#marriage box
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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genderkoolaid · 9 months
from a muslim background, it is not xenophobic to be against polygamy, because in most cases it is indeed a man having control over many women, instead of true love.
But by that logic, why not be against marriage in general? Since in many cases, monogamous marriage is about cis men having control over women instead of "true love"?
The problem is not polygamy, its the systems of oppression that exist where polygamy is legal. Polygamy is no more inherently oppressive towards women than monogamy is. But monogamy is seen as natural and good and capable of being grounded in "true love," whereas polygamy is seen as inherently bad and controlling and only about greed, and this actively furthers discrimination against polyamorous people who are denied the ability to marry their partners. & Western society is capable of having this perspective of monogamy vs polygamy because polygamy isn't a tradition in Western culture. Its very easy to view foreign things involved in oppression as "Clearly Evil" while familiar things involved in oppression as nuanced and capable of reform.
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letswonderspirit · 1 year
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fashion sheet 🕺
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
listening to an analysis of sansa - by a CHILD THERAPIST i think this is a great angle, recced by @transdimensional-void - and he said something about Sansa seeming a bit lonely, which made me think about how like, for both Theon and Sansa, there’s an enddate to what they feel is a sort of misery (tho wildly different sorts of miseries) - one day she’ll be married and a proper lady surrounded by other proper ladies and not in the drab, dull north, and one day Balon will die and Theon will be Lord of Pyke and not under constant threat of death meant to be loyal to a family who cannot conceive of the stress he’s under. Contrast to Arya & Jon, who don’t have that “end date” to look forward to - Arya will never be free to live the way she wants, at some point her tomboyishness will stop being cute to the men around her and start being a sign that she’s too wild, and Jon will never be free from the taint of bastardry so long as he lives, this confusing underclass of man where he is noble by birth and yet also lowborn and unworthy is a fate he can never truly escape.
I think it explains both why Theon & Sansa romanticize the terrible things around them, with the repeated focus on beauty, on songs and stories, because they want to live up to the expectations by being the Perfect Lady and Perfect Wife, by being the Perfect Hostage and Perfect Lord, because this freedom they’ve built up in their minds has to be worth it. Theon was taken away from home for this, Lady died for this, it HAS to be worth the cost. BUT ALSO, whereas, because Jon and Arya feel there’s no reprieve coming, there’s nothing good in their future, there’s an emphasis for them on the idea that who they are now isn’t wrong, or dirty but instead a strength. They don’t deserve the bad that happens to them, but their identity as outsiders makes them suited to survive it, and their suffering has ~meaning.
But for all four of them, what ultimately matters is identity - whether they are hoping for the day when they’ll stop being who they are or dreading it, or outrunning it, all four have to grapple with a changing identity and come to terms with the idea that there is nothing wrong with who they are, but there IS something wrong in how they were all raised to believe they must change to accepted.
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zoynkzz · 2 months
I've decided that Grant and Marco definitely met on a minecraft server when they were 10. Like, playing skywars or hunger games or some shit. And they kinda stopped talking when the Forgotten Realms stuff happened, but they reconnected a year or two after and they had an intensely gay mutual pining stint througout highschool/college until Grant finally visited one summer and they were engaged within the month. I just think it'd be funny
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
love figuring out what each companion’s individual idea of the master is based on their limited experience of them. like to martha and jack, that’s a guy who tortured them and their families for a year and then the doctor sobbed over his corpse and it was kind of weird. to wilf, that’s the garbage pit freak who he had nightmares about before he whitewashed obama and then the doctor made a love confession to him? to clara, that’s the doctor’s evil best friend(?) lover(?) worse(?) who made her boyfriend into a robot and also tried to kill her once. and to jackie tyler, the master is a guy who got tied up in her kitchen once by alien tinsel and was so humiliated by it that he gave up his evil plans for the day to go home.
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banjjakz · 6 months
I loooove arranged marriage + affair fics! Are we thinking reader being younger than gojo? I kinda have a thing for poor young lovers dmdmkkd
[arranged marriage au og post]
“poor young lovers” well you’ve come to the right place anon!
arranged marriage AUs are in & of themselves quite compelling. however, it wouldn’t be a banjjakz story™️ if there wasn’t a twist — in this verse, i’m convinced that is is gojo himself who orchestrates the arrangement. subtly slipping your family portfolio into the thick file of potential brides mulled over by clan elders; bribing various transport companies to cancel certain train times so you are forced to meet him “by chance” while riding a different line than your normal choice; he might even go so far as to directly proposition your parents & involve them in the scheming from the beginning.
with this in mind, you could honestly be any age & still would he consider you his fated beloved.
certainly, a younger betrothed comes with all kinds of salacious implications: that you’re too naïve to recognize your husband’s obvious manipulation of circumstances, that you think the way he treats (read: controls) you is commonplace.
if you were significantly younger than gojo, your affair with yuuta would provide her a necessary learning curve into the cunning, brutal social ecosystem of powerful jujutsu sorcerers. you might even learn how to sway some currents, yourself.
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love-triangles-au · 4 days
now Ven's family consists of a son and a husband?)
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Essentially! ...For now, at least. c;
~ Mod Emily 🦇
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sotiredmostnights · 2 months
while shojo romance will ALWAYS be superior to shonen romance, it is nice to see the trends in shonen romance shift from "loser guy who doesn't know how to talk to women gets a harem out of nowhere" to genuine explorations of romance from a male perspective (insomniacs after school), characters with ambition outside of romance (blue box), and romcoms that are actually funny (marriage toxin)
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kkencess · 1 year
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one night, levi ackerman.
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𖤐 summary ─── a young woman in the medical field is assigned to care after a worldwide known boxer, levi ackerman. a man whose arms she found herself awakening into, the previous morning.
𖤐 status ─── currently unfinished, still being written. will reveal the word count after i sum it up soon, still a bit new to this!
𖤐 warnings ─── nsfw content, sexual content, bloody descriptions, cheating while engaged, kinks mentioned in chapters, and descriptive fighting scenes. get ready to be on your toes with this book! chapters are in order beneath this border! 
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𖤐 chapters ─── prologue. chapter one. chapter two. chapter three. chapter four. chapter five. chapter six. chapter seven. chapter eight. chapter nine. chapter ten. more chapters added later! book isn’t complete.
© kkencess. don’t steal my work, please.
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attackoneyebrows · 1 year
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i miss you.
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poetrylesbian · 9 months
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i have no control over my hair, ever
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oldworldwidgets · 5 months
here she is. officially. my beloved fallout 4 oc delilah !!!! first piece done by @zetobii and the second by @leavingautumn13
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i dont draw so all art of delilah comes from my dear friends who draw her for me/with their ocs and tell me i can post it OR from commissions. what i can do, however, is write <3 and make playlists and pinterest boards for visuals <3 so prepare urself <3
speaking of which, you can find her playlist here and her pinterest board here!! theyre chronological, so listening/scrolling in order should more or less tell her story too
ok so: her appearance, personality, stats, story, and some fun facts are here under the cut (its a lot fyi ok i just love her so much) pls enjoy
delilah lore (delilore?) be upon ye:
24 years old, 5’10”
very fair skinned with bright green eyes and jet black hair
her hair is wavy and flows down to the middle of her back. she has one small braid behind her right ear
covered in freckles, from her nose to her knees. she has a tiny scar above her mouth from a past split lip and a slit in her opposite eyebrow from a past black eye
midriff is heavily discolored from past bruises - the pigmentation never fully went away - and marred with keloid scars from deep cuts from things she refuses to talk about. if her dress has a high enough slit, bruises can peek out near the very tops of her legs
large black kingsnake tattoo wrapping up a her left arm with its head near her shoulder and its tail near/on her hand
she can almost always be found in her wine-colored silk dress that reaches only about mid-thigh, nails manicured and lips painted to match. it has spaghetti straps and is loosely bodycon.
she wears stacks of gold rings (as many as possible, really) and dangly gold snake earrings
the only things she keeps on her person are the dagger and the gun strapped to her thighs under her dress. her gun was a gift from KL-E-0. it is a custom gold-plated, silenced 10mm. lilah named it "Mine"
if fo4 had a karma slider, lilah would land pretty firmly on evil. on a dnd alignment chart, think chaotic neutral or neutral evil
SPECIAL: 2, 8, 2, 10, 7, 4, 3
she's not strong nor has much endurance, but when you're as smart, perceptive, and charismatic as she is, you can charm people into carrying your stuff for you anyway.
her perks are party girl (alcohol/chem resistance), black widow (damage/persuasion against men), night person (higher int at night), and intimidation (pacify, instruct, and force opponents to attack). and deacon's cloak and dagger, of course.
cold, calculated, distant
cares about very, very few people (and even fewer things) but is fiercely loyal to those people. she's a railroad agent, but only because deacon cares about the cause and she begrudgingly cares about deacon
she and deacon clash. he refused to even vouch for her admission to the railroad. she gets along much better with glory, but she still gets assigned to run jobs with deacon because they keep each other in check and are deadly efficient as a pair (theyre also in love but they keep it a secret from everyone including each other)
she cares about very very few people but it fiercely loyal to those people. she is a railroad agent, but only because deacon cares about the cause and she "begrudgingly" cares about deacon (she cares literally so much do not let her fool u)
her moral compass is not magnetic. right and wrong is whatever she wants it to be. she takes no issue killing people if they wrong her. sexual harassment or subterfuge/targeted deception send marks to the top of her hit list.
her story:
her birth name is allie eden
she is not a sole survivor; she was born into the capital wasteland chapter of the brotherhood of steel. despite sentinel lyons' best efforts, delilah responded far better to scribe training than to combat training
she and arthur maxson were the only two kids in the citadel, and they became fast friends, even after the lyons pride crumbled and maxson was appointed elder.
he appointed her his sentinel, second in command, which she embraced until she saw how terribly the wasteland was faring under his leadership.
she promptly absconded and, because she had been so sheltered until that day, quickly lost herself to chems and alcohol.
months passed in, thanks to all the blackouts, what felt like hours. one night, allie woke up in a warm bed that she did not fall asleep in. a man named dante deangelo had pulled her body from a D.C. gutter and made sure she was safe.
in no time, they fell in love and decided to escape to the commonwealth. they found a small, basement apartment in goodneighbor and allie began tending bar at the third rail.
dante, slowly but surely, became more abusive. he left bruises and deep cuts on her body anywhere her third rail uniform would cover. she stayed, though, because she'd been raised by the brotherhood to believe that love was harsh and painful. to obey without question. to submit to authority.
eventually, she tired of that life and snapped, killing dante before he could leave any more marks on her. something... shifted. maybe it was allie eden who entered their apartment that morning, but it was delilah who left it that night.
KL-E-0, who was quite fond of allie and is far fonder of delilah, fitted her with pistol, Mine.
instead of hiding behind the bar like she had when she was with dante, she began to use it to her advantage. every dusty drifter with full pockets full of caps left her bar empty handed. but it wasnt enough.
she began targeting triggermen, who she knew were peddling chems for... someone in goodneighbor. the moment a man started flirting with her (which she hated), it was like a red dot sight appeared on their foreheads. she'd seduce them, take them back to her apartment, get her caps and chems and information, and the men would never be seen again.
morowski, goodneighbor kingpin, eventually approached her at work about his shrinking pool of chem peddlers. they struck a deal: he would slip her into his operation as his newest arm candy, and she would peddle his chems at her bar.
it worked flawlessly until morowski actually fell in love with her. go figure. unless, of course, that was lilah's plan all along...
while she's still participating in this farce with morowski, she meets drummer boy, who she ends up truly enjoying the company of even despite her general distaste for men. eventually, he convinces her to join the railroad with him
because morowski is in love with delilah, she has no issue squeezing information out of him when deacon asks her to: morowski is an institute informant. lilah quickly, uh, deals with that problem, and the next days, morowski is found dead in his office at the rexford. cause of death: self inflicted gunshot wound. what a tragedy.
because delilah was his "other half," his unofficial widow, she inherited morowski's whole chem operation
now, she happily spends her days directing the triggermen and tending her bar - for fun and for information, at this point, because she certainly doesnt need the caps. when she needs to run for the railroad or her beloved friends need her professional black widow skills, whitechapel charlie is "happy" to cover for her. as happy as he can manage, anyway.
fun facts:
she is terrified of storms, heights, and violent outbursts from people she trusts
her name comes from the bible story of sampson and delilah, where delilah is paid by the government to seduce sampson (a man of god) and tempt him to sin by telling her what gives him his inhuman strength. after three attempts, she is successful. sampson tells her that god gives him his strength through his hair. she then cuts his hair, which ultimately leads to his death. i mean what a bad bitch
she is still deeply unhappy even after she wraps goodneighbor around her finger because she still doesnt know who she is
she's skeptical of maxson's move to the commonwealth. she is very much on the run from him (and the bortherhood as a whole), and ham happily vets drifters for her to ensure theyre not undercover brotherhood before letting them into the bar.
she and maccready arent exactly "friends" but they harbor mutual respect for each other since they spend so much time together. mac had to call her off like a guard dog when winlock and barnes paid him a visit, so shes confident he would do the same if the brotherhood ever came knocking.
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
7 - The Waring Battlefield
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Part 8
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons
A Few Weeks Later
The tent flap got pushed opened revealing Chezney coming inside my tent. She was wearing a light blue cloak over a darker blue dress. She had her hair loose and two pieces pinned up. “Haelesa. Let’s go exploring.”
“We’re in a war camp, Chez. I don’t think that’d be a good idea.” Sitting upright on the edge of the bed in the tent. I was in a red lion tunic and trousers having my hair completely loose falling down my shoulders.
She put a hand on her hip scowling at me. “We can’t remain in our tents forever. So I’m going with or without you.” Her hair got thrown once she spun around on her feet leaving me until I briefly decided to follow her regardless.
Jaime and I had only spoken briefly since his father had put him in charge of the Lannister army. I took great appreciation in the fact that he had allowed us to come along with him for whatever reason I wasn’t sure yet. My assumption was to hide the fact that I was still a maiden and not soon to be with child. This concept was a lovely thought, I still had doubts that was his plan. Chezney and I had our cloaks tightly around us walking through the camp until I saw there was an escape hole and most of the camp was busy preparing for the wounded coming in and the new soldiers going out. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and be able to see some of the battle.”
“Haven’t you seen the battle plans?” My best friend asked me.
“Believe me. I’ve attempted but wasn’t allowed in. Now keep your head and voice down and follow me. Quickly now.” I warned her to hurry as quickly as possible. Throwing my cloak hood upwards to shield my head bolting towards the entrance before anyone could catch us and she met up with me.
Stumbling into the side of a large tree slightly on the hill side my vision could see the flat battlefield of Stark and Lannister men running straight towards the other. Weapons drawn from all sides and the red blood scattered across the grass. “This might be a bad idea. What if Jaime gets killed or captured?”
“Aren’t you the same person who told me repeatedly that he’s the best swordsman in the seven kingdoms. He’ll probably be fine.” I glared at my best friend turning my attention back on the battle before us.
We remained watching for awhile sitting on the ground until Chezney heard some twigs snapping behind us. “What was that?”
“It’s probably nothing. Just a squirrel or something.”
She began panicking. “No. I heard something, Hael’s.”
“You’re being ridiculous. We are in the middle of a forest. There’s tons of different noises and things out there.”
Chezney got to her feet frantically looking behind us. “You don’t think they would send out scots to come capture some people from the Lannister camp would you?”
“Do I look like a battlefield expert to you? Now pay attention we don’t want to miss them - seven hells they have Jaime!” I instantly saw some men manage to grab Jaime and manage to shove him into the mud. "Jaime!”
“Haelesa! They’ve got me.” Chezney suddenly screamed with someone dragging her away from me.
“Chezney, let her go - ugh!” Reaching for my sword I attempted to draw it out and attack whoever it was until someone began shoving their rough hands on me. I thrashed around feeling someone shove their hands over my mouth. Whoever my holder was they managed to shove a bag over my head and bound my hands in metal restraints.
The person holding me dropped my body into some mud speaking to whoever was in charge of this. "I found two girls watching the battle from the treeline. One wears the Lannister cloak." The hood is yanked off my head tousling my hair around and in front of my eyes where I have to blink a few times before my vision clears. Another guard dropped Jaime beside me where I see he has cuts of blood and dirt on his hair and in his golden hair.
"By the time they knew what was happening, it had already happened." Blinking my eyes a few times I recognized my brother's voice following his movements to see him standing beside my mother wearing full armor. "Haelesa. Chezney, what are you doing here?"
Jaime tilted his head interrupting our conversation before I could reply. "Lady Stark. I'd offer you my sword, but I seem to have lost it." I could hear his breathing was uneven from the fight.
"It's not your sword I want. Give me my daughters back. Give me my husband." Lady Stark spat towards him eyeing me while I was still chained on my knees.
Jaime dropped his gaze to the mud slumping his shoulders. "I've lost them too, I'm afraid."
“We simply wanted to watch the battle, Lady Stark. We never thought we’d get captured even though I told you something was watching us.” Chezney snapped at me on her knees locked in chains just as Jaime and I were in the moment.
Rolling my eyes I met Lady Stark’s eyes. “Not the time, Chezney!”
“My lady wife just couldn’t bear the thought of being away from me.." Jaime teased her with a smirk as I gave him a death glare, he wasn’t helping the situation. Neither of them were.
Robb knitted his brows together looking like he might try and kill the lion right at his feet. He rested a hand tightly on the handle of his sword angered for a reason I couldn’t place. “Robb, please don’t hurt me and Chezney. He asked us to accompany him but we weren’t meaning to spy I swear.” I exclaimed holding up my bond wrists pleading that he would release me.
"What are we going to do with them?” Lady Stark eyed her eldest son.
Theon Greyjoy suggested staring down at him while he still held onto the rope connected to my chains. "Kill him, Robb. Send his head to his father. He cut down 10 of our men...you saw him."
"He's more use to us alive than dead." Robb trailed off drawing his sword walking over and cut the chains off my wrists.
Knitting my brows together I was taken back by what he had just done. I suspected I would have been a prisoner just like the Lannister lion at my side. “You’re letting me go?”
“You and your friend, yes.” Robb moved a step over sliding the restraints off of Chezney too. He offers me his freehand, bright eyes pouring down into mine so gently. "Take my hand. I’m not going to hurt you, Haelesa.”
Lady Stark tugs me away from Jaime looping my arm through hers speaking to the guards holding him. "Take him away and put him in irons."
"We could end this war right now, boy, save thousands of lives. You fight for the Starks, I fight for the Lannisters. Swords or lances, teeth, nails ... choose your weapon and let's end this here and now." Jaime leaned forward attempting to persuade my brother before the men locked him away in chains.
Robb stands beside my side putting his sword back in its holder. "If we do it your way, Kingslayer, you'd win. We're not doing it your way." He snarled down to my husband watching the guards drag him off towards the cells
Chezney asked the young one once his men had dispersed and his mother had gone along with them. “So you aren’t going to put us away in chains?”
“No, this war is not between you and Haelesa.” He explained gesturing his head in the direction of his camp and some tents that they had set up. “Come with me. I’ll show you to my tent and we can have one made up for the two of you to share.”
The three of us walked through the camp stopping outside of a tent before a man with a completely white beard came over in our direction addressing him. “Lord Stark?”
“Lord Umber, please inform some men that I need a new tent to be pitched up for Lady Haelesa and her friend Chezney. They will be staying in our camp now.” Robb gestured between the two of us.
The elderly lord nodded, walking off. “Of course, my lord.”
“Thank, Lord Stark.” I curtseye to the young wolf and Chezney did the same addressing him.
Shifting my attention to the young wolf I sent him a half smile joyed to see him after months of being apart. He was different than the last time. He now was working on growing a nice stubble on his chin and his natural curls were a lot more curly. “I thought we made an arrangement, Haelesa.”
“My apologies, Robb.” I felt my face turning red missing the way my name sounded coming from his lips.
Chezney nudged my arm pulling us from our comfortable silence that had fallen between me and the young lord. “Hey I’m getting hungry. We should look for some food.”
“Uh yes. There should be some food being prepared for the evening.” Robb shakes his head pulling himself from his daze. His gaze lowered down to our still interested hands before he finally separated from me. “I'll see you later, Haelesa.”
Chezney wisseled for my attention seeing as I hadn't moved away from him. There was a comfortable feeling that I could sense between me and Robb. A comfort that I hadn't felt with Jaime since I had met him. “Robb, I…Could I see you later if you've got time?”
“Absolutely.” He answered me back with a half smile. Nodding my head I spun on my feet looping my arm with my best friend, feeling a bright smile grace my lips.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
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imagine you are baela targaryen and you want to name your daughter after your long dead mother. your husband lets you because it’s a suitable Velaryon name. the husband that you love because he acts like your dad is acting like your dad by fucking your niece, who is the same age as your grandson. he will carry on this affair until you are both dead.
you are elaena targaryen and the only freedom you’ve ever known is with your aunt’s husband who is older than your father. when they are all dead, you marry the grandson of your lover. you want to name your daughter laena, as a way of remembering baela & alyn and everything you all put each other through. your husband agrees because you’re both half Velaryon and he likes that you share this. you are not in love but you are happy. a war breaks out and he is murdered in front his mother. you have just suggested his niece marry a prince.
you are laena velaryon 2.0 and you marry a nice man around your age and have many children. your first born doesn’t marry for a long time but when he does, he makes a match with your cousin, who had an affair with your father that emotionally wrecked your mother. a war breaks out and you watch all of your sons die one by one except the very youngest, and they call this a mercy.
you are aelinor penrose and your husband refuses to consummate your marriage and you attempt to shame him for this. a lifetime ago, your auntie elaena told you a story about her sister who did the same thing, and it got her locked up for years, but your smart, savvy auntie elaena tells your husband he can live his life as he pleases without destroying his wife, and you think of the way your auntie elaena and grandma laena can’t even look at each other anymore, and you figure maybe you got lucky.
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meirimerens · 1 year
thinking about how mishandled the herb brides are because like. The Text tells us they're not sexual beings (P1 mentions them being virgins, engaged to the Earth, and not to be touched even by their husbands, almost, for a lack of a better word and to conjure an image more than anything, priestess-types) and that their dances are nonsexual and sacred (all all true and correct) WHILE. giving them detailed / 3D modeled nipples. topless. clothes very conveniently torn [in ways that would be unrealistic for actual dancing like in the fucking moshpit]. all pretty thin hairless white-passing blemishless 20-something women. being already sexualized as white-passing asian women, but if they looked more like other NPC models/members of the Kin like the Kayura models (which to me would make more sense because they are never mentioned to be mixed in the way Artemy, an indigenous man who's blonde blue eyes due to being mixed, is [while still very much being indigenous and it being a central part of his story]), it would be even more obvious and would steer even more into Very Blatant fetishization of asian women. and then one asks, are they white-passing because they're sexualized? are they sexualized because they're white-passing? was it an admission of guilt to not make them look like Kayura model, because it would be too obvious then? or is it an admission of lust for women more white-passing? is it about beauty in the eye of the beholder?
then there's bewildering and dehumanizing lore of members of the Kin being non-humans, through the existence of the Worms (literally half-soil), them being a (more or less literal) hivemind, and that being "less human"/closer to the earth (nice_dichotomy_what_lies_outside_of_it png but also... the game touches on that...) immunizes them to the Earth's disease... and yet the Brides look like women... pretty thin hairless white-passing blemishless 20-something women who someone found wise to give 3d modeled nipples to, still good for the ritual cutting... do you hear how i'm going mad yet...
edit to add because while i was so mad and it WAS in my mind i just didn't have the strength to add it when i first wrote:
and they're bought and traded between the odonghs they pair with (again, closer to cattle or things) ... ladies there's so much. there's too much.
#werewolf tearing shirt off again#ah well. [lets myself drift away in the images i've made of the brides and my constant quest to humanize them and respect them and#make them diverse and full of life. which i might never manage to and yet i try.]#also i was thinking like. their celibacy + virginity + central spiritual place in the kin do be reminding me a lot of priestesses#[really sorry for boxing them in like that but if there is stuff of the same thing just with another name imagine i used it here#i just don't know any other]#and priestesshood famously was an option for women to avoid marriage; and often domestic/sexual servitude to their husbands#same for nuns who are also said to be like. ''engaged to christ'' in their own way (again only making tangentially similar patterns;#not calling the Brides nuns of course)#so having them be Said to be nonsexual [until they're said to be etc] while being Shown as sexualized it's like. oooh the misery#neigh (blabbers)#disclaimer i'm white & i'm sure Many indigenous women regardless of origins have touched on this in more direct and deeper ways i ever coul#oh there's also the fact that the kin is said in design document to mirror in ways 19th century native americans#and the herb brides going to sexualize themselves in the B.H. ''for outsiders'' (p1 dialogues)#mirrors native american women being pushed in brothels from the crushing roller of colonization stripping them of land#pushing them into poverty and homelessness#in ways that i um. raised eyebrow emoji to say the least. find deeply uncomfortable.
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