#marion g harmon
8crimson · 4 months
My Superhero team #4
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The Question- Vic Sage, reporter, detective, and conspiracy nut.
Powers and tools: Intellect, investigation, journalism, unarmed combat, and acrobatics. Wears a mask made of the material "pseudoderm" which can only be removed with a special "binary gas" that is also used as a smokescreen.
first appearance: Blue Beetle (1967) #1
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The Spirit- Denny Colt, private investigator, criminologist, and pretend-dead person.
Powers: Intellect, investigation, athletics, unarmed combat, and longevity.
first appearance: "The Origin of The Spirit"
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The Shadow- Kent Allard, spy, aviator, legend.
Powers and tools: Intellect, spycraft, hypnosis, jujutsu, and master of disguise. Girasol Ring used as a focus for his hypnotic abilities. Arms himself with a pair of Clot .45s.
first appearace: Detective Story Hour
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Night Thrasher- Dwayne Taylor, vigilante, leader, and skateboard enthusiast.  
Powers and tools: Enegineering, acute computer literacy, acrobatics, and, maritial arts. Wears a light weight bulletproof, fireproof, and knifeproof armored suit geared with cloaking tech. Along with a helemet with multi-vision goggles, breathing apparatus, voice scrambler, and other accoutrements. Gauntlets that could fire pepper spray and sleeping gas. Main weapon of choice is a pair of Escrima sticks. Uses a high tech armored fiberglass skateboard to get around.
first appearance: Mighty Thor #411
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Knight Watchman- Reid Randall, seasoned hero, widower, and fashion designer.
Powers and tools: Olympic-level athlete, martial arts, ninjutsu and investigation. Known to use night-sticks.
first appearance: Berzerker #1
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Artemis-Jacky Bouchard, P.I., day walker, master barista.
Powers and tools: Investigation, gunplay, supernatural strength, mesmerizing gaze (magnified through drinking blood), and mist transformation. Known to use handguns or advanced tasers called "E-lasers".
first appearance: Wearing the cape
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ShadowHawk-Eddie Collins, vigilante, legacy, teenager.
Powers and tools: Unarmed Combat. Wears a helmet known as Nommo which holds the spirits of all the previous SadowHawks, and grants him a suit. The suit provides enhanced strength, speed, agility, and stamina; along with metamorphic weapon and tool manifestation.
first appearance: New Man #4
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improbable-implosions · 6 months
Need something to do tonight? Try my stream!
We're taking another bold step outside the public domain on Paper Cuts tonight, this time with Marion G. Harmon's Wearing the Cape!
I absolutely loved this book from the first time I read it in high school, it's got an absolutely fascinating take on superheroes and how they'll enmesh with celebrity culture in a world not unlike the one we knew then. The series at large poses some fascinating questions about duty, legacy, and just what it means for these cities to court powerful superteams, and this first book in particular focuses on the difficulty of "coming out" into hero society.
Want to hear more? Need specifics on some of what I pointed out there? Come drop by tonight, 8pm pacific time, and I'll be reading it aloud, live!
(That's April 5th, 8pm pacific, and if you miss it, there'll be a VOD, too!)
And if you want to grab the book to read along, you can find it here:
Last but not least, if you like the sound of a live audiobook, go check out the podcast, available in your favorite podcatcher! I'd suggest looking for titles that sound interesting, I name the first episode of each book after the title!
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mcbitchtits · 1 year
okay my weekend got shuffled around and i saw dial of destiny today rather than friday.
completely unspoilery point of doubly-pedantic nerd criticism: hey marching navy bugler in the back ARE YOU AWARE that you are out of step. okay thanks for your time.
now spoilers
this has been bothering me for a hot sec
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is it a German thing the way they pronounce it? A British thing? is it a Roman-Latin vs Catholic-Latin situation? I mean, Wikipedia here has it the way I’ve always said it, so what is behind their choice to Not Pronounce It This Way in the movie?
also related to the pre-adventure plot, i was sitting there in the middle of it thinking, like, when the nazis were in disarray and lacking supplies and their empire was falling apart, would anyone have even noticed a jacket with a bullet-hole in it? (i realize this is just a plot moment, ignore that for a second.) and then like ten minutes later i realized i was probably just thinking about the Confederates rather than the Nazis, but ehhhhhhhhhhh tomayto tomahto
also i think it’s very funny that the plot is just like “where did voller get the anitkyhera? who fucking cares. PLOT TIME”
also-also: i know it’s for Plot Reasons but i really wish they said “antikythera mechanism” more than they said “archimedes’ dial”. bah. fie on you
i’m still, every time, in awe of the wacko billing. who’s in this movie? HARRISON FORD and PHOEBE WALLER-BRIDGE and ANTONIO BANDERAS and TWELVE OTHER NAMES and also mads mikkelsen. i’m sorry. your villain gets last billing? i know why, it’s hollywood nonsense, but like. COME ON. maybe he deserves a few more minutes of screentime also?
i think i posted this in one of my last few shotgun-blast-commentary posts, about all the marion pics being from 1936. i noticed today, waaaaaay in the blurry background, at the end of the movie, there’s one from Crystal Skull. (and I had to go look it up and I realized it was not an Indy & Marion photo as I thought but rather one of the stills of Mutt and Marion. which. PUT THAT UP FRONT AT THE BEGINNING!!!!)
okay. do you see my four exclamation points there? so the subtitles, and forgive me that these are in spanish, but
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they do that twice. my freshman high school english teacher is out there somewhere having a conniption fit
i think it’s interesting how much time the score spends with helena’s theme. there are at least a few spots where we should have been hearing the raiders march, and instead we get her theme. and it’s not like mutt’s theme where they harmonize and interplay. i don’t think we ever get it. which is... such a fascinating and, IMO, weird choice.
one of my friends who i saw it with, and i may have already mentioned this also, came out of the movie and was like “not to be an asshole, but it doesn’t make sense that the boat had 100 centurions. the centurions were the military leaders. they would definitionally have one centurion” and i’m just like. this is why we’re friends, and also, i’m so glad you are also a pedantic historian about indiana jones movies because that is Exactly How It Should Be.
speaking of which, every single time we get to Greece i’m just like I AM PRETTY SURE THEY DIDN’T SEW GARMENTS THAT WAY? YES THIS IS A PRODUCTION DESIGN CHOICE BUT ALSO IT IS BOTHERING ME. are there any extant garments like that? i feel like everything i have ever read is chitons and himations and peplos and. you know. mostly big, seamless, rectangles?
in related notes and deep dives into the world of production design vs. historic elements, the graphikos feels like it’s supposed to be like the phaistos disk? perhaps. i like it better than the “dial” design, for whatever that’s worth
and also re: my previous criticisms on the script being poor, “it’s not in a language, it’s in a code.” OH I’M SORRY. I FORGOT THAT CODE RESULTED IN NON-LINGUISTIC OUTPUT this is nonsense and i might hate this line more than any other for sheer stupidity? this being polybius i assume you’d still have to, you know. know how to read ancient greek.
now we’re off to the next part of our journey, If The Script Is Like This Then Surely I’m Overthinking It:
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This is about Kythira, as in, the island opposite Antikythira, but also, in light of choosing to Do The Last Crusade Thing Again And Then Failing To Give The Indy-Helena Relationship A Solid Landing i am SO MAD i gotta go scream into a pillow or something brb
On the other hand, in regards to Overthinking The Writing And I Think They Did Mean It On Purpose: Basil naming his daughter Helena. I’m assuming he was obsessed with the Antikythera before all of that, although we never see any indication other than perhaps it catching his ear when he’s tied up on the train. But. Anyway. Helena. now i have to go Lie Down About It
(side note: do we think Indy is the only one who calls her “Wombat”? she does say, in the bar, “it’s been a long time since i’ve heard that”. were, like, he and Basil hanging out being archaeologist buddies and Helena thought he was super cool and wanted to be like him and found out he was named after his dog? like. aside from the “we are just writing in a new, younger Indy character”, that’s kind of just such a sweet little moment to ponder.)
fascinatingly, in every single showing i’ve been to so far, Helena gets the biggest laughs (or all of them). mostly the “I’m a... fan” moment, and then today she got a rip roaring response from knocking indy out. which i appreciate. but also it is interesting to note indy doesn’t really seem to get the laughs in his own goddamn farewell flick.
OKAY ENDING ON A POSITIVE NOTE i noticed something today which i had not caught yet which is, at the end, when marion shows up and indy goes into the kitchen to talk to her— when she opens the fridge to put the food in there, he slyly slips the magnet off of her photo that he put on there at the beginning. that is an indy moment. that made me laugh. sweet and silly.
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nem0c · 2 years
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Vietnam War - Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, June 1968
Sourced from: http://natsmusic.net/articles_galaxy_magazine_viet_nam_war.htm
Transcript Below
We the undersigned believe the United States must remain in Vietnam to fulfill its responsibilities to the people of that country.
Karen K. Anderson, Poul Anderson, Harry Bates, Lloyd Biggle Jr., J. F. Bone, Leigh Brackett, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Mario Brand, R. Bretnor, Frederic Brown, Doris Pitkin Buck, William R. Burkett Jr., Elinor Busby, F. M. Busby, John W. Campbell, Louis Charbonneau, Hal Clement, Compton Crook, Hank Davis, L. Sprague de Camp, Charles V. de Vet, William B. Ellern, Richard H. Eney, T. R. Fehrenbach, R. C. FitzPatrick, Daniel F. Galouye, Raymond Z. Gallun, Robert M. Green Jr., Frances T. Hall, Edmond Hamilton, Robert A. Heinlein, Joe L. Hensley, Paul G. Herkart, Dean C. Ing, Jay Kay Klein, David A. Kyle, R. A. Lafferty, Robert J. Leman, C. C. MacApp, Robert Mason, D. M. Melton, Norman Metcalf, P. Schuyler Miller, Sam Moskowitz, John Myers Myers, Larry Niven, Alan Nourse, Stuart Palmer, Gerald W. Page, Rachel Cosgrove Payes, Lawrence A. Perkins, Jerry E. Pournelle, Joe Poyer, E. Hoffmann Price, George W. Price, Alva Rogers, Fred Saberhagen, George O. Smith, W. E. Sprague, G. Harry Stine (Lee Correy), Dwight V. Swain, Thomas Burnett Swann, Albert Teichner, Theodore L. Thomas, Rena M. Vale, Jack Vance, Harl Vincent, Don Walsh Jr., Robert Moore Williams, Jack Williamson, Rosco E. Wright, Karl Würf.
We oppose the participation of the United States in the war in Vietnam.
Forrest J. Ackerman, Isaac Asimov, Peter S. Beagle, Jerome Bixby, James Blish, Anthony Boucher, Lyle G. Boyd, Ray Bradbury, Jonathan Brand, Stuart J. Byrne, Terry Carr, Carroll J. Clem, Ed M. Clinton, Theodore R. Cogswell, Arthur Jean Cox, Allan Danzig, Jon DeCles, Miriam Allen deFord, Samuel R. Delany, Lester del Rey, Philip K. Dick, Thomas M. Disch, Sonya Dorman, Larry Eisenberg, Harlan Ellison, Carol Emshwiller, Philip José Farmer, David E. Fisher, Ron Goulart, Joseph Green, Jim Harmon, Harry Harrison, H. H. Hollis, J. Hunter Holly, James D. Houston, Edward Jesby, Leo P. Kelley, Daniel Keyes, Virginia Kidd, Damon Knight, Allen Lang, March Laumer, Ursula K. LeGuin, Fritz Leiber, Irwin Lewis, A. M. Lightner, Robert A. W. Lowndes, Katherine MacLean, Barry Malzberg, Robert E. Margroff, Anne Marple, Ardrey Marshall, Bruce McAllister, Judith Merril, Robert P. Mills, Howard L. Morris, Kris Neville, Alexei Panshin, Emil Petaja, J. R. Pierce, Arthur Porges, Mack Reynolds, Gene Roddenberry, Joanna Russ, James Sallis, William Sambrot, Hans Stefan Santesson, J. W. Schutz, Robin Scott, Larry T. Shaw, John Shepley, T. L. Sherred, Robert Silverberg, Henry Slesar, Jerry Sohl, Norman Spinrad, Margaret St. Clair, Jacob Transue, Thurlow Weed, Kate Wilhelm, Richard Wilson, Donald A. Wollheim.
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talvin-muircastle · 1 year
“We define ourselves as much by what we oppose as what we approve, what we won’t do as what we will do. Each choice we make forecloses other choices, while making still more choices necessary. Life is a decision tree we climb half blind. Astra, Notes from a Life”
— Wearing the Cape: A Superhero Story by Marion G. Harmon
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capriciousnarrator · 6 years
Author Interview with Marion G. Harmon
Author Interview with Marion G. Harmon
Today I’m happy to have Marion G. Harmon with me for an interview.
Marion is the author of the awesome Wearing the Cape series. The seventh installment, Recursion, continues the adventure with a time travel adventure, but if you’ve never read any of the series you’ll want to start with the first book. Marion has also created an RPG based on his series, and you can find all his works on his…
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captaindiomikatsing · 6 years
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Wearing the Cape - Marion G. Harmon
Hope did, but she grew out of it. Which made her superhuman breakthrough in the Ashland Bombing, just before starting her freshman year at the University of Chicago, more than a little ironic. And now she has some decisions to make. 
Given the code-name "Astra" and invited to join the Sentinels, Chicago's premier super-team, will she take up the cape and mask and become a career superhero? Or will she get a handle on her new powers (super-strength has some serious drawbacks) and then get on with her life-plan? 
In a world where superheroes join unions and have agents, and the strongest and most photogenic ones become literal supercelebrities, the temptation to become a "cape" is strong. But the price can be high-especially if you're "outed" and lose the shield of your secret identity. Becoming a sidekick puts the decision off for awhile, but Hope's life is further complicated when The Teatime Anarchist, the supervillain responsible for the Ashland Bombing, takes an interest in her. 
Apparently as Astra, Hope is supposed to save the world. Or at least a significant part of it. 
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mohafawzi · 3 years
في كاتب اسمه Marion G. Harmon له جملة عبقرية بتقول :
Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is you're stupid and make bad decisions ...
كل حاجة بتتعمل بسبب . ساعات السبب ده بيكون انك غبي و بتاخد قرارات غبية ...
.. اعتقد من أهم عناصر السلام النفسي ان الانسان يعترف بحقه الطبيعي انه يكون غبي ! .. فطول ما احنا ماشيين في الحياة بنتعلم ، و ساعات جهلنا بالمعلومة دية بيدفعنا لقرارات غبية . لكن المأساة كلها لما الـ ego الانسان ينكر عليه الحق ده ، فيبقي بيكهربه لو اعترف قدام نفسه انه غلط ، انت مجنون يااسطا ؟؟! ازاي ناخد قرارات غبية !! لا ده احنا فوق مستوي الغلط ، المشكلة في كل حاجة حوالينا إلا احنا !! .. و هنا تبتدي رحلة الانسان مع الشماعات ... او بمعني اصح رحلته مع الفشل المستمر بالتبرير عشان مش قادر يواجه حقيقة انه ممكن يغلط ..
... فالكارثة عمرها ما كانت في القرارات الغبيبة إنما الاستمرار فيها .. حق الانسان انه يغلط ده طبيعي و مهم جدا عشان يتطور ! بس بمجرد انه يدرك غباء اي قرار واجبه تجاه نفسه انه ميكملش فيه ... إنما حيفضل يعاند و يكابر ، يلف و يدور ، يعمل اي حاجة غير ناضجة او مسؤولة عشان ميعترفش بغلطه ، حيفضل زي ما هو فاشل عاجز في نفس الدوامة العقيمة بتاعة الندب و الإنكار ..
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michaelbaileywriter · 6 years
Weekly Update - August 28, 2018
Weekly Update – August 28, 2018
The Heroes & Villains superhero novel box set is going away soon, so grab it while you still can!
The e-book set includes Action Figures – Issue One: Secret Origins and will be available through September. This collection also includes Hero Status by Kristen Brand, Super by Karen Diem, Morning Sun by Jeremy Flagg, Supervillain High by Gerhard Gehrke, Wearing the Cape by Marion G. Harmon, Serpent’…
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8crimson · 6 months
My Superhero team #3
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Martian Manhunter- J'onn J'onzz, law officer, lone survior, and Choco addict.
Powers: Intellect, shapeshifting, invisiblity, phasing, super strength, super durability, super speed, flight, enhanced senses, telepathy, and telekinesis.
first appearance: Detective Comics #225
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Astra- Hope Corrigan, cancer survivor, chatholic, and always gets through hardships.
Powers and tools: Tactics, social skills, super strength, super durability, and flight. Uses a 100 pound maul called "Malleus".
first appearance: Wearing the Cape
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Doctor Solar- Raymond Solar, nuclear physicist, formerly human now living nuclear powerplant.
Powers and tools: Intelect, matter-to-energy conversion, and flight. Uses radiation proof clothes and glasses when not superheroing.
first appearance: Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom #1
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Invincible- Mark Grayson, guy trying to be a hero while trying to be a person, and a bit of a hot head.
Powers: Intellect, super strength, invulnerability, healing factor, and flight.
first appearance: Invincible #1
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Radiant Black- Marshall Ward, the second guy to hold the power, is a bit of a jerk but gets better.
Powers: Gravity manipulation.
first appearance: Radiant Black #1
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Blue Marvel- Dr. Adam Brashear, scientist, hero, worked hard for both.
Powers: Intellect, anti-matter manipulation, energy manipulation, super strength, nigh invulnerability, super speed, flight, and enhanced mental perception.
first appearance: Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #1
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Maxima- Maximillia Leander, soldier, tactician, wants to be taken seriously.
Powers and tools: Tactics, super strength, super speed, super durability, energy blasts, and power reserve that can be focused into a specific attribute. Carries a firearm with enough kick to effect other supers.
first appearance: Grrl power #35
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aceofmoxes · 5 years
Tagged by @underyourland Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
10 songs I can’t stop listening to:
The Sound of Silence - Disturbed
Caffeine - RWBY
All along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
The Imperial March - Star Wars
Defying Gravity - Wicked
Holding Out for a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
Life is a Lemon and I Want my Money Back - Meatloaf
Revolution - The Beatles
Before I forget - Slipknot
In the Navy - The Village People
Favourite Ships: Solo x Skywalker(s) Elphaba x Galinda  WonderBat (Batman x Wonder Woman) Superman x Lois Lane Venom (Eddie x symbiote) 
Lipstick or Chapstick: Neither, but I like Lipstick and Chapstick is a scam. 
Last Movie Seen: Once upon a time in Hollywood Currently Reading: (a dozen different things) Small town Heroes by Marion G. Harmon I would like to tag @keuraecray @taoduck @amaranthine-space-ravens @aliceinpurgatory @brandyhogarth @slimvdubbin @swimmingbirdrunningrock @torrentstorm @nell-y  
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dorksidefiker · 8 years
Wearing The Cape: The RPG
There’s about 14 days to go on the kickstarter.
Now, I’m a fan of the book series, and this looks pretty shiny.
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mr-vale · 2 years
Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is you’re stupid and make bad decisions.
-Marion G. Harmon, Rodin Games
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whattywhatwhat · 2 years
“Today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday, and look how that turned out.” No attribution. And this one: “Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is you’re stupid and make bad decisions.” – Marion G. Harmon
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kasiaslupecka · 7 years
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I finished this some time ago and forgot to share.
Artemis. A character piece I did for 'Wearing the Cape' series by Marion G. Harmon.
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libraryknight · 7 years
Bookish Expectations
Started by @logarithmicpanda
I was tagged by @the-forest-of-books
Pick a book you haven’t read yet. Write a couple (or more) lines about what you expect from the book (it can be in terms of story, characters, feelings… Whatever you think about!) Use the hashtag “bookish expectations”, tag a couple of your friends, and let’s get this thing rolling!
I pick Wearing the Cape by Marion G. Harmon (the newest addition to my TBR stack)
Based on the cover and back text, I’m expecting the tale of a college student who develops superpowers, becomes a sidekick, then has to “become” a superhero and save the world. I’m also expecting some humor and an interesting, well-written world (since this novel has spawned sequels, a spin-off starring a vampire, and a roleplaying game).
I tag @ladyknighttime, @lauravanarendonkbaugh, and @justice-lives, as well as anyone else who wants to do this.
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