#marlins will soar
kickerofelves · 2 years
Marlins Will Soar -- Scott Stapp [Creed]
truly incredible [awful] stuff here. at several points he just lists baseball things. did the marlins want this? was it commissioned or done on spec or just for the love of the game?
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sleepyfins · 13 days
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🐟🌊🐟 / 🌊🐟🌊 / 🐟🌊🐟
Flying fish are an awesome kind of fish that can soar and skip above the water! They fly to escape from predators like tuna, swordfish and marlin, as their "wings" let them glide.
It is really cool that their fins let them do this, but it makes them an easy target for sea birds, like Frigate Birds. They can't escape bullying either way. Rude.
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I've seen one in person too!!
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gruesome-beauty · 10 days
ive been really vibing with pezz's ...and so it stands ep that's on the archive. the song drifting away especially is great. im not from memphis either (but i am from the south) i just love deep diving into other southern punk scenes. I also genuinely love wicker they have some fun ass songs!! here is a wicker set from 2017 with julien on guitar that i stumbled upon https://youtu.be/vuL9D1o81Rg?si=iPOFiLhSCdQVkc5E
i will 100% be checking the ep out based on this rec but oh my god sorry the video you linked has like brought chaos and panic into this home i don’t know what the worst/best part is???? her garage band king energy when she’s playing with wicker, the entire acorns set in the middle of the video which always makes me crazy, the mountain dew thing at the end, the fact that they played marlins will soar??? i DIED. have you watched the video where they played marlins will soar like five times in one night, it’s the funniest thing i’ve ever watched i genuinely think about marlins will soar like every three days at least
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awlimagines · 5 months
Their secret talents. Part Two
It was the beginning of a new season, which meant you were busy planting seeds. Gustafa had been at the field’s edge keeping you company, but he drifted away as you became absorbed in work. You splashed water over the last of the planted seeds. You heard both sheep bleating as you wiped the sweat from your brow. The duet gave you pause. You only owned one sheep, and the new one won’t arrive until tomorrow. Confused, you spun around to observe your livestock. 
“That’s you?” you asked Gustafa as he perfectly replicated your sheep’s baa back to him. 
“Yeah, pretty groovy, isn’t it?” the musician smiled. 
“What else can you do?” 
You spent the rest of your day following Gustafa in awe. He could mimic your cow, horse, and dog on your farm. Gustafa replicated the chirps of songbirds, the hoot of an owl, and the angry cries of seagulls. When you asked if it was only animals, Gustafa demonstrated his repertoire of phone notifications. 
“Can you sound like me?” 
“Ah, no. I can’t do people’s voices,” Gustafa watched as your excitement slipped. He smiled gently and offered you another nugget, “I can copy accents pretty well, though.”
“Your hands are so attractive,” you observed as you sat beside Lumina on the piano bench. “They’re just so nimble and graceful over the keys.” 
The young woman giggled before asking, “Would you like to see something different?” 
When you nodded, the elegant Lumina led you from the piano and upstairs to her bedroom. Your eyebrow raised in curiosity as Lumina locked the door behind the two of you. She guided you to a seat before crawling beneath her bed and pulling out an old case. Her brown eyes fixed on yours as Lumina tossed her long hair back over her shoulder. 
“You can’t tell Aunt Romana,” she swore you to secrecy before instructing you to close your eyes. “Okay, you can open them.” 
As you blinked your eyes open, you could see that Lumina now wore a black cape around her shoulders. She hesitated only a moment before leaning toward you to pull a coin from your ear. At your applause, the young woman’s confidence soared. She next pulled a stream of colorful squares from her empty hands. You sat enthralled as Lumina showed multiple card tricks. She gave an awkward half-bow as she finished, and you applauded.
“That was astounding! Why can’t Romana know?” 
“She didn’t like it when I was younger. Magic and sleight of hand was a hobby of my dad’s, and I think it made her sad to think of my parents,” Lumina explained. 
You intently listened as she recounted sneaking around with Rock to purchase the materials from Van. Lumina was excited to tell you about holding Rock’s parents and Sebastian captive to show the tricks as she learned them. Her eyes widened in shock when you encased her in a hug as Lumina gushed about having something to connect her with both her parents.
“What’s that?” you asked, peering over Matthew’s shoulder. 
Matthew jumped at your words, thankfully avoiding knicking himself with the blade he held. The wooden figure in his hand almost looked like an apple. Unlike the apples on your farm, his had tiny little nubs for hands and feet. 
“It’s a Pomme Pomme,” the man mumbled. 
“I’m not familiar with that. What is it?” you asked. 
When you lingered, smiling, Matthew sighed and explained more. He and his friends used to play a fantasy tabletop role-playing game in the city called Rune Factory. Matthew made the monsters for their boards before he moved. The group was starting a new campaign and reached out to him for some of the lower-level monsters. Pomme Pomme was such a monster that looked like an abnormally large apple. 
“You carve all of them? Where did you learn that?” you gently pressed. 
“I learned from our grandpa. He used to make all sorts of animals,” Matthew explained. “It keeps my hands busy, so I like it.” 
You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face as Matthew reminisced stories of his youth. It was always pleasant to get Matthew talking about himself and his interests. When he finished telling you about the last campaign he played with his friends, the man shifted to lecturing you about how late it had gotten. 
“Could you show me some of the others you have before you walk me home?” 
The brunette man grumbled about you neglecting your farm to hang around but showed you inside. His ears turned pink as you praised the carved and painted figures, asking for details about each monster.
“What’s going on?” Nami asked. 
Her voice caused you to glance over from frowning at the ledger. You had finally saved enough to add new facilities. Then, while Takakura was sick, you had the brilliant idea to fix the roof yourself after a typhoon. Now, with your dominant hand cast and hanging from a sling, you couldn’t sign off on the new building. 
“I just can’t sign for anything like this,” you lamented, waving at your arm.  
“Oh, is that all?” 
The redhead walked over to flip through the ledger, viewing past orders and signatures. After looking the writing over, Nami borrowed a pen and some scrap paper to replicate your signature. Your jaw dropped in shock at the exact match. If you hadn’t watched Nami sign your name, you wouldn’t have believed it to be anything other than your own. 
“How did you do that?” 
“My dad worked a lot, and if I wanted to go on school trips, I needed to be able to sign the forms. So, I learned how to forge his signature, and then friends wanted me to copy theirs,” Nami shrugged. 
“That’s amazing,” you muttered. 
With this, you could easily get the facilities, and the farm could grow while you recovered. And yet, your conscience nagged at you. You sighed before telling Nami you appreciated it but couldn’t deceive Takakura in such a way. The young woman nodded in understanding before offering a solution. 
“Thank you again, Nami. You’re a lifesaver,” you gushed over the ledger. Takakura’s neat, tiny script confirmed the order of a new facility via verbal confirmation. Nami’s signature stood proudly next to his own, certifying that a third party had witnessed the process. 
“It’s not that big of a deal,” she flushed.
“Ugh, I’m so bored!” Rock whined next to you. 
For once, you couldn’t disagree with the blonde. Your meager supply of board games and the television had kept you and the young man occupied yesterday. After playing and replaying the games and the shows circling on an endless repeat of classics you had both seen a hundred times, nothing held appeal. Thinking of this being your entire season made you shiver in fear.
“Let’s make a trip to the city! It’s still early that we could return before it’s too late.”  
The idea immediately perked up your companion. Rock excitedly talked about everything the city offered for entertainment as the two of you bundled up to head out. As you crossed the mountain, you had the perfect idea. You would take Rock to do one of your favorite things while you lived in the city. He didn’t like not being in on the surprise. After numerous attempts and pouting, Rock perked up some when you promised he could pick a place to eat. 
“Here we are!” you proudly stated outside the roller rink. 
“Awesome! I haven’t done this in forever! Try not to be too jealous when I skate circles around you,” he smirked. 
You had expected Rock to be bluffing about his talent. That assumption had never been more wrong. As Rock breezed past you again, you slowly glided along the polished wood panels. The blonde could effortlessly weave through the crowd while going backward. An announcement came over the speakers asking people to exit, and you grabbed at Rock’s arm as he passed you again.  
“What is it?” 
“They said to get out of the rink unless you’re participating in limbo.” 
“Oh, watch me win then,” Rock winked before rolling from your reach. You watched in awe as the bar dipped lower and lower to the ground. Eventually, Rock stood against one other competitor. The young man flashed you a brilliant smile before lowering himself into a split, his face mere inches from the floor as he rolled beneath the pole. 
“That was amazing!” 
“Hahaha, yeah! You should see the other ways I’m flexible.”
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thefourpoints · 5 months
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Follow the compass East to find harmony.
Alongside the eastern coast, where the waves of the Whipping Sea beat roughly onto the rocky cliffs, lives a peaceful and fun-loving group of cats who never let anyone else shake their faith in each other and themselves.
Are you a lost wanderer, looking for somewhere to call home, but hope to find a place full of love and understanding? The Clowder beckons you East.
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At a Glance
Deity: Prosperity/Tugging Current Element / Season: Water, Spring Main Teachings: Harmony and Wisdom Lifestyle: Relaxed and easy-going - the Clowder values peace and positivity Education: Trainees are trained at 8 moons old by the senior members Leadership: Non-traditional monarchy - the title of Watcher of the Rain is usually passed down through the bloodline, but the Clowder isn't strict about it and don't care much for blood "purity" Naming: Two-word system; often words relating to the sea or ocean life; ex: Soaring Auk, Thundering Wave
Region: The Whipping Sea Camp: Peace Cove Environment: Vast open ocean, beaches (mostly rocky, some sandy), soaring cliffs Flora: Very low vegetation - some shrubs further inland and within the Cove, seaweed, dune grass Fauna: Fish (drum, bass, tuna, perch), large marine animals (dolphins, sharks, barracuda, marlin), semi-aquatic animals and birds (sea snakes, gulls, terns, sandpipers)
The Clowder Throughout History
The Founders (Years 0-13)
Founded by a cat named Auk, who discovered Prosperity living alone by the sea and became their companion. Prosperity showed Auk the way of peace, love, and wisdom; teachings that he would then go on to demonstrate to other lone cats, showing them how to live off the coast and live a life full of harmony. Auk eventually became Soaring Auk and the leader of the newfound Clowder. Prosperity, feeling fond and like their work was completed, vanished into the ocean to leave their companion to his new life.
The Age of Sucession (Years 14-27)
Soaring Auk goes missing, and many Clowder cats assume his longing became too unbearable and he joined Prosperity in the sea. The Clowder wishes him well, and Soaring Auk's youngest child, Dolphin Cry, is looked at as the next Watcher of the Rain.
The First Compass War (Years 28-34)
The Clowder remains uninvolved for a large chunk of the War. Because they rarely venture inland, the War went over for almost two years before they even discovered it's happening, and even then it was from a passing remark by a loner about all the bloodshed further west.
When the Wings initially reached out to the Clowder, nearly four years into the war, Dolphin Cry refused to provide assistance. It wasn't the Clowder's fight. While some of the eastern cats disagreed, there wasn't any opinions strong enough in the Wings' favor to justify speaking out. However, when the younger sister of a deceased Feather came alone to plead their case again, this time striking fear in Dolphin Cry's heart by claiming that the Empire will push further east and kill them too, he agreed to help.
The Clowder heads west to help the Wings plan how to take down General Silkweaver. Dolphin Cry becomes even more sympathetic to their cause by seeing how the Empire's destruction has affected them. The Clowder joins to the Wings in the final showdown with the Empire, only to be shocked and horrified when Loyalty, the Empire's Divine, moves to strike down Silkweaver. The younger sister who had pled the WIngs' case to the Clowder, and subsequently vanished, emerges from the river to rip her apart instead. Upon vanishing again, after declaring that the War is over, the sister gains the moniker Estelar and becomes the first ruler of the Fury.
The War of Flames and Flood (Years 35-39)
Post-War, many Clowder cats stay behind the help the Wings rebuild, most notably Dolphin Cry's son, Thundering Wave.
Thundering Wave only intended to stay for a few moons, but ended up falling in love with a gentle tomcat of the Wings, and ending up staying closer to two whole years with the southerners to be with him and become his mate.
Throughout that time, Dolphin Cry's mental health began declining rapidly, and he begins to resent the Wings for stealing his son. Thundering Wave chooses to leave his mate and return home to try and soothe his father, but to no avail - Dolphin Cry merely turns his resentment towards his own son, instead.
After months of tension, Thudering Wave's mate heads east and try and check on him, only to be cornered by Dolphin Cry against the cliffs of Highstones. Thundering Wave manages to convince his father that there was no deeper threat from the Wings at all, that he just fell in love and that is why he stayed. Luckily, the two mates were able to soothe the tensions before bloodshed could occur, but the incident still gained a nasty moniker in history.
The Golden Age (Years 40-47)
Dolphin Cry has stepped down as Watcher, due to his realization of his actions and his failing mental state, and lets Thundering Wave take over, mate at his side. Due to this new leadership, the relationship with the Wings repairs itself rapidly.
Trade is established between the newly-four groups.
The Second Compass War (Years 48-52)
The Clowder knows nothing of Scorch's plans to frame them for the murder of the Fury's royal family, until Scorch's mother informs all of the leaders after his murder. Harsh Sand, the newly-titled Watcher, hesitantly agrees to head north to help clear up the confusion with the other leaders; however, they end up encountering a Fury on the way by the name of Wynather, alongside the Wing assassin's mangled body. Wynather waves off the other leaders, claiming that they knew the truth of the assassinations and no harm was done, and announced themself the new Monarch in the North.
The Council of the Four Points (Year 53)
The Empire's General, Iceheart, comes up with the idea to meet every moon to discuss grievances and any other updates between groups to avoid miscommunications. The other's agree - nowadays, the leaders often skip the meetings and entrust their Ambassadors with the honor.
The Wolf Queen (Years 54-Present)
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Four Points is an upcoming semi-literate, 18+ roleplay that will be hosted on Discord. More information can be found at @thefourpoints.
Send in an ask if you have any questions about the Clowder and Co.!
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zanzibarbookings · 11 months
Find the perfect Tanzania Zanzibar adventure with Zanzibar Bookings!
Are you searching for the ultimate active adventure in Zanzibar? Are you a thrill seeker, beach lover, or culture enthusiast looking to participate in multi-day adventure activities in Zanzibar? Take the help of Zanzibar Bookings – a leading travel agent based in Zanzibar. They can organize numerous day trips & adventure tours covering all alternatives Zanzibar has to offer. They bring endless opportunities for you to explore while in Zanzibar! You’re sure to find the perfect Tanzania Zanzibar adventure with Zanzibar Bookings!
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Zanzibar offers a lot of excitement for those who love adventure. Along with many other activities in Zanzibar, there are thrilling activities that will challenge you. Choose to show off your daring side by opting for the best of adventures in Zanzibar. The adventure tours in Zanzibar from Zanzibar Bookings will leave you with a memorable experience! From adrenaline-fuelled experiences to water sports, there are numerous tailor-made adventures to choose from. Some of them are:
Catamaran Trip Tour organisers have a wide range of trips onboard catamarans to cater to the preferences of individual customers. A customised live aboard 50ft (16.5m) catamaran specialising in diving is based in Zanzibar, available for day sailing or longer trips. Guests can choose where they want to go and what they want to do.
Quad biking Driving a quad bike to enjoy a rich off-road itinerary into the wild landscape through local farms, sugar cane plantations, quarries, spice trees and secular baobabs. The quad bikes are very easy and safe to drive as they are fully automatic.
Fly Board
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Parasailing Parasailing is a safe, easy and exciting activity. It's an adventure anyone can enjoy because there is no running or jumping, and no experience is necessary. Your captain will provide safety and flying instructions to ensure you have a wonderful time in the safest way possible. When it is your turn to parasail, you will be secured in a safety harness. You are safely and securely attached to the rope allowing you to soar in the air and enjoy the thrill of flying and the amazing panoramic views of the island.
Deep Sea Fishing Fishing in Zanzibar is a pleasure, with the turquoise and deep blue of the ocean contrasting against perfect powder blue skies. Zanzibar is famous worldwide for its exciting fishing opportunities. The water at Zanzibar is perfect for big game fishing. Whatever time of year you visit, fishing here ensures to have a great day out. Striped, black and blue marlin, elusive spearfish, Dorado, yellowfin tuna, wahoo, barracuda, and kingfish all provide endless hours of action-packed game fishing out on the ocean.
Jetski Tours The jetski tours will take you to admire its perfectly pristine setting. It will let you swim and get a chance to cruise along the coastline. If you are visiting Zanzibar and like to have some adventure, you should try this activity!
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Stand Up Paddling Looking for a fun activity during your stay in Zanzibar? Joining Surf for a trip will be something you will enjoy. Whether you are a kite surfer waiting for wind or just a visitor, this is the thing for you! Stand-up Paddling is a very relaxing and fun way to enjoy the water.
Diving And Snorkelling In Zanzibar Zanzibar Island is surrounded by the warm waters of the equator. The coral reefs are home to amazing marine life and offer thrilling scuba diving and snorkelling opportunities within a short boat ride from most beaches. The safe calm waters of Zanzibar are perfect for scuba beginners!
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pcfishingtrips · 1 year
Punta Cana Deep Sea Fishing Adventure: Unveiling the Ocean's Treasures
Welcome to an adrenaline-fueled aquatic expedition like no other! Embark on a thrilling journey with us as we take you deep into the heart of Punta Cana's azure waters for an unforgettable deep sea fishing adventure. Whether you're a seasoned angler seeking a challenge or a curious novice eager to reel in your first big catch, our premier fishing services are tailored to provide an experience of a lifetime.
Punta Cana, nestled on the eastern coast of the Dominican Republic, boasts a tropical paradise where the Caribbean Sea meets the vast Atlantic Ocean. The balmy weather, pristine beaches, and a kaleidoscope of marine life make this destination an angler's dream come true. Our expert crew has charted the most promising fishing grounds, ensuring that your time with us is maximized for optimal results.
Step aboard our state-of-the-art fishing vessel, fully equipped with cutting-edge technology and safety measures. As the sun begins to rise over the horizon, we set sail, leaving the worries of everyday life behind. The salty breeze in your hair and the rhythmic waves underfoot create the perfect backdrop for an exhilarating day ahead.
Our experienced and knowledgeable crew members are passionate about fishing and the bountiful ocean that surrounds them. They will guide you through the process, sharing valuable tips and tricks, ensuring you have the best chance to land the trophy fish of your dreams. Whether it's battling the mighty Marlin, the acrobatic Sailfish, or the powerful Tuna, you'll be equipped with the skills and guidance to reel them in like a pro.
 As we venture further from the shore, the deep blue sea reveals its hidden secrets. The excitement builds as you cast your line into the depths below, anticipation growing with every second. Suddenly, your reel starts to scream as you feel an irresistible tug on the other end. The chase is on! With every battle, you'll be pushed to your limits, adrenaline surging through your veins, and the memories etched forever.
Beyond the thrill of fishing, our journey allows you to connect with the ocean's majestic residents. Marvel at the grace of dolphins dancing in the waves, witness the soaring leaps of flying fish, and keep your eyes peeled for the gentle giants – humpback whales – breaching in the distance. It's not just about the catch; it's about being one with the marine world, fostering a profound appreciation for the delicate ecosystem we're privileged to explore.
To ensure you relive these treasured moments, our crew is equipped with high-definition cameras. They will expertly capture every exhilarating moment of your deep sea fishing adventure. From the adrenaline-charged battles to the breathtaking encounters with marine life, you'll leave with a personalized keepsake that you can share with family and friends for years to come.
Deep sea fishing in Punta Cana is more than just an adventure; it's an opportunity to create lasting bonds and memories with loved ones or fellow fishing enthusiasts. Whether you're on a solo quest for serenity or surrounded by a group of friends, the camaraderie forged on these waters is incomparable.
At the heart of our fishing services lies a deep commitment to responsible fishing practices and ocean conservation. We strictly adhere to catch and release policies for certain species, ensuring the sustainability of the marine ecosystem for generations to come. By participating in our fishing expedition, you become an ambassador for marine conservation and a guardian of these oceanic treasures.
Prepare yourself for a life-changing adventure as you delve into the world of deep sea fishing in Punta Cana. Join our passionate crew for an unforgettable journey where nature's raw beauty meets the thrill of the chase. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the deep, embrace the adventure, and let Punta Cana's secrets unfold before your very eyes. Book your fishing experience today and become a part of something extraordinary.
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bigdeucetatum · 1 year
marlins having a guy named Jonathan Davis makes me giggle every time I remember he exists. especially since Creed has that Marlins Soar song
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mysticwizardglitter · 2 months
Unleash Your Adventurous Spirit: Top Activities to Try in Mauritius
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Adventure Activities to Try in Mauritius
Mauritius, an idyllic island in the Indian Ocean, is not just about stunning beaches and luxury resorts. For adventure seekers, it also offers adventure activites in Mauritius thrilling activities that showcase the island’s breathtaking landscapes and rich marine life. these adventures promise unforgettable experiences.As one of the top places to visit in Mauritius, Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or simply looking for unique experiences, here are some must-try adventure activities in Mauritius.
Hiking in Black River Gorges National Park
For nature enthusiasts, hiking in Black River Gorges National Park is a must. This expansive park, covering over 67 square kilometers, is home to lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and a variety of endemic species. The trails vary in difficulty, catering to all levels of hikers. As you traverse the scenic paths, you’ll encounter stunning viewpoints overlooking the gorges and a chance to spot unique wildlife, such as the pink pigeon and the Mauritius kestrel.
Ziplining Through the Canopy
For a different perspective of the island’s natural beauty, try ziplining in the heart of the island. Companies like “La Vallée des Couleurs” offer exhilarating zipline experiences that allow you to soar above lush landscapes and enjoy breathtaking views. The thrill of flying through the trees while soaking in the panoramic scenery is an adventure you won’t want to miss.
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Scuba Diving and Snorkeling
Mauritius is renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and rich marine life. Scuba diving and snorkeling are popular activities, especially in areas like Blue Bay Marine Park and Île aux Serpents. Dive shops across the island offer guided tours for both beginners and experienced divers. You can explore colorful coral gardens, swim alongside tropical fish, and even encounter sea turtles and rays. The underwater world of Mauritius is a mesmerizing experience that will leave you in awe.
Kitesurfing and Windsurfing
With its consistent trade winds and crystal-clear waters, Mauritius is a kitesurfing and windsurfing paradise. Le Morne and Belle Mare are two hotspots where you can rent equipment or take lessons from experienced instructors. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a novice, the thrill of gliding over the waves while being propelled by the wind is an exhilarating experience. The stunning backdrop of turquoise waters and white sandy beaches makes it even more memorable.
Canyoning in the South
For those seeking an adrenaline rush, canyoning in the south of Mauritius is an unforgettable adventure. This activity involves trekking, rappelling, and jumping into natural pools along cascading waterfalls. Companies like “Adventure Park” offer guided tours that cater to different skill levels, ensuring a safe and exciting experience. As you navigate the rugged terrain and cool waters, you’ll experience the raw beauty of the island in a unique way.
Quad Biking
Explore the diverse landscapes of Mauritius on a quad bike. Guided tours take you through lush sugarcane fields, mountainous terrain, and scenic coastal routes. This thrilling ride allows you to discover hidden gems off the beaten path while enjoying the fresh island air. Quad biking is perfect for families and groups looking for an adventurous day out.
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Fishing Expeditions
Fishing enthusiasts can take advantage of Mauritius’ rich fishing grounds. Charter a boat for deep-sea fishing and try your luck at catching big game fish such as marlin and tuna. For a more relaxed experience, opt for lagoon fishing, where you can enjoy the calm waters and stunning surroundings. Local operators often provide equipment and guidance, ensuring an enjoyable day on the water.
For breathtaking aerial views of Mauritius, paragliding is an unforgettable experience. Launch from the stunning cliffs of the island and soar above the turquoise waters and lush landscapes. As you glide through the sky, you’ll gain a unique perspective of the island’s beauty. It’s an adventure that combines excitement with tranquility, making it perfect for thrill-seekers and nature lovers alike.
Mauritius is a treasure trove of adventure activities, offering something for everyone. From hiking through national parks to exploring vibrant underwater worlds, the island is a paradise for thrill-seekers. Whether you prefer land or sea adventures, each experience promises to create lasting memories. So pack your bags and get ready to embrace the thrill of Mauritius—it’s an adventure waiting to be discovered!
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smlpodcast · 4 months
The SML Podcast - Episode 958: Dongle Talk
Download Episode 958 --
Grant Henry is back on the show and we've got some Pinball tables and dongles to discuss, so let's go!
The show kicks off with Jacob Garner and Aki on hand to welcome the always awesome Grant Henry to the show to chat all about dongles and dongle related topics. For like a minute. Then it's video game news like the latest Game Pass additions and departures, PlayStation Plus Game Catalog additions and a ton of departures, PlayStation news, Assassin's Creed news, Square Enix plans, and tons more! Plus reviews!
0:00 - Intro/Dongles 51:30 - Pinball FX DLC - Zen Studios (Grant) 1:15:13 - Neptunia: Sisters vs. Sisters - Idea Factory, Compile Heart, Idea Factory International (Aki) 1:24:24 - I Am Your President - Ultimate Games (Jacob) 1:32:00 - Children of the Sun - René Rother, Devolver Digital (Aki) 1:38:57 - Musashi vs. Cthulhu - Cyber Rhino Studios, QUByte Interactive (Jacob)
The show ends with Grant's song for Devolver Digital featuring The Arkadian! (or do the Marlins SOAR??)
1:44:28 - Stemage - Play the Game (Devolver Digital Cinematic Universe) (feat. The Arkadian)
https://zenstudios.com/ https://www.ideaf.co.jp/ https://www.compileheart.com/ https://ifi.games/ https://ultimate-games.com/ https://www.childrenofthesungame.com/ https://twitter.com/primaerfunktion https://www.devolverdigital.com/ https://twitter.com/cyberrhinogames https://www.qubyteinteractive.com/ https://www.stemagemusic.com/ https://arkadianvgrb.bandcamp.com/ https://www.keymailer.co/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sml-podcast/id826998112 https://open.spotify.com/show/6KQpzHeLsoyVy6Ln2ebNwK https://twitter.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://www.facebook.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://store.streamelements.com/thesmlpodcast ALL REVIEWED GAMES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR FREE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ANY COVERAGE ON THE SHOW
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finishinglinepress · 5 months
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: The Lord Balfour Hotel by Suzanne Jones Weisberg
On SALE now: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/the-lord-balfour-hotel-by-suzanne-jones-weisberg/
Suzanne Jones Weisberg grew up on the southern tip of #Miami Beach, #Florida in the 1940’s and 50’s. Her family had business interests in the #Caribbean and as a child she spent time in Nassau, Jamaica, Haiti , Mexico, Panama, and Cuba. She has been variously, an attorney, a painter, and a poet. The Lord Balfour Hotel is her first collection of #poems. #chapbook
PRAISE FOR The Lord Balfour Hotel by NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: The Lord Balfour Hotel by Suzanne Jones Weisberg
Suzanne Jones Weisberg takes us on a grand journey of lost innocence and reclaimed glamour with The Lord Balfour Hotel. Cuban beauties, bullfighters, gamblers and gangsters, Latin music and sugar cane slices all dazzle in the balmy shtetl that was the Miami Beach of an earlier era. Along the way we learn how handsome men are like cakes and the shape of her chocolate truffle dreams. While bringing vivid life to every line, Weisberg captures the longing and wonder of her well-spent youth, with poems to be both celebrated and savored.
–Nancy Spiller, author of the novel Entertaining Disasters and memoir Compromise Cake: Lessons Learned from My Mother’s Recipe Box.
There’s more, much more, than mahjong tables and stuffed marlins and zoot suits in this nostalgic collection. Crime bosses and bullfighters and philosophers and neurotic relatives parade through these pages, and we end up on the shores of the Pacific enjoying the pleasures of ice cream and a modicum of contentment, but always hearing the powerful echoes of jazz and flamenco and artists’ young chatter in rooms that burned down long ago.
–Alex M. Frankel, author of So Many Mouths at the End of All Beauty.
There is something elegant and wise about a premier collection of poems composed late in life. In language well-seasoned, a reader finds a peppering of weariness, a salting of irony, some nuttiness and bitter humor, all ingredients in aging’s recipe. The narrator in Suzanne Jones Weisberg‘s debut chapbook, “The Lord Balfour Hotel,” is a kind of “wise guy” little girl who, like Eloise in The Plaza, grows up living in a hotel. Not just any hotel, but a “good fella” world in Miami Beach, where mobsters and Cuban dictators and their sultry mistresses check in and out. In Jones Weisberg’s capable hands, her poems soar in mystery, sorrow and loss that accompany long memory. The strange atonal cry of a pelican haunts her, leaving a sound in her mind like “a clanging of the suitcase room, where vipers go to expire.” Jones Weisberg’s language surprises. Her images are original and playful: “Cherries on top red as a diaper rash” … “the stuffed marlin pinned above the front desk smiles at me, as always.” Her writing is confident and taut. Her subjects range wide from the dark, possibly fatal allure of chocolate, to a dragon mother to lost love, bizarre hotel guests and the terror of a hurricane. In one poem she evokes Havana in the early 1950s — a lone cornet in the night, sugary humidity, other little girls peeking out of “sordid … curtains.” A love lyric resonates with the fact of death. “All we love means nothing without you laughing at the moon beside me,” she writes. She is so good at titles that the table of contents reads like a poem. The Lord Balfour Hotel is a wonderful debut, a truffle both sweet and dark, a bright moon over Miami.
–Georgia Jones-Davis, author of Blue Poodle and Night School.
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bestentours11 · 6 months
12 Adventurous Thing to Do in Maldives Package from India
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Embarking on a journey to the Maldives from India promises an exhilarating escape filled with adventure, relaxation, and unparalleled natural beauty. From thrilling water sports to exploring vibrant marine life, the Maldives offers a plethora of adrenaline-pumping activities for travelers seeking an adventurous getaway. If you're planning your next excursion, here are 12 adventurous things to do in Maldives package from India, ensuring an unforgettable experience in this tropical paradise.
Scuba Diving: Dive into the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives and discover an underwater world teeming with vibrant coral reefs, exotic marine life, and mesmerizing shipwrecks. With Maldives package from India, you can explore renowned dive sites such as Maaya Thila, Fotteyo Kandu, and Manta Point, encountering reef sharks, manta rays, and colorful reef fish.
Snorkeling: Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Maldives' coral gardens and shallow lagoons with a snorkeling adventure. With Maldives package from India, you can snorkel right off the shores of your resort or join guided snorkeling tours to explore hidden reefs and encounter turtles, rays, and reef sharks.
Water Skiing: Feel the rush of adrenaline as you glide across the azure waters of the Maldives on water skis. With Maldives package from India, you can enjoy water skiing sessions at designated spots around the islands, accompanied by experienced instructors to ensure a safe and thrilling experience.
Jet Skiing: Experience the thrill of speeding across the ocean waves on a jet ski adventure. With Maldives package from India, you can rent jet skis from your resort or join guided tours to explore the Maldives' pristine lagoons, deserted islands, and scenic coastlines.
Parasailing: Soar high above the Maldives' turquoise waters and admire panoramic views of the archipelago from above with a parasailing excursion. With Maldives package from India, you can enjoy tandem parasailing rides with your partner or solo flights, taking in breathtaking vistas of palm-fringed islands and coral reefs below.
Underwater Scooter Riding: Dive beneath the surface and explore the Maldives' underwater world aboard an underwater scooter. With Maldives package from India, you can embark on guided underwater scooter rides, gliding alongside colorful fish, sea turtles, and vibrant coral formations in the island's pristine lagoons.
Kite Surfing: Harness the power of the wind and glide across the waves on a thrilling kite surfing adventure. With Maldives package from India, you can enjoy kite surfing lessons and rental equipment at select resorts, mastering this exhilarating water sport amidst the Maldives' picture-perfect surroundings.
Deep Sea Fishing: Set sail on a deep-sea fishing expedition and try your luck at catching big game fish such as tuna, marlin, and sailfish. With Maldives package from India, you can charter fishing boats equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and experienced crew members, embarking on thrilling angling adventures in the Maldives' rich waters.
Surfing: Ride the waves and experience world-class surfing conditions in the Maldives' renowned surf breaks. With Maldives package from India, you can catch epic waves at spots like Pasta Point, Sultans, and Honky's, enjoying unforgettable surfing sessions amidst the Maldives' pristine waters and stunning scenery.
Island Hopping: Explore the Maldives' diverse islands and atolls with an island hopping excursion. With Maldives package from India, you can visit uninhabited islands, local fishing villages, and pristine sandbanks, discovering the Maldives' unique culture, heritage, and natural beauty.
Night Snorkeling with Bioluminescent Plankton: Experience the magic of the Maldives' bioluminescent plankton with a night snorkeling adventure. With maldives tour packages, you can embark on guided night snorkeling tours to witness these mesmerizing organisms glowing in the dark, creating a surreal underwater spectacle.
Submarine Excursions: Descend into the depths of the ocean and explore the Maldives' marine wonders aboard a submarine excursion. With Maldives package from India, you can embark on submarine tours that take you to depths of up to 100 feet, providing unparalleled views of coral reefs, underwater caves, and diverse marine life.
In conclusion, a Maldives package from India offers a plethora of adventurous activities that promise to ignite your spirit of exploration and create unforgettable memories in this tropical paradise. Whether you're diving into the ocean depths, soaring above the waves, or embarking on thrilling water sports, the Maldives beckons with endless opportunities for adventure and discovery. So why wait? Book your maldives tour packages today and embark on the adventure of a lifetime in this captivating destination.
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gruesome-beauty · 10 days
please whats the marlins will soar video!!!
here! like literally almost ten minutes of this stupid fucking song i love it so much that the devil on my shoulder sometimes is like “put it in the jbfaves series” what is wrong with me she’s barely singing and it’s so lq. no one else cares about this as much as me but. marlins WILL soar.
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homeleaderrealty2 · 1 year
Above Condos
Above Condos: Elevate Your Living Experience
Welcome to Above Condos, the latest gem in Mississauga's real estate landscape. Developed by Riocan Real Estate Investment Trust and Marlin Spring, Above Condos promises a harmonious blend of modern living and convenience. Nestled at the intersection of Hurontario Street and Bristol Road East, this pre-construction marvel is set to redefine urban living in the vibrant Hurontario neighborhood.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you on a journey through the exceptional features and benefits of Above Condos. Whether you're a first-time buyer, an investor seeking opportunities, or simply looking for a new place to call home, you're in for a treat.
A Snapshot of Above Condos
Above Condos is not just another condo development; it's a testament to the evolving skyline of Mississauga. With two striking towers, one soaring to 17 stories and the other to 23 stories, this development promises to make a bold statement. But what truly sets it apart is the commitment to creating a diverse community. Above Condos boasts a total of 577 thoughtfully designed units, catering to various lifestyles and preferences.
From cozy studios to spacious three-bedroom residences, Above Condos offers a wide range of layouts to suit your needs. Whether you're a young professional seeking a stylish urban space or a family in search of a comfortable home, there's a place for everyone here.
Prime Location, Unlimited Convenience
Location is often the key factor when choosing a place to live, and Above Condos scores big in this department. Situated at the intersection of Hurontario Street and Eglinton Avenue West, residents will find themselves at the epicenter of convenience.
Hurontario Neighborhood: Where Life Flourishes
The Hurontario neighborhood, known for its dynamic energy and diverse culture, is the ideal backdrop for Above Condos. Here, you're not just buying a condo; you're embracing a lifestyle. With easy access to major transit routes, including the upcoming Hurontario LRT, commuting will be a breeze.
Amenities to Enrich Your Life
At Above Condos, your everyday life will be elevated to new heights. We understand the importance of amenities that cater to both relaxation and recreation.
A World of Recreation Awaits
For fitness enthusiasts, the state-of-the-art gym will be your second home. Equipped with the latest equipment, it's a place where you can sweat it out and stay in shape.
The party room is perfect for gatherings and celebrations. Whether it's a birthday bash or an intimate dinner with friends, this space is designed to accommodate your every need.
Outdoor Oasis
Above Condos doesn't just end with indoor amenities. Step outside, and you'll find a beautiful landscaped terrace, complete with seating areas and BBQ stations. It's the perfect spot for enjoying a sunny day or hosting a weekend barbecue with friends and family.
The Marlin Spring and RioCan Promise
When it comes to real estate developers, experience and reputation matter. Marlin Spring and RioCan Living have joined forces to bring you Above Condos, and their combined expertise speaks volumes. With a track record of creating exceptional living spaces, you can trust that Above Condos will be no exception.
Investment Opportunity
Above Condos isn't just about finding a place to live; it's also a fantastic investment opportunity. Mississauga's real estate market has been steadily growing, making it an attractive choice for investors.
Rental Potential
With its prime location, Above Condos is poised to attract renters looking for a convenient, modern living space. This presents an excellent opportunity for investors to generate rental income.
Future Growth Potential
Mississauga continues to grow and develop, making it a promising location for real estate investments. Buying into Above Condos now could mean capitalizing on future appreciation.
How to Secure Your Spot at Above Condos
The process of owning a unit at Above Condos is straightforward, but timing is crucial. Here's what you need to do to secure your spot:
Register Early
Be among the first to receive updates and exclusive access by registering early. This ensures that you're in the know about important dates and events related to Above Condos.
Consult with Our Experts
Our team of real estate experts is here to guide you every step of the way. From understanding floor plans to financing options, we're committed to helping you make an informed decision.
Attend VIP Events
VIP events provide you with the opportunity to explore the development in detail. You'll get a firsthand look at the model suites, amenities, and more.
In Conclusion
Above Condos is not just a place to live; it's a lifestyle. With its prime location, exceptional amenities, and the expertise of Marlin Spring and RioCan Living behind it, this development promises to be the talk of the town.
Don't miss your chance to be a part of this exciting journey. Register early, consult with our experts, and secure your spot at Above Condos. Elevate your living experience today!
Ready to learn more? Get in touch with us today, and let's explore the endless possibilities that await you at Above Condos. Your future home is just a click or a call away.
Discover the Amenities at Above Condos
When it comes to modern living, amenities play a crucial role in elevating your lifestyle. Above Condos understands this, and that's why it is set to feature an impressive array of lifestyle amenities and mixed-use spaces, creating a fully integrated residential building that redefines the concept of convenient living. Let's delve into the exciting world of amenities that await you at Above Condos.
The 6-Storey Podium: Where Convenience Meets Community
Above Condos comprises two magnificent towers, and what brings them together is the dynamic 6-storey podium. This podium isn't just a physical connector; it's a hub of activity and convenience for both residents and pedestrians.
Ground Floor Retail Spaces: Shopping and Dining at Your Doorstep
Imagine having retail spaces right at your doorstep. Above Condos developers have envisioned ground floor retail spaces that will house a variety of stores, restaurants, and even outdoor patios. Whether you need to pick up daily essentials, savor a delightful meal, or simply unwind with a coffee on a sunny day, everything will be within easy reach.
Pet-Friendly Amenities: A Home for Your Furry Friends
Pets are family, and Above Condos understands that. That's why pet-friendly amenities are part of the plan. Your furry companions will have their own space to enjoy, making it a community where every family member feels welcome.
Health and Wellness Clinics: Convenient Care Close By
Health is a priority, and Above Condos aims to make it accessible. The proposal includes health and wellness clinics on the ground floor, ensuring that medical assistance and care are just steps away when you need them.
Recreational Spaces: Fun and Fitness
Life at Above Condos won't be short of entertainment and fitness options. The ground floor will also house recreational spaces, adding vibrancy to the community. Whether you're looking to break a sweat, unwind with friends, or discover new hobbies, these spaces are designed to cater to your every need.
A Truly Ultra-Modern Residential Building
Above Condos isn't just another condo; it's a vision of ultra-modern, diverse, and high-quality living. Every aspect of this development is carefully crafted to enhance your lifestyle.
A Fitness Enthusiast's Dream: Gym and Yoga Studio
Stay fit and healthy without ever leaving home. Above Condos offers a gym room equipped with the latest exercise equipment, ensuring that your fitness journey is convenient and effective. For those who prefer a more serene workout, the yoga studio is the perfect place to find balance and inner peace.
Entertainment Lounges: Socialize and Relax
The entertainment lounges at Above Condos are designed for socializing and relaxation. Whether you're hosting a gathering with friends or simply unwinding after a long day, these spaces provide the perfect backdrop for creating cherished memories.
Outdoor Terraces: A Breath of Fresh Air
Step outside onto the outdoor terraces and soak in the breathtaking views. These spaces are ideal for enjoying fresh air, basking in the sun, or stargazing on a clear night. They offer a tranquil escape right at your doorstep.
Welcoming Lobby with 24-Hour Concierge
Your journey at Above Condos begins with a welcoming lobby that sets the tone for your upscale living experience. A 24-hour concierge will be readily available to assist you, ensuring that your needs are always met.
Bright and Spacious Suites: Your Private Haven
Each suite at Above Condos is designed to maximize natural light with floor-to-ceiling windows. The open-concept layouts create a sense of spaciousness, making every room feel inviting and comfortable.
Radiant Kitchens and Luxurious Bathrooms
The heart of your home, the kitchen, will be a radiant space perfect for cooking and spending quality time with family. Meanwhile, the bathrooms will be luxurious private retreats for pampering and relaxation, transforming your daily routine into a spa-like experience.
Balconies and Terraces: Your Private Oasis
Enjoy quiet moments and serene views from your own private balcony or terrace. Whether you're sipping your morning coffee or winding down after a busy day, these outdoor spaces will become your personal oasis in the sky.
In conclusion, Above Condos is not just a place to live; it's a lifestyle that caters to your every need. From convenience and community on the ground floor to luxurious amenities within the towers, this development is set to redefine modern living in Mississauga. Join us on this exciting journey and make Above Condos your new home.
If you're ready to explore the endless possibilities that await you at Above Condos, don't hesitate to get in touch with us today. Your dream home is just a call or a click away!
Above Condos: Location & Neighbourhood Bliss
Are you ready to explore the vibrant surroundings of Above Condos? Situated at the bustling intersection of Hurontario Street and Eglinton Avenue West, this Mississauga hot-spot is the place to be. In this section, we'll take you on a journey through this prime location and the thriving neighbourhood that surrounds it.
The Hurontario Neighbourhood: A Coveted Destination
The Hurontario neighbourhood is a hidden gem, and it's no surprise that it's in high demand among buyers, tenants, and investors. This vibrant community offers a wealth of conveniences, dining options, and shopping experiences, making it the perfect place to call home.
Retail Paradise: Heartland Town Centre & Square One Shopping Centre
Imagine having two major shopping centres just a stone's throw away from your doorstep. Above Condos residents are in for a treat with the Heartland Town Centre and the Square One Shopping Centre within a 6-minute drive.
Heartland Town Centre: This bustling plaza is a shopping haven, featuring beloved retailers like Costco, LCBO, Sephora, Aldo, Best Buy, Jysk, and many more. Whether you're looking for daily essentials or indulging in retail therapy, Heartland Town Centre has you covered.
Square One Shopping Centre: Just a 6-minute drive away, Square One is one of the largest shopping centres in the country. It's a shopper's paradise with a diverse range of stores and dining options, ensuring you'll always find something to suit your tastes.
Educational Excellence: Sheridan College Campus
For students seeking a convenient off-campus residence, Above Condos is an ideal choice. The nearby Sheridan College campus infuses the neighbourhood with a youthful vibe, making it a popular destination for students, young professionals, and growing families.
Transit Convenience: The Hurontario LRT and More
Investing in Above Condos means enjoying exceptional transit connectivity. The highly-anticipated Hurontario Light Rail Transit (LRT) project is well underway in Mississauga, with an expected completion date in 2024. This transformative project will bring 18 KM of rapid transit rail lines and 19 new LRT stops, seamlessly connecting you to Toronto's Union Station, Brampton, and beyond. Notably, the condos will be just a 3-minute drive from the new Hurontario LRT Eglinton stop.
Driver's Delight: Proximity to Major Highways
For those who prefer driving, Above Condos offers easy access to major highways such as the 401, 403, and 407. Navigating in and around the region becomes a breeze with these arterial routes just minutes away, allowing you to explore the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) effortlessly.
Bus Routes & GO System Access
Public transit options are abundant, with numerous bus routes in close proximity. These routes conveniently link you to the Square One transit terminal, where you can seamlessly connect to the GO system. This connectivity ensures that you have access to the entire GTA, making your daily commute a hassle-free experience.
In conclusion, Above Condos not only offers stunning living spaces but also grants you access to a thriving and well-connected neighbourhood. From shopping extravaganzas to educational opportunities and seamless transit, this location has it all. Join us in the heart of Mississauga, where Above Condos brings convenience and community together in perfect harmony.
Ready to make Above Condos your new home? Contact us today to embark on this exciting journey. Your dream home is just a call or a click away!
Above Condos Highlights: Where Convenience Meets Lifestyle
Are you ready to discover the incredible highlights of Above Condos? This vibrant and conveniently located development in Downtown Mississauga has so much to offer. Let's dive into the key features that make Above Condos a prime choice for modern living.
Prime Location: Downtown Mississauga
Above Condos takes center stage in Downtown Mississauga, a dynamic and ever-evolving urban hub. This coveted location places you right in the heart of the action, ensuring that everything you need is just a stone's throw away.
Future Bristol LRT Station: Connectivity at Your Doorstep
The future Bristol LRT Station, adjacent to Above Condos, is set to become a central transit hub. This means that residents will enjoy seamless access to rapid transit, making daily commutes and city exploration a breeze.
Highway 403 Access: Your Gateway to Travel
For those who prefer driving, easy access to Highway 403 is a major perk. This well-connected highway ensures that you can navigate the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) with ease, whether you're heading to work, exploring the city, or embarking on weekend adventures.
Square One Shopping Centre: Retail Therapy Nearby
Just a short 7-minute drive from Above Condos, Square One Shopping Centre awaits. It's one of the largest shopping destinations in the country, offering a diverse range of stores, dining options, and entertainment. Retail therapy has never been this convenient.
Sheridan College – Hazel McCallion Campus: Educational Excellence
Education is at your doorstep with the Sheridan College – Hazel McCallion Campus an 8-minute drive away. Whether you're a student, faculty member, or simply interested in lifelong learning, this close proximity is a significant advantage.
The Living Arts Centre: A Cultural Oasis
Culture enthusiasts will love the fact that Above Condos is just a 9-minute drive from The Living Arts Centre. Here, you can immerse yourself in the world of arts and entertainment, from live performances to exhibitions.
Mississauga Valley Community Centre: Fitness and Recreation
Staying active and healthy is a breeze with the Mississauga Valley Community Centre just a 10-minute drive away. Whether you're into fitness, sports, or recreational activities, this community center has it all.
Cooksville GO Station: Commuting Made Easy
Commuters will appreciate the convenience of the Cooksville GO Station, which is a mere 12-minute drive from Above Condos. This transit hub connects you to various destinations across the GTA, simplifying your daily commute.
University of Toronto – Mississauga Campus: Higher Learning Nearby
For students pursuing higher education, the University of Toronto – Mississauga Campus is a short 15-minute drive away. This prestigious institution offers a world-class education right in your backyard.
Close to Everyday Essentials
Above Condos is not only centrally located but also close to everyday essentials. From shops and restaurants to schools and public transportation options, you'll find everything you need within easy reach.
Surrounded by Green Spaces
Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the nearby parks, including Eastgate Park, McKechnie Woods, and Kingsbridge Common. These green spaces provide a serene escape from city life, perfect for leisurely walks, picnics, and relaxation.
In conclusion, Above Condos offers an unbeatable location that combines convenience with a vibrant lifestyle. Whether you're a commuter, a student, a culture enthusiast, or simply seeking modern urban living, this development has something for everyone.
Ready to make Above Condos your new home? Contact us today to start your journey to a life of convenience, connectivity, and community. Your dream home is just a call or a click away!
Above Condos Summary
Above Condos is a new mixed uses condominium development in Mississauga. This pre-construction project by Marlin Spring and RioCan Living will sit at 30 Bristol Rd E, near Hurontario Street and Eglinton Ave West in the Hurontario neighbourhood.
This condo is poised to add vibrancy with its two-storey towers –reaching 17 and 23 storeys. It will contain a total of 577 condo units in a range of layouts and designs, from studios to three-bedroom units.
Above Condos is set to feature many lifestyle amenities and mixed uses for a complete and fully integrated new residential building. The two towers will be joined by a 6-storey podium where residents and pedestrians will benefit from its ground floor uses.
The developers have proposed retail spaces for stores, restaurants, outdoor patios, pet-friendly amenities and clinics, and recreational uses along the ground floor. This will animate the streetscape while bringing diversity to this growing community.
This condo development is expected to be an ultra-modern, diverse, high-quality residential building with so much to offer those lucky enough to live or purchase here.
Amenities found throughout the structure can include a gym room, yoga studio, entertainment lounges, outdoor terraces, and so much more. We anticipate the condo to provide a spacious and welcoming lobby with a 24-hour concierge readily available.
We expect each suite to feature bright rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows and open-concept layouts. The kitchens should be radiant spaces perfect for cooking and family-time; meanwhile, the bathrooms will be luxurious private rooms for pampering and relaxing. Each unit should also include balconies or terraces, allowing you to enjoy quiet time without leaving your serene abode.
Location & Neighbourhood
Above Condos will be located in a Mississauga Hot-spot at Hurontario Street and Eglinton Ave West. This established area is in high demand due to its proximity to everyday conveniences such as existing and upcoming transit and exceptional shopping and entertainment.
The Hurontario neighbourhood is becoming a prime location for buyers, tenants and investors alike, and it’s no wonder. This development will sit in a vibrant community rich in necessities, dining and shopping. The project sits between two major shopping centres – Heartland Town Centre and the Square One Shopping Centre. Just 6 minutes away, residents can access Heartland Town Centre, a plaza filled with favoured retailers such as Costco, LCBO, Sephora, Aldo, Best Buy, Jysk, etc. Plus, Square One Shopping Centre can also be found in 6 minutes – where one can take advantage of one of the biggest shopping centres in the country!
Not to mention, this condo can act as an off-campus residence for students at the Sheridan College campus. This latest institution brings a youthful vibe to the area and makes it a popular neighbourhood for students, young professionals, and growing families alike.
Transit is another excellent reason to invest in this new condo project – with connections to existing and upcoming transit routes. The highly-anticipated Hurontario Light Rail Transit project is well underway in Mississauga, with expected completion by 2024. Residents can enjoy 18 KM of rapid transit rail lines, and 19 new LRT stops connecting you to Toronto’s Union Station, Brampton, and beyond. The condos will be a 3-minute drive from the new Hurontario LRT Eglinton stop.
Drivers will significantly benefit from the condo’s nearness to major highways such as the 401, 403 and 407. Travelling in and around the region is incredibly easy with these arterial routes just minutes away. Numerous bus routes are also nearby, linking you to the Square One transit terminal. From there, you can also connect to the GO system making it easy to access the entire GTA.
Above Condos Highlights:
Located in Downtown Mississauga
Adjacent to the future Bristol LRT Station
Easy access to Highway 403
7 minute drive to Square One Shopping Centre
8 minute drive to Sheridan College – Hazel McCallion Campus
9 minute drive to the Living Arts Centre
10 minute drive to Mississauga Valley Community Centre
12 minute drive to Cooksville GO Station
15 minute drive to University of Toronto – Mississauga Campus
Close to shops, restaurants and schools
Many nearby public transportation options
Nearby parks include Eastgate Park, McKechnie Woods and Kingsbridge Common
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The Little Story Number Two: The Best Potato Salad on L’anse Drigie
Marlin and Merlin lived together as two old bachelor men. They’d been together for years, fifty-nine to be exact. These two eccentric men met during High School in Geometry class; the teacher sat them next to each other so that Merlin could help Marlin, who struggled in Geometry. Merlin had a knack for Geometry, Marlin thought of geometry as nonsense; he couldn’t make sense of it! Proofs were overrated! Much more of a words man, Marlin was enamored with word play and making stories. Marlin was a born storyteller; he began to write his stories on paper - people began to request and even buy his stories. By way of default Marlin became an author; yet he preferred to be known as a storyteller; with style, flair and Diva-ish performances, more like one man play performances by Marlin. A talented tailor, Marlin created his own costumes, too.
Marlin and Merlin were usually referred to as M and M, by families and friends. They were so loved by everyone on L’anse Drigie (dree - guy, meaning Rascal) a perfect adjective for these two; they were rascals. Laughing and playing jokes all the time, M and M were delightful to be around!
They lived on a quarter of an acre piece of land with sweet magnolia bushes marking the perimeter of their house; the fruit of the bushes were flower petals in the shape of tiny bananas. Living in an old barn converted into a lean-to house the guys had renovated it into an architectural wonder. Using mostly old woods, tin and stone, the place shone with wonder. Onto the lean-to roof the guys had painted a ginormous rainbow 🌈.
Marlin and Merlin made a living doing odd jobs; they never turned down any requests, and mostly charged for parts or materials, no labor charges. It was their delight to help their friends and even strangers. They were paid in money, food, livestock; however each person was able to compensate them for their skills.
The boys were professionals, providing impeccable work. At night, Marlin wrote his stories. On Saturday nights, he and Merlin opened their home for a story time where Marlin read old favorites and also shared new shorts. Merlin on the other hand was a top notch cook; mostly known for his local Cajun cuisine, utilizing smoked meats like sausage and tasso, in his cooking. Marlin entertained and Merlin fed at these Saturday night gatherings that drew crowds from far and wide - gatherings grew from twenty-five to one hundred twenty-five!
They boys were becoming notable stars! Marlin was often asked for his autograph and had decided to publish some of his shorts into an anthology. Of course M and M had their heads screwed on sanely. None of this regional fame gave them big heads. They just loved people and intergenerational gatherings where folk laughed and spirits soared with positivity and healthy minds. That’s how it was in those days, people actually spoke without the use of technology. Party phone lines (8 people shared 1 phone line) were available for emergency, not for idle chitchat. One had to be careful what one said, since you could pick up the phone at any given time of the day or night and listen in on private conversations; however everyone knew that phone conversations on party lines were not private.
An example of party line tracas (troubles):
Ms. Terrebonne still wasn’t speaking to Ms. Quinilty since she, Ms. Terrebonne, had overheard a private conversation between Ms. Quinilty and a friend.
Here’s the story:
There was a big Mardi Gras party planning meeting, and before the meeting Ms. Terrebone overheard heard Ms. Quinilty tell a friend of hers on the phone that she hoped that Ms. Terrebonne wouldn’t be bringing her potato salad that always had egg shells in it. Ms. Quinilty told her friend that Ms. Terrebonne should be more careful when peeling her boiled eggs.
“Who wants to hear the crackling of egg shells between their teeth when biting on a fork full of potato salad?” And Ms. Quinilty didn’t stop at that, “Her potato salad needs more mayonnaise and she doesn’t put enough salt!”, Ms. Quinilty commented to her friend on the party line.
Now, Ms. Quinilty knew something was wrong when she heard the receiver of someone overhearing their conversation about the eggs shells and lack of salt in the potato salad when she heard the receiver bang onto the phone base during her conversation with her friend. And in church that next Sunday morning Ms. Terrebonne sat on the other side of the room during their women’s Sunday school class; an unusual occurrence since Ms. Terrebonne and Ms. Quinilty usually sat side by side. Ms. Quinilty knew she had made a mistake in making comments about a woman’s potato salad on a party line. It’s the South; no one should ever have the gall to trash someone else’s potato salad - a crowning dish in the South!
Marlin and Merlin shared a knack as mediators; another feather to add to their caps in that community of L’anse Drigie. They were determined to get Ms. Terrebonne and Ms. Quinilty speaking again before the Mardi Gras gumbo. The boys knew this wouldn’t be an easy task, but they were up to the challenge! Two women not speaking broke the chi energy on the Cajun Prairie!
Marlin and Merlin put a plan into action; they decided to bring the two ladies, Ms. Terrebonne and Ms. Quinilty over to their house for a gay sweet in the pot coffee and beignets with lots of powdered sugar. Who could resist such a sweet treat? The guys knew that powdered sugar was a miracle worker in the realm of psychology. The women would be crying, hugging and forgiving each other in no time. And that’s exactly what happened! With powdered sugar mustaches, Ms. Terrebonne and Ms. Quinilty were crying and hugging like nothing had ever come between the two of them.
Soon after that, Ms. Quinilty overheard Ms. Terrebonne tell that same friend that Ms. Terrebonne had the BEST crowning dish of potato salad, perfectly salted and without bits of egg shell, on L’anse Drigie!
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