#group spotlight
thefourpoints · 4 months
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Follow the compass North to find absolution.
Deep within the Lyvanthe Mountains to the north, nestled amongst the towering snow-capped peaks and icy cliffs, lives a young and secretive group making a name for themselves in blood and ice, defying all expectations.
Are you a lost wanderer, looking for somewhere to call home, and want to be amongst others with the same brand of cold determination? The Fury beckons you North.
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At a Glance
Deity: Absolution/Calemvir Element / Season: Wind, Winter Main Teachings: Ambition and Deliverance Lifestyle: Purposeful and intense - political intrigue is a common topic in gossip Education: Students enter the education system at 5 moons old Leadership: Traditional monarchy - the Royal Family holds the power and the monarchy is passed to the eldest child or most promising child of the eldest litter; the Crown does have an Inner Court of nobles as well, but their power is minimal Naming: Given and Family name system, similar to humans; Family names follow the eldest parent's bloodline, Given names are bestowed at birth; the Crown's family name is currently Nerilar; ex: Estelar Waesphine, Wynather Nerilar
Region: The Lyvanthe Mountains Camp: Castle Milheluna; also known as simply "Under the Mountain" Environment: Tall snowy peaks, icy waterfalls, whipping winds, steep cliffs Flora: Very low vegetation - mostly alpine grasses, some evergreen trees in the foothills and valleys Fauna: Large northern grazers (elk, moose, caribou, yaks, alpacas), snow hares, marmots, lemmings, birds of prey, pikas, wolves, bears, snow leopards, wolverines, lynxes
The Fury Throughout History
The Founders (Years 0-13)
[No information found.]
The Age of Sucession (Years 14-27)
[No information found.]
The First Compass War (Years 28-34)
The Empire and General Silkweaver have only become more and more cruel and tenacious as the War continued. When a Golden Feather is murdered and left for dead, mostly likely due to their outspoken hatred of the Empire, their younger sister becomes enraged and determined to end this War.
As the War progresses with no rest in sight, the Wings reach out to the Clowder for assistance, but is denied. The younger sister, whose name has been lost to time, refuses to accept this and seeks out the Clowder's leader to again plead their case - more personally this time. The Clowder agrees to help after hearing her out, and she returns victorious to Goldenleaf Grotto with their new allies in tow. However, she returns to find that Silkweaver sent an attack on their camp directly, and her two young children were lost in the bloodbath. Outraged and beside herself, she flees north with the final decree that Silkweaver will bleed out at her paws, if it's the last thing she will ever do.
The Wings and the Clowder face-off with the Empire once more, only to be surprised and horrified when Loyalty, the Empire's Divine, moves to dispose of Silkweaver himself. Before he can do so, however, Silkweaver's terrified body is dragged into the rushing river by an unknown force. Perturbed, Loyalty and the rest of the cats watch the river, unsure how to proceed and if Loyalty will react harshly to his lost kill.
Dragging Silkweaver's mangled corpse from the river, the bereaved younger sister emerges with water and blood sluicing from her body in rivulets, more cats smelling of ice and wind slinking from their nearby hiding places to stand with her. She faces off with Loyalty for a moment, hissing that Silkweaver was her kill, to which he begrudgingly surrenders his respect. She turns, furious, to the rest of the cats and declares this river the border between the west and the south, and that the war is now over. She takes her followers with her and vanishes into the shadows.
However, one odd dark-furred feline remains, gazing serenely at Loyalty and the rest of the gathered cats. A brave Clowder cat shakily asks who, exactly, that she-cat was. The black feline's grey eyes take on a peculiar glint, before answering that she was Estelar, the Queen in the Mountains. In the coming time, she becomes known instead as the Fury Queen.
The War of Flames and Flood (Years 35-39)
Due to Estelar's infamous title, the northern group gains the moniker the Fury.
In the time following right after the end of the First Compass War, many Wings found themselves unable to stay south to start over, too much pain and resentment lingering, and decide to head north. Estelar welcomes her old friends.
The Fury remain silent and uninvolved during the tensions between the Wings and the Clowder.
The Golden Age (Years 40-47)
Estelar has been busy expanding her group and establishing the group's customs, many of which are inspired by her past losses and/or the presence and close friendship of their new deity, Calemvir.
In the last half of the Golden Age, she sends messengers to parlay with the other groups, but initially refuses to join the blossoming trade agreement. She does, however, relent for the use of the other regions' herbs.
She also announces the birth of her grandchildren, and officially steps down as Monarch, passing the Crown to her son, Haemir.
The Second Compass War (Years 48-52)
Unbeknownst to the Fury, the have become the target for a deranged individual to the south, so sick with power and his obsession for starting a war. The Fury remains in the dark about his schemes until they suddenly aren't - when their entire royal family is murdered in a single night with no warning.
Incensed, the entire group moves to find the murderer. Despite Hummingbird being good, they are not that good; one Fury is simply better. It is not precisely known what happens after Wynather catches the Wing assassin, but Wynather emerges from the shadows bloody-clawed and satisfied.
The Fury, now understanding Scorch's plans, choose to go silent and not react. In their first and (hopefully) last election of-sorts, Wynather is crowned the new Monarch in the Mountains. He decides to focus on smoothing out the uncertainty within her Court before dealing with Scorch, feeling a sort of vicious glee about the reports getting sent back to them about Scorch's increasing paranoia.
It takes moons before Wynather decides to act. Upon their ascension, a new group has spawned amongst the ranks - that of assassins. It remains a mystery of who poisoned Scorch and with what, but whether it was Wynather himself or another Fury assassin, Scorch's death remains a brutal message. An even more brutal message is the one Wynather prepares for when the other three leaders head north to try and "clear things up" - Hummingbird's corpse makes a nice centerpiece, no?
The Council of the Four Points (Year 53)
The Empire's General, Iceheart, comes up with the idea to meet every moon to discuss grievances and any other updates between groups to avoid miscommunications. The other's agree - nowadays, the leaders often skip the meetings and entrust their Ambassadors with the honor.
The Wolf Queen (Years 54-Present)
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Four Points is an upcoming semi-literate, 18+ roleplay that will be hosted on Discord. More information can be found at @thefourpoints.
Send in an ask if you have any questions about the Fury and Co.!
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lovesickeros · 10 months
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☆ even the gods bleed [ pt 4 ]
{☆} characters arlecchino, furina, lyney {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, multi-chapter, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings blood {☆} word count 3.7k {☆} previous [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
Fontaine was bathed in darkness, not even the moon daring to illuminate where the common man fears to walk. The streets were bleak and empty save for the constant, rhythmic ticking and clanking of machines marching on endlessly, dauntlessly wading where even the bravest dared not to venture. Not even the sharp click of the Gardes boots followed the occasional hisses of steam as they walked the barren streets.
It was haunting, and it'd been like that for days now. It showed little signs of stalling in the slightest, too. Every inch of Fontaine was practically crawling with Gardemeks– like a swarm of rats skittering about.
Arlecchino had secluded herself in the Hotel Bouffes d'ete for days at this point, waiting– biding her time. Her nails clicked against the wood as she tapped at the table in a stilted rhythm, the subtle click of the clock mixing into the clanking outside, weaving in and out of earshot as the patrols slipped by. She reached forward after a moment of thought, reaching for the white king.
She leaned back against the chaise, tilting her head just enough to catch a glimpse of a patrol of Gardemeks as they vanished behind the rows and rows of buildings. It wasn't enough to keep her attention for long, however, her features twisting in disinterest as she glanced back to the chessboard– and the letter neatly resting beside it. The seal was unmistakable and a sobering sight, demanding her attention– the soft hues of blue etched into the shape of a dragon stared back at her in a way that almost unsettled her.
She had already parsed through it's contents hundreds of times, but she was met with only vague, flowing script that only served to irritate her more then anything– it filled the page top to bottom yet managed to say nothing at all. Her hand reached out again, but instead of reaching for the letter she plucked the black rook from the board, setting it down with a soft click.
Arlecchino had all the time in the world to sit back and observe her prey, but all that time would be useless if she lacked the information to act.
And he was quite tight fisted about it, evidentially. None of her inquiries or attempts to decipher any potential codes in the letter left her empty handed. She could not act without even knowing the reason for his summons– it was almost worded like a personal affair rather then one would expect for a foreign diplomat. In truth, she'd expected a scalding report on her operatives, but it lacked any mention of anything of the sort.
She was no stranger to people masking hostility behind pretty words and compliments, not that it was ever unwarranted per se– the Fatui did not create connections through honesty and genuine kindness. They have strong armed more then their fair share of people into cooperation to the point distrust is all the Fatui are met with outside of Snezhnaya. Every word was meant to conceal the deceit, every action meant to conceal the price later paid.
So she had been..skeptical of the letter, to put it lightly. She doubted the Iudex of all people would offer a hand to the Fatui without a price attached– a trap, perhaps, meant to lure in the most powerful piece left on the board. Her eyes narrowed, reaching for a white rook and moving it to the right.
Or he was hiding something. Something that he simply couldn't risk getting out to anyone, not even the Divine themself. A tempting prize, whatever it was.
..A dangerous prize, too.
She'd considered burning the letter and forgetting it all together– the risk was great, and she couldn't risk getting caught up by whoever else the Iudex may have on his side of the board. But she could hardly pass up the challenge and the prize that he fought so hard to keep from prying eyes and ears. Even her agents came back empty handed each time. She lazily picked up a black rook, sliding the white pawn aside.
"Lyney," Arlecchino drawled, crossing one leg over the other and turning her gaze to the door as it slowly creaked open. The pale visage of Lyney stepped through, though his siblings were noticeably absent. The weariness that weighed down on his shoulders was apparent in the slightest furrow of his brows and the subtle creak of leather as he clenched his fists behind his back. "Father." He choked out, the title dragged out by the sharp inhale and shaky exhale.
He looked out of breath, she noted.
The silence that lingered after the small exchange was punctuated only by the click of another chess piece being moved. She sets aside the black rook, letting it sit among the dozen other pieces that had been wiped off the board. She can see the conviction glinting beneath the fog of exhaustion, but if he would utilize it was another matter all together.
He had seemed to make his choice quickly, at the very least.
"Our contacts and operatives within the Fortress of Meropide have gone silent– all we have is their final confirmed missive.." His voice is confident, but it is rigid as the words spill from his lips. He takes a sharp step forward, unfolding his arms from behind his back and opening his hands– the small, water stained and messily folded note catches her eye, plucking it from his palms with a half hearted interest. "They believe the Duke left the Fortress of Meropide..and that he may be coming to the Court of Fontaine."
Her eyes narrow dangerously, nearly crumpling the thin paper in her hands– yet just as quickly, she collects herself.
But she cannot get rid of the bitter taste on her tongue, lingering as she sets down the note and slides it to the side, her lips pursed into a thin line.
So the Iudex had shown one of his pieces..she tightly grasps a black rook, tipping over the white rook, letting it roll against the board.
If the Duke was involved, things were much more complicated then she expected– he would be a problem, she was certain. She couldn't blame the lamb for fearing the wolf, either. Whether her agents had been killed or captured by the man mattered little. He had his ways, and he was a force that could instill fear in even them.
Which meant the possibility that her operation was already compromised was far too real.
What had the Iudex so concerned he had gone through the trouble of bringing in the Duke and herself? The Fatui was one thing, but to specifically request one of it's Harbingers..
The Prophecy? The thought had her clenching her fist, but..no. If it were to rear it's head now, the Iudex could simply not afford to waste time on his contacts deciphering his nonsensical script– If the prophecy were to be the issue, there time would be limited to mere minutes in the worst of cases. Which meant it was worth biding his time in order to ensure absolute secrecy.
So if not the prophecy, then what?
Her next moves were..limited. She was already walking on eggshells considering her position and the reputations of the Fatui– especially with a Harbinger in the midst. If they caught wind of her operations, they'd weed out her operatives and be on guards for any snakes that lingered in their garden.
She reached for the chessboard again, picking up one of the white rooks from the board with a scowl. The sharp click as she sets down the white rook and sets aside the black pawn draws a shaky inhale from Lyney as she moves another black pawn, the dull click of the pieces drowning out the distant clinking of machines.
..A draw, perhaps.
The pieces were all falling into place– the players of this game were slowly being revealed. Whether she could secure her victory..she was unsure.
She wasn't even sure who her opponent was. Only that the Iudex himself was but another piece in their game.
Arlecchino reached for the board again, yet this time she hesitated. Perhaps she could still swipe the win from beneath them, if she played her cards right.
She would simply have to capture the king– or, if need be, let it end on a draw. Either way, she would not concede. She could not afford to concede. Down to the last piece, she would drag out this match until she was in a position to force their hand into the outcome she desired.
She stood slowly, picking up the king piece and observing it for only the briefest of moments before she set it down on the table, taking measured steps around the table and across the room. She was hunting a much more dangerous quarry today– it would be no simple runaway traitor this time.
"Do you remember the directive?" She inquired coldly, her hand lingering on the door for that long, tense moment. "..Yes, Father." Lyney faltered, taking a hesitant step back and bowing at the waist. "Then do not stray."
All that was left was the silence and click of the door shutting behind her as she disappeared down the hall, her boots clicking harshly against the floorboards. The rest of the agents knew better then to linger in her path as she stepped down into the lobby, adjusting the cuffs of her sleeves. She barely even acknowledged the Fatui agent standing at the ready by the heavyset doors, their gloves hands held out with her cloak held loosely in their palms. She quickly snagged it from them, tugging it over her board shoulders and clasping it around her throat.
With a quick tug, she brought the hood up over her head to conceal her sharp features, lifting her hand and placing a neatly folded note within their waiting hands. She had only one chance to make the right moves and secure her victory– no matter the cost.
Each piece had it's purpose.
Oft, that purpose was a bloody and horrible end– but for the grand goal of the Fatui built on the backs of the dead, it was an honor.
She didn't bother speaking a word as she dismissed them with a wave of her hand, pushing open the heavyset doors and stepping out into the barren, damp streets. The rhythmic clink and whir of Gardemeks was still distant– she needed to move. Her boots clicked and splashed in the rain soaked stone of the streets as she slithered between the buildings, ducking through the openings in the patrols.
It was almost too easy.
She tilted her head back, taking in the towering Palais Mermonia with a scowl, her hands clenched into fists. The final moves were being played– the king was within her reach, yet she felt no more confident then when she began.
The air carried a sense of unease, thick and heavy, filling her lungs until she felt her breath still in her chest– listening to the empty, bleak night that seemed so..quiet.
She'd done her fair share of research, had more then her fair share of her agents try to peer into the Iudex's office or the Archon's supposedly hidden chambers, but every attempt was a failure. She had to give them credit, they were quite elusive when they wished to be. Though now she only thought about it bitterly– this was all a risky gamble, in the end, and only time would tell if it paid off.
With minimal effort, she'd managed to pull herself to the flat, tiled roof, eyeing the massive tower peaking out of the center cautiously. At least here the wandering patrols down below weren't likely to notice her..she could hear them passing by the spot she'd been in only a few minutes ago, just beneath her. She pulled the hood further over her face, peering through the sheer darkness of the night for any oddities, but it was almost impossible to see in the dark.
Her boots clicked softly against the tiles as she approached the tower jutting out from the Palais, her hand gliding along the smooth stone, pressing against odd indents or crevices. If it was for the Archon's chambers, she doubted they made it very difficult– she'd only met the woman once, but she doubted the Iudex make it all that complex just from a brief glance. And it surprised her little when one of the stones sunk into the wall, gears whirring as the walls split open to reveal a stairwell straight into an inky black hall. Only the barest hint of light peaked under the door at the bottom, but it's occupants must have heard her, considering it went out not a moment later.
She cautiously stepped down into the small crevice, her breath visible in the bitter cold air– her shoulders tensed at the subtle sound of muffled footsteps behind the door, her vision flaring with a molten heat between her shoulder blades as she reached for the worn handle of the door. The heat of her vision was enough to just barely heat the metal, her vision flaring like a quickly building inferno.
Arlecchino was prepared for a fight, if it came down to it.
The door creaked as she pressed against it, shoving it open with a grunt of effort and surveying the room with narrowed eyes and a biting remark on the tip of her tongue– the lavish opulence was expected, she supposed, but the lack of the towering figure of the Iudex was not.
Yet before she could get a word in or even take in her surroundings properly, the light flickered back on and she had to squeeze her eyes shut with a hiss at the sudden brightness. She could hear the door being shoved closed behind her, the hurried footsteps retreating just as quickly as her eyes adjusted to the light.
..This was a joke, wasn't it? It had to be.
She'd expected the Iudex, perhaps even the Duke if she'd been unlucky, not the Hydro Archon. She had half the mind to test her worth as an Archon then and there, her temper flaring like an uncontrollable blaze, barely kept at bay. It took all her self control to force herself to smile politely at the woman rather then snarl.
"Miss Furina," She sneered beneath her hood, x shaped pupils locked onto the startled, trembling Archon with thinly veiled contempt. "What a..pleasant surprise. You'll have to forgive my manners, I assumed I was meeting with the Iudex." She observed her body language carefully– the way her eyes darted about like a frightened rabbit seeking escape, the slightest tremble of her lips..
Arlecchino opened her mouth to offer another scathing remark, but her jaw audibly clicked shut as her entire body seemed to lock up. Even her vision went cold against her back, a chilling feeling creeping up her spine as someone, or something, crept up behind her. Their footsteps were almost silent, the slight rustling of their clothes the only thing she could hear over her heart pounding against her ribcage.
Arlecchino had always prided herself on being on the other end of that sensation– she was the monster, and her target was the prey frozen like a deer between the hunters crosshair.
It was a chilling feeling to have the dynamic shifted on it's head.
She couldn't even swallow, her jaw clenched so hard she could hear it creak as she tried to reason with her quickly splintering mind– a futile effort, her joints locking up almost painfully. Black spots were quickly swallowing her vision from the lack of air in her lungs, the sound of shuffling behind her barely audible over the ringing in her ears.
For a moment – a moment too long to have only lasted the seconds that it did, yet so quick it gave her whiplash – she thought she would hit the floor dead before she could even glimpse her assailant.
And then it was gone. She came crashing back into reality with a startled inhale, her lungs burning and her knees nearly buckling under her. The instinct to lash out and kill whoever had done it was intense, yet she couldn't bring herself to move even a finger– it would be so easy to twist around and ignite them with searing flames, but her feet were rooted in place.
She almost didn't notice the surprisingly gentle hands unclasping her cloak, tugging it off her shoulders, if not for the sheer intensity of the presence still lingering behind her. Her mind was still fractured, struggling to right itself after the ordeal, and it had her seething.
"..Are you certain you held back enough?" Furina croaked, the normally soft lilt raspy and almost hoarse. "Not– not that I doubt your capability, most Divine!"
Arlecchino felt her nails dig harshly into her palms, heat swelling beneath her skin– Divine? Had she lost her mind? The Divine was..
The Divine was upon their throne where they belonged. She'd seen them!
"Hm. Well, maybe? Sorry, I didn't think it'd affect you too." Their voice was sickeningly soft as they stepped around her like she wasn't even there, focusing their attention on the Archon who seemed more then delighted about it. "What gave you that impression, most Divine? Aha, I..was completely unaffected, as you can see! Perfectly fine."
Furina let out a small squeak when they pinched her cheek, but the almost affectionate smile that tugged at their lips revealed the lack of malice behind the action.
"You're a bad liar, Furina. You might want to sit down..please?" They didn't take her protests for an answer, gently pushing her to sit on the bed before abruptly turning to face Arlecchino once more, a forced smile on their lips. "Oh, good, you're..uh, not dead. That's good. I thought I fried your brain. Sorry?"
..Had she hit her head on the way here? The Divine should still be on their throne, yet she couldn't shake the weight of their stare– it felt tangible. She felt like she was standing face to face with the stars– galaxies and constellations bearing down upon her.
She grit her teeth and clenched her hands until she felt the sting of her nails against her palms, grounding herself in the pain through the sheer overwhelming nature of their existence.
"You.." She croaks, reaching out with a shaky hand and grabbing them by the collar of their shirt, lifting them up until their feet left the floor– she pays no mind to the startled protests of the Archon. Arlecchino would crush her like a bug before she even got the chance to intervene and they both knew it. "You shouldn't exist– you aren't them, and yet you..you're the imposter, aren't you?" Her grip tightens yet they face her without an ounce of fear, meeting her unyielding glare with a pondering look.
Arlecchino wanted to make them bleed just to see if she could, the urge to sink her teeth into skin welling up in her chest to the point she visibly snarled, her mask of politeness long . "You're the imposter." Her expression falls for a moment before she schools it into one of apathy, setting them back down and holding them there for a moment, finally releasing them after a tense moment. "Or you were supposed to be."
Hers brows furrow– she wants to demand answers, to throttle them for damning them to being nothing more then dolls for the supposed Divine to break at their whim, but none of the words come to her.
"..Why now? The current Divine has been in power for years, yet you descend now?" Her shoulders tensed, lips pursed into a thin line– it's impossible to ignore the truth that lay before her. The Divine is a fraud and this..imposter is the true Divine. How many years had they been in power, now? How many years were they waiting? Why did they wait? Was the suffering of Teyvat not enough? Was the blood that painted the steps of their stolen throne not enough?
She'd personally been on the wrong end of the Divine's wrath– she wonders..had they watched? Had they seen the cruel hand of their imposter and turned their back on Teyvat?
"I.." They hesitated. It made her seethe, her hands clenching into fists at her sides– her vision flickered, flames swelling within it's casing just to be smothered by the presence of the Divine. But once that spark had been lit, she refused to let it go out. "I didn't know."
The answer does not satisfy her. There is an itch beneath her skin that she cannot scratch, a fire that burns in her chest so hot it scorches even herself.
"And what about now? Are you content to cower like prey in the safety of the Palais Mermonia?" She snapped, taking a step forward, her brows furrowed and her glare intense– she can see the slightest bit of worry in their eyes. She revels in it. "Will you let them use your acolytes like pawns? How many more need to be broken on the steps to your throne before you act?"
Again, her vision flares and dims– it refuses to be used against the Divine that created it.
"Have you no answer?"
The room is silent. They do not speak and neither does she.
Even the world itself seems to quiet in the face of her accusations, fury boiling to the surface so hot it incinerated all it touched.
"I will kill them myself."
Their words are quiet, but they are not soft– there is a vindictive, searing anger that explodes out like dying stars within their eyes. The sight of constellations replaced by a void that would not be . The smell of ichor grows stronger– to the point she feels almost lightheaded.
"..I am aware that I have failed in preventing this, but I had no choice in the matter. Still," They muse, their voice like the tolling of bells. A solemn melody that stills the swelling fury burning in her chest, if only for a moment. "I will rectify it– I will tear down their throne of lies and let not even the earth tarnish itself by burying their corpse among it's soil."
They pause for a moment, holding out their hand– scarred and bandaged by the weapons of the devout, yet still they take upon the burden of dirtying their hands to save those who did not save them.
"Do you trust me, Arlecchino?"
Did she?
"Will you help me?"
She exhales heavily, meeting the starry iris' of the Divine with a scowl still tugging at her lips. Arlecchino trusted no one but herself.
#sagau#genshin sagau#self aware genshin#genshin impact sagau#self aware genshin impact#fic tag#imposter au#genshin cult au#genshin impact cult au#arlecchino#lyney#furina#you do NOT wanna know what i got put thru writing this fic#trying 2 find out where arle was in the few times we DO see her and going down a rabbit hole of fuck fontaine and its layout actually!#I spent like 3 hours looking it up and checking in game it gives me a migraine thinking abt it. ew#anyway trying to write a really smart character is surprisingly difficult when ur as dumb as rocks#also used an actual chess match for this and gave myself an even worse migraine trying 2 make sure i didnt repeat moves or smth#furina doesnt get a spotlight yet just imagine her sitting in the corner trembling like a wet kitten you found on the side of the road#arlecchino goes thru a crisis more at 11#shes a tired single dad shes isnt getting paid enough for this okay#hands u a fic over half the length of the other THREE PARTS#ehe :]#is arle actually on ur side??? is she gonna double cross u???? who knows!!!!!#shes unpredictable she might stab u for funsies#anyway im gonna go nap in a ditch now this took SO LONGGGGG OH MY G-D#also just think acolytes who arent buddy buddy w reader and even resent them is so tasty#bc how r they supposed 2 know reader was a human vibing 5 minutes before their got eebied 2 teyvat..#reader gotta roll up their sleeves and get 2 WORK sometimes murder IS okay#they gotta fix some shit around here and that means committing several crimes all at once. sometimes more#a group can be g-d (just got here) their dragon (neuvi) their cat (archon) their dog (wrio) and their wolf (arle)
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okay, octatrio
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When is it Floyd's turn to have his solo moment in the portable dramatic spotlight? 😂
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jaythelay · 2 months
Why do Dems seem to think we need Genocide to protect trans and gay people?
One day people will understand that anti-genociders withholding or voting third party isn't necessarily them trying to get politicians to listen
It's to get You to Listen and Demand Better.
The fact is, you're demanding Genocide and That Is Wrong. You should oppose Genocide no matter Who.
If ya'll were to demand they do anything else, we'd have a shot at progress. But ya'll are too tied up in insulting people for reasons ya refuse to understand on the grounds of fear. Criticising the administration's involvement is seen as opposing democrats.
Sucks. But I value human life and don't arbitrate that depending on country or personal situations. I don't view Genocide on a party basis. Just a cult one, which is why All Republicans keep saying they want Genocide. The word itself is used multiple times in a positive manner by R's. Why the fuck are Dems agreeing with them???
Be Anti-Genocide and ya get the anti-genocide crowd back. All this "I gotta smuggle my hormones!" is you saying your hunger supersedes that of anyone's starvation. Sorry I'm trans too, but I don't think anyone's medicine supersedes a Fucking Genocide???????????
You can, and nobody is denying the possibility, of you voting dem. What Anti-Genociders want, is a party that isn't Pro-Genocide.
If ya want the Anti-Genocide voter, then start being Anti-Genocide. Everything else is genuinely embarrassing. Imagine defending Genocide by saying it simply has to happen so you can get medicine. Ever consider you could change that situation instead of allowing it to play out?
If republicans put "kill all gays" as a bill, and dems put "kill all whites" do you really think there should be a decision made as a voter for either party? Who should I vote for?
Or should you Demand Dems drop the fucking "kill all whites" bill so white people aren't scared into voting to kill all the gays?
This shit is so uncomplicated I explained it in child's terms. Cmon dems. Fucks sake. If someone puts a gun to a child's head and says "choose yourself or the child" YA DON'T DEFEND THE MAN WITH A GUN.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
thank you to the three people that tagged me in the twst author spotlight ^^ irene, siren, and sapphy, thank you. i read what you said about me and i was very touched. i didnt think i would gain so many friends in such a short period of time, and you all deserve to be recognized for your contributions to the twst community!! :D
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@tinyletterz, who has a beautiful soul and amazing writing. i've known her since my baby days on quotev writing for a fandom which shall not be named, and it's so such a pleasure being her friend. she writes twst x reader content and has a gorgeous series about flower languages that i think about a lot. thank you remy for helping me get accustomed to tumblr, you're the og!!
@shkrmpp, who was my first mutual that i'd never met before here. thank you for asking about jellyfish and being such a bubbly presence on my dash. shrimpy writes x reader content and creates adorable art!! their hair dye series with the leech twins is super cute and i find myself thinking about teh floyd part in particular very often ^^
@fukashiin, with the prettiest themes and the gorgeous art style. winou CONSISTENTLY writes absolute bangers that make me so giddy. this one in particular is one of my favorites, and her writing style reminds me of a soft summer breeze. she's such a bubbly person and its so fun talking to her, even if we don't talk often. ^^ she's one of the three people that keeps my deuce content afloat.
one could say many things about the beloved @hisui-dreamer!! from the way she adores her friends to teh way she writes, rinna is always soft and sweet. she radiates comfort and is such a soothing person, i feel so safe around her. she writes x reader content and every single piece is its own masterpiece. she's one of my closest friends on here and i wish nothing but the best for her every day.
@merotwst, who has a bucnh of adorable oc content (on @meromessy !!) and writes x readers!! ellie in on haitus right now takinga well deserved break. <3 but she writing is amazing and i am FLOORED whenever i see her art!!! it's literally so gorgeous and i don't understand how she does it. its crazy. how is so much talent in one person.
@siren-serenity is not only a lovely author of x reader content, but also a lovely friend. ^^ siren also has an oc named melody who is so cool!!!! she was the pastor at my wedding and fought TOOTH AND NAIL for that position LMAO love u renren!!! she really writes azul SUPER WELL and im so happy to have met someone so calm and soothing to talk to.
@officialdaydreamer00, aka nutmeg, is a rascal. an absolutely rascal but they're really the best. they have a yuusona with LORE and a bunch of really creative & cute events!! seriously nutmeg, nobody does it like you. if you want to see our favorite twst boys in strawberry dresses or recieve a pair of cute earrings, irene's blog is the place for you!!!
@the-v-lociraptor has STELLAR art. she was one of my firts mutuals on twst tumblr and i was terrified of talking to people but her vibes were very much "i am nice you dont need to be afraid" and sniffling scared me was like "OKAY I CAN TALK TO YOU" LMAO but yeah. she draws people so,,, full. thats the only word i can use to describe it. they just look s soft and alive and its really so amazing. i love her art so much!!
@siphoklansan is another artist!! i think about the art she drew from loona's heart attack with twst character weekly basically. it has been stuck in my brain since i started following her. sippy, its trully beautiful how you mix your culture and your art together. i remember you talking about it when you were drawing fairy gala stuff and it was just stunning. please keep doing what you're doing!! i hope your hiatus proves restful <3
@ceruleancattail is one of THE most creative writers i have ever met on this platform. every time i check out their account theyre talking about a new au or doing something different. they write x reader stuff and ar ethe biggest cater kisser ever (even if they wont admit it hehe!!) their writing is so refreshing, if that makes sense. their butler au is so goofy whaahwwahwah
@moonlit-midnight has the prettiest writing style :((( hannah is literally so sweet and it shows in everything you can find on this blog. THIS BLOG HAS PLATONIC FICS TOO!!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT?????? and even better, they're inspired by hannah's own friendships :((( literally the most wholesome thing. you can find x reader's here!!!
@iseethatimicy is an x reader writer and fellow azul kisser!!! she writes some really cute stuff for oour favorite silly little cephalopod AND AND AND AND HAS SOME OCS!!! THATA ARE SUPER COOL!!!!! shimiko and icy are both so cool and interesting 9EVEN THOUGH IM VERY SHIMIKO BIASED AAAAA I LOEV SIREN TROPES !!!!!)
@ryker-writes IS SO KIND. he gave me the sweetest set of flowers for his garden event :(( i still think about them and aaaaa i havent forgotten when he fought me over me being cool LMAO so goofy wahhwaawh!! HIS OC JAXON AND RIDDLE ARE LITERALLY SO CUTE :((( he writes x reader content & makes oc content!!!
@totallymem3 draws occasionally and omgggg meme's art is gorgeous. HAVE YOU SEEN HER DRAW AZUL. her art is so soft and its honestly adorable :(( meme is such a nice mutual too!!! like i met her on anon a while ago we've been besties ever since fr. HER ART REMINDS ME OF SPRING GO CHECK IT OUT PLEASE!!!!!
@z3llous is SO TALENTED!!!! another mutual that im liek WOW how do you exist??? he creates the most stunning twst fanart :((( THE OCTAVINELLE BIAS IIS SO REAL AND SO SO OBVIOUS BUT WOW.....WOW IS IT GOOD. zell is also a game developer and if you like cute little kitties and adventure games you should totally try it out here!!!
@cecilebutcher MAKES THE BEST OCS. creator of igor and saver of the universe. im not kidding igor saved the universe IDC WHAT YOU SAY ITS CANON TO ME. cece i sliterally the sweetest and soososososo creative i am eating up every crumb of igor content i get fed. OM NOM NOM. ofc junto is nice too and hes so sweet!!! GAHH you just put so much love and care into yoru ocs its so admirable :((((
@ang33333333l is another azul kisser that i became mutuals with a while ago!!! dolls love for sebek and azul is very sweet to see and her yuusona fauna is adorable too!! she also draws her yuu and characters sometimes!! :D she doesn't have a lot of oc content up on dolls blog yet but im looking forward to seeing more!! >:D
@leonistic deserves the most underrated writer of the year award. soru writes x reader content and is another super sweet mutual of mien (I KNOW IM SAYING THAT A LOT OKAY.) she writes aroace content and its literally feeds me. seriously. their aroace azul content makes me giggle and kick my feet and GAHHHHH !!! plus they have the patient to do matchups which is crazy and i love them for that ^^
@rains-asleep is the nickname master because he calls me straubs and thats such an adorable nickname :(((( HIS WRITING IS SUPER CUTE AND IT GIVE SME SO MUCH SEROTONIN (they write x readers btw!!!!!) they recently hit 500 followers (CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!!) and they also write for haikyuu, mha, genshin impact, and obey me!!!
@shinysparklesapphires is an artists that has a lot of cool ocs!! i believe navi was the first one i was introduced to and he's such an icon ^^ sapphy is also really into precure and produces a lot of content for the fandom!! i have yet to finish the precure series she recommended to me but its good so far and laura is the best so true!!
@datboredpencil has THE most STUNNING art. if you want idia x cater content this is DEFINITELY THE BLOG FOR YOU!!! each piece has so much love poured into it and i swear. YOURE ALWAYS LIEK "its a work in progress" BUT IT STILL LOTS SO LOVELY :((( YOUR USE OF COLOR IS JUST SO MUAH!!! CHEFS KISS!!!!!!! I ADORE IT
@twistwonderlanddevotee makes really pretty backgrounds!!! i actually used the isaac one she made for my private account AND ITS SO CUTE I LOVE IT I WANT TO EAT IT SWALLOW IT WHOLE MUNCH ON IT SHAKE IT AROUND LIEK A DOG TOY ANYWAYS. i am very normal about sofia's backgrounds. PLEASE GO CHECK THEM OUT its literally so unique?? like who else makes backgroudns liek sofia. Nobody.
@queen-shiba has an open inbox everyone!! you're welcome to send in requests!!! ^^ the queen of savanaclaw makes oc content for chuki, a really sweet kid taht deserves all the cookies in teh world :((( ALSO!!! she has an au for the tsavo man-eaters which is super cool!!! :O she passion for lions and tigers really is admirable and its nic eto see her talk about them :3
@beeirdos-buzzing-bogaloo has a gift when it comes to making ocs!! thule remains my favorite of the ones he has talked about because his design is just so neat!!! I LOVE THAT HIS NICKNAME FROM ROOK IS "MONSIEUR STARGAZER" :((( you have so many ocs that i havent even heard about yet...so im super curious to see what else you put out!!!
@dove-da-birb IS SUCH A GENIUS. they're one of my closests friends and their writing is SO BEAUTIFUL. they're also kidn of a little shit though so watch out /aff tehy write x reader content and draw sometimes, although i dont think theyve posted any of them. ^^ dove is SUCH a delight i promise you'll have fun every single time you talk to them. their energy is infectious and im genuinely really glad im the main target for their chaos. i would not have it any otehr way.
@ashipiko has such delicious art!!! the colors are always so vibrant and the way she draws is so unique. truly, a staple of both the twisted wonderland and as3! fandoms!! her energy is always upbeat and cheery, its hard not to smile when youre talking to her!! truly the biggest ace kisser on thsi platform (probably in the world too hehe)
@shyhaya writes for a myriad of fandoms!!!!!! hayami writes an azul thing for me that made me lose my mind IT WAS SO GOOD. PLEASE check out this blog. you wont regret it. requests are open!! ^^ even twst content aside, im sure you'll find something you like sich haya writes for so many fandoms!! talk about multitalented :3
@thehollowwriter has so many gems. quinn writes every character in twst so well, teh writing is so immersive and just ughhhh MUAH!!!!! every piece with azul in it is such a banger and it makes me giggle and kick my feet :3 LITERALLY THERE IS SO MUCH X READER FLUFF AND ITS ALL GOOD ITS A CRIME I DIDNT FIND THIS BLOG SOONER.
@cyath, who has some of the PRETTIEST art i have EVER seen. they draw stuff based on my fics all of the time and i adore it so much. examples of their art can be found here, here, here, and here. do you understand what i mean. do you get it. their art style is SUPERIOR and i ADORE IT!!!!!! they truly have so much talent like damn save some for the rest of us hello!!!!!
@crheativity writes twst x readers!! she's a beginner writer so PLEASE PELASE SHOW HER SOME LOVE!!! right nwo she has some heartslabyul content that i havent gotten around to reading yet but i am SUPER excited to go through them when i get the chance!!! rhea is super fun to talk to hehe <3
and lastly, @jade-s-nymph who organized this whole thing!!! rubia is on hiatus right now but i've seen some of her projects and a few of the things she's written and they're all really good!! there's a lot of x reader content on her writing blog and self indulgent nymphleech content on her personal blog :3
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felassan · 4 months
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Ojiro was robbed of his chance in the Sports Festival Arc and I will die mad about that actually
At that point in time he could've advanced to the second or maybe third level of the tournament and I think Horikoshi knew that and left him out intentionally. Because he was stronger than characters that were simply more important than Ojiro was ever meant to be
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colorfuldream · 6 days
Okay so I've seen it a few times now and there are people who genuinely believe the Squid Sisters have the least content out of every group. I mean, I get forgetting Deep Cuts but the Squid Sisters do have as much as Off The Hook. Sure, OTH is starting to look like favorites now but the SS aren't left behind. Here's an itemized list:
They're in every main story mode. They have three whole games about them. The concept of story mode revolves around them. Just because they aren't proactive in them doesn't make it not count. Their quips and banter are what made us care and learn about them. It did flesh them out. They don't have to actively help to be main characters and receive development. The only game you could argue that is Splatoon 3 but it has a writing problem in general. It did close their story, subtle but interesting and well-written (for what Splatoon is), across the three games.
A short story. They're the only ones who have that. That has insane development, providing a lot of details about them. Like, that's a MAJOR thing that's lore-dumping so many things.
They're in almost every concert. They're in all but two concerts. They're canon too. This gives them a lot of presence in the franchise.
Lots of illustrations. Makes sense. Of course they are with how long they've been around. Still an important sign that they're a major part of the franchise (obviously, the main story is about them). It's always nice to see them in different situations anyways. They also get some lore out of them, fleshes them out and whatever. Which brings me to my next point.
Different outfits. It's not only giving us a sense of how they dress, but it's telling a story. Said it before but, for example, we know Marie likes dressing up for Story Mode and be a mentor of some sort. If you pull that string, you can get that she's someone who puts on a façade depending on the occasion and likes teaching/guiding people, her idea of mature and cool is a traditional outfit from her hometown.
Special Fest variants. Yes, they all do. However, the thing that differentiates them is that this is outside their game and, even though they were mostly reskins, they did get fully new outfits and hairstyles which neither other groups did.
Technically, they got a DLC. Even if it's the old hub and basically promo for Side Order.
They're in Smash Bros. That's not nothing. They're not spirits, they're full-on assist trophies. They better be in it honestly, but it's still something they have over the other two groups. It solidifies their status in the franchise.
Many songs, including remixes. Obviously, but they're also on the Splatfest list which never happened before outside of special events. They started it in Splatoon 2's Final Fest and started it in Splatoon 3's regular Fests. They're trend setters! Which leads me to...
Boss Fight. Final Boss, even. Callie started it. Literally. She fought us. The fact that she was The Final Boss™ puts her above the others. They wish they were her.
Solos. They did it first. They've also got not one but two mash-ups of their solos so it gotta count. I would argue that theirs are special too as they're meant to be solo pieces while the Anarchy Poisons are always put together be it on the soundtrack or the concerts. They were made to, and it's lovely, as Deep Cut's continuing the trend OTH's set: a united group that values each other and their work over fame. Their music is made to be together. Anarchy Rainbow and its Poisons is just that, something that's all of them, always. They were also fused in every live version, and the in-game live version, unlike Tide Goes Out and Bomb Rush Blush. These were forcefully mashed up as each sang over the other, desperately trying to drown out their will and win this fight. It's only now, years later, that they get an unexpected mash-up, joyful and harmonious —which in a way is a part of their story, them reclaiming this song as they bring their solos together. The Squid Sisters are working for themselves, they now do whatever they want with their careers and what they sing, how they sing, when they sing is up to them and only them.
They're the end credits of every game. Special mention to Splatoon 3 that just sacrifices its own idol group for them. Unlike Splatoon 2, Deep Cut was involved in Story Mode and for all the 10 minutes they spent in it, the end credits should have been theirs as they sure as hell didn't get a DLC. Their equivalent was a last minute addition at that, unceremoniously added later on without much spotlight. Jeez, they could have had a second collab song instead or something!
They've got the final battle song for every game. Makes sense because it's their story and their games, it's the culmination of their work every single time. Unlike the credits, they at least shared the spotlight with Deep Cut... Hey, if Marie's their boss, doesn't that make her a part of their group or vice-versa? She better be, she's the one handling their paperwork after all (poor woman, it's a mess too and they're not spending wisely. Shouldn't have been talking about becoming a manager, Marie, you're getting roped up in too much silliness and Callie won't help).
Participation in 2 Final Fests. By that, I mean actually having a team and representing it. Otherwise, they're involved in every Final Fest.
Merch. I mean why wouldn't they have some?? But it had to be added. Special note for the concert CD and special edition. I guess I'd put there the interview bit Marie conducted in Splatoon 3's soundtrack bonuses. That's another bit of trivia/insight on her work. The Nintendo Magazine interviews also count as they're relevant to their characters.
Their song is a major part of their world and franchise. Calamari Inkantation has a special place in the lore and the franchise. It's THE song but also THEIR song.
4 amiibos. They might not give their outfits (which I kinda like because I'm not fond of how they did it for the others) but they give out gear related to their story, the game, and that we should have gotten. At least they're fixing that flaw I guess.
Storyline during the Splatfests. Not sure if it should be added but it did culminate into long lasting conflict between the two of them and started their storyline. Since it's missing in Splatoon 3, I think it should be noted. It fleshes them out and makes them feel a bit more alive, like they're affected by the results.
Most of these could apply to Off The Hook too. My point is that the Squid Sisters haven't been neglected, not from Nintendo's point of view. They're more than included, arguably the stars of Splatoon 1 and 3. The thing is that Off The Hook is the fan favorite right now so most of our attention is on them, not the others. The Squid Sisters have also been so ingrained in the franchise that we're used to it. We readily accepted they would be the stars of Splatoon 3 because they took over most of Splatoon 2 until Octo Expansion. We assumed the other two groups would get DLCs, or that Deep Cut would be involved in OTH's like in the Main Story, only to realize that Nintendo didn't give a damn and gave the spotlight to OTH alone in an attempt to replicate what Splatoon 2 did. Obviously, once we got over Side Order, we kinda realized this was unfair and that there was favoritism. It didn't help that OTH was featured in regular battles and that Splatoon 2 and 3 handled Splatfests differently, with special events and work done to the idols. We've come a long way since the first game, which itself had changed plenty during its time, so it feels unfair that the Squid Sisters didn't benefit from what the others got or for as long. That doesn't mean they didn't get a lot and weren't the favorites for a long time.
Now, I'm gonna address the thing that made me write this in the first place:
They do have a story and development. Just because it wasn't in your face doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Up until Splatoon 3, the story wasn't as obvious as it could be when it came to the idols. Marina's background is clear-cut, because you cannot be too subtle about it, but apart from some big lines, it wasn't directly stated, nor was her development in Octo Expansion (it's heavily linked to Agent 8 and the Octavian but the fact that she comes to be comfortable in what species she is and overcomes her fear of being found out and rejected should count as a story). She's fascinating and it's important to the world.
But that doesn't leave the Squid Sisters flat and boring. They had an arc! Them slowly resenting each other because of their time as Splatcast anchors, because they were always pit against each other, because of the way being an idol works, is a story in itself. It was bad enough to get Callie to free Octavio, who's a terrible, dangerous person as far as she knew then, and go to the Octarians, poor, underground enemies. The Hypno-Shades are more like heavily suggesting you to obey, we know that Callie had some sort of free will to put glitter, of all things, into their ink. She also was fully conscious of her actions when freeing Octavio, and we know this guy isn't a mastermind and world class manipulator. Marie wasn't doing much better, working a lot and being stressed. Fame drove them apart and broke Callie down to the point of going to people who wanted hers dead. She freed a war criminal. Once Marie saved her, mostly from her own despair, they decided to do their own thing. They didn't need fame or their careers. Family was more important. Tidal Rush was their solos crashing against each other, not listening and trying to sing over the opponent, until Marie blasted on a song that meant the world to them. The hymn of sea kind. The song that they won that fateful contest with when they were young, the reason why their dream came true. The song that they sang when safinf their dear grandpa, powerful enough to make Octolings give up everything and try to join the surface. A beautiful memory. Something that was theirs. And so they sang. Together. "I remember everything!" The innocent days they practiced for the contest, the terrifying ride to Inkopolis, the nervousness of their first Splatcast. But they were together. She wasn't alone. Marie had always been on her side. Neither of them wanted this. If it had been up to them, nobody would have compared them to each other. They wouldn't have been choices for their last Splatfest. It's a certain kind of cruel to ask which of the two teenage girls was the better one. Callie wasn't angry at Marie, she was angry at the system. She felt awkward, self-conscious, worthless because of her status as a celebrity, because she as a person didn't matter. Her comfort? Who cares. Take the photos, sing the songs, be careful to be perfect. She was overworked, isolated, and the only person she could count on was put in the same position and told she was a competitor.
Fresh Start is the two of them reconnecting away from show business. Going back to their roots. They stop being idols afterwards, they don't sing much anymore. They get their own careers. Callie slowly finds the strength to be in the spotlight after so long and goes back to acting, unlike Marie this seems to be more of her thing. Marie keeps on with her podcast, now using it to hype Callie up. Splatoon 3 even shows us that Callie is some sort of spokesperson, announcing that an Inkopolis stage will undergo reconstruction. She's rebuilding her career on her own and making it her own. The Squid Sisters, while some of the most people in the world, weren't recognized in the Splatlands. Sure, Shiver and Frye probably didn't give a damn about Inkopolis musicians but Big Man is a fan, he's even showed them their music, and he still didn't recognize them. They're known for their music, their names possibly for themselves. Splatoon 3 is the only game not to give them a story, even its details don't imply much. But the previous two games did.
It's a story of two girls who got famous too soon, too suddenly, and got eaten by showbusiness. It's two young women taking their power back and breaking free from the idol life. It's a family that managed to heal from the damage fame caused over the years.
I dunno but I think it's beautiful and I'm a sucker for stories that criticize being an idol and family coming together. The Squid Sisters' entire thing was being idols, that's their entire concept, especially identical ones which is dehumanizing enough. It's fitting and not something you'd expect out of Splatoon of all places but it's the kind of franchise that gets surprisingly deep and dark in its smallest details.
No, they're not neglected or underdeveloped. Their story is there, just not as flashy as you'd expect. Their presence is something we're so used to that we don't clock it anymore, moreso when the other group gets attention too. Splatoon 3 didn't handle the writing well, as fun and silly as it gets, and it shows in a lot of ways. It's easy to go "so what was the point of the Squid Sisters being there?" when the story didn't bother doing anything with them for once but they weren't the only one neglected nor did they not get content in other ways!
#text#ondina's text posts!#splatoon#splatoon 3#squid sisters#marie cuttlefish#callie cuttlefish#splatoon 2#to clarify I do love them a bunch and will miss them!#I'm not saying they should get less; just that we need to acknowledge how much they get#it's okay for them not to be in the spotlight anymore#it's okay for them to be pushed aside to focus on the new groups#because now nothing has been set up if we're gonna continue with OTH or DC#it's not like they will disappear either if they're not front and center#at least Splatoon 2 didn't pretend it didn't focus on them and didn't force them with OTH when it was their turn!#I think Splat3 missed the mark with the pairing it had set up#imagine one of the SS being annoyed that DC keeps stopping them from saving their grandpa or angry they're not taking their idol job serious#ly like genuinely annoyed that Frye calls it a side hustle and that she doesn't care about it#maybe a bit in a “with everything it did to us you dare think it's nothing? you think it's easy?”#or all about the fans that got them here#hell maybe even use the fact that DC is basically nepo babies#at least Pearl WORKED for it since childhood#DC is a trio of descendants from influencial families that are in charge of Splatfests#I think antagonizing DC a little more would have made them more villainous and been a decent sideplot#add some spice to ROTM and show us a different side to the two groups!#DC is already showing them so why not show us a little more about the SS and maybe even something a little less pretty/agreeable?#we've already seen some of it
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natp20 · 1 year
orym of the air ashari - unnamed guard #2, subject, son, brother, husband, widower, friend
orym, who is so used to being in the background and serving the leader of his people that his personal losses seem trivial in comparison to the larger forces at play
orym, who keeps an iron grip on his suffering and his grief and does not give it air to breathe
orym, who would rather blend into the crowd than be a leader
orym, whose personal loss and tragedy is the best evidence that the potential, ambiguous end that the ruby vanguard pursues is absolutely not worth the means
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shiftgear-engineer · 8 months
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Patient Spotlight. Krookodile, aka "Princess". Female Ground/Dark Likes: Warm sand, the beach, her favorite chew toys, Godzilla movies, her Cleffa doll, and doing Triple Battles with her best friends Sandstone the Flygon and Ivy the Tangrowth. Dislikes: Rain, hail, bitter foods, needles, anything related to Team Plasma, not having her Cleffa doll, and battling by herself.
Princess' trainer brought her to me when she was just a Sandile during the height of Team Plasma's activity in Unova. A Plasma Grunt had attempted to forcefully steal Princess from her trainer, resulting in Princess sustaining a broken jaw and lost limb in the process. Through lots of hard work, frequent visits, and plenty of physical therapy, Princess is now thriving and only sees me now for occasional checkups and to ensure her battle prosthetic is still in working order. Though her jaw is still a bit crooked, she's a fighter through and through and has never let that hold her back. Her trainer (who wishes to remain anonymous) and her best friends, Sandstone and Ivy, support her every step of the way and encouraged her to keep her head up even when facing tough times in her recovery period. She has bitten me once or twice, but always makes sure to apologize by bringing me rocks she's found outside.
Here she is saying hello to a new friend, Archimedes, and probably talking about the new Godzilla movie she saw with her trainer last weekend.
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dreamieparadise · 25 days
Momina's hair gets easily messy, and it's why she has a tendency to run her hands through her hair a lot. She will pull and stroke her bangs without thinking.
In fact, Momina is someone who can appear rather sloppy despite her fashion sense. She can't seem to get her bows or ribbons straight. She pulls on her sleeves, and her shoelaces tend to get untied. She is also a messy eater despite also being very motherly/nurturing. It can paint a conflicting image.
Kyoko is someone who takes it upon herself to adjust Momina's appearance. She sees her brother in Momina, and it initially leads to her to Momina. Although her eventually adoring Momina is also because of who she actually is.
Another who ends up fixing Momina's appearance is Hayato. Unlike Kyoko, he doesn't ask permission and kind of just does it while scolding her. "How'd you even get the bow like that?!" Momina, who can be petty, will sometimes go: "Sorry, dad...!" Which only angers and embarrasses Hayato. It especially annoys him because Momina never reacts like that when Kyoko does this. She simply thanks her and gives her a big hug. [I wonder why the difference in treatment...!? Clearly a mystery...!]
Jojo and I like thinking that Haru ends up in the same high school as everyone else, and so she ends up picking up this habit with Momina as well. Hayato and Haru fuss over her the most, with Haru going as far to wipe and dab at Momina's face for her. It embarrasses Momina but because she knows she means well she doesn't really say anything. [However she does tell Miruku later over the phone. Sobbing, "these two girls at the Cafe snickered at me after Haru did that!!!"]
Parentified and infantilized at the same time... truthfully, this is one of the reasons Momina's favourite person is Miruku. Miruku understands Momina's health issues but doesn't infantilize her. Always listens to her and is understanding of her anxiety and [over]protectiveness as well.
I've gone on tangents but wanted to speak on why Momina's hair tends to have messy strands strewn about or her ribbons are loose and angled funny. If I could draw shoes properly her shoelaces' bow would be verticle!!
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thefourpoints · 5 months
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Follow the compass East to find harmony.
Alongside the eastern coast, where the waves of the Whipping Sea beat roughly onto the rocky cliffs, lives a peaceful and fun-loving group of cats who never let anyone else shake their faith in each other and themselves.
Are you a lost wanderer, looking for somewhere to call home, but hope to find a place full of love and understanding? The Clowder beckons you East.
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At a Glance
Deity: Prosperity/Tugging Current Element / Season: Water, Spring Main Teachings: Harmony and Wisdom Lifestyle: Relaxed and easy-going - the Clowder values peace and positivity Education: Trainees are trained at 8 moons old by the senior members Leadership: Non-traditional monarchy - the title of Watcher of the Rain is usually passed down through the bloodline, but the Clowder isn't strict about it and don't care much for blood "purity" Naming: Two-word system; often words relating to the sea or ocean life; ex: Soaring Auk, Thundering Wave
Region: The Whipping Sea Camp: Peace Cove Environment: Vast open ocean, beaches (mostly rocky, some sandy), soaring cliffs Flora: Very low vegetation - some shrubs further inland and within the Cove, seaweed, dune grass Fauna: Fish (drum, bass, tuna, perch), large marine animals (dolphins, sharks, barracuda, marlin), semi-aquatic animals and birds (sea snakes, gulls, terns, sandpipers)
The Clowder Throughout History
The Founders (Years 0-13)
Founded by a cat named Auk, who discovered Prosperity living alone by the sea and became their companion. Prosperity showed Auk the way of peace, love, and wisdom; teachings that he would then go on to demonstrate to other lone cats, showing them how to live off the coast and live a life full of harmony. Auk eventually became Soaring Auk and the leader of the newfound Clowder. Prosperity, feeling fond and like their work was completed, vanished into the ocean to leave their companion to his new life.
The Age of Sucession (Years 14-27)
Soaring Auk goes missing, and many Clowder cats assume his longing became too unbearable and he joined Prosperity in the sea. The Clowder wishes him well, and Soaring Auk's youngest child, Dolphin Cry, is looked at as the next Watcher of the Rain.
The First Compass War (Years 28-34)
The Clowder remains uninvolved for a large chunk of the War. Because they rarely venture inland, the War went over for almost two years before they even discovered it's happening, and even then it was from a passing remark by a loner about all the bloodshed further west.
When the Wings initially reached out to the Clowder, nearly four years into the war, Dolphin Cry refused to provide assistance. It wasn't the Clowder's fight. While some of the eastern cats disagreed, there wasn't any opinions strong enough in the Wings' favor to justify speaking out. However, when the younger sister of a deceased Feather came alone to plead their case again, this time striking fear in Dolphin Cry's heart by claiming that the Empire will push further east and kill them too, he agreed to help.
The Clowder heads west to help the Wings plan how to take down General Silkweaver. Dolphin Cry becomes even more sympathetic to their cause by seeing how the Empire's destruction has affected them. The Clowder joins to the Wings in the final showdown with the Empire, only to be shocked and horrified when Loyalty, the Empire's Divine, moves to strike down Silkweaver. The younger sister who had pled the WIngs' case to the Clowder, and subsequently vanished, emerges from the river to rip her apart instead. Upon vanishing again, after declaring that the War is over, the sister gains the moniker Estelar and becomes the first ruler of the Fury.
The War of Flames and Flood (Years 35-39)
Post-War, many Clowder cats stay behind the help the Wings rebuild, most notably Dolphin Cry's son, Thundering Wave.
Thundering Wave only intended to stay for a few moons, but ended up falling in love with a gentle tomcat of the Wings, and ending up staying closer to two whole years with the southerners to be with him and become his mate.
Throughout that time, Dolphin Cry's mental health began declining rapidly, and he begins to resent the Wings for stealing his son. Thundering Wave chooses to leave his mate and return home to try and soothe his father, but to no avail - Dolphin Cry merely turns his resentment towards his own son, instead.
After months of tension, Thudering Wave's mate heads east and try and check on him, only to be cornered by Dolphin Cry against the cliffs of Highstones. Thundering Wave manages to convince his father that there was no deeper threat from the Wings at all, that he just fell in love and that is why he stayed. Luckily, the two mates were able to soothe the tensions before bloodshed could occur, but the incident still gained a nasty moniker in history.
The Golden Age (Years 40-47)
Dolphin Cry has stepped down as Watcher, due to his realization of his actions and his failing mental state, and lets Thundering Wave take over, mate at his side. Due to this new leadership, the relationship with the Wings repairs itself rapidly.
Trade is established between the newly-four groups.
The Second Compass War (Years 48-52)
The Clowder knows nothing of Scorch's plans to frame them for the murder of the Fury's royal family, until Scorch's mother informs all of the leaders after his murder. Harsh Sand, the newly-titled Watcher, hesitantly agrees to head north to help clear up the confusion with the other leaders; however, they end up encountering a Fury on the way by the name of Wynather, alongside the Wing assassin's mangled body. Wynather waves off the other leaders, claiming that they knew the truth of the assassinations and no harm was done, and announced themself the new Monarch in the North.
The Council of the Four Points (Year 53)
The Empire's General, Iceheart, comes up with the idea to meet every moon to discuss grievances and any other updates between groups to avoid miscommunications. The other's agree - nowadays, the leaders often skip the meetings and entrust their Ambassadors with the honor.
The Wolf Queen (Years 54-Present)
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Four Points is an upcoming semi-literate, 18+ roleplay that will be hosted on Discord. More information can be found at @thefourpoints.
Send in an ask if you have any questions about the Clowder and Co.!
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manawari · 1 year
Han Islat. Yes, that's the whole post.
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43 notes · View notes
Only other thing I've got to say about the spring broken is
Boyfriends of all time💖
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femmeroi · 1 year
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I bet Asuka has the capability to be silly like Fubuki, unfortunately we only see her during the worst moments in her life
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hawleywilby · 9 months
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