#marina x Colin
whistledownbad · 2 months
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GIF request: @modernvintage
Husband Material™️
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apinchofm · 2 years
Marina Thompson Happy-Verse
Because Fuck Jul*a Qu*nn and she deserves the world!
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The Pound - Benedict and Marina accidentally become best friends.
George x Marina
Ruin - plus a little in between fic
See You Again - : 1 2 3
I'll crawl home to her
Simon x Marina
dogs and dark humour
You took a pessimist and turned me into something else 
Pull me closer again 
coming out - their babies!
Colin x Marina
All on Ao3!
Eloise x Marina
What Are We Even Doing? by @spitefularmand
Violet Letters by britishteacup (littlebritishteacup)
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theothergal · 5 months
I did a poll for Eloise's best (sapphic) ship, so now it's Marina's turn.
Like Eloise's poll, I put them in order of preference, but the only two ships I actually like are the first two.
George is basically a non-character, and Colin and Philip are boring, so...
If you like, tell me why have you chosen the ship you voted.
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klaramarieleblochova · 4 months
Penelope Featherington receiving compliments
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BRIDGERTON | Season 1, Episode 6, "Swish"
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BRIDGERTON | Season 2, Episode 2, "Off To The Races"
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BRIDGERTON | Season 3, Episode 1, "Out Of The Shadows"
Everyone always made fun of her, she doesn't think any compliment is genuine💔
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Marina: I need you to kiss me
Colin: I can hardly believe I’m saying this, but we cannot go further
Penelope: I need you to kiss me
Colin: What’s a little kissing between friends, am I right?
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butyouaremymess · 1 month
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“I simply cannot believe that a woman with such bravery loves me. How lucky I am to stand by your side and soak up even a little bit of your light. If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you, then I will be a very fulfilled man indeed.”
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anders-hawke · 4 months
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#nerds (affectionate)
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letsplayeternity · 3 months
Honest question, I've been rethinking the whole "Colin has done the same with Penelope Featherington" speech Anthony gave to Daphne and his mother in season 1 and the fact that when Colin talked to his brothers in 3x05 both Ben and Anthony were like "I didn't have a clue" and like... do we think Anthony spent the evening rethinking every single interaction he has ever witnessed between Colin and Pen and every single instance where he let things slide because "oh that's just eloise's friend?" and just banging his head against a wall as Kate laughs her ass off??
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vocallywritten · 3 months
Do you think Colin wakes up in a cold sweat remembering his interactions with Pen pre season 3 and is just like, "OH MY GOD SHE WAS INTO ME??"
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vices-aand-virtues · 3 months
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Bridgerton + Reductress Headlines (1/?)
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polin-ista · 4 months
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I'm sorry but I'm almost in awe of Penelope in season 1, to me just top tier badass bitch shit right there. She's 18 people! Not only did she start a successful gossip column before her debut but she also managed to save Daphne from a disgusting engagement and Colin from a naive and disingenuous one but she did all of it by herself. Also while avoiding discovery from bowstreet runners, the Ton AND The Queen.
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The woman is a mogul and you cannot convince me otherwise. She is not perfect, no. But my god is she fkn impressive! It's the 1800's y'all! She's in the highest level of society and one of the most sheltered creatures in that time and she is THE rich husband. I am deadass.
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Unpopular opinion but honestly? if I was Colin I'd be grateful for what Pen did, sure it was humiliating to have everyone know like that but she tried to tell him. He dismissed her worries like she was a child and honestly I don't blame her after what Marina said.
It's not so much the brutal way Marina said Pen's love was a fantasy, no. What pissed me with Marina is that she also treated Pen like a child. Someone who was supposed to be her friend and she immediately assumes that Pen is doing what she is doing out of pettiness, when honestly, to me Pen didn't look all that surprised when Marina said that Pen's love was a fantasy. In fact she looked irritated, like that was a given. And I don't think it was Pen's deciding factor but the fact that she knew Marina couldn't love him back is what pushed Pen to write the column.
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Pen from the books is well aware that her love is unrequited but it doesn't stop her loving him and wishing him happiness with his future wife. She resigned herself long ago to watch him fall in love with someone else. She believes herself born for him but he was born for another, I think in that scene if you listen to the questions Pen asks, it's never about her, it's always about Colin.
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whistledownbad · 3 days
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Cake? Cake.
Happy Birthday to you, dear Clev (@motherscarf)! Hope it was full of cake and thirsting over these two idiots.
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apinchofm · 2 years
Season 2 AU
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The next time they saw each other, it was at the Bridgerton's Hearts and Flower's ball.
"Mr Bridgerton," Marina greeted politely. She was in a beautiful yellow floral gown.
"Lady Crane, Lord Crane." Colin greeted. Philip smiled politely, and shook his hand.
"My dear, I see a friend." Philip told her, gently "Do you mind?"
"Not at all," Marina smiled, and he left the two.
"He adores his plants. We have a wonderful greenhouse," Marina said by way of explanation.
"I do hope your children are also on his list of cares," Colin said, not without slight bitterness. Her eyes focused on him sharply and he merely raised his eyebrows in return.
"They are. He loves them," Marina defended, "And he is a very good friend to me."
"Better than I was," Colin said and their eyes met.
"Colin. I told you. Stop torturing yourself." Marina said firmly, "We made our choices."
"But I would like you to come over, tell me more of your adventures," Marina said and smiled when she saw his face light up.
"Hello again, Oliver," Colin picked him up, "Babies do change so much, don't they?"
"They do," Marina agreed. She was holding Amanda, the four sitting on the floor of the drawing room.
Despite all that was going on with his family, Colin enjoyed visiting the Crane household. Lord Philip was away a lot, so Marina found his company more than welcome.
"I've always liked the way you say things," Marina said, "You always made everything brighter."
"I am glad I can help you. Sometimes, I don't know what I'm doing. Why did I come back?" Colin asked.
"Men often have time to contemplate their purpose in life. Women do not," Marina said, sitting Amanda down on the mat.
"I suppose. I wish..."
"Stop it," Marina warns but her tone isn't as harsh as it was. Their eyes met, but she was not upset, more pleading. Reflecting on what could have been was too painful.
"I was an utter fool and cruel." Colin pointed out, "I do not deserve your kindness."
"You did as you were raised to do." Marina said, And they left it at that.
The kiss was an accident. Or maybe not.
He was going to leave. Colin told himself not to get too close, as she showed him her lady's parlour, the room tastefully decorated with a large library.
He was standing too close, inhaling her sweet scent as she described the French design that reminded her of her mother.
Marina turned around and he leaned down. She returned the kiss with equal fervour, her hands coming to tangle in his hair as his hands wrapped around her waist, bunching her dress in his hands and soon he was resting her on the large chaise lounge
Afterwards, Marina's head is resting on his chest, close to his heart. Where she has remained. He plays with her hand, occasionally kissing her fingertips and admiring the small ring on her pointer finger.
"May I ask... what else were you doing in the Greek Isles?" Marina joked. He chuckled.
"Thinking of you." Colin said quietly. He would not speak of women he had met. They did not matter, especially when he had the one he wanted in his arms.
"I have not... not since George." Marina admitted quietly. She turned over so she was facing him.
"We share a chamber more as friends, not lovers. He is not a bad husband. Not at all. But you are right, I do not love him." She whispered.
"Marina...I..." Colin whispered but she placed a finger to his lips, shaking her head.
"L’amour fait les plus grandes douceurs et les plus sensibles infortunes de la vie," She whispered and he smiled sadly.
She felt the same but saying it aloud was dangerous.
Philip isn't always looking at his plants and flowers as everyone assumes. He notices more than most realise.
He notices when Oliver wants to be picked up. Amanda likes to be held more, often falling asleep in his or Marina's arms. He notices that Marina is happier. She smiles more. But he knows he is not the cause of it.
And Colin Bridgerton, who he likes very much visits often.
"Colin is a very kind man." Philip said one evening, the two were sitting together. She speaks with him now, "I am glad that the two of you are becoming... friends again."
"As am I," Marina replied, looking up from her book. Philip smiled at her, that kind smile he always offered her.
"I rather expected to dislike him, to be truthful." Philip mused and his wife looked at him, amused.
"My lord?"
"Well, he was rather cruel to you and you cared for him. You mean a lot to me, Marina and so I should not like the man who is in love with my wife. Especially when she loves him in return." He summarised.
Marina shut her book, not even bothering to mark her page, her eyes alarmed, "Philip..."
"I know we married out of obligation, and have become friends, but you do not love me as you do him." Philip said gently, "And it is okay, Marina. It is okay that you do not love me."
Marina shook her head, "Of course I love you,"
"As a friend. Who has occasionally shared your bed chambers. But not in the way you could have loved Colin. I love you too. We are a family." He told her. She was by his side on the chaise.
Marina stroked his face, "I am sorry. I did not... I did not realize how much I loved him and he loved me."
"I just hope it doesn't end up on a pamphlet!" Philip joked, kissing her hand and the two chuckled.
"We shall figure it out," Philip promised, "I have wanted to make you happy in any way possible. And Colin... he loves you the way you deserve. We will do what we have always done - focus on our children and we shall try to be friends?"
"I would like that," Marina said. He truly wanted her happy and she kissed him gently on the cheek, "Shall we look in on the trouble makers?" They both chuckled and went to see the twins.
They could do this for now. Be good parents, and friends.
Penelope was confused to see Lord Crane and Colin speaking with one another. She did not think he would want to stay in contact with a past painful memory.
"Colin!" She nervously greeted him and he smiled at her, "I did not know you still spoke with the Cranes?"
"Yes, Marina- Lady Crane and I have become friends again," He explained, a mysterious smile upon his face, "Lord Crane is a friend too."
"What do you and Marina speak of?" She asked nervously, hoping she sounded more curious than anything.
"We are just ourselves. And her babies are adorable. Have you been to see them?" Colin asked.
"No," Penelope replied. He frowned slightly.
"I was awful to her. We were all awful to her. But she is a good person." Colin continued, "So we have remained friends." Friends was a mere understatement.
"She lied to you," Penelope reminded him, "Tried to trick you into marriage?"
"To protect herself and her children. Not because she didn't feel anything for me," Colin defended, "If Whistledown hadn't done what she did, I probably would have been a lot happier. With her. As her husband and father to her children."
Penelope is startled by his statement, "Truly?"
"Truly." Colin confirmed. His face then brightened when Marina walked over, a smile upon her face.
"Penelope!" Marina smiled seeing her cousin. She took her hands, squeezing them in greeting, "It is really good to see you. You look well. How are you?"
"I am well." Penelope replied, a false smile on her face. It fell when Colin asked Marina to the floor and she nodded
Penelope looked at the two dancing. Friends didn't dance like that. They don't gaze into each other's eyes like that. He certainly does not look at her like that.
She was going to stop Whistledown, but seeing that made her itch to put pen to parchment again.
Translation - Love makes life’s sweetest pleasures and worst misfortunes.
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dailybridgerton · 5 months
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BRIDGERTON (2020—) 1x06 'Swish' // 2x02 'Off to the Races'
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hadesisqueer · 3 months
I like how Violet is so used to having dramatic ass children that Francesca marrying with no drama was too odd to her lmao. And thinking about how her story will unfold is actually kinda hilarious because it's gonna be like:
Violet: Well, that's it. John is a very good man and Francesca is comfortable and happy with her choice and if this is what she truly wants, it's all that matters💜
Violet: Also, it's kinda refreshing to finally have a normal child that doesn't do any dramatic or scandalous shit.
Francesca a few seasons later after her husband passes: *fucks and falls in love with her husband's cousin -who is a woman-*
Violet: Honestly, I should've seen this coming, none of my children will actually ever be normal.
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greeneyessmize · 4 months
So, about Marina.
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We need to talk this out. Let's go through her journey step by step.
Upon arrival, Marina thinks she may just be waiting on letters from George so they can run away together but she is losing hope. Then she realizes she is definitely pregnant. Then come the fake letters.
Desperation and survival instinct start to gnaw at her. She is looking out for not only herself. She does try to change that but fails, and accepts that the pregnancy is going forward.
So she decides to make the best of it and find a husband as soon as possible. Preferably a nice, naive, young man with decent enough money.
She has several, and I do mean several suitors, she could choose from. But she settles on Colin Bridgerton and his sweet puppy dog innocence.
She knows Pen is fond of him, but she blocks it out. She doesn't care. She focuses on Colin. The easy low, ripe hanging fruit. Who wouldn't?
Then she realizes Pen actually loves him. This will not stop her. She will stamp out this crush to ash if she has to. She's betting her life on this. Pen means nothing to her here.
She is not in this for love. Love betrayed her and put her in this mess. She wants an easy marriage with no uncomfortable questions. Right and wrong don't matter because she has already had wrong done to her.
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Now Colin.
He's a young man. Hopeful, bright eyed, romantic, inexperienced.
He participates in the marriage mart because some of it is fun. There is not too much pressure on him as a 3rd son. He gets to dance and flirt, and chat with Pen. How is that not delightful?
Then along comes Marina. She is a glittery new addition to the ladies he has mostly seen here or there all his life. And everyone is interested in the shiny new toy.
Then she shows interest in him. She flirts with him. When she could seemingly have almost anyone, she lets her eyes brighten for him.
He is easily charmed. Marina, for all he and the other boys of the ton can tell, is an attractive young woman. When she decides to show him singular attention he believes it is love and his easygoing heart wants to return that, being a genuine and open person.
He is easily manipulated into an engagement, thinking that this is natural and right. But his passion never really shows, does it? He pulls back from kissing her when she is scandalously forward with him. He does not seek extra excuses to meet her in the market or at tea or at the garden entrance to the Featherington estate for example.
No. He just insists he is a gentleman.
Then he drops her as soon as her manipulations are revealed. He is angry. He is hurt. But it's like a betrayal of a new friend, not a truly wounded heart. A passionately in love man would try to justify her actions or find a way to get past this. But he just lets it drop and goes traveling to soothe his bruised ego.
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Then, there is Penelope.
Sweet, shy Pen.
She is so happy to have a friend in her very own home who is kind to her. It seems like a dream come true at first. She says lovely things about Marina in LW.
Then she realizes Colin is truly interested in Marina. She hates it, but doesn't fight it at first. Penelope has already in many ways given up on Colin ever looking at her the way he looks at Marina. So she bites her tongue. She doesn't discourage the two from becoming closer, but she is not doing much to stop it either.
Then she finds out Marina's secret. She learns about George and cake and that Marina must marry in one way or another. Pen wants to help. She really does.
But she just can't stand that Marina would trick Colin. Her love for Marina is enough to ignore her tricking anyone else. Her love for Colin is so much that she wants him to be happy any way possible.
And she knows figuring out the first child is not his and then duplicity of Marina's affections would not make Colin Bridgerton happy. Unlike most men in the Ton, he knows what love is. His parents were a love match. He would understand eventually that Marina was just placating him whenever he engaged with her emotionally.
So. Having appealed to both Marina, who crushed her heart into bits efficiently, and Colin, who metaphorically ruffled her hair and told her to run along... what options were left to Pen?
Directly tell someone like her mother? She already knew and approved. Violet? Well isn't that terrifying to a shy young woman who still wants Colin's friendship? Eloise? Too mercurial, she might support the match or at least loudmouth that it was Pen who told her. Again potentially ending her friendship with Colin.
Remember, her friendship with Marina was already over, Marina just did not know it yet. You can't brutally crush someone's most treasured, secret desire (realistic or not) and have them continue to love you like nothing happened.
So, Pen uses her last resort when she learns of the pending elopement. The one thing she can do to save Colin from unhappiness and to keep her one small shred of her own happiness: being Colin's friend. She revealed Marina's secrets to the Ton.
Did this maximize damage to Marina? Yes. Did it also damage Colin? Fractionally, both compared to what was dealt to Marina and compared to the damage he would have suffered in a marriage where Marina came to merely tolerate him. (As evidenced by her entire unamusement at his olive oil joke in Season 2.)
Don't forget that Penelope also hurt herself in this. You don't sob in your best friend's arms in celebration. She broke a part of herself to do this to Marina and to Colin. She probably doubted every second of everything and a part of her always will. Her price was not public, it was not outwardly devastating, but she took damage too.
In conclusion, Marina and Penelope were both some level of wrong and Colin was the blind fool in the middle. The flavors of wrong were very different, and so were the levels of damningness.
In their own ways, I can forgive each of them. Admittedly, I forgive Pen more. But that has to do with my life experiences. Former wallflower here, married to a man who is now her best friend. I have never gotten pregnant and been abandoned (though being dead is hardly George's fault here). But I can understand how desperate, how calculating that could have made me, at least in that era. Especially with people like Portia Featherington as your primary caretaker and maternal figure.
I really hope that Pen and Marina both get a chance a chance to gain closure over this peacably before Marina dies. I don't think Pen deserves to feel guilt over Marina's death. Especially as book Marina seemed to have severe depression and well, Marina is likely to have depression too considering her loss of George.
Now, if part 2 of Season 3 could just be here already, that would be absolutely lovely!
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