#married millenial
fly-the-pattern · 5 months
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 5 months
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snackugaki · 2 years
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tmnt au (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, and they deserve some goddamn respite) - visiting for Lunar New Year 2; lny visit 1
tmnt au part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
tmnt au omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 
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harpalion · 2 months
my roommate is so annoying... we were just chatting and i mentioned that me and my gf want to get married at some point and they Immediately with 0 prompting starting talking about how them and their partner will never get married because he would lose his benefits and also because he is so anti-marriage just as like a concept that he won't even go to his friends' weddings. and then my roommate was like "there's so many cons to getting married you should really think about it it's actually usually pretty bad". like..... ok ? what. quit projecting onto me and my relationship -_-
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videoworm · 3 months
Currently at my nephew's birthday party and at the one hand there are a bunch of young parents talking about family planning and parenting and their careers and stuff. And on the other hand there are a bunch of hyped up children (screaming, shouting, running, laughing incredibly shrill (great for them but bad for my sensitive ass))
Could not feel more out of place
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bisexualgoth · 10 months
i love my work bestie but she's so fucking annoying sometimes fucking hell
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july-19th-club · 1 year
kev and fangs actually living the most realistic postgrad life like kev went to carnegie and wound up stuck right back in his own hometown where he got a job at the high school as Every Single Teacher (still not paid enough to live in an apartment two other people aren't also paying on) fangs against all odds made it to high school graduation, got into a state school, graduated from college - but with a degree he absolutely does not use and debt up to his eyeballs no doubt and is paying on the same apartment. and driving trucks for a living
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wilder-fangirl · 1 year
am i insane for being perturbed when straight people exclusively refer to their boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife as their partner? it feels like virtue signalling and like they want people to think 'ooh maybe they might be gay' and they want people to think that because they think being gay is trendy or something. lady i don't care if you're in your 40s and not married to the guy that is your boyfriend and we're not going to think you're cool because you're sprinkling a possibility of queer mystique into the conversation
if there's something i'm missing like please enlighten me
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poisonandpages · 5 months
Me: uses pinterest to look up fantasy art and movie screenshots Pinterest: Bro are you SURE someone your age doesn't want to look at engagement rings and furniture inspo? We've got so many minimalist adverts you wouldn't even believe
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bicripple · 2 years
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reflection-s-of-stars · 11 months
Every fan interpretation of the Fifth is like “oh they’re the parents of the group and the Wise Old Elders” meanwhile they’re fully in their late thirties. Magnus is 38 and Abigail is 37 when we meet them in Gideon. If they died today they would’ve been born in the late ‘80s. Those aren’t grandparents. Those are millenials. They’re not even the oldest people at Canaan House (Colum may or may not be the same age as Magnus and Protesilaus is older than both of them), it’s just that they’re married and have stable jobs that aren’t Battle Butler and Death Wizard. They don’t use mid-twentieth-century British slang because they’re old, they use it because they’re from the Fifth and also because Abigail’s just Like That.
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mauveberries · 6 months
my chronically annoyed ass comes across one of those "canon characters react to fanon ships" and one of them was tomarry and in the post, harry's like, "UM EW WTF.. blah blah" and i just got So pissed, like, just because the ship that you like is canon doesn't make you morally superior! obviously canon harry wouldn't want to get fucked by voldemort! but you do realise that talented people who make this pairing plausible with their amazing writing skills and headcanons exist, right?
and another post that was like, "i can't believe millenials get these amazing ships like jily, remadora, hinny, (continues stating het canon pairings) but gen z decided these were trash because they were fxm... and decided drarry, tomarry.. (continues stating gay pairings) etc. were better," and, like,
NO???? you just stated the most bland, boring pairings in the whole series?? it's not our fault your reading comprehension is so abysmal that you think jily, a white heterosexual couple that got married straight out of highschool is more interesting than the hot mess that is drarry/tomarry???
like, i'm not bashing you for liking canon pairings, but it is factually untrue that fanon pairings are automatically less interesting than canon pairings! that's a you problem! your statement reads like you think heterosexual pairings are better than homosexual pairings and i hope you realise that just sounds homophobic.
and also! grindeldore doesn't count! there is no canon evidence for it. jkr did say it was canon, but it... it literally wasn't in the books.
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I try to go out of my way to let people know if I like something that they're doing, because people don't really notice the good things of themselves or aren't aware that other people notice. Or occasionally, they might not be aware that something about them that they're not observing is a positive thing. It reflects and bounces back and forth, and we all need some random positivity around.
Made a post a while ago about this guy whom I met through my publisher, whose name I had honestly forgotten/missed completely, wanting to note down how this dude made me see just how much the southern US kind of rural "redneck" stereotype that I'd only seen depicted - largely in a negative, classist light - really is rooted in a genuine type of people, who not only exist, but are just the same type of people as my mother's side of the family in rural Finland. And that weren't for the complete language barrier between people who don't speak a word of english, and people who don't speak a word of finnish, they'd have much to talk about - more in common than I really do with either of them.
What I hadn't expected were a few people tagging the post as "gender goals" - I honestly hadn't even thought of this cultural observation from a gender presentation point of view - but I thought that he himself might find this amusing. After sending my publishers the initial message I realised that wait shit, they're all late millenial bordering-on-gen-X cis guys, I'll need to translate this. I started going into what the hell any of that even means, explaining the concept of transition goals, of how trans people go about gathering inspiration of just what kind of men/women/nb they want to be, and taking notes of the kind of gender presentation they personally like.
Typing it out, I kind of started also getting a clearer picture of how much of a significance that kind of thing can have, even when remarked half-jokingly. Of what I put together, this guy has been in kind of a rough patch in life - freshly divorced after getting married too young, he's been up in the air in his mid-30s trying to figure out how to build up a life in his own image as an independent adult, after marrying his high school sweetheart wasn't Happily Ever After after all.
So maybe he would like to know that there's people on the internet who are trying to figure out how to present themselves, and what kind of a man they want to be, who read my rough description of my impression of him - that I wrote without thinking much more about it at all - and thought "I like what this guy is doing. This is what I'd like for myself."
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mulderscully · 7 months
smth abt living at home at 30 is how... it's pretty normal in a lot of cultures to live at home til you're married, and now it's actually p common for millenials and older gen z people to live at home due to the state of the economy but at the same time there is an inherent shame to being 25+ and not having your own place - esp if you're usamerican. this gets even worse when things actually do start to happen a lot faster as you get older. for example i planned to live at home til i finished school. that was 23/24 for me since i started school at 20, graduated hs at 19. when i was 24 i was about to move out and had some major health issues and had to stay, then when i was gonna move out again the pandemic happens. pandemic happens i'm 26. over the pandemic, the economy gets worse, i lose a major chunk of time and oh shit i'm 30. and it's like BRO HOW AM I 30? it's been the most nutso decade i swear. and i don't even hate being 30, being 30 is fine whatever. but it happened so fast.
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nona-gay-simus · 10 months
Goddamn it, I can't stop thinking about Jod. This man has dug his claws into my brain and he won't let go.
- known name: John Gaius
- Presumably changed it because he married the Earth?? Feminist king tbh
- bisexual
- loves puns
- Obsessed with the Antiquity period and classical lit
- body like a history teacher
- eyes like Edward Cullen (for a time)
- ate 1/3 of the Earth's soul
- stole her eyes?? So now they look like black holes
- probably made out with the Earth at some point, let's be honest (in her Barbie body)
- started a nuclear war
- genocided billions of people
- changed his friends names and erased their memories
- let hlaf his friends kill the other half and eat their souls
- Despite this, still has Millenial Dad vibes
- my poor little meow meow
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halsinsnaturepocket · 5 months
Hello Halsinners
Welcome to my writing blog where only god and strangers on the internet can judge me.
My main blog is @carmsgarms ; congrats you've found me out I'm a ✨️pervert✨️
If you know me in person no the fuck you don't 💜
You can call me Carm. (Or carms) my pronouns are she/they
This is basically my this-is-too-hot-for-main and me-ranting-about-my-writing sideblog because my sibling and some irl friends follow me there and they don't need to know how feral and horny I am for pixelated characters (Especially Halsin, Astarion, and Karlach. Mostly Halsin.)
My Writing
You can find me on Ao3 here
my writing tag
Join my taglist!
Half Awake, Fully Horny
HalsinxReader / HalsinxYou oneshot
In Progress:
Taming the Bear [pt1] [pt2 I'll get there eventually]
sub!Halsin x Sylvia (druid Tav)
Yearning for a Taste [pt1] [P2 IN PROGRESS] [writing process tag]
TavHalStarion with some voyeurism
A Strange Fruit [writing process tag]
Halstarion short. Astarion sees Halsin eating a particularly messy and juicy fruit and is just...enthralled. Yes this leads to him licking fruit juice off of Halsin. There may or may not be a bear blowjob.
Other WIPs:
In Search of Freedom - my self-indulgent triad longfic featuring Astarion x Sylvia x Halsin. The three of them are just looking for freedom and find themselves landed in the chaos of the main game's events, and find comfort in each other. Sylvia and Astarion start off as enemies, then lovers, than friends. Halsin and Sylvia fall for each other hard but try to pretend they don't. Astarion finds comfort with Halsin in ways he's never experienced. It's a very complex web that will hopefully lead to a happy little polycule.
Priest!AU Halsin [need I say more]
Coffeeshop AU [obviously]
Karlach x Shadowheart [it's way down at the bottom of the list I'm so sorry]
About Me
I'm married, half Hispanic (I'm not...completely fluent in Spanish but I can get through the basics) poly, pan/bisexual, demisexual, genderfluid [she/they] early 30s millenial. And a pisces. 100% a feral goblin. (But usually, I just say I'm queer🏳️‍🌈🐌)
I have an English degree with a minor in professional and creative writing. What am I doing with that degree? Writing fanfiction, because that degree is not what's keeping the bills paid. I realized after graduating I like writing the same way a lot of people like drawing - it's a hobby and a passion, not a career. Though bg3 has got me writing more so...maybe I'll take it more seriously again.
I was diagnosed with ADHD in the 90s so you know it's bad. Which means I go through intense periods of hyperfocus and writing followed by an agonizing lack of motivation and a tendency to jump around depending on what my brain latches onto.
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