#mannaz records
nofatclips · 10 months
Last Breath by Child of Waste
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afrobrujie · 1 year
I’m my research around the Norse pagan sphere I’ve learned some things about runes that I didn’t know before. Here are the three main rune types there are are far more.
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Elder Futhark - 2nd Century
Rune, UCS, Transliteration, IPA Proto-Germanic name Meaning
f ᚠ f /ɸ/, /f/ *fehu
"cattle; wealth"
u ᚢ u /u(ː)/ ?*ūruz
"aurochs", Wild ox (or *ûram "water/slag"?)
th,þ ᚦ þ /θ/, /ð/ ?*þurisaz
"Thurs" (see Jötunn) or *þunraz ("the god Thunraz")
a ᚨ a /a(ː)/ *ansuz "god"
r ᚱ r /r/ *raidō "ride, journey"
k ᚲ k (c) /k/ ?*kaunan
"ulcer"? (or *kenaz "torch"?)
g ᚷ g /ɡ/ *gebō "gift"
w ᚹ w /w/ *wunjō "joy"
h h ᚺ ᚻ h /h/ *hagalaz "hail" (the precipitation)
n ᚾ n /n/ *naudiz "need"
i ᛁ i /i(ː)/ *īsaz "ice"
j ᛃ j /j/ *jēra- "year, good year, harvest"
ï,ei ᛇ ï (æ) /æː/[9] *ī(h)waz "yew-tree"
p ᛈ p /p/ ?*perþ-
meaning unknown; possibly "pear-tree".
z ᛉ z /z/ ?*algiz "elk" (or "protection, defence"[10])
s s ᛊ ᛋ s /s/ *sōwilō "sun"
t ᛏ t /t/ *tīwaz "the god Tiwaz"
b ᛒ b /b/ *berkanan "birch"
e ᛖ e /e(ː)/ *ehwaz "horse"
m ᛗ m /m/ *mannaz "man"
l ᛚ l /l/ *laguz
"water, lake" (or possibly *laukaz "leek")
ŋ ŋ ᛜ ŋ /ŋ/ *ingwaz "the god Ingwaz"
d ᛞ d /d/ *dagaz "day"
o ᛟ o /o(ː)/ *ōþila-/*ōþala-
"heritage, estate, possession"
Anglo-Saxon runes
Unicode, Name, Name meaning, Transliteration IPA
ᚠ feh (feoh) wealth, cattle f /f/, [v] (word-medial allophone of /f/)
ᚢ ur (ūr) aurochs u /u(ː)/
ᚦ ðorn (þorn) thorn þ /θ/, [ð] (word-medial allophone of /θ/)
ᚩ os (ōs) heathen god (mouth in rune poem?) o /o(ː)/])
ᚱ rada (rād) riding r /r/
ᚳ cen (cēn) torch c /k/, /kʲ/, /tʃ/
ᚷ geofu (gyfu) gift g /ɡ/, [ɣ] (word-medial allophone of /ɡ/), /j/
ᚹ wyn (wynn) mirth w /w/
ᚻ hægil (hægl) hail h /h/, [x], [ç]
ᚾ næd (nēod) plight n /n/
ᛁ is (īs) ice i /i(ː)/
ᛡ/ᛄ gær (gēar) year j /j/
ᛇ ih (īw) yew tree ï /i(ː)/ [x], [ç]
ᛈ peord (peorð) (unknown) p /p/
ᛉ ilcs (eolh?) (unknown, perhaps a derivative of elk) x (otiose as a sound but still used to transliterate the Latin letter 'X' into runes)
ᛋ/ᚴ sygil (sigel) sun (sail in rune poem?)
s /s/, [z] (word-medial allophone of /s/)
ᛏ ti (Tīw) (unknown, originally god, Planet Mars in rune poem?) t /t/
ᛒ berc (beorc) birch tree b /b/
ᛖ eh (eh) steed e /e(ː)/
ᛗ mon (mann) man m /m/
ᛚ lagu (lagu) body of water (lake) l /l/
ᛝ ing (ing) Ing (Ingui-Frea?) ŋ /ŋg/, /ŋ/
ᛟ oedil (ēðel) inherited land, native country œ /ø(ː)/
ᛞ dæg (dæg) day d /d/
ᚪ ac (āc) oak tree a /ɑ(ː)/
ᚫ æsc (æsc) ash tree æ /æ(ː)/
ᛠ ear (ēar) (unknown, perhaps earth[16]) ea /æ(ː)ɑ/
ᚣ yr (ȳr) (unknown, perhaps bow[18]) y /y(ː)/
Youger Futhark - 8th~12th Century
The names of the 16 runes of the Younger futhark are recorded in the Icelandic and Norwegian rune poems. The names are:
ᚠ fé ("wealth")
ᚢ úr ("iron"/"rain")
ᚦ Thurs ("thurs", a type of entity, see jötunn)
ᚬ As/Oss ("(a) god")
ᚱ reið ("ride")
ᚴ kaun ("ulcer")
ᚼ hagall ("hail")
ᚾ/ᚿ nauðr ("need")
ᛁ ísa/íss ("ice")
ᛅ/ᛆ ár ("plenty")
ᛋ/ᛌ sól ("Sun", personified as a deity—see Sól (Germanic mythology))
ᛏ/ᛐ Týr ("Týr, a deity")
ᛒ björk/bjarkan/bjarken ("birch")
ᛘ maðr ("man, human")
ᛚ lögr ("sea")
ᛦ yr ("yew")
From comparison with Anglo-Saxon and Gothic letter names, most of these names directly continue the names of the Elder Futhark runes. The exceptions to this are:
• yr which continues the name of the unrelated Eihwaz rune;
• thurs and kaun, in which cases the Old Norse, Anglo-Saxon and Gothic traditions diverge.
Min Kilder (My Sources):
Elder Futhark|https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elder_Futhark
Anglo-Saxon Runes|https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Saxon_runes
Younger Futhark|https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Younger_Futhark
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Con Amore: Part 5
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 08/02/2019
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,463 words
A/N: Well, let’s keep this going. It’s a day or two later than I intended. I had a lot of not-so-great things happen within my family, so I needed time to veg. 
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“Nightingale, come to threaten the Conservatory again?” The dean met you in the main hall, caution in her gaze. “I came for something of mine that you have. Siphon.” “Mmm, I heard. He’s on his way. It took all of you to come get him?” She asked dryly, scanning over you and the boys. “Looking a little ragged, too.” “The Oasis Initiative has been revived,” You said calmly. Her gaze snapped to you, a hiss escaping her. “We weren’t sure who it was that was after Siphon. Are you certain?” “The high priestess of the light temple is sending one of her people here to consult with both of us unless I tell her differently. She was the one to pass on the information and unless you know of another dark organization that hunted and attempted to remove the powers of super-humans that had been disbanded before, I would say it’s the same group.” You didn’t move, allowing your gaze to follow her movement as she started to pace. “I’m surprised you’re warning me. You’ve made your disapproval of this place very clear.” “Unfortunately, this place is a stronghold, not easily conquered and a good base to fight them from.” She stopped, her eyes lighting up. “You wish to fight them.” You tilted your head slightly, gaze sliding to Siphon as they entered. “I will be supporting the boys as they fight them. I figure you wish to maintain your stronghold, protect the students. I only ask that you protect any other supers that need it and allow us to operate within the safety of the conservatory until this threat has been dealt with.” “You are backing away from a fight?” She looked confused. Siphon hurried over, grabbing Taehyung and Namjoon in a hug, then Yoongi, followed by Hoseok and Jungkook, before he half-hugged you and carefully took Jimin. “As I said, I will be providing support for the boys, as I always do. My reasons for not fighting at their side are my own, and until the need arises I would like to keep them that way. If you need incentive to agree, I do have a gift prepared.” “And I assume you also have a threat in case I threaten you?” “I see you’ve learned from my last visit?” She shrugged a shoulder. “Well, I’ll take your gift. My students are not suited for any sort of missions at the moment. Your assessment was…accurate.” You pulled the box from your pocket. “It only works for your kind.” She had one of the guards take it from you and bring it to her. She examined the box a moment before opening it. “A…necklace?” “An amulet depicting Ladon, the ancient Greek dragon that guarded the golden apples of the hesperides. A bite, a scratch, or a single wound from him would kill the intruder. You remember the man I was researching last I was here? Sentry?” She nodded slightly, still examining the amulet. “His daughter asked me to keep this safe. Said I’d have need of it. And she was right. She said that it gave a dragon shifter the same abilities as Ladon. She also gave me a bottle of antidote for the poison, but I prefer to keep that myself. For safety reasons.” She smirked. “A great gift indeed. I’m assuming the other catch is that I must be fighting intruders?” “That was probably one of the details she glossed over.” You shrugged, making a clueless face. “Nonetheless, it is indeed a valuable gift. I’ll give you the top floor of the North-eastern wing to work out of and get to work strengthening our defenses. I’ll keep an eye out for this ambassador from the light temple. This does not mean that we’re friends.” “Good,” You replied easily. “I’m not trying to be. I’m just negotiating a temporary treaty.” “Glad we understand each other. I’ll send a couple healing students up to treat your teammates.” You nodded. “I’m assuming we don’t need to be escorted up.” She gestured for us to be on our way. You walked confidently down the hall, holding one of Jin’s hands in your own as he carried Jimin. You weren’t sure when you took his hand, but you had it now and you weren’t about to let go. The elevator was large, equipped for taking heavy equipment and large groups of people. You punched in the destination and the doors closed. A nauseating jolt later and the doors opened again. Jin squeezed your hand. “You alright?” “Let’s get somewhere we know is private first before we catch up,” Namjoon decided, nodding to two figures a little further down the hall. The two came to attention as you approached. “We’re here to heal people?” The older boy, who was at least fifteen said, but it sounded like he wasn’t actually sure. “Tiwaz’s knee, and Mannaz has a few injuries,” You told them, gently taking Jimin from Jin. They both looked at Jimin’s wounds and then the boy looked at the group. “Which one of you is Tiwaz?” “Limpy, here,” Jin said, jabbing his thumb at Namjoon. The younger boy nodded and went over. He was healing Jimin already, completely concentrated to the point his tongue stuck out. But he seemed nervous. “I don’t bite, and neither will he,” You murmured, smirking a bit. He glanced up at you, surprised. “Oh…um….” “I know, I have a reputation. Just remember there are two sides to every story,” You spoke softly, stroking Jimin’s head. “And not every bad guy is completely evil.” He frowned. “But then how do you decide if someone is a bad guy?” “They hurt people, or they do things that threaten to hurt people. And sometimes you may think their reasoning is sound,” You looked away, thinking over the rest of your answer, “But it’s the duty of those capable to protect others. Doctors swear an oath of helping anyone that needs it. They don’t choose their patients, they just heal them. Even…even if they don’t think that that person deserves to be saved, they still do their job because to do so would go against what they swore to do. Do you understand?” “Is that why you don’t fight often? Because the lines are too blurry?” “I choose other ways of helping people. I’m not suited to fighting.” “But you are one. I’ve seen the footage. So why aren’t you fighting people who are threatening people?” He was almost glaring. You arched an eyebrow. “You’re the healer, you tell me.” He frowned and then sort of looked you up and down before his eyes widened. “You’re taught here that life begins and ends with being a hero. Nothing can threaten that. That romance and anything normal is beyond your grasp. But it’s not true. You miss too much if you live your whole life making lines between yourself and your superhero persona. There’s so much more to life than that.” You set Jimin down now that he was healed and he shifted back into human form, immediately turning and hanging onto Jin, who just held him up. “Also, if you breathe a word of it, I will silence you for the rest of your life.” He looked stunned for a second, then laughed slightly. “You’re crazy.” “All the best people are.” “You talk like you attended here.” “Well, you’re quicker on the uptake than your dean,” You replied, rolling your eyes. “Get back to classes. Him too.” He nodded and grabbed the younger boy, who was looking at Mannaz with awe and admiration. “Hey, name?” He looked back, stuck for a moment. “Beomgyu.” You nodded and opened the door to room, checking it for furniture and finding a basic dorm room. The elevator dinged. “What was that about?” Jimin asked. You shook your head. “Seemed important.” He nodded. “It was. But I’m still a little surprised. Normally you wouldn’t start talking to someone like that.” You shrugged. “I don’t know.” The others followed you into the room, closing the door. You hummed a song to prevent anyone from hearing or seeing anything that happened in the room, setting it to a charm from storage that kept the melody going. “Did they treat you alright? I was so worried,” Namjoon said, not fighting when Jin hugged him. “I’m fine, I was worried about you guys. And I know it worried you,” He said, coming over and kissing you. You just smiled up at him. “I’m alright as long as you all are safe.” “Are you sick? You seem pale and you looked like you might puke in the elevator.” “She’s pregnant,” Jimin told him, arms wrapping around you from behind and chin resting on your shoulder. Jin froze for a moment, then grinned. “Really?” You nodded. He leaned in and kissed you again, grinning happily. “That’s so great!” “Except now we have an even bigger enemy staring down the barrel at us,” Yoongi muttered. Jin’s face morphed into worry. “Right. The oasis initiative.” He shuddered slightly. “I barely escaped back then. I’m stronger now, but….” “But they already found you once. Found us earlier today as well. I don’t think they were expecting us to be much of a fight, though.” You breathed slowly and deeply to help calm yourself. “I think they were only after you. They may have had record of your family. Or maybe they knew you were associated with Jin in some way and wanted to make sure no one noticed he was missing.” Namjoon folded his arms. “I want you in the safest place.” “Whoa, hey, let’s not separate right after we’re reunited,” Jin protested, wrapping his arms around you and Jimin. “I still have to meet the ambassador from the light temple, and see if they have any more information about the other threat I was warned of. I’m safe here. None of you will let me get hurt and they’d have to get past a bunch of stuff to get to us. Until the fighting actually starts, let me stay with all of you,” You reasoned, meeting Namjoon’s eyes. “Please, hyung, it’s easier to stay calm with her around,” Jungkook pleaded quietly. “And she makes sure we’re all in the best shape for fighting. If she’s gone we’re all going to be worried about wherever she is not being safe enough.” “Taehyung would be with her.” Namjoon looked uncomfortable, nervous, like he hadn’t considered that even being a possibility. “Part of the time,” Hoseok pointed out. “We’d still need his help here.” “Which would mean he would be tired,” Yoongi added. “I’ll go when the fighting starts in earnest, Joon. I promise.” You had wiggled your way out from between Jin and Jimin, and you placed your hands on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. “I have no intention of doing anything that could harm this baby. How long have we been together?” “Three years,” He answered in a whisper. “Three years. And you trust me?” He nodded. “Of course.” “Then you need to trust my judgment. Right now, we’re safe.” He sighed and dropped his forehead to rest against yours. “Trust in me.” “Don’t even think about singing that song! It was stuck in my head for three days last time,” Hoseok protested. You rolled your eyes. “I wasn’t going to. I don’t want to force you guys to trust me. I just want you to do it because I’ve earned your trust.” Namjoon pulled you back into his arms, tucking his head in your neck. You ran a hand through his hair. “I trust you all to protect the world, trust me to protect this baby. Our baby. Right now, we just need to keep breathing.” You started humming, slipping gently away from Joon to pull all of them toward the one single bed, making sure Jin had prime real-estate beside you. They all managed to pile on, getting semi-comfortable around you. Jin placed slow kisses around your face, slowly relaxing in the safety of your arms, as well as the arms of the other boys as they quickly dropped off to sleep. You met Jin’s eyes, knowing most of them wouldn’t stir if you started talking quietly. “Are you okay?” “I was worried about all of you.” “You said that already, but you must have been startled to wake up back here.” He nodded slowly. “It was like waking up to a nightmare, then they said something about an evil organization being after me and I just about lost it because that meant they left all of the guys open to an attack. And you. It left you open to attack. You said that they found you all earlier today?” “We actually escaped pretty easily, though tAhere was a moment there. If Jungkook had been a few seconds slower we probably wouldn’t be here.” You knew he would want the truth. “They weren’t expecting us to survive the grenade launcher.” He breathed out shakily and cuddled closer to you. “But, a baby?” “Yeah. Terrible timing.” “Seems to be a trend with us.” “I know I should be somewhere safe, but the thought of being away from all of you scares me. Not knowing how you are at any given moment? I don’t know if I could do that.” “Besides, you’re an important part of our planning process. We’re going to be crazily overprotective, but we mean well. Okay? Now, do you think it’s a boy or a girl?” You laughed as silently as you could. “I don’t know. Either will be nice, though the girl would be very amusing with seven dads.” Dear God. That would be a mess. How would you explain that it really wasn’t actually normal? “Then again, maybe a boy would be better for the first?” “I hope it’s a girl. One that looks like you.” You smiled. “Except because of genetic variation—” “Shh, let me have my fantasies.” He pressed a kiss to your lips. “A boy will be fine too, though. We could teach him a lot.” You nodded. “We could.” “I wonder if he’ll have your powers.” You hummed, closing your eyes but afraid to sleep. “Relax, y/n,” Jin whispered. “Everything will be okay as long as we’re all together.” You weren’t certain that was true. A lot of bad could come from all of you being together. One of you could take things too far when protecting the others, or prioritize the life of a loved one over that of a stranger. The latter wasn’t wholly bad, but it also wasn’t wholly good. It was a gray area that people liked to ignore when possible. You slipped into nightmares that recurred ever since your first mission with your lovers.
Part 4.   Part 6.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
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yes-sikorskiy-yuriy · 2 years
Collection of runic
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Collection of runic ties of Grastirr
An amulet that works to repel negativity and harmful witchcraft. ALGIZ, GAR, EIHWAZ.
I think this amulet will be useful for shamans, working with their own Spirit. ANSUZ, GEBO, EHWAZ, MANNAZ.
Amulet, helps to get out of the dark band, gives the owner good energy. SOULU DAGAZ KENAZ.
An amulet that helps in passing exams and negotiating. Blocks the intentions of opponents that are undesirable for the owner. ANSUZ VOLFSANGEL ANSUZ.
Amulet for working with dreams. I don’t know about the OS, but it provides custom-made dreams. LAGUZ PERTH EIHWAZ
This amulet is literally "Protection of the Gods" - an action from the meaning. ALGIZ ANSUZ.
Modification of the previous one - but it works for a specific person, taking into account his characteristics. MANNAZ ALGIZ ANSUZ
HAGALL - recorded by Armanenn. Initially my signature. It can be used to strengthen your Spirit, to realize your abilities.
HAMINGJA - Luck. Write the word in runes and get an amulet.
An amulet to promote health and give physical and psychological balance. URUZ DAGAZ SOULU ALGIZ INGWAZ/
HEILA - Luck. Write this word in runes HAGALL EIHWAZ LAGUZ ANSUZ.
Protection of the house, both from external harm, and strengthening the atmosphere from the inside. ALGIZ, SOULU ODHAL THURISAZ EIHWAZ
Spear of Morrigan - EAR GAR. Curse, implies a fatal outcome for the object of influence, it is good to use in combination with the runes HAGALL, THURISAZ.
An amulet that strengthens the position of a person in a team, work on leadership qualities. ODHAL TEIWAZ MANNAZ
Amulet to increase vitality, relieve stress. DAGAZ URUZ FEHU.
An amulet that increases the owner's personal strength, giving him directions in his Path. DAGAZ ALGIZ.
An amulet that strengthens the Spirit of a person, develops his will, gives an understanding of the truth of goals, helps to survive the need. TEIWAZ NAUDH.
THRUDHR - Strength, you can try it to develop your physical capabilities. Suitable for athletes. THURISAZ RAIDHO URUZ DAGAZ ALGIZ.
Circle of Wolves - an amulet blocking the actions of opponents, giving freedom for action to the owner himself. 8 VOLFSANGEL.
Valor of the Warrior - an amulet that helps to survive in extreme situations (with which our lives are full), war is also included here. Mobilizes human resources for the passage of the situation. EAR GWEORT YR TEIWAZ SOULU.
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wolf-of-tyr · 6 years
(rune anon) I really appreciate it :) I was reflecting on a relationship I'm in and did a 3 rune spread for past, present, future. I drew (in that order) Fehu, Mannaz, and Ehwaz in murkstave. It is Ehwaz's murkstave position, pointing towards the future of the relationship, that I am most worried about. I was hoping for a second opinion on what that might be suggesting. Thank you, again
Okay so here’s what I have in my notes for the meaning of Ehwaz in merkstave, but unfortunately I fucked up and didn’t record my source 😐
~~not really a negative rune / a change is perhaps craved / feeling restless or confined in a situation / reckless haste, disharmony, mistrust, betrayal~~
It could mean one or all of these things, so I’m hesitant to give my own opinion on what it could mean for you since I didn’t do the actual reading. Go with whichever feels right, or fits better with however you’ve interpreted the previous 2 runes.
Hope this helped! :)
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mjolnirismydildo · 4 years
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I pull runes relatively often for myself to check in with my guidance and make sure I’m on the right path in accordance with my higher self, while keeping my ancestors and various vaettir that I work with in close confidence. I’m posting this both as a record of my own path, but also in case someone out there can garner any wisdom from this reading. Lately, I’ve been called to action on a larger scale, and have been setting the foundations for a larger spiritual circle and tribe. Kith, kin, wisdom-sharers and those seeking wisdom alike. This reading was a sort of progress report, and I feel very confident about the steps I’ve taken and are currently taking toward my destiny (for lack of another term.) Mannaz reminds us that we have the power to overcome large obstacles with sheer willpower and determination. Mankind is a tenacious species, and we can accomplish great things when we set our minds to it. (And even more so when we practice huor mot and wyrd-consciousness.) Manifest your success. Raidho reminds us that life is a journey that we all experience, and it is best to take the reigns and ride through with confidence. Don’t let circumstances take the reigns. Keep your nose to the grindstone and do your work, the details will come later. You are the master of your own fate. Kennaz assures us that there is clarity in wisdom. Just as the Allfather seeks wisdom from every source, no matter how unassuming, it’s in our best interest to seek the council of others who may be more experienced than us, and participate in an exchange of wisdom. Communication is the torch that illuminates opportunity. Thank you for sharing my path, even if just for a while. #runes #futhark #elderfuthark #nordicrunes #seidr #volva #divination #magic #magick #heathen #pagan #asatru #vanatru #odin https://www.instagram.com/p/CD7LOUIBmHo/?igshid=el3s22dkfh1m
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soglitz · 5 years
LET’S SETTLE THIS NOW!!! Presently, Who Has More Fans Between Naira Marley & Zlatan?
LET’S SETTLE THIS NOW!!! Presently, Who Has More Fans Between Naira Marley & Zlatan?
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Undoubtedly 2019 Has Been A Roller Coaster Year For Zlatan And Naira Marley As They’ve Both Turned Their EFCC Drama into Blessings.
Naira Marley Came Out More Stronger With the No Mannaz gang AKA Marlians Behind Him And He Has Been Setting New Records Since Then, One Of Which is Getting 100K Comments On Instagram in 15Hours.
Zlatan On The Other Hand As Been Getting More Music Collaborations…
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
If you could build a second house anywhere, where would it be? >> I don’t even have a first house (I live in an apartment). I want to build my house on the shifting soils of southeastern Louisiana. Maybe -- if we’re really dreaming -- I’d build another one in south Texas, close to the Mexican border, to evacuate to in hurricane season.
What are your favorite articles of clothing? >> Lounge pants, basketball shorts, t-shirts, and shift dresses.
The last CD you bought or downloaded? >> I don’t even remember. I think it might have been a Master Boot Record album, sometime last year.
What time do you generally wake up in the morning? >> That varies wildly. Sometimes I wake up at 4a and never get back to sleep, sometimes I wake up at 8 or 9a. 
What is your favorite kitchen appliance? >> I don’t have one.
If you could play an instrument, what would it be? >> I’m not sure. I’d rather just be a more competent vocalist.
What is your Favorite color? >> Gold.
Do you believe in the afterlife? >> Technically not, but I don’t think my lack of belief is necessarily the marker of truth.
Your Favorite children’s book? >> The Phantom Tollbooth.
What is your favorite season? >> Spring.
If you have a tattoo, what is it? >> I have the number 19 in Roman numerals on the inside of my right wrist, with a spider dangling from the “I”. I have a Mannaz rune on the back of my right hand. And I have “scully, it’s me” on the inside of my right forearm, by the elbow. (They’re all on the right because I’m saving my left arm for a The Fountain sleeve.)
If you could have one superpower, what would it be >> Matter/energy manipulation.
Can you juggle? >> No, but I’m sure I could figure it out.
Name one person/people from your past you wish you could go back and talk to >> ---
What is under your bed? >> Nothing.
What’s your favorite day? >> ---
Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? >> I’m not sure.
Who did you receive this from? >> tumblr usr suckitsurveys, from the #surveys tag.
What is your favorite flower? >> Sunflower.
How old do you Feel >> I don’t understand how to feel age.
What is your favorite meal? >> ---
Are Male or Female? >> No.
When is your birthday? >> May 28th.
Describe your ideal weather? >> Partly sunny and warm and lazy, with a late afternoon storm before the Sun returns for sunset.
What is your favorite Ice Cream? >> Butter pecan, I guess.
What is your favorite breakfast? >> ---
What would be your Dream Job? >> ---
What is your job now? >> ---
Do you like your Job? >> ---
After you retire where would ideally like to live >> ---
Where did you meet your spouse or significant other? >> tumblr.
Bonus: something you’d like to do that you’ve never done before? >> Skydive.
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starborn1941 · 5 years
Meanings of the Runes
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There are twenty four total Runes. This can seem like a daunting number of symbols to memorize, but it doesn't have to be. For one, you do not want to memorize standard meanings from a book or online text. While it is a good thing, and encouraged, to review the typical meanings of each Rune, it is even better to take each stone and meditate on it, one at a time. This way, you are getting to know the Runes truly and deeply before casting. You are also expanding your psychic abilities by doing this, as you are greatly opening your mind to something on the spiritual plane. Record your feelings, thoughts, and impressions for each symbol for future reference. As stated, however, it does help to know some basic meanings behind the Runes: Fehu: Represents material wealth and possession. Uruz: Represents physical ability and health. Thurisaz: Represents force, conflict, and a potential change of current situations. Representative of Thor. Ansuz: A symbol that represents wisdom, mental strength and charisma. Representative of Odin. Raidho: Representative of great current or future movement mentally, spiritually, or physically. Kenaz: Represents the flames of innovation or creative enlightenment, as well as romantic passion. Gebo: Represents balanced generosity in material gifts or human relationships. Hagalaz: Represents natural destruction from forces of nature or from within the mind. Nauthiz: Determination to resolve a restrictive or overwhelming force. Isa: Represents a potential challenge or conflict. Can also indicate an idle time in life. Jera: Represents the peace of mind and potential gains that follow a highly stressful or difficult endeavor. Eihwaz: Represents the honesty and strength required when pursuing the resolution of a given task. Perthro: Represents secrecy or uncertainty in an area of life. Can also be indicative of female fertility. Algiz: Represents the protective instinct regarding family, friends, and the self. Also represents a link to the divine. Sowilo: Represents cleansing and success over a challenge. Tiwaz: Represents self sacrifice, honor, and victory for the greater good. Representative of Tyr. Berkano: Represents newly acquired love or fertility. Can indicate a major positive life change. Ehwaz: Represents a slow and steady journey toward positive change. Mannaz: Represents your general feelings for others, as well as probable cooperation from an outside party. Laguz: Represents a highly psychic state of mind. Imagination and dreams factor heavily into this Rune. Ingwaz: Represents masculine potency, as well as a time of stillness and rest. Dagaz: Represents a fresh awakening or newly found clarity to something. Othala: Represents material possessions, primarily dealing with gaining land and a house. Read the full article
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irockng · 5 years
Papisnoop – PAY HER MONEY Ft Naira Marley
Papisnoop – PAY HER MONEY Ft Naira Marley
Papisnoop – PAY HER MONEY Ft Naira Marley Mp3 Audio Download Alaga Adugbo Recording and performing artiste, Papisnoop comes through with a brand new single titled PAY HER MONEY, produced by Ytfahadwaves.
This new single features No Mannaz and Marlians Boss, Naira Marley, together they made a dope single.
Listen and enjoy.
DOWNLOAD Papisnoop – PAY HER MONEY Ft Naira Marley
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newsafriq · 5 years
Wizkid set to buzz speakers, reveal plans to drop new song on Friday
Wizkid set to buzz speakers, reveal plans to drop new song on Friday
Starboy Wizkid who is now a fan of Marlians, a group of people without Mannaz set up by Naira Marley, promised to released a brand new song on Friday.
The ‘Ghetto Love’ singer reveal this on his twitter handle after he got angered by a fan who backlashed him for always disappointing his fans by delaying the release of his records more than he ought to. On seeing the fan’s tweet Wizkidresponded,…
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cybersamblog · 5 years
Lil Kesh Ft. Naira Marley - O Por
Lil Kesh Ft. Naira Marley – O Por
Naira Marley o por mp3 download Lil Kesh ft Naira Marley o por mp3 download
Lil Kesh Ft Naira Marley o por mp3 download; Yagi Boss Lil Kesh has released yet another hit single which he tagged “O Por” produced by Young John, featuring Moves Recodings Boss aka Baba No Mannaz, Naira Marley.
This song comes after his well accepted song titled “Nkan Be” featuring DMW Records Signee, Mayorkun.
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omasitalks · 5 years
Hustler’s Anthem Mix (Best Naija Motivational Songs)
Hustler’s Anthem Mix (Best Naija Motivational Songs)
Following The Massive Success Recorded In “The Return Of No Mannaz” Mix, DJ Venza From The Stables Of Smile Hempire Presents The Massive Compilation Of Vibrant Prophetic Songs Amounting To Hustler’s Anthem Mix.
Listen & Download “Hustler’s Anthem Mix” below:-
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Bulletproof Melody: Part 1
Description: Superhero!BTS: What happens when circumstances force you to team up with the infamous Bulletproof Boyscouts? Will you be able to beat the villain threatening all of you and your town? Or will you watch everything burn?
Prologue: Meet the Heroes
Warnings: Violence
Posted: 9/09/2018
Tags: SuperheroAU, Superhero!BTS, superpowered!BTS
Angst with little fluffs: 3,966 words
A/N: So, hopefully I’ve written it clearly enough that you guys know who is who, if not, there’s always the guide, so check that out. I haven’t gotten far enough into the story to actually decide who the love interest is, though it might come across as one more than another. The first few parts are mostly going to be exploring the powers and building up the relationship to the boys I promise there will be more action later.
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You rolled out of the way of your opponent’s kick, and grabbed the pipe, turning and swinging it at her knees before getting back to your feet. You swung again and caught her head.
She crumpled to the ground.
You dropped the pipe and leaned against one of the columns. “It is five in the damn morning on a Monday. I haven’t even had coffee yet and someone decides to try and steal from a bank. Most people do this in the middle of the night, but no, you wake me up before dawn. I hope you have a splitting headache when you wake up,” You told your unconscious enemy.
“That’s not very kind,” a teasing voice said from behind you.
You turned to look at your eternal thorn in the side. “This is my territory, why do you always show up?”
“Had to make sure you won,” He teased, dropping to the ground beside you.
“Really?” You folded your arms.
He flashed a winning smile. “Come on, Nightingale, admit it: if I didn’t come around you would totally get lonely.”
You hated that he was right. “Don’t flatter yourself, Jera. I mean, just the name is enough to annoy me.”
“I didn’t come up with it.” He flicked his wrist and there was a squeak of protest from your enemy as she was tied up with vines.
You sighed. “Yeah, yeah. Each of your members has the name of a Nordic rune because the journalist that first wrote about you guys not only called you the bulletproof boy-scouts—“
“Annoying name.”
“But also decided that he would name Eihwaz and Laguz after Nordic runes. Then the rest of you just accepted it and helped each other choose names. You opted out and ended up as Jera—after vehemently protesting Berkano at my insistence.”
“You still haven’t told me what it means,” he said, stepping close, obviously flirting.
“You could just look it up?”
“Now where would the fun be in that, petunia?” He tucked a flower in your hair. He was dangerously close, his powers radiating off of him, and sensed by you with your own power.
You smirked up at him. “You wish for a connection. If I tell you, you won’t have a reason to keep talking to me except for these useless check ups to see if I won or lost.”
He rolled his eyes. “You always make things harder. Don’t tell me.”
“I will. I’ll tell you when I’m dying.”
He grew serious as he realized you were. He swallowed and nodded. “So when we’re old.”
“Old is relative.”
“Hey,” he said, sounding worried. “Don’t…Don’t get yourself killed doing something stupid.”
You opened your mouth to reply, then snapped it shut as you sensed a fire super nearby. You pulled out some of your cached energy, handing one of the crystal pieces to Jera. “Fire, over there.”
He crushed the energy piece in his hand with a nod, preparing himself for whoever it was.
You picked the pipe up again.
“Nightingale and Jera? Lovers in the night? Or secret villains, colluding against the team he’s in?” A man’s voice rumbled in the darkness as his eyes began to glow like embers.
“Neither,” Jera answered, already in a fighting stance.
“You have something that belongs to me, Nightingale. I will have it back.”
“Her?” You guessed, pointing the pipe at the girl who looked up at you like you were crazy. You shrugged at her.
“Why should I care about some low-level thief? No, I speak of a scroll. A scroll that will solve all of my problems.” His eyes went from orange to blue in an instant.
Jera glanced at you, curious and uneasy. His powers weren’t strong against fire. He would get hurt if he fought for you.
You tried to think of what it could be. You had collected a few scrolls that supers had imbued their powers into upon retirement or as they died. It was like a sort of legacy. Because your caches existed on dimensional planes that only you or your ancestors could access, you stored a lot of dangerous weapons and artifacts for people.
“You try my patience!”
“My family has been collecting scrolls for centuries, you’ll have to be a little more specific!” You snapped, pointing the pipe at him in annoyance.
“The scroll of delight.”
You frowned. “Yeah, no, I’d have to check the records.”
A fireball caught Jera straight in the chest.
He screamed in pain, dropping to the ground as you shrieked in surprise.
“You have one week to get me that scroll! Or else I will burn this city to the ground!” The super roared, then erupted in a pillar of flames.
You dropped to Jera’s side. “Hold still for just a moment…I’ll…I know a song for this…” you squeezed your eyes shut, then slowly started humming. You felt the right sort of energy flow through you and you started sing the words of a healing song, gently touching where he got burned.
He grew still, his breathing calming down as the pain lessened. “Thanks, Tinny.”
You finished the song and surveyed your work. Now it just appeared he’d been in the sun for too long. You let out a shaky sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, if I hadn’t gotten snarky with him—“
“You still couldn’t have given the scroll to him. He’s clearly hostile,” he cut you off, sitting up gingerly. Then he fixed his gaze on you. “You’re going to need help.”
You looked away for a moment. “I am.”
He got up and helped you up. “We’ll leave her for the police to find when they finally show up. Let’s go talk to the other boys.”
You nodded.
Jera caught you by your waist and pulled you against his body. “Hold on tight.”
You grabbed on quickly, then the two of you were being tossed into the air by a tree.
There was a flash of light and then you were in their lair.
Both of you dropped to the ground groaning.
“Hyung!” Jera protested, rubbing his eyes.
“It was the fastest way to get you here.” Sowilo was glaring at you until he recognized you from your few encounters. “Nightingale?”
“Did you just turn me into particles of light?”
“So that’s how you stay so skinny,” you muttered.
He laughed, his tired appearance melting. “I can’t keep it as particles of light.”
“Oh well, it was just a guess anyway.”
“He forgets to eat,” Jera told you, clapping his teammate on the shoulder. “Too busy napping.”
You giggled as Sowilo protested his brother’s honesty loudly, groaning about him being loud.
You turned toward Laguz and smiled. “Hey.”
“What are you doing here?” He asked, curious but cautious. Then he saw Jera. “What happened to you?!”
“Fire super. We’ll explain once the team is together. It doesn’t hurt that much. I’m just going to put on a different shirt. Take her to the meeting room?” Jera placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, knowing that you weren’t around this many people often.
Laguz nodded. “Alright. Wilo, lead on.”
“Hyung, no jokes. We don’t want to scare her,” Jera added, then passed through a different door.
Laguz looked a little miffed.
“Don’t ask, they’re terrible.” Sowilo put himself between you and Laguz. “I told the others that we have a visitor. They should be decent.”
“I sincerely hope you just mean that they weren’t disguised,” you muttered, uncomfortable with the two men that you barely knew. You were examining your surroundings cautiously, trying to calm your nerves.
Raidho appeared in front of you (technically transported) and grinned. “Nightingale!”
You gave a nervous smile. “Raidho.”
“You’re actually here! Wow! Jera has told us a lot about you!” He grabbed your hand and shook it. His voice was deeper than you had imagined, and he seemed surprisingly goofy and energetic compared to when he was working. Out there he was methodical and exact. Sure, he would smile and such, but he always seemed focused. Intense.
“Raid, calm down. You’ll scare her. She’s a loner, this is a little new for her,” Laguz said in a voice that said scolding but with a look like you would give a beloved pet who was being adorable.
Raidho pouted slightly, looking at you. “You’re not scared of me, are you?”
You kind of were, but more because you had seen him fight and he was a stranger than because you actually thought he was scary.
He looked so hurt when you didn’t answer. “You are?” His already big eyes widened. “Why would you be afraid of me?”
“I’m not…per se. I get around. I’ve seen you fight. And you’re standing really close to me right now.”
Sowilo pulled Raidho back. “Sorry about him.”
“Ah, don’t be afraid of me!” He looked like he was about to beg.
You looked at Laguz for help.
He clapped a hand on Raidho’s shoulder. “Relax, she just doesn’t know you yet and she’s a little shy. Right?”
“I would have said cautious,” you replied.
“Nah, you’re shy.” Sowilo turned to keep walking. “Nothing wrong with that. It’s a good defense mechanism given the secrecy that we all need to operate with.”
“So, what happened? I doubt you’re the one who did that to Jera.” Laguz kept moving forward beside you, making sure Raidho kept moving as well.
“Jera will explain,” you said, a little nervously since you didn’t know if he actually would.
Raidho bounced. “Are we teaming up? That’d be so cool!”
You shrugged slightly, sensing the powers of Tiwaz and Mannaz ahead.
Tiwaz was the leader of the group, though he often said he shouldn’t be. He had super speed, could sense danger before it came about, and if he gave someone a penny they would be completely honest for about ten minutes. He could get two minutes of honesty without the penny, last you heard. He was also somewhat clumsy because of his speed. Still, he was considered one of the most powerful supers in the country and was highly respected in the hero community.
Mannaz had animal related powers, able to communicate with and transform into animals. He also had a sort of animalistic empathy, like how a dog could sense emotions of humans.
The only person in their group that you couldn’t sense was Eihwaz, the youngest member of their group, who had the powers of super strength and force fields. He was probably out of range of what you could sense though.
Sowilo grunted. “I’m gonna need a nap after this. You’ll have to keep me awake.”
“Why?” Laguz asked.
Sowilo didn’t answer, almost going invisible as there was a flash of light before Eihwaz appeared in the hallway with all of you.
Raidho caught Sowilo as the latter stumbled. “I could have done it Hyung,” he murmured, sounding both apologetic and pouty.
Eihwaz was staring at you with wide eyes. “You’re…”
He nodded. “Uh, nice to meet you.”
“Likewise, Eihwaz.” You hummed a certain way, hitting the notes to open your cache of energy, pulling one out and handing it to Sowilo. “This is only an hours worth of energy, but it should get you through the meeting.”
He looked at the crystal in his hand, then at you with confusion.
“Crush it in your hand.”
He did, then flinched and his eyes became huge. His mouth dropped open slightly. “So that’s what Jera meant when he said you can store anything.”
You hummed slightly, sending the dust to a different cache, and nodded. “Anything but others powers. And emotions. Well, I can store some emotions, but the emotion has to be strong and I have to store it with some sort of substance that matches the emotion. Sadness and those similar are stored using collected tears, anger with blood, happiness with lemonade.”
“Blood?!” Laguz gave you a concerned look.
“Hey, it was in the vial when I inherited that vault from my parents. Besides, anger isn’t something that should be stored. The only reason I still have it is because there are certain weapons that require a little bit of anger to keep them in check. As well as a protection scroll that requires essence of anger to activate it. Almost forgot about that. I should put that somewhere easier to reach,” you muttered, pulling out your notebook and writing a note to yourself about doing that.
“Why is happiness lemonade?” Raidho asked, curiousity in his large eyes.
“Well, in the days of my great-great-great-grandparents it was wine. But there were a few too many of my relatives enjoying the happy juice so my great-great-grandmother changed it to lemonade and it’s been that way ever since.” You looked away, getting nervous the closer you got to where Tiwaz and Mannaz were. Both were intimidating, somehow even more so than Sowilo, even though he was solemn most often and Tiwaz had a tendency toward klutziness.
Mannaz was just intense and fought too well for you to ever hope to go against him. Frankly, he scared you even more than Raidho. When Jera had heard it he had laughed. A lot.
“What happened to the dust from the crystal?” Sowilo asked, looking at his hand.
“It’s sleep dust now, I stored it with the rest.”
“That’s so cool!” Raidho grinned.
Eihwaz kept well ahead of the rest of us, not saying anything, but looking curious despite his nervousness.
You understood the feeling.
Laguz stepped through the double doors first, bringing up a bridge from under the water that lined the new, circular room. Plants grew on many of the walls, and were in pots here and there about the room. A fountain, like a waterfall, flowed down the one planter wall and into the water around the room. There was a miniature Tesla coil off to one side, near a computer setup that was impressive. A set of weights that looked impossible to use were sitting on the opposite side of the room. The light seemed natural, yet there were no windows, and prisms were scattered about the room creating rainbows in random spots. Also scattered throughout the room were cushions, mats, and dog or cat beds tucked into corners and niches.
And in the very center, surrounded by the chaos created by all seven members, was an oval table with seven chairs at it. A clear glass ball sat in the center, no doubt to help Sowilo project images better.
Tiwaz was studying papers on the table and looking perplexed.
Mannaz shifted out of being a calico cat and into a human just a few feet away. “They’re here.”
Tiwaz looked up and his expression softened, looked happy. “Nightingale, it’s an honor to have you here.”
“Honor to be here, though circumstances could be better.”
He nodded. “Right. I think we’re just waiting for—“
“Everyone to sit down,” Jera interrupted with a chuckle. He had changed into casual clothes and damn it looked good.
Not that any of these boys knew how to look bad.
You nervously crossed the bridge and approached the meeting table, following the boys.
Jera moved to your side, giving you a reassuring smile. “I’ll do the talking.”
Relief flooded you. “Thanks.”
“Sorry I ran off. They treat you okay?”
“I think I broke Raidho’s heart.”
He looked concerned and surprised. “How?”
“I couldn’t say I wasn’t scared of him.” You kept your voice at a whisper, conscious of the other ears in the room.
He laughed. “He’ll get over it.” He gently led you to a chair opposite Tiwaz and pulled it out for you.
You sat, unable to meet the gazes around you. You hadn’t realized how tired you were until you sat down. That fight had taken it out of you and with the temporary energy starting to wear off as your nervousness and unease ate away at you, you were feeling the exhaustion from your early morning activities.
“I went to see how Nightingale made out with her fight after finishing helping Mannaz and Laguz at the—“
The computer beeped loudly enough to cut Jera off.
Tiwaz was at it in a millisecond. “Robbery at a…toy store? A man, alone.”
“Is it a Gerald’s?” You asked, sitting up straighter.
He looked back at you with some surprise. “Yeah…”
“He’s one of mine. Gerald’s uses child labor to make their toys, and is putting good toy companies and stores out of business in ways slightly less than legal.” You leaned back in your seat. “I decided I couldn’t be everywhere at once.”
“What does he do with what he steals?” Tiwaz asked, frowning.
You smirked. “He donates them to orphanages, schools, libraries, and day cares. In that order.”
Sowilo smiled. “I think we can let this one slip, Tiwaz.”
Tiwaz nodded and walked back to the table, sitting back down. “You were saying, Jera?”
“A fire super confronted us. Mostly her. He wanted a scroll, said she had it. Called it a scroll of…delight?”
You nodded, still unsure what it could be.
“He said that if we didn’t get him the scroll within a week…he’d burn the city down.” Jera touched his chest gingerly, even though you had managed to heal him mostly. “We can’t give him the scroll, so we only have a week to stop him.”
“Do we know where the scroll is?”
“I don’t even know what it is. I have to check the records, and that…that alone could take a whole day. Maybe two.” Your father hadn’t been the most organized vault-keeper, and had spent most of his life collecting the things that shouldn’t be available to just anyone. Which left you with a mess. Not to mention the records dated back centuries. To your eight-times-great-grandfather, who had compiled and translated the previous records into one book.
There were now twenty-four books and none had been updated. It was your project when you had spare time. Which was any time you weren’t fighting, really. Your family's long history had you set for life, so you didn't really need to work a job. Instead you did consulting on specific artifacts and pieces of art, and were decently well-known for collecting pieces by specific artisans. Not to mention you basically acted as a secure deposit box for other supers and sometimes they ‘rented’ the space they used.
“Tinny needs protection, and help taking this guy down. He’s dangerous.”
You nodded. You usually dealt with low level stuff and you knew your limitations. Your powers weren’t fighting powers. You had learned how to fight on your own, teaching yourself in your spare time. You never wanted to be defenseless. Not again. You didn't like hearing that you needed protection, even though you knew it was true. You were someone who handled thieves and sometimes helped in hostage situations.
The boys handled the bigger threats in the area because they were fighters. Good fighters.
“Okay, so what did he look like?” Sowilo asked.
You shook your head. “We could only see his eyes. And when he burst into a pillar of flames after hurting Jera.”
“He had flaming eyes: orange and then blue. Changed with his mood.”
Laguz sucked in a breath. “That means he’s at the very least a level six threat.”
The boys looked at each other in alarm, but apparently weren’t about to argue with the water-super’s assessment.
“Hyung…” Tiwaz looked at Laguz with uncertainty and worry.
“Did you two come straight here?” Laguz asked, color draining from his face.
Tiwaz suddenly stood up. “We have guests.”
Laguz turned and brought the water surrounding the platform up into a protective bubble around the table and computer, with the bridge leading there as Tiwaz and Sowilo quickly wiped the computers after getting the information they needed from it.
Orange light shone through the protective water barrier on all sides, from all nine entrances.
Laguz was starting to struggle, visibly shaking.
You got up, unsure how to help.
“Eihwaz! Force field! Now!” Tiwaz shouted.
Eihwaz looked panicked, trying desperately to form a force-field.
The fire started eating through the water, causing Laguz to yell in pain.
Eihwaz finally got a force field up, but it was inside the water one, not nearly as large, and almost had Sowilo outside of it.
At that second, Laguz’s yell reached a new volume as the fire deteriorated the last of the water and he collapsed, eyes rolling back.
You caught him, despite his size and weight, staggering slightly.
“Laguz!” Mannaz cried, then turned to Raidho. “You need to get us out of here.”
Raidho nodded, closing his eyes to build up the power.
Eihwaz was barely holding the force field up, and it was getting unbearably hot.
Raidho grabbed Mannaz and Tiwaz.
Jera connected everyone with vines.
Then Raidho jerked everyone backwards.
The world flipped on its head, and then you were landing in a field.
You thought you would be sick, but you focused on Laguz. His pulse was thready and weak. He looked severely dehydrated, and burnt.
“Laguz?” Tiwaz stumbled free of the vines as they let go of everyone and dropped next to the two of you. He gently touched his brother’s face then looked at you. “Can you do anything for him? I know…”
You chewed you lip. “M-maybe songs about water? Hang on, let me get a water bottle out.” You closed your eyes and managed to shakily hum the right combination to get a water bottle. Normally you didn’t have to do it for water, but your nerves were shot, as was your energy.
“Please try the water songs,” Tiwaz asked gently.
“We need to move somewhere safer first,” Jera called.
Mannaz helped Sowilo up. “We’re not out of trouble yet.”
Eihwaz picked up the passed out form of Raidho.
You breathed shakily. “We’ll have to go to the safe house. But I won’t be able to help Laguz right away if we do, though.”
They all looked at each other with concern.
Jera came over and checked Laguz again. The water had helped a little, but it had to be given in small sips. He needed an IV.
“Does it have medical supplies?” Tiwaz asked.
You nodded. “I updated it two years ago to have a med-bay.”
Jera carefully took Laguz from you. “I guess we need to be put in storage then.”
You closed your eyes and started singing, opening the door to the safe house. You barely got the door to appear.
The boys did the rest though, getting Laguz and Raidho through, and then someone carried you through as well.
The door snapped shut behind you as the song died in your throat.
You were set down, but your legs were shaky and you fell back against him. You let out a sob, getting emotional with the absence of the threat and the exhaustion of everything you’d done.
“Shhh, it’s okay. We’re okay now,” a sweet voice said, gently caressing your hair. “You did well. You just need rest.”
“There’s a bed in this room.” You recognized Sowilo’s voice.
You opened your eyes and managed to clap and turn the lights on.
Mannaz kept gently petting your hair. “You need to sleep,” he said gently, hand supporting you when you flinched back in surprise.
You nodded, turning toward where Sowilo was standing. You were too tired though. Too drained.
Jera came back in and gently picked you up. “Laguz is in the med bay. Mannaz, go check on Raidho. Tiwaz is talking to Eihwaz.” He carried you to the room—which was actually your room—and set you on the bed. “This is my fault. I should have known better than to go straight to the base.”
“We turned into light,” You sniffled. “That’s hard to track.”
He stared at you.
“She’s right,” Sowilo murmured.
Jera covered you up briskly. “We’ll talk more after you’ve rested. I don’t suppose you’ve ever bottled good dreams?”
You shook your head. “Those are difficult to bottle. And good dreams from the past can be scary in the present.”
He gave you a smile. “Is that so?”
You nodded, then you gasped and grabbed his arm. “There are pictures.”
He became solemn. “You trust me to put them away?”
You hesitated, then nodded. “Please.”
“I’ll get all of them,” He promised, then lightly kissed your forehead. “Now rest.”
You nodded and let your eyes close.
Masterlist. ~ Prologue: Meet the Heroes. ~ Part 2.
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Confiding on Conferences
I think attending conferences is the most important thing one can do for personal growth. Occupational conferences provide the latest information, technology and theory in one’s professional field. Conferences associated with a hobby or special interest spark creativity.  Religious conferences can deepen one’s faith and provide enlightenment. However, for me, I think the most important aspect of the conference environment (and the one aspect all conferences have in common) is that it allows me to connect with other people who share something with me; whether that connection is through my occupation, special interest or religion.  
At nearly every conference I have attended, my mind has been blown wide open with new information.  Or maybe some elusive concept suddenly comes sharply into focus with profound understanding.  There is always something new to be learned, even if you are considered an expert in your field or a guru of your faith.  A conference brings me together with like-minded people who can impart to me their unique and individual perspective towards that passion which we share.  A conference is intensive, and creative education intensified by human connection.
Particularly after attending Paganicon in Minneapolis this March, I’m going as far as to say that in my opinion, no one has any business being an educator or mentor if they don’t attend some sort of conference every few years or so.  In fact, someone truly devoted to their work, special interest or faith maybe should be trying to attend as many conferences as they can afford. I think that a true passion deserves true devotion.  
One of the best examples I can offer as a demonstration of the importance of conferences came from performer Kari Tauring in her Nordic Roots Workshop at Paganicon.  Ms. Tauring is devoted to her Norwegian heritage. She has spent a considerable amount of time researching the indigenous faith practices of the Norwegian people. She believes that religious faith is centered in the music, dances and folklore of the people.  Most of her workshop was spent trying to teach a lot of us awkward pagans how to dance like a Viking.  It went far deeper than dipping and shuffling our feet - we were making the Scandinavian runes with our own bodies as we danced.  Once I let go of whether I was bending my knees at the right time, the act of becoming Mannaz, the rune for community, by being in community, solidified the meaning of this magic symbol for me in a way that goes far beyond words or language.
Ms. Tauring really rocked my spiritual world though with her simple translation of a basic divination with Runes – the three Rune draw.  She explained that each of those three Runes correlates to each of the three Norns of Scandinavian mythology.  The Norns have the responsibility for the Wyrd, which translates most closely to “fate.” Urd is represented by the first Rune draw, Her responsibility is that of the past, what once was.  Verdandi is represented by the second Rune which is commonly associated with the present, but according to Ms. Tauring, Her responsibility is really over “that which is becoming.”  Most people assume (incorrectly) that the third Rune, in the basic three Rune draw represents the future, but Skuld, the final Norn has a responsibility that isn’t quite that easy to articulate.  Really what the great Skuld governs is something akin to “that which is likely.” She represents what is most probable given what was, and what is becoming.  
Ms. Tauring then related the Norns concepts to heritage as a whole.  She related that if you spend time studying where you came from, you can more easily predict what you might become; but more importantly, if you don’t like that direction, you can arm yourself with the tools to change it.    
I have had many spiritual teachers who have stressed the importance of reverence of one’s own ancestors as a cornerstone of pagan faith practice.  I was told time and time again to make space in my home for an ancestor alter and make daily offerings to these dead people.  I didn’t just disagree with my teachers, this idea that my faith depended on my ancestors made me profoundly angry.  I have done extensive research on my family history.  Trust me when I tell you, none of these miserable, abusive alcoholics belong on an alter of any kind.  I will not honor such lives.  Their values do not in any way correspond to the kind of person I am or hope to become.  
Time and time again I was admonished for my refusal to clear space for my family alter.  I repeatedly demanded to know why my faith rested on my ancestors.  I was never given a satisfactory answer.  Ms. Tauring, however, finally made everything expressly clear.  Many, if not most of the living family that I still have continues down a path of misery, addiction and abuse…there is at least one person who is veering from that path – she who keeps the records and knows the past – that one person is me.  There is a new branch on my family tree, one that is strong and healthy, one that smiles and laughs and finds hope.  My son will not be an alcoholic.  He will not abuse his wife or his children.  He will not because he knows his past and his path.  Ms. Tauring gave me the answer I needed:  Know your legacy, know yourself - know your power.
Still not ever going to have an ancestor alter.  My faith is quite strong without one, thanks.
While I may have been ambiguous about my feelings towards ancestor reverence, I did not think I had any ambiguity when it came to the Underworld.  I was so sure that I knew death.  Well, really, it is beyond the scope of the human mind to fully know the mysteries of death and the Underworld; but I did think I had some rather meaningful understanding.  I have after all, been dead, more than once in this lifetime.  That and my devotion to the Queen of the Underworld, Persephone, made me think I had acquired a working knowledge of the Underworld and death. However, Michelle Belanger’s Underworld Meditation, Rite of Seven Gates left me speechless.  
I was so profoundly moved by the experience that it took several hours before I resumed to my chatty nature.  I did however, manage to ask Ms. Belanger one question.  “How do I continue this type of work?”  I grunted.  It was so difficult to get those words out of my mouth I do hope she did not find me morose and rude.  She was hesitant to recommend her own book on the subject but I emphatically pressed her to do that very thing.  It was her meditation that had touched me so deeply that it altered my consciousness and my very nature.  She clearly had something to say, and although I didn’t know it at the time I chose her meditation from the conference schedule, I realized that it was exactly what I was craving to learn.  Michelle Belanger showed me a new perspective on a landscape I was so sure that I knew so well.  I learned that it is only when I open myself to experience something new in what is so familiar, that I truly grow.  A conference is a surefire way to that experience.  I bought Ms. Belanger’s book, Walking the Twilight Path, at the Paganicon conference and I had her autograph it.  I am dying to read it…and yes that bad pun was intended.
Not all things at a conference need to be so intense.  Even though I had neglected to bring one of my own elaborate costumes for the ball, I went anyway in a plain black dress.  I enjoy marveling at other people’s creativity in costuming as much as I enjoy making and wearing my own, and maybe perhaps more so.  People are so fascinating to me, I have a hard time designating anyone as “ugly” because all I see is beauty when I look at people. Particularly in a costume ball setting where people are putting all of their creativity and everything that they like about themselves to the forefront.  
And the band!  The band was so good.  The Nathaniel Johnstone Band teams Steampunk with Greek Mythology.  Gods! What is not to love?  
I studied dance for many years.  I know several different styles.  Nathaniel Johnstone had me combine them all and whip my new bob haircut around with reckless abandon.  I drew considerable attention to myself…whether it was positive or negative attention really matters little.  It was the abandon that was important.  I’m now an avid fan of this band (also purchased an autographed CD, thank you very much). Had I not jumped in with both feet and attended Paganicon, and then made myself go to the ball without a costume, I would never have known about them and the joy they have to give to their audience.  
I was nervous about attending Paganicon.  I was mostly attending because I had bravely submitted Accidental Talismans for programming consideration, and to my great anxiety I had been accepted.  My room was filled, all of my handouts were taken, and several people gave me compliments about the affect my work made upon them. Yes! I learned so much from the workshops I attended, but I also learned something during the workshop I presented: my passion has relevance.  
Conferences are where like-minds meet to share relevance.
The next conference I’m attending (I’m not presenting at this one) is in my home city of Chicago. My son and I are super fans of the CW Television show Supernatural (now in its 12 season).  We are going to go meet the actors who play our fictional heroes. I’m not disclosing the amount of the tickets.  The money spent isn’t what is relevant.  But trust me on this, this Supernatural Conference? It isn’t just relevant, it’s significant. And I can’t wait to attend.
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