#mark yang
killyridols · 1 year
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boxed by mark yang, 2022, oil on canvas, 183.2 × 142.2 centimeters
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mappinglasirena · 8 months
Awesome job!! What is the cargo tonnage and expected price? Thanks!
Thank you so much for the compliment! And I'm very sorry I'm only getting around to your message now, I hope my answer is not too late to be useful.
Though I'm afraid it might not turn out terribly useful in general, since I can't give a precise answer to the first part of your question - and I'm not entirely sure what you mean with the second part 😅
But let's start with the first: It's really difficult to say what the cargo capacity of La Sirena might be, given that we've never seen her cargo bay. Nor even a proper sketch of what her cargo bay might have been intended to look like. The closest we get is this cutaway from the "Set Me Up" featurette:
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On the left-hand side of the cutaway, you can see what is likely supposed to be a cargo bay at the bottom, leading to the big cargo doors. But technically, the space above that is the engine room, and given all the slightly arbitrary geometry in there, I'm not sure any of these spaces in the model were fully thought out by the production team or should be used to draw conclusions about the in-universe ship.
And even taking this model at face-value, it's still really difficult to evaluate the size of the cargo bay. The set of the front part of Sirena, as it was designed and built, is too large to fit into this model. You'd have to make a bunch of adjustments to either the size of the ship or the size of the interiors, and that would have more or less drastic impacts on how large the cargo bay would turn out to be in comparison.
Also, it's very much a question of how the ship is loaded. In an early design phase, all the open spaces along both decks of the ship were supposed to hold modular cargo containers.
Quoting from the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection Special Issue on La Sirena:
[Art Director Rob] Johnson gave the interior an exposed framework that modular rooms were designed to fit into. The cargo would have done the same job, with different-shaped containers made to fit in the voids in the bulkheads. The cargo was never added and Johnson says what you see is “a skeleton without the organs.”
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This is an early design of what this modular cargo might have looked like, also from the booklet.
When we meet Rios and La Sirena in season 1, the only cargo we see are a number of crates strewn around the upper and lower decks.
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It stands to reason he wouldn't have too much freight on board, since he has just been hired to ferry Picard to destinations unknown, which doesn't really combine well with any scheduled cargo run. But whether there are these sort of modular containers somewhere in-universe that might be fitted in between the ribs of the ship is never answered.
Apart from storage space inside the ship, though, there is also the fact that Sirena was conceptualized as a tug. Some of the assembly at her back serves as a tether for cargo modules that can be strung together like the cars of a freight train.
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At that point, the cargo tonnage of the ship expands dramatically and becomes a question of engine power and warp mechanics that nobody can answer in any meaningful way.
So, the answer to "how much cargo can Sirena transport?" is "almost impossible to answer"it's pretty much impossible to say". Depending on how much you want to bring production design intentions into it, the available space varies between "as many of the sorts of crates we see used in the show stacked along the two decks we know exist for certain" and "that plus some unseen cargo bay" and "densely stacked modular cargo containers designed to slot into all parts of the ship alongside the living quarters and holodeck, plus the same in cargo bay, and a train of freight modules hitched to the back of the ship."
As for the "price": I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here. How much this sort of ship would cost to acquire? How much you would be charged to have your cargo hauled by one of these freighters? What we think Picard might have paid Rios to take him on his little adventure? Something else entirely?
Money is always tricky in Star Trek, but the core of the United Federation of Planets is supposed to be a moneyless, post-scarcity society. If we go by the strictest interpretation, if Rios found Sirena on Earth, he wouldn't have had to pay anything for her. Same goes for shipping costs. If a Kaplan F-17 freighter were operated legally anywhere within or near the core of the Federation, I assume you wouldn't have to pay to acquire their services.
Now, once we move into the further reaches of Federation space, where people do still use money for the exchange of goods and services, things get even more complicated.
According to the designers' original intent, the Kaplan F-17 is fairly old. It was suggested that Sirena was built anywhere between 50 and 100 years before the start of season 1 (which is set in 2399). Acquiring such an old-fashioned ship might not have incurred a huge cost. Then again, she has souped-up engines and weapons, which either Rios or some previous owner added (same with the modular cabins, holodeck, transporter, etc. inside), and which might all affect the price.
And if we're talking about shipping costs, Rios, of course, is operating outside the typical post-capitalism norms of the Federation (and outside Federation space often enough to know e.g. the political situation in and around Vashti fairly well). But it's unclear whether he'd be paid in gold-pressed latinum or some other currency, and the value of any of those are pretty much impossible to know, anyway.
I think in beta canon, i.e. Rogue Elements by John Jackson Miller, we also don't get an exact number for what Rios pays for Sirena, though the down-payment is made in gold-pressed Latinum, and it takes him months to work off the rest of the price. But it's been a while since I've read the book, so I can't give you any more details on that off the top of my head.
Perhaps I might be able to give you some better suggestions about price and cargo if you let me know in a bit more detail what you want to know and what you need it for? (i.e. just out of general curiosity, or for story-writing purposes, or to size a 3D model properly, or....)
I hope I understood your question correctly, and I'm sorry if this answer isn't particularly satisfying 😅 If you're looking for info for a specific reason or project (just out of curiosity, for story-writing purposes, to size a 3D model of the ship more accurately, ...), maybe I might be able to offer more insights or at least point you to some other places that might be able to help?
EIther way, I hope that this was at least a somewhat informative read, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to write about this bit of design history!
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Mark Yang
Svadhishthana. 2022 
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slf-cntrl · 9 months
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i don't care what anyone says.
nothing (not even jackson and april) will ever top this era.
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andichoseyou · 5 months
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The Menu (2022) dir. Mark Mylod
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stellangiios · 8 months
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filmswithoutfaces · 1 year
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The Menu (2022) dir. Mark Mylod
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babyjapril · 8 months
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Grey's Anatomy 2.18
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aeonophagic · 2 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Broken Roofs and Fixed Perspectives
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#xue yang#xiao xingchen#Lots of cut content notes on this one. Lets all have a moment of silence for all the cut A-Qing's in each perspective.#particularly ripped and buff 'Daozhang Defender 'A-Qing (her perspective)#funny but poor layout#XY also had a red arrow pointed at him in his own POV that said 'just troubled' but it made the panel too cluttered.#He does see himself as troubled and uses that to justify his actions#but I also think there is room for him to not really know exactly how to feel about himself in this situation#Yi-city is such a fantastic tragedy for so many reasons and you will bear witness to me rambling about it in the tags as this arc continues#Helping a blind man fix a roof? A manipulative act of building trust or genuine display of wanting to collaberate?#XY and A-qing have experience of the cruelty of the world where as xxc has blind (haha) faith that kindness prevails#These three simultaneous know each other more than the other's think and *yet* completely miss the mark.#the stories they tell in the blizzard (and the reactions they have) so perfectly display who these characters are#Both xxc and xy tell stories about unfair cruelty. To xxc it is others who's suffering is highlighted. XY highlight's his own.#A-qing understands xue yang more that she wants to admit. She predicts the twists in xy's story and empathizes with the hurt and anger#A-qing is also taking advantage of xxc! She is also lying to survive!#Though shes mostly benign in her intentions. She really did vibe check the rank stank on XY's soul on the spot#Alas...no one listens to teen girls....
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jiaoliqiao · 5 months
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Boya & Qingming in The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity (2020) 
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wandamaximommy22 · 9 months
drinking game to play while watching greys
take a shot every time they say
1) seriously
2) fistulas
3) mcdreamy
4) mcsteamy
5) round of epi
6) time of death
7) it’s a beautiful day to save lives
8) you’re my person
i can guarantee you will be absolutely hammered within the first few minutes
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
Most Possessive members of NCT
EVERYBODY and their mama knows just how possessive this mf can be
lemme be straight tho
A lot of people think he's the toxic possessive
but that ain't the case
he's like...a level below toxic possessive lmaoooo
he'll allow you to go out
he won't control the way you dress
Tell him where you are, where you're going
who you're with
when you're coming home
how you're coming home
There are certain things you should wear for him and him ALONE
you hear me?
I warned you ho
he doesn't get jealous easily
tbh he just gets annoyed
He won't say shit if he sees you leave the house in a short dress
but if you come home and say that somebody was hitting on you
he's fucking you on the spot
he's not gonna blame you for being fine asf
but he needs to get rid of the memory of that person
In short
tbh he just doesn't play when it comes to you
every time you wear sandals people know its because of Yuta
he took your ability to walk.
he's in competition with Yuta
Jaemin is possessive ASF
he's arguably more dangerous than Yuta
still not toxic though
but he gets jealous easily
if anything he's sweet about it.
If you have an outing with friends
he's helping you pick out that outfit
because you will not be leaving the house in a short dress
when he knows he won't be there to protect you
In public, he is ALWAYS
Gripping the life out of your thighs
When he gives you hickeys
they spell his name
with a lil heart
where everyone can see
also extremely protective but that's for another time
Pack it up
jeno is a little... toxic possessive
I'm sorry
but I must tell the truth
not everybody can handle him
"Don't you think that's a little too short to wear out?"
that's all he said and
You still wore it out
the next day you couldn't walk
Doesn't like that you have male friends but won't tell you to cut them off
if you and your male friends lose contact tho
does not get jealous easily but when he does...
just do what he says😭😭😭
or else somebody is gonna get beat up
not you though...never you
he would never
Everyone can see the bruisings on your love handles from how hard he grips you every time you wear Croptops
Liu Yang Yang
I know what you're thinking
"Yang yang doesn't give me possessive energy tho"
bitch that cuz he's childish with it
He's like a child with his possessiveness
a brat
pouts and rants
when he feels someone is trying to take you away from him
all he needs is a hug, some reassurance, and a very specific article of clothing you wear a lot 👀
tbh his possessiveness is sweet but it can be annoying sometimes😭😭
Made you wear panties with wet with his cum because he needed to be "Reassured"
Lee Haechan
Brat #2
he is just annoying 😂😂😂
for the most part, he's feigning possessiveness
unless something happens
then you'll see a different side of him
also extremely protective and will get into a fight
once again that's for another time
and trust and believe when yall are in public
if he could go into the bathroom stall with you he would
he just wants everybody to know that you are his.
fucked you at the back of the restaurant once because Jungwoo was being a bit too friendly.
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Grey's text posts pt. 4
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slf-cntrl · 8 months
there’s just too much going on lol
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dazzlingkai · 11 months
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ETERNAL LOVE (2017) "Even if you have to pay with your life for the bad things you have done, I will follow you in death. Here, in this world, no matter when, no matter where, as long as you do not betray me, I will never leave you."
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