dear-mrs-otome · 6 years
Hideyoshi and cute
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Ok let it never be said that you don’t know what you want. ;)
“Pick one.”
Hideyoshi hands you a box, small and cute and ribbon-bound but unmistakable, a gilded logo winking atop from the chocolate shop you’d mentioned was the thing you missed most about your hometown. The plaza is busy, shoppers milling about and the faint strains of carols slipping out of the warm shops each time one of the doors opens up, but there is a bit of peace in the shade of the towering crown jewel of the enormous Christmas tree, and the twinkle of the tree lights behind you is mirrored in his mischievous grin.
Bemused, you ease the top open, only to blink at the single truffle nestled carefully in tissue within. “There is only one,” you say, confusion wrinkling your brow as you reach in to lift it out.
“Exactly.” Hideyoshi laughs, only it sounds a bit off, and you realize when you blink up from the chocolate in your palm that its because he’s kneeling before you. “Just like...there’s only one woman I love, and only one woman for me.” He takes the box from your nerveless fingers and pulls out the ring that had been hiding beneath the sweet. “I know you have countless choices out there...but I’m hoping that you’ll say there’s only one for you too.”
He holds the ring out, and its only because it catches the shimmer of the tree that you can see how his hand trembles, as if it bears the weight of ever so much more than a bit of gold and gem. “Marry me?” he asks, in a voice that shakes ever so slightly too, and you realize it’s the only time you’ve ever heard him sound unsure.
“Yes, yes, of course!” you say, or at least you think you say. It doesn’t matter much because the next moment your arms are around him and his lips are on yours, hot and fervent. Somewhere in the dizzying gasp of it, you realize the chocolate has slipped from your grasp to fall on the ground...but it doesn’t even matter. How could it, when these kisses, and the promise of a lifetime of them, are sweeter than any confection ever could be?
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saizoswifey · 6 years
If Saizo saw foreigners ballroom dancing would he be interested?
These are all so amazing???!!!
The only reason he would be interested is so he could fuck with you, get some laughs, and make fun of you for being so utterly shit at it. It’s Saizo, he’d be fantastic right from the start. But he’d spend a good while sighing every time you stepped out of turn, being dramatic in his displeasure and ‘pain’ when you trampled his feet.
 “Well, I’ve lost all feeling in my toes, I’ll have you know. You do realize you’re buying me a new pair of shoes after this, hm?” 
“I’ll have to watch you around water from now on.”  “Why?”  “Because with lead feet like this, you’ll sink right to the bottom.”
If you looked upset he would try and instruct you and actually be a very good lead. He’d do counts for you and tell you to just look in his eyes and relax, let him push and pull you and just focus on his movements and the steps. 
He’d probs end it by leaning in and whispering in your ear, reminding you that the only dancing he really gives a shit about is the dance between the sheets wejbfjwkb
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maddy-the-otome-hoe · 6 years
A Fox for the Day
@manju-booty​ I have no idea where the ask for this went but here is my answer. Kinda got inspired by Fruits Basket and added your husband Hideyoshi. This also got a lot longer than I planned lol but I think you’ll enjoy it. I also took this as an opportunity to heal from Mitsunari’s act 2. goodbye heart. 
When you opened the door you noticed that Lord Mitsunari was gone. Which was strange because you had only been gone long enough to get some tea for him. You walked over to the desk to set down the tray but a quick blur bolted for the door nearly knocking you over. A yelp escaped from you as the tea crashed to the floor and you tried to follow the blur. It was a white and grey fox pawing at the door. Not sure what to do you remained frozen in place and the fox suddenly noticed your presence. Before you could even breath it tried to run out onto the Veranda. It seemed almost desperate to escape and you felt bad seeing it so scared. When it slipped through the shoji doors you ran after it calling out to it. The fox ran around the garden but ended up finding itself trapped in a corner.
You approached slowly after seeing how scared the fox was. “Please don’t be frightened. I’d never hurt you. I just want to help.” You held out your hand and the fox wined before rubbing it’s head against your hand. The smile on your face came naturally and you finally met eyes with the fox. They were a deep sapphire blue with flecks of topaz. They seemed so familiar and scared. Just like Mitsunari’s when he’d wake up from nightmares. The fox stared at you and wined almost like it was impatient for you to realize something. When you looked at the foxes fur you noticed that it’s lower half was grey and the rest white except for several black spots that went in a line from it’s chest to neck. Just like Lord Mitsunari’s clothes. Then it clicked. You gasped and covered your hand with your mouth. “Lord Mitsunari? Is that you?” The fox hung it’s head and looked away only whining as your answer. Your mind was suddenly in a state of shock. “What? How? When? I was gone for ten minutes. What happened?!” Mitsunari growled at your question and you realized that he wasn’t himself. You sighed and hung your head not sure what to do. “I should tell Lord Hideyoshi. He might know how to help. Mitsunari growled at you and put his paws on your lap as if to keep you from getting up. However a familiar voice was calling your names in the garden. You saw the fear in Mitusnari’s eyes. “It’s ok. Just like me Hideyoshi loves you no matter what.” Your words soothed him but he still remained low to the ground. “Over hear Hideyoshi!” You called out. When Hideyoshi got to you relief washed over his face.
“Oh thank goodness. I came to get Mitsunari for council and saw the broken tea and papers everywhere. What happened? Is everything alright?” You offered him a nervous smile and he heard the whine from behind you. Hideyoshi looked behind you and saw Mitsunari in his new form. How ever Hideyoshi only smiled and crouched down and smiled kindly. “I’m guessing you’re the one who caused the mess?” He held out his hand and Mitsunari's tail began to wag and he walked up to Hideyoshi with no problem. "He's awfully friendly for a fox. Where did he come from?"
"Well you see. The fox is actually Lord Mitsunari." You didn't even want to believe it as you said it and it showed in your voice. Hideyoshi laughed as he continued to pet the fox in front of him.
"He does seem as happy as Mitsunari to see me. However we really should find Mitsunari before he finds the mess and worries like I did." Mitsunari whined and you only met Hideyoshi's amused smile with a serious look.
"Look at his fur and his eyes. I wish it were a joke but the fox is Lord Mitsunari." This time Hideyoshi heard the stress in your voice and looked back to the fox in disbelief. When Mitsunari saw the shock on Hideyoshi's face his ears pressed back and looked at the ground. Even as a fox it was a classic Mitsunari look and it was all it took to convince Hideyoshi.
"How did this happen?" The question was directed to you but you only shrugged your shoulders.
"I have no idea. We were reading and decided to take a break so I went to get some tea. When I came back he was a fox." Hideyoshi nodded at your answer and looked back to Mitsunari.
"Don't worry. We'll find a way to fix this soon but until then just stay here or in your room."
"Yip!" This surprised both you and Hideyoshi but made you smile all the same. Then Mitsunari ran back toward the room and the two of you followed. He was trying to drag a book off the desk and you went to pick it up for him. That's when you noticed it was the book Mitsunari had been given yesterday. It was apparently cursed though Mitsunari didn't believe the previous owner. Your face went white and Hideyoshi noticed.
"What is it?"
"Lord Mitsunari got this book yesterday from the bookstore owner. The owner asked Mitsunari to keep it safe because apparently it's cursed. You don't think the book did it do you Lord Hideyoshi?" You were about to flip through the book when Mitsunari began to growl and paw at the floor.
"I don't think he wants you to read it. Let me see it." As soon as Hideyoshi had the book Mitsunari stopped growling but still looked on edge. "Don't worry Mitsunari. I'll be fine I promise." He petted Mitsunari's head and you could of sworn that Mitsunari smiled. While Lord Hideyoshi looked at the book you decided to clean up the broken tea cups and what not. "Most of this just seems to be old fairy tales of misbehaved people getting punished by the gods. There is this verse though that talks about turning into your spirit animal from dawn til dusk. I suppose that means Mitsunari will be like this until the sun sets." No sooner had Hideyoshi said those words you heard a loud thump and Mitsunari was barking. When you turned around there was now a monkey where Hideyoshi once stood. You were beyond shocked and despite being a fox you could tell Mitsunari was too. Mitsunari began to growl and lunged at the book.
"Lord Mitsunari no! What if something happens to the book and you don't change back because of it. We need to keep it safe just incase." He stopped attacking the book but the glare threatened to bore a hole in it. After putting the book away you kneeled down in front of the two. "Alright no big deal. My lover and my Lord are animals. We just have to keep you two out of sight until the sun goes down. I'll just tell everyone that you two left the castle to visit Lord Nobunaga. That should work right?" You knew they couldn't answer but saying out loud gave you confidence in your plan. "Please both of you stay here. I'm going to do some work and try to pretend everything is normal. I'll bring you both some food later." Hideyoshi offered you a series of hoots and chatters which you took as an agreement. Mitsunari was already laying down with his head over his paws in defeat. You reached over and patted his head. "Don't worry Lord Mitsunari. Everything will be fine one way or another." Your kind smile was enough to soothe him and he pressed his head against your hand. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise." They both watched you leave hoping that the day would be over soon.
No sooner had you left Mitsunari's room you ran into Sakon. "Hey have you seen Lord Hideyoshi and Lord Mitsunari. We were supposed to have a war council but no one has seen them." You put on a cheery smile and continued walking with Sakon.
"Yes I was actually about to come tell you all. Lord Hideyoshi was summoned by Lord Nobunaga, and he asked Mitsunari to go with him. It seemed urgent so they left in a hurry." You held your breath as you waited to see if Sakon would believe you.
"Ah so that's what happened. Well did they say when they'd be back?" You bit your lip and tried to maintain your cheery disposition.
"Hideyoshi said they'd try and be back tonight but it could turn into an overnight trip." Sakon nodded and smiled at you.
"Alright. I'll go let everyone know. If they send word of when they'll be back come find me." You nodded and watched him run toward the main hall. You knew no one would have reason to doubt your lie, but a heavy feeling of worry settled into your stomach. The rest of the day went relatively smooth until you began cleaning up dinner. You were in the kitchen when a large crash came from somewhere in the castle. Rushing out the door you toward the main hall along with some other retainers. When you made it through the door what you saw made your jaw drop. Mitsunari was running around the hall with Hideyoshi clinging to his back. Sakon was desperately trying to catch them along with a couple of other retainers. Most however just watched in shock. When Mitsunari saw you standing by the doorway he bolted. You let him pass by while pretending you were afraid. Sakon ran up to you and helped you steady yourself. "Are you all right?" Everyone shared his worried look and you just nodded. "Good." He then turned to address several retainers. "Everyone we need to find those creatures before they bring other spirits into the castle. Fan out and look everywhere."
"Sakon I don't think that's a good idea." You blurted the words out before you could stop yourself. Everyone gave you a confused look and took a deep breath. "I mean those animals seemed really worked up. Chasing after them doesn't seem like a good idea, someone could get hurt. Everyone should calm down and stay in their rooms while a small amount of people look for them." It sounded like a solid plan but Sakon only stared at you in shock. "What?"
"Nothing. That just sounds like a plan Mitsunari would come up with. He must be rubbing off on you if you're talking like him" A blush crept up on your cheeks but Sakon moved on before you could say anything about it. "I think you're right though. They are wild animals and someone is likely to get hurt if we're not careful. Will you go tell the maids to head back to the quarters?" You nodded and turned to leave. If everyone stayed in their rooms it would be easier for you to find Mitsunari and Hideyoshi. Right as you got into the hall Sakon caught up with you. "Hey hold on a sec." You stopped walking and hopped he didn't plan on following you. "Be careful going back to your room. It'd really upset Lord Mitsunari if you got hurt when he wasn't here." Your face softened at his words and you smiled.
"Thank you Sakon. I'll head back as soon as I talk to the maids." He nodded and went back to the main hall. You did as you said and told the maids that a wild dog was trapped in the castle so they should stay put until told otherwise. Once that was settled you slowly made your out into the halls and began your search. However before you knew it you had walked all over the castle and still couldn't find them. Sighing you decided to stop by the kitchen and head back to Mitsunari's room. It was the one place you hadn't looked and if they weren't there you didn't know what else to do. When you opened the door your whole body relaxed in relief at the sight of Mitsunari and Hideyoshi. "Oh thank the gods. What on earth happened?" You kneeled down in front them in exhaustion.  Mitsunari felt bad that you had been so worried. If he could only speak and explain he only left to protect Hideyoshi. "Well at least you both are safe." Standing up you moved to the veranda and they followed you. "You two must be hungry after causing so much trouble. I would of made something better for the two of you but things got out of hand." You set the bundle down and untied it. After dividing the contents between them they began to eat and you sat there in silence. By the time they had finished eating the sky had turned a burnt orange and your stomach began to knot. "It will be sundown soon. I'm worried about what will happen if you don't change back. It's going to hurt everyone." You fought off a yawn. Mitsunari and Hideyoshi sat on either side of you. The three of you watched in anticipation as the sky grew darker until the sun was gone and it was completely black outside. It felt like a weight settled in your stomach when neither of them changed back. Your body began to give way to it's exhaustion not knowing what else to do, and you swayed in your seat. "I'm sorry you two didn't change back. I promise we'll fix this." The words barely left your lips as your eyes closed and you fell toward Mitsunari.
Right as you were about to collapse a pair of strong arms gripped you and guided your head into their lap. "Hells woman are you trying to make yourself more stupid." Mitsunari had returned to his normal form just in time to catch you, but you were already fast asleep. A chuckle from next to him cause him to look away from your sleeping face.
"Cut her some slack Mitsunari. We really worried her today, but she held it together pretty well. Wouldn't you say?" Hideyoshi was about to sweep the hair out of your face when Mitsunari beat him too it. "I still can't believe that book was actually cursed." Hideyoshi let out another chuckle. "It was pretty fun to be a monkey. Maybe I'll do it again sometime." Mitsunari's face scrunched together and he glared at Hideyoshi.
"Absolutely not. First thing I'm going to do in the morning is make sure that book can never be found again. We can also never speak of this again. Please Hideyoshi."
"Fair enough. It would be rather hard to tell the truth after she came up with such a great plan." This brought a smile to Mitsunari's face and Hideyoshi stood up to take his leave. Once Hideyoshi was gone Mitsunari carried you to his bedding. He wanted nothing more than to just hold you close and pretend that he hadn't spent the whole day useless. Tomorrow this would all seem like nothing more than a dream.
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quasip · 6 years
DateSana: Who do you think developed first? Did they deny these feelings or accept them?
Well, my thoughts are that they’d probably fall in love at the same pace; however, Masamune would probably notice his feelings first. Being the head of a Clan and having to keep and grow the position Masamune has had to be aware of others and himself. He’s more tuned in to his personal feelings and their nuances than Yukimura, regardless of whether he decides to heed them. And in this case, he decides to ignore them. 
On one level its simply pragmatic not to get to attached. They are enemies, warriors of opposing Clans, who will most likely kill each other trying to obtain rulership of  Japan. There’s no need to muddy up the waters with something like feelings. On another Masamune is wary of exposing his heart in such a way. With his father’s death, his mother’s attitude to him, and killing his brother, as well as the machinations of others, he is wary of letting anyone have the opportunity to hurt him so deeply again.
So, yeah, Masamune will flirt and try to get Yukimura to sleep with him, but he’ll definitely leave all this soft crap at the door.
If Yukimura brought it up, and he would eventually because while he isn’t as on the mark with his feelings, once he gets the idea he would deem the only honorable and honest thing would be to face Masamune with his feelings, he wouldn’t deny it or ask if Yukimura was sure. He’d answer Yukimura’s determination with his own, as is proper for his rival. Yukimura had better watch out and get ready to fight if he does this because Masamune’s flirtations will ramp up exponentially after a confession and probably get a bit more touchy and raunchy. 
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kanookied · 6 years
What about Saizo charmed you?
That’s a good question LOL. Under the cut cause it’s just a lil bit rambly.
When I started playing SLBP I had Saizo pegged for one of my least favorite characters. I don’t usually go for the non-communicative, condescending types in romance games. It typically turns me off very quickly, and I find myself squinting in suspicion at their every action and word. Which, by all angles, is exactly the type of character Saizo is.
Except that’s not true. He’s got problems with communication, but they’re made necessary by the very real dangers of his lifestyle. He’s always trying to hide MC from the eyes of Iga, and sometimes that means not being forthcoming with where he’s going or what he’s doing or when he’s coming back. Obviously, that can be frustrating in most cases, but I find it relatively easy to forgive when keeping in mind that this is his attempt at protecting his MC.
Also, what I’d originally labeled as condescending turned out to be a rather teasing personality, which I LOVE. Before I even fell for Saizo personally, I fell for his relationship with Yukimura. More often than not I found myself unable to stop smiling at their banters, where Saizo was expertly leading Yukimura around a conversation by the nose and sweet Yukkins just followed along unknowingly. Their dynamic along with chibi Sasuke was very cute and brotherly and helped me to see how Saizo behaves around people he genuinely cares about.
Adding on to that, it also helped show me how reliable Saizo is. A common theme for his MS and most of his ES’s is that he’ll come to your aid when you need him. He’ll *siiiiiigh* about it, clearly not pleased at all with having any work whatsoever, but when it’s time to get serious, he is someone you can always count on.
Now, all of this is all well and good, but among all this character analysis, what made me FALL for Saizo? I think it’s the way he kept me guessing. Whenever I thought he’d behave or react in one way, he surprised me. And that surprise led to me discovering new things to like about him, because I was interested in figuring him out. Now, here we are, with him as #1 on my list of LI’s.
So this turned into some sort of jumbled up character analysis that I’m sure @saizoswifey would be leagues better at, and I’m not sure I even answered your question, but there you go! I love Saizo cause he’s a funny and unpredictable dude, and apparently that’s enough to win my heart.
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What are your thoughts on Mouri Motanori
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic favotp(s): n/aother ship(s): n/a#noromo ship(s): Motonari/Sorincrack ship(s): Motonari/Motochika (sorry to anyone who ships it)fav headcanon(s): This Okra is ACE and there’s nothing you can do about it
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fenrirgodspeed · 6 years
If Nico were to walk in on you while you were changing, how would you react?
i’m generally not that concerned with/embarrassed by being seen half-naked unless it’s someone i don’t know very well, so honestly i’d probably just stare at him blankly and be like “....did u need something nico” 
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nexu101 · 6 years
Who are your favorite Basara characters? What are your favorite ships?
Hey, Ken ; ) haha!
Hmm, oh boy, it’s going to be hard to narrow down my faves, but I will try! They are (in no particular order):-Matsunaga Hisahide-Tsuruhime-Maeda Keiji-Fuuma Kotarou-Katakura Kojuurou-Kyougoku Maria-Yoshiteru Ashikaga
As for ships, I like all the ships! I have a few that I especially like, but I’m a bit shy to talk about them on Tumblr :3c
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konfuse · 6 years
hi do you still like Sengoku Basara?
Hey! Sorry for the wait. 
I guess I still do like it. It’s been ages since I played one of the games (my friend owns SB 3 and SB Utage and SB 4) and we played the shit out of the third and tried to figure out as best as we could the other two because I can’t speak japanese and my friend at least is good with languages... (we made up our own stories though and we still laugh about them). 
anyway long story short I’m still bitter that Ujimasa wasn’t in SB 4. 
Sorry for the rant. But I really don’t know how to answer... I’m still on the Tsuruhime/Kotaro ship though? I sometimes do look for content... 
I snooped on your blog and the Gakuen-Anime gifs and screenshots looked promising so maybe we (friend and I) will watch it. Should be good for a few nostalgic laughs :D 
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little-lady-mimi · 7 years
What are your favorite Otome games? Who are your favorite Otome bachelors?
Heyya it’s been a long time~ Your username is as impactful as I know! ^^ On my top of the head -
SLBP - Saizo, Ieyasu & KeijiIkemen Sengoku - KenshinIkemen Vampire - Arthur & VincentMFW - SaekiIn Your Arms Tonight - KoichiHakuoki - Soji AkitaAmnesia - IkkiBMP - RobertoCode Realize - Count of St. GermaineDandelion - JieunNameless - YuriMystic Messenger - Jumin Han
Bachelors categories -
Troubles/Dark - Saizo, Ieyasu, Kenshin, Koichi, Soji Akita, Count of St. Germaine
Funny/Fun to be Together - Keiji & Roberto
Possessive/Yandere - Kenshin & Jumin Han
Taming the smooth - Saeki/Arthur/Ikki
Loving the mature angel/possible devil behind an angel - Vincent & Jieun
After making an analysis, these are possible troupe of fictional men I always fall hard lol xD 
Despite I love yandere...I’m so turn off by Toma Amnesia...maybe coz he makes MC dysfunctional as well (put sleeping pills in her food, an obvious cage etc.) Kenshin & Jumin (also Reishou from Ookami no heika Hanayome), despite putting her in “cages” (prison, house etc), they are making sure she’s functional and eaten well etc etc. Kenshin’s prison is luxurious okay? xD Well, everyone opinion are up to themselves, you might not as turn on and off as me~
Thanks for the ask and sorry for the casual answer~
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dear-mrs-otome · 7 years
What are your favorite Otome games? Who are your favorite Otome bachelors?
Honestly, how much time do we have? Because I could be here all day answering this one…But in all seriousness, I’ll try and keep it to a reasonable size.
Favorite otome games covers a pretty wide range because I play a lot of games. Not just mobile but PC, and not just imported but English VN as well.
My fav otome apps though, as a whole, are probably SLBP and Ikemen Sengoku. They’ve got some of the better writing amongst translated games, and some of my game biases. Guilty pleasure is totally Star Crossed Myth - half of that game is so problematic but I love it anyways. I also enjoy Lovestruck by Voltage, their English-originating game with a bazillion stories and a lot of inclusive characters.
My fav otome bachelors…this is hard. We all know I’m Mitsunari trash, with a heaping side of Ieyasu, but that’s not all. When it comes to other games:
Ikemen Sengoku -> Oda NobunagaEven though his MC occasionally makes me want to bang my head against a wall, I love how sensual Nobu’s route is, and how he changes believably as a character over the course of their relationship. He’s alpha without being a dick, and everything he does has real, grounded motivation. And when he finally falls for the MC, he’s the biggest sweetest bundle of hardass warlord you could ever ask for.
In Your Arms Tonight -> Shohei Aiba & Soji HigashiyamaBoth of these characters sort of fill the ‘carried a torch forever’ trope, but they approach it very differently. Aiba is your coworker and has loved and supported you forever as basically your best friend. He’s self-deprecating, funny, very beta, and hopelessly hopelessly in love with you. He’s also selfless, and willing to do whatever it takes to make the MC happy, no matter the cost to himself.
Soji was the little brother of your high school boyfriend, and while Aiba is perfectly content playing second fiddle his whole life Soji wants nothing to do with you. He’s cold, silent, difficult to read and he’s moved on (or so he thinks) but in the end he also winds up clearly selfless and willing to do whatever he thinks will be best for the MC. Also, bonus points for the cheesy and yet still charming Ghost-movie-inspired scene where he teaches you how to make a clay pot.
Love, Lies, and a Heist -> Logan BradleyLogan, oh Logan. Let me sing the praises of this underappreciated game from Cybird - another one they seem to have let languish but what they’ve got out is wonderful. It’s a pay-per-route game, set in the same universe as Midnight Cinderella, only later. Think 1920s, 1930s perhaps. Logan Bradley is the arrogant prick that heads up a rival noble family, and through shenanigans the MC ends up  working in his house as part of an agreement between the both of them. Think Beauty and the Beast, the wretched prince with no understanding of love who learns the error of his ways, with a light sprinkle of dom/sub kink. It has smut, it has bickering, it has a tsundere Figuring Shit Out oh so deliciously. I love it and him, top 5 husband for sure.
In no particular order, a less-detailed list of other faves:
Nightshade - HanzoNameless, the One Thing You Must Recall - LanceStar Crossed Myth - Scorpio, Icthys, KRIOFFAfter School Affairs - Shinichi Kagara (MEGANE ALERT! MEGANE ALERT!)Irresistible Mistakes - Toma KiriyaDangerous Seduction - Asuka HinoMystic Destinies: Serendipity of Ages - TatsuyaAnything Saito. Literally anything, I'm a Saito whore.
I could go on, with other mobile games and PC game biases and recs for indie otome type games, if anyone wants. Let me know, otherwise I hope you enjoyed my blathering rambling answer!
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maddy-the-otome-hoe · 6 years
What are your favorite Otome games? Who are your favorite Otome bachelors?
Here are my fave otomes and why I love them, because just listing them isn’t enough for me. Hope that’s ok!
Mystic Messenger
The game interface is so different. Like you get phone calls and texts from the characters
There are multiple endings that are affected by your choices
It has amazing art and story
and man the angst and mystery is almost addicting
Samurai Love Ballad Party
Now this game! 
Has some very GORGEOUS lords to romance
And again the angst! man it almost kills me
It’s also very easy to be a free player in this game if you’re willing to work
And damn the smut is good too even though most of it is just implied
Also there are sooooooo many NPCs to pine for 👌
The Arcana
I really like this one for two reasons mostly
The art is just AMAZING!
Then the way you play is also different. 
Like you get three keys but can use them on anyone
You really get a lot of freedom with it
Now as for my favorite bachelors that is just hard and feels so unfair >.
Jihyun Kim(Mystic Messenger)
Saizo Kirigakure(SLBP)
Sirius Oswald(Ikerev)
Mitsunari Ishida(SLBP)
Arsa (The Arcana)
Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger)
Saeran Choi (Mystic Messenger)
To explain why I love all these men would take a whole nother post but thank you for the ask!
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nightingaledarling · 7 years
How would Masamune react to seeing the modern world? Would he be able to adapt or have trouble?
I had to sit on this one for a while! I feel like Masa would actually be very curious of the modern world - he is naturally very inquisitive of things he’s not familiar with, i.e. the parrot in the Lovers of Oshu ES - but at the same time he would be cautious and approach everything slowly and with a critical eye. Like with a car, he might quietly walk up to it, watch it, tilt his head at it all while wondering, “Where are the reins? How do you steer it?”
But hands down, his favorite bit of technology is using tableside tablets to order his food at restaurants. It cuts down on the questions from curious servers.
Oh, and electric teakettles! It makes heating his water so much easier.
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quasip · 6 years
Who are your favorite characters from Sengoku Basara? Do you have any favorite ships?
Hello, Dear!
I love all the characters, the cooky bunch they are, but my favorites are probably Yukimura, Masamune, and Sasuke. Yukimura because his earnestness and fire are always a joy to watch. He learns and grows and is so steadfast and loyal and just such a good kid. A delightful puppy. 
Masamune is a cocky little so and so and it is so fun to just see him go wild and kick ass and get his ass kicked. Also, his sheer bullheadedness at not dying is amazing to watch. That whole Hideyoshi fight, man. It’s also cool to see his other side. His loyalty to his men, his almost insane need to protect Kojuro, his rivalry with Yukimura which is violent, but also caring and growing as a pair. 
Sasuke is just one of the straight men of this circus and his snark and doneness is just...*happy sigh*. Not that he can’t be silly of course. Still, his attitude is such a contrast to Yukimura’s that it’s basically a comedy routine. Beyond his snark, though, he’s loyal, clever, and caring for those he cares for. Even if he can be a bit of a jerk about it. 
As for shipping, it’d probably be faster to say what I don’t ship. I’d have to say some of my top pairings are:
Date Masamune x Sanada Yukimura
Sarutobi Sasuke x Katakura Kojuro
Kasuga x Uesugi Kenshin
Sarutobi Sasuke x Sanada Yukimura
Thanks for sending this in! Hope you have a lovely New Year!
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kanookied · 6 years
How would you react if Saizo walked in on you while you were changing?
“Hey, there’s this great new thing. It’s called knocking.”
Tbh if Saizo walks in on someone changing, it’s more than likely on purpose. The perv.
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Who are your favorite characters of Sengoku Basara? Do you have any favorite ships?
My absolute favorite characters in Sengoku BASARA are:
Oda Nobunaga
Akechi Mitsuhide
Goto Matabei
Matsunaga Hisahide
Otani Yoshitsugu
Ashikaga Yoshiteru
in no particular order.
As for my ships, I tend to ship Nobunaga/Mitsuhide, Nobunaga/Hisahide, and Yoshiteru/Hisahide
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