#marcos y marcos
heartsbreath · 1 year
“Com'è possibile che senta la sua mancanza e nello stesso tempo sia un sollievo, essere lontana da lei?”
Sahar Mustafah - La tua bellezza
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stilouniverse · 11 months
Rita Charbonnier "L'amante di Chopin", presentazione
Marcos Y Marcos Grandi donne, grandi uomini, come in La sorella di Mozart, e qui si aggiungono grandi amori. Rita Charbonnier in questo nuovo lavoro ci accompagna nella vita di due artisti, allargata all’entourage familiare e intellettuale, una scrittrice le cui scelte e i cui scritti collocano tra le emancipate del secolo XIX, a partire dallo pseudonimo al posto del vero nome,…
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queerographies · 11 months
[Rivelerò io cosa dire di me][Walt Whitman]
Questi versi ipnotici, visionari, a volte persino "allucinogeni", come la radice del Calamo aromatico, pianta che a tratti affiora tra le righe, raccontano la storia di un grande amore fra due uomini, di una triste separazione, di una cocente delusione.
Nel 1860, negli Stati Uniti, l’omosessualità era un reato. Non stupisce quindi che Whitman, prima di dare alle stampe Foglie d’erba, abbia estirpato l’espressione più viva del suo sentimento amoroso, incredibilmente aperto, o fluido, come lui stesso lo definisce, chiaramente incline all’attrazione maschile ma più in generale insofferente a ogni barriera. La nuova traduzione di Calamus, cuore…
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
link e materiali da/per “cose chiuse fuori" (aragno, collana 'i domani', 2023)
link e materiali da/per “cose chiuse fuori" (aragno, collana 'i domani', 2023)
[post in progressivo aggiornamento] https://www.ninoaragnoeditore.it/opera/cose-chiuse-fuori Cose chiuse fuori Nino Aragno Editore, Torino 2023 collana ‘i domani’, diretta da M.G.Calandrone, A.Cortellessa e L.Pugno La pagina del libro nel sito dell’editore: https://www.ninoaragnoeditore.it/opera/cose-chiuse-fuori * Una prima occasione di lettura a Roma, il 21…
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pierppasolini · 6 days
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Doña Herlinda y su hijo (1985) // dir. Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
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moonydustx · 4 months
Thought for the day - I believe there are two types of boys in One Piece in their relationships with girls, let me explain.
There are those where, outsiders, would never say that the two of you are in a relationship. You walk steps apart, exchanging only the essentials of words between you. However, anyone who looked closely could see that many times, some favors were done just for you, that his eyes always seemed to follow you at every step, protecting you even from afar. It was the type of situation in which the person who dared to mess with you would barely know where the blow would come from. However, when the two of you are alone, prepare for a clingy pair. He loves to make up for all the moments away when it's just the two of you - he holds you in bed for a few more minutes, stealing several kisses before facing the reality of the day, he always offers to accompany you on your explorations, just so he can drag you to hidden places in the city and enjoy the time alone, he will love you (aka fuck) as if that were the last night he would have you in their bed, after all, the next day, you both would just be crewmates again.
Law, Zoro, Marco, Killer, Katakuri, Mihawk, Smoker, Rob Lucci, Sabo (u can't tell me this loverboy wouldn't be the clingest guy in the alone time)
These people practically have your name tied to their existence. He don't exist without remembering your name immediately, accompanied by a smile, after all, anyone who saw - even if they didn't know you two - would know that you were made for each other - even if you are copies of each other's personality or are completely the opposite - you spark something in him that is sharp. They are super protective, yes, but they don't need to worry about following you far away, they know that no one would have enough balls to mess with his girl. Whenever they got into trouble, they immediately asked you for help after all you were one of the people he trusted most. With everyone already knowing about the two of you, he didn't need to make an effort to hide something, whether when he walked hand in hand with you, when he took the lead and asked who dared to interfere with their partner, or when they took advantage of any time free to love you (again, aka fuck) in a messy way, leaving marks and not sparing the noise. After all, everyone already knew that you belonged together.
Luffy, Crocodile, Ace, Kid, Sanji, Katakuri (he can be both versions, I'm sorry whoever disagrees), Franky, Shanks, Rayleigh, Buggy, Sabo (again, this sweetie fits for any side here)
a/n: I don't think anyone was missing, but if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them here
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rocknread · 2 years
Taddeo In Rivolta di Stefano Amato - Recensione
Taddeo In Rivolta di Stefano Amato – Recensione
Taddeo In Rivolta, una citazione: “Credo che viviamo in un mondo assurdo, un mondo talmente assurdo che l’unico modo per viverci è comportarsi in maniera altrettanto assurda.” Taddeo In Rivolta è un moto di ribellione contro il mondo e la sua ingiustizia. È grasso, introverso, il suo autore preferito è Camus: a Cirasa Taddeo si sente solo contro tutti, perché ignoranza, prepotenza e sciatteria…
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platonic yandere WB and orphan feral child reader
Platonic Yandere Whitebeard Pirates x GN Child Reader
5.3k words
Summary: Your life of isolation on an abandoned island is interrupted when a mistake leads to you being spotted by some pirates.
Warnings: brief descriptions of death and violence, starvation, drugging, forced adoption, platonic yanderes
Creeping closer to the shoreline left your nerves rattled. While it wasn’t unheard of for pirates to stop at this island, you’ve never seen a ship so big before. You stare in awe and fear at the behemoth of a ship stationed not far from the shore.
From your hiding spot under some brush, you’ve seen several pirates leave the ship and disperse throughout the island. Presumably, they were looking for food. They wouldn’t find much. This has been a bad year for fruit and berries, and the few animals that called this island home were getting harder and harder to catch.
Frustration ate away at you. There was so little for you to eat as is, and these people were about to steal what was left. You were already starving, and now it’s about to get worse. Still, you weren’t stupid enough to confront them about it. Talking to pirates was a dangerous idea… you learned that lesson the hard way.
Being stranded wasn’t so bad at first. You still had your mom and dad, and they took care of the bulk of the work. They’d built the treehouse that you call home and taught you how to survive. While they were always trying to flag down passing ships for help, you’d never cared all that much about it. You could barely even remember what civilization was like anymore, so you felt no real desire to go back to it. Being alone with your family was all that you knew, and the idea of anything else felt scary.
Everything came crashing down the day that some pirates docked at the island. Your parents told you to stay put in the treehouse and approached the crew to beg them for a ride back home. Following them was something you would go on to regret for the rest of your life. Despite your family being nothing but kind and respectful… they were brutalized. All you could do was watch in terror as your parents were beaten to death for “bothering” the pirates.
You hated pirates. 
Dragging your parents’ battered bodies back home was a grueling effort. They were so much bigger than you were, and you couldn’t stop crying as you looked at their bodies. If you hadn't seen it happen, you wouldn’t have even been sure it was them. Then you had to dig their graves with your bare hands. It took all day to get both of the holes deep enough to put them into. You brought over the biggest rocks you could carry as a way to mark where they were so you would never forget.
Ever since that day, you’ve been completely alone. It was hard. So much harder than you ever imagined. It’s not like you didn’t know how much your parents had done for you while they were still alive, but it was completely different having to now do all of it by yourself without any guidance. 
Gathering and storing rainwater was all up to you, getting food was all up to you, starting fires to cook meat and keep warm was all up to you. There were many points during the first year by yourself where you thought you were going to die. Miraculously, you managed to survive and settle into your independent role. You’ve survived on your own for a little over three years now by following your instincts and what your parents taught you. Today was the first time you’ve considered going against one of your rules.
You knew that your next course of action should be to leave and hide out until these pirates get off the island. Getting as close as you already have was needlessly risky, but you couldn’t help it. They were cooking up a bunch of food on the beach and it smelled amazing. Your stomach growled and you were salivating as the aroma of cooking meat assaulted your senses. Maybe it’s because you were starving from struggling to forage this year, but you couldn’t bring yourself to leave.
It was stupid… but you need food. If they’re going to take your food, then why shouldn’t you take some of theirs? The guy that had been cooking left a little while ago to go back to the ship for something, and no one else was around. If you were quick… This should be fine.
After taking another glance around to confirm that no one would see you, you spring out of the bushes and sprint for where the food is. There are several tables littered with food. You skid to a stop in front of one and grab the first thing that you see. Crouching down behind the table, you examine your find. It’s brown and has a tough, yet crumbly exterior. When you squeeze it, it gives easily and crackles under the force of your hands. Without a second of hesitation, you bring it to your mouth and bite into it. The inside is white and much softer. It’s simultaneously chewy and crunchy, and you love it. Your eyes start to grow wet as you chew it.
It tastes so good.
The rest of it is eaten in seconds, and then you grab more of these things off the table and stuff them into your bag that you carry with you everywhere. As much as you want to sample everything now, you have no idea how much time you have before someone comes back. Getting caught was not an option. If pirates killed your parents just for speaking to them, you didn’t want to find out what they would do to someone who stole from them.
Random food is stuffed into your bag as you frantically look around for signs of someone coming back. You approach the fire that has meat roasting over it. Your mouth watered as you smelled it from so close up. You reach for it, then pull your hand away. It would make more sense to cut off a piece with your knife. Grabbing something that’s roasting over an open fire will just burn your hand.
You drop to your knees and try to find your hunting knife in your bag. Just as you find it, you hear something. Footsteps. Your heart hammers in your chest and you frantically scramble under the nearest table. Peeking out from under the table, you see the cook coming back with a basket in his arms. He drops it on a table, then walks over to where the meat is cooking and checks on it.
One of your hands clutches your knife, while the other covers your nose and mouth to keep yourself quiet. Your heart is pounding in your chest so loud that you’re scared he’s going to hear it.
The man approaches the table you’re under and stops moving. You shake in fear, thinking you’ve been found. He lets out an exasperated sigh and calls out, “Can you people not wait ten minutes before pillaging?!” He grumbles under his breath about bottomless pits and starts to turn away, only to stop when he hears something.
Your stomach growling.
Trying to clutch your stomach does nothing. It’s too late now. You can only hope that he didn’t actually hear that, but it was so loud. What feels like hours pass in the tensest silence of your life, then a hand shoots under the table and grabs your arm before hauling you out into the open.
You’re effortlessly brought up to eye level with the cook, who stares at you with a baffled expression. His mouth opens and closes a few times before words actually come out. “Who… Where did you come from?”
Finally, your instincts override your terror, and you slash at him with your knife. His arms are so long that you can’t even reach him, but the action is still enough to be startling and make him drop you. The second you hit the ground, you run. You duck under the table to grab your bag and then take off towards the woods.
“Hey, wait! Come back!”
The cook tries to run after you, but you’re able to easily lose him once you enter the forest. There are plenty of tight squeezes that you know someone his size won’t be able to fit through. It’s not long before you’ve stopped hearing his voice and you can finally slow down. You lean against a tree as you catch your breath.
Normally, you wouldn’t get exhausted so easily, but your emaciated body couldn’t handle much exertion anymore. You pant hard and cough loudly as you sink to the ground. Internally, you curse at yourself for being so weak. You need to get back to the treehouse. Just because that one guy gave up didn’t mean that there wouldn’t be others.
Forcing yourself to get back on your feet, you continue the trek back home. You pull out another one of those brown things from your bag and start munching on it. This one tastes just as good as the last, and you can’t help but wonder what it is. It isn’t like anything you’ve ever had before. 
As you walk, you hear something strange. You freeze and look around. It sounds like… a bird? But the flap of the wings is much louder than you’re used to. You whip your head around frantically while trying to identify the source.
Then you see it. A giant, blue bird was flying overhead. And it looked like it was on fire. You watch, slack jawed, as it lands on a branch above your head and peers down at you. It isn’t behaving aggressively, but that isn’t enough to quell your fear. That bird could easily swoop down and pick you up, and its talons looked like they were as long as your fingers. You start walking backwards while keeping your eyes locked on the animal. You aren’t far from your treehouse now. If you could just get in there, you should be safe. That giant bird looked too big to fit inside.
Much to your horror, the bird starts following you from a distance. Its actions aren’t necessarily predatory yet, but you figure that’s only because it’s trying to decide if you’re worth the effort to prey on or not. It takes effort to not run, but you’ve learned over the years that doing that will only encourage the animal to attack. You walk at a brisk pace while watching the bird as closely as you can while periodically glancing over your shoulder to make sure that you’re still going the right way.
You’re relieved when you see your treehouse come into view, only to quickly become distressed when the bird lands on one of the branches supporting it. This is enough to give you pause about entering it. You really don’t want to get too close to that bird. It could easily carry you away if it was able to grab you… but it hasn’t behaved like a predator at all yet. Maybe it’s just curious and will go away once you get inside?
Taking a deep breath to settle your rattled nerves, you start climbing up the tree. There used to be a rope ladder, but it fell apart about a year ago, so now you’re stuck scaling the tree using its trunk, branches and the vines growing on it.
Once again, your weakened state was taking a heavy toll on you. Normally, you could get from the forest floor to the treehouse in a matter of seconds. Today, after your previous run and the fast paced walking you did, you were so exhausted that you had to take a break halfway up. A vine is tightly clutched in your shaky hands to help keep you steady as you sit on one of the branches, trying to catch your breath and get your head to stop spinning.
The familiar sound of heavy wings flapping cuts through the air again, and you look up in hopes that you’ll see that weird bird flying away. The bird flies behind the tree, then comes around and lands on another branch. The one that you’re on. 
The branch dips under the added weight of the large bird, forcing you to hold onto the vine tighter to keep from falling. Your heart was pounding again as the creature inched closer to you. You’re frozen in fear and stuck staring up at it as its head cranes over to you. The way its eyes examine you feels weird. It seems so… calculated. Intelligent. Birds’ eyes have never looked so purposeful to you.
Now that it’s so close, you can’t help but be drawn to the markings around its eyes. The way that the purple feathers frame them reminds you of the glasses that your father wore. The reminder makes your chest feel weird, so you quickly dismiss it. This isn’t a good time to be getting sentimental. You need to get into your treehouse before those pirates spot you, or this bird decides that it wants to eat you.
Using a burst of energy brought on by your desire to not become a snack, you frantically close the gap between you and your home. The bird doesn’t lunge after you, much to your relief, but you still slam the hatch shut as soon as you get through the hole in the floor that acts as the entrance to your treehouse. You collapse on the floor, gasping for breath and coughing loudly between each ragged inhale.
You freeze and snap your head up when you hear the bird take off, and you wonder if it’s about to attack your home. It’s so large that you think it would be able to cave in the roof just from landing on it. Much to your relief, however, the flaps of its powerful wings grow more and more faint as the animal flies away from your home. Your head falls back onto the floor as the tension finally leaves your body.
It takes a while for you to recover from your exhaustion enough to get to your feet. When you do, you trudge over to the pile of fabrics and furs that make up your bed and fall onto it. You slide your bag off your shoulder and rip open the flap so you can finally sate your appetite with your findings.
Everything is okay. You’re safe for now.
At first, all you can do is gawk at how much food you have. You’ve never had so much food at once. It’s almost overwhelming to have so many options in front of you in such a plentiful amount.
Snapping out of your choice paralysis, you grab something that you think is a fruit. It’s bright orange, and the skin feels thick and textured. You sniff it, but the smell isn’t all that strong. Experimentally, you bite into it. The skin is tough, but once your teeth break through, juice squirts out and drips down your hands and into your mouth. The taste is like nothing you’ve ever had before. It’s so strong and sweet and it makes your mouth feel funny, but in a good way. You rip out the chunk you bit into and chew it. The skin doesn’t taste very good, and you wonder if you’re even supposed to eat it. You pick off pieces of the skin until you can bite into just the flesh of the fruit. When you do, you feel like your previous assumption about the skin was correct. Eating the flesh directly was infinitely better with the skin out of the way.
You make quick work of the rest of the fruit. Your hands and face are sticky, but you’re feeling happy for once. You took a major risk stealing this stuff, but it felt worth it. Your stomach was going to be full, and you got to taste new things, even if it would be just this once. You’re about to dive back into your bag of goodies, but then you hear it.
Footsteps. Lots of them. 
Your previous elation is gone in an instant and replaced with raw fear. You unsheath your hunting knife and drop into a crawl. You go over to where there’s a small split in the wall for you to peer out of without risking being seen. As you squint through the crack, your heart drops into your stomach when you see three people approaching the tree your home is in. One of them is the cook that saw you earlier. You start to panic, realizing that you’ve been hunted down.
This is it for you. You’re about to suffer the same fate as your parents because you got careless. 
You scurry backwards until your back is against one of the walls. There’s only one way in and out of this treehouse: the hatch on the floor. It isn’t very big, only one person can climb through at a time. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to take them on as each comes through. It’s unlikely, but this is your only chance. You refuse to just roll over and let them kill you. If you die today, you’ll go down fighting.
The walls muffle noise from the outside, making it impossible for you to make out what’s being said. What you can hear loud and clear is someone scaling up the tree. The branches creak loudly under that person’s weight as they easily climb up. In mere seconds, you see the hatch get pushed up and to the side. Your fingers squeeze around the hilt of your knife in preparation for what you need to do.
A head pokes through. A man with dark hair and freckles on his face peers around your treehouse. He chuckles quietly and mutters to himself, “This really takes me back.”
He starts to haul himself through the hole, and that’s when you finally spring into action. You lunge at him with a snarl and bring your blade down on his neck with all your might. At least you tried to. 
With seemingly no effort, the man grabs your wrist, effectively bringing you to a halt. His grip is impossibly strong. You try to pull away, but he won’t budge. You expect the man to snap your arm or hit you with an attack of his own, but he barely even reacts to you. He keeps a firm, yet surprisingly painless, grip on you while he finishes climbing into your home. He speaks to you in a casual tone, “Relax, kid. No one’s here to hurt you.”
Your wrist is released, but he snatches your knife out of your hand and closely examines it. He runs his thumb along the edge and laughs a little. “Damn, I didn’t even need to block. This thing is so dull that I don’t think it would have been able to cut me.” When he looks back up at you, you scramble back, completely terrified from how easily this guy disarmed you. The man notes your apparent terror and sets down your knife before holding his hands up, “Hey, take it easy. I promise I’m not going to hurt you. No one will.” A hand is extended toward you. The hand is open and relaxed. “I’m Ace. What’s your name?”
All that you do is stare at him. You’re not sure what he’s doing. Does he expect you to give him something after he already took your knife? 
The smile that he was sporting drops slightly, and he retracts his hand. “Not much for handshakes? Can you at least tell me your name?” Again, you just stare at him. You don’t know why he’s behaving the way he is, which only makes you more anxious. Ace’s smile droops more. “Can you talk? Do you understand what I’m saying?”
You decide to answer his last question with a tense nod. The response makes his smile return and he appears to be oddly relieved for reasons that you can’t fathom.
Ace scoots closer to you while pulling something off of his belt. “That’s good. I was starting to get worried that I’d have to act out everything.” He removes the top from the thing he pulled off his belt and holds it out to you. You can’t see what’s inside it from where you’re crouched, but you can see steam coming out of it. “Here, I brought something for you.”
When you don’t make a move to take it from him, he sighs and sets it down on the floor before moving back. “No need to be so suspicious, kid. Thatch warmed up some milk and honey for you. He thought you could use it.”
You don’t know what milk or honey is. Is it food? Accepting something from a pirate feels like a bad idea, but you get the feeling that he doesn’t plan to go away until you do. And with him blocking the way out and also having your only usable weapon, you feel like you don’t really have a choice here.
Carefully, you creep forward. Your eyes stay trained on Ace as you do. His own eyes are flitting around your home. The lack of focus on you helped soothe your nerves slightly, but you still scrambled back frantically once you were able to grab the weird cup-thing. It was warm to the touch, and the stuff inside was white. You sniff at it, and your stomach growls in response to the comforting aroma. You take an experimental sip. The taste is sweet and soothing, but also weirdly familiar. An old memory tickled at the back of your mind, but not clearly enough to fully remember it. Have you had this “milk and honey” before? Maybe before your family became stranded on this island?
Immediately, you tilt the cup up and start gulping it down greedily, wanting to drink it all before Ace could try and take it back. It’s gone in a matter of seconds. Despite just being a drink, it felt oddly filling. You feel disappointed that it’s gone already, but you don’t want to push your luck by asking for more.
Ace’s shoulders relax when you finish the drink, though you’re not sure why. He attempts to converse with you again. “See? I’m not so bad, right? I don’t suppose you want to tell me your name now, do you?”
Sharing your name feels weird. Your parents were the only people who ever knew it, and a part of you wants to keep it that way. But… Ace has been strangely nice to you. Maybe it won’t be a bad thing to tell him.
“... (Y/N).”
Your voice croaks and your throat aches from just saying the one word. Now that you think about it… you don’t think you’ve spoken since your parents died. There hasn’t been a reason to since that fateful day..
The noticeable pain in your voice caught Ace’s attention, and he frowned. He moves closer to you again. While you do tense up, you don’t move away, which he appears to take as a good sign. He moves even closer to you and speaks up again, “You look pretty hungry, (Y/N). Thatch brought some food for you.”
This makes you perk up and glance around his person, trying to figure out where he’s keeping the food at. He picks up on that and laughs lightly. “I don’t have it. If you want it… you have to come with me. Okay?”
As soon as he says that, you recoil. While he had earned a little bit of trust, it wasn’t enough to make you blindly follow him.
Ace’s hand shoots out and grabs yours before you can back away too much. His grip is firm, but not crushing. He squeezes it gently and speaks in a calm voice, “You don’t have to go far. You just have to come down from this tree. Thatch and Marco are waiting at the bottom.” When you don’t look convinced and instead keep trying to pull away, he drags you over to the hole in the floor and guides you to look down. The other two people you saw before are standing by the base of the tree. They smile warmly and wave at you.
“They just want to see you and make sure you’re okay. Can you please come down so they can do that?”
Your instincts are screaming at you to not agree and stay up here. You’ve already taken too many risks today, and this feels like an insane idea. You’re already vulnerable purely from your physical state, but you would also be outnumbered three-to-one if you go down there.
But, what’s stopping them from coming up if you don’t cooperate? It feels like you’re already caught, so maybe you should just do whatever they say so as to not upset them
With significant hesitation, you give Ace an affirmative nod, which makes him grin widely. You expect for him to start climbing down so you could follow him. Rather than that, he abruptly picks you up and drops out of the hole. You squawk in surprise and flail as both of you fall. Your eyes screw shut and you brace for impact, only for him to somehow slow down just before he lands. It almost sounds like there’s a fire for a moment, but by the time your eyes open so you can look, the noise is gone.
And you’re surrounded by three pirates. 
You shrink in on yourself as the other two stare at you. They don’t look angry, but you feel scared of them regardless. Ace sets you down on the ground, then gently pushes you towards them.
The tall cook that you ran from earlier crouches down and smiles widely at you. Even now, he towers over you, prompting you to lean back against Ace. Your wariness does nothing to deter the cook. He pulls out a small box and holds it out to you.
“Hey there! I’m Thatch. You gave me quite the surprise earlier. I thought for sure it was Ace getting into the food early.” When you don’t take the box, he pulls the lid off and shows what’s inside. There’s a bunch of food densely packed into it, and the wave of smells that hits you leaves your mouth watering. 
Your restraint dies on the spot, and you quickly snatch the box out of his hands and grab a handful of food before stuffing it into your mouth. You glance up at Thatch while you’re chewing and see him holding out some tiny, shiny thing with some points on the end.
He chuckles and stuffs it back in his pocket while returning to his full height, “I guess we can teach you about silverware later.”
While you eat, you keep your back pressed against Ace’s legs. You’re only half paying attention as the men talk amongst themselves.
Thatch spoke first, “Can they talk?”
“A little. I got them to tell me their name, but it sounds like the kid hasn’t said anything in forever. Their name is (Y/N).”
The blonde man, who you’re assuming has to be Marco, kneels down and starts examining you closely. His glasses reminded you a little bit of the bird you saw earlier. His scrutinizing gaze makes you hold your box of food tighter and turn away from him slightly. This makes him chuckle and speak to you in a soothing voice, “I’m not going to take it. I just want to get a good look at you so I can make sure you’re okay.”
His hand touches your hair and lifts clumps of it up. You wince as the matted sections of hair tug at your scalp. You used to keep your hair cut short but were forced to stop when your knife became so dull that it couldn’t really cut through anymore.
Marco hummed quietly and muttered under his breath, “Might be best to just shave it all off.” He dropped the hair clumps and moved on to examining your face. His eyes zeroed in on something in particular, and he frowns. “Did you break your nose?”
The question brings you back to a time shortly after your parents’ death. Your father had done the majority of the hunting when he was still alive, and he would use his rifle to take down some of the larger animals on the island. You had tried using it to kill a hog, but that ended horribly. Not only had you missed, but the gun jerked backwards and slammed right into your nose with a loud crack. When you managed to get to a stream so you could see your reflection, you saw that your nose was crooked. You had tried to fix it, but it hurt so bad when you touched it that you weren’t able to make it much better.
You snapped out of your thoughts and nodded your head to answer Marco’s question. He carefully holds your face and runs his thumbs down either side of your nose. Pain shoots through it, making you whine and try to pull away. He allows you to, which you appreciate.
“Is it hard to breathe through your nose?”
You stuff the last handful of food into your mouth before answering him. It takes a moment for you to find the words and force them out, “A little… used to it…”
Marco sighs softly at your answer. He pulls out a piece of cloth from his pocket and uses it to wipe off your face and hand. The cloth is put away, and he continues with his questions. “Are your parents here?”
The question makes you tense up. You didn’t appreciate how many reminders you were getting of them today. You nod stiffly, then point over to the rocks marking where they’re buried. The men glance around in confusion for a moment before looking back at you. You sigh and go over to the rocks and pat the dirt. “Here.”
All of their faces contort as they figure out what you meant.
Thatch was the one to break the silence. “You aren’t out here all alone, are you?”
You nod.
“How long have you been alone for?”
“... Three years.”
They all share wide-eyed looks with each other. Marco quickly strides up to you and takes one of your hands in his, “Let’s go back to the ship, okay?”
“No!” Any previous calm you had faded away and was replaced with a raw panic. You flailed your arm in a desperate attempt to get him to let go, but much like Ace, he wouldn’t budge.
Marco uses his other hand to grab your shoulder and force you to hold still. “Calm down, you’re just going to hurt yourself. We’re going to help you. You aren’t going to have to be alone anymore.”
You try to keep fighting, you really do, but your head starts to spin and your limbs grow weak. Before you can completely collapse, Marco scoops you up into his arms. You want to push him away, but your arms won’t do anything. All that you can do is blink wearily at your surroundings as they all swirl and blend together.
Thatch steps closer and gently pats your head. “About time. I was starting to think I went too light on the dosage. Did (Y/N) not drink all of the milk?”
“They did. They downed the entire thermos in a few seconds. I didn’t think they were going to so much as make it out of the treehouse awake.”
“I guess they’re tougher than I thought. The poor thing looked so scrawny and sickly that I was afraid I might kill them with a normal dose.”
All that comes out of you is a weak whimper as your vision starts to fade to black. Marco rubs your back and begins to walk. The gentle rocking from his gait only makes you nod off faster. His voice is quiet as he tells you assurances of how everything is going to be better now, but it does nothing to comfort you.
Terror is the only thing in your mind as you finally succumb to whatever they just did to you.
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alexa-fika · 6 months
Hello! Ok so can I request a whitebeard pirates x child reader?
Basically reader has this big fat crush on shanks and everytime that shanks visit the Moby dick reader would give shanks flowers, cards, and candies
Shanks also has this huge ego boost often making comments how he's reader favorite which anger the whitebeard pirates
Ace was so ready to strangle shanks but reader gets between them and there like "Stop fighting! if you keep this up I'll go with Mr shanks and his crew!"
Ace is heartbroken, thatch is sobbing on the floor, while everyone else is stunned LOL
-👻 anon
Puppy Love (Shanks x gn!child!reader x Whitebeard pirates)
Part two
A/N YALL GET YOUR GRILLS READY CAUSE I COOKED HERE, I loved making this im not really into crack fics so I wanted to keep it as real as possible but while still adding that spec of dramatics of it and I think I found the perfect balance
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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At first, the Whitebeard pirates thought it was normal. Dokucha was quite the amicable child, after all, and it was not unheard of for them to give small gifts to guests who came on the ship.
The first time Dokucha had seen the red-haired Captain was when the yonko was visiting the Moby Dick on business. Upon spotting the man Dokucha was quick to sneak into the clinic and steal some candy to hand to him.
“Here, Mister Shanks,” they said shyly, handing the candy to said man
Shanks took the candy from the child and thanked them for it
“For me?”
They nodded, a faint red hue blooming on their face as they fidgeted, their upper body spinning back and forth to keep their nerves down
He chuckles softly, giving the kid a small smile and ruffling their head
"Thank you very much, kid," he said as he turned to leave
They squealed happily once he had stepped off the boat, the red hue now taking over their face entirely as they replayed the event on their heads
The Whitebeard Pirates looked on in confusion at the small kid who had grown so fond of the red-head captain
“Ne, is he coming over again?” Dokucha questioned, lying their head on the railing watching as the Red forced slowly sailed away
“Pops needs to discuss some more loose ends with him, so he will be back soon,” Jozu answers absentmindedly
“How soon?”
He looks at the little one before shrugging
“A couple days, maybe a week.”
“Why are you so curious, Dokucha?” Izou asks with a raised brow at the child’s sudden interest
“Nothing!” They said, grinning ear to ear as they went into the ship a skip to their step on their way
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The pirates brushed it off as the kid simply being excited at the fact that someone out of their family was coming to visit; they were very wrong.
On the next visit, Dokucha had begged Vista to make some flowers for them and had even sneaked into the kitchen to steal some of the edible flowers to make a small bouquet.
“Here Mister Shanks”
“For me?” Shanks asked with a slight grin on his face as he took the small bouquet and gave the little one a thankful look
“Dokucha, did you make this?”
“Yeah, I made it for you,” they mutter shyly with a shrug
Shanks bends down to the child’s height
“Thank you very much; it looks like you worked hard to make it so pretty.” he takes one of the flowers and tucks it behind their ear
“Here, now you look pretty as well.”
Their face explodes with red at the gesture, a lovesick look on their face as they watch him go
The crewmates raise their eyebrows at this behavior; Ace is the first to speak up
“Hey, that idiot is trying to steal Dokucha!” mutters Ace as he elbows Marco
“That’s just how Dokucha is; you know how friendly they are,” he says with a grunt at the hit
“No, No, Ace is onto something here; he’s definitely up to something,” agrees Thatch
Marco rolls his eyes as he leaves the two to talk their conspiracy out
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Turns out he should have heeded their words as he now felt the same feeling crawling up his skin as he watched his youngest sibling yet again approaching the man with another small gift, a small golden coin they had found on their last island
By now, Shanks had started expecting it, so when the kid approached them, a smirk appeared on his face
“What do you have for me today?” he said, scooping the small child up
“I found a pretty coin for Mister Shanks!”
He backs up slightly to look at the coin the child had raised
“You’re spoiling me here, kid. What has my favorite Whitebeard up to?”
They shrug
“I played with my brothers again.”
He chuckles softly
“You’re adorable; I might have to steal you; we need some of that energy in the red Force,”
Dokucha’s response was stopped as they both turned at a hot feeling enveloping them
“Red-haired Shanks,” Ace growls, a tight grin on his face as his fire flickered around him
“Don’t get me wrong, I'm still eternally grateful for you saving and taking care of my brother, but I won’t sit still and watch you steal Dokucha.”
“Would you be so kind as to put my dear sibling down?” Thatch says, a similar tight smile on his face as he swings around his kitchen knives
Marco stared at the confrontation unfolding before him, his eyes drilling into the opposing captain, waiting for the perfect moment to swoop in
“Stop! If you hurt Mister Shanks, I will be mad at you forever! And I will go on adventures with Mister Shanks!”
Thatch gasps at their words
“Dokucha…you are breaking my heart!” He said, grasping at his chest at the sight
“Ah, Thatch-nii!” They said, jumping off Shanks's hand and running to their brother
“Is you’re heart okay?! I’m sorry! I'm not mad at Thatch-Nii!” They cry
Thatch rushes forward to the kid, embracing them in a hug
“Don’t you go running off with anyone else, okay? I won’t allow it.”
“Is your heart okay, Thatch-nii?”
He chuckles
“Don’t worry, I‘m fine. I would just miss you too much if you were to leave.”
“That being said, you are not going with Shanks.”
Shanks chuckles at this, a sly smirk growing on his face
“I don’t know. I might just steal the little one.”
“Stop” A commanding voice booms
“Ace, stand down,” Whitebeard mutters
Ace’s flame flares more as his jaw tightens
Whitebeard turns his sight to the Red-Haired captain
“Boy, stop taunting my commanders.”
Shanks raises his hand in a forfeiting motion
“Couldn’t help myself,” he chuckles
“Well then, are you done messing around?” Thatch asked after a moment of silence, scooping up the child and putting them on his hip
“I think it is time for me to take my leave,” sighs Shanks, a small smile growing as he says this
“Hey, kid, say hi to Luffy for me, will ya?” He said, glancing at Ace
Ace rolls his eyes at this but grumbles out an agreement his way, a similar smile on his face
Shanks nods at this and takes his leave, jumping back to the Red Force and preparing to set sail
Dokucha whines at this, struggling against Thatch’s hold to try to follow after the redhead
Thatch looks down at the child struggling against his grasp
“Don’t.” He said bluntly
Marco glances at the small struggle before sighing and crossing over, pulling the kid from Thatch to sit on the other side of his hip, nodding at the chef in assurance
Dokucha tries to take advantage of the handover to wiggle their way out of their grasp but is unable to escape their brothers’ firm hold
“There isn’t escaping, you little troublemaker; no use trying,”
“But I want to see Mister Shanks off!”
“I know, bud, but you can’t run off with every stranger you see,” he said, ruffling their hair
They pout
“But it’s a handsome stranger!”
“And what if they're bad people? They could steal you away, you know?”
“Mister Shanks can steal me any day,” they sighed with a dopey smile
He lets out a small chuckle
“Your something else, kid,” he says, giving their head a light pat
“No, Marco-nii, Shanks is something else! So handsome and strong!”
He scoffs at that
“What are we, invisible?” he grumbles, walking into the ship
Ace and Thatch watched them walk away, the latter looking up at his Captain
“Hey, old ma-
“You’re not going after him.”
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Guys let’s be honest Dokucha is just voicing much of you are thinking, I think they are intrusive thoughts voiced out, honestly I keep re-reading and I keep laughing cause I just think of you guys doing that
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cyborg-franky · 1 month
PROMPT: wanna hear how you think your favourite character(s) cuddle (or “sleep in the same bed as” if you can’t see them cuddling) their s/o! Scenario or headcanon, doesn’t matter, I wanna hear how you think they cuddle!
GN Reader - SFW
Repost of mine from libary of ohara
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Sharing a bed with Ace was both a blessing and a curse, depending on how you felt and how the weather was. Ace was a heater, a clingy heater that would hold you tightly to his chest. His hands would always find a way to grab at you while he slept, sometimes you would wake up with drool on your shoulder, in your hair.
You could feel the sweat between you, it was summer outside and Ace’s extra body head was going to be a problem. You needed to get the seastone bracelet out again. You would always wake up with Ace poking you in the back, he was a young man and tended to get this way.
Not that you minded, much, just sometimes a shower was needed the next morning. You made him wear seastone when he was sick too. The way he would sneeze and set the bed on fire, you’d been in the bathroom the first time it had happened, thankfully you learned from that. That and his nightmares…
Ace was soft though, he held you close, and you’d fall asleep with him whispering sweet things in your ear, just mumbling against your skin. He often fell asleep before you did. Then would come the snoring.
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Getting Marco to come to bed with you was often a battle, when you did however it was often pleasant. He was always, always the big spoon. No ifs or buts, if you wanted to swap, he would more than likely fight you. He didn’t snore much, only when he was very tired to the point of passing out on you.
Marco would feel awful about it, he would fix the problem straight away but even someone like him with his great ability to control his devil fruit, sometimes your limbs would be tangled with wings or his cold, scaley and very sharp talons.
He’s nicked you more than once with the sharp points. You’d hiss and yell in your sleep, waking up the zoan and he’d realise what he’d done, quickly healing you and saying he was sorry repeatedly. The healing was nice though.
Speaking of accidental devil fruit powers in the night. Sometimes the wings, the flames, bright, so bright. Would wake you, you’d have to shake Marco awake ‘your too bright, can you… not?’ and he’d chuckle, half asleep.
Marco also wasn’t too hot; he was pleasantly cool on the summer nights. He liked to nuzzle his face against your neck as he was falling asleep. If you wriggled too much, he would be the one to tell you to go sleep on the couch in his office.
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Hi 👋🏽 Congrats for your 1000 likes 🥳.
I’d like a Ace x reader with some nsfw, you can write it with the plot of your choice.
Reader X Ace, Reader x Law, Reader x Marco, Reader x Shanks
Helping Needy Reader
Authors note: Another attempt at perspectives of events with multiple characters. This time a NSFW category. Different approach, OP men letting needy reader use some different tactics to get off. Hope you enjoy! Please let me know your thoughts and comments below or in my inbox.
Warnings: NSFW. MDNI, Fingering, finger riding, thigh riding, breast play, ass play, masturbation (F), public sex, watched masturbation, vaginal penetration, female riding, petnames, I do not own these characters, praise kink, breeding kink
You couldn’t sleep, so you went for a stroll on the main deck of the Moby Dick. The deck was empty this evening, the night shift lookouts were standing guard in the crows nest, so you were alone with your thoughts. Your boyfriend, Ace, was away on a mission and you were missing him in more ways than one this evening. 
Your mind races with the thoughts of activities you wished you were doing with Ace. A cool breeze blows by your ear and helps dull your need. Stopping at the railing of the Moby Dick, you look out at the choppy water and take a deep breath of the salty air. You pull the blanket that covers your skimpy pajamas tighter around you. A gravelly voice calls to you and wakes you from your daydream.
“Can’t sleep, Y/N?” Ace asks.
You turn around swiftly at the sound of the man's voice. A large smile grows on your face as he tips his orange hat to you. He smirks at you with delight as he gets a peak at your pajamas as you adjust your blanket when you realize who is in front of you.
“Ace!” You call as you run to hug him. “When did you get back?”
“Not too long ago. I’ve just been updating a few of the other commanders. I still have to speak with Pops and Marco.” He says as he plants a soft yet passionate kiss on your lips and wraps you tighter into his embrace.
As you pull out of the kiss you bite your bottom lip. Ace tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. You look into his eyes longingly as you feel your needy heat begin to rise in you. You and Ace made certain activities pretty regular, but he’d been away several days and you couldn’t help, but crave him. He knew what you wanted when you bit your lip and looked at him with soft blinking eyes.
“Can it wait..?” You ask as you gently begin to caress his muscular arms. 
Ace gently kisses you again. Then slowly moves his lips to your ear. Chills run up your spine as his hands move beneath your blanket and begin to dance up and down your waist.
“So needy for me… You just can’t wait, can you?” Ace whispers before he nibbles at your neck. “You know how Pops and Marco get if I take too long to give them an update, but…”
“But… what?” You whisper between moans as Ace kisses down your neck to your collarbone.
Ace takes a nibble of your skin, just above your breast. You moan and pull him closer to you by the back of his head. He smiles against your exposed skin.
“But… maybe I could help you real quick, then catch up with you again later?” He asks as he stands up tall to look down into your E/C eyes.
You nod at him with a soft smile. A wide grin grows on his face as he grabs you by the hand and takes you to stand at the railing on the side of the Moby Dick. He carefully begins to remove your blanket revealing your pink slightly see through pajamas. You look at him in confusion with your eyebrows furrowing.
“Ace, what are you doing?” You ask.
“You wore that to take a walk on deck? My my… my princess was a naughty one while she thought I was away.” Ace replies as he examines your figure, the blanket still around your shoulders enough to hide your body from the rest of the ship.
“Hey! I couldn’t sleep. I had the blanket on, so no one would see anything. Now what are you doing? Let’s go to my room.”
“Tsk. tsk. On a beautiful night like this? No. Let's stay here. We’re alone after all. It’ll be fun and exhilarating.”
“But what if someone wakes up and sees?” You ask Ace as you begin to bite your lip and reach for his chest.
“I’ll put the blanket around my shoulders and wrap my arms around you.”
“Okay. But I thought…”
“Wearing something like that on deck while I was away..? Then being so needy for me the minute I get here… Now you have me risking getting in trouble with Pops…” Ace says as he peels the blanket off your shoulders and wraps it over his.
Ace puts his arms around you, the blanket draping over your body. Ace spins you around, so your back is flush with his chest. He takes a step forward and you follow suit. His lips find your neck and begin planting soft warm kisses down your shoulder. You moan softly and reach forward for the rail in front of you. His hands under the blanket roam up to squeeze your breasts.
“Ace.” You say breathily.
“Y/N. I’ll give you something you want, but you’ll have to do the work, then maybe later I’ll give you more.” He whispers as he twists one of your sensitive buds.
You nod against his chest as he bites the side of your neck. His hands roaming down to your waist where one stops to rest. His other hand continues until they find your wet core. He rubs back and forth on your core through your shorts.. He laughs softly to himself then kisses the top of your right breast.
“So wet for me and I haven’t even touched you.”
“Ace.” You moan.
“You’ll have to stay quiet, Princess. Can’t have you waking up the crew with our fun.”
Ace finds the waistband of your pajama shorts and slips his hand inside. You grab to pull the blanket tighter around the two of you in one hand as your nails dig into the wooden rail with the other. He slides his fingers up and down your core as you close your eyes and bite your lip to stifle your moans. Without a warning he slides his middle and ring fingers inside of you.
“Accceee.” You say as you clench around his fingers and close your eyes at the wonderful feeling of his fingers filling you.
You hear a door open and close. Your eyes dart open and you nervously look around the deck. You see no one else on deck. Ace’s fingers sit still inside you as he watches you look around the deck, a large grin growing on his face. You look up at him nervously with wide eyes.
“It’s alright Y/N. I’m pretty sure it was just the galley door in the main hold.” He says as he pulls you by the waist closer to him. “Now you have me. Show me what you want. Ride my fingers.”
“But Ace. You aren’t going to help me?”
“Not this time, Princess. I want to watch you work for it. If you’re so needy, show me what you want and I’ll reward you later.”
Your hips buck as his warm palm adjusts to rest on your clit. You were desperate for friction against it and he was providing a source, but you wished he’d do more. Ace wanted a show after his long journey and it just so happened, you were desperate enough to give it to him.
Ace takes over holding the blanket around the two of you as both your hands return to gripping the rail before you. Your hips begin rolling against his hand and fingers inside you. You stand on your tippy toes and bounce up and down on his fingers. His fingers curl slightly within your core. You moan and begin rolling your hips forward again to rub your clit upon his palm.
“Ace.” You say as you begin to feel heat build within your core.
“That’s it princess. You can make a mess, it’s okay baby. Let loose for me. It’s just you and me.” 
His hand holding the blanket around you lowers to your pajama top where he flicks at your nipple. You moan out desperately for his touch as you continue to rock against his fingers inside you. The salty breeze blows through a break in the blanket causing you to cry out from the stimulation.
“Ace.” You coo through closed eyes as he laughs against your neck.
The door to the inner deck swings open and you hear footsteps approach from behind you. Your rolling hips slow to a gentle rock and your teeth clench. A voice calls to Ace. Ace looks over his shoulder at the owner of the voice. You through half lidded eyes attempt to follow the call.
“Ace.” Marco calls. “Didn’t know you were back. How was it?” 
“Oh, hey Marco. I was just coming to update you and Pops. Byn was just telling me how much she missed me.” Ace replies as his fingers begin to play with your g-spot.
Your lips purse inwards, to suppress a moan. You grip the railing hard. As Ace and Marco converse you attempt to remove a hand from the rail to grab at Ace’s wrist to stop his actions, but he moves his thumb to stimulate your clit. You bite your lip in response, feeling the heat building to its finality within your stomach. You grip Ace’s wrist tightly trying to make eye contact with him about your oncoming release, but he’s looking at Marco. You can’t help, but pant at the pleasure building within you. You’re trying not to look at Marco and instead stare lazily at the ocean before you.
“You feeling okay Byn?” Marco calls.
“Fine. Thanks for —Checking Marco.” You say with a jolt in the middle of your sentence as Ace’s fingers start to pound in and out of you.
You smile at Marco before turning your gaze back to the sea to focus on not letting Marco know what’s going on beneath the blanket around you. Your nails dig into Ace’s forearm and he pulls you closer. Ace’s thumb circles your clit as his fingers within you curl tighter to pound your g-spot. With one more twist of your nipple with his hand,  holding the blanket around you, your hips rock and your climax explodes.
Ace’s fingers don’t stop through the whole thing. Your eyes close and your teeth clench. A small moan escapes you, but you’re too distracted by the pleasure from Ace’s fingers to care. Ace moves his lips to whisper in your ear.
“Good girl. So needy for me you didn’t even care that someone was watching.”
Marco raises an eyebrow at Ace’s action and rolls his eyes. He turns around and waves to the two of you. 
“Come find Pops and I when you’re done Ace.” Marco calls.
You lay your head back sleepily against Ace’s chest. Ace plants a kiss on your lips and readjusts your pajamas beneath the blanket. He unwraps the blanket from around his shoulders and places it around you. He puts one of his hands on your waist and licks the fingers on his other hand clean. You look at him with pursed lips.
“That was mean.” You say through pants as you try to recover.
“You being so needy, certainly made coming home more fun. I can tell you enjoyed it. Now, I better go find Pops and Marco. Wait up for me and I’ll reward you some more.” Ace says with a wink.
He wraps his arms against your blanket covered body and kisses your forehead. He pulls out of the hug and heads for Pop’s cabin. You lean against the railing of the ship and watch him go.
You awoke this morning and for some reason found yourself more needy for your boyfriend, Law, than usual. Problem was, Law was a workaholic. He did not like his work to be interrupted, that’s why you often scheduled “activities” with him. However, this week he had to cancel a session to care for one of your sick crewmates. The result was, today you needed him, desperately.
All day you tried to distract yourself with chores and conversations with your other crewmates that would deter you from the dirty thoughts in your head and the heat building in your core. The minute you stopped working or had a moment to yourself to think, your thoughts wandered to Law. When you saw him in the galley, you could hardly look away from him. He caught on to this a few times and looked at you suspiciously in response, through furrowed brows. Your crewmates were having to wave their hands in front of your face to bring you attention back to them. You then had to come up with excuses for why you were staring off at your Captain. Your crewmates of course didn’t officially know the two of you were together, but there had been speculation. You were doing a terrible job of deterring their theories today, but you couldn’t help it, you missed Law, you needed him.
By about 7 pm, you couldn’t take it anymore. You knew on Wednesdays Law liked to do research late, but you had to try for the sake of your sanity. You head to your room to change. You pick a yellow sundress which accentuated your cleavage and the hem of which hit just above mid-thigh. You knew Law would grumble about you being outside of the dress code, but you knew once he saw you in your outfit, hopefully he would be unable to help himself and stop caring. You sneak to his office, hoping to not be caught by any of your shipmates who were mostly slacking off playing cards in the galley. Once at his door you take a deep breath and knock softly.
“Law.” You call quietly through the door.
Law’s body stiffens as the knock upon his office door draws him from the pages of his medical textbook. He relaxes as he hears your voice beyond the door. He stands abruptly and walks to the door. He undoes the lock and opens the door. As the metal door swings open he stops it half-way and he examines you and your outfit at his doorstep. His eyes widen as he looks upon you.
Your arms are behind your back, you’re biting your lip and staring up at him through blinking eyes. You smile softly at him as he leans against the doorway. His right shoulder rests on the door frame and his arms cross in front of him. A half smile forms on his face as he tries to look at you sternly.
“Y/N. What are you doing here and why are you out of dress code?” He asks as he looks up and down the hallway for your crewmates.
“I had a quick matter to discuss with you, may I come in?” You ask as your gaze flicks down to admire his muscular figure, then back up to meet his gold-gray eyes again.
He steps back from the doorframe, holding the door open for you. You enter and Law closes the door behind you. He leans against the door and looks at you with raised eyebrows. You wander to his desk and begin examining the papers he was studying, ignoring his gaze that lingers on your back.
“Y/N. I thought we agreed I would work late on Wednesdays..?” Law questions as he takes a deep breath and heads back to his seat behind his desk.
“Yeah but…” You start as you look up from his desk to meet his eyes glaring at you.
“But..?” Law asks as he takes a seat.
“I. Well with Bepo being sick the other day… We didn't get our time and well… I miss you.” You say as you round the corner of the desk and place a hand on his shoulder. “I know it’s your work late night… and I tried Law. I just. I don’t know. I’m sorry.” You reply as you look away from his gaze and lean against his desk.
“You what?” He says as he continues to stare at you.
“I don’t know.” You say as you glance over at him, then return your gaze to the floor before you.
“Spit it out already. I really need to get back to work. I’m behind this week.” He says angrily.
“I need you okay. That’s why I put on this stupid dress and snuck around the sub to come here. I need you. It was dumb. I know how you like your schedule.” 
Your head sinks low and you take a deep breath before stepping away from the desk. Before you can get too far, a hand is on your wrist. You look over your shoulder at Law and see his lips curled in a half smile. He pulls you onto his lap. You place your hands on his chest and he wraps his arms around your waist. He kisses you tenderly and brushes your hair off your shoulder and behind your back.
“I’m sorry. I miss you too. I just really need to get this done.” He says as his eyes meet yours. “I can help, I want to help. I just need to keep working, but I want to give you something. You’re so pretty for me after all.” 
He lifts you up to stand in front of him and spreads your legs. His hand rubs up your leg from just below your knee to your inner thigh. His eyebrows raise as his hand reaches the top of your thigh. You moan as his fingers slide across your wet core.
“Came all this way and forgot your panties. Someone certainly is needy for their Captain’s attention.” 
Your hands slide down his chest as he guides you to sit on his right thigh. He scoots his chair forward, so your back is inches from the desk. The cold feeling of his jeans feels great against your folds, but you were hoping for more of him. You stare at him and furrow your eyebrows.
“Law?” You question as he returns to looking at the book on the desk in front of him.
“I have work to do, but I’m happy to have my thigh help you. Entertain yourself now and I’ll give you more later, I promise.” He says in response as he kisses you gently on your cheek.
You lick your lips and adjust yourself against his thigh. The friction did feel nice against your naked clit. Laws hold on your waist tightens with one arm as he turns the page of his book with the other. You lean forward and plant a kiss on his neck, hoping if you distracted him enough he would help you. His leg beneath your core began bouncing up and down gently, causing the friction between your legs to shift.
“Law.” You moan softly against his neck between pants. 
Your hips roll forward against the bouncing motion. Your lips kiss down Law’s neck and stop to bite his collarbone. He continues to pay you no notice, too entranced in his reading to look at you, but his leg begins bouncing beneath you quicker. You claw at his chest as the friction between your legs causes the heat to rise in your abdomen. Now your nipples were demanding attention as well, so you pull the top of your dress down to reveal your hardened buds. Law continues to stare at the book before him, but his hand around your waist pulls you closer, so your nipples are rubbing against his clothed chest. You moan as friction hits your exposed buds.
“Let go for me babe. Show me how needy you are.” Law says as he licks his lips and finally looks over at you.
“LAWW.” You yell as you hump him faster.
One of your hands falls from his chest and plays with your clit. You feel the heat in your stomach build as the friction between your legs and against your chest overstimulates you.
“Going to cummm.” You say breathily.
“Make a mess for me babe.”
“LAWWWWW.” You call as you lean your head back and he tucks his head into your exposed breasts. 
Your warm juices erupt from your core and wet his spotted jeans. He continues to bounce you on his leg as your body shakes against him. You pant as you try to calm your body atop his leg. 
“Good girl.” He says as he licks his lips and lifts your head back up to face him.
His soft dry lips press against yours. He gently nips at your bottom lip as he pulls away from the short kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck and your head flops on his shoulder. He pets your hair and pulls you close.
“Now I really have to get back to work, but if you go lay in my bed and let me work for a bit, I promise to take good care of you when I’m done.”
You kiss his cheek and slide off his lap. As you stand you slide your dress off the rest of the way, so it falls at Law’s feet. You smile deviously at him as you turn around and walk to his bed, completely nude.
“Clearly. You miss me too.” You call glancing over your shoulder at him.
“Now that was cruel.” He calls back as he watches your ass shake as you crawl into his bed.
You and the First Division Commander had been seeing each other off and on since you joined the Whitebeard Pirates. You weren’t sure if it was dating necessarily, but the sex was off the charts. You knew he didn’t like it when you slept with anyone else and you felt the same, but much more than that, you hadn’t discussed. That’s why when you woke up this morning hornier than usual, you decided to stay on the ship with Marco. You chose this to the alternative of joining your crewmates in exploring the new island you had just docked at. 
You enjoy your morning meal with your crewmates and explain to them you had some journaling to catch up on and were planning to stay on board instead of exploring with them. They moan and groan at you, but ultimately understand as you’d become a pirate to write of the world beyond your home island. That way anyone who didn’t have the chance to leave their home and explore could do so through your writing. You stand on the deck and wave them off as they set out on their next adventure.
You knew Marco had planned to stay back as you’d heard it from Izo the night before. Something about him needing to reorganize the medical storage was all Izo could tell you. It had been a few days since you personally had talked to Marco. You return to your room and sit down to do some writing. However, you don’t get very far before you notice a heat between your legs. Your thoughts wander to what Marco is doing in the infirmary. You finally give in and head to find him.
The door is open when you arrive at the infirmary within the ship. You look down and examine your outfit. You’re wearing a short black skirt and a low cut tank top with a blue button up, resting lazily on your shoulders. You take a deep breath and knock on the doorframe of the infirmary.
“Hey Marco.” You call.
Marco turns the corner from the supply room holding a box and looks up at you over his glasses. He smiles and sets the box down on the counter. You take his smile as an invitation and take a few steps into the infirmary. You look around at the open cabinets and supplies covering every empty surface. 
“Hey Y/N. Decide not to head out with everyone else?” He asks as he glances over at you,  before returning his gaze to open the box in front of him.
“Yeah. I had some writing to catch up on. Izo told me you were reorganizing, so I wanted to check in and see if you needed a hand.” You say as you stroll over to lean against the counter beside him.
“Hmm…” He says looking over his shoulder at you standing beside him. “Something tells me you aren’t here to help.” He adds.
“Hey. I just… It’s been a few days… I wanted to check in.”
“Sorry Y/N. I’m a bit busy today. You’re welcome to stay here and entertain yourself. Let me get a little farther then maybe I could help.” He says with a laugh as he looks you up and down before returning to the contents of the box in front of him.
“Self entertain huh?” You say as you tap your fingers on the counter beside him.
Marco shakes his head at you, then returns to the storage room off the infirmary. While he’s out you decide to take him up on his offer. You shut the door to the infirmary and lock it. Then you lay back on one of the infirmary beds. You trace your fingers across your lips as you hear Marco talk to himself in the room next door. You smile as you listen to him search for something. You wished he was searching you.
“Hey Y/N, do you see a box of tongue depressors in there?” Marco calls.
You reach down and pull your underwear down from beneath your skirt. You pull them from your ankles and drop them on the floor beside the bed.  You look around the room for the box Marco asked about, but fail to notice it. You spit in your hand and bring it to your core beneath your skirt.
“No. Sorry, Marco. It’s not here.” You call back.
“Damn.” You hear him say to himself as you hear boxes move around on shelves in the closet.
You close your eyes and begin tracing your hand up and down your slick folds. You take a deep breath and moan softly at the feeling of your cool fingers moving across your core. Your other hand lifts to play with your breast through your shirt. Your nipples harden and you lower the hem of your tank top to expose your buds. You twist a nipple between your thumb and forefinger with one hand and use your other to roll your fingertips over your clit. You moan a little louder this time, loud enough for Marco to notice. Marco exits the storage room and stands in its doorway looking at you. Your eyes flutter shut as you start to imagine Marco’s larger hands playing with your sensitive parts. 
“Wow. I didn’t know you were this needy.” Marco says as he leans against the doorway to the storage closet.
He adjusts his glasses and watches you explore yourself with your fingers. You flutter your eyes open and look over at him. You bite your lip and lower the hand playing with your breast to the sheets beneath you and grip them. Your other hand continues to play with your clit causing your fingers to buck. A smirk forms on Marco’s face as he watches two of your fingers lower to tease your entrance.
“I’m only doing as you instructed. How about you come help me?” You beg as you flutter your eyelashes at the blonde muscular man before you.
“Not turning to someone else today..?” Marco asks.
“Marco. All I want is you. I need you.” You coo as you look him up and down. “If it means I have to entertain myself sometimes..” You say breathily, pausing to pant while your fingers continue to play between your legs. “I will help myself if I need, if you need, but you’re what I’m imagining between my legs.” You reply as you dip two fingers into your entrance.
“Prove it. Let go for me, Y/N.”
You nod as you close your eyes and dip your fingers in and out of your entrance while your thumb rubs friction upon your clit. You bite your lip and hear Marco’s footsteps grow close to you. He sits on the end of the bed and watches you curl your fingers to reach your g-spot.
“Marco.” You beg.
Your hips roll harder against your fingers as you start to feel the heat in your abdomen build. His calloused fingers roam up your calf and rest on your knee. He swallows hard as he scoots closer to you. Your fingers curl faster on your g-spot causing you to squeeze the sheets harder.
“Look at me, Y/N. What are you thinking about?”
You pant and slow the action of your fingers. You gently open your eyes and look at the man licking his lips before you. You push a third finger into your entrance and continue to curl your fingers within you. Your heat builds.
“You, Marco.” You say breathily. “You, you pounding me here in this bed…” You say.
He smiles at this and reaches for your hand between your legs. He lifts it, removing your fingers from your entrance and guides it to rub your clit. You moan as he guides your fingers faster and faster without breaking eye contact.
“Keep going, Y/N.” He says as he lets go of your hand and slides two of his large fingers down into your slick to your entrance.
You keep rubbing varying sized circles across your clit as Marco’s ring and middle finger enter you and pound in and out. Your free hand grips tighter at the sheets.
“Cum for me.”
You nod. Marco’s fingers begin to curl and toy at your g-spot hitting it better than you were with your smaller fingers. Your hips roll against his fingers, your hand on your clit slows. Your eyes cross as you feel your heat burst. Marco’s fingers continue to service you as you scream his name.
You lift your head and slam it back on the pillow behind you. Your juices squirt out on the fingers between your legs. Your eyes drift closed as you come down from your ecstasy. Panting, you half liddidly gaze at Marco, a large smile across your face.
“Thank you. Thank you, Marco.” You say. 
A smile grows on his face as he stands from the bed and cleans off his hands on a nearby towel. He returns to sitting beside you on the bed and kisses your forehead. As he sits up and looks down at you, you raise a hand to his cheek.
“Marco.” You say licking your dry lips.
“Hmm..?” He says staring at you deeply.
“I meant it. All I want is you.”
He presses his lips softly against yours.
“Alright then. I’ve never done the girlfriend thing before, but guess we will try it.” He replies with a smile.
You press your lips to his again and wrap your fingers in his hair, pulling him close.
(Daddy) Shanks
You were a newer member of Shanks’ crew. The only woman. Shanks tried to resist, but he quickly grew infatuated with you. Your crewmates all warned you not to get involved with the playboy, but you couldn’t help it. The two of you began seeing a lot of each other. However, lately he was too focused on planning his next plan of action, to spend much time with you. You and Shanks had been regularly active the past few weeks, so the sudden lack of attention left you very needy. 
Tonight Shanks finally announced his plans to go after the One Piece to you and the rest of the crew. The announcement resulted in a celebration. Maybe it was missing Shanks or just the alcohol, but an unquenchable heat began to brew between your legs. One you knew only Shanks could tame. You chose a low cut red dress for the occasion. 
After finishing another mug with Lucky Roo you found Shanks at a table with Yasop and Benn Beckman. You approach  from behind and place a hand on his shoulder. His officers knew about his now somewhat common meetups with you, as they tended to be loud. Seeing you at the Captain’s table hadn’t surprised them, frankly it probably didn’t surprise any of the crew. You’d quickly proved your own as a new member in more ways than one. Everyone was happy to have you on the crew. 
Shanks raises his hand to set his calloused fingers on yours. He looks over his shoulder and meets your gaze. The other men at the table chug their drinks and head to the bar for a refill. Shanks grabs you by the waist and pulls you to his lap. You place your arms on his chest and look around the crowded room, then bring your eyes back to meet his.
“Shanks, what if someone sees?” You ask.
“They’re all drunk. Who cares? They’ll barely remember any of this tomorrow.” He says as a smile grows across his face.
You purse your lips inward and stare down at your hands on his chest. You take a deep breath as your eyes dart up to meet his gaze. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“What is it?” He asks gently.
“I haven’t seen you in days…” You confess nervously.
“Yeah? Do you miss me?” He asks with a soft laugh. 
“Shanks.” You start as you raise your hand to run your fingers through the back of his hair.
He raises his eyebrows at you. You bring your lips to his ear. Before you can speak he kisses your neck causing you to moan. Your hands slide back down his chest as you rest your forehead against the side of his head.
“What is it?” He whispers in your ear before he nibbles at your neck. 
“I need you.” You reply with a soft moan.
He removes his lips from your neck and looks deeply into your eyes. A devious grin forms on his face. He pulls you closer into his chest  before raising his hand to the strap of your dress. He traces his finger down the strap of your dress across its neckline, causing your breath to catch in your throat. 
“Is that why you wore this red dress? Hoped to drive me wild, aye?” He asks as he rubs at the fabric hitting just above your left nipple.
“Shanks. It’s been days. Can we go to your quarters?” You beg.
Shanks laughs as he presses his lips against yours. You get so distracted by the taste of his sweet lips you forget you’re in a room surrounded by your crewmates. His hand begins to explore your body as your fingers rifle through his hair and pull him closer into your embrace. Mid-kiss you quickly pull away from his lips and look around the room wide eyed.
“They’re all plastered, Y/N. No one’s paying attention to us.” He says as his hand roams up your thigh to your core where he pulls your underwear aside. 
You moan as his fingers slide between your slick folds. You claw your hands down his muscular chest as he dives two fingers into your entrance, causing your hips to buck. You moan in his ear and wrap your arms tighter around his neck. Bringing your well endowed chest closer to his face. You feel his length harden against the fabric of his clothes beneath your core. You can’t help but hump against it.
“Shanks.” You moan as your thighs clench inward.
“If you’re this needy, Y/N. Ride me right here.” He says in your ear as his fingers curl at your g-spot.
You pull away from him and look into his eyes. He nods at you and pulls your lips back to his. His kisses were intoxicating, they had a way of making the world around you melt away. You’d never had sex in public before, but Shanks had a way of making things comfortable when you tried new things. You pull your lips from his and stand from his lap. You look around the room and notice no one is staring at you, they are all drunkenly laughing with one another and enjoying themselves. 
You rest your hands back on Shank’s shoulders and nod at him. He unbuckles his pants and lifts his length from the waistband of his briefs. His large length never fails to make you gasp. You scoot up his waist, to stand and hover over his length. You examine the room around you still no one notices you and Shanks. He pushes your underwear to the side beneath your dress and he lines up his length with your entrance. 
“You ready?” He asks as he looks up at you with a smile.
You bite your lip and nod. His hand lifts from beneath your dress to rest on your waist where he guides you as you sit down on his length. You slowly sit down, sucking him between your legs, deeper and deeper. You moan through clenched teeth and closed eyes as you swallow him whole between your legs. You rest your head on his chest and catch your breath once he’s fully inside you. Your dress perfectly covered your new connection, 
“So tight for me.” He mutters breathily. “Now use me like you need, Princess.” He says into your ear. 
You moan against his lips and he shushes you.
“Shhh… Princess. Don’t want them catching on.”
Your lips find his as you slowly start bouncing up and down on his hard member. His hand roams your waist until finds your ass and squeezes it. His lips separate from yours and he pulls you tighter around his chest. You tuck your head into his neck and begin rolling your hips to help stimulate your clit and g-spot. You weren’t sure why, but your heat was building in your abdomen quicker than normal. You return to bouncing up and down on your captain’s waist.
“Surrounded by your crewmates? Such a slut for me.” He says in your ear.
You swirl your hips on his member and clench down on him. Shanks holds you tighter as you return to bouncing on him. Your breaths both quicken as you ride him faster and deeper.
“Shanks.” You quietly moan against his neck. “Going to…”
“Me too. Make a mess for me, Princess.”
Shanks hand wraps tighter around your thigh as he begins to lift from his seat and pound into you. His length hits your cervix and your eyes cross. Your ecstasy explodes. You bite into his shoulder trying to cover your finish. Your juices drip down your thighs.
“Shanks.” You mumble..
“You take me so well.” He says with a smile.
Shanks continues to pound into you as you come down from your high. He presses his lips against yours as you feel his length twitch within you. You clench around him and feel his warm seed fill you. He pulls his lips from yours and rests his head on your chest, as he breathes heavily.
“I’m going to have to let you get needy more often.”
You laugh and tuck his hair behind his ear. 
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queerographies · 2 years
[Taddeo in rivolta][Stefano Amato]
Taddeo in rivolta di Stefano Amato è un romanzo di crescente, inesorabile tensione che indaga il campo minato dei gesti senza ritorno, e insieme l’esile confine che separa il giusto dall’ingiusto.
È grasso, introverso, il suo autore preferito è Camus: a Cirasa Taddeo si sente solo contro tutti, perché ignoranza, prepotenza e sciatteria regnano sovrani. A trentadue anni, è quasi tentato di farla finita. Una sera, mentre cena in una piazza con la madre poliziotta, assiste all’ennesima scena di violenza. Un energumeno prende a pugni in faccia un ragazzino inerme, colpevole, ai suoi occhi, di…
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
mg, "cose chiuse fuori" (aragno, collana 'i domani', 2023)
Cose chiuse fuori conclude/completa e sigilla, “chiude fuori”, una possibile esalogia (“ES-a-logia”, volendo), di cui qui di séguito si dà il disegno – con nessun riferimento cronologico: i tasselli che andrebbero infatti pensati come “contemporanei in quindici anni” circa (2000-2015) sono La casa esposta, Delle osservazioni, Shelter, Delvaux, Maniera nera – e, appunto, questo libro. Libro che –…
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pierppasolini · 8 days
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Doña Herlinda y su hijo (1985) // dir. Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
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thekraftcryptid · 3 months
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You’d done worse. Without giving Marco a chance to speak again, you threw the door open. Blue eyes met yours— a lazy smirk curling his cheek with the hint of victory before his eyes dipped down and he froze. You kept quiet just long enough for his smirk to slip off his face. In any other situation, you might have preened at the way his mouth dropped open, but now wasn’t the time for an ego boost.
“What do you fucking want?” You propped your hip against the door frame, “I’m busy.”
Marco blinked very slowly, “You’re—"
(Surprise, You Ruined Everything. Chapter 7 By HippyMindy52)
Hmm back at it again, please ignore the crappy background I don’t typically do those. On god loved Marco getting stunned by the audacity of Shellie.
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rocknread · 2 years
Poesie Per Gente Che Va Di Fretta di C. Lorenzoni e P. Pace - Recensione
Poesie Per Gente Che Va Di Fretta di C. Lorenzoni e P. Pace – Recensione
Poesie Per Gente Che Va Di Fretta l’ho scovato da un post su Instagram e mi è sembrato subito il libro perfetto da leggere in questo periodo, in cui ho poco tempo e divoro sempre più poesie. Negli ultimi anni la poesia è divenuta un balsamo e allo stesso tempo un rinforzo del mio spirito, della mia anima. Qualcosa di fondamentale, di cui non potrei fare a meno. Poesie Per Gente Che Va Di Fretta…
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