#marques pombal
momo-de-avis · 1 year
Here's something else that's just terribly fun and a lot more to add to the mystery that is my great-grandmother's non-existence in the records.
At my grandmother's birth, she was registered as being from "Marquês de Pombal", a known roundabout in Lisbon. In Portugal, you were registered in the freguesia (or parish) you were born or, as it happened back in the day, where you were baptised.
Marquês de Pombal, I thought, had to be named something different at the time.
Problem is, 1) Marquês de Pombal is called Santo António today, and that is an amalgamam of 3 other freguesias (São Mamede, São José and Coração de Jesus, for those interested in the history of Lisbon's parishes), and 2) I don't think Marquês de Pombal was ever a freguesia.
And finally, 3) it didn't fucking exist in 1929, when my grandmother was born.
So either: A) it existed for a short period of time, and that was about when they registered my grandmother in the civil registry (whether when she was born or later), or B) my family's registry fell at the hands of the fucking stupidest public employees who just pulled freguesias out of their asses for some reason.
So now I have no fucking clue where she was born AT ALL. The fact is this woman seems to have been poor, she had two illegitimate children from two different fathers, and one of them was from Alfama, the poorest part of the city. Marquês de Pombal, and what comprises its surrounding areas, is literally the richest part of the city, known in the 19th century and early 20th to be where the richest lived. No fucking way she lived there.
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twafordizzy · 1 year
Cees Nooteboom: 'niet alles tegelijk'
Als ik dit schrijf vieren we het feest der boeken met de Boekenweek. In De Volkskrant las ik dat biograaf en schrijver Onno Blom zich verdiept had in de beste boekenweek-geschenken. Daartoe behoorde Het volgende verhaal van Cees Nooteboom. Een blik op de boekenkast en ik vond dat exemplaar. De hoofdpersoon gaat in Amsterdam naar bed en wordt ‘s morgens wakker in een hotekamer in het Portugese…
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runway-mag · 16 years
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Serra da Estrela e a Moda
Porque falar de moda, é também falar do sector têxtil,decidi dar-vos a conhecer a Serra da Estrela. Um aglomerado montanhoso onde se situa o ponto mais alto de Portugal Continental, a 1991m de altitude. É uma formação granítica, onde existem vestígios de povoamento pré e proto-histórico. Na era do Império Romano, a região era denominada “Montes Hermínios”, e habitada pelos Lusitanos. Seu caudilheiro, Viriato, é um símbolo que personifica, a identidade nacional dos portugueses.
Para além de ser um local de grande interesse turístico, devido às suas belas paisagens, desportos de Inverno (ski e snowboard) e ao facto de ter um ecossistema único, é também, devido à tradicional criação de ovelhas, uma região excelente produtora de matérias-primas, já descoberta por marcas de renome internacional. O trabalho das lãs existe na Serra da Estrela há 800 anos. Inicialmente como manufactura, e mais tarde como industria, é considerado um dos principais centros europeus de produção de lanifícios. Duas ribeiras atravessam a cidade da Covilhã. Estiveram na origem do seu desenvolvimento, pois forneciam a energia hidráulica necessária ao trabalho das máquinas. Junto a estas ribeiras, existem ainda hoje dezenas de edifícios muito antigos, considerados “arqueologia industrial”, bem como a “Fábrica-Escola”, fundada em 1681 pelo Conde da Ericeira, junto à “Real Fabrica dos Panos”, fundada em 1763 pelo Marques de Pombal. Esta, é actualmente sede da Universidade da Beira Interior, onde se encontra também o “Museu de Lanifícios” que é considerado um dos maiores núcleos museológicos da Europa.
Actualmente, as indústrias tradicionais de exportação – vestuário e têxteis – estão a modernizar-se, devido à concorrência asiática. Os baixos custos, combinados com o livre acesso aos mercados da União Europeia, traduzem-se de há alguns anos a esta parte, numa “invasão” de lojas chinesas, que comercializam os seus produtos a preços impossíveis de pôr em prática pelo sector. Em contrapartida, Portugal aposta na qualidade, versatilidade e flexibilidade. Apesar de as fábricas se terem vindo a modernizar, passando a investir na formação profissional dos seus técnicos e empresários, há ainda um longo caminho a percorrer. A indústria têxtil portuguesa, produz anualmente 40 000 km de tecido, e é fornecedora de marcas como Armani, Yves St Laurent, Hugo Boss, Calvin Klein, ou Christian Dior.
Texto: Inês Soares Foto: Humberto Soares
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tuliofagim · 1 month
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o pombal do marquês | Booklet / Livreto | 250×200 mm | 48 pgs | 10 08 2024 1606
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messysuitcaseblog · 2 months
Arriving in Lisbon
It’s Messy Suitcase’s first visit to Portugal, and Bob is traveling alone! He plans to spend a few days in Lisbon courtesy of a layover opportunity through TAP Air Portugal.
Because his flight landed at 530 AM, Bob stowed his luggage in Lisbon through an app called Bounce so he could explore the city before he checked into his Airbnb. He discovered amazing tilework in the cobblestones, plazas, parks, the Marques de Pombal statue, Avenida Libertad, and a lot of truly brilliant architecture.
Of course, he hopped onto the Hop On Hop Off Bus and gave us his impressions from the top of the HOHO. He got on the first one of the day, and found it to be a great way to get oriented to the city despite jetlag.
Bounce app
Lisbon Tourism
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bialtocom · 4 months
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Lisboa - Praça Marquês de Pombal -|- Feito em Cortiça https://www.bialto.com/listing/lisboa-praca-marques-de-pombal-feito-em-cortica/18411431
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quartodeviagem · 6 months
LISBOA BUS TOUR PT.4, em um dia de chuva, Portugal 🇵🇹 | (4K) #94
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Lisboa, Portugal
September 2, 2023
While our maps in the US state the capital of Portugal is Lisbon, everyone else calls this city Lisboa - including people who live here - so I'm calling it that too.
We had a great time today exploring Lisboa using the Hop-on, Hop-off bus. We really like this type of overview of a city ESPECIALLY the day after we have had a long travel day. We kind of do a "Hop-on, Stay-on" version - doing a lot of looking, listening and learning. Today, we stayed on for the first 13 stops and then "Hopped-off" in time to take a 2 hour cruise on the Tagus River or Rio Tejo
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Lisboa is built of very charming neighbors, many of them very unique. Most of todays tour was in the south west areas - primarily Belém. The best part of the "Hop On - Hop Off" bus today was when we Hopped-On after our cruise and saw dear friends Charlotte and George right on that bus. How fortuitous was that?!?!?
Every traffic circle (and there are many!) has a statue commemorating some famous Portuguese person or event but the one closest to us is Marques de Pombal.
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Ok - so who is the dude and why do we care? Well, the real reason we care is because we are staying in Marques de Pombal Hotel, but the reason we should care involves the 1755 earthquake that killed 1/3 of the population of Lisboa.
Read what the Encyclopedia Brittanica says about that event:
"Lisbon earthquake of 1755, series of earthquakes that occurred on the morning of Nov. 1, 1755, causing serious damage to the port city of Lisbon, Port., and killing an estimated 60,000 people in Lisbon alone. Violent shaking demolished large public buildings and about 12,000 dwellings. Because November 1 is All Saints’ Day, a large part of the population was attending mass at the moment the earthquake struck; the churches, unable to withstand the seismic shock, collapsed, killing or injuring thousands of worshippers.
Modern research indicates that the main seismic source was faulting of the seafloor along the tectonic plate boundaries of the mid-Atlantic. The earthquake generated a tsunami that produced waves about 20 feet (6 metres) high at Lisbon and 65 feet (20 metres) high at Cádiz, Spain. The waves traveled westward to Martinique in the Caribbean Sea, a distance of 3,790 miles (6,100 km), in 10 hours and there reached a height of 13 feet (4 metres) above mean sea level. Damage was even reported in Algiers, 685 miles (1,100 km) to the east. The total number of persons killed included those who perished by drowning and in fires that burned throughout Lisbon for about six days following the shock. Depictions of the earthquakes in art and literature continued for centuries, making the “Great Lisbon Earthquake,” as it came to be known, a seminal event in European history. "
What it didn't say is that after the earthquake the water from the Tagus River estuary was sucked out to sea. Those people who were not killed as the churches collapsed ran toward the sea. The waterless Tagus revealed many shipwrecks - undoubtedly laden with treasure - so the crowds rushed into the mud. 45 minutes after the earthquake the tsunami hit Lisboa - a wall of water 20 feet tall.
Pombal served in many government roles including ambassador to England. By 1755, the King appointed him Prime Minister. Impressed by English economic success which he had witnessed as ambassador, Pombal successfully implemented similar economic policies in Portugal. Then came the earthquate.
 Pombal led Portugal's recovery from the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and modernized the kingdom's administrative, economic, and ecclesiastical institutions. His name was really Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo but he was indeed the Marques de Pombal. I read a lot about his guy and he did a lot of good things - but he was no saint. His brother was the Grand Inquisitor and he worked against that practice until it was greatly weakened and faded - and I'm saying that is a good thing. ANY inquisition - a tribunal set up to arrest and try people for crimes against the Catholic faith - turned out badly for many, many people. He also thew the Jesuits out of Portugal because their teachings of science and math forbade new thinking BUT he ruled with an iron fist - and was seldom merciful or kind.
Pombal banned the import of black slaves within Portugal and Portuguese India, and instead fostered the black slave trade to Brazil, reorganised the army and the navy, and ended the Limpeza de Sangue (cleanliness of blood) civil statutes and their discrimination against New Christians, the Jews that had converted to Christianity, and their descendants regardless of genealogical distance, to escape the Portuguese Inquisition. Even with so many progressive ideas, when King Joseph died in 1777 and his daughter Queen Maria I was crowned she fired Pombal and issued the first restraining order in history. The Marques could not come within 20 miles of her. If she traveled near his home - he had to get out and stay out until she was 20 miles past his place. Frankly - this cracked me up. Queen Maria's beef - she was educated by the Jesuits and thought the Marques had treated them badly. So - she showed him. He died in 1782. Good or bad - he has a very impressive statue right outside our hotel. Don't worry I won't get that involved in every traffic circle statue.
I do need to talk a bit about King Manual. During the reign of Manuel I (1495-1521) the Age of Discoveries was in full swing and Portugal's expanding empire began sending back inordinate amounts of wealth. What do you with wealth beyond your greatest dream - build stuff.
The architectural style of these buildings was named after the king and was reflective of the age with elaborate stonework featuring motifs inspired by both maritime and Christian themes. "Manueline architecture" as it is known, is at its heart Late Gothic, but what defines it is the use of lavish, themed ornamentation. Doorways, columns and windows would be encrusted in opulently carved stonework which might be considered over the top if it were not so beautiful. Seeing this will blow you mind and there are plenty of examples in Portugal - but the most beautiful place is in Lisboa, Jeronimos Monastery.
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We drove by that today and I am not sure we are going to visit this - but I hope so. Mark and I were here 10 years ago and we visited so I'm sharing pics we took then. Simply amazing...
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Another beautiful example of Manueline architecture is the Belém Tower below:
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The original purpose was to serve as a point of embarkation and disembarkation for Portuguese explorers and as a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon- but its latest use was as a political prison during the reign of Dictator António de Oliveira Salazar  1932- 1968. Thankfully that is over and now it is a UNESCO site and enjoyed by everyone.
Below is Monument to the Discoveries. It is also beautiful.
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This monument has two sides with discoverers galore. It was build in 1960 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Henry the Navigator's death. (Henry stands at the front holding the famous caravel ship. He is leading the likes of Vasco de Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan and every Chistopher Columbus (who the Portugeuse claim as their own) and many more whose names I may had read in middle school, but mean pretty much nothing to me now. Anyway - the statue is lovely and each person on the monument is a hero to the Portuguese people.
Most of our travel buddies are sleeping in the hotel tonight but we haven't seen them yet. We will do that tomorrow. Lucky us!
That is it for tonight. I had a nice nap this afternoon, that may have been too long, so now it is midnight.
Good Night!
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momo-de-avis · 2 months
Sugestões de livros
Fica aqui para que parem de me mandar ask. Notem que isto não é só coisas que eu li, são também sugestões de colegas e amigos que confio muito.
Reis e rainhas:
Toda a coleção da Temas e Debates de biografias de reis e rainhas
Rainhas Medievais de Portugal de Ana Rodrigues de Oliveira
As Avis, Joana Bouza Serrano
História de Portugal Geral
História de Portugal tanto do Rui Ramos como do José Mattoso, sendo o segundo da Círculo de Leitores portanto só se consulta em biblioteca e sao livros de cabeceira
Grandes Mistérios da História de Portugal, Fátima Mariano
História, Arte e Literatura, Diogo Ramada Curto
História Global de Portugal (autores Vários)
Portugal na Idade Média, Sérgio Luís de Carvalho
História da Vida Privada em Portugal, José Mattoso (vários volumes por épocas, só estou familiarizada com a Idade Medieval)
Breve História de Portugal / Brevíssima História de Portugal (são 2 livros distintos) A. H. de Oliveira Marques
Fath Al-Andalus, Marcos Santos
Lisboa Árabe, Sérgio Luís de Carvalho
Portugal na Espanha Árabe, António Borges Coelho
Cristãos Contra Muçulmanos na Idade Média Peninsular, Carlos de Ayala e Isabel Cristina F. Fernandes (Coord.)
História Judaica e Inquisição
História dos Judeus Portugueses, Carsten L. Wilke
Judeus Portugueses, Esther Mucznik
A Perseguição Aos Judeus e Muçulmanos de Portugal - D. Manuel e o Fim da Tolerância Religiosa (1496-1497), François Soyer
Lisboa Judaica, Sérgio Luís de Carvalho
Inquisição e Cristãos Novos, António José Saraiva
História da Inquisição Portuguesa, Giuseppe Marcocci e José Pedro Paiva
História de Lisboa
Rainha dos Mares (Queen of the Sea em inglês), Barry Hatton
Lisboa Desconhecida e Insólita, Anísio Franco
História Gastronómica de Lisboa, Manuel Paquete
Lisboa em 10 Histórias, Joke Langens
Lisboa Revolucionária, Fernando Rosas
Lisboa no Liberalismo, Victor de Sá
Lisboa Manuelina, Helder Carita
Caminhar por Lisboa, Anísio Franco
Segredos de Lisboa, Inês Ribeiro e Raquel Plicarpo
Diário de um Viajante a Lisboa, Henry Fielding
Era das Luzes
O Marquês de Pombal e a sua Época, J. Lúcio de Azevedo
Século XIX
1808, Laurentino Gomes
A Republicanização da Monarquia, Maria de Fátima Bonifácio
Século XX
O Século XX Português (Vários autores)
Portugal Entre a Paz e a Guerra, 1939 - 1945, Fernando Rosas
Curiosidades, assuntos específicos e tópicos nicho:
Portugal Insólito, Joaquim Fernandes
História Global da Alimentação (Vários autores)
Quinas e Castelos, Miguel Metelo de Seixas
They Went to Portugal, Rose Macaulay
Heroinas Portuguesas, Fina d'Armada
O Pequeno Livro do Grande Terramoto, Rui Tavares
(Des)colonização e raça:
Roteiro Histórico de uma Lisboa Africana, Isabel Castro Henriques
Portugal e o Século XX: Estado-Império e a Descolonização, Fernando Tavares Pimenta
Lisboa Africana, Sérgio Luís de Carvalho
Um Mar da Cor na Terra, Miguel Vale de Almeida
Ecos Coloniais: Histórias, Patrimónios e Memórias, de Ana Guardião, Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo e Paulo Peixoto
Caderno de Memórias Coloniais, Isabel Figueiredo
Escravidão, Laurentino Gomes
"Modo Português de Estar no Mundo": O luso-tropicalismo e a ideologia colonial portuguesa (1933-1961), Cláudia Castelo
Outras cidades:
Porto Insólito e Desconhecido, Germano da Silva
Cascais, Raquel Henriques da Silva
Qualquer livro da Scala sobre qualquer palácio público, inclusive os da Parques Sintra (Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, Palácio da Pena, Palácio da Vila, Mosteiro de Alcobaça que eu tenha)
vou atualizando à medida que vou descobrindo livros por aí
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latribune · 1 year
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jorginho1g · 2 years
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Marques de Pombal Sábado 25 de Fevereiro 15h00 Nu bai ... . . . . . #manifestudio #manifesto_day1 #manifestobar #manifestaçãosp #manifestacao #brmanifesto #curlmanifesto #manifestors #manifestomagazine #manifestaçãopatológica #manifestoskatepark #manifestunes #manifestaçãodoreino #streetlightmanifesto #manifesto #manifesto13 #manifestomx #manifestor #manifestacaoeabundancia #manifestação #manifestaçãodedeus #manifestomarket #manifestomusical #manifestoches #manifestum #manifestacaocultural #edsmanifesto #intags #motivationmanifesto #manifestoday1 (at Marques De Pombal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoixIfVKY43/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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megacoeh · 2 years
Marcha pela educação, 14 de janeiro, 14h Marques de Pombal
Marcha pela educação, 14 de janeiro, 14h Marques de Pombal
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pacosemnoticias · 2 years
Sindicato convoca greve de professores para todo o mês de janeiro
O Sindicato de Todos os Professores (S.TO.P) decretou greve para todo o mês de janeiro de 2023, como forma de protesto pelas últimas decisões do Governo, nomeadamente a transferência da Educação para as Comissões de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional (CCDR).
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O despacho do Conselho de Ministros n.º 123/2022, publicado na quarta-feira, determina a transferência, a partilha e a articulação das atribuições dos serviços periféricos da administração direta e indireta do Estado nas comissões de coordenação e desenvolvimento regional.
Após este despacho, “o S.TO.P. já enviou pré-avisos de greve para todos os dias de janeiro”, já que é “gravíssimo” passar da “entidade centralizada a nível nacional para entidades regionais”, disse hoje aos jornalistas, em frente da Faculdade de Economia de Coimbra (FEUC), o coordenador nacional do S.TO.P., André Pestana.
Cabe agora às comissões de coordenação e desenvolvimento regional “acompanhar, coordenar e apoiar a organização e funcionamento das escolas e a gestão dos respetivos recursos humanos e materiais, promovendo o desenvolvimento e consolidação da sua autonomia”, lê-se no despacho publicado em Diário da República.
“Os professores de uma forma clara têm demonstrado com esta luta que não querem, de facto, passar a depender de agradar com perfis ou outros métodos ou critérios subjetivos, e por isso, claramente, queremos manter a graduação profissional como o único critério para a colocação, de uma forma transparente, com uma lista em que qualquer pessoa pode verificar se houve ou não houve ultrapassagens indevidas”, sublinhou.
André Pestana aproveitou a ocasião para desafiar o ministro da Educação, João Marques Costa, a fazer uma sessão de esclarecimento conjunta, um debate ou uma conferência de imprensa, com responsáveis sindicais para clarificar a população.
O S.TO.P. rejeita que a gestão das escolas, particularmente no que respeita ao quadro docente, passe para as comissões de coordenação e desenvolvimento regional, nomeadamente com a criação do conselho local de diretores intermunicipal para a distribuição de professores, já que tira “transparência ao processo” e consequentemente prejudica a aprendizagem dos alunos no futuro.
Para sábado, está convocada uma manifestação nacional na Praça Marquês de Pombal, em Lisboa, e nessa altura os professores vão discutir a sua suspensão ou continuidade da greve.
Uma greve por tempo indeterminado convocada pelo S.TO.P. está em curso desde sexta-feira em protesto contra as propostas de alteração aos concursos e para exigir respostas a problemas antigos.
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issonaoeumblog-r · 2 years
aula 21 de julho
Com as reformas educacionais do Marques de Pombal novas ideias iluministas passam a assolar o território brasileiro. A educação que era antes muito vinculada a crenças, depois da expulsão dos jesuítas passa a ser controlada pelo Estado. Surgem as aulas régias (avulsas).
*Marques do Pombal era iluminista na Europa, no Brasil ele já não era tão a favor.
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reviewfinder · 2 years
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bialtocom · 4 months
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1925 - selo 20 - Imposto Postal, Marquês de Pombal (usd) https://www.bialto.com/listing/1925-selo-20-imposto-postal-marques-de-pombal-usd/18360366
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