#those boys have white trash energy (i mean that affectionately)
benny was definitely the kid who was constantly bringing random ass animals and bugs into the house and his mom had to be like “BENJAMIN MICHAEL MILLER YOU PUT THAT THING OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW” at least twice a week 
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Hanahaki Disease + Flowers for Demon Brothers (Part 1)
Scenario: Which flowers would the demon brothers be inflicted with when they develop Hanahaki Disease falling in love with you? +  Headcanons to how they would deal with it. 
(includes pictures of flowers 🌻🌺)
PART 1 INCLUDES: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan
[PART 2] INCLUDES: Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor + Diavolo
Note: BIG PINING ENERGY + Unrequited Love aka ANGST; I love hanahaki so i wrote our local demon boys coughing up an a e s t h e t i c bouquet 
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(White) Sweet Pea = gratitude; departure; also common to give to brides
You have always been a little special to Lucifer, and he has always had a soft spot for you. It wasn’t something big-- he knew he had favorites. Though you were troublesome, you were just as loving and patient as you helped him and his family again and again. Gratitude on its own cannot inflict the hanahaki disease onto a demon, but it is the overwhelming love that comes with his overflowing thanks that has him coughing into his black gloves white petals that contrasts beautifully. It is alarming, but he tells no one, especially not you. (Looking back at it later, the purity of color that his lungs have produced makes him a little wry, because it does make sense that the purest thing about him is his love for you.) 
(Blue) Forget-Me-Nots = true love; memories
He is a man who yearns. He wishes for your affection but can never find it in him to ask for it, so he keeps the memories of his time with you together in his heart-- counting them like fragile, little flowers in his palm. And he continues to fall for you as he gets to know you better. Forget-me-nots begin to litter his desk, reminding him how much you dominate his everyday thoughts, in the little things you do. 
(Lilac) Azalea = temperance (self-control), passion, fragility; “take care”
At the peak of his love for you, Lucifer has grown so much from who he was before. He finds it fitting when he coughs out petals of lilac azaleas, a memento of how much he has changed and how much he has fallen so deeply in love. There is no turning back-- he is in love with you, with your passion and your strength, and the way he can feel fragile whenever you hold him. “Take care,” the petals say when he coughs out enough to cover the floor of his room the moment you leave the Devildom at the end of the year. He knows already he will miss your presence by his side. He has said nothing to you about his feelings-- doesn’t dare to: there is no happiness in a union between a mortal and immortal. 
As much as he wanted to continue loving you, there’s too much to lose and he has too much that must be accomplished
Doesn’t entertain the idea of confessing and having you return those feelings and has them removed 
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Ivy with a sprig of white tendrils = anxious to please, affection
It is a known fact that Mammon falls for you hard and fast. It’s a little jarring, when he thinks back on it, to pull out a vine of ivy with white tendrils from his mouth only when you have only been in the Devildom for a month. But he doesn’t think much about it. It’s obvious he cares for you, yearns for your affection when you’re the first to show him such unconditional kindness, tries his best to please you so you will always look at him favorably. 
Sunflower = adoration 
Mammon’s feelings for you only grow, but he doesn’t like the fact that the flowers have gotten bigger. It’s easier to dump ivy because they’re found outside, but where in the hell would you find sunflowers in a place without a sun? When he coughs out an entire flower, he saves them and-- upon observing its quality and cleanliness-- gifts them to you. He adores the smile on your face and doesn’t want to let you know that every time the flowers grow in his lungs, they choke and suffocate him.
(Yellow) Primrose = “I can’t live without you.”
Time is running out. You are only authorized to stay in the Devildom for so long, as much as he wants and begs you to stay. Would you stay if you knew that I loved you, he thinks. Do you even love me back? He looks back upon the days before he knew you and doesn’t need to reflect long to know that his world is better with you in it. He doesn’t tell you though, not when you’re awake at least. He had hoped that telling you when you couldn’t hear him would clear his lungs, but the primroses that he coughs up the morning after tells him otherwise and forebodes his decisions in the coming months. 
In the scenario he confesses and MC doesn’t return his feelings, he would rather much die than forget he loved you
He knows his love for you has been ingrained into his heart and soul-- and to remove it means removing a part of himself, and he doesn’t know if he wants to do it; it might be foolish but… well, he’s a fool in love.
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Hydrangea = gratitude for being understood 
Never once have you looked at Levi with disdain when he talked about his interest. Never once has he felt so listened to, having your complete attention when he talks about something that he loves. The hydrangea petals come out in droves, covering the bottom of the tub with gentle violets and blues. It’s the first he’s felt understood, he thinks, of course his body would react so violently to something as novel as that. And besides, being understood is not the same as being loved. Levi keeps the flowers to himself, brushing off any questions and preferring to talk with you instead, spending any time he can get from you that you have not already given to his brothers.
(Yellow) Acacia = true friendship and indicates secret love
You’re his Player 2, his Henry. He can be content with just the notion that the two of you share an unbreakable bond of friendship where you’re there for him and he’s there for you whenever the two of you need it. The acacias, however, tell him he’s in love-- with your smiles, with your affectionate touches, with your laughter. Levi ignores them; he shouldn’t ask for more than he already has. 
Daisy = loyal love; “I’ll never tell”
When daisies show up in his bouquet of hanahaki flowers, Levi thinks it’s a little ironic, but for once, he doesn’t argue. He will take his feelings to his grave, if he can help it-- pushing daisies as the humans would say. He’s convinced himself he wasn’t in love with you before, and he could probably do it again when you’re not in the Devildom anymore-- or so he hopes. His heart feels like it’ll never love anyone else when he watches you fall asleep on his shoulders. 
Not unlike Mammon, he doesn’t tell his brothers about his illness and tries to fight it off himself-- but feelings are hard to get rid of
Ultimately chooses to have his feelings removed if he can’t do it himself, putting him right where he feels like he belongs as your best friend
He feels like he’s lost something, but soon enough he forgets the time he loved you (for his sake)
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(Blue) Petunia = can be anger/resentment or “Your presence soothes me”; deep trust, peacefulness, intimacy
When Satan coughs out petals of petunia as dark as night, he stares at the bunch of them on the palm of his hand. He tries coughing them up again, but he doesn’t get to decide when the illness acts up. He searches furiously through his library for what he has, quickly coming to the conclusion that he had feelings for you. Of course he did-- considering what you’ve done for him, giving him a chance to make sense of his identity and looking beyond his anger. He knows without a doubt that these petunias do not represent his anger; in fact, they denote the opposite. “Your presence soothes me,” he reads in the language of flowers, wondering if the flowers will change the more he trusts in you and gets closer to you.
(White) Jasmine = Sweet love, amiability
He picks out the white jasmine off his tongue and quietly dumps them into the trash, the sweet scent stuck in his mouth. When you ask him if he’s alright, he turns around and smiles at you-- a sweet, genuine smile that no one can doubt to be sincere. He returns to where he was by your side as he reads the latest novel at your insistence, glancing at you once every other sentence to gauge your reactions. He feels his cheeks flush underneath your gaze, but he doesn’t persuade you to do otherwise. He loves your attention, and sometimes in these quiet moments he can pretend that you’re just as in love with him as he was with you. 
White roses = “I’m worthy of you”; loyalty
As the year passes, Satan grows more and more confident of who he is as a person, and where he stands with you. These feelings may have been new, but when the white rose petals tumbles from his mouth, he knows that there is only one thing he must do before you leave. He yearns-- he isn’t different from those with this illness-- but he knows better than to pine after someone who doesn’t feel the same as him after all this time. And regardless of whether you can stay with him, he wants you to know how you make him feel: worthy-- and worthy to be loved by you.
In the chance you don’t feel the same, he’s disappointed. When yellow carnations come from his lips as if to commemorate his rejection, he destroys his room, not in resentment but in the fact that he will have to forget some of the parts you made him feel. 
He wishes he could keep these feelings, but knows that it’s unfair to both of you to keep hoping. When you leave the Devildom, he lets himself mourn for what he will lose and removes the flowers. 
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Never So Sweet A Dream As Laughter
Summary: Ronan keeps dreaming of feathers and he can only hide the reason for so long before Adam discovers why.
Ronan had been dreaming of feathers lately.
At first it was only one, barely noticed except that it was pure white, a color so opposite Chainsaw that it couldn’t possibly have come from her. Days went by, however, and the amount grew so that sometimes he woke up surrounded in a blanket of them, brushing them off irritably.
He always cleaned them up before anyone could notice.
As far as he could tell there was nothing special about these feathers, nothing significant about them that made them stand out as a dream thing. They were simply feathers, all different kinds after that first one, some stiff and velvety and other soft with frayed edges. Some had dots on them, freckled with color, and some were bright and exotic.
The only special quality they held was that Ronan couldn’t look at them without blushing.
He knew why they were there and that was the reason why he could never let anyone see them. He had been dreaming also, lately, of Adam. This wasn’t unusual in and of itself, only the manner in which he did. Adam, lying on his back, bare-chested, curls crushed against grass or a mattress or whatever else their setting was that dream. His head was thrown back in laughter, sweet, melodious laughter, caused by the simple touch of a feather drawn softly across his skin by none other than Ronan himself.
It was getting more and more difficult to be around Adam now, as the only thing he could think about when he saw him was the sight of his naked body writhing and laughing under Ronan’s soft touch. Adam joked and teased and kissed him like normal, unaware of this strange secret desire that Ronan harbored. Sometimes he spent the night. It was harder to explain the feathers then.
“Dreaming about pillows,” he explained when Adam woke up surrounded by feathers as well, one eyebrow raised at the mess. “Big ones. Big enough to suffocate you with. Haven’t quite got it down yet but I’m working on it.”
“Ha,” Adam said, a single consonant by itself that said Ronan was full of shit but he wasn’t going to pursue the issue if Ronan didn’t want to talk about it. So they didn’t. They cleaned up the feathers and stuffed them in the trash, and Adam joked that they really could make a pillow if they wanted. Ronan kissed him because he had learned recently that kissing was a very effective way to shut Adam up.
The dreams, however, their desire unfulfilled, began to grow more ambitious in their designs. One day he woke up with handcuffs. Handcuffs and feathers. He hadn’t known a way to explain it so he only shrugged when Adam asked him, throwing the handcuffs in the trash as well. Adam didn’t ask him again, but now his eyes remained on him, a piercing gaze that Ronan found himself unable to hold in return. They cleaned up the mess again and went about their day, refusing to acknowledge the reality of the situation.
Eventually things grew to be too much and when Adam woke surrounded by feathers for the fifth time that week he turned to Ronan and demanded, “Talk to me.”
Ronan, groggily, sat up and shoved off a pile of feathers. “Fuck off.”
Adam circled his wrist with his fingers, not quite grabbing, a gentle insistent tug so that Ronan finally looked at him. “Hey,” he whispered, not pitying or demanding, just a quiet noise for Ronan to focus on. “Ronan.”
Ronan held his gaze a second longer before diverting it to a wall across from them, able to either look at him or talk but not both, not at the same time. “I’ve been dreaming about tickling you.”
Adam was silent. He was half-tempted to look back, and the desire grew to a needy itch that he forced himself not to scratch. Finally Adam said, “Oh.”
Neither of them moved or spoke. Ronan could feel energy, red-hot like molten iron running through his veins, and he wanted to bolt, to run, to blaze through a whole fucking marathon and never come back. He didn’t.
“I’m not going to,” Ronan assured him, a bit too quickly. “If that’s what you’re worried about.”
He finally looked at him because if he didn’t he was going to explode. Adam was holding a feather between his fingers, staring at it and twirling it ruminatively. He grabbed Ronan’s hand, placing the feather there and closing his fingers around it. “Okay.”
It was like someone had knocked the feet out from under him. He snapped his gaze to Adam, narrowing his eyes. “You don’t have to.”
“I know.”
“I’m not forcing you to.”
“I know.”
“So if you don’t want to—”
He was blushing. Adam was blushing and it spread across his face like wildfire, tinging the ends of his ears. The sight made Ronan’s limbs tremble. “I want to. I mean, I want to try.”
Ronan looked down at the feather held in his hands, spinning it gently as Adam had done. “Okay.”
“Okay.” For a moment that was that and they sat in silence, both waiting for the other to make the first move. Then Adam spoke, hesitantly. “Should I…?” He indicated his t-shirt and with a stiff, jerky nod from Ronan he pulled it off, throwing it on the floor away from them. Ronan took a moment to appreciate his body, the stark lines and muscles that made him up, every part of him carved in perfect detail, like that of a statue. But he wasn’t a statue. He was soft and malleable, with bruises and moles and freckles that covered his skin like art. When Adam pulled his arms above his head, the skin stretched and arched with him.
“D-Do we start now or—mm!”
Adam’s sentence was cut off as Ronan drew a feather down the length of his arm, wanting to trace the contours. The feather was stiff and black, like those he often found lying around the house when Chainsaw was molting. He continued going up and down his arm for a while, content with the goosebumps prickling up and down Adam’s body like an invasion.
“Does it tickle?” he asked curiously, as Adam’s lips were pressed together in a tight line, having not spoken since the initial beginning. Now, though, he shakily opened them to reply.
“Not exactly,” he answered honestly, considering the question. “It’s more like… a soft itch, like when a bug crawls on your arm.” He paused. “It’s kind of pleasant, actually, in an unbearable kind of way. It’s hard to stay still, though.”
“Hmm.” Ronan moved the feather down quickly, now circling the outer edge of his armpit. Adam stiffened immediately, his mouth clamping shut as he focused on anything but the increasingly devastating feeling of that feather getting closer and closer to such a sensitive area. The edges of his lips were pulled into a reluctant smile that only grew wider when Ronan finally reached his destination.
“Does this tickle?” Ronan repeated, more sure of the answer this time. Adam gave a stiff, jerky nod, arms trembling. He looked like he wanted to say something, or laugh, or both, but he refused to open his mouth. Ronan found himself needing to hear what Adam’s laugh sounded like, genuine and helpless and carefree, a need that burrowed inside him and prompted him to pick up a second feather, quickly targeting his other side. Both armpits now being relentlessly assaulted by the feathers’ soft touch, Adam whimpered softly before a tiny giggle slipped out, followed by a second one and then a third one. Soon Adam was overcome by melodic giggles that seemed to almost trip out of him with each second that went by.
It was beautiful. It was everything Ronan had dreamed it would be, only better because this time it wasn’t his imagination conjuring up flickering images. This time it was Adam, real and alive with laughter that stumbled and fell in heart-stopping bursts. 
Ronan never wanted it to end. 
There was only so long that Adam could keep his arms up, however, with Ronan relentlessly tormenting the singular area. With a soft whine Adam drew his arms back down, clutching them across his chest protectively.
Ronan paused, worried he had overstepped a boundary. “Do you want me to stop?”
Adam blushed, shaking his head. “No, it just… it really tickles, okay? I can’t hold still for it. Maybe try somewhere else?”
Ronan nodded and Adam carefully placed his hands back above his head. For a while he merely swirled the feather along his shivering form, circling the soft, vulnerable skin of his stomach and dipping down across the V of his hips. Adam managed to contain his laughter at this, but he expressed its effect in the way his stomach jumped and contracted under the feather’s touch and the shuddering sound of his breath as he inhaled. 
As he did so, Ronan considered his splayed out form for a moment, trying to think of a spot the feather would have the greatest effect on, aside from the obvious. He knew for a fact that harder tickles worked on Adam; the two had been friends for years beforehand and there were sparse moments when Gansey would dig his knuckles into his ribs affectionately or Ronan would goose his sides in passing. 
It was not harsh, intensive tickling that he desired right then, however. At that moment, he wanted to see strong, prideful Adam fall to such a simple thing as the touch of a feather.
Glancing up at Adam to make sure this was okay, Ronan firmly gripped each of his thighs and pulled them apart. Having worn only a thin t-shirt, lying discarded on the floor, and boxers to bed, the entirety of his speckled, tan thighs was on display for the other boy to admire. Ronan traced a hand wonderingly over them, momentarily distracted from his mission. It was only when he saw Adam squirm beneath his touch that he was reminded once more. He picked up the feather and then, after considering for a moment, grabbed quite a few others as well. He traced the long plumage up his thighs, a thousand fluttery kisses that surprised a squeak from Adam.
“W-Wait!” he stuttered, grinning helplessly. “T-Thahahat’s nohot fahair!”
“You agreed to this,” Ronan reminded him, delighting in his reactions though his face remained stoic. “Remember?”
“B-Buhuhut—” Adam protested, but ultimately he could find no excuse for something he had asked for, and fell back on the bed in a pile of giggles. It was unfair, he held fast to that. It was unfair because there was no possible way Adam could have known he was that ticklish on his thighs or that a feather would tickle him as much as it did. He had hardly ever been touched there, and when he had it was usually by Ronan and usually in far more erotic scenes than their current one.
He would like to say that had he known how sensitive he was, he would have told Ronan no. However, as sparks of feeling scurried through his nervous system to his brain, filling him with a sensation not too far off from floating, he thought that maybe he wouldn’t have. Adam closed his eyes and surrendered himself to the feeling and to the idea that this was far from the last time that Ronan would take a feather, or other things, to his skin in that torturous way.
Adam couldn’t help but smile at the thought.
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sighingsiren-tales · 5 years
So, I haven’t really said it much here but I have been healing from something terrible and this was my way of healing. I love astrology and this is something that I may start permanently in addition to the fan fiction I write here. I hope you enjoy it~Kae
*Note, this is from the perspective of a Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Mercury, Virgo Venus and Rising and Scorpio Mars. (I’m a female) 
❌My middle school boyfriend. Ha, you still hit me up and tell me i look cute and how we’re gonna have kids from time to time, maybe even flirt with me here and there. can’t say i don’t like it the attention but that ship sailed long ago. Funny, a definite goofball, popular after his insecurity phase was over. 
❌one of the first guys i fucked in college. lol you were fun, fun as hell. you were always easy going, funny and matched my energy relatively well but you were most definitely a fuckboy (sorry) you just liked pussy and women too much for us to ever work, assuming you even wanted us to work. You still tried to hit on me when i had a boyfriend (who was your roommate) and when you had a girlfriend. Bold as hell and he was h u g e.
❌ah, one of the few of your kind that I actually like on campus. loud personality but actually very timid. always asks me how to seduce people and tells me that I get what i want relatively easy. a ball of insecurities and emotion. learn your value king and get over that. 
❌over emotional man child lmao sorry. you want someone to be your mother and hold your hand and i can honestly say no one has hurt me like you have. too self absorbed, needs reassurance, can’t be himself. drinks and smokes too much. navy dude.
❌one of my self proclaimed brothers. he’s a bit of a hard ass and a commitmentphobe but he has a big heart and truly acts like a second dad haha. i love him as a friend. caring, soft, funny, protective asf (especially of me), won’t let me walk back to my dorm alone. 
❌my little brother. a pain in my ass. acts tough and hard, uses a lot of slang. needs attention and reassurance often. loves hard but can be annoying. told me he cared about me when i ran away. needs a healthier way to show his emotions. we butt heads a lot as kids. stubborn as hell. love you though kid 
❌ahh, this one (he’s a cusp kid, 4/20 hehe blaze it). honestly a super hero. so caring and sweet but also kinky and your handprint is kinda still on my ass. i had a crush on you before you did. honest, respectful, loveeessssss his mom, has a lot of female friends (which makes me a bit jealous). anime buddy. patient, protective, a bit of a temper (it’s kinda hot), the best kind of man. can get me to open up but strengthen me at the same time?? my superman, the only man i don’t mind being vulnerable to. reminds me of an anime character. a warrior with a heart of g
 ❌fun while it lasted and i’m pretty sure i was your flavor of the month and you were mine as well. you were funny, and meshed with my energy well. didn’t last long in bed tho😬 your laugh was contagious. really good dancer. can’t hold a relationship for your LIFE. not good with emotions, a free spirit. kinda wishy washy. didn’t like it when i avoided hanging out. 
❌quiet, had an intimidating presence. everyone thought you were scary but you were funny, logical and very headstrong. strong silent type. always opened up with me but no one else. has a “lone wolf mentality” strongest man i know. made me happy with who i am, gave the best advice. unmovable, easy going. the one i stay with at all family functions. a big chunk of my heart. love you big bro.
 ❌absolute trash lmao. always attracted drama and stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. ultimate instigator. i think you just need a diary and a xanax. everyone said you tried to break up me and my (then) boyfriend?? cute but annoying. an acquired taste (and that’s me being nice)
❌my little baby brother. the sweetest thing upon planet earth. always asks me if i’m okay, comes to me when he’s sad and cried when i told him i was leaving for college. tells me he loves my hair and nails and always protects his big sis. always excited to see me. so smart, a damn genius actually. amazing with technology. i love you so much little man.
 ❌ahh my first love. so caring, tender, sweet but had too many scars and wounds for us to heal together. we made so many mistakes with one another but you were always trying to be my own personal naruto and, for a while, you were. and for those few months you were my everything. kept me going when i wanted to die. kissed my scars all the time. always bought me food. loved to spoil me. had a temper and hid his emotions. put everyone before himself too much. things ended bad and our egos clashed. i hurt you. i’m sorry. the last words we said to each other were good bye and i love you. 
❌someone at college who wants to fuck me lmao. always hugs me really tight, stares me down in a way where i know he’s undressing me mentally. says love is bullshit but wants a happy ending and i know it. also also, you’re not fucking me lmao.
 ❌my summertime coworker. a party animal, mentally resilient and smart as all hell. we fooled around once lmao but it never got far. funny as fuck. never spoke about what he had going on but i know he was hurting. a perfectionist, a scammer. 
❌sweet in a weird kinda of way. always asks if i’m okay. always asks if i need something, always willing to help. trusts me to make my own decisions and encourages me to think for myself and watch my back. hard working, quiet with bit of a hardshell. never lets anything dictate who he is. love you uncle. 
❌my distant friends ex; wishy washy. not very good with commitment. really cute room and good fashion sense. pretty lips; respectful and honest fuck boy. made a move on me once after a party once. pops in and out of my life. 
❌invited me to a gala once. loved the attention of having me on my arm. hated my ex. smoked weed a lot, easy going and soft spoken. never got angry, went along with anything. probably in jail or in some legal trouble right now.
❌you wanna fuck me. lol i know you do and you’ve made it clear as the only thing you want me for. came up to my room and tried to barge in after i told you not to. kinda creepy. quiet. doesn’t say much. always seemingly where i am. in my same major, soooo tall, soft spoke voice. 
❌oh boy. obsessive. possessive, jealous. we were good friends. then you fell in love with me. i didn’t think of you that way. you told me it was okay and then began to blow up my phone with messages, text my friends to ask where i was and blow up on me when i said we needed space and cursed me out. safe to say we don’t talk anymore. when i blocked you, you emailed me an apology and asked my friend to tell me you’re sorry and give me your letter. overthinks a lot. always needs to be in the know and/or control. consuming. reallll timid and unconfident. weed addict. total beta male.
❌you’re sexy. i’ll give you that. and you’re smart. you pop and out of my life. easy going. sweet. quiet, distant and a little annoying with your wishy washyness. i took your virginity 😬 lmao yikes. always around a group of females. nice hair, always played in mine. really funny and the times where you matched my energy it was magic. 
❌lol uh i knew you in high school. went to harvard. super super attractive, very competitive and very funny. had a pretty chill vibe. i wanted to kiss you. had perfect teeth, the valedictorian of the class before me. 
❌a hardass, lol. sees things like they’re black and white. has a funny side, hilariousssss but in a mean kind of way. doesn’t show much emotions but you know he cares. blunt. caring in his own way. took me to get my first tattoo. affectionate in a awkward pat back type of way. when he sees me sad, he helps best he can although that’s not always in the best of ways. helped me get through my grammy’s death. my dad. 
 ❌ah the fwb that turned into my boyfriend. we should’ve never happened. i care for you but a relationship was a bad idea. we started based off sex. was fucking a lot of girls when when with me (9 of them lmao yikes 😬) aloof, funny, dorky, another anime buddy. thinks he knows everything, thinks he’s a god (literally), an emotional baby when it comes down to it. made me his reason and told me he loved me. i regret telling you i loved you too. gas s god complex and wants things to come to him with minimal effort. 
❌ahh, you always had a thing for me. you and everyone else told me. held my umbrella for me while we walked in the rain. told me i was perfect, always promised that you’d marry me. pop in my life from time to time. down with anything. 
❌ ahhh the forbidden fruit. distant, friendly, charming, a liar. very sexual, always complimented me and once told me he loved me(yikes). really cute, made me feel special, has been trying to get me for yrs. not sure if it’s just sex or if it’s more but not giving myself the chance to be hurt and find out. sometimes i wonder what we could’ve been but the drama attached to your back makes me think otherwise. i still think of you from time to time. great kisser. 
❌my self proclaimed older brother. really knowledgeable, wise, sweet, loves his girlfriend with all his heart. encourages me to open up. supports me the best way i need, not always want lol. funny, a meme lord, hilarious in a subtle way. knows he’s that bitch. has almost all female friends but still retains his masculinity perfectly stronger than he lets on. an absolute blessing. helped me learn to love who i was and to be open to living others.
❌a wanna be gangster. lmao wants to fuck me but not happening. a big ball of unsorted through emotions. needs to get over his toxic masculinity but soft, caring. a big ass baby. unfaithful and childish. needs to learn his self worth within himself. daddy issues.
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sonneka · 7 years
for the Sweet Affectionate Moments Meme, would you do 17 and KomaHina? ' v '
Hehehe, sorry for taking so long. I made this “drabble” twice, the first attempt being 4k words long and, well, I discarded it since it ended up being angst and I wanted it to be fluffy TTwTT
Fluffy… and a little bit nsfwish (just a tiny bit!), sorry not sorry ewe
17. A Love Bite
The only good thing about theFunhouse were the Deluxe Rooms. Seriously, Hinata and Komaeda couldn’t be moregrateful. They had a soundproof room to stay in, thanks to Komaeda’s luck forwinning it. But, even so, they still had to deal with a not too minor inconvenience…
Someone had to be murdered sothey would get out of the Funhouse and be free to eat something. It was already the secondday there, and things were starting to get difficult.
Anyway, this didn’t mean theycouldn’t have a little bit of fun meanwhile. Komaeda and Hinata surely knew howto let their worries fly away.
Again, the biggest benefit ofthe Funhouse: The Deluxe Rooms, Komaeda’s room, and it was obvious he wouldtake advantage of it.
Inside of the room, there wasa scene not quite appropriated for the situation they were in. But, at least, nobodywas telling them to stop and probably wouldn’t in the end. It was perfect.
Komaeda felt so lucky. Butthat could only mean bad news… right?
At this point, he kind ofdidn’t care much. He felt like dying inside, and the only cure for that (besidesfood) was Hinata devouring his mouth with kisses.
His room didn’t give a goodfeeling for them, too colorful and giving the impression of being part of some kindof cheap and creepy hotel. But it didn’t matter either, Komaeda was completely lostin Hinata’s touch, nothing else in mind.
With his back against themattress, trapped between it and the boy on top of him, he was left with absolutelyno control of the situation. The kiss was deep, as if wanting to cure thehunger with it. And, in fact, that was one of the main reasons they were doingthat in the first place.
It sounded like an excuse,but it wasn’t. Despite being attracted to each other and not being able to hideit anymore at this point, they wouldn’t have reached this limit if it hadn’tbeen for their despairing situation.
Komaeda was right in the end,hope needed despair to win. They were so close to it, he could actually feelit.
He moaned, just the thoughtof being this way with Hinata as something full of hope was getting him waymore aroused than expected. Hinata’s tongue playing with his, exploring eachother’s mouths. It was a magical experience granted by despair, to create awonderful hope.
Their bodies should be weakby now, the weakest. The second day without anything to eat, not even water todrink. And, even so, they were wasting their energy in pleasing each other likethe stupid and needy teenagers they were.
Komaeda circled Hinata’s neckwith his arms, pulling him closer as if that were even possible. He wanted totaste the other’s lips until his hunger fade away, until his desires could befulfilled, until hope won over despair. It was amazing, how they were so messyat kissing and, even so, they wouldn’t want to stop.
But, in the end, they bothneeded at least a bit of air in their lungs and pulled away, hardly breathing.
“H-Hinata…k-kun…” Komaeda gasped. Hislegs were twitching, almost shaking, feeling completely weak under the other boy’spresence on top of him.
The latter was also gaspingfor air, but he didn’t take his eyes off Komaeda. His hand travelling across the white haired boy’s torso, wanting to reach his neck.Komaeda’s thin and pale neck. At least he got rid of his green hoodie as soonas they both bumped into the bed, because it would have been pretty annoying atthis exact moment if he still had it on.
He became even weaker whenHinata rubbing his jawline with the tip of his fingers, nails softly scratchingthe skin. It felt ticklish, but good.
“Hm…” He was soembarrassed, but at least he was sure only Hinata would hear him. The worst casescenario would be Monokuma appearing to make them stop, but he wasn’t afraid ofa damn plushy and, besides, his luck would probably save them from thatpossibility too. Nevertheless, he shouldn’t be thinking about that. The onlything he wanted to care about now was focusing in the moment, in the pleasure…In the hope.
“This way you almostlook innocent, Komaeda,” Hinata chuckled. Was that supposed to be a compliment?Or just a joke? Because it wasn’t funny at all. Komaeda had never let anyonetoo close to him to discover that side of him, the innocent side… The pureside.
He had always lived in a fairytale story: waiting for someone to save him from the madness he was fated tolive in, and then have a happy ending with that someone. But that wasn’t howlife was supposed to be, and love wasn’t like that either.
His innocence about love wassurely something Hinata had to be surprised about. Komaeda was experiencinglots of new feelings because of him, and one of those were the cliché andstupid butterflies in his stomach while being under the other’s control.
It was obvious what his luck would wantto do next, but he was already dying inside, starving. And if he was going todie that way, at least he’d taste and enjoy Hinata’s lips as much as he could.He wouldn’t mind dying with the taste of that mouth as his last meal, it wouldeven be a meaningful death he didn’t deserve. And, because of this, he would bethe luckiest. Hope winning over despair in the end, just like wanted it to be.
“Komaeda,” Hinatacalled him again.
“Let me hear you.”
“Because you soundinnocent… And it kind of makes me want to forget….”
Forget that you should hatetrash like me, right?
But he couldn’t say thosewords out loud, he got trapped in a new situation. Hinata suddenly attacked hisneck, sucking the flesh and carefully biting it, sending little flashes of electricitythroughout Komaeda’s body. “Aaah… Hm…”
There was no more room forembarrassment in his mind, he could only think of the pleasure of having Hinatakissing his neck in a way he wasn’t expecting at all. Another new sensation toadd to the collection, was this what one of the biggest hopes felt like?
Was this… love?
And while Hinata was occupiedwith his mouth on the white haired boy’s neck, his fingers started tracing a path towards his face.
“Hi-Hinat…Mph…”His voice was completely muffled by two of Hinata’s fingers unexpectedly gettinginto his mouth. “Mmh…”
He was still moaning though, the saltytaste of the other’s fingers reminding him of how hungry he really was. It wasinevitable, sucking them and playing with his tongue, while biting softly andinnocently Hinata’s fingers just the way the latter was doing with his neck.
He felt so pleased, he even rolled hiseyes. And when he closed them, he could actually feel what heaven should be like.He couldn’t help grabbing Hinata’s hand his so he could lead his fingers evendeeper into his mouth, rocking his hand never getting enough of the stimulating taste.
He was so focused on pleasingHinata that he was even forgetting about his neck. What once started beinggentle, ticklish,now was being taken to a brand new level.
The bites on his neck becomingmore pronounced, almost hurting. It was a pain softened with pleasure, one moreunknown feeling to keep exploring. He even shrugged a little bit, as if hecouldn’t really handle that kind of sensation. “Hmm…”
Suddenly, Hinata abandonedhis neck and a wave of disappointment surrounded him. Komaeda wanted more, somuch more. However, when he saw Hinata’s expression while he was licking hisfingers, there was no way he could feel disappointed.
Now it was his time to shine.Even though his hope would never be as big as Hinata’s, he had to please himsomehow. He wanted to be useful for once.
Komaeda stared fixedly atHinata with his languid eyes, focusing on his tongue’s movements around theother’s fingers. Pulling them deeper into his mouth, sucking them, and thenpulling them away while gently biting them. He didn’t have a clue of what hewas doing but if it ended up being something Hinata liked, then he didn’t haveto worry too much about it.
“Do you feel less hungrythis way?” Hinata suddenly asked. His voice sounded serious, but a little grin was forming on his faceso there was nothing to be concerned about. And Komaeda felt that it was his time to stop, lettingHinata’s fingers go from his mouth and instantly wanting to have them backagain…
“Was this too much,Hinata-kun? I’m sorry I didn’t reach your expectations, someone like me waslikely to fail, right?”
Hinata just rolled his eyesand shut the other up with a new kiss on the mouth. Damn, Komaeda could kissthose lips all day long if he’d be able to do so. He didn’t hesitate to wrap Hinata’sneck with his arms, feeling they were back to where everything started.
However, before pulling away,Hinata unexpectedly gave a bite to Komaeda’s bottom lip, pulling the flesh alittle bit with his teeth.
“Hm…” he couldn’thelp moaning, again, knowing Hinata really liked that sound. But as soon asthey got separated again, he wondered… “Why was that, Hinata-kun?”
“I-I don’t know…”he could tell Hinata’s blush on his cheeks, “I’m hungry, you know.”
“I wouldn’t mind if youwanted to eat me alive right now. If it’s for the sake of Hinata-kun’s hope, there’sno way I could refuse.”
Again, the other didn’t seemto like that answer, Komaeda should start to learn how to keep his mouth shut.But the seriousness didn’t last long, fortunately, because Hinata’s eyessuddenly widened.
“What’s wrong?” Komaedawanted to sound relaxed, his arms still around the other’s neck, his fingersgently brushing his dark hair.
“Your neck… is…” he stifled alaugh. “I think you’re going to have some hickeys later…”
Komaeda tilted his head,confused, until he noticed what the other was talking about. All the kisses Hinataleft on his neck, those kisses that made Komaeda drown in pleasure, were goingto leave a trace of marks…  he’d had to check them out later. “Is that not okay for you? I can hide them somehowif it’s disgusting for you, or if you just don’t want the others to see them.”
“I didn’t mean that…” Hinata fellover Komaeda, growling. “Stop coming up with those kind of conclusions when Ididn’t say anything like that…”
Hinata’s weight on him… Itdidn’t feel bad at all, it actually felt lovely and warm. Komaeda’s cheeks weresurely burning, everything was way too perfect to be true, he was reallywondering what his luck had ready for him next. But, for now, he’d think ofHinata’s words a little longer. “Then you don’t mind me going around andshowing these hopeful marks you did to me, Hinata-kun?”
The mentioned one pulledaway, going back to stare right at Komaeda’s eyes. “W-Wouldn’t that be kind of…embarrassing?”
Komaeda chuckled and lookedaway, thinking deeper about that, yeah, it was embarrassing but… “If I also letmarks on your neck, would you be embarrassed?” His hands leaving Hinata’s hairto touch his neck by its sides.
“Yes, I would be. And notbecause ‘it was you’ or some other shit like the ones you usually come upwith,” he sounded angry but, in the end, he was also smiling. “Hickeys areembarrassing… that’s all.”
“Not for me, Hinata-kun.Every single thing you do is an act of hope for me, and I can’t be ashamed of hope.”
Komaeda knew Hinata wouldfrown after a comment like that one, Komaeda knew that Hinata was still farfrom understanding him. But, right now, he didn’t care. He was having a goodtime, and his only fear was the bad luck that had to come next. Everything wasbeing too easy right now… It was magical, he was even forgetting that they werestarving in a creepy Funhouse, until…
His stomach growled, in themiddle of the silence left between them.
Komaeda blinked a few timesand sheepishly smiled at Hinata, who limited himself to shake his headreluctantly. “S-Sorry…”
“So you’re still hungry,huh?”
“What does that mean,H-Hinata-kun?”
The brown haired boy onlyshrugged, as if wanting Komaeda to find the answer for himself. And, after afew but long seconds, he could come up with something. He stared right intoHinata’s eyes, a grin spreading across his face.
“Maybe… you can show me moreof your hope, Hinata-kun.”
“When you put it that way,you made me wonder if I’m making the right choices…”
And even though his wordscould sound harsh, he ended up being the one starting another hungry anddesperate kiss. Was this good luck again? Komaeda was really confused,everything seemed so wrong, yet so right…
But, well, when Hinataattacked his neck again, there was no room for thinking anymore.
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