#mango vitamin a
Source of vitamin A
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w-i-m-m · 1 year
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espedito88 · 7 months
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captain-habit · 1 year
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Ah yes my favorite occasional beverage...
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sukunasstarlight · 1 year
dottore’s the type of bf to watch you go ham on a mango seed and say “can you do that to my dick?”
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timmurleyart · 1 year
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Mangoes. 🥭🥭🥭🥭😋
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devendrasingh3047 · 13 days
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Mango is good for your health, It's my favorite fruit.
Mangoes are packed with vitamins A and C, loaded with antioxidants, and contain nutrients that are beneficial for your heart.
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reviewss-blog · 21 days
Garnier Vitamin C Body Superfood Review
Garnier Vitamin C Body Superfood is a body moisturizer that is made with super active ingredient that promotes the wellness of the skin. It is very good on the skin and it is for all skin types. Say goodbye to dry, dull skin and hello to a radiant glow. This rich and creamy body moisturizer is packed with vitamin c and mango extract, providing long-lasting hydration that penetrates up to 10 cell…
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purrfurnax · 2 months
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morp has kennel cough so shes getting spoiled even more than usual
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discoverybody · 3 months
What Vitamins Are Found in Mangoes
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Mangoes are not only delicious, but they also contain critical vitamins that are necessary for good health. They contain high levels of vitamins A, C, and E, all of which have significant health benefits. Vitamin A helps to maintain good vision, skin health, and a robust immune system. Vitamin C improves immunological function, defends against free radicals, and promotes healthy skin and joints. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress and boosts the immune system.
Mangoes also include vitamins B6, K, and folate. Vitamin B6 is essential for brain function, and vitamin K is required for blood clotting and bone health. Folate is critical for cell growth and development, particularly during pregnancy.
Mangoes can be used in a variety of ways to increase your vitamin intake. They can be eaten as a refreshing snack on their own or mixed into smoothies for a tropical flavor. Mangoes can also be used to sweeten and color salads, as well as to make mango salsa and chutney.
While mangoes are generally safe to eat, you should be aware of any potential hazards or precautions. Some people may be allergic to mangoes or have stomach problems after eating them in large numbers.
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farmerstrend · 4 months
10 Fruits that are Beneficial for People with Diabetes
In Kenya, like many other countries around the world, diabetes is a significant health concern. The prevalence of diabetes in Kenya has been steadily increasing, with the International Diabetes Federation estimating that over 460,000 adults in the country were living with diabetes in 2019. This number is rising due to factors such as urbanization, changes in dietary habits, and sedentary…
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only--we-know-blog · 5 months
Why am I so convinced she’s pretending.
I’ve never been so sure of anything.
I’m angry.
Poetry is stupid. Words are nothing.
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colorpalettebyrm · 5 months
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#f52469 #2e995e #771f2f #cadff7 #fca80d #fce381 #d7afbe #e67996 #689ce6 #ee0d11
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jargon-official · 9 months
Romantic Birds!!!
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Birds have a reputation for being romantic creatures, and their presence on a T-shirt can be a great way to express your love. Whether you're looking for a gift for your significant other or simply want to show off your own romantic side, a T-shirt with romantic birds is a perfect choice.
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apkisehat · 10 months
Top Seasonal Fruits in India to Boost Your Health this Monsoon
With the gentle touch of raindrops, the Indian landscape transforms into a lush haven, and alongside this transformation, nature gifts us with a medley of delectable seasonal fruits. These fruits not only tickle our taste buds but also offer a wealth of health benefits, aligning perfectly with our pursuit of a healthy lifestyle encompassing health, nutrition, and fitness. Let’s embark on a journey through the realm of monsoon fruits that celebrate not just the rains but also our well-being.
Monsoon Fruits Delight: A Symphony of Flavors and Health Benefits
Jamun: A Nutritional Marvel Amid the Drizzle (Jamun nutritional benefits)
As the monsoon clouds gather, the vibrant hue of Jamuns emerges, painting the landscape with its deep purple allure. These tiny powerhouses are rich in antioxidants that combat harmful free radicals, acting as a shield for our cells. Notably, Jamun’s polyphenolic compounds aid in managing blood sugar levels, making it a prudent choice for those aiming for balanced health.
Litchi: Vitamin C Infusion Amidst Raindrops
Litchis, the juicy gems of the monsoon, bless us with their sweet juiciness. Bursting with vitamin C, they provide a much-needed immunity boost during the rainy season. The vitamin C content aids in strengthening our body’s defenses against infections while promoting vibrant skin. Each litchi becomes a natural elixir, enhancing our well-being sip by sip.
Pomegranate: Monsoon’s Antioxidant Treasure Trove
As the monsoon’s orchestra plays on, the pomegranate takes the stage with its jewel-like seeds. Laden with antioxidants, pomegranates protect our cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, promoting overall health. These little ruby-red pearls are also known to contribute to heart health, making them a nutritional gem for every season.
Guava: The Immune System’s Best Friend (Guava immune system)
Amidst the rain’s embrace, guavas emerge as vibrant green champions of immunity. Overflowing with vitamin C, they bolster our body’s defenses against illnesses, making us resilient to seasonal threats. The dietary fiber content of guavas also supports healthy digestion, ensuring our overall well-being is nurtured.
Plum: A Digestive Aid for Rainy Days
Plums, with their delightful tanginess, harmonize beautifully with the monsoon ambiance. Laden with dietary fiber, they become our allies in maintaining healthy digestion. These seasonal delights gently aid our digestive systems, making sure that we stay comfortable and nourished even during rainy spells.
Heart Health: Figs and Apples as Monsoon Guardians (Health nutrition and fitness)
While the rain kisses the earth, figs and apples grace our tables as heart-health ambassadors. Apples, loaded with dietary fiber and nutrients, support heart health by maintaining cholesterol levels. Figs, on the other hand, are a natural source of potassium and magnesium, which play vital roles in heart function and overall vitality.
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chancellorchancerlot · 10 months
My mum said my daily night time mango isn’t “just a little treat” and I need to see a doctor about vitamin C deficiency
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