#manifesting not being late guys馃挅
moozyfreak 7 months
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day 1: childhood!
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zenaidamacrouras1 1 year
Also, that being said, if you ever feel the urge to add snippets to the Backhoe universe please do 馃馃馃馃馃挅
I do have the urge to write some Backhoe snippets but I also need to manifest free time when I am not so deeply brain dead tired I fall asleep immediately which has been difficult as of late.
But I was just thinking today that I kinda want to write them on 4th July a year later after the first community fireworks show they attended together?
They're officially engaged now and last year everyone had kinda thought Steve was Becca's boyfriend but he's actually Bucky's fiance so how do they navigate that when half the town comes up to them and is like, "oh it's the guy from Brooklyn!" And then tell Bucky wedding bells are going to be in the air soon, is he ready for that?
And they look significantly at Becca and it's supposed to be a sorta low key sexist joke about how Becca is getting married to some guy from Brooklyn and Bucky's expected to be protective of his sister's virtue. And honestly it makes sense on paper that they'd assume that.
Becca is the one who lives in Boston for college and is more likely to have met some kind of skinny artist city boy to bring home, but anyone with eyes willing to really look could tell from a mile away while riding a bucking bronco that Bucky is the one who is running headlong and desperate to marry the guy from Brooklyn.
So Becca says, "he's ready, but I ain't so sure" and they laugh real hard because they think she's just made a joke like Bucky wants to marry her off to the first guy whose come calling so he has one less sister to take care of and the sassy way she rolls her eyes at Bucky makes everyone say something like, "you got your work cut out for you with all these sisters, Barnes!"
And Bucky says, "Lawwww don't I know it, cain't imagine it otherwise. Busy hands, full heart, as mom always said," which is what his mother always used to say when someone said something like that to her. And the random person walks off.
This interaction repeats itself in various iterations a dozen or more times over the evening. But every now and then someone wanders over to say hi to the Barnes conglomeration picnic blanket and immediately clocks Steve and Bucky for a young couple that's so in love they're about to burst.
Like Mrs. Wilson's pastor, who pulls Bucky up out of his chair and into a bear hug, whispering something into Bucky's ear that no one else can hear.
He let's Bucky go with a broad grin and a hearty slap on the back and a wink for Steve. "You got your work cut out for you with this one, Steven," Mrs. Wilson's pastor booms in his low voice with a wink. Bucky's eyes are glossy with a few tears from whatever the pastor whispered to him and Steve is overwhelmed with how beautiful his fiance (FIANCE!!) looks.
"Busy hands, full heart," Steve says, and Bucky's eyes get even shinier, and Steve really wants to kiss Bucky, but they are surrounded by Bucky's entire county so he doesn't.
It's the first year Poppy doesn't fall asleep at the fireworks show. Bucky almost cries realizing she's growing up, and he doesn't have to carry her to the van. But on the other hand she's 4 inches taller and a fair bit more than 4 pounds heavier than last year so he's kind of relieved he's not lugging her the half a mile back to the van. So it's complicated.
After they get home and get all the girls upstairs for bed, Bucky asks Steve if he wants to go on a walk.
They don't make it too far before Steve grabs Bucky and presses him hard against a tree, all strong hands and desperate lips. It's all a dream until they try and get too creative and fall in the creek.
Some time later they stumble back to the house laughing and giddy and exchanging lazy debauched kisses with wet hair and their shirts off and pants barely done back up (because the creek caused a pause but was not sufficient to cool them off).
Bucky stops up short and freezes because Hannah and Becca are sitting on the front porch, drinking ice tea and chatting in the dark out on the porch swing.
"It's after midnight, y'all should be in bed," Bucky says automatically.
Becca let's out a peal of laughter. "You are not in a position to lecture others about who should be in a bed for their evening's planned activities."
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beeindaclouds 3 years
Hi can you pls write being Cc!Skeppy's brother and they meet bbh cause they bought them food or something and they click and stuff. Also, i love how you did my other request, the rich y/n one, i love it so much thank youuu(鈾ッ炽墾貌)锞夆櫋
Pls continue making awesome posts馃挅馃挅
Oh hallo again! I'm happy you liked it! Also thank you so much, I will definitely continue my posts don't worry u.u馃挄
I also very much like this idea cause I get to write more about BBH and Skeppy :D
Hope you enjoy <3
Being Skeppy's brother and meeting Bad
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Click here before requesting, please <3
You and Skeppy, even if you were brothers, were pretty different
He was more extroverted while you were introverted. He is more people friendly right off the bat while you were awkward at first; and the list goes on
In little words, Skeppy is loud and you're more on the calmer side
That's probably what caught the muffin man's interest
You first met Bad during a filming of a video for Skeppy's channel called "My Brother vs Badboyhalo", where you were supposed to answer a bunch of questions while going in a maze thing he created on Minecraft to see who knows you best
But as you waited for Skeppy to count the points, you and Bad started talking and actually got really close
It was like an instant click
From that day on you kept in touch with the man through discord. He would sometimes ask you to play random games with him or just to call and have a chat
You would be lying if you said that the random day texts and late night calls didn't start some feelings in you. And same was for Bad
Skeppy, who was in the middle of all this, started noticing the changes. Bad always asking about your whereabouts and his own brother being more happy and giggly like a highschool student in love
He understood pretty soon what was happening between the two of you, but decided to shut up and let it happen naturally
And then the day came, where you and Skeppy went to visit Bad
[I'm manifesting rn]
Bad and Skeppy shared a quick bro hug as they first saw eachtoher, but once Bad saw you he couldn't contain himself and basically picked you up
"I've waited to meet you for so long...you're much cuter in real life, y'know?"
"Ew, guys, get a fucking room-"
That meet up helped you and Bad get closer and finally establish your relationship
Don't worry, you also left some alone time for Skephalo while you kept Rat company
And the rest is history ~
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鉁∕ercury in Gatorade
馃Pick a Card cuz we all need a cosmic timeout. To think馃 And stuff馃珋
September 27th - October 19th
Pick a Card masterlist 馃挒馃挦
Choose a circle from this Olympics logo 馃挅
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General message for the collective
Butterfly. Wings of change. Cruella de vils. Cruelty. Every villain has a backstory. If you walked a mile in their shoes you'd seethe at injustice too. Red riding hood and polka dots. Childlike innocence. The Before. Threads of fate are interconnected. The past, present and future are are not so hard to distinguish and separate from the other. They're enmeshed closer than you think. Cut some cords. Reflect. Review. Detach. Revise. Incorporate the horrors of the past and work your way through. We recreate that which we don't try to understand and feel.
Bad things happen when people feel unloved.
Desprate for food, attention, shelter, love.
Hate the crime, not the criminal.
Now pick a pile from the Olympic ring circle
1. Two little Witches 30 blue (volleyball)
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Cry it out. Tears clean your eyes.
Old clothes need mending.
Broom. Sweep it away. Bees.
Housewarming puja. Do a cleanse or banishment ritual .
Childhood friends. Love. Here is the church and there is the steeple. We sure are cute for 2 ugly people.
No stop. No more ugly, negative, bullying thoughts about you. I won't stand for it.
Reprogram your brain. Listen to positive affirmations before bed.
Instead of calling yourself dumb, ugly, etc, or whatever horrid inner dialogue you have with yourself say soemthing positive.
Clear out the trash talking. Bad habits always need to be replaced by something new. The easiest xamooe I can't think of is someone trying to wake up early. Instead of hating on yourself for always being late, say I beliwve I will wake up at xyz time.
Say it like a prayer if you wish. I will wake up at 8 o clock. I will wake up at 8 o clock. (or whenever/whatever you need to) the law of attraction isn't a joke.
I don't believe you can randomly manifest a billion dollars in a day. But I do believe that if you repeat soemthing often enough you star to believe it and act towards it soon enough.
That's the secret to the law of attraction action and manifesting your hearts desire. Make room for belief. Make space for positive action. It starts in the mind. Declutter toxic thoughts, spaces, clean your room. Air it out. Write down your goals. Google peopep successfully at what you do. Use wiki how. Teach yourself things. Find out.
Research ways to do your thing.
Get rid of shit that doesn't help you. Throw it away if it's bringing you down.
In the movie dear zindagi, Alia's therapist tells her that if she wanted to go climb a mountain there's no need to start with the biggest one.
And there's no need to kill yourself to make a point. Start with a small, scaleable hill. Start with the smaller, Easier, doable task. Build your confidence and Build stamina.
Small changes won't cure All your problems magically, but it will make you feel marginally better and take away the stress of having a 100 problems.
But now since you have lesser things to deal with you'd have more mental bandwidth to devote to the more tricky challenges you're dealing with. Let's get going shall we? 馃槉馃挋
2.Violet Angel 23 (weight lifting)
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Hurt and comfort. Self soothe. Picking up the pieces.
Have you seen those Insta reels that go - Everything sucks. Just kidding. Everything is great. Or maybe it isn't. But you know what? Nothing is permanent.
You're on a roll coaster. Somtimes it's fun. Sometimes it's just scary. Life is a ride you can't avoid.
There's this story about a court jester who was asked by a King to write down something that would make Kingman happy when he was sad but would upset him if he read it when he was in a good mood. Now obviously this pompous little Leo, oops I mean, brat, I mean royalty figure(sorry leos) thought he did something really cool and outsmarted the jester. But nah. This guy surprised him by doing just as he was asked to. Do you know what he wrote down?
This too shall pass.
OK, so will your sadness. It's gonna fade into happiness soon enough. You've been through the worst of the storm. Now you get to enjoy the cool breeze and flowers that follow.
I saw this psotivity quote that went ' if you're going through hell keep going, why would you stop there' and if someone chirped that to me when I was frustrated, angry, miserable I'd probably clop them in the face like ' listen you rotten excuse for A Percy Jackson, I'm tired, also my backpack has a tonne of stones and hell is literally on fire+ my feet are burnt so don't you fuckin come at me with that witticism if you're not planning to put me in a wheelchair and wheel me through hell'
There's no magickal elevator that opens up when u pass a trial in hell. But I've heard that the Queen of Hell is also a Goddess of flowers and once a year she returns to the land of the living. That day isn't far off. You can go with her.
It's gonna get better for you.
All of the hurt, pain, sadness, heartbreak will be a thing of the past. Dry your tears, drink some rose milk and go to sleep. Happy days are coming.
Have you ever watched Titanic and wondered if Rose had managed to keep Jack afloat a few moments longer? How different their lives could have been...
It's either sink or swim untill help arrives. The Violet Angel Soemtimes shows up to indicate a new love, fried ship, loving relationship or some kind of help.
I know it's dark out and all that jazz, but when the ghpusl leave and the vampires go to sleep the sky turns pink
This dark night of the soul is coming to an end. You'll be happier than you've ever been. Just you wait and see!
3.Grumpy Red Fairy 8(cycling)
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change and transformation
Get angry if anger is what you truly feel.
Are u tired of other people expecting you to live talk breathe act sing fart a certain way? Well it's no business of theirs.
Let the facade drop. Take off the social mask. (not the physical Covid safety ones).
Pretending is tiring and drains energy real quick.
In order to be truly loved we have to go through the terrifying ordeal of being known. 馃槵
People who are living a lie are always irked by those who don't chop away parts of themself to fit in.
Why cut your foot to squeeze into Cinderella's shoe? That glass slipper was certainly not meant for you . And while we're on the subject you wouldn't have been happy with Cinderella's Prince Charming either. There's something out there that's more right and made for you.
Why try so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?
Be you. Be real. Be authentic. And if that pisses some people off so mote it be.
No more lies.
Reblog to save this message.
4.i am Kali chabhi 13 (javelin throw)
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Key in
Death. Change. Transformation.
Energy goes where attention flows.
Nursery rhyme - London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. (Break it down.) Build it up with iron bars,iron bars, iron bars my fair lady
Adapt or perish.Destruction. Demolition before rebuilding.
Those who resist change are the first to die out.
When the storm winds blow the stubborn oak topples but it's the willow that survives.
The old ways will not serve you in the new world. Cut your losses. And start over. Change your outlook. Accept changing circumstance and respond according to it.
Modern problems require modern solutions.
Goddess Kali hodls your hand as you cut cords with your resistance to change and she helps you walk through the flames into a new reality.born anew. Like Danaerys stepping into the flames and emerging as the mother of dragons.
Kali Maa is clearing all that is leeching off your energy, draining your strength, and abrading those relationships that cannot do anything but keep you stuck.
Test of strength. Rejoice in the purification of stale energy.
Sometimes things have to fall apart for better things to fall in place 馃挋 stay strong Pile 4, you'll survive 馃挭馃挴
5. ghosts of the past 42 (archery)
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I don't have my glasses
Clear the debris. You have a chance to rehash old issues and clear them once and for all. Now is a good time to let it go.
We forgive people so that we can release the pain and bitterness they left behind in our heart.
Move on from the past.
Your past shapes you but it doesn't have to define you. The present moment is always a choice. You are the author in a choose your own adventure. Some quests are scripted. But a whole lot of it is not.
When you take off your mask, you must turn around and confront others living a charade.
Where mad Men rule, it's considered out of fashion to be wise.
See, a lot of versions of us exist in other people's head but it's time to stop allowing others to write your narrative for you.
Maybe you have made some questionable or even embarrassing life choices s in thr past.so what? If you know better now, act better.
Yeah? Say if you're trying to give up a bad habit and x, y, z comes along talking about your gambling or street mugger days, you can actually say ' well actually that's not who I am anymore.' like Phoebe does IN friends. She got off the streets and made a whole new life for herself.
Make room for the person you are blossoming into. Flowers need space to grow.
Leveling up journey. You can escape poverty, your bad habits, challenges, addictions, etc. You have the power to rewrite your life story by virtue of actions and day tod at decisions. It's okay to cut off people who try to stop you from outgrowing them.
Old friends, acquaintances could be popping up in your life to remind you either of how far you've come or that there's still some work to be done in areas you that you had settled already.
It's okay be forgiving. Be greatful to yourself. Do past, present, future you a solid one and stay focused on your growth.
As long as you're learning from your mistakes, you're doing good 馃挄
We're only defeated when we stop trying
Abhi mujh may kahi Bali thodi so Hai zindagi - I still have a little fight left in me. 10 of swords energy. For some if you you're the first in a family line to do something great. Changing the course for someone . Showing people it's possible to improve ones situation. Inspiring them. But most of all believing in yourself enough to do the thing. And being gracious when you make mistakes along the way 馃尡馃尮
I'm so proud 馃ズ of you, Pile 5. Keep going 馃憦you're doing so well
That's all the cards had to say folks. The rest is up to you 鈾ワ笍good luck, and godspeed 馃挮
Please reblog if you think this could help someone 馃挄
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馃惥Pick a Card masterlist
Astrology observations+ answers 馃敟
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beccanoodles 3 years
100 followers!!馃帀
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Wow thank you guys! That's so exciting 馃檪
I wanted to write something for V-Day cause heyyy, it's Faye's day! But I'm not sure it'll get it out in time. However, I have always wanted to take requests! It doesn't have to be for Valentine's Day. It can be anything from romance to family to friendships to character studies or analysis! You tell me (:
This will be for drabbles/one-shots only (unless something happens to manifest). You can give me a scenario, a one liner, or whatever it is you want to see!
You know me for Cowboy Bebop and Spike x Faye, so feel free to ask for them or any other characters in the show. I've also been in a Lupin III zone lately, so if anyone does have a request for that, I would love to give it a go! My primary pairing is Lupin X Fujiko. Open to any characters from this show as well.
What I won't do:
-Explicit Smut [I don't mind writing around it or leading in to it, but I'm not really into being too detailed].
-Things like abuse or simply illegal/immoral acts.
-Unusual animal behavior or treatment.
My asks, messages, and comments are open!
Please send a request!! Thank you, look forward to it 馃榿馃挅
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