#marche blanche
conatic · 10 months
Source: lavenir.net
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Marseille, France, 19 June.
On Sunday evening, three separate shootings took place in the northern quarters of Marseille, in which three people were injured.
The first victim was shot in the arm in the 13th district, the second was a 20-year-old man who was seriously wounded in the arms in the 14th district, and the third victim was a man in his 40s who was seriously wounded in the abdomen in the 15th district. Police have launched an investigation, but no link has yet been established between the three shootings.
2. The Stop Croisières collective in Marseille is raising awareness about the development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as the main resource for cruise ships, arguing that it is a climate bomb emitting a considerable amount of greenhouse gases.
The collective targeted the MSC World Europa ship and deployed banners criticizing the cruise industry's "greenwashing" tactics.
The president of the Club de la croisière Marseille-Provence argues that technological progress on the latest generation of engines can contain methane leaks and promotes synthetic methane as a way to achieve zero carbon emissions.
3. Protests were held in Marseille yesterday by families and supporters of victims of homicides and gang violence, demanding justice and peace.
The protesters called for more resources for the justice system to solve ongoing cases and address underlying issues, such as the lack of public services and inadequate housing.
The demonstration aimed to raise awareness and demand action from both residents and public officials to address the pervasive issue of gang violence in Marseille and other areas.
4. Three police officers were injured in Aubagne, France, after a driver deliberately rammed into their vehicle during a police chase.
The suspect abandoned their car and fled on foot, but was later apprehended by the police.
Two of the injured officers received five days of sick leave, while the third suffered a fractured tibia.
5. A parasite responsible for cryptosporidiosis infection was detected in the water supply of five communes in the Alpes-Maritimes region of France.
Restrictions on water consumption, including boiling water for two minutes before drinking, remain in place, and bottled water will be distributed to vulnerable populations.
No new cases of the infection have been reported since June 12th.
6. Olympique de Marseille is still without a coach.
7. Kylian Mbappe was chosen as the captain of the French football team after Hugo Lloris retired from international football earlier this year.
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Rituel d'amour puissant,envoutement d'amour puissant,Voyant medium puissant Paul
Appel Téléphonique: +229 55 62 02 77
Vous souhaitez connaitre l'amour, mais vous n'avez ni amoureux ni prétendant ? La magie blanche peut vous aider à travers la pratique de quelques rituels .RETOUR RAPIDE D'EMOTION, RITUEL D'AMOUR PUISSANT ET RAPIDE, RETOUR AMOUREUX IMMÉDIAT, RETOUR AFFECTIF RAPIDE ET IMMEDIAT,La magie blanche pour attirer l'amour est une magie inoffensive, qui ne convoque que de bons esprits et se sert d'objets positifs (bougies, fleurs. Le rituel d'amour ou rituel pour attirer l'amour : dans quelle situation faire appel à moi ? rituel d'amour maria do carmo. Les rituels d'amour . Le rituel de séduction du médium voyant est un puissant travail de magie blanche qui rend la tâche facile à tous ceux qui ont envie d’entreprendre une vie amoureuse mais qui n’ont pas assez de cran pour s’approcher de la personne aimée. Que cette personne soit d’un rang supérieur au votre (Une star de la musique vivant dans votre région, un homme d’affaire ou femme d’affaire qui n’est pas facile à aborder, ou quelqu’un que vous trouvez plus beau ou plus belle que vous), ce rituel peut marcher sur lui. A l’aide de ce rituel de séduction, vous pouvez séduire toute personne de votre choix et sans avoir à faire beaucoup d’effort. Cette personne ciblée fera le travail à votre place (C’est elle qui va se manifester pour vous faire part de son envie de sortir avec vous).
Le Vaudou offre bien des possibilités exceptionnelles pour tous. C’est une alliance subtile et secrète de sons ancestraux, d’incantations magiques, de symboles telluriques, de substances et de lumières issues de bougies consacrées, vous voulez retrouver l’être aimé ? Vous désirez un désenvoûtement contre un rituel ? Quelle que soit votre situation, je m’efforce de trouver la bonne solution pour le retour de votre affection. Les rituels du grand voyant et médium incontournable PAUL sont d’une efficacité incomparable
Délais pour faire revenir votre affection
En seulement 72 heures, il peut s’occuper de votre cas. Même s’il lui arrive parfois de refuser certains rituels trop dangereux, ce choix reste avant tout pour votre bien. Contactez-le sans crainte
Appel Téléphonique: +229 55 62 02 77
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maraboutbadou · 1 year
Comment jeter un sort amoureux à distance, envoûtement amoureux efficace
Envoûtement amoureux efficace Un rituel est un puissant moyen de concentrer son intention afin de réaliser un but. Dans le cas des rituels de magie rouge, l’objectif est « l’amour » (ou la convoitise). Il faut croire en la puissance de la projection d’une forte intention positive, afin d’obtenir ce que vous désirez. Apprenons ensemble comment jeter un sort qui va vous apporter l’amour que vous…
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Comment faire revenir son ex grâce à la magie blanche amour ?. Le retour d'affection qui marche à 100% en 3 jours, WHATSAPP : 00229 61 70 70 82
Comment faire revenir son ex grâce à la magie blanche amour ?. Le retour d'affection qui marche à 100% en 3 jours, WHATSAPP : 00229 61 70 70 82
Le retour d’affection est un rituel ayant pour objectif la renaissance des sentiments d’amour qu’éprouve votre ex pour vous . C’est une succession de rituel d’amour que pratique le Marabout Toffa Agbigbi depuis des décennies. Ainsi pour que le rituel fonctionne en 3 jours,il faut une rigueur et un marabout sérieux comme Toffa. Comment se passe le retour d’affection en 3 jours? En effet, comme je…
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guardianspirits13 · 9 months
Chalice of the Gods main takeaways:
Himbo Smoothies = Male Hooters. No further comment.
Ganymede, aka Zeus' boytoy
Riptide is child proof, which begs the question why it works for literal 12-year-olds. What is the cutoff age for using magic weapons???
"If I tried to sing, it'd probably cause an avalanche"
Blanche and Nico would get along great
Perseus Jackson is a TERRIFYING force if nature
Her due date,,, the Ides of March,,,
Grover is the best
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andypantsx3 · 6 months
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CONTENT & WARNINGS: pro hero au, gender neutral reader, established relationship, care-taking, aged-up characters, smut (reader gives shouto a shower handjob), 18+ minors please dni!
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Shouto looks worn as he toes off his boots in the genkan.
It's not the first time your boyfriend has come home looking tired, and it's thankfully nothing like the bone-deep exhaustion that always pulls at him after a truly harrowing shift. But it's very clear Shouto has stretched himself today, judging by the slightly slower, more ginger way he's carrying himself.
Drawing closer, you can see dirt and ash scraped over his high cheekbones, and that much confirms your suspicions. Definitely a tough take down today, if he's looking this beat up.
"Hi Sho," you say, hurrying over to throw your arms around him, relieved to have him back in your hands. It's a little easier with the height the genkan step gives you, putting his broad shoulders in easier reach. "Tough day today?"
Shouto's arms come around you as he presses his face into your shoulder, breathing in deeply. He's cold, the chill from outside still lingering on his clothes, on his skin. He smells like ash and sweat.
"Hello, love," he says, his voice a low rumble you can feel against you. "It was... difficult."
You grip him tighter, holding him to you. "I'm glad you're safe."
His mouth is warm on the skin of your neck. "I am glad to come home to you."
A smile pulls at your mouth as you pet through his hair. It's soft and silky, but a little piecey—the after effect of having used phosphor, you know. You spend a couple moments absently running your fingers through the strands, clinging to as much of his shoulder as you can reach, reveling in the feeling of him back in your embrace, home safe where you like him best.
Shouto lets you hold him, face still pressed into the crook of your neck, the line of tension in his shoulders unwinding. His breath tickles your skin, slow and even. You cling just a little bit more tightly.
"Let's get some soup in you and get you in the shower, huh?" you say after you've stood like that for some minutes, your voice a little startling in the quiet of your apartment. You lightly tug on a hunk of his hair, inquiring.
Shouto doesn't move, just huffs softly into your shoulder.
You can't help but grin again, charmed by him as always, shifting so you can clutch his face in your hands and pull him up for a kiss instead. This time Shouto goes easily, his mouth following yours, his kiss soft and sweet and slow.
Shouto takes his time with you, so you do too, pouring your relief and your happiness to see him again into the kiss. His hands tighten on your back like he understands, hitching you up against him a bit more firmly.
"Soup time," you tell him when he finally lets your mouth go. Those heterochromatic eyes flutter open, and he frowns a little bit, leaning back in.
You smile into another kiss, laughing when his hands creep down your sides, charting a path to your thighs where you know he intends to pick you up once he's got you. Any other day and you'd let him take you against the wall right there in the genkan. But he's moving so slow you know it will be a struggle for him today, and you don't want him to strain himself any more than he already has.
There are other ways you can show your affection, today.
You quickly worm out of his embrace, dodging when he reaches out a long-fingered hand for you, frowning again. Fuck, he's so cute.
"Soup first," you order him, marching him into the kitchen.
A tiny pout purses his mouth but you're not to be deterred—you set him up at the table with a hot bowl of soup and several of last night's leftover sides; blanched spinach ohitashi and simmered squash. You plop an extra bowl of chicken and cucumber marinade directly in front of his soup as well—knowing full well he'll need the extra protein after a day like today.
As you hoped, the food quickly overtakes your boyfriend's focus. In your experience pro heroes need to intake an insane amount of calories, and even more on days they've utilized their quirks to the extreme. Shouto is no exception, his temperature quirk one of the most voracious energy burners of all, and very quickly the bowls in front of him begin to empty.
He looks even more exhausted when he finishes, and you wolf down your own bowl of soup, cutting him off as he attempts to clear the table.
"Go shower," you tell him, leaning down for a kiss even as you yank a bowl out of his long, elegant fingers.
Shouto looks up at you again, a microscopic downturn to his mouth that would be unreadable on anyone else, but on him counts as a pout. "You said after soup—"
"I'll join you when I'm done," you promise, your heart swelling with affection. It always pleases you that time with you seem to be his priority, even when he's clearly tired like this.
You laugh when this works like a charm, Shouto leaning in for another kiss before obeying. You hear the shower gutter and hiss on as you scrub the bowls in the sink, laying everything out to dry on the counter.
The bathroom is already hot and thick with steam when you let yourself in, and the mirror fogging. Shouto's left the curtain askew and your mouth dries out a little at the peeks of his body you can see—all that lean, sleek muscle glinting wetly in the light.
You step out of your clothes and slide in behind him, throwing an arm around his waist. His shoulders look especially broad in the small stall of your shower, taking up nearly the entire width, and you lean up to kiss in between them, letting your mouth linger.
"Hello, love," Shouto says, trying to turn to look at you. You hold him in place with your grip on his trim waist, reaching up to run a hand through the wet strands of his hair.
"Let me take care of you tonight," you say, pouring your insistence into your tone.
There's not much you can do to help Shouto with a job like pro heroics, particularly without a quirk of your own. But what you can do, what you like to do, is be there for him in the little ways—feeding him soup, washing his hair, taking the reigns when he's tired like this.
The contraction of Shouto's abdomen under your fingers as he sucks in a breath tells you he's understood your meaning. He shifts in your arms to face you, ducking in for a hard, wet kiss. Hot water spatters over your shoulder as he does so, pooling in the places where his skin meets yours.
You let him kiss you, slow and careful. Then you reach past him to uncap his shampoo, and rake it carefully through the strands of his hair, as Shouto obligingly keeps his head bent for you. You admire the way his long eyelashes flutter against his high cheekbones, the way his lovely mouth looks so soft and relaxed like this.
You take your time, moving slowly and carefully, before reaching for his conditioner. You slowly massage that in too, blinking against the water on your face when Shouto pulls you closer to him, pressing his face into your shoulder and huffing out another relaxed breath.
He could be asleep standing up by the time you move onto his his body wash, but he shivers as you run your hands over him. You love the feeling of him in your hands, all that slick, tight, dense muscle under your fingers.
He's so beautiful, so divinely-crafted. Sometimes you cannot believe Todoroki Shouto is yours to love and to care for.
His breath comes a little faster when your hands slide down his trim waist, as you work the suds into the V of his hips. "Love," he says, his voice low, rumbling.
"Turn around," you tell him, gently reaching up to move him as you do so.
You let your hands slide back in place, and then let them slip lower, taking Shouto into your hand. He's velvet soft in your fingers, but obligingly hard, thick and full—and even though you can't see him, you know just how pretty he looks in your palm. You press a kiss to his shoulder blade as he shudders, a powerful arm coming up to prop himself up against the shower wall.
You work him slowly at first, just as carefully as you'd pulled the shampoo through his hair. The flex of his abs against the palm of your other hand is transfixing, the shine and glint of the light over his muscles as he shifts in your fingers hypnotizing. Both of you linger in the moment, letting it stretch out long and hot and sweet, thick and slow like honey.
Shouto lets out a low groan when you thumb over the head of his cock, the arm he has pressed to the wall tensing. You do it again, reveling in the flex of his bicep, the roll of a powerful shoulder.
Shouto is the only person on earth as beautiful on the outside as he is on the inside, and you drink it all in, the sight of him, the beautiful sound of him as he utters your name, low and smooth and thick with feeling.
You keep pumping him like that, exactly how you know he likes, until he strains in your hands, that trim waist flexing as he can't help but rut into your grip.
One of your arms clutches him tighter against you as work him faster, and he lets out a soft moan, his fingers curling into a fist on the shower wall. It's only a minute or so more before he's arching into your hand, his hips bucking.
You tighten your fingers, thumbing over his head again, and that's all it takes. Shouto groans your name into the hiss of the shower spray, and comes all over your palm, every muscle in his body straining forwards.
He's so beautiful as he comes apart in your hands. His chest is heaving when you finally stop, and he shifts in your arms again, ducking his head to press an exhausted, satisfied kiss to your mouth.
"Thank you, love," he intones, those heterochromatic eyes settling on you, dark with pleasure. Pink stains his high cheekbones and the bridge of his nose, and he looks flush with effort, exactly the way he does after he takes you apart in bed most nights.
You grin up at him, leaning up on your toes to press another kiss to his mouth. "I love you, Sho."
He murmurs his reply into your mouth, and you run your hands over him again, pulling through his wet locks.
"Now let's get you into bed," you tell him bossily, reaching past him to turn off the shower spray.
"What about you, love?" he asks, a little frown marring his perfect mouth. You kiss it off of him, then tug him out of the shower and wrap him in a fluffy towel, scrubbing it over his hair.
You'll get back in to take your own shower properly in the morning, you know, and once Shouto has slept things off, he will be eager to return the favor. For now though, you tell him you are satisfied just to be with him, to be near him, to take care of him.
You tell him you love him again, and pull him into bed, still damp and sweet and pliant with his release. You're satisfied as he melts into sleep, his exhaustion winning out.
Truthfully, there is nothing more you want in this life, you think, as you follow after him, slipping into slumber too. You want him like this always, relaxed in your embrace—home, safe, yours.
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Happy New Year from me!! I wanted to give you one more Shouto before the year was out. Thank you guys so much for everything this year. I am continually grateful to be a part of this community, and I will work hard to learn more and give you my best in 2024!!
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robertreich · 2 months
Are Presidents Above the Law? 
Donald Trump thinks presidents should be allowed to commit crimes. Rubbish.
Trump claims that quote, "A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MUST HAVE FULL IMMUNITY” from prosecution for any crime committed while in office. His lawyers even claim that a president could be immune from prosecution for having a political opponent assassinated.
Trump says anything less than total immunity would quote, "incapacitate every future president." Baloney. It would incapacitate him! He’s the only president who's been criminally charged with trying to orchestrate a violent coup on January 6th, 2021.
Trump wants to turn the U.S. president into a supreme ruler — who is not bound to the same laws that everybody else is — the very antithesis of the bedrock values this country was founded on. A president shouldn’t be above the law.
In reality, this is all part of Trump’s plan to avoid accountability. He wants to gum up the legal system to delay his federal trial until after the 2024 election. If he really believed he was innocent, wouldn’t he want to have a trial as soon as possible?
Just as bad, the Supreme Court is abetting his plan by dragging its feet.
Trump’s criminal trial in the January 6 case was supposed to begin in March. But now, it’s on hold until Trump’s immunity claim is resolved by the Supreme Court. Who knows how long that will take?
The high court could have ruled on Trump’s immunity claim immediately — which Special Counsel Jack Smith asked it to do last December. Instead, the Supreme Court accepted Trump’s request not to expedite a ruling. Trump’s immunity claim then went slowly through the lower courts, which, not surprisingly, found that, no, presidents DO NOT have carte blanche to commit crimes.
The Supreme Court then had another chance to expedite a ruling on this, but it took weeks even to set a date for arguments.
The Supreme Court can move quickly when it wants to. When Trump appealed Colorado’s decision to keep him off the state ballot, the Supreme Court rushed to get a ruling out before the Colorado primary. Shouldn’t the court move with the same urgency on Trump’s immunity claim? Otherwise, Trump’s January 6th trial may not be decided before the presidential election.
Voters are entitled to know before casting their ballots whether they are choosing a felon for president.
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Winter's King 5
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: it's saturday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You follow the king into the great hall. Despite the sun beaming in through the open doors and the chirping of sparrows from the courtyard, it is a dour affair.  
King Geralt marches across the hall as you stand by a tall candelabra near the door. It remains unlit as the summer lights much of the space through the long windows and broad doors. He approaches the bishop in his robe and sash and points the man with a terse grunt. Lord Dustan and Lady Rozlyn stand behind the cleric, looking fraught. 
“Where is the bride?” The king growls as his golden eyes skim the stone walls. 
“Your highness, we’ve just called for her--” 
“She is aware of our impending nuptials, she would keep her betrothed waiting?” The king rebukes, “you summer souls and your flimsy spines.” 
The duchess twitches in offence but does not rebuff the insult. The wine has subsided well enough to allow her some sense. Lord Dustan’s lips press tight and he claps. 
“My daughter, at once,” he hisses in your direction. 
Before you can turn on your sole, the king grunts, “fetch her yourself. How can I trust you to keep my kingdom in order if you cannot bring the same to your own house?” 
“Yes, your highness,” Dustan blanches, “it was only I thought it would be swifter to send the maid.” 
“It would be swifter if you stilled your tongue,” King Geralt barks. 
The duke recoils and hurries off. Your eyes meet the king’s and he gives a slight tilt of his head and you resume your plaintive stance. Lady Rezlyn looks him up and down before she withdraws her gaze and instead focuses on the portrait of her husband’s predecessor.  
The air grows stagnant as you wait. When at last a stirring comes from above, the king is gripping the dagger on his belt. He is not impressed with the delay. 
“Father, I am here, I am here, unhand me,” Lady Jazlene blusters in ahead of the duke. She wears the red and ivory and matching ribbons have been braided into her curls. She has several necklaces piled around her neck and her hands are adorned in tones of silver and gold. “I am ready,” she sighs as she approaches the bishop and face the king, “it is not the wedding I dreamt of but for a king, I might settle.” 
King Geralt’s golden eyes narrow. He looks through his bride and she wavers on her feet as she reaches for him. He does not offer his hand nor his arm before he faces the bishop. 
“The vows,” the king demands flatly. 
“Er,” the bishop falters and searches the chamber. 
“Where is the writ?” The king hisses, “do you not have a scribe?” 
“Here, your highness, here,” Dustan waves to a squire waiting near the outer doors. “It only requires ink and seal, after the vows of course.” 
The king exhales hotly and faces the bishop again, signaling with a curt flick of his fingertips. You only then notice Merinda across from you, she must’ve followed the noble daughter in. She exchanges a glance with you, she is not more amused than King Geralt. 
“Ahem,” the bishop adjusts his tall cap, “let us begin. We commune here today to--” The king waves his hand dismissively and the cleric flinches. “Hm, uh, sir, your highness, my lord, King Geralt, of Rivia and the Hinterlands, and the Summer countries,” he stutters as his eyes droop, “do you swear, by the sacred rites and the laws of the realm, to take this woman in blessed matrimony? To attend to your duties as husband and keeper, until death?” 
The ceremony is as brusque as anything the king does. He does not have time or patience for the pageantry or prolonged talking. His shoulders rise with his breath and he heaves out, “I make this vow.” 
“And, Lady Jazlene, daughter of Debray, do you swear, by the sacred rites and the laws of the realm, to take this man in blessed matrimony? To attend to your duties as wife and servant, until death?” 
Jazlene sniffles and makes a show of blotting her face with her sleeve. Her mother blubbers from the side and Lord Dustan hushes her. Their threatrics are almost humourous amid the solemn air. King Geralt rumbles and stares over the bishop’s head. 
“I... I make... I make this vow,” Jazlene bawls and pulls out a handkerchief from her bosom. She covers her nose and wipes away her tears. “I shall love the king and serve him better than any w-w-wife.” 
The bishop hesitates as he looks between the bride and groom. He nods and beckons forth Lord Dustan, “so we will seal this marriage in ink and wax. Sign your names and let the royal stamp be applied to set in bond your fates until the black night sees you to rest.” 
Dustan comes forward with the parchment and signals to another unseen figure. A servant brings forth a quill and well as the contract is laid out on the table near the wall. The king approaches as Jazlene weeps at his side, trailing after him as she trembles. The king signs first, with a slash of the quill, then Jazlene barely keeps hold of the pen as she loops her name across the rough surface. 
She drops the feather and fans herself. She looks around, preening, and grabs onto the king’s arm, “so we are married.” 
He doesn’t react. He turns without acknowledgement as she stays latched on, pulled forth by his easy strength. His gaze touches yours as you watch the strange and strained scene. This is unlike any wedding you’ve ever seen, though you haven’t seen a noble one in all your life. Only the whispered vows of servants behind the stables or in the meadows. Those ones that are only written in spirit. 
His eyes quickly flit away and he sets his sight on the doorway beside you. He walks forward with his bride dragging on his arm. His mail jostles loudly with his steps as his soles scuff. 
“Let the marriage be consummated,” he mutters without look back, “you will be ready to travel at dawn.” 
“Your highness?” Dustan stumbles forward, “dawn?” 
“Husband, am I to come with you?” Jazlene murmurs. 
“A kingdom must be rebuilt,” King Geralt states without inflection. “I will not rule over a resentful people, I will show them I fought for them, not against them. And you will follow through on your vows to me or find I am not so weak as that fool, King Waleran.” 
You help Merinda with Lady Jazlene’s travel chest. You pack away as much as you can; shifts, nightclothes, gowns, stockings, all that you think she would like to take with her. The sudden departure allows you little time for ponderance, you only do as you must. As ever. So is life. 
“She will hate it in the Hinterlands,” Merinda scoffs, “when I served for the earl, there was a man from the Winter Isles. He was missing fingers from the cold. He told me how they turned black and fell off.” 
“Then she will need to find some mitts,” you shrug as you roll up a cloak. Much of the lady’s clothes are not suited to a colder climate. She has no furs; they are not needed in the Summer lands. Midsummer through to High Summer offer little more than a cooling rain between mild to sweltering highs. 
“Perhaps she should bundle up against her husband too,” Merinda snickers, “he is icy as the tundras he hails from.” 
“He is a king, he has much to worry for,” you sniff. 
“Mm, I suppose, though he hardly ever looks concerned for anything. Speaks even less,” she muses, “I suppose Lady Jazlene will speak plenty for both of them.” 
“Queen Jazlene,” you correct her bleakly. 
“Oh, he should worry for that,” the other maid chuckles again. “Though I suppose now she will have all the gowns she likes.” 
“Perhaps,” you allow. 
“Let us prosper here without her demands. Where it is warm and sunny,” Merinda sighs. 
“It will be rather quieter,” you agree. 
You carry on until the chest is near overflowing. You sit on the lid as Merinda buckles the straps. You will need some male servants to come carry it to the stables. That should wait until morning. Lady Rezlyn bid you wait in her daughter’s chamber should she emerge from the king’s. 
You pack a smaller chest for her jewels and her cosmetics, and a few books she’s worn down with her fingertips, and her sewing hoops and needles. Oft, she only holds onto those possessions as she gossips with her mother. You suppose that will be difficult. When the duchess and her husband return home and their daughter must face her obligation without ally. 
There are servants like Merinda who might covet gems and pretty things, but you’ve never much envied the noble type. They have overly much responsibility. You only need swab a floor or lace a dress. Life could not be simpler. 
“Hm,” she hums and gives a cluck of her tongue. 
You wind up a length of ribbon and put it in the chest. You feel Merinda watching you. You look up and arch your brows. “What?” 
She smiles, “you remind me of him.” 
“The king,” she tinkles with laughter, “you are both so... quiet. You never say more than you need to. I can appreciate that given who we serve but you are a hard nut.” 
“I don’t have much to say, suppose,” you reply. “Don’t know very much of the king, either.” 
She’s quiet as you carry on. You assume some things will need to be sent after the lady; the queen. It will be a long journey and not one which you think would entail many banquets. It’s a scary unknown ahead of Lady Jazlene, though it is overdue. 
When the smaller chest is full, you and Merinda lift it onto the larger. It is late and the night hue surrounds you as only a single flame is lit. You yawn intermittently but neither of you dare lay down to sleep. You wouldn’t want to be accused of idleness. 
You sit on the window bench and watch the moon as Merinda paces through shadows. You rest your chin in your hand but only for a moment as suddenly the hinges groan and cut through the din. You stand as Merinda faces the door sharply. 
Lady Jazlene drifts in. The ribbons in her hair are loose and her dress is still laced tight, though her skirts are rumbled and wrinkled. She leaves the door ajar behind her as she ambles stiffly towards the bed. She turns to fall onto the bench at the foot of the four-post frame. 
She doesn’t speak as she stares ahead. Merinda shuts the door as you inch towards the noble woman. She offers no reaction as you hover near her. She presses her hands above her knees and shudders out a breath. 
“My lady,” Merinda speaks first, glancing at you cautiously, “your highness, would you... would you like a bath?” 
Jazlene doesn’t answer. Her head moves subtly back and forth then dips again. She balls fabric in her fists. 
“I did what mother said,” she croaks, “and... I was... I was aroused. I was ready...” she murmurs. 
You and Merinda stand in silence. You’ve never heard the noble daughter speak so smally. She lifts her head. 
“I did it. I did my duty,” she declares, “but he...” she rises and you back away as she sweeps around the bed, a hitch in her step. She goes to the mirror and leans in, touching her cheeks, turning her head this way and that, “I’m beautiful, aren’t I? Mother says, father says... but the king... the king...” 
She blows out her breath and is silent. She spins and clutches her bodice. She looks down at herself. 
“He didn’t even let me take this off,” she babbles, “then he just... sent me away.” She puts her hand to her chest, “a bath? Did you say a bath?” She looks at Merinda, “yes, I must wash. Wash it all away.” She clears her throat and drops her hand, rolling her shoulders, “tomorrow we must leave--” her voice catches, “I must go to my new home with my...” she puts her back to you and sits on the cushioned seat before the vanity, “...husband.” 
You nod to Merinda and cross the room to meet her at the door. You share a look, one which doesn’t need conversation. Even though she’s laid with a man, your fellow maid looks distressed. You go out into the hall, pulling shut the door gently in the nocturnal dim. 
“Do you think he was cruel?” Merinda asks. 
“It isn’t our concern, is it? It is a wife’s duty...” you whisper, uncertain. 
“It was her first,” Merinda remarks, “perhaps she was unready.” 
“We shouldn’t speak of it,” you gird. 
“You needn’t be so chaste,” she reproaches, “if I didn’t know her wrath, I might even feel sorry for the lady.” 
“Mer,” you warn again, “let us get some water for the bath.” 
Merinda chuffs, “you are so... boring.” 
You walk away from her, ignoring her chiding. You don’t care if she thinks you dull. It isn’t your place to judge the marital matters of the lady and her husband. It is even dangerous to gossip over royal business. You will not chance it. 
She follows. You descend and go to boil a pot in the kitchen. Merinda lights several candles as you go to work. You carry the large vessel between you. Several trips up and down to fill the large tub. Merinda undresses Jazlene as you go to return the pot. 
You place it near the fire stove as the embers burn low and orange. You stand in front of it, the cindery scent tinging your nostrils. You should go back but unease lingers in your gut. The way Jazlene just stared, how hollow she sounded, you’ve never seen her like that. 
The candles behind you flicker and you turn to the swirling shadows. There’s a figure just inside the doorway, almost ghostly, much too towering to be the cook. You gulp and fold your hands against your stomach. 
“Hello?” You utter to what must be a wraith. 
There is no answer, the silhouette merely moves towards you. You steel yourself, a scream caught in your throat. The tint of the fire stove reflects off golden irises and the king’s figure comes clearer in the night. You suck in air and steady your feet. 
“Your highness,” you gasp. 
“Ale,” he sneers. 
“Yes, your highness, I will fetch--” 
“To my chambers,” he demands, looming over you. 
“Yes, your highness, ale, at once,” you go to spin and he grabs onto your arm, drawing you back. He grips tightly, squeezing as he pulls you into the haze of warmth radiating from him. Or perhaps that is the oven. 
He holds you, puffing out breaths as he glares down at you. You’re trapped in his simmering sights. You look up at him, eyes wide, lips slightly parted. He lets out a low snarl and slowly releases you. 
“I hate these summer lands,” he grumbles as you stagger back. 
You still and stare as he backs away. He turns on his heel and stalks towards the door, leaving you in frightful curiosity. You open and close your fingers, your forearm tingling from his firm grasp. You rub it through your sleeve as you spin towards the cellar. You will be certain to grab a full cask for the king’s thirst. 
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oldschoolfrp · 6 months
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John Blanche cover, White Dwarf 11, Feb/March 1979
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maraboutbadou · 1 year
comment faire un retour d’affection rapide et immédiat puissant medium Badou du retour d’affection, retour affectif, retour de l’être aimé
comment faire un retour d’affection rapide et immédiat puissant medium Badou du retour d’affection, retour affectif, retour de l’être aimé La principale spécialité du medium Badou est le Retour affectif rapide en 24 hBienvenue dans le monde ésotérique du retour d’affection rapide. Il est un grand spécialiste du RETOUR AFFECTIF avec une longue expérience certifié sur le plan mondial surtout en…
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sashaisready · 1 month
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 6 - Nothing's wrong
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Nothing specific, I don’t think? Bucky still being a dick. But what else is new?
I think you guys are going to find this satisfying hehehehe.
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You marched back to the bar with your head held high, refusing to allow yourself to look over at Amber and Bucky and tie yourself up in knots any longer. You checked the time on your phone and placed it on the bar shelf behind you, almost closing. You’d finish up, then when you got home you’d think about if you really want to stay in this job.
“Gonna do last call, Tom, then I’ll cash out and if you could start cleaning up”.
“Got it, boss” he replied happily.
You smiled back. You absolutely weren’t his boss, but he was sweet.
You rang the bell for last call and announced it loudly to the bar. A few of the plant guys came rushing over to order their last beers. Tom handled that while you served a couple of other dawdlers.
A tall man in a baseball cap appeared suddenly, grinning as he brandished a $20 bill.
“For you,” he said softly. “For putting up with our annoying, drunk asses all night”.
You chuckled, accepting the tip as you looked at him properly. You’d seen him earlier with the other plant guys but not really paid much attention as your focus was on the obscene number of drinks his friends kept ordering.
He was…kinda cute. A scruff of almost reddish-brown hair under his cap. Big green eyes. A dusting of stubble across his chin and jaw. Not quite as big as Bucky, but broad and sturdy.
“Ah well thank-you so much...you guys kept me busy…and I got a bunch of tips, so I guess I can’t complain,” you told him cheerily as you folded the bill and put it in your pocket. “Plus, you’ve all been well behaved, despite how much you’ve knocked back”.
“Well…this bar has the most bouncers we’ve ever seen,” he joked, thumbing the air in the direction of the MC.
You laughed. “True…that does make my job a little easier”.
“I’m sure being super cute helps too,” he grinned as he leaned in. Then his face immediately crumpled. “Oh…my god. I’m sorry. So, so lame. It sounded so smooth in my head…”
You giggled shyly, charmed by his embarrassment. “No…no it was sweet. Thanks…”
You felt yourself blushing a little, heat rushing to your cheeks as you were caught off guard by this interaction. Your previous anger melting away. You felt lighter suddenly.
“I’m Peter. Peter Quill. Hey”.
You beamed back and offered your own name as you shook the hand he’d extended to you.
You both looked at one another for a moment, your smile stretching as you allowed yourself to bathe in his attention.
“It’s last call man, you orderin’?” came a surly voice from behind Peter.
Bucky suddenly had appeared at the bar, his eyes flitting between you both.
“Uh…no, I’m good for tonight, thanks. Was just tipping your very helpful bartender before I head out”.
You smiled back at him, ignoring the heat of Bucky’s gaze on you.
“Yes…thank-you. Very much appreciated, Peter,” you responded.
You both turned to look at Bucky who seems to blanch as you use Peter’s name, but he makes no effort to move. He looked…pissed off? Riled up? His fists were clenched at his sides, his mouth a thin straight line. You weren’t sure why he was suddenly hanging around here like a bad smell, especially as he had been indisposed all evening.
Wait…is Bucky…?
Peter looked back at you, then awkwardly at Bucky, then back to you again. “Could I…uh…”
Realisation hit you like a freight train.
Oh god. He is…
…He’s jealous.
Bucky is jealous.
Peter looked at Bucky once more who remained still, watching Peter carefully. Peter seemed to accept that he had an awkward audience of one and looked back at you again before clearing his throat.
“Maybe…uh…I could get your number and we could…y’know…go out some time?”
Your face lit up and you ignored the almost imperceptible sound of the puff of air Bucky huffed out of his noise.
 “Uh…sure. Great”.
You grabbed a napkin from the holder on the bar and a pen from your pocket and scribbled down your number, practically nauseous with the dual feeling of getting a date with a cute guy and Bucky bearing witness to it. You smiled at Peter as you pushed the napkin across the bar with your fingers.
He picked it up like it was a precious artefact, holding it close to his face as he inspected it.
“Wow…right amount of numbers and everything,” he joked.
You giggled back bashfully. “Yep…I promise it’s real and not the number of a pizza place or something…”
“Honestly? I’d be impressed you had the the number for the pizza place memorised even if it did mean I was rejected…”
You both laughed and he carefully folded up the napkin and put it in his pocket. At the same time, a bunch of his group had started to down the dregs of their drinks and drift towards the exit. One nudged him on the arm as he passed, mumbling something about ‘Rocket’ being designated driver. Whatever the hell that means.
“Well…better get going. I’ll uh…see ya” he smiled.
You nodded and smiled in return as he turned and headed out. Once he’d left, you kept your eyes down and picked up a washcloth, rhythmically dabbing at the sticky drink residue on the bar surface. You could feel Bucky still looming over you, but he hadn’t said anything. You sprayed some cleaning fluid and continued.
“You’re still on the clock you know,” he muttered.
“Oh...Am I not working right now?” you asked ingenuously as you kept your eyes down on your busywork. You knew your tone was pushing it, but frankly, so was he.
“You are now…but you weren’t…then”.
The emphasis on ‘then’ was loaded and it was clear what 'then' exactly he was referring to.
“Well…I’m sorry you lost those three minutes,” you answered sharply, turning to look at him. You narrowed your eyes at his stoic frown. “How about I stay an extra three minutes after my shift…and we call it even?”
He glared back at you, knowing he didn’t have a leg to stand on and so was unable to say anything back. He'd never been strict about you chatting to customers or taking short breaks before, so he couldn't suddenly start now.
“I need to speak to you anyway,” you continued calmly as you resumed your cleaning. “About this job”.
You looked back up at him and swore you saw a flash of panic in his eyes, but it was gone so fast you couldn’t be sure.
Suddenly Amber bounded up to the bar, oblivious to the strange tension between the two of you. You suppressed an eye roll and went back to your washcloth.
“Bucky…the girls have asked if there’s an after party tonight?” she asked coyly, draping herself over him like a scarf.
Your phone vibrated loudly on the bar shelf behind you, causing both you and Bucky to glance over at it. He couldn’t fully see from his vantage point, but you watched as Wanda’s name flashed up on the screen. She was texting you, not a super keen Peter on his way home.
But Bucky didn’t know that…
“Don’t worry, boss,” you told him sweetly. “I won’t pick that up until I’m off the clock”.
His nose wrinkled and for a split second he looked like a wounded puppy. If he wasn’t such an asshole you might have felt sorry for him.
“James?” Amber whined. “Party?”
You looked at him incredulously, an eyebrow cocked. His real name was James?!
He was the least Jamesy James you’d ever met.
“Nope, not tonight” he sternly replied to her, but his eyes stayed on you.
“Tell Sam you need a ride, Ambs. I gotta do some work stuff”.
And with that, he stormed off to the back office.
Amber pouted as she watched him go, then looked back at you. “What’s up with him?”
You shrugged. “Beats me”.
She sighed and flopped down onto a bar stool, then began rifling through the napkins and straws, causing a small pile of them to spill out onto the bar. Great, thanks Amber. You hadn’t just refilled those or anything.
“He talks about you, you know” she told you softly as she looked down at an errant straw, perfectly manicured fingers wrapping around it.
You nearly spluttered laughing in shock. “Me?” you asked her.
Never in a million years did you expect her to say that.
“Mmm…” she purred as she put the straw in her mouth, chewing on it thoughtfully. Ugh, she really was pretty.
“Like he says you’re good at your job and stuff. But also that you’re funny. And smart. And stuff like that”.
You tilted your head as you looked at her, the wind taken out of your sails from the sheer shock of what she was telling you.
“Huh…” you responded as you try to downplay your sudden interest. “Well…that’s nice of him, I guess”.
“Ya…” she nodded.
“Amber…?” you asked.
She looked up at you and smiled.
“Is he really called James?”
She giggled. “Ya. He’s like...James Buchanan. Buchanan is his middle name. So, they all call him Bucky. He only lets certain people call him James. Special privileges”.
“I see,” you nodded. “Like you, huh?”
She sighed, pouting sadly. “Mmm…but…I dunno how ‘special’ I really am these days”.
Before you could ask what she meant, she changed the subject suddenly.
“Saw you talking to that guy from the plant. He was cute”. She grinned at you.
You found yourself laughing at the sudden tone shift and the excited glee on her face. Maybe she wasn’t so bad.
“Yeah…he is,” you nodded. “I haven’t really been on the dating scene for a while though. Not sure if I remember how…”
You weren’t sure why you told her that…
She just giggled. “Oh…shut up. Look at you. You’re a total hottie. You’ll be great”.
You felt your cheeks flush, but before you could say anything else she stood up from the bar stool and called out across the bar.
“Saaaammy. I need a ride!”
“I got you, baby girl!” he called back.
She grinned at you as she sauntered off. “Well…good luck with cute guy”.
You watched her go, slightly shell shocked by the whole exchange.
Huh. That was…a lot.
Steve told you he’d lock up so after cleaning up and cashing out, you bid Tom and the MC farewell and headed out to the parking lot. You hadn’t seen Bucky…James…since his dramatic exit. But you couldn’t help but mull over what Amber had told you. What did she mean, ‘he talks about you’? What does he say exactly? How does he say it? What did she mean when she said she didn’t feel special these days? Did she know about your kiss?
And Bucky was clearly jealous of Peter, right? He wasn’t subtle about it. But he had ignored you all evening until that happened. Maybe it was just territorial bullshit rather than anything deeper.
Speaking of Peter…why were you even thinking about Bucky? You now had this sweet, funny guy on the cards who was upfront about his interest in you…unlike Bucky.
…So why couldn’t you just focus on him?
You sighed. You shouldn’t be getting involved with any man right now. It all had an expiration date anyway. You were here to sort the house and that was that. Granny would tease you for allowing yourself to get distracted, just like always.
As you approached your car, you nearly jumped out of your skin as you realised there was a dark figure leaning against the bonnet.
“Bucky! Jesus fuckin’ Christ…” you scolded as you placed a hand on your chest. “You scared the shit out of me”.
He stopped leaning, standing back up to his full height.
“We need to talk, Sugar” he said bluntly.
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amphibious-thing · 8 months
Pink is for Boys
"Pink or Blue? Which is intended for boys and which for girls? This question comes from one of our readers this month, and the discussion may be of interest to others. There has been a great diversity of opinion on this subject, but the generally accepted rule is pink for the boy and blue for the girl. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl." ~ The Infants' Department, June 1918
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[Left: The Blue Boy, oil on canvas, c. 1770, by Thomas Gainsborough.
Right: The Pink Boy, oil on canvas, c. 1782, by Thomas Gainsborough.]
Pink is for girls and blue is for boys. But it hasn't always been this way. Colour coding infants as a way of denoting gender was popular in 20th century America. The problem? Pink and blue? Which is for boys and which is for girls?
In 1927 TIME Magazine asked ten of the "leading stores that sell baby equipment" which colour was for which gender. Four stores responded pink for girls and blue for boys; Macy's (Manhattan), Franklin Simon (Manhattan), Wanamaker's (Philadelphia) and Bullock's (Los Angeles). Five stores responded pink for boys and blue for girls; Best's (Manhattan), Marshall Field's (Chicago), Filene's (Boston), Maison Blanche (New Orleans) and The White House (San Francisco). Curiously Halle's (Cleveland) responded that pink was for both boys and girls.
This debate would continue and it wasn't until mid-20th century that pink for girls and blue for boys became firmly cemented in western culture.
However the idea of colour coding infants dates back to the 19th century. According to La cour de Hollande sous le règne de Louis Bonaparte in 1808 in Holland pink was used to announce the birth of a girl and blue a boy. In March 1856 Peterson's Magazine (Philadelphia, USA) advises that the ribbon on a christening cap should be blue for a boy and pink for a girl. On the 23rd of July 1893 the New York Times writes that for baby clothes it's "pink for a boy and blue for a girl!"
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[The Oddie Children, oil on canvas, c. 1789, by William Beechey, via North Carolina Museum of Art.]
During the latter half of the 18th century one of the most popular outfits for young children, regardless of gender, was a white dress with a coloured sash tied around the waist. Pink and blue being the most popular colours, although other colours were worn as well. It would be tempting to assume that the colour of the sash indicated gender but there isn't clear evidence that this was the case. The Oddie Children (above) depicts Sarah, Henry, Catherine, and Jane Oddie. The three girls are all wearing white dresses; two with a blue sash one with a pink sash. We also see Henry Russell (bellow left) wearing a blue sash and Prince William (bellow right) wearing a pink sash.
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[Left: Anne Barbara Russell née Whitworth with her son Sir Henry Russell, oil on canvas, c. 1786, by George Romney, via Woolley & Wallis.
Right: Prince William, oil on canvas, c. 1767, by Allan Ramsay, via the Royal Collection Trust.]
Pink was just one of the many colours popular in 18th century English womenswear and seems to have stayed popular throughout the century. On the 3rd of January 1712 The Spectator published an article in which a man recalls seeing "a little Cluster of Women sitting together in the prettiest coloured Hoods that I ever saw. One of them was Blew, another Yellow, and another Philomot; the fourth was of a Pink Colour, and the fifth of a pale Green". On the 1st of May 1736 the Read's Weekly Journal, or British Gazetteer reports that the ladies attending the royal wedding wore gowns of "Gold stuffs, or rich Silks with Gold or Silver Flowers, or Pink or White Silks, with either Gold or Silver Netts or Trimmings;" shoes either "Pink, White or Green Silk, with Gold or Silver Lace and braid all over." On the 24th of May 1785 Charles Storer writes to Abigail Adams advising that fashionable colours in English court dress are "pink, lilac, and blue" such "as is worn at Versailles".
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[Left: Frances, Daughter of Evelyn Pierpont, 1st Duke of Kingston, oil on canvas, c. 1700-23, by Godfrey Kneller, via Art UK.
Middle: Mrs. Abington as Miss Prue in "Love for Love" by William Congreve, oil on canvas, c. 1771, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, via Yale Center for British Art.
Right: Mary Little, later Lady Carr, oil on canvas, c. 1765, by Thomas Gainsborough, via Yale Center for British Art.]
In particular pink was popular amongst young women as the colour was associated with youth. Older women who wore pink were mocked as vain for dressing in a way that was seen as improper for their age. On the 31st of January 1754 Lady Jane Coke writes to Mrs. Eyre criticising old women who wear pink:
As for fashions in dress, which you sometimes inquire after, they are too various to describe. One thing is new, which is, there is not such a thing as a decent old woman left, everybody curls their hair, shews their neck, and wears pink, but your humble servant. People who have covered their heads for forty years now leave off their caps and think it becomes them, in short we try to out-do our patterns, the French, in every ridiculous vanity.
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[Folly Embellishing Old Age With the Adornments of Youth, oil on canvas, c. 1743, by Charles-Antoine Coypel, via Master Art.]
For Englishmen acceptable clothing way much more limited. In A Foreign View of England in the Reigns of George I & George II Monsieur César de Saussure writes that Englishmen "do not trouble themselves about dress, but leave that to their womenfolk". He explains:
Englishmen are usually very plainly dressed, they scarcely ever wear gold on their clothes; they wear little coats called "frocks," without facings and without pleats, with a short cape above. Almost all wear small, round wigs, plain hats, and carry canes in their hands, but no swords. Their cloth and linen are of the best and finest. You will see rich merchants and gentlemen thus dressed, and sometimes even noblemen of high rank, especially in the morning, walking through the filthy and muddy streets.
César de Saussure warns that "a well-dressed person in the streets, especially if he is wearing a braided coat, a plume in his hat, or his hair tied in a bow, he will, without doubt, be called "French dog" twenty times perhaps before he reaches his destination" and is not only at risk of "being jeered at" but also "being bespattered with mud, but as likely as not dead dogs and cats will be thrown at him."
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[Reverend Charles Everard Booth, Captain Griffith Booth, and an Unidentified Man playing Billiards, oil on canvas, c. 1775-9, by John Hamilton Mortimer, via the Royal Collection Trust.]
For Englishmen dressing "plainly" mostly meant wearing blacks and browns. In his book on macaroni, Pretty Gentleman, Peter McNeil found that in contrast most English menswear that he describes as generally consisting of "monochrome broadcloth" macaroni wore a variety of colours including green, orange, yellow, violet, red, white, blue, gold, silver and of course pink.
But it's not just the macaroni of the 1770s & 1780s that wore pink. We see pink in descriptions of feminine men's dress (both real and fictional) throughout the 18th century.
On the 2nd of June 1722 Sarah Osborn writes to Robert Byng:
I believe the gentlemen will wear petticoats very soon, for many of their coats were like our mantuas. Lord Essex had a silver tissue coat, and pink color lutestring waistcoat, and several had pink color and pale blue paduasoy coats, which looked prodigiously effeminate.
On the 18th of October 1729 the Universal Spectator and Weekly Journal published a story where an "effeminate" man's clothes were described as follows:
He had a flower'd pink-colour Silk Coat, with a Green-Sattin Waistcoat lac'd with Silver. Velvet Breeches, Clock'd Stockings the Colour of his Coat, Red-heel'd Pumps, a Blue Ribbon at the Collar of his Shirt, and his Sword-Hilt he embrac'd under the Elbow of his Left Arm,
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[Sir Miles Stapylton, 4th Bt of Myton, oil on canvas, c. 1730-35, via Art UK.]
In The Adventures of Roderick Random (1748) the effeminate (and queer coded) Captain Whiffle is described as follows:
our new commander came on board in a ten-oared barge, overshadowed with a vast umbrella, and appeared in everything the reverse of Oakum, being a tall, thin young man, dressed in this manner: a white hat, garnished with a red feather, adorned his head, from whence his hair flowed upon his shoulders, in ringlets tied behind with a ribbon. His coat, consisting of pink-coloured silk, lined with white, by the elegance of the cut retired backward, as it were, to discover a white satin waistcoat embroidered with gold, unbuttoned at the upper part to display a brooch set with garnets, that glittered in the breast of his shirt, which was of the finest cambric, edged with right Mechlin: the knees of his crimson velvet breeches scarce descended so low as to meet his silk stockings, which rose without spot or wrinkle on his meagre legs, from shoes of blue Meroquin, studded with diamond buckles that flamed forth rivals to the sun! A steel-hilted sword, inlaid with gold, and decked with a knot of ribbon which fell down in a rich tassel, equipped his side; and an amber-headed cane hung dangling from his wrist. But the most remarkable parts of his furniture were, a mask on his face, and white gloves on his hands, which did not seem to be put on with an intention to be pulled off occasionally, but were fixed with a curious ring on the little finger of each hand.
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[Henry Ingram, 7th Viscount Irwin and His Wife Anne, oil on canvas, c. 1745, by Philippe Mercier, via Art UK.]
On the 28th of July 1780 the London Courant reports:
A few days ago, a Macaroni made his appearance in the Assembly-room at Whitehaven, in the Following dress: a mixed silk coat, pink sattin waistcoat and breeches, covered with an elegant silver nett, white silk stockings with pink clocks, pink sattin shoes and large pearl buckles, a mushroom coloured stock, covered with a fine point lace; his hair dressed remarkably high, and stuck full of pearl pins.
On the 6th of August 1792 The Weekly Entertainer published Sketches and Portraits form the Life by Simon Tueopnrastus which included the following description:
Mercator was a youth of some genius and expectation, but by a strange perverseness of disposition, notwithstanding the extreme natural stiffness of his limbs, he had acquired an early attachment to the most finical and effeminate finery; so that, while yet a boy, he would exhaust every expedient of a fertile invention to procure a laced waistcoat, or the most foppish toy; would dangle a watch-string, with brass seals, from each fob, at a time when the frugal care of his parents would not permit him to wear a watch in either; and would strut in a fine pair of second-hand pink silk breeches, and a light blue coat, with all the formal dignity of—a soldier upon the parade.
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[Left: Thomas King in "The Clandestine Marriage", oil on canvas, c. 1792, by Samuel De Wilde, via Yale Center for British Art.
Right: Edward Payne, oil on canvas, by Arthur Devis, via Art UK.]
While pink is mentioned in these descriptions of feminine men's dress it's not singled out as the girl colour the way pink would become in the 20th century. I would argue pink is seen as effeminate not because pink is a uniquely feminine colour but because it was used in fashionable dress. In 18th century England being interested in fashion was seen as an frivolous female trait. Men who showed too much interest in fashion were mocked and ridiculed for their gender nonconformity. "A Man must sink below the Dignity of his Nature, before he can suffer his Thoughts to be taken up on so trivial an Affair, as the Chosing, Suiting, and Adjusting the Adornments of his Person," complains a letter published on the 8th of May 1731 in Read's Weekly Journal, or British Gazetteer:
Decency of Garb ought inviolably to be preserved; nor can there be possibly an Excuse for Dressing like a Merry-Andrew: Rich and coloured Silks are in themselves effeminate, and unbecoming a Man; as are, in short, all Things that discover Dress to have been his Study 'Tis in vain for a Fop of Quality, to think his Title will protect him.
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[Left: Madame de Pompadour (detail), oil on canvas, c. 1756, by François Boucher, via Alte Pinakothek.
Right: Elizabeth Wrottesley, later Duchess of Grafton, oil on canvas, c. 1764-5, by Thomas Gainsborough, via National Gallery of Victoria.]
English fashion was highly influenced by French fashion. A popular colour scheme in French fashion was green and pink. A famous example of this colour pairing can be seen in François Boucher's portrait of Madame de Pompadour (above left), she is depicted in a green gown with pink bows and flowers. You can see and example of how this style inspired English fashion in Thomas Gainsborough's portrait of Elizabeth Wrottesley (above right), who is depicted in a green gown with a floral pattern adorned with pink, white and green striped bows.
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[Left: Sir Harry Fetherstonhaugh, oil on canvas, c. 1776, by Pompeo Batoni, via Wikimedia.
Right: Francis Lind, oil on canvas, c. 1775, by George Romney, via Mackinnon Fine Art.]
Fashionable Englishmen were also inspired by these French designs. Horace Walpole refers to the popularity of the colour combination writing to Lady Ossory on the 19th of February 1774 "If I went to Almack's and decked out my wrinkles in pink and green like Lord Harrington, I might still be in vogue". Almack's is referring to Almack's Assembly Rooms on Pall Mall which is believed to be the inspiration for the Macaroni Club. (see Pretty Gentleman by Petter McNeil p52-55) In a letter to Lord Harcourt on the 27th of July 1773 Walpole writes of "Macaronis lolling out of windows at Almack's like carpets to be dusted."
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[Left: Detail of Stephen Fox from The Hervey Conversation Piece, oil on canvas, c. 1738-40, by William Hogarth, via Fairfax House.
Middle: Sir William Jones, oil on canvas, c. 1769, by Francis Cotes, via Art UK.
Right: Portrait of a Gentleman, oil on canvas, by George Romney.]
Men who wore green seem to have been just as much, if not more, at risk of being ridiculed, or even assaulted, for the colour of their clothes as those who wore pink. In Pierre Jean Grosley's A Tour to London (originally published 1772) he recalls traveling with a young English surgeon who was harassed by Londoners due to his green French frock coat:
At the first visit which he paid me in London, he informed me, that, a few days after his arrival, happening to take a walk thro' the fields on the Surry side of the Thames, dressed in a little green frock, which he had brought from Paris, he was attacked by three of those gentlemen of the mobility, who, taking him for a Frenchman, not only abused him with the foulest language, but gave him two or three slaps on the face: "Luckily, added he in French, I did not return their ill language; for, if I had, they would certainly have thrown me into the Thames, as they assured me they would, as soon as they perceived I was an Englishman, if I ever happened to come in their way again, in my Paris dress."
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chicinsilk · 1 month
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US Vogue March 15, 1955
Joan Romano in a white lace dress: the top is fitted at the hip; the skirt so light that it blows without a breeze. An Estevez creation for Grenelle, from Stern & Stern lace. Satin sandals, Julianelli. Sandal stockings, by Prim.
Joan Romano dans une robe blanche en dentelle : le haut est ajusté à la hanche ;la jupe si légère qu'elle souffle sans une brise. Une création Estevez pour Grenelle, de dentelle Stern & Stern. Les sandales en satin, Julianelli. Les bas pieds sandales, par Prim.
Photo Horst P. Horst vogue archive
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green-eyedfirework · 1 month
Dick slowly pulled the longsleeve on, keeping his movements even to avoid flinching or showing a grimace of pain on his face.  His teammates wouldn't care if he was injured--would, in fact, sneer at him worse, though Dick could feel Desmond's eyes on him, relentless in smug satisfaction.
The Bludhaven Blockbusters had lost, not that it mattered much to them in the standings.  It was a well-fought game--the Blockbusters had a great offense, courtesy of Dick, but the Jokers' defensive lineup was no, ha, joke.  The score had been close, no team getting more than a two-point lead, until the last period, where Desmond let in an astonishing number of goals.
Almost like he'd been paid off to do so.
"Ready to make up for our loss, Grayson?"  Someone wolf-whistled from the other side of the locker room.  "You have to be good for something, and clearly winning isn't it."
Dick had scored four goals despite the Jokers' defensemen attacking him like a school of piranha on chum.  The fact that they'd marked him so closely had let the rest of the line-up score as well.  Desmond was the one who lost the game.
Not that Dick was stupid enough to say that out loud.  He was well aware he had no friends here.
Dick finished changing into the longsleeve and sweatpants and closed his locker before walking out of the room.  His side throbbed with fierce intensity on every step and he had to force himself not to limp.  He was pretty sure he'd broken something when he'd been shoved against the boards, elbow slamming into his side, but there was no way he was going to go to the medic to get it checked out.
He'd get this over with and ice it in his hotel room.  Along with the rest of his injuries.  And whatever else he picked up along the way.
"What took so long?" Redhorn barked the moment he stepped out.  "Come on, they're waiting."  He marched off, not looking to see if Dick was following, and Dick had to jog to keep up.
His whole body ached, but nothing as much as the hollow inside his chest.  Dick loved hockey.  He loved the ice.  He loved the game, as brutal as it was, didn't mind limping away with a broken rib or five in exhilaration.  He'd been prepared to accept the messy politics of the game, the omnipresent corruption, the money, the paparazzi, and even the more unsavory aspects, like the winner's room that was all but an open secret in the league.
Dick didn't think he liked hockey any more.
The ice was no longer an escape, winning didn't bring any joy, and Dick could feel a part of himself get leached away as he fell over and over in the same trap, stuck in the mire instead of skating above it.  And all because of one scorned woman.
"Richard," the low voice called out from the darkened corridors.  Dick flinched, but he managed to suppress the hiss as his chest tightened.  Redhorn paused as the woman unfolded herself from the shadows, striding forward with a bright red smile.  "Mi amor, you played so well today," the woman hummed, catching his face and kissing both cheeks.  Dick didn't move, carefully frozen still.  "It's such a shame we lost, no?"
Dick didn't say a word.  In a world of sharks, Catalina Flores was the biggest one in the shiver.  Desmond's orders had probably come directly from her.
"It is a shame," Catalina murmured, voice dropping even lower as a manicured fingernail stroked down his cheek.  "I wish you did not have to do this, Richard."  Lie.  "Won't you change your mind, mi amor?  Come with me and I promise you'll never have to do this again."
Dick stepped back, controlled so it didn't look like he was jerking himself free of her grip.  "No," he said, the same thing he said every time she made this offer.  Even the first time he could tell she was bad news, but he didn't realize how bad until he'd seen the consequences of spurning her.
Catalina's smile dropped away to a hard look and flashing eyes.  "Very well," she said, voice cold.  "Enjoy your time with Wilson, then."
Dick had to fight not to blanch.  Wilson?  Slade Wilson?  One of the oldest players in the league, still at the top of his game, strong and fast enough that rumors of doping had swirled unconfirmed for years?  The Jokers' star defenseman, and the very same defenseman that Dick had outwitted with a flashy trick to get his fourth goal?
He could still remember the seething fire in Wilson's eyes.  The man had checked him twice as hard after Dick had shot the puck through his legs, and he was the reason half of Dick's left side felt like it'd been crushed.  And that had been Wilson on the ice, with restraint.
Dick felt faint.  But Redhorn was moving so Dick had to follow behind him, leaving Catalina and her burning glare behind.  The numbness was coming on fast this time and Dick welcomed it, cocooning himself in the fog so he didn't end up hyperventilating.
It had been a couple of weeks since the Blockbusters had lost a game, since Dick had been on the receiving end of hatred and not just scorn, and a part of him wondered how long he could survive this.
Catalina wasn't going to stop.  She clearly wasn't getting tired of him, and his frequent rejections were just making her angry.  Maybe he should give in, accept whatever protection she offered and sell his soul.
He was already in hell anyway.
They approached a plain door and Dick suppressed the panic and hung on to the numbness.  It was getting easier and easier to draw himself down into it, and harder and harder to come out.  "Get to the hotel when you're done," Redhorn growled, turning away without a glance.  "The team's leaving at six in the morning."
That was it.  No instructions on how he was supposed to get to the hotel, or what would happen if he was late, or any kind of support at all.  Just abandonment in the middle of the Jokers' stadium.  Dick luckily knew his way around Gotham, but he wasn't sure how many pieces Wilson would leave him in.
Dick waited until the sound of Redhorn's footsteps had faded away before he reached out and knocked on the door.
The sound felt muted.  Disconnected.  Everything was moving a step behind his mind and Dick blinked when the door opened to a silver-haired man nearly twice his size.
Part of Dick was fascinated by the disparity.  As a winger, Dick was smaller than his teammates, built for agility and not so much for slamming people against the boards.  Wilson was clearly built for his job, a steel wall of muscle towering above him, with ice blue eyes scanning over Dick before settling on his face.  "Come inside," Wilson said.
The room was tamer than most others Dick had seen, looking more like a hotel room than a sex dungeon.  There was a drawer set next to the bed that was clearly for supplies, and a mini fridge, and what appeared to be an attached bathroom.  Dick followed Wilson all the way to the bed and stopped when Wilson turned to face him.
"So, Bludhaven's hotshot new left wing," Wilson said.  This time, his scan was more of a leer, gaze dragging over his body.  "Think those flashy tricks of yours are cute, kid?"
Dick didn't answer.  He knew better than to engage.  Wilson already wanted a punching bag, he didn't need to make things worse.
"I'm surprised no one's beaten that out of you yet," Wilson mused.  "Though I suppose it's my turn to give it a go."
Dick didn't back away as Wilson stalked closer, no matter how much he wanted to.
"You shot four goals," Wilson said, eyes burning.  "How about we start with payback for each one?"
Wilson's grip was stronger than Catalina's, easily shoving him back against the bed as he bent down.  His kiss was equally aggressive, harsh and plundering, and Dick retreated deeper into the fog and let it happen.
There was no point to the fear, it wouldn't save him, it didn't tell him anything he didn't already know.  All Dick could do was try to brace for the pain that was going to follow.
Wilson shoved, hard, and Dick fell back on the bed, sinking instantly into the soft material.  He barely managed to struggle up on his elbows before Wilson crawled on after him, straddling his thigh and shoving him back down, big hands wrapping around his ribs.
Dick couldn't help the gasp of pain.
The grip disappeared immediately, but the throbbing pain was high and searing and Dick instinctively, ineffectually, tried to curl up, hand pressed to his ribs and blinking against his prickling eyes.  Fuck, that hurt, and Dick was suddenly concerned about his ability to take this punishment.  They hadn't even gotten started.
"What happened?" Wilson demanded, still straddling Dick.  "Are you injured?"
"I'm fine," Dick said thickly, or tried to say, the pain made everything even more disconnected.
Wilson just scoffed, tugging at his shirt.  "Get this off and let me see.  I don't want your team to accuse me of damaging their precious star forward."
The numbness made it hard to muddle through that sentence as Dick obediently tried to pull his shirt off.  Was Wilson saying he wasn't going to injure him?  Clearly he didn't know the priorities of Blockbusters' management very well, which was great for Dick if it meant Wilson wasn't going to be that rough.
Dick hissed as he tried to pull the shirt up, it was more difficult when he was practically pinned to the bed, and he ended up letting go and trying to breathe past the black spots in his vision when the pain grew too large to ignore.
"Christ, Grayson," the harsh voice said as Dick stared at the ceiling and tried to blink the stars out of his eyes.  "Why didn't you get this treated?"
"It's fine," Dick said, and had to stifle a gasp as Wilson pressed down against the throbbing ache.
"You're black and blue all over, and you haven't applied anything.  Why didn't you go to the medic first?"  There was something approaching alarm in Wilson's voice.
"I'm fine," Dick repeated.  Amy would've slipped some painkillers in his bag and he could ice it when he got back.  "Why do you care?" Dick couldn't stop himself from saying.  "You're the one that caused it."
That was a stupid thing to say.  Especially when he was flat on his back underneath the defenseman, utterly at his mercy.  A slow, creeping cold slithered in past the numbness and Dick couldn't even shiver.
Wilson hadn't moved.  His fingers were still resting lightly on what was probably a black splotch on Dick's chest, just waiting to dig in.  Dick had the sudden--and chilling--realization that the state of his body probably gave Wilson a very clear picture of how little Blockbusters' management cared about his injuries, as long as he could still skate.
"Look, can you just get on with it?" Dick said, brain-to-mouth filter completely on vacation.
The fingers moved up, skating across his ribs up to his collarbone.  "I didn't cause this," Wilson said, quiet.
Dick didn't know what he was pointing to.  He tried to crane his neck past the balled-up fabric of his shirt to see, but the movement just pulled at his ribs.
"The one that looks like someone tried to take a bite out of you," Wilson clarified.  "What the hell, Grayson?  Got a vampire partner you haven't mentioned?"
"Don't have a partner," Dick exhaled, flinching as Catalina's image popped before his eyes.  He thought he knew what Wilson was pointing to, but a lot of the Blockbusters liked to use teeth.  Liked to mark him.
"Then who the hell did this to you?"  A pause, and Wilson's voice grew darker.  "The Blockbusters haven't lost a game in weeks."
Dick exhaled and reached for the numbness again.  It flooded him, stronger than before, until it no longer mattered that he was pinned underneath a man that intended to fuck him as payback for scoring past him.  "Doesn't matter," he said, voice light and almost floaty.
"What doesn't matter?"  Wilson sounded thoroughly pissed off now, but that was a problem for Future Dick.  Present Dick was dissociating too hard to care.
"Winning or losing," Dick said.  Introduce the idea of sex for punishment, normalize it, and people would twist it for all manner of things.  Winning just meant that Dick would go to the person on the Blockbusters' line-up that wanted him, and there were a lot of people that wanted him.
Wilson's fingers disappeared and his weight shifted off.  Dick waited for him to come back, another hard kiss, more bruising touches, more pain.  He wondered if he could get back to the hotel before six.  He wondered about how Bruce was doing, whether he watched Dick's games or just blocked out all mention of him after Dick had left his coaching to make it on his own.  He wondered if it would be this bad on any other hockey team.
He wondered if he could go back in time, to little eight-year-old Dick Grayson who loved the ice, and shake him and tell him not to go into hockey.
Wilson was taking an awfully long time.  Dick lifted his head up, and lifted all the way up to sitting when he didn't spot the defenseman anywhere in the room.
A bang of the door showed where he’d gone.  Wilson was glowering now, fury roiling off of him like a stormcloud, but Dick could only stare, unconcerned.  He didn't even flinch when the man advanced on him.
"Get up," Wilson ordered harshly, pulling Dick to his feet and tugging his shirt back down.  "Come with me."
Dick didn't try to fight the casual manhandling and merely trotted after Wilson.
They were leaving the room.  Dick didn't understand why, and everything was moving too slow for him to form the words to ask.  Wilson seemed to know where he was going, darting frequent glances back as if to check that Dick was still there, and Dick followed him, confused and unable to care.
The hallways weren't familiar, but they were starting to get noisy and when Wilson pushed through a door to the sound of loud conversations, Dick realized he'd brought him to the Jokers' locker room.
The thought should've caused shrieking alarm.  Instead, all Dick could feel was a dull pang as he obediently followed Wilson inside.
"Done that quick?" someone jeered as they strode further into the locker room--the majority of the team was still here and Dick's gaze skipped past faces, deliberately not counting them.  "Oooh," there was a chorus of wolf whistles as they spotted him behind Wilson.  "Did you bring him to share?"
Everything felt so far away.  Even the ground.  Dick felt like he was falling and falling.
"Shut up," Wilson snapped.  "And go get Fries."  Wilson turned back to Dick and pushed him back to an empty bench.  "You, sit down."
There was another round of heckling.  "Did you break him already?" someone laughed, followed by crude comments about their relative sizes.
Wilson ignored them, crouching in front of Dick.  "Can you raise your arms?" he asked.  Dick started to lift them but they started trembling the moment they reached shoulder level and Wilson grabbed his arms and pulled them down.  "Never mind," he said, "lean forward and duck your head."
Dick did as he was told, forehead hovering next to Wilson's shoulder as the man curled his fingers in the back of Dick's shirt and pulled it up.  He managed to get it off without any input from Dick, and Dick watched as his arms speckled with gooseflesh.
He didn't feel cold.  He didn't feel anything.
Dick didn't hear laughter anymore.  There was a low whistle and footsteps and suddenly a small crowd surrounding Dick and Wilson.  Their faces were all blurry.  Dick didn't try to make them out.
"Damn, Wilson, what did you do?" someone asked, hushed, and there was a minor scuffle when Wilson aimed an elbow at the speaker.
"Fries is on his way," another voice called out.
"Why didn't you just take him to his own team?" someone else muttered.
"Couldn't find them," Wilson said, voice hard and flat.
More silence.
Another voice, quiet.  "Jones said that he didn't see any of them still here when he left."
A round of sharp inhales and low what the fucks.  "They just left him?" someone asked, sounding horrified.
Wilson was watching him, stare narrowed and intense.  Dick held his gaze, still and quiet, waiting pliantly.  His eyes were a cold blue with flecks of gray.  He had wrinkles on his face.  His hair wasn't actually all gray, some of it was a blonde so light it was indistinguishable at first glance.
"Something's wrong with him," someone said abruptly.
"Uh, yeah, we can see that something's wrong with him--"
"No, I meant, look--" something snapped in front of Dick's face.  He blinked but didn't move.  "See?  He hasn't said anything since he got here.  He hasn't even twitched."
"Wilson, what the fuck did you do?!" the tone was higher, harsher.  Wilson broke his stare with Dick and straightened to turn on the speaker, an argument of growls and hisses.
Someone else settled in front of Dick, bald, with a crinkled frown on his face.  "Hello, my name is Victor Fries," he said, voice slow and calm.  "Can you tell me where you're injured?"
Where wasn't Dick injured was a better question.  Dick mutely pointed to the giant developing bruise on his side, because that was what had caught Wilson's attention.
Dick didn't flinch when Fries began prodding at the wound, tiny jolts of pain fizzling out in the numbness.  Fries frowned, and then frowned even deeper when he met Dick's gaze.  Dick didn't realize that the volume of the argument between the Jokers had risen and fallen until someone abruptly sat down on the bench next to him.
He turned, blinking at Wilson.  Wilson glowered back.  "Well?" he rumbled, turning the glare to Fries.
Fries looked upset.  "Richard--can I call you Richard?"  He waited for Dick's slow nod to continue.  "Do you know where you are?"
Of course Dick knew.  "Jokers' locker room," he rasped.  There was abrupt silence, which was the only reason he realized how noisy the room was before then.
"That's great," Fries smiled tightly.  "Are you feeling cold?"
Dick looked down at his goosebumps.  "No," he answered honestly.
Wilson made a low growling sound.  There was a scuffle of movement and something soft hit Dick in the face.  It was the purple and black of the Jokers' colors and Dick stared at Wilson when the man wrapped it around his shoulders.
"Richard," Fries said, and Dick's gaze swung back to him, ignoring the towel.  "Judging by the bruising, I think you have some broken ribs, though we'll need an X-ray to make sure.  I've been informed that your team has already left, so I can drive you to the hospital and you can call them to meet you there--"
"No."  Dick's fingers were trembling.  He stared at them, lost in the shudders.
"Excuse me?"
"No hospital."  Dick had to clear out his throat.  "I'm fine."  He was so tired.  Everyone was staring at him, and he didn't know why.  He just wanted this night to be over.
"Richard, you really need to get it checked out--"
"I said I'm fine."
Wilson scoffed loudly at that.  "You're not fine," he said, daring Dick to argue.
Dick had to let go of the numbness, pushing up to his feet, but exhaustion swooped in to take its place, leaving him ragged and still distant.  Clearly Wilson didn't like the bruises, but there wasn't anything Dick could do about that.
"You don't get to tell me that," Dick said evenly, watching Wilson's eyes flash and knowing he'd be paying for that soon enough.  "You won.  You get the night and nothing else.  So either take your spoils or leave me alone."
The locker room was dead silent.  Dick realized he had a towel around his shoulders, one of the big, soft, fluffy ones, and he suppressed the urge to huddle further in it.  It was cold and he had to fight not to shiver.
There was probably a more diplomatic way to play this, he could've gotten that ride and then ditched them there, but Dick was so very tired.  He just wanted it over with.
"Fine," Wilson snapped.  Some of his teammates made protesting sounds, but Wilson levered up, shooting them all dark looks.  "Fries, give me some painkillers and an ice pack."  The medic mutely did as he was told, shooting Dick undefinable looks.  "Come on, Grayson, let's get back to the room.  Can't miss out on my spoils."
He twisted the words into a nasty sneer.  Dick would've felt afraid if he had the energy to, but he didn't even have enough to imagine what Wilson had planned.  He just followed the man silently back through the same hallways, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, until they were back next to the bed.
"Take these."  Wilson handed Dick the painkillers and a bottle of water.  Dick thought about pointing out that Wilson didn't have the authority to drug him either, but lost the impulse under the exhaustion.  He swallowed the pills.
"Now get in bed."
Dick crawled up on the bed.  "Do you want me to take off my pants?" he asked, trying to stifle a yawn.
"No."  Wilson casually manhandled him until Dick was on his back, on a pillow, watching Wilson draw the covers back.
Wilson got in after him, and pressed the folded towel to Dick's ribs--Dick hissed at the sudden shock of ice, but then gradually relaxed as the numbing set in.
"What do you want me to do?" Dick said, or thought he said.  It was getting more and more difficult to keep his attention focused on Wilson.  The man was shifting on the bed, sitting next to him, drawing the covers over them, a warm, burning presence at Dick's side.
"Close your eyes," came the order.  Dick followed it.  Maybe it would be easier if he wasn't watching.
He didn't know when the darkness slipped to unconsciousness.
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1800-fight-me · 1 year
hmmmm what about aemond’s new little wife doesn’t know how to tell him she’s feeling horny so she’s irritated the whole day and he at first thinks he’s done something to upset her but he takes in her flushed face as she’s squirming in her chair at dinner and he’s all like “hmm, i haven’t been doing my duty as a husband, have I?”
Effective Communication
Aemond Targaryen x Petite!Female!Reader
Prequel to Practice Makes Perfect (but can be read without reading that first!)
Warnings: Making out, discussions of sex, heavy making out, allusions to sex
Word Count: 1.7k
Synopsis: You've missed your husband's attention and can't quite get up the courage to tell him.
Author’s note: THIS IS A GOD TIER LEVEL PROMPT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This sparked so many ideas and so I'm working on I think three other prequels to Practice Makes Perfect to go along with this one!! Thank you so much!!
Aemond Masterlist
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It’s been five days. Five days since you’ve had the opportunity to spend any alone time with your husband. 
He was constantly busy with his attendance to his brother the king and the realm’s newest crisis. 
You stayed up each night and waited for him, but he would come back so late that sleep would have you in its grasp by the time he slid into the bed beside you. 
You told him he could wake you up, if he wished, but he reassured you that he didn’t want to bother you and you should get your full night’s sleep even if he couldn’t. He clearly didn’t get your underlying message that you would like him to wake you up, and you were still rather shy about expressing your needs. 
He was gone every morning with a quick kiss to your forehead. 
You groaned in annoyance as you fully woke to an empty bed yet again. 
You marched through the rest of your day, meetings with noble ladies, a walk through the gardens with Helaena, party planning with Alicent, all of it you tolerated rather than enjoyed as you usually do. 
You were terrible at masking your irritation and all day you dealt with questions. 
“Are you alright, Princess?” “Are you upset, dear?” “Have I done something to offend?” 
Your reputation as kind and sweet worked against you when you were obviously upset. 
You were sick of feeling such frustration and you racked your brain to determine the cause of it. You were not in the phase of your cycle that causes irritation, you weren’t hungry, and you didn’t have a headache. 
You rolled your eyes at yourself as you realized the reason. You had a deficiency in your husband’s attention. For someone still so new to sex, you had grown used to your husband joining himself with you each night in the months you’d been wed, and anything less that daily felt unbearable. 
That night was the weekly family dinner that Alicent enforced. 
When your lady’s maid dressed you for dinner you fidgeted enough that she huffed in irritation as you thought of finally seeing Aemond.  
“What is wrong, my lady?” 
“Nothing,” you muttered. 
A pageboy knocked on the door and when you gave him permission to enter he let you know that your husband would have to meet you at dinner rather than escort you due to a meeting going long. 
“Ugh. Wonderful,” you snapped back at him. 
You had hoped to at least have a moment alone with Aemond before dinner. 
He visibly blanched at your sharp tone. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry. Thank you for delivering the message,” you said and he nodded and left. 
You sighed and placed your head in your hands. 
“Perhaps you should talk about what is bothering you,” your lady’s maid suggested as she finished helping you get ready. 
“No, I’m alright,” you mumbled. 
She looked at you like she didn’t quite believe you but didn’t want to push it and finished her task in silence. 
You made your way towards the royal dining room and with soft, not quite genuine smiles, you greeted everyone and sat down. 
Everyone was present besides Aemond and Aegon. 
Alicent chit chatted with you and Helaena, though you participated in the conversation less than the two of them. 
Finally the doors opened and you looked up eagerly. 
You sighed when it was only Aegon. 
He took the seat to the right of you, Helaena on his other side.
He greeted his wife before he turned to you. 
“Hello, sister,” he said and you glared at him. 
“How is it that you made it here before Aemond?” you asked bluntly. 
He laughed in surprise at your surly mood and then the doors opened once again. 
You sighed in relief this time as your gorgeous husband strode in. 
He smirked at the awed expression on your face as your breath was taken away by his handsomeness. 
He crossed the room in quick strides and soon took his seat next to you. 
“Hello, little wife,” he purred as he pressed his lips to your cheek. 
It took all your self control not to throw yourself in his lap and press your lips to his. 
“Hello, dear husband,” you breathed out as you were lost in his gaze. 
Alicent called everyone’s attention and said a prayer before the food was brought in. 
Honestly, Aemond was not ever very physically affectionate in front of other people, so you weren’t sure why you expected it, but you grew more upset that he made no efforts to touch you when he sat so close. 
He spoke to you softly a few times but you mostly gave him short answers or ‘mhm’d’ in agreement with his words. 
It was unfair how good he looked. You wanted to tangle your fingers in his hair. You wanted to yank his lips down to yours. You wanted to bite his neck and hear the way it always made him groan. 
You were already practically dripping with need. 
When Aegon made another unseemly joke you couldn’t hold yourself back as you scoffed and rolled your eyes. 
Aegon looked at you in surprise at your obvious attitude and then made eye contact with Aemond, and looked at him like you were crazy, which only made you more angry. 
You opened your mouth, to say something you would most likely regret but Aemond laid his arm across the back of your seat and you turned towards him. 
He leaned in to whisper in your ear and you tensed at his proximity. 
It is true that Aegon was often irritating, but it was not common for you to be so vocal about your annoyance. 
“Where is my sweet wife?” Aemond asked and his breath tickled your ear and caused a shiver to run down your spine. 
“Tell me what is wrong,” he commanded, though his voice was still soft. 
You felt a wave of desire to please him flow through you. 
You turned your head and your eyes met his. Though your gaze flickered to his lips as he wet them with his tongue. 
His eye widened slightly with realization. 
He smirked as he looked you up and down and took in your flustered state. 
“Are you irritated because of me?” he surmised. 
You squirmed in your seat and bit your lip as you looked at him. 
“I have neglected my husbandly duties as of late, haven’t I?” he purred with a smirk. 
You nodded as you watched him wide eyed. 
His smile was mischievous and triumphant as he pinned you to the spot with his gaze. 
He turned away from you. 
“Mother, my wife is not feeling well. We shall have to take our leave early,” he said. 
You breathed out a sigh of relief. 
She expressed concern but he brushed her off as he took your hand and led you to stand. 
You said quick goodbyes and he let you out of the hall with a hand on your waist. 
He led you towards your shared rooms, but abruptly pulled you into a dark hallway. 
“Aemond!” you squeaked in surprise. 
“Quiet,” he growled and his lips were on yours. 
He devoured you. 
Passionately and fervently his lips moved against yours as he gripped you tightly. 
It seemed you were not the only desperate one after such an extended period of not feeling one another’s touch. 
His mouth opened slightly and as you followed his lead, his tongue brushed against yours. 
You moaned. 
He pulled back from you with a hand softly placed on your jaw and throat. 
“You do not wish for others to hear us, do you little wife?” he whispered. 
You shook your head as you stared at him with wide eyes. 
His lips curved into a smirk once more and you yearned to press your lips to his again. 
“Are you so desperate for me that you would let me take you right here where anyone could walk past?” 
You whimpered in embarrassment and desire. You slipped your hands beneath his coat and wiggled underneath leather and buckles until at last you could feel his warm skin. 
He tilted your chin up with a finger and pressed his lips to the sensitive skin of your neck. 
You shivered in desire. 
“I want to hear you say it,” he murmured against your skin. 
“Yes, husband, I- I want you now,” you gasped. 
His teeth grazed your skin and your gasp turned into a moan when he bit down. 
“Well this is an unexpected sight,” a loud voice interrupted the two of you. 
You squealed in embarrassment and Aemond helped you hide yourself behind his body as he turned and glared at his brother. 
Aegon laughed in amusement. 
“I thought you were feeling ill,” he teased as he leaned to the side to see around Aemond’s body and make eye contact with you. 
Your face was hot with embarrassment and shame. 
“Leave her alone, Aegon. She does not need your teasing,” your husband ordered. 
“Yes, I can see she has her hands full with you,” Aegon mused. 
“Oh gods,” you groaned in mortification and he laughed once again. 
“We are leaving,” Aemond huffed as he reached behind himself and grabbed your hand. He shoved his shoulder roughly against Aegon’s as he walked past him. 
You avoided Aegon’s cocky and all too amused gaze. 
“Goodnight!” he called out as the two of you walked away. 
Once you finally reached your chambers and the door was safely shut behind you, you covered your face with your hands. 
“That might be the worst thing that has ever happened to me,” you groaned. 
Aemond chuckled, “Then you have led a very fortunate life, my love.” 
You huffed.
“Aemond,” you protested and he chuckled once more. 
He gently tugged your hands from your face and peered at you with love and amusement. 
“It is alright, little wife. It was only Aegon, but I know how shy you are about such things. I will talk to him and threaten his life if he ever dares to speak of it to anyone, would that make you feel better?” 
You nodded. 
“Good,” he said and pressed his lips to your once again. 
Your desires were quickly ignited once again as a wave of his fire and passion came over you. 
And finally, after five excruciating days, your husband fulfilled every desire you had for him.
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