#markus freistätter
celluloidrainbow · 2 years
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ERIK & ERIKA (2018) dir. Reinhold Bilgeri The true story of Erik Schinegger, women’s world champion skier. Declared female at birth and raised as a girl, until a newly-introduced gene test reveals his intersex status to both the world and himself and leaves the skier with a life-changing decision to make. (link in title)
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ulrichgebert · 4 months
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Der Manfred-Deix-Film Rotzbub, auch bekannt als Willkommen in Siegheilkirchen ist, passenderweise wie Deix-Kunst ja oft erstmal etwas irritierend, entpuppt sich aber dann als Coming-of-Age-Geschichte in ungünstigem Milieu und wird zusehends herziger.
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moviesandmania · 6 years
Party Hard, Die Young - Austria, 2018
Party Hard, Die Young – Austria, 2018
Party Hard, Die Young is a 2018 Austrian slasher horror film directed by Dominik Hartl (Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies) from a screenplay by Robert Buchschwenter and Karin Lomot. It stars Marlon Boess, Markus Freistätter, and Michael Glantschnig.
Finally, graduation! No more high school! In order to celebrate Julia, her classmates and thousands of fellow graduates are on their way to an island…
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Genre: Horror, Thriller 
Language: German (Eng-Sub)
IMDb Ratings: 5.7/10
Quality: 1080p WEBrip
Movie Size: 1.76GB
Director: Dominik Hartl
Movie Cast: Marlon Boess, Markus Freistätter, Michael Glantschnig
Sypnosis: Finally, graduated and off to Croatia. It's supposed to be the "party of their lives." But for Julia and her friends their graduation trip turns into a horror trip, from which not everyone will return.
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Genre: Horror, Thriller 
Language: German (Eng-Sub)
IMDb Ratings: 5.8/10
Quality: 720p WEBrip
Movie Size: 900MB
Director: Dominik Hartl
Movie Cast: Marlon Boess, Markus Freistätter, Michael Glantschnig
Sypnosis: Finally, graduated and off to Croatia. It's supposed to be the "party of their lives." But for Julia and her friends their graduation trip turns into a horror trip, from which not everyone will return.
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