#mangastream c
techgiga · 4 years
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sophiathings · 4 years
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Source: Technoblink
The Manga stream is the spirit of overall comic worldwide, and MangaStream is one of the most loved spots for their yearn for top-notch Manga stream.
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thelonely · 6 years
Chapter 192 finally gives us past OFA wielders and they are standing shoulder to shoulder next to each other just like the avatars!! And among the 4 that are clearly drawn, there seems to be two women, one being Nana!! And Deku connects with them when he falls asleep!!!!! I cannot describe the shock this gives me and I guess you could be super hype when you see it for yourself!!!!!
D U D E  W H A T
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Chapter 271: In which Dark Shadow is a badass
I love Tokoyami. I love Hawks. I love Fatgum. This chapter was pretty much a homerun for me both for the players involved and for the ways it moved plot/character development forward. I have long thought Tokoyami does not get enough credit for being really fucking powerful, and we finally got to see just what Dark Shadow can do.
(image heavy)
Exhibit A: Tokoyami uses his bird sense to intuit Hawks’s peril, which leads him to break free of Fatgum’s stomach(clutches?) even though no one had ever been able to do that before.  
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Fatgum, being a hero who actually cares about the students’ well-being, immediately freaks out, as well he should.
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Exhibit B: Dark Shadow is kind of like Tokoyami’s familiar, and it’s worth noticing that Dark Shadow spends the entire chapter crying (while still being a total badass). Tokoyami has a heroic heart and empathy that frankly a number of the students have yet to develop.
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There’s been tons of speculation that Hawks might never recover his wings, meaning he’ll never fly again. This is horrible to contemplate given Hawks’s self-concept as the man who who’s too fast.
Chapter 192
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I gotta give Mangastream this one: They translated it as “The man who’s too fast for his own good,” which has a distinctly more ominous tone. Given where we are now, the foreshadowing takes on an even darker tone. Not to mention the preceding panel where Hawks lays out the sacrifice he is willing to make at the behest of the HPSC--which doesn’t have his best interest in mind.
Exhibit C: Just look at Tokoyami’s face in pretty much any panel in this chapter. I never knew a bird could be so expressive.
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And then of course we have to hear the on-his-deathbed groan from mentor/bespoiled hero to mentee.
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Exhibit D: Dark Shadow keeps going even in the face of Dabi’s attack, when we know Dark Shadow’s weakness is light. And he apologizes while crying.
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Holy shit, look at those faces.
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Exhibit E: More Dark Shadow being a BAMF.
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Exhibit F: Dark Shadow puts himself between Tokoyami/Hawks and Dabi.
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And finally, the panel that had everyone losing their shit when the first leaks came out.
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Tokoyami is absolutely sobbing here. And frankly so am I.
I rest my case. Tokoyami/Dark Shadow are a “dark horse,” so to speak, in 1-A’s most powerful student ranking. Todoroki and Bakugou better watch out. (We already know how Midoriya’s ending up. sigh)
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astersandstuffs · 4 years
Rikka!! Have you read haikyuu 402?!
hi anon! unfortunately no, i haven't :c i'm v behind the manga - the last thing i remember is karasuno vs. the foxes - and since mangastream went down i haven't found another site. whatever happens in ch.402 i'm sure it's epic and i hope you enjoy it! ^^
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gofancyninjaworld · 5 years
So. Conflicts of interest? With who/what else?
Note: I personally detest Tumblr.  I had this post finished and then accidentally clicked out of the editor and Tumblr ate it without trace! GAH!  That took me hours to type.  Round 2 then. 
So, yes, Dr Kuseno, the benefactor of Genos and Scientist of Justice (even though he’s an engineer), is someone who has more conflicts of interest than is really healthy for a person to have.  I think this needs a snazzy title, don’t you?
The Man With Too Many Hats 
A: The Justice Junkie
I could have used the word ‘crusader’ but it carries connotations that take away from the point I want to make.  ‘Hero’ doesn’t fit either.  The first way we know Dr Kuseno is as a very principled seeker of justice, the ‘Scientist of Justice’ so to speak. Seeking to stop wrongdoing and to redress past injustices is a set of values that both he and Genos share. Most specifically, they’re united in wanting to stop the Mad Cyborg at nearly any cost.  How deep their shared values run can be seen when he empathises with Genos: “Your state yesterday made me think of my youth. Possessed by a mad drive towards justice, fearing nothing... just recklessly putting myself through anything...” (chapter 80, Mangastream).  
It’s the Justice Junkie who agreed to turn Genos into a cyborg when the latter begged for body modifications.  Age may have sobered him, but that troublesome conviction that nearly any price is worth paying for principle hasn’t gone anywhere.
It's been interesting to see how hard he doesn't work on upgrades for Genos. It's like a reverse Spider-Man: instead of 'with great power comes great responsibility,' he's been like 'with great responsibility comes the need for great power'. The first significant upgrade (the arms mode) doesn't come until after Genos has signed up to be a pro-hero, which Dr Kuseno is super happy about.   And it's only since the Monster Association showed itself to be a threat that the old man has shown how fiendishly fast he can work when he's motivated.
The Justice Junkie is the one role who can accept Genos dying.  It’s the last thing he’d want, but being a hero means accepting the possibility of sacrificing yourself for others.  
B: The Investor
We don’t need Glasses to tell us that body modification is the preserve of the filthy rich.  We don’t really need to find out that Jet Nice Guy sunk his lottery winnings into body modification (what a bad investment). We can surmise it quite handily for ourselves that becoming a cyborg is very, very expensive.  Even by those standards, Genos is something else --  his extremely advanced weaponry, active development programme and frequent breakages mean that money literally goes up in smoke.  And yet, Kuseno has not hesitated to invest heavily in Genos.
Genos is very aware of The Investor; he sees himself as being indebted to Kuseno and feels that his debt is discharged by killing the Mad Cyborg as he promised.  That’s all very well: it’s clear that The Investor doesn’t want money for there is no realistic prospect of Genos ever repaying him. But what does he want?  What will make all this worthwhile to Kuseno?  Is the platonic knowledge of righting a wrong sufficient?  Is it settling a score?  Is the blood of a single individual, no matter how odious, really sufficient to justify the outlay what must run into millions of dollars?  Is there something material to be gained at the end, such as even more money, power, influence?  What will it take for him to cut his losses?  What does loss cutting look like? 
Unlike The Justice Junkie, The Investor sees no benefit to Genos dying.  It’d be a dead loss. 
C: The Engineer
We also meet The Engineer, the part of Kuseno that just loves the pure technical challenge of it all.  If the Justice Junkie got him working overnight to return Genos to the battlefield ASAP to meet the threat the Monster Association posed to mankind,  The Engineer made the challenge a pleasure. And Kuseno makes no bones about it: “...this has proven to be quite stimulating!  It’s been a long time since I felt my mind brimming with new ideas.” (chapter 80, Mangastream). 
For the pure technical difficulty of one item, nothing in OPM touches Genos. The first challenge in building a cyborg is that it's got to keep a very fragile human being alive. No matter what happens, the central temperature of that body must be 37 degrees Celsius, no more, no less. We definitely know he has at least his brain, which compounds the difficulty: it's the consistency of set jello and is very unforgiving of shock. Of all the weapon platforms Kuseno could have chosen for a cyborg, the extreme heat of the cannons and high voltage, high amperage system that drives them are the worst possible choices (seriously, a good blade is much, much safer!). Add to that the extreme acceleration (planned and unplanned) that body undergoes and you have the most life-unfriendly platform ever.
Shonen (and other stories aimed at a young adult audience) tend to be about finding one’s talent, setting goals, what one has to do in order to get good. OPM starts from a more mature premise: Okay, you got good.  Now what?  The Engineer wants extreme challenges and when we see Genos get upgrades, we are also seeing an old man fulfilling himself at the expense of a young man.  It’s something a lot of fans do feel, sensing that there is something off-kilter and yet can’t quite put their finger on. 
D: The Doctor
The Doctor is the guy who actually concerns himself with the person inside the machine. Naturally, Kuseno is interested in Genos being biologically well, but it goes beyond that.  As Genos remarks on “Dr Kuseno has put in a lot of effort so I can live like a human being.” (chapter 40.2, Neiru translation).  It’s a non-trivial ask as it requires that Genos stay human-sized, human-weighted, human-shaped, be able to eat, communicate both verbally and non-verbally, all of which is very important for long-term psychological well-being, but which adds significantly to the technical challenge.  We have already met other full-bodied cyborgs, like Drive Knight and Jet Nice Guy, but they haven’t received anything like the same level of care for their humanity. 
E: The Parent
Finally, The Parent, the part of Kuseno that is most concerned not just that Genos is well, but that he is happy. It really changed my view of Kuseno when he showed up in person at Saitama’s apartment, rail gun in one hand, meat in the other. He was aware of the great personal risk he was running and that he could send a drone instead, but to him, it was worth it.  Not just to retrieve Genos, but also to see just how the latter lived.  Who this master of his was -- was he really a good man?  What friends he had.  What he ate.  And he was so happy to see that Genos could make friends and was even beginning to open up a bit. 
There’s the bits of humour inherent in the little things he makes for Genos at times, like like the vegetable peeler inbuilt into his domestic arms and the ice shaver he took to the party. They’re clever, well-made and nominally practical, while being completely unnecessary. They serve to visually tell us that Dr. Kuseno might not be effusive, but there is love in these little gifts and in the joy with which Genos demonstrates them.   There’s no question that the pair are very deeply bonded: they talk like one another. Have the same penchant for over-generous gifting. Even smile like one another. Much as he loves Saitama, the moment Dr Kuseno showed up at the apartment, Genos went straight to his side and stayed there. No question where the centre of this young man’s world lies. 
F: That’s a bit of a mess
As you would imagine, these various roles both reinforce each other and clash. There is no way to be a good parent and yet do harm to your ‘kid’, expose him to harm, and send him to do harm to others.  No matter what The Justice Junkie says. We don’t let parents do surgery on their children or be their drill sergeants at boot camp for damn good reason.  Chapter 80 is pretty illuminating.  As we move from panel to panel, you can spot all five roles each taking their turn in wonderfully self-contradictory fashion, culminating in Kuseno asking Genos to fulfill his duty as a hero *and* to stay safe.  The role Kuseno plays in Genos’s life should by rights be split between at least two different people, even three.  But, each other is all they have. 
Just how this is all going to go wrong remains to be seen. It will.
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lottesseenaghoul · 6 years
RE:169 quick thoughts before I go into rabbit hole of tg posts on tumbler (edited)
So I was expecting the scans to come out on Thursday but was surprised to see some fresh panels in the uta tag and FLIPPED.jpeg at my behavioural economics lecture. Honestly not the best place for getting a nosebleed xdd
Anyways here are some of hot takes I got from reading the chapter. More nuanced meta probably on its way. I read it on mangastream and I did screenshots there.
The chapter starts with the first part of Uta’s tattoo quote and ends with the second part, forming a sort of narrative framework to read it.
We jump straight into the fray, with contrasting shots of Yomo’s damn fine looking face and Uta’s there as well, clearly guided by very basic thinking and mostly intuitive, emotional impulses:
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Like this is typical, stereotypical “unhinged” face people do in mangas. A mix of enthusiasm and bloodlust, it says this guy went “insane”. Ugh. Uta’s mental health warrants a LOT of unpacking nevertheless so let’s leave this face’ implications for later. 
We glimpse their fight styles then:
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Uta is on the offensive, honestly his is such forceful, visceral way of attacking here - straight up fuck up your opponent with the sheer force of your blow. He is shown to be a lot more nuanced and deliberate in previous fights, steering clear from attacking and content with evading the blows, dealing some psychological damage afterwards. But that is Uta just half-assedly toying - clearly he doesn’t stop himself with Yomo. The reasons can be manifold - that’s how they’ve always done it; he’s so pumped, he stops thinking and loses himself in pure bloodlust; he’s in a serious crisis - this is my preferred angle.
Now his fighting style, besides the raw strength behind it, is also quick and agile. In a second Uta gets behind Yomo, and tries to strike through his body mid-air. His face looks like this:
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Very unstable.
Uta’s pupils are incredibly large here - again, a visual reminder how little conscious control he might have in this situation. OR how vicious his intents are.
My impression is that when he’s led by such murderous motivation (whatever its composing parts), Uta moves intuitively, we don’t see him playing around or allowing to be struck. Here he has the initiative but Yomo can so far fend off or otherwise deal with his attacks.
I’m honestly so thirsty for Yomo in this chapter, just look at this fine motherfucker:
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{I’m interjecting to thank my lord satan for my pan-shipping, slutty heart because now UtaRen became another ship I love. Add in some Itori and you have another one. This one just keeps on giving <3}
Also Uta is so messy here, my baby all playful like a rabid hyena. 
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Despite all the refinements older Uta keeps about himself (suave clothing, neat hair, designer mask studio, antiques in glass cases, chess), he didn’t seem to have done much growing up, emotionally. Donato comments on it like that:
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You just gotta love the fact that for most of the manga Uta keeps the facade of actually being the least reckless of the ghouls. But I trust Donato on this, who seems to know Uta’s darker impulses fairly well. Possibly better than Yomo and that dude got his fair of beating from Uta too.
What got me interested is how Amon had commented how pointless Clowns endeavours were. Initially I thought it’s Donato who said it, but later on he tells Amon that he would soon understand...
Oh Amon looks fine AF too. Be still my slutty heart!
Furuta says something possibly pivotal for the incoming plot arc:
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(IDK wtf this is, but if even Furuta comments on it as if he was both grossed out/scared, it must be important. Oh, he meets Kaneki too, no biggie. “That’s just freaky!!”, I love you Nimura)
Back to my boys, Yomo is getting beat up but mostly evades Uta’s attacks and looks more and more pissed. Uta just looks like a dumbass. Or rather as stupid as cats who torture smaller critters for fun and recreation do:
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Also we get a glimpse of his kagune. It seems to be very elastic, easily changing shapes as Uta sees fit. It was just this gigantic mass of RC cells in the beginning panels, now it’s much more resembling the spider legs en masse that we remember from his fight with Juuzou:
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But what is most important here, we finally get the first shot of Itori. She is wearing a mask in the beginning, and it’s important in context of what Uta will be saying shortly: edit: It’s Itori speaking, thoughts on that in a different post.
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She’s an observer in that panel, very significantly voiceless, not shown to be nearly as amused as Nico here:
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Uta’s Itori’s words are honestly a key to Clown’s philosophy and deserve a meta of its own. [In the beginning I thought these were Itori’s words, especially after I saw “Kanekichi” being mentioned; it’s how she had referred to Kaneki before.] - no wonder, it was my brain’s way to remind me I was far too concentrated on Uta to consider the awesomest queen Itori :/
Uta Itori says something very interesting here:
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Obviously, if he were to be an OEK, first or the second one, that would be right up the alley. But even if not, it hints at very interesting possibilities. I want to see Ishida expand on it in some flashbacks. 
The most important words are coupled with shots of Itori slowly taking her mask off. It has a very dramatic effect.
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Theres a heck ton to unpack here. Honestly I would never think Uta would look at his value system from that particular angle. Edit - and he wouldn’t because he is currently in the midst of a mayor meltdown. It’s Itori who actually bothers with explaining.
He She refers to the coldness of their existence as ghouls, of how senseless it is - like a vast, cold void stretching infintiely in front of them. 
Uta’s ways of searching for warmth are probably the only ones somebody as uprooted as him could come up with - he sees drawing blood, wounding (but also getting wounded - Uta seems to have a very laissez faire attitude to him perishing eventually as we remember from his talk with Donato).
According to Uta  Itori, Yomo is the warm one. For him her, it’s via bloodletting that he can get closer to taste it. Edit Uta def seconds that in the panels to come with his own actions
 I still think there’s some theatrics involved in this speech, as the next panel shows....
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God, way to make your opponent unsuspecting of your next move Uta. 
And we get another important shot of Itori. She’s clearly positioned as somewhat stradling the line between Uta and Yomo but this series consistently shows her as being closer to Uta nevertheless.
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Her eyes are shining so bright here, it’s clear she’s in deep thought and possibly a bit torn apart with what’s happening here. What Uta says clearly strikes a cord but her taking the mask off, idk it may signal some important differences between her and Uta’s worldview. That or it’s a sign she identifies with his words deeply. Edit ditto, these are her words and the scene took entirely different meaning and made me Love Itori, the first time since reading the series.
Honestly Uta is just beginning tho, as he has some creepy words about dreaming of the day where he would get his hands stained with Yomo’s blood. He actually left Yomo on the ground to have this mini speech properly. He’s posturing as far as my impressions go - Uta reverts to his younger persona, sans earlier sentiments of not wanting to cut his fun short by killing the only one ghoul who could match him somewhat. 
The most important thing in this chapter is what Yomo says next...
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Here Uta is, going off about his strange blood kink and Yomo goes all shonen manga on him. But it’s not the same shonen posturing he did in previous chapter. We don’t see his eyes - we see Uta’s and that dude is honestly #shook. 
Naturally he reacts in ways only Ishida can think of. Honestly how Yomo’s words are literally drowned out by Uta’s uncontrollable and histerical laughter is such a masterful move:
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This is the guy who dug up Ren from the ground because he was his “friend”. Now he’s just a mouth apparently.
Idk but this seems like the key panel for analyzing Uta from psychological angle. This dude most pronounced feature is his mouth which is nothing like human’s or ghoul alike. It’s like he’s truly the chaotic trickster god with none of the sentiments he was hinted to possess.
I was talking with @gaiajulz and I love how she pointed out that it seems like Uta is actually drowning out Yomo’s heartfelt words and he isn’t even fully aware he’s doing it. With Uta’s firm worldview, he’d rather go full crisis-mode instead of acknowledging how vulnerable and in need of closeness he is. 
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Honestly Uta is soo Washuu-like in this panel, like Furuta’s older brother or something. First screech like a  Cthulu monster and then do a little happy dance!
What’s important is how Uta links what he sees as Yomo’s nivete with his emotional honesty and lack of any hidden agendas. Yomo is pure and good and this is why he is naive enough to trust a world like this. Uta saw so many sides to it, he literally sees no other option than to play the fool, including fooling around with one of the precious few of potentially close people in his life.
I also think he kind of looks like crying? From laughing so hard maybe. 
The chapter ends with my baby going full kakuja (predictably it’s his shifty face that’s the most inhuman part here, just a mass of flesh) and this flirty words:
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Renji seems so shocked, it’s possible he had never seen this form. Either way he’s speechless.
And Uta’s philosophy is hinted at again - he’s willing to trample his friend just to feel anything. 
What we are dearly in need of is some good meta on Uta’s mental health, how his values feature into it and how his own actions contribute to it unraveling. Obviously such speculations are about as scientific as psych profiling but I feel it would be very important to try and understand this character better.
And boy, is there a lot to unpack here... 
Edit - crossed the parts where it’s suggested it’s Uta who summarizes Clown’s philosophy. It’s Itori and I don’t get my brain could hint at the discrepancies in my own thinking but not make the definite link. Gotta love that sweet ADHD folks.
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hamliet · 7 years
The thomb-like structure really reminds me of chapter 152 title: Sacrifice which according to mangastream translator is actually a specific ritual sacrifice made where a person was buried alive under a place to bring good luck. I would love to know more abt the symbolic connotations of the place K is in and the meanings of the japanese words written on the tori and the flags. I suspect the black panels we saw since chapter 152 and which disappeared in this chapter were a graphic connotation to c
show that K has been more or less conscious during the Qxs fight and M's attack to T. If that is true I wonder if in the next chapters we'll see K's POV on the matter. I would be interested in that since K has been repressing his feelings for the Qxs since he left the CCG. Also I like that in the colour page the White and red circles which represents the half-ghoul nature of K are used to underline the words: This man. It reminds me of what Kimi said abt a human destroying Tokyo. Meta Anon
Ooooh great points! I think @kanekikenunot wrote this about the place Kaneki is in, and @kingkishou wrote this about what the kanji on the flags means! If it really does involve the “sun” I would be very happy. 
Yeah, I’d like to see more of Kaneki’s thoughts on the Qs too, though I’m still not sure he’s really conscious... we’ll have to see. 
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makyun · 7 years
Chapter is out in mangastream michi.
I've read the previous chapter! Been really busy this week (like climbing mountains) but really looking forward to the next chapter!Glad to see Ui is in good hands now. c:
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franeridart · 7 years
fran i dont understand the last art?? is it a noragami au since the weapons are people?? help my dumb ass senpai
It’s !!!! okay anon why would you be dumb just for not knowing a fandom with an anime that finished airing eight years ago and a manga that finished publication four years ago haha it’s called Soul Eater! An incredibly good manga in my opinion, one of the best shounen ever, I would look it up if I were you :D 
Anon said:Could you possibly do a Tokoyami and Shouji fusion? I just love your art style with bnha!! It's fine if you don't want to though! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
I already did!!! :O and thank you so much!!!
Anon said:i love your art, so i looked through all 64 pages of your art tag. cant wait to see more!! ;)
Thank you!!!! °O° though.... the older stuff... we could maybe pretend that never existed ever........ that’d be nice......... lmao
Anon said:followed you the second I finished reading that bakugou analysis
I take you’re of my same opinion on the matter!!! That’s nice to know hahaha 
Anon said:You really don't need to respond!! but I thought you might get a laugh at this idea. Denki convinces the squad to do GOTG w/ him for a costume party (A LOT of begging involved... he was obsessed with GOTG at the time) and gets Momo to make their costumes. Katsuki finds out the day of that he assigned him Rocket (assumed he'd be Drax) 😂. (Kami=SL, Mina=Gamora, Sero=Groot, Kiri=Drax). Denki tells him don't worry, all he has to do is be himself to get into character and runs off cackling.
Okay this is adorable hahaha I love it, though I gotta admit I can totally see Bakugou having Rocket as his favorite anyway, he’s exactly the type of character Bakugou might relate to (the “of course I care about the planets and the plants and the animals on those planets!” “and the people!” “...meh” exchange is an incredibly Bakugou thing haha)
Anon said:🌺 Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (。’▽’。)♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Anon said: Shoosh pap
.............I should have expected this ask haha
Anon said:you used the tag limit lmao (for the comic doodle about bakugou's temp)
:O I can see all of them, tho! If the last one you can see is “and yet”, then that’s exactly where I meant to stop lol
Anon said:As far as whether Baku gets cold fast or slow; it's not the same because I don't have a sweat related quirk obviously but I run a constant temperature of 105°F or 40.5°C (maybe that's my quirk) and it takes me a long ass time to get cold so maybe it's like that?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the info!!!! :O that actually does make sense!
Anon said:I actually do like inko and I think she's a pretty good parent, all things considered-- but I cannot condone the whole "I'm so sorry izuku" thing, simply bc inko is more important to izuku than bakugou. If bakugou says something like "deku, youre worthless", while it is very cruel it definitely 100% will not hurt as much as izukus own mother saying "izuku I'm so sorry that your dreams will never come true". But the good things that she understands her mistake and has apologized to izuku for it.
I mean, yeah! For a long while in the manga I was like, okay, easy to say “oops I was wrong” now that you have actual proofs of the fact you were wrong and you can’t deny the fact that Izuku could make it as a hero since he’s into UA, easy to say “I support you” now that it’s obvious he can make it, using the easy way out much, but I’m always 100% open and supportive of characters that realize their mistakes and change for the better, so even if she had to wait for every condition to be in her favor before she could realize her mistake as long as she got it, that she had finally decided to be a supportive mother I was!!! Super happy for her and about it and ready to like her as much as possible! 
And then she had to go and tell Izuku she wasn’t letting him back into UA. Like, don’t get me wrong, I understand the fear for his life she has as a mother - she didn’t have fifteen years like everyone else to get used to the fact that her boy was set on becoming a hero (...since she refused to acknowledge the possibility, even though Izuku was working to become one without a quirk anyway like, she should have been even more worried for his safety before he got the quirk but WHATEVER) so she’s scared for him, and Izuku’s been hurt a lot since starting UA so I get it, but you don’t just pull the “I’m pulling him out of school” card, in front of Izuku’s teacher, mentor AND greatest hero, without ever discussing the thing with Izuku first? Without even asking for his imput on the matter, or giving him an heads up? As if she owns his whole life? 
I’m your mother I decide what’s best for you and what you want doesn’t matter at all - that’s.... that’s not growing up and learning, and that’s the literal opposite of being supportive. That’s allowing your son to have fun as long as it’s okay with you, and then going “okay, game’s done, who cares that you finally found a way to reach your goal, a place you belong to and are way happier than I’ve ever seen you before, I don’t like it so you can’t keep going”
I’m sorry, but I really, really can’t like Inko if she keeps on being like that. She’s literally the biggest hindrance on Izuku’s path to a fulfilling, happy life, and I need her to stop being like that before I can actually change my mind about her orz
Anon said:side note re: asshole bakugou and deku's development - the manga's translation is //very liberal// in trying to make it sound more 'western' in regards to how in japanese things are more formal (?) baku's demeanor and language would be considered incredibly rude so the translators try and shift the language for the english reading audience. what's probably considered absolutely reprehensible for english readers only seems that way because of how they've tried to adapt it.
Oh, yeah, that too! As long as you stick to mangastream’s translations they’re a bit more literal, but there’s a lot of things that Bakugou says/does that are just... a localization to give the “rude” feeling. Then again, he is an asshole, so you never know what he actually said and what’s just a liberal interpretation haha
Anon said:I love your art style so much! And all your Bakushima doodles and comics are super wonderful!
Ohhhhhh gods thank you so much !!!!! *O*
Anon said:are kendou's feet backwards?
...anon... my friend... why would I draw Kendou’s feet backwards.........
Anon said:Fran the comic about kiribaku and the balconies is--well, let's just say I have a new headcanon and a new otp.
THAT!!!! Makes me super happy to know!!!! :O I’m glad I could make you like those two a bit more
Anon said:Can I suggest you to draw todokami (todoroki and kaminari) please? It's a really rare pair and I would love to see it in your style but if you don't want to or are uncomfortable doing so I understand ^^ ily keep up the good work
Ahhhhhhhhhh it’s not like I’m uncomfortable with it, I just... don’t understand the ship at all? So finding inspiration to draw it is really hard for me, I wouldn’t even know where to begin! sorryyyyy m(;_;)m
Anon said:Everytime I see u posted I honestly gasp a little and then literally whatever it is just makes me happy and smile and ???? Honestly I'm blessed you're so good and lovely and * throws confetti* I hope you have a lovely day and I just wanted to let you know you bring light into my life
Holy smokes thank you so much??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;O; this really really means a lot to me, I’m so glad I can make you smile? Ahhhh mannnn!!!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
Anon said:the sweet little bakushima comic that u just posted is my favorite ! piece of ! bnha art ! I've ever seen ! so good. so warm. thank u for sharing ur talent and ideas!! sending u love
Your favorite???? Oh my g o d ;O; thank you??? I’m super glad you liked it aaahhhhhhhh
Anon said:Fran I'm w e a k for everything u do... esp soft boys. You kill me with those.
Soft boys are the best and also my very own weakness too so I!!! try!!!! I’m glad you like them too!!!!!!!! (♡´艸`)
Anon said:KENDOU!! IS SO GOOD!! YOU DRAW HER SO GOOD!!!! ily fran
G O D S thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m!!!! seriously glad I could make her pretty, she’s so beautiful to me!!!!
Anon said:is it possible to have a crush on someone's art ??? bc i sure do have one on yours it's gorgeous
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kiyoitsukikage · 7 years
Hello! I've found that Tokuma has the best Byakugan of his clan, and according to Mangastream's version it says: "Tokuma, a byakugan of your caliber should be able to see the stuff down there." while the proper translation should be: 「日向一の白眼」 literally translates to "The Hyuuga's #1 Byakugan" Might you translate this scene? Chapter 515, page 6. Thank you
Yes, no problem. Gimme some time to find the raws, and I’ll try to translate and post it tomorrow C:
(Yeah, Mangastream has the most accurate translation but sometimes they exaggerate a bit on the creative side)
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ugokushiro · 7 years
Hi! I freakin' love your gifs omg ❤️ mind if I ask what you use to make your gifs? They're really hq c:
Hello~ Well firstly, thanks a lot! That was a great thing to wake up to 💕
And I mean, I use photoshop (cc 2017 in my case) just like most ppl, but that doesn’t make them look good by itself. That’s just the software we use to make them. It’s the torrent you use, the sharpening, blurring, coloring, etc. that makes them look ‘’hq’’.
So if you’re interested in starting to make your own gifs I suggest you follow mangastream and wakata’s tutorials. That’s basically where I learned how to make them, but then you have to put the hows to practice. So just make make and make stuff. It’s a trial and error thing, esp with coloring. 
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krorys · 7 years
more dgm things? mostly planning for 225 (sorry mobile users)
i have a few things on my mind, the least of which is not how to get all the programs i need downloaded back. it’s a good thing i had ps6 portable...
a) if anyone does end up reading this, i’m considering doing first a very simple version of typesetting. I’ll use just a white brush and replace every bit of text that andi (panthaleia), shiny, and kate (togaochi) (can i call all of you guys these things?? ; v;) give me in translation with a couple of fonts. then, working on actually editing, cleaning, and producing pages with redrawn bits and all can happen at a slower pace and I don’t have to worry about getting their beautiful translations out the whole time i’m cleaning. 
i’m even getting the physical copy of the chapter, so I could actually scan physical pages this time and get smoother lines and textures, but my copy is expected to get here by monday, which would mean... a big delay. I’m sure mangastream will upload a lovely version of the color page, but I do want those bookmarks. I hope they’re included in the version that gets shipped out.
i just realized i could maybe ask my friend in akita to get me a copy if it turns out they don’t have the bookmarks tucked into the physical magazine :’^) is that how those bookmarks work?
b) i would also love if anyone wanted to help out with cleaning/editing, esp bc i’m mildly terrified of tanking the main household computer at home, which has a lot of sensitive information stored on it in ways my mother confusingly insists cannot possibly be backed up. i know i may have utterly fucked up every hard drive of every computer i ever owned through my download of some questionable programs and my gaming habits, but it’d be nice not to destroy a computer in less than 2 months.
c) i have not run this by andi, but i think we both know i already misread who used おぬし one (1) minute into scanning the preview pages, so i would say that this has a lot of probability of being inaccurate or misunderstanding important linguistic nuance T vT;;
but to the best of my understanding, and i will say again with a caveat that there’s a reason i’m not a translator on our projects, that the bubbles seem to say the following:
(italicized bits are me frantically whispering why I think this says whatever I wrote in a very uncertain way.)
pg 1
NEA: (That face...)
[Recurring “memories”--]
pg 2
WISELY: Joido,
W: The twins have captured Apocryphos and are waiting (for us?).
W: We’ve overstayed our welcome.
TYKI: Gotcha.
T: Hurry up and take the Millennium Earl back.
T: Hm, but that’s right,
T: If you go back, what will “Mana”? tell us? (teach/tell? you/us??? i have... no idea im so sorry) ***
T: (If that’s what he said just now) (the question mark after “Mana” and this makes me think he didn’t recognize the name Mana, so he’s quoting what he heard with uncertainty.)***
pg 3
(SHERYL?): Spit it out!!
(SHERYL?): Bookman!!
W: *** (The literal meanings here seem to be “it was swallowed”...)
W: *** (...”and then dragged”, which I will take a wild guess with and assume it means something of a truth that was held back (biting one’s tongue?) and then dragged into the open?)
W: You didn’t hear it from me, Joido,
W: But you will soon come to realize...
W: [From 35 years ago...]
W: [That fated connection between yourself and Nea--...]
*** Line with asterisks are objectively not good translations bc i am relying heavily on online dictionaries?? But I am really not advanced enough to be confident abt these at all.
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makyun · 8 years
sorry but... where is the new chapter of tokyo ghoul:re?
It’s up on Mangastream. c:
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