bigbooobs · 5 months
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radiomaq · 1 year
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siempre bathroom selfie, nunca in-bathroom selfie 🤠
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wu-kongs · 2 years
What about macaque's sexuality? Personally i see him as pan but like wukong will run away from any emotional connection, no way is he gonna go through that again (whether the relationship with wukong was platonic or romantic, that scared him from any deep bond that may turn on him)
i would also consider maq pan. in the end, i genuinely can't see anyone living that long and being restricted to only a certain sector of attraction. i also feel like he would indulge in himself more, especially post-revival and post-...everything. like he's alive again. he can experience shit again. he's still tryna get over wukong mayhaps and some good pussy could drown his sorrows the hedonism is through the mcfucking ROOF.
but yeah he's definitely out here avoiding emotional connection like the PLAGUE. he's learned his lesson. he's got walls out for miles, and it's gonna take a little more than some casual boning to knock them down
i also think that he would be a top because. not to psychosexually analyze him. he needs that control in his life, especially when he had none even as soon as being revived. he could not let himself be vulnerable, it's just too damn scary
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therealmaquaroonie · 6 months
Happy 'Liam Plecak Presumed Dead Report' Day for all those who celebrate
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
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a lil obsessed ngl
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komal01 · 1 year
Sab kuch seekh liya;
Par zindagi guzarna na seekha gaya
- Jaun Elia
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lezkissgifs · 2 years
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dats-hq · 8 months
Kaito, Aoi, and the Importance of Digimon Survive's Intertexuality Across Routes
Digimon Survive is such a powerful narrative because its core theme is reinforced through its very structure as a visual novel. The game's radical belief in the ability for anyone to blossom into the best versions of themselves given the right circumstances is a powerful concept, but it could easily come off as naive. To avoid coming off as naive, there must be an acknowledgement of the darkest parts of our hearts.
It's like this:
In the Truthful Ending, Kaito has some issues with anger and overprotectiveness, but ultimately develops a slightly healthier relationship with his sister. A fine snapshot of a young boy's life over the course of a few weeks, but is it a snapshot of the young boy's soul? I think not. That snapshot comes in more parts. To see how his relationship with Miu would develop in more dire circumstances, you must see Moral Route. To see how he would cultivate a more strenuous relationship with Miu in light of a heightened sense of danger in the world, you must see Wrathful Route. To see who Kaito would become without Miu's grounding presence, you must see Harmony Route.
By seeing Kaito across four dimensions, you are able to form a picture of the actual Kaito. In composite, Kaito is obviously a good person. He is motivated by a desire to protect. He is brave. He cares for people. Even his friends who he betrayed in Harmony Route could see that deep down, Kaito had the potential to be a good person. This is seen when they all wish to extend an offer of forgiveness to Kaito, even after he resolved to destroy the world. By seeing Kaito at his absolute worst, we actually see a glimmer of his potential.
(I would like to clarify that I do not believe that Kaito "redeemed himself by dying," nor is it my reading of the text that Kaito was made to die as punishment for his misdeeds. I understand how one may come to those readings of the text, but I believe it was an unfortunate and unintended implication at worst.)
Aoi is an overachiever. She's a bright young girl, and that comes with certain expectations. If one were to look at her on a very surface level, you would think that she understands the importance of the responsibilities she's been given, and she doesn't mind the extra work. That is obviously bullshit, but to some extent, this is the image she puts out into the world. Aoi is not forthcoming about her emotions, so prior to meeting Labramon, she allows herself to stoically accept an unfair burden. Her fellow students take advantage of her, and her opinion is rarely respected among the other chosen children when discussing next steps. Without the ability to assert herself, she has all of the responsibility with none of the actual power. She must work hard, but she cannot do good.
This is a shame. Aoi is motivated by a strong sense of justice. The best version of herself is one who has the confidence to set boundaries and stand firm on issues she cares about, but much like Kaito, watching her grow into her best self is merely a snapshot of a few weeks in the life of a child. To truly plunder the depths of Aoi's soul, we must look into Wrathful Route.
In Wrathful Route, we see the most explosive expression of Aoi's convictions. She learns that a sense of justice is worth nothing if you don't have power, and power is worthless if it is not used. While nobody younger than Aoi dies in Moral Route, and Miu's safety in Harmony Route is Kaito's responsibility first and foremost, Saki's safety was squarely Aoi's responsibility.
Aoi's grief over her own failure to uphold her values causes an overcorrection. She is overcome with a desire to wield the maximum possible power and realize a twisted vision of maximum possible justice.
I love the gusto, Aoi, but human instrumentality is not a healthy response to traumatic invalidation.
It's important to stress that while I love Saki and think Saki/Aoi is an adorable ship, Saki's death is not the sole cause of Aoi's mental anguish. Saki's death was the catalyst for Aoi to close herself off from the community who could have helped her. The anguish began developing years prior.
In other routes, Aoi's relationship to her sense of justice, her responsibility, and her assertiveness develop in different ways, but by examining Aoi across four dimensions, we can understand Aoi's actual self. In composite, Aoi is a good person. She has strong convictions. She is protective. She is capable. There are a lot of ways these values can shape a young girl, and Aoi deserves a life where she has a supportive community to allow her to grow into the best version of herself. Don't we all?
At the core of both Kaito and Aoi, we find good people. I like to think you'd find the same at the core of everyone in real life, too. And yet, in real life, we obviously find people who do work to make the world a worse place. In Digimon Survive, we can see the paths not taken, for better and for worse. In doing so, we see the Truth of each character.
(This is not wholly unrelated to the appeal of "the Digimon as a reflection of the human partner's true self." In Dracmon, we see Kaito's protectiveness in a more trusting and easygoing package. In Labramon, we see Aoi's supportiveness in a more assertive package.)
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starry-kattz · 2 months
Macaque: Lady Bone Demon, where do we go when your destiny is complete?
LBD: We go somewhere far away and very very nice, where everyone you love is.
Macaque: Okay. Lady Bone Demon, why do I miss people who hurt me?
LBD: That's because you're a dummy. A stupid, little dum-dum.
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egolifontein · 4 months
Zee Maq (@ madammezee)
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heartgold · 1 year
Disorganized ep1 re-read thoughts to sort out properly later, **** and Natsuhi centric
At one glance Natsuhi being the narrative punching bag is fun from the standpoint of Sayo taking out her resentment towards her by writing her into Situations (maybe I'm reaching but the specific accusation Eva throws at her about pushing Kinzo thru the window onto the courtyard below reads like a stand-in for getting to accuse her of having pushed her off the cliff) but it's even more interesting and painful seeing how even with all that, she gives Natsuhi so much narrative focus, Especially with her struggles being a woman stuck amidst the chains of the Ushiromiya family and her feelings of inadequacy as a wife and mother. Natsuhi is relentlessly put through the wringer but also gets to be one of the stars of this episode. The bits with Natsuhi swearing to protect Jessica no matter what because a mother would become a demon to protect her daughter are so painful on a re-read considering what she did. And, again reaching, the part where Natsuhi runs people out of the study when there's a killer out there also reads as a stand-in for Sayo's feelings about having survived attempted murder by the woman who should've adopted and protected her. They even bring up that she would feel differently had it been Jessica instead, she wouldn't throw her beloved (biological) daughter to the wolves. Man.
Like. Underneath the resentment and sadness and anger it reads like Sayo tries to process the trauma of learning about what she did by trying to understand Natsuhi through writing her character and drawing parallels between them. The entire idea of women unable to fulfill the role of wives and mothers being treated as subhuman is presented in the story through Natsuhi's suffering, with the bitter realization later on that it was that very aspect of Natsuhi's pain that culminated into the incident in the first place and passed that pain forwards. There are too many feelings imbued into Natsuhi's characterization, many contradictions. Sayo grieves the adopted mother she never had being also the madam who was horrible to her as a servant her whole life and the reason her life snowballed down a thorny path while also understanding and resonating with her pain more than anyone else. It's a very delicate, bittersweet portrayal. It feels a bit similar to how she sometimes uses Kinzo as a stand-in for herself in a way that reads as very self-loathing, portraying her pain and the parts she hates about herself through the people who ruined her life, except Kinzo is reduced to a narrative spectre and a caricature, written as a pathetic dying old man crying over Beatrice and spouting nonsense about sorcery in the background to obfuscate the mystery from the fantasy, a dead narrative device pretending to be alive, whereas Natsuhi is brought to the forefront and her suffering as a woman wronged and dehumanized by the family are central to ep1. There's an immensity of contradictory feelings in there but it's clear how Sayo's resentment towards those two is on very different scales.
By comparison this makes it even clearer how ep5, the other Natsuhi-centric episode, was a forgery written without love. Besides the obvious with the entire premise of the message bottles being foregone by making Battler an accomplice, ep5 focuses purely on punishing and humiliating Natsuhi as much as possible for those specific aspects of her suffering, and "the man from 19 years ago" is characterized as primarily revenge-motivated when in truth Sayo's actions were a result of the depths of desperation and seeing no other future for herself or the family besides death, there was anger and catharsis in it but they were never the main goal, more like an internal justification for why they all should die alongside her. The whole thing tramples on the original meaning of the message bottles, which is very much The Point of this forgery from both meta and irl angles. The witch trial in the court of illusions reads a lot like an allegory for witch hunters discussing the latest forgery in internet forums in the worst faith possible and tearing the real tragedy apart in the process alongside the dignity and humanity of very real dead people. "Natsuhi wanted to defend Kinzo's honor even with all the torment he put her through? (ignores everything about her character centering being a woman fighting to be deemed worthy after being dehumanized for being unable to fulfill the role of a wife) what, was she FUCKING that old man? lol"
Speaking of that, something that's funny in a horrible way is how ep5 basically retells the entire "how did Kinzo leave the study?" argument from ep1 verbatim but with SO MUCH meta-mockery involved. Eva's receipt is now Erika's perfect seal (countering Natsuhi's defense that the receipt couldve been replaced). The idea that there could be hidden passages is instantly countered by Dlanor using the decalogue. Same goes for Battler's "what if grandpa was hiding under the bed and snuck out while you weren't looking?!" genius theory since Dlanor & co can magically check all spots simultaneously. And then "what if Kinzo was thrown out the window" is back except it's Battler having a midair anime battle with Dlanor (DESCRIBED AS LOOKING LIKE A KNIGHT ON A WHITE HORSE) over whether peepaw would jump out the window and survive and demonstrating it by flying outta there dramatically after dropping some epic action lines then Beato also jumping out and into his arms like a princess escaping a tower. It's hilarious with how it makes fun of everything but at the same time so painful how it tramples on everything ep1 stood for regarding The Heart. I'm just imagining GM!Lambda having so much fun coming up with this scenario because it's such a Lambda thing. Mockery thinly disguised with exciting action and cheesy lines and even a bit of romance. Pop cute etc let's take the piss out of everything and everyone. And also include a bunch of genuine hints and clues despite it all. It's not like I want you to make an epic comeback or anything
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radiomaq · 1 year
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hoy ya no soy yo
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rlmartian · 1 year
Not exactly what I imagined when he said he was crashing my dinner plans…
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my mac and cheese is now macaque and cheese.
part (2/12)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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loveselenade · 6 months
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[Image ids:
The top picture shows a fence on the foreground on the bottom left margin, and with a tower in the background. Mami is standing inside the tower, holding her magical item.
The picture at the bottom is a close up to Mami in the tower, holding up her magical item, which is glowing.]
I'm trying to watch more. But i bursted out laughing at Mami in the tower like a fucking sniper.
What is she doing over there??
Are both Homura and her keeping tabs on the newbies lol
Girls, don't look, but you might have two different stalkers.
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therealmaquaroonie · 12 days
Suitcase should be allowed to say swear words 2024
Reblog if you think suitcase should be allowed to say swear words
Like if you think suitcase should be allowed to say swear words
Ignore if you think suitcase should be allowed to say swear words
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