#mars finishES SAB
The Dating Game [Part Two]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauders Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, James Potter x Original Female Character, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: James Potter, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Dorcas Meadow, Original Female Character, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Sabrina Lovegood
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5897
Summary: James and Sabrina decide to play the dating game.
Tags/Warnings: Fake Dating, Fake Couple, Kissing, Jealousy, Quidditch, Arguing, Angst, Fluff, MASTERLISTS // TAG LIST
Notes: Sabrina face claim Sabrina Carpenter <3
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Following their agreement James and Sabrina hadn’t really spoken about what ‘dating’ would mean. Now that she was no longer sulking he suggested they go and finish studying in the library rather than a drab toilet block and in there it was too crowded to talk about logistics which is probably why she found a very frantic looking James loitering in the common room the following morning, trying to appear as though he wasn’t waiting for her. 
‘Hey Sabs,’ he said, with an awkward smile as she appeared from the staircase. He was dressed in a shirt and jeans, his coat tossed over the ratty couch he was perched on the top of, talking to Sirius who turned as she appeared.
‘Hey,’ she said, glancing at Sirius. She was still miffed at him and irritated that her heart sped up at a mere glance his way. He too was dressed in muggle clothes but where James stayed neat and presentable (until it got to that messy mop of hair) Sirius seemed to thrive in scruffiness. His T-shirt hung loose on his athletic frame, his jacket was unzipped and his choice of shoe was a pair of doc martens she knew he’d bought to annoy his mother. He looked effortlessly cool and irritatingly handsome.
‘We’re waiting for Moony, heading off to the village if you want to join?’ James said.
‘Oh I think I’m meeting Mar,’ Sabrina said which was true but from the look on James’ face she knew it wasn’t a casual invitation. He wanted to speak to her. Sirius however didn’t catch the look on his friend’s face and grew sheepish, appearing to take her rebuttal as a continuation of her sulking.
‘I think she already went down with Mary,’ Sirius said quietly.
‘Oh,’ Sabrina replied.
‘Like I said, you're welcome to join us,’ James said, his eyes widening with suggestion. Sabrina smiled in recognition, ‘yeah, why not.’
‘I’ll just go and check where he is,’ James said, pushing up off the couch and heading to the stairwell. Once he was gone, just leaving the two of them behind in awkward silence, Sabrina folded her arms across her chest suddenly very interested in staring at the soft pink of her new nail polish. She could feel Sirius watching her and she could hear James’ words in her head - ‘He’s different when it comes to people he cares about’. She wanted to believe that was true but she still felt unsure until she heard him clear his throat to get her attention, his face remorseful when she looked up at him.
‘We’re alright aren’t we?’ he asked, genuine worry weaved in his tone which admittedly made her feel better.
‘You upset me,’ she said truthfully.
‘Never said I wasn’t a prat,’ he said, nudging her foot with his shoe. Sabrina smiled and rolled her eyes, ‘at least you’re aware.’
‘Yep,’ Sirius grinned, ‘even if I wasn’t the bollocking James gave me is enough to get anyone up to speed.’
‘James bollocked you?’ she asked, shocked.
‘Him and Moony take it in turns,’ Sirius said, ‘they have a point though. Sorry about yesterday.’
‘It’s fine,’ she said.
‘Yeah?’ he asked.
‘Yeah me and James talked it out. Not a big deal,’ she said.
‘Oh good,’ Sirius said, only half surprised it had been James to convince her to let him back in her good books. After all, cleaning up his messes was practically James’ full-time job at this point, ‘he’s a good one that Prongs.’
‘Yeah he is,’ Sabrina agreed. 
‘So what do we do?’ James murmured in Sabrina’s ear. He was standing behind her, perusing the table of neatly stacked books or at least pretending to. They hadn’t gotten a minute to talk about anything let alone tactics and she could tell he was growing antsy with waiting. Whenever they did pranks it was like this, where the others could bide their time and plan he wanted to rush in hence why he’d asked Lily out nigh on fifty times this year. Sabrina picked up a book and turned to show it to him. To anyone else they’d just look like they were perusing the offerings of Hogsmeade finest book shop, Tomes and Scrolls, rather than planning a fake relationship.
‘What do you mean?’ she asked quietly.
‘Well do I ask you out? Do we hold hands and tell them we’ve got together?’ James probed. 
‘No, no nothing like that yet if we go over the top they’ll know somethings not right,’ she reasoned to herself more than anyone. No, This needed finesse. 
‘So what?’ James asked, taking the book from her and flipping through a couple of pages. It gave her an excuse to lean in, close enough no one would be able to hear without being stood right next to them, placing her hand on his arm as she looked over the book.
‘I don’t know, maybe you mention how we had a good chat yesterday, lay the foundations of something changing, spend some time together just the two of us and then just announce it happened naturally.’
‘Mm,’ James said, his gaze still on the book, his glasses perched on the end of his nose.
‘What?’ Sabrina asked self-consciously. James grinned, ‘nothing. But considering you’re not a marauder you’re quite good at this prank stuff.’
After the bookshop they decided to head to the three broomsticks to avoid the slight chill blowing through the village which had been trying its best to bask in the spring sunshine. It was crowded inside with other students having the same idea but they spotted Marlene and Mary tucked away at the back, waving them over.
‘Fancy a drink?’ Sirius asked, looking back at his friends as he headed towards the bar.
‘Butter beer please mate,’ James said.
‘Make it two,’ Remus added.
‘Bri?’ He asked. Sabrina hesitated and glanced at her watch. She’d only come to the village for quills but since they were early she’d opted to follow them around. Now time was ticking on and though she’d come inside to get out of the cold she did have a choir practice to get to. But Sirius was watching her, those puppy dog eyes in full force. He’d been better today, overcompensating for their crossed word but still his natural charming self. She loved him like that and unwilling to let it go just yet she said, ‘a quick one. I’ve got choir in an hour.’
Sirius gave her a fake salute and headed to the bar before she headed to join the table of her friends. Marlene and Mary were on a booth side and Remus and James had taken a stool each around the table which meant there was only one seat left at the table and glancing around she didn’t spot any others free. Noticing her predicament James scooted over, leaving half a seat for her to perch on, his arm around her hip so that she wasn’t falling off. None of them seemed to notice because Mary was too busy grinning at her friend as she said, ‘hey Sabs.’
‘Hi,’ Sabrina replied.
‘Thought you couldn’t stay in the village today,’ Mary said casually though her eyes were locked on Sabrina as if she had something up her sleeve.
‘I’ve gotta go soon,’ Sabrina said, as Sirius appeared at her side and placed a tray of butterbeers on the table. He doled out the drinks, receiving looks of appreciation in return as Mary continued, ‘that’s a shame you could’ve said hi to Gabe. He’s been looking over here every five seconds.’
‘I’m not stopping,’ Sabrina said, fighting the urge to look at where Gabriel was sitting. 
‘He’ll be crushed,’ Marlene giggled. Sabrina said nothing and picked up her butterbeer, taking a sip and hoping the sweet foam would be enough to make her not feel guilty about turning the boy down. Though as she did she locked eyes with Sirius who seemed unsure about how to tackle the topic given his previous input had not been well received. As he lowered his gaze though he noticed James’ hand planted firmly on Sabrina’s hip, his thumb entangled in the belt loop. Which is probably why James felt her tense, uncomfortable at the scrutiny, and promptly changed the topic to quidditch.
Sabrina kept quiet though most of the afternoon. It wasn’t exactly comfortable sitting in the pub feeling three sets of eyes on her but she didn’t want to flee for the second day in a row. James kept glancing at her making sure she was okay given how quiet she was. Sirius kept looking at her oddly, as if he wanted to ask her something but couldn’t find the words. And there was a distinct hot patch on the back of her head where Gabriel kept staring, not stupid enough, probably hurt but too proud to come and ask if she had lied about being free to spare his feelings. 
Fortunately time finally ticked on close enough to her choir practice start time that her leaving wouldn’t be weird. With an exaggerated look at her watch she grabbed her bag and said, ‘I should probably head back. I’ve got choir practice.’
‘Rather you than me that wind looks Baltic,’ Mary said, looking out the window at the wizards and witches who hurried past looking windswept and ruddy from cold.
‘I’ll be fine,’ Sabrina said, grabbing her bag from under the table. Even though she’d only gone down to the village for quills it had managed to become quite heavy, with not only her extra spoils but Sirius, James and Remus’, all of them looking at her with begging expressions before she took whatever they’d bought and dumped it into her bag. She groaned under the weight. 
‘Here give us that,’ James said, taking the bag from her, unbothered by the heaviness, ‘I’ll walk you up.’
‘You don’t need to,’ Sabrina said though her shoulder was already aching from the tiniest lift.
‘I don’t mind,’ James said, standing up tall and placing the bag on their vacated stool whilst he got his jacket on. Sabrina looked at him curiously but not having the time to waste threw on her own coat. 
‘Why don’t we all head back,’ Sirius said, looking between them both.
‘Nah it’s alright mate,’ James said, swinging the bag over his shoulder, ‘right Sabs?’
‘Yeah,’ Sabrina said, unfurling her hair from where it nestled in the collar of her coat, ‘see you guys later.’
‘See you later,’ Mary, Marlene and Remus replied as the pair began to weave through the tables. Sirius watched them go before turning back to his butterbeer, a pout on his face.
Mary was right, the wind was bitter outside, hitting Sabrina’s face like little needles as they made their way through the village and onto the path back to the castle. She was quiet, focusing on trying to stop her teeth from chattering when she felt James’ eyes on her and looked to find him watching her, a smile on his face.
‘What?’ she asked with a smile.
‘Nothing,’ he shrugged, ‘you okay?’
‘Fine why?’ she replied.
‘You felt off, in the pub I mean,’ he said. He had been watching her most of the time, quiet and thoughtful. Sabrina sighed, ‘I felt bad about Gabe.’
‘Ah,’ James said. They had slowed down, the path in front of them now slick with a thick, muddy puddle that students had churned into slop as they walked to and from the village. James moved to the edge of the path and took a long stride, dipping his trainers in the shallowest spot of slutch so that he could launch himself to the other side of the water. Sabrina watched him go with envy. He was quite a bit taller than her and had an athletic grace about him that helped him get along with no issue at all. For her it was probably going to be a staggered squelch through the muck that would leave her muddy for choir practice and that was if Filch didn’t catch her first.
‘Here,’ James said, seeing her trying to plan her route. He offered his hand out, and she took it gratefully, allowing him to direct her until she was safely on terra firma.
‘Thanks,’ she said, as they started up the path. To her surprise he didn’t let go of her hand, his slender fingers wrapping around her small ones. His hand was cold, but so was hers so she couldn’t complain.
‘You didn’t have to come with me you know,’ she said. The castle was coming into view now, the grey stone looking darker as the bright spring afternoon lit it from behind.
‘I wanted to make sure you were okay,’ he said, offering her a smile that grew cheekier as he said, ‘besides a boyfriend would.’
Over the next couple of days Sabrina and James put all their efforts into seeming quite the couple. They didn’t tell anyone but they did everything they could to arouse suspicion. Sitting together at meal times, disappearing to the library together, appearing together everywhere they went. She laughed at his jokes, an obscene giggle she had never heard come from her lips before and he was distinctly more familiar with her, carrying her bag, letting her rest her feet on him when they lay on the couch, her head on his shoulder during long study sessions. It didn’t take long for people to start noticing the difference but it was a while before anyone dared ask outright and of course it was Mary who did it first.
‘Okay what’s going on?’ she said, turning to look at Sabrina who had been sitting on the bench beside her reading her book instead of watching the gryffindor quidditch practice she’d been dragged to. She had been endeavouring to watch, something that the girlfriend of a quidditch superstar would do, but the game didn’t really interest her and so she had given up half way through. Apparently so had Mary, watching her instead of the game, an accusing look on her pretty face.
‘What do you mean?’ Sabrina asked, closing her book as she mustered her most innocent expression.
‘You and Potter,’ Mary said.
‘What about me and Potter?’ Sabrina asked.
‘Somethings going on,’ Marlene said from Mary’s other side. Sabrina looked between them, not daring to look at Lily beside her as she took a breath and said, ‘we’re dating.’
‘I knew it!’ Mary giggled.
‘Oh my god,’ Marlene gasped.
‘Since when?’ Lily asked, decidedly less amused than her other friends. Sabrina looked at her, a sympathetic smile on her face. Lily looked irritable but Sabrina knew there was only one reason for that. She didn’t have much chance to dwell on it though as Mary slapped her thigh to get her attention and said, ‘come on.’
‘Oh, um, about a week,’ Sabrina said.
‘How did that happen?’ Marlene asked excitedly.
‘We just got to talking, after the Gabe thing, I was a bit upset and he checked up on me. He was really sweet actually,’ Sabrina blushed.
‘But I thought he liked Lily,’ Mary frowned.
‘Probably just like winding me up,’ Lily sniped.
‘He wasn’t,’ Sabrina said, ‘but you don’t like him right?’
‘Course not,’ Lily said, utterly unconvincing. Marlene and Mary shared a look as a palpable tension settled between the girls.
‘Because if you do I would-’
‘I don’t like James bloody Potter,’ Lily grumbled.
‘Okay, okay, just checking,’ Sabrina said. She’d known the redhead was stubborn but this was unparallelled. Fortunately Mary was the one who spoke next.
‘Well that’s good. If you two like each other why not,’ Mary said, ‘he is proper fit.’
‘Hey you should be careful Mary, he’s a taken man now,’ Marlene giggled, deepening Lily’s scowl.
‘I don’t mind,’ Sabrina giggled, trying her best to ignore the red head. After all, she had a chance to speak up now but she wasn’t. She could put a stop to all this lunacy once and for all if she was just honest with herself and still nothing.
‘I bet,’ Marlene said, before she stood up, noticing that the team were now descending one by one to the ground and headed into the changing rooms, ‘c’mon they’re finished.’
Sabrina stood, throwing her book back into her bag and smoothing out her skirt until it was no longer crumpled. As the girls shuffled out of the bench Lily placed her hand on Sabrina’s arm forcing her to stop, ‘congratulations I suppose.’
‘Thanks,’ Sabrina said and with that Lily pushed past her and followed her friends down towards the changing rooms.
Sabrina trudged along behind them rolling her eyes at how stubborn Lily was being. She just wished she would get it over with. Be open and honest about her feelings for once. After all, hadn't she been putting James through the wringer just for the sake of it? She tried to put it out of her mind and let her sulk, but her idea was thwarted as Mary called out to where James and Sirius were appearing out of the changing rooms, now decked out in their normal clothes rather than flying gear.
‘Oi Potter,’ she hollered, causing the pair of them to look her way, ‘congrats.’
‘What for?’ James asked, his brow furrowed. Sabrina knew where it was going and rather than have Mary scream it throughout the grounds she pushed herself forward and said, ‘I told them.’
‘Told them, oh, told them,’ James said, his thoughts clicking into place as she stared at him pointedly, ‘thanks MacDonald.’
‘Told them what?’ Sirius asked gruffly from beside him.
‘We’re dating,’ James said, offering an arm out for Sabrina to climb under. She moved quickly to him, nestling into his side in a way that made Mary and Marlene giggle and Sirius and Lily’s unimpressed looks deepen.
‘Since when?’ Sirius asked with a scowl.
‘About a week,’ James said, analysing his best friend's face for any trace of anger or hurt, not entirely unconvinced Sirius wouldn’t lamp him then and there. But no, Sirius was much too proper for that and forced his face into something neutral, his anger not on James but Sabrina as he accusingly said, ‘I thought you didn’t want to date anyone.’
‘Well he’s not just anyone is he,’ she said, ignoring the flutter in her stomach at his disapproval instead leaning into James’s shoulder. Lily looked away.
‘Soppy gits,’ Marlene teased.
With that they made their way back to the castle, Hogwarts hottest couple striding ahead with Marlene and Mary asking several questions as they headed back up the path to the castle. Sirius and Lily brought up the rear, trudging silently behind their friends, sulky faces mirroring one another. 
After a while Lily managed to get a hold of herself, scarfing down dinner and proceeding to the library, but Sirius remained glum and muttered something about heading to bed the moment he’d finished his pudding. James and Sabrina shared a look but said nothing other than polite goodbyes. 
When James did go to bed all three of his dorm mates were already up there pottering about their bedsides as prepared for sleep. James went to his bed without a word, kicking his shoes under the bed and shirking his jacket off. Remus was sitting in the bed next to him, reading peacefully, and he could hear Peter in the bathroom finishing up brushing his teeth before he appeared a second later. He didn’t dare look over at Sirius who was throwing his clothes wherever they landed as he shoved on his pyjamas. James had just pulled his shirt off when he heard Remus speak, not looking up from his book as he said, ‘the rumour mill says you and Sabs are dating.’
As his gaze went to James so did everyone else’s, Peter's mouth dropping open as he heard the news for the first time. He could feel Sirius glaring at him but he kept his focus on Remus as he replied, ‘yeah we are.’
‘Since when?!’ Peter gasped.
‘Couple of days,’ James shrugged, for once feeling hot under true scrutiny, his normal penchant for attention all but vanished.  
‘Bloody hell!’ Peter beamed, ‘congrats mate.’
‘Thanks,’ James said hesitantly as he looked at Remus who seemed less enthused, ‘aren’t you happy for me Moony?’
‘Are you happy?’ Remus asked.
‘Course,’ James said.
‘Then of course I am,’ Remus shrugged though he glanced over at Sirius, who gaze was now intently fixed on undoing his watch.  James cleared his throat and without thinking the black haired boy looked up.
‘You alright mate?’ James asked. Now was his chance. All he had to do was admit to the feelings he blatantly had. But he didn't, instead he diverted his attention to another topic, one that made James’ insides churn as it required lying.
‘What about Lily?’ he asked, throwing his now undone watch on the bedside table. James swallowed.
‘What about her?’ he asked, praying his voice wouldn’t crack.
‘You’ve talked about her every day since third year,’ Sirius said.
‘Yeah and she’s clearly not interested in me,’ James said, the words hurting his mouth as they came out though he reminded himself of what Sabrina had said, why they were putting on this show in the first place, ‘might as well be with someone who does.’
‘If you’re just dating her for the sake of it-’ Sirius started angrily.
‘Since when do you care about treating girls properly,’ James said harshly. It was getting heated now, he could tell from the way Remus sat up, preparing to get involved if needed, but he didn’t back down. It didn’t have to be like this if Sirius would just be honest with himself, with his best friend. 
‘She’s my friend,’ Sirius said angrily.
‘Yeah and she’s my friend too,’ James replied just as irritably.
‘More apparently,’ Sirius sniped.
‘So? Have you got a problem with that?’ James baited.
‘Why would I?’ Sirius huffed, stomping towards the bathroom before slamming the door behind him angrily, the force of it making the thin windows rattle. James sighed and sat down on his bed.
‘I’m happy for you James,’ Peter said as he climbed into his own bed. James smiled weakly, ‘thanks mate.’ 
To no one’s surprise James and Sabrina were the talk of the entire year. No one had seen this romance coming, with several confused about just how it had come about, and yet almost every began to accept them with only two exceptions. Lily seemed to have taken the slight on the chin, being overly okay with the pair of them, even when they added a hand holding or hug in front of her for flourish. Sirius however was in quite the mood and seemingly avoiding them whenever he could. James had commented on him not being around but he had shrugged and told him he was busy which was why James was surprised he’d opted to join their study session. In the run up to exams the great hall had been opened up in between meals to allow students more places to revise. It wasn’t as quiet as the library or as comfortable as the common room but it did encourage students to support one another which everyone needed during the busy season. Teachers had even started presiding over these periods, offering to mark practice essays or papers if students wanted it. 
James had just given his to Professor McGonagall who appeared at his shoulder and handed it back as she said, ‘well done Potter and good luck for tomorrow.’
‘Thanks Professor,’ James said, taking the piece of parchment from her to find Exceeds Expectations elegantly written in red ink at the top of his paper. He tucked it under his stack of homework with a smile. 
‘Ready for tomorrow then?’ Sabrina asked with a smile.
‘Think so,’ James said, ‘though the weathers not looking good so I’ll take all the luck McGonagall’s offering.’
‘You don’t need luck, you’ll be great,’ Sabrina said, rolling her eyes.
‘Well I have to be when my little cheerleader is in the stands,’ James teased. Sabrina giggled, her lack of interest for the game despite being his ‘girlfriend’ amusing them both. Especially considering Lily’s appreciation for quidditch had come out of the blue, James the topic of conversation in any post-match analysis she offered.
‘Oh I’ll be front and centre with my Pom poms,’ Sabrina mused.
‘Might even seal the victory with a kiss eh?’ Sirius said scathingly from across the table causing both their heads to turn to look at him. He wasn’t looking up, pretending to read from a heavy textbook though he must’ve been listening to be able to interject. It was the most he’d said all period.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ James asked tersely.
‘Nothing,’ Sirius shrugged, ‘I just find it odd that the two of you haven’t kissed yet.’
‘Who says?’ Sabrina scoffed. It was true, though they’d made a good show of it their feelings were still platonic and somehow kissing felt over the line even if it was pretend. She didn’t think anyone had noticed.
‘Well I haven’t seen you kiss him,’ Sirius said, his grey eyes challenging as he watched her before looking at those around and asking, ‘anyone else?’
No one replied but there were a couple of sceptical murmurs further up the table, a distinct thud as Mary slapped Marlene’s thigh making her fall quiet in case it interrupted the show. Sirius smirked.
‘Funny that.’
‘Well sorry to disappoint but this isn’t a window in Amsterdam,’ Sabrina snapped.
‘Sabs is right just because we don’t flaunt ourselves in front of you-’ James reasoned, earning a snort from Lily. As eyes turned towards her she pretended not to notice and shrugged, ‘well when has James Potter ever not flaunted something.’
‘Maybe some things are private,’ Sabrina snapped, grabbing her parchment and scrambling over the desk so that she could join the back of the queue for McGonagall. 
She was seething though she didn’t know why. Of course all this was to make them think they were dating so that they’d come clean but what was the point if they didn’t believe it? More importantly had they not said anything because they knew their friends were messing with them. 
She was about ten deep in the queue which was moving slowly as a beak nosed second year was holding it up, asking McGonagall a million questions about his upcoming transfiguration exam. She stood with her arms folded, pouting, but she straightened up when she felt someone come and stand behind her. As they leaned in and spoke she tensed.
‘You’re not dating are you,’ Remus’ soft soothing voice whispered in her ear. Sabrina whipped around, looking at his scarred face and finding a sympathetic smile breaking the one across his lips apart. She swallowed thickly, ‘of course, I mean why would…how did you know?’
‘Because you like Sirius as much as James likes Lily,’ he said simply, gesturing for her to move forward as the line moved up. This was what baffled her. How could every boy in Hogwarts see her true intentions but the one she wanted to. 
‘Oh,’ she said softly, ‘should’ve known you’d work it out.’
‘Only because he’s too busy moping to see what’s in front of his face,’ Remus whispered, his face growing thoughtful as he asked, ‘why?’
‘Because,’ Sabrina said as if that was an answer. Remus merely raised an eyebrow making her sigh and say, ‘because everyone seems to be intent on playing games instead of being bloody honest! We just figured we would join in, see if it made a difference.’
‘Ah,’ Remus said knowingly, meandering forward another step. They were only a couple of people away from McGonagall now and moving quickly as the older years had no time or want to chit chat with her and simply handed over their work without issue. 
‘Don’t say anything,’ Sabrina pleaded, dropping a voice to a whisper just in case her house mistress was listening. No doubt if she knew she’d put a stop to all this silliness whether that just be for the benefit of the quidditch scores she didn’t know.
‘My lips are sealed,’ Remus said as the pair of them redhed the front and handed over their essays. McGonagall nodded curtly and tucked them to the back of her pile.
As they turned around James appeared, his bag slung over his shoulder and a scowl on his face though it relaxed as he approached them. Sabrina felt her stomach flip flop wondering what she had missed.
‘Everything okay?’ Remus asked first.
‘Everyone keeps muttering about us kissing,’ James sighed, looking at Sabrina as he said, ‘wanna go?’
Sabrina looked down the table to where Sirius was sitting a self satisfied smirk, one that always roused whenever he was immensely pleased with himself,which he evidently was now that he had gotten the students around them buzzing about their personal displays of affection. She sighed, she did still have things to be doing work wise but there was no way she'd be able to sit still hearing everyone rabbit on about her in hushed tones and so she nodded, smiling sympathetically at Remus who offered her a reassuring wink indicating he’d keep her secret for her. After grabbing her bag, ignoring the cool gaze of Sirius Black they headed out of the great hall together, James’ arm slung over her shoulder.
After the upset in the great hall the pair decided that being around people wasn’t their favourite thing for now and so retreated to the safety of the girls bathroom, even though it meant skipping their last lesson. They stayed there for a long time, working in comfortable silence before eventually James’ stomach growls got too loud to ignore and the pair headed for some food, favouring going to the kitchens rather than sitting in the hall again. Once they loaded up on dinner they headed back to the tower, the cold stone of the bathroom no longer an appealing option.
Sabrina had been in the boys dormitory before, on a couple of occasions but it was mostly to study with Remus or listen to music with Sirius rather than to hang out with James. Which was a surprise given the immaculate conditions he kept his side of the room in and the ample amount of sweets he managed to scrounge up, promising her he’d buy Remus them back as soon he had a chance. It was nice even if it did end up with them doing their own thing, James polishing his already spotless broom and Sabrina reading her book. Though as she watched him, ensuring the handles shined bright as a galleon she couldn’t help but feel the niggle that Sirius had a point.
After all how many girls had she seen Sirius kiss, too many to count, even if he had slowed down a bit this year. He was never going to believe that she and James were a couple unless he had visual proof. The only problem was that she had never kissed anyone. That was why she was so reluctant to do so, waiting for the right person, a certain tall, dark and handsome prat. But if it wasn’t going to be him, why not James.
Though she was sure he’d already got it as clean as possible he rubbed furiously on a piece of chrome, pink tongue jutting out between his lips as he concentrated, but he looked up as she placed her book down and scooted to the edge of the bed. He watched her, placing his broom so that it leaned up against one of the supports of his four poster, waiting for her to say something.
‘Maybe they’re right,’ she said nervously.
‘Right about?’ he asked.
‘Us kissing,’ she said embarrassedly dropping her gaze to her lap, ‘I mean we’re supposed to be a couple so I guess they have a point.’
‘Yeah, you’re right,’ James said, though admittedly the only reason he hadnt kissed her so far was because he was sure that would drive Sirius over the edge and not in the desired way. He just wanted his friend to be honest with himself, he didn’t want a black eye. Sabrina hesitated, deliberating on what to say before she said, ‘maybe we should try it…now instead of in front of everyone.’
‘Yeah,’ James said, ‘good idea.’
She shuffled forward, allowing her legs to hang over the edge of the bed though given the height of it they barely skimmed the floor. James turned, placing his hand behind her on the bed so that he could see her properly. He had thought she was just going to lean in and kiss him but she kept her eyes down, too nervous to look up as she muttered, ‘have you ever…you know?’
‘Oh, um yeah,’ he said, his cheeks flushing as he clocked on to why she was asking. His embarrassment was probably why he found himself adding more detail than necessary, the words falling out of his mouth, ‘Delphine Greengrass in third year, remember me and Sirius had that bet.’
‘Oh yeah,’ she said quietly. James cleared his throat, ‘have you?’
‘No,’ she said honestly.
‘Oh, are you sure you want to?’ he asked, ‘because we don’t have to you know. We can just tell everyone it’s none of their bloody business.’
‘Not it’s okay,’ she said, chewing on the inside of her cheek, ‘we’re never gonna convince them if not. Moony already knows.’
‘Yeah but that’s no reason,’ James started before the words sunk in, ‘wait how does Moony, you know what never mind, I’m not surprised.’
‘He’s clever our Moony,’ Sabrina smiled softly.
‘Yeah he is,’ James grinned, his tone dropping lower as he said, ‘are you sure you want to?’
‘Yeah,’ she nodded, ‘just kiss me.’
Tentatively James leant in allowing his lips to brush against hers. They were soft and pliable and admittedly a little tense before she relaxed, her hand ghosting up the side of his face as she returned the kiss before they broke apart breathlessly.
‘That wasn’t too bad,’ Sabrina giggled.
‘Oh thanks Sabs,’ James grinned, ‘I’ll try not to have too much of a wounded ego.’
‘Oh shut up,’ she chuckled, pulling him back towards her by the hair, leading this time as their lips met once more. Not to be out done James pulled her to him until they were smushed up against the headboard of his bed, lost to anything that wasn’t this.
That was until the door opened without warning, giving them little time to break apart and by the time James was a decent amount of space away, wiping his mouth from the excess saliva, Sirius was watching them, his jaw set.
‘Sorry,’ he muttered, staring angrily at Sabrina before he turned away and added, ‘didn’t know you were here.’
With that he headed out, slamming the door roughly behind him and though she had been breathless from the kiss now she felt as though all the air had been sucked from her lungs, worry settling in. This was meant to be a bit of good fun, a lesson for all and yet now it felt very much no fun at all.
‘Did he seem mad?’ she asked nervously. James forced a smile and shrugged, ‘he’ll be fine. Promise.’
Sabina nodded but she wasn’t so sure.
Sirius Black Tags
@caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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thesecretattic · 5 months
There’s a sharp pain in my heart and it’s twitching in my head nerves, I can’t type much all I want to say before dying is - don’t laugh for real I’ll tell u who God is, read all my prev posts, find Anubis post on FB my left hand begged are twitching too I was just calling Preet a wolf due to his big hair in one of the pics which I had in my head from old days (2014 or so Harsh’s group photo Moustache post) and I had a dream that night where I saw Anubis I then googled the next day & realised Anubis’s brother was a Wolf, like Preet.
And this God is Harsh - the God of death who kills people an UNTIMELY death pls read The Secret with images post & Why the Dead are Angry post. He is collecting our unlived time - mine since 10+ years since I was barely 18 & their unlived lives the remaining time which they lost to grow in power. I’ll explain why now while dy-ing. Pls read the last line too very imp. Find our Soulmate & Family signs. Adam was created first he was born 7 years earlier, long before my parent’s marriage & then came Eve from his “ribcage” no wonder his influence was always around since my childhood days all the negativity no doubt I WAS ATTACHED TO HIM and I not only NEEDED but also deserved his MATURITY, CARE, PROTECTION, LOVE AFFECTION RESPECT in fact I gave him all that etc. cuz that’s the main reason Eve came out of the ribcage she was supposed to be protected like the heart which is held safely there (PLS FIND LUNGS BRAIN POST🧠🫁 pls it explains why) it DIDNOT strike me me earlier but now while I’m dying I did feel this is the reason why I kept looking up to him for that.
God is nothing but our precedent or creator, the one we are born out of and that’s him for every girl… it’s what Hinduism preaches too not just Islam or Christianity that it’s the one destined to be your husband our marriage signs were coming since 2015-16 and find our SOULMATE signs & Family Signs too. When I’d removed our Kundlis everything was exactly the same even part of it. That’s why we were wondering where is God. Its just that he chose to steal my time and KILL others too in that process to gain more power over me by showing me all the unfairness of 10 yrs to sadistically rub it into my face which made him the God of Death (Anubis read on top) And Aneri was opposing him all this while more than me, Mishkat & rest of the guys were the Madaari, she was the Dholak and Harsh was the monkey. Pls see the previous posts you’ll know she was nowhere my match or even his not of our caliber neither deserving nor worthy but yet he did this see find the Cardigan post & every other post. Too much unfairness read the posts shared around my birthday in prior on 27th Mar 2024.
God, Bhagwan, Devta, Allah sab Ishwar prakat hua haï Bhediye ke roop mein. Usually it’s the other way round… I’ll just finish off by saying please read the “Moustache Post” and maximum posts listed under Soulmate posts including Family Signs ur answer lies there, the moustache one too cuz so far I’ve shared instances where the Devil has read my mind (at times with proof too he has sent me things only I was aware of or I was thinking find the Devil’s realPost and see those screenshots and other recent posts too) - these would be my last words though based on that Moustache post and other posts listed under Soulmate ones that the Devil can very well read my Mind but it’s only God who knows how to read my Heart. - Zara Sauleh.
I’m having those 55 meds now without thinking what will happen next bye.
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hanmegumi · 3 years
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I finished shadow and bone!
~ Nina joining the crows? YES PLEASE
~ Mal and Alina are off on their own again, and honestly I prefer it that way, although if they join the crows that's even better
~ Sucks that the darkling's still alive, was hoping he died even though I did think he'd live. He looks so creepy now, kind reminds me of Catra in season 3 of spop
~ Zoyalina hug? I want content of their friendship really bad
Overall I loved Shadow and bone and Im definitely going to read all the grishaverse books soon
nina’s canonically always been a crow and i want to give you so many spoilers rn but i will keep them to myself- (just think abt the fact that not only nina’s on the boat 👀)
akjsakjfs mal and alina joining the crows... that’d be... interesting... but they won’t hun :c they will have so many adventures thO, S2 CONFIRMATION WhEN @netflix
JESPER LOVES MILOOOO and so do i- i love how inej is amazing and can learn tons of information effortlessly but, also inej after jesper mentioned milo for the 7th time: w h o m s t- (at least she recognizes it’s the goat at the end akjksdks)
yeah the darkling is still p much alive and he’s more powerful now akjsajdkjs- YEAh i mean i didnt remember he’d have scars??? he looks cool!!! (i mean he’s a b*tch but he’s one of the best villains i’ve ever read??)
zoYALINA FRIENDShIP?? hUN WhY ASK for a friendship when it can b smth more 😏 /hj zoyalina rights @fire-sapphics back me up here-
YESSSSSSSS READ ThE BOOKS MARS. you should start with the sab trilogy and then read soc- because the first trilogy explains a lot of things that are important later on-
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chimaerra · 3 years
anyone have any good soc fic recs? or sab?
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salmankhanholics · 2 years
★ Salman Khan talks about Tiger 3, opens up about his cameo in Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan!
Mar 29, 2022  From new film to unveiling his first look, Salman Khan often sends his fans into a frenzy whenever he announces something new. Salman Khan just finished filming his upcoming Telugu debut ‘Godfather’, which also stars Chiranjeevi, Nayanthara, and Ram Charan. Apart from ‘Godfather’, Salman Khan has ‘Tiger 3’ with Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi. Now, during the IIFA Awards 2022 press conference, Salman Khan informed that the makers have wrapped up Tiger 3, however, some final touches are left.
“We have wrapped up Tiger 3. Some bits are left, finishing touches. Otherwise, we have wrapped up Tiger 3,” he said.  Tiger 3 is the third film in Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s Tiger franchise. The movie is directed by Maneesh Sharma and bankrolled by Yash Raj Films. For those unaware, the film’s shooting was done across several scenic locations, both in India and outside. Sharing an exciting promo, the ‘Dabangg’ actor recently announced the release date of Tiger 3. He wrote, “Hum sab apna apna khayal rakhen.. Tiger3 on 2023 Eid… let’s all be there ..Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Celebrate #Tiger3 with #YRF50 only at a big screen near you on 21st April 2023.
During the event on Monday, Salman also confirmed his cameo in Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan and said, “Yes, I am doing a special appearance in Shah Rukh’s Pathaan and he is doing a special appearance in my film.” To note, Pathaan also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in key roles. On being asked if he is also doing a cameo in Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha, Salman said, “In Laal Singh Chaddha, Aamir is the main hero. He is special.”
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solongandgoodknight · 4 years
Good lovely time of day~! Here's my playlist for @nachtkern's 2020 fall mixchange!
This was super super fun to make, and honestly was just a serotonin boost start to finish! I chose the prompt "Music that reminds me of a better time. Nostalgic.", and i hope you enjoy these tracks! i couldnt really gauge what you considered nostalgic bc i didnt have enough information to go by for that, so i put together generally feel-goodsy songs and a handful of throwbacks. all in all, i honestly really enjoyed making this, and i've listened through it multiple times myself because it made me feel Warm. i hope it gives you the same sorts of feelings!!!
poppies & irises
1- Island Song/Come Along With Me (Adventure Time OST) 2- Mother: Pollyana, Jazz/Funk cover (insaneintherainmusic ft. Adrisaurus, FamilyJules, Sab Irene) 3- Flowers, music box edition (In Love With A Ghost) 4- Pure Imagination (Diana Panton) 5- Julia (Reeder) 6- Whole Wide World (Mindy Gledhill) 7- Count On Me (Bruno Mars) 8- Happy, Lofi mix (Pharrel Williams) 9- You are my sunshine, Lofi mix (Gustavo) 10- Undertale (Undertale OST) 11- Fly Me To The Moon, Lofi Cover (Prod. YungRhythm) 12- Rainbow Connection (Diana Panton) 13- Anchor (Mindy Gledhill) 14- Home, Undertale OST Vocal Cover (Adrisaurus) 15- Don't Rain On My Parade (Barbra Streisand) 16- Put Your Head On My Shoulder, Lofi mix (Paul Anka) 17- Sunkissed (khai dreams) 18- Pocketful Of Poetry (Mindy Gledhill) 19- Turnaround (The Little Prince OST) 20- The Call (Regina Spektor) 21- Everything Stays (Olivia Olson, Rebecca Sugar) 22- See You Later (Adventure Zone OST) 23- We're Finally Landing (Home) 24- Time Adventure (Adventure Time OST, Rebecca Sugar)</p>
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tellytantra · 4 years
FEAR Part 01 She grumbled under her breath, cursing the moment in which she had proposed the idea of a honeymoon trip for her newly-wedded sister. Had she known she would be forced to hop on the bandwagon, she would have never opened her mouth. But here she was, in a fancy car with her husband, driving to their honeymoon destination. And the worst part was that her husband was least interested in spending time with her, and instead had scheduled a business meeting there. The silence in the car was overbearing for her. She could hardly keep herself from yelling out at the awkwardness enveloping the atmosphere. Knowing that he would chew her out if she even attempted to turn on the radio, she leaned forward and questioned, “Aap please kuch bolenge Rakshit sir?” “Kyun, tumse khamoshi bardaasht nahi hoti?”, he threw back at her, his eyes unwavering from the road ahead. Grimacing at his remark, she turned her head away and stared out of the window, gazing intently at the passing trees. Drishti had realized long ago that arguing with him will lead her nowhere, it never did, so she chose to remain quiet. Hearing no response from her, Rakshit glanced at her in wonder. “Kya hua? Meri baat ka jawaab nahi dogi Mrs. Shergill?” Yet again, he was answered with silence, something that almost never happened. And so he decided to try again, “Tum kuch bologi bhi? Main tumse baat kar raha hoon.” “Kyun, ab aapse khamoshi bardaasht nahi ho rahi?”, she retorted instantly. Now he was tongue-tied, unable to answer her with a witty comment. He had to admit, she got him good with that one. It was hard to make him speechless, but she seemed to do it effortlessly. However, being the egoistic man he was, he pretended that he didn’t hear her taunt and concentrated on reaching the resort safely. Drishti - 1 || Rakshit - 0 The destination being around 3 hours away and Drishti being bored to death, she reminisced the reason why she landed up in this situation. She had realized that Divya and Shikhar needed time and space to accept each other, and therefore, she had suggested they go on a honeymoon trip. After the initial hesitation, the couple had agreed to the plans. After all, it gave them a good opportunity to get to know one another. But the matters worsened when Lavanya insisted that even she would love to go on her honeymoon, with Sunny or Rakshit, she wasn’t sure. And if that was not all, Ojaswini, the chatterbox chachi, had volunteered the eldest Shergill couple and her own denials were drowned out by the shouts of approval of the excited Shergill family. Her only two hopes, Rakshit and Mahima whom she was sure would object, had suddenly turned the tables and Mrs. Drishti Rakshit Shergill’s opinion was overruled unanimously. These were the times that made her question if even a four-leaved clover could fix her constant bad luck. However, that was not the end of her plight. The decided vacation spot for the eldest Shergill couple was Maldives, a place she has been wanting to explore since she was a child. Just when she thought that maybe the idea wasn’t as bad as she originally assumed it to be, she was proven wrong yet again. According to the family, they were currently in the designated location but the truth was far from it. Rakshit had lied to his family, keeping them under the superstition that they were enjoying their holidays, while they were heading to Ooty for a business deal. Sometimes she thinks that she had given him a suitable name; be-dil Shergill. The jerking of the car broke her chain of thoughts. She looked up, startled, and realized that the car was parked in front of the resort building and he was standing by her door, waiting for her to get out. Gathering her composure, she unbuckled her seatbelt, walked out of the vehicle, and together the Shergill couple went to the reception. Suddenly, Rakshit’s phone rang and he excused himself, ordering her to get the keys for their suite. All she could do was gawk at his retreating back. Mentally cursing him and his business associates, Drishti did as instructed and approached the lanky old man seated behind the desk. Although hesitant, she could feel the exhaustion from the long ride. “Hi. Humne yahan ek room book kiya tha, Mr. and Mrs. Shergill ke-”, she couldn’t even complete her sentence before the old man interrupted very rudely. “Tumhe yahan nahi aana chahiye tha.”, his croaky voice sent a shiver down her spine. His statement perplexed her. She could almost hear an underlying warning in his words. “Kya matlab?”, she questioned him in genuine curiosity. He laughed a high-pitched cackle, creeping her out even more. His eyes glinted in satisfaction as he continued, “Ab wo tumhe nahi chhodegi. Aaj uska shikaar tum aur tumhara pati banega. Galti kardi tumne yahan aake. Chandni tum dono ko maar daalegi.” She had to know more, thanks to her nosy nature. And this old man certainly knew how to leave cliffhangers in the middle of a threat. Unsure of whether to be amused or scared, she leaned on the desk, “Kaun Chandni? Aap saaf-saaf bolenge ki aap kehna kya chahte hain?” “Sunna chahti ho?”, seeing her nod her head in impatience, he continued, “Toh suno. Kayi saal pehle iss jagah pe ek gaav hota tha; Chandnagar. Bohot hasta khelta, khushali se susajit tha Chandnagar. Sab ek parivaar ki tarah rehte the. Kaha jaata tha ki iss gaav pe Shiv ka aashirwaad hai, isiliye koi bhi samasya iss tak pohonch nahi sakti thi. Ussi gaav mein ek ladki thi, Chandni. Apne maa-baap, apne ghar, apne gaav se bohot pyaar karti thi. Sab kuch achha chal raha tha. Lekin…” “Lekin kya?”, she had to refrain herself from yelling. Does he think leaving cliffhangers is funny? Because I’m not finding this amusing, she thought. He turned his back to her, his eyes trained on the portrait of a beautiful woman who didn’t look a day older than 20 years. “Lekin ek din kuch be-imaan iraadon ki nazar Chandnagar par padh gayi. Ameer ghar ke bigde hue shehzaade keh sakte hain unhe. Gaav ki jagah ek mehel banana chahte the. Par gaav waale kaise apni duniya ko chhodte? Unn raees ladkon ke bohot dhamkaane par aur kuch masoom zindagiyon ko chheen ne ke baad, gaav waale sehem gaye the. Aur unhone gaav chhodne ka faisla kar liya. Sab gaav chhodke chale gaye. Bachi toh sirf Chandni. Use apne gaav ko chhod ke jaana gawara nahi tha. Unn raees ladkon ne Chandni ko dhamkaya, daraya lekin wo nahi maani. Achanak ek din gaav mein lag gayi aur poora gaav jalkar raakh ho gaya. Par Chandni uss aag se ek raat pehle hi gayab ho gayi thi. Kisi ko pata nahi chala ki Chandni kahan gayi aur uske saath kya hua. Aur uss jale gaav ki jagah yeh resort ban gaya.”, the old man finished. Drishti, who was listening to the story with rapt attention, couldn’t stop herself from believing every word of his. The mystery of Chandni’s disappearance intrigued her. And she seemed to have momentarily forgotten the old man’s initial warning to her. However, her joy was short-lived because the man began speaking once again, his voice adopting the usual creepy tone. “Kaha jaata hai ki Chandni ki aatma aaj bhi iss resort mein ghoomti hai. Kayi logon ne use dekha hai aur jitne bhi log iss resort mein ruke, unn sab Chandni ka shikaar ban gaye. Lekin kabhi yeh baat bahar nahi aayi. Kyunki unn sab ki maut iss resort se jaane ke 1 week ke andar ho gayi thi. Aur ab baari tumhari hai. Chandni ka 300th shikaar.”, and he began laughing maniacally. If the story was terrifying enough, his croaky laugh most certainly was. She snatched the keys dangling from his lanky fingers and turned her back to him. Unable to decide whether he is crazy or not, she almost didn’t notice the sound of his cackle stop abruptly, almost. Stunned with the sudden change, she spun on her heels and realized that the old man was no longer standing behind the desk. In fact, he was nowhere to be found. The environment conveniently set the horror mood. The chandelier dangled from the ceiling, staring mockingly at her. From the dark shadows of trees against the window to the flickering lights, from the howling wind to the creaking of the doors, from the eerie silence to the terrifying tone of his voice, everything worked in the favour of the story. And for the first time, Drishti believed that ghosts existed. Beads of sweat marred her forehead as several scenarios of the unearthly entity draining her dry flashed in her mind. She was completely engrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t even realize someone walk up to her. A hand touched her shoulder, scaring her out of her wits, and she screamed. Whipping around to face what she expected to be the ghost, her petrified eyes met Rakshit’s puzzled ones. “Tumne kya finally apna maansik santulan kho diya hai?”, he asked her in such a manner that she would have thought he was being genuine if she wasn’t aware of his true self. Unaware of her actions, Drishti tightly embraced Rakshit, her shivering hands desperately clutching on the warm body of her husband. The recent events seemed to have taken a toll on her and all she craved for was a little comfort, a tiny feeling of familiarity and him. Worried for her strange behaviour, he pushed her away gently and cupped her face between his large hands. It was then that he felt the sweat on her face and his concern escalated. “What’s wrong Mrs. Shergill?”, the gentle tone melted her heart. But then she remembered why she was shivering in the first place. “We shouldn’t have come here Mr. Shergill. Yeh jagah bhooton ka ghar hai.”, she stuttered out as her shaking intensified. He stared at her as if she had grown a second head. “What?!”, he yelled in disbelief. “Kya bakwaas kar rahi ho tum?” “I’m not lying Rakshit sir. Abhi abhi yahan ke receptionist ne mujhe bataya ki yahan ek bhoot hai jo iss resort ke guests ki jaan le leti hai. Aur ab wo hume bhi maar daalegi. I don’t want to die.”, she cried out in helplessness and narrated the entire story to him. He listened to the useless story with a bored expression on his face. It was a little shocking for him to see that she was a believer of such stupid ghost stories, but then again, she was supposed to be unpredictable. She’s scared of spirits but in my presence she turns into Jhansi ki rani. Am I not intimidating enough for her? Great!, he thought almost angrily. Having something else affect her more than him, irritated the life out of him. “Aisi bachkani kahaaniyon se bacche darte hain Mrs. Shergill. Don’t you think you’re a little too old for that?”, he mocked her blatantly. And it was safe to say that she was tongue-tied. Drishti - 1 || Rakshit - 1 In that instant, all other rational thoughts flew out of her head and she turned her hot glaring eyes in his direction. If looks could kill, Rakshit would have been turned into ash. She momentarily forgot about the reason for her fear, the warnings that were previously circulating in her mind. Her lips pulled into a smirk and she asked, “Toh aapko kisi cheez se darr nahi lagta Mr. Shergill?” “No Mrs. Shergill. I have no room of fear in my life.”, he commented arrogantly. She raised an eyebrow as if saying ‘are-you-kidding’ through her looks. He grinned, bending his head closer to hers and whispered in a challenging tone, “Chaho toh aazmalo!” They stared at each other, a mischievous glint in his eyes and a stupid smile on her lips. Her hands wound around his neck and she pulled him closer. He knew he was playing with fire, but that merely excited him. Lips inches away and breaths mingling, she simply responded with three words. “Oh, it’s on!” Aquabutterfly Part 02 The couple grabbed their luggage and moved to their room, exhausted from the long journey. The entire resort was beautifully decorated, flower petals gracing the path and chandeliers adorning the ceiling as they walked through the hall. Drishti was entranced by the enchanting scene her eyes were witnessing that she didn’t realize when her feet ceased in front of the double doors. The door creaked open, and light filled the massive room. To say she was awed by the interior would be an understatement. Hailing from a middle-class family, the fanciest place she has visited was a holiday home. And this resort appeared to be heaven for her. Well, this resort is nothing less than Maldives, she praised the place mentally. Rakshit, noticing the change in her expressions, smiled ever-so-slightly before shaking his head at her immaturity. He wondered why he was still surprised by her fascination of smallest things. But then he remembered that he was meant to be the rude boss turned husband and wiped his face clean of all emotions. She was meant to be unpredictable, but it didn’t mean he was supposed to be not. “If you want to sleep in the doorway, I have no problem. Lekin kya mujhe bhi hall mein sulane ka iraada hai?”, his voice was laced with mirth, betraying the emotionless mask he was wearing. Her eyes snapped to his and narrowed. She could easily detect the mock behind his words and it flared her temper. He was making fun of her, something she didn’t appreciate in the slightest. She had never backed down from an argument and she certainly wasn’t going to now. Gliding gracefully to the center of the room, she turned to look at him with mischievous eyes. “Idea bura nahi hai Mr. Shergill. Waise bhi iss kamre mein ek hi bed hai aur main apne ghar mein couch pe sote-sote thak gayi hoon. It’s time for you to try the new cushions.”, she winked at him and settled in the middle of the bed. She refused to let him win this one. Amused by her reply, he didn’t bother answering her verbally. Instead, he slowly advanced towards the bed, eyes unwavering from her still figure. He resembled a lion, preparing to attack his prey, who happened to be his wife. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down her spine, waiting with bated breath for his next move. She could almost read his intention, almost. And he certainly didn’t disappoint her as his arms wound around her back, gently lifting her before placing her body on the other side of the mattress . She could only manage to stare at him in shock while he grabbed a comfortable position beside her. “Yeh a-aap kya k-kar rahe hain Rakshit sir? Aap yahan nahi so sakte.”, she ended up stuttering out. He merely spared a glance in her direction before smiling. “Kyun nahi so sakta? Yeh bed bahut bada hai and you, Mrs. Shergill, are tiny and incapable of covering the entire area. Maine decide kar liya hai ki main toh yahin sounga. Lekin tumhara couch tumhari rah dekh raha hai. You’re more than welcome to embrace them.”, he said tauntingly. His words...those words...reminded her of the night they had first shared the closed quarters after their marriage. He had told her something similar and like a naive woman, she heeded to his command and made the couch her permanent sleeping spot. But, she was no longer the same obedient wife she once was. If he thinks he can kick me out of these warm sheets, he’s got another thing coming at him, she mused in her mind. So, she did what she was naturally best at; argue. “Nahi Mr. Shergill. Main kyun bed se uthkar wahan jaaun? I’m going to sleep here. Good night!”, saying so she quickly turned her back to him and closed her eyes. She was too exhausted to hear his reply and wanted nothing more than to rest. The last thing she heard was his muffled laugh as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep. She paced the length of the grand hall, cursing her husband for confining her to the fancy resort until he returned from his meeting. She had expected him to desert her once they had reached their destination, but she hadn’t thought he would follow through with it religiously. If only she could have kept her mouth shut when her brain had spewed this stupid idea. Sometimes she wondered why she obeyed his commands. But then her heart would produce a million reasons, disappointing her further. Suddenly, a thought struck her and her lips curved up. He said I can’t step out of the resort. But he never said anything about not exploring the area, she chuckled and began her journey. However, she failed to realize that his order will prove to have been more suitable for her. As she took several turns and passed various corridors, her feet ceased in front of mahogany double-doors. In her trance of successfully beating Rakshit in his own game of wordplay, she didn’t notice that she was walking deeper into the maze and had completely lost her old tracks. She couldn’t even trace back her steps. In short, she was lost in the haunted resort; it was not the best of situations, she admitted. The encompassing darkness felt as if it was closing in, suffocating her. The old doors had no locks or chain. Curiosity enveloped her and her hands involuntarily twisted and pushed the doorknob. The doors creaked open, paving way for an abyss of oblivion. The phrase ‘curiosity killed the cat’ had evaded her mind and she, hypnotically, floated towards the giant portrait of Chandni. Despite the lack of any light source, she could see the facial features of the painting. Chandni was indeed a beautiful woman and the mystery surrounding the woman intrigued her. Lifting her hand, she brushed it against the frame. Almost instantly, her third-eye appeared and flashes of the past crossed her mind. A girl was screaming, crying, scuffling with a group of men. “Chhodiye hume.”, she was pleading. Deep laughter rung out through the empty hut and the sound of a slap followed. A man’s voice sounded, “Baandh do ise. Aaj yeh khel khatam karne ka samay aa gaya hai.” The entire village was in flames and the charred body of a woman was lying limp under a burning block of wood. The group of men was standing at the far end of the forest, simply watching the scenario and guffawing menacingly. One of them was grasping a torch while another was holding a container. “Tum sab ko apne kiye ki saza zaroor milegi. Hum tum mein se kisi ko nahi chhodenge.” Drishti’s eyes flew open and she gasped breathlessly. Her mind was hazy. The horrendous crime had shaken her to the core. She couldn’t forget the helpless scream of the woman, nor could she unsee the horrifying condition of the body. Bewildered, she wondered what in the hell she had just foreseen. No, this was not a premonition. It was an event that had occurred in the past. But who was the girl?, she pondered in confusion. However, what surprised her more was the fact that her powers had initiated her to witness a brutal tragedy that had already taken place. One thing was crystal clear. She saw someone’s goddam past! Wasn’t she only supposed to foresee the future in order to alter it? It was a question she had no answer to, but a question that she wanted to solve. She glanced at the portrait, hoping that it would give her more hints about the same. “Chandni ne aakhir apni nazar tumhare upar daal hi di.”, a familiar croaky voice called from behind her. Startled, she shrieked in fear and spun on her heels. Her brown eyes met a pair of reds that belonged to the old man from the reception. Dread crawled in her heart when the man twisted into a sinister smirk. She opened her mouth but words refused to form on her lips. Suddenly, she felt long, bony fingers holding her feet and she screamed, sound dying in her throat yet again. Petrified, she bent her head but emptiness answered her. Sighing in relief, she shifted her focus back to the old man, who had vanished into thin air. Eyes widened in horror, she scanned the room but couldn’t identify a single trace of the man. Now, she was terrified. Something was amiss about the entire building, something grave had happened here, and she regretted her decision of leaving the four walls of her assigned room. Cold air fanned her earlobe as a voice whispered emotionlessly in her ear, “Hum tumhe nahi chhodenge.” Drishti didn’t possess the courage to turn so she chose the most logical option. Without another thought, she fled from the room, the only thing on her mind was reaching the secure embrace of her husband. Just as she turned the corner, she could have sworn she heard a soft laughter as the doors of the room slammed shut. The empty bedroom indicated that Rakshit has still not returned from his business meeting, but he probably was due in a couple of minutes. It gave her enough time to compose her emotions before he showered her with taunts. She hid behind the door, not having forgotten about the bet they had just the day before. It served the purpose of a good distraction from the recent events. The doors opened and she jumped out from her hiding position, yelling, “Boo!” Expecting a hilarious reaction from him, she waited in anticipation to hear him scream bloody murder. But nothing as such happened. He was staring at her with a bored expression, eyes twinkling in humour at her desperate attempts of proving that he too felt fear. He wanted to laugh, and laugh he did. "Tumhara screw finally dheela ho gaya hai kya? Kids use these tricks to scare each other, Mrs. Shergill. And trust me, we are not kids.", he joked and left towards the washroom. He paused, "Try harder next time, will you?", before opening the door and disappearing. Drishti - 1 || Rakshit - 2 She eyed his back in wonder, annoyed by the lack of surprise on his face. He wasn't an easy nut to crack, she'll admit. But she wasn't going to accept defeat just yet. Scaring him was a matter of pride for her. A plan formulated in her mind and she grinned. Oh you're so going down Mr. Shergill, she mentally chuckled, patting her own back in appreciation. The night fell and the couple decided to retire for the day. The chiming of the clock and the whistling of the wind created an eerie atmosphere as the time passed. He was lying on his back, eyes closed and breaths even as sleep welcomed him with open arms. However, a shrill scream of terror broke through his semi-conscious state. He sat up in the bed, wondering if the sound was just a fragment of his imagination, a product of the stories his wife has been feeding him. But as he turned to face his wife, who should have been sleeping beside him, his eyes widened in horror when he found her missing. "Mrs. Shergill?", he called hoping she would respond back, erasing his irrational thoughts. But only silence answered. The drumming of his heart echoed in his ears and he quickly got off the bed, desperately trying to find the whereabouts of Drishti but to no avail. His clammy hands rubbed against each other as the seconds rolled by. Another scream sounded, this time from just outside the closed doors of the room. His heart stopped beating for a second and he yelled, "Drishti!"
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vishwaspur · 7 years
Dangal Tales: 5th September, 2017
LMAAOOO!!! Queenie is scolding Omkie. Her priorities are always set. Abhi se she is worrying about the area not having a good enough hospital.
She really doesn’t give a shit about him. She’s only concerned about HERSELF. Pata hai ke aage usse hi sab sambhalna hai xD
I really thought the “Maine Dangal dekhi hai” was a offscreen joke. NOPE! They put it in the show.
Omkie you ain’t making it easy on Queenie with that attitude!
Queenie is NOT amused.
Ek din mein KYA sehat bane gi?
Gaah this is so lame.
GKAN speaks the truth.
It’s one thing for Gauri to tell Omkie that he won’t be able to make it. But NO OUTSIDER HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO.
That ishaara Omkie did.
Aaaaaannnnnddddd GKAN ki band bajj gayi.
Must I watch this?
Okay I will.
Omkie is being sarcastic and Queenie is all “Forreals dude?”
YAAAY !! Jeet gayeee!!!
Gauri is so TINY and she was jumping and adlhasdkljsadhjas so much joy!!!
Can I just say how GLORIOUS it is when Omkara’s BG tune transitions to Gauri’s BG tune and that both the tunes are so dabanng? Kya couple hain ye! :’)
They need to stop with the 3x repeated wala transition.
I can SEEEEEEE Omkara’s brain getting ready to marofy chance.
Spotlights ne peeche nahin chorha mera :)))))
This conversation is such a weird foreplay.
THAT’S NOT HOW YOU INVITE SOMEONE TO DANGAL!!! Ballroom dance thodi karni hai?!
LOL! Even Queenie got confused.
Backhug backhug backhug!
I’m crying!
Finally a GOOOOD use of their height difference!!
She fits so perfectly in his arms I cry!!
Okay now kiss.
They fell down and now they are laughing
My heart is too weak to handle this
I’m crying!!!
Okay you don’t just make the next scene of theirs as Gauri waking up in the bed.
What am I supposed to think of this?!
Magalyam ko Mars bhej diya lekin FLs going to bed while wearing their dupatta..ye trend change nahin hua.
He’s still practicing on his own.
And Queenie ka never going wala concern.
Awww! Of course she called someone for help. No way Queenie gonna let Omkie handle everything on his own.
Wait why am I concerned over timelines in the multiverse?
Jugaadu dao pech of course xD
Omkie fighting air isn’t the same as fighting Baba Balram.
This is lame but they look pretty so I guess chalta hai.
Did Gauri learn all these exercises from Rudy?
I’m scared for them!!!
Why can’t Omkie’s manbun always be this loose?
Insaan toh lagta hai at least.
I’m scared!!!
Omkie wo tere bhale ki baat kar rahi hai!
Sunna mat tum kabhi!!
Issi liye toh behosh hote rehte ho har waqt.
Okay he makes sense but still!
Did he just..slip?
Yeah he slipped.
Head meet desk. Desk meet head.
Okay he’s bleeding but c’mon!
I am the laughing crowd.
You go random crowd people. Aur mazaak udao. I’m with you!
Fuck that bleeding is serious.
Look at Queenie giving orders.
And the crowd went silent.
Gauri is totally channeling her Kali Maa avatar right now.
Shit shit shit.
Is she gonna fight?
Oh god oh god oh god.
Pink Pagli you luchaa!!
Gauri is gonna fight!!
Mujhe kuch horaha hai.
Listen! I am not kidding. I swear Gauri is possessed by Kali Maa or something. That cold rage..it’s not normal for Gauri. She’s all hot rage.
But this calm rage of hers? These threats? This control over the entire situation?
Teri misogyny ki aisi ki taisi Pink Pagdi.
H0olyyy shitteee
WHAT IS AIR?!?!?!?
Oh god oh godddd
Dangal hone wala hai.
Someone please hold me
I’m too weak
She’s all, “Oh you puny human.”
Dangal chalu
Lemme watch people!
All Balram does is shout.
It’s literally like….Bhansali directed Dangal.
Damn Bhavya gave some good advice.
Oooh she kicked him!!!
And now Queenie looks trapped.
Oh shit.
She’s scared!
He got hold of her!!
She’s struggling
He threw her in the air and she fell down
OMKARA WON!!!!!!!!
Gauri saw Omkie
She’s getting up.
She’s hurt
He went to her and held her face
Why am I doing a commentary?!
There’s some serious waterfall going on my face right now.
He confessed he won because he was so ANGRY seeing her hurt.
“Mera khoon khol utha.”
Kitni SHIDDAT se iss pal ka wait kiya hai hum ne!
I can’t deal with all the Shankarji parallels abhi.
Her touch is so tender..
And the way he is looking at her.
My OTP is so messy I love them.
Why is the crowd enjoying this?
Can’t blame them.
Oh they didn’t even know crowd was there.
Pink Pagdi forgot all about Baba Balram xD
Cuz “jeet ek pyaar ki hui hai..”
Of course that’s what took them to realize their relationship.
AAMEEEN at your duaa Pink Pagdi!
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malteseboy · 8 years
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translated from @funwithlanguages‘ post
Maltese verbs do not have an infinitive form, verbs are shown in the past 3rd person singular masculine.
to be
the present form of “to be” in Maltese works with the personal pronouns and they act as the verb also!
I am - Jien(a)
You are - Int(i)
He is - Hu(wa)
She is - Hi(ja)
We are - Aħna
You are - Intom
They are - Huma
there is - hemm have - kellu do - għamel go - mar want - ried can - seta’ need - kellu bżonn think - ħaseb know - af say - qal like -  għoġob speak - tkellem learn - tgħallem understand - fehem
that (as in “I think that..” or “the woman that..”) - li and - u / w or - jew but - imma because - għax / għaliex though - għalkemm so (meaning “therefore”; e.g. “I wanted it, so I bought it”) - għalekk / allura if - jekk
note that some don’t have a fixed translation, and are mostly fused with the definite articles & personal pronouns as part of the grammar rules
of - ta’ to - għall- from - minn in - fil- / ġo at (someone’s house for example) - għand at (a time) - fil- with - ma’ about - dwar / fuq like (meaning “similar to”) - bħal / tipo for - għall- before - qabel after - wara during - matul
Question Words
who - min what - xiex (if you want to say for example “what boy?” add the suffix x’ to subject word: x’tifel?) where - fejn when - meta why - għala / għaliex / għalfejn how - kif how much - kemm which - liem / liema
a lot - ħafna a little - ftit well - mela badly - ħażin only - biss also - ukoll / wkoll very - ħafna too (as in “too tall”) - wisq too much - iżżejjed so (as in “so tall”) - tassew so much - ħafna more - iktar / aktar less - inqas as.. as (e.g. “as tall as”) - daqs most - l-iktar least - l-inqas better - aħjar best - l-aħjar / l-aqwa worse - agħar worst - l-agħar now - issa then - imbagħad here - hawn there - hemm maybe - forsi always - dejjem usually - normalment often - spiss sometimes - kultant / xi drabi never - qatt today - illum yesterday - ilbieraħ tomorrow - għada soon - daqt almost - kważi already - diġà even - anke enough - biżżejjed
those with link change depending on gender and amount
this - dan that - dak good - tajjeb bad - ħażin all - kollha some - xi no - ebda any - xi many - ħafna few - ftit most - aktar other - ieħor same - l-istess different - differenti one - wieħed two - tnejn / żewġ a few - ftit first - l-ewwel next - li jmiss last (e.g “last Friday”) - l-aħħar last (meaning “final”) - l-aħħar easy - ħafif hard - iebes hard (difficult) - diffiċli early - kmieni late - tard important - importanti interesting - interessanti boring - mhux interessanti beauiful - sabiħ ugly - ikrah big - kbir small - żgħir happy - kuntent sad - mdejjaq busy - għandu x’jagħmel (lit: he has stuff to do) ready - lest favorite - favorit new - ġdid old - qadim right (meaning “correct”) - korrett wrong - ħażin true - veru
everything - kollox something - xi ħaġa nothing - xejn everyone - kulħadd someone - xi ħadd no one - ħadd Maltese - Malti English - Ingliż thing - ħaġa person - persuna place - post time (as in “long time”) - żmien time (as in “I did it 3 times”) - darba friend - ħabib (m) ħabiba (f) woman - mara man - raġel money - flus country - pajjiż Malta - Malta city - belt language - lingwa word - kelma food - ikel house - dar store - ħanut office - uffiċċju company - kumpanija manager - maniġer coworker - kollega job - xogħol work - xogħol problem - problema question - mistoqsija idea - idea life - ħajja world - dinja day - ġurnata year - sena week - ġimgħa month - xahar hour - siegħa mother, father, parent - omm, missier, ġenitur daughter, son, child - bint, iben, tifel (m) tifla (f) wife, husband - mara, raġel girlfriend, boyfriend - għarusa, għarus
More Verbs
work - ħadem see - ra use - uża believe - emmen seem - deher come - ġie love - ħabb leave - telaq return - irritorna give - ta take - ħa bring - ġab look for - fittex find - sab receive - rċieva buy - xtara try - pprova start - beda stop - waqaf finish - lesta continue - kompla wake up - qam eat - kiel drink - xorob happen - ġara feel - ħass create - ħalaq meet - ltaqa’ ask - saqsa reply - wieġeb read - qara write - kiteb listen - sema’ remember - ftakar forget - nesa choose - għażel decide - iddeċieda be born - twieled die - miet kill - qatel live - għex stay - baqa’ change - biddel help - għen send - bagħat walk - mexa dress (put clothes on) - libes desire - xtaq dream - ħolom ride - rikeb smile - tbissem win - rebaħ lose - tilef dance - żifen sing - kanta open - fetaħ close - għalaq gather - ġabar
hello - ħello bye - ċaw thank you - grazzi you’re welcome - ta’ xejn / m’hemmx imniex excuse me - skużani sorry - jiddispjaċini It’s fine (response to an apology) - tinkwetax / mhux problema please - jekk jogħġbok yes - iva no - le okay - owkej my name is - jien jisimni what’s your name? - x’jismek? nice to meet you - għandi pjaċir how are you? - kif int? I’m doing well, how about you? - jien tajjeb/tajba, u int? sorry?/What? (if you didn’t hear something) - xiex? how do you say _? - kif tgħid_? what does _ mean? - xi tisser _ ? I don’t understand - m’inhiex nifhem could you repeat that? - tista‘ tirrepeti? could you speak more slowly, please? - tista‘ titkellem iktar bil-mod, jekk jogħġbok? really? - vera? I guess that - naħseb li It’s hot (talking about the weather) - xi sħana It’s cold (talking about the weather) - x’bard
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adultstories4u · 5 years
Media wale bahot shor macha rahe the baat ko uchaalte huwe aur kahin to weh, log police se bahot aguey badh gaye baat ko lekar. TV channels wale ne Vikcy ke office ke mulazimon se bhi sawaal kiye aur kitnon ke jawaab life broadcast kiya gaya. Sab positive views de rahe the Vicky ko lekar magar jiss tarah se reporters sawaal kar rahe the weh sawaal Vicky ke khilaaf hote the aur uss par charge lagane ki tarah hote the. Office ke security guard ka jawaab TV par bahot baar dikhaya gaya, aur reh reh kar dikhaya jaa raha tha kyun ke usska jawaab bahot controversial tha. Uss ke jawaab ko lekar bahot saare logon ne bina baat ko jaane bujhe apne apne rae banana lage aur kitne log bhi usski tarah sochne lage. Reporters ne Khan aur Rathod se bhi kayi baar sawaal kiye magar donon ne “No coments” kehkar unn logon se door gaye. Magar jab ACP Raghuveer se TV walon ne sawaal kiya to uss ne to lambi statement diya ke police apna kaam kar raha hai aur Vicky jahan bhi hoga ussko apni kiye ka saza zaroor diya jaega aur woh mujrim hai police uss ko bahot jald pakar lega. Ussne Khan ka naam diya aur kaha ke wohi Vicky ko salaakhon ke piche dalega.
Magar reporters ne jab poocha ke Vicky ka to ata pata nahin to kia ussko koyi help kar raha hai ya ameer hone ke naate ussko koyi suvida diya jaa raha hai kissi tarah ki… tab ACP ne ghusse mein kaha ke yeh sab sawaal Khan se kiya jae. Aur kuch reporters to uss jangal ka image dikhate huwe ab tak Vicky ke faraar hone ki baat kar rahe the aur police force ko criticize karte huwe sawaal kiye jaa rahe the ke Vicky gaya kahan aur kyun ussko nahin dhunda jaa raha? Agar woh girr kar mar gaya ho to usski laash ko public ke saamne laane ki maang kar rahe the. Case bahot serious ho gaya tha aur talk of the town ban gaya tha. Vicky ko faraar huwe 4 din ho chuke the aur chaaron taraf hulchul machi huwi thi usski case ko lekar. Koyi bhi aur news nahin bikh rahe the jitna Vicky ki case ka news pichle 6 dinon mein. Sare public har roz paper mein yehi padhna chahte the ke Vicky pakra gaya ke nahin, ke uss par jo ilzaam laga hai sahi hai ya ghalat. Kia uss ne eisa kiya? Kia woh eisa kar sakta hai? Kia iss liye ke woh amir hai to uss ke liye sab jaayiz hai? Kia uss ke liye society ke rules alag aur aam janta ke liye alag se hein? Public eise eise sawaal utha rahe the!
Aur kuch reporters jo Vicky ko pehle se jaante the to weh log Vicky ki positive image dikha rahe the apne channels par. Ab TV channels ke beech ek kisam ka debate chal raha tha jab ek TV channel Vicky ke bare mein sahi baat karte to dusre channels wale negative sawaal aur jawab karte kyun ke forenscic reports Vicky ke khilaaf the aur jo tasveerein uss haadse ke baad prapt huwe the sab Vicky ke khilaaf the, 100% khilaaf the. Issi liye 90 % log Vicky ko doshi maante the. Magar kuch log yeh bi keh rahe the ke forensic aur doctor ke reports ko badla bhi gaya hoga ya kharida bhi gaya hoga Vicky ko phanssne ke liye…..
Khan ghusse mein Rathod ko lekar apna dimaagh khapa raha tha. Uss se raha nahin gaya aur Rathod ko kuch samaye baad apne saath chalne ko kaha. Khan ne hatkadi bhi le liya uss ne thaan liya tha ke Rathod ko shak ke bina par giraftaar bhi kar lega. Magar ussko ek mawka dena chahta apne safaayi dene ke liye, to ussko apne gaadi mein bithakaar door ek samujndar ke kinare legaya aur baat shuru ki.
Khan: “Dekho Rathod tum mere ek ache officer hi nahin balke dost bhi ho. Mere saath itne dinon tak kaam karke tum ne bahot ache results diye hein, magar ab jo ho raha hai mujhe bilkool passand nahin aur main apna duty karte huwe tumko shak ke bina par giraftaar kar sakta hoon… magar dosti ke naate tumko ek chance dena chahta hoon ke tum mujhko sab kuch sach sach batao to shaayad mein tumhari koyi madad bhi kar sakun…..”
Yeh sab kehte Khan, Ratod ke chehre mein dekh raha tha aur ek police inspector to chehra dekh kar hi pehchaan leta hai…to uss waqt Rathod ka chehra itna badal gaya tha ke sab saaf zaahir tha ke ussko kuch ziada pata hai iss Vicky ke case ke bare mein….. Phir bhi khan ne kaha
“First of all give me your cap and revolver Rathod.”
Rathod ne koyi zabardasti nahin kiya aur apne revolver aur cap Khan ko dete huwe poocha, “Tumko keise shak huwa?”
Khan ne kaha, “Tumhare mobile se Rathod. Ab mujhe sab saaf saaf bataao, kia huwa uss din aur uss waqt jab Vicky faraar huwa tha? Mujhe pehle shak huwa ke woh bhaag hi nahin sakta tumhare chungal se…. aur bahot heyraan huwa tha main…. Magar you had not received any bloody calls at that time!!! Kiss ko phone kiya that um ne uss waqt Rathod??”
Uss waqt donon car ke andar hi baithe huwe the front seat par. Sham ka waqt tha aur saamne samundar ki lehron ke saath thandi hawa beh rahe the usske bawajood Rathod ka chera pasine se tarr tha. Apne maathe se pasina ponchte huwe thartharaate zubaan se Rathod ne ek taraf dekhte huwe Khan se kaha,
“Main uss waqt uss aadmi se baat kar raha tha jissko motorcycle se apne girlfriend ko utaarna tha aur Vicky ko ussi motorcycle se bhaagna tha……”
Yeh sunkar Khan ne apne maathe ko teen baar thoka aur baahar samundar ke lehron ko dekha, phir Rathod ke laal chehre ko dekhte huwe bade araam se poocha, “Why? Kyun Rathod? Kyun? Kyun eisa kiya tum ne??” Aur Khan ne Hatkadi nikali aur Rathod ke donon kalayi mein lock kardiya. Khan tab car se baahar nikle aur sar par apne donon haathon ko malte huwe reth par chalte chalte kayi laatein maarta gaya reth ko upar udaate huwe…. Bahot nervous hone laga tha Khan aur ghussa kar raha tha……
Rathod hathon mein hadkadi ke saath uss taraf ke darwaza khol kar ahiste ahiste chal kar Khan ke kareeb ayaa aur dhire se kaha, “I am sorry Khan magar jitna main jaanta hoon Vicky aur Sanjana ke bare mein police force mein koyi bhi nahin jaanta yaar!”
Khan ke ensoo nikal pade jab ussne ghusse mein chilaate huwe pehle Rathod ke gaalon par zor se do tamaache mare aur oonchi awaaz mein kaha,
“Yeh case mere liye kitna important tha tere ilawa kaun jaanta hai re? 3 last case ko nahin solve kar paaye the hum aur woh kutta Raghuveer kitna mazaak udata hai mera mujhko hamesha nicha dikhaa kar tere ilawa kissko pata hai? Aur tu ne mere saath eisa kiya Rathod? Kyun kiya eisa tumne? Kyun? Tum ne mujhe dhoka diya Rathod? Mujhe?? Ab main kia munh dikhaunga sab ko? Ab main keise tere taarif karne wala tumko salaakhon ke piche dalunga aur sabko keise jawaab dunga re?!!” Yeh chilla kar kehte huwe Khan ghutnon ke bal reth par baith gaya aur zoron se rone laga!!
Apne senior ko yun rote huwe dekh kar Rathod bhi ro pada aur dhire se Khan ke paas baith kar apne bandhe haathon se usske sar par thapthapaya, phir donon hathon ko Khan ke sar ke upar karke ussko apne seene se lagaate huwe kaha, “Chal main tumko sab sach sach batata hoon tab bolna ke main kia karta usse faraar karane ke ilawa….”
Khan tab bhi ghusse mein tha aur Rathod ko dhaka dekar aur chillate huwe bola,
“Tere pratigya ka kia huwa? Tum police officer ho, tumko kissi bhi haal mein kissi ko eisa chuth nahin dena hai chahe woh koyi apna hi kyun na ho!”
Is baar Rathoda chilaya aur kaha, “Bhool gaya main pratigya! Bhool gaya ke police officer hoon! Mera dimaagh sun ho gaya tha jab main ne Sanjana ki laash dekhi thi! Paagal ho gaya tha main!”
Khan yeh sunkar ruka aur phir se Rathod ke chehre mein dekhte huwe kaha,
“Mere ghar mein AC nahin hai, ek purana TV hai jo thik se chalti hi nahain, Farheen muhjse do saal se ek mobile phone mang rahi hai jo main nahin de pa raha, apni car ek khatada hai, main koyi naukar ya naukrani nahin rakhta.Meri biwi ko ek naye churidaar ya saree diye huwe zamana beet gaya. Ghar ke telephone bill, electricity bill water bill, aur mahine bhar ke kitchen samaan kharidne ke baad tankhwa mein se kuch bhi nahin bachta. Agar chahta to karoron mein khelta aaj…… Imaandaari ki koyi keemat hi nahin sala!! Yaad hai tujhe woh Rishi Patel wala case? 1 karore de raha tha woh humein case ko rafa dafa karne ko? Yaad hai Rathod? Aur agar main chahta to uss case ko rafa dafa kar sakta tha, magar main ne uss ke 1 crore par laat mara aur case ko aguey legaya magar uss kutte Raghuveer ne 1 crore khaya aur case ko finish hi kar dala. Kia main nahin kar sakta tha woh sab? Aaj imported car hota mere paas bhi, meri biwi ke ache ache kapde hote, meri behen ko latest cell phone deta, ghar mein naya TV aur AC lagwata…. Eise kitne case hein jiss se hum ko karoron milte hein….. sala tu to meri tarah imaandaar tha to kitne mein kharida tujhko uss amirzade Vicky ne yeh bata to mujhe?….” Donon reth par baith gaye tab tak. Suraj samundar mein doobki laga raha tha aur usske laal kirnein Khan aur Rathod ke chehre ke rang ko bhi laal kar dala tha. Rathod ne Khan se ghoose lene ki ilzam sukar apne sar ko apne bandhe hathon mein zor se dabate huwe ro kar jawaab diya,
“Khan mere bhai main ne ek phuti kawdi nahin liya kissi se bhi; Khan, Sanjana meri hone wali mangitar thi Yaar!!! Hamari ek mahine baad mangni hone wali thi yaar aur usski laash dekh kar kia main paagal nahin hota? Tu hi bata main kia karta yaar? Pichele 5 mahinon se main Sanjana ko chahta hoon aur uss ke ghar jaa chukka tha. Vicky ek bahot acha insaan hai. Woh mujhe bhi bahot chahta hai yaar. Jo ilzam uss par laga hai sab bilkool jhoot, ghalat, be bunyaad hai yaar! Sanjana ko Vicky ne bahot pyar se pala hai, woh ek bhai nahin Sanjana ke baap ki tarah tha yaar. Ussne to mujhse kaha tha ke Sanjana usski beti ki tarah hai mere dost. Woh insaan kuch bhi weisa kar hi nahin sakta Khan. Woh insaan nahin ek masiha hai dusron ke liye, bahot nek aur sacha insaan hai…. Main ne inn 5 mahinon mein jitna ussko jana hai aaj tak koyi bhi insaan usski tarah nahin dekha hai main ne…. uss par lagaye gaye sabhi ilzaam jhoote hein……..” Yeh sab kehte kehte Rathod rote jaa raha tha apne chehre par hathon se ensoowon ko ponchte huwe aur Khan ekdum shocked usske chehre mein dekhte huwe uss ko sun raha tha aur phir khud ro para.
Kuch der tak donon reth par baithe rahe bina kuch kahe sune. Bilkool khamosh, samundar ke lehron ko saahil par mauj maarte huwe sunte rahe. Suraj ko samundar ke dusre kone mein ahiste ahiste doobte huwe dekhte rahe donon. Phir Khan ne apne jeb se hatkadi ki chaabhi nikale aur Rathod ke hatheli ko azaad kar diya. Aur Khan ne kaha,
Achah ab mujhe sab wahan se suna jiss waqt humko Sanjana ki mawt ki phone aayi thi aur hum donon wahan ponche the, thik wahan se bata mujhe….. Mujhe ab flash back mein kuch kuch dikhaayi de raha hai…tum ne Sajana ka haath thaama tha apne haathon mein nah?han! han! mujhe yaad araha hai tere chehre ka rang badal gaya tha, tu bahot nervous dikh raha tha uss waqt? Are han tu mujhse se kuch chupane ki koshish kar raha tha ussi waqt mujhko kyun nahin dikha tha?? Han, main ne tumse ussi waqt poocha tha, ‘are you alright’ aur tum ne sirf sar hilaya tha to main ne uss waqt socha tha ke ek laash saamne padi hai issi liye tu abnormal dikh raha hai…mujhe kia pata tha woh teri girlfriend ki laash hai….. chal ab mujhe sab detail mein bata wahin se… kab tumne Vicky se baat kiya? Kab ussko bhagane ki plan banaya sab bata mujhe……”
To be continued……………
The post Faraar (Completed) Update No 7 appeared first on Desi Stories.
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Costa Blanca Bowls roundup - 23 June 2018 has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/06/23/costa-blanca-bowls-roundup-23-june-2018/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/06/23/costa-blanca-bowls-roundup-23-june-2018/
Costa Blanca Bowls roundup - 23 June 2018
COUNTRY BOWLS by Geoff Paylor The ‘Badger’s’ entertained Monte Mar on Monday who were lying at the top of the division. A solid team game resulted in a great result from the ‘Badger’s’, winning on four rinks and narrowly getting the overall shots by 99 points to 95. 10 points to the ‘Badger’s’ and 4 to Monte Mar. Winning rinks were Geoff Eggleton, Graham Richardson and Peter Dix. 19 – 8. Brenda Jiggins, Niel West and Geoff Paylor 18 – 9. Lynne Bryce, Derek Jiggins and Andy Bryce 19 – 18. Dean Webb, John Hassell and John Mallet 19 – 14. Well done to the ‘Badger’s’. On Wednesday, there was no such victory for Country Bowls ‘Herons’ playing against the strong squad from San Miguel. The ‘Deputies’ were ‘on fire’ and resulted in an excellent score. The ‘Herons’ won on one rink thanks to Brenda Jiggins, gaining 2 points and while John Mallet and John Hassell made a good fight with the pairs they finally went down 15 – 18. The rinks and trips went down easily although they put up a good fight. All in all a pleasant and friendly match on a hot sunny morning. For more information on Country Bowls, please ring 966191552, email at [email protected] or visit our website www.countrybowlsmurcia.com El Rancho Bowls Club. Monday found the Buckskins playing host to San Luis Hercules on a hot day that started without a breath of wind, which as always was followed by just a touch of breeze, but as we know that’s all it takes to alter your bowling line. The match ended as a draw with 3 rinks and 97 shots each, it always makes you think of your stray woods that would have earned you the extra shot and hence the extra point, but alas it could have been any shot by any player. Dolly Ford, Pam Harris and Brian Harris 26-15. Lesley Day, Marion Haynes and Dave Haynes 12-16. Ann Abbott, Bob Day and Malc Elmore 14-24. David Wright, Graham Day and Keith Longshaw 16-10. Tony Abbott, Ann Taylor and Jim Taylor 19-13. Janet Wright, Peter Blackburn and Malc Sykes 10-19. On Wednesday morning El Rancho entertained Emerald Isle Earls in their VCL match and continuing with the positive selection system of playing all bowlers in differing positions for experience. El Rancho took the pairs and rinks, whilst losing both singles and trips, but a good effort all round against a strong opponent. Ladies singles: Shirley Edwards 15-21. Gents singles: John Skipper 8-21. Pairs: Jane Hamill and Richard Lee 16-13. Trips: Ron Edwards, Stew Hamill and Rob Clark 5-29. Rinks: Bob Easthope, Sheila Cooper, Jean Bagwell and Carolyn Harris 15-13. For membership details contact Brian Taylor on 965077093 or at [email protected] or Carolyn Harris on 966774316 or at [email protected]. Emerald Isle Bowls Club Monday brought San Miguel Christians,to the Isle and the Victors won the game 9-5 aggregate 105-100, Winners were: P Heaney S Wickens K Jolliffe 23-10, M Riley J Pooley D Birkett 21-10, D Jones  R White J Mulloy 19-16   S Kavangh E Morris B Kavangh,drew 18-18 The Vulcans travelled to Greenlands Gladiators and slipped to a 10-4 aggregate of 104-111 defeat, Winners were L Burns B Doran A Burns 27-11, T Capewell C Ayling P Willicott 26-1 Wed the Dukes played at home against Vistabella Vikings and slipped to a 2-10 aggregate 73-97 Winner was D Gerrard 21-15 The Earls travelled to El Rancho and had a fine 8-4 win, aggregate 97-59. Winners were  P Heaney, 21-8, S Kavanagh 21-15, A Brown C Parsons C Alying 29-5 Please remember our SAPS goes on throughout the summer so even if you are on holiday and fancy a game of bowls come to club and for 5 Euros you can play for 2 hours with shoes and bowls provided it starts at 9.30AM ELWYN MORRIS Horadada Bowls Club by Irene Graham This Monday we were away to La Marina Pilots who are 2nd top in the Hurricane Division.  Save for the last four or five ends in the last three matches it could all have been so different!  After thirteen ends we were leading or drawing on four rinks, but with La Marina maintaining a great challenge, we eventually capitulated, and won on only one rink. The successful team were Carol Linehan, Ken Barber and once again Roy Thompson, who won by 23 - 11. Roy has been on a roll this season, and has shown the rest of us how to do it.  Anyway, La Marina took the spoils by five rinks to one, the overall shots by 114 to 92, and the overall match result by 12 points to 2. Thanks to Paul and his team for their hospitality, friendliness and sportsmanship, it was an excellent morning's bowling. We are holding 3rd place in the table at the moment and with two matches left to play we really need to finish up the way we started and that is with a win. Next match was Wednesday in the VCL and we were at home again to La Marina.  This was not a good result for us on our home ground.  Our 1 winning team was the rinks: Tracey Paffitt, Linda Hier, Roy Thomson and Bryan Eatough 18 – 12, so very well done to all of you.  In the ladies singles discipline our representative was Margaret Odell who lead for the most part of the match to reach 19 shots but just couldn’t get the last 2 shots.  La Marina crept up end by end to take the match 21 – 19. We lost on 4 rinks gaining only 2 points to La Marina’s 10 and the total shots were Horadada 81 La marina 91. In the VCL league we are in 4th place with one more match to play.  This is a home match against Country Bowls and we are going to get our own back and come away with a win.  Aren’t we team?  Horadada offers a warm welcome to new or experienced bowlers, and provides the necessary equipment.  Our roll-up days for this friendly club are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.  Please contact Fred Trigwell on 659139129 for more information. Quesada Bowls Club Report The 10-4 victory this week against San Miguel has assured that QBC Tigers are champions of division 3, but as they have a bye next week, we don’t know what the margin will be. Wins for Mel Highland (ladies singles), Terry Morgan (mens singles), Kevin McKenna & Alan Barton (pairs), plus Ian Forbes, Carol & Keith Lowry (trips) did the business for the Tigers with a brilliant points score of 107 - 59.  Quesada Lions had a wonderful result taking all 12 points away to Vistabella Saxons  and shots 117 - 60.  Great bowling from all the players.  Team Captain Deidre Leeming said, “I was reserve this week, but so proud of the team spirit and camaraderie.”  Lions are still in second place but have closed the gap to 10. The last match of the season next week is at home against the league leaders San Luis Falcons. The Lions  need 11 points to win league - fingers crossed! The Cheetahs had a bye in the VCL league this week. The Blenheims had some very hard fought games playing away at San Luis with 3 of the Quesada teams fighting right up to the last end. Although the points were 10-4 in favour of San Luis Wellingtons, with shots 119-92, the Blenheims are still chasing them hard for the top spot in the league. Currently in second place only four points behind San Luis, its still all to play for! This week the Lancasters were hosts to Vistabella Greenways. There were very close games with the Lancasters just falling short of the finishing post on 4 of the 6 rinks. Once again, well done to the trio of Alan Barton, Steve Hibberd and Derek Toozer, and John Cleal, Sandra Heath and Jacqui Johnston who brought home the 4 pots (should be points not pots) for the Lancasters. With only 2 games left to play, "Come on Lancasters!” Sponsored by Spanish Life Properties S.L.Com San Luis Bowls Club Report 22.06.18. We’ve reached the summer solstice and the heat moves up another notch – where’s that breeze when you need it? Fortunately for some of us, the leagues are nearly finished.  South Alicante Summer League: Monday 18th June SL Wellingtons home v Quesada Blenheims, had a good result, shots 119-92, points 10-4. Winners: Helen Hammond, Ray Pollock, Scott Malden 18-16, Margaret Morrison, Sab & Russell Marks 28-9, Bob White, William Holtham, Vic Slater 16-14, Sheila Cammack, replaced by Jan Pocock, Brian Pocock, Phil Morrachan 26-13. The Wellingtons are at the top of Spitfire league with 73 points, with Quesada Blenheims on 69. SL Hercules had an unbelievably close result away v El Rancho, 7-7, shots 97-97. Winners: Dennis Jackson, Ray Watmough, Ralph Jones 19-10, Ian Ross, Ken Dullaway, Les Bedford 24-14, Chris Jackson, Bill Webb, Brenda Brown 16-12. Hercules are 2nd in Harrier league on 53 points behind Monte Mar Torro on 59, so all to play for last match v MM Torro! Wednesday 20th June VCL: SL Falcons away v San Miguel Sherrifs, a good result, 8-4, shots 86-83. Winners: Singles – Kath Reid 21-14, Ian Kenyon 21-20, Rinks – Margaret Morrison, Jan & Brian Pocock, Russ Marks 21-7. Falcons still in 1st place on 81 points, ahead of Quesada Lions, 71. SL Hawks home v La Siesta had a very positive result; 8-4, just snatching the shots 77-76. Our Pairs, Les Bedford & Charlie Marigold, were always in control, winning 26-11. Our Rinks; Kath Waywell, Ken Dullaway, Ian Ross & Brenda Brown had a real nip and tuck match. Going into the last end 11-12, and 1 down in the head, Brenda, with a well judged shot, took out shot wood perfectly to hold 2 for another win. Our Trips; Dennis Jackson, Ralph Jones & Barry Edwards had to work extra hard in the heat with 3 dead ends courtesy of La Siesta. They had a real game of 2 halves, all square 6-6 after 9 ends but then they took control winning 20-11 and their 2 shots on the last end were just enough to take the over-all shots. A real team effort by the HAWKS who are currently 3rd on 75 points, still chasing Emerald Isle Earls on 82; it should be an interesting last match. Congratulations to Quesada Tigers Div 3 winners on 103 points. Club website: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com or contact June Jones, Captain: 691903773. Sheila Cammack Vistabella Bowls Report With Lynne Bishop SA Spitfire League. The Greenways did us proud at Quesada this week, with wins on four rinks, two defeats by very close margins and a win also from our friendly team..well done all. Mike Irwin, Carol Thorpe & Peter Whitehall 28-7. Pauline Rafferty, Sandra Burrows & Maggie Furness 19-9. Lin Watkins, Charlie Watkins & Pat Rafferty 15-13. Rosemarie Savage, Bill Corbishley & Stuart Allman 15-12. Shots, VB 103(10) -73(4) Q. Winning friendly team..Sue Jenkins, Jeff Neve & Ken Savage. VCL. The Vikings continue to climb from bottom of the league to third place after their great win at the Emerald Isle, wins on all but one discipline this week..Lin Watkins continued to add another win to her achievements, this week she won the Ladies Singles 21-9. Charlie Watkins & Gary Thorpe had another great win in the pairs of 26-12. Frank Barclay, Jeff Neve & Eric Bishop won 16-14 and the Rinks team of Beryl Regan, Bill Corbishley, Mike Regan & Carol Thorpe won 19-17. Shots, VB 97(10) - 73(2) EI. The Saxons at home to Quesada found the going difficult and lost on all rinks. Shots, VB 60(0) - 117(12)/Q. Next weeks result is vital..we are all routing for you. Men’s 4 wood pairs league. Our guys have done so well and this weeks results didn’t disappoint, home & away to Quesada for their final game the home team of Del Gunning & Peter Whitehall pulled off a win of 22-9 making it worth three points, unfortunately the away team lost by just two shots but this could still mean they have done enough to win the league...watch this space! Press Report San Miguel Bowls Club – week ending 22nd June By Gail Willshire In the Spitfire League, the Christians were away to the Emerald Isle Victors this week and came away with 5 points. The wins came from Paul Hayward, Bob Graham & Val Hignett and Pat McEwan, Dave Champion & Dave McEwan, while Bob Hanton, Jack Jackson & Bob Donnelly were able to add a point for a draw. Shots were very close again 100:105. In the Hurricane League, the Moors were home to La Siesta Wasps. The team were able to maintain their 22 point lead at the top of the table with a 12:2 victory, shots 108 to 67. The winning rinks were as follows: Reg Cooper, Lee Sinclair (who came on for an injured Johnny Raby) & Gary Raby, 20:11; Jan Allen, Dave Greenland & Lynn Greenland, 18:13; Sue Milner, Dave Johnson & Steve Cantley, 15:9; Bob Nesbitt, Cliff Plaisted & Stuart Denholm, 19:5 and Tony Sansom, Brian Allen and Mary Dyer, 21:12. In the VCL, the Deputies went to Country Bowls and came away with an excellent 10:2 win. Unfortunately I don’t have the breakdown of the results, but this keeps the Deputies firmly in 2nd place  with 1 game to go. A win next week could see them top. The Sherrifs had a slightly better result this week to last, gaining 4 points against the top of the league team, San Luis Falcons. Wins came from Lynn Greenland & Stuart Denholm in the Pairs, 23:9 and Cliff Plaisted, Dave Greenland & Steve Cantley in the Triples, 19:14. The overall shots were close at 83:86. The Marshalls, however, came away bitten by the Quesada Tigers.  The team managed just 2 points thanks to the Rinks team of Sue Milner, Sheila Booth, Bob Graham & Eddy Cowan, 22 shots to 21. If you are thinking of taking up bowls, why not come to Wasps on Wednesdays 1pm for 1:30 start. €5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and woods available to borrow. For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact the President Stuart Hemmings on 965720461, or the Secretary Gail Willshire on 965020492.
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Tagged by @kittinn
Finally,it’s finished I’m so tired orz
★☆★Guild Wars 2 Asks!★☆★ 1. When did you start playing? Play from 2012
2. What was your first characters race/class (profession)? Female Norn/Ranger
3. How many characters do you have? 6 characters; 4 Sylvari,1 Asura and 1 Charr
4. Whats your favourite race? Sylvari
5. Whats your least favourite race? Human
6. What do you prefer PvE or PVP? PvE Only
7. Have you spent IRL money on the gem shop? Nope
8. Whats your favourite zone? Dierdre's Steps in Mount Maelstrom Melandru's Flourish in Lake Doric
9. Whats your favourite city? The Grove
10. Whats your favourite PVP map? Hmmmm...Nope! But Eternal Coliseum looks not bad
11. Whats a piece of gear you always transmute because you love the look of it so much? Coat or Shoulders
12. How many achievement points do you have? 4132 points (Mar 13,2017)
13. Is it okay to ask to RP with you? Uhhhhh.....Maybe...? but my english is so poor :( *sigh*
14. Is your guild open to new members? Infrequently
15. Have you ever been really angry at the game? why? game crush in Dragon's Stand meta lol
16. Do you enjoy jumping puzzles? evey enjoy! I loved it all jumping puzzles!
17. Whats your best guild wars experience? Feb 22 Current Events :p
18. Do you have a favourite character from the lore? Trahearne
19. Is there a class you like the idea of but the gameplay doesn’t match up for you? Have not thought of it yet
20. How far have you made it in SAB (Super Adventure Box) if you had the chance to play it? World 1 Zone 1,lol
21. Favourite weapon skin? Super Hyperbeam Alpha
22. Do you have a legendary? Which one or ones? No :(
23. Whats your favourite legendary? The Moot and Shooshadoo
24. Is there a race you hate with a passion? Mordremoth battle with bugs
25. What class do you hate to face in PVP? IDK
26. Are there any players you look up to? ....Violet?
27. First memorable friend you made through guild wars? I start playing guild wars with my friends,so...
28. Do you play with sound on or off? sound on
29. Do you stream GW2? If so where can I watch you? Mystic Plaza Pact Base Camp Tarir Ley-Line Confluence Interdisciplinary Accessium
30. Are you obsessed with in game fashion? Ordinary
31. Do you have a favourite dye? So many... Royal Purple,Aftermoon,Sea Frost,Blue Rose,Ocean,Midnight Sky,Abyss,Ruby,Scarlet,Autumn,Orchid
32. Whats the best glider skin in your opinion? I no have any glider skin :( but I want get Infinirariurm Glider and Crystalline Dragon Wings Glider
33. Have you ever had to block someone? nope
34. Weirdest map chat experience? not me,its someones chat:
*crying again* *another one join this chat*
"^woman" "T____T are you saying you have a home in tyria?" "yes" "LIES"
35. Do you have 100% map completion on any of your characters? no :( I will try
36. What type of player are you? Hardcore, Casual, Semi-hardcore, Barely online. Casual and Semi-hardcore
37. What are the top three tips you would give someone just starting to play?
Open world,Meta event,fanart about rytlogan
38. Best memory in guild wars? First time to participate Winters Day
39. Do you stick to one character mostly or are you an altoholic? seriously,altoholic
40. What bothers you the most about the game if anything? communication with players
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