#mar 21 2022
aceofwhump · 2 years
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No. 21 FAMOUS LAST WORDS: Coughing up Blood
9-1-1 3x01 | Warehouse 13 4x01 | Killjoys 1x05 | Stargate SG-1 1x18 | Outlander 2x10 | Grey's Anatomy 8x09 | Mars 1x01 | The Originals 2x14 | The Witcher 1x05 | The Vampire Diaries 6x15 | Supernatural 3x09 | NCIS 2x22 | Arrow 3x09 | Legends of Tomorrow 5x06 | The Sinner 3x08
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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mikeywayarchive · 1 year
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Instagram story by kristincolby
[Aug 2, 2023]
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mpregspn · 2 years
in Changing Channels when they were trapped in that japanese game show and they had Dean say that both John and Mary would still be alive if not for Sam. i was like wow that's mean why not Dean. but i see now that's literally just bc Sam's the protagonist
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olberic · 11 months
puts head in hands. i changed my icon again. days since i had a tales icon: 611 0
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ragingcitrustree · 2 years
There’s a nasty winter storm that’s going to hit most of the central regions of the US tomorrow (21 December 2022), especially tomorrow night. Please check your local forecasts if you live anywhere east of the rocky mountains, even down as far south as Texas. In some areas of the Plains region, windchill is likely to be -50F to -70F. That is so cold that you will develop frostbite in minutes. You will lose extremities without protection if you are exposed to windchill that cold. -70F is “surface of Mars” cold.
My part of the US is going to be below freezing all next week. This is normal for some. Not so normal for others.
If your area is likely to be impacted by the storm, please prepare now. The most important thing is staying warm and staying inside until things warm up outside. Specific tips I can offer, as somebody who regularly deals with cold winters are:
Put blankets over windows and doors. This will help your house retain heat.
Stay well-fed. Buy food now. You will get hungry faster because your body will burn calories to stay warm.
Stay hydrated. If your lips are chapped you’re probably dehydrated.
Stay dry. Remove wet clothing as soon as possible. It is better to be naked than wet when it is cold.
If it is going to get below freezing for more than an hour or two, run your water at a trickle or drip to prevent your pipes from bursting. The colder it gets the faster your pipes will freeze.
Here’s the weather forecast for this storm:
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macleod · 6 months
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By analyzing the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances, CAP found that in 2022, union households held $338,482 in median wealth. Meanwhile, nonunion households had $199,948. Being in a union also substantially chips away at racial and educational wealth gaps, per CAP's analysis. Black, nonunion households have a median household wealth of $61,500; meanwhile, Black union households hold around $164,6000 in median household wealth. Black workers are also more likely than workers of other races to be in a union, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with their union membership rates outpacing their white, Asian, and Hispanic counterparts. Unions particularly pay off for workers without a high school degree and again seem to be bridging educational wealth gaps, per the data. The median wealth of union members without a high school degree is over three times that of nonunion workers without a high school degree — $69,510 compared to $22,800 respectively.
Unions work, Unionize.
Source: Juliana Kaplan, Business Insider, Mar 21, 2024.
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On 7/31/2019 Trump has a private meeting with Putin. On 8/3/2019, just 3 days after his private meeting with Putin Trump issues a request for a list of top US spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusually high number of their agents are being captured and/or being murdered. During the search executed at Mar A Lago the FBI find nore documents with lists of U.S. informants on them.
A Timeline
• FBI wiretapped Russian gambling ring headquartered at Trump Tower for two years - March 21, 2017
• Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador - May 15, 2017
• Trump, Putin Meet For 2 Hours In Helsinki - July 16, 2018
• Rand Paul Goes To Russia And Delivers Letter For Trump, Marking Our Era Of Irony - August 9, 2018
• Following the Money: Trump and Russia-Linked Transactions From the Campaign to the Presidential Inauguration - December 17, 2018
• The US extracted a top spy from Russia after Trump revealed classified information to the Russians in an Oval Office meeting - September 10, 2019
• Trump’s Loose Lips Force US to Extract Spy From Kremlin - September 10, 2019
• Was Mar-a-Lago Trespasser a Tourist or a Spy? A Judge Said Her Story Didn’t Hold Up. - November 25, 2019
• Trump downplays massive cyber hack on government after Pompeo links attack to Russia - December 19, 2020
• Russia has been cultivating Trump as an asset for 40 years, former KGB spy says - January 29, 2021
• There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder - April 17, 2021
• Longtime GOP operatives charged with funneling Russian national’s money to Trump, RNC - September 20, 2021
• Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants - October 5, 2021
• Files Seized From Trump Are Part of Espionage Act Inquiry - August 12, 2022
• Ex-Clinton aide implies 'President of France' file found at Trump's home during Mar-a-Lago raid could be valuable to Putin as 'kompromat' - August 13, 2022
• Inventing Anna: The tale of a fake heiress, Mar-a-Lago, and an FBI investigation - August 22, 2022
• Russians used a US firm to funnel funds to GOP in 2018. Dems say the FEC let them get away with it - October 30, 2022
• Trump makes shocking comments about trusting Putin over US 'intelligence lowlifes' - January 31, 2023
• Russia's Prigozhin admits links to what US says was election meddling troll farm - February 14, 2023
• GOP operative sentenced to 18 months for funneling Russian money to Trump- February 17, 2023
• Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources - October 5, 2023
• 'So appalled': What witnesses told special counsel about Trump's handling of classified info while still president - April 24, 2024
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Why Millennials aren’t leaving Tiktok
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TOMORROW NIGHT (Mar 22) in TORONTO, then SUNDAY (Mar 24) with LAURA POITRAS in NYC, then Anaheim, and more!
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The news that Gen Z users have abandoned Tiktok in such numbers that the median Tiktoker is a Millennial (or someone even older) prompted commentators to dunk on Tiktok as uncool by dint of having lost its youthful sheen:
But "why are Gen Z kids leaving Tiktok?" is the wrong question. The right question is, why aren't Millennials leaving Tiktok? After all, we are living through the enshittocene, the great enshittening, in which every platform gets monotonically, irreversibly worse over time, and Tiktok is no exception:
To understand why older users are stuck to Tiktok, we need to start with why younger users relentlessly seek out new platforms. To some extent, it's just down to youth's appetite for novelty, but that's only part of the story. To really understand why people come to – and leave – platforms, you have to understand switching costs.
"Switching costs" is the economists' term for everything you have to give up when you change products or services. Switching from Ios to Android probably means giving up a bunch of your apps and purchased media. Switching from an airline where you're a high-status frequent flier to another carrier means giving up on free checked bags and early boarding.
In an open market, rivals have lots of ways to lower these switching costs (it's an open secret that you can call an airline and say, "Hi, I'm a 33rd Order Mason on American Airlines, will you make me a Triple Platinum Diamond Sky-Baron if I switch to Delta?"). Of course, big incumbents hate this, and do everything they can to increase their switching costs, finding ways to impose high switching costs that punish disloyal consumers who have the temerity to go elsewhere.
With social media, lock-in comes for free, thanks to the "collective action problem." Getting people to agree on a given course of action is hard, and as you add more people to the picture, the problem gets harder. It's hard enough to get half a dozen people in your group-chat to agree on where to go for dinner or what board-game to play. But once you're reliant on a social media service to stay in touch with friends, relatives around the world, customers, communities (say, rare disease support groups), and coordination (like organizing your kid's little league car-pool), the problem becomes nearly insoluble. Maybe you can convince your overseas relatives to switch to a Signal group, but can you do the same for your small business's customers, or your old high-school pals?
Taken together, switching costs and collective action problems make platforms "sticky," and sticky platforms inevitably enshittify.
Platforms, after all, generate value. They connect end-users with each other (say, little league parents) and they connect end-users to business customers (you and your small business's customers). That value needs to be parceled out among end users, business customers, and the platform's shareholders. A platform can make life better for business customers at its end users' expense by increasing the number of ads (hello, Youtube!), and it can make life better for its shareholders at its business customers' expense by decreasing the share of ad revenue given to publishers or performers (oh, hello again, Youtube!).
From a platform's perspective, the ideal state is one in which end users and business customers get no value from the platform, because it's all being captured by the platform's shareholders. But if Youtube interrupted every 30 seconds of video for ten minutes of ads and paid the video creators nothing, both users and creators would ditch the platform – and advertisers would follow:
So platforms seek an equilibrium: "what is the least value we apportion to end-users and business customers without triggering their departure?" Maybe that means giving more value to end-users (for example, keeping Uber fares low by suppressing wages), or to business-customers (crowding more ads into your social media feed).
Every business – including brick-and-mortar, non-digitized ones – wants to find some kind of equilibrium between the value going to its suppliers, its customers and its owners, but digital businesses have an advantage here: digital systems are flexible in ways that analog, hard-goods businesses are not. Digital businesses can alter pricing, payouts and other dynamics from moment to moment – second to second – and make a different offer to every supplier and customer. They have a bunch of knobs, and they can twiddle them at will:
Well, not quite at will. Businesses face constraints on their twiddling. If they get too greedy, users or business customers might weigh the cost of staying against the switching costs and decide it's not worth it. But the more expensive – the more painful – a platform can make leaving, the more pain they can inflict on the people who stay.
In other words, there's two ways to keep a customer or supplier's business: you can make a better service so they won't want to leave, or you can make leaving the service so painful that they stay even if you mistreat them.
There's three ways a digital company can make things worse for their customers and users without losing their business.
First, they can eliminate competition (think of Mark Zuckerberg buying Instagram to recapture the users who'd fled Facebook to escape his poor management):
Second, they can capture their regulators and avoid punishment for trampling their suppliers' or users' legal rights (think of how Amazon has raised the price of everything we buy, both on- and off Amazon, through its "most favored nation" deals):
Third, they can use IP law to prevent competitors from modifying their services to claw back some of that value (think of how Apple used legal threats to block an Android version of Imessage, blocking Apple customers from having private conversations that included non-Apple customers:
Companies can't just use this tricks at will, of course. Antitrust laws can block companies from making anticompetitve acquisitions or mergers. Regulators can punish companies for cheating their customers, workers and users. Technologists can come up with clever ways of modding or reconfiguring existing services with "interoperable" add-ons that let users bargain for better treatment by refusing to accept worse:
Day in, day out, the decision-makers at tech companies test these constraints, twisting the knobs that shift value away from users to shareholders. Their bosses and boards motivate them with "KPIs" that dangle the promise of huge bonuses and promotions for any manager who successfully enshittifies part of the company's products:
Decades of pro-corporate, pro-monopoly policy has loosened those knobs. 40 years of lax antitrust meant that companies had a lot of leeway to buy or merge with rivals – that's changing today, but it's tough sledding:
As sectors grew more concentrated, they found it easier to capture their regulators, so that they no longer fear punishment for price-gouging, spying, or wage-theft, so applying the same amount of torque to the "break the law" knob cranks it a lot further:
Once you've captured your regulators, you can aim them at your competitors. A monopoly-friendly policy environment has transformed IP law into a bully's charter, allowing powerful companies to strangle would-be competitors who dare to offer their customers tools to shield themselves from enshittification, like scrapers, ad-blockers and alternative clients. Big companies can crank the enshittification knob all the way over and know that smaller rivals knobs won't turn at all:
At one point, bosses faced one more constraint on knob-twiddling: their workforce. Many tech workers genuinely cared about their users' welfare, something bosses encouraged as a sneaky trick to get techies to put in long hours without exercising their leverage by quitting rather than destroying their lives to meet arbitrary deadlines. These workers would fearlessly slap their bosses' hands when they reached for the enshittification knob, threatening to quit rather than allowing the products they'd given so much for to be enshittified. Today, after hundreds of thousands of tech layoffs, tech workers are far less like to challenge their bosses' right to twiddle, and far more likely to get fired if they try:
All this means that tech bosses don't have to change their approach at all, and yet, their services will grow steadily worse. The boss who twiddles the enshittification knob in exactly the same way as he did a year or a decade ago will find it turning much further, because his customers are locked into his platform, his regulators won't protect them, the same regulators will stop his competitors' attempts at countertwiddling, and his workers fear losing their jobs too much to speak up for their users.
That's the contagion that produced the enshittocene: the forces that constrained companies (competition, regulation, self-help and labor – all melted away, allowing every company's MBA-poisoned knob-twiddling leaders to shamelessly caress their knobs with every hour that God sends:
Which is why people want to leave platforms. When a platform loses its users, those users have weighed the switching costs against the pain of staying and decided that it's better to bear those costs than to stay.
So why have Tiktok's younger users found the costs too high to bear, and why have their elders remained stuck to the platform?
For that, we have to look at the unique characteristics of young people – characteristics that transcend the lazy cliche that kids are easily bored, fickle novelty-seekers who hop from one service to another with unquenchable restlessness.
Whether or not kids are novelty-seekers, they are, fundamentally, a disfavored minority. They want to do things that the platforms don't want them to do – like converse without being overheard by authority figures, including their parents and their schools (also: cops and future employers, though kids may not be thinking about them as much).
In other words, kids pay intrinsically lower switching costs than adults, because a platform will always do less for them than it will for grownups. This is a characteristic kids share with other supposedly technophilic, novelty-seeking "early adopters," from sex-workers to terrorists, from sexual minorities to trolls, from political dissidents to fascists. For those groups, the cost of mastering a new technology and assembling a community around it is always more likely to be worth bearing than it would be for people who are well-served by existing tools:
Pornographers didn't jump on home video because of its superiority as a medium for capturing flesh-tones. Home video was a good porn medium because it was easier to discreetly get into the hands of porn consumers, who could, in turn, discreetly view it. The audience for porn in the privacy of your living room is larger than the audience for porn that you can only watch if you're willing to be seen marching into a dirty movie theater.
Every new technology is popularized by a mix of disfavored groups and neophiles, who normalize and refine it – and yes, infuse it with their countercultural coolth – until it becomes easy enough to use to become mainstream. As more normies drift into the new system, the switching costs associated with leaving the old system declines. It gets easier and easier to find the people and services you want in the new realm, and harder and harder to find them in the old one.
This is why tech platforms have historically experienced sudden collapse: the platform that gets more valuable and harder to leave as it accumulates users gets less valuable and easier to leave as users depart:
If you're a Gen Z kid on Tiktok, you experience the same enshittification as your Millennial elders. But you also experience an additional cost to staying: as late-arriving adult authority figures become more fluent in the platform, they are more able to observe your use of it, and punish you for conduct that you used to get away with.
And if you're a Millennial who isn't leaving Tiktok, it's not just that you experience the same enshittification as those departing Gen Z kids – you also face higher switching costs if you go. The older you get, the more complex your social connections grow. A Gen Z kid in middle school doesn't have to worry about losing touch with their high-school buddies if they switch platforms (they haven't gone to high school yet – and they see their middle school friends in person all the time, giving them a side-channel to share information about who's leaving Tiktok and where they're headed to next). Middle-schoolers don't have to worry about coordinating little league car-pools or losing access to a rare disease support group.
In other words: younger people leave old platforms earlier because they have more to gain by leaving; and older people leave old platforms later because they have more to lose by leaving.
This is why Facebook is filled with Boomers. Yes, their kids bolted for the exits to avoid having their parents (or grandparents) wading into their sexual, social and professional lives. But the reason the Boomers were late joining younger users' Facebook exodus – or the reason they never joined it – is that they stand to lose more by going. Facebook deliberately cultivated this dynamic, for example, by creating a photo hosting service designed to entice users into uploading their family photos while disguising how hard it would be to take those photos with them if they left:
The irony here is that tech has intrinsically low switching costs. All other things being equal, a new platform can always build a bridge to ease the passage of users from the old one. There's no (technical) reason that moving to Mastodon, or Bluesky, or any other platform should mean cutting ties with the people who stayed behind.
A combination of voluntary interoperability (where old platforms offer APIs to allow new services to connect with them), mandatory interop (where governments force tech companies to offer APIs) and adversarial interop (where new companies hack together their own API with reverse-engineering, scraping, bots, and other guerrilla tactics) would hypothetically allow users to hop between networks as easily as you change phone carriers:
Tech platforms tend to offer APIs when they're getting started (to ease the inward passage of new users) then shut them down after they attain dominance (locking the door behind those users). The EU is tinkering with mandatory APIs through the Digital Markets Act (though bafflingly, they're starting with encrypted messaging rather than social media). Restoring adversarial interoperability will require extensive legal reform, which is getting started through Right to Repair laws:
The people who are stranded on social media platforms shouldn't be mistaken for uncool, aging technophobes. They're not stubborn, they're stranded. Like the elders who can't afford to leave a dying town after the factory shuts down and the young people move away, these people are locked in. They need help evacuating – a place to go and a path to get there.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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matan4il · 4 months
On this Yom Ha'Zikaron Le'Chalalei Ma'rachot Yisrael (Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims), I figured it's important to remember that Israeli victims did not exist solely on Oct 7. We have lost loved ones before and since. Here's a list with just one random victim to represent each year. Please scroll down the list to see how far back it goes.
(part 1/5, all parts in the reblogs)
2024: On Jan 7, we lost 19 years old Shai Garmai
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2023: On Oct 7, we lost 28 years old Osama abu Madiam
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2022: On Nov 23, we lost 18 years old Tiran Faro
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2021: On May 12, we lost 5 years old Ido Avigal
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2020: On Aug 26, we lost 39 years old Shai Ochayon
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2019: On May 5, we lost 49 years old Zaid al-Chamamda
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2018: On Dec 12, we lost Amiad Israel Yish Ran, who was murdered in his mother's womb
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2017: On Nov 22, we lost 21 years old Hodaya Nechama Assoulin
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2016: On Oct 25, we lost 14 years old Rami Namer abu Amar
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2015: On Feb 17, we lost 4 years old Adelle Biton
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2014: On Oct 22, we lost 2.5 months old Chaya Zissel Brown
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2013: On Dec 24, we lost 22 years old Salech al-Din abu al-Atayef
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2012: On Jul 18, we lost 28 years old Yitzchak Idan Kolangi
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2011: On Apr 17, we lost 16 years old Daniel Aryeh Viplich
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2010: On Feb 26, we lost 52 years old Netta Blatt Sorek
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2009: On Apr 2, we lost 13 years old Shlomo Nativ
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2008: On Mar 6, we lost 26 years old Doron Trunach Mahareta
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2007: On Jun 17, we lost 85 years old Meir Cohen
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2006: On Aug 10, we lost 4 years old Fatchi Assdi
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2005: On Jul 12, we lost 16 years old Nofar Horvitz
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2004: On Sep 29, we lost 2 years old Dorit Massarat Binsan
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2003: On Sep 9, we lost 20 years old Naava Appelbom
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2002: On Nov 10, we lost 4 years old Noam Levi Ochayon
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2001: On Dec 12, we lost 42 years old Ester Avraham
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2000: On Nov 21, we lost 19 years old Itamar Yefet
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1999: On Jun 24, we lost 34 years old Tony Eliyahu Zanna
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1998: On Dec 2, we lost 41 years old Osama Moussa abu Aisha
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1997: On Mar 13, we lost 13 years old Natali Alkalai
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1996: On Feb 25, we lost 57 years old Yitzchak Elbaz
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1995: On Jul 24, we lost 60 years old Zehava Oren
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As Tumblr limits a post to 30 images... part 1/5 - the next parts will be posted in the reblogs momentarily. Please check out the full list.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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henrykathman · 1 year
The Greatest Movie You'll Never See! - Goncharov (1973)
I believe that I have made the most comprehesive video essay on the 1973 film Goncharov that has been released to date, including restored footage, interviews, and rare behind-the-scenes insight into this forgotten film.
More info below the cut
Special Thanks to Molly Noise (She/Her) for composing the original music Matt Crowley (He/Him) for his quotes Marisa BeBeau (She/Her) for graciously letting me interview her. You can support her work at @sabertoothwalrus
You can also buy a copy of the 'Nico the Catboy' zine here!
Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Penguin Books, 1935, pp. 1–26. Connanro. “Goncharov Master Document.” Google Docs, 20 Nov. 2022, docs.google.com/document/d/1Fbcn96MKyc1Bky6c0Ffex4APtar9iNht8ytfZHPpSss/edit#heading=h.bpd1oee4nr3q. Accessed 16 Mar. 2023. Jacobsen, Emily. “Ratatouille the Musical (Full Show).” YouTube, 9 Dec. 2020, www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pdTi-R-Apw. Accessed 15 Mar. 2023. Juli. “Goncharov Score Masterpost.” Tumblr, 21 Nov. 2022, www.tumblr.com/thisisnotjuli/701573313313587200/goncharov-score-masterpost?source=share. Accessed 16 Mar. 2023. Lauren Shippen. “Ice Pick Joe Quote.” Tumblr, 1 Nov. 2022, thelaurenshippen.tumblr.com/post/701652426816733184/i-know-that-ice-pick-joe-operates-mostly-as-a. Accessed 15 Mar. 2023. Marisa BeBeau. “Nico the Catboy Archive.” Sabertoothwalrus, Tumblr, 25 Oct. 2020, sabertoothwalrus.tumblr.com/tagged/nico%20the%20catboy/chrono. Accessed 15 Mar. 2023.
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punksocks · 1 year
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*reading charts for $75 (~10+ pages)per session
(!!Please credit me if you’re going to use/reference my observations! Thank you!)
Astrology Observations:
-Family edition
-No.9 (18+ only)
-No.11 (18+ only)
-No.16 Lilith Edition
-No.18 (18+ only)
-No.22 Lilith Edition Pt.2
-No.24 (18+ Only)
-Capricorn Observations (BDay Edition)
Lilith Posts:
-Lilith Square Ascendant
-Lilith Astrology Observations
-Black Moon Lilith & Your Untamable Femininity
-Lilith aspecting Asc culture
-Lilith Astrology Observations Pt.2
-To Tame The Untamable: Lilith & Obsession (Pt.1)
-To Tame The Untamable: Lilith & Obsession (Pt.2)
-Lilith & His Femme Fatale (18+ only)
-You (show) Astrology Analysis
-Spiderverse Astrology Analysis
-Ghibli Movies For The Signs
-Scorpio Asc/Pluto in 1st and Jealousy
-Opinions on the Moon Signs
-House Synastry
-Sagittarius & Where You Attract Foreigners
-Placements For Romantic Archetypes Pt.1: Accidental Playboy (18+ Only)
-Venus and Your Gifts From Aphrodite
-Decoding the Elements
-Placements For Romantic Archetypes Pt.2: The Siren (18+ Only)
-Placements for Romantic Archetypes (Pt.3): The Girl/Boy Next Door
-Capricorn Observations
—Opinions on the Mars Signs (18+ Only) (pt.1)
-Signs you’re on the right or wrong path
-Warning Signs That You May Have A Toxic/Karmic Significant Other
PAC Readings:
-Why do people stare at you?
(Open for aspect/placement questions (only answering 18+ questions for people over 18 !!), taking paid birth chart readings -please no birth chart pics in my inbox, closed for guessing signs)
-Likable/Charismatic Placements
-Lilith Opposition Ascendant
-Will I travel to foreign lands?
-Man’s Lilith conjunct woman’s moon
-is it normal to breakdown
-how to approach sag sun cap moon
-how to approach cap sun aqua moon
-What Art will I make and what will my audience be like?
-mars opposition asc
-Lilith appreciation (1 & 2)
-Leo mars s*xuality (18+ only)
-Lilith appreciation
-Taurus sun, Libra moon, Leo Asc
-Virgo Mars when they like you
-Lilith conjunct Venus in 8th
-Unlikeable Placements
-Neptune in 8th (18+ only)
-Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Leo Asc
-Neptune conjunct North Node
-What Lilith do I study?
-Venus conjunct Ascendant & 12th House Synastry
-Super Attraction Synastry
-How to get them back
-My opinion on beauty indicators
-Placements for Romantic Archetypes (Pt.3): The Girl/Boy Next Door
-Aquarius Sun, Capricorn moon, cancer ascendant
-Saturn in 7th & Relationships -Venus, Chiron, Lilith, & Part of Fortune in Sag in 7th
-Libra Asc, Gemini Sun, Aries Moon
-Am I ready for my Saturn return?
-What do you want for 3k celebration? (Closed)
-Sada (1998)
-You Won’t Be Alone (2022)
-Saturn in 6th
-Pisces moon/neptune conjunct moon
-Saturn lesson learned
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roguestorm · 17 days
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This is a compact reading guide, meant to give readers an introduction to the character of Ororo Munroe AKA Storm in only 50 issues!
This guide prioritizes issues that showcase Ororo's personality, beliefs, and relationships. It cannot be comprehensive, as it is only 50 issues, but it will hopefully provide a useful starting point for readers wanting to get to know the character better.
Classic Era (21 issues, dating from 1976-1985)
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #98-103 – An iconic set of issues that takes the X-Men from Manhattan to outer space to Ireland.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #149-152 – Storm has run-ins with the X-Men villains Magneto and Emma Frost.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #159 – An attack on Ororo leaves her changed, in a supernatural way.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #169-173 – Storm meets three different women who make her question her beliefs.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #180 – After recently making some changes in her life, Ororo faces disapproval from a teammate.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #185-187 – A terrible accident upends Storm's life.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #201 – Returning to the X-Men, Storm fights for her place on the team.
Modern Era (28 issues, dating from 2014-2022)
Storm (2014) #1-11 – Storm balances her many commitments, as a superhero, a teacher, and a friend.
X-Men (2013) #23-26 – While grieving a loss, Ororo finds herself distracted on a mission.
Black Panther (2018) #13-18 – Ororo is called on to help her ex-husband as he tries to take on the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda.
X-Men Red (2022) #1-7 – As the leader of a newly terraformed Mars, Storm must manage threats both internal and external.
And for the 50th Issue:
Storm (2024) #1 is set to release October 2. This is a great place to jump into reading current Storm comics!
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beautifulmars · 4 months
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HiPOD: Channels in Enipeus Vallis
The objective of this observation is to examine small channels. They may be caused by lava or water, as there are many lava flows here. Enipeus Vallis is a valley in the Northern Hemisphere of Mars, following a North-South path for about 357 km (222 mi). Enipeus is a river god in Greek mythology. (Black and white cutout is less than 5 km across; enhanced color cutout is less than 1 km.)
ID: ESP_075329_2185 date: 21 August 2022 altitude: 290 km
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hollandorks · 2 years
transcendent -- motn oneshot
battinson!bruce wayne x f!reader
a/n: Hi! Long time no see! In honor of motn's one year birthday/ anniversary (I first posted on March 21, 2022), I decided to give you guys a little treat...without further ado, here's (most of) ch. 30 from Bruce's POV. I'm using the taglist from the last chapter of sitn, so let me know if you want me to remove your tag!
***this chapter is NSFW. 18+***
Series Masterlist
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word count: 5670
Bruce was drowning himself in the Batman. 
He couldn’t stop seeing the blade slide into the soft flesh of y/n’s stomach. Even before that, he’d gotten her beaten and stabbed and drugged and kidnapped–he was no good for her. 
He craved her warmth, her company, more than anything, but he was a danger to her. She had almost died because of him. 
So he stayed away, a punishment for himself and protection for her. 
Working had always been his solace, so work he did. Every night he threw himself into the protection of Gotham and its citizens, even when he hadn’t slept in two days, when he hadn’t eaten in hours. He absorbed the blows of criminals like they were his own punishment. The pain kept him awake, kept him grounded…
Kept him away from her. 
Alfred’s words still haunted him. Every time his eyes closed for a second, he heard the words. You deserve someone like her. You are good enough for her.
But he wasn’t good enough for her. Not even close. 
Bruce took a deep breath in through his nose and held it, then went back to documenting his night in the Gotham Project journal before him. He ignored the mess around him. He’d set everything back up…eventually. Right now all he needed was the one table and computer. Everything else could wait. 
A flash of memory–pain and guilt and so much anger–and he pushed it away. 
The elevator started rattling its way upwards. He ignored it like everything else and kept writing. Probably Alfred, coming to chastise him some more. He deserved it. 
He barely felt the chill in the air against the bare skin of his chest as he wrote. It felt good. It kept him awake. He needed to stay awake, because sleeping was dangerous. 
When he slept, there was only blood and pain and death. 
The elevator doors slid open. 
“Bruce.” It took everything in him not to respond to her voice. If he ignored her she’d leave him alone. At least, he hoped. He kept writing as the video feed from his night played on. But of course she wasn’t deterred. “If you don’t talk to me I’m going to–I don’t know, put itching powder in your armor. Paint your mask pink. I don’t know! Look at me.” 
He let out a breath of a laugh. He couldn’t help it. He briefly imagined her, frown on her face, sitting cross legged painting his mask pink, a smudge of paint marring her cheekbone. 
She stomped closer to him and took him off guard by shoving him. Hard. His instincts kept him still, body absorbing the movement like it was nothing. 
He took another slow inhale, then turned and paused the video. 
He was a plant turning to face the sun after days of rain. He was drawn to her, to her warmth, her light. It was an impulse, an act of nature, something he couldn’t control unless he really tried. She was the brightest spot in the dim underground, the warmest thing for miles. 
But Bruce kept his face cold, distant, as if the sun didn’t exist near him. 
“If you don’t stop brooding, so help me–” She paused, eyebrows drawn together like she couldn’t think of another serious threat as bad as itching powder or pink masks. She pressed her hand flat against his sternum. Her touch was searing hot, almost uncomfortably so. He grabbed her wrist but couldn’t bring himself to push her away. He needed her touch like oxygen, and his body knew it. 
“You can’t avoid me forever. I’m not quitting my job until you talk to me.” 
His eyes narrowed as his heart stopped. “You’re still quitting?” he said, when really he wanted to shout, No!
“He speaks!” she said with a little twist to her lips, something like pride in her features. “I promised I would. But not until you stop being so–so–I don’t know, broody. I already told you I wouldn’t let you shut me out. I gave you time. Too much time.” 
He still held her wrist. “I’m not brooding.” He let her go as if burned and turned back to the screen. He pressed play so he could go back to documenting his night. “I’m working.” She was too close to him. He needed her closer. He needed her to go. He needed her to stay. He needed–he had no idea what he needed, only that what he wanted and what was best were two completely different things. 
She reached around him and smacked the button so the video stopped again. She shoved herself between him and the screen, forcing him back a few steps. The warmth of her was like a flare in the night. Her sudden invasion of his space took him off guard. 
“You’re brooding, and it’s because you almost killed me.” 
He couldn’t help his flinch, the words landing like a physical blow. He’d been doing–not well at ignoring it, exactly, but he’d been able to ignore it some. There had been so much blood, blood that still stained his hands–
“Go ahead,” she said, interrupting the memory. “Feel bad about it. It sucked. Is that what you want? Me to never forgive you? Me to hate you? To call you a bad man? A murderer?”
His breath came in panicked gasps. This was what he deserved but it still hurt. It ached. She wouldn’t let up, each of her words landing with such precision he half-expected to see blood blooming from his bare chest. She poked him right in one of the sore spots. Her eyes flashed. “Fine. You’re an asshole, I hate you, and I wish you would die.” 
The pain of the words washed over him. He trembled even as his eyes narrowed. He knew her. She was going to make a point with all of this, he knew she would. But there was still that small part of him in the back of his mind that let the words hurt. 
“Oh, is that not what you wanted to hear?” she continued scathingly. Her voice was pitched higher than normal and she was breathing just as heavily as he was. “Fine, how about the truth? It wasn’t your fault. There’s nothing to forgive. There never will be. I don’t hate you, so you can’t hate yourself. In fact, you big, dumb, stubborn asshole, I still love you.” 
The words dropped like stones within him. He opened his mouth even as she glared. He didn’t know what he was going to say–that he loved her, that she shouldn’t love him, to leave him alone, that he wanted to kiss her. Before he could speak, she was jabbing her sharp little finger into his chest again. 
“No! I’m not done. Since you’re finally listening. I don’t care if you–if you feel differently. If you see me as a friend. Or as just an employee. Batman’s partner. I don’t care! Even if it’s–fucking crazy! Because I’m in love with you, and I want you to know that you are still worth being loved. I don’t care what you’ve done. You’re a good man. Nothing will change that in my eyes. Do you get that? Nothing. You fucking stabbed me and almost killed me and I still fucking love you!” A single tear slipped from the corner of her eye and over the apple of her cheek. She swiped at it quickly, still glaring, still breathing hard. 
I still fucking love you. 
Bruce shoved away from her. His hands shook as he ran them through his hair. 
The words were too big. Too much. The love he felt for her was overwhelming, especially since it was destroying her. He was dangerous, and he would get her killed sooner or later. He’d been lucky that she hadn’t died, that he hadn’t killed her. But there would always be another chance for that, if she stayed close. If he let her in. If he let her love him, he would get her killed. 
Everyone he loved ended up dead, after all. Just look at his parents. 
He walked over to his motorcycle, still on its side from his fit of rage weeks ago, and righted it just to have something to do with his shaking hands. 
He had to make her see. She had to understand how dangerous a thing like his love would be. How dangerous it already was. “I almost killed you. I almost killed you.” The words were blades as they ripped from his throat. 
He blinked, and she was in front of him. Her hands were blazing hot as she put them on either side of his face. 
“I don’t care,” she said fiercely, the words utterly convicted. “It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t you.” 
“I’m not a good man, y/n,” he whispered. To his horror, a tear fell from his eyes. He loved her so much, and she loved him, but the universe was cruel and had already tried taking her from him too many times. It was for the best that he stayed away, that he pushed her away. 
“You are,” she said. “In your heart, you’re a good man. Even good men do bad things sometimes.” 
The hope, the love, shining on her face was too much. “You don’t get it. I’m–I’m no good for you. You deserve someone who is good. Not someone made for the shadows. Not someone…angry like I am. Someone who won’t put you in–” 
“Stop it!” she said sharply. She grabbed his face again. “Look at me.” Reluctantly, he did. “I have seen the darkest parts of you, Bruce Wayne. And I am not afraid. I have seen the worst parts of you and I am still right here. I’m angry too. I’m–I have been just as complicit as you have in all of this. I killed James Maxwell. I–” 
He shook his head vehemently as he closed his eyes against the onslaught of memories. “No,” he said. “You’re not like me at all, y/n. You’re too good.” Even the darkest parts of her were brighter than the lightest parts of him. He was made of shadows, made to stay in them, made to stay out of the light. And she was the sun, trying to burn those shadows away. But there was no light without shadows, and he could never be the brightness she deserved. Not ever. 
“I love you,” she said. “Every part of you. I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way about me, I want you to know that. You make me feel safe. I love every part of you. ” 
He shuddered at the weight of the words. “You shouldn’t.” 
“When have I ever listened to you?” she asked with a small smile. His mouth twisted. Never. She’d never listened to him, and he loved her for it. “I love you, even though you’re impossible. And stubborn. You have to stop blaming yourself. I’m alive.”
“Don’t you get it?” he said. His voice broke on the words. “Don’t you see? I love you and I almost killed you.” His hands pressed flat against her back. He shook against her. He was coming apart at the seams, all of his grief and darkness pouring from him in a wave. Didn’t she see? “All these people I’ve been trying to save, and I would have let all of them die if it meant saving you.” 
She stared up at him for a beat, mouth parted in surprise. 
And then she kissed him.
It was a reflex to kiss her back, a starving man confronted with a feast for the first time. Her lips tasted like salt and he couldn’t tell if they were his tears or hers. He pressed her against the work table, hungry for more, his fingers spreading against her ribcage and her back, trapping her against him. Her warmth completely stole the chill from the air and he almost groaned into her mouth at the sensation. 
She made a soft noise and his mind went hurtling back to her on the floor beneath him, black dress wet with blood, her eyes on his as she told him she loved him even as his blade tried to steal her life. 
He pulled away, the memory turning the salt on his tongue metallic like blood. “I can’t,” he whispered, anguished. “Every time I look at you, I see your blood on my hands. I can’t do this.” 
But oh, how he wanted to. How he needed to. 
He forced himself to go to the elevator and make his way upstairs. A shower–a cold shower. Then he could go back to work. Maybe he’d even go sleep at the signal tower. He couldn’t be near her, couldn’t corrupt her anymore, couldn’t be confronted with the blood on his hands anymore. Her blood. His blade. 
His body went on autopilot like it had so many other times in the past weeks. Alfred would probably call it a defense mechanism. 
He shed his boots inside his bedroom then went for the makeup wipes he had stashed everywhere. He let his mind go blank. He couldn’t–wouldn’t–think about what y/n said. 
But of course she wasn’t giving up. She appeared in the doorway to his bedroom within a minute. He loved that about her, he always had, but at that moment all he wanted to do was hide like a child under his blankets and not come out for anything. 
“Bruce,” she said. He pointedly turned away from her. “Bruce, you can’t just–”
“Please,” he said, voice cracking. “I can’t do this. Not now.” 
She stepped up to him and once again placed a hand on his bare chest. She traced one of his scars. Physical proof of his anger, his violence, his darkness.
“I don’t care. Please look at me.” 
After a long moment, he murmured her name. It was all he could manage. He was scraped raw inside, every nerve and every emotion laid bare. 
“Look at me,” she said. “I’m alive. There’s no blood on your hands. There’s nothing I need to forgive you for.” He looked down at her. Her expression was still fierce, still convicted. “I can’t believe you almost killed me and didn’t tell me all of this sooner, you fucking jerk.” 
He let out a soft noise but didn’t smile. “I’m no good for you,” he said again. But he could feel himself losing the fight. Her proximity was a heady drug, and he craved it, just like he craved the love she was so desperately trying to give him. 
“Bruce, I killed a man.” Something flashed across her face that looked a lot like guilt. Bruce wanted to take the feeling away from her, to carry it for her, to make sure she never felt it again. “I killed a man to save you,” she said again. “And here you are, beating yourself up over almost killing me when it wasn’t even your fault. If anything, I’m no good for you.” 
He pulled her closer and breathed her in. “I don’t care,” he said. “I should care, but I don’t. Not when it’s–not when it’s you.” 
“Don’t you get it, then?” she said softly. The love in her eyes was so intense it was a physical caress against his face. He unconsciously leaned into it. “That’s what I feel about you. I don’t care about any of it.” 
He saw how clearly she meant it. She didn’t care. He tried not to let the hope take him over, but it crested on a wave and threatened to pull him under. “I’m sorry,” he finally managed to say. Sorry for hurting her, sorry for doubting her, sorry for loving her, sorry for all of it. 
But there she still was, patiently waiting on him. She was stubborn, even when it came to matters of the heart. He stared at her in wonder. She loved him.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. Except for maybe not telling me that you loved me sooner.” She gave him the lightest of kisses and then closed her eyes. Her next words were uncertain.  “Do you mean it? Because I’m going to be so pissed off if you don’t.” 
He huffed a laugh and then groaned. “Yes.” 
And this time he let himself give in. He let himself trust her. She was so much stronger than he realized, so he let himself fall into her, into loving her. She could hold him. She could carry the weight. 
Her kiss seared through him. He groaned into her mouth, and then again as her hands started exploring his bare back and chest. Her touch lit him from within. He expected to open his eyes and see flames. It was overwhelming, the love and desire he felt for her. He had never felt this way for anyone. He had never expected to feel it, either. 
He pulled away with his eyes still closed. He rested his forehead on hers and simply breathed her in. “Every time you touch me, it’s like–like I’m on fire,” he said softly. “It’s too much. It’s not enough.” 
Her hands stilled their exploration and rested on his back. “I thought you didn’t want me, all those times you didn’t want me to touch you,” she said. “But I couldn’t make myself stop wanting you.” 
“I never said I didn’t want you,” he said. He kissed her again to prove his point. “That night you first kissed me–” He groaned as her hands slid up over his ribs and around his neck. Tangled in his hair. He couldn’t think with her touching him like that. “–I wanted it to be your choice, wholly your choice. Not because you were upset at work, or because you were drunk. I have never stopped wanting you.” 
Instead of responding, y/n kissed him again like she was desperate. Like she was afraid he’d walk away again. The fire in his blood built into an inferno. 
“Touch me, Bruce Wayne,” she murmured against his lips. Those goddamn words, he thought hazily as he moaned and backed her up to the edge of the bed. He had never known desire like this. He lifted her so her legs would wrap around him and their bodies nestled together perfectly. He knew she could feel his hardness pressing against her. Her eyes were blown wide with desire, which only built the fire within him further. 
“I love you,” she said as his lips sought out the soft flesh of her neck. 
This time, when the words rose to his tongue, he set them free. “I love you,” he said against the fluttering pulse in her throat. 
“I’m so mad at you,” she said breathily. He went still. Had he done something wrong? Then she groaned and ground herself against him. The movement was so unexpected that his hands fisted in her shirt. “I’m so mad that we could have been doing this sooner.” 
His expression cleared, and he laughed. “I love you,” she said as she kissed him again. 
“Touch me,” she told him as one of his hands scraped against her breast over her shirt. “Please.” 
He was already lifting her, keeping her against him exactly as she was. “You’re a bully,” he said against her neck as he held her up with one hand and fumbled with her shirt with the other. His tongue traced her lower lip. 
“If I had known that bullying you into talking about our feelings would–” Her words cut off with a moan as his bare hands glided up the skin of her ribcage beneath her shirt. “–lead to this, I would have been bullying you every single day for weeks.” 
He kissed her again. She belonged in his arms, he thought. She belonged against him just as she was. He never wanted to let her go. “Well, maybe that would have been worse,” he said pragmatically. “The doctor did say absolutely no sex for six weeks.” 
Her legs clenched around him. His breath left him in a rush at the sensation, and she was still clothed. He realized he might not survive this, because his heart already felt as if it were about to give out and they hadn’t even properly begun yet. 
She seemed to realize the effect she had on him and, with a wicked grin, clenched her thighs again. 
He had her pinned against the bed with his body in half a second. His hips settled against her like her body was made for him, and she let out a moan that almost made him burst into flames, it was so hot. 
“Hey–” she said, pulling away. “He told you what the doctor said?” 
Bruce rested his elbow on the mattress behind her while the other held her by the ass. His hand flexed on its own accord. She was so soft. “Like I said before, meddlesome old man.” 
He didn’t want to talk anymore, and especially not about Alfred. Not when y/n was spread below him, her body just begging for him to touch and taste it all over. His eyes roamed over her form for a split second before he bent his head to kiss her again. She squirmed underneath him. 
He wanted to devour her. 
He gave in to the urge and yanked her shirt and bra off. Her breasts were perfect, so he paused to kiss them, give them the attention they deserved. Her skin was so soft, especially compared to the calluses on his own hands. The small noise she made when his mouth touched her skin encouraged him to do more. 
It wasn’t enough. He wanted her to feel good, to know how much he wanted her, to know how much he wanted to swallow her whole in the flames of his desire. 
Somehow his body knew what to do. Without thinking, he knelt and pulled down her shorts and underwear until she was entirely bare before him. 
His mouth went dry at the sight.
“Jesus,” she said on a breath as his mouth drifted across her inner thigh. He kissed her higher, experimenting to see how she’d react. “Fuck.” He was on the right track, then. He kept kissing higher and higher, stopping before he reached the place he really wanted to taste. 
His gaze snagged on the angry scar on her abdomen. The one he’d given her. Reverently, he lowered his head and kissed the puckered skin. 
He looked back up at her, hoping she could see everything he was feeling, because he wasn’t sure how to say it out loud. 
Then he lowered his head once more. She moaned the moment his lips touched her and her fingers tangled in his hair. Something about the sensation coupled with the taste of her on his lips made him twitch in his pants as he moaned against her. He paid her back by slowly, slowly sliding a finger into her wet heat. 
She growled impatiently and it was so endearing that he smiled. 
“Please,” she said, polite yet bossy, so he obliged with another finger. Every response he pulled from her with his mouth and fingers informed his movements. The louder the sound, the more she liked what he was doing. He experimented with movements, learning her body slowly but surely. He let his tongue circle her clit as his fingers moved in and out of her, seeing if she liked it when he curled them. 
He’d had no idea that tasting her, pleasing her, would be so…erotic. He could climax just from this, he decided, especially with the sounds she was making. 
He didn’t know how long had passed when her entire body suddenly shuddered and the noises she made changed. He could feel her clenching around his fingers as she shook. 
“Fuck,” she said as she heaved for breath. “Fuck,” she said again. She was so utterly beautiful spread out before him, her body loose with her pleasure. Her body trembled again. Her fingers fisted in his hair. “Bruce–” 
He watched her come down from her high, feeling pleased with himself. He had done that to her, had made her look and sound like that. Even inexperienced as he was, he had made her feel good. 
She sat up suddenly, still completely naked, and yanked at him until he understood what she wanted. He stood to his feet and stared down at her. He watched her look at him, eyes roving hungrily over his exposed abdomen, before she pressed a kiss there that made him impossibly more turned on. She kissed one scar–the one from the night they met–and then the scar from the night she’d been kidnapped. Her eyes lingered there for a moment, her expression softening. 
Then a wicked gleam sparked in her eyes as she rubbed her hand over him through his pants. His hips bucked involuntarily. She stared up at him and the sight was so erotic he nearly came right then and there. His mind spiraled forward to things her mouth might do to him and–
And what came after. 
Something he’d never done before. 
He suddenly felt unsure. Would she expect more from him than he could give? What if it wasn’t good for her? What if she knew he’d never done anything like this before? Would she care? 
“I–” he tried to say, but the words wouldn’t come. Y/n stroked him through his pants again and all thoughts briefly left his head. He clenched his fists and tilted his head back because simply seeing her naked on the bed before him was almost too much to handle. 
She didn’t notice his hesitation, unbuttoning his pants swiftly and pushing them down over his hips almost greedily. 
He caught her hands in his own. “I–I’ve never done this–” His face was hot with embarrassment. “I’ve never–”
“Bruce,” she murmured gently. “It’s okay, we don’t have to–” 
“No,” he said, then breathed a laugh. She’d utterly misunderstood him. Couldn’t she see–couldn’t she feel–how much he wanted her? “I want to, I just–” 
She took that as permission to rid him of his underwear next and his words choked off. “I want to, too,” she said. Her eyes lowered. Her lips parted as she took him in, licking her lips absentmindedly. God, her mouth. She tore her eyes away from his nakedness and locked her eyes on his. “I’m yours,” she said simply. “However you want me. Even if you want to wait.” 
“I don’t want to wait anymore.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, her hand wrapped around him. His hips jerked again. There was a wicked glint in her eyes. 
He grabbed her hands again to stop her. “Play later,” he growled. Because he really didn’t want to wait anymore. He wanted her, all of her. 
She laid back on the bed with a soft sigh and watched as he fumbled in the nightstand for a condom. 
He saw her watching and flushed again. “I…may have gotten these before the gala.” He tore one open with his teeth. He tried very hard not to think about how embarrassing it had been trying to find the right kind and how he’d had to call Alfred when the sheer amount of choices had overwhelmed him. 
She laughed. “Feeling cocky, were you?” she said, with a pointed look and a wink. 
“I was–Let’s just say–” He swallowed. He turned his focus to putting the condom on, trying not to seem too new at it. When he looked at her again, his gaze roved hungrily over her naked body as he said, “The night didn’t go like I’d wanted.” He got on his knees on the bed and nudged her legs apart. He settled between them, body trembling in anticipation. “I have never stopped wanting you,” he said again, softer this time. He leaned down and kissed her deeply. 
“I’m yours,” she whispered against his lips. He pulled away to look down at her, already deliciously disheveled, his cock pressed against the soft flesh of her lower stomach. She squirmed slightly, making him twitch against her. The desire was going to kill him, he realized. 
“And I’m yours,” he echoed softly as his hands explored the soft curves of her. Did she know how beautiful she was? How perfect she was? How much she had changed his life? “I love you,” he said, savoring that he got to say the words to her at all. That he got to mean them. 
And then finally, finally, he pushed into her, sliding in like a puzzle piece designed specifically for her. And she said, “I love you,” as they connected, both of them moaning quietly at the contact. 
Bruce practically shook with the need to move as he held himself still above her. Instead, he rested his forehead against hers. “Is this okay?” 
“No,” she said, and a weight dropped in his gut. Of course he was doing it wrong. Of course he– “I–more,” she said, the word almost incoherent. Her legs wrapped around his waist and with one easy movement, her hips shifted and he sank the rest of the way inside her. For a moment, he saw stars. She must have too, because she moaned his name and squeezed him more tightly against her, a small tremble moving through her body and into his. 
Again, his body seemed to know what to do, and his hips moved. She wasn’t close enough–he wanted her all over him, every inch of her against every inch of him. He grabbed at her waist and lifted her so that he somehow slipped even more deeply inside her. She cursed, drawing a smile from his lips. Her head was tilted back slightly, her eyes hooded, her body soft against him, all around him. 
“Extraordinary creature,” he said just to make her smile. It worked, and seeing the expression on her face made his heart twist in his chest. 
He moved against her, her fingernails biting into his shoulder blades, one of her hands tangling in his hair. And again, the sensation coupled with that of being inside her sent a jolt of desire through him so sharp he moaned. She smirked then did it again, making his cock twitch inside her. He’d had no idea that someone pulling his hair, of all things, could be so sinful. 
He shifted his grip on her hips so he could lean his head against hers and drink her in. She moaned, approving of the new angle, and he stole the sound off her lips with his own. He paused to keep himself from going over the edge too soon. After a moment, he started moving again, hips bucking into her, the slide so easy and perfect it drew sounds from deep in his chest. 
Faster. Harder. The more he moved, the tighter the desire deep in his gut coiled, making him moan her name in ecstasy. 
He’d had no idea sex would be like this. He’d had no idea that loving the person you desired, that having them love you back, made it so much…better. Would it always be like this? He hoped so. 
Her muscles tensed around him, her back arching as he moved. He was right with her on the building wave of pleasure. It built and built and built, her noises becoming desperate, pleading, until she shuddered around him. She clenched around him, the sudden tightening sending him over the edge right behind her. 
His vision went white, her name on his lips, and the moment exploded into perfect ecstasy. 
It was transcendent. 
“Fuck,” y/n said quietly as they clung to each other. He rubbed small circles into her skin where he held her. 
Bruce was too stunned to speak. She giggled at something, fingertips brushing his face before he captured them and kissed the tips. Then he leaned down and kissed her lips. The kiss deepened, and that feeling of transcendence built. 
He had never loved someone like he loved her. He hadn’t even known he was capable. 
There was a warmth in his chest now, like a piece of the sun itself was lodged there. He was aglow in its warmth. 
“I love you,” she murmured when he pulled away. He gave her a lopsided smile. “Okay?” she asked, suddenly seeming almost self conscious. He kept grinning at her. Okay? Was he okay? 
“Better than okay,” he murmured as he stood. It was the biggest understatement he had ever made. He threw the condom in the trash can next to the bed. “Are you…okay? Did I hurt you?” She had seemed to enjoy it as much as he had, but he had no baseline to compare the experience to. 
She stretched languidly and smiled dreamily at him. “I am way better than okay.” He grinned at her again as he pulled on a pair of comfortable sweatpants. She watched his every move, eyes sharp as they trailed over his body. He felt a swell of male pride at that, enjoying that she was looking, enjoying that she was enjoying the sight of him. Enjoying the possessiveness in her gaze.
She rolled to her side and used her hands for pillows. Bruce couldn’t help but stare at her breasts and the curve of her hip as she moved. She was his, this extraordinary creature, and he was hers. 
The warmth in his chest carried him to her to brush a soft kiss against her temple. She sighed happily as she stretched again and stood. She smiled over her shoulder, corners of her eyes crinkling, as she stepped into the bathroom. 
Bruce thought about how desolate he’d felt just an hour before. How…alone. Guilty. Desperate. 
And now…now y/n was naked in his bathroom, her love buoying him and lightening the load of his guilt. 
A smile spread slowly across his face.
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joshiji-darling · 3 months
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ㅤ𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫 ⭑⚝
(수인의 연기경력)
synopsis: she start debuted in 2016 at the age of 21, under the cut is all of suin's roles and kdramas
follow my tiktok for more content
Descendants of the sun
(태양의 후예) → feb. 2016 
─⚝ character name: Kim Miseul (김미슬)
─⚝ age when filming: 21 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Yang Taewoo (양태우)
─⚝ played by: Nam Joohyuk (남주혁)
─⚝ his age when filming: 22 y/o (1994)
Guardian: The lonely and great god
(쓸쓸하고 찬란 하 - 도개비) → Dec. 2016 
─⚝ character name: Min Yeoreom (민여롬)
─⚝ age when filming: 21 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Lee Juyeol (이주열)
─⚝ played by: Doh Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 23 y/o (1993) 
storyline (go read this to find out what role/character they play in the kdrama!)
100 days My Prince
(백일의 낭군님) → Sept. 2018
─⚝ character name: Hong-Sim / Yoon Yi-Seo (홍심 / 윤이서)
─⚝ age when filming: 23 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Won-Deuk / Lee Yool (원득 / 이율)
─⚝ played by: Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 25 y/o (1993)
Hotel Del Luna
(호텔델루나) → Jul. 2019 
─⚝ character name: Jang Manwol (장만월)
─⚝ age when filming: 24 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Koo Chansung (구찬성)
─⚝ played by: Yeo Jingoo (여진구) 
─⚝ age when filming: 22 y/o (1997)
Crash Landing on you
(사랑의 불시착) → Dec. 2019  
─⚝ character name: Yoon Saeram (윤새람) 
─⚝ age when filming: 24 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Park Juon (박주언)
─⚝ played by:  Lee Dongwook (이동욱)
─⚝ age when filming: 38 y/o (1981)
Hi Bye, Mama
(하이바이, 마마) → Feb. 2020
─⚝ character name: Cha Yuri (차유리)
─⚝ age when filming: 25 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Jo Kanghwa (조강화)
─⚝ played by:  Lee Soohyuk (이수혁)
─⚝ age when filming: 32 y/o (1988) 
Hospital Playlist
(슬기로운 의사생활) → Mar. 2020 
─⚝ character name: Park Geumjoo (박금주)
─⚝ age when filming: 25 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:  Song Minguk (송민국)
─⚝ played by:  Cha Eunwoo (차은우)
─⚝ age when filming: 23 y/o (1997) 
Mr Queen
(철인왕후) → Feb. 2021
─⚝ character name: Kim So-yong (김소용,  Queen Cheorin (철린여왕)
─⚝ age when filming: 26 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:   Yi Won-beom (이원범, King Cheoljong (철종)
─⚝ played by:  Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 28 y/o (1993) 
Extra- ordinary Attorney woo
(이사한 변호사 우영우) → Jun. 2022
─⚝ character name: Bae Yeseul (배예슬) 
─⚝ age when filming: 27 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Jeon Taebin (전태빈) 
─⚝ played by: Woo Dohwan (우도환)
─⚝ age when filming: 29 y/o (1992) 
The Glory
(더글로리) → Dec. 2022 
─⚝ character name: Moon Dongeun (문동은)
─⚝ age when filming: 27 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Joo Yeojeong (주여정)
─⚝ played by: Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 29 y/o (1993)
(무빙) → Aug. 2023 
─⚝ character name: Kang Gyu Ram (강규람)
─⚝ age when filming: 28 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:  Bae Doyoon (배도윤)
─⚝ played by: Ahn Hyoseop (안효셥)
─⚝ age when filming: 28 y/o (1995)
Lovely Runner
(선재 업고 튀어) → Apr. 2024
─⚝ character name: Im Sol (임솔)
─⚝ age when filming: 29 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:  Ryu Sunjae (류선재)
─⚝ played by: Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 31 y/o (1993)
kwon suin masterlist
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21 notes · View notes
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
03/16/24 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Samba Schutte; Megan Vertelle; Save OFMD 3rd Tier Survey; In Soup Now; Stun Move Sunday; AdoptOurCrew; Rhys Madness Party; Request Uproar!; Pirate Radio/BoatThatRocks; Fan Spotlight; A to Z Ed Teach Zine; Cast Cards; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Samba Schutte BTS =
Samba definitely delivered with the BTS today! Today was shout out to the set design folks regarding The Floating Market! Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
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The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 1
The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 2
The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 3
The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 4
The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 5
The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 6
= Megan Vertelle =
Brilliant Set Designer Megan Vertelle added some more bts for us in regards to the floating market today!
Source: Megan Vertelle Instagram Stories
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The Floating Market BTS - More Stills
The Floating Market BTS - Video Part 7
The Floating Market BTS - Video Bonus
== Save OFMD Crew - Survey ==
Please vote on the final stretch goal of the London Ad Campaign! It closes Monday 4 pm GMT / 12pm EST / 9am PST Link to the Survey
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= StunMoveSunday =
Time for another #StunMoveSunday! Join SaveOFMDCrew on Instagram!
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= In Soup Now =
Up to $1640 on the InSoupNow Fundraiser In Aid of Team HAVEN!
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For an extra bit of fun:
== EVENTS ==
= Adopt Our Crew: Rhys Madness Party =
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcreware hosting a celebratory even for Rhys' birthday week! More details tomorrow!
SRC: AdoptOurCrew Twitter
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== Request Uproar at your Local Theatre! ==
Today we heard back from @BlueFoxEntertainment and they have been kind enough to give us some instructions on how to request Uproar at our local theatres! Please go to: Blue Fox Entertainment Linktr.ee and follow the instructions below!
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== Watch Parties ==
Mar 17th: The Boat That Rocked AKA Pirate Radio Watch Party
7:30 pm GMT / 3:30 pm EST / 1:30 pm CST
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Watch Party Hashtags:
Mar 18 - Mar 22: Wrecked Season 3
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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== Fan Spotlight ==
== Ed Teach A to Z Charity Zine ==
I've been meaning to post this for a week or so and I kept forgetting! So please please please check out the #AtoZofEdTeachZine! You can still get it! Visit the following link. Just donate to an LGBTQ+ charity, $10-15 depending on which version you'd like and they'll email you the zine! Great cause with AMAZING ARTISTS AND WRITERS! Please please check it out! Thank you @xray-vex!
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= Cast Cards =
Another wonderful card for the most forgiving chief, Gary Farmer! Check him out in Reservation Dogs! Awesome show! Thank you as always to @melvisik for keeping the case collection coming!
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== Dedication to Matthew ==
For Matthew One of our dear crewmates, Stephanie, lost her son back in 2022. They both watched S1 together, and tragically he passed away not long after. Stephanie has been an active member of our crew for years now, and she reached out to Rhys and he made a lovely Cameo for her. Some of you may have already seen it as she's been kind enough to share it with us previously, but after talking with Stephanie and hearing about who Matthew was, I wanted to put together a small dedication to him, and share Stephanie's words with you with her permission.  Please visit this post here on tumblr for the whole story or here on the Repo for those of you not on tumblr.
== Love Notes ==
Happy Saturday Lovelies! It's already Sunday for all the folks over on the other side of the Earth, and the weeks starting up again.
Today's been a bit of a long day, and I've been bad about not getting enough sleep lately so I'm gonna leave a couple notes from other folks. I hope you have a lovely evening or morning and know that you are incredibly loved as your imperfect unhinged self. Love you all <3 Night.
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme-- SWEATERS! Darby Gif Courtesy of @kiwistede Taika Gif Courtesy of @/Lightyear on Tenor
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43 notes · View notes