history-of-fashion · 2 years
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1553 Attr. to Germain Le Mannier - Portrait of Charles IX at three and a half years old playing with a cat
(Condé Museum)
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kasumingo · 1 year
you know it cracks me up in a lighthearted way seeing how many people consider Rise Donnie a massive comfort character and I kinda wonder what is it exactly that makes him such a strong contender
I know a lot of neurodivergents find his traits relatable and he's putting a comical spin on the whole deal without it being mean-spirited, but it's not like everyone who likes him is neurodivergent... right?
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wolfanddragon98 · 2 years
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Like father, like son. @dreaming-for-an-escape
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stick2sherlock · 9 months
One of my favourite things in batfam fanfiction is people calling Damian 'baby bat', as this brings me the image of scary-mode Batman, with his scowl, and next to him tiny "baby" (well, teen) version of Batman, with the same scowl and similar mannierism. And that's absolutely adorable. Like a tiny kitten that puffs up and tries to hiss to imitate an adult cat.
Batman alone? Scary.
Robin alone? Scary.
Robin when there's Batman behind him and they're both scowling and standing in the same way? ADORABLE.
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graspingremlinhands · 6 months
Next in my voice headcanon:
ICHI, de-facto leader/Older Brother of Ghidorah
Now, of this one I'm very fond cause Gary Oldman's Lord Shen is a huge inspiration for Ichi, to some of his mannierisms, his flare and paranoia.
Especially in my Au
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hisui555 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts : Foils 2
(Foils 1 here)
(Foils 3 here)
(Foils 4 here)
Masterpost here.
Crawling back out of my cave because my stupid brain won't let me rest. Synapses fired all night yesterday, I'm sure there's some structural damage in the front lobe from all the fireworks going off and bouncing around the walls of my skull, but mostly color me impressed that my asocial side actually got cowed into submission, by PRODUCTIVITY of all things, holy shit, why can't it happen for job interviews ?
Aaaand without transition I would like to talk about Rosie VS Carmilla (I'm putting a "VS" so that it's clearer from a couple/team, see Foils 1), especially around Ep 7, which has just this magnificent parallel between them, respectively coaching Charlie and Vaggie (yes, TV Tropes already covered that one, shhhh, don't tell my spark of productivity, it might disappear and play dead for months again). For the A plot, we have Charlie, led by Alastor, who's going to Cannibal Town to meet Rosie and ask for reinforcements - basically getting an army of cannibals to lend a hand, even if it's not theirs and has some bite marks on it. For the B plot, on the other side, Vaggie goes to Carmilla to learn how angels can be killed, and from that on asking her for the appropriate weapons. On both sides, the two girls learn about confidence and fighting for the right thing - Charlie grows into the leader she's capable of being, Vaggie steels her resolve and grows her wings back.
What's interesting about those parallel scenes is how much Rosie and Carmilla contrast each other, and are similar to Charlie and Vaggie respectively yet have differences : again, a square of foils. But let's talk about the (seemingly) older women first.
When we stumble upon Cannibal Town, it has a very gentlemanly aesthetic, streets are clean, people are well-dressed and polite, and if you forget the minor detail of cough eating people cough, they are quite the amicable bunch - something Charlie herself comments on, how "surprisingly nice" it is. The second we meet Rosie, we understand why : she's a councelor, the unofficial mayor and of course the Overlord representing them all. She's a faultless host (again, if you don't care much about her specific ingredients), very accomodating, and doesn't rebut Charlie right away despite her enormous demand. In fact, once Alastor chimes in that her citizens would be not only well-armed but also well-fed, she's happy to give it a go and coach Charlie on how to convince them (well, for the most part. Susan.), showing she knows her community very well. Rosie is shown as more of a knowledge broker : she trades information to Alastor in exchange of favors, seems to know things about him that even our deer friend doesn't ("A what now ?" *Pats your shoulder in ace, buddy. You'll get the hang of it.*), and overall comes off as very well-informed.
In the meantime, we follow Vaggie to the industrial side of the Pentagram, where it seems to be more smoke, steel and craft than rural, pictoresque town. Carmilla doesn't let Vaggie enter until she threatens to spill the beans out in plain view of the street, and once she's inside, Carmilla is immediately verbally hostile and commandeering the whole speech ("Ninety seconds."), rebutting each of Vaggie's claims with clinical precision - rightfully countering that she doesn't want to bring the trouble to her doorstep, and put her loved ones (+ workers) in danger, to which Vaggie counters (also rightfully) that if the Hotel fails to defend itself, Carmilla might still kiss her pointy shoes goodbye. Once the time is up, Carmilla attacks, but it's quickly blatant that she's actually stealthily coaching Vaggie into fighting better, both physically and mentally. She's ruthless, brutal, and elegant, but not with the same elegance as Rosie : Rosie's charm and mannierisms are day-to-day, yet she's a proud cannibal, so her elegance hides a very carnal nature by the way of eating human flesh (even if she wraps it in pretty ribbons in a candy box), while Carmilla's cold and sharp demeanor hides her graceful but efficient fighting style - I mean, have you seen those twirls and acrobatics ? Hot dang, she's cool. Rosie is a knowledge broker that knows damn well how to use her information, Carmilla is a weapons dealer that knows damn well how to use her weapons : no wonder she arms herself (and her daughters) first. Carmilla, on the surface, rejects Vaggie's deal, but after a few moments, we see that she's turning it into her own way of helping.
Now we arrive to the two main songs, Out For Love and Ready For This, who are almost back-to-back. Charlie has had her moment with Rosie, who genuinely helped her through her personal problems and her moment of uncertainty concerning Vaggie's secret, and it's time for the big rallying song. And, Charlie, you're cute and all, but sightseeing and camaraderie aren't the things cannibals are interested in - they might have a child's heart (somewhere in a jar behind a desk), but EATING is where it's at ! Good thing Alastor chimed in, hm ? Which kinda rebounds on his private part of the song with Rosie ("Stick with her, you'll be on the winning side !") : their motivations are more selfish than we think. Rosie is genuinely kind and empathetic, but not altruist : doing the Princess of Hell a solid might be a real advantage in the long run, especially for someone like her who trades in favors. On the other side, Carmilla has it out for her own reasons right away, but does a selfless move by teaching Vaggie and lending the weapons : while she doesn't directly stick her neck out, she still helps from the shadows. Her main motive is to protect her loved ones and avoid bloodshed, while Rosie's and the cannibals are to get their belly full and gain political advantage.
It's really like an hourglass between the two : Rosie hears Charlie (and Alastor) out and accepts to help but actually for selfish reason, actively and directly helping Charlie to assert herself, talking her through therapy and words - a language Charlie is very receptive to - teaching her confidence and leadership (something Vaggie already has). Carmilla on her side rebukes Vaggie but actually for more selfless (even if personal) reasons, indirectly (but still actively) helps her to rekindle with her own emotions and be honest with herself (something Charlie already is), all that through physical training and fighting - a language Vaggie knows quite well. You'd think they have the names of the songs crossed and mixed up, yet they fit perfectly : Charlie needs to be Ready For This and finally face physical confrontation, while Vaggie needs to be Out For Love and honest with her feelings and past. They both complement each other.
The smiles Carmilla and Rosie also give at the news are contrasting : Carmilla hears the news and smiles a little smile, to herself, looking proud that it worked, and proud of her 'student'. Rosie on her side has a charming, calculated, wide smile that seems to spell out 'now there we go' and 'ooh, this was nothing, darling' more than 'good job', complete with a cup of tea. It's like she smiles more at the camera than out of genuine pride, unlike Carmilla who just smiles to herself. You'd think tough-as-nails Carmilla would be the last person to teach people to fight for love, yet here we are, while ladylike elegant Rosie, who does show genuine understanding and kindness, is also planning to use Charlie for her own gain.
Wrapping this up, Charlie & Vaggie VS Carmilla & Rosie : Carmilla is kind of a more experienced version of Vaggie (a figther, determined, devoted to her loved ones), with Charlie's core ideas (love, compassion, avoiding fights) while Rosie is a more experienced version of Charlie (connections, empathy, people person) with Vaggie's way of thinking (strategic, knowledgeable, prepared).
Like Vaggie, Carmilla is a fierce fighter that you don't want to piss off, with people to protect, an expert in dealing with weapons (cherry on top : both about angelic steel), even physically they're quite alike : long white hair (especially when Carmilla lets hers go in response to Vaggie's grumbling), similar tone of skin, palette in dark grays and white mostly (Vaggie has more pink where Carmilla has black), both are also Hispanic. They already (unknowingly) share a duet in Whatever It Takes, with personal reasons very close to one another. Carmilla is the perfect combination of Charlie's ideals and Vaggie's realism, leaning more towards Vaggie's side as a fighter. They also look the less relatively demonic, past some features (like Carmilla's oversized arms).
Rosie on her side looks like an upper-class lady who is the leader of her town and an Overlord (mirroring Charlie being a princess and the founder of the Hotel), sharing some reds in their respective palettes (even if Charlie's is more solid red and Rosie's burgundy), pale hair and a very affable, accomodating demeanor. Rosie is the perfect mix of Vaggie's pragmatism and Charlie's kindness, leaning towards Charlie's side as an informator and councelor. They naturally stand in the spotlight, one way or another, and guide people through their problems. They're also both more "demonic" : Charlie is the literal Princess of Hell and hellborn demon, while Rosie has notable very sharp teeth, pitch black eyes (like the town citizens) and... what was it again...? oh right ! Eats people.
(Don't worry, I'm not always a smartass : sometimes I'm asleep.)
That went longer than expected (...as always), but, well, enjoy. Skyscrapers like those are useful when you have time to kill. I might need to consider doing a masterpost for those... might be more practical for those crazy enough to want to read all of my inane rambling (boredom is such a pain, right ?)
Hope you enjoyed.
Again, Masterpost here.
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Charlie's Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick Master List
#Top Gun: Maverick, #Top Gun (1986), #Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, #Jake 'Hangman' Seresin, #Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, #Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace, #Javy 'Coyote' Machado, #Robert 'Bob' Floyd, #Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia, #Reuben 'Payback' Fitch, #Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw, #Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, #slooserole, #Ron 'Slider' Kerner, #Carole Bradshaw, #hangster, #icemav, #bobnix, #fanback, #MavDad, #Polish Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, #Italian Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, #Dagger Squad, #Trans Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, #Ace Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
ignition [hangster, firefighter!Bradley AU, 5+1, humour]
#ignition tag
(sometimes I feel) like a monkey pilot [trans Bradley, transition-related, icemav as dads, hangster, getting back together]
#(sometimes I feel) like a monkey pilot tag
slow down (you're doing fine) [Bradley-centric, icemav as dads, hangster, getting back together]
#slow down (you're doing fine) tag
just hold my hand [Mav's POV, the mission if hangster never broke up, mpreg and Mav/Ice as grandpas]
#just hold my hand tag
This hellsite only:
mini fics:
Family of Seven (Bradley and Jake accidentally adopt five kids) #Family of Seven tag
Angsty Baby Bradley series (Bradley POV, WIP snippets, Slider POV, IceMav POV, Adult Bradley POV) [hangster, icemav raised Bradley, Uncle Slider]
fic ideas/drabbles/prompts :
Mav is declared KIA and Ice finds out he's in his will as Bradley's guardian
Mav stays with Charlie until he becomes Bradley's guardian, Ice starts helping with raising him before they even get together
Carole and Mav get married after Goose dies and Ice and Slider pine
Ice is in denial about his feelings for Mav and Slider takes things into his own hands [fwb Slimav, pre-Icemav] Part 1 (Slider POV), Part 2 (Mav POV)
Polish!Ice and Italian!Mav headcanons
Ice and Mav wear matching clothes - Jake and Bradley mimic it years later
Post on Bradley calling Mav dad
Carole and Ice are Catholics and attend Polish Church together
4+1 'Ice checking on Bradley during the night' ficlet [icemav raising Bradley, hangster allusions]
Ice passes away in his sleep and what is left [Jake POV; ice and mav getting older, icemav as bradley's parents, icemav, hangster]
hangster starts here >>
Mav finds out Bradley who he hasn't talked to in over 10 years (and Jake) have a whole load of kids [mavdad angst, hangster, mpreg?? idea]
Jake realizing how much of Bradley's hot mannierism is inherited from Mav (and Ice)
Firefighters AU - legacy ff! Bradley, bat chief! Mav and baby ff! Jake training under new captain Bradshaw [hangster as cap/probie]
Jake and Bradley becoming flight instructors and becoming a good and bad cop in the eyes of their students [older and 'secretly' married hangster]
Bradley wants to organize a wedding (vow renewal) that Mav and Ice never had - he is terrible at it and needs help from someone who isn't - Jake [hangster, rom com vibes, getting back together]
Bradley learns to pick locks (and people's hearts) [hangster, icemav raised Bradley]
Humour fic AU idea where Bradley's papers haven't been pulled and he does land in USNA but he's doing everything and anything not to be labeled as the nepo baby [icemav as bradley's parents, hangster]
Bradley can't cut onions [hangster, mavdad]
High school AU with Bradley and Jake in secret relationship because Mav disapproves
High school AU hangster being nominated for 'most likely to get married' despite not being a couple (Part 1, Part 2)
Bradley gets Jake small thoughtful gifts (and continues to buy them after they break up)
Jake and Bradley still find their most attractive features to be the ones they had from the beginning [soft hangster headcanon about physical attraction]
Ace!Rooster is avoiding Hangman's advances
Hangster A/B/O with O! Bradley and A! Jake [mpreg & angst, set during TGM and after]
Jake didn't go to USNA AU and met struggling Bradley at college
Hospital AU with nurse!Bradley and doctor!Jake [hangster enemies to lovers, ER coworkers, surgeons icemav] #hangster hospital AU
Actor!Bradley AU where he's filming an ala TOPGUN movie with Jake as his assigned by the Navy aviator, Mav is Jake's CO [hangster, enemies to lovers, mavdad drama]
Jake's dad adores Bradley - or Bradley keeps collecting dads [icemav raised Bradley, hangster]
Hangman and Rooster as a pilot-WSO pair AU
Before Bradley takes the hit on the mission, he says goodbye ala Steve Rogers
10 Things I Hate About You hangster AU idea
Happiest Season AU, Jake takes Bradley for Christmas home
Jake being jealous of Nat (pre-canon)
#Pacific Rim AU - dossier files, idea
Actor tags:
#Glen Powell, #Miles Teller, #Monica Barbaro, #Lewis Pullman, #Tom Cruise, #Val Kilmer, #Jay Ellis, #Greg Tarzan Davis, #Danny Ramirez, #Top Gun: Maverick cast (containing more than one of the crew)
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harrarthellix · 9 months
@lord-gortrash tagged me so here it is for Lucerm
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Animal: Black bull
Color: dark gray, copper
Month: December
Song: O Father, O Satan, O sun - Behemoth
Number: 0
Plant: buddleja morning mist
Smells: smoke n cigars
Gemstone: Red Rhodonite
Season: Winter
Time: Last ray of sunshine
Places: Unkept wooden bed, humid dungeon
Food: Raw meat. Better if it still bleeds. He would eat you
Drink: Blood
Element: Fire
Astrological sing: Sagittarius
Seasoning: Bird's eye chilli
Sky: Starless night
Weather: thunderstorm
Social media: Does not have. Imposible to contact
Magical power: Infernal Fury, ring of fire, mist of the hadar
Weapon: longsword
Artstyle: Mannierism and expresionism
Makeup product: eyeshadow
Candy: chocolate 100%
Long distance travel: will walk everywhere
Fear: Ocean. Specifically, drowning
Mythological creature: Ouroboros
Pice of stationary: paperclip (weapon)
Three emoji: 💀🔥🔱
Celestial body: Dying sun
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featheredcritter · 8 months
Hello, I found your blog two days ago and have become stupidly fond of your oc Nick. I love that he goes from just a little guy to la criatura at the drop of a hat. He's so small and very cute. Does he ever get comfortable enough to try and weaponize the fact that some humans find small critters unbearable cute, or would he find that sorta thing insulting?
Thank you!!! I am glad you enjoy my character:] means a lot.
Nicholas very much dislikes when people see him as cute and go off to him about it, he finds it incredibly insulting and he's willing to break relationships over it if whoever is doing it doesn't cut it off, happened too, though it's usually always with strangers. Keep calling him cute and tiny after he told you off? Won't even talk to you anymore, and you can forget his help on anything.
He knows it's an instinct for humans and tries to understand it (after all, he has very strong instincts as well) but he still doesn't like it nor accepts it.
So no, he wouldn't take advantage of this factor at all. It can kinda work anyway even if he doesn't try if you don't know him? A bit complicated, Nicholas is not super approachable, he's pretty jumpy and neurotic as hell, not comfortable at all around strangers. Usually what happens is. Someone meets him and they find him charming because he's a cool looking little guy. Then they talk to him and he's just so skittish so he quickly loses charming points.
He's a lot more warm when you get close enough with him, but that's not super easy to achive, need a whole deal of patience. He's genuinely a sweet guy though.
He's not disliked by the rebels at all, he's done nothing wrong after all, but he has a bit of a reputation as the weird, neurotic engineer of the base who looks at you like you're gonna leap at him, talks to himself, mostly sticks to himself and the other scientists (especially Kleiner. Smiles) and has all sort of strange mannierism.
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springbeemaya · 9 months
For your 3 questions post :)
1/ What's your favorite movie to watch during holiday season ? (doesn't have to be a christmas movie)
2/ Is there a book/game/show/movie you've been meaning to get into this year but haven't gotten around to yet ?
3/ Do you have TTRPG gameplay mechanic or ritual that you can't play without anymore matter what game you play ?
Aaaah thank you <3
1. So it really just becomes a tradition but Glass Onion! I watched it with my family last christmas and it was such a nice time we will do it again this year :D
2. The list is huge as always but the main thing is the Priory of the Orange Tree book. I need to read more queer books and this has been in the recs for awhile.
3. Some sort of "roll for insight" mechanic. I loooove discussing character's thoughts and mannierisms that seep into the conversation. Even without giving direct answers, but just giving possibilites for character motivations like "you are not sure if they are lying or they believe somebody elses lie". Delicious :)
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whumpitisthen · 1 year
here's a quick rundown on astarion: gay vampire spawn (not a vampire. like a demo version vampire. a "lesser" one but don't let him hear that) who has been kept for 200 years by his master as a slave. guy (who was an actual vampire) carved him up, tortured him and forced him to lure victims into his manor. astarion has been abused in so many ways i'd hit some sort of character limit if i listed half of them. he was only allowed to feet on rats and small vermin in the sewers. poor little meow meow astarion is now free due to [game story] reasons and seeks power and revenge -- he's an edgy fuck with a lot of swag and no moral compass. bro is a menace and loves causing problems on purpose. [slight spoiler] he will literally try to suck some of your blood like a day or two after you meet him and unless you succeed a skill check he'll just keep doing it until you die. if you resurrect yourself afterwards he'll go like "ooooh ooopsie sowwy! i wouldn't kill you if i knew you'll be back teehee can we forget about this? ;) <3 don't fucking kill me". he's such a good fucking whumpee you don't even know. it's insane. i don't want to ramble but he's almost everything i've ever wanted from a character like this in a large scale rpg. [slightly bigger spoiler] despite being the go-to "fuckable" character who everyone finds hot as hell (both in-universe and online) he's HORRIBLY traumatized by his sexual experiences from when he used to be a slave and when you romance him a good portion of his storyline revolves around trying to make him realize that he's more than just a slab of very attractive meat. he hides his feelings behind a facade of "evil tumblr sexyman-esque" mannierisms and getting to finally peel it back and see him for the poor wet cat that he is is so fucking satisfying. [an even bigger spoiler] i loved watching him cry when he finally gets to confront his former master. pristine content. there's so much more to his character (and this game in general) but if you ever need to justify spending full price on a new videogame release, there's nothing better than bg3. if i could choose one game to beam directly into the brain of each whumpblr user, it'd be this one.
Okay so i already loved him from the very little information i had about him, but this is so delicious
I saw some pics of bad scars which are always hhh and heard that he is a whumpee but i didn't know the extent and now i think ive collected a new blorbo
You are telling me he meets his old master at some point...... and he cries..... and hes all sad....... he rly was made for tumblr but especially me youre telling me he has white hair and is a vampire twink who was a slave and hurt and traumatised and he has incredible sad wet cat energy and he only has a flimsy layer of confidence and absolutely no idea what morals are. i knew i needed to know more you have to understand my knowledge of the game stopped at the bear sex scene like that is it and yet i somehow always find the most pathetic little men no matter what in any media i could not give a shit about any of the rest i will consume the entire thing just to know the exact extent of his sad little life
Also i wish i had the opportunity to even consider buying a full price new release no matter how good the game is there is no world in which id be able to pay for that. Also idk about the gameplay either it seems very story oriented roleplay and almost dating sim-ish? Not a huge fan of those in general its gotta have more gameplay than walking around and basically watching a movie, but, again. No idea about anything, maybe it has incredible gameplay and i just dont know. Dont tell me if it does itll just make ms sadder bc that would absolutely make me wanna play it myself. Its kinda funny honestly the longer i spend not knowing anything the crazier everyone seems to me both online and irl. Its like im living in a separate world, i know no one who hasn't played this fucking game fjfhskhfd
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tangledbea · 1 year
Anyway, I've queued up a whole bunch of mannierism and callback gifs (that I made -- if you don't see your fave mannerism among them, I bet someone else made it, so I didn't bother).
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livesunique · 6 years
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Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Palazzo Te, Mantua, Italy
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Hi!:) I was making some refrences to paintings in my latest post Blackpool and its treasures […], so I thought I would add them anyway, because there was one photo limit to the post:) Enjoy your weekend and stay safe!:)  
“Susanna and the Elders” (1555-1556) by Tintoretto 
"A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" (1884) by Georges Seurat & detail (monkey) 
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benny was definitely the kid who was constantly bringing random ass animals and bugs into the house and his mom had to be like “BENJAMIN MICHAEL MILLER YOU PUT THAT THING OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW” at least twice a week 
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featheredcritter · 1 year
Got any random behavior stuff for borrowers?
ok so first i want to talk about mannierism and politness. For borrowers, prolonged eye contact can be seens as weird or downright a threat, so for greeting each others borrowers will do a little bow and look elsewhere. Giving your back and\or constantly looking away or just in the general direction of a person is more done towards people of higher rank, like how an employee would act towards their CEO (not that they have those, thank god). It's a huuge display of trust. They also don't really shake hands. Polite\genuine smiles are done by gently squeezing their eyes and never showing teeth, and if they do the higher lip is always relaxed and hiding the teeth. NEVER grin at a borrower, it's a threat display. Another particular greeting is done by touching whiskers, and this is a specific greet reserved towards very close friends\partners or family, as whiksers are an extremely important and sensetive organ for borrowers and in general it's seen as invasive to have strangers or acquaintances touch them. big no no Regarding another topic, Borrowers are a little opportunistic, and if they can get their hands on something and get away with it, they'll do it. This is never done out of malice, but when you are that small and food is hard to get by, if you are hungry and see a smaller insect with a yummy food, you're gonna steal that yummy food, and sometimes, if you are veeery hungry, you're gonna steal from a larger animal too. It's not seen as morally incorrect, but harvesting when you don't need it to the point of hurting other creatures is frowned upon. Last thing, borrowers HATE open spaces, they are prey creatures and such places are extremely anxiety inducing as they are completely vulnerable out in the open. They are always near a hiding spot and places where they can take shelter if they have to, even in complete safety they will position themselves where they can make a quick escape or hide if the situation calls for it, always keeping track of every thing in their surroundings. And if there's literally nowhere to hide, they will keep themselves tightly pressed against the nearest surface.
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