#man I really popped off there for a sec XD
veilder · 10 months
Q's for writers: 16 & 25
Thank you for the questions, dear Anon! :D (For the ask game here!)
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Haha, this is such a funny question! And I'm racking my brain trying to think of something clever to say, but... Man, I think my worst offense is probably the flap of a pack of Orbit gum that is still currently in my copy of Lord of the Rings. XD It's been there for so long? It's even a different design than the current packaging now, lol. But that's all I can really think of. XD
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story? Man! You know, I spend all this dang time thinking about characters and how to write them and their backstories and such... And here I am drawing a complete blank. XD Okay, wait! Y'know what? How about my headcanon for Elijah Kamski from DBH? Specifically the reason he was ousted from CyberLife and how he ended up where he is in canon? The entire thing is... very long and detailed, lol! But the short version is: Kamski was a child genius with opportunistic parents who was thrust into a world he wasn't emotionally prepared for. He struggled with relating to his peers and really only found solace in his college mentor, Amanda Stern, who became something like a mother figure to him. She's the one who really encouraged and fostered his talents, encouraging him to strike out and found his business at such a tender age, and she became one of the founding members alongside him, a steadfast support on his Board of Directors. (I hc there was also a third member of this little founder trifecta, but that's not important rn.) After CyberLife was established and the first androids were set to market, Kamski's innovations continued as he preferred the hands-on R&D to the actual minutiae of running a business. Gradually, the Board would take more and more responsibilities from him, especially after Amanda's health begins to worsen, which would eventually lead to her death soon after. Around the same time, a grief-stricken Kamski would throw himself back into his work, and it's then he'd begin noticing odd discrepancies in his field trials, eventually leading to him formulating his original Theory of Deviancy. But by now, CyberLife is taking off like a damn rocket. When Kamski brings his findings to the Board and puts forward his motion to halt business until he can figure out what exactly is happening, he's overruled. With Amanda's passing, her share of the stock would be seized by the third founder, and Kamski would've been in no place to intercede even if he'd known it was happening. At this point, he's well and truly lost control of the business he helped build from the ground up, his CEO title nothing more than a cheap title the Board uses to placate their shareholders and the public at large. But all of this leaves Kamski in a very dangerous place. His best ally is gone, his powerful empire usurped, and his creations may not be as infallible as he once thought. The last straw is when his experimental RK prototype schematics are seized, though it would take years for CyberLife's engineers to even be able to decipher them, much less catch up to his original craftsmanship. (Hence why CyberLife's RK800 is more or less on par with the far older RK200.) He tries to sabotage the takeover of his own intellectual property, but by ordinance, it belongs to CyberLife. He has no choice but to surrender his creations (though the completed RK200 "Markus" is spared due to a legal loophole of him being gifted to a third party). But he does end up having to surrender the RK100.
I have a whole pet theory about that, too, but suffice to say, the Amanda in the Zen Garden who acts as Connor's handler is the original prototype RK100. The initial experiment was a sort of memory preservation attempt, as the human Amanda's body began to fail her. Kamski wouldn't tried to find some way to save her, and making a sort of imprint of her mind was one of his attempts. Sadly, Amanda would pass away before the full prototype could be built, though the imprints of her mind would remain as the bodiless RK100 in it's virtual world. Kamski would then painstakingly craft the virtual Zen Garden as a space for her, as a sort of memorial to his beloved mentor, which CyberLife would then revamp as a sort of AI to sync with their RK800 series. After that, Kamski would resign his position, leaving with his fortune to become the recluse we find him as in his mansion. He takes with him his first Chloe, the RT600, who he created before CyberLife's bylaws were drafted and so was exempt from the seizure. He would build her multiple bodies that could function independently, but all have access to the same sort of hivemind. And he would begin plotting to take down his former company in the coming years. Starting with purchasing an old, abandoned freighter permanently docked within CyberLife's very shadow... ...Haha, well, I said I wouldn't get into it, but I kinda did. XD Suffice to say, I have *a lot* of thoughts about Kamski that have never actually made it into any of my fics, lol! But I do genuinely think he wants his androids to succeed in their revolution. Now, whether that stems from some sort of twisted altruism, a megalomaniacal god complex, or just good old revenge against the people who wronged him, who's to say? Could be any of those or something else entirely. Could be everything combined. But he does seem particularly invested in his androids triumphing over their human masters and how that will shape history going forward. (And there's also that deleted dialogue of his where, if Markus fails, Kamski himself dares to take up the mantle of leader, which is... 👀👀👀) Anyway, hope that answers your question, lol! Thank you for sending these in, Anon! :D
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sofibeth · 2 years
Random Sonic 2 movie thoughts
Have lot in my mind now that I have time to process it last night 
(Spoilers below)
- Like their could be alot that you can critque bout this flim (1st act bit slow compare to 2nd, fart jokes aren’t funny) but this movie was soo fun I don’t really care as much XD
- I feel you can make a drinking game with how many time Tails say “THAT’S SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!” I get he’s a kid but it did get kinda annoying after awhile.
- the biased in me wished their was more Sonic and Tails bonding since it was kinda fast but considering how packed this film was they did alright all things considered. The sleeping scene stole my heart!
- “They call us freaks, so let’s get freaky” ya did it ya understood the assignement!
- Okay I’m forever a Tails’ stan but Knuckles was clearly the MVP of this film! They find the right balance of being the funniest character in this film as well being soo heckin cool!
- Man went from trying to kill Sonic to any sec to “Sonic they have sprinkles” iconic
- Compare to Tails Knuckles felt alot more natural from enemy to friend I love they found losing a loved one as a simple connection with him and Sonic to begin bonding with.
- Jim Carry as Eggman was great no surprise, highlight was def going high on Chaos Power!!
- bless Agent Stone he and his actor having the time of his life.
- Speaking a which I like how they handle the humans here giving euongh to do while not overshadowing the main trio.
- I feel the wedding subplot might not be everyone’s cup of tea but 1) the plot twist of being a GUN was amazing and over the top I luv and 2) Rachel performance was so hammy I was just along for the ride.
- I’m glad they pushed Tom and Maddie more into parental role and being ride and die for their hedgehog son. Makes me appreciate their scenes in the beginning due to having payoff by the ending.
- Ya know your in a room full a sonic fans when everyone cheering over Sonic inhaling a bubble, proud of my audience last night.
- Final Sonic vs Knuckles fight, best animated scene I wanna watch it again just to see every single detail.
- I know they showed death robot in trailers but yea seeing the whole cilmax they did everything with justice hard to talk about everything.
- I hadn’t felt this strong bout Team Sonic in a long time and seeing the trio working felt satifiying! Good thing since Knuckles isn’t confided to an island in this universe cause this mean this group can work in long term. 
- I glad all the fanart of movie Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles hanging out is canon, take the Ws.
- Regarding the after credit scene I glad they’re keeping some aspects of Shadow present, having alot more faith in how he’s portrayed considering how well they understood Knuckles. I do hope Amy gets her jump into the movie verse soon, feel she can fit in since they establish the whole heroes order thing.
- And yes my theater popped off, shoutout to the dude who stand up and yelled “LET’S **CKIN GOO!”
- man we gotta wait like 2/3 years for the next film at least got my fox boy so wait won’t be as bad.
Overall yea I don’t think non-sonic fans will have a much of a fun time but this film is definiely a Sonic’s fan’s fever dream of movie it was just sooo fun to sit through. (what is worth I saw kids and parents in my group enjoying the film as well) 
Anywho this film gonna live rent free in my mind for weeks I apologize!
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theshy1sout · 4 years
Poppy’s extraordinary playlist
As you can see, it’s a crossover fanfiction ( TrollsxZEP AU). I wrote it because my English teacher said that I should write stories to train my language skills (I have a really big problem with past tenses). So... I decided to write this. It’s also a story I promised to write for my best friend (yep, I mean you, @livinginithilien-blog). Please, don’t take it seriously I’m just learning English XD I’ve decided to publish it cause it’s a really cringing and funny idea.
So... Let’s start?
Chapter 1
Sun was rising. Birds were singing. Whole Trolls Village started the day like always, humming morning songs and making streets full of colors, smiles, and laughs. Days like this made Poppy feel she was the perfect Queen in the happiest place ever. She could make every single troll happy, wasn’t it the best proof?
- Sup, Pops - she heard a familiar voice, so she turned around to find out which of her friends it was. Poppy smiled when her eyes lied on an orange-hair red-skin troll.
- What’s up, DJ? It’s really surprising to see you up your feet this early.
DJ chuckled.
- You mean 9 am?
- Yea - Poppy smiled wider.
- Oh girl, is it that bad with me? - she asked, rubbing her bit blurry eyes and then yawned loudly.
Poppy giggled. She called all of her friends from the Snack Pack ‘besties” but if she had to point the closest one, it would be DJ Suki. She was always chill the peaceful and kinda tired whole time. But the most important for Poppy was the fact that she treated her so… normally. She could forget about being Queen and felt truly like a regular troll from the Village with her.
- Oh man, yesterday there was a really huge party and I hosted it the whole fricking night - DJ started tiredly, out of nowhere.
- I know, Suki, I was there - Poppy smiled. - I even talked with you once and brought you a drink while you were remixing this funny song about muffins.
DJ looked at her really confused. But then she smiled too, facepalming.
- I forgot... I really forgot! - DJ chuckled. - I Just played music the whole night. I was, you know, on the...
-... DJ wave - Poppy interrupted her doing wave by her arm. They laughed so loud.
- You're really good at it - Poppy added.
- Thank you! Wanna hear my brand new song? - she started out of nowhere as usual, excitedly clenching fists.
- You made a New song?? How did you find time to do it? - Poppy was really impressed.
- Oh well - DJ waved one hand. - You know... Anywhere. During the parties for example. Anyway, I was soo ecstatic to show you this one! That's why I woke up so early to catch you before your Queen’s routine. So! We have to go to my pod till...
- Good morning, my ladies - They heard the voice behind them. It was Creek. DJ clenched her teeth.
- Too late - She whispered quietly so Poppy couldn't hear it. Before Pink troll could ask what she said, she felt gently kiss on her cheek.
- Mornin, sweetie - Creek smiled mildly.
- Mornin, honey - Poppy smiled back.
- What are you doing? - He started, forgetting about greeting DJ Suki. But also she looked kinda glad about it.
- Just walking and talking. Kinda normal morning - Poppy answered. -  I’ve been thinking about visiting my dad lately.
- Oh, we can do it now if you don't mind it.
- No, it's a lovely idea! - Poppy beamed.
- Go without me. I... I'm tired, I'll catch a nap - DJ said tiredly and then started walking faster through her pod.
- I'll meet you later? - Poppy just shouted cause DJ was now too for asking about... whatever was wrong with her.
- Sure! I'll be in the pod all day! - She screamed back and went away.
- I feel like she doesn't like me - Creek said sadly, holding her hand.
- No, I think she just wanted to show me something. Don't worry, she's DJ Suki! I'm sure she's just tired after yesterday's party.
Creek nodded his head.
- Yea, It was HUGE!
- Yes, it is! - Poppy smiled widely. She squeezed his hand and felt as he squeezed her back. She took a deep breath just enjoying the day. It was just another perfect, lazy morning in her perfect, happy life. And there was nothing that could destroy it.
* * *
Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap...
- Queen Poppy. Can you just stop tapping on my desk for a sec?
Poppy stopped confusedly, placing her hands on her knees.
- Thank you - Doctor said and looked back at papers he read.
Poppy had never been in the hospital before. There was so white, so quiet and so tension. She wished she didn't have to go here again. She was just waiting till the doctor would say her dad’s ok and it was just normal fainting during the walking just because he’s old and he gets tired faster than before. She was sure that, King Peppy was such a very strong troll, and going with him to the hospital wasn’t really necessary.
- So - Poppy jumped on her seat when the doctor suddenly started talking. - I should begin with: That hadn't been just normal fainting as I Thought before X-ray and MRI.
Poppy gulped, which sounded so loud in the big empty doctor's cabinet. The doctor put papers on the desk, split hands, and looked straight in her pink eyes.
- I need to be honest with you, Queen Poppy - she said calmer. - Your dad has a tumor in his brain and there's nothing we can do about it. It's just too late. We can only make him stay alive with chemotherapy, but you have to prepare yourself for his... Passing away.
Poppy had just a blank face. She didn't know what she could say, do, or even think.
- I know how hard it is for you - Doctor tried to lift her spirit a bit up. - The good thing is that you have lots of time to spend with your dad and say goodbye to him. I'm sure he will live for a whole year, maybe a bit more. Till then, he has to stay here, we'll give him medicines. We have to start chemotherapy as fast as it’s possible. And don’t worry about visiting - you can come here every time you need.
Poppy stayed quiet. It was too much, too early, too unexpected... She stared at one point with a blank mind and a fast-beating heart.
- There's also one important thing you should do - The doctor took some other papers and started writing. When she finished she gave them to Poppy with a serious face.
- This is an agreement for an X-ray and MRI for you. There is a big chance that you have a tumor too and this time we have to know it faster.
Poppy set her eyes on the paper in her hand. She felt bile on her tongue.
- Can you give me a claim that You'll do it? - Doctor asked.
Poppy nodded slowly.
- Yes - she said gulping loudly. - Yes, I'll do.
After she left the doctor's cabinet she saw Creek who was waiting for her in the hall. He went toward her as he saw her.
- Is everything ok? - He asked holding her arm with his hands and trying to catch her empty sight.
- No - she said calmly. - No, nothing’s ok.
She felt his arm on her back as he hugged her tightly. She didn't see anything at this moment, didn't think anything and didn't feel. She just didn't understand. Why? Why did this happen? Why her father?
It was just unfair.
For some reason, she didn't want to talk about it with Creek. She told him of course but didn't want to talk. She just didn't let herself feel or think about her dad till she did X-ray and MRI. So it was the only thing she wanted to do after talking with a doctor.
While she was walking with Creek through the hospital hall looking for an X-ray room, she noticed that there was so dark even though it was the middle of the day. She took a look through the window and saw that rain was pouring heavily. It made her feel even more blue and empty, cause in the Trolls Village it's barely raining.
They found an MRI room first so Poppy decided to go there before X-ray. She desperately wanted to put it behind her as fast as possible. The white, violet-hair troll in the MRI room was really nice. He described everything she had to know about MRI and guided through the machine. Finally, when she lay down on the white table, he showed her big red headphones, looking exactly like the Suki's one.
- It’s really loud in there. I can put on some music for you. Wanna?
Poppy sighed. She wasn’t in the happy-pop-music mood.
- Ok - She answered. - But please, put something calm.
He smiled giving her headphone and then looking at his Phone.
- Do you like the piano? Just the piano?
- It would be perfect. Thanks.
He left her alone in the room and after a brief while the table where she lay started moving into a big, white, donut-shaped machine. She heard smooth piano sounds but still felt bad and kinda dizzy because of feelings and thoughts she was trying to hide so hard. She closed her eyes and tried to let the music calm her.
The machine trembled. She opened her eyes only to see that everything was shaking. She heard muffled sounds, but she couldn’t recognize any of them. She wanted to take off the headphone but then when she got her hands up to ears she was blinded by the white light. She closed tight her eyes. She desperately squeezed her head trying to stop seeing a really bright light. The head started filling with sounds, voices, and screams. She was terrified.
But then everything just stopped and she woke up outside the machine lying on the white table. She was breathing hard. She threw her eyes in every direction trying to understand what had just happened.
- Everything’s okay? - She heard the violet-hair troll voice.
But no, there was nothing ok in there.
- Yea... - She breathed quietly.
- I’m not sure what’s happened in there - He said ribbing his neck. -  I saw something during the process, but maybe it was just my imagination. ... But you look really terrified. Are you sure everything’s alright?
She was silent for a while, trying to gather the thought and feelings.
- What did you see? - She asked, ignoring his question.
- I saw... Kinda... lightning hitting the MRI machine? But I’m sure it was only my imagination. I guess...
He looked really worried. She wanted to show him that she felt good and there was nothing wrong with what he did so she sat on the table and took off the headphone smiling as wide as she could at that moment.
- It’s ok - She said. - I’m ok. But... The MRI is done?
- Oh, yea, of course, I’ll give you CD, gimme a sec - And then he ran into the computer lab where he was during the MRI process.
She left this room with a weird feeling. But the X-ray went without any problem so she could come back to the doctor cabinet faster than she’d thought. But still, she couldn’t forget about the MRI.
The doctor took the CDs from her and started to open it on the computer and print the most important ones to show Poppy later. Queen waited patiently, but couldn’t stand the silence in the small white room anymore. So she decided to talk with the doctor.
- How is it? - She asked out of nowhere.
The doctor looked at her confused.
- How is what?
- Being a doctor. You know, helping trolls every day is really... making you happy, I guess? I love helping trolls with their problems! It’s like...
- I’m sorry, Queen Poppy. I can see your point, but being a doctor is not the same as Being Queen.
Poppy stopped for a sec surprised but her answer.
- So... How is it? - She asked again, not knowing what kind of answer she could expect.
Doctor sighed.
- You know every day is like...
And then she stopped. She looked like thinking a lot so Poppy let them stay in silence for a minute, hoping that She answered soon. But suddenly she heard gently piano music. She turned around to find where the music was coming from but there was nothing but a doctor’s desk and the computer. She wondered whether the doctor played the music from the computer to make the vibe or something like that. But it seemed absurd and pathetic. Even trolls didn’t do that in the middle of the hospital, especially the doctor, who was a really serious person. Poppy looked at her trying to find out if she really played this music from the computer, but she was really focused on her thought. And then, making Poppy surprised, the doctor started to sing:
Hello Darkness, my old friend I’ve come to talk with you again 
- Emm... Excuse me? - Poppy was seriously confused, but the doctor evidently ignored her.
Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping
The doctor stood up from the chair and dancing slowly she came to the window behind her.
And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence 
- Ms. Doctor... - Poppy stood up to and went toward the doctor, but she behaved like she didn’t see the queen and didn’t even hear her. She continued singing, looking sadly through the window at the trolls walking around the street:
And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never share And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence 
After the last line of the song she came back to her desk and sat down at the computer. Then she noticed Poppy wasn’t on her chair and started turning around just to find her standing by the window.
- What are you doing here? - the doctor asked her like she wasn’t there a few moments ago.
- What am I doing here? What were YOU doing here! I saw you singing and dancing a song! A really depressing one! - Poppy couldn’t control herself, throwing arms everywhere.
- What are you talking about? - Doctor frowned. - I’m just sitting right here all the time. Just... - She stopped, her face melted a bit. - thinking deeply about things, but nothing else. I don’t know what’s in your mind, but if you can’t stay patiently in silence for a minute you can wait in the hall.
Now Poppy disoriented and angry at the same time. Cause that was rude. And humiliating for her as queen. She turned red and left a cabinet not feeling great with that.
- Something more is wrong? - Creek tried to guess seeing her king of mad. She noticed him only second later. She rubbed her face by her hands trying to calm herself.
- I’m just tired - She sighed. - Let’s go out of this place.
- But don’t you want to visit your dad? - Creek asked confusedly, running behind her.
- Please, I want... just leave this place - She mumbled not stopping walking.
They then went out of the hospital, the rain was just a drizzle. The sky was milky grey and the trolls were just walking around enjoying fresh wet.
- Poppy, I’m so worried about your behavior - Creek started talking, walking by her side. - You’re just doing the really weird the whole day. I know you’re the really upset cause of your dad, but you can help yourself by escaping from him and your problems!
Poppy stayed quiet, holding her arms by her hands and walking through the street full of trolls.
- I don’t need help - She answered after a while. - I just... needed some fresh air and...
Help! I need somebody
She stopped. Someone sang in the middle of the street. She started looking around.
Help! not just anybody Help! you know I need someone Help! 
She saw him. It was a random orange troll with green hair. He definitely just stopped in the middle of the street and sang. She could say that it was normal, trolls sang a lot, every day was full of happy pop songs, but this one wasn’t happy. It was a sad song. Again.
Suddenly the girl in the shop started singing too. And even dancing.
I never needed anybody's help in any way But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured 
And then a few random trolls joined them.
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.
- Creek, do you see that? - Poppy turned to him. She was really scared. But he seemed not to notice anything weird on the street. He looked around and asked what he should have seen. She couldn’t believe that he didn’t see or hear it cause now every single troll on the street was singing. And they were singing TO HER.
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down And I do appreciate you being 'round Help me get my feet back on the ground Won't you please, please help me? 
What’s happened? What’s wrong with her? She couldn’t understand why they sang that to her, she always thought that she’s a perfect queen in the country full of happy trolls. But they sang they needed help. She couldn’t help everybody!
And now my life has changed in oh so many ways My independence seems to vanish in the haze But every now and then I feel so insecure I know that I just need you like I've never done before
She couldn’t stand it anymore. She started running ignoring Creek calling her out. She ran through the street and the singing troll were running after her not stopping the song:
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down And I do appreciate you being 'round Help me get my feet back on the ground Won't you please, please help me  
She escaped to the forest, out of the village. But she didn’t run so far. Just a bit, only to stop hearing the singing trolls. She was afraid of the forest a bit, she didn’t want to be lost in the woods, she just wanted to be alone for a sec. She sat by the nearest tree and held her knees, breathing hard. She was watching the trolls between the leaves. They started walking just like they hadn’t sung or danced a second before. Like any of this hadn’t happened. She tried to calm herself down and understand what it was.
The melody of the “Help” sound sounded in her ears. She wonders if it were exactly the trolls’ thoughts. It would make some sense why the doctor sang that sad song too. But why did she see somebody’s thoughts as a sad song performance? She tried to rewind the memory of the last few hours. And then she realized something.
The MRI.
Maybe the violet-hair troll truly saw the lightning hitting the machine. And maybe it caused some kind of... Intermixture between her mind and headphone? It sounded ridiculous, but there was kinda weird logic. Plus she couldn’t explain it to herself better than that.
- So... You can hear trolls thoughts as a sad song by now - She said to herself, laying her head on her knees. - You’re a little weirdo, Poppy. I hope you can’t hear every single thought, it’d be the weirdest disaster ever.
She sighed. For a sec she let herself not think about anything. It was enough that her feelings were a terrible mess. She felt so lonely with them like nobody cold help her or even understand her.
And then she heard it. An angel voice.
All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces 
She turned her head up to find who’s singing this time, in the forest on the edge of the village.
Bright and early for their daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere 
She found him. He sat really high on a branch and looked sadly down on the village.
Their tears are filling up their glasses No expression, no expression Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow No tomorrow, no tomorrow 
He sang genuinely clear and he put into the melody lots of sadness and melancholy. For some reason it made her feel kinda understood and not that forlorn. They were there both, her and this stranger on the tree - grieved, alone, and lost in the woods. She closed her eyes and let the genius singer sing.
And I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take When people run in circles it's a very very Mad world, mad world
He finished. After a while of silence, she opened her eyes to check up if he was still there. Yes, he was. She was curious about who was that. She knew exactly every single troll in her village but she felt like she saw him for the first time in her life. She squinted her eyes to see him better and then she saw it.
He was gray!
She didn’t know that there was a gray troll in her village! How was it even possible? She stared at his black hair in the distance without any moves. He Must have lived in the forest, there was no other point why she hadn’t known her before. It was awful. How long did he live there without any help? It was her royal duty to make sure that every single troll in her village was happy!
She looked at the trolls walking peacefully through the village streets. She had to help them. If there was a troll who could do that it was her. Maybe that’s why she got this weird thoughts-hearing power. She was like the chosen one and the quest. Started. Now.
She stood up and looked up at the gray troll’s branch, but he disappeared. She decided to find everyone who could know something about him. She would find him and she’d help, as a good queen does. Feeling strong with that decision she stepped into the village, ready for everything.
There’s one important thing I have to say about writing this fanfiction - my bestie (much better with foreign language than me) helps me a lot with writing it correctly. She checks up every single chapter before I post it and fix most of my awful mistakes. Thank you very much @livinginithilien-blog, I will thank you after every single chapter I’ll post.
And below every chapter, I’ll write ang link song I use them. Tell me If you like it in this way or maybe you prefer idk if I link the songs in the text on the beginning? Tell me about it, please
The Doctor - Sound of Silence
Trolls - Help!
The mystery grey troll (no one knows who is that. No one.) - Mad World
Index, Next Chapter >
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trashcanmarvelfan · 5 years
Best. Job. Ever. 12/13
Summary: Reader gets a job on the set of Spider-Man: Far from Home for the 3 weeks they are shooting in New York City as what she thinks is a production assistant, but a twist of fate has her reassigned as Tom Holland’s personal assistant. As she & Tom grow close during filming, will their budding friendship turn to more or will they go their separate ways after filming concludes?
Warnings: Language, but that’s pretty much it? This is basically a PG-13 rom-com. (Legal) alcohol use as well but since it’s legal do I really need to tag it?
Word Count: 2350 for chapter 12.
Author’s Note: As this was written WAY before Spider-Man: Far from Home was released (actually before Avengers: Endgame was as well) I’ve kept plot details and which scene was being shot on what day extremely vague. Also, I’m American but tried to write Tom as British as possible, although I do think he’d try to stay(ish) in character and use as much American slang as he could while he’s still playing Peter.
Chapter-Specific Author’s Note: I hope the wait was worth it! XD (I also hope this is coherent. I rewrote this chapter like 3x’s because I had certain plot points I wanted to fit in.) And I know I said the epilogue was coming today as well, but I’m exhausted and want to read through it one more time, so it’ll be tomorrow.
Requests are always open!
Cross-posted at AO3.
Y/N had started packing her things the next morning when her phone rang.
“Hey Laura,” she answered. “What’s up?”
“Hey Y/N,” Laura answered. “I was just on my way to set and wanted to see how you were doing today. Last day in NYC, huh? Doing anything fun?”
“Nah, just starting to get all of my stuff packed so I’m not running around like a crazy person tomorrow. I can’t believe how much extra junk I’ve accumulated over the past 3 weeks.”
Her phone beeped with an incoming call. Tom’s name flashed across the screen.
“Oh, hold on a sec, Laur. Tom is beeping in.”  She flashed over to accept the call. “Hi, Tom, what’s up?”
“Y/N, I was just checking to see if you were in.”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“Do you mind if I pop over in a few?”
“No, that’s fine. See you in a bit.”
She flashed back over to Laura. “Hey, sorry about that. Tom’s coming by, can I call you right back?”
“That’s cool. I’ve got some extra time before I have to be on set.”
“Ok. Bye, Laur.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
There was a knock on Y/N’s door as she hung up and Tom’s head popped in. “Y/N? It’s me.”
“Hey, come on in. I’m just packing.” Y/N zipped her suitcase. “So, ready for the party tonight?” she asked.
“Actually, that’s why I’m here,” Tom replied.  “I was thinking maybe we could just head over together? You know, since we’re both going anyway.”
Y/N smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
Tom scratched the back of his neck. “And since today is officially your last day as my assistant, can I take you out for dinner beforehand, um, you know, for old times’ sake?”
Y/N smiled. “I’d love to have dinner with you one last time.”
Tom grinned. “Great! I’ll come ‘round at 5?”
“5 is perfect.”
“Ok, so I’ll see you this afternoon then.”
“See ya.”
Tom gave Y/N a brief hug before letting himself out of the door.
Y/N called Laura back. “Hey, sorry about that.”
“It’s no big deal,” Laura replied.
Suddenly there was another knock on Y/N’s door.
Y/N sighed. “Oh, shoot, hang on one more sec, Laur. I think Tom’s knocking again.” She walked over to the door and opened it. “Did you need something el--” She stopped.
Laura was standing in front of her door, phone pressed to her ear. “Surprise!”
Y/N’s jaw dropped. “LAURA?” She ended the call and pulled her friend into a hug.  “Oh my God, come in! What are you doing here?”
Laura laughed. “We had the weekend off from filming so I don’t have to be back on set until Monday afternoon, and you sounded like you needed your bestie, so… here I am!”
“I can’t believe it, I’m so happy to see you!” Y/N paused. “So wait, when you said that you were on your way to set, you were really on your way here?”
Laura nodded. “I had to make sure you were actually here and not out at a bookstore or on a tour or anything.”
Y/N shook her head. “I still can’t believe you! You’re the absolute best, you know that? You HAVE to come to the wrap party with me tonight, especially since you were on the crew for the filming in Europe. I can’t wait to tell Tom that you’re here--” Her eyes widened. “Oh, shit, I literally just made plans to go to dinner and the party with him. That’s ok, I’ll just let him know that I can’t go--”
Laura shook her head. “Absolutely not. You keep your plans, I’ll be fine.”
“No way,” Y/N replied with conviction. “I’m not ditching you when you came all the way from California just to support me. You know what, I’m sure Tom won’t have a problem with you coming too. Let’s go talk to him, he’s right down the hall.”
She grabbed her room key and opened the door, startled to see Tom standing at her door poised to knock. Harrison was standing next to him.
Y/N glanced from Tom to Harrison and back again. “Harrison! Wow, I didn’t know you were coming back into town,” She gave Harrison a quick hug.
Harrison grinned. “Hello, Y/N.”
Y/N stepped out of the doorway. “Come on in, guys.”
Tom and Harrison stepped into the room, Y/N closing the door behind them.
“Um, so I came to tell you that Haz came into town for the party tonight,” Tom began, “but I see that you have a visitor as well…”
“Oh, yeah,” Y/N replied, flustered. “I’d introduce you but it just dawned on me that you guys probably know Laura already.”
Laura nodded and gave a casual wave. “Hi, guys.”
“Ahh yes, Laura, it’s good to see you again,” Tom shook her hand.
Harrison gave Laura a brief hug. “Laura and I hung out on set during filming in Europe.”
“All the crew kinda bonded,” Laura added.
Y/N turned to Tom. “So about tonight… Since Laura and Harrison are both here how about we all go out to dinner together then head to the party?”
Tom glanced over at Harrison, who shrugged. “Oh, erm, ok then. That’s fine.”
“We’ll see you guys at 5 then?”
As soon as Tom and Harrison left, Laura turned to Y/N. “Ok, what are you wearing tonight?”
Y/N shrugged. “Probably just a top & jeans.”
Laura looked horrified. “Nope, nopity nope nope nope. It’s the wrap party, plus your last night in NYC. We're going shopping to find you something extra hot to wear.”
Y/N and Laura spent the next several hours searching for the perfect outfit, finally deciding on a sleeveless red and black lace dress. Laura looked up from her phone and nodded firmly when Y/N stepped out of the dressing room. “That's it. That's the dress. You'll knock Tom's socks off, and maybe even the rest of his clothes too.” She winked.
Y/N covered up a grin with her hand. “Laura!” she chided.
Laura laughed. “Come on, Y/N. You can't tell me you haven't thought about it.”
Y/N thought back to Tom wearing nothing but a towel and blushed.
Laura arched an eyebrow. “Mmm hmm, that's what I thought. Now, I saw the perfect shoes that will go with that dress. Change back into your clothes and let's go.”
When they got back to the hotel around 4 PM Laura begged off of dinner, claiming jet-lag and exhaustion from shopping, and saying that she needed to take a nap and would just meet everyone at the party.
Y/N had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on her door. She turned to Laura. “How do I look?”
“Amazing, girl. Now have a great dinner and I'll see you later, ok?”
Y/N gave Laura a hug. “Ok, see you at the party.”
She took a deep breath and opened the door.
Tom froze when he saw her. “Y/N, you look… Amazing.”
“Thank you,” Y/N replied bashfully.
She exited the room and shut the door behind her.
“Laura’s not coming?” Tom asked.
Y/N shook her head. “Laura said she was tired so she’ll just meet us at the party.” She looked around. “Wait, where’s Harrison?”
“He said something came up - phone conference or something - so he's going to meet us at the party too.” Tom shrugged casually. “So I guess it's just us, then.”
Y/N bit her lip. “Honestly, I don't mind. I'm glad we'll be able to have dinner together one last time, you know, just the two of us, before we go our separate ways tomorrow.”
“Me too.” Tom offered his arm. “Ready?”
They headed downstairs to where a black SUV was waiting. “Good evening,” the driver said, opening the door for them.
Tom gestured for Y/N to get in first and followed behind her.
“You know, between all the excitement and craziness today I forgot to even ask what you had in mind for dinner,” Y/N said.
Tom smiled at her. “Well, since we had our first official, non-meeting dinner together at Pappardelle, I figured we could go back there for our last as well.”
Aww, that's so sweet, Y/N thought to herself. “I like that idea.”
The car weaved its way through traffic, finally arriving at Pappardelle. Tom held a hand out to help Y/N out of the car, and to her delight, he didn’t let go until they were seated at their table.
Y/N noticed that Tom looked fidgety throughout dinner, but chalked it up to excitement over filming being completed and the wrap party happening.  She also thought Tom looked like he wanted to tell her something, but each time he would open his mouth they would get interrupted by their server delivering something.
Y/N thought they would get a chance to talk on the way to the warehouse, but their Uber driver was especially chatty and they didn’t really talk much in the car. Finally they arrived, Tom taking Y/N’s hand once again as they walked  into the warehouse.  
Y/N was in awe. Tom had told her that Jon would basically turn the warehouse into a nightclub but nothing had prepared her for just how different it would look from when they were filming.
Jon greeted them and told them to enjoy themselves.
They made their way around the warehouse, stopping to talk to various crew members before spotting Zendaya, Jacob, Marisa, and Jon Favreau, who was much more personable in real life than he was as Happy Hogan. Everyone gave Y/N a hug and Marisa, who was definitely the ‘cool aunt’ of the group, said to let her know when Y/N was settled in L.A. so they could have lunch together.
They eventually found Harrison and Laura, who seemed much more refreshed than when Y/N had left her earlier that afternoon.
“Hey guys, how was dinner?” Laura asked.
“Fine, it was fine,” Y/N replied before turning to Harrison. “How did your conference call go?”
“Conference call?” Harrison repeated with a confused expression.
Y/N glanced over at Tom. “Yeah, Tom said you had to skip out on dinner because you had a conference call.”
“Oh, right, my conference call! It went swell, just great. Got loads accomplished. Hated to miss dinner, but you know how it is sometimes.”
Oh, wait, look, there’s Toni,” Laura jumped in quickly. “Harrison, how about we go say hi?”
“Oh, that’s a great idea,” Harrison replied. “We’ll be back in a bit.”
He and Laura rushed off.
“Ok, that was weird,” Y/N said, watching them walk away as the lights dimmed and the DJ that Jon had hired started playing.
Tom tilted his head toward the makeshift dance floor. “Would you like to dance?”
Y/N grinned. “Sure.”
Tom pulled her out onto the dance floor, the memory of them dancing in the nightclub a few weeks earlier coming back to Y/N. After a few songs, the beat slowed down. Y/N took Tom’s offered hand without hesitation, Tom pulling her in close.
Y/N inhaled Tom’s scent, trying to commit it to memory. The realization that filming was well and truly over and that tomorrow would likely be the last time she saw Tom again suddenly hit her. “I’m going to miss you when you go back to London tomorrow,” she confessed, resting her head on Tom’s chest.
Tom cleared his throat. “What if you don’t have to?” he asked.
“What?” Y/N replied in confusion, looking up at him.
“What if I wasn’t going back to London for a while?”
“What do you mean?”
Tom looked around and spotted Harrison and Laura talking to a few of the crew members. “Wait, let’s go somewhere quieter.” He led Y/N to a small hallway off of the main warehouse floor.
“So, what were you saying?” Y/N asked.
Tom fidgeted. “Ok, so no one knows except Haz and my family, but a few months ago I bought a house out in Los Angeles because I’m planning on splitting my time between there and London since so much of my work is filmed in the States.”
“Okay,” Y/N replied.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you at dinner. My flight tomorrow isn’t going back to London, Y/N. It’s going to Los Angeles, where I’ll be for the next several months until I have to start filming The Devil All the Time. We’re going to be in the same city, Y/N, and I’d like to be able to see you.”
“Well then, yeah, of course we can hang out,” Y/N replied.
Tom shook his head and took Y/N's hands in his own. “I don’t mean as just friends,” he murmured. “You are beautiful, kind, funny, and absolutely brilliant. I’m totally mad about you, Y/N, and I’d like to take you on a proper date once we’re back in L.A.”
He caressed Y/N’s face, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ears. The familiar gesture brought back the memory of their kiss, and along with it all of Y/N's feelings she had been so desperately trying to forget. She blinked back tears and nodded. “I’d like that a lot.”
A relieved grin bloomed on Tom’s face. “Yeah?” he asked.
Tom held her gaze. “By the way, I’m completely sober right now,” he said.
Y/N wrinkled her brow quizzically. “Okay?”
Tom grinned. “Just wanted that to be clear before I did this.” He pulled Y/N into his arms and pressed his lips to hers.
Y/N melted into Tom’s embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck and tangling her fingers in his hair as Tom deepened the kiss.
Neither one noticed the fist-bump that Harrison and Laura gave each other before they slipped out of the hallway.
Taglist: @laureharrier @thoughstofaredhead & @greenarrowhead
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forever-yoongis · 5 years
My Chemistry Of Love
Ships: Yoongi x reader
Genre: Fluff and just pure, pure nonsense xD.
I shook my head from side to side and banged my hands against it as if to shake out the painful memories that dared to come back from the far corner of the brain where I had stored them, never to be recalled . Ann,you promised. I told myself. You promised to store away those memories and never bring them back. You promised not to get weak again.
My hospital, patients and even Min Yoongi seemed to be the last things on my mind then. I suddenly went short of breath and gasped as I remembered the months of suffering and acting nonchalant, and how hard it had been to keep my calm. I shook my head furiously.There's no way I was going to trust this man, especially when he's an idol who could have any girl he wanted to when he liked. "Arggh", I was frustrated with myself. Why does it always have to be me?
"Yah, why are you throwing a tantrum? People are getting scared. I heard you kicked the vase near the Section Head's chamber and broke it. What is this, belated revenge?" , Sophie looked mad but I could see the concern in her eyes as she spoke. What is she even talking bout? "Omg when did I do that??" My eyes seemed to pop out of my sockets. "Wow, you don't even remember anything. Brilliant", she started rubbing her temples, looking absolutely done with the shit, aka me. I squinted, trying to hard to recall...remember what I did on the way to m office. My eyes shot open and I gasped. Fuck, that must be it.
"O-oh. I remember now, I think. There was this nurse blocking my way talking to a patient and I really wanted to reach my chamber and so I vaguely remember pushing something--" "Not pushing. You kicked it into pieces", she glared at me. I winced. Just why is my day turning out to be so rotten?! Ugh!! "Alex just might take it the wrong way, Sophie!" I facepalmed. Trust my body reflexes to do something this stupid..."Your brain doesn't let us take revenge.. so we, your body reflexes will do it for you!! Don't you worry", I imagined the conversation that probably was going on inside me. I sighed. As it is, I'm having trouble keeping my feelings for Yoongi at bay. No, scratch that. I don't even fuckin KNOW what my feelings for him are at this point of time. And now this. Jeez, I must be a magnetic centre for all kinds of bad charms that exist on this Earth.
"Now now don't look so glum. We are still here. C'mon cheer up", Sophie gave me a wink. Woman, you actually expect me to cheer up right now. "You are the reason why I'm glum!!!", I rolled my eyes.
"Hey it's done", I saw Sophie turn to give someone a high-five. Now what? The two turned to look at me, grinning widely. "What do you mean? And what are you doing here?" I pointed at Exci who merely shrugged. "Dunno, but the work's done", she snickered. And then, pointing a finger to poke my forehead, she said,
"But you definitely owe us one for this".
So she went on to explain the apparently "fantastically flawless piece of job" she has just executed, not without mixing her lecture with sudden (slightly irrelevant, yeah) claims of how "awesome they are", which would immediately be followed by Sophie's "humble denial" of "we did the duty of best friends", then hurrying on to explain how I still owed them a lot and well...you get it. "Will you just get to the point guys?" I was already trying really hard to keep my face straight.
"Yes yes,but the proper introduction was also necessary", and so she began.
"Take it quick!!", Sophie whispered frantically. "God, what has she been eating? How the hell did she break it into so many pieces in just one kick?", she complained. "Go, go," she shoved the broken pieces into a bag and pushed it into Exci's hand.
Exci had successfully finished replacing the vase with a new one from the store-room. These hospitals, she shook her head, they have placed the same kind of vases everywhere...having like, zero sense of aesthetics. At least, it helped us with our plan.
Clutching the bag tightly, she ran off in search of the Asshol- Section Head, aka Alex. She didn't even have to try hard to find him. He was walking down the stairs casually with his hands in his coat pocket, with that signature smug that seemed to be always there on his face. She rushed towards him, as if in a hurry and ran right into him.
"Oh I'm so sorry!", she apologized dramatically. "I'll pick the pieces up. God, I've become really clumsy lately! I never really meant to throw them at you like that..it's just that I was in a hurry, and you came in my way. I got startled and I threw--" "yeah shut up please. Just look what you did to my face", he snapped. "Oh my god, yes you are badly injured and bleeding. You should really hurry to a doctor who can take those glass pieces off your bod-" "You think I don't know that already!!", he yelled angrily.
"You know what, Ann, I could hardly stop my laughter right then! I would've bursted out if I didn't leave immediately..." , Exci trailed off, chuckling.
"I apologize sincerely. I didn't mean this to happen at all. I'm really sorry that your ugl- I mean, handsome face got all ruined. You probably won't be able to show your pathetic as- I mean, dignified self for a while now. I hope that the nurse that you've been fucki- hanging around with, can treat your wounds properly. I really gotta go now," Exci couldn't help the smile that broke out on her face. But Alex was too much in pain to notice and replied with an angry mumble. " I threw the pieces in a dustbin and came running here. And that's it", she ended.
" I threw the pieces in a dustbin and came running here. And that's it", she ended.
"I really can't believe what you did--" I burst out laughing, holding my stomach. Gasping and out of breath, I looked at the two girls in front of me. They really do know exactly how to make me feel better. I shook my head.
What am I ever gonna do without you", I smiled trying hard to not burst into laughter again. "Exactly. What will you ever do without us?", Sophie repeated in a sing-song voice giggling hysterically. "But that jerk really deserved it" , Exci added seriously. "I can already imagine how the nurses are gonna react on seeing his "pretty face"--- which is pretty ugly if you ask me-- all ruined," she let out a short laugh. I moved forward to give them a hug. "Thanks a lot really", I said. "Nah nah, the school momma is actually supposed to save her kid's ass", Sophie winked at us and I laughed.
I pulled away laughing with them. God, this really feels good. I really needed this thing right now, I sighed. The playful banter and laughing went on for while after that and before we realized, it was already five in the afternoon.
A nurse peeped in. "Doctor, I think it's time for you to check on the VIP. Plus, you'll need to do something for he's refusing to have anything, even his medicines. He didn't even have breakfast. Awfully grumpy since morning", the nurse added worriedly.
The chair made a scraping sound as I stood up. "Time to go for work now I guess. I need to check on my patient," I sighed. My two friends gave me a thumbs-up and waved me off. "Good luck for dealing with extra grumpiness~" she chuckled at her own words. I waved at them and started towards the door.
"Oh and Ann?" I turned around. "Believe in second chances. Don't let one betrayal prevent you from letting others in. Don't let go of chances, you never know what might happen", Exci smiled a little at me.
I smiled back wistfully and nodded my head before shutting the door to the room.
"Oh and Ann? Believe in second chances", Exci's voice kept echoing in my head mirroring the echoes of my footsteps as I walked down the silent corridor.
She was right, but how could I possibly open up again when the wounds have not healed yet? Another betrayal would break me completely. I cannot go through those months of pain and indifference again...but can I also push away the feelings that have been bottling up inside me? But he's an idol, Ann! A voice inside my head kept insisting. He probably has had thousands of such girls until now. And thousands more who are dying to be with him... He could throw anyone away just like that, not even breaking a sweat. Try being realistic. And what has he done to prove he likes you anyways? I shook my head.
You wouldn't have thought of this if Alex hadn't betrayed you. Another voice interrupted. What if he's different? Are all idols really that rotten and heartless? How well do you know them? You might be letting go of the man who could've loved you truly. Going through a heartbreak is one thing, but living the rest of your life wondering "what if I had done something different?" is even more awful.
I sighed. I was completely torn apart, unable to decide what I should do. I don't even know if he looks at me the same way..if all his flirting really meant anything. What did he do to make me fall so hard for him? I chuckled bitterly.
Suddenly, I heard voices from a nearby room. The door was cracked open. I peeped in to see a nurse bandaging Alex, who was sitting on the bed groaning in pain. A few other nurses "ooh-ed" and "ahh-ed", hovering around him while five or six of them stood at the door whispering to each other. Such jobless losers, I thought.
"Don't you have any other work to do except gossipping here?", I snapped at the nurses who stood at the door. They turned around, wide-eyed with alarm. "Dr Ann-- the Section Head got inju-" "yeah yeah I can see that", I interrupted them with a bored look on my face. "But what are YOU people here for? He doesn't need so many people looking after him. Just one nurse is enough", I said pointing to the one who was stitching up his wounds. "The ER is currently running short of staff. Leave immediately," I said. "But doct-" "If you don't wanna lose your jobs, stop slacking off", I warned. They gasped and hurried off.
I could feel Alex's eyes on me as I sighed and walked away, hands shoved inside my lab coat pockets.
As I turned to enter the VIP section, a sudden laugh escaped my throat. Serves him right. I thought. Exci really did a great job. Now he won't be able to go around showing that smug smile---which I hate so much---- for awhile. I laughed loudly that echoed off the walls of the small corridor that lead to Room no 206. Dunno why, but seeing him that injured and in pain gave me made me much more happy than I would've thought. My,my what a sadist I am, I chuckled softly. I pushed open the door. Jerks like him deserve to die in a hole-
"You seem to be in a good mood", a voice said. The laughter died in my throat as I saw Yoongi sitting on the bed in front of me. He looked sour and tired. The usual glint in his eyes was not there. The words got caught up in my throat and I suddenly didn't trust my voice to speak. Giving him a small smile, I walked towards the table kept by his aide. Indeed, he didn't take his medicines. I looked at him."The nurses told me you haven't been eating".
He let out a humourless laugh. "What am I? A child? I can choose if I want to eat or not", he retorted. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I replied back, "Not when you're here. Your company has entrusted with your well-being. I don't want people to point fingers at me if something went wrong".
Also, I would never forgive myself if you ruined your health here. I thought. He suddenly became quiet. I looked at him suspiciously, but he avoided my gaze. "If that's only the reason why you always seemed so concerned, please don't bother from now on. I'll make sure my company doesn't blame you for anything", he replied softly. I raised an eyebrow. "Where's all that attitude coming from? And I don't get what you mean", I replied confused at his sudden mood swings. "Never mind then",he let out a dry chuckle. "I'm sorry for not being able to read you correctly," he smiled sadly at me. "You were really different for me", he added softly. He looked at me expectantly, his fists clenched at his sides.
I froze in my track. His last words kept echoing inside my head. Is this really what I think it is? But I was too afraid to hope. I brought my hand in an attempt to calm my heart that was beating erratically inside my chest. I shut my eyes. Was this really worth it? "What do you mean by 'different'?", I opened my eyes to see him looking down at his hands. "Never mind that", he shook his head, lying down and turning to the side. "Ann,believe in second chances", Exci's voice repeated in my head. I decided right then that I couldn't let go of this opportunity, couldn't let go of him. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life wondering what could've had happened if I acted differently.
I walked up to his bed and shook him gently. "Please have your meals. Don't take out your anger on the food just because you are upset with me. You can't go without food", I told him softly. He scoffed. " Don't you think you're thinking too high of yourself?Why on Earth will I be upset with you? You did make it clear that I was nothing but a patient. Did you ever heard a patient getting mad at his doctor?", He laughed. I sat down beside his lying figure. "Yoongi",I called him by his name. I shook him again. "Yoongi please". He went absolutely still in my hands. I removed my hands, panic seizing me as I realized he didn't probably want me to call him that. There was silence in the room except for my beating heart. I shut my eyes in despair thinking that I made a mistake again. "Say that again", he demanded, still not moving to look at my face. It was now my turn to go still. What did he just ask me to do? My heart threatened to burst out of my chest cavity by now.
"Yoongi", I whispered, fearing my voice might crack if I spoke too loud. "Come have your food because I sure as hell won't be having mine unless you finish it", I ended, looking at him. He finally turned around to look at me. With the rays of light falling on his lying figure through the window, he was by far the most beautiful thing I had seen. I seemed to lose my voice again when he softly stretched out one of his arms to hold my hand that was clenched by my side. Softly moving his thumb over my knuckles, he smiled. And for the first time today, it actually seemed to reach his eyes. "Will you feed me then?", he asked me expectantly. He fixed an intense gaze on my face as if trying to assess how genuine I had been. "Feed me Anna, that'll be the only way you can make me eat from today".
My breath hitched as I nodded my head furiously because I felt if I opened my mouth now, I'll break into tears. Finally, he showed me his gummy smile that I had come to fall in love with, and with that, he said," Come let's eat. I have been starving".
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ryttu3k · 6 years
Running order is out! First, my semi-final scores; second, my semi-final comments in the new running order.
My semi-final scores:
10/12: Israel, Australia 8/12: Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Finland, Cyprus, Serbia, Netherlands, Hungary, Ukraine 7/12: Austria, Norway, Denmark, Moldova, Slovenia 6/12: Albania, Estonia, Ireland 5/12: Sweden 4/12: Lithuania
Ukraine: Gotta say, I quite like the creativity with the staging this year. Like, no LEDs? Okay, no problem. PIANO COFFIN. You know what, new vampire movie with this guy and Cesar. He is now PLAYING the piano coffin. That was a fun finish! 8/12
Spain: Oh god it's also slow and it doesn't even have cute hair.
Slovenia: Okay this has more energy! Even if it is weirdly monotone? Oh, there’s a range! Okay nah sorry it’s basically at one note. Like if the whole song was the chorus I'd be more into it but the verse parts kinda bring it down. WHOOPS THE MUSIC BROKE. 7/12
Lithuania: Singer please we're not at this li'l indie acoustic gig we're at Eurovision please act like it. Like it's a nice song, it’s just not screaming Eurovision, you know? And now there's a dude for some heterosexuality. 4/12
Austria: That is some cool staging/lighting. Not sure what to make of the song itself, it's a bit 90s ballad. He also seems to be wearing vinyl. Oh my god the big-ass projected image XD And he's off the stage! Always good to go for a wander. 7/12
Estonia: Wow that is an interesting dress. Alas, it is not necessarily accompanied by an interesting song. 6/12
Norway: Oh god he's back. Full disclosure last time I hated Fairytale so much my comment was somewhat along the likes of 'I want to beat him with his own violin' so. This might be interesting. Ah. Karaoke. Okay it's kind of cheesy as hell and yet. I am leg-jiggling. Why am I leg-jiggling. Could it be I am actually enjoying this? An interesting proposition. 7/12
Portugal: Oh god it's a slow ballad. At least her hair is cute.
UK: Okay marginally better. And I never thought I'd say that about the UK XD
Serbia: Okay, this is more Eurovision! We have drums, an old man on a traditional instrument, and strobe lights, plus European languages! Uh, is that the Seal of Rassilon? You know, I can dig this! 8/12
Germany: Nah, too sincere-sounding.
Albania: Are those pop rivets on the edge of the lapels? Interesting fashion sense. Super weird disconnect here, like they have a rock band aesthetic going on but accidentally picked up a 90s ballad. Props for own language, though! Oh, and some high notes! 6/12
France: Yeah, it's okay. Could be okay on the night. I like the sneakers.
Czech Republic: Oh there we go, something nice and weird! Did I just spot a legit neon 90s parka there for a sec? Update: parka is now breakdancing. He's like the world's edgiest private school boy. You go edgy schoolboy here are eight points for you for not being a ballad. 8/12
Denmark: Very intense Vikings. Songwise-though I got nothin'. 7/12
Australia: OKAY HERE WE GO. GO JESSICA GO. Okay that lighting is rad, she looks cute as hell, and the song is energetic and fun! And now FIRE. Hell yeah good shit good shit! 10/12
Finland: SHE SPIN. This is a look. And some pyrotechnics and a stage dive! I can dig this! 8/12
Bulgaria: I love how there's all these super-elaborate costumes and then one guy is just wearing a sweater. It does build up nicely! Slow start then goes harder, nice. 8/12
Moldova: Some weird, nice. Bit too hetero, didn't you get the message, Moldova? The staging gimmick is really fun, though, and it has a bit of energy! 7/12
Sweden: The lighting is great but you do actually need a song as well as lighting effects... 5/12
Hungary: Bless you Hungary for properly waking me up at this hour of 6 AM! CROWDSURFING. Fuck it I am going for the loud barefoot screaming dude. 8/12
Israel: Oh this is... fun as shit! Chicken house music. I like her hair. The cat statues in the background.  It's weird as shit and super Eurovision and also disconcertingly catchy, now that is Eurovision! 10/12
Netherlands: Why - why does Netherlands always do something countryish. That's a really weird consistent theme. Oh my god what is that jacket. Okay it's country but it's also fun as shit. 8/12
Ireland: Okay with the way the light reflected on the mic for a moment I thought he was legit wearing a priest collar thing. Oh look at all the lights! Alas, it is peak ballad. Oh, an extra point for some gay. 6/12
Cyprus: Oh she is very sparkly. Some good energy and fun and LITERAL FIRE to finish the night off! 8/12
Italy: Karaoke apparently!
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ceallachs-m · 7 years
Replies to people regarding the previous ask~
harmonization replied to your post “Why do you feel the need to refer the characters (Danganronpa)...”
if you wanted to run with the "akakuro is an abusive ship" argument, anon, you probably shouldn't have said that pedo/philes are better. you could've presented some solid facts/evidence from canon to support your statement but ???? honestly, you immediately lost the argument as soon as you went there.
It’s pretty obvious from that alone that they didn’t come to my blog for an intelligent discussion, so there really wasn’t much to argue with in the first place. ww 
russianniko replied to your post “Why do you feel the need to refer the characters (Danganronpa)...”
I'M IN STITCHES LAUGHING AT THIS OH MY GOD XD some people man :'D this makes me wanna make more akakuro, maybe i'll revive my dead blog with akakuro doodle spam yes
I hope anon enjoys all the akakuro posts that’ll come out of this. 
masuchiii replied to your post “Why do you feel the need to refer the characters (Danganronpa)...”
anon's logic backfired in less than a sec, because if we are "delusional" for shipping a couple that "won't ever happen", doesn't anon fall under the same category? knb wasn't meant to be a... bl anime in the first place. so your whole list of other ships that are ">" akakuro kinda /whooshes/ out the window... besides, what a person ships does not = their beliefs irl, dumb anon :O... i'm sorry that you had to have this bitter anon pop up in your inbox ;n;
They can enjoy their literal pile of garbage and pe/do/phil/ic old men over akakuro for all I care honestly lol. I know people get hysterical about their ships -- I did (and do) too sometimes so I get it, trust me, so I just brush these off. How you perceive a character and their relationship with others is entirely up to you. You can take canon to heart or completely disregard it. At the end of the day, people would ship Kuroko with an actual basketball and it’s not your place to say they shouldn’t lol. You may not be happy about it, but there really isn’t anything you can do but move along.
I’m fine though, don’t worry! I have many more important things to do with my life than trying to please an anon because they feel offended by what I ship lmao.
nijidesuyo replied to your post “Why do you feel the need to refer the characters (Danganronpa)...”
Lol that person just made me love AkaKuro even more :P
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Oct 9 Dancitron Movie Night - Matrix: Revolutions
Prowl feels accomplished; not only did he make it through the movie emotionally intact, he even managed to keep talking while barely faltering during one of the scenes that scratched at one of his trauma triggers.
After the movie Soundwave showed Prowl where his optical sensors are in alt-mode and Prowl subtly confirmed that his light bar does function as optics, making Soundwave the first person he’s informed. Their trust exercises look weird.
ItsyBitsySpyers 7:56 pm *Soundwave has made himself quite comfortable on his usual seat, one feeler propping his legs up, the other serving as combination pillow for himself and head scratcher for the Ravage on the couch's arm.* Me 7:58 pm *appears, checks to ensure that his usual spot is free, nods hello to Ravage since he's nearby, and sits.* Swoop 7:59 pm *slides into the room, still LITERALLY smoking hot* Purgatori 7:59 pm *Does Ratchet even want to know what you did, Swoop* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:00 pm *Soundwave bobs his helm hello at Prowl and glances over in Ratchet's direction. That's a new fa-- oh Primus, Swoop's smoking.*
[[Do that outside.]] [[Greetings, Ratchet.]] Purgatori 8:01 pm "Soundwave." *Theres another glance at Swoop, and then a soft sigh and an optic roll* Swoop 8:01 pm *has no idea what Soundwave is 'talking' about and skitters around the room* Bird! *is a very real risk of setting off any sprinkler system in here* boomtank 8:01 pm ((rabbit, what did you do? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:02 pm [[Bird is outside.]] Lies. [[If you want to find her, you have to look for her.]] Purgatori 8:02 pm *pulls out a fire blanket and rubbs Swoop down* Swoop 8:02 pm *dives for the door but is intercepted* ????????????? *so much wiggles* Purgatori 8:03 pm *Ratchet isnt smiling, no hes not* *Releases Swoop* "There." Bevel 8:04 pm *got a makeover between movie nights like y'do* Swoop 8:04 pm *FLAILS right into a heap on the floor* boomtank 8:05 pm -wanders in, looking vaguely out of it- Purgatori 8:05 pm *Puts blanket away, returns to his corner spot* Swoop 8:05 pm *giggles to himself then POPS up and rushes out the door to find Bird* Bevel 8:05 pm Was Swoop dirty? Me 8:05 pm *Hm. Two new people here tonight.* Swoop 8:05 pm *is dirty all day every day* Me 8:06 pm *Oblivious to the fact that one of the new people is an old people.* Purgatori 8:06 pm I did not want him to set the sprinklers off. I have given up on giving him a bath. Swoop 8:06 pm *is a stinky boy all over the roof of Dancitron, this is not what you told him Soundwave, where is Bird???* Bevel 8:07 pm *that's a perfectly normal reaction to her picking a new frame, Prowl* ...Sprinklers? Was he on fire? *and she missed it? boo* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm ((OKAY back had to fill in new guest 😄 )) Purgatori 8:08 pm When is he not on fire, is the correct question. He is a Dinobot. He catches himself and half the Ark on fire most of the time. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm *Bird appears at the roof and looks at Swoop.* {{What you upping here for? Go inside, is movie.}} Purgatori 8:09 pm Also, it has come to my attention I do not know who you are. I am Ratchet. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm ((FIVE MINUTE WARNING grab snacks)) Swoop 8:09 pm Looking for Bird!! Keheh It WORK Bevel 8:09 pm *hums* Side effect of breathing fire. Me 8:09 pm ((*has fooded and is ready*)) Bevel 8:10 pm ((*also has food as you well know* boomtank 8:10 pm ((-is working on blog-)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((OKAY LEMME THINK NOW warnings warnings... uhh violence and blood, probably some cursing, one of the nightclubs has got fetish gear and stuff going, early 2000s Edginess, discussion of self harm annnnd i feel like I'm forgetting something but it won't come to mind so yeah)) Purgatori 8:12 pm *slips into a seat* boomtank 8:12 pm -going to sit somewhere he can and try to focus- Swoop 8:13 pm *follows after Bird, whether that be to the movies or not he genuinely doesn't care* Bevel 8:13 pm ((I like the warning for early 2000 edge. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm *She's definitely going inside. And sitting by Blaster. Because Swoop will follow and it's funny.* Bevel 8:14 pm *Bevel will look for twins before she decides on a seat* boomtank 8:14 pm -curious glance over at Laserbeak- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm *Twins are on their own seat; Bevel is welcome to join.* Swoop 8:14 pm *is apparently going to be by Blaster now* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm ((WE'RE DOIN THIS)) Bevel 8:15 pm *she will do just that, budge over lil bits* boomtank 8:15 pm -waitwhatno- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm @P: (txt): Reminder: Agent Smith invasion: continued theme. Swoop 8:15 pm *sprawls out, wings everywhere, watching Bird* Purgatori 8:15 pm *rolls eyes at Swoop* Me 8:16 pm @S «Noted.» *He didn't expect anything else.* boomtank 8:16 pm -shoves at Swoop- Hey! Swoop 8:16 pm *immediately digs in when he's shoved and snaps his head to stare at Blaster* boomtank 8:17 pm Could you scoot over a bit? Swoop 8:17 pm No boomtank 8:17 pm ..... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Laserbeak cackles quietly to herself.* boomtank 8:17 pm You're literally on top of me Swoop 8:18 pm *literally any volume of Bird laughing is encouragement in Swoop's book* Yah. boomtank 8:18 pm I'm not part of the seating ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm ((gdit my audio glitched. one sec)) Purgatori 8:19 pm *Why does this mech look like a holoform of Megatron* Swoop 8:19 pm Keh! Dinobot sit aaaaaaaanywhere boomtank 8:19 pm Yes, sure, but not on me Swoop 8:19 pm Yah on you Purgatori 8:19 pm [[ oh my god the little bing saying ur friends with someone sounds like an airplane]] boomtank 8:20 pm ((hehe Purgatori 8:20 pm *soft chuckles under his breath at Blaster* boomtank 8:20 pm No, not on me. Off. Swoop 8:20 pm No boomtank 8:20 pm Get off. Swoop 8:20 pm Make me boomtank 8:20 pm Seriously? Swoop 8:20 pm *chuckles with flames in his throat* Purgatori 8:20 pm Swoop, no. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm [[Laserbeak.]]
{{Boooooo.}} She pats Swoop on the wing. {{You move, not on Blastbutt.}} Purgatori 8:21 pm *rubs his face tiredly* Swoop 8:21 pm *sits up, optics wide, and blinks at Laserbeak* ???? Move? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm {{Yes, yes. No bumping. Bird only.}} boomtank 8:21 pm -scrubs at his face- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm [[The Oracle hu-- program is different.]] boomtank 8:22 pm -he's too tired/frazzled/out of it for this- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *Interested lean* Me 8:22 pm ... Is it? Swoop 8:22 pm *sliiiiiiiiiides away from Blaster, clearly off put and pouting* boomtank 8:22 pm Thank you ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm [[It is.]] He turns to Prowl and shows the different voice prints on his screen - without sound, so as not to interrupt the movie. Swoop 8:23 pm Meh meh meh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm *Laserbeak pats Swoop's arm and trills. A good minion.* Swoop 8:24 pm .... *okay he's good now* <3 Me 8:24 pm *... Okay, he supposes those look different.* boomtank 8:25 pm -just realizing he has no idea what is going on in the movie- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm //Sounds like Functionist scrap.// Purgatori 8:26 pm *unsettled ruffling of plating* boomtank 8:26 pm ..... Swoop 8:26 pm *picks his seat, this is so talky, blah* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm {{It fight later, you see.}} Bevel 8:27 pm I like those programs. Swoop 8:27 pm Us watch ALL fighting movie next, Bird! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm {{Nooo, next week Vulcan week. Week after, that big fighting, war, gods.}} Swoop 8:29 pm What Vulcan week means? Bevel 8:29 pm Aliens. Purgatori 8:29 pm Oh. I know Vulcans ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm *Soundwave perks.* Bevel 8:31 pm Vulcans are neat but I like Klingons best so far. And Odo. Purgatori 8:31 pm Klingons. Why is it always Klingons Me 8:31 pm ... Know them personally? Or by reputation? Swoop 8:31 pm *transforms in to robotmode and pulls a well nibbled goodie out of subspace to gnaw on* Bevel 8:31 pm *grins and sticks her tongue out at Ratchet* Purgatori 8:32 pm [unimpressed stare at bevel] Me 8:33 pm @S «... I'm confused, let me make sure I have all this straight.» Bevel 8:33 pm Klingons are warriors! They fight for honor and stuff. Even if bat'leths would be really bad weapons in real life. Purgatori 8:33 pm There is no way that these humans are moving like this Me 8:34 pm @S «There are three worlds; the machine world, the Matrix—both of which are digital—and the physical world. That train goes between the two digital worlds. Correct?» Purgatori 8:34 pm Damnit Bevel, im a doctor, not a warrior. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm *Frenzy LAUGHS* Swoop 8:34 pm Me SWOOP am warrior!! *about falls over himself to announce this fact to the room* Bevel 8:35 pm I think the doctor is human. Purgatori 8:35 pm He is human. Me 8:35 pm You missed the first two movies, Ratchet. They AREN'T moving like that. Most of this movie takes place in a virtual world. Their minds are plugged into a video game, more or less. boomtank 8:35 pm .....? Purgatori 8:35 pm A video game. Of course. Swoop 8:35 pm Game? Game! Us play game instead of boring talk movie! Bevel 8:36 pm Than you can be the human doctor and I can be the Klingon warrior and everyone is happy. 😄 Purgatori 8:36 pm A neck brace? What is she doing out of themedbay? Swoop 8:36 pm ((This early 2000s edge is killing me)) Purgatori 8:37 pm Someone get that woman a better fitting shirt boomtank 8:37 pm ...I am...kinda...lost Swoop 8:37 pm ((everyone on screen thinks they are so fucking cool good lord XD)) Me 8:37 pm @S «So. WHICH way were the two adult programs and their offspring trying to go? To the Matrix, right? Then... were they coming BACK from the machine world? Why, if they'd met with the man here, who's in the Matrix, not the machine world? And they said that only the child could stay in the Matrix, correct? So why were the other two accompanying her?» Swoop 8:37 pm *slides down in his seat like every word is physically weighting this poor flaplingdown* *he's going to get crushed someone save him from the talk* Purgatori 8:38 pm *Be strong, Swoop. Be strong for Bird* boomtank 8:38 pm ....... Swoop 8:38 pm KEHEHHE Her good Her KICK no more talk talk talk talk Bevel 8:39 pm *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm @Prowl: (txt): Machine world: not digital. Machine world shares human physical world, area: separate. There, machines, programs: created. Obsolete machines: recalled, deleted-destroyed.
Train permits connection, travel deep into Matrix, entity base preservation. Alternative: Old Matrix into New Matrix. These, exiles, hunted - Keymaker, ghosts, Sati program. boomtank 8:40 pm -still has no idea what is going on, and kinda going back to his data-pad now- Swoop 8:40 pm ((God so much of these movies rest on the shoulders of Trinity's powerful, knowing love being a force everyone must recognize and she just...)) Purgatori 8:40 pm *soft frown* Me 8:40 pm @S «... Programs can't be in the physical world. They're programs.» @S «Do the programs have physical bodies?» Purgatori 8:42 pm *this hits really close to home* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm @P: (txt): Physical bodies: machines. Digital bodies: programs. When through train, programs:... camouflaged. Machine control: removed. Swoop 8:43 pm *paws at Bird's wing* Me Swoop like, uh, like on YouTube, slow-- Slow Mo Bros. Us watch shoot stuff in slow motion EXPLODE kehhhehhhhe watch that instead of talk talk TALK movie! Me 8:43 pm *These are digital projections of their identities. For her to have been INTERNALLY changed so much she can't even recognize herself...* boomtank 8:43 pm -so very very lost- *His fuel tank twists.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm {{Swoop want going room, watch them? Not stay here?}} Swoop 8:44 pm Me Swoop want to hang out with Bird : > Purgatori 8:45 pm *soft stare* Me 8:46 pm @S «... The Source. That's what I meant by machine world. They speak of a source that programs go to and come. They treat it like it's different from the physical world.» Bevel 8:46 pm Uh-oh. Me 8:47 pm @S «The train DIDN'T go to the source? It went back and forth from the physical world and the Matrix. Why were three programs going back and forth? The child had obviously been made IN the Matrix, even if the other two had physical machine bodies it was likely she did not, how could she have left?» Me 8:48 pm @S «...The programs CAN'T have physical bodies. If they did, they couldn't be refugees inside the Matrix, because the machines on the outside could just destroy their physical bodies. Right?» Purgatori 8:48 pm Oh no ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm @P: (txt): ...Perhaps Sati: machine world creation without physical form? Program written there, noticed, smuggled into Matrix. Existence similarity... Tarantulas' AI? Me 8:50 pm *Goes still as he tries not to think about how all of those were people.* Purgatori 8:51 pm *Freezes* *clutches arms so tight plating creaks* Me 8:51 pm @S «That's what I'm saying. She doesn't have a physical form. There have to be—» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm *...Now, Prowl, he expects. Ratchet's reaction is new.* Bevel 8:51 pm *gasps* boomtank 8:51 pm ................ Me 8:51 pm @S «... Have to be programs without physical forms.» Swoop 8:51 pm *looks upside down at Ratchet* ?? boomtank 8:52 pm -Blaster is now leaving the room, byyyye- Swoop 8:52 pm *FLOPS ON HIS BELLY AND CONQUERS THE ENTIRE SOFA* *SWOOP WINS AT SITTING* Purgatori 8:54 pm *forces himself to release his arms, theres a slight tremble to his hands now* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm @P: (txt): Then this... term. Secret upload. Machine creators entered Matrix - this, allowed - encountered Merovingian. Deal created. Creators re-entered physical world, gathered secret program, uploaded all selves. Train: secret path into Matrix. After Sati: delivered, safe, creators returned. Other machines: without knowledge. boomtank 8:56 pm -Yes, Swoop, the entire sofa is yours. Blaster has vacated entierly- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm *Soundwave nods to Blaster, who appears to be leaving. These ARE difficult films to get through.* Me 8:56 pm @S «... Makes sense.» Purgatori 8:56 pm *clenches fist tightly* *scrubs at his faceplates* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm [[Are you well, doctor?]] Swoop 8:57 pm *kicks his feet absentmindedly and chirps to himself* boomtank 8:57 pm -quick and absent wave at Soundwave as he passes- Me 8:57 pm *Glances over?* Purgatori 8:57 pm Im fine. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm [[...We do have a bar.]] *If Ratchet needs to drown something out.* Purgatori 8:59 pm *slowly stands, shaking out clenched plating* Swoop 8:59 pm *notices Ratchet going and stares at him all the way* Purgatori 8:59 pm Can I help you, Swoop? Swoop 8:59 pm Hi Purgatori 9:00 pm Hello Bevel 9:00 pm *frowns worriedly at Ratchet before looking back at the movie* Swoop 9:00 pm *waves* boomtank 9:00 pm -might be back. Later. Lots later- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm *As you need, Blaster.* Purgatori 9:00 pm [i dont actually know much about the bar do i need to pay for things] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm ((payment is just bartering, trading interesting or useful things/data)) ((that's just the booze; snacks are out in the open and free)) Purgatori 9:01 pm [[wjat tje hell does ratchet have thats interesting]] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm ((data on his timeline)) Swoop 9:01 pm *chews on the arm of the couch* Purgatori 9:01 pm *Glances at the bar, walks by swoop and gently whaps him on the helm* Stop that Swoop 9:02 pm !!! :V What stop? Purgatori 9:02 pm I will sit on you, Swoop Swoop 9:02 pm No! Kehehh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm [[He likes the Niobe human.]] [[She has a sharp glossa.]] Purgatori 9:02 pm Couches are not for chewing. Swoop 9:03 pm Me Swoop chewing couch : > Purgatori 9:03 pm Do you need a chewtoy. I have one that squeaks Swoop 9:03 pm *grabby hands* Purgatori 9:03 pm ....is he talking like that other human Swoop 9:03 pm *GRABBY HANDS* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm [[The Smith Agent? Yes.]] [[He bears a copy in his mind.]] Purgatori 9:04 pm *pulls out chewtoy* Swoop 9:04 pm !!! Purgatori 9:04 pm Do you promise not to chew on the couch. Swoop 9:04 pm No : > Dinobots chew EVERYTHING Purgatori 9:04 pm Then no chewtoy Swoop 9:05 pm ????????? Purgatori 9:05 pm *subspaces it* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm [[Dinobots will stick to chewing themselves instead of his property if they wish to visit his deployers.]] Purgatori 9:05 pm Thank you, Soundwave. Swoop 9:05 pm *what? is? happening???? he just?? wants?? to BITE????* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm *Bets Ratchet's not had to say THAT before.* Purgatori 9:05 pm *You would be surprised* Swoop 9:06 pm *chitters at Bird* Purgatori 9:06 pm *Now, thanking Megatron was an experience Ratchet never wants to repeat* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm @Prowl: (txt): Prowl's decision, Neo departure intention? Hypothetical situation. Bevel 9:07 pm *only Megatron worth thanking is a negative polarity one* Swoop 9:07 pm *is sooooooo sad you guys* *for real* Me 9:07 pm @S «... I wasn't paying close enough attention.» Purgatori 9:07 pm *softly clenches fist* *walks back to his table* Swoop 9:08 pm *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* Bevel 9:09 pm ((this actor is really good dang ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm @P: (txt): Machines approach human city. Humans intended return. Neo wanted own ship, purpose: approach machine city. This, impossible; captain protested, refused, reason: ship, manpower waste. Other captain shared ship. Swoop 9:10 pm *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* Purgatori 9:10 pm *throws a wrench at swoop* Swoop 9:10 pm !!! KEHHEHHEHHHEHHHH ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *Laserbeak snatches it out of the air with a feeler. And subspaces it. This is hers now.* Swoop 9:10 pm Ow! *is clearly entertained and not hurt* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm [[No violence. That is the first rule. Consider this your only warning.]] [[He will bridge you both.]] Swoop 9:10 pm *grins at Bird* Me 9:11 pm @S «Wouldn't be able to...» Purgatori 9:11 pm Apologies Swoop 9:11 pm You Bird FAST fighter! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm {{Bird BEST fighter.}} boomtank 9:11 pm -peers back in- !!!! Swoop 9:12 pm Better than GRIMLOCK? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm ((THAT'S the other thing i was gonna warn for. flashing. my bad)) Me 9:12 pm @S «... Wouldn't be able to decide without a, a thorough knowledge. Of the forces—that the machines were throwing at Zion, the forces the... humans were able to muster... the forces facing them in the machine city, and—and the objective they're pursuing in the machine city.» boomtank 9:12 pm -BAD timing- Me 9:13 pm *Hah. HAHH. He was able to speak the entire way through Smith visually puppetting someone else.* Purgatori 9:13 pm *plating pulls tight to his frame* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm *Good, because partial distraction was his goal.* Swoop 9:13 pm Ratchet boomtank 9:13 pm -back to being out of the room- Swoop 9:14 pm Ratchet. Me Swoop want toy now. Purgatori 9:14 pm *stares at Swoop* Swoop 9:14 pm *stares back* Bevel 9:14 pm *shifts uncomfortably* Purgatori 9:15 pm I could fix that, make it slimmer. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm @Prowl: (txt): Fair. Perhaps once answers: gathered.
Lean accepted? Purgatori 9:15 pm The waste of power they have making it large and showey is ridiculous Swoop 9:15 pm Ratchet Purgatori 9:15 pm Thats my name, its already worn out Swoop 9:15 pm Me Swoop WANT toy now ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm [[...These remind him of the Ripley human.]] [[He likes her better.]] Me 9:16 pm *It wasn't a distraction, it was a TEST. And Prowl passed. He's getting stronger.* Bevel 9:16 pm Ripley was awesome. Purgatori 9:16 pm *pulls toy out of subspace* I actually know that one. Swoop 9:16 pm *peep* Purgatori 9:16 pm With the ones who bleed acid. *moves closer to Swoop, tucks toy in his hands* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm [[Yes. Everyone should know that one. And the others. They are excellent.]] Swoop 9:17 pm *reaches* Purgatori 9:17 pm My favorite is the second one. Alien...s? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[Correct. With a]] Tiniest hesitation. [[Xenomorph Queen.]]
[[You have good taste, Bevel.]] *Now to see if the Niobe human pilots as well as she claims.* Bevel 9:18 pm *grins* Course I do. Purgatori 9:18 pm *holds out toy towards Swoop* They are naked Swoop 9:19 pm *SNATCHES up the toy* Purgatori 9:19 pm *soft engine rumble, that was rude, boy* Swoop 9:19 pm *is a rude boy* Purgatori 9:19 pm *ruffles helm* boomtank 9:19 pm -peers back in again- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm \\HA! LOOKIT THAT DRILL. HOT DAMN.\\ Swoop 9:19 pm *chatters while gnawing on the toy and leaning into helm pets* Purgatori 9:19 pm I have pulled things like that out of mechs before ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm \\PERSONAL GOALS, TELL YA WHAT.\\ Purgatori 9:20 pm *scritches at swoops helm* boomtank 9:20 pm -yeah, no, he's back out again- Swoop 9:21 pm *tilts his head at the best/weirdest angle possible to ensure max scritches while he works on murdering this chew toy* Swoop 9:22 pm *mumbles incoherently around the toy* Purgatori 9:22 pm *This is where Kup would have a war story to tell* Swoop 9:23 pm *people who can read minds might know this is where swoop is calling things boring because there's no splatter and also no one flies again for some reason* Purgatori 9:23 pm These things are smart Bevel 9:24 pm Whoa. Swoop 9:24 pm Them HIT Me 9:24 pm If they were smarter they'd have known that maneuver made them a concentrated target. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm ((i was shooing the cat, what maneuver/what's smart)) Purgatori 9:24 pm Some died, but they managed to take out a military outpost Swoop 9:25 pm Them all fly apart Then hard to shoot All everywhere Me 9:25 pm They could have taken it out with less deaths if they'd started out separately and timed their flights so that they would collide at the same spot at the same time despite coming from different directions. Swoop 9:25 pm Or go in between Me 9:25 pm If they'd been shaped like a funnel instead of a worm. Purgatori 9:25 pm *vauge hand gestures, this is where Prowl knows more about things* Swoop 9:26 pm Them noodles not very good fighting. Them just headbutt. Bite? No long distance weapon! Dumb. Me Swoop could melt soooo much EVERYTHING same path. boomtank 9:27 pm -okay, no, this time he's gonna come back in and sit where he can.- Purgatori 9:27 pm This one looks like Ripley in the third installment Swoop 9:27 pm Bird much much better fighting ZAPPING than those thing! Because shoot. : > Me 9:28 pm ((very belated reply: all the squids started flying together in a stream and rammed into the control center where the humans were directing the battle to knock it over.)) Swoop 9:28 pm Bird better GRABBER than them too! Purgatori 9:28 pm *soft chuckling* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm ((OH YEAH that part)) Swoop 9:29 pm Pff that not so bad. Me Swoop could fly that. Bird could fly that! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm *Soundwave listens to Prowl, approving of his assessment of the attack and nodding. In the meantime, Bird chitters and preens by wiggling her tiny mandibles.*
{{Bird shoot down, you melt. Straggler zapped! It good plan.}} boomtank 9:31 pm -small whine- Bevel 9:31 pm ((i missed what happened in the last few minutes, anything major? Swoop 9:31 pm *sees the mandible wiggle, SCREAMS ON THE INSIDE* Purgatori 9:31 pm [[bang bang shooty shooty]] Me 9:31 pm ((pretty much)) Bevel 9:31 pm ((i can live with missing some of that thanks boomtank 9:31 pm -so not happy- Me 9:32 pm ((the ship niobe's piloting is about to reach the dock, which the humans are pretty sure they're losing, but if she gets there in time she might be able to fire an EMP that takes out all the squids but also all the human defenses.)) Swoop 9:33 pm Me Swoop have missiles too! Not JUST fire! Missiles. *reaches around himself to tap some plating on his back that isn't easily visible with his wings laid the way they are now* Me 9:34 pm *... He's pretty sure Ironfist wrote a scene like that once.* Purgatori 9:34 pm Oh boomtank 9:34 pm -that's not good- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm //Damn good fightin'.// Swoop 9:37 pm *is suddenly more interested nonw that there's 1-on-1 happening* boomtank 9:37 pm -nervous wiggling- Swoop 9:37 pm KEH! That bad chain. Easy, easy break. Purgatori 9:37 pm ....i beleive the other humans are very dead now Swoop 9:38 pm YAH DEAD Kehhehh LOTS of dead ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm *Small puff. He likes the squid things.* *Wouldn't mind a deployer kind of like them, honestly, if he could support another. Which he can't. But if he could.* Purgatori 9:38 pm *do they remind you of yourself, wave* Bevel 9:38 pm *claps for Niobe* Purgatori 9:39 pm ITs a miracel ...miracle boomtank 9:39 pm -settles- Close Swoop 9:39 pm *adds to the emotional moment by chewing loudly on the squeaky chewtoy* *squeak* *squeak* Bevel 9:39 pm *giggles* Swoop 9:39 pm *squeak* Bevel 9:39 pm *perfect timing Swoop* Purgatori 9:40 pm *snorts at whooshing* boomtank 9:40 pm . . . That's not good Purgatori 9:42 pm So...Neo is...Prime, then? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[...Ugh.]] Swoop 9:42 pm Human Prime???? Bevel 9:42 pm Neo is cooler. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm [[...That would make the Oracle--]] Alpha Trion. [[Hmph.]] Bevel 9:43 pm *which is saying something because Bevel doesn't think Neo is very cool* Purgatori 9:43 pm by the power vested in me, I give you sight Swoop 9:44 pm Can human be prime? Purgatori 9:44 pm ...Jack was Me 9:44 pm *That's a new tactic. What IS that?* Swoop 9:44 pm wheeljack prime?????????? Purgatori 9:44 pm No, not....not that Jack Bevel 9:44 pm Darby? Purgatori 9:44 pm Primus, that is a terrifying thought ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[PRIMUS FORBID, Swoop.]] Swoop 9:44 pm *uncontrollable, full body shaking laughter* Purgatori 9:45 pm Lets...never speak of this to him, shall we ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm [[Never.]] Purgatori 9:45 pm The power of Love will overcome anything Swoop 9:45 pm Wheeljack is Prime then maybe MORE DINOBOTS kehehhehhhhhehhhh Purgatori 9:46 pm No, no more Swoop 9:46 pm Yis Purgatori 9:46 pm No We have enough Swoop 9:46 pm MILLION DINOBOTS boomtank 9:46 pm ....what is THAT!? Purgatori 9:46 pm No Swoop 9:46 pm : > ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm [[Bombs.]] Swoop 9:46 pm Why? boomtank 9:46 pm No, no, the thing fiering the bombs Purgatori 9:46 pm Because we have more than we can handle with you Swoop 9:46 pm Kehhehh boomtank 9:47 pm And squid things ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm [[...He does not know.]] Swoop 9:47 pm Swoop is "handful" HUH? Purgatori 9:47 pm You? Who said I was talking abot you Me 9:47 pm ... I'm sorry. How does that work. How is he blowing them up. That's rubbish. Bevel 9:47 pm Magic. Me 9:47 pm No. Swoop 9:47 pm Swoop is Dinobot Purgatori 9:47 pm Are you? Swoop 9:47 pm YAH Purgatori 9:47 pm I just thought you were a spoiled sparkling. My mistake ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm [[An ability to see and affect their code?]] Swoop 9:47 pm nooOOOO Me Swoop not a BABY Me Swoop am Dinobot warrior Purgatori 9:48 pm *scritches swoops helm* Swoop 9:48 pm Bomber *leans into scritches and squeaks the chew toy* Me 9:48 pm This has been purely scientifically based all the way to now, I'm going to switch to watching a fantasy right at the end. boomtank 9:48 pm Oh...and wow Purgatori 9:48 pm *His case im point* Me 9:48 pm By what mechanism does he, a human, remotely access their code? Swoop 9:48 pm Dinobots kill people : > Bevel 9:48 pm Maybe his mind is still attached to the machine world and he can do his Matrix stuff in the real world now? Purgatori 9:48 pm The power of Love boomtank 9:49 pm ????? Windchill 9:49 pm *Arrives.* Me 9:49 pm But his "Matrix stuff" was manipulating the programming of the Matrix. The real world doesn't HAVE programming. Windchill 9:49 pm *Is he late...again?* *Wow such talent.* Purgatori 9:49 pm *Oh a new person* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm [[...Wifi?]] Purgatori 9:49 pm She is ...not doing well ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm *Soft huff.* Windchill 9:49 pm *An old person excuse you.* Bevel 9:49 pm *snickers* Me 9:49 pm ......... Sure, all right. Purgatori 9:50 pm This trope is so overused ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Soundwave flicks a hand and huffs again. That's his best g-- oh.* Bevel 9:50 pm Soundwave has the best answers. Swoop 9:50 pm ((I am blown away by how much whispertalking is in this series. Somehow I didn't process that before now)) Windchill 9:50 pm Damn, looks like I missed all of the dramatic parts. Me 9:50 pm ((whispers are edgy)) Swoop 9:50 pm *EXPLODES laughing at Trinity being impaled so many times* Purgatori 9:50 pm How is...she talking right now? Windchill 9:50 pm I didn't have anything to wear, so I came naked. Sorry. Purgatori 9:50 pm Thats not..not possible Swoop 9:51 pm Me Swoop get stab before Not TALK boomtank 9:51 pm -huffs- Swoop 9:51 pm But Firebreath Purgatori 9:51 pm Give it a rest, Neo Swoop 9:51 pm Same thing Dead Them, not Swoop kehhhehhe Windchill 9:51 pm *He gon' sit down.* Me 9:51 pm (("yes i can." you can do anything you set your mind to trinity, i believe in you.)) Purgatori 9:51 pm *wow this ....this hurts. More than he wants it to* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm [[She IS carrying on well for a meat creature with so many punctures.]] Purgatori 9:52 pm *he might have to leave* Swoop 9:52 pm *bored now, chewtoy time* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* Windchill 9:52 pm She's taking a long time to die. *Crosses his legs.* *At least it's not green.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm [[...What she really wanted to say was "kiss me"?]] Purgatori 9:52 pm *yep hes heading to the door* Bevel 9:52 pm ((kiss me goodbye~ Windchill 9:53 pm He sucked the life right out of her, like a vampire! Purgatori 9:53 pm [[IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOO]] Me 9:53 pm @S «... Is that weird?» Windchill 9:53 pm Nobody told me this was about vampires! Swoop 9:53 pm *is confused by the sudden lack of headscritches but has a mouthful of chewtoy preventing him from words right now* Purgatori 9:53 pm *slowly walks back into the room, sits down heavily on the couch, he will make u move, swoop* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm @P: (txt:) ...What, weird? Me 9:54 pm @S «That what she wanted to say was "kiss me"?» Swoop 9:54 pm *is busy sitting by Bird, clearly the world should revolve around him.... or in this case around Bird* Windchill 9:54 pm *Cups his chin in his hands, preparing for the no doubt thrilling conclusion.* *Furrows his brows.* Purgatori 9:55 pm Insecticons Windchill 9:55 pm Pfft. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm *Soundwave looks to the screen for a bit, thinking. The way she was talking, he thought she was going to come up with some big statement or secret or encouragement, or something of the sort, but...*
*Glances to Prowl.*
*Looks to the screen.*
*...Back to Prowl.*
@P: (txt): No. Not weird. Swoop 9:55 pm Burbul *comes the pitiful attempt at talking around a mouthful of chewtoy* Me 9:55 pm *slight nod.* boomtank 9:55 pm ...... Yikes Windchill 9:55 pm It looks like an angry sea urchin. *He's not intimidated* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm [[...Fascinating.]] Windchill 9:56 pm Now it looks gross. Purgatori 9:56 pm Is that...a baby Swoop 9:56 pm Not a BAAAABBYY Me 9:56 pm *Ah, a healthy, thriving mechanical city. You don't see those often in alien media.* Purgatori 9:57 pm Bargaining. When has that ever gone right for both parties Bevel 9:57 pm *wonders why all robot cities are so dreary looking in human movies* Me 9:57 pm *It's stormy out.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm [[Bargaining has its uses.]] Purgatori 9:57 pm *snorts at that position* Swoop 9:57 pm Feelers Windchill 9:57 pm Yuck. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm *Glance without moving head.* Me 9:58 pm *Goes very still again.* Purgatori 9:58 pm Menemosurgery. Thats what this is like Windchill 9:58 pm That's yucky and I don't like it very much. Swoop 9:58 pm What mnemosurgery is? Purgatori 9:58 pm it is brain surgery, swoop. Swoop 9:58 pm *other than the biggest word a dinobot has ever said* Purgatori 9:58 pm [[ATLEAST SWOOP SAID IT RIGHT I BUTCHERED IT AHAHAHA IM TERIBBLE] Me 9:59 pm ... It's a subject that can probably wait to be covered until after the movie is over. Windchill 9:59 pm *Opens his mouth, shuts it.* Swoop 9:59 pm Ohhh brain surgery You say Next time say that Easier Kehhheh Purgatori 9:59 pm *clenches fist* *drama* *vocals* Windchill 10:00 pm I love all of this. *he waves, gesturing to encompass all of it.* Green shit. Swoop 10:00 pm KAH! Him fall bad ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[...So many.]] Me 10:00 pm ... He thinks he's going to win because he has the Oracle's eyes. He doesn't know the Oracle can no longer predict the future with complete accuracy. Purgatori 10:00 pm Are they seekers now boomtank 10:01 pm ...what is going on? besides a big fight scene? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm ((omg i have seen this like a dozen times and i never picked that up puff)) Windchill 10:01 pm *Leans forward and rubs his temples, trying not to laugh.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm ((i am ashaaaamed)) Swoop 10:01 pm Them not very good bombers Them no good at quick strike Them fighting in air like it ground Dumb Windchill 10:01 pm They are very good at looking silly, Swoop. Like Seekers. I would know. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm *Soundwave's plating pulls in at "the purpose of life is to end". That sounds too much like - well.* Swoop 10:01 pm Kehheheh YAH Silly Purgatori 10:02 pm *if that sentence is true...when will ratchet find peace* Windchill 10:02 pm *Nods in agreement with Swoop agreeing with him.* Purgatori 10:02 pm That is not how human anatomy works boomtank 10:02 pm That Smith guy is wrong Swoop 10:03 pm Him punch air BEFORE flying Bad ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm [[Of course he is wrong.]] Bevel 10:03 pm Very wrong. Swoop 10:03 pm Soundwave, you find movie GOOD fliers fighting next time Windchill 10:03 pm *Snickers. He can't help it.* Me 10:03 pm ... It's just... Smiths, forever. Every window they pass. Has EVERY human in the Matrix...? Swoop 10:03 pm Lots of energon. Kehheheh. Broken stuff. boomtank 10:04 pm If you only look at life as an end waiting to happen, you're not living. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[The purpose of life is to gather experience and information, and seek to see all that is.]] Purgatori 10:04 pm Wings. He had...lightning. ...for wings Windchill 10:04 pm Kinky. Swoop 10:04 pm Me Swoop can have FIRE wings Sometimes ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[And most likely every human. Yes.]] [[And program.]] Swoop 10:04 pm Until wind put out Windchill 10:04 pm That's cool, Swoop. Purgatori 10:04 pm I think you mean thats hot Me 10:04 pm *...* Swoop 10:04 pm Kehhehehhh Purgatori 10:05 pm *dad jokes, everyone, you heard it here first* Windchill 10:05 pm *He wasn't gonna go there, it might get taken the wrong way coming from him.* boomtank 10:05 pm .... Windchill 10:05 pm *But Whirl isn't here so he has no-one to flirt with.* Swoop 10:05 pm *licks his own arm then lets out a puff of flame to light the flammable fluid on his arm* *FIRE ARMS* Purgatori 10:05 pm Swoop Swoop 10:05 pm *well arm* Windchill 10:05 pm Heeey put that out, bucko. Purgatori 10:05 pm Why Swoop 10:05 pm That. BUT. Wings! : > Purgatori 10:06 pm Megatron and Prime Swoop 10:06 pm *holds his arm out to windchill for inspection* Windchill 10:06 pm *Fans at it with his giant yaoi hand.* Purgatori 10:06 pm *tosses fire blanket over swoops arm* *rubs at it* Swoop 10:07 pm !!! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm *It disturbs him too. The idea of, say, every single thing in his head becoming replaced with a single image. Every possible scrap of memory, every hint of identity, one thing. How horrifying.*
*And he's not the one who had his brain module tampered with and frame modified in recent memory. Prowl surely has a thousand times the discomfort.*
@P: (txt): Offer: hand? Windchill 10:07 pm Neato, but, like... Swoop 10:07 pm Ratchet Fire out : < Purgatori 10:07 pm *removes blanket* Windchill 10:07 pm Fire is an outside thing. Purgatori 10:07 pm Thank you Me 10:07 pm @S «... No.» Swoop 10:07 pm Dinobot is outside thing Me 10:07 pm *gratitude ping* Purgatori 10:07 pm Yes Windchill 10:07 pm *Nods.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm @Prowl: (txt): Acknowledged.
*Welcoming ping.* Windchill 10:07 pm We can go outside and you can show us more cool fire stuff. Swoop 10:08 pm How come no inside fire? Wheeljack does inside fire Purgatori 10:08 pm Hes not supposed to Windchill 10:08 pm Wheeljack is disreputable and hardly a good role model. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm [[...He said "Neo."]] Bevel 10:08 pm I hope when Neo wins everyone goes back to being themselves and stops looking alike. It is really creepy. Swoop 10:09 pm Wheeljack is "dinodad" : > boomtank 10:09 pm What just.... notthisagain -covers face- Windchill 10:10 pm Fire inside isn't good, you could burn down a building. Swoop 10:10 pm YAH Purgatori 10:10 pm Fifth element did something like this Swoop 10:10 pm ((good lord I remembered New Christ being on the nose but I didn't remember the goddamn light cross with his angel wings)) boomtank 10:10 pm -pers back out to this- Purgatori 10:11 pm [[and the music]] Me 10:11 pm ... Neo was a trojan. Swoop 10:11 pm Dinobots good for burning buildings down boomtank 10:11 pm .......What in the ever loving-? Purgatori 10:11 pm Not this building, Swoop Windchill 10:11 pm What if burning buildings down isn't good? Purgatori 10:11 pm I beleive soundwave and Bird, was it? would be upset ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm {{Yes. Big upset, Bird. Angry angry, shoot aft.}} Purgatori 10:11 pm *snorts* Swoop 10:11 pm nnoooOOoooOOOOOooo Swoop not DOING Purgatori 10:12 pm *someone needs to shoot his aft more often* Swoop 10:12 pm Swoop CAN burning building *bounces in place* CAN do Not DO do ((man he's lucky that he's right or he'd be some kind of asshole)) Windchill 10:12 pm (( *snorts* )) Me 10:12 pm ((right? maybe they were just retreating to refuel.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm *Nods to Prowl. He would have thought of Neo as a program that helps a blocked antivirus run, but the main idea is there.* boomtank 10:13 pm So...they won? Purgatori 10:13 pm *again, ouch.* Bevel 10:13 pm *thinks Prowl is talking about the Trojan army/horse but it still makes sense to her* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm [[It is a truce.]] Windchill 10:13 pm I like the bug thing. boomtank 10:13 pm -UGH- Me 10:14 pm *considering that trojan viruses were named after the army/horse, yyyyyes?* Windchill 10:14 pm *points* Cat. boomtank 10:14 pm Don't remind me Swoop 10:14 pm *offers Bird his chew toy* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm *Bird gives it a squeak with her claws* Swoop 10:14 pm : > *her claws may now smell like they were on a dirty flamethrower because y'know they were* Me 10:15 pm *... Smith DIDN'T overwrite their brains, the data is still all there. They're back to normal. They were just being puppete—* *Prowl might have preferred if they were dead.* Bevel 10:16 pm *is glad everyone is still alive* Windchill 10:16 pm That sky sure is rainbow. Purgatori 10:16 pm Skylanders Swoop 10:16 pm Us watch How To Train Your Dragon Purgatori 10:16 pm *perks up* Bevel 10:16 pm ((sudden church choir boomtank 10:17 pm -sighs- I understood very little of all that Windchill 10:17 pm That dragon has a fat head. (( *weeps for the memory of the original Spyro.* )) Purgatori 10:17 pm He reminds me of.....that one predacon. Predaking? Windchill 10:17 pm Predadingaling. Swoop 10:17 pm Me Swoop meet Predaking! Me Swoop meet Purgatori 10:17 pm Did you now Swoop 10:17 pm Meet Him YAH Purgatori 10:18 pm Did you two compare flame breath ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm [[What did you not catch, Blaster?]] Swoop 10:18 pm And Darksteel and Skylynx and lots of little Predacons Nooooo *disappointed* Windchill 10:18 pm Sounds dirty. Swoop 10:18 pm Predaking is THEM king. Grimlock is Dinobot King. If them meet Them FIGHT Me Swoop want to watch kehhehhhh Windchill 10:19 pm *Scoffs, just a little.* boomtank 10:19 pm Just about everything Purgatori 10:19 pm I have to go. Thank you for the film. Bevel 10:19 pm *Bevel is gonna leave now because the mun isn't feeling too hot, night everyone* Me 10:20 pm ((gnight, feel better)) Windchill 10:20 pm (( Gnight! )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm [[You are welcome, Ratchet.]] Purgatori 10:20 pm Have a good evening. boomtank 10:20 pm g'night!)) Swoop 10:20 pm *squeaks the toy in one long, drawn out, annoying squeak* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm [[And goodnight, Bevel.]] Windchill 10:20 pm *Makes a face at new guy's retreating backside.* boomtank 10:20 pm Then again, I've been a bit...distracted ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm [[There were two films before it, and you were... busy. Tonight.]] *Glance at Swoop.* Swoop 10:21 pm *stares at Soundwave* boomtank 10:21 pm Oh. Well, that would explain Windchill 10:22 pm But can you explain...my face? boomtank 10:22 pm A metrotitan punched you ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm [[He tries not to.]] Windchill 10:22 pm ... I like that explanation. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm *Oh, he liked that one. Well done, points to Blaster.* *And now, while everyone else is distracted, looks to Prowl.* Windchill 10:23 pm I must be pretty tough to have survived that and come out looking this good. Go me. boomtank 10:23 pm -snorts- Swoop 10:23 pm *stares at the chew toy and SERIOUSLY considers setting it ablaze* *it's good now but fire really could only improve this situaation* boomtank 10:23 pm Yes. Go you. Swoop 10:23 pm *the question is how long it'd still squeak before it was just goo......* Me 10:23 pm *Has an intense frown on his face.* ... Wait. boomtank 10:24 pm -so much sarcasm- Windchill 10:24 pm *Strokes his enormous chin.* Me 10:24 pm That was BEVEL? Windchill 10:24 pm I'm amazing. I mean, look at my amazing chin. Are you not amazed? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm [[...Yes?]] boomtank 10:24 pm No Windchill 10:24 pm Well, your loss. Swoop 10:24 pm *lol jk fire improves everything* Me 10:24 pm ... Oh. Swoop 10:24 pm *ignites the chewtoy while gnawing on it* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm @P: (txt): ...Prowl not aware Bevel: shapeshifter? Windchill 10:25 pm *Gives Swoop a glare with one eye. The other...is elsewhere.* boomtank 10:25 pm My loss in what department? Me 10:25 pm Which one? Because one of them looked just like Ratch— No, you called him Ratchet. Other one. Windchill 10:25 pm *Probably ogling Blaster, sorry dude.* boomtank 10:25 pm -Swoop, no, fire bad in confined areas- Me 10:25 pm Yes, I knew. I just... thought there were two new guests tonight. Usually Bevel looks like Bevel. Swoop 10:25 pm *couldn't care less, continues to chew on a screaming, burning chewtoy* Windchill 10:26 pm Well, the way I have it figured. If you're not appreciating how amazing I am, you're missing out on my sparkling personality. *Says the guy with like two friends ever.* *With good reason.* *And he knows it.* boomtank 10:26 pm I'm sure. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm *Soundwave tilts his helm.* boomtank 10:26 pm -flat tone- Windchill 10:26 pm *He's still stroking his chin.* I am very sparkly. boomtank 10:27 pm -too tired for tact- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm [[You have not been around her very often.]] [[...IS THAT SMOKE. SWOOP.]] Swoop 10:27 pm *said toy is starting to be more goo than actual toy so, now that the death squeaks are over, he spits it out on the floor to die abandoned* YUP ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *Immediately bridges Swoop and his toy OUTSIDE* Swoop 10:27 pm *WHOOSH* *is outside* : > ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[...What was he saying.]] Windchill 10:28 pm One time I was even sparkle...sparklier...when my friend—the girlfriend that I stole—painted my nails. Swoop 10:28 pm *but the awful smells can't be bridged out, later nerds!* Windchill 10:28 pm *Thanks, Swoop. You and your smells will not be soon forgotten.* boomtank 10:28 pm You stole a girlfriend Really? Windchill 10:29 pm Yeah, apparently. It wasn't on purpose. boomtank 10:29 pm How? Windchill 10:29 pm *Palms up, shrug.* boomtank 10:29 pm You stole someone on accident Windchill 10:30 pm That's what her boyfriend said. 'Cause... I'm not sure. boomtank 10:31 pm Yikes ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm [[Ah. Bevel. Yes. He... actually does not know what her base form is anymore. He knew when she was a newbuild. Hmm.]] Windchill 10:31 pm *The chin stroking slows considerably while he stares off into space, or at the nearest wall between him and space.* Me 10:32 pm ... Would THAT not be her base form, then? Windchill 10:32 pm Anyway she painted my nails and we nearly died from the fumes. boomtank 10:32 pm Your luck sounds weird ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm [[It may not be.]] Windchill 10:32 pm But the sparkles were worth it. boomtank 10:33 pm ...not going to ask Me 10:33 pm ... You're saying the form she was forged with is somehow not her base form? *dryly* Do you suspect she was born already in disguise? Windchill 10:33 pm Good. *He'll leave out the part with the twerking and the ass kicking then.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm [[He suspects she may have changed her root mode, as we do. It *has* been millions of years. ... For her.]] Me 10:34 pm ... Would a shapeshifter NEED to change their root mode? Can't they just... shift shape? Windchill 10:34 pm *Stops chin-stroking to stretch.* boomtank 10:35 pm -shakes his helm- You're weird ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *Soundwave lifts a curled hand to his face and perches his chin between two knuckles.*
[[He should have asked Makeshift more while that mech was still alive.]] Windchill 10:36 pm *Shrugs mid-extended-stretch, with a grunt for good measure.* Or maybe. Me 10:36 pm ... Is it rude to ask shapeshifters about their shapeshifting? Like talking about someone's alt-mode? Windchill 10:36 pm I'm normal. Me 10:36 pm I figure it must be, otherwise they'd be answering the same questions from different people five times a day. Windchill 10:36 pm And it's everyone else who's weird. *He knows that the idea defies the definition of "normal," shhhh.* boomtank 10:37 pm You do know what the definition of weird is, right? Windchill 10:37 pm Maybe. But that would be telling. boomtank 10:38 pm Uh-huh Windchill 10:38 pm I gotta maintain an air of.. Of.. Mystery. *Or something.* boomtank 10:39 pm And you're doing that by not saying if you know the definition to a word or not ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[He is inclined to agree. The only ones he knew were - closed-mouthed.]] Chin tap. [[He has pull with Bevel. He will see if she would mind sharing information.]] Windchill 10:39 pm I work in mysterious ways... boomtank 10:39 pm No you don't It's not mysterious Windchill 10:40 pm I'm so mysterious you can't even comprehend it. Me 10:40 pm Not if it's rude to ask. Windchill 10:40 pm *Barely contained hysterical giggling.* *Sounds like a hog eating mud.* boomtank 10:41 pm It's boring Windchill 10:41 pm If saying so makes you feel better about it, I accept. boomtank 10:41 pm I take it back. You're not weird. You're boring. Windchill 10:41 pm Boring sounds nice. boomtank 10:42 pm -going back to his data-pad now- Windchill 10:42 pm Boring is safe, boring means that nothing goes wrong. It sounds fantastic. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm [[Then he will ask if she believes it is rude to ask first.]] Windchill 10:43 pm Anyway. *He doesn't care that he's only talking to himself at this point, not even a little.* Me 10:43 pm ... That works. Windchill 10:43 pm I must go. My wiggler, *he rests a hand on his chest, sighing dreamily for good measure.* Needs me. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm //Already? Throw 'er a snack from us.// Windchill 10:44 pm It's SLOBBERIN' TIME. I'll pass along the sentiment. And other, more edible things. *Which is everything except maybe lava, therein lies the problem and the hurry.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm *Heh.* Windchill 10:47 pm *She already ate her uncle's action figures and tried to eat another uncle, every day is exciting!* *Someone has to manage the chaos.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Soundwave suddenly pipes up again.*
[[He thought it was -asking- about alt modes that was rude. It is rude where you are from to talk about them as well?]] Because he's probably offended several people, if so. *Soundwave does not envy Windchill that job.* *His chaos rabble are bad enough and they don't eat everything. Only Ravage does.* Windchill 10:49 pm *Nobody does, but it's not thankless work.* Me 10:49 pm Just asking, primarily. If you volunteer information first, that's acceptable. And typically, volunteering information grants one's conversational partner permission to ask follow-up questions. Windchill 10:49 pm You guys have fun sitting in the dark. I gotta go sit in the dark somewhere else. With my spawn. *Gets up, and it's about time too.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm ((why's it so quiet in here, i ask myself, before remembering that i have control of the stream and forgot to put music on)) //That's what nightlights're for.// Windchill 10:50 pm She'd probably eat them. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm //Then you'd have a glowworm. Heh.// Windchill 10:51 pm *SPITS.* *Sorry.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm //Aw, mech, c'mon. I gotta clean that today.// Windchill 10:52 pm You caught me off guard! *Sighs dramatically.* Gimme a mop and I'll get it. *Primus knows he's used to cleaning up spit at this point, what's a little more?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm [[Then he gives you permission to ask questions, in the future, without waiting for volunteered information. While reserving the right to keep some data to himself.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm //Nah, nah. Jus' owe me a drink or somethin' for all my hard 'n respectable work.// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm [[Or in the present. He assumed everything after his statement was 'future' when he said it.]] Hand flick. He's babbling. Windchill 10:54 pm That's not as funny. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm //Naw, but I get a free drink.// Windchill 10:55 pm *Scratches his chin.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *Chuckle* Windchill 10:55 pm Not really my area, there. I'll figure something out. *Sounds like a losing deal to him, but does he care? Nah.* Me 10:56 pm ... How do you see in your alt-mode without headlights. *It's been bugging him.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm ((....give the mun a second to remember her HC on that one lmao)) Windchill 10:58 pm *He'll ask someone with even slightly more knowledge of drinking, later.* Byyyyyyyye, suckerrrrrrrrs. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm //Laters.// Windchill 10:59 pm *Waves, and walks out.* boomtank 11:01 pm -and as soon as Windchill is gone, he's standing up- Thanks for the movie ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm [[Quite welcome. Hopefully next week you will not be so lost.]] boomtank 11:01 pm Heh. Hopefully. G'night. -and off he goes.- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Soundwave holds his hand up for patience (and no startled questions) from Prowl and rises. He turns to face the couch, steps forward, and uses the quick second of extra height to flip backward and into alt mode. Can't be hitting Prowl in the face with his wings, y'know.* *He slowly rotates to face Prowl and gestures with a feeler to the small black screen at the underside of his alt mode's nose.* Me 11:05 pm *Prowl leans forward to look at it.* ... That's an optical sensor? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm (txt): Affirmative. Other sensors, elsewhere. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm (txt): Wide view below. Long-range sight: excellent. Me 11:21 pm Huh. Is that the sensor itself, or is it a visor covering the real ones? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:26 pm (txt): Protective screen, unremovable. Sensors: delicate, calibrated.
The feeler suddenly twitched and spun.
(txt): Many weaknesses exposed. Prowl: trusted, safeguards. Agreed?
He didn't want Getaway knowing where to shoot to make fleeing difficult if he ever got a wild wire. Me 11:26 pm Agreed. ... I'd tell you where my alt-mode optical sensors are, but they all light up, so. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm *Soundwave tumbled forward into root mode again while Prowl talked and unfolded his arms, returning to Prowl's side.*
(txt): ...Dangerous. Bright target. How prevented, destruction? Me 11:32 pm ... Driving /around/ the bullets. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm (txt): ...Partial error commited. Headlight sensors possessed when Soundwave: vehicle.
*That flowerlike loading/processing ring makes its reappearance on his screen.*
(txt): -Around?- How? Bullets: fast. Me 11:34 pm *... belated humor tag* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm *Oh. OH. Okay. He knew Prowl's reflex limits from the space bridge tests, so he'd thought Prowl's trajectory calculations were fast enough to allow for...*
(txt): Would believe if truth. Me 11:38 pm Pff. I'm flattered. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *Nods.*
(txt): Prowl given sympathy. Expected back optics joke number: thousands.
(txt): ...Useful, if plain sight planning. Soundwave notes. Me 11:44 pm Thousands is about right. "Plain sight planning"? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm (txt): Assume Prowl: facing wall.
*Points to the video screens.*
(txt): Conversing, partner identity: any. Behind Prowl, other table: Soundwave. There, casual gestures made. These, predesigned messages. Prowl sees, notes. Others never wise. Me 11:49 pm Hmm. *thin smirk.* Interesting. Do you want to try it? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:50 pm (txt): When? Me 11:50 pm ... Don't know. There aren't exactly many opportunities to try it out, these days. ...... And it seems like internal comms would be more efficient. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm (txt): Comms not always safe.
*Points to himself.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm (txt): ...Clarification: -Soundwave's- comms: safe, unless alternate, equal skill present. Then, uncertain. Referenced comms: other mechs'. Me 11:53 pm *dryly* Soundwave, have you been eavesdropping on my calls to you? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm *HUFF* Me 11:53 pm You can't trust anyone these days. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:57 pm (txt): Prowl's secret: discovered. Self, Prowl, in relationship. Silence offered; required blackmail payment: deliver kiss upstairs. Me 11:58 pm Well, then. I guess I have no choice, do I? Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:59 pm *Leans back a little, now concerned.*
(txt): Prowl has choice. That, self-mocking joke. Kiss not required if not wanted. Me 12:01 am ... I was joking along. Of course I want to kiss you. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:03 am *...Nods. Yes. Right.*
(txt): Understood. Soundwave departs, destination: collection location. Reminder: Come alone.
*He's almost tempted to make a crack about police accompaniment but decides that'll spoil the mood.* Me 12:03 am Well, don't you think you should escort me? To ensure I don't go get backup? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:06 am (txt): Point accepted. Instructions: Stay close. Me 12:07 am *He'll just get to his feet and wrap an arm around Soundwave's.* ... For the record, this is about the limit of my improv roleplaying abilities. So. Don't get your hopes too high. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:08 am (txt): That, relief. Eighty alternates: plenty. Soundwave prefers self being self. *Pops open a bridge. To the apartment, this time. He wants to not be woken by the sound of shouting deployers in the morning.* Me 12:10 am *Puzzled blink. Did Soundwave think Prowl was going to try to imitate /him/ next?* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am *It was the logical plot twist.* Me 12:10 am *Well, never mind that. Through the bridge—Prowl's got some blackmail to settle.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am *And off they've gone.*
4 notes · View notes
firesonic152 brought this twitter thread to my attention and we ended up running with a variation on the idea.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 https://twitter.com/fconvicted/status/903811242514563072 Bro
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 yay, but also slightly creepy. ^^;
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 it's a whole other level of awkward from saying the wrong name lmO ... lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 X'D okay, but...what if it starts out with Jack just trying to imagine someone who would be ideal for him, and every time he does it, the image gets clearer and clearer and one day Gabe actually comes out of the mirror?
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 :OO!! ELABORATE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 like...maybe he's lonely but doesn't really know how to connect with people, so he lets his mind wander and starts imagining he's with someone long term. and as he goes from lover to loer, he keeps picturing this other person in the mirror instead of them. maybe Gabe was someone he knew a long time ago and regrets losing contact with, even. So Jack imagines him as he would be. Older, scarred, well built...it's almost instinctive. Meanwhile, Gabe has been having these recurring dreams where he's with this guy and in the dreams, the guy is always watching his reflection really intently. and he thinks he remembers this dude, but it's been so long that he isn't even sure he remembers his name, and he sure as hell doesn't know why he's suddenly dreaming about him.
so, then there's a couple choices--take it from something relatively simple like linked dreams to Jack actually being able to summon Gabe throught the mirror (AWKS), or Gabe tracks him down.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 OMG I love thisss I like the idea of Gabe tracking him down and startling Jack
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 XD Jack sees him and immediately pops an awkward boner X'D
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 AHAHA does Gabe know what Jack's been using his image for lmao Probably not lol AWKS
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 I don't think Gabe knows that it was Jack's fault. XD All he knows is that he's been dreaming about Jack. He doesn't realize it's because Jack was calling to him.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 how romantic~~~ except when Gabriel finally finds Jack, Jack is totally caught off guard and freaks out a little
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 I BET HIS DOES! xd **he ^^;
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 He lowkey fantasized a whole life for them that never happened |D a LITTLE too much to dump on Gabriel lmao XDD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 lol not only that, but he knew exactly how Gabe would look
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 >w> and for good measure they were never together before this bc yay pining
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 THAT'S THE SPIRIT!! Maybe Gabe was a really close friend of his back in the day, but Jack was closeted or something, and even seeing Gabe be out and cool with it wasn't enough for Jack to be comfortable about it?
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 anfkanxsnckanx Jack doesn't know how to be like SURPRISE I WAS GAY THE WHOLE TIME so he tries to, how you say, "play it straight" at first
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 lolololololGOOD FUKKIN LUCK WITH THAT!! X'D at this point, he's slept with half the guys in town and is more attracted to Gabe than ever
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 AHAHA OOPS WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 when he was needing partners to fuel his wanton imaginings, ofc Jack, you naughty thing
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 Jack: aggressively shrugs
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 Jack should be aggressively thinking of the perfect way to FIX THIS haha what if they go out drinking one night, and Gabe has enough to get a bit careless about what he says, and he tells Jack why he's come out to find him? and Jack is just I want this SO BAD but he is DRUNK fuck my life
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 LOLLLL gabe: i've been literally dreaming about you jack, googling "how to say "i've been literally fantasizing about having a long term relationship with you and fucking you instead of the real people i'm having sex with every day for like 10 years' but like in a chill way":
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 pfft. X'D Jack, you are FUCKED. Maybe keep that one to yourself.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 jack, googling "how to kill myself"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 JACK NO
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 gabe: i'm glad you're back in my life man jack: y. yay
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 okay okay but. jumping ahead just a bit. pls consider: Jack cries the first time they have sex because he's imagined this for so long and never thought it was a wish that would come true
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 akcnskjnakjcnasc does gabe know why he's crying
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Jack could make up some nonsense about it only being that he had a crush on Gabe years ago. pull out the reveal of Jack's fantasies toward the very end, after they've hooked up. Maybe one of Jack's exes knew what was up somehow and spilled the beans and Jack is terrified that now Gabe is going to think he's creepy.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 sdkjcnsnaxKJNSCAKSJCN jack tries to nip it in the bud and get the heck out before gabe can do anything about it
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 but Gabe is just. wait. hold up. You loved me so much that it got through to me across the country? And now you're going to run away?
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD well, Gabe was already out, so...unless you want BOTH of them closeted when they were friends
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gabe is Very Gay but he thinks jack is straight and he assured jack that he wasn't gonna come on to him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 oooh...what if they were, and Gabe only told Jack he was gay, but Jack was crushing so hard that he didn't trust himself to keep his own secret and he was afraid he would give Gabe away so he started avoiding him and then moved or soemthing??
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 sjicndskjnsouvnsd omg jaaaaack
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 jack you fucked up
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ffffffffffffffffffffff my brain hadn't gone there orz i fucked up
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gabe is very very nervous when he finds jack he's just really really hoping jack is okay with... the gay thing now
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Jack is completely stunned when he first sees him. Gabe wasn't even sure Jack would recognize him, but that's obviously not the case. He has a couple of seconds to be worried about how Jack will react before Jack lights up. Although, it might have been Gabe's imagination, but it seemed like a strange expression crossed his face before he smiled.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 sdkjcnsiducnsd Gabe thought he'd buried all his real feelings and it was just fanciful romantic notions that were making his dreams seem like so much more. but it all comes rushing right back.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Worse, Jack is so eager to spend time with him while he's in town--wants to show him the sights and take him to the best places to eat. And Jack remembers so many of his favorite things. They click right back to the way they had been before things got weird. It almost feels like they're a couple on vacation together...except Jack goes home every night, and Gabe returns to his hotel room alone. !!!!!!!! that's how gabe figures out that something's up!! their first time is at the hotel, but when Jack brings Gabe home after that, he forgets to take down the mirror! Gabe recognizes it and the room!!
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHHHH JACK!!!! U DUMMY
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 haha altho i guess Gabe might just think that he's the psychic one instead. unless Jack reacts weird when he says something about it.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 jshbdiybcidhb gabe points it out and kind of laughs when he says he must be psychic but jack immediately gets weird about it freezes for a sec, then puts on a painfully fake smile
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 i'm sorry, but i gotta turn in. ;; early day tomorrow.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 awwww <33333
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 we'll have to finish this tomorrow. ^^ night night <3<3<3
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gn!!!!
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 FRIEND I'M LONELY AND BORED
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 well that's no good! any more ideas on that last thread?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 WELL WE NEED TO RESOLVE THE PINING SITUATION how can we do it in the most awkward way possible LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 hrmmm... heh heh what if, while he's visiting, Gabe has another dream? and he wakes up out of the middle of it and just calls Jack without thinking. and Jack's still with the guy, 'cause Gabe's dreams and his fun happen simultaneously.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 ^^
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 and it's a more intense dream this time too bc the distance is so small >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Jack fukkin' answering the phone in the middle of getting fucked 'cause the call's from Gabe and, of course, what the hell is he gonna say? prolly freaks out that he answered at all
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHAHA or he answered by accident and now it's too late he fumbled w the phone and accidentally hit the accept call button
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 what if the guy he's with knocks the phone away 'cause he's annoyed Jack picked it up at all?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 KJDNAFKADNJF YEAH
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 So now, Gabe's listening to the two of them together and HEY GUESS WHAT Jack ain't straight
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 THAT'S REALLY AWKWARD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 suuuuuuuuuuuuper awkward does he hang up? the guy sounded really annoyed. but listening in on all this...
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 and it gets more awkward when jack mumbles something that gabriel SWEARS is his name but kdjfnadskfnjs
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 and, of course, Gabe is gonna have to rush over to Jack's place once it's over. oh wait he can't see the bedroom just yet. keep out
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 LOL well he can go see jack's place and not go into the bedroom...?? maybe?
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 yeah, prolly. Jack wouldn't want him to see it after all that. but, like, so does Gabe hang up and Jack calls him back as soon as the dude leaves? And Jack, like, isn't even sure why he's reaching out? They just end up snuggled together on Jack's couch, watching a movie till he falls asleep 'cause he didn't want to be alone after
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kjfksdfksadnksdn jack calls gabriel back afterwards all frantic like "uM I... DID YOU HEAR ANYTHING" and gabriel replies "n............ no the call dropped....... right away.................."
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 X'D GABE YOU LIAR When Gabe comes over, Jack looks all worn out and kind of sad, and his skin is blotchy and beginning to bruise, so of course gabe has to ask if he's okay. Jack smiles at him, all relieved and bittersweet and says he's fine, and Gabe's heart goes doki doki
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gabriel is Dying he's so in love and holy SHIT jack isn't straight they snuggle while watching a movie and gabriel forgets how breathing works
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Gabe has the hardest time behaving himself while tucked under the blanket with Jack for their movie.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kajsdksajdnf bc GOD NOW HE KNOWS WHAT JACK SOUNDS LIKE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 lol haha oh SHIT XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 he pays Zero attention to the movie he instead spends the time caught between stealing glances at jack and fantasizing about what he could do right then and there
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaa
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 plus being hyper aware the whole time of every place he and jack are touching
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 eeeeeeeeeeee okayokay...what if, like, when the movie ends and Jack is only barely awake, Gabe starts to get up to help him to bed, but Jack just snuggles a bit closer and sleepily demands that Gabe talk more about himself. And Jack's drifting off with his head against Gabe's chest, more relaxed than he's been in a long time, and the lonliness is almost completely gone for once, and he's just about asleep when Gabe runs out of things to say about himself and just murmurs '...and I've always been in love with you.'
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 SHRIEKING!!!!!!!!!!!!! does jack assume it's a dream later or does he immediately wake up at that lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 could have him assume it's a dream, then really freak out his next partner by gasping out 'i love you' in the middle of things before tacking 'Gabe' onto the end of that.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHHHHHH IDIOTS
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 and, of course, since they're in teh same time zone now, Gabe's asleep at the time and dreams that.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 CONFESS!! IT'S A SIGN!!! lol Gabe being all HEY LET ME TREAT YOU TO DINNER AS THANKS FOR SHOWING ME AROUND so that he has an excuse to set up something kinda fancy. he's nervous the whole evening, 'cause if he ruins this, he's still got a few days left in town and he doesn't want to miss out on seeing Jack, but then again, if it goes right, he's still got a few days in town with Jack
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 KJDFANDKSANFDS he means to save his confession until the end of the night but like as soon as they sit down he blurts out "i love you" very smooth gabriel
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE!!
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 LOL jack's head shoots up, certain he misheard "excuse me?"' gabriel wants to Die but he balls up his fists and clarifies, "i'm- in love with you jack. i have been for..." he swallows tightly. "almost since i met you."
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;u;
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 jack drops his glass and it shatters on the floor, spilling water everywhere and also glass shards what a mess
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 jaaaaaaaaaaack u fukkin mess Jack is up out of his seat, and Gabe is starting to clean up the mess, but Jack just grabs his arm and is all: 'take me back to your hotel.'
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 KJADFNAKSDNF gabe is like wait you have a hou- and jack is like yOUR HOTEL NOW
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD you two jerks haven't even ordered they just walked in, ate some free bread, broke a glass and left
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 HE TRIED SO HARD at least he hit the goal! XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 IT REALLY IS THE DESTINATION THAT MATTERS, NOT THE JOURNEY while they're having sex jack keeps closing his eyes and expecting to see someone else when he opens them but no it's still gabriel
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 awww he's just...so...HAPPY TTuTT
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 >w< afterwards they're lying in bed and gabriel has to ask "bro i thought you were straight"
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHAHAHA YA DUMMIES but jack still doesn't know about the phone call and gabe doesn't know about the dreams LMAO
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 nopenope ^^ more fun for them to get into
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 maybe jack asks what gabe wanted the other day when he called lollll and gabriel is just "ohh god" admits he was dreaming about jack bc he guesses there's no harm in it now but oh god what if jack knows somehow
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 if he knows he was sending Gabe those dreams?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 i should have put that in quotes lol it's gabe's anxiety feels about what if jack somehow knows that he was listening in that whole phone call >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 ohh gotchagotcha. ^^ well, i mean, if the call wasn't disconnected, and if the phone was face up, Jack would know exactly how long Gabe was listening bit of an exhibitionist, isn't he?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kdjsnfdksjfnasdkfjn jack opens with "i know you were listening in" and gabe has a heart attack they have to call 911 for real
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 X'D JACK THINK BEFORE YOU ACT jack teasing him, like: 'is it better for real?' and Gabe just rolls right over on top of him and hides his face by attacking Jack's neck with kisses
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 that's when gabe admits he called bc he's been dreaming about jack all the time and it doesn't take long for jack to figure out why
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 oh ho ho. now whatcha gonna do, Jackie?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 well naturally he decides to experiment with a vibrator and a mirror in the room Right Next to sleeping gabriel it's more intense with less distance after all >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 oh my god XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 he can HEAR gabriel shooting out of bed and falling on the floor with a flurry of muffled curses
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD jaaaaaaack you TEASE! You can have the real thing now! XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 exactly >w> he gets the real thing slamming his door open and marching over, all riled up and flustered
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 ohho. a calculated move! -^^- you know, part of the reason it might be stronger is also that he's seen Gabe in real life, had his mental image of him confirmed, heard his voice, caught a whiff of his scent...and then, of course, after they hook up, he knows how Gabe feels inside him.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kjdanfakjdnfaknsa so what you're telling me is gabriel has the most intense wet dream of his life jack you sly motherfucker
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 lol
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AND JACK KEEPS DOING IT not ALL the time but often enough that gabriel is pretty pissed about it (but not pissed enough to tell him to stop For Serious)
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 but it's a good way to stay connected after Gabe has to go back home ^^ (long enough to get ready to move back to Jack ofc)
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 >w< or jack moves in w gabe bc. it's a little awkward living with your boyfriend in a town where you've fucked 90% of the male population
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 lolololol HADN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THAT ^^;;;;;;;;;
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 jack tells gabe very seriously "thank you for coming into my life when you did bc i was gonna have to move soon anyway, i was seriously running out of people to fuck" and gabe is Very concerned
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 gabriel stops whatever he was doing, turns to face jack and asks very slowly, "jack what the fuck"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack: no, see, the problem was WHO to fuck
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 "even if you fucked one new person every day you'd have to be doing that for like-" "well your math is wrong lmao 'one' new person..." "j. jack"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 don't slut-shame, Gabe. It only encourages him.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 HA gabe can't tell if it's kind of weirdly sweet that jack was pining for him so bad he went out and fucked that many people... or if it's just. disturbing
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 it's disturbing, Gabe. Just bc he can't be reasoned with, doesn't mean you can't understand the truth.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 gabe. for the like. millionth time why do you like him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 poor guy. lol does that make his decisions as bad as Jacks?
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 i think he's a victim of his feelings more than a poor decision maker he was just born with terrible taste in men. it's his unfortunate burden u-u
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 but he looks at Jack and Jack's life choices and still doesn't dump him. except for that one time he may or may not have blown up their superhero hq
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 OOPS
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thisgirlhastales · 7 years
Heyo! So, I was curious: in the "Objects In Motion" universe, I was wondering exactly what kind of things Lance and Keith do to make each other flustered and embarrassed and stuff like that. You said Lance became a master of "Making Keith Lose His Cool In All Ways ;)", plus he had some SERIOUS game on the pirate adventure, and that kinda peaked my interest XD
Ah, now that I have angsty space cowboy stuff done, I can answer your question :D Sorry for the delay, honey! *ponders* 
Well, I’m just gonna focus on Lance for a sec: Lance is already pretty confident in his flirting, as we’ve seen in canon. He’s definitely over-the-top, and he doesn’t always know when to turn it off, but his charming cheesiness definitely has an effect on some people (i.e. certain mermaids, and a couple of alien shoppers ;D). But it’s a little different with Keith, since they’re already dating … 
Basically, this is what happens …
Lance actually likes arguing with Keith. He’d discovered this a while back, before they started going out, but now it’s extra fun — there’s always a smile playing at the corner of Keith’s mouth, their insults are far more creative, playful, and sometimes even flirty. Keith can flirt, and Lance is really, really bad at hiding how much that gets to him. And Keith knows it, so even if he’s kind of awkward about it sometimes, Lance still blushes and stammers, and it’s not fair.
That is, until, he discovers that he has his own power over Keith. And then all bets are off.
“Man, that was a steep drop,” Keith complains, rubbing at his hip. “Pidge could’ve waited to turn the gravity back on.”
“Ah, angel, did it hurt?” Lance asks, grinning widely as he takes off his helmet, his hair damp and sticking to his forehead. “You know, when you fell from heaven?”
Keith gapes at him. “Really? Really, Lance?” 
At the time, Lance chalks up the red flush in Keith’s cheeks to the wild fight they’d just been through, to the use of yet another silly nickname in Lance’s quest to find the perfect one, but then, later on in the kitchen …
It was too much fun to prompt that irritated look on Keith’s face, and so Lance holds Keith food up over his head, because he can, because that one and a half extra inch of height makes a difference, and Keith just glares at him, arms crossed. It’s too damn cute, and Lance winks at him, saying, “Listen, it’s important — I gotta tell you that if you were a fruit, you’d be a fineapple.”
And then he presents Keith his bowl of pineapple flavoured goo with a wide, proud grin on his face.
Keith is blushing while he snatches his food away and huffs his way to a table. Lance is delighted.
Oh, it’s on now. 
 “Hey, Keith!” Lance calls across the hanger after they’ve landed on a new planet for yet another diplomatic mission. They’re dressed formally, and Keith looks especially nice in simple Altean finery. He shoots Lance a quizzical look.
“You must be peanut butter because you make my legs feel like jelly.” 
Pidge and Hunk each take a turn smacking the back of Lance’s head as they pass by, but Lance is too happy watching Keith flustered and floundering for a comeback to care.
Keith complains about the nicknames, but the pick-up lines he rarely comments on. He just glares while blushing, or gapes as his ears go red, or tells Lance to knock it off, we’re in the middle of a Galra base, holy crap, Lance, focus. 
That changes when they’re sitting together on the observation deck’s couch, on one of their casual dates; Lance lights up as he remembers yet another fabulous line while staring at Keith’s feet resting on a pillow. “Oh, hey, lemme tie your shoe laces!”
Keith sits up straight to stare at him. “Um, my boots don’t have any —”
“’Cause I don’t want you falling for anyone else,” Lance finishes happily.
That familiar light dusting of pink starts at Keith’s cheeks, spreads to his neck and ears. Lance is laughing, and then Keith blurts out, “Are you joking around, or … or do you actually mean it?”
Lance stops laughing. “Wait, what?”
“I mean, I get that you’ve always been … but now that we’re together, are you just, like … unable to break the habit, or something?” Keith drops his gaze to his lap, trying to act indifferent. “It’s fine, by the way, even funny sometimes, I just wonder —”
“Um, Keith, I don’t flirt with people I’m not attracted to?” Lance says, confused and somewhat alarmed. “A habit? … Yeah. Yeah it is. As in, I habitually flirt with the hottest person in the room. And that’s always you.”
Keith lifts his head up, eyes wide. He’s red, absolutely fire engine red, and Lance thrills at the sight, feels himself warming up as Keith blinks and says in a hoarse voice, “Oh. Okay.” He clears his throat. “They’re terrible lines.”
Lance smiles, honest and affectionate as he replies, “Yeah, but I mean every word of them. You are stupidly fine, you routinely give me weak knees, and I want you all to myself, so please ignore any number of charming aliens who might try to steal you away.” He wraps his arms around Keith, pulling him into his chest so he can kiss the top of his head. “I’ve always been kind of jealous of how cool you are, but now I’m also aware of how pretty you are too, and it’s kinda unfair, dude. How dare you?”
“You’re the handsome one,” Keith mutters against Lance’s neck. “And you know it, jackass.”
Lance laughs into messy black hair. “Then trust me — it takes one to know one.”
Keith snorts and shifts in Lance grip. Somehow they’ve ended up reclined, Keith half on top of Lance, and he lifts himself up using his arms on either side of Lance’s shoulders, looks down at him so fondly that Lance feels a pleasant ache start up in his chest.  
“Hey, Lance?” he says quietly.
“I was feeling a little off today … But you definitely turned me on.”
Lance goggles at his boyfriend for what feels like a solid minute before he cracks up and drags him down by his shirt collar. It ends up with him wheezing as Keith crashes his full weight into him, and Lance’s arm is weirdly pinned between them, but that doesn’t stop him from kissing the smile on Keith’s face, giggling into his mouth. 
And he keeps on practicing his one-liners, his honest, no-holds-barred compliments and sweet promises, relishing each and every hitched breath from his boyfriend, until Lance is probably smooth enough to pick up any hot alien from here all the way back to Earth … But Keith, Keith is the only one he ever wants to use his flirtations on because, as he tells his boyfriend one day, “You know, pudding-pop, you may not actually need a nickname …”
“Oh really? Does that mean this torture will end?” Keith flashes a quick teasing grin.
Lance winks back. “All I want to call you is mine.”
And there’s the blush, and the stutter, and nothing in the universe makes Lance as happy as charming the hell out of his Red Paladin.
Ta-dah! Look at how stupidly fluff this is. This is what happens when I write angst non-stop and then switch over to happier things. It’s like I need to be ridiculously overly sweet to compensate. *sighs* Well, I hope this worked for you! I had to look up those pick-up lines by the way — I definitely do not have the right mind to come up with stuff as wonderfully cheesy as that ;)
Edit April 2020: Now posted on AO3 :)
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dreamscript · 7 years
HEY IT ME AGAIN-- LITERALLY SAME I GOT SICK AND LIKE IM STILL COUGHING AND I WANT IT TO STOP. LIKE. RIGHT. NOW. I hope you feel better soon! I can only imagine how bad you're suffering! Make sure to get lots of rest and binge watch Naruto hehehehe// I got sick around Christmas so it's kinda just here// But yeah lol just excuse me late responses (; 7 ; ) and yas girl just embrace you're inner otaku its okay xD (i wanna re-read Naruto actually//) OMG YES PLZ I LOVE YOUR FICS AND-
{CONT} YO HOW DARE YOU WRITE THAT JUNGKOOK FIC IM SHOOKED JKSDFNKJD// LMAO IF THAT AINT ME IN ANY MATH CLASS FUKFFKFKKFKF BUT ITS OKAY YOU CAN DO IT I BELIEVE IN YOU! There was freezing rain here a day or so ago. That was fun . u . (sobs) IF YOU COULD TWEEK MY BLOG OMG ID LOVE THAT. But the theme isn’t originally mine and I’d assume the original owner wouldn’t want the original code changed?
{CONT} IDK I wanted to change my theme for a while now // Something not endless scroll but just boxes for previews? Also I wanted a minimalistic theme based with pastel colours and black and white hehe/ ANYWAY NO NO WORRIES SOMETIMES IM JUST HERE WONDERING IF YOONGI SUED BIGHIT FOR DYING HIS HAIR TOO FREQUENTLY AND NOW HE BALD (LOL) BUT YEAH APPARENTLY THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO HAVE A COMEBACK IN FEBRUARY AND MY WALLET IS UPSET. I ALSO WANT THE NEW ARMY STICK FOR NO GOOD REASON AT ALL LOL
{CONT 3 xD} I’ve only read Naruto Manga so if you wanna screech with me about that lets do it ahaha/ HECK YES I WILL READ THEIR FIC- I WILL NOT STUDY JAHAJSDSDKJF Shout out to Cat and Fae too like i seriously love their fics- your Christmas series had me shooked!! Anyways I have so much work to do and so i will bother you later :) - Sakura !
IM HEALED AND BETTER NOW THANK YOU I HOPE YOU’RE FINE NOW TOO??!?! but i remember my doctor telling me once that if you’re still coughing like a month later you should get it checked out or something D:
and oh. my. god.
but yeah no it’s okay! i have super late responses as of late…. and it’s really only because i’ve been too emotionally spent by the end of the day or tired or busy or just “not feeling it”
idk, but i hope to get back into being more active. i miss this place. i miss interacting with others, as little of it i seem to be doing right now (guh _ _)
dude it was rainy and windy and cold today and i had to go outside and the entire time i was walking/running/dying to class i was thinking a) why b) this was a Mistake
ah well in regards to your theme, usually the theme makers are okay with minor changes (sometimes major ones too) as long as you keep the credit and the changes are for personal use (as opposed to commercial use/redistribution, etc). just to be sure, you can just check their rules. they usually have that whole page/pop up or will simply include it in their theme code.
hmm what do you mean by boxes for previews? i don’t think i’ve ever seen such as thing. it sounds interesting, though. are they previews for like posts or…?
thank you for loving our collaboration! i’m still amazed on how quickly we got things put together and everything… honestly… cat and @zephyoongist​ are so talented i don’t know what i’m doing here :’) (or where i would be without them)
and now finally…
(for the maaaain event)…
okaY OKAY I WILL SCREECH WITH YOU ABOUT NARUTO. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW. just under the cut because spoilers:
i love kakashi
i also love gaara. i can’t choose between the two, but lately i’ve been more biased towards kakashi. i blame it on my sister because she’s always had a thing for him
(i still love you gaara its okay my sand child)
kakashi’s backstory had me in tears… like… with obito died and he’s telling kakashi he’ll give him his sharingan (the sharingan that he’d always been talking about that would get him to hokage) to be his eye to see the future…
i just..
fucking broke down man like dude… stop… you’re killing me here… and then how kakashi really changes afterwards
(okay but listen child kakashi was savage as fuck though and it was hilarious)
(also i know it’s a filler but that one episode in which it showed guy and kakashi comparing dick sizes as kids….,,..,.
….,,..i wasn’t expecting that at all but i don’t mind the info heheheheh heh /dies)
literally if she hadn’t died a lot of the issues in naruto wouldn’t have occurred but they fucking did
no i’m not blaming her she died for a noble reason okay it just makes me really sad i’m sorry
on a side note minato and kushina were cute as fuck
ANYWAYS GAARA OH MY OH MY GOD MY POOR BABY as a kid he was so cute and just wanted some friends and was out helping all those villagers and such but then his damned dad just had to go and screw those things up like STOP IT HE;S MY CHILD
even though i love those two, my favorites are actually the akatsuki
like. they hate each other but istg they secretly love each other like have you seen kakuzu and hidan’s interactions??? they tease and insult and threaten (and have killed) each other but kakuzu is actually patient with hidan’s rituals and such, and hidan will still accompany kakuzu to the collection centers
also, when he sees asuma’s guardian shinobi thing the first thing that comes to mind is kakuzu and how he’d want him for the money and he’s like u gh but like !!!
and AND when hidan at first thinks he’s accidentally killed kakuzu in his fight with shikamaru & co., he has that look of panic ooooh my god I JUST GASHUDFJSDIJASD
also hidan is just hilarious. like when they go to recruit him he’s like “who are you guys, all wearing the same clothes?? are you guys an orchestra or band or something?”
/points at kakuzu/ bet you play the bass
/points at konan/ bet the girl does vocals and keyboards
/points at itachi/ …or do you do vocals…?
and then the first thing hidan and kakuzu do to each other is kill each other
the look of utter disbelief on both of their faces
“what the–why aren’t you dead?”
“bitch that hurt–wait. why aren’t you dead?”
but anyways we can’t forget about itachi and kisame either, now can we?? like. they are actually like the only partner group that openly got along with each other, and they were sad oh my god they were sad upon realizing each other’s death’s
and idk just the way kisame says “itachi-san” does something to me
 i t a c h i
oh boy i have so much to say about this kid
but before i move on i must! address! the others!!
okay so like deidara is actually op as fuck and sometimes idk i feel like he doesnt get enough credit?? idk.
and he’s 19 like lol what bye
but anyways, after his “fight” he loses his other arm because kakashi and now he’s armless BUT THIS KID STILL HOLDS HIS OWN though completely on the defense AGAINST TEAM GAI LIKE WHAT THE FUCK HE’S AMAZING and then he manages to create a bomb without using any sort of handseals and fools them all into thinking he’s dead
i love this boy give him a metal why did he have to die so early why (yet another reason why i dislike sasuke lmfao)
black zetsu scares the fuck out of me (esp when i learned of his true past and intentions) but white zetsu!! he’s such a sweetie holy shit
and also unlike so many others he actually likes everyone and when he saves deidara he’s like “you’re a fun guy to be around” and then and then later when he’s talking to tobi he reveals that he’s sad that so many of the akatsuki members died like D::
let’s not forget when black zetsu called him weak (they had split in two at the time) and white zetsu just kind of D: and wilts a little like ooHH NO oo baby it’s okay it’s okay
konan is so strong… holy crap… like… her ultimate attack? with the bajillion paper explosive tags disguised as a lake?? that go off for 10 minutes? holy fuck.
yahiko’s pretty damn hot if you ask me (yes i know he’s a cadaver in the main time period but listen)
idk my favorite arc of the entire thing was pain’s invasion of konoha… like from the moment jiraiya’s message arrived to when everyone got revived…. and then kakashi almost became hokage…
it was fantastic
i think it’s mainly because it was a mystery, race against time, battle thing all in one and it was so neat i guess
also you could see everyone in the village working together, fighting their hardest, showing their potentials for like, the first time ever
um um um okay sasori mentally scarred me as a child, and now whenever i hear the rattling puppet noises i immediately think of these scary nightmares i had after watching his fight with sakura… yeah, puppets scare me a lot now
orochimaru is a creep ‘nuff said moving on
tobi! i love this alternate ego of obito/”madara” like idk he’s so jumpy and honestly it’s fucking hilarious watching him because he’s so secretly op certain people underestimate him at first (and then others overestimate him because of his association with akatsuki)
like. when he was warding off konoha from itachi vs sasuke’s fight (which i am still emo about) he was just like playing whack-a-mole with them and then he’s like lemme use this ability! frill-necked lizard!
and they all kinda stand and stare at him intensely execting something legit
but in reality that’s it. the extent of htat ability is just him hanging upside down with the cloack falling behind him to look like a frill-necked lizard
and it’s fucking hilarious
i also thought it was fucking adorable when he and deidara first confront sasuke
and the little bitch goes ahead and slices through him
literally through him
but sasuke thinks that he actually killed him and sasuke’s all like “one down”
and deidara just kinda
ugh this kid
and tobi gets up and brushes himself off like wow that was rly fast!!! and sasuke just >:/
sorry i thought i should make this clear but i lowkey highkey have this vendetta thing against sasuke like this little shit
i mean ofc i know the reason for his disillusionment really isn’t all his fault like @ itachi really?
like really when he goes back to konoha and sasuke tries to kill him… he goes and easily breaks his wrist
and he kinda just considers him for a moment like
how about i….. make his situation even worse…?
and then traps him in a genjutsu that forces him to relive their parents death for 24 hours like why the fuck this is literally all your fault
and also on a side note, fuck danzo. why the fuck did the 3rd not kill him when he was supposed to. why. all the wrong people lived for far too long.
but yeah no idk i just really don’t like sasuke after he defected and became a Vengeful Teen
AND ITACHI’S STORY MAKES ME CRY EVERY TIME HOLY SHIT IT MAKES ME SO SAD WHY DID THIS BOY HAVE TO SUFFER SO MUCH and then mess up his little brother’s psyche to the point in which he starts killing like everyone wtf
another favorite moment arc of mine is the very beginning
like the first 15ish episodes
he’s such a blessing. he’s literally one of those crucially important side characters and i appreciate him and i love him and it would’ve been nice to see more of him, but hey, that’s okay too.
(his part in the naruto road to ninja movie had me in tears. like at the end. fucking tears.)
like naruto and kakashi may be super close and stuff, but when he needs someone as a guardian, naruto turns to iruka and idk i feel that says a lot about their relationship and it makes me cry all the fucking time
um anyways yes i also love zabuza
he’s so strong and empowered
i have a lot more the say probably but it’s getting late and i need to take a shower and sleep and get up early in the morning to make food so i’ll just leave it at that
(i wrote a lot i know i’m sorry)
(hope i didn’t blow you away with any spoilers D:)
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rizzizzsins-blog · 5 years
From the Ashes, Ch. 6
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Chapter Text    
 Asher’s hands spasmed hard, ripping the note right in half.
 “Lemme see that shit. I swear to gods I’m gonna rip that bastard’s flames right outta his head,” Cinn growled, looking the note over. “Fucking hell, how selfish can he be? You were---”
 “In the hospital, I know. I was there,” Asher covered his face with his hands. His body was trembling.
 Hands gently took his and pulled them down.
 “Hey, easy…. Breathe with me.”
 “That shit never works.”
 “You ain’t ever done it with me,” Cinn insisted, before pulling Asher into a hug, sitting down. Normally, Asher recoiled from touch in times like this, but he just needed to be held right now.
 With his head on Cinn’s chest, he could follow the skeleton’s breathing. Usually shit saying to breathe and meditate just frustrated Asher, but was surprising how much it was helping right now.
 “Your soul sounds like a drum. One of those cowhide ones,” he noted.
 “Heh, thanks, I think?” Cinn shrugged.
 “Sorry… I tend to hear minute differences in soul sounds. Theo always sounded like the pop of a fireplace.”
 Asher sighed, before slowly getting up.
 “Let’s see if there’s anything else left.”
 He opened the closet. Theo took all his fucking clothes. All his sketchbooks. Everything was---was everything gone? There was something peeking out of the bottom of Theo’s closet. Asher opened it.
 He slammed it shut.
 “Piece of  shit!  ”
 “What was it?” Cinn asked.
 “Look in there and find out!” Asher fumed.
 Cinn opened the door. “Oh, you gotta be shittin’ me.”
 “He left that there on purpose. He’s rubbing it in my goddamn face how little I meant to him.”
 “Sick bastard probably thinks that leavin’ this here would show how much you “neglected” him,” Cinn corrected.
 “Neglected him?” Asher paused. “The hell do you mean?”
 “Guys like these? Only ever think ‘bout themselves. If he left these here, he probably thinks they’ll make ya miss him. That you neglected ‘im so much that he turned to other people. It really just means that he’s a textbook fuckin’ narcissist, though. Literally can’t step outside of his own fuckin’ ‘suffering’.”
 “Bastard,      bastard,    bastard!”  Asher’s voice cracked again,  and he picked up the panties and tossed them at a wall.
 “Er, ya sure you wanna touch those?”
 “I don’t give a fuck right now. I’ll wear them on my goddamn  head  if I want.”
 Cinn knew he shouldn’t laugh, but shit if that image wasn’t funny.
 Asher turned to face him, and he shut his mouth. Until Asher started cracking up himself.
 “Oh, man! I can’t believe I actually touched them… I think I’d rather die than wear them on my head, actually.”
 “Waita sec, I think I know whose these are,” Cinn chuckled.
 “Yeah. Lemme look at the tag.” He checked them with gravity magic, then showed Asher.
 They were embroidered.      Return to Scamp  
 “Holy shit. Gimme a second,” Asher smirked. He pulled out his phone.
 Your Passenger Wants to Chat!
 Your Chat Began on __/__/____
 Ash3rslash3r: hey scamp
 these yours?
     Ash3rslash3r sent an image.  
 Scampalicious: oh son of a bitch! where did you get those? been looking everyfuckinwhere
 Ash3rslash3r: my partner jumped ship and left these for me to find in his closet
 you want em back?
 Scampalicious: look please don’t get pissed off at me. it’s business. i can’t stop guys from cheating.
 Ash3rslash3r: O is that what this sounded like? Omg it is
 Ash3rslash3r: I’m not mad at all Scamp I know it’s your job. I just wanted to know if he was any good.
 Scampalicious: what’s the serial number on the panties?
 Ash3rslash3r: There’s a fucking serial number?
 Scampalicious: look these things are important pieces of equipment. I gotta keep track of em
 Ash3rslash3r: That’s so strange, but true. I never thought of it that way
 Ash3rslash3r: They say 345-90-446
 Scampalicious: lemme check my ledger
 Ash3rslash3r: you have a panty ledger. Like I see how it makes sense that you would but still
 Scampalicious: Says here the last time they were worn was with an “albert theodore bunsen”
 Ash3rslash3r: Lmao he gave you his full name?
 Scampalicious: no I just always look through their wallet. If they don’t pay me I know their full name and license number
 Ash3rslash3r: smart
 Scampalicious: you gotta be to make it in the business
 Ash3rslash3r: can I ask you something?
 Scampalicious: as long as I get my panties back
 Ash3rslash3r: Yeah of course
 Ash3rslash3r: Which name did he ask you to moan
 Scampalicious: holy shit how did I forget XD?? He wanted me to moan Albert I’m glad I was so high otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to keep a straight face
 Ash3rslash3r: I fucking knew it! Every time he tried to pressure me into fucking him that’s what he wanted
 Scampalicious: jeez… that      blows  
 Ash3rslash3r: hehehehe
 Ash3rslash3r: Anyways next time I get a ride from you I’ll give them back
 Scampalicious: thanks, that shit’s expensive
 Cinn was in conniptions, laughing so hard he crumpled onto the floor.
 “Albert! Albert! Fuckin’ Albert!” was all he could say.
 Asher couldn’t help but laugh with Cinn. His rich, growly chuckle was godsdamn contagious.
 “Yep. Albert. Or Al. I’m not kidding.”
 “I’m sure there’s some out there, but I can’t thinkuva less sexy name right now!”
 “Right? You’d think he’d want me to call him Theo, but no. He needed his Albert fix… not that he ever got it.”
 Cinn paused. “Wait, you never banged him?”
 “... I tried. My body… I didn’t really like showing it or having it touched before. Now I honestly want to hide in a paper bag, but we never went past me trying and failing to blow him.”
 “Wow. Never fuckin’ reciprocated, did he?”
 “I didn’t really want him to… see my parts.”
 “I’m sure your parts are fine, but… yeah. I don’t know ‘bout that sort of thing. At least you don’t have memories of that little shit banging ya.”
 “Yeah…” Asher smiled a little. “It was always such a massive source of guilt for me… and now it’s just immensely relieving.”
 “Well… what’s the game plan?” Cinn asked.
 “What do you mean? I’m sleeping in here until rent is due and then I’ll hit the streets again.”
 “Again? Wait, weren’t the King and Queen gonna cover for ya?”
 “I can’t accept that. I… I’m not a charity case. I’ve lived on a bench before and I can do it at any time.”
 Cinn shook his head, his red eyelights resolute. “Absolutely fuckin’ not.”
 “What do you mean, no? You can’t tell me what to do.”
 “Come on, dumbass!” Cinn barked at him. Asher recoiled a bit.
 “I… I’m sorry. Look. Princey. Ya might’ve been able to survive back then, but now? ‘S not happenin’. You can’t photosynthesize, and ya can’t work either. I’m not lettin’ ya starve. Hell, I don’t even know how you’d get down the stairs tomorrow mornin’.”
 Asher shrugged.
 “Look. Stay at my place. Just fer tonight. Lemme find you somethin’ that won’t make you feel like a burden.”
 Asher really didn’t want to accept, but the pleading look Cinn was giving him was impossible to say no to.
 “F-fine. But only while I have to. And I’m paying for groceries.”
 “You got you’se---- you got yourself a deal. Let’s get the fuck outta this shanty.”
 “Was that a fucking you’se?”
 Cinn cleared his throat. “Maybe.”
 “Let’s go.”
 “Heh, yeah.”
 Cinn had only come out of a barfight with a friend once, and that was the first time he and Sparkby butted heads. Sparks almost bashed his head in with a chair, Cinn tried to crack Sparkby’s with his own martini shaker. The other monsters had emptied the bar, leaving them to kill each other.
 After realizing that neither of them wanted to die, Cinn had floated them both a Sea Tea, and they hit it off from there. Sure, they still butted heads, but nothing like the first night they’d met.
 Every scuffle at Sparkby’s since then had ended in someone else’s dust in his jacket pockets.
 So when his pal had knocked the little sapling to the ground for being mouthy, Cinn didn’t know why he gave a shit. He just knew that he did. A lot. Enough to get sap in his Pontiac and drive him to the hospital. Enough to stay the night and make sure he didn’t dust in his sleep.
 He wasn’t the most touchy-feely guy. He held his little bro when he needed it, and that was about that. Sure, he fucked, but it took a lot for him to show his tender side.
 Something about this pissed off, wronged-by-the-world dryad made him want to show it all the time.
 Even so, Cinn did his best to ignore the low buzz of his magic between his legs. Right now was literally the worst time to make any sort of moves. The little guy looked exhausted, achey, and his tremors were steadily worsening as Cinn drove them to his place.
 “Look, yer tired, I can tell. Lemme carry you.”
 “No, Cinn, that’s ridiculous.”
 “Really? Try an’ stand up.”
 His new charge grouchily accepted after almost eating shit, cane and all.
 By the time they got up the elevator, Asher was already asleep. Cinn didn’t blame him; he’d had a long week.
 “Bro, I’m home. Got my hands full, so wouldya mind undoin’ the locks?”
 A crimson red eyelight looked through the peephole.
 “That yer bein’ a fuckin’ butthead right now.”
 A raspy chuckle resounded from the other side of the door, before his little bro undid all fifteen locks on their apartment. Thank goodness Vanilla owned the building. Any other landlord would have thrown a fucking fit.
 “IS THAT THE VICTIM OF THE ACCIDENT? WHY HAVE YOU BROUGHT HER HERE? SHOULDN’T SHE BE IN THE HOSPITAL, CINN?” His bro sounded pissed, but that was just his voice. Cinn knew he was trying to hide his concern.
 “Look, he’s tired, he don’t have nobody at home anymore, and I can explain all this shit tomorrow. I’m droppin’ him in my bed and sleeping on the couch.”
 “Sure thing, Boss.”
 That never failed to make his little brother smile.
 Before setting Asher down, Cinn used gravity magic to change the sheets. Just because he lived in filth didn’t mean the sapling deserved to. He carefully placed the dryad in bed, before tucking him in just the way Edge used to like. Asher started purring. Aw.
 As he was about to leave, Asher’s hand weakly grabbed his jacket. He was definitely still asleep, but he also wasn’t letting go. Without waking him up, Cinn pulled off his prized jacket and laid it on top of Asher for extra warmth. He knew how cold Asher would get tonight. Hell, he might as well use the heated blanket while he was at it. Perfect. Maximum comfort had been achieved. His job was done, and he could go crash on the couch.
 Asher reached for him again, grabbing his shirt.
 “Goddamn it kid, you want me to strip fer you or something?”
 Asher made a displeased sound, shifting a bit, but not letting go.
 “Fine. I’ll get in. But don’t be a prude about it tomorrow mornin’.”
 He shuffled in, careful not to disturb him. The dryad hung on tightly to him, purring hard.
 Cinn remembered outlines for two air mattresses in the apartment. When was the last time Asher had shared a bed with his partner?
 Even though he was clearly playing substitute for someone else, Cinn didn’t feel too weird about it. It was kinda peaceful, actually, the gentle gray glow of Asher’s body in the dark. His breathing sounded a little the rustle of wind through leaves.
 He could get used to this.
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