#manek deboto
raduniverse · 7 years
BUY THE NEW ALBUM 'MASTERZ OF DREADWAVE' NOW - https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/masterz-of-dreadwave/id1094744644
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tawneybel · 6 years
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Because I mentioned I was going to eventually get rid of my old shower curtain, my mom surprised me and got me an Edward Gorey one. Gashlycrumb Tinies! 
One of the recent ghost books on ghost I read mostly just (intentionally or not) taught me how to fake spooky sh*t at seances but in the entry on mirrors it mentioned looking into one at night was considered bad luck. But that’s kind of hard to avoid. I already knew using candlelight to look into a mirror is considered to be unlucky but I think a cellphone’s flashlight doesn’t count. Anyway, going to the bathroom at night is going to be spookier. :D 
Life’s been kind of hectic lately, mostly due to things outside of my control. I want to get a new job this summer. And fix my sleeping schedule. I’ve been getting stress dreams again for the first time in a while. I don’t count a bad dream as a nightmare unless I wake up terrified but it still sucks. Going to ask my doctor if melatonin is a good idea.  
My dog (see above) had a nasty cough after getting knocked out for some dental surgery, which is supposed to be normal, but it lasted for a while so we took her to the vet. And it turns out that the reason she was scratching on my door every night to be let outside was because of a UTI. She’s doing better now. 
Mm, there’s a lot more things to talk about but I’ll save that for another post. 
The Dark Knight: There was a scene where a bunch of men got their uniforms stolen and they were tied up and g*gged. I watched the trilogy out of order. To be honest, I get kind of bored watching these but the villains are cool. Bane’s darling but now that I’ve seen Venom I prefer Eddie Brock. Jonathan Crane is kind of cute, too. 
Now I finally get why people like the Joker so much. He gives not a single f*ck. So many things could go wrong at any moment during his plans, he relies so much on luck, but he has so much confidence. I feel like if tried to slide down a hill of money I would hurt myself. The best scene was the Joker walking quickly out and away from the hospital. Also, the bank heist in the beginning. 
Crimson Peak started to get good when Edith and Lucille were having the butterfly discussion and ended up being better paced than I thought it would be. But after Carter got his head smashed in, I’m not sure why Edith would go with Thomas after that. 
Gothic horror is actually fun to learn about in school because the genre’s progenitors would probably be into yandere and monster f*cking. It’s like... In the first art history class I took, we were looking at Renaissance paintings and there was a fair amount of stuff with a de*th and the maiden motif. The modern equivalent would be a lot of metal album covers.
Brain Damage: I was looking for infestation movies and I’m so glad I stumbled upon this. Not because it’s particularly good but ‘cause the MC is super cute. Basically the talking leechy thing pumps Brian full of an addictive fluid through the the back of his neck and they have a faux symbiotic relationship where Aylmer gorily eats other people’s brains.
There was a scene where Brian’s brother answers the phone lying on his stomach in his und*rwear. Followed by a scene where Brian takes his pants off and you see his t*sh. Also a very brief M/F/M thr*some dream that gets gruesome real quick. 
The Stuff: If you’re into The Blob, you’ll probably like this. The mode of killing is a bit different. Stuff’s alive and controls people from the inside. 
A Cure for Wellness: Shout out to his movie for showing n*ked/scantily clad old people without getting weird about it. Within the first half hour I was surprised when it didn’t do well at the box office. The visuals draw you in but it was probably too long and could have been better. I wasn’t expecting to it get kind of fantastical. It’s got existentialism, surrealism, mystery... Uhhhh... I’m not sure whether to classify it as fantasy or sci fi. 
Venom: Hits so many k*nks. Dan’s cute, Anne has good taste in men. Carlton Drake gets symbioted. Actually, I’m not sure if he or Eddie is sexier. The first guy to get possessed in the Eminem video is also cute. Best line is Venom saying, “Look at her. She has no idea we are going to get her back.” The Rorschach-like ending credits were cool. 
Sleepaway Camp: Before I watched this, I already knew the ending. Sort of. To be honest, I expected “Angela” to be an offensive portrayal of a trans woman but the situation was more like David Reimer, minus g*nital m*tilation. The ending itself... Aunt Martha may not have gone on a murder spree but she’s the scariest person in the film. Otherwise I wouldn’t have said there’s anything terribly special about this film. Based on the synopsis of the sequel, I’m probably not going to watch the rest of the franchise. 
Hell Fest: Pretty typical modern slasher but the atmosphere is great. It was also funny. I’m just gonna use bullet points for this.
“You know what? He deserves at least some dignity after death.” “Let’s give him a b*ner.” 
When asked if he mentioned something about having a f*tish for p*ddles, Gavin answers, “I have never said that in my entire life.”
Why did Asher get hotter while he was struggling and getting stabbed in the eyeball?
It took me a minute to recognize Tony Todd. Sad. 
Men in Black II: At no point in the film did Serleena, who is capable of transformation and has tentacles, transform into a male und*rwear model. :’( 
Fullmetal Alchemist: (The manga.) A military fantasy that raises some good questions about ethics. And dat solar aesthetic. The chimera designs were so cool. Envy is a cruel, skimpily dressed shapeshifter with a grotesque “true form” and Lin gets willingly possessed by Greed. So that’s right up my alley. 
Break My Heart 1,000 Times: Good time to read this. It takes place in February. Read this because I Still See You has Richard Harmon. The book started off decently but I didn’t like the protagonist’s behavior near the end of part three. And there’s some sexism. Like hysterically slapping her love interest and blaming herself for not having any weapons in her room because she’s a girl. Seriously, I keep a bigass King James Bible on my nightstand. If anyone breaks in, they’re getting brained by the Good Book. Or a lamp. Or the nightstand itself. But hopefully my dog would maul an intruder first. 
Christine: Wasn’t really into it but you might be if you’re into corruption, e.g. a nerdy guy becoming slightly more physically appealing jerk*ss. 
The 100: I got teary-eyed when Clarke and Lexa were saying goodbye and then the latter accidentally gets short. Poor Murphy can’t catch a break, as usual. Started season four the other day. 
Going into this, I thought I’d like Jay Hernandez’s character the most but then I found the other guys cuter until the end then I really liked Paxton. Weirdly enough, I found Alexei cute. There’s decent whump but I’m not into v*mit. 
I think I saw an ad with the guy who tortured Paxton when I was in elementary school but I mistook it for something from one of the Saw movies. This was obviously before I had any interest in watching these kinds of movies. XD  
Songs of the Day: I’ve been listening to a lot of Dead inside the Chrysalis/Dedderz lately... I’m crushing on Manek Deboto. He should be the one wearing a th*ng in the She’s So Rad music vid! If they ever do  “He’s So Rad” they should include Elm Street’s Jesse Walsh and Brian from Brain Damage...
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ecult · 4 years
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“PEOPLE JUST LOOK ‘CAUSE THEY WANNA SEE THINGS” — Manek Deboto @dedderz_music @nuke_pukeem @vid_vicious_2.0 #dedderz #look #find #see #things https://www.instagram.com/p/CBr_3tVl-RB/?igshid=tvxppmi0nwy8
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ecult · 5 years
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I, Manek Deboto as Johnny Future in CRASHLAND - Rising up from the mutant underground - Out Now via eLECTRiCULT Records . Music by @dedderz_music #masterofmutation #mod #maniax #modernman #johnnyfuture @vid_vicious_2.0 #dedderz #manekdeboto https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dch7EFFz6/?igshid=bvangflj5beg
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ecult · 7 years
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"MY PET ALIEN HAND SALUTES YOU!" - Manek Deboto of @dedderz_music w/ @nuke_pukeem #dedderz #manekdeboto #nukepukeem #deadinsidethechrysalis #vidvicious #joystixx #citizenclone #troma #alien #mypetalienhandsalutesyou
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ecult · 7 years
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"GOD I LOVE BEING A TURTLE!" Says a bogus Corey Feldman wannabe Manek Deboto, in this scene from 'Video 4 Cassette' reality comic book by @dedderz_music feat. Silent Scream-queen, Nuke @nuke_pukeem Read the entire comic on the Secret (grave)Site of Dedderz World #dedderz #joystixx #troma #lloydkaufman #coreyfeldman #comics #photonovelas #comicbook #photocomic #reality #realitycomics #dedderzworld #tmnt #godilovebeingaturtle #makeout #andywarhol #kissing #kiss #sexscene #sniffthis #zine #tronguy #dude #bogus
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skincube · 11 years
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Manek Deboto (Vid Vicious) and Nuke Puke'Em (Nancy X) of DEDDERZ. 
These two basically make a bunch of bands set in an 80's styled, cyberpunk, dystopian, alternate reality, and each one of them is awesome. Joystixx is my favorite.
Just did this on a whim to show my love.
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