#Mercury Retrograde pick a card
natalchartnurtures · 6 months
PAC: A quick and dirty guide to surviving the eclipse season~
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(pile 1 to 3- left to right)
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How is the eclipse affecting you?
I immediately heard 'they don't really care about what others think anymore.' I'm getting that this eclipse really helped you step back into your authenticity in a powerful way. You might've had to revise and purge old wounds that had their roots in childhood. Any addictions of yours (if you have/had any) have been addressed because of this grand 'purging of the old and unwanted.' It's like your defense mechanisms have taken a backseat because of your inner work around the root of your addictions (maybe your addictions were part of your defense mechanisms). You might've had to live with a certain darkness looming in the background, no matter what you did in your life or where you went in life, and it seems like you've really had to look the root of this darkness in the eye. The eclipse didn't really give you an option; you simply had to. Let's talk about this darkness a little, shall we? It seems to me like you had a stark lack of a healthy masculine figure as well as a lack of a healthy feminine figure in your life. You didn't have much support as a result of this, you to felt or still sre felling disempowered in your life as a whole. THIS is what the eclipse helped you to wake up to. Through the chaos that you're experiencing right now, you'll find exactly what you need to nurture yourself (maybe for the first time ever, for some of you). I feel like you guys might end up tending to the health of your root chakra as a result of this inner work.
Your guide to getting through it like a soldier-
-Care for your anxiety. By that, I simply mean don't deny or suppress your anxiety; see where it's coming from, feel into it, and really sit in it because what you feel, you heal.
-Use EFT (emotional freedom techniques) to help yourself really sit in difficult emotions and/or anxiety.
-ALONE TIME is a need!
-Find ways to 'throw up' emotionally. Like, for example, have a hardcore dance session by yourself at 3 am to angry songs if you have been feeling angry lately. OR you could write all your emotions down onto a paper and tear that paper up and then have a big cry session. Whatever allows you to FEEL your emotions, go do it.
-After your heavy 'purge sessions,' seek things that bring you comfort. Indulge in some TLC if and when you can 😊
Some resources to help you get started-
How to Get Rid of Anxiety (A Natural Cure for Anxiety) - Teal Swan
Learn how to experience your emotions fully
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
How To Open Your Root Chakra
Hope this helped! That was your reading, pile 1. Love, light, and support!
PILE 2 :
How is the eclipse affecting you?
As soon as I tapped into your energy, I felt extremely light and airy, as if I turned into a cloud of cotton candy floating away into a bright blue sky. Wow, this tells me one very CLEAR thing - you've done your inner work diligently this eclipse season! You've taken the eclipse energies on actively and worked WITH it, absolutely in sync with the universe. Now all that's left for you is welcoming a brand new energy into your life.
How can you do exactly that?
-Actively schedule in things that bring you joy ✨️
-Every now and then when you feel like heavy emotions are rising to the surface, allow them to pass. Let your emotional intelligence shine, sweetheart.
-After you've felt your emotions, it's time to take care of you! TLC all the way, baby. Think long bubble baths, move slower than usual, enjoy yummy foods, wrap yourself in your favorite blankie. Drink some soul-healing soup. You get the vibe.
-Ground yourself. Listen to grounding frequencies whenever you feel like your thoughts carry you away.
-Mother yourself. By that, I simply mean - feed yourself well, allow yourself a consistent sleep cycle, find ways to make your life easier, support yourself in whatever little ways you can 😊
Some resources to help you get started-
Learn how to experience your emotions fully
How to Stop Expecting The Worst (Catastrophizing) -Teal Swan
That was your reading, dear sweet pile 2!
Hope it helped.
Love, light, and support!
PILE 3 :
How is the eclipse affecting you?
You're going to have a 'real awakening' this eclipse season 😬 So, apparently, you've been going through your life blissfully unaware of your wounds and how they were blocking you from living a far better life. You operated under the impression that your life as it is right now was good just the way it is and honestly… a reflection of your full potential. But you couldn't possibly be further from the truth. It's like this eclipse was a rude awakening for you to realize just how limited of a life you were leading. Must've been a difficult thing to process? Yes? Since your old cycles have been blowing up in your face lately, you've been in a process of empowering yourself and are slowly opening up to new aspects of yourself that you previously weren't aware existed, the parts of you that are deeply emotional and intuitive. Doing this will really boost your strength and resilience in general. But there's some good news I have for you. You're on your way to feeling much more satisfied in your life, sprinkled in with great relationships all around you. It's like you're headed to a more aligned life. It's beautiful to be honest. It's obviously going to come after this intense period of awakening ripples out into a plateau though after a period of internal discomfort.
So, how can you survive this period to get to where you wanna be?
-Slow. Tf. down. Take your breaks and pace yourself. Easier said than done but pacing yourself will really help you through the chaotic energy floating around right now. Walk slower than usual, eat slower than usual, stare up at the sky and daydream when you're on a bus or something. Do romantic stuff (not necessarily with a partner, simply for yourself).
-Take some time on a regular basis to tune into your emotions. Learn how to feel again. It's really important for you right now and also doing this will greatly expedite your journey as well
-Replace some of your social time with alone time. Use it to reflect on yourself (this might feel way out of your comfort zone by the way).
-Do abundance affirmations (or all areas of life) and affirmations for forward movement.
-listen to subliminals that bring you a sense of abundance in all areas of your life.
-Find ways to feel active in your own life. Dabble in main character (MC) energy. See what it means for you.
Some resources to help you get started-
How To Feel (Learn How to Start Feeling) - Teal Swan
Learn how to experience your emotions fully
Abundance subliminal
Subliminals for positive growth and forward movement
That was your reading, dear sweet pile 3!
Hope it helped.
Love, light and support!
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teopatra · 1 year
~ choose a meme for a channeled message // this is not a tarot reading .. happy Virgo season and happy Mercury RX 🥵 feel free to choose multiple groups-
Why do ppl love/hate u ??
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Group 1 : si or yes
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People do not know how to read you. The decision most people would immediately jump on you take the time to consider and really weigh your options. People hate that about you bc they think you’re too good but it’s lowkey a subtle flex bc it shows you have options. People feel like you get too many chances or things come to easy for you and almost like it’s not fair like you always win. If it’s a situation where you always win people feel like you don’t even try. For example at school it can be a random drawing and your name can get called in an assembly or in the morning announcements and people know you didn’t even try and they put so much energy into hoping they’d get it. 😂
Folks pay a lot attention to you bc you always seem so oblivious yet you’re so rational. You say the most intelligent things and overall you make people feel stupid because a lot of times people assume you’re slow or have dumb blonde energy when half the time you’re not even paying attention. But the other half of the time when you seem like you’re not paying attention you actually are you’re just very strategic. Life is like a game of chess for you and this can make others feel like you’re sneaky or have the intention to one up them by using information when it’s convenient for you. You give non chalant energy but not in a rude way in a calm at peace type of way. People leave you out because you make them realize they’re lowkey thirsty or pick Me’s since you don’t jump at every opportunity like they would, but you teach others about the vastness of life by being patient. Others see you as abundant and before you come into peoples lives even if you’re not close to them they see things as very black and white, this or that, left or right, but you being a multi faceted perspective energy to things. I’m getting mutable energy especially gemini, or heavy Jupiter energy or aspects to your Jupiter or 9th house.
People do love that you kind of don’t care about things BUT YOU DO😂 people really don’t understand you, but the crazy thing is with you it’s what you see is what you get but people swear that you’re hiding something or people may ask you what’s wrong a lot and you’re like nothing????? You don’t have the typical type of resting face it’s more of a stare into the distance because you’re trying to remember if you unplugged your flat iron or turned off the TV before you left the house. If you’re in school you may forget about assignments or homework and end up having to do them on the bus, in the bathroom or in other classes and people hate that they’re tying to fill you in on things but you seem so preoccupied like you don’t care but girl you’re just trying to passss.
EVERYONE wants your energy meanwhile they’re all gossiping about you lowkey bc you’re so interesting and they don’t have anything better to talk about in the sense. But not bc there isn’t anything to talk about it’s just you’re so mysterious. You’re a popular loner like people will try to leave you out just to tell you about it later and you’re like 😃 ohmygosh that’s so wonderful and they’re like BIH you should be jealous like… people really wanna make you the villain. The type of look you have is very girl or guy next door but effortlessly sexy. You actually do alot of self care and you’re intentional with getting dressed but you’re subtle. It’s just a I washed my face and brushed my hair type of thing. You could have a chiseled jawline or symmetrical face. I’m seeing Reggie’s fine self from riverdale. It reminds me of the main character from clueless also how she’s very girl next door almost typical looking but still very standardly pretty. Don’t get me wrong you’re gorgeous and you eat everybody up on your normal day to day. I feel like you actually plan to really make yourself look nice n the mornings before you go to work too but half the time you’re almost running late bc that sleep just be too good.. you focus mostly on your dental health and I see you putting drops n your hair like hair vitamins or oil so your hair must be long and light brown. OHHH you’re giving me Ariana vibes , “no tears left to cry” like people love that you’re unproblematic but that’s the problem lol who do you think you are to be so unbothered? Meanwhile you’re oblivious 😂
Signs: STRONG Scorpio, cancer, gemini, Pisces too actually all water
Side note: People love your hair and be wanting to play with it, when you flip your hair it’s smells like Garnier fructise or something like that like not the new style shampoos that smells perfumy the old type shampoos that smell fruity but still that tumblr era shampoo smell . Your hair puts people n a trance everyone stares at the back of your head when you’re not looking so keep protection crystals around or evil eye
Group 2 : eeyuh?
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People love how talkative you are; you’re funny as hell like why you be saying crazy stuff. Even teachers love you or superiors look up to you even if you’re younger. Your supervisors or older colleagues could have crushes on you because you make them feel young like you. People love your light hearted youthfulness it makes them feel comfortable being themselves. This causes people to get clingy and obsess over you. People may send you random messages through the day like when they’re at the store shopping like Ohemgee this reminds me of you haha and it’s like a notebook or some random stuff they have at 5 below and you’re thinking uhmmmm ohhhkay should I be offended orrrrr…? Lol people make themselves uncomfortable with how much they love you because everyone kinda volunteered you as tribute to be THEE it girl or HIM, and you’re like Ohemgee I’m the main character but you just keep that to yourself. People feel like bc they praise you or put you on a high pedistal that you owe THEM something 😂 it gives you wouldn’t be here without me energy almost like you’re a local celebrity and if it wasn’t for your fans that you would be a nobody. You mind your own business and sometimes you can’t get time to yourself bc someone is ALLLLLWAYS calling your name and you’ve gotten caught a few times trying to avoid people n the halls, office, target or whatever and those people feel slapped by will smith n the moment bc how dare you. Next thing you know you’re shadow banned irl by everyone. You have this very magnetic control on folks to where everyone’s energy is the EXACT SAME towards you it’s almost scary sometimes cuz you’ll think dang did someone pass away? Cuz the energy is HEAVY; you’re left confused as if you didn’t get them memo then BOOM almost as if paparazzi announced the new issue of YOU is dropping and everyone needs the scoop and now you’re bombarded at once. Angry mob vibes almost. Heavy air sign energy I’m sensing Kanye, Doja, trump even tho you prob can’t stand either of those 3 ppl the example is to show how they can have such a strange cult like following and be hated but followed at the same time.
Back to the funny thing where you end up being like the class clown bc once people get your joke which it’s not like you’re trying to be funny but you’re very theatrical in how you talk and communicate and it cracks people up and those laughs just fuel you. People hate that you’re so funny they don’t want you to stop but then they realize so much time has gone by that they’ve spent laughing at you they’re now mad bc THEY got distracted 😂 people hate how you disappear or you like to eat alone people be literally wanting to watch you eat. People hate how obsessed they get over you because they start to feel like the feeling isn’t mutual but even as outgoing as you as you tend to be a bit reserved at times especially when you’re trying to focus. You have very good time management skills and you type fast lmao. People hate how fast you finish your work and how fast you run 😂 you’re a runner you’re a track star 😂 you be runnin from people huh lol people will literally chase you like this old school Disney channel movies where the fans chase the pop star.
People love love love you but they hate how lost in time you make them feel and everyone wants to be your best friend and people may try to make it seem like you’re mixy or you’re just social for attention.You actually made yourself be social to help with your shyness or anxiety; only your close family would realize this and you almost live a double life like Kim possible or Hannah Montana where your family would be so surprised to see how much of a starrrrrr you areeee. You may like to read books or do skits; I’m hearing theatre kid or you like to sing old pop or rock n roll. I heard “that’s just the way we roll” by the Jonas brothers 🥺 I love them they’re actually having a concert n my city this week 🫶🏽😭I’m getting more Pisces and gemini vibes like group 1, also Leo and Sagittarius
Group 3 : doj
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People hatteeeee how fine you are 😂 you will catch people staring at you and you don’t know why? You also can be super tall or super strong and if you’re a workout girly people like staring at your muscles or buttocks lol . People hate to see you in the gym or gym class bc you can do so many reps OR it’s the fact that you’re not the typical type to look as strong as you actually are and there’s a saying/ word for this but I can’t remember what it is. You could be very slim or maybe more thicker or big boned and if you’re on the heavier side you’re super beautiful and people have never seen someone plus size be that beautiful. Sorry if that’s triggering but people are superficial. People hate that you look better than them even tho you’re big 😂 BIG SEXYYYYY . For my plus size girlies and gents you have a lot of confidence and everyone loves you and people hate that bc you make them feel small no pun intended but n the sense that they try to put you down maybe by making a fat joke or a skinny joke and it just makes them look lame bc you’re actually the total package you’re smart, creative, strong mentally emotionally and physically and all they can do is comment on your weight 😂 people actually wish you were their friend bc you sound so smart when you speak it makes people feel slow bc you’re very wise.
People love how you dress and they love your shoes and the bags you carry. If you get pedicures pay attention to when you get a fresh set bc I’m hearing it be looking good and people lowkey wanna copy they wait for you to get a new color. Or you have gorgeous looking feet it makes people stare it them in a weird way lmao and you may catch people staring at parts of your body even if it’s your face and they feel awkward and may try to make a 😒🥴 face because you looked at them back bc of how hard they was staring like 🙄. Your family or friends may be very well known and you’re very quiet which for some reason attract a lot of rude people to you like someone may try to cut you off in line and you call them out now they’re embarrassed. You could have to deal with confrontation a lot or have disciplinary hearings like someone was always telling on you trying to get you into trouble 😂you’re literally so quiet half the time but you also speak multiple languages so you could be part foreign and people assume you’re dumb bc you’re foreign smh.. you could be into spirituality or some associates from school or your neighborhood could have seen you in your traditional dress maybe you’re of Asian/Indian descent or you’re Muslim … if you’re into spirituality people actually watch your YT, tiktoks or listen to your tarot readings and may blame you for being right like😂 I was just trying to warn you. People really do not like you sometimes and you honestly don’t even do anything aww 🥺 PLEASEEEE don’t let this make you feel bad bc tbh your lil feelings would be hurt n the moment but after about 5 to 10 minutes you don’t even care 😂
Like you’ll go home and forget that even happened and if you are sensitive and it hurts your feelings people are threatened by you and sometimes that’s just life and both life and people can be sucky but you’re not here n this lifetime for people your here to share your research findings and your creativity/art. Especially if you’re a tarot reader, a yogi, a herbalist, spiritualist or any type of healer , you heal those who have negative energy around or towards you bc they cannot transmute the energy in their own. It’s not your job to transmute energy for others tho bc if you do that people will only become codependent off of you then turn on you. You have to build up strength and boundaries and if you have been doing so or done that already then good. People will try you sometimes and just don’t even let it get to you bc they are projecting onto you but people love your advice they just hate that it’s you giving it 😂 you really bother insecure folks
Big libra, Capricorn vibes .. also Taurus or Saturn dominants /aspected Saturn
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sagstelliums · 2 months
What’s mercury retrograde in Virgo bringing to you (pac)
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Pile 1
I see that during mercury retrograde your intuition may increase or youll get deeper in your spirituality, I see that someone close to you that passed on will try reaching out to you or you’ll see signs of someone from the other side trying to connect with you. I see that you may go through some endings that will cause you to get sad or feel down especially in your love life, I see that you should accept advice or valid criticism you receive during this time. Signs- Aries/scorpio. Initials- D, O, W, S
Pile 2
I see that during mercury retrograde you’ll be pushed to take more initiative and action towards the areas of life that you’re dissatisfied with, I see you procrastinating less and going after your goals more. I see you making opportunities for yourself instead of waiting for them, I see you ending a connection or getting into a no contact situation with someone. I see you budgeting more or feeling like your finances aren’t going well, i see you staying inside more. Signs- Pisces/libra. Initials- M, K, Z, W
Pile 3
I see that during mercury retrograde you’ll get good news or some news that’ll help forward your success, I see someone trying to get in the way of something you want or get in the way of a connection you care about. I see you going through a loss or ending, I see you standing strong against people who oppose you or make you angry. Signs- Pisces/leo. Initials- B, O, G, U
Personal readings always available
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brujaluas · 1 month
What does mercury retrograde bring to you? (a mix of tarot and astrology)
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pile 1
Become more self-aware. You will have to make a decision very soon and you will not be afraid of this decision, of taking sides, of starting something new. I see many people watching you in some way, observing you and seeing your personal growth.
pile 2
You may go through a whirlwind of emotions, as if you were on a roller coaster. Try not to freak out, haha. Many emotions will surface in you, even the most repressed ones.
pile 3
Hmm, be careful. You may be led by vices, torturous feelings and end up becoming attached to something due to the intensity you are experiencing. Be careful of your actions and thoughts. Only then will you be able to prosper and also not get too excited.
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cosmousee · 1 month
Hey folks!!
I hope everyone is okay, hope being the keyword. I felt like everyone around me is in a crisis and decided to do a mercury retrograde reading, because we need to make it make sense!!
I still have a lot of asks left to do, but this felt important so here I am!!
Okay with out further ado, pick a pile from 1>>2>>3
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For all three piles, the moon cards are Full Moon cards, which basically means energy is peaking. And at times, when energy peaks, your mind and body does not understand how to cope with it and hence, it comes out as frustration and anger. So just know, its not you, its just the energies and it's gonna be okay very very soon!!!
Pile 1
Your Dreams Need a Practical Plan (Full Moon In Taurus)
Your tarot cards are so much in sync with the oracle card, I honestly love when it happens.
Anywho, you have a goal in your mind, but you don't have a proper plan of achieving it.
You know, you fantasize about your goal, that you've achieved it, how amazing it feels and everything. Which is great and it literally feeds energy into your manifestations as well!
However, you got to atleast make a very starting, list of baby steps you will take in order to achieve those goals.
Currently, through the tarot cards, its clear that if you pursue your goals you'll end up as the King of pentacles, at the highest level of abundance. But, with the reversed 10 of pentacles, you aren't working with a well defined plan. The retrograde might be trying to pull your focus towards this, and with the full moon energy of the card, you would feel frustrated with as well. but take a breath, you know what you have to do. Start moving towards it and hopefully mercury will start being a little gentle with you!🫂
Pile 2
Its time to release negativity (Full moon in Scorpio)
You are good enough (Full moon in Virgo)
Cards are telling you to look at the bigger picture, you've got the world in your hands with the two of wands. Appreciate all that you have and look forward to the future with a lot of love. Also, be mindful of where you are putting your energy and from where you are receiving it as well. If there's anything which is not serving you, learn to let go of that and be intentional with it. The full moon is in Scorpio, which is a water sign, so you can try washing away the negative energies through water baths/shower, or whatever works for you.
The retrograde might also be pushing you to see how good and amazing you are. Its telling you to celebrate yourself more and love yourself more. You may have difficulty seeing that during this time, or whatever is happening in your life is exactly opposite to what the cards are saying, but that is just for you to realise how wrong all of it is, and reinforce your faith in your own self, and being confident with what you are and what you are becoming.
I'll give a little example of what happened with me recently, in my university. Basically my morale and motivation took a hit because of some seniors saying that my whole batch of '26 is not performing upto the mark. Which, personally, I know I am lacking over all, but whatever I am doing is my best. After stewing in that feeling for a day, I went to my club/committee seniors and they told me how well I was working and… everything was bright again.
So.. yeah, it sucks, but this is your sign to fuck the negativities out of your life, and focus on the better things, and make yourself a priority!!!💌
Pile 3
Show the world the Real you (Full moon in Aquarius)
I think you have been conforming, or living according certain rules in your life, which you dont necessarily enjoy or resonate with. It might be easier to just follow the traditions and the rules, rather than being yourself and acting against it, while having to defend yourself for embodying your true self.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, this retrograde will be hella pushing you towards breaking out of these norms, and finally emerging into the world as the real you. You might be feeling fueled up with a lot of inspiration and a lot of energy, because retrograde and the full moon energy of this card.
These might be huge transformations, changing your appearance, your hair colour, getting a new piercing. Or even mental changes, you might create new boundaries, or let go of old ones, revise new ones etc etc. You might even start questioning out loud about the norms and the regulations you used to follow. This would give you a good reality check of your likes and dislikes, and then you can start your transformational journey from there!!💓
Okay! This is all I have for you today <3.
I have tried my level best to give a proper reading, but it might get a little incoherent at some places (I am burnt out from uni assignments).
I hope this helps and you feel better during the rest of the retrograde🥺🫂
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cooki3face · 1 year
Mercury retrograde reading: April 21 - May 14 2023
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Pile two:
You could’ve been in a very emotionally balanced energy pile two. Open, compassionate and in tune. But I see this retrograde turning things upside for you. You could be rethinking an idea, or suffering from a case of clouded judgment regarding a situation or a relationship or for some of you I’m hearing a person. This could be someone very significant to you, a family member, a lover or a close friend or even an ex partner of some sort. You may have come across some sort of self limiting belief of yours that may be causing delays or holding you back from healing completely or moving on to have better things and live a happier more harmonious life.
There could be some significance revolving leadership or some type of discipline. I’m hearing leading by example. You could be needing to practice what you preach pile two, or start making better decisions regarding who you choose to entertain or what you choose to do in all areas of your life so that you can be the energy you want to see within your life in all aspects. There’s something really significant here about living in the past, or something about forgiveness that’s really coming up for you. You could be someone who finds forgiveness or lenience for people in your past who don’t deserve it because you cling to the potential of these people or the positive memories or emotions they once brought you before they caused you any trouble or did any harm to you. There’s a need for you to really look at those behaviors and find an end to them this retrograde. You cannot move on whilst you continue to try and leave an open gap for people of your past or continue to hang around people who wrong you or are bad people or don’t serve you.
There is an opportunity being presented to you to grow and to truly make a change it is up to you if you do this retrograde pile two. You’ve not been doing the inner work you’ve not been taking action and a lot of that may stem from a fear of being alone. Some of you could have a connection you’re in or a situation you’re in that may require you to purge these bad habits or be rid of some type of resentment or people or situations or things that you’re holding onto in order for it to flourish. I feel as though these messages may hit some of you differently who are apart of this collective but there’s something coming through here about the way you do things, the decisions you’re making, the people you’re around or the people you’re keeping around that is creating delays for you and not allowing you to heal or not allowing you to have the love, the happiness, and the abundance you crave so deeply.
You’re very stuck and incredibly stagnant at this time. You could be in deep contemplation about some of the things you’re experiencing at the moment or even about what it is you want moving forward or what your next move will be. I keep hearing “the pressure is on.” There is something here that is beyond you or exist outside of just you that is counting on your next move or what you are going to do from this point forward. This could even just mean your divine alignment or your spirit guides and them waiting for you to make a choice, to choose a good life and one full of abundance or a difficult one, full of turbulence, full of loss, trauma and more pain and lack. You could be coming to terms with the fact that to have good things and positive things it will take a lot of hard work, it will take a lot of uncomfortable growth and shifts and changes but you need to decide if it’s worth it, if you really want what it is that you crave within this life. If you choose not to do what you need to do I hear that you’ll come back again in your next life and you won’t have the same people or the same circumstances you had in this life that you love and are attached to, you’re on easy mode right now and you’re not taking advantage of your blessings and the beautiful things you’ve been given in this life to succeed and be happy and find true contentment.
There could be conflict within your relationships, connections, with the people in your life or in your life in general. Regarding the part that you play in upholding these conditions or environments. There’s a lack of accountability on your part pile two or you play a very significant role in the way things are at the moment and many of you don’t even realize. There could be something significant about your ego and your pride or your fear. You could afraid to be perceived in a certain light, you could be afraid of vulnerability, you could be afraid of being alone or being lonely or left by yourself in some point in time. These are personal issues that must be healed and worked through rather than ignored. You know this. You can grow and improve and have the things you desire if you allow yourself to but be mindful of your decisions and the things that you do that affect the direction of which things will go moving forward. You have free will and you are the only one who can build your life the way you want it to be. The only person you can control is you, the only thing you can truly do is be a good, genuine individual and strive to be better and have better things. Keep that in mind.
Someone needs to communicate. There’s a need for you to communicate pile two, you need to say something, you need to speak up, you need to have that conversation or participate in that conversation. Some of you need to admit that you are no longer tolerant of some of the people in your life. Some of you need to admit the part you play in what’s going on and take responsibility. Some of you need to tell the truth and be honest about how you feel and what you’re doing. This will be hard for you but if done right you will succeed regardless of the outcome.
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nicromancytarot · 6 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what you need to know about the next person who is coming into your life romantically, pick a pile and find out what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
This person is embodying the energy of the king of cups, they are giving off much more masculine energy, this doesn’t mean that they are a guy, however this person is more in tune with their masculine, leadership side. When you meet this person, they will be going with the flow, allowing life to take them wherever, and coincidentally they will find you.
I am getting the feeling that this person is new to most, if not all of you. So I’m not seeing any exes or reconciliations in this pile.
This person seems to have been going through something which led them astray or possibly ended in them getting hurt, for some this may have been a breakup.
Around the time that the two of you meet, they’re going to act like a taster for you, they’ll give you these little moments with them, which leave you waiting for more, yearning for them to allow you in some more, but you only receive a drip, a dribble of what they could actually give you.
They’ll keep this going on for a while, keeping you interested and guessing, during this time they may have you lined up as an accomplishment or trophy, they may still have feelings for an ex, and have you as a second option.
It will take a while to get out of the situationship and bring yourselves to something more committed and long term, honestly I’m seeing around 6-8 months of no label.
All while it can absolutely end well, it can give you what you desperately want in a relationship, the agony and anticipation may turn to be too much for you.
For those of you who choose to walk away from this without letting it grow or become anything more, you are making a good decision, you’re embodying the queen of wands energy, you don’t need anyone to define you or make you any more worthy than you already are.
For those of who choose to stay, be careful of your heart, make sure to protect your dignity and don’t let this person get you down, you can build something beautiful with a lot of patience and determination, however you are always ok to walk away.
A lot of you are getting over something at the moment, I’m unfortunately getting an ex, someone from your past who I’m not too sure that you received closure from when you last saw or spoke to them.
I do see this ex coming back into your life, if they come back during mercury retrograde, dawg bin them, we are in no need of negativity during this time! However, for those who do not come back during this current moment, either you will contact them, or they will contact you. I do see that a lot of you have some stuff to talk out with this past person.
The closure conversation won’t exactly go to plan, you may be sucked in by their drama, trauma dumping or a poor attempt to get you back. I do feel as though you will entertain this situation for a little, perhaps not too long, but long enough for some emotions and feelings to arise again.
However on the other side of things, you have someone completely new, someone who is willing to give you things that this past person wasn’t able to supply for you. This person is coming in hot and heavy, they will be very direct about what they want with you.
I feel like you’ve always been the one to make the first move, or admit your feelings, this person will turn your life on it’s head, they will be honest, direct, real and just very straightforward about what they desire.
They may say something along the lines of not wanting to be with you until you’re over your ex, this could be a drunken confession where you try to tell them that you are, and they tell you you’re not. It will either end up with you crying into their hands as they cradle your head, or some hot and heavy make out session lmao.
This person is willing to wait for you, they will be on the sidelines for as long as you need them to be. It doesn’t seem like they will be letting go easily.
The ex person is giving me twin flame vibes, meanwhile the new person is a soulmate.
So it’s either out with the old and in with the new, or out with the new and back to the old.
The choice is yours.
You guys seem to have gone through some type of break up as well lmao, something which forced you to let go of someone that you cared a lot about. If it’s not a relationship, then it’s a situation that had you up at night upset and stressing.
During this time there was this one person that you would confide in, this person was there to rub your back while you cried, and tell you that everything was ok.
They watched you through your healing journey, helping you become one with yourself and your expression once again, help you build yourself up until you felt comfortable in your own skin. This person is a people watcher, especially when it comes to you, they’re observing to the point of writing down every little thing about you, you could ask this person the colour of your eyes, or how many freckles are on your face and they would be able to answer without a second glance. They know you like they know themself.
This person may call you their flower or petal, you may have a flower relating name, something to do with how delicately they view you, you’re like a piece of china to them, one wrong touch and you’d break. They don’t want to break you.
They metaphorically stand by your bedside as you sleep, protecting you from every scary dream, or any unwanted negativity that could come your way, they want nothing more than to protect you and keep your safe, it’s their purpose.
You are Barbie, and they are just Ken. (No gender affirmed)
This person will wait for the right time before making their move, and when they do, they will resume leadership and continue to look after you for as long as you allow them to.
This person will love you like you have never been loved before, they will caress every inch of your skin as though you were sculpted by the Gods, they want nothing more than for you to be theirs, and them to resume being yours.
Because they will always be yours.
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uyuforu · 2 months
Pick-a-Card: Your August 2024
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pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3
pick an image and scroll down to read your reading
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Pile 1 - ₊˚⊹♡
𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> It seems like this pile has a very defensive energy. If you have been in the past or right now, involved with a man who wasn't giving you what you wanted, or you didn't feel fulfilled in your relationship together, this might be your pile. You could come into communication again with this person this month, as we also have a Mercury retrograde happening! You will be defensive, careful with them. They have or had the energy to be inconsistent, fuckboy vibe, not wanting to be engaged in a relationship. Cards are saying truth will come out about this person, either they will come to you to tell you some truth, or you will discover something about them. But you'll def have the truth. You'll see the end of the tunnel. The outcome of the reading is unclear. Some of you may realize this person changed, and is ready to be in a relationship with you, they are serious about you and had to release some traumas they had. Yet, some of you will reject this person, and prefer to move to a King of Pentacle, a man who is patient, know what they want and is mature. Someone who will offer you a stable life. Your choice to decide! Good luck!
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 2 - ₊˚⊹♡
𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> I get a quite neutral vibe in this reading, meaning I don't see particular theme, so if this sounds like something that happened to you (career, romance, etc.) then just take what resonates! There have been a failure in your life, it could have been failed communication, lies too, or some conflicts you had with someone. You could happen to talk again with them this month, having closure on what happened, but also you could also be revealed with the truth! This person could want to be honest with you. Or if it's a failure, you'll hear about something that will make you able to understand what happened. Truth will be spilled and you'll get closure! This news, or talking with this person will make you feel more happy, joyful, you'll hear good news overall. The truth will make you happy. It will make you feel better about yourself too. Good luck!
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 3 - ₊˚⊹♡
𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> Ohhh! I see something new coming in your life. It looks like something news related to your career, or any projects. You could find a new idea about your career, or a project you had, a start a new project! You'll work hard or have worked hard on it already. You'll make an important choice about it this month. And I see a success happening! The choice you'll make will be the right one. Things will change and evolve in your life this august. I also see that you'll work so hard you'll probably feel tired often this month, and this is your reminder to sleep and eat well! Take care of yourself still! You could also discover some truth about a man, or a man around you can come to spill some truth or tell your something. This can or not be romantic. This person could also desire to work with you. Good luck!
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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vitaminseetarot · 1 day
I'm Back PAC: Last Summer's Lessons 🎡
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Hey everyone, I'm finally back from my unexpectedly long hiatus (I didn't mean for it to stretch out through most of September!). I had a wonky phase and had to patch myself back together. August was rather foggy. I'll just go ahead and blame it all on the astro transits. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks to everyone again for joining the last game and sending me your feedback. I'm not sure if I'll do another game before the end of this year because a huge flux of free readings is fun yet exhausting, but we'll see what Vitamin's cooking up next…
I intended to release this pick a card much sooner, but I pulled out a lot of cards so it took some time to let the messages in. I even had to change the title a few times but I feel this one captures the essence of the reading. Summer's energy was bumpy for many of us, but these seasons don't come without some learning experience to take away from it at the end. This pick a card is definitely for those out there who think time flies way too fast! As autumn is rushing its way in with its Halloween Spirit (lol) before I can even finish swimming and barbecuing, now would be a good time to reflect back on the warmer months for insight.
Pick whichever pair of neon stickers are calling you. Feel free to pick more than one or whichever one resonates best.
Pile 1: Hello!+Cellphone 📳 Pile 2: OMG!+Mixtape 📼 Pile 3: Cool!+Gameboy 🎮 Pile 4: Wow!+Turntable 💿
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Pile 1 - Hello! + Cellphone 📳
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Gemini - Cross-Pollinate, Strength, Anger, Shark, Messenger; Page of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, XII Hanged Man, 10 of Swords "It's your own responsibility to EXPAND instead of just contracting"
Hey there pile 1! I had a chuckle when I pulled out Gemini along with Messenger. It fit so well with your phone sticker. "Hello!" Communication was definitely the prime area of your life that was affected during your summer season. You could have a strong Gemini influence in your chart or had a sensitive response to this last Mercury Retrograde. You may have had a lot of expectations about how summer was supposed to go, or had some goals or prospects in mind that didn't turn out as you would have liked. The retrograde energy may have caused delays in things involving communication, like waiting to hear back from a company about a job interview, or waiting to hear back from somebody via text. "Hello, is anybody out there?" Some things may have slipped in between, appointments or online marketplace opportunities that suddenly went cold; whatever the case may be, you didn't hear back and you had to learn to let it go for your own sanity.
Now that it's said and done, you may be currently caught in a slump of how to move those previous goals forward. 10 of Swords at the end almost feels like a resistance or burn out. The pigeon wants you to crack the window open as it's ready to send out new messages in new places. This last summer was like a brief dry spell, but it's not meant to stay that way forever, or even now. The wind is picking up faster than you think, and the 6 of Pentacles shows the energetic tables gradually turning. The cards are suggesting to not hold on to any resentments or frustrations about what has or hasn't happened over the last season. It was not meant to be an energy to breeze through like a cakewalk, and it's especially tough when someone who's relying on communication in some way has to contend with those frustrations. But try not to take the mistakes, failures, no-shows, and ghostings in any personal way. Whatever occurred wasn't due to some real or perceived flaw in your character, it's sometimes how people and situations are for the time. Release all the built up anger however you choose and allow the energy of autumn to flow through, because the Ace of Cups shows a renewal that will quickly wash away the anger if you let it, the way salt water can wash away the pain of fresh hurts.
There is a risk with the shark in letting negative thoughts fester. The weather will change, and with that the mind must follow closely and not be stuck in a season that has already come and gone. We wouldn't wear a swimsuit and sunglasses on a chilly autumn evening, right? So why is it so easy for us to get stuck on past events as if we never changed clothes? The shark can smell vulnerability with a sharp nose, so there is a warning against ruminating and regretting about what went wrong as this will leave you still in the water like an injured duck unaware of its dangerous surroundings. And I say "risk" and "dangerous" not to scare you. But if something in your life hasn't worked out over the summer, it's okay to try again in the fall and expect different results. You aren't crazy for doing the same thing again, things may go differently this time! The real risk is in not doing, but instead choosing to remain stuck and inactive in the mind. The only danger here is in quitting altogether.
You are meant to grow this coming season, in a way that you can witness. I feel like you have done a substantial amount of growing over this last summer, but that may not be entirely apparent to you now. There has been a level up on the subconscious level that is capable of blossoming out into external growth if given the room. You will soon be, if not now are, called to action in some area or areas of your life that needs care but has been left hanging. Summer may have left you feeling tired, but for different reasons than just being overwhelmed from tasks. It can actually get tiring for the mind to hold on to too many goals and tasks at once. It takes mental energy just to remind the brain to do a task, even moreso if your task is to remind yourself of another task! ("Be sure to set a reminder for…") Try to accomplish a little at a time to relieve your brain of them. Give yourself the chance to stand up and have another go in the boxing ring. Summer may have felt like self-sabotage, but it doesn't have to define the rest of your year. If you act now, and in confidence, I know things can change for you as the seasons show us that we are always in a state of flux. Forgive yourself for summer so you can embrace autumn's opportunities in a warm sweater.
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Pile 2 - OMG! + Mixtape 📼
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Dignified - Strength, Confidence, Faith, Active Online Green, Everything is Temporary; I Magician, 2 of Wands, 10 of Wands, 2 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords "CREATE RIGHT NOW not just during soft good times"
Hi, pile 2! Over the past summer, you've been focused mainly around refining your talents. It could be doing something that you're talented in, whether you know it or not, or you could have the topic on your mind. You've been hard at work in developing this area, this feels more passionate than a mere interest or casual hobby. This is like a pianist who spends most of the summer perfecting a song, or an athlete who's staying in shape in time for back-to-school try outs. This is a field you feel comfortable in, you're mostly confident about your abilities even when rigorous practice does its best to wear you out. I'm getting a sense that even though you're pretty capable at succeeding through this one interest, it may be coming at the cost of the rest of your time. There's a sense of not having enough time to focus on other ventures like a social life or relaxation, so in spite of the overall positive energy I get from your talent, it's clearly draining other parts in order to burn brighter and hotter, like a energy inefficient light bulb. Something about the bulb must change to fit your current lifestyle. This summer, you have learned the importance of balancing work with leisure.
You have been spending time working out your vision for how you want to apply your talents. You could be practicing in time to complete a project for college, or busy with expanding your portfolio. This is a very ambitious, career focused pile, and I'm getting most of you reading this one are still in school. You could have gone to summer school this year too (no shame, I went to summer school once and had a blast). Your sunny days are seen as a free space for getting more work done. Active Online Green talks about accessibility or getting the green light for something, but I'm also noticing the "Active". It's like part of your mind is always on, always active. Summer was probably not the best when it came to maintaining a steady sleep schedule, with so many things to think about and your key interest being the topmost thought. With only a few weeks composing summer vacation, too many tasks piled up can create an artificial race to meet everything by a certain deadline. "OMG!" All this backlog combined with big expectations makes for a crammed season.
At times, things can get overwhelming, but when you look back on past success, it can fuel you to keep moving forward. That's one of the great things about having a portfolio, for whenever you're doubtful about your abilities. The immensity of too much work in a short span can wear down on self esteem, but there is no room to feel bad about your talent just because it's not always perfect or things aren't completed on time. Even the most accomplished get bogged down by their work. When I see bad sleep in a reading, I get concerned because I know that, while it seems harmless at first, it can spiral down health if it's not addressed quickly. Autumn is often busier energy wise than summer as school has started, and offices run by fiscal quarters, so it's important to catch up on sleep when you get the chance. Doing a lot of work in the summer only to do more in the autumn can be tiring, so carve out short times in between to relax or do something light and easy in between the flux. Don't always look at space as an opportunity to cram more work; sometimes that space is needed for a different reason.
Find a way to balance both the practical sides of life with the fun creative aspects. There will always be time to put focus into what you want to do, even if it's only for a few minutes a day. Mixtape suggests that you may need to mix things up a little bit by not working on one thing consecutively for hours and days at a time, as not even tattoos are often finished in one sitting. If work is peeling you away from something you really enjoy doing, time yourself to have that fun for five or ten minute sessions. Creative play is necessary for recharging mental batteries, that's what the card means by "not just during soft good times." Even when things get hectic as midterms get closer, a few minutes to sit back will do wonders. The seasons are temporary, so try to enjoy what you can when you can. Summer may have had its stresses and its phases of mental fog, but autumn can be filled with chances to sit back and enjoy the fall scenery for a spell.
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Pile 3 - Cool! + Gameboy 🎮
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Mercury - Messages, Flow, Anger, Pumpkin Spice, Let Your Light Shine; 8 of Cups, III Empress, 7 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, 6 of Swords "You never get there and you never stay here"
What's going on, pile 3? I see that, like pile 1, you may have also been heavily affected by the Mercury retrograde that took up most of last August. Gameboy Colors, while considered obsolete now (seriously, no lil emoji? ;-;), boasted amazing features in handheld gaming asides from the nice colorful games at its prime. Using a cable link, you could physically connect two Gameboys together to communicate and share between devices. Now, we can do all that wirelessly, but it was literally game changing back then as it allowed players to play together, face-to-face. I see you've learned how to move past some old fashioned form of communication that isn't working for you anymore. You could have even swapped gaming devices, computers, or phones over this last summer. You could have erased old contacts from your phone or friends from social media sites. I'm even getting a change in terms of transportation, where you're choosing to go out instead of staying in or vise versa. You could have used a different way to get around last summer, like using a shuttle bus or traveling by boat or train. This could have been to get somewhere or (in a boat case) been a part of a social event or party.
There could have been a situation which roused up some heated arguments between you and people close to you, whether friends or coworkers. This arguing, regardless of what it was, wore down on your defenses and you decided to pull away. Much of the bickering could have been due to unfair comparisons made between others. Someone may have been aggressive towards you over feeling envious of something you are or have. Whatever it may be, I feel here that pulling back was the healthier option. Sometimes, people want to keep you involved in their tensions, but I see you refusing to engage in unproductive arguments that go nowhere. Summer just wasn't the season for that stress, and you knew better this time around. You addressed things calmly and with compassion. Maybe that's why they're worked up over your energy; just refusing to engage makes you look "Cool!"er by comparison. (This sounds spicy when I write it down but I got to call it as I vitamin see it ok!) Summer is a time for staying cool, and now that autumn rolls in, you can put more focus into enjoying its splendors.
The time was and still is ripe for self-care and inner nurturing. Retreating to heal allowed those old emotions to work themselves out until the situation no longer felt as harsh when remembered about. If a company is making unwanted changes at the office, at this point you're past the sweating and complaining with other coworkers because you're more in the phase of waiting for good days and better results. If a trip didn't work out because of miscommunication, the time is better for planning the next one instead of mulling over what went wrong before. Your energy is just like, so what if things weren't perfect because things may be better tomorrow? And I think that's a great mindset to have when shifting between the seasons. Pumpkin Spice is right above the poor 7 of Wands. This card is all about that basic girl fall vibe, cozy and warm and far far away from whatever nonsense happened in recent past. You're moving from acting like the warrior to acting like the empress who's ready to snuggle up with fuzzy blankets and a cup of tea while watching the leaves dance and flutter. I honestly don't think this pile misses summer, y'all seem ready to go for fall!
With all that difficult energy out of the way, you can focus more on how you want to fulfill your personal time. If you were a mod to an online chat or a part of a social group and you dropped out of that role for the season, then it will now be easy to re-allocate that time to something more enjoyable and soothing. It's the "moisturized, hydrated, in my lane, flourishing" momentum going here, it started in summer and it's a great progress to have all through autumn. I see you entering hermit mode to establish a safe space for yourself starting around August, and it's likely that you will be in that phase for awhile. No pressure to hook Gameboy cable links with anybody if they're gonna fizzle out your fun, right? Although Mercury retrograde is over, there will be times when that old smoke tries to blow through again. I don't see you remaining totally settled in the months to come, but it will still feel like an upgrade compared to last summer.
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Pile 4 - Wow! + Turntable 💿
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Neptune - Vision, Reflection, Passion, Mirage, Sound - Resonance - Frequency; King of Wands, 7 of Swords, Knight of Cups, IV Emperor, Ace of Cups "EVOLVE into non-complainer"
How's it going pile 4? Out of all the piles it seems like yours had the most amount of positive experiences, even if it was only from the start of the season. You wanted to have an action-packed summer to remember. You could have spent a lot of time by the beach or near bodies of water like lakes, soaking in the summer sun while you had the chance. I'm seeing so much here about dreaminess happening, like you went to a dream concert or an unforgettable party. With all the fantasy theme here, you could have visited a renaissance faire or an amusement park based around fantasy. On the other hand, you have both Neptune and the descriptive card Mirage, which both talk about illusion. And the 7 of Swords makes an appearance here, too. So perhaps something that was meant to be awesome may not have gone perfectly as planned, even if you still had a good time. Perhaps the seating at the concert wasn't perfect, or a rain forced an outside party to move indoors. More than one parade may have been rained on, or friends could have bailed out of exciting plans at the last minute. Nevertheless, you learned over this summer to go with the flow and have fun despite how situations or relationships end up as things still may have turned out wonderful anyway.
I'm also getting that over this summer, you may have met with someone special. It could have been at an event where you laughed while exchanging jokes and numbers. Perhaps your season was spent thinking about this fascinating person, whether they were a cute person you're crushing on or seeing a celebrity on stage (while dreaming about the backstage pass). The last few months could have had you swept up in a whirlwind of fantasy, imagining what could be based on brief but memorable interactions. It's important not let passions mislead you when you meet somebody during the rush of an awesome event. I'm not saying for certain you didn't meet the "one", but chances are if you meet them again, you will need to do so from a grounded place before anything can happen. Let's say you met them while vacationing far from home. Yes, they were cute, but take some time to reflect on your feelings before pursuing something that may realistically be tricky to pull off.
You may have either received or lost a pair of glasses. They could have been prescription glasses or sunglasses (why are sunglasses among the easiest things to lose?). I think this may be a message about learning to use all your senses. Look at things closely to understand how certain things happened, if for example you're figuring out how to prevent a bad occurrence from happening again. Like if a party didn't turn out right because the DJ used a bad playlist, then you must look more closely at the finer details for next time by knowing what kind of music or DJ will be more appropriate for the next party. If a surf outing turned sour because of low tide, find a way to schedule dates that better correspond with the ocean's changes. This past summer wanted to teach you how to become more adaptable to various shifts, like how a DJ remixes music at the turntable/laptop. The point isn't to always play things by rote; life has a habit of switching it up to keep things from getting too stale.
Now that autumn is on its way, you're heading for a fresh emotional start but with a clearer lens. You have walked out of the summer sun feeling greatly inspired by its magic. Now it's time to take hold of those inspired thoughts and feelings in the pursuit of a goal. If you're getting a strong magnetic pull towards something artistic, like making a song or writing a story, then this autumn is a great time to begin while all this emotional energy is potent. This urge may have started around the full moon in Pisces; if you start something now, it may be done by the next lunar eclipse or when the sun passes through Pisces, so roughly a six month period. We may perceive autumn and winter as calmer and quieter seasons, but that doesn't mean it can't be just as enchanting and memorable as summertime. It's within your hands to create something just as special over the next few months if you are called to boldly do so. I'm picking up so much certainty from this pile, like if there's something from the last summer you desire, it's within your power to eventually claim it or experience it again, only even better the next time.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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PAC: Your unnecessary self doubts
Hello, I’m back again after a big rest (rest? Focus on material aspects of life? It’s been busy).
Ironically, during Mercury retrograde, I was thinking I should get back on the reading wagon and get out there.
Happy birthday aquarius people, also.
Wasn’t sure what to do straight away, but I saw this idea of mine from a while back and thought, hey, we often doubt ourselves far too much. It can really hurt us in life, and get in the way of what others might think are simple acts or decisions. If you struggle with doubt, worry, or decision making, I see you.
So there we go, we’ll see what the cards want to say. This could be how we expect, or not at all.
We have 3 groups here, and I would like you to breathe deeply a couple times. Try and make sure things are fairly quiet for a minute. You can choose one of these lip balm pots from anything. It could be a favourite flavour, or colour, or a word, or number. You could ask your guides, angels, deities. Do your thing, yo.
From left to right: group 1 - salted caramel. Group 2 - chocolate truffle. Group 3- strawberry sprinkles.
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I wonder if you’re detail oriented or observant people here, because I picked the item up and inspected it.
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So your self doubts… We have the star, 7 of cups, and 7 of pentacles.
You know, the two sevens here remind me of something I read once. It regarded true love. I wonder, if this comes to mind for me now, does this mean you doubt your ability to obtain, or keep true love in your life?
I also got a sense of slowness. This could be regarding my point above, or general worries that you are slow as a learner, in terms of development, or in work. With this, this could literally be doubts that you would be able to take action on a dream or idea of yours. (I know, cliche, right? They all talk about following a big dream). The fact is, 7 of cups here is allllll about creativity and ideas, but I got the thought block that creativity is bursting out of the seams of you. You have all the ideas, bay-beeeee.
Things happen in their own time, yo. Just like how creative you can be, the universe can be just the same in how it allows life to unfold. Things work, they don’t work, they bring you to something unexpected, they remind you oh yeah I don’t actually want that yeah nevermi-.
You know what I mean?
Now, we have Dress of Alchemy - Release your power.
I see a lot of insecurity bottled up inside, and I feel a lot of pent up anger actually. I feel the need to protect people, or nature. You have ideas no one could ever take on as their own, because it was born from your own unique feelings and experience.
If you fear anyone would take your idea, or think it up before you, I want you to know, the way you would execute it would be so different from what they would ever do, You have value, inherently.
You know those stories, where someone is put down time and time again, and they win or succeed despite it? Ironically, those things are what made the story so much more intriguing and inspiring.
If someone just got up and did something and everyone clapped for them immediately, all the time, straight away with no problem, it wouldn’t be something so… full of depth and connection for others. 
I just keep getting the idea of, hard time in life, put downs, but this is your special story, and your special contribution.
Ps. do you cry when angry?
You don’t think you work hard enough? Have you seen what you’ve had to traverse through, pal?
Angel of time - working too hard.
With 7 of pentacles, this is too perfect.
I feel like there’s some unnecessary self doubt surrounding this because you appear to take a lot on, or think over many different things or have multiple priorities in mind. So when you think you’re being slow, in reality, you’re using a lot of brain power and generally completing many things long term.
Pps. you probably need a break. You deserve rest. With the power card, I wonder if you need to express the word “no” to others a bit more.
YOUR time, YOUR pace, YOUR journey.
It’s special, I know it sounds weird, but we need it. We need to see it, and you. I feel like it helps people to see something, about life, about themselves. You don’t have to air your life out, or blog, or anything, it’s about people who connect with you, every day. Any day.
Everything is going to happen at the perfect time for you. There is nothing wrong with you, everything is right with you. In the most cliché ending I can muster: Trust in the universe. Trust the timing. I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed. Trust yourself, too, and your development pace, both personally and professionally.
I got the energy here firstly while I picked the cards of “that’s it. I’m not going to ask for more and more, or go over it. That’s it.”. Perhaps this means there’s an emphasis here of needing to, or learning to, leave things be, not worrying as much when something is done.
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So we have 2 of wands, ace of wands, 4 of cups, and the tower. How interesting. I got the thought about worrying about mixing things up. 
2 of wands can be about decisions, ace of wands is taking action definitively and in a passionate, direct way. But 4 of cups here talks about disinterest, and I got the word denial. Do you deny yourself your passions? Projects, hobbies, job or study opportunities? The tower is like saying “I shouldn’t, I’ll only mess it up.” or these cards saying “why would this employer or whoever be interested in me anyway”.
You should do the thing anyway! Stuff gets messed up in all sorts of quirky ways, the world is a ball in space and us humans have literally made society up out of our imaginations. Crazier stuff could happen, so what the hey!
Don’t allow yourself to feel unhappy or bored for a minute longer if there’s something you know could help it.
There’s also a branch meaning here as well of finding it hard to choose between options because what's the point if it doesn’t work out. The point is you get out there and develop in a new way, whether short lived or not. You’re here to live, my amigo.
If you’re worried about disaster, the real disaster would be not giving yourself a chance. Don’t shoot yourself down before you’ve even made a decision. Or before anyone even has the chance to.
Sea beacon fairy - Guidance: but where will it lead you?
You-wha-what did I just SAY?! Just do the things! You might be right, you might be wrong, sometimes you’ve just gotta see. I feel like your guide wants to like, SHAKE you, this is hilarious to me.
The point isn’t to be RIGHT. It’s to experience, and your guides or those in spirit you connect to, want to assure you right here, that they will assist in making things the most pleasing it can be.
And if something does ever go pear shaped, what’s that friends reference? “PIVOT!” ?
Then we’ve got the three witchy sisters - The power of three.
Are you worried something bad would happen again? Or that you would make an ill fitting decision after having one happen before? You must trust yourself. Give yourself the chance, to prove to yourself, that you can make a good one. And if you feel you didn’t go for something you should have, perhaps there can be another chance. Let yourself have this chance, what ever it is for you. Study related, relationship related, work related, anything.
Don’t hold yourself back. You can trust you, and spirit has your back too. If things move and shake, let them, and take the next moment.
Do you worry about having fun, or if you’re fun enough? I just suddenly felt a little joy.
I feel a bit clearer with this group than the others, so I wonder if you’ve been trying to actively raise your confidence lately. I also find myself shuffling the cards quite harshly, so there’s a lot of energy and force here. This might mean something such as feeling the need to put their all in things to prove themselves, or you’re the type of person that really cares about what they do.
You can’t leave things alone, can you lol. I didn’t get a card for a bit and felt more forceful about getting it to happen. I feel like you’re being advised already to be more easy going.
Accident prone gang here?
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2 of cups, queen of pentacles, and 7 of wands.
This makes me think of connections, but also boundaries. The queen reminds me of practical matters such as upkeep of the home, management of money.
This gives me thoughts of partnership, or family/home matters. With my original impression and 2 of cups, it does suggest to me that you worry about being able to make friends or connections as well as if people might like you.
This makes me feel that it’s unnecessary, because I see like… bubble popping. You know when you destress by getting bubble wrap and doing that? It’s like you’re that for other people.
I get the self doubts regarding keeping things in order. Being pragmatic. Maybe you also worry that you’re not strong enough, or that you might be seen as a pushover. However, with the queen of pentacles I really feel that this is your energy. Someone who is more firm, but still helpful and still there for others.
I get the sense of feeling tired or dizzy. Are there worries regarding health or the maintenance of a condition?
There are people you can count on, it appears, if this is the case. 
Mildew fairy - clean up time
Fairy of the divine hand - intoxication, distorted view, overindulgence
There may be a couple here who literally have struggled with intoxication. Addictions and so on, and there may be self doubt here about your ability to get clean of whatever it is, to begin, or to keep clean.
There is reassurance here, that you have seen more of yourself much clearly. No, you are not ruined. You are your own unique individual with your own quirks of life. Much like a cat that has a missing piece of its ear, you become aware that they have fought. And that is it - a history.
For others, this might literally be about being able to keep your home clean, or your body clean health wise. Perhaps there is anxiety about health in general. This could be like still asking for a 3rd examination, after being told something is fine.
For any of these scenarios here, you guys are doing better than you think you are, and a lot of it is due to the fact you have more self awareness than you think. I believe you are especially hard on yourselves. You are holding yourselves to higher standards than before, and for that, I see pride regarding you from spirit.
You are doing better than you think, and you CAN do better than you think.
Faceless ghosts and the haunted girl - ghost people.
You worry something will come back and take over? You have grown too much.
Even if the person, thing or situation does try and return, know you can refuse it. You can handle a situation or concern much better, and with far more education.
I feel you guys have opened your eyes so much.
There are some here that may have mediumship skills also, because the boundary point I made can connect to protecting yourself spiritually. There are many techniques you can use such as cleansing your home, using an energetic shield of white light, calling on archangel Michael to protect you, and much more. 
I can't help but think you might be wondering, is there something you're missing, what am I not seeing. But I think you guys know everything you need to. Please try not to get paranoid. You're doing great.
I feel like this is a very “know thyself” group. Trying to ensure they don’t make a mistake again, or that they manage things more wisely. You have support, it might not seem like it for some of you, but there are 1 or more out there who think kindly of you. You have a lot going on inside that brain of yours, let yourself step out of it a minute and experience life. Take the walk, enjoy a healthy meal, listen to music you connect with. SMELL THE FLOWERS. Something like that.
Ok thanks bye hope it made sense.
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actualbird · 2 years
yknow, i really love the SR cards where the main plot is basically just NXX Boy Goes And Does A Thing, And He SUCKS AT IT!!!
vyn has SR Mercury In Retrograde where he does a fantastic job being absolute ass at household plumbing. marius has SR Overtone where he gets an A++++++ for being the last guy you wanna lend your guitar to, because hes really bad at playing the dang guitar. and at first i didn't know what artem's card was that followed this pattern but sam @samsspambox blessedly informed me that it's SR Thin Veil, the paywalled SR i dont have yet. and in that card story artem fucking SUCKS at PUPPETS
(sidenote: i generally weep at paywalled top-up cards but the concept of basically having to pay for artem's cringe is So Very funny to me)
but now here is where the injustice becomes apparent.....vyn, marius, and artem each have an SR Epic Fail: The Card Story
to avoid any misunderstandings, here are the traits of what, to me, makes up an "SR Epic Fail":
one Main Thing is the thing our beloved nxx boy will suck at and what and it's also generally Main Focus of the whole card story (which then later leads to a sweeter core message about vulnerability and love and being okay with not being perfect etc)
our boy has to suck In The Moment. not in a flashback, not in a referenced past anecdote, no no. i want to have to tap through the entire excruciating scene/s of him failing at whatever hes doing
the story format has to be in a contained card story and not a recurring-but-brief theme in a personal story
with this criteria in place, it is IMMEDIATELY apparent that luke is the only one without an SR Epic Fail. the closest story instances would be the following:
SSR Through The Heavens (the skateboard card) since he fails at being a normal not-hypervigilant human being and also the NSB makes fun of him with memes, but this doesnt count because it wasn't the Main Focus of the story, there was a whole lot of other stuff going on and the Main Focus was the skateboarding which he did awesome at
some past anecdotes and flashbacks in SR How I Remember You (the luke blindfold card) about how luke sucks at drawing and sucks at charades, but this doesnt count because the drawing was just referenced in a few sentences and the charades fail was a brief flashback. it's also not the Main Focus of the story as well
his general inability/difficulty with cooking that is a recurring theme across his personal stories doesnt count because it's not a card, and thus isnt eligible
this is terrible. this is horrid. i love luke and i want a card thats all about him messing up at a minor activity. i want a full SR Luke Fucks Up At Cooking where the focus is what it says on the tin
i can even see the story so clearly in my mind's eye. it'd be so easy. maybe luke tries to make gingerbread man cookies but accidentally ends up with a gingerbread massacre.
luke mentions hes gonna bake and mc is excited about it because it seems he put a lot of thought and research and prep into it, maybe it actually starts with a scene of them shopping for ingredients together, and theyre both looking forward to luke's baking! but when it actually happens hes like "oh sorry a case came up, dont come over to my place anymore!!" which is sus
mc comes over anyway the next day to pick up some stuff she forgot and luke is there acting awfully nervous and his whole BUILDING smells of burnt gingerbread but there are no gingerbread treats to be found. luke keeps evading until mc finds The Massacre in a plastic container box haphazardly shoved into one of the kitchen cupboards
and it's an absolute baked-goods crime scene in there. none of the gingerbread men look like they were ever even men or homonids of any kind to begin with, it instead looks like all the dough just came together in the oven to create an amorphous Blob with the odd "limb" sticking out here and there. what luke has created is a gingerbread abomination.
mc stares at the gingebread abyss, and it stares back.
upon further investigation, mc even finds slight burn marks around the oven's door too and luke has his face in his hands, his shame is IMMENSE, just about as immense as the aroma of gingerbread treats everywhere. he was hiding it because he was worried that he got her so hyped up for the whole thing that it'd be SUCH a disappointment to her that he fucked it up!
and mc is like "hey no it's okay, as long as it tastes good, it doesnt matter how bad it looks!" and then she breaks off a piece from the gingerbread monstrosity and eats faster than luke can warn her "NO NO DONT DO IT---"
it tastes like shit
anyway they go out to get desserts from cafe instead and mc reassures luke that she obviously still loves him even if he created a baked treats atrocity and broke the genevabread convention. she tells him that if hes having trouble or if he fails, his instinct shouldnt be to hide it all and avoid her but to let her know and so she can help out, because she wants to be there for the wins and for the losses, for the good days and the bad. luke then goes all blushy grateful happy and they kiss and love is real.
the end. the post-story text conversation can go something along the lines of
luke: okay so i figured out why my gingerbread men went nuclear
mc: oh? why?
luke: i....misread "tsp" as "tbsp".........every time
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atmymercy · 1 month
Feedback: okay so I got the august monthly reading and it was sooo gooood (as always hehe)!! I got some things confirmed about what I was already sort of picking up on the connection, so that was niceee. like relieving loll. my reading really resonated, and it was great to learn more things about the 5D connection! a lot of it is sooo cool wow. it was super accurate about me being in my head a lot about the connection lol (I can't help it 😅😭 but at least now I know why). I just hope that feelings thing isn't freaking him out omg lmao. obvs I don't wanna like go into detail cuz some things are super private *twirls hair 🤭* but omg this reading was really nice and I really recommend this! Such a great topic idea! p.s. tea sorry this was a little late, I thought you hadn't replied yet, and I was just waiting loll. in my head I was like "dang did I say something wrong😔" and the whole time you'd already replied lol 😂. hugssss <3 🥰😙
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hello golden!
omg! yes! like i don't want to get into anything too personal as well but when i moved your main querent cards and how they matched up perfectly with his! i was like damn! i don't move cards from one place to another very often because i do believe how they fall has meaning and stories of its own! but i felt an urge when i started to notice how much your card and his cards mirrored each other! i was like wow!
and it made me so grateful that we both have so much fun with these readings and i'm always so amazed in how in-depth and soul-specific the cards can be! omg! i'll stop babbling now! lol or i feel i will give away too much! lol
i'm just so grateful that the reading resonated with you as always, honey! i love when we vibe and can do these fun readings together! such a joy of my day! yay!
omg and yes! @jkayyy222 came up with such a fun question! thank you once again, jkayyy222! eee! you know we love you! lol
omg! and i laughed when you mentioned the notification issue again! please don't even worry about it! it's totally mercury being in retrograde right now that's throwing all communication into a funny tizzy! lol it's retrograding until the 25th if people are curious! lol
love & light!
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♡ message me for details/questions & to book a reading! ♡
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sagstelliums · 6 months
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(Top to bottom) what’s mercury retrograde in Aries bringing to you?
Pile 1
I see that this mercury retrograde you’re going to be treating yourself better and having more self respect, I see you being more patient with yourself and taking care of your body (skin care, eating healthy/staying active). I see that you’re going to be finding the silver lining in tough situations and going with the flow, I see you trusting God more or letting karma handle the issues you have. I see you becoming more balanced, I see you putting yourself out there more and having more confidence. Signs- Scorpio/gemini. Initials- V, O, L
Pile 2
I see that this retrograde is going to teach you to believe in yourself more and your manifesting abilities will increase, you may find it easier to manifest or you will learn a new way. I see you having more confidence and courage to go after what you want, I see you letting go of anything or anyone holding you back. I see that you’re going to be okay will not being accepted by everyone or not having everyone understand you, I see you being comfortable being the “villain” in other people’s eyes. I see that you’re going to be more daring and risky, you may take your love life less seriously and you’ll be focused on having fun. I see you starting over or making a big change. Signs- Pisces/Aquarius. Initials- L, E, C, V
Pile 3
Angel number 339. I see that this retrograde you’ll be more independent/self reliant, I see you depending more on your self and taking more action. I see you facing your fears/trauma and healing, I see you being more defensive and having stronger boundaries. I see you standing your ground and only allowing high vibrational people around you, I see you cutting off fake people or draining situations. I see you accepting an ending or endings, I see you persevering and getting through tough obstacles. Signs- Aquarius, Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius, Scorpio. Initials- I, J, T, A, X
Please watch my general pick a card reading on YouTube, personal readings always available
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sixthwater · 1 year
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Hello. This one is going to be a bit different. I wanted to test these subjects with a deck of mine and the energy seemed very...fluid. Like the beginning and the end are the same but checkpoints might be different, therefore this reading in particular will have to be written differently. After reading notes will be written: like this, meanwhile the reading at the time will be written normally.
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Chapter Four's Subject: Scooter Braun and...Everything?
Decks Used: White Numen & Haunted House (wanted to just use haunted house, got called to use two)
Who is Scooter?
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Someone who lacks balance but seems so motivated and focused that it can seem the opposite. If you look at the seven of cups all the fish are swarming this one cup so this could speak to someone hyperfixating on something new or shiny — or something that they do legitimately take interest in, but once they lose interest then they move onto the next thing. I think ultimately there is an issue with sticking to plans that he’s already placed or communicated to someone. So you could be on step five of this 20 step plan and suddenly he’s doing the same thing with a new interest and you’re left to figure it out, but he also wouldn’t want to let you go either because eventually he’ll come back around to you. I don’t get direct ill intentions (I am actively trying to harm you), it’s more like…childish lmao. It’s like someone who got pets or plants. They get bored of them and expect the life to start taking care of itself but then get upset if it gets taken away from them because like what the heck they still Wanted it hello? Just general imbalance and lack of implementing plans are the key qualities here. Does he lack earth or have stellium in water/fire houses lmao. (Oh just checked the back: page of swords reversed, poor communication)
checked his chart after this; gemini sun & mars, cap moon that is It, cancer venus and retrograded mercury. a shit ton of squares to his jupiter, harsh aspects to neptune And uranus (plus too many to make up for the soft aspects to saturn). his mercury makes no harmonious aspects and then it's retrograded. cannot comment too much but yeah it's making some sense here
How does Hollywood see him?
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Very short and sweet lmao. Someone who is the ‘trusted choice’ if choosing to sign with a label (can promise good deals, long history, etcetc). However once you get past that you start to realize there’s a…I get hot and cold/on and off for some reason? There’s a song playing and the lyric I keep picking up is ‘Whether you love me or hate me’ and the rest of the song fades out. So it’s like some days you’re a favorite, some days he’s distracted. It’s like you have to keep paying attention to the fire and keep it fueled when it should be the other way around. The Moon wanted to be the last one pulled and by itself, I feel like this is background industry stuff, but something about him got found out and is not the best — I’m not really being allowed in for what it is but it’s the idea of a mask being uncovered of wolf in sheep’s clothing? Something like that.
Why is this happening? (truth or deception)
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I’m just repeating myself at this point. Also some cards fell while moving them back, and two of cups reversed was under the king. So. It’s the same stuff again; a new fixation so his priorities are lying elsewhere, but since this is a common theme it’s a feeling of being tired. If you look at the art within the lovers, the main female is watching it go down. I think there was an attempt at some sort of discussion about concerns or frustrations, but this seven of wands seems to be from his point of view? It’s a bit of both; not backing down and letting him know that they’re upset, but also not backing down to complaints and feeling attacked in a way (because you could say these complaints are coming from ‘beneath’ him I guess). This page…I weirdly feel like it was a choice. She’s smirking and holding an orb. It’s kind of like an ultimatum. Like either you get it or we aren’t doing shit for/with/under you anymore. Lack of motivation/energy but it’s purposeful. Which leads us to Judgement. There’s just a lot of criticism or critique but I’m not sensing any malice? It feels very calm. Honestly this card kind of feels like Scooter walking in with his new project and they’re all the people in the back. Regardless, the overall energy is that greediness and lack of balance again. Wanting to have it all, possible worry about financial/material safety which leads to this ‘gimme’ energy. I’m curious though now soooo
Long thoughts here; the lovers + 2oC can speak to affairs, and that's what I thought but it got brushed off. A lot of things got brushed off. It felt like someone didn't want me to actually figure stuff out but I was still being allowed in, so I can see something being thrown out to the public that isn't actually the problem. What I think is happening is that an affair was spotted and it dug up a lot. Too much and accidentally dug up something deeper, which is the previous moon issue that I can't get to. So the lovers issue started this, someone thought they could use it as like, ammo? (7oW), but it didn't work. PoW might be someone else plotting therefore the sneaky yet patient energy? However judgement stays the same. KoP is having a disgusting grip of a situation leaning into a shitty ego.
How does ____ see Scooter (with many afterthoughts lmao)
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Taylor: Blunt. Petty tiresome arguments, a man of financial gain and someone to work with, but not a good mix in the end || Is this current energy? I can't see why there would be current petty attacks between them because that would be more swords energy? Either way, plenty of disagreements.
Demi: Not good. Might have started off nice but eventual control issues and overbearing tendencies leaded to a lack of emotional happiness. Getting a feeling that they understood when to let people not good for them slip through their fingers and move on. They want to speak a lot about this but that’s for them to say on their own time lol. || They wanted to say a lot. They are probably going to speak up first or when they do they're not going to shut up. I also kept thinking of Kesha when reading for Demi so?????
Ariana: ...I think she was too busy with other stuff and could not. He was not her main focus LOL. She understands that she needs to do a lot of work for herself in a way, cause I’m getting this skeleton is him. Which is why he’s not like..coming up. This Tower feels more like ‘I’m already dealing with a lot are you serious’, it’s not like it’s a surprise but it’s more like, it was bound to happen but it’s just inconvenient, as the tower always is. I can’t remember her rising, is it earth lmao || Objectively, the tower is supposed to be someone who brings an unpleasant change to your life or isn't supposed to stay anyway and you know they weren't meant for you. I don't know their connection I'm only familiar with the issue of Taylor's. Was she with him and tried to leave and it didn't work cause that's the only thing I can think of (unstable), or this could just be speaking of the personal affairs going on in her life as I mentioned. Hanged Man in this case seems like someone who stays in the same situation for so long that they've turned to dust so in general, not a compatable person to her and it just is what it is
Justin: Again like explorative but scatterbrained. Not getting that Justin is very emotionally involved or distressed just like. Done. Whatever option was less annoying he would’ve chose. || I always pick up on a...unattached energy from Justin, even looking at his chart. I don't know what he's experiencing right now but he's very much 'I just don't want to think about much'
Bighit/Hybe: Uh. Um. Either he has unfinished business with them that’s he’s ignoring because he’s in child mode or they heard all this news about him and maybe he’s shirking off responsibilities and Bighit/Hybe is kind of like ‘what the heck we’re supposed to be doing these deals or running these albums through these months’ and he’s just. Not responding. Not looking too fun. A bit of it feels like, because of the visuals, he could’ve had a long deal with them but they’re probably going to also cut him off after this unless something changes (keys to the castle but it’s blocked right now). || Could also have something to do with just cutting off contracts due to appearances if the moon issue is that bad.
Overall, Demi and Taylor feel the most emotionally invested. Ariana just seems tired and wants to move onto other things. Justin does not care lmao. Bighit/Hybe is just business.
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Before I even get into this, "One Of Us" from lion king 2 is playing while i fix this up. this is a fucking joke lmao, so maybe we will find out.
This will highlight some issues within himself for him to see, so there’s a chance he’ll kick his ass into gear to fix them. Some of them. There’s a chance that he won’t be facing said issues and approaching it with the ‘well I’m aware so that’s half the battle’ mindset. So implementing the change when it shows but not completely changing himself for the better. We will not be seeing this at all, and probably no one besides those that he feels comfortable venting to? So to everyone else it’ll look like he’s ignoring all of this, which will cause some frustration and more critique, some probably more harsh than it needs to be? Is the energy I get. The four of wands feels more public than close community, so if The Moon from way before gets out to us in some way, then I can understand the need for apology because I keep getting people demanding explanation or apologies from him. This’ll just cause him to pull back more or be more selfish — it’s the normal reaction you always see in public figures where they get defensive because they feel like nothing they do is right so then reactionists come to coddle them and they prefer that company even if it goes against their inner values? Think JK Rowling. I don’t believe that will literally happen, but that’s the best comparison I can get. To get dramatic because apparently thats the energy here, The Bird & the Worm by The Used wanted to come out during this part. So definitely has something to do with that Moon from the way beginning.
and look at that, even in that song (even though it's more about mental illness), theres a reference to a man crawling away from their problems and i kept getting it in a pathetic way during the live reading, so? I would love to say that maybe scooter would be a sacrifice to protect more big bag evil dudes but honestly the energy was pretty pathetic and brat like while trying to read so
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This was. Annoying lmao. I remember saying I wanted to be nosy like everyone else but goooddd I forgot how much this energy is just....blergh. As much as I like deciphering stuff and understanding people, entertainment is a bit too much for me I'll stick to listening to others or doing smaller stuff lmao
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juicy-froot · 1 year
Eclipse Energy Pick A Card
Eclipse Energy Pick A Card. What do we need to know for this eclipse season? The first eclipse is April 20, 2023 and the second one is May 5th, 2023. I feel these are like book ends, and we are to discover what is resonating between these two dates, that will affect our lives going forward. Hopefully you can watch the whole video to see the overall energy of this Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde.…
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cooki3face · 1 year
Mercury retrograde reading: April 21 - May 14 2023
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Pile three:
There is some type of cycle coming to an end for you pile three. This can be some sort of accomplishment or something that you’ve been working towards completion with for a really long time. I do see some type of public recognition or some type of acknowledgment for what you’ve achieved or accomplished thus far. You could be about ready to move on from something or move forward in something. During this retrograde I see a lot of different options or opportunities coming through for you or presenting themselves to you. You’re being asked to use your intuition in deciding what to do next or when choosing from one of these options or opportunities. I’m hearing something about your spirit guides or ancestors helping to guide you towards making a choice as well. You could be having dreams or seeing particular synchronicities at this time. The number “94” is coming up, that could mean something to your or be significant to you or even be an angel number or a message from the most high.
⭐️~ “The basic meaning behind angel number 94 is that it connects with your inner wisdom and intuition. The angels encourage you to listen to your intuition to make decisions that will serve your greater good. This number also signifies abundance, positive energy, and spiritual growth.” Spot on.
You’re being asked to be mindful of overspending, or greed?? You could need to save money for something so you can invest in one of these opportunities or the one that’s right for you. This could be a large long term commitment or decision for a lot of you. You can feel your experiencing a lot delays, frustration and even stress but try not to worry about this and focus on stabilizing your energy or really taking the time out to focus on your self care and quieting the mind. Yoga or mediation could be significant. Certain sound frequencies as well. You may really need to put in perspective what’s really good for you and what will take you the furthest and be the best for you. What you decide on or what you need could contradict what others may want from you or expect from you but ignore all that because this seems to be something that is very reliant on how you feel and what you need rather than anybody else.
Try not to be overly emotional or easily influenced or swayed when it comes to this decision. Try to think about this from a rational standpoint and try to make sure you stand your ground in terms of your needs, wants, dreams or desires. You cannot control anybody but yourself so remain in a state of control and stability as best you can. You could be stalling or indecisive but that will only create more delays. Focus pile three.
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