0zzysaurus · 7 months
vol III.VIII.XIV — Buddy cop Marius gets a promotion :]]
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the-lark-not-the-dove · 4 months
marivert is fucking weird and I love it and I don't ship it at all but for some reason it's just still so great. Like, it's so insane and unhinged and whoever thought of it was probably on crack but like, it's great I fully approve.
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breadvidence · 3 months
How do you feel about the Marius/Javert ship a few people have been pitching lately (Marivert). Is the symbolism of the relationship between the police and the bourgeoise enough to make the ship work????
First, a question for you: who's been pitching lately?? what have I not been paying attention to?
& a more serious answer than you probably bargained for: I am pro all ships and actually have read two very tonally different fics that play out this pairing effectively enough. Fandom doesn't really need more than "the characters exist" to make a pairing happen, but I'd argue these two could actually work given they have an existing relationship to build on (not in the sense of "work romantically, wedding bells" but "result in a compelling story"). There's the obvious comedy potential given—well, they are who they are. However. I think Marius is overdrawn as comedic in fandom to the same degree that Javert's comedy is undersold, and you could do some interesting very earnest stuff playing off Marius' desire to be masculine, violent, dignified, etc., and the ways Javert sneers at that—maybe some agegap queer mentorship shit complicated by the fact that, ultimately, Javert as the police serves/surveils Marius as the bourgeois.
May I propose an unrelated absurdly serious fic, also:
Javert's suicide is diverted, & he goes full 19th c style lunatic over it & is institutionalized (I would have to do a disagreeable amount of research about how very-barely-socially-respectable insane people were managed at the time). In searching for solutions to the mysteries surrounding the barricade, Marius finds him, and he feels obligated to recover him from the squalid hospital conditions. There's some very tender-gross assistance with bathing, maybe lice. I feel like this is a great premise in which to deploy questionably realistic selective mutism as Javert struggles with the question of whether it is morally correct to clarify his history with Valjean. When Valjean shows up, he gaslight girlboss gatekeeps the shit out of both of them, deadpanning through his interaction with Javert effectively enough that Javert isn't actually sure this bourgeois is Valjean after all. And whoops I'm diverting myself to Valvert. Anyway for some reason Javert and Marius fuck and it's very morally dubious given the unexpected power difference, Javert is dependent on him for housing and food and social safety, he's not articulating desires or thoughts well, and—hm, perhaps there's been some delay on Marius' marriage with Cosette, he's painfully hungry for intimacy and he never intended to become so close to this other man's body, but—
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a-heart-full-of-dumb · 5 months
Apparently the actors who played Javert and Marius in the 2023 Dutch tour broke up. :(
What a sad day for the Javert/Marius.. Javerius? Marivert? shippers.
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bam-bo0zle · 7 months
These NASTY SKANKS and their marivert....
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0zzysaurus · 7 months
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Dumbest collab in the world with @bam-bo0zle (thank u @bogusbyron for the meme)
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0zzysaurus · 7 months
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Marivert + other javerts
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0zzysaurus · 10 months
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I think about Marius and Javert in strange ways…..
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0zzysaurus · 7 months
SERIOUS answers only …
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0zzysaurus · 4 months
You people….. one day…. You silly transformers Les Miserables fandom people…. You’ll respect wreckrod Marivert one day……. I’ll get you…. One of these days you’ll be sitting with your family enjoying your life and this post will flash into your mind like a psyonic blast and you’ll sit bolt upright and everyone will turn to look at you, and you’ll say “oh my god. tumblr user 0zzysaurus was right. wreckrod Marivert IS a good ship with potential” and you’ll sob with your head in your hands at the wasted years you spent not seeing my vision.
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0zzysaurus · 7 months
Is Javert giving Marius pining puppy dog eyes or is it just me
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0zzysaurus · 7 months
I’m kinda insane
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0zzysaurus · 7 months
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0zzysaurus · 4 months
Marivert Marivert!! Tell me about ur Marivert hcs :>
Just the same ones as usual :]] I might throw out some cute flatmate au ideas/prompts/sillies tho:
- Marius covertly adopts a street cat, it sits on the wheelie bin outside the kitchen window and he feeds it ham. He wants to bring it inside but Javert said he hates pets and thinks they smell bad
- smash cut to six months later where Javert does his paperwork w the cat curled up in his lap because there isn’t a grumpy man on earth who said “no get that thing out of my fucking house” and didn’t then grow to love it like flesh and blood
- they often do not pay their bills on time and Marius will get woken up by furious yelling when Javert takes his morning shower and the boiler’s been disconnected
- neither of them can cook. Ready meals are their lifeline and the microwave is worshipped like an idol. And yet somehow Marius still finds a way at least once a month to put something explodable in it
- Javert will regularly direct Marius to the “appointments charter” (notebook with coffee stains that lives on the kitchen counter) to mark down house-guest requests. Sometimes Marius just wants the amis guys to come over !! (denied. They are criminals. Get better friends.)
- “Hey, your partner looks familiar… have I seen them somewhere before?”
- “Oh my god you have to let me know the next time he/she comes over because their dad/daughter CANNOT know about us” — cue elaborate setups to get Valjean or Cosette out the house without either of them realising what’s happening
- on the flip-side Valjean and Cosette both think to themselves “hey… it’s weird that his roommate is some random guy from the street that I’ve definitely seen give funny glances to my daughter/father in the past… what a weird coincidence…”
- 90% of the time they are arguing. 9% of the time they are chilling in the living room eating cereal out of the box and watching How It’s Made. 1% of the time they are rawing it from the back and trying not to gaze into each other’s eyes for too long
- Javert wants the Snoopy Moped fucking gone. Marius still has his L plates too. It’s so embarrassing please get rid of it. (Marius has the matching snoopy goggles helmet to go with it he’s keeping it for life)
- they are both the worst roommate ever. Javert is super meticulous and strict and demands that the house be respectable. Marius attracts mess wherever he goes, often forgets to do even basic housework, and is regularly making a fiasco of the place often by no fault of his own (he is still trying to convince Javert that it was Grantaire who spilled a pitcher of gin and coke on the Turkish carpet)
- the mug incident is still my favourite au prompt for them btw
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0zzysaurus · 4 months
You people….. one day…. You silly transformers fandom people…. You’ll respect wreckrod one day……. I’ll get you…. One of these days you’ll be sitting with your family enjoying your life and this post will flash into your mind like a psyonic blast and you’ll sit bolt upright and everyone will turn to look at you, and you’ll say “oh my god. tumblr user 0zzysaurus was right. wreckrod IS a good ship with potential” and you’ll sob with your head in your hands at the wasted years you spent not seeing my vision.
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0zzysaurus · 3 months
Stands in your doorway. Hi I thought about how Marius and Javert are mirrors of each other in a lot of ways and Marivert is compelling to me as a narrative device rather than it just being silly look at what you've done to me /silly
SEE??? It’s got that smth smth about it 🤝
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