complicated,” Mamoru sighed. His brain was exhausted from running in circles. It wasn't that he didn't want to share this with her, but Mamoru himself didn't understand that part of his life very well. Somehow, it seemed a lot scarier than fighting aliens or evil. At least he had practice with that.
Usagi didn't press it, instead kissing the top of his head comfortingly. She picked up one of the photos and smiled at the scene: Ishiei giving toddler Mamoru a piggyback ride.
“You look really happy in these.”
She held him closer as he kissed her hand again.
What to do about the letter could wait until tomorrow.
(an extra fanfic bit from this.)
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fairygeek777 · 2 months
Imagine being Mamoru.
Imagine living life until you're 16. Not knowing who the heck you are.
Imagine learning that you were the Prince of the Planet you live on, meant to rule the world and wished to rule it alongside the one person you loved as much as your planet and who shared that wish.
Imagine learning your entire kingdom, fell into ruin, and brought your lover's kingdom down with it.
Imagine coming to the realization that the enemies you've been fighting for half a year were actually your most trusted comrades from your previous life, and you were forced to defeat them in the same way as before.
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Imagine learning that you and your reincarnated lover get your wish to rule your planet together for 900+ years in the future.
Imagine learning the name of your kingdom and the true nature of your powers 2 years after your awakening.
Imagine that after the only person left of your past life reveals this past to you, he nearly dies within the same day.
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Can you imagine how quickly Mamoru became attached to Helios?
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How quickly did he miss the Shitennou when he remembered them and realized they were gone?
I'm not usually one for Revived Shitennou stories, but I just really want Mamo to have his own group of friends. At least, just so he can have support when Usa and her friends are not around. Yes, the senshi love Mamo just as much as they do their princess, but speaking from experience, being welcomed into the friend group of your girlfriend that wouldn't even know you if you weren't dating her, (or In my case- friend group of a sibling) is not the same as having people who are there because they chose you as their person.
It's why I appreciate the concept of the Sailor Quartet being Lady's guardians.
I really wish Naoko had done this for Mamoru. In my opinion, Mamo should be going to school with Motoki Furuhata, Itou Asanuma, Kunzite, Nephrite, Jadeite and Zoisite.
Let Mamo have his own crew dammit! xD
He's got no parents, the boys who were practically his brothers are gone, and the last resident of his kingdom lives beneath the Earth's surface. Not to mention, said resident has a crush on his future daughter. His only social interaction comes from his girlfriend as a tag along, and that's kinda sad 😭
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Mamoru Chiba....❤️🌹
Sailor Moon Manga
Sailor Moon 90'S
Sailor Moon Crystal
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caelenath · 2 years
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(Source: EW)
Somewhere in the world, there is a portrait like this of Prince Endymion, date and artist unknown, and it confuses the hell out of Asanuma.
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tiny012 · 17 days
considering people are shitting on cosmos for killing the senshi at the beginning i hate to say it but i would not be surprised if the stars arc will one day take first place as the worst arc of the manga and be considered a bad finale shame too since it is the arc where naoko killed off the senshi like she wanted and it is my favorite arc.
Yes they died in the first part of Sailor Moon Cosmos but they technically didn't get killed in the beginning of Sailor Moon Cosmos.
The only person who holds that honor is Mamo who was gone before the first ten mins of the movie.
Mamoru-8:58 round it up to 9 mins. You can pretty much say that he was killed in the beginning.
Ami and Mako-30 Mins
Rei and Mina- 46 Mins
Sets, Hotaru, Haruka and Mic- 54 mins ( Offscreen but implied Actually see their deaths in part 2)
The movie is only an hour and 20 mins and the senshi pretty much but didn't start dropping until halfway through until towards the end.
Yeah Sure the Body Bag Count for Part One was 15 people in the course of an hour and 20 but I distress.
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask- Sailor Galaxia
Sailor Iron Mouse- Sailor Star Healer
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter-Aluminum Seiren
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury-Aluminum Seiren
Aluminum Seiren- Sailor Star Marker/ Sailor Star Fighter
Phobos-Sailor Lead Crow
Deimos- Sailor Lead Crow
Lead Crow- Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars-Galaxia
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus-Galaxia
Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto- Galaxia
Haurka Tenou/Sailor Uranus- Galaxia
Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune- Galaxia
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn-Galaxia
Tin Nyanko - Galaxia
Yeah Sure in Part 2 Five senshi died in two mins which was two pages in the Manga but I digress again.
Sailor Lethe- Sailor Phi
Sailor Mnemosyne-Sailor Phi
Kou Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter-Sailor Phi
Kou Taiki/Sailor Star Marker-Sailor Phi
Kou Yaten/Sailor Star Healer-Sailor Phi
Yes Naoko have a Body Bag Count of 30 people dying in the course of this 10 act arc but I digress for a third time.
Act 50
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask- Sailor Galaxia
Sailor Iron Mouse- Sailor Star Healer
Act 51
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter-Aluminum Seiren
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury-Aluminum Seiren
Aluminum Seiren- Sailor Star Marker/ Sailor Star Fighter
Act 53
Phobos-Sailor Lead Crow
Deimos- Sailor Lead Crow
Lead Crow- Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars-Galaxia
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus-Galaxia
Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto- Galaxia
Haurka Tenou/Sailor Uranus- Galaxia
Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune- Galaxia
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn-Galaxia
Act 55
Tin Nyanko- Galaxia
Act 56
Luna-Sailor Lethe
Diana-Sailor Lethe
Artemis- Sailor Lethe
Sailor Lethe- Sailor Phi
Sailor Mnemosyne-Sailor Phi
Kou Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter-Sailor Phi
Kou Taiki/Sailor Star Marker-Sailor Phi
Kou Yaten/Sailor Star Healer-Sailor Phi
Act 57
Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon- Sailor ChibiMoon and the Sailor Quartet
Sailor Phi-Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino
Princess Kakyuu/Sailor Kakyuu-Sailor Chi
Sailor Chi- Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino
Act 59
Chibiusa( Briefly)- Galaxia*
Galaxia-Her Bracelets
Chaos( for a little while)- Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino
Grand Total: 30
The woman was tried and if her finally getting to do what she wanted to do in the since the beginning was to kill everyone off ( but then bring them back) let her do it.
The 90's anime did it twice so why they hell she can't do it?
StarS Arc is pretty much this gif
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It's showed that she was DONE which I absolutely love that she decided to do it .
I love Stars Arc and Cosmos for three reasons.
Galaxia, The Lore, and the Body Bag Count
To me Stars in the manga is no way near a bad ending.
It's bittersweet as hell but it's not bad.
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sparklyheartsdiana · 1 year
Is anyone part of the "Mamoru Chiba Defense Squad"? Like Ron Weasley, Mamo deserves to have a defense squad
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